faceglitchsworld · 3 months
French mutuals can you explain to me why the parties are retiring the candidates for the ballots and tell me if it's a good thing or not so I can get scared appropriately?
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faceglitchsworld · 2 months
Work 🤝 Chk Chk Boom 🤝 Baila Conmigo be like:
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faceglitchsworld · 4 months
Lucie is having the best time of her life rn, this album slaps
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faceglitchsworld · 5 months
No way another tour immediately after a comeback and immediately after the promotion where surely they'll be busy af
🙄 Everyone act surprised 🙄
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faceglitchsworld · 6 months
I don't know what to say you all, I don't know what to say.
I know that probably it would have happened at some point but not like this.
Not after promising us more.
Not after rebranding the group with two new members.
Not after what was looking for a re-start for all of them.
My only wish is that all the members will find another way to come back, even if their paths will be different and separated from now on.
Farewell, Xeed
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faceglitchsworld · 3 months
And finally, I ended reading Sense and Sensibility. I don't think I'm able to write a review of it because I'm not able and I think my thoughts on the book would be better with a re-read but I swear I liked it.
I can confirm that it saved me from my reader's block and now I have the courage to pick up a new novel and read it.
Austen's style is probably one of the most fascinating ones I read recently and I should also be thankful to the translator for not making her style insufferable or incomprehensible. It's something that can happen easily if we talk about translation of books from two centuries ago.
I love how the characters and the plot was structured and, even though what moves the plot are two love stories (three if we count what Colonel Brandon goes through for the entire book), the main focus it's something else. It's about two sisters that despite having two different visions of the world they're able to support and love each other. It's about a family and their connections. It's about how money can also manipulate and destroy relationships, not only with your lovers but also with your relatives.
It's not something that I always search on a book but Austen managed to make everything very enjoyable and I'll surely read more of her works in the future.
Which can happen soon if my mum tells me where's her Pride & Prejudice's old edition 😑
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faceglitchsworld · 3 months
Not me taking a nap and atz open their personal Insta
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faceglitchsworld · 4 months
POV: you're living in Italy, your parents are watching the TV. At some point you hear a familiar melody. It's TxT's Do It Like That. You turn your head and look at the TV.
You discover that FIAT used the song for promoting their new hybrid.
Now you can't stop imagine TxT driving that car.
Sei felice e non lo sai
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faceglitchsworld · 9 months
I'm finally in my bed, trying to sleep, but since there's still some noise outside I think I'll use this occasion to said a really short thing before going to sleep.
I don't want to take this occasion to say how 2023 has been to me. I just want to say that I want to take 2024 as another step for the better in my life and hoping that what happened in the last months of 2023 will get resolved for the better.
Believe me or not but at the end I found some goals that I want to achieve, at least here, for this year.
I want to get better at giffing (and if you didn't know that, now you know that, just search #teresgifs in my blog and you'll see my works and laugh about it)
I want to write the letters for the groups's anniversaries and starting the birthday letters for OOO and Kingdom (only these two groups or I'll explode). Probably Xeed too if Nature Space will release more content of them because I can't make an entire letter full of dad jokes for Doha...
Create my usertag. I thought about it and I really want to make one to at least catch up with my mutuals' creations. Don't get me wrong, I love scrolling through the dashboard and reblog stuff but these months I noticed that it has become tiring and I think I'll slowly detach from it. Or maybe not who knows. Anyway, I really want to create one at least for all of you dears.
Reviving the sideblogs. For real this time. This is something I always say but then it always failed somehow. This time I really want to revive them or at least the K-Bands one, which is my first and most attached sideblog I have. It's my little corner where I post pics of my favourite bands and cry about it, I want it more active than usual.
Reaching 100 followers here. This is not a big deal because who cares about followers here but, on the other hand, it's a very doable goal to me and I would be glad if I would reach it. Also it's a perfect number, it's better than whatever the number of followers I have right now 😩
And this is it, this is what I want to reach this year on this hellsite. And now, I'll leave my special corner dedicated to my moots.
@odeblr @jongside @serendipminie @rieloving-mess @strhwaberries @seungbo-today @onlyoneofyouu @thirdslowdancer @snoos-tattoos @aureangels @atinystraykid @toxicrevolver
All of you, whether we just interact through reblogs, replies under posts, through the DMs or even just once in a while and that's it. I'm glad I met you.
Wishing you the best for this year 🤍
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faceglitchsworld · 4 months
What can I say, I'm disappointed :/
And kinda pissed off
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faceglitchsworld · 4 months
NOOOOOO WAY what do you mean there are Lego sets based on Animal Crossing?!
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faceglitchsworld · 4 months
I wanted to elaborate something more about the previous post but it's true that I rarely block lol, you really should piss me off that badly for "forcing me" doing it
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faceglitchsworld · 6 months
Ok so, UO went live on Insta today. He even talked in English but he was in a noisy café so I couldn't understand everything he said. It didn't help that he spoke softly. However he gave us some updates and revealed some things:
Xeed currently don't have any schedule. He said that the members are all using Instagram and Bubble for keeping in touch with the fans, which is true btw. Apart from Doha, who's taking a break according to the last messages he left on Bubble*, all the members have started posting again on Instagram, whether it is through posts, stories, reels or lives. I'm glad they're enjoying their time, it's just sad that we'll not get another album anytime soon 🥲
He's working on his second solo album
He loves Ariana Grande and Justin Bieber
Currently he's reading books regarding health. He said that health is one of his main interests but he didn't specify if it's just the physical or the mental health
He fasted for 16 hours 💀
*around the last days of February, Doha left some messages where he said he's not feeling well mentally speaking. He didn't specify what was making him feel bad but he promised that he'll come back.
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faceglitchsworld · 5 months
I'm checking the notes under my Mingi gifset only for the sake of clicking on the gifset itself and going all giggle giggle when I see him smiling, I really choosed a good live of him 🥺
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faceglitchsworld · 1 month
If the heatwaves weren't that terrible to bear I would have written some posts about me blaming myself for not listening to Dreamcatcher early but ALAS I don't even have the energy to reblog now 🥲
Also new Nerd Connection Album dropped
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faceglitchsworld · 8 months
Idk if someone is online rn but...
I'll graduate on the 15th of February
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