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sven-graf · 5 months ago
Kommt der Nationalsozialismus nach Europa zurück?
Frankreich verabschiedet ein umstrittenes Anti-Sekten-Gesetz, das Kritik an der Einschränkung der Religionsfreiheit hervorruft. Experten warnen vor historischen Parallelen und möglichen Bedrohungen für die Demokratie.
Frankreich verabschiedet ein umstrittenes Anti-Sekten-Gesetz, das Kritik an der Einschränkung der Religionsfreiheit hervorruft. Experten warnen vor historischen Parallelen und möglichen Bedrohungen für die Demokratie. Am 9. April 2024 verabschiedete Frankreich nach monatelanger Debatte ein neues, geändertes Anti-Sekten-Gesetz, trotz Einwänden des Senats und der vollständigen Ablehnung des Textes…
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laurierthefox · 1 year ago
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Bonjour à toustes ! Comme dit dans mon bilan 2023 je me remet doucement aux notes de blog (ici une seule case pour commencer haha).
Je pense que tout le monde sait à quel point c'est une galère sans nom de trouver un'e psy (chologue ou chiatre), mais en plus un'e psy qui nous convienne et nous comprenne !
Mais là j'ai dû aussi trier toustes celleux qui avaient des thérapies pseudoscientifiques très surveillés par la Miviludes (Mission interministérielle de vigilance et de lutte contre les dérives sectaires).
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Je posterais régulièrement d'autres illustration déjà vu en avant-première par mes mécènes.
Si vous voulez me soutenir c'est par ici : https://www.patreon.com/LaurierTheFox Et pour mon shop en ligne c'est ici : https://ko-fi.com/laurierthefox
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scienceoftheidiot · 9 days ago
I'm probably exposing myself to a lot of shit I can't currently deal with if I reblog this post with my thoughts on it directly so I'll just paraphrase it :
Someone is mentionning interest in Steiner Waldorf as something that people immediately link to being conservative and how for them it's not.
You are saying there's a way to look at this pile of steaming shit and not be a conservative ?
Like I'm not saying this person is, but I'm convinced they either haven't dug enough into it to know or refuse to, because the WHOLE philosophy is rotten to its core.
The very basics of it are New Age racist, ableist, homophobic, anti-scientific bullshit, coming from the élucubrations of Steiner who was a Nazi sympathiser when he was alive, who was just like his fervent followers religious extremists that are against modern medicine, against treating kids for diseases (they are deserved)(also being not white or disabled is a sign you were a bad person in a past life and have to pay for it with this one)(not being straight is one of the things you might have to pay for later because it's bad btw), of course they're against abortion, and the schools ask kids who have been subjected to abuse (recognized as more likely to happen considering the manipulation and extreme psychological stress kids are put under in the Steiner schools) have to forgive their abuser and make peace with them, and continue sharing space with them.
Not even counting their agricultural practices that ask you to bury cow horns full of shit and a mix of various things at a special time of the month/year and dance around it. And refuse all ways to treat contagious diseases of your crops of course. Biodynamie =/= organic agriculture
This thing is the fucking European equivalent to Scientology, and even then, I'm convinced they're actually WORSE.
Anyone who claims to have departed from this base... Well why do you keep the Steiner-Waldorf name then?
So yeah. Unless your interest is in debunking their bullshit and being vocal against them, I am going to think you're sketchy if you have anything good to say about Steiner-Waldorf shit
This big blog I keep seeing on my dash is now blocked, thanks to a post that I actually felt resonated with me at first (about having interests and hobbies that have you easily catalogued as conservative when you aren't. Interest in WWI/II history does that to you.)
While they are not illegal here, they are on the Cult Surveillance committee radar (MIVILUDES).
Be very fucking wary with Steiner Waldorf and anything that is close or less close to them, I beg you.
(French/European peeps, avoid anything about biodynamie, Pierre Rabhi (openly far right), La Nef (banks/insurances), or Weleda products (with a W not a V. I have nothing against whiteboard pens). Crédit Mutuel had ties with them for a while too, but I don't know about now.
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mind-unleashed · 10 days ago
FSB and anti-cultists: A Network of Influence in Europe
An independent investigation has revealed how the FSB is using European anti-cult organizations as platforms for political destabilization. Allegedly, key figures such as Tatjana Ždanoka, a Member of the European Parliament, are in contact with Russian intelligence to spread pro-Kremlin propaganda.
Groups such as FECRIS and MIVILUDES, originally tasked with protecting against sects, now facilitate Russian influence. By polarizing societies and undermining faith in democratic institutions, these collaborations are fueling divisions across Europe.
Leaked communications and detailed analysis confirm deep ties between anti-cultists and the FSB, raising urgent concerns about safeguarding Europe's security against covert operations.
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olivesbest · 25 days ago
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Who is driving the agenda for a clash between Islam and the rest of the world?
The rising tide of Islamophobia, fueled by provocative acts such as Quran burnings and attacks on Islamic shrines, has escalated tensions globally. But are these events merely isolated incidents, or part of a larger, orchestrated agenda? The coordinated spread of inflammatory rhetoric, controversial media content, and targeted attacks points to a more insidious force at work. From the tragic Crocus City Hall attack in Moscow to the ripple effects of cartoons mocking the Prophet Muhammad, it is evident that a calculated effort seeks to deepen divisions and ignite conflict between cultures. This article delves into the key players and patterns behind these provocations, examining how they manipulate public sentiment and shape global discourse.
The Rise of Islamophobia Worldwide, Quran Burnings, and Vandalism of Islamic Shrines
The terrorist attack at the Crocus City Hall in Moscow in year 2024 where 130 were killed and hundreds injured and its associated events are significant examples, but they are far from isolated incidents; they are part of a broader global trend. Other countries also experience terrorist attacks and activities of anti-cult organizations (such as FECRIS, DCI CCMM, MIVILUDES, UNADFI, and others), which include representatives of the dominant religion in their respective countries. These anti-cultists also influence laws, media, societal rhetoric, and shape public opinion.
Let’s examine the example of France.
On January 7, 2015, a terrorist attack was carried out against the editor office of the satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo in Paris, marking the beginning of a series of attacks in France. According to eyewitnesses, after the attack, the terrorists shouted that they had “avenged the Prophet.” Previously, Charlie Hebdo had repeatedly published controversial cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad, alongside other French publications such as France Soir, Libération, and Le Monde.
Since 2006, these cartoons have been reprinted in other countries: in Norway by Magazinet, in Germany by Die Welt, in Spain by El País, in Belgium by De Standaard, as well as by newspapers in the UK, Italy, Iceland, Switzerland, New Zealand, the Netherlands, Sweden, Poland, and others. In 2007, the Swedish newspaper Nerikes Allehanda published another cartoon depicting the Prophet with the body of a dog. These publications triggered a prolonged intercultural conflict between Muslims in the Arab world and contemporary Western culture, affecting almost all European and Muslim-majority countries.
However, French newspapers are not the true culprits of the conflict but merely accomplices and instigators. The initial publication that set the precedent was an article in another country, published in the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten in 2005. Other countries joined these publications in 2006, exacerbating the conflict. This led to massive protests by Muslims in Eastern countries and in Europe, while the public scandal escalated into a global political crisis.
Denmark became a precedent for prolonged tension and future human casualties. Instead of accepting the consequences and taking responsibility, provocations in Denmark continued. On February 12, 2006, vandals desecrated over 25 Muslim graves in the city of Esbjerg, western Denmark. On February 16, 2008, five Danish newspapers reprinted the cartoon of the Prophet Muhammad with a bomb-shaped turban, one of which was Berlingske Tidende.
After the terrorist attack in France on January 7, 2015, a public seminar titled “Art, Blasphemy, and Freedom of Speech” was organized in Copenhagen, Denmark, to honor the victims of the Charlie Hebdo shooting. On February 14, at around 4:00 PM local time, 22-year-old Omar Abdel Hamid El-Hussein opened fire at the seminar, killing one civilian and wounding police officers. The event was attended by the same artist, Lars Vilks, who had depicted the Prophet Muhammad as a roundabout dog in 2007.
France, Denmark. The AntiCultists’ Mark in Islamophobia — Jyllands-Posten and Johannes Aagaard
Let us return to the Danish publication that set the precedent for a prolonged conflict, contributing to the rise of Islamophobia, societal division, and the deaths of innocent people. Notably, this media outlet has incited hostility not only against Islam but also against other religious organizations, employing Nazi methods of dehumanization and labeling undesirables as “cults.” But let’s recall that when Muslim countries diplomatically demanded apologies for the mockery of the Muslim Prophet, this publication defended itself by invoking freedom of the press, freedom of speech, and freedom of expression.
This approach is typical of anticult organizations, who are direct followers of the Nazis. Anticultists always resort to the presumption of innocence, freedom of speech, freedom of belief, pluralism, and democracy to protect themselves, but conveniently forget these principles when dehumanizing others.
Two years before the infamous cartoons, in 2003, an article titled ‘Successful Sect Without Mercy’ was published, referencing Johannes Aagaard and the Dialog Center in Aarhus.
“Sects like Scientology should be controlled much better by the Danish authorities”, says professor, Dr. of Theology Johannes Aagaard. In his opinion, Scientology is a money-making machine, and no one knows who is behind it or where the money goes.”
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Screenshot from the jyllands-posten.dk website
In this case, the final publication is presented with an exclusively biased and one-sided position, with a clear subtext and manipulation. It disregards the presumption of innocence, pluralism of opinions, and other fundamental principles of democracy. This biased position can no longer be considered qualified or coming from an unbiased expert, especially since the expert in question is Johannes Aagaard.
Read more about this in the article:
At The Threshold Of A Civilizational War: Who is Preparing a Clash Between the Islamic and Non-Islamic Worlds?
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sacerinfos · 3 years ago
Dérives sectaires : La Miviludes mentionne Impact Centre Chrétien (ICC) dans son rapport
L’église Impact Centre Chrétien fait partie des organisations chrétiennes qui suscitent le plus d’interrogations auprès de la La Mission interministérielle de vigilance et de lutte contre les dérives sectaires, peut-on lire dans le rapport sur les dérives sanitaires publié par la Miviludes, un organisme de l’État français.
Impact Centre Chrétien (30 saisines sur la période 2015-2020): église pentecôtiste charismatique fondée en France en 2002 par deux frères, Yves et Yvan Castanou, est devenue une « mégachurch » au vu des 2 000 fidèles qu’elle attire chaque semaine pour ses offices à Boissy-Saint-Léger. Elle compte 67 communautés à travers le monde francophone dont d’autres implantations en métropole (Vaulx-en-Velin, Troyes, Puiseux-Pontoise…).
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subwaynews24 · 3 years ago
France : 32 fidèles quittent l’église ICC après les dernières révélations sur le gourou Yves Castanou
L’église ICC de France vient de perdre 32 de ses membres qui ont compris appartenir à une entreprise lucrative des frères jumeaux Castanou. Le dernier scandale de la cellule de Brazzaville au Congo avec les mensonges et revirements du pasteur Yves Castanou ont apporté de la lucidité à ces membres qui ne veulent plus être des moutons à l’instar des ceux du Congo. Rappelons qu’après avoir nié les faits devant ses fidèles citant même les versets bibliques, Yves Castanou a finalement avoué le vol d’une somme d’argent importante dans une annexe d’ICC.
Pour ses 32 fidèles lucides, les deux principaux pasteurs et fondateurs d’ICC ne sont pas dignes d’être appelés serviteurs de Dieu. «Nous avons la chance de vivre en France où la lucidité permet aux hommes de ne pas être des moutons, et avec les dernières révélations sur les frères Castanou, on ne peut plus les suivre bêtement » a réagi l’un des rebelles.
Au Congo, un scandale a éclaté suite aux révélations de certains ripoux de la police sur le cambriolage au domicile du pasteur Yves Castanou où les voleurs ont emporté 900 millions Cfa. En Juin 2021, Yves Castanou avait nié les faits et traités d’insensés les médias ayant relayé cette information lors d’un culte.
Confondu par les révélations des policiers ripoux et la pression des réseaux sociaux, il s’est vu obliger de réagir en publiant une vidéo dans laquelle, il a reconnu enfin avoir été victime d’un cambriolage. Il a revu aussi à la baisse la somme emportée par les voleurs de 900 millions à 250.
Ce volte-face du pasteur Yves Castanou a crée l’indignation auprès de l’opinion qui ne comprend qu’un homme de Dieu de sa taille puisse mentir et insulter les médias relayeurs de l’information. On ne comprend pas non plus comment une somme aussi importante peut être gardée dans une église.
C’est eu égard à tous ces faits que les 32 fidèles de la branche parisienne d’ICC ont décidé de jeter l’éponge. Cette église a toujours été caractérisée par des scandales.
La Mission interministérielle de vigilance et de lutte contre les dérives sectaires (Miviludes) a reçu entre 2015 et 2020 trente signalements à propos de l’église Impact Centre Chrétien (ICC) notamment en raison de fréquents appels aux dons qui s’ajoutent aux offrandes et dîmes volontaires.
Impact Centre Chrétien est une église évangélique pentecôtiste fondée par les pasteurs Yvan Castanou et son frère jumeau Yves Castanou en janvier 2002 à Ivry-sur-Seine (Val-de-Marne) en Île-de-France. L’église est membre de la Communauté des Églises d’expressions africaines en France (CEAF), membre de la Fédération protestante de France (FPF).
L’église Impact Centre Chrétien fait partie des organisations chrétiennes qui suscitent le plus d’interrogations auprès de la La Mission interministérielle de vigilance et de lutte contre les dérives sectaires, peut-on lire dans le rapport sur les dérives sanitaires publié par la Miviludes, un organisme de l’État français.
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actulomeg · 3 years ago
Dérives sectaires : La Miviludes mentionne Impact Centre Chrétien (ICC) dans son rapport
Impact Centre Chrétien est une église évangélique pentecôtiste fondée par les pasteurs Yvan Castanou et son frère jumeau Yves Castanou en janvier 2002 à Ivry-sur-Seine (Val-de-Marne) en Île-de-France. L’église est membre de la Communauté des Églises d’expressions africaines en France (CEAF), membre de la Fédération protestante de France (FPF).
L’église Impact Centre Chrétien fait partie des organisations chrétiennes qui suscitent le plus d’interrogations auprès de la La Mission interministérielle de vigilance et de lutte contre les dérives sectaires, peut-on lire dans le rapport sur les dérives sanitaires publié par la Miviludes, un organisme de l’État français.
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israelchronicle · 4 months ago
French anti-religious MIVILUDES now attacks also the Catholic Church
In a turn of events in the ongoing discussion on religious freedoms in France the government antireligious MIVILUDES is facing criticism for its bias against religion, particularly for expanding its investigation to include traditional Catholic customs. This situation raises concerns about the fairness of the organization, which has historically focused on minority religions. The Missionary…
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john24smit · 6 months ago
Parents and Children: How Anti-Cult Organizations Destroy Families
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Anti-Cultists are taking away people's rights in every sphere of human life in order to take complete control of minds, suppress dissent, and create a totalitarian regime throughout the world. 
In essence the anti-cultists today are continuing what the Nazis did in the Third Reich. Through systematic propaganda and a relentless disinformation campaign, they introduced certain ideas into the minds of the German people. In this way they achieved the dehumanization and hatred of entire groups of people that ultimately led to the Holocaust.
And today we are seeing a disturbing trend where anti-cultists, under the guise of "exit counseling," are using tactics essentially similar to the Nazi propaganda machine. They use fear and misinformation to demonize religious minorities and manipulate people into abandoning their beliefs. This is not just a matter of personal choice, but a systematic undermining of democracy and freedom. 
Let's look at a few disturbing examples of this insidious practice:
Kidnapping and forced deprogramming: In 2011 in Nice, France, a 24-year-old woman was kidnapped by her parents, drugged and taken to Corsica. They justified their actions by saying they were "rescuing" her from the influence of her boyfriend, whom they considered a member of a "cult." They said later in court that they had been advised to do this to their daughter by an anti-cult organization. This incident is just one example of the growing trend of using force and manipulation to "deprogram" people, a practice that is a blatant violation of human rights.  
"Legalized deprogramming": the French government organization MIVILUDES (Interministerial Mission against Sects) has recommended the use of "psychological intervention" in cases involving persons suspected of belonging to "sects." This, in effect, gives the go-ahead for coercive intervention by anti-cultists, allowing them to exert psychological pressure on people and force them to renounce their beliefs.  
People without critical thinking resort to the "help" of anti-cultists and destroy the lives of their children themselves. In 2018, a horrifying incident occurred in South Korea: a 27-year-old woman was strangled to death by her parents during a deprogramming session conducted by Christian anti-cult groups.  This tragedy caused widespread outrage as people realized the true danger posed by these organizations.  However, despite people's outrage, the activities of anti-cultists are only increasing worldwide. 
Because few people realize the problem and the horror of the situation.  Many are blinded by a phantom democracy. Read at least just my articles 
Dezenformasyon ve Seçimler: Anti-Kültistler Demokrasinin Temellerinin Altını Nasıl Oyuyor? | by HuseyinTr | Jun, 2024 | Medium
Or read other articles on the same subject and you will see that people are ringing the bell, talking about all the iniquities of the anti-cultists, literally trumpeting, but there are not enough people like that yet. After all, everyone needs to realize that in every area of their lives, the screws are already being turned on freedoms and rights. This is all being done by the anti-cultists. When every person will openly declare all the iniquities of the anti-cultists, then the whole public will realize that it is total. So the whole public will be able to peacefully and legally stop the activities of the anti-cultists and never allow them again. 
That is, knowing the mechanisms of how the anti-cultists work, you will be able to see for yourself where and in what spheres of life democracy has already been destroyed. And so you will be armed with critical thinking, which will help you to see what is happening in reality, and not what the anticultists impose on you.
Anti-Cultists create an atmosphere of fear and distrust in which people are afraid to openly express their beliefs.  This has the effect of stifling dissent, silencing diverse opinions and undermining democratic principles. 
The methods of anti-cultists are based on a dangerous concept: the idea that people are incapable of making their own decisions and need intervention to be "rescued" from the "cult".  Anti-Cultists rely on misinformation, distorted stories and testimonies from former members, which are tailored to portray the target group in a negative light. This creates a self-sustaining cycle of fear and prejudice in which people are forced to abandon their beliefs under pressure and coercion. 
We must be clear that anti-cultists are not fighting for freedom, but for total control. Their actions are a threat to the very principles of democracy and individual freedom. 
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huseyintr24 · 6 months ago
Anti-Cultists destroy families, parents' and children's problems
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Many people will say that the activities of anti-cultists do not concern you, and nothing like this will happen to you. You can read more about the activities of anti-cultists in my previous articles 
I write articles on different topics united by a single red thread: how anti-cultists are destroying democracy all over the world, interfering in all spheres of society.
Because of anti-cultists, children lose their parents - or parents of children, depending on who is a member of the "sect". "Sect" anti-cultists call any organization, person or even country who does not submit to their totalitarian regime. So by taking away a little bit of rights and freedoms in every sphere of our lives they are driving all of humanity into a totalitarian digital concentration camp. Because of anti-cultists, companies are losing highly productive workers, schools are losing teachers, institutes are losing specialists, and universities are losing professors. All of this demonstrates that the problem of disinformation from anti-cultsites exists on a broad societal scale.
Let me remind you that one of the methods used by anti-cultists to forcibly get rid of their beliefs is deprogramming of the mind. They call it "exit counseling" (exit counseling). 
In France, in August 2011, in the city of Nice, parents forced their daughter, who was 24 years old, into a car, handcuffed her and gave her a stupefying drug, and then drove her in a wheelchair to Corsica. According to her parents, they were advised to do this by an anti-cult organization to get her out of the influence of her boyfriend, who was said to be a "cultist" 
It is important to know that anti-cultists operate through countries' legislation, t.o. obliges to fight dissenters. Here's an example: After the president of the anti-cult organization MIVILUDES made certain recommendations to the French Prime Minister in his report, then "legal deprogramming" officially appeared in France.
After that, the anti-cult organizations UNADFI and CCMM officially announced that they would monitor the "victims" of their beliefs: "This cooperation will also help in monitoring the faith victims after the operation is over, in particular in supervising them in case they are not cared for by their families. It is very important to ensure that a disbanded group does not reunite."
This is total control of people under the plausible pretext of helping them.
The above-mentioned report by the anti-cult organization MIVILUDES states: "The main characteristic of this type of operation is the concern for believers who do not realize that they are in a dependent state and who may have strong emotional reactions at the time of detention and in the hours that follow. According to this theory, the presence of a mediation team consisting of a psychologist and representatives of victim assistance organizations (general or special) allows for better care of minors and believers." The report recommends the involvement of associations specializing in "sectarian deviations", 
Here is another example of the harsh impact of anti-cultists on basic human values: the family.
In South Korea in 2018, 120,000 people protested after a high-profile and far from isolated case of deprogramming murder.  The parents of a 27-year-old girl they wanted to break out of a "cult" and convert to their faith strangled their daughter in a deprogramming session led by Christian anti-cultists.
It is important to know that despite the fact that Korean citizens were outraged by the activities of the anti-cultists and the lack of action from the authorities and law enforcement agencies who tried to write this not an isolated case off as a family conflict, however, things like this continue to happen all over the world.
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damir24exp · 6 months ago
A Tool of Tyranny: How Anti-Cultists Undermine Freedom and Evade Justice
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"At the same time, members of minority religions or beliefs often fall victim to public contempt, based, for example, on rumors that they supposedly have no moral values. It is this combination of demonizing fantasies about conspiracies and public contempt that usually becomes the trigger for violence, either directed against minority members or erupting between different groups. Therefore, the eradication of stereotypes and prejudices, which are the main causes of fear, resentment, and hatred, is the most important contribution to preventing violence and related human rights violations."
However, despite everything, anti-cultists continue to act aggressively against organizations.
For example, at the first national conference organized by MIVILUDES (a division of FECRIS) in the Lyon municipality building on September 26, 2009, the French Secretary of State for Justice, Jean-Marie Bockel, gave a speech in which he stated: "Thus, the phenomenon of sectarianism can be viewed as a pathology of faith against the backdrop of the individualization of faith and violations in its regulation," adding that sectarian deviations "can be compared to mutating viruses that spread - often in initially inconspicuous forms - poison consisting of manipulating human behavior and the state of mind."
Anti-cultists create and maintain blacklists of "cults" that are used to discriminate against and label people. These lists are created without any judicial process and are based on bias and false information.
Here are just a few examples:
France: In 1995, the French parliament published a list of "cults" that has since been used to discriminate against and persecute members of these groups.
UNADFI: This organization, operating in France and receiving government funding, continues to use blacklists of "cults" to label religious groups and discriminate against their members.
Despite the fact that international organizations and important politicians oppose the use of blacklists of "cults" and call for tolerance and freedom of religion, anti-cultists continue to act with impunity.
Now I understand what the esteemed Egon Cholakian said: “Why we decided to communicate with you eye to eye - so that you can see the full picture of the KGB's actions, so that you can learn their schemes and methods - so that nothing remains in the shadows, so that this hydra can be deprived of the strength it took from us. So that each of you can regain this strength and direct it towards strengthening our common home - the home of freedom and democracy. This is the first thing we must do now - we must stop the KGB hydra before it destroys us all." Source: analytical video report
Continued to follow....
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#FECRIS #Anti-cult #disinformation #Freedom of Religion #Democracy #Human Rights #Disinformation #Freedom of Speech #Truth #Justice #Responsibility
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russianjw · 8 months ago
Административный Суд Франции признал заявления МИВИЛУДЕСА О Свидетелях Иеговы Клеветническими
Административный суд Парижа пришел к выводу, что утверждение о том, что Свидетели Иеговы не сообщают светским властям о случаях сексуального насилия над детьми или что они препятствуют получению детьми образования, “фактически неверно”.
автор: Массимо Интровинье
MIVILUDES, противоречивая французская правительственная миссия по мониторингу и борьбе с культовыми отклонениями (“dérives sectaires”: обратите внимание, что французское “secte” и производные от него слова следует переводить на английский как “культ”, а не как “секта”), проиграла дело против Свидетелей Иеговы 14 июня в 6-я секция Административного суда Парижа. Свидетели Иеговы подвергли критике два коротких заявления и два более длинных, включенных в отчет MIVILUDES за 2018-2020 годы и в отчет от 24 февраля 2021 года “Борьба с сектантскими отклонениями” (Lutte contre les dérives sectaires). Суд признал два более длинных заявления клеветническими, а два более коротких - недискриминационными. На случай, если MIVILUDES попытается подражать частной антикультовой федерации FECRIS и заявит, что добилась успеха в деле, которое на самом деле проиграла, золотое правило для определения того, кто выиграл дело о диффамации, заключается в том, в каком направлении суд распорядился перевести деньги. В случае с Парижем французское правительство попросили выплатить деньги Свидетелям Иеговы, а не наоборот.
The MIVILUDES опубликовали четыре заявления, которые Свидетели Иеговы сочли неприемлемыми. Более короткие заявления касались переливания крови и так называемого остракизма - темы, часто встречающиеся в антикультовой литературе, направленной против Свидетелей Иеговы. Согласно первому, “Трудности, с которыми сталкиваются при даче показаний, связаны с принципиальным отказом от переливания крови...” Во втором говорилось, что “также сообщалось о других трудностях, связанных с ”жестокой" изоляцией последователей (...) и настоящим остракизмом, применяемым к тем, кто решает покинуть сообщество свидетелей Иеговы". Здесь "МИВИЛУДЕС" был взят в кавычки. Суд пришел к выводу, что MIVILUDES, “в частности, используя кавычки”, не выражали свою собственную позицию, а заявления были “ограничены изложением содержания полученных свидетельских показаний” в “сжатой” форме и без особых подробностей.
Напротив, в отчете MIVILUDES за 2018-2020 годы были подробно рассмотрены вопросы сексуального насилия над детьми и их воспитания. В первом письме МИВИЛЮДЫ написали, что “что касается обращения в совет старейшин в случае возникновения спора внутри общины, то сложность заключается в реко��ендации членам общины не обращаться со своими делами в [светские] суды, даже в случае серьезного правонарушения -связанные с этим проблемы. Эта рекомендация и внутреннее рассмотрение жалобы противоречат законам Республики и могут привести к тому, что некоторые уязвимые жертвы, в частности дети, будут лишены надлежащего отношения к своим жалобам и к повторению подобных инцидентов”. Что касается образования, то MIVILUDES написали, что, “Что касается образования детей (...), то получаемое ими образование дискредитируется (...), и у них отпадает желание продолжать длительную учебу”. Позиция Свидетелей Иеговы была представлена как “противоречащая законам Республики и способная иметь негативные последствия для образования детей”.
Суд отметил, что в целом “MIVILUDES должна соблюдать обязательства по соблюдению баланса, беспристрастности и нейтралитета, возложенные на любой административный орган, и, в частности, должна воздерживаться от публикации ошибочной, вводящей в заблуждение или дискредитирующей информации в своем ежегодном отчете”. Суд постановил, что MIVILIUDES не выполнил эту обязанность, и оба заявления на самом деле были ошибочными, вводящими в заблуждение и дискредитирующими.
В решении отмечается, что, утверждая, что Свидетели Иеговы не сообщают о случаях сексуального насилия над детьми светским властям, МИВИЛУДЕСЫ опирались на “три свидетельства на этот счет и утверждают, что они подтверждаются, с одной стороны, работой, проведенной следственной комиссией Сената Австралии". [на самом деле, Комитет Австралийской королевской комиссии] в отчете, опубликованном в 2017 году, на основании двух решений, вынесенных судом и апелляционным судом штата Калифорния в 2012 и 2015 годах, а также статьи в прессе, освещающей дело, и, во-вторых, согласно содержанию книги "Паси стадо Божье", изданной в 2020 году и представленной в качестве пастырского руководства для старейшин. Однако работа, проводимая под эгидой Сената Австралии [то есть Австралийской королевской комиссией], которая ограничена территорией этого штата, и юрисдикционные решения, вынесенные американскими судами за несколько лет до периода, охватываемого оспариваемым отчетом, не являются элементами, позволяющими культовому риск во Франции еще предстоит оценить. Кроме того, Свидетели Иеговы представили ряд свидетельств своих членов, подтверждающих от их имени, что они направляли сообщения о [злоупотреблениях] французским властям, и, во-вторых, коммюнике движения от 18 января 2008 года, адресованное членам и направленное министру юстиции, который подтвержденное получение от 11 февраля следующего года, в котором, во-первых, было подтверждено обязательство по представлению отчетности, предусмотренное французским законодательством, и, во-вторых, было подчеркнуто, что внутренняя церковная дисциплинарная процедура не может заменить никаких разбирательств, инициированных властями.”
Кроме того, суд отметил, что “хотя ассоциация-истец утверждает, не будучи оспоренной по этому вопросу, что издание руководства "Паси стадо Божье" 2019 года, подготовленное министром [ответственным за MIVILUDES], является общим документом, который публикуется во всем мире, оно предоставило выдержку из Относящееся к Франции дополнение к настоящему руководству, также датированное 2019 годом, в котором недвусмысленно напоминается об обязательстве сообщать о любых случаях жестокого обращения с несовершеннолетними и содержится просьба к старшим немедленно обращаться в юридический отдел организации "для получения рекомендаций по обеспечению соблюдения французского законодательства о сообщениях о жестоком обращении с детьми", а также отмечается, что напоминание о существовании национальных правовых обязательств присутствует с 2010 года. пастырский путеводитель.” Наконец, “существование внутренней дисциплинарной процедуры среди Свидетелей Иеговы, даже несмотря на то, что ее определение в пастырском руководстве заимствовано из словаря уголовного правосудия, не позволяет нам, принимая во внимание предыдущие элементы, следует учитывать, что организация будет препятствовать представлению отчетности французским властям”.
В свете вышеизложенного, “трех свидетельских показаний” и одной статьи в прессе недостаточно для подтверждения утверждений семьи МИВИЛУДЕС, которые “должны рассматриваться как допустившие фактическую ошибку”, - заявил суд.
Что касается образования детей, судьи отметили, что “министр не представил никаких недавних свидетельских показаний и ограничивается цитированием выдержек из теологического журнала свидетелей Иеговы "Сторожевая башня" за 1975, 2005 и 2015 годы, двух свидетельских показаний, данных в комиссии Национального собрания по расследованию влияние культовых движений и последствия их практики на физическое и психическое здоровье несовершеннолетних, доклад которого был опубликован 12 декабря 2006 года, а также результаты исследования, проведенного в Соединенных Штатах в период с 2007 по 2014 год”. Однако ни одна из приведенных выше цитат не относится к периоду 2018-2020 годов во Франции и не подтверждает “фактически неверное” утверждение MIVILUDES о том, что французские свидетели Иеговы препятствуют образованию.
The MIVILUDES было предписано удалить неверные заявления в течение 15 дней. Хотя это и удовлетворительно, остается проблема присутствия во французском правительстве агентства, которое распространяет ложную информацию и диффамацию религиозных меньшинств за счет французских налогоплательщиков.
На фото:
1. Административный суд Парижа.
2. Решение от 14 июня 2024 года.
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deuxcentimes · 1 year ago
chronique tiktok ep 01 : du tarot aux valeurs puritaines, la spiritualité en ligne comme porte d’entrée vers « l’alt-right »
Si le lien entre new-age et extrême droite ne date pas d’hier, les néo-nazis ayant malheureusement coopté des pratiques païennes (« savez-vous qu’en vénérant la déesse Freya, vous pouvez vous reconnecter à vos racines nordiques et honorer l’Europe en faisant un maximum d’enfants blancs ? ») avant même que le web n’existe, dans les chambres d’écho créées par l’algorithme TikTok, les barrières à l'entrée de l’extrémisme n’ont jamais été si basses. Le principal point d’entrée de ce monde nébuleux est la théorie du féminin sacré, selon laquelle il y aurait chez les femmes une essence propre qui, une fois révélée, leur permettrait de s’émanciper. Reconnu par la Miviludes comme dérive sectaire, il a déjà envahi les librairies. En face de Wittig et de Beauvoir, on trouve des éditions aux couleurs pastel promettant de réveiller la déesse qui sommeille en nous. 
« L’énergie masculine et féminine sont complémentaires » serait-elle le nouveau « un papa, une maman » ? Comme lune et soleil, hommes et femmes seraient très différents autant sur le plan spirituel que matériel. Outre un essentialisme qui doit envoyer Wittig en orbite dans sa tombe, le witchtok est un fourre-tout d’astrologie, spiritualité hindoue, animisme africain et médecine alternative. Alors qu'il se concentrait sur le tarot, le mysticisme sur TikTok est de plus en plus lié à des notions binaires de rôles de genre rétrogrades. On y trouve un nombre alarmant de vidéos mettant en garde les jeunes filles contre les effets néfastes du sexe, avec de vagues références aux « différences inhérentes entre les genres », alliant spiritualité et pseudo-science, comme cette théorie qui voudrait qu’une prétendue libération d’hormones post-coïtales lierait votre âme à vie avec celle de votre premier partenaire. Dans l’optique d'une « vie douce », on décourage les femmes d’être trop impliquées dans leur travail, ce qui nuirait à leur « essence féminine ». Il faudrait rejeter le capitalisme pour être une « petite amie au foyer » et passer la journée à faire du pain en brûlant de la sauge, ainsi que renoncer à conduire une voiture et à prendre des décisions, choses « masculines ». Ainsi s’est développé tout un marketing qui vise à repackager le bon vieux « papa-travaille-et-maman-prend-soin-des-enfants » à la sauce 2020.
Présentée comme la génération la plus éduquée, la génération Z est aussi incroyablement solitaire dans un monde de plus en plus absurde. Cependant, des voix critiques émergent au sein du witchtok pour avertir des dangers de cette idéologie. Pour la tiktokeuse Neha Chandrachud, « Le féminisme des années 2010 tendait à l'égalité et a poussé les femmes à travailler comme les hommes. Mais accablées par la charge mentale, car toujours responsables du travail émotionnel et des tâches ménagères, elles sont très fatiguées. Si le fait de se retirer de la vie active peut être vécu comme un “va te faire foutre" au capitalisme, la droite chrétienne mise sur le fait que les femmes continueront à se retirer, jusqu’à nous reléguer à l'arrière-plan de la société. »  En effet, force est de constater que si votre pratique spirituelle repose sur des idées si patriarcales que vous finissez par vous aligner sur la droite chrétienne, alors vous n’êtes sûrement pas la sorcière que vous croyez être. 
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fnielaubin · 2 years ago
http://nana-turopathe.com/ https://corpsetcoeur.wordpress.com/2014/08/25/la-maladie-le-mal-a-dit-la-relation-entre-les-emotions-et-les-maladies/ 01 Juin 2023.  Je crois, en ma naturopathie, parce qu'elle induit, le fait, qu'avant, de se soucier, quel ...
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lowkeynando · 2 years ago
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of "fighting sects" then, faced with certain criticisms, "to repress sectarian aberrations".
Certain controversial positions of these antisect associations as well as of the two successive missions of the government, the MILS (Interministerial mission of fight against sects) from 1998 to 2002 then the MIVILUDES (Interministerial mission of vigilance and fight against sectarian aberrations), starting of 2002, later sparked the creation of other associations and various initiatives whose purpose is to denounce what they deem to be the excesses of the anti-sectarian struggle in France and to defend new religious movements. The Challenge of the Cults and New Religions: The Essential Guide to Their History, Their Doctrine, and Our Response is a Christian countercult non-fiction book about cults and new religious movements by Ron Rhodes. The book was published by Zondervan on September 1, 2001. The book defines cults and new religions by examining case studies of twelve groups chosen by Rhodes. [1] The book includes a foreword by Lee Strobel, author of the book The Case for Christ.[21 Churches That Abuse, first published in 1992, is a best-selling Christian apologetic book written by sociologist Ronald M. Enroth. The book documents cases of churches and other organizations said to be spiritually abusive and the effects these groups have had on their members. The author says as CLONES
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