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luniarii · 8 months ago
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﹒ ︵︵ a gender related to angelic aesthetics , being a boy who loves daydreaming , who’s head is always in the clouds , and is cute. (girl ver)
﹒ ︵︵ pronoun suggestions :
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rynesgaia · 2 months ago
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girl& - for when you are a girl and something else which is likely or only caused by systemhood. term is feminine in nature
boy& - for when you are a boy and something else which is likely or only caused by systemhood. term is masculine in nature
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neopronouns · 9 months ago
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flag id: two flags with 5 stripes. the left flag's stripes are medium dark faded pinkish-purple, faded purplish-pink, light seafoam green, very light sky blue, and light sky blue. the right flag's stripes are medium dark faded purple, soft indigo, light orange, very light red-pink, and light red-pink. end id.
banner id: a 1600x200 teal banner with the words ‘please read my dni before interacting. those on my / dni may still use my terms, so do not recoin them.’ in large white text in the center. the text takes up two lines, split at the slash. end id.
lavenboy | violegirl
lavenboy: a queerly feminine boy; someone who both considers themselves male and has some significant connection to queer femininity, either in their gender or expression; a boy aligned with queer femininity; an umbrella term for all identities that involve being both male and queerly feminine
violegirl: a queerly masculine girl; someone who both considers themselves female and has some significant connection to queer masculinity, either in their gender or expression; a girl aligned with queer masculinity; an umbrella term for all identities that involve being both female and queerly masculine
[pt: lavenboy: a queerly feminine boy; someone who both considers themselves male and has some significant connection to queer femininity, either in their gender or expression; a boy aligned with queer femininity; an umbrella term for all identities that involve being both male and queerly feminine
violegirl: a queerly masculine girl; someone who both considers themselves female and has some significant connection to queer masculinity, either in their gender or expression; a girl aligned with queer masculinity; an umbrella term for all identities that involve being both female and queerly masculine. end pt]
anon asked for a term like azurgirl but for queer masculinity, so i figured i'd do a rosboy term as well!
the flags are based on the rosboy and azurgirl flags with the top three stripes of each adjusted to represent queer femininity/masculinity. for lavenboy, i added a shade of mint and adjusted the pink and purple to be closer in shade; for violegirl, i added a shade of soft orange (since that's in both the butch and bear flags) and adjusted the blues to indigos.
since 'ros' and 'azur' were inspired by both flowers (roses and azures) and colors (pink and blue), i used the names of flowers associated with queerness whose names are also used as colors, lavender and violet!
tags: @radiomogai, @liom-archive, @macchiane, @genderstarbucks, @sugar-and-vice-mogai
tags cont: @freezingnarc, @skrimbliest, @seraphtrix, @fem-mogai
dni link
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charlie-space · 1 month ago
Enbymasc / Enbyboy / Enbymen
Энбимаск / Энбибой / Энбимен
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[ Created by me ; Can be used ]
— an umbrella term that includes persons whose gender identity is associated with the male gender and/or the masculine gender. And with a non-binary umbrella.
This includes: demiboy / demimasc; boyflux / mascflux; condiboy / condimasc; hyperboy / hypermasc; and others.
—Зонт термин, включающий в себя персон, чея гендерная идентичность связана с мужским и / или с маскулинным гендером. И так же, с небинарным зонтом.
Это включает: Демибой/Демимаск; Бойфлюкс/Маскфлюкс; Кондибой/ Кондимаск; Гипербой / Гипермаск; и др.
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Mentions / Tags: @radiomogai @acronym-chaos @rwuffles @daybreakthing @nqvo @flutteringwings-coining
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redacted-coiner · 11 months ago
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FINgender, NINgender, MINgender
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Agender Man, Genderqueer, Agender Woman
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Nonbinary Woman, Anonbinary, Nonbinary Man
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DNI is listed within my pinned post. Please go read it before interacting with any part of my content. Ask to tag!
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utaicon · 6 months ago
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Hehe, it makes my heart skip a beat.
Space-themed/subtle neoboy Rui Kamishiro icons・★
nobody requested, self-indulgent・★
free to use, please reblog and credit if using!・★
transparents by @sekaitransparents・★
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dhddmods · 6 months ago
Chub/Cherub/Gummybear flag!
DISCLAIMER: This is not our design! We found this design here, and decided to clean it up! Full credits to the original creator!
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A Chub/Cherub/Gummybear is a queer person that has a masculine, androgynous, or abinary gender, and a chubby or fat body. This usually applies to MLM (achillean) and NBLM (toric) people, however other queer people can use the term as well.
Chubs are not hairy, which sets them apart from bears, nor do they have a lean or muscular body, which sets them apart from otters, twinks, and twunks.
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arlosworld91 · 8 months ago
I do love men, but do you know who else I love? Mingender people and Miaspec people <33
I love the boys who aren’t exactly men but relate to the experience, I love the boys who may not really experiences masculinity but still relate to the overall experience. I love trans men, I love transmasc people.
If you are any flavour of man…I love you, you’re awesome <33
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chronicallyqueercoining2 · 1 year ago
[PT: Solarmasc: end pt]
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One who is masculine in the way the sun is masculine. One who is solarmasc may relate to the sun and all things "solar," specifically the traits that are masculine. Their gender/expression may be glowing, radiant, and overall masculine in nature.
Requested by: Anon!
Lunarfem post here
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vlada-slavik · 1 year ago
Free to use, just credit if you can!
Don't see yours? Check the #lgbtcatpfp !
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flutteringwings-coining · 3 months ago
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a term with multiple defintions:
where one is quoigender, mingender/miaspec, and genderqueer
where one is genderqueer and has a connection to masculinity, either by being mingender/miaspec, connected to masculinity in some way, or expresses themself masculinely, however the user does not understand or doesn't want to understand/define their gender completely.
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buntress · 1 month ago
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[IDs in alt text by @brainkeeper-service, tysm <333]
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❝ Luverbeir ❞
[PT :: Luverbeir]
A masculine gender related to bears (either the animal or queer presentation), comfort, and sports. Like playing soccer // football with your mates until you're all tired and out of breath, grabbing a pint together and sharing comfort and laughter. It also feels caring, like cooking for your loved ones as an act of love and care or comforting someone you love when they're sad. Giving someone a big bear hug after being apart for a long time. This gender can be used in many ways as long as it keeps the same theme of bears, comfort, and sports.
For :: @page-of-void-mogai's Coin War! Day 3 :: desserts // sitcoms // sports Notes :: So uh this flag and definition was made with the help of my amazing boyfriend Connor. This flag is basically a love note to the entirety of him, even the words are mostly from Scots because he's Scottish himself. He's the only dude I know like that who rly loves sports like this so I was gonna ask his help anyways, but it kinda just turned into me turning my boyfriend into a flag. Anyways forget I was ever emotionally vulnerable on this blog now ty love u <3
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Archive Tagging :: @radiomogai @faunagender @min-main-archive
Taglist :: @genderdenied @mimiscoiningcafe @discrophy @horrgores @smilepilled
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dragonpride17 · 7 months ago
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IDs in alt text
minboygirl / mingirlboy - a masculine-in-nature boygirl/girlboy
minmanwoman / minwomanman - a masculine-in-nature manwoman/womanman
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IDs in alt text
minboyenby / minenbyboy / minenboy - a masculine-in-nature boyenby/enbyboy/enboy
minmanenban / minenbanman / minenman - a masculine-in-nature manenban/enbanman/enman
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IDs in alt text
mingirlenby / minenbygirl / minengirl / mingirlby - a masculine-in-nature girlenby/enbygirl/engirl/girlby
minwomanenban / minenbanwoman / minenwoman - a masculine-in-nature womanenban/enbanwoman/enwoman
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neopronouns · 2 months ago
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flag id: four flags with 7 stripes. the top left flag's stripes are medium dark pink-purple, dark pink-purple, very dark cool purple, medium dark cool green, very dark cool purple, dark pink-purple, and medium dark pink-purple. the top right flag's stripes are medium dark turquoise, dark turquoise, very dark cool purple, medium dark cool green, very dark cool purple, dark turquoise, and medium dark turquoise.
the bottom left flag's stripes are medium dark gold, dark gold, very dark cool purple, medium dark cool green, very dark cool purple, dark gold, and medium dark gold. the bottom right flag's stripes are medium dark faded red, dark faded red, very dark cool purple, medium dark cool green, very dark cool purple, dark faded red, and medium dark faded red.
banner id: a 1600x200 teal banner with the words ‘please read my dni before interacting. those on my / dni may still use my terms, so do not recoin them.’ in large white text in the center. the text takes up two lines, split at the slash. end id.
feminohumic | mascunohumic neutranohumic | xeninohumic
feminohumic: when one's femininity is inherently nonhuman. this experience is less about gender and more about nonhumanity, with one's femininity being disconnected from humanity and feeling as if it 'holds' the more creaturesque, eldritch, cryptic, uncanny, etc. aspects of one's identity
mascunohumic: when one's masculinity is inherently nonhuman. this experience is less about gender and more about nonhumanity, with one's masculinity being disconnected from humanity and feeling as if it 'holds' the more creaturesque, eldritch, cryptic, uncanny, etc. aspects of one's identity
neutranohumic: when one's neutrality is inherently nonhuman. this experience is less about gender and more about nonhumanity, with one's neutrality being disconnected from humanity and feeling as if it 'holds' the more creaturesque, eldritch, cryptic, uncanny, etc. aspects of one's identity
xeninohumic: when one's xeninity is inherently nonhuman. this experience is less about gender and more about nonhumanity, with one's xeninity being disconnected from humanity and feeling as if it 'holds' the more creaturesque, eldritch, cryptic, uncanny, etc. aspects of one's identity
[pt: feminohumic: when one's femininity is inherently nonhuman. this experience is less about gender and more about nonhumanity, with one's femininity being disconnected from humanity and feeling as if it 'holds' the more creaturesque, eldritch, cryptic, uncanny, etc. aspects of one's identity
mascunohumic: when one's masculinity is inherently nonhuman. this experience is less about gender and more about nonhumanity, with one's masculinity being disconnected from humanity and feeling as if it 'holds' the more creaturesque, eldritch, cryptic, uncanny, etc. aspects of one's identity
neutranohumic: when one's neutrality is inherently nonhuman. this experience is less about gender and more about nonhumanity, with one's neutrality being disconnected from humanity and feeling as if it 'holds' the more creaturesque, eldritch, cryptic, uncanny, etc. aspects of one's identity
xeninohumic: when one's xeninity is inherently nonhuman. this experience is less about gender and more about nonhumanity, with one's xeninity being disconnected from humanity and feeling as if it 'holds' the more creaturesque, eldritch, cryptic, uncanny, etc. aspects of one's identity. end pt]
anon asked for the first term and i figured i'd coin a few more! these flags use purple and green for nonhumanity and colors representing their respective qualities. i put the nonhuman colors between the quality colors to represent 'holding' nonhuman aspects of identity. each term is part of the quality, 'no' from 'non', 'hum' from 'human', + 'ic'!
tags: @radiomogai, @liom-archive, @macchiane, @genderstarbucks, @sugar-and-vice-mogai
tags cont: @p-rtyboy, @pawsibell, @dragonpride17
dni link
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the-stars-were-his · 1 year ago
i know my gender is actively trying to plot against me because no one randomly has five they/he days and then has five she/they days, i'm telling you that my gender is forming a huge dysphoria conspiracy against me
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fangpunk · 1 year ago
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Dianthboy - a gender identity in which one is a boy and has a connection to 'masculine femininity' in some way, either in their gender, expression, etc.
etymology: (dianth)us caryophyllus - carnations, boy
[ID: a rectangular flag with 6 stripes coloured as such from top to bottom: dark salmon, salmon, light gold, pastel yellow, dark blue-green, darker blue-green. End ID]
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