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nocinovae · 1 year ago
Minecraft feels like it doesn’t know what to do for big updates any more so they’re doing like small miscellaneous updates collected together. I wish they’d move on from trying to give them a theme bc I feel like that’s just confusing.
One thing I wish they’d do is do updates from time to time and go back and add pieces to old update. Like maybe add more fish or tree types.
Specifically what made me have this thought is that I’d love if they’d add more to the geodes. Like the amethysts are lovely but I’d love if there was a whole range of crystals to find in geodes!! I feel like that’s along the line of the archaeological stuff they’ve done recently! Digging into the earth for history and stuff!
Also if they ever do a forest update I’d freak out. I’d love if they revamped their nature bc I feel like that part of the over world specifically has been the same since the beginning era of minecraft. Like ocean, nether, caves, villages, NOW FOREST. And end.
Feels like natural progression of their universe growing! And I like feeling like the updates can have a “story” like aspect to me. Especially bc worldbuilding. Favorite idea when it comes to minecraft lore
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luckyacetarot · 6 months ago
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Buys from my local rock show today!
1) Rhosochrosite and Flourite with Pyrite inclusions from the Guanghi Zhuang region of China
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2) Brochanite from the Douglas Hill Mine in Nevada
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I've been really into pink and green minerals recently~
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y2kwavesarts · 2 years ago
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Rock Raiders, but with cat ears lights :3
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zhukzucraft · 9 months ago
=> Pearl & Co: Gear up
You decide to scrape all the valuable rocks and minerals off this cave first. Added to your spoils from before it should be enough to properly equip you for the Nether.
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Grian: Any word from Skizz yet?
Gem: He's saying he'll run right on back.
Gem: oh wait
Gem: Now he's saying Mumbo is against it.
Grian: Unbelievable. It's been less than ten minutes and the man's already whipped.
Scar: That means they won't need their death chest stashes, right?
Pearl: Scar, really? You would stoop down to grave robbing, sir?
Scar: No, no, of course not!
Scar: Just grave-borrowing.
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Gem: I'd say we're ready as can be!
Pearl: I mean- we could maybe get some diamonds and-
Scar: Woooooo, let's go!!
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Pearl: ...
Pearl: Wait!!
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Pearl: if
Pearl: if this happens to go wrong and my soulmate is... not happy about it
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Pearl: Would it be ok if we stayed together?
Pearl: You know, as a team?
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Gem: Of course, Pearl! Why wouldn't we!
Gem: We started this together and we're sticking together no matter what!
Grian: You know, maybe you could stay up here?
Grian: We could use someone to dig us diamonds to enchant.
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Gem: Exactly! And even if you don't find any, we'll let you get in on the enchanting. Right, Grian?
Grian: Weeeell
Gem: Right, Grian?
Grian: Alright, alright.
Gem: And Scar?
Gem: ...Scar?
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GoodTimesWithScar has earned the achievement [We Need To Go Deeper]
Start Over -- Go Back
i hope i've managed to make it clearer this time that the "armor visible" condition is applicable only when it's on the screen. i just don't want to cover 80% of the design with armor most of the time. Please assume that everyone is wearing whatever armor they've been seen in last
same goes for weapons and shields - it leaves both hands busy if i draw them all the time, so let's just pretend they stash both in their inventory when not directly in combat.
on an unrelated note - i'm going to be busy with work and family matters the next two weeks, so the frequency of updates might fall significantly. i hope for your patience U-U
also-also: the archive up to the current POV is now on AO3 - LINK!
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buckingham-ashtray · 8 months ago
‼️⚠️this is NOT an au⚠️‼️
Our babies are on Mars.
Freaking MARS.
Okay backtrack. So basically both SHERLOC and WATSON are cameras attached to a robotic arm in search of life on Mars. SHERLOC detects organic molecules and minerals on Mars, and WATSON captures detailed images of the Martian surface to support SHERLOC's analysis.
(Apparently this program was launched a while ago on July 30, 2020. In 13 days our babies are gonna have their fourth Mars anniversary. I’m going to cry.)
In my mind:
SHERLOC: *bossily points at something*
WATSON: *heaves sigh and takes photos*
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More information can be found at:
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pathologicalreid · 1 year ago
fluorescent | S.R.
in which spencer rambles about rocks and you get distracted
who? spencer reid x fem!BAU!reader
category: fluff
request: yes!
@midnight--raine: could i please have a spence x female!reader where one day they're having a conversation and obviously he starts rambling about some facts or something and the reader kinda zones out while he's talking because shes so focused on the way he gets so passionate about what he's talking about and suddenly she's staring at his lips and is overcome with a POWERFUL urge to kiss the life outta him.
content warnings: kissing, concussion, that's it, this is really just fluffy.
word count: 758
a/n: thank you for the request! i hope to update my pinned post to mention requests soon. I hope you enjoy!
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“It’s actually really interesting to see if you ever get the chance,” Spencer told you from his chair. “It’s been discovered that over five hundred minerals fluoresce when they’re exposed to ultraviolet light.”
Both you and Spencer had been left out of the takedown of the unsub. Him because he was still using a cane to get around and you because you were recovering from a concussion, and Hotch didn’t believe you when you said you were fine. Typical.
You sighed and hoisted yourself up so you were sitting on the edge of a desk in the local police station, tilting your head to the side while you watched Spencer talk about rocks. All you had done was ask him if he knew what his birthstone was, and you completely lost him while he started rambling about fluorescent minerals.
It was one of those connections between topics that you’d have to be inside Spencer’s head to fully understand how he had gotten from point A to point B.
It was endearing, the way he got so passionate about things. He didn’t even have a degree in geology, and yet he knew so much about minerals like fluorite and calcite. It wasn’t even what he was saying to you found so captivating, it was how he was saying it.
Spencer had a tendency to speak with his hands, the bigger the movements, the more excited he was to be telling someone about the subject. So, if he was nearly knocking things over with enthusiasm, who were you to interrupt him?
Suddenly, his hands stilled, and your eyes flicked up to meet his. “Y/N, are you okay? Is it your head?” He asked leaning ever so slightly closer to you, as if you were two children sharing a secret.
Your face burned as your skin flushed, but Spencer didn’t seem to notice. “I’m alright, Spence. What were you saying about the color?” You urged him to keep going, keeping your question vague enough so that he wouldn’t be able to tell you had gotten so distracted by his ardor.
He pursed his lips for a moment before they parted again, “common opal doesn’t have any iridescence. Most fluorescent common opal is considered amorphous.” He told you, quickly jumping back into his topic of choice.
Smiling, you watched him talk as the words started to float over your head again. Specifically, you watched the way his lips moved as he shared the information with you. Sometimes, he stumbled over his words because his mind was moving faster than his mouth could. You felt honored every time he shared a part of his brain with you.
The fact was, Spencer Reid has pretty lips. They were a pretty pink color, the kind of color that people wanted as lipstick but could never find an exact duplicate of. They were soft. At least, they looked soft.
You couldn’t help but wonder what it would be like to kiss him. Spencer never talked about relationships as openly as the rest of the team, especially not the way Morgan did. Very quickly, you realized you had no idea how he would react if you kissed him. Would he pull away? Would he push you away? Would he kiss back?
Spencer was still talking about opals when you moved closer to him, set your hands on his shoulders, and pressed your lips to his.
A soft, surprised noise came from the back of his throat before he kissed you back. He reached his hands up, so they were resting on your waist, no higher and no lower.
It was no small victory that you discovered his lips were as soft as you thought they were. Under your hands, you felt that his heart was pounding as hard as yours was. His lips parted slightly under yours and he pulled you closer to him.
A small crash caused you to jump away from where he was sitting, in your peripheral vision, you could see that his cane had fallen to the ground. For a moment, the two of you just stared at each other, wide-eyed and still trying to catch your breath. “Thank you,” he breathed, not taking his eyes off of yours.
“I- For what?” You asked, appalled at the fact that you had done something so brazen, potentially ruining one of your closest friendships. 
You crouched down and picked up his cane, as you handed it to him, he elected to answer your question, “No one’s ever asked me to shut up so nicely before.”
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sonicboomrevisited · 2 months ago
18/22 Pages have been fully inked!
Multi is working on Page 19 today.
Star has colored 12/22 Pages!
12/22 Pages have been lettered!
Reminder that Pages 1-2 will release FEBURARY 6th, 7AM EST! Updates will be weekly from there. We hope you are as excited as we are!
Issue 2 WIPS:
Alright, alright... we get it! You guys are tired of the mineral jokes. So, here's a sneak peak at a more refined mineral, otherwise known as Robo-Sonic, under the cut!
...you get it? Cos... cos robot's are made out of metal which is just refined rocks? Yeah, I'll see myself out...
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Aren't they just adorable together?
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blueishspace · 4 months ago
A few days ago I asked the question, what would you be the god of?
Here is the pantheon that has been created.
Gods of the fabric of reality:
Me/@blueishspace as god of space, sleep and night.
@sw1ft-sniff as goddess of time and knowledge.
@theduckwhostoleyourbread as deity of creation.
@shortystack75 as first divinity of change and god of contradiction.
@craftyexpertchild as second deity of change and god of chaos.
@azure-skies-with-sun as goddess of Inbetweens, the instant, middle states.
@ajfoxships as god of minor fortunes and misfortunes.
@pineapple-cheese-bread as god of luck and unluck.
@iris-entity as god of bonds (including chemical ones)
@unicornsandgenocide as god of death.
Nature gods:
@blizzardtheartisticfox as deity of Fall.
@star-dust-shark as deity of small critters.
@easily-distracted-by-fandom as divinity of prey animals.
@jadesolayray as goddess of beagles and orange cats.
@fallenflamess as god of fire, rock and mineral. (The depths of the earth?)
Regular life gods:
@star-dust-shark as deity of stupidity.
@serahblue as divinity of mischief.
@sleepdeprived-idiotlol as god of blood and cannibalism(?).
@not-ready-for-gaster as god of anxiety and procrastination.
@a-sociopath-do-your-research as deity of angst and twins.
@sun13koi as divinity of identity.
@communistcatboi as deity of both wonder and stubborness.
@some-dragon-bastard as god of that which is lost and discarded.
@but-aint-this-texas as god of petulance.
@fiery-feather as deity of courage and inspiration.
@kanaokanzaki-op as divinity of creativity.
@cowgirlginger as deity of imagination.
@m0on-shro0m as god of plushies.
@unstableunicornsofasgard as god of depression.
@creatorofstars as god of forgetting and repetition.
@razeeswillowtree as divinity of perspectives and opinions.
@shutitk as deity of prophecy.
@since-times-long-forgotten as god of breathing and scent.
@theshelteredbrat as god of gay and sarcasm.
@diedbydeth as goddess of lesbians.
@salty-lemonss as deity of gift giving.
@panpanix as goddess of Justice and retribution.
@issylilymay as deity of warmth and comfort.
@manageroftheassistantstage as god of leadership, power, communication and collaboration.
@apjofan as god of solidarity, kindness and anti-bullying.
@entity68 as deity of ugly and beauty.
@twisttea as goddess of loyalty.
If someone wants to be added they can just comment on this post or the last one and I'll update it. But now I pose another question, how would you be worshipped?
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studentinpursuitofclouds · 5 months ago
Howdy, dear Mouse! I have a question, I want to know your opinion about it!
I was on the SVE Wiki and realised something that's been on my mind for a long time! Lance hates most of the candies in the game. I want to know what you think about this, what do you think would be the reason?
Best regards and have a great week, dear Mousey! 🤗🌻🌻
Hewwo :3 Glad to see you again, dear moot! Thank you so much for the question, and have a wonderful week as well 💕 So... (Warning for SVE 1.15 spoilers):
I put the question off until the weekend, wanting to look in the mod files first, hoping to find some useful information on this topic after the 1.15 update. And oh boy, did I find something interesting...
Going back to the discussions from a couple of years ago, the very first theory of the reason for Lance's hatred of all things sweet and baked goods was the idea that the gallant adventurer is very strict about his health and appearance. Always perfectly ironed clothes, always clean skin, always well-groomed, healthy, not a single blemish. And he wouldn't eat anything that could ruin his figure or teeth, not even Magic Rock candy, which is considered one of the all-powerful foods in the Stardew world (Prismatic Shard essence, that's rare Lance!). The exceptions were maple syrup (apparently because it is a healthy sweet, low in antioxidants and vitamins and minerals).
Another theory (which @sapphicastral said, thanks moot!) was that Lance is diabetic and therefore couldn't eat anything sweet. He can't consume it because of his health. Maple syrup is still liked gift though (let's write it off to the mechanics of the game, because syrup is loved by almost everyone, except Maru).
But now those two theories can be thrown in the trash, because as it turns out, this pink-haired bastard loves chocolate, more specifically - Chocolate Truffle Bar, the new item in SVE, the recipe for which we can buy from a Traveling Merchant at the Festival of Ice for 12000 gold (damn, expensive 🥲). It's made, as you might have realised, from truffle (which already makes it an expensive food), milk, sugar and hazelnut. And Lance will happily accept the chocolate, saying he doesn't usually eat sweets, but will make an exception here...
Of course he'll make an exception - a bar of such an expensive sweet sells for 4500 gold!!! So, the first theory (about not wanting to consume excessive amounts of sugar and carbohydrates in order to maintain his health and figure) partly remains, but he only accepts the best, natural and expensive chocolate, I guess... That's only 500 gold cheaper than a treasure chest! (Jesus Christ...). Mister, I love you, but your flavours of gifts are frickin expensive.
Well, mystery solved - our noble Lance only wants the best and the finest 🤌 But he's always on the job protecting people from monsters, so let him treat himself to something yummy. I still can't understand tho why he hates Magic Rock candy, because it's even more expensive than Truffle Chocolate and more useful in the plans of buffs imposed on Farmer. Maybe this will be fixed in future updates - who knows.
I'll end this post with a follow-up to his quote about chocolate, which made me think really, really hard:
"...In the northern Highlands, there's peculiar monsters that carry just a right ingredients for the chocolate. I've yet to uncover their origin."
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agentc0rn · 10 months ago
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Gonna re-upload my ultimate weapon glimmora with updated info:
Glimmora: Ghost/Rock - 1.7m, 50kg
[Glimmoras inhabit mainly in the underground and caves, feeding on ores and minerals. They are said to be the reborn souls of the perished from the ultimate weapon's blast long ago, infused with its radioactive energy that still holds an ounce of its original revival power.]
A good mutual of mine shared an idea about glimmora being a ghost type as noted in the dex, and wanted to implement that!
Credit: @ raikouswish
This made me think how what if the Ult. Weapon, despite its immediate deadly impact/power, still stored ample life energy and residue of revival power that ends up reviving the dead in some indirect and macabre way? And that they become living stones - like the geosenge ones, but glimmoras instead? My memory is a bit foggy so i may be inaccurate with the ultimate weapon's functions but it sounded too cool to bypass it.
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asktheritochampion · 2 months ago
Gotta be honest, I'm a little worried this gift might look snoopy. I've heard a bit about how you do makeup on your feathers. Don't really know much about it, but I do know that minerals make a good ingredient for the stuff.
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Here! It's based on iron. Real nice red color. Think it would be good for applying those cheek spots.
Happy Yuletide,
The red feathers on my cheeks are not the result of make-up but of my youthful complexion, I'll have you know.
However, you are correct in that we Rito have a proud tradition of applying colorful paints and pigments to our feathers, I'm sure you've taken note of my impressively flawless eye paints in the past.
Almost all of our pigments are created using crushed insectoid shells for their vibrant colours - however this does come with he drawback of many of them being incredibly toxic if accidently ingested as well as often expiring quickly due to the biodegradable elememts.
Admittedly when I first opened your gift I thought you'd sent me someones ashes. I've admittedly never seen minerals ground down to a fine powder before, the colour is impressive - I always thought iron was grey so it's facinating to see it create such a vibrant red. I've given it over to the Village colorman to experiment with in creating something safe for feathers and shall update you with the results. This could prove an efficient new way to produce paint.
You know, if you're interested in Rito featherpainting, I'd be happy to demonstrate for you during your visit. A little eyeliner and some contour would likely bring out your features and give you an added air of intimidation in battle.
Speaking of your upcoming visit; I've had some accomodations set up. The inn was unsure if their beds would be sufficient for a Goron, so they've been working at creating something akin to a blanket nest.
Furthermore I am aware that Gorons consume primarily Rock-roast, however without the heat of volcanic lava pools to utilise for cooking, we've been unable to re-create something like this. As you are aware, we Rito consume small pebbles as a suppliment to our food to aid digestion, so our Village cook has been experimenting using small, porous stones boiled within broth to create something of a pebble-soup that theoretically both Goron and Rito could consume. I hope this shall be sufficient.
Remember to dress warmly, Hebra is unfogivingly cold to those without feathers.
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bitkahuna · 3 months ago
The Valar Mahal decided that now, of all times, he would give Bilbo his blessing.
Bilbo had barely begun to ponder the strange color of his brew when a small pebble struck his shoulder. He blinked, looking around in confusion. Another stone, no larger than a fingernail, bounced off his knee. He stared at the two tiny stones, having caused him no damage, but surprising nonetheless.
“What the h-”
He was cut off by a barrage of tiny rocks that began raining down around him. They clattered against the cauldron, creating a cacophony of metallic pings. Larger stones pelted the ground, kicking up tufts of grass and dirt. A yelp came from him as he scrambled to his feet. He ducked and weaved, trying to avoid the assault of airborne minerals. He shielded his face with his arms as he tried to figure out what was happening.
"This is hardly helpful!" He shouted with a dawning certainty that this must be some twisted form of divine intervention. The Valar of stone was quite literally stoning him. This couldn’t be a punishment. Stupid magic might be deserving of a kick in the head, but this was just strange. He was doing it to save Yavanna’s creations, after all.
Though pebbles caused him no harm, their incessant pelting was maddening. With no time to gather his belongings, Bilbo fled into the forest. Branches whipped at his face, leaves tangling in his curls. His lungs burned, still raw from his magical mishap, but fear and bewilderment drove him onward.
Bilbo cursed, ducking as more stones whizzed past. "Is this your idea of a joke?"
Just updated!!
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raven-at-the-writing-desk · 11 months ago
Why did the land of Pyroxene change to shaftlands and now to shift lands
Thank you MysteryShopTLs for their own insightful post on this topic; I referenced it while writing my own thoughts down.
Originally, the country is written as 輝石の国 or “kiseki no kuni”. The characters specifically used for “kiseki” more closely translate to “pyroxene”, which is a silicate mineral that is known for its familiar crystal formations:
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Prior to the official English localization of TWST, many fan translations used “Pyroxene” as the name for the aforementioned location because of how its name is written in Japanese. And thinking about it, it seems to make sense. Vil, a sparkling celebrity, comes from Pyroxene, and he himself is twisted from a character from Snow White, a film which depicts a mining cavern with many jewels. I believe Cater, another Pyroxene resident, describes its people as generally glitzy, so this also fits the “jewel” or “crystal” image that the word pyroxene invokes. (Indeed, many characters from this land tend to be regal or “shiny” in some way, be it Vil, Cater, Vargas, Trein; Jack is the only one that isn’t immediately obvious). To be clear, “Pyroxene” was NEVER an official English name, even if it may have been somewhat true of the Japanese.
Both EN and JP (some things in JP, like the world map, are written entirely in English) games then revealed that “Pyroxene” would be localized as “Shaftlands”. (If I recall correctly, JP first showed the localization name in book 6 when Yuu and co. are consulting a world map.) This threw a lot of fans off because “Shaftlands” sounds notably less glamorous than “Pyroxene”.
The name still manages to maintain the mining reference though—mining shafts (rock shafts, ventilation shafts, and service shafts) are utilized to make mining more efficient and safe. “Shafting” may also refer to the strategy of excavating a vertical tunnel from the top-down, which is true of what the Seven Dwarves seem to do in the movie. Either way, the ties to mining are very clear and this may have been where the localized name placed its priorities rather than finding a name that befits the “glamour” of the people that come from it.
Now, Shift Lands… 😅 I’ll be completely honest, I have NO IDEA where this one came from since it seems like both servers already set “Shaftlands” to be the definitive name for that country as much as fans seem to dislike it jevajVahwbbwfwhD. I don’t see a connection between mining and “shifting” unless I guess if you want to count how mining can include “shifting” around/going deeper to find valuables. Even then, this is vague at best.
Many fan translators and Japanese speakers (in my own life) I consulted about this suggested it must be a typo on TWST JP’s part so that’s also what I’m choosing to believe 😂 A little odd that it hasn’t been corrected yet if it is actually a typo though… We’ve gotten the second update to Tapis Rouge by now and there’s been no attempt to “fix” Shift Lands so OTL maybe it is the intended spelling all along?? I feel so conflicted about this…
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hodari-pavels-good-boy · 5 months ago
Espresso Chapter 1:
Knock on Wood
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Ch1 Ch2 Ch3
Pairing: Hodari Pavel x Reader Word Count: 2.1k Chapter 1/? Rating: E Summary: "You take a moment to silently watch him work, a true master at his chosen craft. You take note how his arms tense before bringing them down in a powerful swing, a rhythmic motion he repeats over and over as he carves the ore from its resting spot in the Earth. You find it not too dissimilar from a sculptor chiseling one's vision from the marble slab before them. His eyes were heavy and focused on the mass of stone he was chipping away at and clearly he had been at it for quite awhile by this time if the sweat that’s beaded along his forehead and down his temple is any indication. His hair is stuck to his face and you can follow the trail down to a damp shirt and skin that almost seems to lightly glisten in the lantern provided light." --------------------------------------
You find yourself in an unfamiliar world with a new life before you. Maybe... you'll help someone find a new life too?
Tags: Angst, Angst with a happy ending, miscommunication, fluff, eventual smut
A/N: This is a multi chapter story! Gender is not specified (though I did originally start writing it with the intention of it being a male reader lol). Tags will be updated as the fic goes. Cross-posted Here on Ao3. Fic below the cut! Enjoy :)
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It’s getting late in Kilima as you start to cross the path that leads from the town proper to Bahari Bay, the lantern bugs greeting you as you pass through the gate. Catching a few, you secure them in your empty lantern before starting our evening walk down to the mines. This is one of your favorite times of day, the busy world winding down and coming to a slow stop.
Most people are comfortable in their homes by now, starting dinner for them and their families and relaxing from a long day of work. The glow in the windows of the Pavel’s house ahead of you lends itself to your point. The local miner and his daughter must be settling down to tuck into a good meal right about now after a hard day down in the mines and the thought makes you smile as you pass by.
Over the last few months you’ve been here you’ve started to pick up a bit of a routine for yourself while also observing the local’s daily routines around you. It hasn't escaped your notice that you're one of the only humans that’s decided to stay in the Kilima region for now, most supposedly having moved on to The Capital in search of answers. While you understand the reasoning, that fact definitely aids itself to a feeling of loneliness and otherness in this foreign place, so it helps to see everyone around you maintain a sense of normalcy while you adjust to this new ‘normal’ for yourself.
Sooner than later, the earth beneath your feet becomes more gravel than dirt while the hills on either side of you that frame the well-worn path have become cliff faces and you know you're nearing the mines. The sun has long since set by now and the light evening chill now has a little bite to it. As you approach the entrance, you can hear the sound of metal hitting rock echoing off the cavernous walls. Adjusting your pack, you curiously follow the noise into the depths, wondering who is here so late besides yourself. Usually it's just you and silence that surrounds you to keep you company, so your interest is piqued. Rounding a corner, you find the town’s respected but quiet resident miner, Mr. Pavel. You haven't had a chance to really talk to him since he gave you your first pickaxe and helped you settle in on the plot you’re slowly starting to make into a home. He seems like a very private person who minds his own, so anytime you've seen him around town you haven't wanted to bother him. Besides he always seems like he's busy with places to be and you don't want to interrupt him if that's the case. Outside of the village though you hardly see him. Usually, he's long since left the mines to return home by the time you've made the lengthy journey from your plot all the way out here.
Since he hasn't noticed you yet, you take a moment to silently watch him work, a true master at his chosen craft. You take note how his arms tense before bringing them down in a powerful swing, a rhythmic motion he repeats over and over as he carves the ore from its resting spot in the Earth. You find it not too dissimilar from a sculptor chiseling one's vision from the marble slab before them. His eyes were heavy and focused on the mass of stone he was chipping away at and clearly he had been at it for quite awhile by this time if the sweat that’s beaded along his forehead and down his temple is any indication. His hair is stuck to his face and you can follow the trail down to a damp shirt and skin that almost seems to lightly glisten in the lantern provided light. You feel a light dusting of heat grace your cheeks as you watch him continue for another minute before the sound of the pickaxe abruptly stops, dragging you back into reality as a rough rough voice speaks up. 
“You comin’ in here or are you just enjoyin’ the show?” He asks, no patience in his tone as he turns to look where you’re standing. He raises his hand up to the light blinding you to him and you quickly turn the lantern away so it’s no longer shining directly in his eyes.
“Oh, it’s you.” He says in recognition. “Here again? At this point m’starting to get used to it but don't you have anything better to than spending your time down here in the dust and dirt this late?” He says it genuinely as if he’s actually curious and you wonder how many times he’s noticed you coming here. Enough that he isn't surprised by your presence it appears, but surely it can't be too often, you almost never see him yourself.
You set your lantern and pack down on the floor while you pull out your own pick that's ready to begin its service for the night. “Nah, I’m gonna be up for quite awhile yet. No rest for the wicked and all that.” You chuckle at your little joke for a moment before it dries up when you realize he’s not laughing with you. You clear your throat before looking back at your things, closing your pack and gathering all the items you set down as you stand up. Quickly glancing around you decide to head down one of the side shafts to save you both from any more of this awkward interaction and let the miner get back to work, clearly he has things he wants to get done if he’s still here this late. 
“Okay then, well, good chatting with you. You have a good rest of your night and I’m gonna go look for some ores to mine up. Good night.” You rush out a little awkwardly as you move toward the mine shaft, pausing at the entrance to give the wooden support beams a few knocks before heading down the carved out path. 
When you reach the end you give yourself a moment to collect your thoughts before getting to work. You like it down here, it's quiet and gives you time to think about anything and everything while your hands stay busy. As a small bonus, you're always so tired afterwards that by the time you return to your home plot and clean up you're always too exhausted for those same thoughts to keep you up. Seems like a win-win in your book.
Not too long after you start, you hear shuffling and the soft sounds of footsteps coming down the same route you just walked, the sound echoing off the long walls behind you. As the sound gets closer to you you hear the miner clear his throat before speaking up.
“I’ve been meanin’ to ask…” he starts and then trails off. You stop your mining and turn to get a better look at him, giving him the respect of your full attention so he knows you're listening to him. He's shifting his weight from side to side as he tries to find the words to convey what he’s thinking. Clearly he’s out of his comfort zone so it must be something he's been thinking about for a bit if he’s willing to go through the trouble of.. whatever this is.
Trying to help, you silently motion for him to continue, knowing you won’t be able answer whatever is on his mind if he doesn't share it. He clears his throat again before starting over. “I’ve been meanin’ to ask you, why do you do that?”
You blink a few times waiting for him to continue, but he just stands there with his arms crossed as he looks back at you. After a silent staring contest, you reach the conclusion he isn’t going to elaborate or say anything else. “Do what?” you ask confused, looking for clarification. 
At your response, Hodari looks down as if he regrets saying anything in the first place. He takes a sharp breath through his nose before he mimics your earlier knocking on the support beam next to him. “That- This knocking thing you do. I promise those supports are as sturdy as they get. Check ‘em myself twice a week.”
“Oh no! I’m not worried about that at all! I-” Stopping abruptly in your attempt to give an explanation. After a beat, “I’m not actually sure why I do it. I guess I've never really thought about it.”
Hodari stands across from you, recrossing his arms as he listens to your reasoning a little unbelievably. “You don’t know?”
You look away, breaking eye contact with the man. Being put on the spot like this has you feeling exposed, as though he can see right through you. Maybe it's just a symptom of being a father but it unnerves you, like he’ll know if you lie to him. A little self-consciously you answer, “Well.. yeah. It’s not like any of us remember what life was like before..” you trail off. Hodari stays silent. This time, however, it feels less of an oppressive silence but rather more curious as he nods his head for you to continue, so you do. “Humans, I mean. We don’t remember anything from before we appeared here, just our names. We tend to do a lot of things out of reflex but I don’t know where they're from or why I’m doing them. It’s not like we know nothing per se, I know the Earth is round and that a hot stove will burn and things like that even though I haven't done it or been explicitly told by any of the villagers. But I also sometimes feel I have to avoid cracks in the road when I'm walking and that I should avoid breaking mirrors at all costs but I cannot for the life of me tell you why. We all seem to have little things like this and it absolutely adds onto the ‘out of place’ feeling we experience, besides the whole being human in a world that humans don't exist in anymore thing. It's why it doesn't surprise me that most of us leave here, we all just want answers and to understand why we are here and where we are from as much as the rest of you want us out of your hair.” You lightly chuckle at the end but Hodari looks like he’s actually thinking about what you've just said.
The silence continues to stretch between the two of you as he absorbs all the information and you find your face flushing with embarrassment realizing you dropped a bunch of information about humans he didn't ask you for. Having gathered he’s not really one for talking this much you open your mouth to apologize and he holds up his hand to cut you off. He’s not looking at you now but rather down at the ground, his gaze locked on a pebble as he toes it with his boot. He doesn’t look up as he starts talking.
“I, uh, I didn't know that. The not rememberin’ anything.” He looks back up at you now, a little sheepish in his confession. “I haven't really talked to many of the humans after they appeared here. I just helped a few like you get set up on a small plot of land and give a few pointers every now and then so they don't get themselves killed in my mines before they head out of town to explore the rest of the world.” He hesitates for a few seconds before grabbing something from his back pocket. “Here.” he says, holding out his hand between the two of you, a pile of well worn leather in his hands. “Speakin’ of givin’ pointers, since you seem to be sticking around longer than most, you really should be wearing some gloves if you're gonna be at it this long. Take em’, it’s an older pair but they’re broken in and your hands will thank me later.”
Recognizing it as the olive branch it is, you reach out and take them. Before you can even begin to thank him, the miner is already picking up his own lantern and turning to head out of the mines. You follow him to the entrance and he pauses looking at the main wooden beam before giving it a quick rapt with his knuckles as he throws over his shoulder, “I’d wish ya luck findin’ those ores, but I don’t believe in luck.”
As his footfalls on the dirt and gravel fade away as he starts his trek home, something clicks inside your mind. Luck?
[Dividers by the-aesthetic-shop and firefly-graphics]
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Beneath the Sands: Plot Overview and play guide
Hi Hi!
As I said, I wanted to make a plot post for the participating OCs so the plot flows smoothly and we don't all get lost. This is also to double check who's actively participating and who wants to, versus those who are just along for the ride. Feel free to reiterate what you'd like to do!
The current taglist and what they're here for are as follows:
@uncreative-cryptid ---> Valerian, takes odd jobs and a mineral specialist, escorting the Huaxu Academy research group
@hobbysognodilibri ---> Jiahui, a field specialist from Huaxu Academy, interested in the recently resurface Court of Savantae Ruins
@crypticrainbowmoss ---> Sobeknesef, a local Blacksmith and retired soldier, who winds up guiding the group
@yupuffin (Quay exists, but I wasn't sure if you wanted him to join this expedition, or spark a new Quest Line with Raziel, Demona, Asaro, and the Convent in Rinacita)
@captainsounddisaster ---> Here for the ride, been here since the beginning. I hope you enjoy reading!
@marmartheyarn ---> Also a reader! Hope you enjoy :3
I don't think I forgot anyone, but if this needs to be updated in anyway, just let me know!
Now that that has been established, the below will contain a loose overview of the plot, so if you're interested in reading and remaining spoiler free, stop here ;3
A "play guide" will also been included, and I will officially be setting up a masterlist for this Project with this post and the Prelude as the starting posts.
Plot overview (so we don't confuse each other too much!)
Act I: When Midday Dust Settles
The act opens with the Rover discovering a flier searching for bodyguards for a research group in Jinzhou. The payment is reasonable, but the expedition is far outside Huanglong, so it's attracted minimal attention, with only 1 name present on the contact sheet.
Abby, who gets curious about Valerian's linger frequencies, pesters (affectionately) the Rover into checking out the job.
Enter Jiahui!!!!
The Rover chats with her for a bit and meets Valerian, agreeing to join them on the research expedition. (The last CSC ruins were pretty neat after all)
Mini little teleport skip
So much Sand
(Desert nation temporarily undecided unless someone else already has a name???)
The group decides to check out the local village
Chat with a few NPCs- they're very curt and standoffish
Wind up on the path to the ruins on their own
cue "The fuck are you doing without a guide???"
Regrouping at the forge on the settlement outskirts
Sobeknesef warily agrees to be there guide
Act II: Ruined by Evening Light
Exploring the ruins!
Various paths and traps
Group gets split
More exploration, combat, and clues
Fractsidus are prowling around
Meet back up in a large room
Share clues
Fractsidus ambush
Someone bleeds on the wrong thing
Floor seal glows
Everyone falls in
Everyone is extremely nauseous because weird time warp
Puzzle time
Caladin is clearly frozen in time
Those sensitive to frequencies + Abby can tell he's still alive
Occasional Fractsidus and Tacet Discord ambush
Puzzle solved!
the nausea goes away!
Entire party is *magically* healed of their injuries
A floating Caladin drops to the ground and the Spectro that had been burning in his hands for almost 100,000 years finally burns out
(His poor hands are probably super dry and cracked)
Introductions but only briefly
Boss Fight!!!!!!
Act III: Dusk steals Life from the Dunes
Frantic escape from the collapsing ruins
Make it out
Here screeches from behind the party
More Fractsidus
The Founders make their first appearance!
Fighting, Negotiation, much irritation, and grief
The Boss is back from earlier
Abby saves the day
It's rock licking adjacent, but does the job
Act IV: Dawning of a New Day
Regrouping at the Forge
Caladin is very awkward
Deciding what to do or where he should go
Lending some insight on the Founders and offering aid
Party conversations
We cut to The Founders and their discussions
Ends with quiet morning and tea of choice
Okey dokey!!!
I hope this doesn't feel too restrictive?? I really wanted to give the participating writers some boning for the story so we didn't all flounder about!
I'll happily take other ideas and scenes as well.
Running out words, so pt. 2 will include play guide on how to make this more free form for everyone and more open for interpretation!
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oddclan-askblog · 7 months ago
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(Some of the other members of Raaf's tribe. I'll be updating this with new character refs as I complete them.)
Corvocon members:
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A drone with burns across his body from escaping the corvo mountains. He's strong and stoic preferring to keep to himself. Huraab is still kind and enjoys teaching the younger muds about the underground tunnels and various minerals he finds in his work.
Klem is one of the younger members of the clan, apprenticed under Droom he is a leatherworker learning how to make various types of clothing for his peers. When there is downtime, the two of them fish in the swamps. Klemokk enjoys releasing what he finds and like to flip rocks in the waterway to see new critters hiding underneath.
Like Raaf, he hatched after the tribe fled their homeland and has no memory of the event. Klem has crippling claustrophobia and does not join Raaf on his caving adventures. He does tag along with Raaf everywhere else and is happy to hang out with the sligs.
A tribal Elder, Droom should be relaxing and teaching the young. Instead he is busy like many of the others preserving what he can remember from the old settlement in the mountains. He sails up and down the river fishing from morning to midday then returns to the village to mentor Klem among others on leatherworking. Though he is exausted and can be snippy as a result, Droom is proud of Klem's progress and hopeful about the future.
To his disdain, Droom is one of the stronger members of the clan so he ends up doing a lot of backbreaking work. He complains a lot and is regularly pretty cranking, most of the younger muds avoid him. Serk and Noft are close friends of his.
Queen Rokkri:
Queen Rokkri is a mysterious and illusive leader hidden deep in the heart of the forest. Only a select few know know her whereabouts: Vitur, Noft, and her daughter Nurani. The Shamans transport her eggs and provide updates on the clan and on spiritual happenings in the forest. Nurani delivers her orders to the corvo and represents Queen Rokkri in diplomatic meetings with neighboring tribes.
Unlike her daughter, Rokkri is authoritative and decisive. She is less domineering than Queen Lealue of the Maokon but shares her peers traditional views on keeping the tribes sepperate. If she could she would maintain the old ways just as religiously as the maokon but moving her tribe from a mountainous environment into a hostile swampland has made that all but impossible. Anymore she mostly fallows the advice of the shamans and hopes to keep her clan hidden as long as possible. Possibly forever if need be.
She is proud of her daughter and does her best to comfort and guide Nurani as much as she can.
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A young drone with a hot temper and pent up energy to burn. He loves to hunt and has the scars to prove it. Huemo is a talented warrior who trains the younger members of the clan to hunt and fight. If the Corvokon had the numbers to wage an all out war he would gladly lead them. Huemo gets along great with the maokon and admires their fighting spirit. He has even gone on Elum hunts with them to gather large game for his clan. He has moderately good aim with a bow but prefers throwing hatchets.
In his off time, Huemo gathers wood and helps build huts for the village. Huemo was engaged to Nurani relatively young and the two are very close. He is scared but excited to become a dad.
A young sailor of the clan, Huidi is one of the few mudokons skilled enough to sail out into the open ocean. He gathers large game for the tribe and loves the salty air of the sea. In his off-time Huidi farms and forages alongside Sterk. Huraab and the other mine workers will join Huidi on his fishing expeditions during sark spawn season.
Huidi is talkative at parties, loves to drink maokon wyne, and is a frequent customer at Jarta's establishment. He talks to everyone and is a great source of news on the happenings of the rainforest.
An elder who barely survived the escape from the mountain seige, Sterk was key in getting the younger mudokons like Jarta out of the burning village. He and Asibatu trained Jarta in cooking and foodprep along with farming and foraging. Sterk as a green thumb and an encyclopedic memory for the plants of the forests and mountains. He sometimes accompanies Vitur in tracking down medicinal herbs.
Sterk lost his mate in the fire and has an intense fear of open uncontrolled flame. He is meticulous about cooking and safety, but much of his teaching is through written documentation instead of hands on. He snapped at Jarta a lot for forgetting steps while training the young mud. Jarta has a most of the clans traditional recipes written down but only has to read them once to remember most of the instructions. Sterk is sad and soured by life seldom finding reason to keep going let alone be kind to others. Despite Jarta's prowess as the best cheff in the village, thanks to Sterk's hostile teaching, the two have a terrible relationship and Jarta is very insecure about his work.
Queen daughter Nurani:
Nurani is soft spoken and shy, she really struggles with her role as a public speaker and diplomat. She is shy arround the sligs and maokon, their lifestyles are vastly different from the corvo but fascinating at the same time. Though she is only truly comfortable arround the corvokon she still tries her best to be respectful and understanding towards the other tribes.
Nurani is very stressed about her future role as Queen Mother and works hard to live up to the title. She is happily engaged to Huemo and, unbeknownst to the queens, would like to add a maokon drone to the mix.
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