#MHA 322
Omae: Complexity of Self-Expression and Intimacy with the Japanese “You”
(Update: I have written a follow-up to this post wherein I exhaustively examine Katsuki's "you" pronoun usage, including every time he uses omae. Please be sure to read both posts! :D)
The anime adaption of chapter 322 is rapidly approaching, so I wanna talk about something really interesting: as far as I can tell, Izuku is the only person Katsuki has ever used the pronoun omae (おまえ) towards in-canon. Furthermore, he has only used omae towards Izuku on three occasions.
The first time is after Deku vs. Kacchan 2 in chapter 120.
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The second time is right after his apology in chapter 322. (Katsuki actually uses omae four times in a row in this scene.)
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(We'll get to the third time later, just you wait.)
Why does Katsuki address Izuku differently in these scenes? To answer this, we’re gonna commit some language nerdery.
First, let’s be real about the fact that Japanese pronouns can be complicated. There are a ton of them. You learn the common uses—like you could say that, broadly, omae tends to be used by guys for their friends and romantic partners. But the reality is that in a high-context language like Japanese, pronouns can come across wildly differently depending on who uses it, to whom, with what tone, and in what context.
It is difficult to generalize real-life usage, so to be clear, I am talking about MHA as a piece of media. I could try to tell you that omae is rude but also friendly but also condescending but also comedic but also confrontational but also affectionate—and so on, but that wouldn’t help you understand what Katsuki’s omae to Izuku means and why it feels significant.
The thing is, Izuku and Katsuki can each say omae and mean completely different things, because their normal way of speaking tells us how to interpret their words.
When Izuku speaks, he is polite and considerate. He uses the boyish first-person pronoun boku (僕). In Japanese, avoiding second-person pronouns is the polite thing to do; you use the person’s surname and an appropriate suffix instead, and this is the tactic Izuku uses to address others. When he does say “you,” it is usually the familiar kimi (君) towards Katsuki.
We see Izuku use omae in only a few circumstances: he uses it towards himself during inner monologues when he is trying to figure out what to do or compel himself to act, and he uses it when he faces All For One.
Both of these involve what I think of as “tough talk”—Izuku talks tough to himself to push past his fears and be a hero. With AFO, he is talking to a villain, someone he has to defeat. From someone like Izuku who speaks with such politeness and humility, omae reads as aggressive and confrontational.
Katsuki, on the other hand, is always aggressive and confrontational. He uses the masculine, somewhat boastful first-person pronoun ore (俺) and the second-person pronoun temee (てめえ) towards just about everybody. Temee is an extremely rude, combative word; Japanese descriptions usually point out that it reads like fightin’ words—it’s what you’d call an opponent, someone you are confronting, challenging, or belittling. As mentioned, you’re supposed to avoid “you” words to be polite, so the fact that Katsuki whips out temee constantly and makes up insulting nicknames instead of using anybody’s real name is just like, damn, dude!
Unlike Izuku, Katsuki sounds like he is challenging everyone all the time. This means that, coming from him, omae actually seems gentler.
After Deku vs. Kacchan 2, he opens his sentence with omae, and Izuku looks startled by this.
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They just had a huge, emotional fistfight, and Katsuki… isn’t addressing him as an opponent, like he always has before. For once, he is addressing Izuku not as his enemy, but his equal.
This scene is the first time Katsuki properly grapples with the truth of their mutual weaknesses and comes to an understanding about it. It leaves him frustrated and unsure, but he walks away seeing himself and Izuku as being on the same side.
Because he takes All Might's words to heart: they are two halves of what makes a hero. They need to learn from each other and push each other to truly reach their best—as rivals, not enemies.
In chapter 322, Katsuki talks Izuku through how he felt about him all these years. He goes over all the things he's had to face to see how wrong he was, to see his own weakness and Izuku's strength. The whole time, he uses the "you" word he always has: temee.
But when it comes time to tell Izuku his true feelings, he calls Izuku by his given name, apologizes, and then right away he says this:
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This is a direct call-back to the core question that Katsuki posed to Izuku during Deku vs. Kacchan 2: "Is my way of admiring All Might wrong?"
The second half to that question has always been, implicitly, "Does that mean yours is right?"
Here, Katsuki acknowledges Izuku fully as All Might's successor and affirms that Izuku's path is not wrong, using omae to tell him so. And then he uses it three more times to convince Izuku to come back with them and fight together, "because saving people is how we win."
To me, omae in this scene comes across with such softness. He's speaking with more humility than we've ever seen, both in what he's conveying and his word choice. (There is a whole other conversation to be had about Katsuki's word choice for "I'm sorry," but that is for a different time.)
This omae is not just a sign that he sees Izuku as his equal, it's expressing care for him. Katsuki sacrificed his life for Izuku, telling him, "Stop trying to win this on your own." He is trying so hard to make Izuku understand: Come back, I was wrong. Come back, I care about you.
Which brings us to the third time Katsuki uses omae: chapter 362.
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That's right, the infamous "Can I still catch up to you?" / "Can I still reach you?" line uses omae.
Here's the thing that's unique about this omae: it's in Katsuki's head. This is internal monologue; he isn't talking out loud to Izuku, he isn't trying to convey something to him face-to-face, he is just thinking about Izuku.
The word choice isn't for anyone else's benefit or any external purpose: this is just how Katsuki sees him.
I can't overstate how soft, vulnerable, and sincere this moment is for Katsuki. And what gets me about him thinking of Izuku as omae is, it makes me wonder, "How long has he thought of Izuku this way?"
When did Izuku stop being temee in his head?
Changing how you address someone is a big deal in Japanese. Whether it's a name or suffix change (Deku -> Izuku) or a pronoun change (temee -> omae), it represents a significant shift in the emotional dynamics of a relationship.
It crops up a lot in media as a dramatic moment of intimacy, sometimes even being a part of love confessions. This heightened drama is exactly what we see with Katsuki's apology when he calls him Izuku.
Katsuki addresses only Izuku with his given name and omae, and in the whole run of the series, he only uses omae in a few select instances. I would argue that this is really important, subtle character writing.
Looking at the scenes, at least to me, each omae reads as progressively more honest and intimate. Each time Katsuki uses it, he is reaching for Izuku. Each time, it means more.
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bkdk-prophet · 1 month
“I don’t expect this to change a thing between us.” (MHA MANGA SPOILERS 322-423)
I think a lot about the fact that, in Katsuki’s apology, he says “I don’t expect this to change a thing between us.” indicating that he accepts the current state of their relationship, that his apology may not be left with a reply, and that he may be the only one who entertains the idea of deepening their bond of rivalry into friendship.
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But regardless, he had to speak his truth, and in the future, live by his truth, which is to give Izuku his utmost support.
In the same manner, Izuku had also accepted the current state of their relationship before hearing Katsuki’s apology, judging by how he already felt blessed that he could have a “normal-ish” conversation with him.
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And since the JT arc, knowing that Katsuki’s at the center of the “control your heart” issue, it probably solidified that that’s the extent of their bond to him, cause if he indulges in these feelings and make it stronger, being able to control his heart would be increasingly more difficult. So maybe he’d been starting to entertain the idea of being close friends with Katsuki again, but then blackwhip puts his heart on his sleeve, and so his deeper feelings and the yearning he felt for something more were locked away. Katsuki at that point also hadn’t explicitly shown any interest in deepening it anyway, just that he’s committing himself to their rivalry.
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But then Katsuki does, throws him a curveball and sacrifices himself for him, then apologizes—calls him his first name “Izuku,” and implies that a “change” is possible between them. It's not expected, but the ball is now in Izuku’s court.
At the moment Izuku couldn’t respond properly since the conditions weren’t ideal. But even after that, when he had the time to broach the the subject to Katsuki, he chooses not to and put a tighter rope on his feelings. He had enough courage to thank his classmates generally, and and also thank Ochaco for her speech, but the apology wasn’t something he feels like he could talk about without revealing too much when he has to hold himself together for the next war. Like a talk could change something fundamental, and take away his attention from the war.
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And also, when Katsuki almost makes the mistake of calling him “Deku,” Izuku jumps to say that he doesn’t have to call him that if he can’t, showcasing some of his reluctance to the change, clinging onto the past which at the moment was easier to digest. Katsuki responds to this by saying that he’s not forcing himself, as he will continue to act and speak his truth.
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After his apology he makes good on that claim, where he initiates small talks with Izuku even when people surround and can see them, stays by his side as much as he can as a form of emotional support, and continue to be his primary partner in training. And all throughout the second war he commits to his truth even further, taking his self-introspections and sentimentality with pride, and because of it yearns even more intensely.
“So Izuku… can I still catch up with you?” he says as he yearns to be on equal footing with Izuku, in power, in heart, and in their relationship, “Gotta win right… Izuku?” he says as he yearns to be the hero Izuku had always believed him to be, someone who never loses, “That’s Kacchan Bakugou to you!” he says as he becomes the hero Izuku had always seen him as.
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As their eyes meet when Katsuki revives, their feelings, as had been said, become one. The feelings of wanting to save All Might, the feelings of wanting to be near and beside each other, and the feelings of wanting to work together to win and save and again be on equal footing are communicated and united. Katsuki’s questions of “Can I catch up to you?” “Gotta win, right?” were answered, as Izuku has outstreched his hand to Katsuki once more and he’d taken it. It’s also the first and only time Izuku really calls for help during the final war, where he usually just lets others help him.
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But now the question is if Katsuki’s outstretched hand is something Izuku will take, if Izuku will also speak his truth, as opposed to just showing and acting his truth. It was an invitation to meet in the middle. As Katsuki said “Don’t you dare let me surpass you!” an echo to “Surpass me, become the hero I’d always seen you as—Izuku who’s full of strength and of worth—just make sure to take my hand while you’re on it.
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joelysmile · 1 year
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I’ll protect you
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mamapyjama · 1 year
I’ve been rereading the current anime arc in the manga, and finally got to The Apology™️, and I wondered what words Katsuki used before translation.
Disclaimer: I’m sure others must have posted about this before but I couldn’t recall reading it myself. I do remember there was a lot of talk about the way he used “gomen” as the Japanese fandom were saying how cute and childlike it sounded, so I thought I’d see if there was anything else interesting there.
Oh, my sweet sweet baby boy…
So, just before he says ‘Sorry for everything’ (ima made gomen), he says:
“Itte dōnika naru mon ja nē kedo… Honne da…Izuku”
Which in the English translation, gave us:
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And “speak my truth” is lovely and all, but the word from the original that stuck out for me was ‘honne’.
I’m not sure how familiar most people are with honne–tatemae (I only know about it because I go way way too in-depth when researching for my fics lol), but it’s a concept that every Japanese person is deeply aware of, and underpins much of their society.
Here’s the Wikipedia intro:
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Ohhh, that is some extra juicy context for Kacchan’s speech. Essentially, he is saying that everything up until now has been his tatemae, a public façade to protect his own position (strong, powerful hero etc), but that he can’t keep that up and he wants Izuku to see his honne, his true, private self.
Excuse me while I melt from the cuteness.
But WAIT! There’s more!
How much do you know about second-person pronouns in Japanese? (Nope, this isn’t about ‘kare’ again this time hehe).
You’ve probably noticed in the anime that Kacchan says “Temee” a lot, and you may have also noticed that it tends to get translated as cursing. So it actually just means ‘you,’ but like a really rude way of saying it, such that the only way of reflecting that in English is to replace ‘you’ with something like Bastard or Asshole.
Again, have an expert explain:
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This and the below are from a very excellent article about second-person pronouns and how they are used for context and drama in anime specifically. I’d recommend reading it as the context is really interesting!
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So although pronouns aren’t actually commonly used or necessary in much spoken Japanese, when they are used, it’s a deliberate way to tell you about the relationship dynamic between two characters.
But why, you may ask, am I talking about pronouns again?!
Because, dear friends, throughout the first half of his speech, Kacchan uses ‘temee’ as usual to describe his past with Izuku. I’ve highlighted it below, and pls also note the shaky speech bubble showing his nerves during the ‘honne’ section. 🥺
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HOWEVER, straight after he says he wants Izuku to see his Honne, Katsuki switches pronouns from ‘Temee’ (v rude), to ‘Omae’ (very casual/familiar). Below is the page after the apology.
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Considering we now know pronouns are not necessary to convey meaning, that’s a hell of a lot of omaes on one page!! Boy cannot get enough of saying it.
If you want more about the different pronouns, see below for a helpful table of common uses for both. And please indulge my shippy heart for highlighting the second usage (but, like ‘kare’, you never know)…
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Katsuki is showing Izuku immediately and repeatedly that this is who he wants to be to him and how he wants the world to see them. His honne, his inner desire, is to be close to Izuku, to treat him as an equal.
He’s not just saying sorry, he’s showing that—at least from his perspective—things are going to be different from now on. But, like, also, that this was how he felt about him in private the whole time?! GAHHHH.
So there you go, the apology that was already a massive turning point in their story/relationship was actually even deeper and more beautiful than we all thought. Yet again, Japanese conveys nuance and intention far beyond what can be translated. 😭💕
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what did izuku write in the letter he left for katsuki?
let’s start by reading the letter izuku left for ochako; the only letter of which we get to read the entirety of. (or what we’re made to assume is the entire letter.)
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“Uraraka, Thank you for everything. I felt that I had to reveal my secret to everyone in class A, so I’m leaving these letters for you guys. My unique power was passed down to me from All Might, which is why Shigaraki and All For One are now coming after me.”
that alone serves as a “good enough” explanation as to why izuku left. of course, no one believes that izuku had a good reason, much less any reason to leave, but that’s besides the point for now.
i’d always assumed that izuku personalized each letter by writing something (other than the recipient’s name) in the letter, but as i’ve looked further into this, i think he wrote the same thing in the 19 letters. the only reason i’d held the former belief is that i thought it redundant and unnecessary for him to have left the same letter 19 times.
but let’s think about what happened when the class found izuku.
they’d all shared their individual experiences with and feelings for izuku.
if izuku had taken the time to personalize each letter with a paragraph specific to each of his classmates, the strategy of “let’s remind him of everything we’ve been through and assure him that we care for him.” wouldn’t have been necessary. if izuku already knew how to appreciate his individual experiences with his classmates, then them reminding him of said experiences would almost be mean—it’d essentially be all 19 of them throwing his own words back at him. even if it wouldn’t be mean, it’d be repetitive in a narrative sense.
but i don’t think that izuku, at the time of his departure from UA, could see that his friends truly appreciated him and the things he’d done for them.
there’s no way he’d write about his experiences with each classmate in the letters he left. he doesn’t view himself as important enough.
so, izuku wrote a simple explanation of his departure—along with a simple explanation of OFA—and personalized each letter with just the recipient’s name.
…but katsuki wouldn’t need an explanation. katsuki knows about OFA already.
so, what did katsuki’s letter say?
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all we have of izuku’s letter to katsuki is what we can read in the panels above:
…my secret…in class A…
…[kacchan]…thank you…erything
just because that’s the order in which we read that panel, doesn’t mean that these three fragments were written in that order when the letter was whole.
here’s ochako’s letter again.
“Uraraka, Thank you for everything. I felt that I had to reveal my secret to everyone in class A, so I’m leaving these letters for you guys. My unique power was passed down to me from All Might, which is why Shigaraki and All For One are now coming after me.”
where’s “hope”, “smile”, or “ther”?
“ther” could be a few words. i can’t prove that it’s any one word, so let’s ignore it for now.
“hope” and “smile” are much more emotionally-charged words, indicating a more vulnerable sentence (or sentences). there’s no similar phrase in ochako’s letter; it’s again, just an objective explanation for the situation.
just the fact that we don’t know what the letter says is suspicious to us. to the other students, izuku has always been a source of anger for katsuki. they’re not going to think anything of katsuki ripping izuku’s letter, nor will they call him out for doing so.
but horikoshi has hidden things about katsuki’s and izuku’s dynamic before. we also have two proven reasons to assume that katsuki’s letter is different.
but also, it’s just not in-character for izuku to be callous to katsuki. he’s not spiteful, he doesn’t seek revenge, and he wouldn’t leave katsuki without a letter or with a letter shorter than the others’.
so, i think izuku wrote something along these lines:
Thank you, for everything. (same intro as the other letters)
I’ve decided to share my secret with everyone in class A. Shigaraki and All For One have made it clear that One For All is their target. If they’re after me, then I’m putting everyone here in danger by staying at UA. (objective explanation similar to the one in the other letters, but adapted to be fitting for someone that already knows about one for all. izuku trusts that katsuki will understand how dangerous being AFO’s sole target is.)
I need to track down All For One and Shigaraki and defeat them. (ok. still an objective explanation of his plan. more than what he gave the others, but katsuki is more in-the-know so it fits.)
In order to follow All Might’s footsteps, I need to show that there’s still hope, and make sure that everyone can smile together again. (katsuki knows how important it is to izuku to be inspiring and to reassure others—like all might’s “symbol of peace” grindset.)
(end letter.)
but katsuki would definitely have a reaction to such an emotional letter, and he’d be sure to let izuku know just what he thinks about it, right?
but it’s not like they can afford to be mean and risk izuku running away! besides, who’d want to use izuku’s words against him while he’s in such a sad, vulnerable state of mind?
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ah, but yet again, katsuki is humbled.
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but that’s not like izuku, to say something so selfish and insensitive! he must really be in a bad state of mind. perhaps some positive encouragement—a reminder of who’s he’s going to become and who’s standing alongside him—would help?
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…a reminder of what all might—the predecessor whose footsteps is izuku is so desperate to follow and the mentor izuku and katsuki share together—said to them both on the night that their relationship changed forever.
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comradekiwi · 1 year
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batterycows · 1 year
I’ve been waiting ages to make this edit and at last my time has finally come !!
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mhacentral · 2 months
MHA Origin trio's Origins and Risings
Katsuki Bakugo Origin Ch 62 (note pic is from ch 65 but i felt it better suited his origin) - Bakugo's origin comes from him decalring to be the hero who wants to win no matter what
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Katsuki Bakugo Rising Ch 285 - Save to Win.... Bakugo's Rising happens when his body moves on his own to selflessly save Midoriya
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Shoto Todoroki Origin Ch 39 - Todoroki's origin is when he remembers his power is his own, and he should use his full powers to be the hero he wants to be
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Shoto Todoroki Rising Ch 390 - (note pic is from volume where significant changes were made) - Todoroki's rising happens when he chooses to go past his limits with everything he has, using his Phosphor (the true combination of ice and fire) to save everyone, both his family and the people
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Izuku Midoriya Origin Ch 1 - Midoriya's origin happens after saving Bakugo physically from harm from the sludge villain.... so most think. But that is not the true origin of his story.... his real origin comes from saving All Might by reinvigorating his spirit, and in turn, All Might tells him he can be a hero and thus grands him OFA
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Izuku Midoriya Rising Ch 422 - Midoriya's rising comes from having finally accepted his weakness and that the kindness and help from others makes him stronger, something All MIght couldn't do an which ultimately makes Izuku Midoriya surpass All Might in this moment
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New fic!
This was basically the result of my intense chapter 322 brainrot:
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emeraldotter · 9 months
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After the apology when deku said I'm sorry for saying you can't keep up did bakugo reply with i get it or we get it?
The answer is one that'll frustrate English speakers: we don't know.
Part of the reason pronouns are notable when they are used in Japanese is because a lot of the time they are omitted entirely, and that includes first-person pronouns.
Katsuki says 「わーってる」, which is a really informal way to say “understand” or “know.” Since it’s so informal, “get it” is a possible translation as well. But there are no pronouns here, he could be expressing his own feelings or speaking for Class 1-A.
So, the interpretation depends entirely on what you think his intentions are.
Here’s how I interpret the choices, based on the cultural nuances of English:
“We get it” – Reaffirms the group’s understanding of what Izuku has been through, gently dismisses the need for apology. Comforting.
“I get it” – Similar to above, but centers Katsuki’s personal understanding of Izuku’s struggle. Comforting.
“I know” – Recognition of Izuku’s guilt without judgment. Comforting and sympathetic.
But I will say, the tone with which Okamoto Nobuhiko spoke the line reveals a lot.
See, in his apology, Katsuki told Izuku that he had been wrong all this time. He bore his heart to Izuku about everything he feels guilty for. And then Izuku apologizes, realizing how wrong he had been to push everyone away, feeling guilty that he had hurt them when he just wanted to protect them.
And they both use the same word to apologize: 「ごめん」
Knowing that, when I hear the emphasis and emotion Okamoto put into 「わーってる」, to me, “I know” is what he means.
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kimi-no-chikara · 1 year
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I am unwell.
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rekibae · 1 year
i liked this episode a normal amount. i have very normal feelings about bkdk.
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misplacedgamer · 2 years
Nice to know that on the one year anniversary of the BKDK apology, Hori decided to kill Bakugo. What a way to celebrate xD
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i’m playing this song at my wedding idc idc
the first part of the song is a slow reprise of katsuki’s “bombing king” theme from s2. then, right when katsuki says “we’ll save anyone in need of a hero” izuku’s theme starts playing
it’s literally the bkdk anthem and i don’t see anyone talking about it
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comradekiwi · 1 year
mfw two bros are standing in the rain after one of them found the other bc he had been alone and he lets the rain hit him while he apologizes for their childhood and reveals his true feelings and then the tired bro finally sways to fall and the other bro runs and catches him in his arms before he can fall to the ground and the tired bro apologizes to his childhood friend and his friend says he gets it and the tired bro relaxes and closes his eyes for the first time in days/weeks as he’s held in the other bro’s arms
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