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thehydromancer · 5 months ago
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Building a collection of Lego ranged weapons for playing Mobile Frame Zero: Rapid Attack; most would work for minifigures too. Tried to create a simplified but robust list of options using common/cheap bricks that new comers could copy/iterate on. In theory you could outfit any mobile frame squad/company with all the weapons shown and fill any combination of direct/indirect/SSRs/split weapons (including melee if you use an underslung chainsaw a la Gears of War lancer or the 'fusion edge'-definitely-not-a-lightsaber). Boomers and shortys are pretty straightforward. Mechanically there's no difference between the Colsten and Maxters, both filling the direct range variations. Flavor wise Colstens tend to be single shot or 3 round burst with smaller magazines and little in the way to inherently manage heat (save the finned version), while the Maxters tend to be burst or full auto with drum magazines and water cooled barrels (making them more ideal for vacuum combat). Originally the Maxter was going to be a gatling gun, might double back around to that flavor wise. The Colsten is the mobile frame evolution of the WW2 Sten and Polsten. They were originally a stop gap for UMFL/Colonial Espatiers, but has been mostly adapted by Free Colony Cells while better supported UMFL/CE have moved on to The MRS. The Maxter on the other hand is the preferred space combat option over the Colsten. Although the Maxter also has a longer/safer usage time in space than The MRS, the latter is formed from superior alloys that absorb vastly more heat before being impacted, and is usually preferred for the increased reliability and optional loadouts.
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yodawgiheardyoulikemecha · 6 months ago
Heavy Harness Lockon by Vitoria Faria
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malwarewolf-mocs · 10 months ago
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Doggo mech: deployed
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30horsechariot · 10 months ago
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The rank and file of the Minoan Federated States mobile frame force, the MHI Minotaur. Pictured here in its simplest format, the Minotaur is the frame that made the MFS what it is and has since been routinely maintained and produced since the Unification War. While it is a somewhat outdated machine, (especially compared to the Fleet’s Peregrine!) its sturdiness and simplicity have come to embody the practicality valued by the MFS’s people. Factory-new Minotaurs are rarely seen in any theater, as part of the Minotaur’s appeal is the ease of modification granted to it by said simplicity. The personalization possible and the well-known hardiness of these frames have made many MFS pilots reluctant to change. Here, this unit is performing a fire demonstration for a group of cadets. The weapon in use is the MHI Battle Carbine 11, the “standard” armament for these frames. The state-held Minos Heavy Industries was forced to design a powerful but not unbearably bulky firearm to compete with private manufacturers in recent years, and the reopening of the waygate has demonstrated that they succeeded. Unfortunately for this Minotaur’s pilot, none of those features are going to save them from the chewing out they will receive later for leaving the ballistic shield out of the drill.
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breado-doodles · 4 months ago
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My take on mecha/mobile frame
Based on a lego mech I designed myself, design below:
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diamondregime · 2 years ago
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bunnylikesbricks · 1 year ago
#1. My first ever mech
This is my first ever humanoid robot. inspired by mobile frame zero and the amazing builds from its reddit.
i imagine the red barrel on her shoulder serves as an energy tank. powering the projector on the lower arm.
The energy projector has the ability to shoot low level energy beams (green), high power blasts (blue), and project a solid light scythe (gold)
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For lack of a better name, why dont we call her RM-10
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bryanharryrombough · 11 months ago
Hi-Leg Gunner
Hi-Leg Gunner by Bryan Rombough Via Flickr: Based on [Soren]'s design. 23rd of June photosession. Not entirely satisfied with the results, will be revisiting later.
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alinopandino · 2 years ago
OAS Grace
A spaceship that can transport and deploy a mobile frame company of six.
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4p scale.
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head-post · 4 months ago
EU court dismisses banks’ appeal against state aid to Madeira
The EU General Court on Wednesday rejected an appeal by Millennium BCP Participações and BCP África, upholding Brussels’ ruling that state aid was illegal in the Madeira Free Trade Zone (MFZ), Euractiv reports.
In a statement, the court rejected the companies’ claims, saying that the European Commission had correctly concluded that the state aid they received was illegal.
Court officials pointed out that both companies had failed to fulfil the requirement to create or retain jobs and did not fall under any exception to this condition of state aid.
On the other hand, the judgement rejected the claim that Brussels had breached the principle of protecting legitimate expectations and concluded that there had been no breach of the principle of legal certainty.
According to the judgement, the companies were authorised to operate in the MFZ in 1998 in the case of the pre-Millennium BCP company and in 1996 in the case of the pre-BCP Africa company.
Both companies ceased to be subject to Regime III on December 31, 2020 and their licences to operate in the MFZ were maintained until mid-2021. Neither company had any employees during the Regime III period.
GCUE has already rejected a number of Portuguese appeals against state aid in the MFZ. The Regional Aid III scheme was designed to attract investment and job creation in Madeira.
To ensure that the aid scheme would overcome the structural weaknesses of companies in these regions, the Commission’s approval decisions made it clear that aid should be granted to companies that generate economic activity and real jobs in the Madeira region.
In 2018, Brussels launched a formal investigation into Scheme III of this state aid to MFZs, as it had doubts about the application of tax incentives to income from activities actually and substantially carried out in Madeira and the link between the amount of aid and the creation or maintenance of real jobs in the region.
In 2020, he declared the aid scheme incompatible with the common market on the grounds that Portugal had applied it illegally. He demanded the immediate and effective recovery of aid from beneficiaries, the cancellation of the scheme and the cancellation of all outstanding aid payments. Portugal was given eight months to comply with the judgement.
According to the Court of Auditors’ opinion on the general public account (CGE) for 2023, published in October, the amount of contributions already paid by tax authorities to free zone companies found to have received illegal state aid is €525 million, but only €66 million has been paid.
Read more HERE
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thehydromancer · 1 year ago
Looks sick. I recommend checking out Mobile Frame Zero: Rapid Attack for ideas, particularly the legp ruler system.
Lancer on a physical tabletop with Lego minis!
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We finally did the thing! I roped my siblings into playtesting a game of Lancer using Legos and a physical tabletop. The sitrep was to destroy five buildings, marked in red, because the Karrakins were using the installation to track their mobile hidden base (our home campaign is a blatant ripoff of Deserts of Kharak).
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Things that need improvement:
better way to measure tiles. We were doing 4cm/space and had to do a lot of multiplication. Going to try wood dowels with tiles marked + get some kind of grid underlay.
similarly, we need aoe templates
I used too much terrain, it got messy
should get status rings/tokens to mark lock-on, etc
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Things that worked well:
it was sick as hell to be able to physically destroy Lego terrain and mechs as they fell
we used physical dice? For lancer?? And it turns out clicky clack math rocks continue to be inherently great.
witchdice works well on mobile devices for character sheets so not every PC had to have a full laptop
different height-terrain was fun, though it made movement costs tricky to calculate
I'm excited to keep trying out different setups. All the terrain and stuff I've collected is pretty modular (lego makes that easy) so it'll be fun to see how wide a range of map types is possible.
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thehydromancer · 3 months ago
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Needed to get some Lego out of my system, after getting back into Space Engineers. Probably done a variant of this build a dozen times over, not sure how many of them made it to the posting stage. Thinking of doing a whole blue theme fleet.
The Howl class frigate was the backbone of the infamous, short lived Rost Defense Fleet. With the capture of the Highmoon shipyards above Rost, the newly minted Free Rost Republic sought to move beyond the converted mercantile, cargo, and utility ships that formed its ragtag space combatants. The Howl class was intended to be a highly maneuverable, opportunistic platform that would ride the coat tails of better armored assault ships. The entire super structure was built around supported the alternating fire of the two bow mounted heavy railguns, and was intended to be so nimble as to be able to over fly a target, only to rapidly flip on a dime to fire into the enemy's less armored rear. History would prove that such lofty aspirations worked better on the drawing board than in reality, and with only two PDGs and light armor paneling the Howl class would mostly not survive the colonies future conflicts with the Solar Union and Ijad, forcing the remnants of the free colonist forces to rely more heavily on the converted civilian hulls the class was meant to replace after being displaced from Rost.
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yodawgiheardyoulikemecha · 6 months ago
Denali Mini in Hanger by JP Nichts
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malwarewolf-mocs · 2 years ago
My brain is a machine that turns lego into tiny mechs
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30horsechariot · 7 months ago
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The MFS Satyr was a response to the more nimble Peregrine of the Gloriana Fleet. An artifact of MFS design ethos keeps it from being a one to one production copy though, as the Peregrine was designed with space use in mind and the Satyr ground use. The Satyr is perfectly capable of being re-outfitted for space use, but factory new models are built for terrestrial maneuverability, and have design choices that focus on performance under gravity. This raises several questions as to the nature of the Minoan Federated States’ goals for the Satyr, as a direct response to their current enemy would have been a space model. Intent extrapolated from these choices could mean any number of things, perhaps the MFS expect a protracted ground war, perhaps it is cultural stubbornness in refusing to admit having been pushed to change. Either way, the Satyr’s development timeline is a hot-button issue within Fleet intelligence, as the earliest reports of Satyr deployment are sorties with pirates within the Lunar Shore, a full week before the rollout of Satyr models began within the MFS forces proper.
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bunnylikesbricks · 1 year ago
MOC #2. The murder puppy
As you may have noticed from MOC #1, it may have been the first ever humanoid robot but it wasnt my first robot. This was! As my first post was, this was also inspired by Mobile Frame Zero! Taking more inspiration from the non humanoid mechs obviously.
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I quite enjoy how over-gunned it is, i wonder if this is a modification or it comes that loaded by standard... The red is not a parts limitation, it just is covered in the blood of its enemies like a good muder puppy.
I like how i put together the legs, the thin piping look was fun and it tought me how i prefer to have studs on the bottom of a mocs feet rather than not.
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