#MFMM fic challenges
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missfisherchallenges · 7 years ago
Miss Fisher’s Year of Quotes 2018
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It came down to a roll of the dice, but it looks like the challenge for 2018 will be QUOTE prompts. The first step of which is soliciting quotes to use. This will work the same as last year:
You have from TODAY until DECEMBER1ST to send me quotes you would like people to use as prompts. These can be anything--a famous quote, a line of dialogue, a snippet of poetry or song lyrics. I will gently encourage you to look towards ones that can be interpreted different ways, but it’s ultimately up to you. You can submit via DM (here or on Slack), replying to this post, or reblogging this post with your quotes. PLEASE try to tag @missfisherchallenges so I don’t miss any!
Once all the quotes are submitted, twelve will be drawn at random. Then, at the start of each month in 2018, a new quote will be posted as a prompt and an ao3 collection opened up; you will have that month to create your fan work and share it. Remember, for 2018 we are encouraging any form of participation, not just fanfic! Maybe you’re an artist, or a vid-maker, or someone who enjoys writing meta thoughts on the topic. There are no rules for participating, except to have fun!
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arlome · 4 years ago
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Soooooo, @firesign23 threw a gauntlet in the form of this gif above and I just had to pick it up. Sorrynotsorry!
Come Hither
He knows exactly what he’s doing. Head tilted, eyes bright, generous mouth downturned – he knows, he knows, he knows. The twist of his body, the angle of his hips when he moves – towards her, always towards her– there’s no mistaking his intent.
He’s subtle, he’s witty – innuendo upon innuendo upon steely resolve – but he knows. He knows, God damn him, and she burns.
And later – weeks, months later – when he does the same little twist of his wrist, and she dies just a little; he knows then, too.
‘Smug bastard’, she whines at the crook of his fingers, at the press of his thumb, and dies, and dies, and dies.
And he smiles that downward smile and presses that generous mouth to her lips, to her breast, to her cunt.
He knows exactly what he’s doing. Fingers curved, thumb rigid, ‘come hither’ – and she comes.
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whopooh · 5 years ago
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Jack has been set up to go on a blind date, by none other than his colleague Doctor Macmillan. Why isn't he enjoying himself more?
For the flashfic challenge and the prompt "Blind date AU".
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leliesblou · 5 years ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Jack Robinson & Dorothy "Dot" Williams Characters: Dorothy "Dot" Williams, Jack Robinson Additional Tags: MFMM Break Down the Door Challenge, dot is awesome, Jack respects Dot a lot, bonding at a crime scene, Post-Miss Fisher and the Crypt of Tears, Kinda?, or post season 3 Summary:
Jack runs into Dot while investigating a possible murder.
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starberry-cupcake · 6 years ago
I have one week and some days to finish my good reads reading challenge and I would also like to update my fic before the year ends but I spent the week sewing, crafting and sculpting home made christmas gifts and now I��m behind with my own supposed leisure activities...
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olderbynow · 7 years ago
Flash that fic, fandom!
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Alright, everyone. Grab a chair and settle down and I’m going to tell you about a new game we want everyone to play. Yup, that’s right. After a small beta test failed to be a failure @whopooh​ and I decided we should take this to the big league. Which is all of you. You’re the big league.
The game is super fun*, and it’s called
The Flashfic Challenge
What it actually is, is you do all the work and we sit back and watch you panic. What it also actually is, is a fic prompt game where some people send in some prompts and then later some people have two hours (nope, that’s not a typo, it’s actually two hours) to write a fic based on one or more of those prompts and posting the fic on AO3. You can do both if you want, send in prompts and write fic, but you can also just do one of the two. That’s totally up to you.
Now first things first, because people can’t flashfic if they don’t have flashfic prompts, so here’s how that works:
Prompts can be one of the following:
Three words
Two words and a line of dialogue
Two words and a setting (single sentence)
Two words and a plot detail (single sentence)
All you have to do is send an email to [email protected] no later than Thursday April 19th at midnight - whenever that is in your timezone.
That’s all.
Then we get to the writing. That’s going to be happening in four heats, so that hopefully no matter where you are in the world, there’s a time that works for you, centered around Saturday April 21st. These are the heat kickoff times:
Time slot 1: 10am BST / 2am PDT / 5am EDT / 11am CEST / 9pm NZT
Time slot 2: 4pm BST / 8am PDT / 11am EDT / 5pm CEST / 3am NZT (sunday)
Time slot 3: 10pm BST / 2pm PDT / 5pm EDT / 11pm CEST / 9am NZT (sunday)
Time slot 4: 4am BST (sunday) / 8pm PDT / 11pm EDT / 5am CEST (sunday) / 3am NZT (sunday)
Unless otherwise stated for the specific timezone, that’s on the Saturday.
Each heat will have a different selection of prompts to choose from, and its own collection to post the fics to. These collections will close two hours after the heat begins, so if it takes you longer than that to get your fic posted, you should definitely still post it, just not in the flashfic collections.
We’ll share more details about how the prompts are revealed and how to post your fic when we get closer to the date, but for now just mark it in your calendar if you’re interested in writing and start sending us your prompts.
We can’t wait to hear from you.
@whopooh​ and @olderbynow​
*Fun not guaranteed.
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mfmmflashchallenge · 2 years ago
The Flashfic Challenge is back!
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Poor Phryne has had a bit of a shock, she just received word that the MFMM Flashfic Challenge is back!
That’s right, people of the internet, please make a note in your diaries because on 25 February 2023 we will be doing another Flashfic Challenge and we really want you all to join in.
It’s been so long since we did this, and we know that this absolutely amazing fandom has grown since the last time so let’s explain really quickly (Well, actually this does go on a bit and we’re very sorry.):
The flashfic challenge is a writing prompt challenge where members of the fandom provide prompts and then fics are written based on those prompts. Which seems simple enough, but that’s not really how we roll, so there’s more:
Fic writers only have 2 hours from when they receive their prompts until they must have posted their fics on AO3. (Which explains why Phryne looks so worried.)
Because the fandom is spread all over the globe, we run 4 heats so we hopefully have one at a time of day that works for most people:
Time slot 1: 10am GMT / 2am PST / 5am EST / 11am CET / 9pm AEDT Time slot 2: 4pm GMT / 8am PST / 11am EST / 5pm CET / 3am AEDT (Sunday) Time slot 3: 10pm GMT / 2pm PST / 5pm EST / 11pm CET / 9am AEDT (Sunday) Time slot 4: 4am GMT (Sunday) / 8pm PST / 11pm EST / 5am CET (Sunday) / 3am AEDT (Sunday)
Prompts are submitted by members of the fandom - you don’t need to submit prompts in order to write, and you aren’t excluded from writing if you do submit some. You can do one or the other or both. (Yes, it is also okay to just submit prompts.) We then divvy up the prompts so we have a reasonable amount for each heat and then prompt lists are published when each heat begins.
There are 2 ways to receive the prompts: You can follow this blog, where they’ll be posted when the heat begins, or you can sign up to receive the prompts for whatever heats you want by email. Signing up for prompt emails does NOT mean you’re obligated to write anything, it just means you’ll receive the prompts and what happens next is 100% your business. If you want the prompts by email, just send a message to [email protected] no later than February 22nd and let us know which heat(s) you’d like us to email you and that’s it.
Each heat has its own collection on AO3 where writers can publish their fics, and those collections all close when their respective heats end, so after the two hours are over. Because writing can be stressful and sometimes it takes longer or life gets in the way mid-heat, we also have a flash free collection where any fics that are completed later can be published. That collection will not close at any point and can be added to whenever you want.
Each flashfic challenge has a theme for the prompts and this time the theme is AO3 tags. That means anything you could imagine being a tag on AO3, so either a warning label, a descriptive tag, or a more random freeform tag. Anything goes and feel free to get creative! We’re asking for these tags in sets of three, so for example: “Why Is This Happening?? // Domesticity // Also Cats Can Talk Now” Writers can of course add as many of their own tags to their fics as they want, all we ask is that you use all three tags in the set you choose, and that they apply to your fic in some way.
We’d love it if you send us your prompts no later than February 20th by emailing [email protected]. (And you can send as many sets as you’d like!)
Hopefully that’s it - the only rule that’s left is: Have fun! It’s fine if your version of fun is the traditional writer’s agony, obviously! (And we’re not thinking of anyone in particular as we type that. At all.)
Oh, yes, and the most important rule of all: It doesn’t matter if you’re new to the fandom or new to ficcing, or if you just arrived here and you don’t know anyone yet, or you used to hang out here but haven’t been back for ages. Everyone is welcome and we’d LOVE for you to join us in this madness! Submit prompts, write fic, and (hopefully) READ fic.
Come play with us! ❤︎ 
@whopooh​ & @olderbynow​
The TL;DR for the experienced Flashers:
We’re back(!) and we’re ficcing on February 25th
The prompt theme is AO3 tags and prompts need to be submitted by February 20th to [email protected]
Sign up to receive prompts by email by February 22nd by sending a message to [email protected]
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midnight-els · 2 years ago
What's up, future pals? My name is Els and I'm super excited to be getting back to my tumblr roots after many moons away.
Main brainrot topics you'll see here:
Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries
Star Trek
Also books, knitting, my cat, general nonsense thoughts etc.
I've recently got back into writing fic and am currently neck deep in MFMM WIPs. Published things live here. I'm extra keen to find other fic writers and get involved in writing challenges 😁
Trek/sci-fi dedicated Mastodon is here: https://tenforward.social/@elsthetrekkie
Please say hi and point me in the direction of your coolest follows!!!!!
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glamorouspixels · 2 years ago
Miss Fisher’s Whumptober Challenge 2022!
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It’s nearly October, which means Whumptober is coming up and it’s a long-standing tradition in this fandom—this is our 5th year doing it! We would love for you to join the fun, whether you’re a long-term fan or completely new.
Whumptober is a month-long challenge consisting of 31 prompts. “Whump” means a work in which characters are put in emotionally and/or physically painful situations, and usually these works can be categorized as hurt/comfort. We ask you to tag your work appropriately and be clear on whether it contains comfort, to help your readers.
If this sounds good to you, simply go to this link, write your name behind one of the prompts, and create something for it (at any point in October and the first week of November). The same prompt can be claimed by multiple people. Tag your work “MFMMwhumptober” and if you post it in AO3, you can add it to this collection.
The previous years’ entries can be viewed here:
Your works can be any genre and once you complete your prompt, you can claim another. They don’t even necessarily have to be whumpy. We have several writers (myself included) who like to bend the rules and write fluffy and/or smutty fics for this challenge. (However, we recently had a discussion about how there doesn’t seem to be a lot of physical whump in the MFMM fandom, so if that’s your thing, that would be awesome too 😛 I’m challenging myself to write a “real” whump fic in addition to the painfully fluffy sickfic that will be my first entry. All contributions are welcome!)
The original prompt list can be found here (these are the prompts I put into the spreadsheet).
We look forward to your contributions!
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aimmyarrowshigh · 2 years ago
I always feel mildly annoying and/or guilty when I come to you with Phrack stuff, but... If it doesn't bother you... Maybe 48 and 27 for Phrack for the ask game? 😃🥰
Don't feel guilty, it's not annoying at all! I love MFMM! I don't have any longfic ideas for it at the moment, but that's why I love these ask games and the drabble challenges -- I get to write for it, and other shows/movies/books I love, without having to have Big Honkin' In-Depth Ideas, yk? It makes me happy!
48. Fake Dating + 27. Sick/Injured Fic
Oooh, OK.
So I think that it's gotta involve Aunt Pru putting her foot down: maybe Phryne's broken her leg on a case, chasing a murderer down a sewer ladder in her kitten heels, and every time Pru stops by to check on Phryne (and chastise her life and footwear choices), Jack is there. Jack is there! Sitting at Phryne's bedside! In her room! Near her bed! Whilst Phryne is in pyjamas, with her leg elevated! Improper! Jack needs to go back to the police station and leave Phryne be!
But the sewer murderer got away, and Jack's just been bringing Phryne more clues. Maybe he's been sending the police taunting ciphers, Zodiac/Jack the Ripper style. Jack and Phryne sit for hours, trying to solve them, until Dot comes in with dinner for them both on a tray. Sometimes Jack falls asleep in his chair at Phryne's bedside, even, his hat in his hands.
(Prue came bustling in to see that once, and Phryne is sure she'll never hear the end of it, so -- )
So Phryne just says that Jack is her fiance.
And faster than Phryne would have thought, there's an announcement in the society pages, bouquets are pouring into the house from left right and center, and Prue is fretting about how Phryne will hobble down the aisle if her leg doesn't heal properly. (Meanwhile, Jack is dealing with something or other wrt his former father-in-law, re: being "engaged" to Phryne.)
The worst part is, Phryne didn't get a chance to tell Dot that they weren't really engaged, and Dot is so excited for them. She's working on a lace veil for Phryne using her own wedding lace because Phryne doesn't have a mother to give her hers. And it'll be so perfect, Miss Fisher, Dot and Hugh, and Phryne and Jack! (And meanwhile, at the station, Hugh is just as excited as Dot, and Jack feels squirmy and guilty about it.)
THEN: the taunting ciphers reference the engagement. There are details that only someone who knows their wedding details -- which are coming together far too quickly for their ruse -- would know. Maybe the color of their chosen flowers, or the name of their caterer. Something that definitely wasn't in the newspaper announcement, something that hasn't even been discussed over the phone at the station.
Something only mentioned inside Phryne's house...
Ask me to mash up two common fic tropes!
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arlome · 4 years ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Phryne Fisher/Jack Robinson Characters: Jack Robinson, Phryne Fisher, Prudence Stanley Additional Tags: MFMM Flashfic Challenge, Jane Austen AU Summary:
"The air in the Assembly Rooms is rife with the scent of stale sweat and weak rose water."
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whopooh · 5 years ago
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Jack finds himself trapped in a small, dark cupboard together with his female companion. There is only one way they can make it out.
For the flashfic challenge and the prompt “fake dating”.
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missfisherchallenges · 5 years ago
MFMM Break Down the Door Challenge
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The prompts are in, and we were very excited by the response – 60 prompts in total, ranging from quotes, to song lyrics to specific situations.All the prompts on the general theme of “closeness” are below. Submit any fanwork you like - fics, fanart, poems, vids, etc. - to this collection by Tuesday, May 12th.
Let’s get together, fandom! Make some art, share some love, break down the door.
1. “Don't touch!"
2. Drunken confession
3. Friends to lovers
4. Shared whisky over draughts
5. "Steady me anytime, Inspector."
6. Bert finally accepts Jack.
7. Kissing in the rain
8. “Do you trust me?”
9. Fatima, the camel, runs away.
10. Secret relationship or fake dating
11. “I can’t believe you remembered.”
12. Jack quotes Shakespeare to Phryne.
13. Dot and Hugh become a family.
14. Jack and Mac become drinking buddies.
15. "Like two peas in a pod”
16. Someone shares a deeply personal secret.
17. Two characters literally run into each other.
18. Mac invents a new kind of glue.
19. Phryne finds out that Jack's an insomniac.
20. One character has nightmares and another comforts them.
21. Innocent bystanders get caught up in Phrack’s “closeness.”
22. Mr Butler as a father figure to Dot.
23. An exploration fic of the Hugh/Jack relationship.
24. Mac helps Phryne through a difficult medical procedure.
25. Mac takes care of Jane for a day.
26. Wrapping arms around someone when they make breakfast
27. Jack and Rosie's wedding (Optional: Jack in a kilt)
28. "The water is wide, and I can't cross over."
29. Rosie gets remarried and invites Jack to the wedding.
30. Mr Butler insists on feeding Jack while Phryne's away.
31. Jack and Phryne read D.H.Lawrence in the bathtub.
32. Phryne and Jane have a heart to heart about boys.
33. A story about Jack, Uncle Ted, and the coin collection.
34. Mr Butler's perspective on the Inspector showing up at Wardlow
35. Jack or Phryne sleepwalks into the other’s bedroom at night.
36. One character taking care of another when s/he’s sick or injured
37. Jack loses his sibling and Phryne is there to help him.
38. Phryne and Jack become godparents to Dot and Hugh's first child.
39. Jack and Hugh enlist in WWII. Dot handles it by knitting.
40. One of the gang has a bad day and another notices.
41. Painting or redecorating the house ending in a fight and/or giggles
42. Jack teases out a secret from Phryne, one that he would never have guessed.
43. Phrack are investigating a murder out of town and are stranded there together unexpectedly.
44. Jack comes home, only to find a certain lady detective there, drinking his whiskey.
45. Phryne and Jack are stuck somewhere, but with a closed door or a wall between them.
46. Phrack are being chased, one pulls the other into an alley - and then realizes how close they are.
47. An epistolary fic where the characters are moving closer together, or further apart, physically as the letters continue.
48. Phryne makes Jack wear that Antony costume - how, and how much does she have to cajole or promise?
49. Phryne or Jack (equal opportunity) playing with the other’s hair, as their head is in the other’s lap.
50. Jack or Phryne is investigating somewhere and can tell that the other was recently there by a telltale scent.
51. A member of the MFMM family opens the door to find the last person on earth they’d expect to see.
52. Phryne and/or the Wardlow crew play a trick that somehow ends with Phryne and Jack handcuffed together, not a hairpin in sight.
53. AU from “Murder à la Mode” where Phryne and Jack are sitting very close in the cupboard and this time Genevieve DOESN'T turn up.
54. Phryne and Jack are handcuffed together and have to escape from ___. Maybe they were fighting over something recently and are not on speaking terms?
55. “Now that you're standing here I just realized... there's a bit of green in the blue of your eyes. How nice to find a flaw.”
56. The song "So Close" from Enchanted
.“Almost believing This one's not pretend And now you're beside me And look how far we've come So far we are, so close"
57. It's winter and Phryne and Jack find themselves investigating a murder in the mountains. They're skiing, the weather gets worse, and they have to find shelter in a remote cabin. There is no way to light a fire and their only chance of surviving is to warm each other through body heat.
58. Phryne searches a secret lab with dangerous substances and there is an accident. She gets sick, likely contagious, and is put under quarantine. Mac works to find an antidote while Jack can only watch her through a window in her hospital room. One day there is an emergency and Jack must decide whether to enter the room to help Phryne or stay outside the room as ordered.
59. Soulmate AU 1: Everyone has an item that glows when their person is near.
60. Soulmate AU 2: Every person has an item, very dear to them, that glows when your soulmate is close to you. Phryne's item is her sister’s ribbon, but because there are so many painful memories connected with it, she locks it away and only takes it out for special occasions. She’s never seen it glow. When she works with Jack she sometimes catches herself looking for his item, but fails to find anything that glows. The day they arrest Sanderson and Fletcher, Phryne finally discovers it. Watching Jack console Rosie, she sees it: Jack's Collected Shakespeare. Thinking Jack and Rosie are actually meant for each other, Phryne leaves the station with a broken heart. Little does she know her little sister's ribbon is glowing brightly every time Phryne is anywhere close to Jack.
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bitchbrisket · 4 years ago
First Lines Tag
Tagged by @slightlyintimidating
Rules: List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have less than 20, just list them all!). See if there are any patterns. Choose your favourite opening line. Then tag 10 authors!
As all my mutuals have been tagged already, I’ll just tag a couple of people, @tara-stofse and @rapidashpatronus
I’m also going to cheat and give you a favourite line from each one, simply because the first line is rarely the best and why not be a big fat show off where your writing is concerned? Didn’t link because I am a lazy cow but my AO3 profile is at the top of my page.
1.       (The Worst Witch 2017) A friend like you – 'Get in loser, we're going shopping!'
Sometimes I come up with good titles and sometimes I desperately flail around and this was the best I could do. Most people should know what the opening line is a reference to and it was the first thing I thought of when the idea of this fic materialised.
  ·         'I know you think you're hot stuff, but Dimity can run rings around you. You have the acting skills of a potato' she icily informed a miffed Arabella.’
  2.       (Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries) An education - 'I confess, I fail to understand the point of most of them.'
Again, another crappy title but for some reason, no song lyric or poem came to me on the subject of policemen raiding a Chinese brothel in the 1920s and confiscating vibrators because they look like suspicious instruments. I did lift the first line from the script because that is partly what I based the fic on. 0/10 for originality there.
  ·         ‘The benefit of having so many deities, Lin reflected, was that there was always someone in, should you knock on the door of their shrines.’
  3.       (The Worst Witch 2017) Poker – ‘Miss Bat scuttled along to the staffroom after her date and walked in, only to halt in surprise.’
Good Lord, I’m really not selling it to you with these boring titles am I? I’ve done the strip poker storyline with the hairpins in another fandom and couldn’t think up a clever title for that either.
  ·         ‘Clothes were strewn everywhere but in front of Hecate, there was a small pile of hairpins and nothing else.’
  4.       (The Worst Witch 2017) Which witch is which? – ‘Wychwood forest was a mysterious place, full of wrackspurts and helipoaths and blibbering humdingers. Sometimes you'd even see a crumple horned snorcack galloping along.’
Yes, alright I borrowed something off the world of Harry Potter. A fic based off a post off of a popular post on Tumblr and title borrowed off Dianna Wynne Jones I think.
  ·         'Watch out for the blibbering humdingers!' she shouted vengefully after the troublesome tourists.’
  5.       (The Worst Witch 2017) They do it with mirrors - 'I've missed you.'
Very general, basic bitch kind of starter. Dial up the smut o’metre because witches are having the equivalent of webcam sex. Written for the Hackle Lemonade Challenge, prompt kink. Wasn’t one of my favourites to write but it does have one of my favourite paragraphs in a smutty fic. Beats the first line anyway.
  ·         ‘She groaned and panted as her climax finally overtook her, glad of the extra support from the solid oak furniture. None of this modern rubbish that couldn't withstand a good hard fuck. There was a time and a place for IKEA but this was not it.’
  6.       (The Worst Witch 2017) Every inch of you – ‘Ada loved it when Hecate lightly raked her nails down her back.’
Diving straight into the smut for this other Hackle Lemonade Challenge, prompt kink fic. Title entirely appropriate.
  ·         ‘While many people over the years could make it happen, it was a secret delight to know that nobody did it better than her.’
  7.       (The Worst Witch 2017) The hum of your desire – ‘Ada woke up to an empty bed.’
At least it’s promising. The story can go anywhere when you start off with an empty bed. The bed is irrelevant anyway. They end up on the sofa.
  ·         ‘Hecate Hardbroom was nothing but a meticulous over achiever.’
  8.       (The Worst Witch 2017) You’re the night sky, trying to make me see your stars – ‘Hecate had been afraid to touch.’
Throws you right into the scene and lets you know there’s going to be a bit of angst in there. I love the song I took the title from (night sky – Leonell Cassio & Julia Mihevc) and I waited for a fic idea to materialise so I could use it.
  ·         ‘Ada could feel her breathing, steady and true, vibrating through to her heart.’
  9.       (Ghosts) Hide & seek – ‘Giggling madly, she galloped up the stairs to seek out the best hiding place ever.’
With several of the ghosts with backstories we have yet to uncover, the possibilities are endless. Poor Kitty had to die young so I gave her a death loosely based on an English ghost story, using all the unsavoury incidents involving her sister. Title needs no explanation.
  ·         ‘And shimmering obliquely in the corner of the landing, was the answer. The wooden chest. The one from the latest sailing ship that had brought back all that sugar and tea and rum.’
  10.   (The Worst Witch 2017) When breathing sounds like your song – ‘She hadn't let herself enjoy it at first.’
Luckily the only way from there is forward. For the Hackle Lemonade Challenge 2021, prompt firsts. Not sure where I got the title from, it’s possible I melded a couple of song lyrics together for it.
  ·         ‘I always feel thirsty after a pleasurable experience' she said cheerfully.’
  11.   (Holby City) There is no goat that foolish – ‘Serena patted down her wide brimmed hat and set off for a walk.’
It’s an ok start to the fic. The title is terrible but honestly, its just hard to find references to goats in general.
  ·         ‘She only just realised that they were conversing in English, not French. The other woman had a London accent. Good. She could shout at her more expressively in English.’
  12.   (The Worst Witch 2017) Sugar mouse – ‘What is it?’
So many possibilities here. The title does give it away, but still.
  ·         ‘In her nightmares, her grandfather had chased her around with an eyeball on a fork.’
  13.   (Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries) Stitch up - ‘I’d like to see you operate my sewing machine, Hugh Collins.’
Another shameless ripping off from the script. But nothing else can sum up this fic so perfectly. Title self-explanatory.
  ·         ‘Were sewing machines like dogs? He wondered. Did they take on the personalities of their owners?’
    14.   (Pushing Daisies) Girls don’t want boys, girls want damn respect – ‘Her boy always had an eye for the ladies.’
What a ridiculously clunky title. But apparently I couldn’t think of anything better. The opening line is much better.
  ·         ‘Calista was reminded of the principal at school that Emerson had crushed on so hard that he'd broken every fire alarm in the school over the course of several months just to get her attention. Some things never changed.’
  15.   (Holby City) Tell us the tale of a goat – ‘Did I ever tell you about how Serena and I met?’
A solid opening there, full of potential. The title is a bit crap. No, I have no idea why or how Serena would be working on the Italian railway either.
  ·         ‘You dressed one up in a poncho and called it aunt Gertrude?’ Fleur asked eventually. She really couldn’t think of anything better to say.’
  16.   (Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries) In the gracious light – ‘Jack tried not to let their questioning stares get to him.’
Based partly on the MFMM books, I’m happy with the opening line, it sets the tone. The title comes from Shakespeare’s Sonnet VII. ‘Lo! in the orient when the gracious light.’ With that, it ties in Jack and Lin quite nicely.
  ·         ‘After all, grandmama had warned him enough about the distraction of white girls. She had said nothing about white boys.’
    17.   (Holby City) Not yet – ‘Bernie wouldn't describe herself as an avid reader these days.’
Title taken from a line in the book Wicked. Opening line is pretty generic. I basically wrote this fic because Elphaba reminds me of Bernie in some respects. Also, premonition, sorry about that.
  ·         ‘In her mind, it was Serena in that cell, stretching out her hand to Bernie and chiding her affectionately for her delay.’
    18.   (Ghosts) Filth – ‘The Captain paid no attention to Lady Button's shrewish tone two rooms away.’
Simple title, simple opening line. Very direct. It’s the ‘why didn’t the Captain and Lady Button bond over the hot gardener in Lady Chatterly’s Lover together’ fic.
  ·         ‘The Captain sighed. That husband of hers had a lot to answer for. Bastard. He couldn't have killed her by poison or anything, no, he had to push her out of the damn window.’
  19.   (Ghosts & Holby City crossover) Over the top we go – ‘He couldn't believe it.’
So many things one couldn’t believe, a pretty generic opening. The title is a WW1 reference so not the correct war for the Captain but I used it anyway. Bernie is Haver’s niece.
  ·         ‘The Captain looked pleased but there was an expression in his eyes that Alison thought hid a sob in his heart.’
    20.   (Holby City) Boobs – ‘Arthur Digby was having a terrible day.’
Title, utterly crap, I know you’ll agree. Opening line, sums it up really. I like it.
  ·         'Well, call me Da Vinci and I'll paint you like one of those French girls.'
Art wasn't Fleur's strong point.’
So what did I learn about my opening lines? It does reflect my writing style, snappy and concise. I rarely ramble for long. Are they thrilling opening lines? Not usually. Do they set the scene or the tone? Much of the time. They are certainly not the best ones I’ve ever written. Considering that I don’t love most of these last lot of opening lines, I’m going to go with which witch is which? It’s the best one of the bunch, I think. 
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leliesblou · 4 years ago
2020 “year in review”
Thank you for the tag @a-wonderingmind!
rules: It’s time to love yourselves! choose your 8 (ish) favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2020. tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome work!
2020 was the first time I’ve gotten so involved in a fandom (and what a lovely fandom!)
Not surprisingly, all of these are for Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries. Here goes:
into the sunlight tripping -I was hesitant about posting this fic in the first place because it’s very descriptive? But I’ve gotten a lot of lovely comments on it and that kinda made it grow on me.
Angry Birds -this is just fluffy hurt/comfort, and it’s very self indulgent because I find Jack’s hands extremely hot XD
through caverns measureless -my Whumptober fic. I’m still not sure how I feel about it but it was the first time someone beta-read one of my fics, and that was a great experience.
lend me your ears -my first MFMM fic! I still don’t know why I felt such a strong urge to write a modern AU, but I’m very glad that I did XD
What dream'd my lady? -this one is short and silly. I enjoyed writing it way too much, and I sometimes reread it when I get mad at the MFMM movie for not making sense.
a run-in with the law -a Jack & Dot friendship fic for the Break Down the Door Challenge. I really love Jack and Dot's interactions in the series and I wish Dot had more screentime in the movie :'(
Disco -time travel AU flashfic. The flashfic challenge was a lot of fun to do, although I only did one heat. It was so stressful to have to write and post it within the time limit but it forced me not to overthink things. I loved the feeling of writing at the same time as a bunch of other people, and it was great to have so many new fics to read afterwards.
The walk of shame, featuring an Utterly Mortified Jack - Idk if this counts, lol. Jack’s internal monologue during a certain scene in Death Defying Feats. I did this video kinda impulsively because I love flustered! Jack.
tagging @acrazyobsession, @arlome and @cleverwench if you want to do it!
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mfmmflashchallenge · 2 years ago
The fics of the February flashfic challenge: a round-up!
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Yesterday we had the MFMM flashfic challenge, and whoah – what a wonderful response we had! 
No less than 30 fics were written during that one day, and this is a new record for an MFMM flashfic event! 17 writers participated, and more than one of them wrote either their first MFMM fanfic, or their first flashfic – so extra kudos to you for diving in!
Two writers managed to write for all four time slots, which is a first for the flashfic challenge! We are very impressed, @galadriel1010 and Piratesandpixiedust! And the latter even wrote a series of four fics that all go together.
All in all, 22 prompts were used over the heats. Most popular, resulting in three fics, was the tag combination “Shouldn't you be sleeping? // an unexpected guest // snarky Mac”.
Those are the stats. Excellent work, all – we swear that the blood, sweat, and tears were visible across all time zones of the world!
Below is a round-up of all the fics, to make them easier to dive into and enjoy. And when you read, please consider writing a flash comment if you have the time!
Have fun!
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Heat 1:
Oblivious // on the run // flower shop:
Good Intentions by @lechatnoir1918​
Outback // There Was Only One Bed // turns out somebody doesn't like having nice things:
Outback by @firesign23
Starring Role by @galadriel1010​
At least they made it to the beach // where did the dog come from // minor character injury:
First Aid by @midnight-els​
Tell Me A Story by @demonahw
Pretending to Be Gay // Bodyguard // Face Slapping:
Sorry Not Sorry by piratesandpixiedust
Heat 2:
Shouldn't you be sleeping? // an unexpected guest // snarky Mac:
Holiday, Interrupted by deadhuntress/ @thetideseternaltune​
Sleep is Overrated by @rachaeljurassic​
An Evening in Paris by @whopooh​
Praise kink // Alcohol // Rumours:
praise by tara_stofse/ @leliesblou​
Not the Right Moment by @galadriel1010​
What would Phryne Fisher do? // And Then There Were None // The Gay Agenda:
For Five More Minutes by piratesandpixiedust
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Heat 3:
For all of the prompts in the heat:
Drabbles by @firesign23​
birthday party // Phryne is the biggest flirt // Dot’s POV:
dance like nobody's watching; love like you've never been hurt by benwvatt
Queen of the Castle by piratesandpixiedust
Accidental Marriage // Wrongful Imprisonment // Birthday:
Heart to Heart by @rachaeljurassic​
Non-Linear Narrative // Drunk Dialing // Unusual Clothing:
Dress to Impress by @lechatnoir1918​
Touch starved // BAMF // hypothermia:
Lost and Found by @galadriel1010​
Everyone Thinks They’re Together // Being Walked In On // Nudity:
Honeymoon Phase by deadhuntress/ @thetideseternaltune​
Babyfic // Crack // Alternate Universe - Modern:
Encounter with A Baby by @912luvjaxlean​
aftermath of danger // Mr Butler’s secret recipe // Hands:
Can I Hold You? by CrazyBeCat
Heat 4: 
Sex Pollen // First Time // Feathers:
Feathers by @912luvjaxlean​
Undercover as a Couple // Lipstick // Public Transportation:
Who's Pretending? by @lechatnoir1918​
Verisimilitude by @galadriel1010​
Surprise Cat // Wardlow // Hugh Collins needs a hug:
I'm Unshakable by piratesandpixiedust
Gardens & Gardening // Secret Messages // Competition:
Weeds in the Mind by @midnight-els​
Fake/Pretend Relationship // Makeup // Kissing:
I Get So Lost in Your Blueberry Eyes by @glamorouspixels​
painted on by @a-wonderingmind
chaos theory // slash or slasher? // dot on the run:
Double Hand by biratebean
Restaurants // Third Wheels // Suggestive Themes:
Three is a crowd by missmariie/ @three-seperate-johns
Why Is This Happening?? // Domesticity // Also Cats Can Talk Now
(i.e. the prompt example from the post about the flashfic challenge)
Also Cats Can Talk Now by @whopooh
Alright – those are all the fic! 
We want to thank everyone who joined us and sent in prompts, wrote, read, commented and in general were wonderfuly supportive.
Until next time!
@olderbynow & @whopooh
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