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glamorouspixels · 1 year ago
Miss Fisher's Whumptober Challenge is back for 2023!
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What is Whumptober?
Whumptober is a month-long creative fandom challenge consisting of 31 themes and prompts. “Whump” means a work in which characters are put in emotionally and/or physically painful situations, and usually these works can be categorized as hurt/comfort.
How does this work?
If this sounds like your thing, simply go to this spreadsheet, write your name behind one of the prompts, and create something for it (to be posted at any point in October and the first week of November; it doesn’t have to be up on the actual day your prompt was assigned to). Each prompt can be claimed by multiple people and you can create something for as many of them as you want.
Please tag your works “MFMMwhumptober” and if you post them on AO3, you can also add them to this collection.
Even if whump isn’t for you, we’ve modified the event so you can still participate! We’ve had several writers bend the rules and write fluffy or smutty works for this challenge. Just make sure to tag your works appropriately and specify whether they contain comfort elements or are pure angst. Our main goal is to get you to write so all contributions are welcome!
This is the original announcement post and here is the official collection, which you can also add your entries to as long as they somewhat fit the overall theme of the original challenge.
Where can I check out the previous years’ entries?
Whumptober has been a longstanding tradition in this fandom so there are a lot of examples to draw inspiration from. You can read all of the past entries here:
The fandom has grown a lot since last year and we want to encourage as many of you as possible to participate in this wonderful event. We look forward to seeing all your wonderful contributions!
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know-the-way · 1 year ago
Chapters: 2/2 Fandom: Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Phryne Fisher/Jack Robinson Characters: Phryne Fisher, Jack Robinson Additional Tags: Hurt/Comfort, MFMMwhumptober, Whumptober 2023 Summary:
On a case, Phryne takes matters into her own hands and gets injured. Jack doesn’t cope well, but maybe this is the time our favorite detectives learn that communication heals wounds faster than pride. Maybe.
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ao3feed-mfmm · 1 year ago
you dont owe me we might change
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/qk0Hw12 by knowtheway On a case, Phryne takes matters into her own hands and gets injured. Jack doesn’t cope well, but maybe this is the time our favorite detectives learn that communication heals wounds faster than pride. Maybe. Words: 2025, Chapters: 1/2, Language: English Fandoms: Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: F/M Characters: Phryne Fisher, Jack Robinson Relationships: Phryne Fisher/Jack Robinson Additional Tags: Hurt/Comfort, MFMMwhumptober, Whumptober 2023 read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/qk0Hw12
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thedailyphrack · 4 years ago
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OTP Meme: [7] scenes:
My mother lost all reason when she was waltzed.
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whopooh · 4 years ago
It is time again for Miss Fisher’s Whumptober!
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Calling all MFMM fan artists (writing, drawing, vidding, meta)!
It’s very nearly that magical time of year again - Whumptober! And to celebrate we have a new MFMM Whumptober challenge! 
What is Whump you ask? Well basically it is a work in which characters are put into physically and/or mentally painful situations - it’s hurt, and more often than not, comfort. For Whumptober there are a list of prompts from the official Whumptober list, and we’re asking people to claim a prompt and create some new work!*
Our rules are simple:
1) Go to this spreadsheet and claim a prompt (as soon as you’ve used it you’re welcome to claim a second, etc.) ** 2) Write/create from it. 3) Post it (whenever you want within the month of October and the first week of November) and tag it “MFMMwhumptober”. If you post on AO3, add it to this collection. Please tag clearly if there is no comfort in the fic, to help your readers, especially right now. DONE!
(Every prompt has three varations specified under the heading, and you're free to use either of them (or more than one)). 
This challenge is open to everyone and anyone - the more the merrier. We warmly welcome newcomers who haven't written for MFMM before - this is a good time to start! And we love a good trope AND a good trope subversion equally, so feel free to take the prompts in whatever direction speaks to you. 
Basically, come join us on the whump side!
/ @aurora-australis-tumbles​ & @whopooh​
* You can find all entries from 2018 here and 2019 here if you want to look at previous examples.
** Here is the full post with the official Whumptober prompts and rules for 2020. It’s these prompts we have put into the spreadsheet.
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arlome · 4 years ago
Chapters: 1/2 Fandom: Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Phryne Fisher/Jack Robinson Characters: Jack Robinson, Phryne Fisher, Elizabeth MacMillan Additional Tags: Whumptober 2020, Sleep Deprivation, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, World War I Summary:
Early in their relationship, and even earlier in the morning, Phryne wonders what’s keeping Jack awake.
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aurora-australis-tumbles · 6 years ago
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Phryne Fisher/Jack Robinson, Hugh Collins/Dorothy "Dot" Williams Characters: Phryne Fisher, Jack Robinson, Hugh Collins, Dorothy "Dot" Williams, Elizabeth MacMillan Additional Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Whump, Established Relationship
Armed raids are chaotic. Unpredictable. Dangerous.
And that’s before you add Miss Fisher to the mix.
Part of MFMM's Whumptober Fanfic Challenge.
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omgimsarahtoo · 6 years ago
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Phryne and Jack are feeling the pain of a recent adventure.
For the MFMM Whumptober fic prompt: Bruises. (Not terribly whumpy, I’m afraid. Sorry?)
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glamorouspixels · 2 years ago
Miss Fisher’s Whumptober Challenge 2022!
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It’s nearly October, which means Whumptober is coming up and it’s a long-standing tradition in this fandom—this is our 5th year doing it! We would love for you to join the fun, whether you’re a long-term fan or completely new.
Whumptober is a month-long challenge consisting of 31 prompts. “Whump” means a work in which characters are put in emotionally and/or physically painful situations, and usually these works can be categorized as hurt/comfort. We ask you to tag your work appropriately and be clear on whether it contains comfort, to help your readers.
If this sounds good to you, simply go to this link, write your name behind one of the prompts, and create something for it (at any point in October and the first week of November). The same prompt can be claimed by multiple people. Tag your work “MFMMwhumptober” and if you post it in AO3, you can add it to this collection.
The previous years’ entries can be viewed here:
Your works can be any genre and once you complete your prompt, you can claim another. They don’t even necessarily have to be whumpy. We have several writers (myself included) who like to bend the rules and write fluffy and/or smutty fics for this challenge. (However, we recently had a discussion about how there doesn’t seem to be a lot of physical whump in the MFMM fandom, so if that’s your thing, that would be awesome too 😛 I’m challenging myself to write a “real” whump fic in addition to the painfully fluffy sickfic that will be my first entry. All contributions are welcome!)
The original prompt list can be found here (these are the prompts I put into the spreadsheet).
We look forward to your contributions!
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know-the-way · 1 year ago
Chapters: 1/2 Fandom: Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Phryne Fisher/Jack Robinson Characters: Phryne Fisher, Jack Robinson Additional Tags: Hurt/Comfort, MFMMwhumptober, Whumptober 2023 Summary:
On a case, Phryne takes matters into her own hands and gets injured. Jack doesn’t cope well, but maybe this is the time our favorite detectives learn that communication heals wounds faster than pride. Maybe.
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ao3feed-mfmm · 1 year ago
Restless as the Sea at Midnight
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/BOUxDdG by glamorouspixels Shortly after the events of "Murder and Mozzarella," an attempt to express her feelings for Jack leads to a drunk argument and brings up some old feelings for Phryne. For the Whumptober prompt "Insomnia." Words: 4665, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/M Characters: Phryne Fisher, Jack Robinson Relationships: Phryne Fisher/Jack Robinson Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Season/Series 03, First Time, MFMMwhumptober, Porn with Feelings, Pining, Resolved Sexual Tension, strong emphasis on the tension for the first half of the fic though, Angst and Feels, Hurt/Comfort, Panic Attacks, phrack have an argument, discussions of blood at the wheel trauma read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/BOUxDdG
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whopooh · 5 years ago
MFMM Whumptober challenge 2019
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Calling all MFMM fan artists (writing, drawing, vidding, meta)!
Do you remember last year, when we had an MFMM whumptober challenge? Encouraging us all to write whump, as in hurt and (more often than not) comfort. From the prompts of the official whumptober list, we asked people to claim a prompt and write it.*
Now it’s September already... let’s do it again?
Our rules are simple:
1) Go to this spreadsheet and claim a prompt (when you’ve used it you’re welcome to claim a second, etc.) ** 2) Write/create from it. 3) Post it (whenever you want within October and the first week of November) and tag it “MFMMwhumptober”. If you post on AO3, add it to this collection. Please tag clearly if there is no comfort in the fic, to help your readers.
This challenge is open to everyone, no matter how old or new you are to the fandom. And we are as happy about you using the prompts as subverting them in unexpected ways.
Come join us!
* You can find all fics from 2018 here, 24 works written from the 31 prompt list. And here is @whopooh​’s overview of them for even better access: https://whopooh.tumblr.com/post/180238803493/miss-fishers-whumptober-master-post).
** Here is the full post with the official whumptober prompts and rules for 2019. It’s these prompts we have put into the spreadsheet.
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arlome · 4 years ago
Chapters: 2/2 Fandom: Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Phryne Fisher/Jack Robinson Characters: Jack Robinson, Phryne Fisher, Elizabeth MacMillan Additional Tags: Whumptober 2020, Sleep Deprivation, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, World War I Summary:
Early in their relationship, and even earlier in the morning, Phryne wonders what’s keeping Jack awake.
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aurora-australis-tumbles · 6 years ago
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Phryne Fisher/Jack Robinson Characters: Jack Robinson, Phryne Fisher Additional Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Whump, whisky Summary:
“The saddest thing about betrayal is that it never comes from your enemies.”
Part of MFMM's Whumptober Fanfic Challenge.
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omgimsarahtoo · 6 years ago
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Just a little something for the Whumptober prompt: Self-sacrifice.
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glamorouspixels · 3 years ago
Miss Fisher’s Whumptober Challenge 2021 ✿
Calling all MFMM fan creators (writing, drawing, vidding, meta, etc.)!
This year, I am honored to take over this very important task previously carried out by @whopooh, @aurora-australis-tumbles (whose post from last year was the basis of this updated one), and @firesign23 to bring you a brand-new ✨MFMM Whumptober challenge✨!
What is whump, you ask? Well... Basically, it is a work in which our beloved characters are put into physically and/or mentally painful situations—it’s hurt, and more often than not, comfort. Every year, there is a new list of prompts created by the official Whumptober blog, and we’re asking you to claim a prompt and create some new work!*
Our rules are simple:
1) Go to this spreadsheet and claim a prompt (as soon as you’ve used it, you’re welcome to claim a second, etc.)**
2) Write/create from it.
3) Post it (whenever you want within the month of October, or the first week of November) and tag it “MFMMwhumptober”. If you post on AO3, add it to this collection. Please tag clearly if there is no comfort in the fic—to help your readers, especially right now.
Done! 🌸
Every prompt has three variations specified under the heading, and you’re free to use either one of them—or more than one. 
This challenge is open to everyone and anyone—the more the merrier. We warmly welcome newcomers who haven’t created for MFMM before—this is a good time to start! And we love a good trope and a good trope subversion equally, so feel free to take the prompts in whatever direction speaks to you. 
Basically, come join us on the whump side!
* You can find all entries from 2018 here, 2019 here, and 2020 here, if you want to have a look at previous examples.
** Here is the full post of the official Whumptober prompts and rules for 2021. It’s these prompts we have put into the spreadsheet.
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