#MFB Excalibur
eggcheeseham-ster · 3 months
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I actually printed these out months ago but never posted them except for a few insta stories. First time making my own stickers, used a matte based paper and it turned out decent. I bought laminate sheets but I didn't use them for some reason.
I think I'll move on to keychains and standees next,, if I can't have mfb merch I will make my own.
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andro-dino · 6 months
ask me how long I spent on this (the answer is 6 hours)
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earthaquila · 6 months
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i love making fun of europeans (I'm european)
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sky-of-dusk · 2 months
As a representative of France, I cannot lose!
–Sophie, video game
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💙🤍💖 Bon 14 Juillet !
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kristal-dawn-art · 1 year
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Finished cel-shaded commission for friend2alex on deviantArt! She wanted a group pic with her OC Aoife, Sophie, Wells and George going shopping (but we can see what actually happened lol)
I said it before when I posted on other platforms and I’ll say it again: CSP saved my butt with its perspective ruler. Composition was still a bish, though, as was all the detailing @_@ No editing, copying, reposting without permission. Okay? Okay. 
Sophie, Wells, George (c) Adachi Takafumi Aoife (c) friend2alex on devArt Art (c) me 
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blackink-onpaper · 1 year
The Descend and the Resurface
Damian Hart (Beyblade) x OC
Summary: oc comes from a complex background, and in the midst of trying to save it all and help her family she enters a strange arrangement, which will change her life forever.
Masterlist 🖤
Tags: Beyblade, Beyblade Metal Masters, Julian Konzern, Jack, Damian, OC, Gingka Hagane, team Starbreaker, team Excalibur, dr. Ziggurat, Hades Inc., the Garcias
A/N: (ambience suggestion) this chapter will go along with the canon storyline, for this chapter watch Beyblade Metal Masters episode 96 if you like, it’s available on youtube! Other than that, this chapter and the previous were the ones I felt the most inspired creating, because I really wanted to provide more depth into this divide.
Hope you enjoy! :D
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Chapter 20
After our return from the realm of desolation, I cleaned myself up while Damian changed into some more comfortable clothes. I checked my smart watch and saw the itinerary for tomorrow was, well, blank. This was confusing me because I knew the awards ceremony was tomorrow around noon, and Ziggurat also mentioned some demonstrations. Then again, maybe I was just overthinking it and I simply wasn’t invited to either activity and had the day to myself. I crawled back into bed, craving some affection from Damian and cuddling up to him. Even though he got the hang of sex quite fast, I could tell physical closeness was absent in his upbringing because of the way he handled cuddling.
“Please come visit me” I kissed his cheek: “I would love to show you my world, and I’m sure Ziggurat wouldn’t object”
He caressed my hair, giving me a gentle smile: “I would be happy to” I don’t know how to explain this, nor do I have any specific observations and examples, but since getting to know Damian more and speaking to dr. Carlisle it seemed that in rare moments of the day Damian’s softer, calmer side came out. I also think sex helps him relieve the bottled up stress and rigidity he is so used to, especially as I surrender to him to feed his need of superiority and dominance. Nonetheless, after seeing his reaction to my confession I have come to the realisation that Ziggurat probably did not give him any affection, even in the form of a fond nickname because he just calls him by his name, and probably never told him that he loved him.
“Damian… I told you I loved you, and I mean it.” I looked into his eyes, propping myself up onto my elbow: “I want us to be together.”
He remained silent for a long time, my assumption is because he did not know how to handle someone being loving to him: “And your parents?”
“Honestly, if you’re not broke they’ll like you.” I sighed, there was probably no point in sugar-coating it anyway.
“If the Konzern’s were good enough, then I believe we’ll get along just fine” he scoffed jokingly, putting an mysterious emphasis on the last two words. I didn’t know how much Damian was worth or how much he brought in, but I am pretty convinced Ziggurat was rich enough for my parents to seize any objections. My mind took off into fantasies about us walking along the cozy streets of my hometown, then going to the French Riviera, maybe renting a boat, dinners… I wanted all of it. I wanted him to see the colours the world has to show, and not just artificial lights and laboratories in the middle of a wasteland that neighbours another vast concrete jungle. With these fantasies and the smell of his skin, I drifted off to sleep.
I woke up because Damian got out of bed around 5AM, probably for his Arrangement session. I stole a few fleeting kisses from him as he was putting on his uniform: “You guys are going to the ceremony?”
“Yeah” he put on his choker and gloves: “But I need to do a round of arrangement first.” We left together, him to the Arrangement quarters and I to my room to get ready. Hours rolled by, I was mostly resting before I got ready and headed to the cafeteria to have breakfast. Unsurprisingly, the students were giving me glances and whispering among each other, again.
Once I had finished my meal, I decided I would go up to the helicopter and wait for Starbreaker to finish their Arrangements so I could say bye to Damian before they left. When I reached my desired floor, I sat down on the sofa in the waiting room that overlooked the heliport, the same one where Carlisle and I had a conversation yesterday. It was nearing 11AM, and I knew the boys should be done soon. My heart started racing as I saw the numbers on the elevator moving towards the one I was on, and I stood in front of the elevator to surprise them. After all, it is a shitty feeling going to someone else’s victory celebration after such a hard battle. The elevator announced its arrival with a silent ‘bing’ sound, and the door slid open:
My heart dropped: “Julian?!”
“What are you doing here?!?” I gasped, out of anyone I could possibly imagine being at Hades Inc. Julian was the absolutely last person on the list. Hell, if Gingka was here I would be less surprised.
“I should be asking you the same question” he stepped out of the elevator, surrounded with a hateful energy I have never seen him with, his fists clenched: “So it’s all true.”
For the first time in my entire life, I stepped back from Julian out of fear: “What is true? Julian why are you here?”
“Do you know what they call you, Camila? What people are saying about you?”
There was a silence, I didn’t say anything. I feared the unrecognisable emotions he was clearly consumed in, in addition to probably still being burdened by the loss he suffered in front of the global audience.
“No” I whispered. I didn’t want to make him any angrier by not answering him, knowing it was a pet peeve of his.
“ ‘The whore of Starbreaker’, Camila. They call you a golddiger. You’re an absolute disgrace to yourself, your family and everyone that extends to you!”
“Julian, che cazzo?!” I gasped again, this time for lack of air: “We broke up months before this tournament so you can focus on Excalibur - how am I a disgrace for moving on when you ignored me and didn’t want me back? Huh? How am I to blame when you know my parents need the money?”
“Money. It’s always about money.” Julian said, disgusted: “Of course you would join these hyenas if they paid you.”
“Okay then, what are you doing here?”
He paused this time around, battling the boiling embarrassement within himself: “The Konzern enterprise shares have been bought off by Hades Inc.”
My pulse stopped, remembering how huge and important their generational family businesses were; remembering his darling parents, our countless memories - this was his whole life, this was his pride, his plan for the future: “Julian…”
He barely uttered in a low voice, full of bitterness: “My name is now worthless, but I chose to keep our honor by joining dr. Ziggurat.”
Somewhere in the middle of his sentence, two elevators opened up to our left, with Starbreaker in one, and a totally different team that seemed somewhat familiar in the other.
“Good for you” an all-familiar snide comment echoed as Damian stepped out of the elevator: “ ‘Cause you might also snag an Arrangement and finally put up a fight.”
Julian lowered his head out of anger and humiliation, while the girl from the other team - who I now recognised as the Garcias - whistled: “Now that was a low blow!”
“Don’t disrespect me!” Julian growled at the Garcias, as Damian came closer to us, positioning himself closer to me.
“What’s wrong, Julian?” Damian mocked him: “You look upset… again.”
Julian looked at him with boiling, bitter anger that could probably burn a hole in the wall if he pointed his gaze into it, but remained silent. As he now works for dr. Ziggurat, I assume he is powerless agaist Starbreaker members, let alone Damian.
“Besides” Damian grinned at Julian sadistically: “I told you I’d ‘take all of it away from you: your pride, confidence’...”
Julian looked revolted, pale, ill and traumatised, but that didn’t stop Damian from serving the final stab into his heart - wrapping his hand around my waist, adding: “ …‘everything sweet’ ”, quoting himself from his match with Julian.
After a short silent pause - which wasn’t even honoured by complete silence because the girl and younger boy from the Garcias were making mocking ‘oooh’ and ‘burn’ nosises after what Damian said - Ziggurat arrived with two pilots:
“Time to go, everybody” he passed through the Garcia members and halted his stride to the helicopter to address Damian, Julian and myself: “We have a party to crash, we cannot possibly be late.”
Julian walked away towards the helicopter without even looking at me once, followed by Jack and the tallest Garcia boy. Damian grinned at me: “Don’t worry about him. His head feels empty without its crown.”
I looked at him, unsure if I should even be addressing the layers of things that had just happened or just wish him a safe flight and talk about this with him later: “yeah…”
He grabbed the back of my neck and pulled me into a kiss, thematically soundtracked again with noises provided by younger members of the Garcia family. When he pulled away, he grinned at me again - a victor’s smile: “Wish me luck, heads are gonna roll today… hopefully.”
“Good luck, Damian.” I said, before adding a bit more quietly: “I love you.”
“You too” he smirked at me, pulling away and walking into the helicopter which was apparently only waiting for him, his pristine white cape carried by the wind. The doors closed quickly, and the aircraft took off within the next minute.
There was a lot left for me to digest: for starters, Julian’s absolute disgust and hatred towards me was a particularly heartbreaking thing to see, regardless of the nature of our relationship. We are, or used to be, best friends as well as long term boyfriend and girlfriend. He was the only person in this world I knew as well as I knew myself. Then, the horrible thing that happened to him and his family; I don’t know if the shares value had dropped because of some external reasons so Hades bought up the majority, or if they just had an agenda of their own to take Julian and his family down so they bought them regardless? But why would they do that? They already had all the data from him and defeated him?
“But what if they wanted him?” I uttered to myself, waiting for the elevator. What if they wanted a left-rotating Bey in their arsenal, since Ryuga apparently despises them? For a guy like Ziggurat that’s a good enough reason to wreck someone’s entire family and heirloom. In the same line of thought, Damian said last night something about having more money than Julian, could he have possibly been aware of all of this, or even plotted it with Ziggurat, without telling me? It was hard to say if what he said he meant generally or specifically after this event, because both Ziggurat and Hades Inc. have a high revenue, therefore Starbreaker can’t be doing too bad themselves.
Related to Damian, I was having very polar feelings about how he treated Julian. On one hand, it’s Damian and his ever-present condescending, cocky personality, but on the other hand it was a conversation I deeply regretted being a part of even as a subject of conversation, let alone witnessing. What he did was as humiliating to Julian as if Julian knelt down and Damian pissed all over him, but then again Julian attacked me without a reason and called me a disgrace. My mind was racing, I thought about the ‘everything sweet’ quote Damian said: what if there was an agenda I was not aware of when he said it in the match itself? Had this been the plan all along? It’s actually not impossible, because they had to print, sign and deliver that Hades Inc. letter to my room at least an hour before the matches ended in order for it to get to the hotel in time, but in Beyblade you can never be sure how long the match is going to last. Furthermore, Carlisle himself had said he and Ziggurat had different reasons for me being invited to Hades… Or maybe Damian said it for a different reason and quoted himself just to torture Julian? My head began to hurt from the storm of flashbacks, ideas and theories running though my mind. I had to calm down, there was no way this overthinking will be helpful to me before they return.
I sat down in the common room, and turned on the huge flat screen TV that lifted itself from the floor to watch the WBBA ceremony. A comforting thought crept in: Damian had told me he loved me for the first time today. And after their obligations for the tournament end today, we could plan the rest of our time together. I was open to staying here with him, but I would also like my fantasies of him coming to Europe realised. My train of thought was broken by the theme song and opening sequence of the ceremony.
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qloof · 1 year
hi guys so ive decided to commit to the mfb witch hat atelier AU that's been in my brain since i read it :3 will draw more soon bcus i have . many thoughts
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copy-pasted thoughts that me and my irl discussed in class about this AU under cut !! feel free to add/give thoughts about them because thinking about this au is fun :3
little guys are the apprentices
most characters are out of apprenticeship or finishing it up
some characters are adults in this AU to fill roles
Knights Moralis - Excalibur and Wang Hu Zhong
Brimhat List - Doji, Pluto, Johannes, Rago, Ryuga, Yu, Ziggurat, Damian, Jack (most dark nebula/hades guys) - Maybe: Aguma, Bao - Those who become a Brimhat: Zeo, Toby (<- forced) (teehee) - Those who were tempted/considering it: Tsubasa, Chris
Watchful Eyes: Hyoma, Tsubasa, Nile (maybe Benkei)
Tower Librarian - Yuki
Garcias: Unknowings, kingdom (Enzo might learn magic and not tell anyone..maybe...still brewing thoughts !!)
Lovushka: Unknowings, doctors
Wises/Sages: Ryo, BLADER DJ !!!!!, Coach Steel(?) - thinking thoughts: Doji was previously a Wise but became a Brimhat(?)
Mentors: Dynamis (apprentice: Tithi) Daxiang (apprentice: Chi-yun) -> thinking this is before they become part of the Knights Moralis Benkei OR Gingka (apprentice: Kenta)
King's mentor was Dynamis
Masamune + Zeo + Toby's mentor was Coach Steel
Gingka + Hikaru + Tsubasa's mentor was Ryo
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mach-speed-spin · 2 years
Uh hi. I mostly got this account for lurking but saw your analysis on some Beyblade ocs on the wiki and was wondering if I could get my main 2 ocs on their reviewed by you if that’s okay. The first one is Akane Lambda and the second one is Ishikawa Sayaka.
Akane Lambda
The main thing I noticed was how she relates to canon characters, specifically Delta, Norman, and Gilten. I'll come back to these in a second, but they do help flesh out Lambda. Her involvement in the Snake Pit gives us an answer for Silver Eye's identity (I'm still disappointed we never got that in canon), and her bey is pretty cool
Now, for the relationships I mentioned, they can work, but that requires elaborating further. With Delta, this gives him a backstory. Backstories contextualize (or recontextualize depending on when they're revealed) a character's actions, even if that wasn't the author's intent. This works for Lambda, but not Delta. Delta's personality in GT is very distant (at least until Diabolos breaks), and he doesn't care much for attention (he doesn't hate it, but it's not something he wants like Joshua or Arthur do). This isn't to say it's a bad backstory for Delta, but there needs to be something between what's present in Lambda's wiki page and the start of GT
For Norman, it's a similar issue. Norman, in canon, has no friends and does not care for anyone other than himself. He has no loyalty towards the Snake Pit, dislikes Shu, and barely acknowledges Boa's existence. Is it possible to make a character he befriends? Yes, but it's hard and would require a lot of work going into Norman's character and why he's so distant towards everybody but Lambda
There's no problem with her relationship with Gilten. It's similar to his relationship with Norman and Shu, but different enough to be unique. However, Aquilark's existence somewhat devalues Spriggan Requiem. Requiem was meant to be Gilten's strongest weapon, and it wasn't entirely under his control because there weren't any previous beys like it to work off of. This could be retooled into Aquilark being a prototype that would be refined into Requiem. I suggest making Aquilark unstable and extremely hard to control, making it powerful but still keeping Requiem's creation important
Ishikawa Sayaka
An mfb character who remains important throughout all 4 seasons? There are a total of 2 of these characters in canon (Gingka and Madoka). Characters fading in and out of relevance is something I've always had mixed feelings about in mfb, but that's for another post. As for Sayaka, it's good to have a character who is consistently there without being overbearing. She seems to have less to do in Fury, but the same can be said for many returning canon characters (notably Excalibur)
The only thing I'm confused about is the timeline during Fusion. Tsubasa only befriended Gingka during Battle Bladers, though they were on more neutral terms between Phoenix's defeat and the start of the tournament. This gives her a very narrow window for when they meet, and I'm not sure it works out. My suggestion: Have her run into Tsubasa around the time he joins the Dark Nebula, and she doesn't meet Gingka until Battle Bladers has started. This also gives the character more time to do things during the challenge matches. The challenge matches are the perfect arc in Fusion to show characters progressing, since it easily allows for an influx of new opponents but also allows her to lose sometimes without the high stakes of Battle Bladers
Her storyline in Masters is pretty good and the only thing I don't understand is how the world championship bracket is structured (though the same can be said for canon)
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irisviel101 · 1 year
How would you rank the Metal Series by entry?
Ooh, this is a good one. Thanks for asking!
4) Shogun Steel: As much as I like Shogun Steel, I have to say it's the weakest of the four. It's problems mostly boil down to a lack of time spent on properly fleshing out characters and situations. If it had more episodes, I think it good have reached its full potential. It has some really cool characters that just don't get enough screen time, like Ren, Eight, Takanosuke etc. Also, let Kite win once a while. He's said to be pretty strong, but we never get to see it, mostly because of the limited number of episodes.
3) Metal Fury: I like this season, but it has its issues as well. For one, the episodes are shorter than usual, so some things are pretty rushed like how Kyoya rejoins the group after a few words from Yuu, Chris's whole existence, the villains etc. Still, it has some good ideas and some great character arcs like Ryuuga and Kenta, and I like the idea of the prophecy and the rest of the plot, but it could have used more time to develop certain plot points and characters.
2) Metal Fusion: It was hard to decide between this one and Metal Masters. I do believe that objectively, this season is better written in terms of how the characters are utilized and how the plot is slowly built up from the first episode. Ryuuga and Doji are excellent villains from the moment they are introduced. That said, Metal Fusion has its fair share of underutilized characters, mostly in the form Hyoma and Hikaru, but it's much better than the other seasons in this regard. Also, they could have explained Ryo's decision to fake his death and never reveal himself t Gingka until he had no choice but to do so
1)Metal Masters: This one is my favorite MFB season. No surprise to anyone who knows me or has seen my MFB content. What I love about this season is the vibe mostly; tournament arcs are my favorite parts of most anime that I have seen, and this season is basically that up until the last arc. I love the other teams introduced, especially Wang Hu Zhong and Excalibur, and Masamune is my favorite character in MFB period. His plot with Zeo and Toby was my favorite thing in the entire season. I also really liked Ryuuga's character progression from the first season and Tsuabsa's charactr arc.
That said, this season has a problem when it comes to utilizing major characters. Yuu, despite being one of the main cast, is relegated to the background most of the time, but even more egregiously, Benkei is reduced to a joke in this season with his "Bull" gag dialed up to eleven and Kenta is pretty much nonexistent until the Brazil arc.
I wouldn't mind so much if these were side characters like Hyoma and Hikaru, but these are main characters. Granted, Yuu only gets that status in Metal Masters, but still. At least the main characters should have something to do. Yuu manages to utilize the limited screen time he gets well enough, by the sole virtue of being in all the episodes, but even in the episodes they do get the spotlight in, Benkei is pretty lack luster and Kenta is not all that remarkable either.
Still, preference wise:
Metal Masters > Metal Fusion > Metal Fury > Shogun Steel.
Writing wise:
Metal Fusion > Metal Masters > Metal Fury > Shogun Steel
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curedeity · 1 year
oh boy okay i'm gonna send a few. what are your top 5 women moments in mfb?
Oh god there are 5 women moments? Oh gee im gonna struggle (says the feminist)
1. Hikarus introduction
I quite like Hikaru introductory episode(s) and how they establish her as strong and competent, along with her backstory about her mother. I think her as a traveling blader lends her a unique air, like how many members of the first cast are set apart. Her rivalry with kenta is also well executed for those two episodes.
2. Madoka stopping Kyoya during the survival battle
As much as i am one to cheer for Madoka and having characters be relevant in ways that arent blading, Madokas relevance is often shoehorned, pushed to the back, or it doesnt connect emotionally. The survival battle where she notices Leone is damaged and has to stop Kyoya is one of the bedt uses of her character. While it can feel a bit off, i look past it cor what a good dramatic moment it is for both charactersm it keeps Madokas priorities the same as always while giving her a new way of showing those, and making her incredibly relevant.
3. Ren stealing Benkeis keys
Naming a Ren moment is hard because all her ups come with downs, but in this episode i remember her clearest because the glimpses into what her arc could be. The way shes so done with the entire cast and doesnt really connect with them is very telling, along with the fact she does something no one else has, and steals benkeis keys? It really characterizes her uniquely.
4. Hikaru vs. Kyoya
One of hikarus better rivalries, this comes out just because of how much i like the respect he affords to hikaru. I dont remember the exact words or anything, but the feeling of respect was nice, especially because their first match ended more with them teaming up to chase people down.
5. Sophie parting the water
A smaller but memorable moment, Sophie was the only part i liked of the excalibur introduction episode. She comes off very strongly and curiously, along with being absolutely epic. We love a girlboss.
Honorary moments are maru bullying zyro and shinobu. Anything hikaru does in masters where shes frustrated at ryo. Madoka snapping and yelling at everyone. Lera in destroyer dome.
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mfb-better-fury · 3 years
Episode 5
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In Ryo’s office, Gingka and the others are video chatting – Gingka with Masamune, Kenta with Excalibur, and Madoka with Wang Hu Zhong. Gingka asks to see Striker, but it hasn’t changed at all. Hikaru is abruptly pulled over by him to show Masamune the transformed Aquario. He’s amazed, asking what she’s calling it, but she admits she hasn’t figured that out yet.
In Madoka’s call, though Mei Mei remembers seeing a light at the time mentioned, the others remind her it had been a power surge. Kenta has finished his own explanation, but then voices his confusion over Julian’s absence. Sophie explains they’ve been making him take more days off recently, as the events with Ziggurat and Spiral Force did a number on his head. Wales assures them that they’ll catch him up to speed on everything. Though the team exchanges looks of intrigue, they unfortunately have no information either.
Ryo muses that it seems only Hikaru and Kyoya have awakened and wonders where the other eleven legendary bladers might be. He’s startled out of his thoughts when Masamune loudly declares he will become a legendary blader and surpass Gingka. Ryo encourages them all, saying some of them may well become legendary bladers, which impacts Kenta in particular. He becomes briefly lost in thought on the subject.
They say their farewells and the calls end. Gingka expresses his confusion that neither Masamune nor Dashan were chosen. Madoka adds that they didn’t get any leads in Russia either; Kenta says the same for his calls with Desert Blaze and Chandora. Gingka wonders whether Tsubasa or Yu might be legendary bladers, but Madoka points out that as they went off on a training journey, no one knows where they are. Hikaru confirms this rather worriedly, admitting that though Tsubasa had been contacting them at first, he suddenly went off the grid after the first month. To get their minds off their worry, Ryo changes the subject, asking Yuki how things are going with his part.
Yuki, who had been doing some work on his own, shows the group a video of the moment the star fragment broke. He has calculated the trajectory of one piece to a remote island in Indonesia. The group decides to go there and find it. Ryo reminds them of the urgency of their mission and that they must hurry. Hikaru holds Aquario a bit tighter but says nothing.
Kenta asks about Kyoya and whether he should come, as he is a legendary blader. Gingka comments that he would like that to happen, but Madoka is uncertain after the events of their last battle, especially since he went off on his own instead of joining them here.
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At the dock warehouses, Kyoya is training with the new Leone, with Benkei watching excitedly. He muses on its new strength and new fangs, then dubs the evolved bey Fang Leone and declares that once these new fangs are polished, he will rise above the dark power and prove he is more than capable of winning any battle on his own.
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Yuki thinks back to that morning when he and Kyoya had met eyes. He hesitantly asks what kind of person Kyoya is, saying he knows his power is high due to watching the World Championships, but he didn’t seem very friendly earlier. Madoka agrees that Kyoya is rather wild and Kenta comments he “doesn’t play well with others”. Gingka tells him that Kyoya is filled with a heated bey spirit, despite his rough exterior.
Ryo tells them to rest up, pack their things, and that he’ll have their transport ready after lunch. Madoka and Kenta run off to prepare, with Yuki following after giving a polite goodbye. Hikaru excuses herself as well, but Ryo stops Gingka before he leaves, asking if they could talk for a moment.
The two stand in silence as Hikaru closes the door behind her. Gingka is a bit tense as he looks at his dad. Ryo sighs and starts gently, telling Gingka that he shouldn’t blame himself for what Kyoya is going through. This isn’t what Gingka expected to hear and he’s caught a bit off guard. Ryo continues, saying that the dark power is something ancient and terrible, and its effects have often left its victims scrambling to find themselves again. Kyoya is strong in his own right and Ryo has certainty that if he has fought it this long with so much success, he will be able to overcome it before too much longer. Gingka must have faith in this as well.
Seeing Gingka’s lack of enthusiastic response, Ryo says he has something for him and asks him to close his eyes. He then opens a drawer in his desk and pulls something out, placing it in Gingka’s hands, and tells him to look. When Gingka opens his eyes, he finds Ryo’s headband in his hands.
Ryo wants Gingka to know how proud he is of overcoming everything that he’s faced so far, even with all of the obstacles and adversaries in his way. Even if the star fragment has not awakened in Pegasus yet, he knows Gingka is powerful without it and wants him to use this time to test himself once more and find his role in this fight for their future. Gingka is silent, but has lost some of his stiffness at his dad’s words, and stares at the headband contemplatively.
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Hikaru arrives home again to find her mother waiting for her at the kitchen table with a box. She’s confused as she’s asked to sit, but does so. Her mother says that she’s been hoping for the chance to give this to her for months, and thinks now is the right time for it. Opening the box reveals an outfit, which doesn’t make sense to her at first, but then it occurs to her that it looks a lot like what her mother had worn during her time as a blader.
Her mother tells her that, as Aquario has rebuilt itself, she believes it is time for Hikaru to do the same. This journey involving Nemesis sounds like a difficult one, but one that Hikaru can take. She has always thought Hikaru was strongest when facing a storm that pushed her to her limits, and this looks like a hurricane waiting to bring out the very best in her. Hikaru is teary-eyed as she asks if she really thinks so; her mother reaches over to take her hand and promises she does.
After wiping her eyes, Hikaru takes out Aquario and thinks back to her battle with Kyoya the day before. Before and after the bey’s evolution, she had felt its excitement at being in the field again. She can’t deny that. With the panic of the moment over, she can clearly see the difference between Aquario’s light and the explosions of darkness that Ryuga had once been known for. She internally muses about her mother’s words, wondering if Aquario was trying to tell her the same thing as it circled Kyoya’s tornado.
At last finding the inspiration she’d been searching for to start again, Hikaru finds a name for her transformed bey – Hurricane Aquario. She thanks her mother and takes the clothes with her to another room to change.
Once Hikaru has left the room, Akiko muses about ‘his’ gut feeling being right. She carefully moves to the living room to take a pad of paper and begins writing something: “It looks like the time has come. The star fragment has arrived just like you said it would, and my dear Hikaru has been chosen.”
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At the B-Pit, Yuki and Madoka are in an argument about packing, with Yuki thinking his cousin is trying to take too much. He manages to convince her it’s more practical to take a travel bag than a suitcase when they don’t know what kind of places they’ll go and the large suitcase could hinder her. As Madoka reluctantly begins repacking, he tells her he’ll get started on filling her portable repair kit.
While in Madoka’s workshop gathering parts, Yuki notices her bey equipment is tucked away in a drawer. After a brief moment of puzzlement, he removes it and begins inspecting it, stopping as he takes her bey out of its case. He becomes lost in thought as he stares at it.
When Madoka comes out to report she is now ‘properly’ packed, she finds Yuki still holding her bey. He’s startled as she puts her arm around him, but smiles when she reminds him of the promise they made when they were younger.
Yuki: “When the new star fragment arrives…”
Madoka: “...We’ll follow it together.”
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At Bey Park, Kenta is all packed up and has just finished explaining their mission to Osamu, Takashi, and Akira. The trio is amazed at his story, with Akira wondering if the star fragment fell into any of their beys, but Takashi highly doubts it, as people like Kyoya and Hikaru are way above their level. Osamu insists it’s possible and they should get back to training.
Akira asks Kenta how long he thinks he’ll be gone, and Kenta admits he isn’t sure, which is why he wanted to tell them he was leaving – so they wouldn’t worry something had happened to him. Takashi questions if Kenta told his mom about everything. Kenta assures them that he called Ryo to help him explain everything to her and to promise her he would stay safe, and he promises them the same.
Takashi comments on how far Kenta has come – from following them around learning the basics, getting involved with the Facehunters and Gingka, and all the crazy adventures he’s gone on since then. “It feels like just yesterday we gave you Sagittario, and now here you are going off to save the world.” Osamu tells him to knock it off before he starts crying; Akira is already trying to scrub away tears, saying how fast their little Kenta’s grown up.
Kenta, both bewildered and embarrassed, frantically tries to reassure them they’ll always be his best friends and he’ll be back before they know it. He then says he’s got to get going or the others will leave without him. As he runs off, the trio tearfully waves goodbye and assures him he’ll be the greatest legendary blader of them all.
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When Kenta arrives at the train tracks, he is greeted by the waiting Gingka, Madoka, and Yuki. Madoka explains that Benkei will be there just as soon as he gets confirmation from the computer that Bull’s repairs are complete. Gingka is sure that Kyoya will follow. Kenta declares that he’s along for the ride and wants to become one of the legendary bladers too. Gingka encourages him, hoping for the same. Yuki comments that their bond is strong, which he’s envious of as he’s always been alone. Gingka tells him he’s one of them now. Kenta and Madoka back this up, making Yuki feel touched by their kindness.
As Gingka asks about Hikaru’s decision, the group is startled as she comes up to them, saying that she’s going too. Madoka compliments her new outfit, saying she looks more like herself already. Kenta agrees and admires the brooch pinned to her jacket. Hikaru smiles a little, putting her hand to it as she thinks back to what her mother had said while pinning it on her just before she’d left: “My greatest friends gave this to me as a gift to celebrate the win of a particularly difficult tournament. Now, I pass those feelings on to you, Hikaru. I know you will find your strength again, and you’ll rise above everything that tries to get in your way.”
Kenta runs off to start their journey with the others rushing after him, watched from atop a hill by first one, then five cats. At a corner ahead of them a line of meowing cats blocks the path. Johannes appears from around the corner, startling Yuki, and says he’s been waiting for them. When Gingka asks what he wants, Johannes explains that while yesterday he hadn’t gotten exactly what he wanted out of the day, it seems that because of it he’s been saved the trouble of explaining everything to them – that a new dawn of beyblade will arrive soon, when Nemesis awakens. Yuki tries to duck behind Madoka to hide, looking pale, making Madoka realize this must be his attacker, and he nods with a whimper when she asks him to confirm.
As Johannes asks them to join him and rule with them, Madoka interrupts by stepping forward and declaring that the only way a new era of beyblade will begin is by the bladers of the world moving toward it together in the light of their own bladers’ spirits, not by following cheap promises and dark secrets. Johannes says that she’s been listening to things that don’t concern her, and asks which among them is the legendary blader. Hikaru tenses at this, but tries to shake it off. Before she can make herself step forward, however, she and the others are stunned as Madoka pulls out her launcher and bey, telling Johannes that his first mistake was attacking her family, and his second was being stupid enough to show his face to her after.
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Mist Delphis VS Beat Lynx begins
After being launched, Delphis manages a strong hit against Lynx, and Gingka and the others are caught off guard by Madoka’s aggressive style. Even so, Lynx’s hits seem to hit harder. Yuki uses his tablet to scan Lynx with a similar program to Madoka’s laptop and explains that while both beys are balance types, Lynx’s spin track height is letting it deal more damage.
Johannes comments that he doesn’t feel the star fragment within Delphis and decides this battle has no purpose. He demands once more to know who the legendary blader is, but Madoka ignores him to continue her attack. Though Delphis manages to knock Lynx into the air, it lands safely due to its cat-like balance. At her next attack, Lynx’s spin track extends and Delphis passes under. The same thing happens with the next attack as Yuki explains how it’s happening, saying its tallest height is comparable to Flame Byxis.
After lowering its spin track, Lynx launches its own attack, knocking Delphis into the air, then follows to smash it back into the ground. When the smoke and dust clear, Delphis is barely hanging on, much to Madoka’s anger. Johannes asks a third time for the legendary blader. This time, Hikaru starts to open her mouth, but is interrupted as Kyoya’s voice cuts in: “You want a legendary blader? Well, now you’ve got one!” He then launches Leone and Johannes recognizes his new power due to his aura. As he expresses his shock, Leone knocks Lynx back. Delphis, though unsteady, still manages to deliver a blow of its own. Johannes, disadvantaged by the two-on-one attack, catches Lynx midair and flees the scene, still declaring that he will have their star fragment.
With the battle over, Benkei arrives with a bag of his own. Kyoya says that Benkei explained their mission, and a startled Kenta asks if he’s saying he’ll come with them. Kyoya doesn’t answer, instead turning his attention to Madoka as she calls back Delphis. He recognizes the bey as the one she used to stop him from battling in the Survival Battle tournament, which she’s surprised he remembers. Reminded of the tournament, Hikaru admits she’d forgotten Madoka had a bey at all, which confuses Yuki, though he doesn’t voice it. Explaining she doesn’t battle much, Madoka looks at her bey and wonders if that’s something she should change.
While Gingka compliments Madoka’s quick action and assures her he’ll help her train, Kyoya picks up his bag and declares they should stop wasting time and get going, already walking away. Benkei follows him.
Kenta and Hikaru remark on his behavior but know his power will help him. Yuki watches Madoka and Gingka, confusion still clear on his face, but follows when the others hurry to catch up to Kyoya, with Madoka asking if he even knows where they’re going.
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eggcheeseham-ster · 1 year
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I think they should interact
Klaus is getting logs for their lil campfire/hj
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andro-dino · 9 months
hhhhhheyyyyy guys :3
on the road atm and feel like talking so like. if you wanna send me asks abt my ocs or hcs or anything feel free. I like talking abt my silly little guys
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heybeyby · 2 years
yknow i am thankful that they didnt add accents in the english dub cause i would not have been able to take most of excalibur seriously
imagine wales with a fucking english accent. he calls julian a cunt affectionately and he does a double take. damian has to hold himself back from laughing when julian cusses him out in italian. imagine calling yourself ”julian’s twin jewels” in a french/english accent. fucking hilarious.
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beyblade-bitches · 2 years
can't believe those kids were like "we're the dick and balls of europe" and nobody stopped them
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sky-of-dusk · 3 years
Sophie: Why are we calling the team Excalibur?
Klaus: Because we’re a legendary sword to fight Julian’s enemies.
Sophie: There are French legendary swords too. Durandal and Joyeuse. We can name our team after them.
Wales: No one but French people know those swords.
Sophie, glaring: At least, our swords don’t belong to some imaginary king. They are real and their bearers were too.
Wales: King Arthur existed!
Sophie: Proove it!
Klaus: ... (Was it wise to form a team with so many countries?)
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