#beyblade jack
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hoperaypegasus · 1 year ago
Beyblade Characters That I Think Would Be Friends With Essentially No Explanation
Demure and Tsubasa: The chillest motherfuckers on the planet istg. They would just be chill best friends exhausted from looking after their crazy friend groups.
Nile and Sophie: They would absolutely talk about archeology and anthropology together constantly and go on museum visits. 
Kyoya, Sophie, and Tsubasa: I headcanon that all three of them speak French and once Sophie finds out the three of them begin gossiping to each other in French during group meetings since no one else knows what they’re saying.
Toby and Madoka: The scary parent friends of their chaotic friend groups. If they teamed up, the world would shake in fear.
Hikaru and Lera: These two would be a freaking force of nature together. They’re both really strong and pretty fearless and I feel like they would mesh together really well as the husky friend and the black cat friend.
Jack and Teru: The art babies! They would be able to talk about the art world and they’re both really creative so I think they’d vibe well.
Mei-Mei and Selen: I honestly just think they'd get along for some reason and that their personalities would work together really well. They would just kinda build each other up in terms of energy.
Ryuutarou and Dynamis: These two have similar personalities. I could see them being silent friends who don’t actually talk much but are good friends.
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lady-lazagna · 2 years ago
Top 5 Tsubasa Ships
PFFFFFFT god dammit I'm known too well
Tsubasa x Madina
The oc ship takes the cake here obviously. You just don't understand these two were BUILT for each other, they're SOULMATES😭😤💯 Very chill, very mutually adoring of each other, very autistic, very obnoxious couple to be around by blader standards (though those standards are very low in a romance-less show). Metal Mayhem romance is coming I swear to god, y'all are gonna find it DISGUSTING.
Tsubasa x Kyoya
I don't think I'd thought of this one too much until I watched Fusion, and BOY you can see why! Trying to gain a mutual understanding of each other, Tsubasa proving to Kyoya that he truly does believe in the blader's spirit, Kyoya seeing Tsubasa lay dead on the ground after his battle thinking "I SEE you now". They're the two "no-nonsense serious grumpy frowny face" people of the group, but together they're smirking gayly and sniping at each other like a pair of homosexuals. They tease each other all the time and they are ALWAYS holding onto each other. The clingy Kyoya agenda is alive.
Tsubasa x Ryuga
Now, I don't necessarily ship these two in a typical relationship light like I do with most other ships (except for in my sims 4 world lmao), but I do think that the concept of these two being into each other provides a lot of interesting ideas. The fact that, despite claiming to not care about anything other than his eternal enemy Gingka, Ryuga still flies his ass all the way to Italy to give Tsubasa a little fucked up therapy session at the behest of a mountain goat is very interesting to me. It provides some angsty "why me?" scenarios, because really, why Tsubasa? Doji could've made anyone else fight Ryuga in Battle Bladers, anyone else who fought him could've (and should've) obtained the dark power, and Ryuga could've not bothered with him and gone straight to Gingka in Italy. All in all, the fact that they keep meeting in these frustrating, confusing scenarios, with building tension and annoyance at each other's existence is something I'd love to exploit.
Tsubasa x Jack
Jack is canonically infatuated with Tsubasa and Tsubasa is so very confused as to why. I think they'd make a great odd couple (as well as being the prettiest damn couple you ever did see) with a stone-faced, serious Tsoobs and the kooky fucked up one with a concerning amount of body paint. They share ideals in the importance of elegance and perfected technique, though Jack wants to see it more in other people for inspiration, whereas Tsubasa only needs to see it in himself. Ironically, I think Jack would inspire Tsubasa to be less refined and instead just go with the flow of what he's feeling.
Tsubasa x Benkei
SUMMERSHIPPING OR BURGERSUMMERSHIPPING SOMEONE HELP ME WITH THIS. In Shogun Steel they are the embarrassingly in love dads, and in the Metal series they are the embarrassingly in love teens. Benkei bakes him heart cookies while Tsubasa leaves wreaths of flowers at his door. Benkei loves loudly but bashfully, while Tsubasa loves quietly yet confidently. And they both feel inferior as people due to the events of Fury! :D A whole lot of potential there.
As a bonus, here's a list of people I think would have crushes/romantic tension with Tsubasa without actually shipping them: Gingka, Madoka, Hyoma, Tobio, Teru, Daxiang, Zhouxing, Julian, Sophie, Zeo (he has some issues he needs to work out), Johannes :D
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blackink-onpaper · 2 years ago
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giulia266eyes · 2 months ago
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Jack As Bluecnii {Oct 9} Happy Halloween (Old 2021)
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maukiki1-but-cringefail · 1 year ago
Okay sorry for shitting on mfb youtube channels for making bad thumbnails this shit fun as hell
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blackink-onpaper · 2 years ago
The Descend and the Resurface
Damian Hart x OC
Summary: OC comes from a complex background, and in the midst of trying to save it all and help her family she enters a strange arrangement, which will change her life forever.
Masterlist 🖤
Tags: Beyblade, Beyblade Metal Masters, Julian Konzern, Jack, Damian, OC, Gingka Hagane, team Starbreaker, team Excalibur, dr. Ziggurat, Hades Inc.
A/N: Sorry for the delay on this one! Enjoy!
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Chapter 23
Damian seemed have to dissapeared into thin air. At first I was boiling in anger and worry because of where he could’ve gone in the few minutes that separated his ship docking and me leaving the helicopter. He could have went looking for me, but then where did he go and why was he alone? The very next day, my parents pressured me to buy a returning ticket because after seeing what happened they wanted me home safe and sound, but I managed to persuade them to get a date that was two weeks away to at least try and find out where he was. I was in contact with Zeo and Jack, none of them had seen him leave with anyone and had no idea how to contact him, or where to even look for him.
Two days after, Dr. Ziggurat had been presumed deceased by the media after his belongings had been found, but his body was missing. It was a shocking conclusion to reach without a body, but according to the investigation his access card had been used at three enterances since he was seen by a witness, the last one being Zeo who met him at a staircase at Hades Inc. Through these enterances he would only gain access to a small terrace with no other door or window leading anywhere, so the main assumption of the police was that he threw himself overboard: either while Hades City was still airborne or he jumped into the ocean after and drowned, the presumed motive being estimated as wanting to escape punishment and shame from his failed project. In a way, this was very believable: I completely agree Ziggurat would rather commit suicide than face the consequences of his actions, but would he really abandon his son like that?
Jack and Zeo ended up in the ER on the third day suffering from side effects of Arrangement abstinence, caused by the meltdown of Hades Inc.’s infrastructure as well as the Arrangement bed someohow being broken… I didn’t understand the details, but they also didn’t matter. Jack was having a severe reaction to the abstinence, unable to ingest or digest anything, even water, switching between a coma-like state and a delirium, even allegedlly bleeding from his body cavities. Because Zeo had been on the Arrangement for a shorter time, both his reaction and symptoms were gone within a couple of days thanks to the medical attention he recieved, and he was back to living a normal life with Masamune and Toby, cutting all ties with Hades Inc. after collecting his final paycheck. On the fifth day since Hades City crashed into the ocean, Damian was filed as a missing person by both the US police force and Interpol, as no evidence about his whereabouts came forward and he didn’t contact or come to collect his inheritance from Ziggurat’s will.
These were the days of absolute mental torture for me; every profile, thread and comment on the internet had a different theory about what happened to him. Some assumed he ran away on his own, others that he was kidnapped or even murdered, yet no one came forward to ask for ransom. When I visited Zeo in the gym in the city he used to train at, he said he thinks Damian had a plan B evacuation plan that separated him from others for safety reasons, but that does not explain why he didn’t respond to his father’s will, especially because he was the only beneficiary. The media and newspapers weren’t any better: as soon as an anonymous source ratted out Ziggurat and he were related, the onslaught of accusations, assumptions and allegations began. Hades Inc. medical experts gave several statements agreeing that Damian’s very life may be in danger if he didn’t get in contact with a medical facility or Hades Inc., as they had collected data on Arrangement abstinence on individuals that had used the system for periods of up to a couple of years, uncomparable to a decade. Because of the countless sleepless nights searching for answers, my hotel room was full of newspapers, notes scattered among any paper I could find, takeout packages and coffee-stained cups, but with every passing day the story grew more complicated, and my time was running out.
In desperation, I looked up dr. Carlisle’s email and asked him to meet me before I had to leave. On my way to the café he invited me to, I went over everything I’d read and heard. Even though it was a beautiful sunny day, I hadn’t felt any warmth in my body for days:
“I am just as concerned as you, Camila.” He devoted his assuring gaze my way: “I believe he’s definitely - hopefully - still alive, but I doubt he would run away by himself. He is too rational for that, and he is aware of the severity of abstinence.”
“Do you think he might have been kidnapped?” I warmed my hands on my warm cup of coffee
“I don’t believe so. The kidnappers would’ve asked for ransom by now, it’s been a week and a half since he was last seen on the boat. Besides, as soon as his side effects would start showing up he would definitely not be an easy hostage.”
A new theory popped into my head: “But what if they didn’t consider that? What if they didn’t know, just like I didn’t know, that the Arrangement abstinence had side effects and they…” I paused because of an emotional knot in my throat: “…got rid of him as soon as he became difficult?”
Carlisle looked at me for a moment, his eyes were warm but perturbed: “Camila, you haven’t been getting much sleep have you?”
I sighed, closing my eyes: “I can’t”
He paused again before gently putting his hand on the table: “As his doctor, I am not allowed to disclose details about him as a patient. I personally wouldn’t completely rule out the possibility that he ran away as a result of an irrational, emotional and traumatic episode. But knowing dr. Ziggurat, there might have been a secret evacuation and isolation plan for him none of us were aware of; perhaps he was taken in the crowd before you reached him.” He took a sip of his coffee: “He had a difficult and inescapable childhood, perhaps he wanted to run away from it all.”
“Do you think he might have gone out to search for his mother?” I gasped, surprised that I didn’t think of this earlier.
“Unlikely.” dr. Carlisle fixed his glasses: “Ziggurat’s parenting methods were questionable from my professional perspective, but one of the worst things he did was convince Damian his mother abandoned him as a baby.”
“But… why?”
“He probably wanted to achieve a certainty that he would never seek her, because then he would find out what his father’s real nature was.” I raised an eyebrow, so he continued with a big sigh: “His mother died of cancer years ago. Ziggurat took newborn Damian away from her as soon as she was diagnosed and took legal action so that she would never see him again until she died.”
My mouth was agape from shock, how could a human being be so cruel: “Didn’t he love her? How could he do such a thing?”
“I really couldn’t say” he sighed. There was a long pause, unresolved mixed emotions intertwined with worry floating between us: “I am hopeful that if he is alive and able he will turn up. After all, the HD in Hades Inc. logo stands for both Hades and for Hart, Damian.”
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beyblade-e · 15 days ago
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Valling times pt. 2
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tribius-art · 7 months ago
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spiritshroomie · 2 months ago
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More mlp versions:
Jack - Unicorn - Radiant Feather
Wales - half pony half (aquatic pony?) - Elegant Wave
Sophie - same as Wales - Ancient Jewel
Gingka - Pegasus - Sparkling Galaxy
Yuki - Unicorn - Star Gazer
Klaus - Earth pony - Crushing Horn
Klaus was very difficult to draw and the broken spear is a refference to his battle with Masamune (him being compared to a spear).
Sophie and Wales are half ponies and half (sirens maybe?) but they resemble whales more.
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readsrandomstuff67 · 2 months ago
currently hyperficsting on beyblades so I’m making every twisted wonderland dorm members beyblade I’ll maybe make ramshackle and event characters later
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and malleus
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If you have any questions comment and I’ll respond
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andro-dino · 11 months ago
I’ve been thinking so much about them recently I’m not gonna lie
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catharsis-scrawled · 3 months ago
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Ok @downinsomanyfandoms I'm definitely not promising this will come to fruition as a whole fic but here are my thoughts on the beauty and the beast au.
I watched the animated Disney movie recently and by the time I got to Belle and the Beast's post-wolf-battle argument I was like, "Wow they are so Tsubasa and Ryuga."
Belle immediately going to investigate the west wing as soon as she's left unsupervised is also very Tsubasa behavior.
So yeah. Ryuga is the cursed prince, but he's got a more d&d dragonborn type of monster form, naturally. Characters who I don't put somewhere else can the staff turned household objects.
Tsubasa has Yu instead of a parent because you know, parents don't exist in mfb. I think Yu is probably an orphan who ran away from the orphanage because he was being bullied or something, and he ran into Tsubasa who basically adopted him. Instead of Yu heading somewhere on his own, Tsubasa and Yu are traveling together when something goes wrong, they get separated, Yu ends up captive at Ryuga's castle, and Tsubasa comes in later to make the deal to take his place.
Their town isn't really provincial. Jack works better as a more "wealthy refined young nobleman" version of Gaston. The vibe is different, but the "deciding you want someone you don't really know just because they are the most beautiful" is very much still there.
Zeo is, reluctantly, Jack's Lefou. He works as Jack's attendant to repay his family for financial assistance with taking care of Toby.
L Drago is a cat turned pillow. People joke about him being the real lord of the castle. To Ryuga's annoyance, he quickly takes a liking to Tsubasa, in that "L Drago openly expressing feelings Ryuga doesn't want to admit to" way that we love from deq.
We don't have bey battles here but we do have sword fights. Bonding sparring with Ryuga and Tsubasa, and a more serious Ryuga vs Jack duel at the end. (This is what spurred the thought of Ryuga being a lefty)
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blackink-onpaper · 2 years ago
Also, if you haven’t read the fic yet, here’s the masterlist link 🖤
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tribius-art · 4 months ago
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i find my old (2021?? ig) fem tsujack thing
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beys-cameras-action · 1 year ago
Could we see more of damian and jack pls :3
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Damian: We get along great. He’s like a brother to me
Jack: I shouldn’t praise this kid as much as I do. It goes to his head
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mrcompass · 7 days ago
Fun Facts About MFB Voice Actors (Japanese Dub)
Aki Kanada, Gingka's voice actress, has the given name "Aki," which is similar to the Japanese word for autumn (though written with different kanji). Fittingly, Gingka is the Legendary Blader of Autumn.
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Takehito Koyasu, the voice actor for Daidouji, has also voiced major villains in two other Beyblade generations: Boris Balkov in Bakuten Shoot Beyblade and Phi in Beyblade Burst.
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Kenjiro Tsuda (Ryuga) and Kōki Uchiyama (Jack) also voice Overhaul and Tomura Shigaraki in My Hero Academia, respectively. Just like in MFB, their characters in MHA have short yet heated interactions. However, while Tsuda’s character (Ryuga) utterly defeated Uchiyama’s (Jack) in MFB. In MHA, Uchiyama’s character (Shigaraki) takes advantage of Overhaul’s downfall (he also took his arms).
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Yūko Sanpei (Masamune's voice actress) and Romi Park (Damian's voice actress) previously voiced Pride and Edward Elric in Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, respectively. While Masamune and Damian don’t interact much in MFB, they stand on opposite sides—Masamune as the deuteragonist and Damian as a villain. Interestingly, in FMA, the roles are reversed for their voice actors, with Sanpei voicing the villain (Pride) and Park voicing the hero (Edward). Incidentally Damian and Pride have some similarites are very loyal to a superior figure (Ziggurat and Father). Both characters also embody the theme of artificial power.
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Nobuhiko Okamoto is notable for voicing two characters in the Metal Saga: the first being Teru Saotome and the second, Zyro Kurogane, the main protagonist of Zero-G (which is technically the fourth season of MFB). This makes Zyro the first main protagonist in Beyblade to be voiced by a male actor. Okamoto would later return as Phelix Payne in Beyblade Burst QuadDrive.
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