freifraufischer · 2 years
Melanie de Jesus dos Santos (FRA), BB, 2022 Paris World Challenge Cup Qualification
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triple-to-stag · 26 days
🚨 we have a practical haute couture leotard 🚨
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yurchenko-full · 9 months
everything about this is so 💕💓💖💞💘💝
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thatssoninja · 2 years
Oh djdjdj oh that was nice
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roaringroa · 9 months
commented on a gymnastics video about how it was a shame that the international broadcast for yesterday's world championship women's finals didn't show julia soares' from brazil solo because i loved it (i watched the brazilian broadcast that did show it), she did so well especially considering she had just fallen off the beam, she aced it and helped give confidence back to the whole team and then linked to the only youtube video i could find for it. and then a middle aged slightly butch woman replied with "thank you dear, i'm going to watch it. big hug!"
what i'm getting at is that my rizz is off the charts women love me
#lmao but i did find it heart warming like thank you middle aged kind of butch woman <3#also the final was insane like i watched most of it literally trembling feeling my heart race#i was rooting so so so hard for brazil and i cried a little when we won silver#we had never won a teams world medal!! ever!!#and our athletes have been through so much: rebeca flavinha and jade especially#like jade is 32!! she won her first (out of now three) world medal 16 years ago! there was a gymnast from another country that wasn't born!#and she got hurt last olympic cycle and only just came back!! acing her vault at 32!!!#and flavinha had never won a world medal despite being one of the current best!! she was always away for medical reasons or extremely unluc#and rebeca god rebeca had 3 ucls!!! and she came back won two olympic medals last olympics and of course did awesome yesterday#current 2nd best in the world only behind simone biles who is simone biles like she's just in a category of her own#shout out to team france too the last time they had won was in 1950 and they qualified at 7th so they really weren't expecting bronze#but the girls gave their all and especially mdjds absolutely aced it like that beam performance was beautiful and under so much pressure!!#anyway i'm not gonna pretend that i follow gymnastics that closely#but whenever i know there's international events finals i like to watch if i can or at least the highlights#it's such an incredible and jaw dropping sport and the women's especially is so beautiful#plus brazil solos always so fun with good music choice and actual dancing in the choreo#daiane dos santos with brasileirinho changed lives#my post
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viktoriakomova · 19 days
Paris wishlist
Nemour bars gold
QQY AA bronze
No Jade floor medal
ITA team medal
No medals for france but a top 6 AA finish for MDJDS
Romania TF
In the realm of reality but a long shot:
Both Aleah and Luisa make AA finals
Rebe VT and/or FX gold
Nina UB fall in QF
ITA individual medal
A b*tch can dream:
Rebe AA gold
USA TF flop with actual medal consequences
Aleah floor finals
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my-random-fandoms · 27 days
IDK why this is necessary for me to say but MDJDS's Christian Dior leotard is not good.
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lobaznyuk · 9 months
my long-time sleeper hits Flavia and MDJDS getting world medals at the same time is sooooo important to me
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son1c · 1 year
Sorry if I send too many ask things mdjd- and that sometimes they aren't exactly askings of the aus
How would Bermuda feel about seeing chao if they somehow existed there? And if that's a bad question, then uhm- -what would Shadow meeting Windthrow be like?
shadow's soft spot for chao carries over to bermuda... they're just little guys... he wouldn't hurt them. he wouldn't really want to interact with them either though. kind of like a "leave me alone, small dog with huge wet eyes" situation.
shadow meeting windthrow would be so funny because i don't think shadow knows about sonic's werehog form i mean he wasn't there in unleashed to see that all go down right??? so he'd be like wow what's with this huge, fluffy, doglike version of you? meanwhile prime sonic is sitting there covering his face and So Fucking Embarrassed but trying to play it cool like man, i have NO idea. weird!
meanwhile windthrow is just excited to see shadow cuz he's a New, Not Megafauna person! a new person to play with! yippee!!!
hilariously i don't think windthrow would trust prime sonic it's like how dogs will bark at their own reflection in the mirror like Something Is Fucking Wrong With This Situation. he'd intuit it. yknow
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not me actually crying at mdjds and team brazil's reaction
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freifraufischer · 2 years
Melanie de Jesus dos Santos (FRA), UB, 2022 Paris World Challenge Cup Qualification
Multiple Falls
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triple-to-stag · 11 months
Seeing MDJDS at a traditionally US-only competition
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yurchenko-full · 9 months
I need france to flop I'm sorry mdjds but do it for brazil
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tutyayilmazz · 9 months
i don't like that this strengthens the questionable narrative that training in ✨the youessay✨made mdjds progress in any substantial way though!
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tchousovitina · 3 months
watched mdjds’ routine and it’s not as terrible as i was expecting given the reaction to it but its not great. it’s clear she has the potential to handle better choreo which is i think what makes it more frustrating.
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viktoriakomova · 26 days
I have nothing against her absolutely nothing but like. The French fed just pisses me off so goddamn bad I want MDJDS to walk away from Paris 2024 with zero hardware. I don’t want them to have anyone to champion I don’t want that federation to have anything to smile about. Especially with how things have gone and them making exceptions for Melanie and only Melanie
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