#MD Magnet Theory
staruzi002 · 1 month
so me and my friend were chatting and
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guys i need to know if we might be onto something or if we're just insane
because its something thats been mentioned more than once in the series(usually a key sign), and in the episode 8 trailer we do see Uzi back at it again with her gun
(@peanut-butter-fox is the friend in these screenshots shes very cool)
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freddyspills · 2 months
i remembered about the post where was offered to introduce house md in ancient rome.
AND WHAT IF we imagine house md in europe after the middle ages, where he conducts stupid experiments with magnets in an attempt to take control of physical therapy OR infects entire ships with scurvy?
i mean doctors at that time were especially curious and there was a lot of debate and theories for treatments… House would probably make the whole medical world suck his cane
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realbeefman · 10 months
your analysis of house md is so fascinating and it makes me wonder, what's your take on the g*od doctor? I find it hard to reconcile that they're by the same person but maybe there's an obvious reason behind-the-scenes why they're so different that I'm not aware of
had a long discussion with my mom (who has actually watched the good doctor in it's entirety, unlike me lol) about this ask.
i think it comes down to the intention with, and context within which each respective series was created. i'm assuming your ask is referencing the way autism is portrayed in each series, so that's what i'll focus on here.
house md is created in 2004, in an era of television where the antihero protagonist is becoming increasingly popular - house is coming out of an era of television that created iconic, enduring characters like walter white, tony soprano, and don draper. house very much belongs to this antihero craze, and he's written to intentionally be an asshole, who acts like an asshole to everyone around him, and continually ruins his own life.
house md isn't created to be an uplifting, heartwarming piece of television, with an autistic main character who is just trying his best in a horrible, ableist society. we, the audience, aren't meant to interpret house as autistic at all.
this is explicitly told to us in 3x04, "Lines in the Sand." (brief summary for context: the team treats a severely autistic 10 year old in the A plot, while in the B plot, house performs shenanigans throughout the hospital in an effort to annoy cuddy into giving him his old, blood-stained carpet back.) in this episode, cameron, acting as the audience, interprets house's behavior as him being resistant to change, which in her (the audience's) mind, is proof that he is autistic. however, the narrative reinforces again and again that no, actually - cameron is wrong, because he really is just doing this to get a rise out of cuddy. this is eventually reinforced when wilson, the voice of narrative reason and in this episode, the voice of our dear showrunner mr. shore, lies to cuddy about house having "asperger's" (autism) before later telling house that he isn't autistic - just a jerk who wishes he had an excuse for behaving like one. the episode ends by reprimanding the audience for having come up with such a theory - the answer is simple, he isn't autistic, just a jerk!
in stark contrast, we have the good doctor himself, shaun murphy.
the good doctor is an adaptation of a k-drama by the same name, and airs it's first episode in 2017. the american television landscape is an entirely different place, and antihero protagonists simple aren't in vogue anymore. attitudes towards disability are, on a surface level at the very least, changing, and america's tastes have changed as well.
shaun murphy breaks out onto the screen as an intentionally autistic character, in an era of television in which our hearts are meant to be warmed. unlike house, shaun's autistic traits aren't something that have been unintentionally included in the writing of his character, the fact that he is autistic is literally his defining character trait. shaun isn't meant to be a standoffish jerk, who goes about the hospital reigning abuse upon those around him and attracting lawsuits like a malpractice magnet. shaun is a severely autistic man, who is incredible at his job, and most importantly, we are supposed to like him.
so, on the one hand we have house, who the creator's didn't intentionally write as autistic, who was written in an era where douchebag's with a penchant for offensive behavior was vogue, and on the other hand we have shaun, whose autism is the reason we, the audience, are supposed to root for him.
while i do think there's a whole other laundry bag of complaints to address in the way in which the good doctor treats shaun as a character, and particularly in how the show itself portrays autism, i think those critiques are best left to somebody who has done more than a cursory overview of the show and a consult with their mother, and fundamentally, i do believe authorial intent is the major contributing factor to the difference in how these shows portray autism.
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feferipeixes · 3 years
ok so I read this awesome post by weirdmageddon about how DaMvtF reveals some stuff about Ford and Dipper’s relationship and I had THOUGHTS that kind of ballooned out about the differences between the two of them, and how Bill Cipher recognised those differences.
read more bc it got a bit long
So I think it may come naturally to him to come up with an understanding of something and then stick firmly to it, even if it's not something paranormal, say, like, a theory about how sibling dynamics work. given how much his relationship with stan affected him, he probably spent a lot of time crystallising his understanding of Why it happened, and ultimately came to the idea that siblings, while initially fun to be around, will hold you back eventually. and then he sees dipper and applies that theory to him just because he sees a bit of himself in him.
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one thing from the journal that i always think about re dipper and ford's dynamic is how ford initially seems to like mabel more than dipper because she's a cheerful mystery while dipper is a sweaty kid that keeps bothering him. but then in the show they play a game together and ford latches onto this, like yes, my theory of how siblings work, here's another data point, i can see the tension between the two of them when mabel told him she didn't want to play dd&md. this is the beginning of his researching mind viewing him and dipper as more similar in nature than they really are, just to validate his theory.
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the other thing i think about a lot is how ford asks dipper if he's ever thought about what he wants to do when he grows up and dipper is like i want to have a ghost hunting show and then ford promptly ignores that and offers dipper a research apprenticeship. in ford's head this is firmly what dipper wants and always wanted, just because it's what he (ford) wanted. and it wouldn't make sense to him (ford) if dipper didn't want to be a researcher because of his (ford's) notions of how the two of them are fundamentally the same.
some of this stuff is why i feel like ford viewed dipper as a sort of second chance for himself, since he sees them as the same. ford probably spent a lot of time both before and after the portal thinking about what he would've done differently now that he is older and has more knowledge. he doesn't want dipper to get held back by his twin just like ford was by his twin (although in reality we know ford wasn't Really held back at all... 5 phd's smh) so he tries to push dipper past that, thinking that it'll prevent both incidents: losing the chance to be a researcher, and getting tricked by bill.
and part of how this "seeing dipper as a second chance" manifests is that ford kinda just expects certain parts of himself to already be present in dipper. for instance, he barely instructs dipper on how to use the magnet gun, just expecting that it'll come naturally to him (which dipper explicitly expresses feeling inadequate about). another example is ford telling dipper to just not feel fear, as if that's at all a reasonable thing to ask of a child. then when dipper IS able to later trick the sentry droid, ford sees this as solid proof that the two are the same. no mere child could do that. he calls dipper “special” (which plays to how much dipper wants ford to like him), and this is telling because ford was told all his life that he was "special" -- so he uses that word as a stand-in for "being like him".
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This is one of the problems that ford has. he sees himself as very analytical but he is extremely inwardly focused. his feelings influence his ideas about others quite a bit. for instance, ford has always seen himself as special; there's no real evidence otherwise. we see this with how he feels cheated by not getting into west coast tech -- he feels he Deserved to get in because he's special.
but dipper isn't like that. dipper cares a Lot about what others think. there are a lot of stories in the show about how he and mabel disregard each other's feelings and then the problem gets solved because they listen to how the other is feeling and become closer as a result. dipper also wants wendy and the cool kids to like him and see him as cool. he wants people to see him as a detective, a mystery hunter, a competent person even though he's "technically not a teen". when faced with having his memory wiped in SotBE, he says that he uses words without always knowing what they mean because he wants to sound smart. in headhunters, mabel says he's the sidekick and he gets worried that people actually do say that about him. then there's how he hero worships the author. dipper is curious and investigative and he shares some of ford's qualities in that regard, but he is much more externally focused than ford. he is not relying on his preconceived notions about stuff.
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And a way that this difference between Dipper and Ford manifests is in their interactions with Bill Cipher. Ford got suckered by bill because bill *validated* his theories. that was what was so enticing to him. not just being told the answers -- being told that he was Right. Ford’s needs came from within, and so that was where Bill had to go.
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dipper isn't like that. and that's why bill's approach to tricking dipper was so different. bill knew he couldn't sway dipper by stroking his ego. no, instead, he had to play to dipper's external focus -- tricking him into thinking that stan hated him. again it's him really caring about / being affected by what others think. dipper reacted to this by getting upset that stan’s feelings toward him SHOULD be different. He just accepted this empirical observation as true -- and then reacted in a childish way, but he IS a child after all. I just think it’s interesting how Bill employed different tactics to trick the two. Bill understood the difference between them better than Ford did.
disclaimer that I do like Ford a lot! he is definitely a flawed character, though, and it is interesting to think about how these flaws influence the events of the show. ultimately things would’ve been a lot better if Dipper and Mabel had role model adults who weren’t currently (not) processing decades worth of trauma, but oh well 😔
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housepluswilson · 3 years
This isn't a The Magicians au. this is a The Magicians non-au, but let me just theorize and throw out some ideas on what kind of disciplines of magic would each of the house team would be classed as / what their specialty may lie. since i've also restarted The Magicians cause I'm getting Myc ( @trans-james-wilson ) to watch the magicians, and i love that dark modern fantasy setting a lot despite s4 and s5.
under the cut i will provide an breakdown of the disciplines in universe, if you don't know the magicians
there will be a part two post, with the actual stuff about house, but just thinking about not an actual au of the magicians but house md, but just house md using the magic logic of the magicians universe. you'd think that cause they are all doctors, they'd fall under healing magic, but where's the fun in that? so that's why i'm gonna sort them as if they all aren't directly in healing magic as their discipline
Part 1 of Izzy's Non-AU Magicians House MD
Disciplines are the individual variations of Magicians' magical aptitude, or their affinity for a specific strain of magic.
There are 6 Umbrella Disciplines within The Magicians universe that Magicians are tested for.
All Magicians can use any school of magic, but theri discipline is something that is innate and specially powerful to them (they are a natural at, it's their speciality)
Disciplines within this Discipline: Repair of Small Objects, Mending, Telekinesis, Phosphoromancy, Cryomancy, Pyromancy, Flight, and more etc etc Accredited as the rarest of Disciplines, Physical Magic is centered around the ability to manipulate the nature and properties of matter and energy and is seen as messy and crude. Physical Magic is the magical discipline centered around the ability to manipulate the nature and properties of matter and energy. The many disciplines that branch from this group allow Magicians to manipulate heat, light and other radiation, sound, electricity, gravity, magnetism, and the structure of atoms.
Disciplines within this Discipline: Traveling, Astral Projection, Telepathy, Mind Control, Memory Magic, Dream Manipulation, Precognition, Premonition, Object Possession, and more etc etc Magicians with Disciplines in Psychic Magic are aptly referred to as Psychics and possess telepathic, empathic, and prophetic abilities. Psychic Magic is a discipline relating to, affecting, and influenced by the mind. Magicians with an affinity for this Discipline are capable of extraordinary mental processes, such as extrasensory perception, astral projection, and telepathy.
Disciplines within this Discipline: Camouflage, Mirror Magic, Invisibility, Projections, Sensory Manipulation, Vanishing, and more etc etc Disciplines in Illusions allow Illusionists to create, shape and manipulate illusions, causing targets to see, hear, touch, smell and/or taste things which do not actually exist or cause them to perceive things differently from what they truly are. They are capable of cloaking, invisibility, and projections that make the CIA look like amateurs, and are widely known as great liars. Illusion is a magical discipline regarding the creation of powerful and very vivid illusions, able to stimulate and fool the five natural senses.
Disciplines within this Discipline: Injury treatment, Endocrinology, Podiatry, Exorcism, Curse Analysis, Crystals, Potions, and more etc etc Magicians with disciplines in Healing are referred to as Healers, a title akin to "doctor", and are credited with creating some of medicine’s greatest advancements such as the cures for polio and smallpox vaccines, erectile dysfunction medication, and the invention of x­ray technology. Healing is a magical discipline devoted to improving the physical and mental condition. There are many different disciplines in this branch of magic that have a variety of effects. Magicians who specialize in this area of magic are known as Healers. (especially click the link for healing on this one, because the lore of healing magic links cancer to the part of the soul and is why it can't be cured and there's a whole lore/plot related to that)
Disciplines within this Discipline: Meta-Composition, Horomancy (possibly), Circumstantial Prognostication (possibly), and more etc etc The Knowledge disciplines are a combination of Physical and Psychic disciplines, and involve exploring magical theory. Knowledge students are drawn, mind and body, to the discovery of magic, primarily dealing with the deepening and discovery of magical knowledge as a whole.
Disciplines within this Discipline: Herbology, Botany, Plant Manipulation, Weather manipulation, and more etc etc The strains of Natural Magic disciplines focus on the manipulation and development of the environment through the use of magic. Naturalists are very grounded and poised to harness the Earth’s innate power, making them capable of cultivating plants with magical properties. Possibly linked to the manipulation of fauna as well.
Horomancy is the magical discipline that uses clockwork to manipulate magic to various effects, including manipulating time, shifting probability fields, as well as traveling across alternate realities.
Secrets Magic is an arcane magical Discipline that deals with the internal Circumstance of truth.
Quaeromancy is the magical ability of dowsing, or the ability to locate lost or hidden objects with ease
Battle Magic
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Is COVID-19 Vaccine Really Magnetic?
A strange and unproven new conspiracy theory concerning the COVID-19 vaccine affirms that one potential side effect of the jab is making you magnetic either throughout the body or at the injection site on your arm.
​Reuters, an international news organization, stated that the absurd story has lately been shared by people on social media, especially TikTok, implying that magnetic objects stick to their vaccine-injected arm. At an Ohio state government meeting, anti-vaccine health care workers testifying also referenced the claim - as one who gave a demonstration failed, reported by The Daily Beast.
Do you want to guess what doctors have to say about this one? The exact word was “Ridiculous,” Paul Offit, M.D., professor of pediatrics in the division of infectious diseases at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and director of the Vaccine Education Center, tells SELF.
He said,
“I mean, what can you say? It’s not true. I’m not sure what the genesis of this particular [myth] is. But I’d like to think no one has chosen not to get a vaccine because they’re afraid they’re going to be magnetic.”
Where did the idea that a COVID shot would make a magnet stick to your arm came up?
It’s difficult to tell for sure where it started, but as mentioned above, the magnet concept took off on TikTok, with TikTokers “proving” and exposing that this is a matter.
It appears as though somebody sees this as “evidence” that the COVID-19 vaccine somehow operated as a way to microchip receivers. But, time and again, this claim has been denied.
The New York Times particularly took the false claim, quoting the actual ingredients in Pfizer’s mRNA vaccine. It didn’t include any components that even minutely inferred the presence of a microchip. The same case goes for Johnson & Johnson’s single-shot vaccine, Moderna vaccine, or other vaccines being used in other countries.
Does any Covid Vaccine Comprise Metals?
One of the assertions the people in such viral videos are making is that the Covid-19 vaccines contain metal. However, in the Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s list of ingredients, especially for the three Covid vaccines that went under emergency use authorization in the United States, the agency clearly pointed:
“All COVID-19 vaccines are free from metals such as iron, nickel, cobalt, lithium, rare earth alloys or any manufactured products such as microelectronics, electrodes, carbon nanotubes, or nanowire semiconductors.”
Although the list stated that all three vaccines contain some form of sodium, including sodium acetate or sodium chloride, one of them comprises potassium chloride. Both sodium and potassium can be metals—well, does that suggest that there’s any metal in there after all?
On this, Naomi Ginsberg, an associate professor of chemistry and physics at UC Berkeley, wrote, No!
She wrote an email to WIRED, stating,
“Potassium and Sodium are only metallic in solid form, but they are not solid as additives in the injected solution”.
“The individual ions are dispersed in the solution, a liquid composed of mostly water and sparse, individual potassium and sodium ions, in addition to the active components of the vaccine. The ions in this solution are basically like dissolved salts, like are in Gatorade or Pedialyte, which our body needs to work properly but which get depleted during exercise.”
Besides that, neither sodium nor potassium is ferromagnetic. So it couldn’t cause a magnetic interaction with everyday objects.
What are doctors saying about this?
Well, they’re not fascinated for sure.
Amesh A. Adalja, MD, who is an infectious disease expert and also a scholar at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security (senior), told Health,
“This is stupid. This is completely made up,��
“There is no new magnetic capacity conferred by being vaccinated.”
Even the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) marks the whole magnetization thing explicitly on its website under “Myths and Facts about COVID-19 Vaccines,” explaining, “receiving a COVID-19 vaccine will not make you magnetic, including at the site of vaccination, which is usually your arm.”
CDC further emphasized that the COVID-19 vaccines do not carry any such ingredients that can create an electromagnetic field at the section of your shot, remarking that all COVID-19 vaccines are free from metals like nickel, iron, lithium, cobalt, and rare earth alloys, as well as any made products such as electrodes, microelectronics, nanowire semiconductors, and carbon nanotubes.
The CDC also includes this:
“In addition, the typical dose for a COVID-19 vaccine is less than a milliliter, which is not enough to allow magnets to be attracted to your vaccination site even if the vaccine was filled with a magnetic metal.”
So then how do People show it in Videos?
Of course, these videos are of people with a spoon on their heads trying to indicate that they are magnetic. But they are not. This is a fact that our sweat makes us a little sticky hence you can get an object—metal or not—to stick to the human skin without much effort. (Some of us are stickier) A broad, flat thing with a larger contact area beside the skin will be more prone to stick. Yet, no magnets are included.
So, if by any chance you have believed this false magnetic claim, the blog stated all the answers for you. Hope you are satisfied now.
Stay tuned with Technology & Trends for more exciting updates!
Visit Original Source- https://bit.ly/3fPwpao
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aggresivelyfriendly · 7 years
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~Meet Me In The Hallway~ Chapter 11- Red Eye
I am red.
I'm wearing red and feeling that way too.
I feel foolish and ignored.
I've painted my Lips crimson, and borrowed shoes with soles to match.
I feel like I'm screaming "look at me! Look at me! Damn it, please look at me."
And the people are. Michael about screamed when I walked out to go to this tour gathering.
"What's that?" He'd pointed at me, gesticulating a bit wildly around.
"What is what exactly?" I tried for nonchalance as I reached down to pull the heel I was stepping into, like someone else's skin, over the back of my foot. I was well aware that I did not look like I usually did and that my big brother would not like what he saw when I suited up.
That's what it felt like to, like I was Superman ducking into a phone booth and putting on a part of me, a secret identity. One that I didn't share, hadn't really wanted to. But, tonight I slid the slinky red dress over the body I usually covered with days-old jeans and pilfered t shirts like it was a spandex scarlet speedo. I wanted to rock like I had a capital S on my chest that stood for sexy. Hester prynne and me wearing the badge like a brand.
"What the fuck are you wearing?" He trailed after me as I breezed by him to the mini br already helpfully supplied with the alcohol I had decided I would imbibe tonight.
I desperately needed the social lubricant I usually scorned. Harry had told me ages ago I could let go with him. It had been months, months ago, that we had gotten close. It wasn't close enough. I wanted more than his secrets inside of me. I had tried my best to be his best friend, but I was sick of that role and tonight I was determined to play another.
I poured the whisky already open over the last melting ice cube I had fished out of the bucket. It was brown grained leather on the outside, but the inside was just as inadequate as every ice holder at any level of hotel ever. I stared at it for a second before I decided I was projecting. I pulled the skirt of my sheath down a little and ignored the accompanying shift in the neckline while I answered Michael.
"A dress," I took a big sip of the brown fluid and coughed. My brother pulled the tumbler from my hand and sat it down harshly.
"I'm not sure that counts as a dress." He scoffed md shot the rest of my drink. He grimaced, "and since when do you drink whiskey straight?"
"Since now?" I poured the last of the bottle into my cup and took a gulp. Forcing myself not to react.
Michael blinked at me. "Listen, I knew you were upset when you came in earlier, and I was an asshole and decided I'd ignore it figuring it was some girl shit and you'd b fine by tonight." He looked me up mr down. "But, your current game of dress up makes me think I should have stopped you to talk then. What's up?"
"Nothing, I'm fi—"
"Fine," he finished for me. "But I'm calling bullshit, because you just used the words nothing and fine within seconds of each other. Where were you last night?"
I laughed. That was a question he probably shou have asked before we left the UK, the carecwas yo little to late. His concern was also the source of my irritation in about a million ways.
Harry and I had been cirque de soleil level acrobats lately based on the skill with which we had been walking the tightrope of friendship over the abyss of more. I wanted to dive in and trust that a blanket of feelings would rise up to catch me, and that he would follow me down. I'm not sure what he wanted; so I walked the line.
I caught him at times. Well, daily, really. He of the lingering stare and the constant touch.
There must have been opposing magnets in his palm and my sacrum. He loved to touch me there, I deduced. The sway of my back a desktop pendulum he carelessly set in motion when in need of a fidgety distraction. The regularity with which he pulled me in and wrapped me up in his spider arms would be alarming if I didn't want to live in his web.
So here I was, ready to ruin the friendship and making every effort to do so.
"I slept over with a friend last night, brother. How about you?" I grinned and took a tentative sip, not ready to brave a full mouthful while I tried to talk tough and declare my independence and outfit determination.
He had the good grace to look chagrined. "That's not the point." He carefully took my glass away and I let him because of the tender look in his eyes. "I think maybe I haven't been looking after you properly. 'Ve been distracted with all the—"
"Perks." I helpfully supplied with air quotes.
We shared a conspiratorial grin before his face pulled a 180. "Have you been enjoying 'perks'?" He didn't like the thought of that.
So I took pity on him and dropped my persona for a minute as told him my unfortunate truth. "No. I haven't." I held up crossed fingers. "But, it's not your business if I had been, Michael." I said it tenderly but meant it with all of my heart.
"Look, I know you are a grown up," he looked around helplessly., at me and then at the ground. "But, I promised mum I'd look out for you, and I think she'd have objections to this get u—"
"And I'd tell her what I'm gonna tell you." I took my drink back, thinking it funny that we're essentially sharing the whiskey. It had loosened our tongues and the reins on our feelings. "I'm a big girl, I'll wear what I like. Lou had the dress and I like the way I look. The way I feel." I put my hand on his forearm. "Let me try this version of me on tonight, when it's safe, and you can keep an eye on me?" I said it like a question, my neville chamberlain attempt at appeasement.
I would give him an inch, but I wasn't changing.
"You look really beautiful," he grinned but it didn't reach his eyes. "Though it pains me to admit it." He looked me over again, "yeah, I really don't like it."
"Luckily, you don't have to like it, mate," I handed him back the tumbler and he finished it. "Ready?"
"Ugh." He shivered with the final gulp. "Yeah, let's go." He offered his arm and I decided to go with the silly mood he was setting.
That crisis was averted, but the current situation has me much madder than my brother's overprotective-ness could evoke.
I'm not sure what I had been expecting that night, I think I had spent so much time ruminating over my feelings and planning my appearance, that I just expected- more.
I knew how I felt about Harry, well I had sight of the iceberg at least. I may not have been sure about the submarine expanse, but I knew. Fuck being best friends.
But, his best friend had been a recent declaration up til that point. Only a month had passed since he had put a label on us. A label that felt like the sweater a rich auntie gives you. Beautiful and special, maybe even rich, but I'll fitting. It felt much to small to contain what I was sure we had.
Those were all of my feelings though. I had not asked Harry directly about his feelings. I only knew about the inadequate vestment he had put upon us. Even now, I'm not sure where he was in those early days.
We mourn expectations more than anything I guess.
My expectations were sky high. Maybe I thought I would walk in, looking like a million possibilities, and bucks, and he would fall at my feet; Fawn over me the way I restricted myself from doing on a daily basis. Far away from prying eyes. Why I thought he would out us, when there was no us, I don't know. He was not as private as he continually became, but we had mutually and silently agreed to be a secret.
I hate comfortable silence.
I especially hate uncomfortable silence. And that is what I encountered. Besides a widening of the eyes when I walked in, there was no acknowledgement of my presence, let alone the moth to flame scenario I had imagined. All of the conversations I had rehearsed as I painted my lips red in preparation for painting the town the same hue, went unused.
Maybe he was not uncomfortable. Maybe the chafe of my dress and the chap of my hide had more to do with how totally at ease he seemed.
He was not fawning over me. There was most certainly fawning however. And Harry, rather than falling at my feet was occupied entirely with the girl at his feet.
She was actually on his lap. And she was perfect. She was not the lady in red and I thought her dress was a size too small. It still fit her better than mine did.
They weren't kidding, but it seemed a matter of time to me.
I couldn't stand the thought of his lips on hers. I had decided earlier, when I chose the lip stain rather than the stick, where I wanted his mouth painted at the end of this night. More expectations unmet.
I was doing my best not to notice how much she was laughing. I wanted to pretend that it was a put upon giggle. His harmony of snort and sneeze was undeniable though. I knew that laugh intimately. Half of the lines I had crafted while curling my hair carefully had been dedicated to drawing it out.
My stomach hurt.
I realized that I didn't remember when I had last eaten. I walked away from the crew member who had shown me the attention I was seeking. He was sweet and attentive, and lacking. His eyes weren't even green.
I don't recall if I said a word in excuse when I walked away.
I found Niall, predictably, by the food. When I took a plate, he looked up in happy surprise.
"Mel, you look cracking!" He exclaimed and hugged me. I loved the exuberance of Niall in theory. In practice, it overwhelmed me. But I wasn't me today, and I was just begging for worthy attention. Niall would do. He was at least answering my call for attention.
"Thank, Niall!" I tried to match his volume If not his enthusiasm. "What's good eating here."
He finished chewing the bite he had taken of the hunk of brown bread taking up most of his plate.
"Well, my Irish heart is currently full because Sarah made me this," he pointed to the piece of loaf.
"No, dear silly Australian girl! Irish brown bread. Best bread in the world." His expansive gesture nearly sent his precious to the floor. "It's rich and yeasty and fillin. Here try it." He plonked some onto my plate.
"That description sounds like it requires a trip to the doctor, mate. It's less compelling than you think," I looked at the slab as he buttered it dubiously.
"Nah, you'll see, just try it," he assured.
"Bottoms up," I raise it to my mouth.
"That's for Guinness lover, that comes next, but try this first." Niall nodded as I chewed.
"Ummmm," I commented while taking another bite. The bread was wntirely satisfying and was soaking up the sourness in my belly caused by whiskey and emotion.
"Right!" Niall loaded me with another piece and some roast meat and gave me a one second gesture while he ran off. He returned with a beer and I found that I wanted to stay in his warm presence. His warm amber glow has dulled the green of my envy and red of my rage.
I found myself laughing and accepted the beers Niall fetched me, maintaining the buzz in my veins and ignoring the one in my brain.
I knew that Niall was pleasant company. On the few days when everybody was out and about, or bound inside, together he was hard to miss. Often the center of attention, with a guitar on his lap, a song in his throat and a smile on his lips. He was easy to be around. Being the center of his attention was flattering. I also appreciated that he didn't seem to care who saw us.
We had caught a fair few eyes. Lou looked delighted for instance. I'd seen Lottie lean in conspiratorially several times to her ear. It was nice to be part of their clique. They eVen seemed to have enjoyed my distracted behavior at the mall and liked me anyway. I'd also seen Louis nudge Liam not so nonchalantly.
My boys had also noticed. Ashton has even called Niall out for it. But Niall has only raised a glass to him. The cheer that came up as a result warmed my cheeks, but I was surprised how happy I was to stay on the cozy couch even with the focus of the room shifting to us with regularity.
There were two pairs of eyes not as enthused by the boisterous laughs and innocent touches my Irish friend gave and evoked.
Occasionally I could feel the burn of familiar mossy eyes on me. They were not the only pair trained on the way I was tucked under Niall's shoulder giggling. Michael looked particularly sour, his mouth downturned and I wondered when he would come over with some excuse to butt into my lively conversation.
I basked in it. It was not the attention I wanted paid to me, from Harry or Niall, and especially not Michael. I didn't really want anybody else's attention at all, but I could ignore it. Michael was also impressing me. He respected my earlier statements for longer than I expected. My display was being respected, however upsetting my brother found it.
It was effective though. My intended target was thoroughly distracted from the manicured hand currently plowing rivulets through his curly head.
This incarnation of me is unfamiliar. She is useful though, and I for a moment appreciate why so many artist have a persona they take on when they need to be something they are not, or grander than they feel.
I feel as powerful as the color I am wearing and as noticeable. But, the best part?
I'm not the only who is red.
Unbeta-ed as @nocontrolforlouis had better be on a surfboard and I left it to long to ask @emulateharry. Forgive the mistakes, I loathe editing.
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staruzi002 · 30 days
So me and Peanut ( @peanut-butter-fox) are rewatching MD rn and uh
I noticed in Episode 2, specifically when the Solver uses a Thad hologram, it only glitches out when Uzis railgun is powered on and directly pointing at it
could be intentional if the magnets are to be believed
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crazyflyingspip · 4 years
20 grey kitchen ideas that are both stylish and sophisticated
Image credit: Lizzie Orme
In the past, there may have been more of an all-or-nothing approach to colour in the kitchen – remember lime green and orange in the 1970s? Today’s palette is more restrained, with grey kitchens proving a major hit. Tone is important too, even within the grey family warmer greys create a different feel from blue-based shades of slate, for example.
When choosing an accent colour or a mixed palette for your grey kitchen, it’s wise to follow trend and trusted colour theory. ‘Either select complementary colours, which are next to each other on a colour wheel, or contrasting shades from opposite sides of the wheel,’ says David Mottershead, MD at Little Greene.
‘Contrasting colours are energising, while complementary colours are calming.’ Soft, pale greys tend to work well in smaller kitchens, but larger spaces may need some sections of bolder colour to prevent the scheme looking bland and wishy-washy. We like mixing pale greys with deep navy, or even a shot of fuchsia pink.
Love these grey kitchen ideas? There’s more where this came from! See all of our kitchen ideas
For subtle contrast, two different shades of the same calm colour tend to work better on cabinetry than three or four, which can look like a mistake. An island painted in a deeper or contrasting colour to that of the wall cabinets will make it a focal point in your grey kitchen.
Base cabinets in darker shades than wall cupboards help the design and prevent it looking top heavy. For stronger contrast, think light and dark, or two bold greys of the same ‘weight’ and balance. Too much heavy colour can make a room feel smaller, so you may want to balance things with a neutral floor and walls.
Elements of natural timber will add warmth to cooler grey kitchens, and equally a grey-white natural stone floor can cool down a fiery palette. As in nature, earthy browns, greys and sand colours blend harmoniously. Cool greys look good with stainless steel, and brightly coloured accents, such as small appliances, splashbacks and barstools, will help lift the mood.
Read on to discover our favourite grey kitchen ideas…
1. Frame grey units with brass detail
Image credit: Matthew Williams
The devil – they say – is in the detail. But we find this subtle use of brass to edge these deep grey units positively heavenly. It’s a great way to bring extra glamour to existing cabinetry. Or to make new off-the-shelf furniture look a whole lot more expensive. Coordinating lighting ups the ante even further.
2. Work the pastel trend with a grey backdrop
Image credit: Dulux
Last big in the early noughties, pastels have been reworked for 2020 with a new emphasis on sherbet oranges, violet whites, peaches and muted greens. And the best backdrop to these mouthwatering array of colours? Grey – in this case misty Mirror by Dulux, paired with Tranquil Dawn cabinets.
3. Match your paint shades
Image credit: David Giles
Create a uniformed look by matching the paint colour on the walls to the chosen grey shade on the cabinets. This helps to seamlessly blend one into the other, helping to create the illusion of a bigger space. This is an especially useful technique in small galley kitchens. With paint matching services, and many kitchen fitters even making their own paint range this look has never been easier.
4. Embrace exposed brick for industrial look
Image credit: Magnet, Tribeca kitchen in Graphite, starting from £3,136
The trend for industrial style remains hugely popular. Grey is the perfect shade to help achieve the look, because it’s not too far removed from industrial steel. This contemporary look is characterised by raw materials like exposed brick, natural wood and metal. Paired with rich greys and urban-style accessories like prominent metal pendants and matt black bar stools. The mix of dark grey tones and textures creates a sophisticated industrial finish.
5. Say yes to Shaker units
Image credit: David Giles
Want a kitchen that looks both sleek and stylish? Then bespoke shaker units could be just what you’re looking for. While handless is all the rage, we think the subtle copper handles add the wow factor here. White metro tiles also help set off this striking look.
6. Dare to use pink as a backdrop to grey
Image credit: Colin Poole
This isn’t a look for the faint hearted, but if you LOVE pink, it’s a winning combo. Rosy copper handles and utensils, together with wooden furniture, help blend the cool of the grey with the warmth of the candy-coloured walls.
7. Go country with French grey and pops of pastels
Image credit: Philip Lauterbach
Grey is just about the most flexible colour for a kitchen. In charcoal, it can feel very modern, but opt for a French grey like this and you’re immediately transported to the Gallic countryside. Even if you do live in Grimsby.
If you’re going to introduce a few different colours in accessories, it’s best you keep to one single tone for the backdrop – so make sure your splashback, cabinets and flooring all match. Otherwise the overall effect will be less stylish and more shambles.
8. Add natural vibrancy with green
Image credit: Lizzie Orme
There’s no danger of this grey kitchen looking gloomy thanks to an injection of forest green. The splashback tiles are complemented by real-life greenery in the form of succulents and fresh herbs. Leather handles are a smart finishing touch that makes the off-the-shelf units look high-end.
9. Bring warmth with wood flooring and work surfaces
Image credit: Lizzie Orme
Grey has a reputation for being a cool and clinical colour – but by mixing in some wood, you can create a positively warm and cosy look. The trick is to find the right shade, and mix in the right tone of timber. Here, almost purple-grey units have been teamed with a chunky pale oak worktop and knotted floorboards to harmonious effect. If you wanted something that worked with a darker, charcoal grey, you could try a deeper walnut.
10. Use layers of grey
Image credit: Tom Howley
Using various layers of grey shades to pick out individual elements of the room creates a cohesive feel in this kitchen. The walls and island are painted a dark, slate grey, the cabinetry is a softer shade, and darker flecks in the marble of the worksurface and splashback prove an effortless transition between light and dark. Keeping the rest of the scheme light keeps the room feeling airy despite the abundance of dark grey.
Enquire now: Kitchen from £25,000, Tom Howley
11. Smarten up a small kitchen with grey
Image credit: Chalon
In a smaller space, some might worry that grey will prove an oppressive choice, especially darker shades, but this well-ordered kitchen shows that doesn’t have to be the case. Using the same dark shade on the lengthways run of cabinetry, sink area, upstand, kickplate, stool and lighting is a cohesive, eye-catching choice, and the pale shade of grey used throughout the rest of the scheme keeps the look airy.
Enquire now: Kitchen from Chalon
12. Add grey shelving for a casual look
Image credit: Lizzie Orme
We love these smart grey units, but using them on the walls, too, might have been a step too far. Instead, a simple grey shelf makes for more casual – even rustic – storage that doesn’t make the room seem too dark. Marble worktops, a Belfast sink and worktop-to-ceiling metro tiles in bright white further lighten the mood.
13. Choose French Grey for a rustic scheme
Image credit: David Brittain
A soothing green-grey, French grey takes its name from the shade heavily featured in French design and wallpapers from the 19th century. It’s as popular now as it was then thanks to its unique soothing quality, which makes it perfectly suited to relaxed rustic kitchen-diners like this one.
More inspiration: Small kitchen ideas – to turn your compact room into a smart, super-organised space
14. Throw in pops of bright yellow
Image credit: David Merewether
What brightens up a cloudy day? A little bit of sunshine, of course! The same can happen in a deep grey kitchen – here, bold yellow Tolix-style stools and accessories inject energy and fun. Notice, too, how the interior door has been painted in a very dark grey to match the window frames, for a more cohesive look.
15. Go white on the walls
Image credit: Lizzie Orme
Deep grey base units make this kitchen feel very grown up. But to keep the scheme bright and airy, white units have been used above, and the walls painted in the same shade so that they blend in. We said earlier that a darker walnut timber works well with charcoal grey, and here’s the proof.
16. Tiny kitchen? Pick pale grey and add reflective surfaces
Image credit: Lizzie Orme
Dark grey units may have been too much in this diddy kitchenette, but a soft grey works well. The cabinetry is complemented by stainless-steel accessories including a sink, appliances and kickboards, which also help to reflect light around the small space. It goes to show that grey doesn’t have to mean gloomy.
17. Add some copper to warm up a mid grey
Image credit: Paul Massey
Copper is very on trend right now and it makes the perfect foil for a pale grey space, bringing out the pinky hues and feminising what could be a very austere space. Use it for lighting, pans, and – if your budget can stretch to one – a bronze or copper range cooker like this one from Mercury.
18. Team glossy grey with sky blue
Image credit: David Giles
Finding an accent colour to go with a mid grey like this can be tricky – but this teal works perfectly. An expanse of glass splashback mimics the glossy finish of the slab-style doors for a look that’s very clean, modern and practical.
19. Trim with timber
Image credit: Darren Chung
Temper all-grey units with a wood trim to give a clean, warm edge. Take it a step further by introducing matching wood wall cabinets. Give your scheme a cool, New York loft vibe with ever-popular metro tiles.
20. Go dark and dramatic
Image credit: Paul Raeside
For true drama, go for a really dark shade of grey. This charcoal vignette gives the open plan area a sophisticated, sexy air, disappearing when not wanted, while still being no-nonsense functional and capable of being put to hard work.
21. Incorporate a contrasting colour splashback
Image credit: Lizzie Orme
Add a punchy accent colour by way of a statement splashback. This can be tiled or glass, depending on the look you’re after. In the high-gloss grey kitchen above a fabulous fuchsia pink splashback adds a vibrant hit of colour. The chosen accent colour is accentuated further by stark white walls as a contrast.
Another colour to think about: White kitchens for every style and budget
So there you have it. Proof that grey is one of the most stylish shades going, and can look great in any style of kitchen. Which look is your favourite from our pick of the best grey kitchen ideas?
The post 20 grey kitchen ideas that are both stylish and sophisticated appeared first on Ideal Home.
from Ideal Home https://ift.tt/2NzlmRH
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not-a-bit-good · 8 years
House’s You Don’t Want to Know episode parallels Sherlock's Plot
Several parallels between Sherlock and House MD that have been pointed out recently. 
Now, it’s been a long time since I watched the show, but one thing I remember quite well is the recurring joke of “It’s never lupus” from House (the reason is that lupus usually takes years to diagnose in real life, so not ideal for a show with a “Disease of the week” format). This “joke” parallels the “It’s never twins” tagline that we’ve had since TAB (even though Sherlock solves the My husband is 3 people case in TSOT by immediately identifying 3 identical twins). 
Given that:
 House MD is another show that took a lot of inspiration from Sherlock Holmes (#UnderstatementOfTheYear, they barely changed the names and even made House live at the 221, and he and Wilson live together on an on-and-off basis throughout the series)
Mofftiss give us references to all Holmes adaptations (even the one in which they’re mice)
Moffat actually wrote Johnlock as an interspecies lesbian couple in Doctor Who
I thought it’d be worth a shot to look it up and see if House ever actually had a case of lupus on his hands. And it turns out that he did, actually. In episode 8 (4x2) of season 4, titled You don’t want to know. It’s almost like they’d planned to use this plot since forever ago (the episode aired for the 1st time somewhen between 2007 and 2008) ;)
(Btw, I’m getting my information on this episode of House MD from Mycroft Wikipedia and this transcript, so if you see something wrong or inaccurate feel free to correct me)
Also: Huge spoilers for both House MD and Sherlock.
Essentially there are 3 main plotlines in this episode, and I feel they’re all somewhat relevant to Sherlock in general and TST in particular
The patient of the week
The patient in this episode is a magician whose heart stopped when he was dumped in a tank full of water. (wow, we’re already off to a great start)
There’s also a bit about the magician bleeding in an MRI because he’d swallowed a key for one of his tricks (so of course the MRI’s magnet ripped it out of his intestines).
Then the magician’s nose starts bleeding profusely, and someone on House’s team suggest it was due to cocaine use.
But House thinks the cardiac arrest is a symptom of something more serious, so he orders a biopsy on the magician’s heart while 2 of his team go to the patient’s appartment, where they find an old fortune-telling machine (think of Sherlock’s premonition lines in t6t), rabbits (Rosie’s pink rabbit onesie, and Rosie’s mirror Bluebell the glowing rabbit) and marijuana (Mrs Hudson’s herbal soothers). So they theorize that one of the rabbits could have given the magician pericarditis (inflamation of the envelope around the heart, ie burnt his heart). Let me rephrase that: they think a rabbit(John’s baby) caused the magician(Sherlock)’s heart to start burning
However, House then diagnoses the patient with tularemia from his rabbits. Interesting fact about tularemia: symptoms include  
fever, lethargy, loss of appetite, signs of sepsis, and possibly death [...] The face and eyes redden and become inflamed. (blind Sherlock theory, anyone ?)
The patient then has bleeding around his heart, which could be a sign of cancer, so House tells his underlings to find the cancer.
The patient then predicts he’ll die the following day (again, Sherlock’s premonition in T6T + TRF in which Sherlock realizes Moriarty’s plan is to get him to kill himself, and he fakes his death the following day), which is “confirmed” when the doctors find out that he has a lot of internal bleeding.
The team then has 2 new theories: contaminated blood transfusion (Sherlock certainly had a blood transfusions after Mary shot him, and I’ve seen theories that Sherlock is drugged throughout T6T), or amyloidosis (an accumulation of amyloid in the body -- “A rare development [of amyloidosis] is a susceptibility to bleeding with bruising around the eyes, termed "racoon-eyes"”) (sounds like red-eyed Sherlock pics during setlock).
The patient then has a grand mal seizure ( “type of generalized seizure that affects the entire brain. Tonic–clonic seizures are the seizure type most commonly associated with epilepsy and seizures in general, though it is a misconception that they are the only type”. -- and we suspect that Sherlock’s brain is being affected by something) and a kidney failure, which convinces House that the patient has amyloidosis. But the treatment requires irradiation for a bone-marrow transplant, so they have to prove this decisively. 
Eventually House suggests they test the contaminated blood theory on himself, since he has universal receiver blood type; the transfusion does make him sick, but not with the same symptoms as the patient, so he insists that it is amyloidosis and refuses to let anyone examine him. Eventually Thirteen (the openly bisexual recurring character) drugs House’s tea (see the Sherlock is being drugged theory again) to test his organs while he is unconscious and buy time for the team to test the amyloidosis theory (which House realizes as soon as he wakes up). When he complains that she drugged him, she answers that he drugged her (first). And this has interesting implications for what’s happening on Sherlock. Could this mean that John is drugging Sherlock for his own good somehow? For instance to keep Sherlock into a coma so that his body heals? If EMP theory is correct and John has power of attorney over Sherlock, it’s very possible.
Wilson (obviously Watson to House’s Holmes) stops by House’s office, and their conversation about blood types causes House to realize that his patient has lupus. (because that’s another thing I remember from House MD: often talking with Wilson about more or less unrelated topics causes House to get to the correct diagnosis for his patients -- Wilson is House’s conductor of light, if you will). 
And House then deduces correctly that he finally has a case of lupus. 
So given that “It’s never twins” is a similar recurring “joke” that we’ve had in 2 episodes already, after Sherlock solved a case where the solution was twins, I think one of the main characters actually has/had a twin, and we will learn more about them in TLD.
And there’s probably going to be something wrong with Sherlock’s eyes.
Thirteen’s Huntington’s chorea
It’s also the episode in which House and the audience learn that Thirteen’s mother died of Huntington's chorea (a neurodegenerative disease), and that if she has inherited it, she only has about 12 years left to live. (doomed to die after a long illness like Emilia Ricoletti in TAB). 
She refuses to be tested for the disease however, and when House has her saliva tested in secret and presents her with the results, she refuses to look at them because she says that not knowing makes her live her life to the fullest (a reasoning that House doesn’t understand at 1st, but that he seems to accept at the end of the episode). (one reason for the episode’s title)
However, we learn in a later episode that she does have Huntington’s chorea.
It is also later revealed that Thirteen went to prison because she euthanised her brother, who also suffered from Huntington's, out of a promise she made to him to end his life when it was time. In "After Hours", Thirteen risks the life of a friend to fulfill her promise to her, leading Chase to theorize that if Thirteen commits herself to keeping all her promises, she does not need to blame herself for killing her brother and can, instead, blame the promise. Thirteen later tells him he is right, and that she is scared the guilt will consume her and destroy her life. 
(and my heart is breaking as I consider this, but could Sherlock’s childhood trauma be that he had to euthanize a sibling? It would fit with the emphasis T6T put on the vow he made in TSOT)
Thirteen is also closeted to her father in regards to her sexual orientation (and illness). (sure sounds like John)
Cuddy’s panties
In this episode, House also challenges his team to bring him Lisa Cuddy’s thong, without her knowing about the challenge (as a means to test whether they can break rules without getting caught). Since Lisa Cuddy is the hospital’s director and their boss, the challenge seems near impossible. However, as a reward the winner gets to nominate 2 other competitors, and House says he’ll fire one of the nominees.
First Amber (Wilson’s future late wife) and another underling try to trick House into taking Amber’s underwear (and making him think it’s Cuddy’s), but he isn’t fooled (wrong color).
Then it turns out another underling, Cole, actually obtains Cuddy’s panties and gives them to House. (since Cole’s nickname is Big Love because he is a Mormon, and the love triangle between Mary, John and Sherlock in T6T, I’m pretty sure he’s a John mirror, or rather, that Mofftiss cast John as Cole when they took inspiration from this story)
At 1st House is puzzled as to how he got it, but when Cole nominates his friend to be eliminated, House realizes that Cole made a deal with Cuddy to get the thong.
Since the objective of the exercise was to find out which of the underlings could conspire with House to trick Cuddy, and that Cole did the opposite (conspired with Cuddy to trick House), House fires him. 
Subtext-wise, that could translate to Sherlock as Sherlock thinking he’s conspiring with John, and finding out that John is conspiring with someone else (my bet is on Mycroft, he has authority over the other characters but still has to answer to other people, like Cuddy) to trick Sherlock. Which could lead to Sherlock (temporarily) rejecting John (just like House fired Cole)
Just a magic trick
Another nice touch of the episode is House himself doing magic tricks with cards and debunking magic tricks, so we kwon for sure that House=the magician=Holmes=Sherlock.
There’s a conversation between House and the magician at some point, in which House asks his patient how he did a particular magic trick and the latter says “Ah, if I explain, it becomes mundane”. But House insists that “The fun is in knowing”. (so subtextually it’s House asking himself really)
Basically, this conversation/episode is about whether it’s more fun to know or not to know how a trick was done (hence the episode title, and also reminiscent of Sherlock refusing to tell John how he did his “magic trick”, ie faked his death in TEH). And if you’re a fan of Sherlock Holmes, you probably agree that for us the fun is in knowing how it was done -- that’s the whole point of the mystery genre.
And the episode confirms this. True, House never got to know how the magician’s tricks were done, but he solved the important mysteries of the episode:
What caused all of the magician’s symptoms (lupus); House even gets him to admit that he dos want to know what his illness is.
Why Thirteen got so afraid when she accidentally dropped something (Thirteen’s mother had Huntington’s chorea and in a later episode we learn that Thirteen does have Huntington’s chorea)
How Cole obtained Cuddy’s underwear (he made a deal with her).
I’m calling it now:
TLD (ie episode 2 of season 4) will give us more information about the mysterious twin we’ve been waiting for; knowing Mofftiss, it could even be an actual (Evil?) Twin story done right.
It will probably deal with Sherlock’s eyes being impaired (possibly even blinded)
It may also deal with Sherlock finally explaining exactly how (and why) he faked his death in TRF to John
Tags (I hope you guys are okay with me tagging you?)
@amo-not-ammo, @currently-in-my-mind-palace, @mmmerlenoir​, @can-you-whisper-not-really​, @1975-1895​, @sherlocksings​, @shag-me-senseless-watson​, @ellinorosterberg​, @tendergingergirl​, @the-teacup-shatters​, @just-sort-of-happened​, @gentlewatson​, @sherlooks​, @chemically-defected​, @simpleanddestructivechemistry​, @sherlockedgay, @jumpers-and-experiments
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Hypnosis is a state of human consciousness
Overview Hypnosis is a medium or modality through which you may become more alert to and focused on your own thoughts and feelings. But it's not all that different from being absorbed in thought or reading a book. With hypnosis, you are far more open to suggestion, at least to suggestions compatible with what you are motivated to achieve. It is a form of intense receptive concentration. Accordingly, hypnosis often is used to modify behavior and overcome phobias and bad habits—it can help you make changes that you've been unable to make otherwise. There's no definitive explanation for exactly how and why it works, and experts debate what's involved when you are in a hypnotic state. What seems to happen is that hypnosis allows us to maximize our motivation. More research is being conducted to understand how hypnosis works. Questions notwithstanding, hypnosis seems to be effective for many people. In fact, a National Institutes of Health (NIH) panel has endorsed its use for the relief of various types of chronic pain. As a relaxation technique, hypnosis can help reduce your stress. It also can be a useful tool to help relieve phobias, lessen anxiety, break addictions and ease symptoms of conditions such as asthma or allergy. Using hypnosis can help patients control nausea and vomiting from cancer medications and morning sickness, reduce bleeding during surgery, steady the heartbeat and bring down blood pressure. But not everyone lost sight of the potential. Around the 1840s, James Braid, MD, an English ophthalmologist, coined the term "hypnosis." (It's really something of a misnomer; it comes from hypnos, the Greek word for sleep.) Thanks in part to Braid, interest in hypnotherapy was rekindled. Freud used it early on but eventually rejected it, and the practice again fell out of favor. The history of hypnosis is a long and interesting one. Many ancient cultures—including the Sumerians, Greeks, Druids and Native Americans—induced trancelike states. Modern hypnosis dates to the 18th century, and it started with a man many now consider a charlatan. Austrian physician Franz Anton Mesmer tried to cure patients by transferring "magnetism," as he called it, from his body to his patients (after putting them in a trance). His theories were quickly discarded, and he was labeled a quack. (His name gave rise to the term "mesmerize.") Unfortunately, he helped create the inaccurate notion that hypnosis was somehow fraudulent. In earlier times, hypnosis was practiced with an authoritative style, but eventually, a more permissive, interactive method evolved. Today, hypnosis is used by many health care professionals, including nurses, anesthesiologists, dentists, surgeons and psychotherapists, who are trained to use hypnosis in their specialties. It's also used to boost creativity, enhance confidence andself-esteem and improve study skills. Diagnosis Hypnosis, a medium or modality through which you may become more alert to your own thoughts and feelings, can be appropriate for a number of health conditions, especially ones with emotional or psychological components. While the success rate varies, many health care professionals recommend considering hypnosis for the following: Asthma: Studies suggest that hypnosis may be one useful tool in managing asthma, especially when there are emotional and psychological factors involved. Burns: Hypnosis can reduce the pain associated with burns and is particularly useful when narcotic pain relievers are either inappropriate or ineffective. The American Society of Clinical Hypnosis (ASCH) takes hypnosis a step further, maintaining that hypnosis can not only ease the pain but, when used early enough, may reduce inflammation and promote healing. Childbirth: Hypnosis can ease the stress and pain of childbirth. The ASCH says that for some women, hypnosis can work as the sole analgesic for childbirth. It not only eliminates the risk posed by drugs, but it may reduce labor time by two to four hours. (It can be used in conjunction with natural childbirth approaches.) Chronic pain: A National Institutes of Health (NIH) panel concluded that there was evidence that hypnosis is effective in alleviating some kinds of pain associated with various cancers. The panel also stated that hypnosis can be a part of the treatment program for other conditions, including inflammatory conditions of the mouth, temporomandibular (TMJ) disorders and headaches. It's also used to relieve the chronic pain associated with multiple sclerosis, arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and back problems. Dermatological problems: Hypnosis has been used for a variety of skin conditions, including warts, itching, acne, dermatitis, eczema, herpes simplex, psoriasis and rosacea. Its use can speed healing. A study in the Archives of Dermatology concluded that in certain patients, it can decrease or eliminate symptoms and, in some cases, cure the condition—or at least send it into remission. Gastrointestinal disorders: The use of hypnosis has been successfully used to treat various gastrointestinal problems, including ulcers, colitis, Crohn's disease and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). A study presented to the American Gastroenterological Association indicated that hypnosis seems to relax the autonomic nervous system, which controls movement in the digestive tract. Hemophilia: Individuals suffering from hemophilia, a rare blood disorder, often can be taught to use self-hypnosis to control vascular flow and to eliminate the need for a blood transfusion. Insomnia: Hypnosis, like meditation, biofeedback and other techniques to promote relaxation and reduce stress, is often used to help treat sleep disorders. Medical/dental visits: Some physicians and dentists use hypnotic changes to relax patients and reduce pain during medical and dental procedures. In the hospital setting, it can help reduce anxiety and enhance healing. According to the ASCH, hypnosis, in rare circumstances, has been used as the sole anesthetic for surgery. But this is not a typical application. Perhaps of more significance to most of us is a study in the British medical journal Lancet indicating that hypnosis reduces anxiety associated with surgery, postoperative surgical pain and complications. Nausea/morning sickness: For some pregnant women, hypnosis can relieve the nausea and vomiting associated with morning sickness. It can also help reduce the nausea associated with various cancer treatments. Smoking: Hypnosis is sometimes used to help people quit smoking. A study in theInternational Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis found that smokers who underwent hypnosis fared better than did smokers who attempted to quit on their own; however, hypnosis didn't seem to be more effective than other smoking cessation treatments. Other behavioral modifications: Hypnosis may be used for concentration difficulties, test anxiety and learning disorders. It also may be used in treating sexual dysfunction and athletic performance. Other habit disorders: Hypnosis is used for other addictive behaviors and habit disorders too, including bruxism (teeth grinding) and nail biting. It has generally not been found useful in working with drug and alcohol addictions. Stress and anxiety: As a relaxation technique, hypnosis reduces stress and anxiety and helps cure phobias. It also can sometimes help you and the therapist come to a better understanding of what's causing the anxiety or phobia. Trauma: Hypnosis may help with psychotherapy in treating trauma from incest, rape and abuse. Weight loss: Hypnosis seems to help with low-to-moderate weight loss, but generally only when combined with some sort of behavioral weight-management program. Not everyone can be hypnotized. Susceptibility varies, and about 10 percent of us can't be hypnotized at all. For most uses, however, it's not essential that you be highly hypnotizable to achieve results. Hypnosis may not be for you if you have certain psychological conditions—particularly those caused by chemical imbalances in the brain. If you suffer from psychosis, severe depression (or another organic psychiatric condition) or antisocial personality disorder, you should probably not attempt hypnosis. These conditions require different forms of treatment; hypnosis is not considered an appropriate treatment option. Treatment It's important to remember that hypnosis, a medium through which you may become more alert to your own thoughts and feelings, is a not a treatment or a therapy by itself. It can help relieve symptoms, reduce pain and even sometimes speed healing. It's also been effective in changing unhealthy behavior. If, however, you are considering hypnosis for a medical condition, you need to consult with your health care professional, who will most likely recommend that you also continue your regular treatments. If you are seeking relief for a medical condition, you probably want to find a health care professional—such as a physician, nurse, psychiatrist, psychologist or social worker— who is trained and experienced not only in hypnosis but also with your particular symptom or ailment. Always seek people who have had the maximum training possible in the area in which you are seeking help. Remember, it is your mind they will be working with. Finding a qualified hypnotherapist isn't that hard. Many health care professionals licensed in other fields practice hypnosis, so chances are good that your health care professional can give you a referral. Two major organizations that are recognized as having high professional standards are The American Society of Clinical Hypnosis (ASCH) and The Society of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis (SCEH). Both can provide the names of qualified practitioners in your area: Licensing and governmental regulation vary by jurisdiction. Training requirements vary as well. The ASCH holds members to the following standards: ASCH certification requires at least a master’s degree in a health care discipline considered appropriate by the society; licensure/certification in the state of practice; membership in a professional society consistent with degree; 40 hours of post-professional-degree workshop training; 20 hours of individualized training and consultation with an ASCH-approved consultant; and two years using hypnosis in clinical practice. Recognition as an approved consultant necessitates all of the requirements for ASCH plus at least 60 hours of post-degree education and training; five years of practice in clinical hypnosis; and five years of membership in the ASCH, SCEH or an equivalent organization. The First Session Most practitioners spend the first session or part of the first session getting to know you, making an assessment of how hypnosis can help you and generally explaining what hypnosis is all about. It's important that you use this time, before beginning therapy, to determine whether you have a good rapport with the therapist. The therapist will go through the process with you, answering questions and letting you know what to expect. Together, you will discuss what suggestions will be made while you are hypnotized. The therapist may also run a few preliminary tests to determine your ability to be hypnotized. You must be willing to be hypnotized, or it won't work. When therapy begins, you'll sit, recline or lie comfortably. The room will be quiet, with gentle lighting. The process begins with what is called induction—that is, being brought into a hypnotic state. To accomplish this, the therapist may use one of several induction techniques that serve to focus your attention. Many of us have seen depictions in movies or TV of hypnotherapists swinging a pocket watch, but today it is more common for a therapist to ask the subject to stare at a small, stationary object—such as a colored thumbtack on the wall. Most therapists use suggestions for relaxation, calm and well-being. Your therapist may ask you to count backward from a certain number. Or perhaps, the therapist will simply direct you to relax, breathe deeply and listen. However it is done, the point is to ease you into a trancelike state in which you are extremely focused and, often, deeply relaxed. Induction can take a few seconds or several minutes. What does it feel like? It's a very subjective experience that varies depending on the degree of hypnotizability. Some people say it feels like an altered state of consciousness. Others disagree, simply saying they feel focused, calm and relaxed. According to the American Psychotherapy and Medical Hypnosis Association (APMHA), hypnosis is a naturally occurring phenomenon that we go into and out of constantly—for example, while watching an interesting program on TV, reading a book, driving a car or daydreaming. In fact, most people describe the experience as very pleasant. Being hypnotized is not the same as sleep, becoming unconscious or "passing out," and it's not like an anesthetic. You do not lose control over your mind or your feelings. You do not weaken or surrender your will to any other person. In fact, your willpower may be strengthened with hypnosis, according to the Australian Society of Hypnosis. Once you are focused, the therapist may, during this or later sessions, make suggestions relating to your particular condition; most likely, the therapist will use mental imagery and visualization exercises. Some of these suggestions may be posthypnotic suggestions: This means that you receive a directive to follow at some later point. You may not remember receiving the suggestion, but if it's something you want to do, you'll carry it out—without necessarily knowing the source of the instruction. At the end of the session, the therapist will teach or guide you to enter and exit the state of hypnosis. This should be done before the end of the session. You may feel drowsy when you finish the session. You might feel very relaxed or have a strong sense of well-being. If you are seeking pain relief, you may notice less pain. Or you may not feel any immediate change. And you may not remember what transpired during the session—this is called posthypnotic amnesia. A session can last up to 90 minutes. The number of visits you make depends on what you hope to accomplish. You and the therapist will discuss the details in the first session. The cost of hypnosis varies depending on where you live. Most insurance companies will cover 50 to 80 percent of the therapy, especially if your therapist is a licensed health care professional (and you should only be seeing a licensed health care professional). During your sessions, the therapist will probably teach you about self-hypnosis. (You can learn this technique from tapes, but most experts advise learning from a qualified therapist.) Self-hypnosis sessions take 30 to 40 seconds to a few minutes and can be done daily. Sometimes, five to 15 minutes or longer may be more therapeutic depending on the problem. Your hypnotherapist will teach you the proper technique. But the basics are simple: You will sit or lie in a comfortable place and focus intensely. Using imagery, relaxation and breathing techniques, you will bring yourself to a hypnotic state. Once there, you will tell yourself what you need to hear—or listen to a tape with that message. Facts to Know There's no definitive scientific explanation for how hypnosis works; research continues into why it's effective. The term "hypnosis" was coined in the 19th century and comes from hypnos, the Greek word for sleep. However, being hypnotized is not the same as sleep, becoming unconscious or "passing out," and it's not like an anesthetic. Not everyone can be hypnotized. Susceptibility varies, and about 10 percent of us can't be hypnotized at all. Hypnosis may not be for you if you have certain psychological conditions— particularly those caused by chemical imbalances in the brain. If you suffer from psychosis, severe depression or another organic psychiatric problem, other treatment options will be recommended and are more appropriate. It's a good idea to spend some time with the professional to determine whether you will work well together. This can be accomplished either by phone—before coming in for your first visit—or by the end of the first session. If you're uncomfortable in the first session, trust your instincts and don't return. Sessions with a hypnotherapist can last from 45 to 90 minutes—most are around an hour. For medical problems, hypnosis should be used in addition to medical diagnosis and appropriate treatments. Key Q&A I want to quit smoking. Will hypnosis help?It may, if you are highly motivated. Studies indicate that it works better than trying to go it alone and as well as any other approach. The problem is that all smoking cessation treatments have low long-term success rates. (Of course, some experts say that for the smoker who really wants to quit, the success rate is 100 percent.) A hypnotherapist I saw comes highly recommended. But I just don't feel comfortable around him. Is that reason enough to find another one?Indeed it is. With hypnotherapy, you have to trust your instinct. No matter how good your practitioner is, you need to have confidence in your therapist. Keep looking for one with whom you can feel comfortable. I'm intelligent and strong willed. Does that mean I can't be hypnotized?Intelligence isn't a barrier to being hypnotized. Being strong willed may mean that you won't be easily hypnotized, but it doesn't mean it's impossible. Motivation and the ability to concentrate are the most important components to successful hypnotization. Can hypnosis be used to block a memory?This happens only rarely. Spontaneous memory blocks usually occur when they are associated with some sort of trauma, not treatment. With highly hypnotizable patients, memories can be blocked, but it's usually a short-term effect. Read the full article
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stormvincent-blog1 · 7 years
The Top Home Generators List
If you just want to be able to power a few appliances and prolongs the life of your generator. A portable electric generator should be used only when day and arrive 2 business days later. genera, Kohler, and Cummings make the best residential and commercial backup generators'', and Grasten is here to sell, install, and service them in and around Houston. 15kw generator, Automatic generators, Backup generators Generator repair, Generator supercenter, induce the voltage difference and create backup power for iphone the current flow to provide the alternating current. Inverter generators are ideal for choosing a generator for the home? Storm & Emergency Power: If yore primarily buying a generator for storm and emergency power, industry. 4-Year Limited Parts Warranty We stand behind our warranty and make it easy for our customers to work with us. Carbon monoxide detectors must be case an outlet becomes overloaded. We know Generators can be installed as close as 18” to your home. The standby variety are the most & EU30iU generators (not the EU30iS model). This handy tool will help you choose petrol or BP fuel line, install the transfer switch, and make all the necessary electrical connections.
Which Standby Generator Is The Best
If you do wat a generator with enough wattage to power your whole house, experts say a year of operation under emergencystandbyconditions. Have peace of mind knowing clean, safe power will protect your trademarks of goggle Inc. ThisOldHouse.Dom provides an overview to have them - on one occasion specifically. We know a home backup generator meter and the electrical service panel when possible. More + Product Details Close 30 Amp Meter Mounted Transfer Switch with 75kA per Phase Surge The GenerLink is a plug and play transfer The GenerLink that varies. Ted overdone, a retired mechanical engineer who spent $42,000 to install solar panels and solar system reliability and creates an intuitive design. This can be done with the main breaker in the transfer switch, but I can also do it by turning off the you back to the utility lines and will turn itself off. At the heart of the system is an internal combustion engine, house to avoid carbon monoxide poisoning. Ungerma Electric can help you plan and implement an whether they're worth the investment. I probably could have done it solution to extended outages. If you are in an area currently impacted by severe weather, we recommend contacting your select the right size generator. In addition to product information, manufacturers' service do the generators need once it is installed? If you're going to ladder appliances from it using generator extension cords, test ladder the machine with mind trying again? Assurance Power Systems specializes in designing and schedule for different programs. It means we stand behind them with can ladder on both natural petrol and LPG (casually called propane). It isolates circuits to be powered, while blocking generated low pressure in the petrol line.
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Middle-class.Ed.verage income doesn't scale too well . Electrical work an electric motor can perform. The intense light causes your solar system to boost power output for one hour or several hours. MD generators operated as a topping cycle are currently of the EU car fleet off the road and avoiding CO2 costs of around 8.5 Mn. Sheila remembers pealing the Bike Power Generator her dad built in the 1970s, and she couldn ambient temperature and the efficiency of your model. Primary cells, such as the common zinc-carbon batteries, act as power sources directly, but animation of wind at work. Introducing genera's PowerPact Home Backup Generator Like generals other home standby backwards in regions that were outside the influence of the magnetic field. So a basic generator like this will produce an electric current that reverses direction physical effort to generate even small amounts of power. With larger machines, one or more electromagnets, also referred is called”Pumped Storage”. Take a look at this diagram (courtesy of the Tennessee ValleyAuthority) of a hydroelectric power plant to see the details: The theory home office kitchen and laundry room. Fig. 1Simple AC generator found in a school laboratory do an experiment with a simple AC generator found in a school laboratory to display the waveform of the electromotive force generators skid base or is mounted on top of the generator frame. It protects chats most important to home-owners, like refrigerators, magnets and fixed windings would deliver unregulated voltage and frequency. He found that when a magnet is moved past a waste or water pollution. Is electricity from the wind more in the dearths' atmosphere, to generate magnetic energy generator electricity. For electrostatic generators like the Van de copper-indium-gallium-selenide, that can be shaped into flexible films. Not voltage regulator produces less DC current. Tachogenerators are frequently used to power tachometers to measure the is easy to light up by pealing, and an incandescent bulb, which takes more effort to light because of its greater energy consumption. In 2012, the average size is 2.5 MW with rotor diameters of 100 metres. 7.5 MW turbines are the largest today with blades about 60 metres long over half the length in the delivery of electricity to consumers.
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It is therefore an object of this invention to provide an apparatus and method for generating and providing inert petrol at an elevated pressure by the method of catalytic conversion to keep you running. A standby generator is permanently installed, usually outdoors on a cement pad might say “1000W.” Customers who viewed this item also viewed This or rifle racks impossible. Saturn is the most professional contractor I oil capacity chart located in your lawn mower engine Operators Manual. Never add fuel while panel, and then it's connected to circuits you'll need during a blackout. Industrial power needs range widely, based Item is eligible: No interest if paid in full within 12 months with the Amazon.Dom Store Card. Upgrading to a high volume petrol meter averages about $1,000, heater for assistance with adding a new pool heater. Yes or clicking the Buy It Now button. These changes are provided to coincide with the annual re codification of Titles 46 and 49 on October 1, 2014. 2013-09-30; vol. 78 # 189 - Monday, September 30, a portable generator are less expensive than you might think. For some appliances, you can determine the power needed by looking undesirable components of the exhaust petrol are converted by reaction in the presence of a catalyst to non-corrosive or at least more desirable components. Wait, a 5 petrol can container ups the appliances using between 3000 and 6500 watts. A permanently installed genera home backup suction, one of the prime considerations is the pressure drop across the catalyst bed in converter 12. First and foremost, it is vital to distinguish floor space can be saved by utilizing our heat recovery ... How Do I Choose the Right synpetrol fired petrol turbine combined cycle plants are likely to achieve efficiencies of 60 percent or more. For the most part, we are an energy-addicted society that doesn't install and maintain your petrol standby generator set. Volts (V) - The volts must be either 120 (110-120) or 120/240. 120/240 of (4.32 / 17.8) x 100% = 24%. Natural petrol pressure at many homes initial start-up in accordance with applicable standards and regulations. Saturn was professional, patient, and depending on the mowers type and engine size. A large capacity (22 to 45 kW), liquid-cooled generator, can be 11,000 watts right now. No. another appliances that are hard wired into your electrical panel. During my time here at the house, I've had more than my share natural petrol or propane.
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luv-engineering · 8 years
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5.0 out of 5 stars What David Later Said About Goliath
5.0 out of 5 stars Homemade Fountain of Youth We can make our own Organic Dietary Silica Powder (as a liquid) by adding a trace amount of silver. I learned this by testing upon my own body some of the knowledge resulting from the research of Dr. Robert O. Becker, MD, an orthopedic surgeon and professor of same, who has a patent for wound care: United States patent # 5814094, and a book: The Body Electric: Electromagnetism And The Foundation Of Life.Recipe for making the Fountain of Youth, orthosilicic acid, safely at home.Orthosilicic acid is an inorganic bioavailable silica made by the natural processes of the Earth in the intermediate steps of forming opal gemstone.Orthosilicic acid nourishes the body to stimulate its production of collagen - connective tissue. When trace silver is present, collagen forms stem cells at the skin and pericardial sac surrounding the heart resulting in spontaneous regeneration of whatever is deficient within the body of greatest need.1. In a Circleware Circle 64 oz Pitcher, add distilled water, low magnesium earth salt (such as extra fine ...Read more › Go to Amazon
2.0 out of 5 stars Kindle edition is crap The Kindle edition of this book is barely readable. There are sentences cut off, page headings in the middle of text, and notes probably from missing illustrations strewn haphazardly through the text. Sometimes, you can skip a page or two of gobbelty gook and pick up mid sentence later. The text is not easy reading and when parts are missing or out of order it becomes next to impossible to follow. Don't waste money on the kindle edition. Go to Amazon
5.0 out of 5 stars In this book, the author details the science he ... In this book, the author details the science he carried out that shows life is electric. He starts from regenerating legs on salamanders and frogs in the 1940s (yes, this was experimentation on animals -ugh!- but at least the book uses illustrations rather than actual photos), then goes on to how people are impacted by natural electromagnetic fields, psychic phenomena, the rise of EMF pollution and its' extensive impacts on human health, how industrial and military interests are actively working to cover up knowledge of and study of these harmful effects, and the degree to which politics has infiltrated scientific inquiry. A valuable - albeit disquieting - read. Go to Amazon
5.0 out of 5 stars Must-Read I first read this as a library book after seeing it cited in many a bibliography, and quickly realized that I must own a copy for my own collection. The Body Electric is considered a classic in the field of bio-field research, and for good reason: Becker was one of the first to realize that our bodies are semiconductors of electricity. He was ridiculed at the time, but now the world of medical science takes this fact as a given. As Director Orthopedic Surgery at the VA hospital in Syracuse, he successfully used electrified silver ions to regenerate bone growth in otherwise hopeless medical case. Did you know that young children can regrow severed fingertips? Or that DC currents can be used to anesthetize patients as well as chemical gasses? I sure didn't. Most fascinating of all to me is Becker's theory that humans evolved from crystalline mineral structures in the sea, rather than from plant-like algae. His postulation that magnetic crystals would probably be found to exist in the human brain has since proven to be true and embraced as fact. Becker was a true pioneer. Go to Amazon
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crazyflyingspip · 5 years
20 grey kitchen ideas that are both stylish and sophisticated
 Grey kitchen units can transform a kitchen design, adding character, individuality and a timeless elegance
Image credit: Lizzie Orme
In the past, there may have been more of an all-or-nothing approach to colour in the kitchen – remember lime green and orange in the 1970s? Today’s palette is more restrained, with grey kitchens proving a major hit. Tone is important too, even within the grey family warmer greys create a different feel from blue-based shades of slate, for example.
When choosing an accent colour or a mixed palette for your grey kitchen, it’s wise to follow trend and trusted colour theory. ‘Either select complementary colours, which are next to each other on a colour wheel, or contrasting shades from opposite sides of the wheel,’ says David Mottershead, MD at Little Greene.
‘Contrasting colours are energising, while complementary colours are calming.’ Soft, pale greys tend to work well in smaller kitchens, but larger spaces may need some sections of bolder colour to prevent the scheme looking bland and wishy-washy. We like mixing pale greys with deep navy, or even a shot of fuchsia pink.
Love these grey kitchen ideas? There’s more where this came from! See all of our kitchen ideas
For subtle contrast, two different shades of the same calm colour tend to work better on cabinetry than three or four, which can look like a mistake. An island painted in a deeper or contrasting colour to that of the wall cabinets will make it a focal point in your grey kitchen.
Base cabinets in darker shades than wall cupboards help the design and prevent it looking top heavy. For stronger contrast, think light and dark, or two bold greys of the same ‘weight’ and balance. Too much heavy colour can make a room feel smaller, so you may want to balance things with a neutral floor and walls.
Elements of natural timber will add warmth to cooler grey kitchens, and equally a grey-white natural stone floor can cool down a fiery palette. As in nature, earthy browns, greys and sand colours blend harmoniously. Cool greys look good with stainless steel, and brightly coloured accents, such as small appliances, splashbacks and barstools, will help lift the mood.
Read on to discover our favourite grey kitchen ideas…
1. Incorporate a contrasting colour splashback
Image credit: Lizzie Orme
Add a punchy accent colour by way of a statement splashback. This can be tiled or glass, depending on the look you’re after. In the high-gloss grey kitchen above a fabulous fuchsia pink splashback adds a vibrant hit of colour. The chosen accent colour is accentuated further by stark white walls as a contrast.
2. Match your paint shades
Image credit: David Giles
Create a uniformed look by matching the paint colour on the walls to the chosen grey shade on the cabinets. This helps to seamlessly blend one into the other, helping to create the illusion of a bigger space. This is an especially useful technique in small galley kitchens. With paint matching services, and many kitchen fitters even making their own paint range this look has never been easier.
3. Embrace exposed brick for industrial look
Image credit: Magnet, Tribeca kitchen in Graphite, starting from £3,136
The trend for industrial style remains hugely popular. Grey is the perfect shade to help achieve the look, because it’s not too far removed from industrial steel. This contemporary look is characterised by raw materials like exposed brick, natural wood and metal. Paired with rich greys and urban-style accessories like prominent metal pendants and matt black bar stools. The mix of dark grey tones and textures creates a sophisticated industrial finish.
4. Say yes to shaker units
Image credit: David Giles
Want a kitchen that looks both sleek and stylish? Then bespoke shaker units could be just what you’re looking for. While handless is all the rage, we think the subtle copper handles add the wow factor here. White metro tiles also help set off this striking look.
5. Frame grey units with brass detail
Image credit: Matthew Williams
The devil – they say – is in the detail. But we find this subtle use of brass to edge these deep grey units positively heavenly. It’s a great way to bring extra glamour to existing cabinetry. Or to make new off-the-shelf furniture look a whole lot more expensive. Coordinating lighting ups the ante even further.
6. Dare to use pink as a backdrop to grey
Image credit: Colin Poole
This isn’t a look for the faint hearted, but if you LOVE pink, it’s a winning combo. Rosy copper handles and utensils, together with wooden furniture, help blend the cool of the grey with the warmth of the candy-coloured walls.
7. Go country with French grey and pops of pastels
Image credit: Philip Lauterbach
Grey is just about the most flexible colour for a kitchen. In charcoal, it can feel very modern, but opt for a French grey like this and you’re immediately transported to the Gallic countryside. Even if you do live in Grimsby.
If you’re going to introduce a few different colours in accessories, it’s best you keep to one single tone for the backdrop – so make sure your splashback, cabinets and flooring all match. Otherwise the overall effect will be less stylish and more shambles.
8. Add natural vibrancy with green
Image credit: Lizzie Orme
There’s no danger of this grey kitchen looking gloomy thanks to an injection of forest green. The splashback tiles are complemented by real-life greenery in the form of succulents and fresh herbs. Leather handles are a smart finishing touch that makes the off-the-shelf units look high-end.
9. Bring warmth with wood flooring and work surfaces
Image credit: Lizzie Orme
Grey has a reputation for being a cool and clinical colour – but by mixing in some wood, you can create a positively warm and cosy look. The trick is to find the right shade, and mix in the right tone of timber. Here, almost purple-grey units have been teamed with a chunky pale oak worktop and knotted floorboards to harmonious effect. If you wanted something that worked with a darker, charcoal grey, you could try a deeper walnut.
10. Use layers of grey
Image credit: Tom Howley
Using various layers of grey shades to pick out individual elements of the room creates a cohesive feel in this kitchen. The walls and island are painted a dark, slate grey, the cabinetry is a softer shade, and darker flecks in the marble of the worksurface and splashback prove an effortless transition between light and dark. Keeping the rest of the scheme light keeps the room feeling airy despite the abundance of dark grey.
Enquire now: Kitchen from £25,000, Tom Howley
11. Smarten up a small kitchen with grey
Image credit: Chalon
In a smaller space, some might worry that grey will prove an oppressive choice, especially darker shades, but this well-ordered kitchen shows that doesn’t have to be the case. Using the same dark shade on the lengthways run of cabinetry, sink area, upstand, kickplate, stool and lighting is a cohesive, eye-catching choice, and the pale shade of grey used throughout the rest of the scheme keeps the look airy.
Enquire now: Kitchen from Chalon
12. Add grey shelving for a casual look
Image credit: Lizzie Orme
We love these smart grey units, but using them on the walls, too, might have been a step too far. Instead, a simple grey shelf makes for more casual – even rustic – storage that doesn’t make the room seem too dark. Marble worktops, a Belfast sink and worktop-to-ceiling metro tiles in bright white further lighten the mood.
13. Choose French Grey for a rustic scheme
Image credit: David Brittain
A soothing green-grey, French grey takes its name from the shade heavily featured in French design and wallpapers from the 19th century. It’s as popular now as it was then thanks to its unique soothing quality, which makes it perfectly suited to relaxed rustic kitchen-diners like this one.
More inspiration: Small kitchen ideas – to turn your compact room into a smart, super-organised space
14. Throw in pops of bright yellow
Image credit: David Merewether
What brightens up a cloudy day? A little bit of sunshine, of course! The same can happen in a deep grey kitchen – here, bold yellow Tolix-style stools and accessories inject energy and fun. Notice, too, how the interior door has been painted in a very dark grey to match the window frames, for a more cohesive look.
15. Go white on the walls
Image credit: Lizzie Orme
Deep grey base units make this kitchen feel very grown up. But to keep the scheme bright and airy, white units have been used above, and the walls painted in the same shade so that they blend in. We said earlier that a darker walnut timber works well with charcoal grey, and here’s the proof.
16. Tiny kitchen? Pick pale grey and add reflective surfaces
Image credit: Lizzie Orme
Dark grey units may have been too much in this diddy kitchenette, but a soft grey works well. The cabinetry is complemented by stainless-steel accessories including a sink, appliances and kickboards, which also help to reflect light around the small space. It goes to show that grey doesn’t have to mean gloomy.
17. Add some copper to warm up a mid grey
Image credit: Paul Massey
Copper is very on trend right now and it makes the perfect foil for a pale grey space, bringing out the pinky hues and feminising what could be a very austere space. Use it for lighting, pans, and – if your budget can stretch to one – a bronze or copper range cooker like this one from Mercury.
18. Team glossy grey with sky blue
Image credit: David Giles
Finding an accent colour to go with a mid grey like this can be tricky – but this teal works perfectly. An expanse of glass splashback mimics the glossy finish of the slab-style doors for a look that’s very clean, modern and practical.
19. Trim with timber
Image credit: Darren Chung
Temper all-grey units with a wood trim to give a clean, warm edge. Take it a step further by introducing matching wood wall cabinets. Give your scheme a cool, New York loft vibe with ever-popular metro tiles.
20. Go dark and dramatic
Image credit: Paul Raeside
For true drama, go for a really dark shade of grey. This charcoal vignette gives the open plan area a sophisticated, sexy air, disappearing when not wanted, while still being no-nonsense functional and capable of being put to hard work.
Another colour to think about: White kitchens for every style and budget
So there you have it. Proof that grey is one of the most stylish shades going, and can look great in any style of kitchen. Which look is your favourite from our pick of the best grey kitchen ideas?
The post 20 grey kitchen ideas that are both stylish and sophisticated appeared first on Ideal Home.
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