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The Negative Effects of PUBG on Youth
Technological progress is not inherently positive or negative. It is up to the people how they use it. Technology & trend have mentioned a basic idea about the Negative Effects of PUBG games; those who play these games usually experience adverse effects. For more information, visit- https://technologyandtrend.com/
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The Negative Effects of PUBG on Youth
Technological progress is not inherently positive or negative; it is up to the people how they use it. Technology & Trend have explained the Effects of PUBG on youth. Visit for more information- https://bit.ly/2VZDHSj
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The Negative Effects of PUBG on Youth
Technological progress is not inherently positive or negative. In the end, it is up to the people how they use it. In today's era, we all are moving forward at our own pace, and it is necessary as those who do not move do not notice their chains. However, what matters is the direction. I agree that technology is implementing tremendous changes in human society, and technology is best when it brings people together. Nevertheless, having so much dependency on technology has made circumstances that lead to disturbance in the healthy lives of today's young and rising youth. One of the prime examples is a game named PUBG.
  Allow me to take you around the detailing about this game we are talking about. I will be brief but comprehensive.
  In battlegrounds, players compete where up to 100 players fight in a last-man-standing deathmatch. Players can choose to enter the match solo, duo, or with a small team of up to four people. The last person or team alive wins the match. There have been reports that this game has both positive and negative effects. According to some people, this game is antisocial and violent, which negatively affects the mind. It is also a big time-waster.
  Researchers believe that games are one of the fundamental factors that corrupt children's brains. In addition to diverting the attention of children and young people away from other things, violent games influence them to become more violent and perpetrate criminal acts. Do not let anything become your addiction, including PUBG.
  Now, as I have mentioned a basic idea about the game, Those who play these games usually experience these negative effects of PUBG :
  Rooting Aggression & Anger:
Violent games such as PUBG have come under criticism. A player's mental health can be negatively affected if they experience excessive violence. According to a survey, there is less time for other activities since people often spend hours playing PUBG, maybe up to 5 hours per day. Over 730 million people have downloaded it, which indicates an alarming situation for youth's behavioral issues. With this much usage of this violent game, hallucination problems are occurring to the doctors. According to a survey by Scoop Whoop, there are several cases registered after playing PUBG. Some are listed below:
  ●       A fitness trainer from Jammu ended up in hospital after losing mental balance while playing the game.
●      Pune youth's addiction to PUBG caused him to lose an entire academic year.
●      One couple divorced when the woman refused to revive her husband's character and instead revived another player.
●      A Mumbai youth committed suicide after being denied a Smartphone to play PUBG.
  Further, many facts conclude that excessive playing leads to a loss of thinking power.
  Physically damaging gamers:
Those were the days when children embraced their games with enthusiasm, interacted so well with each other, and explored new ones with so much vigor and creativity. Throughout the team's performance, there was mutual respect and humility. In the current parks, however, no such teamwork games are played. There is growing isolation among children, and they are not thinking beyond the game. If you would like to read a transcript, you can ask any doctor. Sitting for too long would be harmful to your body, and you will not find any quote to support that.
In comparison to anything else, it makes you sick the quickest. As a starter, it weakens your eyesight and makes you lazy. In case you need more evidence, you might even experience backache after playing this game. Migraines and headaches can also result from it.
  Reduces social interaction among gamers:
In the heat of the moment, gamers want to devote their full attention to their game. Many people do not wish to be in a situation like this, so they tend to avoid talking to anyone or sitting where real people are conversing. Slowly, this trait becomes a tendency, making the individual less socially active. Their whole day consists of playing the game. It is only the thoughts about gaming that interest them, which cause them to forget things. The virtual world is given more attention than the physical one.
  The technology available to every child:
One of the most significant flaws of the fast-moving generation is that every child has mobile and several other devices that can damage their overall growth. Some of the flaws are mentioned below:
  ●      Eye Strain: All device users experience symptoms of eye strain, such as burning eyes, difficulty focusing, etc.
 It may be more fun to play a game in bright light, but the glare, high contrast, and flickering images take a toll on your eyes. This is made worse by squinting at small handheld devices. In addition, kids who are enraptured tend not to blink, making matters worse.
  Furthermore, children who do not spend time outdoors may develop myopia.
  ●      Stress: Overuse of devices increases stress levels instead of lowering them. An extended period of constant stress can negatively affect the cardiovascular system, sleep, digestion, and psychological well-being.
  ●      Insomnia: A study found that using a mobile phone or other device disrupted sleep and brain activity. Stress could be another possible cause of these symptoms.
  ●      Atherosclerosis: Children can spend so much time idly playing with tech devices, yet a lack of physical activity plays a significant role in childhood obesity and the risks it carries.
  ●      Deficiency in Immunity: The London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine found that about 92% of handheld phones harbor bacteria, with 16% containing the potentially hazardous E.coli strain. Due to the climate in which we live, we can expose ourselves to such bacteria for hours!
  As it is about the future youth of the country, parents, teachers, and all guardians should not neglect these many points. We should all be keenly aware of our surroundings and take care of many things. We should not talk down to children who play games or use technology, but we should all put our health before anything else.
  Visit Original Source- https://bit.ly/2VZDHSj
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Is COVID-19 Vaccine Really Magnetic?
A strange and unproven new conspiracy theory concerning the COVID-19 vaccine affirms that one potential side effect of the jab is making you magnetic either throughout the body or at the injection site on your arm.
​Reuters, an international news organization, stated that the absurd story has lately been shared by people on social media, especially TikTok, implying that magnetic objects stick to their vaccine-injected arm. At an Ohio state government meeting, anti-vaccine health care workers testifying also referenced the claim - as one who gave a demonstration failed, reported by The Daily Beast.
Do you want to guess what doctors have to say about this one? The exact word was “Ridiculous,” Paul Offit, M.D., professor of pediatrics in the division of infectious diseases at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and director of the Vaccine Education Center, tells SELF.
He said,
“I mean, what can you say? It’s not true. I’m not sure what the genesis of this particular [myth] is. But I’d like to think no one has chosen not to get a vaccine because they’re afraid they’re going to be magnetic.”
Where did the idea that a COVID shot would make a magnet stick to your arm came up?
It’s difficult to tell for sure where it started, but as mentioned above, the magnet concept took off on TikTok, with TikTokers “proving” and exposing that this is a matter.
It appears as though somebody sees this as “evidence” that the COVID-19 vaccine somehow operated as a way to microchip receivers. But, time and again, this claim has been denied.
The New York Times particularly took the false claim, quoting the actual ingredients in Pfizer’s mRNA vaccine. It didn’t include any components that even minutely inferred the presence of a microchip. The same case goes for Johnson & Johnson’s single-shot vaccine, Moderna vaccine, or other vaccines being used in other countries.
Does any Covid Vaccine Comprise Metals?
One of the assertions the people in such viral videos are making is that the Covid-19 vaccines contain metal. However, in the Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s list of ingredients, especially for the three Covid vaccines that went under emergency use authorization in the United States, the agency clearly pointed:
“All COVID-19 vaccines are free from metals such as iron, nickel, cobalt, lithium, rare earth alloys or any manufactured products such as microelectronics, electrodes, carbon nanotubes, or nanowire semiconductors.”
Although the list stated that all three vaccines contain some form of sodium, including sodium acetate or sodium chloride, one of them comprises potassium chloride. Both sodium and potassium can be metals—well, does that suggest that there’s any metal in there after all?
On this, Naomi Ginsberg, an associate professor of chemistry and physics at UC Berkeley, wrote, No!
She wrote an email to WIRED, stating,
“Potassium and Sodium are only metallic in solid form, but they are not solid as additives in the injected solution”.
“The individual ions are dispersed in the solution, a liquid composed of mostly water and sparse, individual potassium and sodium ions, in addition to the active components of the vaccine. The ions in this solution are basically like dissolved salts, like are in Gatorade or Pedialyte, which our body needs to work properly but which get depleted during exercise.”
Besides that, neither sodium nor potassium is ferromagnetic. So it couldn’t cause a magnetic interaction with everyday objects.
What are doctors saying about this?
Well, they’re not fascinated for sure.
Amesh A. Adalja, MD, who is an infectious disease expert and also a scholar at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security (senior), told Health,
“This is stupid. This is completely made up,”
“There is no new magnetic capacity conferred by being vaccinated.”
Even the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) marks the whole magnetization thing explicitly on its website under “Myths and Facts about COVID-19 Vaccines,” explaining, “receiving a COVID-19 vaccine will not make you magnetic, including at the site of vaccination, which is usually your arm.”
CDC further emphasized that the COVID-19 vaccines do not carry any such ingredients that can create an electromagnetic field at the section of your shot, remarking that all COVID-19 vaccines are free from metals like nickel, iron, lithium, cobalt, and rare earth alloys, as well as any made products such as electrodes, microelectronics, nanowire semiconductors, and carbon nanotubes.
The CDC also includes this:
“In addition, the typical dose for a COVID-19 vaccine is less than a milliliter, which is not enough to allow magnets to be attracted to your vaccination site even if the vaccine was filled with a magnetic metal.”
So then how do People show it in Videos?
Of course, these videos are of people with a spoon on their heads trying to indicate that they are magnetic. But they are not. This is a fact that our sweat makes us a little sticky hence you can get an object—metal or not—to stick to the human skin without much effort. (Some of us are stickier) A broad, flat thing with a larger contact area beside the skin will be more prone to stick. Yet, no magnets are included.
So, if by any chance you have believed this false magnetic claim, the blog stated all the answers for you. Hope you are satisfied now.
Stay tuned with Technology & Trends for more exciting updates!
Visit Original Source- https://bit.ly/3fPwpao
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8 Incredible Benefits of Using Bitcoins for Transactions
The demand for Bitcoin, a digital currency created in January 2009, is unfolding day by day. Now more and more people are starting to use Bitcoin over traditional currency.
And why won’t they? There are so many reasons and benefits of using Bitcoins
Yes, if we compare it to other fiat currencies, they are more profitable. Plus, they are accepted broadly as a means of payment, and the striking fact is that bit coins are unforgettable and unique on their own. Most importantly, it is a decentralized currency managed through a peer-to-peer network. Its decentralized status is one of the chief reasons behind its growing fame.
Any transaction we make using bitcoin gets recorded on the blockchain network, which is completely safe, and only the address of your wallet is stated on it.
Well, if you are a novice in the world of bitcoin but want to step in and use the currency, then read ahead for its advantages. These points will help you get familiar with the currency and the bitcoin system and the reasons to buy them.
Let’s read one by one…
1 – No Inflation Risk; People Can Preserve Coins
The first and significant benefit is, with bitcoins, there are zero risks of inflation.
Like as the Government issues more money over the year, inflation occurs, reducing the purchasing power of the people, on the whole.
But the case with bitcoin is different. The system was created with the sole purpose of being finite. Therefore, the threat of inflation comes down to almost zero, without the possibility of issuing excess currency. The best part is, this point serves both the buyer and the seller in general.
2 – Freedom to make payments
Yes, freedom to make payments is one of the most significant benefits that bitcoin holders receive after engaging in the trading market. They can quickly receive or send bitcoin payments anywhere, anytime, and without any limitations. Also, almost all payment options are present there, which you can simply pick to get your hands-on bitcoin accordingly.
3 – Everything is Online; No Paper Verifications
Another vital advantage that makes Bitcoin so prominent is that there is no need to handle any paperwork. That means all is managed online, and you don’t have to adjust your schedule to deal with any financial institutions or banks.
Plus, you don’t have to involve any third parties to make any transfer to anyone.
4 – Less Fraudulent Risks
If you choose to buy anything and make payment using bitcoins, then the fraud risk is significantly less, and you can complete transactions securely. The reason is, you can complete the transactions without revealing any personal information while using the bitcoin payment system.
The most important part is, you can enjoy an excellent level of anonymity if you own bitcoins that you cannot get from making payments through debit or credit cards.
Plus, it is a digital currency that is a very, very low risk of hackers as they cannot hack it at any cost. The only thing you need to take care of is to keep your bitcoin safe and secure in your wallet.
5 – Easy Mobile Payments
What most people like about Bitcoin is, it lets you pay via your mobile phone. Yes, there are mobile wallets available through which you can send the currency to other people instantly. And certainly, you can also store your money in mobile wallets to further use it online whenever you need. It’s surely a great idea to try for yourself to see how it works and pay off big time.
6 – Transparency of information
Transparency is every person’s first priority when it comes to their personal or financial information or especially money transfer. In the case of BTC, users loved it due to the clarity they get as their entire information remains private and stored in blockchain technology. Apart from all, it is transparency that helps users in making transactions accordingly with complete freedom.
7 – Very Fewer Transaction Fees
Most of the time, when all you have to do is to transfer money, you end up with high transaction fees. But Bitcoin helps you neglect that since the transaction fee is meager regardless of how much you want to transfer to other people. This low fee, when offered with a high level of security, makes the experience a lot better than you might imagine.
8 – Global Payments Done Quickly
Besides all, when you use Bitcoin, payments are made very fast. Most of the time, payments happen immediately. So, one receives them in just a few minutes. It helps a lot and makes the experience a lot more satisfying every time.
So, these are not all but amazing Benefits of using Bitcoins. Keep using the currency and leverage the advantages. We assure you that you will have a really good experience!
View Original Source: https://bit.ly/3xAv2mG
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