#MAN he did give jgy a chance he did stand up for him when his soldiers were being assholes
llycaons · 2 years
I do love the idea of nmj being a chef though...this massive guy thundering through the kitchen who can whip up massive bread loaves and huge...lasagna platters idk. he seems like a bread guy
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demoiselledefortune · 3 years
Fics in which Jin Guangyao survives the ending (or is reborn, or timetravel shenanigans happen)
Where JGY is kept at Gusu by Lan Xichen
The Deep Dominion by Madrana 14234 words, Explicit
After the clan leaders finally turn against Jin Guangyao, he is saved from his execution by Lan Xichen asking for him to be instead imprisoned in a house near the Cloud Recesses. Here, his freedom and all his power taken from him, with not much to do but remember all he once had and wait for Lan Xichen to visit him, A-Yao tries to figure out whether love alone is enough when everything else has crumbled into dust.
After Cruelty by Yen 1385 words, Not Rated
Lan Xichen swallowed hard. Just the thought of the inevitable outcome made his blood run cold. The mental image of Jin Guangyao, forced to his knees before the baying mob, neck bared and waiting for the executioner's blade to fall… he could not even bear to think of it. 
Really, there was only one way out.
Epistle from Gentian by zebaoth 5552 words, Mature (check the tags this one is pretty dark)
Jin Guangyao survived the confrontation at the Guanyin temple. Now he lives in exile, under house arrest, at the Gentian House in the cloud recesses. Lan Xichen resides with him, ensuring that he does not leave his gilded prison.
This is the story of how their shared past and their shared present forces Lan Xichen to unravel.
Give no Quarter by thefaceofno 1500 words, Teen and up
When you die, how long does it take for people to forget you?
If they forget you before you die, is that the same as dying?
Confinement by clockwork_spider 2668 words, Mature (also pretty dark)
After the events of the GuanYin temple, Lan XiChen took Jin GuangYao back to Cloud Recess and hid him away. Isolated with only Lan XiChen for the occasional company, Jin GuangYao slowly loses his mind. 
Content warning: solitary confinement, Stockholm syndrome, suicide ideation, self-harm, cat murder
In the smoke and dying ember, I’ll find you by Aria_Chu 3641 words, General Audience
Lan Xichen and Jin Guangyao live happily away from the cultivation world following the events of Guanyin Temple...
Timeloop/Time travel
Defying Your Fate by Fortune Maiden 6219 words, Teen and Up (Xiyao)
After the clan leaders finally turn against Jin Guangyao, he is saved from his execution by Lan Xichen asking for him to be instead imprisoned in a house near the Cloud Recesses. Here, his freedom and all his power taken from him, with not much to do but remember all he once had and wait for Lan Xichen to visit him, A-Yao tries to figure out whether love alone is enough when everything else has crumbled into dust.
RoundTwo by theRecorder 9,853 words, Mature (Sangyao)
Before the temple
Before the siege
Before the campaign
Nie HuaiSang and Meng Yao suddenly wake up in the time and bodies before all of it
And now they meet for round two after three different previous lifetimes
Contemplate the darkness, crawl your way out by Gotcocomilk 7323 words, Teen and Up (Xiyao)
It began, as it always did, above the stairs.
It would end at the bottom, where he pulled himself up and the beast in his skin roared. It would end standing above the stairs again, with gentle fingers gripping his.
But it began where he made every one of the most fateful decisions in his life.
Empathy by clockwork_spider 30062 words, Mature (Gen but centered on Nie Mingjue and JGY’s relationship)
Stuck in the same coffin, Nie MingJue and Jin GuangYao’s souls were pulled together in an extended Empathy. Having experienced Jin GuangYao’s entire life from his perspective, Nie MingJue finds himself back in his younger body.
Before the Sunshot Campaign. Before Meng Yao was kicked down from the Koi Tower.
Where did the Stygian Tiger Amulet Go? By WangYue 24704 words, Teen and Up (Xiyao)
Inspired by the movie "Source Code"
This is the story of Jin Guangyao's repeated deaths in the goal of changing history, getting out of the coffin after his (first) death, and getting together with Lan Xichen, not in that exact order.
Reevaluation by Nirejski 2734 words, General Audience
First order of business: don’t underestimate Nie Huaisang, Jin Guangyao decided when he figured out that the bizarre talisman he’d found that promised to abrogate his greatest regrets had actually somehow implausibly worked and he was back in the past.
As for the rest of it, though - for Nie Mingjue, for Lan Xichen...
It was time to reevaluate.
(not really shippy)
Grief Negotiation by Nomette 17513 words, Teen and Up (Xiyao)
Five years after the events of Guanyin Temple, Lan Xichen is gifted a folio of songs written by Jin Guangyao. But the music he plays is more than just a song, and soon Lan Xichen's life and happiness hang on the brink as he struggles to unravel the mysteries surrounding him and save Jin Guangyao before it's too late.
Written for XiYao week 2019, for the prompt of "Alternative Ending."
A Troublesome Charge by Moonsheen 14208 words, Teen and Up (Xiyao)
Sixteen years after the collapse of the Guanyin Temple in Yunping, Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji must investigate a new mystery: the curious case of Nie Huaisang's entirely too knowledgeable young cousin, who has arrived at the Cloud Recesses with a peculiar set of skills, a shady past, and smile that's just a touch too familiar...
Spirits come back, after all.
Further than I ever had by SetsuntaMew 6279 words, Teen and Up (Xiyao)
One day, when the skies are blue and the sun is shining brightly, things will feel small and less inconceivably impossible. When fields are green, when they’ve shed the skins and scars of the past, perhaps it will be better.
Life is a never-ending flow, a place for second or third or sixth chances, until one of them is right.
The sun shines overhead, time marches onward, and the many threads of fate weave together to bring two broken and repaired souls towards each other once again.
The Fox and the Deer by mercyandmagic 59308 words, Mature (Xiyao)
When Jin Guangyao finds himself resurrected through another body-sacrificing ritual, he plans to fulfill the caster’s wish and flee as soon as possible. Unfortunately, it seems the previous owner of his body had business with Lan Sect. Post-canon. Written for XiYao Week 2019, with each chapter loosely corresponding to the day's prompts.
Return to the Canva of Life by Shiome 5799 words, Teen and Up (Xiyao)
 Lan Xichen has spent so long becoming one with this house, this mountainside, this green. He knows immediately that someone new has set foot among the gentians.
 The man standing among blue flowers is young, svelte and elegant in his movements as he steps towards the Gentian House with purpose. He walks with such grace the flowers barely bend beneath his feet.
(120 years after the temple, someone sneaks into the Cloud Recesses looking for Zewu-jun.)
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whetstonefires · 3 years
Okay so having finished The Untamed--
spoilers now but also, I haven't read the book yet so pls don't get into it with me about it if it's super different--
one thing that's really sticking with me is the parallels between Jin Guangyao and Jin Guangshan's deaths.
Specifically, the way Nie Huaisang's choice of final blow resembles what Jin Guangyao did with his father, and how deeply that underlines the way nhs chose to become his enemy in order to defeat him. In a way the plot-level scheming doesn't really achieve that comparison.
Because, see, the thing about Jin Guangshan's death, about Meng Yao bringing in those women to stage a weird noncon death orgy is--that was just theater. For an audience of basically the two of them, since he killed off most of the witnesses afterward.
Jin Guangyao bought and spent a bunch of women's lives to kill his father in a poetically fitting, humiliating way. A way that only worked because the man was already dying!
Meng Yao had good reasons to kill his father. Arguably his being quicker off the mark and more proactive about it would have made things better for everyone. But no. He waited all that time, until he could have just smothered the man with a pillow and gotten away with it, and then launched this elaborate punishment death for him.
For a man whose treatment of sex workers as disposable was one of the main crimes Meng Yao held against him.
The main irony is not at the old man's expense here dude, what are you doing.
All his other crimes were in service of something! Even if it was something fucked-up and/or lame and awful and clearly not worth it, he had a goal he was working toward and in some cases probably really was telling himself he had no choice--I don't think that's an excuse you'd proffer quite that incessantly if you hadn't been using it internally.
But killing Jin Guangshan like that--that was just for his own satisfaction. Using those women up so he could pointlessly enjoy it.
So then when Nie Huaisang chooses to kill Meng Yao by abusing Lan Xichen's trust--equally, he didn't have to do that.
Meng Yao was exposed and injured and outnumbered and alone. Even if they'd all walked away right then he was likely to die, from blood loss or infection or being caught by the cultivation world and strung up like Mussolini.
Of course, after all this trouble Nie Huaisang would want to be sure. That's why he inserted himself into the scene at all, I'm sure; he probably wanted to see it play out but he definitely wanted to make sure the revenge landed. Of course he wasn't going to risk handing his target over to justice and risking him talking his way out after all, or slipping away and moving to Japan. (Side note: I think it's very funny jgy suggested 'I'll move to Japan' as an acceptable alternative to 'I'll die.')
Nie Huaisang isn't a strong fighter, but Jin Guangyao isn't all that powerful either, as these things go, and he's down an arm and demoralized. Nie Huaisang could definitely have insisted on having him tied up, if he thought he needed the extra edge, created a distraction, and choked his enemy to death with his bare hands, if he'd wanted to. He could have sent an assassin into his cell if the man was sentenced to imprisonment.
He had a lot of options, is my point.
But he didn't do those things. Instead, he used Lan Xichen.
He used Lan Xichen exactly the same way Jin Guangyao had, abused his trust and love to manipulate him into being the instrument of killing his own sworn brother. If Lan Xichen wasn't broken already, Nie Huaisang ensured it, and he damn well knew what he was doing.
A friend of mine argues he did it because it would hurt Lan Xichen as well, as vengeance on him for being the instrument of Jin Guangyao's plot to kill Nie Mingjue. Idk if this is like, something that's outright stated in the text or just A Reasonable Interpretation, but it's not better that way--it's less careless, but it just even more emphasizes that he knew.
He knew who he was emulating.
And that's part of the point of interest to me because it's very clear that Huaisang does know who he's imitating, whose game he's choosing to play back at him. What he's choosing to become.
It's not so blatant in their both using Wei Wuxian because, firstly, he's the main character so we expect him to be at the center of things; secondly, everyone wants to use Wei Wuxian; thirdly, Nie Huaisang's schemes are comparatively beneficial to him.
Wei Wuxian himself has a marked tendency to reduce himself to his utility; it's easy to let it go, as a trespass against him, especially when it literally gives him another chance at life.
When you look at how they both reduced Lan Xichen to a piece in the game, though, leveraged his affection and his trust to make him into a murder weapon--then it stands out.
Obviously they're both schemers but that's just an archetype. Spy-versus-spy beat-them-at-their-own-game isn't inherently intimate like this, even when it's vengeance. Even when it's revenge on someone you used to trust.
And Nie Huaisang knows. I don't think Jin Guangyao ever did. I think he lies to himself a lot and in the end that's a significant element in his downfall, but also he just--doesn't perceive himself with any of the detachment he's able to turn on most of the world. I don't think he ever in his life noticed the ways he'd become his father.
But Huaisang sure as fuck knew what he'd decided to become.
Which is why that endscene tying up his plot thread focuses on his not wanting to be Chief Cultivator--he didn't do all this to get Jin Guangyao out of the way and replace him. He doesn't want to become the new metaplot villain, the way jgy replaced jgs who replaced wen ruohan.
So maybe things will be okay.
This relationship between Nie Huaisang and Jin Guangyao and how nhs' self-awareness of how he's committed to a form of villainy and chooses to restrain himself, which is what promises an end to the abuse cycle on the political stage, ties in really interestingly to some of the other stuff mxtx does with the concept of villainy but this post is already long enough.
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robininthelabyrinth · 4 years
How will nmy react to a memory loss jgy how think himself a nie scet member ?
There were murmurs around him when he first started waking up.
“– last few times – appears he thinks that –”
“– need to avoid any disturbances –”
“ - perhaps pretend -”
“Absolutely not.”
That last one was Sect Leader Nie.
His voice was loud and piercing as always, a general accustomed to needing to make himself heard over the din of battle and never quite having adjusted to situations where it wasn’t needed, and Meng Yao found himself relaxing a little bit just at the sheer familiarity of it. Nie Mingjue was as reliable as the sunrise: once you were one of his people, he’d defend you to the death.
If he was here, Meng Yao was safe.
He went back to sleep.
The next time he woke up, the room was empty but for Sect Leader Nie, who was sitting at the desk doing paperwork. Probably paperwork that Meng Yao should be doing, but for the injury that must have led to all of this – he didn’t remember it at all, but short-term amnesia was a common side effect of certain injuries, and his head was wrapped in bandages.  
Still, he struggled to sit up. “Sect Leader Nie,” he called, and Sect Leader Nie’s shoulders tensed. “If you want my help –”
“You should be resting,” Sect Leader Nie said. He was staring at the wall in front of him instead of turning back to look at Meng Yao – a sign of guilt? Had he been involved in what happened? “Do not trouble yourself.”
“And let you mess up my filing system?” Meng Yao teased lightly, hoping to lighten the mood. “Don’t forget how long it took me to fix the accounts the way I like it –”
“It doesn’t matter.”
Meng Yao paused, then, abruptly concerned: Sect Leader Nie’s shoulders were curved inwards, as if expecting a blow – afraid of pain. Afraid of him?
And yet, at the same time – unmistakable.
“Why doesn’t it matter?” he asked, keeping his voice level. He always kept his voice level, no matter the circumstances; someone certainly had to, and it wasn’t going to be anyone surnamed Nie. “Are you expelling me from your service?”
It was a joke, of course. Nie Mingjue liked him, respected him, valued him – had made it clear a thousand ways that he would never listen to gossip or to slander, would never judge him by who his mother was, and Meng Yao couldn’t imagine what sort of dire mistake would be necessary to make Nie Mingjue refuse to stand by him, even against the world.
“You’re the one who will leave,” Nie Mingjue said, his voice cutting, but then the anger flowed out of his shoulders and he sighed, closing his eyes, as if he had mistakenly become angry over the wrong thing. “It is not that I didn’t know that your ambitions had always been with Lanling, not Qinghe.”
Bile and panic rose up Meng Yao’s throat, but what could he say?
It was true. He had come to Qinghe because he had heard that they respected talent there, regardless of birth; he had come because he had needed a place to rise to prominence, where he could become so respectable that even his father would be unable to ignore him.
Qinghe had always been a waystation, not a destination.
Or, if one wanted to look at it with less kindness – he had treated it as a stepping-stone.
Had Nie Mingjue discovered how Meng Yao had schemed to get his attention, his sympathy? The little tricks he’d played to get him to agree to take a chance on an unknown, all the ways he’d wormed his way into the man’s life so that it would be impossible to extract him without damage? Or was it something more recent, something hidden away in his lost memories – had his father asked him to betray some confidence of Nie Mingjue’s? Turn over some information, take some secret action…had he done it?
Was that why Nie Mingjue didn’t want to look at him?
“Sect Leader Nie…”
“I’m not supposed to talk to you about it,” Nie Mingjue said bluntly. “The doctors told me to play along, pretend not to…I told them trying to hide it from you was pointless, that you were too smart, that you’d figure it out – I assume you have by now?”
“I’ve lost my memory,” Meng Yao said. He was shivering, and it wasn’t cold. “I woke up and the doctors realized that I’d forgotten a great deal, so they wanted you not to cause me any disturbance…how much time have I lost?”
“The war is over,” Nie Mingjue said, and surely that should be cause for celebration? But Nie Mingjue’s voice was flat and neutral, as if some terrible thing had happened, and his fists were clenched in rage. “You have been recognized by the Jin sect, and now live in Lanling. I cannot speak to the quality of your life, or to your happiness, but you have at least achieved that much.”
It was not that Meng Yao thought he’d be happy in Lanling – it was that he hadn’t thought he’d be happy anywhere, and found to his surprise that Qinghe actually did make him happy. It wasn’t supposed to, nothing was supposed to; it was all supposed to be part of the plan, that was all, a means to an end.
He wasn’t supposed to become fond of Sect Leader Nie, who tried so hard and listened so earnestly; he wasn’t supposed to be friends with Nie Huaisang, a charming waste of space who ought to have been born as a roly-poly kitten instead.
He was supposed to be in Lanling, by his father’s side, and now it appeared he was – and yet the injury he suffered had driven his memories back to his time at Qinghe.
That said something, he thought.
He’d had head injuries before, memory issues, dating back to his childhood; his mother had hired a doctor for him over it, a real one and not some faker, and he’d explained that when injured, Meng Yao’s extraordinary mind would retreat to the place it felt safest, recreating the past out of all those perfectly preserved memories and sinking into it as if it were real. If this injury followed the pattern of the others, there was no need for any treatment beyond time – soon enough, he would start to remember, and reality would gradually reassert itself over fantasy.
In the past, no matter what, his memory would always return to those few months when he was eight years old, when his mother had met a possessive benefactor and they had lived free and easy under his care – it had ended horribly, of course, but at the time he didn’t know that.
This time, his memory had returned to his days in Qinghe.
And Nie Mingjue still wouldn’t look at him.
“What did I do?” he asked.
“You assume that you’ve done something?”
“You don’t want to look at me,” Meng Yao said. A moment of silence, with Nie Mingjue not giving in, stiff and quiet, so he added, quietly, “I warned you in the beginning that I was unworthy of the trust you placed in me.”
In the end, Nie Mingjue turned to look at him. He seemed tired, and his eyes were bloodshot in a way that did not speak well of his health.
“Tell me what I did,” Meng Yao said. “I want to know.”
Nie Mingjue exhaled. “You killed a captain,” he said dully. “Premeditated murder, and you excused it by saying that he had stolen your glory and bullied you; even if it was true, you never once said a word of it to me before, never sought some other means to resolve it. You then defected to the Wen sect, becoming a master torturer and Wen Ruohan’s right hand; you killed my men, tortured me, and then killed him to become a war hero. After that, you were accepted into the Jin sect, and Lan Xichen and I swore brotherhood with you.”
He paused, then, but that was not the end, or else he would not be so angry.
Meng Yao waited, his mind dancing over all the excuses, all the things he could say, belated justifications, things that would cast him in a good light, a better light – what Nie Mingjue had described was obviously a problem, but not an insoluble one, and his future self should have known that. He could still fix this.
But to fix it, he needed to know the full extent of his crimes first.
“My qi became disordered after the war,” Nie Mingjue finally said, continuing. “Lan Xichen proposed a treatment: a Lan melody known as the Song of Clarity. But he is busy, so you took on the responsibility of playing for me…”
No, Meng Yao thought. No.
But at once he knew where the story led, even before the telling of it was done. A story that started with premeditated murder, however his future self had justified it to himself, could only end with the same –
Why would he do something like that? Perhaps because Nie Mingjue turned away from him after the first murder, as he ought to have known he would – Nie Mingjue tried so hard, and thought everyone else did, too; the glimpse at what Meng Yao was really like, the creature of spite and bitterness and hatred, willing to kill the filthy way, hidden in the dark…it would have come as a shock to him.
And yet his former self had obviously salvaged it, somehow; Nie Mingjue had agreed to swear brotherhood with him, to make up with him, to treat him as an equal, and still he –
Surely no prize could be worth this.
“Do you know why I did it?” he asked quietly, staring down at his own clenched fists, hating iron for not being steel. His damaged mind was telling him that what he had had in Qinghe was dearer to him than his own mother, and he had nearly destroyed it with his own two hands.
“The Nie sect and the Jin sect are at a crossroads,” Nie Mingjue said, and at last, at last Meng Yao recognized the flatness of his tone and the lack of visible signs of fury as the signs of medicine, the sluggish pain relief that could help stymie an incipient qi deviation. The poisonous song he played must have come very near to working. “Jin Guangshan wants the title of Chief Cultivator; I think there should be none. Jin Guangshan protects Xue Yang even after he murdered an entire clan; I think he deserves to die – I asked you for his head, and you promised it to me…you never intended to deliver. There can be only one sect ascendant, and you are, as much as he hates it, your father’s heir.”
His heir. Had he done something to Jin Zixuan, then? Unsatisfied with only the name he had promised himself he would obtain, had he coveted the power, too, and sought to achieve it by any means possible?
If he had reached the point of being willing to murder Nie Mingjue, then surely he had done that, too.
“I bashed your head in,” Nie Mingjue said conversationally. “During the deviation that you provoked. Lan Xichen stopped me from actually killing you, and from dying myself, and then you awoke without any memory of what you’d done, calling yourself Meng Yao again as if you were still – as if you still –”
Someone had asked Nie Mingjue to come in here and pretend, Meng Yao realized, and with a start realized also that he was furious about it. Someone had told him to come in here and play pretend with his would-be murderer as if they were still friends.
It might even have been Lan Xichen who’d done it.
There were tears on Nie Mingjue’s cheeks. He did not wipe them away the way Nie Huaisang would have, trying to hide his pain; he only let them fall, his eyes sliding shut once more – he could not look at Meng Yao, and Meng Yao couldn’t blame him.
“I wish I could go back,” he said, and Nie Mingjue opened his eyes to look at him. “Before I made those decisions. I wish I was still Meng Yao, and could do things differently. Is it too late for that?”
With anyone else, he would know the answer already. With anyone else, he wouldn’t have asked.
With anyone else, his mind would still be back in those wonderful days of being eight and alone with his mother for the very first time and last time.
“How can I ever trust you again?” Nie Mingjue asked, shaking his head in denial. “You drove me into a qi deviation – you wanted to kill me, knowing it would leave Huaisang the position of sect leader, knowing how cruel a death it was –”
“Is it too late?”
This was not something that could be repaired easily, with words and a gentle smile. This would take action and sacrifice. But before he committed himself, he had to know if it were even possible.
If Nie Mingjue could still forgive him, even now –
If he was still one of Nie Mingjue’s people, to be defended until death.
Nie Mingjue abruptly stood up, unsteady on his feet, clearly still ill – if I am half the murderer that I appear to be in his stories, I will kill those doctors who prioritized my health, this farce, over his, and if Lan Xichen was involved I will make it clear to him what wrong he has done – and shook his head, but this time it was not a denial.
“I never know what to do with you,” he said, and it was not a no.
It was not a no.
Jin Guangyao smiled.
(At the trial, which happened eventually, Nie Mingjue spoke in his favor, and his would-be murderer was remanded into the custody of Qinghe for whatever punishment they saw fit. It didn’t last long, but it was an excellent alibi for his father’s untimely death, even though it did not solve all the questions that lingered in Nie Mingjue’s eyes. But that, too, was not an insoluble problem.)
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cotea · 3 years
i just finished shanheling and i have Thoughts. i will NOT be brief.
i don’t think i’ve ever been this sad to be done with a show in my life. i never expected to love it as much as i did? my pre release expectations for shl weren’t low, they were just purely non existent. when the first “serious” trailer came out in feb, i thought it looked good and i was genuinely excited since i was waiting for that adaptation for so long, but part of me was still disappointed since i just assumed they got past censorship by changing tyk to purely focus on the armory plotline. and then shl actually got released and promptly murdered all my assumptions in cold blood. i loved it, genuinely enjoyed every moment of it, even the ways it deviated from the source material. is it perfect? no. did it still hit every single one of my trope sweet spots? did it still score one hell of a touchdown with the most comforting, romantic, relationship that put unwavering faith and understanding at its forefront? yeeeh buddy.  
(again, i won’t say it’s perfect and that i wouldn’t change anything about it, this is not a household that believes that censorship leads to better art. but that’s a much longer, more complicated conversation for another day. and its hard to take the negatives against the show (pacing towards the end and editing/cgi mistakes being most commonly called out) when a lot of that can be attributed too how little resources the production received. it was still a very solid production despite how cheaply made it was.)
i’ve seen so many negative takes on shl characterization vs tyk for wenzhou, and it was absolutely a big change. especially with zhou zishu, who was a ‘tsundere’ to the very last chapter. it ultimately didn’t bother me—it was going to be an obvious modification from the get go. wen kexing doesn’t even need to be said, but shl tempering zzs was just as much an inevitable move for much of the same reasons the untamed shifted a lot of the causality from wei wuxian in favor of making a more clear cut villain out of jgy. 
censorship, for one, the mc can’t be a unrepentant mass murderer. and in tyk’s case that title belongs to both the mc and the ml. priest leaned into the gray morality hard with qi ye and tyk, some serious moral whitewashing was gonna have to happen before that show saw the light of day. but censorship aside, the changes with zzs were inevitable for the simple fact that he is not an mc that easily endears himself. and with the direction shl wanted to go in it was absolutely crucial for storytelling that he needed to be a character people could sympathize with. 
i spent most of qi ye and tyk wanting to fuck his shit up and he’s actually my favorite. tyk isn’t zzs’ redemption arc-my man was simply late 20s going on 65 and wanted to drink away his 401k. he fully believed that there was no point in dwelling in remorse. he’s not heartless, there are moments in the novel where its obvious that he is to some extent haunted by some of the things he did, but none of that changes the fact that he still stands by his choices and believes they were justified for a greater cause. what’s the point in wasting time when his expiration date is nearing and he hasn’t gathered near enough merits for his next life. tyk!wz were terrible people— in a cool motive still murder way. their book antics are far from la friendly. shl got around that by stressing them as more victims of circumstance. which lead to wenzhou both being much softer in comparison to their novel counterparts. which is great for me, because novel (high chaotic gremlin energies, sticky leech vs aspiring hermit) and show (hurt and comfort, us against the world tropes galore) give me two different dynamics that i really enjoy. 
i don’t have the energy to be a book purist, not when i’m trying to enjoy a bl adaptation that has to get dissected to hell and back by NRTA standards and is still in danger of getting pulled even after it's approved for air. 
(the shixiongdi thing...honestly just embrace it for what it can be: a vehicle for shixiongfucking)
shl was never going to be a loyal adaptation, that’s just unrealistic. censorship against lgbt media aside, you’ve got a budget that’s essentially loose change, timing constraints, small crew, and next to no backers—they had a lot of odds stacked against them and did the best they could despite. it wasn’t a loyal adaptation but it was still one that was done with so much respect and care to the original ip. 
there’s really only one thing that i can point out and wish was done differently or that i’m disappointed deviated from the novel and that’s the ending. bc as happy that i am that wenzhou achieved their happy ending together, i don’t think it would’ve been the future either of them would have wanted. their first choice is always each other, of course. but zhou zishu telling wen kexing that he plans to live in four seasons forever and that its a home wen kexing will always have open to him? or telling cao weining that he’d rather travel the world with his soulmate while he enjoys good wine? they were robbed. and its disheartening to think about why some changes had to be made that cheated them of that ending. 
if there’s one thing i will be grateful to this show for: it’s the respect and love had for the original work that led to there being no doubt—even if you know next to nothing about tyk prior, or even the reason why it has to be labeled a “bromance”— that shl is a romance. directed, acted, edited with the knowledge that it is a romance. it not said outright but it’s shown. in the way that it’s only around zhou zishu that wen kexing allows himself to be the kid that he never got the chance to be. it’s shown in the complete 180 transformation zhou zishu went through— from the withdrawn, wake me up inside officer zhou we establish him as to the softer a-xu he becomes as he slowly starts opening up to wen kexing. they show it in how, more than once, zhou zishu states that it wasn’t until he met wen kexing that he began to want to live again. 
shl makes sure that if there’s anything to take home at the end of the show, it’s that for wenzhou the rest of the world has no meaning to them if they can’t share it with the other.
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perkynurples · 4 years
... May I ask you about the slow excruciating progression from Meng Yao to Jiggy?
also paging @holdmycaffeine and @cadencekismet, who asked me for the very same, and @acutebird-fics, who is my partner in crime deep philosophical discussions about these characters, and a great deal of this messy essay is informed by those
Tl;dr: JGY is a multifaceted character and the author struggles not to lose her mind trying to find the right words to describe that. Literally every single point of this rant is up for discussion, begging for it even, so please don’t hesitate to engage me, but, like... tomorrow, maybe. After I sleep it off.
Meta I used or referenced: THIS ONE explaining how JGS deciding to give him the name GuangYao is all kinds of wrong | THIS ONE talking about the red bindi-like Jin forehead dots, among other things | THIS ONE about his capacity for evil and his own recognition thereof
Alright, without any fancy preamble, here goes. Honestly, whenever I think about JGY for more than three seconds, it becomes painfully evident that there are two wolves inside me at all times - one wants to spend tens of thousands of words exploring his narrative, his choices, his abilities and his failings, his capacity for violence as well as his capacity for love...
And the other one just likes to call him a gremlin in chief in a fancy hat, and doesn’t want to go much further than that. I’m going to try and feed them both.
The thing that pisses me off about Meng Yao is just. The fact that he doesn’t stay Meng Yao, and we get to watch it happen in slow motion. You get a tiny little twink-ass kid who suddenly finds himself adopted into the Nie by the Sect Leader himself, and this is Meng Yao, the son of one of Jin Guangshan’s many mistresses, who doesn’t have a whole lot going for him aside from that, at that moment - his cultivation, weak. His opportunities, nonexistent. His dick, small. His political savvy, only just starting to show itself.
And this guy gets the chance of a lifetime presented to him on a Qinghe-silver platter. Like, we can argue about book canon and try and decide if he did anything at all to make NMJ notice him, but show canon makes it all the more hilarious (again, please refer to this gem of a post for a level of humor I’m sorely incapable of) - you’re seventeen, and the Batman of the cultivation world picks you up and elevates your status across swathes of societal norms, to a level you previously could have only dreamed of.
It’s interesting to me to try and imagine if this was the moment that Meant Something - in the grand scope of things, of course it did, because it started MY on the road to JGY, but also to Meng Yao personally, in terms of what he believed he could comfortably achieve. I do not for a second believe he started out wanting to murder people to reach his goal, or that he even had a good goal to begin with - being accepted by his father, maybe. Murdering the (at the time) greatest villain in the world, becoming a renowned spy, landing an incredibly beneficial sworn brotherhood, et cetera et cetera? I mean, the kid has wet dreams, but no way do they reach this far at this point in his life.
But so many things about him are unclear. Show canon changes his timeline, in that he met NMJ before he met Lan Xichen, and even accompanied NHS to the Cloud Recesses. Either way, his stint with the Nie is incredibly personally important to him. I firmly believe he loved and admired them, in his own way. He certainly flourished under NMJ’s tutelage and approval, but in the end, his motivations, his entire raison d’etre, clashed with NMJ’s too much. To Meng Yao, who’d gotten kicked down those infamous Koi Tower stairs for daring to ask for his father’s attention, murdering a guy for slandering him and his mother was a natural outcome of being slandered his entire life, and finally having had enough - to NMJ, it was unforgivable.
But this still isn’t where Meng Yao becomes Jin Guangyao, and it begs the goddamn question - how much of what JGY was perfectly willing and capable of doing to stay in power, had been present in Meng Yao that entire time? You see him make excuses that someone who isn’t NMJ, with his incredibly staunch morals and black-and-white view of the world, might have even accepted, but instinctively, you know - making excuses is just how it’s going to be with this guy.
Because Meng Yao, as well as Jin Guangyao, lies, and he is damn good at it. He is so good at it, that he lies his way to the very top of the Wen, all the way to Wen Ruohan’s side. His lying is what enables him to become Jin Guangyao. And like any good liar, he doesn’t only lie to the people around him - he also lies to himself.
And I can’t blame him, because - been there. Lying to yourself becomes absolutely necessary, when you want to keep everyone else around you believing in a mask you wear. You need to start believing it, at least a little bit, at least sometimes, for it to work.
At this point, you’re probably wondering - but Annie, what about the time he spent a year sheltering Lan Xichen? Did he lie then? Was he not just Meng Yao, a poor but cunning bookkeeper, then? I’m getting there, I swear. Slowly and in a roundabout sort of way, because honestly, I don’t know how I can start talking about the LXC of it all, without it turning into a novel.
Because whichever way you twist it, whatever canon you choose to follow, one constant remains - A-Yao’s feelings for Lan Xichen. I’m deliberately not calling him Meng Yao or Jin Guangyao, because it’s these feelings that divide the two, but also ultimately unify them, fatally so. But we’ll get there.
In one version of events, Meng Yao travels to Cloud Recesses at the behest of NMJ, and falls in love with a statue made of jade there. In another version of events, they meet during something LXC only describes as ‘the shame of a lifetime’. Both of those events lead to Meng Yao sheltering LXC, hiding him, saving his life and those precious Gusu Lan texts.
Whatever version of events you choose to see as the right one, one other truth also remains - Lan Xichen offers freely and without asking that which Meng Yao has had to struggle to attain, that which has been denied to him time and time again, based only on the circumstances of his birth: respect. Lan Xichen never looks down on him, never brings up his origins, and instead extends him respect and dignity in a way only he is capable of - no fucking wonder Meng Yao admires him. No fucking wonder, when this amazing guy, this perfect pristine handsome number one young cultivator, looks at him, smiles at him, and actually sees him, son of a whore or not.
No fucking wonder Meng Yao loves him, and Jin Guangyao continues loving him. No fucking wonder he never means to hurt him, but does so anyway.
But here’s the thing - lying to yourself to make things work only gets you so far. Do I think Meng Yao spends restless nights in cold sweat dreading who he’s becoming, thinking about all the lives he’s taken to further his goals? Absolutely not. Do I think he does good things, often even great things, because it helps him feel better about himself? Do I think he both loves Xichen and keeps him around because it’s beneficial to him, having the Lan Sect Leader in his pocket, but also personally speaking, having someone who so firmly believes in the goodness in him? You bet your overly adorned murderhat I do.
And frankly, reducing Jin Guangyao to one or the other - coldblooded murderer or a man plagued by his own insecurities, helpless and trying to be kind in a world that’s so evidently against him - is doing a character like him a huge disservice. You have to consider all sides, if you want to truly understand him. Hell, I myself am by no means claiming to truly understand him! He pisses me off daily, and I’m writing this stream-consciousness-y thing because he simply won’t shut up in my head.
This kid makes Choices, and here’s the catch - he doesn’t regret a whole lot of them. If anything, I’d like to think he regrets going along with his father’s plans for so fucking long before finally realizing that avenue won’t bring him what he seeks. Killing Jin Guangshan, by the way? Very sexy of him, that I’ll admit. Guy was a pig.
But even the obviously Good Choices he makes? Building those damn watchtowers? Letting Mo Xuanyu stay at Koi Tower? Seating Qin Su by his side at that same throne where his shitty father entertained concubine after concubine? (Frankly, please make up your own mind as to whether he was lying or telling the truth about learning about Qin Su being his sister before or after they’d consummated their marriage, I’m choosing to believe that he hadn’t known.)
How much of it really happens out of the goodness of his own heart, and how much of it happens because he wants to improve his own reputation, kintsugi away the minuscule cracks in his own image until he’s once again a perfect picture of Jin gold? Is he himself even capable of telling the difference, recognizing where his good intentions end and his desire to look out for number one begins? When you spend so much time crafting your own perfect mask, in your own head as well as others’, the lines blur real fast.
I think ultimately, he craves respect as much as he does pity, and those two never mesh well - the cultivation world never truly accepts him, his father certainly never truly accepts him, but Jin Guangyao is not Wei Wuxian, he can’t just look at all of these perceived injustices and slights, all of this gossip and slander, and say ‘Whatever’. No, Meng Yao takes one look at the world standing against him so very vehemently, and decides to fight it, fight tooth and nail for his place in it, until he comes out Jin Guangyao on the other side, gilded and pristine, ascending the stairs of Jinlintai to exact his revenge on anyone who dares not accept him.
The Guanyin Temple, in a way, is a perfect little vignette of his character - we observe him wildly oscillating between seeking out the aforementioned respect and pity, confessing boldly and laughing loudly one second, and pleading on his knees and clutching onto Lan Xichen’s robe the next. To him, that night, and everything leading up to it, is a series of footholds - the ground begins crumbling under his feet when he learns of the letter, and he has to act fast. 
He buys himself time, excuse after excuse, thinking on his feet, and here’s the thing - he’s not necessarily the best at that. Anymore. Up until that point, until the letter and Qin Su and WWX turning up, everything is going according to plan, and his plan at this point is, frankly, correct me if I’m wrong, sitting pretty at the top of his golden tower and making sure the truth about him never comes to light, which... Well, we all know the truth has a nasty way of coming around when it’s least convenient for you. 
And I think Jin Guangyao (not Meng Yao) is, at that point, unused to being inconvenienced. Everything he ever does, he calculates, he twists the public opinion of himself, he twists individual people’s opinions of himself, to suit him - nothing unexpected ever happens anymore, because he’s played the game long enough to foresee most things. Nie Huaisang beats him at that same game, not because he has a huge plan spanning decades of his own, but because he’s good at improvising, kicking the hornet’s nest and then knowing where to direct the fallout - but that is another essay all of its own waiting to happen.
For now, I feel like I need to wrap this up before I lose my mind. Personally (and please feel free to challenge me on this any time), I don’t feel like there’s a single defining moment, or even a handful of them, traumatic or otherwise, that irrevocably turns Meng Yao into Jin Guangyao. Sure, being kicked down the literal stairs leading to a better place for you a handful of times will have you feeling some kind of way. Sure, serving a maniacal warlord while playing an impossibly high-stakes game of spy poker will leave a mark or two. Sure, your sworn brother spitting in your face the very insults you’ve been hearing your whole life and never learned to shake off, will make one more vestige of patience inside you irrevocably crumble to smithereens. But.
Your whole life, you work very, very hard. You know to put your head down and get your hands dirty, but you also know that sometimes, the best way out of a hairy situation is turning on those puppy eyes and appearing just a smidgen weaker, a smidgen more frightened and helpless, than you actually are. And if, when you actually tell the truth and people still don’t believe you, lying becomes easier, becomes, eventually, so easy it feels as natural as breathing? Well. Might as well use that particular skillset to sneak your way through a war, am I right? Might as well use it to build yourself a nest among the very vultures who resent you, and whom you resent, and make sure that they have to respect you.
In the end, to me? Jin Guangyao is the guy who jumps from person to person, from callout to very personal callout, there in the Guanyin Temple, just to stall for time, just to regain some sort of foothold in the situation - he’s the guy who probably views losing an arm as a necessary sacrifice, shakes it off and still gets to work from there.
Meng Yao is the guy who wants to take his mother with, and who asks Lan Xichen the one question he’s dreaded knowing the answer to his entire life - not ‘will you stay and die with me?’, but the one that hides beyond that.
Is this what devotion is? Respect? Love? Is there, at this moment in time, enough of all of those things in your heart that you will, in fact, stay and die with me?
When Lan Xichen says yes, without words but still loudly enough to be understood without a doubt, Meng Yao is relieved, while Jin Guangyao is vindicated.
When Lan Xichen says yes, neither version of A-Yao needs to hear any more than that - the seventeen-year-old boy shooting a shot way above his station and loving a statue made of jade, who wants Lan Xichen to survive, and the man wearing the wrong name and the title of the first Chief Cultivator of his generation, who wants Lan Xichen to live with the weight of all his mistakes and misgivings, are both, for once, in accord. They’re both happy, and they both make that final push to save him.
In conclusion, if there even is one to this jumble of random thoughts... Jin Guangyao and Meng Yao are one and the same. Aspects of one can be found in the other, but neither feels remorse about his choices. Both of them, in turn, are capable of amazing things. Both of them are, in fact, capable of decidedly horrible things. One builds a wall around the other so thick, so impenetrable, you only catch glimpses, and only the ones he allows you to see. One learns very quickly that vulnerability is dangerous, unless employed proactively, and the other one perfects the craft.
Both of them believe they are perfectly justified in their actions. Both of them believe their own line of reasoning, their own excuses. Both of them want to be loved, for very different reasons, or for the very same ones, at the end of the day.
Both of them aspire to greatness, Meng Yao some vague idea of it instilled in him by his mother teaching him to believe his own worth, Jin Guangyao a more concrete vision of it, always one step ahead, one step higher up those gilded stairs. Both of them are willing to excuse a whole lot to reach it, too.
And when Jin Guangyao finally stands in Koi Tower, properly this time, wearing that coveted golden peony, wearing that red zhushazhi and a much nicer version of the hat his mother always told him to wear, but also wearing the wrong fucking name, one that barely gives him a spot in the family he belongs to by blood?
All he needs to do is take one look in the mirror to see Meng Yao staring back, always there with him, always ready to remind him where he came from. He’s seventeen years old, and he just buried his mother, and somewhere out there, the rest of his life awaits. His smile is all dimples, and that, too, they have in common.
Time to get to work, Meng Yao suggests, and Jin Guangyao agrees.
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angstymdzsthoughts · 4 years
wow im loving this new ask layout.
it was post canon and wwx has been living with his husband and son in cr for a couple years now. jc is still somewhat reluctant to talk to him but he understands. jl comes by to nighthunt with his friends regularly. one unlucky day wwx had a mishap with resentful energy during a nighthunt accident and lsz died in the process.
everyone was heartbroken but wangxian were absolutely destroyed. they stayed in seclusion for months. wwx couldnt stand the guilt and had no face to see his son's friends and the other lans. even when lwj finally had to come out for sect duties wwx chose to stay in seclusion. he abandoned his regular cultivation and swore off demonic cultivation forever. in an effort to cheer up his husband, lwj persuaded him to go on a trip to worship the gods to pray for sizhui's death anniversary.
they came across a small temple, old and rickety and overgrown, and out of kindness they cleaned up and left a small offering. wwx just wanted his family back. lwj wanted a chance to start all over again. it suddenly stormed heavily that evening, so they had to take shelter in the temple for the night, taking caution to ask for permission from the resident god.
when they woke up, they were at the cloud recesses. lwj woke up in his old bedroom in a body that felt too small. wwx woke up startled in a guest bedroom in cr with jyl sitting by his bed.
"a-ying? did you have a nightmare?" wwx choked back a sob and just hugged his shijie for comfort. only then did he notice that he felt too small, and too soft. he looked down at his hands, then at his body. he was somehow a girl.
then jyl's presence in his room would make more sense. girls and boys dorms are separated in the cr. wangxian woke up as an alternate version of themselves with their original memories as well as the memories of their new body. lwj was still lan er gongzi. but in this body, she was just wei ying, a senior disciple of yunmeng jiang.
wangxian met each other again in class and wy took caution to not vex lqr too bad this time, lest he disapprove of their inevitably impending union. jc eyed lwj furiously when he approached wy after class to talk privately. it seemed that the two of them were the only ones reborn.
the first thing lwj did after that was ask his uncle to send a formal betrothal request to ymj for wy's hand. which to lqr was weird, but lz wouldnt budge. he thought lxc could still marry a more proper wife, so its fine.
they spent the rest of the year courting, lwj was in such a rush to marry wy. wy wasnt /actually/ jyl's little sister so it was no issue if she married first. meanwhile, jyl's betrothal was broken. this time by her own brother who punched jzx so hard he broke his nose. wangxian got married a year after they finished studying in gusu.
everyone was overjoyed when wy got pregnant. even mdm yu was happy for her. when their son was born, lwj recognized his soul to be their a-yuan, and wy cried her lungs out in joy. their little son had his old nose, lwj's nose, but now the rest of him look like them too. his hair was midnight black like lz's but with wy's playful curls. he had wy's ears and little constellation of moles on his skin. he even had lz's light eyes.
lqr wouldnt let go of his grandnephew that lan huan had to bargain with his uncle to be able to hold his nephew. after a-yuan could walk, they went to visit lotus pier. the toddler /adored/ jiang cheng, laughing and squealing loudly in his arms. he loved getting head pats by jyl and kept demanding attention from mdm yu by pulling on her skirt or hugging her leg and crawling into her lap. he wasnt so fond of jfm, however, only looking away in disinterest or reaching out his hands to his parents. for once jfm felt left out in his family.
wangxian wracked their brain trying to stop the sunshot campaign from happening, but wrh's power ran deeper than they thought and they could only postpone it, not prevent it completely. the wens attacked lotus pier first, burning it to the ground and killing jc's parents. the jiang siblings ran to cr, but it only served to bring the wen dogs sniffing at cr's door.
wy is talented in cultivation, but having sworn off resentful energy and having to protect the sect's children as well as her own, she could only do so much while her husband was taken to the nightless city.
lwj eventually managed to escape and jc with the help from qinghe nie managed to gather the survivors of his sect. they all went to war and the sun was finally shot. lwj came home to wy just in time to tell him they were expecting a daughter.
this time there was no yin hufu for jgs to fight over, just the remnants of the wen sect. knowing llj would abuse the war prisoners, lwj spoke up and ppl listened when he proposed the wen remnants go to qinghe for trials. civilians are left to themselves while criminals are sent to labor. the resouces belonging to the wen sect was distributed to other sects both big and small depending on how much casualty they suffered under wrh.
jzx fell in love with jyl during the war and got married as soon as it was over. jin ling was born not too long after a-yuan's little sister lan yuyan. together jyl and jzx forced llj to give out resources for jc to rebuild his sect.
3zun still became sworn brothers and wangxian didnt exactly know when jgy got married, so he still married qin su. jgs had jgy kill nmj, and when jgy wont agree to spy on gusulan he had another one sent. lwj sent nmj a missive not to trust jgy with calming and avoided his death.
it took a couple years, but when jgs thought he was ready he even imprisoned jzx and his family in koi tower, depriving them of any communications and arrested disciples that are loyal to jzx.
llj was gearing up to war once again, this time against everyone else. jgs had, unbeknowst of everyone, gotten the note on core melting hand technique and had xue yang learn it.
wangxian reached out to nhs, trying to find a way to kill jgs. realizing that jgs was fully prepared to kill lxc, jgy turned his sights over to jzx, admitting his faults and teaming up to kill jgs. jgs had jzxun attack qinghe, but it was easily defended against. xue yang led the troop against cloud recesses.
xy aimed at the main lan family and injured a-yuan. in a desperate attempt to save his family, lwj jumped out and xy destroyed his golden core. meanwhile, he still sent spiritual energy towards saving his son. distracted by his victim, wy managed to cut xy's head off. back in llj, jgy along with jzxuan and jc attacked jgs's forces in koi tower. jc beheaded jgs and with that this new war was over.
thanks to lwj, lan yuan was fine and his injury was stabilized. however the destruction of lwj's golden core not only take away his cultivation but also mangled his meridians. wy could do nothing but weep with her daughter in her lap while lxc and lqr played healing for her husband.
lwj died in his sleep that night, finally exhaling his last painful breath while wy fell asleep from crying. his funeral along with those fallen during the attack was held a few days after. wy didnt look like herself in the mourning clothes she wore along with the children.
wy was inconsolable and kept apologizing the the children. especially a-yuan. fate had been so cruel on him that he couldnt grown up with two parents twice over. it seemed that in this life too he would be named sizhui. wy refused to move and kept sigil by lwj's coffin.
suddenly su minshan came out of nowhere and started yelling at her. calling her a jinx and an unlucky bitch that shouldve prevented her husband from dying. lqr yelled at him to leave. two and a half year old lan yuyan tried to shoo him away, punching at his knees. but the adult man just kicked the little girl away. jc couldnt stay silent anymore and wrapped zidian around sms's neck and pulled, making sure his neck broke when hitting the floor.
wy didnt say anything. she just took her crying daughter and left. after making sure lan yuyan is alright, wy locked herself in her room for 3 weeks. she didnt even open the door when her kids come knocking and begging.
it broke lxc's heart to see once again two children waiting on their mother's door. he asked jyl for help in persuading wy to come out. when they came in, wy looked like a ghost still in her white mourning robes with a whole head of white hair and her eyes so weary from weeping. she fainted soon after opening the door.
they checked on her only to find out she was 2 months pregnant. the tears start anew for wy and jyl asked lxc to take wy back to lotus pier so she can recuperate with her sworn siblings. lxc and lqr reluctantly agreed and wy came with jyl and jc back to lotus pier. jzxuan became the new sect leader and severely punished jgy along with his father's men while his wife and son stayed in yunmeng.
wy made a promise with lwj once to never let their children be orphans like they were. even if only for her kids, wy tried her best to get better. she stood out in her white mourning robes in lotus pier. wy was constantly surrounded by kids, all wanting her attention. she ate jyl food with the kids and watched jc teach her kids and jin ling how to swim. after a couple months, her dark hair came back and she got healthier. her second son lan shun was born in the middle of the hot yunmeng summer in lotus pier.
after lan shun turned 1, they came back to cloud recesses. wy had some time to accept her loss, but kept thinking abt lwj. after hearing from other lan disciples, lan yuan asked granduncle to teach him inquiry. the first time lwj responded to a-yuan's guqin strings, wy broke down on her knees. wy has been wearing lwj's headband on her forearm, so lwj attached parts of his soul in it. some of it went to bichen, which lan yuan inherited. some went to lan yuyan who inherited wangji guqin. lan shun never knew his father so he didnt want anything belonging to lwj.
for now, wy had to be content with inquires to lwj. for now they had to be content with waiting for each other on the other side.
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crossdressingdeath · 3 years
While I'm not entirely of mind that JC saw WWX as below him for their entire relationship bc he also thought he was 'not like other servants' and constantly being 1st place, it really doesn't look good on JC that his heartwarming moment of promise is easily compared to how wwx treated wn when he tried to bow to him. Another thing that doesn't look good is how JC will recognize his sister as someone with feelings and priorities in life that will lead her away from him and even marry a guy JC doesn't like, but won't recognize the same for wwx, and even get angry over it (Then again, this might also have to do with the notion that a woman will obviously marry out of her family and that wouldn't happen with wwx for being a man, or that leaving one's sect is unthinkable)
Honestly I think the best light I can see JC’s treatment of WWX in boils down to “You’re not like other servants”, and even then it feels generous. Like, JC treats WWX like a favoured servant, but that’s not the same as not seeing him as a servant or as beneath JC. Like... he says “Oh, the children of servants (or rather lower classes in general, given how he treats JGY the same way) will never amount to anything”... and he never gives WWX any rank even after WWX wins a fucking war for him. As sect leader it would not be hard for him to reward the ace up his sleeve who was probably half the reason the sects won (at least as fast as they did) and with... less casualties than there might have been (with JGY as the other half) with something, even just money, but WWX gets nothing and is expected to just carry on as before. His reward is to keep serving JC. The children of servants can never amount to anything... and when he gets the chance to put WWX, the child of a servant, on equal footing with him (or just somewhat more secure footing than he’s currently on), JC doesn’t take it. I mean, I can’t speak to Chinese history, but at least in the West “noble deeds on the behalf of your liege” was one of the most common ways for new noble houses to be founded! For comparison, JGY is both a bastard and the child of a prostitute (so I presume lower on the social hierarchy than the trueborn son of a servant favoured by a sect leader and quite possibly the most powerful rogue cultivator of their generation, at least so long as his sect leader father doesn’t recognise him) and he gets legitimized (and named heir after JZX’s death) following his part in the Sunshot Campaign. Yeah, even JGS treats his lower class war hero better than JC does (although that’s probably just pragmatism rather than decency; JGS may not be better than JC, but he’s certainly smarter).
And yeah, the way JC reacts to JYL getting married compared to WWX leaving (not even getting married; it’s only fan stuff that makes that a big deal for him! In canon his issue with WWX and LWJ getting married is that he’s a massive homophobe, not WWX leaving because of it) says... a lot. I mean, I’m pretty sure that as her only surviving male relative JC would’ve had to sign off on JYL’s marriage; he actively agreed to it, and shows no signs of being upset by the situation. He recognises that JYL has her own life to live and is happy moving into Lanling to be with JZX, and takes it with... as close to good grace as JC ever gets. Meanwhile WWX leaves to honour the life debt that JC shares and... JC gets him and fifty innocent people, some of whom he owes his life to, including a child killed because he couldn’t stand the thought of supporting WWX’s life away from him. And frankly even if he was just pissy about WWX leaving to get married... that’s his own damn fault for not giving WWX a title, because from what I’ve read men would marry into their spouse’s family if said spouse was of a higher rank than they were, which is a situation made far more likely to occur by the man in question basically being a servant. And also getting disowned. Don’t get me wrong, as sect heir LWJ would outrank WWX anyway unless JC named WWX heir as well (which he would never do), and even in that case I’m not actually sure what the rule would be for who marries into whose family if both parties and their families are of the same rank, but the fact that JC didn’t even consider making preparations for WWX getting married to try to prevent him marrying into someone else’s family suggests that either he didn’t think someone moving in the upper echelons of society while having insane power and being ridiculously charming could ever attract a high-ranking person (likely, given his belief that servants and the children of servants can never amount to anything; presumably that includes their marriage prospects) or the thought of WWX wanting to get married never occurred to him (also likely, given how he doesn’t seem aware of the fact that WWX does in fact have... a life and desires of his own).
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queenofmoons67 · 4 years
Summary: Jin Guangyao is fond of Nie Huaisang and doesn’t want to kill him—even when he’s discovered some of Jin Guangyao’s deepest darkest secrets.
Or, in which Wei Wuxian finds more than just Nie Mingjue’s head in Jin Guangyao’s vault.
Characters: NHS, LXC, WWX, LWJ, JGY
Wei Ying’s paperman hurried through the mirror after Jin Guangyao.
In the weeks since Mo Xuanyu had brought him back, he had mostly just been hanging out in the cultivation world drinking, taking care of the odd night hunt, and spying on his old friends and family.
It had been on one such spy trip that Wei Ying had first become suspicious of Jin Guangyao. His nephew, Jin Ling, had hesitantly inquired after the health of one of his other uncles—none other than Mo Xuanyu himself. That wouldn’t have been enough on its own to make Wei Ying suspicious, but then Jin Guangyao had smiled pleasantly and lied with no hesitation about how he had received a letter from Madam Mo just the other week about how well they were doing.
Since then, Wei Ying had been doing everything he could to investigate Jin Guangyao, but it was hard when he had almost nothing to go on. It was time, he��d decided, to go straight to the source.
Using the distraction of a Discussion Conference in Koi Tower, he had stashed his body in an empty guest room, and gone to hang out in Jin Guangyao’s rooms. Hours had passed with nothing found before Qin Su appeared, trying to talk to Jin Guangyao about why he refused to even touch her once they were in private. When her husband just turned away instead, Qin Su had left, face stony—and that was when things started getting interesting with the mirror reveal.
Wei Ying drifted through the air after Jin Guangyao, and when the man finally came to a stop by the back wall, he hurried to a bookcase just a few feet away, fitting himself up against it and peering around the corner.
If he had a jaw, it would have dropped.
Jin Guangyao wasn’t alone anymore. There was a figure sitting crosslegged on a small bed and leaning against the wall he was chained to, talismans plastered around him that had kept him from view when Wei Ying first entered.
The figure had a soft voice, and Wei Ying found himself leaning forward to listen to their conversation.
“Back early, San-ge? Did something happen?”
Jin Guangyao scoffed as the figure raised his head and smiled. “Don’t pretend like you care, A-Sang. We both know—”
Whatever Jin Guangyao said was lost behind the mirror when Wei Ying darted back the way he had come, flying recklessly down the halls. He couldn’t risk Jin Guangyao moving the man before he could return with help.
Nie Huaisang was supposed to have died five years ago, so how come he was chained up in Jin Guangyao’s secret room?
<line break>
Nie Huaisang whirled to face the entrance as it banged open. He hastily put down the papers he’d been going through and adopted a weak smile—but it was too late. Jin Guangyao stared at him, hand already drifting up and ready to draw his sword.
“San-ge!” Nie Huaisang cried, blinking tears into his eyes. “You’ll never believe—”
“A-Sang. Why are you going through my desk?”
“I—I needed your help, but you weren’t here, so I thought—”
“You thought wrong,” Jin Guangyao interrupted, voice flat. “You shouldn’t be here, A-Sang.”
“Why did you have to poke your nose where it doesn’t belong?” Jin Guangyao sighed, even as he stepped forward one smooth movement at a time and Nie Huaisang backed up until his back pressed against the desk. “I like you, A-Sang, I do. You’re my brother; I don’t want to kill you.”
“It’s a pity Da-ge didn’t warrant the same feeling,” Nie Huaisang spit. Giving up his ‘headshaker’ routine as lost, he dashed forward, shoulder tucked to ram past his once-brother and already drawing breath to shout—
He only caught a glimpse of Hensheng’s flat blade before it collided with his head.
<line break>
Wei Ying, back in his physical body, knocked on the door of a guest room he had noted earlier.
“Hanguang-jun!” he called. “Lan Zhan! I need your—help.” Wei Ying blinked up at the blank-faced Lan.
Shaking himself, Wei Ying grabbed Lan Zhan’s wrist and dragged him towards Jin Guangyao’s rooms. “There’s no time to explain,” he panted. “But Jin Guangyao has Nie Huaisang locked up in—”
“Nie Huaisang is dead.”
“I thought so too! But that was definitely him—” Wei Ying jerked to a stop as Lan Zhan refused to take another step. “Lan Zhan—”
“Who are you? Why should I trust you?”
Wei Ying stared up at his old friend and enemy. Lan Zhan didn’t seem angry; his brow was wrinkled, yes, but Wei Ying thought it was in confusion. “I…”
Why should Lan Zhan trust him? True, they had been friends once, and Wei Ying still trusted Lan Zhan to the point that he’d been the first person he’d run to for help tonight—but to Lan Zhan, he was still just strange Mo Xuanyu at best, and the Yiling Patriarch at worst.
“Because you’re Hanguang-jun,” he finally said. “You help people, even if that means going where the danger is. Is now any different?”
For a moment, Lan Zhan just looked back at him. Then he nodded. “Mn. Show me where Nie Huaisang is.”
<line break>
Nie Huaisang didn’t look at Jin Guangyao when he heard him step through the mirror and into the room.
He didn’t look at him when he heard him moving around, or when he checked that the chains were tight and intact.
He didn’t look at Jin Guangyao when he put fresh food and water in front of Nie Huaisang and quietly urged him to eat while picking up the untouched plate.
For the first week he was in Jin Guangyao’s mirror, Nie Huaisang never looked away from the curtains hiding his Da-ge’s head.
<line break>
Lan Xichen turned the corner to his room to settle in for the night, only to collide with something moving fast. The person cried out, stumbling back, and Lan Xichen reached out quickly to steady the smaller figure.
“Are you ok—Mo Xuanyu?” He asked, surprised to see his sworn brother’s half-brother. “What are you doing at Koi Tower?” Are you even allowed here?
“Mo Xuanyu?” a familiar voice asked, and Lan Xichen looked up, startled, to see Wangji narrowing his eyes at the man.
“My name,” Mo Xuanyu said hastily. “No time, sorry Zewu-jun! Lan Zhan, Nie Huaisang!”
“Mn,” Wangji nodded, following Mo Xuanyu down the hall and leaving Lan Xichen to stand alone, heart thundering and staring after them. Had—had they said Nie Huaisang?
<line break>
Nie Huaisang rested his head on the cold stone wall behind him and studied the ceiling. In the years since he’d been stashed away as just another one of Jin Guangyao’s secrets, he had tried just about everything he could think of to escape—not that there was a lot, when you were chained up in a pocket dimension that almost no one knew existed.
His best chance had been when a young man started coming in and studying various papers. Jin Guangyao had put up talismans around Nie Huaisang’s corner, though, and no matter what Nie Huaisang did, he couldn’t catch the boy’s attention and make him realize there was someone else there.
And now, even that chance seemed to have vanished. The man hadn’t been back in weeks.
“It’s just you, me, and Da-ge now, huh,” Nie Huaisang said, rolling his head to the side and studying the Ghost General.
<line break>
Lan Xichen caught up to Wangji and Mo Xuanyu outside of A-Yao’s rooms, Mo Xuanyu clearly posed to knock down the doors.
“Wangji!” Lan Xichen cried. “What’s happening? Do you—you think that A-Sang is in A-Yao’s rooms? But—” he shook his head, bewildered “—but why? A-Sang has been dead for years!”
“Did you see him die, Zewu-jun?” Mo Xuanyu asked, voice soft and so unlike the man Lan Xichen remembered, despite how his question rocked him. If A-Sang wasn’t dead, then—
Taking a deep breath, Lan Xichen forced himself to look at the issue logically. “No, I didn’t. I was at Cloud Recesses, and A-Sang was visiting A-Yao here. He was overwhelmed with work, so A-Yao—A-Yao thought that a night hunt might help him clear his head. It was supposed to be a small one, so they only took a handful of disciples with them, and…” And A-Sang’s body was burned beyond recognition.
“Nie disciples, too? Or just Jin disciples?”
Lan Xichen blinked. “A-Yao never said,” he said slowly. “I just assumed… why wouldn’t A-Sang have taken disciples with him?
“Unless it was a cover story.”
Mo Xuanyu nodded once, face open. He was sympathetic, but also clearly eager to move on.
If A-Sang was actually in there, then Lan Xichen understood why. If he wasn’t, A-Yao would understand.
Stepping forward, Lan Xichen cut the door down himself, then stood back and let Mo Xuanyu lead the way.
If A-Sang wasn’t dead, then Lan Xichen had abandoned his didi.
<line break>
Nie Huaisang gaped at the path of destruction trailing to the mirror, and likely continuing outside of it. The Ghost General had just ripped his chains from the wall and dragged them after him, not caring how they crashed into everything.
Nie Huaisang was mostly just thankful the destruction hadn’t included his own bed, but… but there was a part of him, not yet drowned out by the long days spent chained up, that had hoped if the Ghost General escaped, he would take Nie Huaisang with him. Even if the fierce corpse was just an empty vessel after all that Jin Guangyao did to him, Nie Huaisang had liked to think they were friends. They had been each other’s only decent company for years, after all.
“Not counting you, Da-ge,” Nie Huaisang laughed. “But you are just a head.”
Lying down and still looking at where the Ghost General had been just a few scant minutes ago, for the first time in a long time, Nie Huaisang wished for one of his old fans—for the comfort of it tapping against his palms and chin; for the distraction it would provide; for the swish as it opened and gave him something to hide his tears behind.
“We’re going to be here forever, Da-ge,” Nie Huaisang sobbed.
<line break>
The room was empty, but Mo Xuanyu crossed it swiftly, heading straight for a large mirror against the back wall—and then through it. Wangji and Lan Xichen shared a look of alarm and hurried after him.
A wall of sound hit Lan Xichen the moment he stepped inside the mirror; Mo Xuanyu had grabbed a sword from a stand and was using its sheath to block A-Yao and Hensheng’s ringing blows.
Lan Xichen could have excused that. They were intruding, after all, and Mo Xuanyu had been banished from Koi Tower—A-Yao had a right to defend himself. But A-Yao was avoiding the space behind himself, despite Mo Xuanyu pressing the advantage. It was like there was an invisible line that A-Yao couldn’t cross.
And maybe there was.
Lan Xichen and Wangji hurried forward, Wangji going to help Mo Xuanyu and Lan Xichen ignoring everything but that invisible line.
There were shouts around him, A-Yao calling for him to stop, Mo Xuanyu taunting A-Yao—even the voice of Wangji, quiet yet cutting, telling A-Yao to let them through.
Lan Xichen just kept moving until the moment his foot stepped where A-Yao had refused to, and the blank wall in front of him gave way to a small, shouting figure.
“—here! I’m here!”
He broke off even as Lan Xichen stopped, both of them staring.
The figure was chained to a wall,  his clothes brown and black instead of green and gold, and his hair pulled back into a messy topknot that lacked its usual braids. He was thin and pale in a way that spoke of years inside and a lack of even the small amount of exercise he used to do. He was crying.
“A-Sang!” Lan Xichen surged forwards, sweeping him into a hug and making sure to restrain his strength even as A-Sang tucked his face into Lan Xichen’s shoulder.
They were both crying now, their robes damp with tears, and Lan Xichen forced himself to take in great, shuddering breaths of air. He couldn’t lose himself to crying, because A-Sang needed him. A-Sang needed him, and Lan Xichen was finally there.
“I’ve got you,” he said. “I’ve got you, A-Sang.”
<line break>
Nie Huaisang clung to Lan Xichen as tightly as he could, tears blurring his vision—but he still tilted his face out of Lan Xichen’s robes just enough to keep his eyes fixed on the fight in front of him. Though he didn’t think Jin Guangyao would harm their second brother, he had thought the same about Da-ge. He wouldn’t risk taking his eyes off Jin Guangyao for as long as Lan Xichen had his back turned to him.
And, he admitted to himself, the satisfaction of watching Jin Guangyao find himself backed into a corner burned white-hot inside him.
He had wanted this for so long.
What would he do, Nie Huaisang wondered, when he was free from that want? Free from Jin Guangyao? The Nie Sect had surely gotten along fine without him, as he’d at least left instructions for a close cousin to take over as leader. They might not even want him back.
He didn’t know if he wanted to go back, anyway. He had had enough of stone walls to last him a lifetime, and while the Unclean Realm had its nature, going back would mean submitting himself to responsibilities once more.
Maybe he could wander the cultivation world, painting fans and listening to birds. Or maybe, Nie Huaisang thought as Lan Xichen’s arms tightened around him at the sound of Lan Wangji stabbing Jin Guangyao through the heart, the Lans would welcome him at Cloud Recesses. He could paint fans and listen to birds there, after all. It could be a form of quiet retirement—though not too quiet that he would remember this room.
Closing his eyes on Jin Guangyao, Nie Huaisang buried his face fully into Lan Xichen’s robes and let himself relax in the arms of his er-ge.
<line break>
if you're wondering: WWX and LWJ leave LXC and NHS to their reunion, and talk by themselves. it doesn't take long for WWX to make a certain facial expression--or hum a certain tune--and LWJ quickly realizes what's up.
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mdzs-headcannons · 3 years
I read the A Girl Can Dream request and i was wondering if u can do a continuation of that? like maybe see this in LXC perspective or see what would happen after they've been conversating for so many times?
Whichever one u do, im sure id like it either way♡
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Yes. Yes we can! (Also, disclaimer, I've gone thru all 5 versions of the story and so many fic, I cannot remember the actual way JGY handles the hired girls after his Dastardly Deeds, but that's in play here. Just so folks know!)
A Girl Can Dream- Part 2: Waking Nightmares
It begins, as their visits always do, with tea. But this time, Lan Xichen sits still and watches her hands shake as she lifts the tea pot, a few small droplets of the fragrant liquid splashing out to soak into his sleeve.
"I'm sorry," she rushes to say, reaching for a napkin to clean before the spill can stain, but he gently catches her hand to stop her.
"It is nothing," he says with a smile. Or rather, as much of a smile as could be appropriate, given the circumstances. After she settles again, he takes over the tea, smoothly pouring into both cups. "You seem tired, my friend. This all must be difficult for you."
'This', naturally, being the fact that not two weeks ago her employer had died in the middle of a.... Vigorous harem meeting. He was grateful to know she was never usually called on for the late Sect Leader Jin's licentious habits, but the man still paid her expenses and put her up in Koi Tower. It was fortunate that his sworn brother had agreed to keep her on so Lan Xichen could continue with their regular visits.
"... I trust you, Sect Leader Lan," she finally says, twisting her cup between her hands in an uncharacteristic display of nervousness. "But...If something dire were to happen... Something truly despicable that might even be hard to believe... Would you trust me?"
At this, he pauses the action of bringing the tea to his lips, returning the cup to the table. He has been speaking with her every other week for many years now, his favored reception at Lanling, rivaled only with being met by the newly minted Sect Leader Jin himself. But even then- he does not leave until he has had the chance to visit. And she has been very good and honest with him in that time, through many types of strife and grief for both of them. Of course he trusts her. She is like a sister to him.
But he has never seen her like this. Cagey. On edge. Watchful and quiet like she was worried someone might be watching her. Might be listening.
"What has happened?" he asks seriously, reaching across the table to lay a comforting hand over hers. "Has someone hurt you?"
She shakes her head, grasping his fingers so tightly her knuckles turn white and she looks as though she might cry.
"I am afraid someone will though," she whispers, so soft he has difficulty hearing the words at all. "I have seen something I was clearly not meant to know, and if he finds out, he'll kill me. I know he will."
"Who?" Lan Xichen asks.
She takes a deep shuddering breath before she looks at him, the fear clear in her glassy eyes. "Jin Guangyao."
He sits, silent, the two of them carefully shrouded in privacy talismans, and he listens. Listens as she tells him her story, tears clinging to he lashes a she recounts finding one of the other girls had left behind a medicine she needed nightly, and following after the tracks from their departure to deliver it to her, only to be met with the view of a man in dark clothes with a cruel smile and a deformed hand and, beside him, Jin Guangyao, standing outside with the former sect leader's body and listening to the girls inside scream as the building burned down around them.
He listens a she tells him of her slipping away as silently as she could, back through the trees and into the city, rushing so she was back where she was supposed to be before the heir arrived, feigning grief and surprise.
How she has not felt safe since, constantly worrying that Jin Guangyao will realize, and send someone with ill intention to stage an "accident" for her as well.
He listens.
He listens, and he grieves.
For a time, he does nothing. He has asked his own questions, softly, gently, and in ways that seem innocuous, but he cannot rid himself of the memories of fear in her eyes, even as Jin Guangyao gives perfect, placating answers.
And then, just as he begins to settle and think this all might truly be a misunderstanding, it happens.
A walk through the city to return her to her staying place or next appointment, sometimes done when his sworn brother is busy, and then there is the slip of a knife, gone before the rush of red even meets against the collars- pink and gold of a finely crafted dress staining crimson, and she's collapsing in his arms.
He weeps.
He mourns.
She lives.
Barely... But she lives.
He could not bear to leave her there, in a den of beasts she fears, and he spirits her away, the strength of his core feeding her struggling body life until he touches down in Cloud Recesses, handing her over with mourning hands to his healers.
His friend lives, scarred and quieted, but free and safe in the mists of his protection.
But the perfection and trust he held for his sworn brother has died, shattered like a porcelain mask put under too much pressure.
He prepares his confrontation. He has gathered the evidence, witnesses, and all he would need for a proper trial, diligence having been paid its due. And not just for her- for all of them. For every dark secret his sworn brother has managed to hide. For the girls murdered after being used as tools. The civilians tortured to build resentments to weaponize. For the Wens who truly did not deserve to die. For Wei Wuxian, who, it seemed, truly only wanted justice, despite his own darkness.
For Nie Mingjue. Their sworn brother. Their Da-Ge. Their friend.
It pains him, rips his lungs apart like claws and leaves him to bleed out in his tears and well-beloved lies, but it must be done.
Be just.
Defend the helpless.
Punish the wicked.
These are the precepts his Uncle has raised him in, has raised the whole of the Lan Sect in. And as much as Lan Xichen loves him, he cannot excuse Jin Guangyao of his crimes. The dead will not rest until their victimhood is brought to light. Until Jin Guangyao accepts his punishments. He can't do what he's done in the past. Can't stand by and let the world simply happen around him.
As much as he loves him, there is a justice coming for Jin Guangyao that cannot, no, that will not be denied.
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inessencedevided · 4 years
The Untamed, episode 42 - watching notes
I was up playing partygames over discord until 3 am yesterday, so I didn't get to watch another episode. I complained about it to my friends, which in turn made them complain that I sounded like I would rather watch my "gay chinese fantasy show" than spent time with them. I contemplated saying yes, but decided to keep my friend instead :D
And we were currently in the middle of a confrontation with Jiggy (as I've been informed he's called ... what? ^^) who apparently murdered his son to keep some secret, which with how this shows is going, I wouldn't be surprised is them going full game of thrones and ... you know what I'm talking about
Oh right, Su She is there
He's the Jin Zixun to my wei Wuxian. As in, I can never remember his name or why I should care 🤷‍♀️
(But thus time I DO remember who he is. That is, after lwj said his name ^^)
I'm so sure that jgy hit all evidence by now, btw
Okay, no. his wife is still there
Su She might be an asshole but his hair piece is gorgeous :D
What does it say about me that my first thought about that dagger was COOL!!! 😱😱😱
How dare you take Wen Qing's name in vain! 🤬
I thought she'd stab him!!! Not herself :'(
I'm a bit surprised that with 5 cultivators in the room, no one does more to save her
Oh, JGY is a damn good actor!! I mean we knew that before, but now his apparent confusion and grieve for his wife seems even more (dare I quote lwj?) shameless
Lan Xichen, i know you love him but ...
Fun fact: In German, we call fake tears "Krokodilstränen". Literal translation: "crocodile tears"
That's what this is 😐
Especially about the nie Mingjue
Poor Nie Huaisang 💔💔💔
"Taking the head. Who in the world would have done such an insane act?" GEE, I WONDER ...
Sorry, I still find jgy fascinating, but this is so uncomfortable to watch, knowing at least part of what really happened 🙈
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Lord, give me the power to murder people with one gaze like Lan Wangji 🙏
This whole conversation is so supremely uncomfortable
I'm still unsure if Jin Guangyao really doesn't suspect that "Mo Xuanyu" isn't who he says he is or if it's just a very convincing act 🤨
Favourite trope: Hanguang Jun, Yiling Laozou's knight in shining armour
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First of all: Hot
Also, for a split second there, you saw Jiang Cheng leap forward with a real look of concern on his face, like his first instinct was to help wwx himself 🥺🥺🥺
This feels so huge! 😱
I'm weirdly emo about a sword rn :')
His cover is blown of course
And him and Jin ling just had a good relationship :(
NHS, JL and JGY: How could it BE that this is Yiling Laozou???
Meanwhile Lan Xichen and Jiang Cheng
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"With the right kind of sacrifice, it can safe one who was seriously injured." Is this another instance of "we can't say this it's necromancy because censors, but y'all damn well know this is necromancy because no one falls down a cliff and then lies there "seriously injured" for goddam 16 years"?
I'm all teary eyed at lwj not even hesitating to flee with wwx :')
Jin Ling 💔🥺
Fuck you Jin Guangyao for playing at his pain!!!
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Omg they're as good as holding hands!!! 😭😭😭
Of course, wax is pushing lwj away, OF COURSE. Self-sacrificing idiot!
That mask reveal was *chef's kiss* the drama! The gasps! The ... long-suffering "here we go again look" from lan Xichen :D
"You're wrong."
So simple. Yet saying so much: "I kniw him. I trust him. I chose this."
And OF COURSE Wei Wuxian gives him another way out
"Did you believe in me back then?" YES, I WAS JUST TOO AFRAID TO SAY IT,SO MY CONCERN CAME OUT AS ANGER 😭😭😭
And the single logged bridge again 😭😭😭 I adore that metaphor! And I love that they chose to show us the flashback. Because last time, wwx and lwj parted, took different roads so to speak, one the one of defiance, the other the one of orthodoxy. Neither wanted to part ways, but neither probably thought that they had much of a choice. But they did have a choice and they made it. And lwj has already expressed his regret over that. So here he is again, using his second chance without a thought.
Because lwj believes that wwx is right, MORALLY, so he will go against his clan, reputation be damned, and stand with the man he loves ... finally. He'll choose what they both believe to be right and walk with him "until it's dark" :')
And THAT'S WHAT I LOVE ABOUT THIS SO MUCH!! It's not just that "oh they're so cute and they compliment each other so well, they must be soulmates uwu". Most of all they share a common morality!!!
I'm so goddamn amazed at this ship! This is not I was thought I was getting when I boarded it, but goddamn it I'm loving the ride! 😭😭😭
And .. just, the look in Lan Wangji's eyes ... they have 50 swords drawn on them, but guessing from the look on his face and the softness of his gaze they might as well be at their wedding 😭😭😭
He looks like a man entirely at peace with his decision :')
Just ...
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They're holding hands in that last shot!!!! 😭😭😭
I'm absolutely floored at how utterly beautiful this scene is! "Romantic" seems too insignificant to describe it. It feels more like 42 episodes worth of love and pining and misunderstandings coming to their natural conclusion
My heart is so full right now guys :')
Very nice of these 50 people to wait for their moment to pass before attacking. Very considerate 😁
"Are we going to fight or not." "Too much talking" I WANT 50 EPISODES OF THESE TWO BICKERING!!! 😭😭😭
Jin Ling :'(
I don't know who my heart is bleeding for more here
Jin ling doesn't deserve to have to shoulder his parent's and uncle's pain :'((
All this supporting each other when injured? That's the good stuff
And those flashbacks ... wwx finally FINALLY realizes that lwj never hated him for his actions, he was afraid for him :')
Tbf,the guy has a sliiiight communication issue 😐
That quote about how lwj is at his side now that everyone else despices him!! That's it THAT'S THE SHIP!!😭😭😭
Oh, lwj took him back to cloud recess
I'm surprised he was allowed to, tbh
Ooh, so Mo Xuanyu knew something!
And... someone else must now know about him?
Also, I didn't realise that wwx still had a cut from the curse
I gotta take a moment to scream about HOW UTTERLY DOMESTIC AND AT EAS THESE TWO NOW ARE WITH EACH OTHER!!! 😭
I should have known that the OG wangxian shipper would support them
But he still trusts Jin Guangyao. Not that I'm surprised
It's so weird to see anyone on this show in trousers btw 😅
"You're more than I can handle." Lol ^^
"You trust Master Wei, while I trust Jin Guangyao." Oh boy ...
I feel like this might be more of a confrontation than these two brothers had in their entire lives
Love me some detective-wwx
Poor Xichen 😔 he doesn't want to believe it
Somehow, wwx with a white underrobe makes me think "that's what he looks like when he and lwj accidentally swab robes" :D
Uuuh! The restricted section forbidden chamber!
So ... jin Guangyao somehow got this piece of music from the lan library?
But he's good! He's really good! He consistently uses others weaknesses and prays on them so that they act in a more extreme manner, but not so much that others would suspect foulplay. Case in point: nie Mingjue's death by anger and (more recently) the way he played towards Jin ling's feelings.
Aaaand another rather abrupt end in the middle of a conversation. That's one thing this show does not do well 😅
Anyway, I'm not complaining this episode send my shipper heart (BECAUSE I'M SO DWEP DOWN THIS RABBIT HOLE AT THIS POINT) fly with joy!!
@sweetlittlevampire @fandom-glazed @elenirlachlagos @allhailthedramallama @luckymoony @kyrrahbird @i-love-him-on-purpose 🖤💙🖤💙
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trensu · 4 years
Episode 43: The One where WWX is Soft for Children and Bunnies
we're still in the forbidden chamber
wwx has his detective cap on and is being clever
the lan bros are listening attentively as they should be
wwx: jgy is a sneaky conniving bastard blah blah he vandalizes evil music books blah blah
lots of boring plot talk basically
i'm sitting here like, *sigh* so pretty wwx so pretty
which is what i imagine lwj does all the time...
lol wwx goes to lxc and is like, no offense bro but jgy was a skilled spy during the war who was able to infiltrate and memorize wen ruohan's stuff in their secret chamber. invading this one would've been a piece of cake for him
and lxc is like well damn, guess i better test out all this evil music and see if it actually works
lxc: i'll just test the evil magic music on myself. yep. that way no one gets hurt and that couldn't possibly backfire on me at all
lwj: bro
lxc: bro. i gotta do this bro to clear my bae’s i mean friend's name
LOL lxc is like you all see jgy this way but i see him in a totally different way
lxc turns to gaze off into the middle distance and is like, the jgy in my heart is kind and benevolent blah blah
and behind him wwx crosses his arms and all but rolls his eyes LIKE DUDE YOU'RE COMING TO THE WRONG PERSON FOR SYMPATHY. I'M THE ONE THAT GOT KILLED FOR THINGS YOUR BF DID
oh this moment's interesting
lxc is like, can't you allow me to be cautious about making this decision? 
and lwj takes a step towards him, ready to speak but wwx grabs his upper arm and stops him with a shake of his head
the look lwj gives him just before that was like why are you stopping me?
but wwx knows this isn't something you can push
lwj trusts wwx's judgment and holds back whatever he was going to say
i'm curious as to what he WAS going to tell his brother tho
now lwj is leaving to talk to their uncle and lxc is like, sure i'll take your soulmate back to your room for you
wwx: since lan zhan isn't here, i wanna ask you about something
lxc: tell me
wwx: what are the whipping scars on lan zhan?
lxc: you don't know?
wwx: i asked him but he didn't wanna say, so i'm asking you
lxc: yeah, if he doesn't think it's necessary he'll probably never talk about it so i'll tell you instead of respecting my little brother's decisions about his personal life
lxc: do you remember that one time when wn shot and killed your sister's husband?
on the one hand, HOW COULD HE FORGET but on the other hand, he forgets quite a lot of things actually...
lxc: after wq and the others turned themselves in...*cue flashback*
we're at the burial mounds, lwj is standing by himself before wwx's cave facing down a whole freaking squadron of cultivators
su she: *runs his mouth as if we actually care what he has to say*
lwj: *completely unfazed and expressionless* you are not qualified to speak to me
but jgy shows up with even MORE cultivators and then does that thing where he compliments the person inconveniencing him and takes control of the situation
jgy: oh hanguang jun is so honorable let's not search wwx's secret cave lab right now
bc lwj is forever Better Than You.
fuck jgy
jgy: even if wwx is alive, the burial mounds is surrounded so there's no way he could come here without us noticing
he says this to lwj all mildly BUT YOU KNOW IT'S A THREAT
He bows (lwj STILL doesn't acknowledge him and it's GREAT) and walks away
then pauses (bc Drama) and is like oh, almost forgot, your uncle is waiting for you at the cloud recesses. And then he just leaves with all his cultivators
this is when lwj finally looks at jgy (or his back, at least since jgy is leaving)
We cut to the next scene that has lwj slamming the point of bichen in the the stone ground, arm bleeding
lxc: lwj made a mess and fought against everyone there
but the fall was gradual and jerky, like he was fighting it the whole way down. 
As if the only reason he fell is bc he's used up every ounce his strength and energy he had in his body
lxc: uncle burst into anger and took him back home, punishing him with 300 lashes and repenting in the cold pond cave for 3 years
we cut to the cloud recesses, camera shot from above making lwj, who is kneeling before his uncle and surrounded by disciples, look small AS ~THEIR SONG~ STARTS PLAYING ON THE CELLO 
his uncle orders them to start beating lwj
he barely moves with each strike and MAN THAT DISCIPLE IS NOT HOLDING BACK
oooh, we see him do that fist clench thing which looks even more painful without bichen to grip tbh
dude lwj is clenching his jaw so hard. 
like, he refuses to cry out in pain and it's gotta hurt bc he's bleeding already
lqr: what is rule 52 of the lan clan?
lwj: do not befriend evil
and lqr is all you have forgotten the fundamental laws of our clan, how can you have the nerve to face your ancestors like this!!
lwj: i dare ask you, grandmaster, who is right? who is wrong? what is black? what is white?
Bc our boy has learned! He’s learned NUANCE and CRITICAL THINKING and the existence of GRAY AREAS
Bc his soulmate was right all along and he didn’t stand by him when he needed him most and now his soulmate is gone. His soulmate is gone. He’s GONE.
lqr: perfect! that's my good student
he does not say this happily. he is in fact SHOUTING this VERY ANGRILY
and here i wanna say, hey lqr, what's that rule about excessive noise...?
cue lwj's fist clench again, which sounds just as painful as the beating tbh
lqr: wangji, you have disappointed me
and here we see an ACTUAL VISIBLE SCOWL on our beautiful hanguang jun's face as he continues to be beaten
cut to lwj kneeling at the ice table thing in the cold pond cave, robed in white and face blank but somehow still projecting an aura of cold fury
probably bc the rulebook open in front of him says "eradicate evil, establish laws, and goodness will be everlasting" and he knows that’s bullshit now
but actually this scene is visually very beautiful. 
It’s all in misty shades of pale cold blue and white and everything’s spaced out in a way to emphasize how very very alone lwj is
cut back to the present with wwx and lxc
wwx grips his flute with both hands and looks down like he can't believe what he's hearing
lxc: when lwj was imprisoned i tried to persuade him...but he told me he considered you his confidant soulmate and believed in your integrity
wwx: why would he bother…?
his brow is furrowed and his voice is soft like he truly doesn't seem to understand why lwj would bother to do all that
and on the one hand i wanna scream IT'S BECAUSE HE LOVES YOU, YOU MORON
but on the other hand, everybody else in wwx's life, everyone else he loved, turned on him or died 
and he probably truly believes he deserved all that, and that he is undeserving of lwj's unwavering faith
and then i cry
lxc: do you know what this place is?
shot of the entrance to the silence room aka the jingshi aka lwj's room
wwx: i don't
lxc: it's where our mother lived
wwx is hanging off his every word
lxc: you might find it strange that the wife of the clan leader didn't live with her husband in the frigid chamber
with a name like that i wouldn't want to live there either...
lxc: you might know that our father used to isolate himself for years, not caring about anything...
Not even his sons, apparently!
wwx: i do
and he explains that his father isolated himself bc of his mother or whatever
lxc: this place was more of a prison than a home
It was his mother’s prison. When did he figure that out? Was it when HE WAS STILL A KID??
now he's telling us the whole tragic love story
it was love at first sight, he says and wwx is like ah yes, a typical romance
and lxc is like, uh no, she didn't love him back and she murdered his teacher, idk why tho
lxc: but i guess it's all about right and wrong, love and hate
Which is a major theme of the whole show, tbh
now he's telling wwx about how his dad took his mom to cloud recesses and married her against the clan's approval and that he told them that this was the person he would love for a lifetime, that “whoever tried to drive her out would have to go through him first"
"after the wedding my father built this house, and locked my mother up"
lxc says this all so calmly and gently, as if he were reading from a story book rather than reciting his immediate family's history
Which is probably a coping mechanism, tbh
this fam is so fucked up, have i mentioned?
lxc: do you understand why my father did all this?
wwx: *nod*
lxc: and do you think he did the right thing?
wwx: i don't know
well, i mean, he married her and locked her up against her will
granted she did murder someone but i get the feeling she probably had good reason to
and now he's telling wwx that they basically had no parents bc they were given off to others to raise them until they were old enough to attend their uncle's lessons
lxc makes a point here to say that their mother never complained about her imprisonment or how painful it must've been to be trapped like that
lxc: lwj never said anything, but i knew he looked forward to the day we visited mother every month
Lxc: he did (look forward to seeing mom). and so did i.
cut to baby lwj kneeling in the snow, all little and by himself IN FRONT OF THE JINGSHI, AKA HIS MOM’S PRISON AKA PROBABLY HIS FAVORITE PLACE IN ALL THE CLOUD RECESSES
lxc: one day, uncle told us that we didn't need to go there anymore. mother had gone.
like even lqr is moved bc he goes and puts a hand on his shoulder
lxc: we were too young to understand what that meant.
lxc: no matter how others consoled us or how uncle scolded him, lwj still came here every month. he would sit on that porch and wait for someone to open the door.
He’s kept himself still and stalwart ever since he was a kid so that if his loved one chose to come back, he’d still be there for them 
Lxc: when we got older we realized that she would never come back. that no one would ever open the door for him. but he still came.
lxc: lwj has always been stubborn since he was very young
lxc: back then, he watched you learn crafty tricks. he didn't say anything, but i knew...that the pain and confusion in his heart was the same as what he felt for our mother
wwx's eyes are all red-rimmed and his brow is all pinches and HE JUST SWALLOWED BACK THE LUMP IN HIS THROAT
and lxc is like, well, that's enough intense conversation for now, imma do a flute solo
~flute sounds~
and now he's like i tried to persuade lwj before but now that i'm in his shoes it turns out making a decision isn't actually easy to do?? who'd have thought?
oh here comes lwj, all straight-backed and regal as always but no jewelry in his hair! no topknot! he looks so different this way
oh, the way he holds it out to wwx, like an offering at an altar...
cut to inside the jingshi, we get to see him uncap one of the jars and pour a drink out for his soulmate. 
like, the camera is specifically focused on his hands
which, hey, i’ve seen the tags ppl, i know some of you are Into That so take the time to enjoy this
then we get a shot of all of him and he looks so so soft and exposed and vulnerable  here?? with his hair down in his own room, pouring a drink for his wei ying
it's beautiful
wwx walks in and watches as lwj starts to pour himself a cup of tea
~Their Song~ playing sweetly, no other sounds except the quiet clinks of the cups and teapot. And all of lwj’s actions are just...light
wwx: lan zhan…
the shot of lwj here, while he’s focused on pouring his tea. 
the way his head is angled and the wisps of his hair frame his face. 
he takes up a good portion of the screen without seeming domineering or forceful, just...peacefully existing in the space
and then we cut back to wwx's face, his mouth open as he takes a breath 
He wants to say something, anything, but you can see on his face that he can't make the words come
Like he doesn’t want to disturb the moment with whatever he was going to say, bc it’s a fragile moment
and then this brief literally-2-seconds shot of lwj to the right, sitting at the table 
the table is set up so beautifully with the jars of emperor's smile and their cups. and he's looking up and the lighting AND AHHHHHH
lwj: what?
and wwx can't even really return his gaze. he looks just as vulnerable here but, unlike lwj, he also looks awkward, like he’s nervous in his vulnerability same ,wwx, same
wwx tries to say thank you but it comes out stuttered and soft while lwj watches him patiently
wwx mumbles to himself "it's awkward to say it out loud" and his eyes flicker back and forth for a second as his mouth pinches, agitated 
wwx: *clears throat* i mean...the burden on your brother's shoulders is tremendous
smooth transition, wwx, very smooth
but at least it allowed him the chance to sit at the table with lwj
wwx: after all, jgy is his sworn brother. if i were him...
he trails off awkwardly and it feels even MORE awkward bc the background music just ends suddenly and it's silent for us, the audience
lwj doesn't say anything and instead gently moves the cup of wine towards wwx.
once that's done he says "if there's evidence, my brother won't tolerate it."
but he doesn't look at wwx and his face is somber
wwx: that's true. he's got his principles
finally lwj looks at him
lwj: you didn't tell him.
wwx: tell him what?
lwj: about the flute on qiongqi way
wwx: you know about that?
lwj: i asked wen ning. he said he heard a second flute
wwx: i thought i was hearing things until nightless city *insert flashback here*
cut to next scene. wwx is standing just outside the jingshi doors with a jar in his hand as it snows
lwj steps up next to him and ~THEIR SONG~ STARTS PLAYING
they're still talking about the flute and how wwx is confident now that there was a second one used to frame him basically. he's quietly angry here.
lwj immediately says it was jgy but wwx responds with "maybe, maybe not"
lwj looks at him, "you don't want to know the answer?"
bc lwj does. he wants to know who framed his soulmate, causing the suffering that lead to his death
wwx: at first i really wanted to but now i just want to say, 'whatever. screw it!'
he says with a laugh and then takes a swig from his wine jar
wwx put down that wine jar, you've obviously had too much already.
wwx: lan zhan, i actually think whether i know the answer or not won't be of much importance for me. after all, in ppl's minds, the yiling patriarch did bad things. even if i expressed my grievances, people still won't trust me
and he smiles
He says, "Sometimes the world only needs an excuse or target that everyone can hate"
and then he says something along the lines that it doesn't matter, if he wasn't made the target, someone else would have been
now we hear the sound of a guqin playing ~Their Song~
lwj at his guqin playing their song to soothe his soulmate
wwx: *voiceover* i was lonely back then. the few who believed in me were dead, wen ning, jyl. Luckily…
and here we get the crescendo of the opening theme as we cut to lwj. 
the voiceover changes from wwx to lwj
lwj: in this world, there is still someone who trust you
voiceover switches back to wwx and we get a shot of wwx watching lwj play
wwx: lan zhan, i toast to you. i'm glad to have one true friend
and then i get distracted as wwx does that thing where he pours wine into his mouth and spills half of it down his VERY INDECENTLY EXPOSED THROAT
shot of lwj thinking: for nothing else but a clean conscience
shot of wwx thinking: no matter how they slander me, i know i have a clean conscience
wwx gazes tenderly at lwj and whispers: lan zhan. i'm sorry...and thank you
cut to the next day with lxc meditating and our boys hiding behind a privacy screen
lwj is in perfect posture, eyes closed and meditating calmly while wwx keeps listing to the side and jolting awake bc meditating IS FOR NERDS
lol except this time he lists to the opposite side and falls into lwj's shoulder with a cute little gasp
lwj gives him a look and wwx quickly arranges himself into a sloppy lotus pose
jgy walks in and our boys are immediately on alert peeking through the privacy screen 
(which actually isn't all that private. you can see through half of it??)
now we get a moment for lxc and jgy in which jgy returns the jade token and it’s, like, a Thing
wwx is watching lwj as jgy says something about how they don't have info on lwj and wwx yet and lwj closes his eyes against the news
i think he's upset he's placed his brother in this position...
now we're informed that there are active puppets in the burial mounds
lxc is like, well it can't be wwx bc he was stabbed
and jgy is like he's been stabbed before and controlled puppets alright then!
meanwhile wwx behind the screen scoffs and thinks "they think too highly of me"
also, like, jgy was trying to get lxc to give them up by saying how lwj would be safe bc of his great reputation
Honestly, it really just goes to show that these people don't actually care about your actions. they've made their assumptions and they'll stick to them no matter what and IT'S SUPER FRUSTRATING
plot talk plot talk sworn trio moment plot talk
now lxc is off to carp tower while our boys prepare for a field trip to the burial mounds
our boys are by a stream and there's bunnies all over the place and wwx is telling lil apple they're leaving
wwx: see? they only like you *pout* they're only loyal to their owner
the bunny wriggles and wwx is like "don't try to run. you can never run away from me. stay here bunny!"
Don’t be jealous of a bunny don’t be jealous of a bunny don’t be jealous of a bunny
wwx looks over to lwj: lan zhan, it's so strange. i know we're going on a dangerous mission but i don't feel scared at all
then he goes back to the bunny and wiggles it around SO CUTELY: do you think it's strange too? what do you think?
lwj: it's getting late. let's go
wwx: okay *pets bunny* little bunny, we're leaving~
now we cut to them at the entrance of the cloud recesses
lil apple is being stubborn and the bunnies are on the steps
wwx: they hate to see you go.
and wwx looks at lwj all playfully
wwx: i never thought that hanguang jun would be so popular among the little animals
and then he finishes with AN ADORABLE LITTLE POUT: bc i'm not
lwj: why not?
wwx: all little animals regardless of their habitat run when they see me. isn't that right lil apple? *proceeds to bully the donkey*
lwj: *walks off bc he does not condone animal abuse or smth*
wwx: wait for me hanguang jun!!
wwx: lan zhan, i wanna know, back in the murder turtle cave, what was the name of the song you sang to me?
lwj: why do you ask?
wwx: just tell me the name. i think i've figured out how you recognized me
wwx: tell me what song it is. who's the composer?
lwj: me
wwx: so you composed it?!
lwj: hm
wwx: what's the name then?
lwj: what do you think?
wwx: you're asking my opinion?
he gets this huge smile on his face and giggles
wwx: i think i'll call it...
lwj: i'm thirsty, let's look for water
they find a random house and wwx proceeds to steal a melon
but they're interrupted so they hide like the CRIMINALS THEY ARE lol
and we see mr & mrs mianmian with little mianmian!!
mr mianmian is all if you run off again the yiling patriarch will eat you!
little mianmian is like I'M NOT SCARED, mama says the yiling patriarch doesn’t bully good people
and that's how mianmian and her husband and daughter get guaranteed invites to their future wedding
we cut to wwx and lwj 
ohhhhh really liking how mianmian draws her sword and demands the criminals to show themselves
Lol, she's like WHO'S THERE? and wwx literally answers, UM, NO ONE??
lwj purses his lips like, really?? and comes out of hiding
Mianmian is shocked to find hanguang jun hiding on her property obvs, but is also excited to recognize wwx
wwx: *internally* why does this lady know me?? did she have a problem with me or did i provoke her??
then wwx recognizes her!! he's very excited about it!
and we end the episode on a high note there!!
We get to see the only functional, happy (and alive) marriage in the entire cultivation world!!
And yeah, we got our hearts torn out by kid!lwj but we were rewarded with soft domesticity AND bunnies right after!!!
Overall good quality wangxiantics
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briapia95 · 4 years
An analysis, many interpretations, and comments on the interactions between WWX and LWJ in Chapter 25: Malice —Part 3
I feel like this chapter [and the last couple of paragraphs from the previous chapter] is gold and all that happens between those two is so interesting and bittersweet to read. And it also gives me so many feelings because you can feel the yearning in-between the lines.
By this point, they’ve have reunited after LWJ went after the person running away from the man-eating castle and WWX has managed to run away from JC and transfers JL curse mark.
Just by the end of the previous chapter we are given this small piece: [consider that WWX is coming late to the meeting point]
[...] the white-robed figure stood at the end of the street, standing motionless with his head hung low.
Before Wei Wuxian made any sound, Lan Wangji looked up and saw him. After some hesitation, he walked over with a darkened expresion.
Wei Wuxian didn’t know why, but he involuntarily took a step backward.
He could almost see scarlet streaks of blood by the corners of Lan Wangji’s eyes. He had to admit... Lan Wangji’s face really did look quite scary.
So, it’s quite clear to me that LWJ was not angry but instead scared, and deeply scared as that. The novel has stated several times that WWX used to teased him so much and in such a high degree in the past because it was difficult to get a reaction out of LWJ. But now? Now it only took for WWX to take longer than it was expected to get such a reaction from LWJ.
And of course, the man is scared out of his life. The last time he left WWX behind in a hostile situation was also the last time he ever saw him alive, if it was any other character they would not have risked doing so again. But despite all of that, he chose to trust WWX’s judgment and go after NHS so as to not lose track of him while WWX took JL so safety, even when LWJ knew there was a high possibility that JC was around. [which turned out to be correct]
So now he sees WWX coming back to him and it’s such a relief that even in his stoicism WWX is able to gather that something was happening with LWJ [pity he misunderstood what emotions were going through LWJ at that moment]
Now to the actual chapter I was supposed to be talking about:
WWX, having being attacked with zidian and bearing the curse mark, staggers and almost fall if not for LWJ
[...] thightly gripped his wrist like what he did last time, back in Dafan Mountain.
Wangxian.mp3 playing in the distance.
So now we have two things that really made me laugh:
WWX being flustered because LWJ knelt in front of him to look at his wounds.
I love how even as WWX proclaims to have such a thick face, yet he still gets easily flustered by such small things.
And the famous “... I only left for a few [fucking] hours” phrase from LWJ.
I mean I’m pretty sure inside his head LWJ was screaming so many curses because yes. By this point, WWX has been with him for days and nothing has happened to the other man. Not even with the failed evocation at the Mingshi with NMJ arm. And now he has left WWX out of his sight for |this| short amount of time and look at what happened to him. LWJ is screaming and suffering internally. And WWX is downplaying the seriousness of his injuries. Please give the man a break WWX.
And just when WWX starts to walk towards the shop where NHS is located, we get this:
Lan Wangji stood behind him. He suddenly called out, “Wei Ying.”
Wei Wuxian’s figure paused. A second later, he pretended as if he didn’t hear the name, and answered, “What?”
Idk about you guys but if this is not a heavily charged moment idk what it would be. Because this is the first time LWJ directly calls WWX on his bluff. He’s literally offering him a hand. Tentatively he’s saying “I’m here, you don’t need to hide, you can rely on me”, but at the same time If WWX had chosen to ignore the call he could have easily done so because LWJ is not imposing. Yet WWX chose to tentatively reach back. And IDK, this part causes so many emotions in me, because, for all of what they both remember, their last interactions pre-WWX’s reviving were terrible hostile.
LWJ then states the obvious, 1) you transferred JL’s curse mark to yourself, and 2) you met JC.
And WWX delivers this harsh truth
[...] “As long as both of us are alive in this world, we’d meet for sure, sooner or later.”
Here WWX furthermore confirms his true identity but also I think he implies something quite sad. If he and JC are both alive they’ll keep meeting, they’ll keep hurting each other, and sooner or later one of them will end up dead. And LWJ is not stupid, he catches on quite fast, so he replies:
[...] “Do not go...”
And this little sentence is so many things in such a few little words at the same time. ‘Don’t go meet him, don’t leave me behind, let me protect you, you don’t need to die and leave again.’
And of course, WWX being who he is by this point of the novel, deflects. Because if he’s good at something it's to change the subject and joke around when he’s placed on a tight spot that involves opening-up to face harsh feelings.
[...] If I don’t go, how am I supposed to leave? Are you gonna carry me on you back or something?”
WWX said this because he knew it worked in the past, that LWJ has shot down similar requests in his first life. But, at LWJ’s lack of response, he knew his deflection didn’t really work as he planned to, maybe LWJ would leave the subject to rest but WWX would not be able to tease him into forgetting the conversation.
And LWJ totally does just that, he goes and tries to carry WWX, just like WWX did when they were teenagers, and now is WWX turn to be flustered again.
There’s a little part that stood out for me in this whole scene.
[...] Lan Wangji walked in front of him, as if he really was going to bend down, kneel, and carry Wei Wuxian on his back, despite his honorable status.
And is such a small throwaway line that almost goes unnoticed but it reflects one of the main obstacles WWX has to overcome. WWX does not think of him as an equal to LWJ. And how could he? First, he was the son of a servant, no matter how talented he was in contrast to the second Jade of gusu. Then he was reviled as the Yilling Patriarch, the scum of the cultivation world, in contrast to Hanguang-Jun, the light bringer. He was persecuted and killed and while LWJ was revered. It’s a sad life the one that WWX lived on his first life if you think about it. And WWX is totally aware of these differences in social status and the comparisons other people drew. He might be able to boast that in skill they're equals, but that's it. Outside that he was always regarded as the inferior, that's something I think plays a heavy hand in his belief that the only reason LWJ wanted to bring him back to gusu was to punish him.
As for LWJ’s part, we have this moment after WWX denies being carried
After a moment of silence, Lan Wangji responded, “But you have also carried me on your back before.”
Wei Wuxian, “Did such a thing ever happen? Why don’t I remember?”
Lan Wangji answered in an indifferent tone, “You never remember such things.”
First, we have a vulnerable moment when LWJ tries to reminisce a treasured memory and then goes to quietly exasperated with a dash of disappointment. Because as I stated before, I truly believe WWX did remember the time he offered to carry LWJ in his back, the phrasing is too deliberate to be a coincidence, and LWJ knows it too but also knows that indeed WWX tends to forget many things -read Wangxian.mp3 [the entire reason he figured who you were WWX omg]- so he also can't be sure if WWX is playing into the oblivious character he tries to pull or if he truly doesn't remember. So he doesn't press the matter further but also is not going to let WWX tease him into forgetting he's been hurt.
LWJ has evolved, he now actually can take WWX teasing and keep up with it too, that’s why he ends up carrying him bridal-stile. (To WWX further embarrassment). But being the tease we know WWX, he escalates his antics, starting to play with the front of LWJ clothes as he’s been carried -aka flirting, you are not fooling anyone here WWX- and LWJ just goes along with it. And, of course, he will! He waited 13 years for you WWX with no hope of ever seeing you again, he’s not gonna let this chance go to waste.
Then WWX decides to ask what’s been on his mind since Dafan Mountain, “how the [dolphin noises] did you know it was me? And even since the begging too!” And LWJ here chooses to answer him with a non-reply, the kind of when he's saying the truth but he knows the other person will not understand what's he's saying (his favorite form of communication).
[...] “You told me yourself”
I feel like mostly this is a way of defense LWJ uses when he's also avoiding telling people what he really wants to say, either because he does not care what the other interprets and/or is subtly insulting them -see his treatment of JC and JGY- but he will still be courteous when doing so or because he's afraid of the reaction the other person could have if he's being completely honest -WWX rejecting him if he links together that wangxian.mp3 = you've had feeling for me ever since then = I remembered I rejected you so I’ll reject you again. But also is a way of subtly letting WWX in, as if to say, ‘I know you rejected me but my feelings are the same’. And the moment WWX is unable to figure it out this happens:
It seemed as if something had sent ripples through Lan Wangji’s eyes. Yet, the slight waves faded immediately, and his eyes were a still pool of water again.
Oh LWJ you poor suffering fool, I don’t blame him since for all that he knows WWX rejected his feelings already. But also, this is why communication is important guys, non-replies are cool and everything but if LWJ had said something else, anything else that hinted at the reason he was able to recognize WWX, so much pining would have been spared. But alas.
This is getting longer than I expected but there are two more points I want to touch.
When they arrived in front of the door of the room where NHS is staying at and WWX ask LWJ to let him down so that he can open the door. It goes like this
Before he finished his words, Lan Wangji did something that was extremely impolite. It was possibly the first time in his whole life that he had ever done such a rude act.
Carrying Wei Wuxian, he kicked the door open.
And I really love this part.
I remember reading a while back a meta that said that in WWX’s first life LWJ had tried to be the bridge that connected WWX with the “righteous” path, that he was trying to bring him back to the “right and accepted” side, but in WWX’s second life LWJ pretty much says, ‘I’ll walk alongside you in any path you chose’.
And this paragraph is LWJ's character evolution in a nutshell. It was shown in little glimpses before like with the scene of WWX finding the secret stash of emperor’s smile at the Jingshi or the whip scars on LJW’s back. But nothing is so blatantly stated regarding this change in LWJ’s character previous this moment. The “I will stay with you and help you forge a path where we can both walk freely” is this small moment when LWJ prefers to keep WWX in his arms and just slam the door open than letting him on his feet to open the door because it's the proper thing to do that we know LWJ will always choose WWX and not try to find compromises as he did on WWX’s first life. Something that goes against everything he was taught about property probably. And he’s doing it without a single hesitation. If that’s not love and devotion I don’t know what it is.
And now, the last part I wanted to bring into attention; right after LWJ startles NHS when kicking the door open and walking with WWX on his arms:
Acting as if he didn’t see anything, Lan Wangji carried Wei Wuxian inside and put him in the bamboo mat.
LWJ just showing so much care for his beloved Yilling Patriarch. He will make sure that WWX is safe and comfy before continuing with this very serious investigation. All because on WWX’s last life, LWJ was not able to provide him this sort of affection and care he always wished for. But now he’ll make sure as hell that he’ll be able to bring comfort to his beloved, no matter the situation because he actually can do it and he sure is not going to be wasting this second chance.
And that’s it, I feel like this chapter is Wangxian in a nutshell. The chapter underlays the feelings, characterization, interactions, and arcs that will be explored through the rest of the book. And it’s why it gives me so many emotions while reading it.
Omg, this turned out so much longer than I thought. Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk I guess xD
[more rambles]
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pangzi · 4 years
you’ll definitely have to make up for all the missed cuddles when you do see each other again! i’ve only just recently started using the exclude function in ao3 to help weed out the pairings i don’t particularly want and that helps at least hahaha. oooh i’m a big fan of angst as long as we get a happy ending! stab me all you want but make it better please hahaha. OMG nmj being written as violent and abusive like, skjkfk do we even know that same character?? i hate that and i feel like they (1/3)
really don’t do him justice. you know what, i think same! i would get along with nhs, maybe jc because we’re both bitchy scorpios lbr, & wwx on small doses. i wouldn’t get on too well with jgy. i hope it’s not weird for me to say but i saw the pics you posted and i got a pretty good idea of you aesthetic and i love it!!! pastel but make it punk is so accurate hahaha. also you’re cute wheee! my style is either minimalist or graphic tee + high waisted jeans or a mix, depending on my  mood that day haha. pretty much inspired by scandinavian basics style. i like things simple and clean with pops of interesting details. okay, question time! your honest opinion on meng yao/jgy as a character and his relationship with nmj specifically. i just feel like he’s one of those divisive characters in the fandom and i’d be interested to know how you feel about him especially considering nmj is your fave. hahaha. - cc. (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ 
yes me too!! i always need a happy ending oh my god! i say that while guardian is my fave show but ok...
We can start a fun friend group, you, me, nhs and jc. wwx is invited sometimes so we don’t get sick of him.
hehehe i’m glad you like my style, it’s pretty all over the place tbh, really depends on my mood! but gosh graphic tee and high wasted jeans (are there any other type of jeans? no.) heLL YEAH!!! GOOD look! 
Oh gosh my opinion on jgy... i’m gonna try to explain under the cut but as i said before i’m very bad at expressing my thoughts!
i actually really can’t stand his ass god. in the beginning i was neutral like ok he’s messed up and evil but whatever but now i.... the more i think about it the more i hate him... ugh i can’t even look at him... he’s such a horrible horrible person tbfh the things he did were so messed up and disgusting and his reasoning behind it... kind of pathetic.
the whole thing with him killing nmj is just so sad and so unnecessary... nie mingjue gave him so many chances and opportunities but no he didn’t want to better himself he loved being a horrible person, a murderer too much <3 power hungry rat...
i think that’s also what angers me so much when people make nmj into this abusive, horrible angry man and jgy into this poor little innocent victim of circumstances. nie mingjue is a very loving and forgiving person? he gave jgy ALL the opportunities in the world, he even freaking sent a letter to jgs to tell him that “hey your bastard son is actually kind of a cool and smart kid maybe uh accept him?” AND THEN After being betrayed he kept giving him chances to redeem himself over and over again, trusting him with his LIFE literally and sTILL the rat fucking killed him in the most HORRIBLE way possible AND went as far to make sure his chances of reincarnation were next to zero. and STILL people say nmj is the villain and jgy was right killing him and the other 1545455476546523 people. 
what about you? now you say actually i love jgy and we can’t be friends anymore gjfkgjdl
Also!! tell me your fave song on the ost, cause no matter how much i dislike jgy his song is definitely one of my favourites (but i just really love the artist who sings it as well so maybe i’m biased) 
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robininthelabyrinth · 4 years
An AU where NHS is the one JGY kills? How would NMJ react to this? Would he care about his morals in the wake of his little brother murder? Would he take JGY life as enough “justice” for his brother bc if u think about it the last time a sect killed one member of his family (the Wen) he was down to go to war and kill them all and that wasn’t someone he had swore to protect :)
Something, once shattered, could never be put together quite the same way as before; it was a truism as applicable to the soul and the heart as it was to objects. And when his brother was killed over a matter of politics, a stupid disagreement between sect leaders over a question of principle, Nie Mingjue’s heart shattered – and his convictions with it.
Wei Wuxian had once heard it said that one should fear most of all the patient man, a gentleman waiting ten years for vengeance; whoever had said that, he thought, had never met Nie Mingjue after he’d blackened. The man wasn’t patient in the slightest.
It hadn’t seemed so bad in the beginning. The man had brought his brother’s body to the Burial Mounds, the corpse curled in his arms like a child, and he had knelt before Wei Wuxian could stop him.
“You revived Wen Ning, even though he was a child of a Sect,” he said, and his eyes were like black coals, the fierce light that had once shined within them utterly extinguished. “Can you revive him, too?”
Wei Wuxian hesitated.
“I will not hold it against you if you can’t,” Nie Mingjue said. He should have been angry, Wei Wuxian would later remember thinking; Nie Mingjue was known for his anger, his rage – why wasn’t he angry? Why wasn’t he raging? It was only later that he realized that Nie Mingjue’s grief was so complete, so all-consuming, that it had pushed him somewhere beyond rage. “But I would ask that you try. In return, I will help you defend those you protect, now and going forward.”
That was a tempting offer. Wei Wuxian had been forced to split from the Jiang sect because they could not protect him; the Nie, on the other hand, were more established, stronger. If they survived this loss, they would be very good protection.
Still, Wei Wuxian wouldn’t sell a false bid of goods.
“He won’t come back to life,” Wei Wuxian said, coming forward to put a hand on Nie Huaisang’s chest. There was resentment there, not as much as Wen Ning, who had suffered so much and kept it all to himself, no, but enough. Whoever had killed him had been someone he had trusted, and he had died angry and betrayed – and no one did anger better than the Nie. It would probably be enough. “He’d still only be a corpse. You know that, right? Your sect above all others abhors the existence of evil –”
“I don’t care,” Nie Mingjue said. “It was my righteousness that failed him; I will not let it stop me again.”
“He wouldn’t be evil,” Wei Wuxian tried to explain. “Wen Ning isn’t evil. But he’d still be a corpse.”
“Even if he is evil, it doesn’t matter,” Nie Mingjue said. “I won’t be able to stop until I see him again.”
Wei Wuxian didn’t know what Nie Mingjue meant, and he was so uncomfortable with having the unbending, unyielding sect leader kneeling before him, begging him the way Wen Ruohan could have only dreamed of, that he doesn’t ask any more questions, merely agreed to give it his best effort.
He should have asked.
He should have –
He didn’t know what he should have done. At any rate, he would later learn that Nie Mingjue spoke the truth: he would not stop. He couldn’t stop.
He left his brother in Wei Wuxian’s care, and he returned to the Unclean Realm, and from there he set for to Lanling, to Koi Tower, where the people who had killed his brother lived. Wei Wuxian wasn’t sure what happened there, isolated from gossip as he was; by the time one of the Wens dared go down to the village and heard about it, everyone had universally started to refuse to talk about the entire event, naming it taboo.
Still, they heard enough.
Perhaps Jin Guangshan had hoped that his younger brother’s death would drive Nie Mingjue into a qi deviation, or perhaps he’d thought that Nie Mingjue would be so bound up in his belief in justice, his respect for etiquette and law, that he would not be able to respond in force. Perhaps he simply didn’t think it through at all.
He certainly didn’t think that Nie Mingjue would come to Lanling in the middle of the night, without warning nor declaration of war, and raze Koi Tower to the ground before half the cultivators of the Jin even knew what was happened. Who knew what salt was used to sow the fields, what monsters were willingly unleashed, but the entire city died almost overnight, the ground turned to ash, flames hot enough to melt gold rising up to the heavens with a roar like a dragon, the people was put to the sword – some people believed the children had been spared, others denied it. Nobody knew anything for sure.
They said Nie Mingjue was like a martial god, eyes indifferent even as he reaped life after life – Wen Ruohan had carefully cultivated his inner sect disciples from the most powerful he could find, and they almost all fell before Nie Mingjue’s blade; Jin Guangshan’s cultivators, who were selected on the basis of other considerations, didn’t stand a chance. There was no mercy, no humanity left; Nie Mingjue had left that all behind along with his righteousness, disregarded as useless and unimportant because it couldn’t even keep his brother safe – and Wei Wuxian thought of Jiang Cheng, thought of Jiang Yanli, and couldn’t say that he’d do it any differently.
Some people even said Nie Mingjue wielded demonic cultivation in his anger.
Wei Wuxian didn’t know if that was true.
He didn’t know how he’d feel if it was.
He didn’t know what to feel, when Jiang Cheng came to him – they’d broken all ties, not so long before, and so it was a surprise to see him.
“Did anyone see you –” he began.
“It doesn’t matter anymore,” Jiang Cheng said. His clothing was disorderly, his face unclean; he did not seem to be well. “Nothing does – the Jin sect is gone.”
Wei Wuxian felt fear for the first time. “But – shijie?”
“She’s safe,” Jiang Cheng said. “Jiang Ling, too; they’re at the Lotus Pier.”
“Jiang Ling?” Wei Wuxian echoed, eyebrows arching.
Jiang Cheng shrugged. “A surname is a small price to pay for life,” he said shortly, and that really said it all, didn’t it? “I don’t know what happened to the peacock, but I’m not holding my breath; rescuing shijie was already more than I expected…I’ve agreed not to interfere, in the future.”
“The future?” Wei Wuxian echoed. “What – what more is there? I thought the scheme was Jin Guangshan’s –”
“It was, but he wasn’t the only one who would benefit from it,” Jiang Cheng said. He ran his hands over his face. “The Jin were second only to the Wen when it came to the number of allied clans – anyone who had anything to do with it, even under suspicion, is considered guilty…I’ve all but given up our Jiang sect’s independence. If Nie Mingjue wants to wipe out one of the sects that answers to us, I won’t be able to stop him. My ancestors will be ashamed of me.”
“You did it for shijie.”
“I did it for all of us,” Jiang Cheng said. “I heard during the Sunshot Campaign that Wen Ruohan once sought an alliance with Nie Mingjue to dominate the rest of the world, which was rejected on account of what happened to the former Sect Leader – I believe it. I never thought it was true back then, but I believe it now. The masterless sabers –”
He shook his head, sealing his lips, and no matter what Wei Wuxian did, he couldn’t get another word out of him, just that ominous final phrase – the masterless sabers – how could a saber not have a master? A sword was only a spiritual weapon, guided by the cultivator that wielded it – even the Stygian Tiger Seal was only a tool.
“Why are you here, then?” Wei Wuxian finally asked.
Jiang Cheng looked at him as if he were stupid. “If I die, the Jiang Sect dies with me – where else would I be?” He saw that Wei Wuxian didn’t understand and snorted, shaking his head. “Didn’t Nie Mingjue promise you that those you protected would be kept safe? Well, here I am.”
Wei Wuxian licked suddenly dry lips. “Why would he kill you?”
“Because I would benefit,” Jiang Cheng said simply. “Whether or not I support what happened, I would benefit, a fellow sect leader…out of recognition for our former relationship, he told me that if I were here, I would live. The Lotus Pier won’t be touched. Besides, I’m here for another reason, on behalf of the cultivation world.”
“Oh? For what?”
“To get you to hurry up and bring Nie Huaisang back, of course. I don’t think anything short of that will make Nie Mingjue stop.”
I won’t be able to stop until I see him again.
“The process takes time,” Wei Wuxian protested. “Even though I have an idea of what to do, it’s not easy, it’s tricky –”
“I brought you help,” Jiang Cheng said shortly. He nodded down the mountain, where he’d left –
“That’s a small child,” Wei Wuxian said blankly.
“Somewhat undernourished,” Jiang Cheng conceded. “His name is Xue Yang; he’s a delinquent from Kuizhou, rather famous – well, infamous – for being pretty handy with demonic cultivation –”
“Jiang Cheng. That is a small child.”
“The Jin Sect took him in as a guest disciple –”
“Small! Child! How old is he, eight?”
“Jiang Cheng!”
“He’s pretty annoying, but he’ll shut up if you give him candy,” Jiang Cheng said. “I brought a bag. Now get back to fucking work before more people die.”
At first meeting, Xue Yang was a nasty little gremlin, full of spite and not a little bit of brilliance; it was extremely annoying how much it felt like looking into a slightly off-kilter mirror. He’d lost a finger, somewhere along the way, and while there was a sword buckled onto his belt he never used it – it took a while before Wei Wuxian noticed it, given that he himself didn’t use a sword and he’d assumed Xue Yang was following his example, but in fact the boy was terrified of swords.
More specifically, of sabers.
Even Nie Huaisang’s, which was – to be frank – the daintiest, frilliest saber Wei Wuxian had ever seen.
“You were a guest disciple of the Jin sect before,” Wei Wuxian said. “You saw what happened? The masterless sabers?”
Xue Yang averted his eyes and didn’t answer, which meant yes; he would otherwise have had a snappy answer of some sort.
“Was it that bad?”
“It was worse,” Xue Yang said, uncharacteristically solemn. “The masterless sabers - they hate evil. Who told them that people were evil?”
“I did,” a low voice said from behind him, and Xue Yang froze, the whites of his eyes showing; he resembled a small rabbit that had tried to demonstrate its toughness being suddenly faced with the teeth of a tiger.
“Sect Leader Nie,” Wei Wuxian said, much more respectfully than he might have otherwise, before the rumors. Nie Mingjue looked much the same as he had the first time: back straight, wearing his clan’s colors, his eyes dead inside. Even Baxia looked the same.
But he felt – wrong.
Maybe he really was using demonic cultivation, but if he was, it wasn’t anything like what Wei Wuxian had invented.
“How is my brother?” Nie Mingjue asked.
“The process is going very well so far,” Wei Wuxian hedged. “I should have a result for you within a week.”
Nie Mingjue nodded and turned to go.
“What are you going to do when he wakes?” Wei Wuxian asked, and Nie Mingjue stopped. “You said you couldn’t stop until he was back – what does it mean, that you’ll stop? Stop the killing? What will happen next?”
“Bring my brother back,” Nie Mingjue said. He didn’t turn back. “And we’ll see.”
That wasn’t reassuring. “Where are you going next?”
“The Cloud Recesses.”
Wei Wuxian’s eyes widened. “You can’t possibly believe that the Gusu Lan sect had anything to do with it – that’s your sworn brother’s home!”
“We made an oath together,” Nie Mingjue said. “I will uphold my end of it.”
Wei Wuxian didn’t understand; he simply stood there, helpless, watching the other man leave.
There was a tug on his sleeve.
He looked down at Xue Yang.
“The one who killed his brother, on behalf of the Jin sect,” Xue Yang whispered. “It was Jin Guangyao.”
Wei Wuxian thought about what he’d heard about the contents of the oath that the three war heroes had sworn and cursed, torn between chasing Nie Mingjue and stopping him and realizing that that would be futile. Even if he could raise an army of corpses to stop him, a man with an army that could defeat the Jin sect wouldn’t be afraid of him – and he didn’t dare use the Tiger Seal now.
“Let’s do what we can,” he told Xue Yang, who nodded furiously, all reluctance and moodiness gone. “If we can get Nie Huaisang back before Nie Mingjue reaches the Cloud Recesses, that’ll – that’d be good.”
“I don’t know if it’ll help.”
Neither did Wei Wuxian.
part 2
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butterflydm · 5 years
The Untamed Rewatch (ep 10)
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There's a lot of plot movement in this episode! Plus not one, not two, but THREE of WWX's antagonist parallels feature in it, in addition to the partnership parallel of SongXiao. Very exciting for me. ❤️
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Xue Yang is revealed on a roof. There are… there are a lot of important roof moments in CQL. I also just straight-up love the composition of this shot, it has a lot of depth. There's Xue Yang on the roof, the hanging bodies in bright red under him, then Lan Zhan and Wei Ying in the foreground.
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So… Xue Yang is a terrible person but a really great character. Here, though… ah. The man in black waits on a roof, standing elevated over the bodies of his victims and ready to challenge the people who are here to call him to task for his crimes, then a hero dressed all in white flies in to challenge him. From the point of view of the cultivation world, that's the story that started to (was supposed to) happen during the fight in eps 31-32.
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Xue Yang and Wei Wuxian are only superficially alike. Their hearts are very different. But that's one of the themes that I enjoy — how differently things look when you only see them from the outside. Visually and on the surface, WWX & LWJ match up to either Xue Yang and Xiao Xingchen or Song Zichen and Xiao Xingchen. But once you scratch the surface, it becomes more clear that WWX's heart is nothing like Xue Yang's.
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I love that WWX wants to stand back and observe before acting, here. Contrary to what might be assumed about his impulsive nature, he's very perceptive and strategic, and it's enjoyable to watch that here. He acts to level the playing field, then stays out of the fight to assess the fighters and when he does act, it's very calculated. This is one of the things that makes him a good teacher way later on, I think.
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I also like that we see Xue Yang appreciates WWX's skills and more whimsical approach to things. So, one of the things that separates WWX from Xue Yang is that WWX has a sense of perspective and proportion (...actually, now that I think about it, this is also one of the things that separates WWX from MY/JGY, though in a different way). Like, one of the reasons XY is fun to watch is that he's generally always having a good time even in situations when it's extremely inappropriate. Whereas that may be what LWJ thought about WWX when he first met him, but he realized there are things (moral and ethical things) that WWX is quite serious about and doesn't joke over.
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I also love the mutual admiration society that goes on after Xue Yang is captured, and Xiao Xingchen says nice things about our kiddos and then Lan Wangji turns it around and says nice things about him back. It's polite but it's also very sweet.
Xue Yang laughing over the hypocrisy of the honored cultivators — another WWX/Yiling Patriarch parallel moment there.
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We also get another early moment of Lan Zhan currently refusing to do a thing that he will do with all his heart in the future, which is hold Suibian for WWX.
And then we get more detective work from WWX & LWJ — searching Xue Yang, realizing that the evidence no longer points to Xue Yang still having the Yin Metal, WWX working through his thoughts about it out loud. I really do love the partnership vibe.
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I also have feelings about Jiang Cheng on one side of WWX, LWJ on the other side. They're in pale blue outer robes of slightly different shades, but the color underneath is very different and matches their clan. The color choices for the clothes on this show feel very deliberate, so while I might read the wrong things into it, I don't think I'm wrong for reading into it at all.
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Xue Yang and WWX's outfits are so similar. Really, the main differences are WWX having red accents and Xue Yang having gold ones. But the main colors and silhouettes just… yes. The conversation here, about personal vs the wider picture, is a reoccuring theme as well. Because those things are hard to separate — the personal grudges affect the world as a whole when people with power are the ones with the grudges (again, a theme that will come up with JGY). Xue Yang doesn't have political power, but he has a skill and knowledge set that are useful to people in power, so he has more freedom to do terrible things and get away with it than something without those skills and knowledge would.
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Meng Yao and Nie Huaisang are here! 
I do love this for Nie Huaisang's characterization — he was hesitant to come when it was just him and just a few young cultivators his own age, but once he has some serious backup, he immediately came to help. He does want to be helpful but he knows his own strengths.
We get the second mention here of Nie Mingjue being known for being forthright and honest with his judgements (Lan Xichen had mentioned it previously). It's something he's widely known for, it seems.
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...I hadn't remembered that Wei Wuxian had said his bit about himself and Lan Zhan working together out of like-mindedness in front of Nie Huaisang and Meng Yao. I remembered Jiang Cheng, of course, but I hadn't remembered the other plot-important people who heard that said. The show really does set up this specific dynamic where the people who are involved in the main plot are all very aware that there's a special bond between WWX and LWJ. And Jiang Cheng's reaction is also in front of Meng Yao — I'm sure that he remembered this moment in the future, when he was poking at Jiang Cheng's ego-related issues about WWX. Because just like he did in front of Nie Huaisang in the earlier episode, here WWX separates himself out with Lan Wangji specifically, excluding everyone else from their partnership.
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I love this lovely moment of validation that WWX gets from XXC, where XXC says that Baoshan would be happy to know him if she had the chance to meet him. And, again, I love that the person connected to WWX is the LWJ parallel. This is one of the moments when CQL just feels like a show that… even though many sad or terrible things happen in the story… the show wants to give these characters moments of kindness and absolution. It just feels very… affectionate. The show feels like it was made with real, genuine love and sympathy for the characters. That's one of the things that I like best about it, honestly. It feels tender, even in the hard parts. It wants to be kind.
Nie Huaisang really does admire regal gentleman. He was all admiring over LWJ, and now he's the same over XXC and Song Zichen. And I also absolutely love how much this meeting affects both WWX and LWJ. WWX is the talker, so he gets the lines about how he wants to have that kind of life, but we can tell LWJ is just as deeply affected by how he watches them leave. And I assume the show already knew it couldn't actually show WWX and LWJ as full-on cultivation partners in the end, so they used this as a way of showing us that this is the path (being partners together) that they're both starting to desire, and they trust us to do the math at the end of episode 50.
Meng Yao is the one who passes along the information about the Wen Clan demanding every great clan to send at least one 'direct disciple' (important? full-fledged? family? I'm not certain of what it means exactly, though Nie Huaisang says he's the only one for the Nie clan, so family seems likely) for training. I love how WWX immediately takes this opportunity to say nice things about the Lans. He whined when he was there, but now that he's not in Gusu anymore, he's already nostalgic over it. Oh, honey. 
So, Meng Yao must already be formulating his plan to… hmm, go undercover? Play both sides? He's always looking for opportunities to advance himself. I feel like we can safely assume that. He's already been rejected by his father and is probably trying to think of ways to prove himself in order to get the public recognition that he wants. Those are the assumptions I'm currently making.
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WWX is so thrilled to addressed directly by NMJ, wow! Look at that smile. Then NMJ says nice things about him and Jiang Cheng, and WWX is just over the moon. Cute, cute, cute! Meanwhile, NMJ addresses LWJ just as 'Wangji' like LXC does, so they know each other a lot better. Yeah, unless I get contradictory info, I am on the 'NMJ went to the Cloud Recesses and he and LXC became good friends and this is part of why LXC thought to suggest a similar idea to his brother' train of thought.
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Then we have the sentencing of Xue Yang. It's interesting that we see both WWX and Meng Yao react similarly to Nie Mingjue wanting to immediately kill Xue Yang, though I'm not sure if Meng Yao would have spoken up if WWX hadn't — he might not consider his position secure enough to do that. Once WWX makes the initial argument, Meng Yao backs him up, but, yeah. I'm not sure if he would have made the initial argument himself.
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Ah, it makes me quite sad, honestly, to see Nie Huaisang, Wie Wuxian, and Jiang Cheng being so admiring of Meng Yao's arguments. Because Meng Yao really did screw himself over. He was talented and smart and capable of winning admiration from others, but he was so focused on what he didn't have that he couldn't see what he'd already achieved. He threw away a good position with a good family in hopes of winning recognition from someone who didn't even deserve an ounce of admiration.
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But I do… understand why he felt like it wasn't enough? Because even though he had won admiration from strong cultivators, many people still looked down on him for being a "prostitute's son" and he didn't have enough power to make that stop (as we see in the next scene). And I do think that's… I mean, that's what it was about for him (I mean, that and his incredible ability to hold onto a grudge no matter what. that's also a factor). Just trying to get enough power and enough reputation to make the whispers stop. And there's never enough power for that. No matter how much power he amassed, it would never be enough. Becoming the actual leader of the entire cultivation world still didn't give him the power to make people not judge him for his parentage, and he wasn't, for whatever reason, capable of being like LWJ or WWX and saying 'screw reputation, I want to do what's right'. And so he trapped himself into a doomed cycle that elevated him up higher and higher but then inevitably led to his own destruction. A tragedy, yes, but one built by his own hands.
Still, you know, I watch that scene with Meng Yao and the guard captain and I'm like. okay, yeah. I get why he killed the guy and tried to frame him for Xue Yang's escape. It was awful and he shouldn't have, but I understand the motivations. Just having to be polite and give out a customer-service smile, over and over, to people who are disrespecting you (and your mom)… it's exhausting and soul-killing.
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Hmm, when WWX first crosses over to stand next to LWJ, the timing felt a little random, but then I realized it's connected to the whole thing he's been stressing since the Yin Metal trip started.
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He sees himself and LWJ as the partners on this, and everyone else is a little bit on the outside.
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I like Nie Mingjue's facial hair — it does a good job, I think, of displacing him forward in time compared to the rest of the cast, and making them all seem like agemates compared to the slightly older NMJ. I like his whole character design, tbh.
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Oh my god! WWX suggests here turning a piece of Yin Metal into a weapon. Which is. Exactly what he does later on. He literally suggests right here the thing that he does later on that wins the war. Huh.
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Another important rooftop scene — WWX goes to sleep on the roof over LWJ's quarters, instead of sleeping in an actual bed. These ridiculous boys with their ridiculous crushes, I swear. And LWJ is already falling hopelessly in love with him. My heart overflows. They are so incredibly, ridiculously romantic and I will never recover emotionally.
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I like the confrontation between Wen Chao and Nie Mingjue. There's a lot of tension in the scene. In terms of the antagonist characters, Wen Chao isn't my favorite but he is very sharply defined and I feel like I get a good sense of who he is as a person. And we get the introduction of Wen Zhuliu here, as someone who can go toe-to-toe with this Sect Leader that our protagonist characters are all impressed by and respectful towards. So that setup works for me really well. And it's very telling of Wen Chao again as someone who talks big but likes to send in other people to fight his battles for him.
Most of the Wen sect wear black and red in equal amounts, while Wen Zhuliu is mostly black with just a hint of red accents… like WWX does in this episode. I've talked about this character comparison briefly, I think, and it'll come back later but — Wen Zhuliu plays the second fiddle to the direct son of the sect leader, despite being clearly far more powerful a cultivator, but he believes he owes a debt to the family for taking him in so he suppresses his own potential ambition or choices for the sake of the sect. Now, this is not what WWX does, but it's the situation that WWX is in, or very similar. But WWX chooses to act against the interests or orders of his sect when it conflicts with his ethics.
And I note —  in this time of crisis, WWX instinctively gives Jiang Cheng an order and it's followed. And WWX is his head discipline, it makes sense! But that's also a habit that can be hard to transition out of once Jiang Cheng becomes Sect Leader in the future. Like, even if everything with the Wens hadn't shaken out this way, they still might have come into conflict due to WWX being a natural leader.
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The mess of Meng Yao getting caught killing the guards and trying to lie his way out of it, then throwing himself in front of Wen Zhuliu's sword, then WWX challenging Wen Chao and everyone hearing that his brother, Wen Xu, is off to destroy the Cloud Recesses… it is a lot, though the pacing of the scene works for me. It's just that a lot of things are piling over and over on the characters (oh, and we get Meng Yao noticing and being concerned about Lan Xichen after he hears about Gusu).
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Hmm, so the final scene with Meng Yao and Nie Mingjue. It does… ah, echo for me with how Meng Yao ultimately dies, with regards to how he acts with Lan Xichen in their final scene. Here, he tells Nie Mingjue that meeting him means he has no regrets. At the end, he will tell Lan Xichen that LXC being willing to die for him is 'enough'. In both cases, there's a sense of… Meng Yao knows there's a good chance he might actually die here, so I feel like he's doing his best make to try to make it so that at least this person will carry him with them the rest of their life, that he will impact them by his death. Which ties into his deep, deep desire to matter. Nie Mingjue dismisses it as — the viki translation says 'this little vanity' — but. I mean, it's easy for a sect leader to dismiss someone else's desire to be seen as important? Nie Mingjue has never been unimportant a day in his life. This doesn't excuse Meng Yao's actions, of course, but, I do think dismissing something that is clearly the cornerstone of someone's life doesn't lead to understanding. And Nie Mingjue does want to understand why, but I think his and Meng Yao's lives are just so different that the gap was just too wide to bridge with the tools that he had at his disposal.
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I do think that both Nie Mingjue and Meng Yao are clearly emotionally marked by this confrontation/breakdown of their previous relationship. I didn't know either of the characters very well in my first viewing, so I'm just… I'm a lot more emotional about this scene now than I was the first time.
Next time: Lotus Pier! Excited to be seeing it again for the first time in the rewatch. And all the painful/fascinating family dynamics.
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