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iplaywithstring · 1 year ago
I'm sitting in a Tim Horton's working on a paper while my kid has an art lesson.
I'm cold, and I'd rather be home, but at least it's been productive. This class is only 5 weeks long, today is the start if week 4 and I've got 2 papers to write in the next two weeks. I'm on top of it, but if I think about it too much it feels overwhelming.
5 years ago I struggled to leave the house on a regular basis. Now I've got a job and I'm working on a degree that will change my career. It's only been a year since I started working and i managed not to run myself into the ground. I couldn't manage full time, but being a counsellor will allow me flexibility in my schedule.
I never imagined this is where I would be.
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gnewsportal · 2 months ago
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townpostin · 7 months ago
Teachers Plan Hunger Strike Over Unfulfilled Demands
Jharkhand Educators to Fast on August 5 for Career Progression and Workload Relief All Jharkhand Primary Teachers’ Organization escalates protest, citing multiple unaddressed issues affecting education quality and teacher welfare. SERAIKELA – The All Jharkhand Primary Teachers’ Organization has announced a hunger strike at the state headquarters on August 5, intensifying their campaign for…
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engquimicasantossp · 1 year ago
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O que é terraplanagem?
Terraplanagem é o processo de preparação do solo para a construção de obras civis, como estradas, edifícios, barragens, etc. A terraplanagem consiste em remover a camada superficial do solo, que contém matéria orgânica e impurezas, e nivelar o terreno de acordo com o projeto. O objetivo da terraplanagem é garantir a estabilidade e a resistência do solo, evitando problemas como erosão, deslizamentos, rachaduras e infiltrações.
A terraplanagem envolve diversas etapas, como topografia, sondagem, escavação, transporte, compactação e drenagem do solo. Cada etapa requer equipamentos específicos, como tratores, retroescavadeiras, caminhões basculantes, rolos compactadores, etc. A terraplanagem também deve seguir normas técnicas e ambientais, respeitando os limites de inclinação, aterro e corte do solo.
A terraplanagem é uma atividade essencial para o desenvolvimento de qualquer obra civil, pois garante a segurança e a qualidade da construção. Por isso, é importante contratar uma empresa especializada em terraplanagem, que tenha experiência e qualificação para executar o serviço com eficiência e responsabilidade.
Mais informações:
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pandemic-info · 8 months ago
Can You Get 'Too Many' COVID-19 Boosters?
Is It Bad to Have Too Many Boosters?
In an interview with Deutsche Welle, Cavaleri suggested that receiving too many booster shots could exhaust T cells, which play a central role in fighting COVID-19, or the immune system could come to tolerate the antigen, instead of acting against it.
There “isn’t a shred of evidence” to support these ideas, said Aaron Eli Glatt, MD, MACP, clinical professor of medicine at Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai.
“Every day that you walk out and touch things, your immune system is constantly being stimulated. Nobody ever suggested you should go hide in a bubble and not let your immune system get provoked,” Glatt said. “You don’t want to give unnecessary vaccinations but they don’t ruin your immune system.”
Immune exhaustion can occur in certain diseases where a pathogen or foreign object is causing constant exposure, such as cancer and HIV.1
There is no evidence yet that this is true for COVID-19. In fact, recent evidence suggests that repeated vaccinations and natural infections broadens the immune response to COVID-19.
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joyousscamperer · 4 months ago
hey man are you doing alright youre like convulsfing on the floor and foaming at the mouth i literally just almost typed out marc instead of mouth foaming at the marc what the fuck is happening what's happening to me what's gping on oh my god oh my god help help me
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trash-monkey · 8 months ago
Isekai; My life as a wagon
Chapter 2
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I watch intensely as the flickering light slowly approaches to here I see l am resting by the dirt road but I hear the unfamiliar language before seeing the strange sight coming into view, I recognize what animals they are from my world but these are large and walking on their hind legs like humans.
"Re'ew er'a oggin? Er'a ew oslt aagin? Si isth aord veen no eht amp?" A strident female voice falls from the mouth of a green frog wearing a large straw hat hanging loose on the back of her neck and carrying a old spear with care, I can see a thin tan clothed dress that stops at her knees which she have a lather vest top of it acting like a corset and she also has a metal chest piece loosely on top of it all while I can see skin tight short shorts underneath the dress to hide her modesty.
"Anc ti, Armosg! Woh ma I sppusoed ot gifuer uot erewh ew re'a fi ouy on'wt tel em Uoscf!" Another female voice answered back from the rat as her voice almost sounds dead but I can hear the warmth in it so she isn't totally emotionless and I can see she's wearing skin tight leggings underneath the long lime green tunic that have slits on the sides for easier movements which she uses a utility belt around her waist as a belt to keep the tunic a certain length to give her full movement while also give the tunic another modification of a hood, her feet are completely free expect for the soles I see on the bottom of her sharp claws free for fighting and climbing as her nails are sharp to which is why she's holding the map in her hands carful, all types of nick nacks she had skillfully made into a long string to decorate her tail, long dyed white hair starts between her nicked ears which goes down her back before stopping in a small braid to keep her hair together at the middle of her back, and can see a nose ring glimmer in the torch light in her pink nose like a bull ring while there's a simple quiver on her back filled with arrow as her simple bow sits on a hook that is on the quiver.
"Armosg, Iencepat aseple." A male throaty voice comes from a moose standing at 6'4 in height and although he looks thin underneath his clothes I can see the hidden muscles which I suspect the clothes are the standard clothes for beginner adventures what I gathered from what they're wearing and carrying, two massive antlers sit on his head which a small mohawk of brown hair sits as he has a large pack on his back with a massive old metal shield on top which seems to already have seen battle before from the dents and scratches but I can tell it's been maintain greatly.
"I t'anc ese eht amp ni isth ghtil os ew htmig sa ilhew ets macp ereh tilun normnig." The female rat sighs as she rolls the map up carefully.
"Heret's a gonaw! Tel's macp heret!" I watch as the female frog become surprisingly fast in her excitement when seeing me by the road and ran over to where I'm resting, immediately jumping into my back only to tip me over as I can't support her weight although it doesn't feel much but her movement didn't help much.
'Hey! Watch it! I may not feel it but I'm not unbreakable!'
"Hatw od ouy inkth, Tunro?" I hear the female rat asked not caring about what happened to their frog friend probably knowing she isn't hurt or they're use to her hyper energy antics.
"Meess oogd ot em dna ew anc seu eht gonaw ot ieldsh su ormf eht aord." I can hear the two strolling over as the female frog shots up off the ground.
"M'i ko!" She said before propping me back up onto my one wheel as I'm not that heavy for my size even though I'm wood and she begin to look at it when noticing it was the reason we had fallen over, I'm very tempted to move my one wheel to let them know I'm sentient but I'm also afraid they'll use me for kindling if I do.
'I really really wish I can understand them!!'
I yelled and cried through my mind as the three continues to talk as the female frog fools with me seems on trying to figure out how to get my wheel back on which is keeping her entertained and mostly quiet so the other two leaves her alone to do so.
I once again pleaded but only to freeze when a screen pops up in my vision like a system that video games have, skill tree and all the stuff.
On Off
'Why is translation off?'
I give a deadpan expression to myself at the foolishness of it being off the whole time because who would have it off in the first place in a unknown world, I switched it on with a thought as I've read and seen Isekai's before so I know the jist of it when coming to the system but one thing is for sure each system is different so I don't know what mine can really do. For now I just very happy at having a higher chance of living in this world although I'm a small wooden wagon so I shrub my imaginary shoulders.
"Gamora, what are you doing?" The male moose asked as he stroll over to us when the female rat went to get for wood in the near by forest which the frog is using her webbed bear feet on my side as she takes a close look at the naked bearing of where the wheel is supposed to go, I can feel her webbed feet and hands are slightly wet against my wooden surface.
I yelled after taking a deep breath hoping to have the appraisal skill I have seen and I'll even be happy with the bear minimum information, I do a quirky dance when a small screen popped up.
Gamora Yoth, female, 20, and is a Ain'eads (Hylidae Tree frog)
"Seeing if I can fix this wagon as it's in perfect condition despite the wheel is off!" Sh gets up from her sitting position to roll the wheel over to my naked barring and let the moose prop the wheel back onto the barring.
"We don't need a wagon." He trys to reason with her as he sticks the torch into the ground so he doesn't have to hold it any longer which I appraised him.
Ortun Xoxxaw, male, 18, and is a Nodian (Moose)
"So? We can take it and get some money for it! We can get a silver coin!" She tilts her head making Ortun sigh and although she's right it makes fear grab my heart along with excitement of seeing the rest of the world instead of being left to rot by the road, the female rat returns from the forest with a arm full of fire wood.
Tiza, female, 22 and is a Ghuk (Bandicota Rats)
"What has Gamora roped you into now?" She asked after dropping the fire wood onto the ground and crossed her arms.
"Selling the wagon once we find a town!" Gamora immediately defended herself playfully from Tiza poke at her which she goes back at getting my wheel to stay on properly once Ortun moves from it, Tiza just goes about making the fire with a playful eye roll.
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bikanerlive · 8 months ago
लंबित तृतीय श्रेणी के शिक्षकों के स्थाईकरण राजस्थान शिक्षक संघ (प्रगतिशील ) बीकानेर
बीकानेर 2 जुलाई 2024, राजस्थान शिक्षक संघ (प्रगतिशील ) बीकानेर का एक शिष्टमंडल यतीश वर्मा प्रदेश महामंत्री के नेतृत्व में जिला शिक्षा अधिकारी प्रारंभिक शिक्षा श्रीमती पदमा तिलवानी से मिला और ज्ञापन प्रस्तुत किया । जिलाध्यक्ष आनंद पारीक ने बताया कि काफी समय से लंबित तृतीय श्रेणी के शिक्षकों के स्थाईकरण नही हो दे है वह कार्य शीघ्र करने ,ACP,MACP और नोशनल लाभ के आदेश दूसरे जिलों की तरह तुरंत प्रभाव…
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iplaywithstring · 9 months ago
Tonight I have an online counselling skills assessment.
I've been working over a year as a residential counsellor. I took a counselling skills class 2 years ago. I should not be as nervous as I am.
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daveg65 · 8 months ago
312 - Its a Group Apple’s Contact Key Verification
The latest In Touch With iOS with Dave he is joined by guest Jill McKinley, Marty Jencius, Jeff Gamet, and Ben Roethig. Apple’s Contact Key Verification is a security feature in iMessage that allows users to verify the identity of the person they're messaging. We discuss how to set up and we all verify each other's messages. Apple Seeds Second Betas of iOS 18 and iPadOS 18 to Developers and we dive into some of the new things found not announced and review iPhone mirroring on MacPS Sequoia.  Apple TV+ shows and movies there is so much great content.  And recommend what to watch on Apple TV Plus. 
The show notes are at InTouchwithiOS.com

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Beta this week. iOS 18 Beta 2 was released and iOS 17.6 beta 1 continues
Apple Seeds Second Betas of iOS 18 and iPadOS 18 to Developers - MacRumors
Everything New in iOS 18 Beta 2 - MacRumors
iOS System Data bug stealing your iPhone storage? Here are 5 solutions [U]
US carriers now enabling RCS for iPhone users running iOS 18 beta 2 
iOS 18 RCS Support Rolling Out to Beta Users - MacRumors
iCloud 'Keep Downloaded' Option Included in iOS 18 and macOS Sequoia - MacRumors
iOS 18 to Bring These 5 New Features to AirPods Pro 
iOS 18: Podcasts App Now Shows Chapter Segments When Scrubbing
There’s no iPad app, but here’s what’s new with Journal in iOS 18
iOS 18 Passwords app can't import passwords, but macOS can
iOS 18 will warn you when you're using a slow iPhone charger
let's break it down. Contact Key Verification is a security feature in iMessage that allows users to verify the identity of the person they're messaging with.Essentially, it adds an extra layer of encryption on top of the existing iMessage encryption.Think of it like a digital handshake. You and your contact exchange unique codes to confirm you're really talking to each other, not some imposter.
About iMessage Contact Key Verification 
Apple Seeds Second Beta of macOS Sequoia to Developers
macOS Sequoia Beta 2 Adds Support for iPhone Mirroring
AirPods and Beats Firmware Updates Address Important Security Issue - MacRumors
Beats Pill Bluetooth Speaker Makes a Comeback With Improved Sound, Water Resistance, and a Lower Price Tag
Apple TV+ shows and movies: Everything to watch on Apple TV Plus
Pocket Casts Updated Mac app. 
Macstock 8 is Here! July 12-14, 2024 Macstock Conference & Expo come join Dave along with Jeff Gamet, Chuck Joiner, Brian Flaoigan-Arthurs, Jill McKinley, Marty Jencius, and many more.
As an In Touch with iOS viewer / Listener, you can score $30 off by using the coupon code INTOUCHWITHIOS as shown below at checkout for either the 3 day Weekend Pass with Workshops or the 2 day Weekend Pass. The code is valid until July 11, 2024.
We hope to see you at Macstock! 
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Our Host
Dave Ginsburg is an IT professional supporting Mac, iOS and Windows users and shares his wealth of knowledge of iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, Apple TV and related technologies. Visit the YouTube channel https://youtube.com/intouchwithios follow him on Mastadon @daveg65, and the show @intouchwithios
  Our Regular Contributors
Jeff Gamet is a podcaster, technology blogger, artist, and author. Previously, he was The Mac Observer’s managing editor, and Smile’s TextExpander Evangelist. You can find him on Mastadon @jgamet as well as Twitter and Instagram as @jgamet  His YouTube channel https://youtube.com/jgamet
Ben Roethig Former Associate Editor of GeekBeat.TV and host of the Tech Hangout and Deconstruct with Patrice  Mac user since the mid 90s. Tech support specialist. Twitter @benroethig  Website: https://roethigtech.blogspot.com
Marty Jencius, Ph.D., is a professor of counselor education at Kent State University, where he researches, writes, and trains about using technology in teaching and mental health practice. His podcasts include Vision Pro Files, The Tech Savvy Professor and Circular Firing Squad Podcast. Find him at [email protected]  https://thepodtalk.net 
About our Guest
Jill McKinley is a professional in the field of enterprise software, server administration, and IT. She started her technical career in Windows but now exclusively uses a Mac in her personal life. She hosts several podcasts, including Start with Small Steps and Small Steps with God, where she offers tips and insights for a better life. Her podcast is at https://startwithsmallsteps.com and X @schmern.
Here is our latest Episode!
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tsmom1219 · 11 months ago
Adsorbent Material Used for the Treatment of Per- and Poly-Fluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS): A Short Review
Gomri, C., Benkhaled, B. T., Cretin, M., & Semsarilar, M. (2024). Adsorbent Material Used for the Treatment of Per- and Poly-Fluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS): A Short Review. Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics, 2400012. https://doi.org/10.1002/macp.202400012 [open access] Abstract PFAS, or per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, have received considerable attention due to their persistence in the…
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starfriday · 2 years ago
Pension Adalat
The Chief Postmaster General, Maharashtra Circle, Mumbai will be holding the 51st Postal Pension Adalat for pensioners/family pensioners of Postal Department on 19th September 2022 at 11.00 Hrs, in the Office of Chief Postmaster General, Maharashtra Circle, Mumbai -400 001.
Grievances regarding pensionary benefits pertaining to those who retired/died while in service from Department of Posts, Pensioners of Postal Department, Maharashtra and Goa States, which have not been settled within 3 months, will only be entertained in the Postal Pension Adalat.
Cases involving purely legal points i.e. succession, Notional pension, TBOP/MACP Promotion, stepping up of pay and disciplinary cases involving policy matters, and cases pending for review of DPC will not be considered in Pension Adalat. Pensioner should forward their grievance individually (not in bulk or on behalf of others) in triplicate in the proforma attached to Accounts Officer/ Secretary, Pension Adalat, O/o Chief Postmaster General, Maharashtra Circle, Mumbai GPO Bldg., 2nd Floor, Mumbai -400 001 on or before 22 August 2022. The applications received after 22 August 2022 will not be considered in the Pension Adalat.
Name of the pensioner /Family pensioner with Designation at the time of retirement/death
Name of Post Office from where retired etc. and date of retirement
Name of the Post Office from where Pension is being drawn
Postal address of the pensioner
with phone no.
Complaint in brief (Attach application containing details if required)
Date & signature of the Individual/Pensioner.
प्रेस नोट
पेंशन अदालत
मुख्य पोस्टमास्तर जनरल, महाराष्ट्र सर्कल, मुंबई द्वारेटपाल विभागाच्या निवृत्तिवेतनधारकांसाठी / कुटुंबनिवृत्तवेतनधारकांसाठी 51 वी पेंशन अदालत दिनांक 19-09-2022 11.00 वाजता मुख्य पोस्टमास्तर जनरल, महाराष्ट्र सर्कल, मुंबई -400 001 येथे आयोजित केली आहे.
निवृत्तिवेतनधारकांच्या लाभाशी संबंधित तक्रारी, जे टपाल विभागातून निवृत्त झाले आहेत / ज्यांचा सेवेत असताना मृत्यु झालेला आहे, टपाल विभाग, महाराष्ट्र आणि गोवा राज्यांचे निवृत्तिवेतनधारक ज्यांचे 3 महिन्यांच्या आत पूर्तता झालेली नाही अशा प्रकरणांचा डाक पेंशन अदालत मध्ये विचार केला जाईल.
पेंशन अदालतमध्ये पूर्णपणे कायदेशीर मुद्द्यांसह प्रकरणे,ई. वारसा प्रमाणपत्र, कल्पित पेन्शन, टीबीओपी / एमएसीपी पदोन्नती, वेतनश्रेणी वाढविणे आणि धोरणात्मक बाबींसह शिस्तभंगाच्याआणि डी.पी.सी. च्या पुनरावलोकनासाठी प्रलंबित प्रकरणांचा विचार केला जाणार नाही. निवृत्तिवेतनधारक खाली दिलेल्या प्रपत्रामध्ये आप��े अर्जाचे तिप्पट प्रति, लेखा अधिकारी / सचिव, पेंशन अदालत, मुख्य पोस्टमास्तर जनरल कार्यालय, महाराष्ट्र सर्कल, मुंबई जीपीओ भवन, दूसरा मजला, मुंबई – 400 001 ला 22-08-2022 रोजी किंवा यापूर्वी वैयक्तिक रुप ने (तक्रारींची मोठया प्रमणात /इतरंच्या वतीने नाही ) पाठवू शकता. 22-08-2022 च्या नंतर मिळालेल्या अर्जांवर पेंशन अदालतमध्ये विचार करण्यात येणार नाही.
भारतीय डाक विभाग
डाक पेंशन अदालतच्या अर्जाचा फॉर्म
वैयक्तिक / निवृत्तिवेतनधारक अन्वये भरण्यात येणारे तपशील
निवृत्ती / मृत्युच्यावेळी पदनामसह निवृत्तिधारकाचे / कुटुंब निवृत्तिधारकाचे नाव
कार्यालयाचे नाव जिथून निवृत्त झाले आहेत आणि निवृत्तीची तारीख
पीपीओ क्रमांक
पोस्टऑफिसचे नाव जिथे पेंशन घेतली जात आहे.
निवृत्तिवेतनधारकाचा पोस्टाचा पत्ता
दूरध्वनी सोबत.
थोडक्यात तक्रार
(जर आवश्यकता असेल तर तपशीलासह अर्ज जोडा.)
व्यक्ती / निवृत्तिवेतनधारकांची सही आणि दिनांक
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anandaislam113 · 2 years ago
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Dr.md.Mazharul huq tanim
Diabetics, Thyroid & Hormone Diseases Specialist
Enam Medical College & Hospital
Facebook :https://m.facebook.com/drmhtanim/
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sofas-tactics · 4 years ago
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Teaching. I learned my most valuable technique from a Top Tier brother who shared with me all his mistakes & how he overcame them. No ego, just selflessness. I hold onto that coaching methodology to this day. Don’t let your ego prevent the improvement/gains of others. “My metric for success is how well my students perform.” “Those that can’t do, teach” This is a philosophy that doesn’t apply to me.” “I am the standard” #sof #specialforces #rangers #raiders #seals @missionsixzero #ddchallenge #macp #teamsofast #moh https://www.instagram.com/p/CPduSUMrtAx/?utm_medium=tumblr
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goodjamesmani-blog · 6 years ago
CENTRAL GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES NEWS – All about Central Government Employees News
All about Central Government Employees News
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