trashlie · 11 months
(FP 235 spoilers ‼️) "if you won't let me have you" 🤸🏾‍♀️🤸🏾‍♀️🤸🏾‍♀️🤸🏾‍♀️🤸🏾‍♀️🤸🏾‍♀️🤸🏾‍♀️💥💥💥💥💥 *car brakes screeching* *glass shattering* *explosions* *sirens going off* *cats meowing dogs barking* *more explosions* MISS YOO MA'AM did you seriously just say that... do you even hear yourself..... maya was gagged we were all completely gagged i actually have no words. there is nothing to say. except for thank you maya and hopefully that bite doesn't leave a mark gfhsdgjfk
shinae about dieter: so nice :) so comforting :) teddy bear :) shinae about nol: HOW DARE YOU MAKE ME FEEL LIKE I'M GOING INTO CARDIAC ARREST YOU FUCKER I WILL KILL YOUU
also alyssa? is shinae.. jealous bc he's with alyssa? is it that unbearable that he's hers and not yours?? even tho the relationship is fake??? oh my god she really is down so so soooo bad. not that it's surprising it's just different to actually see it yk. listen i knew she'd match nol's energy/intensity (bc mirrors and all) but i was NOT expecting her to hit the ceiling like that and be *this* fiery. but i absolutely love it.
just had to get it off my chest because GSHADGSHJGK i'm sure u understand <3 -lil anon 😼
oh. it's insecurity too isn't it. bc now she's subconsciously comparing herself to alyssa. pretty, talented, successful alyssa and ;A; babygirl don't go there... 💔 i've actually been wondering if/how shinae's insecurities and low self-esteem would play into this, remember how she said she didn't understand why dieter would even like her. AAAAAH :(( at least hopefully she'll remember what he said about this "relationship" last night. AHHHHHHH. ok sorry for the spam i'm gonna go lie face down in the sea now byee -lil anon 😼
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Honestly you sum it up SO WELL i will NEVER be able to top it so honestly hats off to you Lil Anon you get it YOU GET IT YOU GET IT SCREAMS AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH I CAN'T BELIEVE WE GET IT THIS IS HAPPENING?!
I CANNOT HANDLE THE LEVEL OF MIRRORIN THEY ARE DOING LIKE holy SHIT simultaneously figuring this out, HER ENTIRE REALIZATION MIRRORING HIS!!!!!!!!!! the same feral fucking energy lmao the next time she sees him.......... alfjafkakfjjkafjkafkakjfajkf someone NEEDS to hold her back she is SOOOOOOOOOOO DOWN BAD SOOOOOOOOOOO BAD OH MY GOD LAFKJAKJFJAFKAFJK
Someone recently messaged me with a question from quim's curiouscat that had asked if anyone in ILY is possessive and BOY FUCKIN HOWDY DID SHINAE GIVE US HER ANSWER HUH?! GODDDDDDDD
I think it's both jealousy and insecurity, though. Jealousy because SHE can't have him but ALYSSA can? EVEN THOUGH SHE JUST LEARNED THE NIGHT BEFORE THAT THE WHOLE RELATIONSHIP IS FAKE IT DOESN'T MEAN ANYTHING HE DOESN'T FEEL THAT WAY. But in that moment, as Minhyuk basically describes all the things Alyssa is - she's good looking and talented, look at that body, she's famous now, she's got what she wanted - everything Shinae ISN'T. And like WE know that NONE of that means anything to Nol, that it's instead all the things Shinae is that Alyssa isn't - compassionate, empathetic, grounded, the way SHE sees Nol.
But in that moment she just feels so pale next to Alyssa, what could he EVER see in her and SHE DOESN'T EVEN RECOGNIZE IT FOR WHAT IT IS. SHE'S SO JEALOUS AND GETS SO ROCKED BY IT THAT SHE /LEAVES WITHOUT EATING/!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She wants him SO badly - wants to see him, all of him!!!!!!!!! And Alyssa gets something she doesn't?!
But yes I also very much think it's the insecurity. She's not thinking rationally here or she'd remember what he told her about Alyssa and instead the part of her that knows, the part of her that's been acting on this, what's between them, sees how she stacks up against Alyssa and how, at face value, she can't stand against her!
I'm hoping that maybe getting some sleep will bring back the pragmatic side of her brain but hey, if she has to... charge in to Nol's room this evening after she wakes up and confront him in order to be reminded then HEY BE MY GUEST SHINAE. GO AHEAD ALFJKAKFJFAKJAFKJAFKAKFJJAKFJKAFJKAF LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Ngl there's a part of me that SO BADLY wants and NEEEEEEEDS Shinae to have a moment of jealousy that slips out, the whole "if I can't have you" the "she gets to?" something that makes him remind her that Alyssa has none of him, that she never has, and that if anyone has him it's HER IT'S SHINAE THE ONE STANDING RIGHT THERE THE ONE WHO TOOK HIS HEART WHEN HE WAS LOOKING THE ONE WHO'S ROCKED HIS WHOLE WORLD.
Have you ever stopped to really consider the fact that like.... Nol just woke up from NEARLY FUCKING DYING and the first thing he does is realizes "OH MY GOD I HAVE FEELINGS FOR SHINAE" lmfao like. DUDE ALMOST DIED AND HE'S JUST HAVING AN AWAKENING OVER HERE LMAO
They're both going through ALL the stages of puberty in one go (don't think I missed those smutty mangas I HAVE EYES) and it's SO FUNNY. The moodiness, the irritability, incapable of handling their too big emotions, denial, embarrassment, the "I DON'T HAVE TIME TO HAVE FEELINGS".
Maya really was us she really got up to bat and hit it home for us. "I like this part" BITCH YOU SAID IT, WE DO, TOO. It was SO meta, sooooo good. "MY BOY PROBLEMS ARE REAL, HELP ME!" absolutely BROKE ME. One day Shinae is trying to pretend she doesn't care what people say behind her back and suddenly she is yakking poor Maya's ear off about a boy who IS SO CLEARLY STUPIDLY HEAD OVER HEELS FOR HER AFKLKJAFKJAFKJAFKJAFJLKAFJKAFKJAFJKAJKFAJFK
the way she just. LOOKED at Shinae and KEPT WATCHING HER rant and rave SHE IS US AND SHE DID THIS FOR US HURRAH also yes i hope ur feral cat Shinae bite mark heals fine lkjfkjafkjafkafkj LMAO
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ruewrote · 6 months
𝑓𝑢𝑐𝑘 𝑖𝑡.
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PAIRING: rafe cameron x gn!reader WARNINGS: rude customer, fighting & strong language GENRE: angst to fluff SONG INSPIRATION: wash by bon iver WORD COUNT: 756
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today was certainly not your day.
starting it off by being late for work was of course not ideal, silently hating your boss for making you come in so early after opening.
the catching up wasn't even the worst part of it since you were used to rush hour, but having a new hire fumbling every five minutes didn't really help your patience.
so on top of being late, doing the usual morning rush, having to practically retrain your co-worker everything. your boss decides to be a dick and rush you on your lunch break, not being able to eat half of your sandwich then you were back at it again.
right now you were on your last straw. trying to keep up with some stuck up kooks long ass coffee order.
the sigh of relief you let out after finishing it almost wiped you out, taking so much of your time and concentration. you turned around putting on your best fake smile.
"tiffany!" you announced, eyes scanning the room landing on the short blonde whose nails were aggressively tapping against her phone screen.
"oh that's me!" she giggled as she wobbled forward in her tall heels, grabbing the drink off of the counter and taking a sip of it.
"oh my god who made this is disgusting! this isn't what i asked for."
"excuse me ma'am that was me and i made it exactly how you ordered it." you spoke to her, clenching your teeth praying to the gods that she wouldn't test you.
"hm no it isn't, you wanna try?" she said whilst taking off the lid off the drink to then throw the contents inside in your face, going to leave after doing that.
leaving you stood there in the middle of the jammed shop, everyone silent and looking at you.
you just laughed, tongue pressed to your cheek, tilting your head back as you ripped your apron off, running out of the shop after her.
tiffany clearly didn't hear the hurried footsteps behind her, but she definitely felt you turning and pushing her to the ground. her phone breaking against the concrete.
you dropped to your knees, straddling her hips getting a few punches in. her crying grew louder when you stopped and got off of her.
"i don't give a fuck who you are. respect your retail workers!" you pointed down at her then ran off to your car trying to ignore the fact that everyone had been staring at you.
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tears welled up in your eyes as you banged on the door of your boyfriends house, hoping that he'd be in.
you heard the muffled talking getting closer and louder to the door before it opened. revealing an angry rafe on the phone, seeing you made it turn into worry, him ending the call grabbing your hands helping you into his home.
"sweetheart, what happened?" he questioned, but you just fell into his embrace, sobbing so hard against the material of his shirt.
even with you being a sticky mess, he wrapped his arms around you bringing you even closer to him not caring about his clothes, only you.
"shh it's alright, you're okay. i'm here."
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after a little while of him holding you rafe brought you to the bathroom, your crying now subsided. he convinced you to stay the night with him as he ran you a bath.
helping you strip yourself of your clothing, holding your hand helping you into the water. leaving you so it could soak off the majority of the dry splotches.
"you wanna tell me what went down, love?" his words soft as he sat himself beside you on the floor of the bathroom.
"i... i don't even know. it all happened so quickly..." you told him everything about your day from the beginning to now. he grabbed a soft sponge and soap, gently grasping one of your arms getting to work on making them clean as he listened.
"so...it sounds like she deserved it." you laughed at that, feeling an invisible weight be lifted off of your shoulders.
"i guess so."
he then moved onto washing your hair, his fingers massaging your scalp making you physically melt into him.
for the rest of your bath you laughed and joked, talking about everything you were gonna do after you were out of the bathroom. almost forgetting what happened.
you were so glad that you had someone as amazing as rafe, knowing that you never had to struggle as long as he was around.
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© ruewrote.
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hecatemoon87 · 1 year
Makeup Sex with Eddie Brock
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Warnings ⚠️ SMUT
Minors DNI
"Wait, come on! I'm sorry, okay?" Eddie said, following you down the stairs of his apartment complex.
You round on him, seething with rage. "No! How many times have I told you to stop texting Anne?"
"Look. Baby, we're just friends, honest!" He said, tripping over the last step.
Why is he so God damn adorable? It's hard to stay mad at him.
"Eddie, you almost married this woman. You can't just get rid of your feelings for her. You are texting her because you can't let go!"
Eddie looked nervously around and waved awkwardly to one of his neighbors, "Hey, how are you, Mrs. Lawrence?" You can tell he's embarrassed.
"Goodbye, Eddie," you said, leaving him a worried mess on the landing.
After you left, Eddie walks back to his apartment, goes straight to his room, and falls face first into the mattress. "Why am I such an idiot!" He groans into the bed.
*this is your fault, again. You have a perfectly good girl friend, why are you texting another woman* said Venom.
"What? You're the one who misses Annie, you traitor! That last text was from you!"
*I missed her. Annie isn't my ex-fiance, the rules are not the same* Venom said.
"Oh, shut up! She doesn't understand that! Ugh, I gotta make this right, or I'll lose her!" Eddie said, grabbing his phone and texting you frantically.
You ignore his texts. You're at a bar, having a drink to calm down. It's around eight pm and you and Eddie were supposed to have a date.
But you saw his phone receive a text, and you just so happened to catch who the message was from, Anne.
You certainly lost your cool, but what the hell? Weren't you enough for him?
You spend an hour out, taking in a few drinks to calm your nerves. Finally, you check your phone.
16 missed calls and 20 texts. Good lord, Eddie.
You check your voice messages: you have 9 voice messages.
Your curiosity allows you to listen to the first message.
"Hey, it's Eddie...uh, I'm sorry. That wasn't cool, I know. But it's Venom, he likes Annie. I'm trying to explain to him it's not okay...look, please call me? You are the only girl for me. I promise, just call me,m"
He sounded so sad, it broke your heart. Fine. You'd go back to his apartment.
He opens the door to find you on the other side.
"Thank God, okay, hear me out..." he tried to say. But you pushed him back inside, closing the door and locking it behind you.
"Bedroom, now please," you said, sauntering back. Eddie follows willingly.
He watches you undress, then perch yourself on the end of the bed, naked.
"Say you're sorry with that tongue of yours," you said seductively.
Eddie smiled and, in turn, removed his clothing and got between your legs. He kissed your inner thighs, then glided his tongue over to your mound.
He gave you a pleasant lick, then hooked his arms under your legs, pulling your bottom right on the edge of the mattress, burying his tongue into your core.
You rake your fingers through his hair, making sexy sounds, letting him know he's doing a good job.
Eddie is an eager boy. He always wants to please you. But sometimes he's a stupid boy who makes poor decisions.
You gently pull his head back, looking him in the eyes. He gives you his puppy dog eyes and says softly, "I'm sorry, baby."
"I know, but you've been a bad boy, so you're going to do what I tell you, okay?"
"Yes, ma'am," he said, like a good little boy.
"Good, now finish your dinner," you said, leaning back again and spreading your legs a little wider. He gave you a grin, and you giggle before he dives back in.
He obeys and cleans you up nice. He licks and sucks and brings you gushing forth over his tongue.
After your moans come to a silence, you sit up and push him down to the rug on the floor. He is hard as a rock, and you tease him with your tongue. He moans, and then you kiss his well toned abdomen.
"Fuck, baby. You gonna blow me?" He whined, sliding his fingers through your silky hair.
"Mhmmm," you purred against his base, then kiss upwards on his shaft, nipping his bell.
"Oh, god. Please, baby, don't tease me too much," he whimpered.
"But you've been bad," you said, low and sultry.
"Yeah. I have, really bad, teach Daddy a lesson," he said breathlessly.
You smile and straddle him, sinking your heat down on his erection. Eddie closed his eyes and moaned, grabbing hold of your hips.
"You like my pussy, baby? You enjoyed your meal, huh, daddy?" You purred as you began sinking up and down on him.
"Fucking delicious, I'll eat you any time," he said, bucking his hips.
You laugh softly, then close your eyes, enjoying his thick cock dividing your core.
You ride him slow, making him buck his hips from time to time, wanting to pound you harder. "No," you tell him firmly, as you sink down on him hard, pinning him to the floor.
You lean forward, slipping your fingers into his hands, and pushing them to the floor as well.
You slowly rotate your hips, and he groans with pleasure.
"Stop misbehaving, or you don't get to cum," you said, looking down at him.
"Huh, you serious?" He said, laughing nervously.
"Yes, and don't test me on what happens if you cum before I allow it," you said, kissing him deeply, shoving your tongue into his mouth, pressing the back of his head into the floor. Eddie moaned into your mouth as you pinched his nipples and clenched your cunt around him hard.
"Okay, okay, okay! Fuck, I almost came," he said, turning his head to the side.
You giggled, enjoying him wiggling below you.
"Poor baby, ask me permission to cum," you said, sitting back up, and rocking your hips again, thoroughly pleasuring yourself with his big cock.
"Please, can I cum?" He said.
"Oh, you can beg sexier than that, Eddie," you teased.
"Fuck. Yeah, yeah, sure. Uh, please mistress? Let your naughty fuck toy cum?"
"Mmmmm, sluty, you're a sluty fuck toy, baby," you said, clenching again.
Eddie whimpered out a sexy little groan and corrected himself, "Sluty! Fuck, yeah. I'm a sluty little fuck toy, mama. Let me cum, please?"
His voice was strained, she knew he was at his limit, so she rode him, letting him cum.
Afterward, both showered and dressed in your pajamas, Eddie was rubbing your feet on the couch while you watched TV.
"That was fucking amazing sex. Maybe I should piss you off more," he said, grinning.
"Watch it pal. Any more shenanigans from you and I'll have to peg your sweet little ass," you said.
Eddie's eyes widened, "Um, okay. I'll be on my best behavior then," he said, nodding with commitment.
"Good boy," you said, winking.
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winniemaywebber · 1 month
Honeysuckle Rose • Part 3
featuring @ginabaker1666 's oc Valencia <3
part 1 part 2 masterlist
olive's playlist
taglist: @sagesolsticewrites @ginabaker1666 @hephaestn @manonsmanicmind @bobparkhurst @bloodynereid
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Kneeling down to greet the dog, Olive lets out a giggle as he sniffs at her face. “Was it you I heard?” she murmurs, hoping the man in front of her doesn't hear. The dog looks back at her with, somehow, a knowing look in his shiny eyes. “How did you bring me here?” 
Olive begins to stand, making a nod towards Benny. “He likes you,” he says, now himself bending down to pet the dog. “That was fast.” 
“That wolf likes everyone,” a blonde man pipes up from near the airplane door. “So long as they smell good or have food, he's their friend.”
“Hey, Gale, don't tell her that,” Benny replies through gritted teeth. Gale realizes in a second what he means. 
“Oh–oh I mean, well….yeah, I guess he's taken a shine to her quicker than he did with most of us.” With that, he clambers into the plane, his cheeks a little flushed from Benny's sudden confrontation. Olive giggles at the exchange, stood there awkwardly.
“Well, I'd better go,” he says, letting go of Meatball's leash. “Go to Kenny, boy,” he softly commands as he gestures across the airfield to a young man, his curls under a woolen hat, much too hot for a day like today. The dog bounds off in the opposite direction, Benny shaking his head and smiling. “Ah, guess he wants to see his girl Tattie instead,” he pauses for a moment, his eyes coming back to you. “It was nice to meet ya, Olive.”
“Yeah, you too,” she smiles demurely, beginning to walk away. 
“Will you be around later?” He shouts over the noise. “I'd love to take you for a drink when I'm back.”
“Oh, sure,” she replies, her face turning a little red. “I'd like that.”
“Okay. Great. See ya.” 
Olive turns away and begins to show panic on her face. “What the fuck is going on?” She asks herself under her breath. “How on earth did I get here?” She begins to breathe in and out slowly, butterflies rising up in her stomach as she recounts the way Benny looked at her. ‘Not my usual type,’ she thinks, struggling to find a sense of direction. ‘But still, cute.’
Finding herself somehow still following the dog - if he led her there, she thinks, maybe he has a good idea of where to take her now - she comes across him barking loudly at a dark haired woman who can't quite seem to wrangle him and tend to her work. She stands at medium height in a blue fitted jumpsuit that is perfectly tailored in all the right places, the color of it bringing out the chocolate brown of her eyes. As Olive takes her in, Meatball begins wrapping himself about her legs, the leash basically tying her up. 
“No, no! Darn dog, why don't you ever listen. Meatball, stop. Stop!” she yells, obviously exasperated. 
“Hey, hey,” Olive says, trying to bring the excited dog to a stop. “Stop wrapping yourself around this nice lady, huh?” Olive gently begins unraveling the leash from the woman's legs, the woman looking down at her gratefully. “There we go,” she says, fussing with the dog's ears as he pants in her face. 
“Gee, thanks,” the woman begins with a sigh. “I can never seem to control him. Only Benny seems to know how. You must be some sort of dog whisperer.”
“No, ma'am,” Olive responds, laughing. “He just seems to have taken a shine to me.”
“You can say that again,” she grins, her red lips smooth and shiny. “I'm Tattie. What's your name?”
“Olive. Olive Lewis,” she says for the second time that day. Tattie turns her head to the side slightly, looking her up and down. 
“Don't suppose you want a job for the day? I'm a girl down. Helen is sick in bed with God knows what and I can't take care of this dog and make sure these boys are placated when they get back. Wanna help out?”
“I'd love to,” Olive responds keenly. “What do I need to do?”
“Can ya pour coffee?”
“Sure can, with a pretty smile too,” Olive says, remembering her hellish shifts as a barista between acting jobs in London's busiest coffee shop.
“Well, then. There we go. Come on, I'll show you around.”
“Here's our little Clubmobile. The boys usually come here before making their way over to the hardstand. They can grab coffee and donuts here. They've probably already eaten breakfast, but it's a little bit of home, isn't it? Lord knows these fellas need some normalcy in all this.” Olive nods, understanding. When living in London, Olive loved nothing more than recreating Pearl’s steak pie, eating it while watching her favorite soap opera. A little bit of home. 
Tattie then gestures over to the other woman in the truck. The brown haired, green eyed beautifully made up girl nods politely at Olive as Tattie introduces them, Olive seeing a little scowl as she does so.
“Valencia can take it from here. I'll be back.”
Valencia walks up to Olive, her red lips pursed a little. She reaches a hand out in greeting and shakes Olive's, who is a little taken aback. 
“Tattie introduces me as Valencia, but please call me Val.” 
“Alright, Val,” Olive replies, winking. The scowl seems to melt away instantly, her pretty face softening.
“My gosh, you're English,” she giggles. “You may be the first  American Red Cross girl from England. Boy, aren't we special!”
“Only for today, apparently. Let's not celebrate it quite yet, Val.”
“No, you'll be back. I'll make sure of it.” She nudges Olive playfully. “I like you already.”
“So, you can see we’re not exactly rushed off our feet here when the boys go up,” Val says, sat on a chair with her legs up on a table, fiddling with her perfectly manicured nails. “I sometimes help Chick with some secretarial work to pass the time. Typing records, that kind of thing.”
Right on cue, a man comes bursting through the door of the hut, making Val jump. “Talk of the devil,” she murmurs, standing up quickly. “Jesus, Chick. Almost jumped outta my skin.”
“Then you best start being on your guard a little more. Less relaxed. We're at war!” he laughs. “Be a doll and grab me a coffee?”
“I'll get it,” Olive says, her eyes darting between the two nervously. Chick's eyes seem to narrow when he hears an accent that is not American, his head jerking back a little in surprise. “How do you like it?”
“Cream and sugar, please, Miss, uh–”
“Lewis. Olive.” She departs the hut, making her way into the truck to see Meatball finally resting, his head on Tattie’s legs as she reads the newspaper. 
“Who's that for?”
“Val told me his name was Chick?”
“Oh, shit,” she says, putting the paper on the counter. 
“Hey, don't worry,” Olive says, pouring the coffee into a paper mug. “I volunteered.”
“It's not that I'm worried about,” she says as she sees Chick walks slowly up to the door of the Clubmobile. “Watch the dog.” 
Olive places the cup of coffee on the serving hatch of the truck, eavesdropping on the conversation between Chick and Tattie. 
“What in God's name is an English girl doing here?”
“I'm a girl down, Chicky–”
“Ms Tattie, you know I hate that nickname–”
“And I need an extra pair of hands while Helen is sick in bed.”
“You wouldn't need that if Demarco ever tried training that damn dog of his.”
“Chicky, come on,” she pleads. “Let me keep her on. She's delightful, already great with Meatball - can you believe he listened to her the first time she asked? - and she gets on so well with Valencia already. Please, Chick. Just this once.”
“Fine,” he relents, his Southern drawl really coming through on the exasperated word. He collects the coffee from where Olive set it and takes a sip, his face a picture of surprise. 
“For a Brit, you make a damn good cup of Joe, girl.” Tattie looks at Olive through the hatch and winks knowingly, Olive winking back and giggling.
“Come for a drink with us, Ol,” Val asks. “You can meet my guy…and maybe one of your own.” Before Olive can answer, Tattie throws a knowing look over to Val. “She already has, Valencia. Fell at Demarco's feet this morning from what I heard.” Olive's face suddenly turns a light shade of red, giggling under the gaze of the two girls. 
“Oooohh!” Val says, poking at Olive. “That was fast.”
“What can I say? Some Brits do work quickly when it comes to romance.” 
“I get it. He's cute!”
“Oh, absolutely. Just not my usual type.”
“Who is?” Val asks, a twinkle in her eye. 
Surveying her as they're about to enter the hut, Val looks her up and down. “You okay if I dress you up a bit? You can borrow one of my dresses. We're about the same size, Ol. Just until you get a uniform tomorrow.”
“Sure, I'd love that. I probably look like I've been dragged through a hedge backwards.” Opening the door quietly so as not to wake Helen, Val begins to tiptoe in until she sees the lights are on. 
“Oh, hey, girl! This is Olive. She came to the rescue while you were sick today. Seemed to appear from thin air, Tat said.”
“Hi,” the pale, dark haired girl says with a hoarse voice. “I'm Helen. Nice to meet you.”
“You, too. Feeling any better?” 
“Sure am. Nurse Tattie's orders to stay in bed despite my insistence actually helped. I'll be back out there with you both tomorrow.” 
“You are staying, right?” Val questions, already pawing at the scarf Olive had tied on her head this morning.
“If you'll have me,” she smiles. “I'm sort of in between things right now. I'd love to be with you both, if that's okay with you.”
“Uh, of course, girl!” Val replies, nudging her playfully. “Welcome to our little family. Now, let's get you dressed up.”
Val dabs at Olive's face a final time and sighs contentedly. “There, all done. Take a look.” 
Olive opens her eyes and gasps softly, a totally different person looking back at her in the mirror. It's exactly how she's always wanted to look: soft pin curls that had been twisted perfectly by Val's deft fingers, the subtle pink blush, brushed gently on her cheekbones, the flawless eyeliner upon her eyelids. The dress Val had picked, a soft blue shade that brought out the light brown of her hair and her hazel eyes fit perfectly, just as she had thought. Val smiles gently at Olive's reaction, reaching down one last time with a lipstick brush in her hand. 
“This is my favorite shade,” she grins, those red lips standing out underneath her green eyes. “Let me try it on you.”
At the final smudge, Olive looks at her reflection once again, and grimaces. “Eugghh,” she scowls. “Val, I think this shade only looks good on certain people. And by certain people, I mean you.”
“And Everett,” she says wistfully, her eyes twinkling as she dips a wash cloth in a bowl of water and begins to wipe at Olive's mouth. The two girls make eye contact and giggle, knowing exactly what she means. “Let's try this one,” she says, once again digging around her makeup box. She holds a more pink-red shade up to Olive's face and nods, dabbing at the stick with a new brush. “There, much better.”
“Helen, are you sure you're not coming?” Olive asks as her and Val stand up to leave. 
“No, dolls. I'm almost at the end of this dang flu though, so I'll see you tomorrow? Olive, I'll make sure your bunk is ready for tomorrow night.”
“Did anyone change the sheet since Curt was in here with Nurse Itchy?”
“Eugh, no! I'm glad you reminded me. I don't want Olive sleeping in that.”
“Nurse Itchy?” Olive squeals, slightly confused but giggling nevertheless. 
“Nurse Itchy,” Helen nods, sniffling slightly as she laughs along. “She'd been getting everyone, uh, sick, which I think goes against some sort of code. Anyway–”
“Anyway,” Val interrupts, overlapping Helen. “I was fixing Curt's shirt - you may meet him tonight, he's been my best friend since we were sandbox kids - and he came by to pick it up. He decided to bring company and in return, probably caught the clap.”
“Yeah, him and five others,” Helen titters, shaking her head. 
“Oh, minging!”
“Eeewwww, ming-ing,” the other girls playfully mock in a faux British accent. “That's such a great word, I need to keep that in my pocket.”
“Minging,” Helen repeats as she lays her head on her pillow. “That's excellent!”
 Entering the club, Val grabs Olive by the hand and pulls her towards her ‘usual’ spot, right by the bar. 
“Jesus, Valencia,” Olive grumbles. “Almost pulled my elbow out of its socket.”
“Oh, don't be a baby,” she winks, pulling off her jacket and placing it on the back of her chair. “Anyway, had to rush for the perfect spot before Itchy and Co came along and took it. Look,” she points across the room to two men sat at the bar, deep in conversation. The taller one, with light brown hair looks over and winks. Val giggles, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. “That's my Ev. Everett Blakely.”
“Oh!” Olive begins. “He's very handsome.”
“You got that right, doll. There, next to him, is his best friend. James Douglass.” Olive tries her best to look behind the tall Blakely, and as she does, she makes eye contact with James. It's as if the world stops turning for a second, her breath caught in her throat. “Fuck me,” she chokes out, pretending to fan herself. “That's one handsome bastard.” He pats Everett on the shoulder, his mouth agape. As smooth as silk, he winks at Olive and goes back to his conversation.
“Ohhhh,” Val teases. “More your type, huh?”
Right on cue, Demarco sidles up to the table, Meatball at his side.
“Hi,” he smiles, a hand outstretched. “Can I get you a drink?” Leading her to the bar, Olive turns around and nervously glances at Val who nods, egging her on just as Ev perches on the seat Olive just abandoned. 
“That'd be lovely. An Old Fashioned, please.” 
“And how's my new best friend doing?” she asks, crouching to pet the dog. “Huh? You doing okay? Tired from running Miss Tattie ragged all day?”
“Ah, he's really no trouble.”
“Don't hear Tattie hear you say that,” she grins. “He tied himself up around her earlier and she was not pleased. Not to mention the fur on the donuts.”
“It's just an extra sprinkle of love!”
“It ain't love,” a voice calls from behind Olive. “I don't like hair in my mouth at the best of times as it is. But on my donut? Come on, Benny.” Olive turns to see Douglass, cheekily smiling at Benny, who, in turn, has clenched his jaw. 
“Come on, man,” he says, patting his shoulder. “You know I'm kidding.” Within an instant, Demarco's jaw has relaxed and he's laughing along with James, them playfully shoving each other. 
Demarco leans over the bar to order their drinks as James remains beside Olive. 
“Can I buy you a drink?” He asks, not making eye contact. 
“Oh, Benny's actually just getting me one. Maybe you can get me the next one. If you get there in time.”
“Oh, I see,” he teases. “Well, I'll try my best to keep an eye on you. The second I see that glass empty, I'm on it.”
“Sure,” Olive giggles. “I'll be waiting.” 
True to his word, the second Olive drains her glass, another is put in front of her. James is stood in front of the table Olive and Benny are sitting at, his chest slightly puffed out. “Told ya,” he said, clicking his tongue as he winks. Walking away, he joins Ev and Val at their table, pointedly pulling out an empty seat next to him. Pretending to join their conversation, he sips from his drink, his eyes dragging their way up and down Olive's body in such a way that she feels her stomach seize up in such a way that it makes her knees weak. She is glad to be sitting down, her thighs squeezing together as if they have a mind of their own.
“Right,” Benny says, putting his whiskey glass down louder than intended. “I gotta make sure Meatball gets outside before I get to bed. Will I see you tomorrow? I could walk ya home if you like?”
“No!” Olive blurts, panicking slightly. “I mean, no thanks. I'm good, I got it. But yes, you'll see me tomorrow. I'll save a donut for you and Meatball.”
“Perfect,” he says, standing up. “Goodnight.” He leans forward and kisses her gently on the cheek. Nodding at her, he leads Meatball out of the bar, Olive turning and puffing her cheeks out in some kind of unknown relief. 
She's alone for a millisecond before James is back beside her, handing her a cigarette. “You smoke?”
“I do. Can you believe I forgot mine in my purse at home?”
“At home? Don't you live here with Val and Helen?”
“Not yet. As of tomorrow, yes.”
“Can't wait for the prettiest girl in all of East Anglia to hand me a donut and a cup of coffee every morning.”
“Oh, stop,” she grins, the cigarette between her lips, feeling her cheeks grow pinker by the second. 
“Bet I can make ya laugh in one second.”
“Really?” She says, eyes narrowing. “Go for it.”
“What's the difference between a hippo and a zippo?”
“I don't know, James. What is the difference?” 
“One is really heavy,” he begins, pulling his own zippo from his pocket. “The other is a little lighter!”
The cackle that leaves Olive's body has her instantly clamping a hand over her mouth, the other on her stomach. “That's a great laugh,” he says, lighting her cigarette for her as her hand leaves her mouth. “Don't cover your mouth when you laugh, though. You have a pretty smile.”
“Thanks,” she giggles, taking a drag of the cigarette. 
“Come on,” he says, his own cigarette between his teeth. He wraps an arm around her shoulders and she instantly cozies up to him. “Come sit with us. Saved you a seat.”
Val smiles up at the couple as they sit down, James's arm only leaving Olive's shoulders for a moment. 
“Ev, this is Olive, who I was telling you about. She'll be joining us on the Clubmobile as of tomorrow.”
“Hey, Olive. I see you've already met my pal Dougie here.”
“Sure have. With a terrible joke, too.”
“Not the hippo zippo one again!”
“She laughed her ass off, Ev.”
“She's just being polite.”
“No, seriously. It tickled me,” she interjects, winking at Dougie. He grins back, lighting another smoke. 
“Another drink, sweetheart?” Ev asks Val as he gets up. 
“Yes, please, honey,” she smiles. 
“Yeah, go on then.” He nods.
“Dougie, come give me a hand, bud.”
As soon as the boys depart, a shorter man with perfectly slicked dark hair slinks up to Val. 
“Valencia, my best buddy,” he says, setting his beer on the table. “Who's ya new friend?”
“Curtis, you're a pain in my ass,” Val says through gritted teeth. “Get!”
“Alright, fine,” he laughs, winking at both the girls. 
“I don't want you to catch his itch,” Val laughs. 
“Honestly, I don't want to itch either, girl.” 
The boys return, Val instantly making heart eyes at her man. Dougie plonks down heavily next to Olive, his hand finding its way to her thigh. 
“So, tell me about yourself.”
“What do you wanna know?” she asks, sipping her drink.
“Everything. We got all night.”
read part 4 here
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daydream-cement · 2 years
Excuse me ma'am, first of all I'm here once again to say that your work is amazing and thank you for feeding us with delightful fics of Larissa 💖
If you're not too busy, I would like to request a fic where reader is a teacher in Nevermore Academy and sends anonymous letters to Larissa since she's too afraid to tell her how she feels, with a very fluff ending if possible 🥺
Signed, Your Secret Admirer
Larissa Weems x teacher!reader
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Larissa stared at the 5 letters sprawled before her on her desk. She had started receiving a love letter a week and she was no closer to figuring out who the admirer was. She retraced her eyes over the words, reading them once more.
Oh Larissa. I find you mesmerizing. I desperately long to hold you in my arms. I fear I am too shy to admit my love for you. For now, I will continue to watch you from afar, hoping you take notice of me. Signed, your secret admirer
I count the minutes until I can see you again. Whenever we are not near I wonder if my heart will fall from my chest. Everything about you makes me weak in my knees. Your perfect lips entrance me, hoping one day I might drink from them. Signed, your secret admirer
Your strength is insurmountable. I think you could move mountains if you truly wanted. Your unwavering confidence and sense of justice only make me fall deeper in love with you. How can one woman be so perfect? Signed, your secret admirer
I’m on my knees before you. Take my life if you must. You can have all of me. I just long to sit in your presence and have you love me the way I love you. Maybe one day I will build up the courage to say something. For now, I must settle for letters. Signed, your secret admirer
I love you. I’m running out of words to describe how much I do love you. Any new thing I learn about you is like gold sent from the heavens. I latch on to every word, saving it for later. I wish I were braver. I wish I had the courage. Signed, your secret admirer
It was the start of a new week and Larissa knew she would be receiving another letter soon. All of these had been left in her employee mailbox. This time she would be waiting and she would discover who had been writing her.
You had been the one writing Larissa love letters. You couldn't contain yourself any longer, you were going to tell her how you felt. The letter was going to ask her to meet you in your classroom so you could finally lay bare all of your feelings for her. Little did you know, as you went to the employee breakroom, Larissa would be waiting for you.
"Good morning, Coach Vlad!" You shot the Russian athletics director a smile as you quickly approached the mailboxes, knowing which one was Larissa's as soon as you get there. You pop the letter in the mailbox and turn to leave, Larissa now standing behind you.
You glance over to where Coach Vlad had been, but now he was gone. You should have known better. Of course the shapeshifter would get the best of you. You felt your heart freeze in your chest, not knowing what to say to Larissa.
"Y/n?" Larissa seemed just as shocked to see you.
"Hi, Larissa." That's all you could manage. Your eyes falling down to look at her shoes, unable to say anymore. How would you have admitted your feelings to her later in your classroom?
"Have you been leaving me letters?" She asked head, tilted as she tried to catch your gaze.
You nod, glancing up at her before you begin searching the room for anything else to focus on. You felt like a rabbit, your heart about to beat out of your chest.
"You are my secret admirer? Oh, thank god." Larissa felt a flush of relief through her. She stood up straight, a hand against her forehead.
Her reaction was confusing. Wasn't she supposed to be rejecting you right now? You look up into her face with a bewildered expression, listening as she continued speaking, "Well why didn't you just tell me. I would have said yes to a date!"
Were you hearing her correctly? Part of you was wondering if you had fallen into a new dimension. Were you still on planet earth?
"A date?" You repeat to yourself, still wondering what in the fresh hell was going on. Larissa brought a hand to rest on your cheek, bringing your gaze up to her face.
"I thought you would never ask. Stop by my rooms around 7 and we can go to Jericho for dinner, okay?" This was date entrapment. Did you ask her or did she ask you? Or was she telling you? Either which way, you didn't care. You had a date with Larissa Weems.
You came back to reality, "Yes, dinner at 7."
Larissa found your nervousness to be incredibly cute. She pulled you towards her to press a gentle kiss to your cheek, leaving you with a simple smile as you stared off into space. This woman could easily be your undoing.
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askadrianalucardtepes · 5 months
*Somewhere in the forrest of Belmont.*
Anon1: *Peacefully staring at the sky.*
*A rustle from a bush nearby.*
Anon1: *Sees a pair of eyes in the bushes but when they blink th eyes are gone.*
Anon1: *Surprised and in shock procceds to get up and dash in a random direction but is cornerd by a cliff* "Mhmm, well sh!t."
*Random voice from the bushes.*
???: "Human~ Where are you~?"
Anon1: "You aint getting my buns! Hun?"
*Runs along the cliff and climbs a tree but when they look down they see a nightcreature.*
Anon1: "Oh god damit."
Nightcreature: "When Im done with you, your face will look like mashed potatoes."
*Luckily the Nightcreature dosent have sight*
Anon1: "Yeah whatever man." *Changes voice to a higher pitch, Mimiking a childs.* "Hello?"
Nightcreature: "Okay Im going to go find that child, but then Im going to kill you!" *Walks off into the bushes.*
Anon1: "Okay byeee! Happy travels! Now lets see here.." *Looks around for a escape route.*
*Nightcreature comes back but rams into the bark of the tree causing it to sway violent and almost throws Anon1 off.*
Nightcreature: "There was no child!"
Anon1: "Double check." "Hello?"
Nightcreature: "I know your messing with me! Where's the child!? WHERE ARE YOU HIDING IT."
Anon1: "Dude I dont know! Just um... A vampire is behind you..."
Nightcreature: *Is confused but and 'looks' behind them.* "Steve?"
Steve: "Hello!" *Smiles at nightcreature.*
Nightcreature: *Is annoyed but replies.* "Hello Steve..."
Anon1: "Hi Steve!" *Gives a small wave.*
Steve: "Hello human guy!"
Nightcreature: *Turns around disgusted* "Steve dont talk to this guy, He's an asshole!"
Steve: *Gasp* "Profanity!"
Nightcreature: "Steve. Their hiding a child somewhere and they wont tell me where. Do you know what that means?"
Steve: *Scratches chin confused.*
Nightcreature: *Deadplan.* "We cant have a party Steve."
Steve: "No!" *Is on brink of tears.*
Nightcreature: "Yes! We need to find it Steve!"
Steve: "I'll do my best Ma'am!" *Walks off into the bushes.*
Nightcreature: "Stop listening to gossip! There confusing you!" *'Looks' up Anon1 in the tree* "Im starting to think there is no child."
Anon1: *Switching between both voices* "You just "Hello?" Got to *Child like laughter.* look harder "Hello?" Man."
Nightcreature: "Thats it fucker! IM COMING UP THERE!"
Anon1: "Hello?"
Nightcreature: "But first im going to look around one last time to ensure that child dosent exist...."
Anon1: "Phff this situation is a total joke." *See's a hooded figure beside them.* "WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?!"
???: "Hello!" *Scares Anon1 and watches them drop off the tree.*
Nightcreature: "Good, this is my time to catch them by surprise!" *Runs back to the tree.* "Have at THEE!"
Anon1: *Bashes supposed knee with an axe.*
Nightcreature; "FUCKING knee!"
Anon1: "GET AXED ON BITCH! Also thanks for the axe Steve."
Nightcreature: "STEVE WTF?!"
Anon1: *Bends down to Nightcreatures ear.* "Hey nightcreature."
Nightcreature: "What!"
Anon1: "Hear that?"
*The sound of rustling hair and a special flying sword.*
Nightcreature: "Oh go fuck yourself."
*Nightcreature dies by magical sword to the face.*
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"...What just happened? I feel like a lot just went down here. None of that interaction made even a lick of sense. I've been watching this unfold and just. Wow. I'm pretty sure all of you are on mushrooms or something. I'll just.... Go, now. You have fun with your... Whatever this is."
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divinegrey · 2 years
bottom reyna when???
oh honey, bottom reyna is my GOSPEL lets fucking GO
words: 1000 warnings: explicit 18+ content, minors dni. domme bottom reyna, mentions of implicit servitude, read at your own discretion.
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The statement "Reyna is a top" might be one of the most frequent statements you've heard being bandied around in the lounge room when everyone is too drunk to care about politeness. What else is there to talk about except the sex lives of your coworkers?
But you, being one of Reyna's frequent hookups... you know the full truth of it.
In the bedroom, Reyna is the pure definition of topping from the bottom. The woman is obsessed with chasing the feelings of pleasure and pain, both in her work and in the bedroom. Most would assume she's too controlling to allow herself to be touched.
In reality, it's quite the opposite. You're nothing more than a tool for Reyna's pleasure, to be used exactly how she wants it and when she wants it.
You're more than happy to do it. Reyna doesn't fuck just anyone in the Protocol. In fact, she's exceedingly picky about who gets to see her full beauty and greatness with their own two eyes. Lucky you!
Within the Protocol, you're the only person who's set foot into her room and into her bed. Let's just say you get the reward of a lifetime whenever you do your job in taking care of her.
There have been some moments with Reyna that you'll always remember, with a few in particular that never fail to make you hot in the cheeks.
One such instance was the first time you and Reyna hooked up. It was after a mission and the adrenaline surge was running high in your blood. Reyna looked near manic and feral with the amount of souls and energy she had consumed, and it seemed that she wanted something more out of it.
And so you became her willing victim. How are you going to say no to one of the prettiest (and most terrifying) women you've ever met in your life?
The moment you reached Reyna's room, you were being stripped of your armor and clothes, and you were moving to undo the straps of Reyna's protective gear before she shoved you back onto her bed.
"Listen closely, cariño," Reyna's voice was raspy with her whisper, her hand gripping your face. Your heart was pounding, and you knew she could hear it. Reyna's eyes were glowing, almost to an extreme, and you could feel a faint tingling from her hands pressing into your skin. "I gave you the honor of being in this room with me. You will not abuse that honor. You will do as you are told. Understood?"
All you could say in reply was a very soft "Yes, ma'am."
Lucky for you, Reyna was delighted by your obedience, and went on to make a show of removing her clothes. You didn't dare move an inch from your spot on your bed, and while Reyna moved, showing more and more of her skin, you felt your brain slipping somewhere else. Somewhere more... light.
You felt fuzzy all over. Whether this was an effect of Reyna or not, you didn't care. There was an overwhelming need to serve her, filling your bones with blistering hot arousal.
Finally, finally, Reyna took her seat on your face, her hand gripping your hair with her nails in your scalp, and the truth became realized.
You're nothing but a toy for Reyna's pleasure. Reyna takes, and she takes, and she takes until she is limp and shaking with pleasure. Your face is covered with her slick and though you can hardly breathe, you continue devouring her with the intent of a starving man on his knees at the altar of a god.
Reyna is a goddess, you find yourself thinking. I want to serve her. I want to be hers.
Reyna rode your face until she orgasmed, hot and heavy on your face with a full-body shudder that was followed by a profound release of energy.
It was only until after Reyna was fully satiated that you discovered the first night was your indoctrination.
Afterward, Reyna would summon you to her room at the dark hours of the night, and every single time, you would go. Pleasing Reyna became an addiction, one that you never wanted to let go of because seeing Reyna in the throes of pleasure was far too beautiful a sight to rid yourself of.
Some nights she would mount your face. Others, she would have you kneel at the foot of the bed with your hands behind your back, like a true supplicant, and make you beg to pleasure her.
You always would.
Why wouldn't you, after all?
She's the Empress, and you're her mere subject.
But nobody knows.
Nobody will know the things that you do in the dark for Reyna. The things you have done for her. The things you will continue to do.
Friday nights in the lounge room are always a fun time. Jett, Phoenix, and a few others are playing a nasty game of monopoly that seems to have been running on for weeks, with you as the appointed referee to keep things calm.
In the corner of your eye, you notice the door to the lounge room crack open. A whisper of something that only reaches your ears, followed by a crackling sensation that races up your spine.
Pink eyes stare at you from the dark for a mere moment in time, before disappearing.
Letting out a yawn, you stretch on the couch before standing up. "I'm going to bed, losers. Don't kill each other."
Nobody gives pause to your exit. Phoenix bids you goodnight with a wave of his hands, and Jett steals some paper money from Neon while the latter isn't looking.
You move through the halls until you arrive to the door of Reyna's room. You knock. You enter. You close the door, twist the lock, then fall to your knees.
Footsteps follow, and a warm hand cups your jaw, tilting it upward.
"I've trained you so well, pet." Reyna murmurs. She cocks her head to the side. "Mommy wants to come on your face. Get on the bed."
Without question, you move to the bed.
Reyna flashes you a sharp grin, and you fall prey to her once again.
~~~~~ A/N: can you tell that im a little obsessed with bottom!reyna
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trin-gvf · 2 years
S.F.K - 3 strikes
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1.7k words minors DNI
sam x fem!reader
WARNINGS: switch!sam, switch!reader, degradation, mommy kink, smoking weed, drinking alcohol, unprotected sex
you smiled as sam helped you up onto the boat you'd be spending your day on. the boys were in canada for a show and you had come along with your boyfriend, sam.
you sat down and put your celine cat eye sunglasses onto your eyes. you started as you took off towards the middle of the huge lake, you watched danny take a seat next to you.
"hi danny"
"hi y/n. excited for today?"
"oh my god, so excited. i'm just praying i don't get sunburnt"
you both giggled about it and talked about nonsense until you started to feel thirsty.
"sam!" you yelled for you boyfriend
"sammy!!" usually the second try got his attention.
"samuel!" your last and final try, to no avail was useless.
"what the fuck.." you grumbled to yourself. you watched him as he blew out a puff of smoke
"what do you need? i can get it for you" danny said, turning towards you.
"oh- no it's fine danny-"
"c'monn what'd you need???"
"i just wanted a whiteclaw bu-"
"no butts. what flavor?"
"blood orange pleassseee"
"you got it ma'am" you giggled as danny walked off to the ice chest that was full of alcohol.
as he came back, you gave him a friendly hug and a "thank you"
as you cracked the beverage open you made eye contact with your boyfriend. he had a mean look on his face. you rolled your eyes at him and sent him a text.
y/n: maybe if you gave me attention, your best friend wouldn't have gotten my love.
sammy boy: watch your fucking tone.
you rolled your eyes again and watched him go back to laughing with his brothers.
"whats up?"
"wanna help me get sam back?"
"sure, what'd he do?"
as you explained the situation to daniel, he listened to each and every word that was spoke.
"he's looked at me once this entire time. what else am i supposed to do?"
danny shrugged his shoulders and agreed to do it.
you gave sam time to cool off before pulling your next move. slowly standing up, untying the little ribbons of your cover up. you slowly let it slip off of your shoulders.
you looked over at sam, he looked as if he was seeing red. you then looked down at danny to see him looking you up and down. you smirked to yourself and threw your cover up over danny's face, laughing when he groaned about it.
you walked over to your bag and grabbed the sunscreen out of your bag.
"danny, will you help? i need to re-apply"
you handed him the bottle as he agreed.
he stood behind you and slowly spread the lotion across your back, down your arms and when i can to your legs, he was hesitant. he wanted to help you with your sam problem but he didn't want to make his best friend mad at him. before he even got the chance to do your thighs a mad samuel came stomping up.
"she's good daniel, i can get the rest, thank you."
danny nodded and walked off to talk with the other two kiszka brothers.
it was quiet for a moment before sam spoke up.
"what the fuck is your problem?"
"you know what my problem is."
after spreading on the last of the sunscreen, he came up to your ear.
"those were your 3 fucking strikes y/n. the second we get off this boat I'll give you the attention you oh so desperately craved. and i better not hear you complain one bit."
hours passed and you tried your best to contain yourself, watching the sunset, downing many more cans of whiteclaw. you were at least buzzed, you could feel your body warming up. sam on the other hand was busy smoking as much as he possibly could before doing whatever he was going to do with you for the rest of the night.
for most of the boat outing you had, you were daydreaming, only imagining what sam would do to you when he was able to get his hands on you.
all of a sudden you felt danny tap your shoulder.
"I'll see you later, y/n goodluck with sam"
you gave him a quick hug and walked to sams side after you grabbed all your things.
he had called an uber, seeing that none of you were in a state to drive.
the whole ride back to the hotel you were staying at, sam had his hand on your thigh, gripping it as if you'd run away when he let go.
soon enough you got back to the hotel, having sam guide you up to the hotel room. while waiting in the elevator, he didn't say a word. although he didn't say anything, he took it upon himself to pull you in by your waist and rub his clothed hard on over your ass.
a blush rose to your face, liking the idea he'd been turned on all day because of you.
the second the door was unlocked and closed, he pushed you onto the bed.
"tell me what you want."
your words got caught in your throat. you imagined what you wanted him to do to you all day but now you were in the moment, you couldn't think of a thing.
"what? you were being a brat all day and now you decided to shut your mouth?"
"no i-"
"you what?"
silence again.
"then I'll take matters into my own hands."
he slipped you out of your bikini top, showing off the impressive tan line you managed to get today.
sam grabbed a belt from his suitcase and tied your hands together.
he slowly untied the sides to your bikini bottoms, throwing them aside. he kissed down your body, getting closer and closer to the spot you needed him the most.
"dont be a fucking tease, sam."
"dont tell me wha the fuck to do. brats don't get that privilege, now do they?"
you didn't answer, feeling like you didn't need to until sam brought your face into his hand.
"i asked you something. answer me."
"no sir."
"that's a good girl"
he resumed from where he was, kissing down your stomach, finally attaching his mouth to your oh so beloved pussy.
your mouth fell open and your eyes closed, taking the feeling of his beard hair and his warm tongue rubbing against you. you put your hands on sam's head, giving his hair a good pull, causing him to let out a moan against your clit. you pushed his head deeper into your cunt as you chased your orgasm. it felt so close but yet so far.
your back arched as you felt him slowly push his middle and ring finger into you.
your moans had become more high pitched and closer together as his fingers and tongue worked hard on you. he finally reached a spot within you, causing you to let go and enjoy pure bliss.
as you rode out your orgasm on your boyfriend's face, all you could think about was how bad you needed his cock. even better, how bad his cock needed you. when he pulled off of you, he was quick to throw his clothes off his body. he gave his cock a couple more strokes before gliding the head throughout your folds.
he finally aligned with your opening and slowly slid into your cunt. he gave you a couple seconds to get ready before using all his might to fuck into you. you used your tied up hands to rub your clit, giving you extra stimulation.
sam started to kiss around your neck, leaving small marks once he got down to your chest.
"oh fuck sam" you said out of breath.
"is this what you wanted? hm? you fucking brat."
"yes yes yes! fuck yes!" you cried, feeling another orgasm coming to light.
"so fucking slutty, you had to flirt with my best friend"
you replied with a moan, fucking your hips up into his.
"cum on my cock, then."
you mumbled "fuck" under your breath as you felt your orgasm build up.
"faster please, faster"
sam took your words into consideration and started to fuck into you faster.
within seconds you were jerking under sams body, making a mess of his cock.
"hold on, almost there- fuck oh my god" he said as he spilled his cum into your cunt.
it took a second for sam to move, but once he did, he watched all of his cum drip out of you.
after untying your hands, he cleaned you up and laid next to you. you both cuddled up into each other, not caring to put clothes back on.
as you were laying down, you were watching sams cock slowly get hard once again.
"do you have a problem, sammy?" you said slowly stroking his cock under the blanket.
"its- uh- i couldn't help it-"
"what made you act up, hm sam?"
"you just looked really hot today, i keep thinking about it."
you ran your thumb over the tip of his dick to spread the precum that had leaked out.
"i don't think you even saw, sam. too busy smoking your ass off."
"im sorry, baby-"
"save it."
you smiled as you climbed onto his lap, slowly sitting onto his cock. you started to grind down, feeling sams cock hit new places it didn't last time.
sam's hand immediately felt for your waist, helping you move against him.
"your cock fucks me so good, doesnt it, baby boy?"
he let whines out, throwing his head back onto the headboard of the bed.
you took one of his hands and placed it on your tit, feeling him squeeze around it.
"mommy please, oh my god, 'm so close"
"tell me, tell mommy why you should be able to cum."
"promise I'll give you what you want mommy, give you attention! fuck let me cum!"
"so fucking sensitive i could have you cumming in minutes."
"i can't, i can't-"
"yes you fucking can, do it. cum."
he dug his fingernails into your waist as he let go once more. you trailed your hand down and rubbed your clit again, helping you get to where you needed.
a couple more bounces on his cock and you were seeing hot white light. your thighs shook as you rode out your orgasm.
when you came down, you were both shaking and heaving. sam's hair was stuck to his neck due to the sweat.
cleaning up once more, you put a big shirt on and slowly fell asleep, sam doing the same.
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iovejolie · 2 years
pairing .⭒ ۪ 𖥔 ˑ ִ ֗ pepper potts x reader
request .⭒ ۪ 𖥔 ˑ ִ ֗ Hi, could you maybe write a smut one with Pepper? Where Reader is her assistant and Pepper catches her staring again and decides to tease her?
warnings .⭒ ۪ 𖥔 ˑ ִ ֗ smut 18+ ( swearing, face riding pepper on top , eating out r receiving) , age gap ( reader is 22 i think peppers 48 )
lowercase intended
A/N .⭒ ۪ 𖥔 ˑ ִ ֗ this is my first marvel woman fic enjoy <3 this is kinda short like really short I wanted to gets s something out for you guys <3.
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“and tomorrow w should have a dinner with the CEO of -“ pepper stopper mid sentence. “y/n you’re staring again.”
“oh my god, i’m so sorry, i didn’t mean to ma’am.”
“its fine lets not have it happen again. okay?”
“yes ma'am”
after that the two of you returned to the work in font of you this wasn't the first time pepper caught you staring. you'd just get so lost in her voice you didn't know how to control it. As some point pepper began to realize what was going on.
as the two of you continued going over the schedule you felt peppers eyes on you, shifting you felt her place a hand on your thigh you began to speak up but she beat you to it.
"as I was saying, sometimes I think you aren't cut out for this job, you make everything so complicating for me sometimes I think about giving you up”
“pepper what are you talking about?" confusion began taking over you. "Don't worry your little head, come with me”
she put out her hand for you to take. leading you to a room in the back of her office. She opened the door, pulling you in. “ wow pepper this room is nice.”
"i know." '
“you know I see the way you constantly look at me. I know you like me" you didn't know how to respond something told you didn't want to.
she sat you down on the bed, “I've been thinking about you for a while y/n kissing those lips hearing you say my name while I go down on you ”
“hush y/n” you did immediately. she pushed you back making you lay down “ I'm going to use you and make you feel good.”
she climbed on top of you, “can't wait to make you feel good.” she pressed her lips against yours. she moved her hand down pushing your skirt up pressing her hand against your pussy hard making you moan out. she kissed down your neck unbuttoning your shirt as she moved down. kssing down your chest you couldn't help but moan. she continued to work herself down your body. Pulling down your skirt along with your panties.
she kissed your stomach as she continued to go down on you reaching your pussy she pressed a kiss against it. taking her tongue running it through your pussy lips over your clit making you moan out louder. she wrapping her lips around your clit sucking on it. you couldn't function you'd never felt this feeling before.
she got off you and began removing her clothes. You set up on your elbows watching her undress she was beautiful in every possible way. you couldn't help but touch yourself at the sight of seeing her set undressed.
"i know you we not touching yourself without my permission”
you quickly hand from your removed your pussy. “good girl I knew you would listen"
once she finished removing her clothes she climbed back on you. “i should have worn my strap-on today.” she began eating you out, taking her two middle fingers and “sticking them inside you. you moaned out her name loudly. She continued to do that till you were on edge.
"pepper in about to cum, oh my gosh, please, please...” you cut yourself off as you began to cum all over peppers fingers. she pulled back, “its just like i imagined.” she oved back up so the two of you were face to face.
“i’m going to sit on this pretty face of yours and I want you to eat me out. Okay pretty girl?”
“yes ma’am”
she moved up and straddled your face. you immediately latched your lips onto her clit and began to suck, taking your tongue and running it through her slit. taking your fingers and pushing them inside her you earned a loud moan from her. You continued doing that feeling her clench around you.
"fuck baby that feels so good.” she began cumming on your face and fingers. "fuck"
She climbed off your face laying next to you. “mm that felt amazing, gosh baby didn't know that mouth of yours could do that.”
“come on we both have to get back to work lovely.” the two of you began redressing. you both made your way back to work not talking about what had happened.
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kookykosplay · 2 years
A Cagey Situation
 AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/42089724
CW: Sort of child abuse
For @whumptober
            Hawks shivers, pulling his wings closer to himself and trying to keep warm. The little rips in his clothes let in small gusts of air and the room he was in wasn't warm either.
          “Hey! Brat!”
          Hawks jumps, turning to face the man.
          “Y-yes sir?”
          “Were you even paying attention? Honestly. I expected better. Maybe I should just let you go back to your,” The man smirks, “room.”
          Hawks flinches back, eyes widening.
          “N-no please. I promise I was listening.”
          “Then you know what your task is for today's exercise. Hopefully you can perform well enough, otherwise there will be consequences. Understood?”
          Hawk scopes, standing up straight and letting his wings move away despite the influx of cold that it brought.
          “Yes sir.”
          The man smirks, exiting the room to watch from the control center. Hawks shivers slightly, trying to remember what the man had said. He had figured one way or another he would get punished, but at least this way he'd spend a little more time out of his room before the punishment.
          The loudspeaker crackles on.
          Hawkes cringes slightly at the static, but immediately bursts into action. He charges towards the targets, sharpening his wings as he goes. The last exercise he remembers doing was learning how to fight in close quarters with his feathers.
          He whips himself around to face the target with his back, desperately suppressing the urge to not turn his back on anything. He desperately stabs his feathers out, hoping that he would hit the target.
          Hawks looks up wide eyed at the unexpected but immediate feedback from the people watching.
          “Try again.”
          Hawks nods, going back to his starting line. He was relieved he had at least picked the right activity to do.
          At the request of the loudspeaker he repeats the exercise. And again. And again. And again.
          After the fifth or sixth time, Hawks is panting harshly. He is barely even able to stand up. He looks over to the observation glass, desperately hoping that he can stop.
          “Please no.”
          The word slipped out before the Hawks could stop them. He cringes backwards almost immediately, knowing what's coming next.
          “What was that brat?”
          “Nothing sir.”
          “Oh, I think it was something. And if you're so exhausted, I think you might enjoy going back to your room. A few days of being reminded who you are should help.”
          Hawkes nods slowly.
          “I'm sure you can handle doing it yourself.”
          Hawks obediently turns, heading out of the room. He walks to a small courtyard that was near the training room. He pauses at the door, staring in dread at what's in front of him. A small birdcage hung in the middle of the courtyard. A small leather hood and chains sitting inside of it.
          Hawks slowly moves towards it, crawling through the cage door. It automatically locks behind him. He places the hood on his head, fascinating around his neck. Lastly, he chains his wrist together and to the bottom grates in the cage.
          He sits back uncomfortably on the bars, desperately trying to meditate. Hawks doesn't know how long he'll be there, and he knows it often goes better if he can pretend he's elsewhere. He tries to arrange his wings in a comfortable way, but no matter what he does one of them always sticking out and he can't cover himself enough to stay warm.
          Hawkes isn't sure how much time is passing. But eventually, although it feels too early, he hears steps and a voice.
          “Oh my god.”
          He raises his head slightly, trying to look in the direction of the voice.
          “Hello ma’am. I’m ready to perform better.”
          Hawks feels someone or something rushed towards the cage. He recoils back slightly ramming into the polls.
          “I’m sorry for flinching. Please don't make me stay here longer ma'am.”
          Hawks feels a hand reach up and gently remove the hood. Looking up, he sees a woman with Bunny ears staring at him sadly.
          “Don't worry sweetie. We’re here to help.”
          The woman seems distracted, checking behind her.
          “Listen, I hate to make you wait here a little longer. But I don't know what to do with kids. I've got a friend who might be able to help.” Her face darkened slightly, “and there's a few other people I need to ‘talk’ with.”
          Hawkes nods quietly, understanding that asking questions isn't going to help right now. He watches the woman run off, and waits there still attached to the cage.
          After a few minutes, he sees a man all in black who looks annoyed walking up to him.
          “Hello sir. Are you the friend that the bunny woman said she'd get?”
          The man starts to talk as he works on the restraints.
          “I am. And you don't have to call me sir.”
          “Got it. I'm sorry for inconveniencing you...”
          Hawks panic slightly, trying to figure out how to end the sentence but eventually just drifts off.
          “The name’s Eraserhead kid. And don't worry about it. That's what I'm here to do.”
          Hawks's eyes light up.
          “You’re a hero.” His excitement dims rapidly. “Oh, I see. What training are you here to run?”
          Eraserhead pauses as he opens the door.
                  “Training, kid?”
          “Yes Mr. Eraserhead. You must be a specialist in something. And since I've been failing so much, they brought you in. So, what am I learning next.”
          Hawks tries to jump out of the cage gracefully as he's been taught but ends up stumbling. He closes his eyes in anticipation of hitting the floor, but instead feels something soft cushioning him.
          “Yeah no. That's not what's happening here kid. Listen, I am a hero. My job is to help people and kids who are in danger. You are a kid. Your job is to have fun and not worry about training and specializing yet.”
          Hawks frowns upon him, wiggling to try and get out of his grip.
          “That's not what my trainers told me. And my handler always said I'd get a new one if I didn't behave.”
          Eraserhead sighs. Hawks immediately feels nervous, since nothing good ever happened when adults were annoyed at him.
          “I'm sorry Sir. Am I not supposed to talk about past trainers with you?”
          “No, kid. listen, just don't worry about it right now. I'm going to take you to talk with some nice men about your training so far. And then we’ll either find a nice place for you to stay, or you can come back to my house.”
          “I’d like to stay with you Sir.”
          “Not sir, Remember?”
          Hawks panics, straining to get out of his arms.
          “I’m sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I promise I'll do better next time. Please don't make me go back to my room.”
          “Your room?”
          Hawks shakingly points back to the cage.
          “Yeah. Don't worry kid, that's never happening again.”
          Eraserhead turns, still holding Hawks, to head towards the entrance.
          “Just relax kid. I'll be with you every step of the way if you want.”
          Hawks nods, stopping his struggles.
          “Okay Mr. Eraserhead. I like you a lot better than my trainers anyways.”
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gowriarun · 3 years
From my heart
Warnings: jealousy, eavesdropping, nothing else much characters included : Kaeya, scaramouche, childe.
You and the traveler were simply sharing adventures and recipes completely oblivious to the pair of eyes that watched you afar in jealousy and doubt. Seeing you smile did make him happy, yes, but not when it was so late and with another man that wasn't them.
he was strolling through the city one last time before heading home before he say you and the blonde talking to each other, sitting on a bench nearby. Honestly? I think he'd be too impatient to even hear what you were talking about, approaches you two with his usual smile and starts a conversation "Y/n? Well isn't this is a pleasant surprise, what are you doing this late at night? And hello to you traveler." His voice quite low toward the end of the sentence "I was going to good hunter to buy some food" you explained "he was too, so I caught up with him" "Oh, I see. Well, we should probably go home, you too traveler." He says "Oh yeah, I know! Why don't you come over tonight for dinner? I'm sure the food we bought has gone cold by now." You say, quite excited at the suggestion you made yourself. Oh, so you've been here long enough for your food to go cold? He notices everything "I wouldn't want to intrude..." He says very politely but his companion thought otherwise "Oh! Oh! paimon wants to taste y/n's cooking!" the small girl fairy thing says "Yeah!" Y/n smiles For a second there kaeya's eyes twitched. But you weren't paying attention to him now, where you?
ma'am- Please just go home-
"Well of course, only if you want to!" kaeya says as if paimon would change her decision "Oh! You don't have to worry about that! paimon would love to-!" The angel was cut off by the traveler who seems to have somehow noticed kaeya's hostility "Y/n, maybe another time, I still have somethings to do" He says almost glaring at paimon "Oh are you sure?" You ask "Now, we wouldn't want to force them dear." Kaeya smiles "B-but aether! Y/n is-!" "I mean, do you know how to make anything out of paimon? then I'd come." That shuts her up "haha I'm afraid not. Well, I understand! I hope you have a good night!"
The moment you two leave he would pull you closer and walk behind you resting his head on your shoulder, yes it was not the best position to walk in "Kaeya? what happened?" you ask chuckling "Oh, nothing dear! by the way what were you and him talking about? Have you known him for long?" He asks "Oh yeah, we've come by each other sometimes, not much though. Why?" "Oh, it's noting, just asking" No that was him making sure
the type who'll believe you but still be wary of the blonde
Unlike ice boy, he listens into your conversation. A few hundred thousand questions and thoughts in his head that started with 'who the hell is she talking to' to 'Is she falling out of love' and 'I'll kill that traveler' I mean, idk if i have to say this, but he is VERY possessive. two times the anger you think a short person will be able to store in them he waits for a while to just look at the audacity of you talking to someone he clearly saw as a rival (in power) and idiot. He'll approach you alright- and if aether don't get the hell up on the sight of him he'll make use of his snake tongue to make sure he does. "Ah, y/n and you." insults the traveler while asking what you two were doing every chance he gets lmao "You don't have to be that rude to him you know?" You ask "he's not worth your praise darling," yes he will compliment you and make sure the other guy knows you are with him You would understand immediately he doesn't like the blonde and the fact that you were talking to him nevertheless "Aether, I'm sorry about him-" you say "I'm not." He mutters "I should get going, my cats not fed yet-" you try and excuse yourself "Oh, I understand. I'll talk to you some other time?" he asks smiling "yeah su-!" "No you won't." Lmao sorry you aren't gonna talk to him again But he asks you that when you get back home saying how hes not friendly with the fatui and it could put your life in danger. Silly excuses really, but he makes it seem believable.
This guy will interrupt your conversation and won't even be sorry about it "oh! Fancy seeing you here traveler. What brings you to liyue again?" he asks like he cares "I had a few commissions" the boy will answer truthfully He proceeds to look at you next "Oh, I was just taking a stroll when I bumped into him" you say Honestly, he'll inspect you both right then and there "oh? you've known him before?" He asks "Well he is quite popular around here and yes, I've commissioned him a few times myself-" Woah woah woah!! Rewind ! You what!? "What why?" He would've helped you free of cost why'd you wanna go and hire this sorry excuse of a sibling "Oh, you were not around since you had to do something for the tsaritsa and-" WHO CARES ABOUT THE TSARITSA???? is what he wanted to say but he didn't "Ah I see, next time just call me instead of posting a commission dear" Pissed off and lwk glaring at the blonde "Oh no it's ok!" You smile, he returns the gesture with a shrug and then looks at the traveler "I'll keep my eye on you" Very quietly "Well dear, we should go home I'm-" you cut him off "Oh! would you like to join us for dinner?" you ask Oh- Oh? Oh reaally? You wanna do that?
"Oh, sure if you're-" Aether is cut off "Y/nnn!!" He whines "remember? Remember??" He asks "What?" You're so confused cz you are very cure theres nothing to remember for today- "Today!! Todays the day!!" He tries again knows that the guy next to you two already had something in mind "Ah! If you two are having some thing special I really shouldn't!" He says getting up "No wait what-" You ask childe puts on an apologetic face toward the traveler "maybe you we can dine another time?" he asks "Oh it's ok!' he says before running of to god knows what trouble "What on earth was that for! and what 'remember remember!'" you try to imitate him "Todays the day you learn not to talk to guys at late at night!" childe smiles "What?" "Ooh! I get it" You say with a smug look "you jealous shit" huffs "Did you see that guys look ?! he obviously thought you were single!" He says "Childe... you-" "I'll teach him a lesson if he tries to get with my girl"
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missymurphy1985 · 3 years
The Writer (Tommy Shelby X Fem.Reader) - Part One
Warning - SMUT (eventually)
Request? Yes
Taglist @queenshelby @margoo0 @being-worthy @peakyscillian @peakyciills @janelongxox @elenavampire21 @noctvrnalmoth @ysmmsy @cloudofdisney @lauren-raines-x @namelesslosers @misscarolineshelby @screemqueen @cilleveryone @peaky-cillian @misselsbells06 @heidimoreton
You looked in the mirror, straightening out your dress and taking a deep breath. Your boss David, who also happened to be your older brother, had arranged a meeting with you in the offices of the Birmingham Herald at 6pm sharp.
On the way there, you couldn't help but marvel at how you'd ended up here. Your husband had died two years after returning from war having suffered severe injuries, and after you'd taken on his job at the Herald while he was away fighting, falling ill on his return and subsequently dying, your brother, the editor, had kept you on so you weren't destitute. It was against all the principles of the time, a woman working, but your brother never once allowed the other men at the newspaper to talk down to you. You were the best storyteller and strongest journalist they had on the books and he would always have your back. The other men had grown to look at you as a sister almost - you were blessed to be in the position you were in.
Arriving at the Herald, you made your way to David's office.
"Y/n, I'm sorry to call you in this evening..." He smiled, embracing you and offering you a whiskey which you gladly accepted.
"I never have evening plans David, you know that. What was so important it couldn't wait til morning?"
"We've had an incredible offer and I want you to be the one to report it. The story is made for you."
"What is it?"
"Thomas Shelby has agreed to an article on his life to date!"
"Thomas Shelby? As in the Peaky Blinders?! Not a fucking chance David..." You recoiled in horror. You knew the man's history very well, you'd gone to school with his younger brother John and the stories of the Peaky Blinders were infamous. You hated the man - the thought of interviewing him mad your stomach turn.
"This story could launch your career into the big time Y/n! Think about it! The most secretive, elusive man in the country wants to tell his story to you!"
"To the Herald."
"No, y/n, to YOU. He asked for you. By name."
"How the hell does he know my name?" You'd written your articles under a male pen name so as not to distract readers from the content. Not all men were as modern as your brother and coworkers.
"No idea, but he specifically asked for you."
You mind turned - no one knew you worked at the Herald. You'd kept yourself to yourself, even moving out of Small Heath after your husband passed away. You'd lost touch with John just before he went off to war. There was no connection to the Shelby family at all.
"The reason I dragged you in at 6pm is because he wants to make a start today. This evening actually, there's a car picking you up in 30 minutes."
"David!! I can't do this interview for goodness sake, I'm not even close to prepared!"
"You have 30 minutes! Pull your finger out!" He laughed.
You'd crammed as much as possible in that 30 minutes as you could - your mind was whirring at 70miles per hour when the silver Bentley pulled up outside. Glaring at David, who simply smirked in response, you got in the car as the driver greeted you.
"Arrow House ma'am, won't take long to get there," the driver smiled as you asked him where he was taking you. Arrow House? His home? Why would the most secretive man in Birmingham want to meet you in his sanctuary?
Pulling up outside the huge mansion, you couldn't help but be impressed. The gardens were immaculate.
A middle aged lady greeted you at the front door and offered to take your coat. You smiled and handed it over, as she led you through to the dining room. You took the seat she offered.
"Would you like some tea Ms. Y/L/N?" You nodded, and she signalled one of the younger maids to action.
"Mr Shelby will be with you in a moment, please make yourself comfortable," the lady smiled warmly and headed out the door with your coat. You looked around the room. A large painting on one wall of the man himself with a large horse. There was a smaller picture on a cabinet just underneath that caught your eye. A beautiful blond woman, with piercing eyes and a loving smile, holding a small boy in her arms. You didn't know Thomas was married, let alone had a son. The house didn't seem to have much of a feminine feel to it though, it was borderline drab in its decor.
"My wife, Grace. And my son Charles." A voice behind you startled you, and you turned to see Thomas himself walking towards you, a glass of whiskey in one hand, a cigarette in the other.
"She's beautiful, Mr Shelby. And your son is adorable," you smiled, but he didn't return it.
"She certainly was." Your eyes grew wide as the realisation of what he'd said sunk in.
"Oh I'm sorry -"
"No need. It was a long time ago. Shall we get this over with Ms Y/L/N?" You nodded and he led you out of the dining room into a smaller one - clearly an office. The large oak desk sprawled out in front of the bay window. You took your seat opposite his at the desk and pulled out your pen and pad as he poured himself another whiskey. You shook your head when he offered you one, drinking the tea the young maid have brought in to you instead.
Your questions for him were simple at first. You asked about his childhood in Small Heath. His schooling. His childhood friends. Pretty much all one word answers, driving you insane, until you asked about his brothers.
"You knew John, didn't you?" He asked.
"Yes. Same year at school."
"Sadly, he's no longer with us. Shot by the Italians last year." You heart dropped - you heard through the grapevine that John had children and a wife and the news hit you like a freight train. You took a breath and a moment to compose yourself.
"I'm so sorry Mr Shelby..."
"I'm sorry too, I didn't realise you were so close?"
"We were close before the war. Lost touch after that."
"I don't remember seeing you with him?"
"My father wouldn't let me see him, so we had to be careful.."
"You and John were..."
"No no.. god no! Just friends Mr Shelby." He went quiet again, and sipped his whiskey.
Back to the questions. Mundane as they were, you needed them to get the full story. He wasn't forthcoming with the details. You had to really press him, but he spent most of his time drinking his whiskey and looking out of the window at the dark clouds rolling in outside.
"Listen, Mr Shelby, you clearly don't want this any more than I do so please, if you don't mind, I'd like to end the interview here." Your voice was stern, patience had officially gone out of the window he was so fixated with.
"Jack said you were feisty." You froze at mention of your late husband's name.
"How did you know Jack?"
"We served together in France. Good man."
"Is that how you knew my name?" He didn't answer, just nodded, again watching the weather changing quickly outside.
"Storm looks bad."
"If I leave now I should be fine." The first rumble of thunder made you jump, Tommy noticed your fear instantly.
"Scared of storms?"
"They used to scare Jack.." a second rumble had you grasping onto the chair.
"Stay until it passes." Was that a request or an order.. you weren't sure but he took your hand gently and led you into the hallway away from the window, into the main dining room again.
"Frances, have the curtains closed please." He spoke to the older woman who greeted you at the door and she dutifully obliged, closing the curtains in the large windows.
Tommy sat you at the table and gave you his glass of whiskey, your shaky hands accepting it this time. Every thunderstorm brought flashbacks of Jack's terror filled eyes.. his anguished cries of pain.. and ultimately the sound of the gun he placed at his temple before he took his own life. You took a sip of the warm liquid as Tommy sat beside you, a fresh glass of his own in his hand.
"Jack saved my life."
"He did?"
"Yes. We were underground digging.. we could hear the Germans on the other side of the dirt digging towards us... They broke through first and grabbed me. Jack beat them to death with his hammer to get them off me." Tommy's memory made you smile, and you laughed gently.
"He was always brave.. and strong. Put everyone else first. He never told me.."
"He never wanted praise, it was just part of his job. In return.. I said if anything happened to him I would make sure you were looked after."
"The men at your office? They're under my watch. They respect you because you're a damn good writer, but they also know if they gave you any shit..." He raised his eyebrow and you couldn't help but smile. Even after his death, he was making sure you were okay. That was the Jack you wanted to remember.
"In that case Mr Shelby, I thank you."
"Call me Tommy eh? Here's to the bravest man in France." He clinked his glass with yours and you felt him almost begin to relax.
"I noticed a piano in the hall - do you play?"
"I did as a boy. My mother was a keen player, I used to watch her all the time. Gave it up after she died."
"I played for Jack all the time. It soothed him when he couldn't sleep." He smiled, a warm genuine smile that you couldn't help but return.
You'd spent the evening drinking whiskey and talking with Tommy, the whiskey hitting you much quicker than it did him, and you could feel your eyelids growing heavier.
"I have a spare room upstairs y/n, maybe stay tonight, I'll have my driver take you home in the morning." He stood before you had chance to argue and you followed him up the stairs.
He led you into a beautiful bedroom, the decor in here much more appealing than downstairs and the large oak double bed even more so.
"I don't want to impose Thomas..."
"That storm isn't letting up any time soon, and you're exhausted. You're welcome to stay. There's fresh clothes in the wardrobe. My wife was the same build as you, they should fit. I'll have my driver take you home at 7am. Goodnight Y/n..." His blue eyes lingered on yours a moment and you felt a rush of something you hadn't felt in a long time... Scaring you. Quickly looking away, you bid him goodnight.
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n1k1tty · 3 years
kiss me ! part 2
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“hawaii!” niki yells, throwing as fist in the air as he enters the van “riki, it’s 3am in the morning, please shut up” jay retorts, going back to sleep as he leans on the window
as if it was almost planned, you and jake sat beside each other at the furthest seat. it was complicated, you didn’t know if you were comfortable or not, you felt tense, afraid of jake’s teasing if you touch him even the slightest. yet you also didn’t want to leave your seat.
you let out a huff, trying to find a position where you could comfortably sleep in. you were spooked at the sudden hand that leans your head on their shoulders “you can sleep on my shoulders, it’s alright” jake chuckles, already drifting to sleep the second after he did that “thanks” you mumble, easing into his warmth.
you laugh a little at his aching figure “this is funny to you? after i’ve been so kind to let you sleep on my shoulder?” he pouts “i deserve a long massage during our flight” he jokes, continuing to carry your bags.
dumbfounded by the fact that you stayed with him, giving him a glance filled with guilt “y/n seriously, i’m fine. it��ll go away sooner or later” he reassures you, his heart exploding at the sight of you with glimmering eyes, feeling the guilt you expressed them with.
“what do you wanna eat for breakfast?” you mumble, taking the luggage cart from his grasp. he laughs at your attempt to make him feel better “sorry? didnt quite hear that well” he teases, making you give him a glare, almost forgetting that he was ‘injured’ you raise your hand to almost give him a punch “good thing you’re hurting or i would’ve punched your ass back to australia” you roll your eyes “you heard what i said!” eyebrows frowning as you look away “alright alright, i’m fine with coffee really—” he lets out a breathy chuckle, dragging his feet as he follows you around “—nonsense! breakfast is important. don’t give me that type of bullshit sim” you cut him off, stopping by a little restaurant as you tell the other members to go ahead “im getting you pancakes. better finish it or you’re not living to see another day”
he laughs “this is quite a unique way to care for someone don’t you think” you roll your eyes "eat the damn pancakes sim jaeyun"
"yas ma'am"
after everyone had met up, you all started finding your seats. you were bewildered, somehow, because now you found yourself wanting to switch seats with sunghoon for obvious reasons. but of course, you --again, didn't have the guts to do so.
a few hours into the flight and a few glances from jake here and there, you received a message
jake :):
hey pretty girl, do me a favour and go to the washroom behind you
and why exactly?
jake :):
no questions asked. i just miss you ;)
you swore you wanted to jump off the plane. pretty girl?! he misses me?!. you feel the heat creeping up in your face as you asked jungwon "hey, could you get up of a sec. i gotta go to the washroom" you whisper, mumbling a small 'thank you' before you walked to the washroom.
you felt a hand pull you "hey" he giggles, arms wrapped around your waist "you scared me! i thought i was getting abducted" you slap his shoulder. although you would be lying if you said you didn't want to just grab him and kiss him right at this moment.
he looked so good with his button up shirt, showing off his collar bones, neck wearing the beaded necklace you made for him during the summer and your birthstone necklace. his hair was messy, and you couldn't deny how hot he looked with his glasses on.
"you should consider buttoning up" you hesitantly say, looking anywhere but his eyes. of course he catches on to your intentions, but he felt like pissing you off "why? i'm showing off your necklace" he giggles "i even bought your birthstone" he grabs the necklace with his thumb, making you roll your eyes as you cross your arms, making sim jaeyun giggle.
he places his hand under your chin, finally letting you looking at him "switch seats with sunghoon please. i don't think i like the sight of you sleeping on jungwon's shoulders" now it was your time to piss him off.
"why?" you pout, "his shoulders are so comfortable, and we don't want your shoulders aching again now do we?" you give him a slight smile, well it wasn't like you weren't planning to switch with sunghoon way before the flight even started anyway.
jake rolls his eyes "that leaves you no choice--"
"can y'all hurry up? i'll switch with you y/n gosh! just let me pee!" sunghoon bangs on the door, making jake laugh "well that was easy"
oh how you regret changing seats.
because now you get to fully witness the flight attendants obviously flirting with him.
"good morning sir" she annoyingly giggles, biting her lip as she leans in way too close. jake leans back, letting out a small laugh out of politeness "hi, yeah i'd like..." he orders his food while you glare at the girl who's been displeasingly close to him "what can i get for you ma'am?"
"oh my girlfriend would like the same thing" jake interrupts, giving you a sly wink after placing his hand on top of yours. you let out a small scoff after seeing the disappointed look on the girl as she hands you the food. your skips a beat. girlfriend? you thought
now he was starting to piss you off. he was doing everything but ask you out. and with every ounce of pride you had in your soul, you hated to admit that you were starting to get really impatient. were you not obvious about your feelings? was the handmade necklace and the concern you have for him not obvious enough?
"ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Hawaii" the pilot announces, after you got your hand carry, you didn't even bother waiting for jake. immediately walking out of the plane, causing him to tilt his head out of confusion.
he didn't get a chance to talk to you, i mean, how could he when you would immediately start walking away from him whenever he tried to walk towards you.
as you sat beside jay in the tour bus, he gives you a weird look "why are you here" you give him a lost look "can i not...?" that's when he knew something happened between you and jake "y/n if this is because of jake--" you place your hand on his mouth, leaning way too close. but luck wasn't on your side today, because jake saw.
"shut up please! and yes! it is about him. so please spare me and let me sit here for the meantime" jay chuckles, "jake's going to kill me for this" he mumbles, leaning back to the chair "what?"
"nothing" he gives you a grin
after you guys arrived to jay's beach house you immediately grab your bag before jake could help you
"alright riki and sunoo are sharing a room, jungwon and heeseung are sharing, and...." jay looks at you, sunghoon and jake, not knowing what to do "you three figure it out. i'm just letting you know one gets to have their own room" jay starts to head to his own room, shrugging his shoulders as he walks past you with widened eyes.
"we already know what's about to happen. i'm getting my own room-"
"no!" you yell
"yes!" jake yells in unison,
"well......" sunghoon stood there, waiting for the both of you to talk "well, i just think i should get the room since you know-- i'm a girl and-- you and jake are best friends so you should be roommates" you explain, giving sunghoon an awkward smile "yeah sure whatever- ow!" jake hits sunghoon in the arm "you idiot! take the goddamn room!" jake grits through his teeth "you know what y/n! i change my mind. i uh, i think im going to take the room"
"why?!" you whisper with a harsh tone. poor sunghoon "IM GOING TO JERK OFF OR SOMETHING I DON'T KNOW" he yells, although he regrets it after the maids give him a weird look "ayo what?" heeseung peaks through the door "nothing! i didn't mean that. just --ugh! i'm heading out" he grabs his luggage, stomping through the hallways as he walks to the room. leaving you with jake.
you were about to have a mental breakdown "jay! you're seriously not helping me at all!" you give him a shove "ow! you need to control your strength sometimes! and i'm sorry okay? i just panicked, and i think you and jake being roommates wouldn't be a mistake. it's better to fix your problems instead of just sweeping it under the rug. you can't avoid him forever y/n" he was right. and you knew that. but you couldn't bring yourself to tell jake what was bothering you. even the thought of it was embarrassing, because what if he wasn't even intending to date you at all?
you walk back to the room, hesitating whether you should open it or not. but after hearing no noise, you open the door "AH OH MY GOD SORRY--" there you saw a shirtless jake, hair wet and his glasses having a few drops of water from his hair. he grabs your hand before you could walk out again "y/n, please talk to me" he places his hands on both sides of your shoulders "did i do something wrong? whatever it is, i'm really sorry" he panics, slightly pouting at the silent treatment you gave him "jake i-"
"dinners ready!" riki barges in, freezing at the sight of you two "oh- hey! riki, let's go!" you grab his arm, walking towards the dining room "please don't mention it" you whisper, sitting in between riki and jay.
jake later follows, now in his grey shirt and the checkered pajamas he wore earlier, he gives you a small smile before sitting next to heeseung.
"so, sunghoon. did you have fun?" heeseung teases
"shut up!"
"this wasn't going as planned anymore!" jake groans, he was currently in jay's room, ranting his frustrations out while jay listened. when jake had heard about the trip to hawaii, he originally planned to confess when you guys went to the party, it's not like the party had already happened, but it was already tomorrow "i already apologized, yet she still wouldn't speak"
"do you even know why she's mad?" jay asked, leaning on the bad with his arms as he watched jake pacing around his room "...no?"
"jake sim you idiot"
it was 1 am in the morning and you finally finished playing games with riki and heeseung. you were hesitating to open the door once again. afraid of letting the incident happen once more. you knock lightly, hoping that he was there and you could finally make up
but before you could open the door, jake already opened it. immediately embracing you "please talk to me" he whispers gently in your ear. you couldn't help but burst out crying, causing him to panic, he caresses your hair "let's go for a walk yeah?" he grabs your wrist, his touch so gentle as if you were fragile.
he wipes your tears as you walk along the shore "i missed you. you know?" he holds your hand as you both drag your feet along the sand. you hit him on his shoulder "ow!"
"that's what you get!" you sniffle, looking at the reflection of the moon on the sea "what did i do?" he chuckles, searching for your eyes. he tilts his head when you don't respond "hello?"
"cause! you always flirt with me, calling me your girlfriend and hugging me! i hate it! i hate it because my heart always skips a beat every time and i always expect you to ask me out soon yet you never do!" you yell, your skin was glowing under the moonlight. jake was in awe the moment he saw your glistening eyes that had tears threatening to fall.
he had the sudden urge to kiss you and tell you how he felt.
and he did. because jake was a man who never doubted his feelings when it came to you.
he pulls you by the waist, causing you to let out a yelp. his lips touches yours, and it stayed like that for a while, to make up for the moments he wasted without you this whole vacation. you wrap your hands around his neck, playing with his hair
"can i be your boyfriend?" he cheekily says, his smile making you smile as well "suck my ass. sim jaeyun. yes, i'd love for you to be my boyfriend"
"i'd gladly suck your a--"
"sim jaeyun!"
[bonus bcs i haven't posted in a while]
it was the morning of the party, you were in jake's arms "finally you're awake! good morning!" he excitedly says, peppering you with kisses "the guys are in the pool so get changed" he informs you, smacking your ass as soon as you got up "getting too comfortable for our first day aren't we?" you tilt your head, giving him a smirk "can't help it" he send a wink your way.
as soon as you got out in your swimsuit, jake's mouth drops "do a little turn for me" he smirks, twirling you around as he hypes you up "holy shit! i'm so lucky aren't i" he checks you out, earning a smack from you "ow! alright but i'm not letting them check you out like that! wear my shirt"
(he didn't let you go from the jacuzzi after heeseung hyped you up lol)
you told jake to go ahead, wanting to surprise him with the dress you bought.
after arriving to the party jake almost dropped the drink he had in his hand after he saw you. he was smiling so hard when the little girl put a Lei (flower neck lace) on you. he felt so proud when the other men at the party look at you giving him a hug
"that's right, she's mine" he thought
after you walked to wards him he grabs you by the waist "you look so pretty in red" he says, hugging you tightly "is that so?" you ask, giving him a chaste kiss on the lips, making him all giddy
part 1
taglist: @zylenes @hwalllllllelujah @theskzvibe
HI GUYS :D. i will be posting the visuals for this fic so pls wait :)
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sixeyesgojo · 3 years
Dad!Gojo with schoolkid!reader hc
Summary: Dad!Gojo with a Reader that goes to school. Or more like: DILF!Gojo being hit on by people
Characters: Gojo and his kiddo
Word count: -
Content warning: Gojo himself is a warning, idc
A/N: I think this is part 2??? 3?? I don’t even know.
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He does not pack your lunches, in case you were wondering if he did. Man's too busy eating his own sweets.
Imagine him doing it tho??? Devastation.
If he has time to pack your lunches, which is rare, he packs some pastries.
He actually packed your lunch once upon a time (when you were in kindergarten) but one day you had insisted that you were "all grown up" now (going to elementary lmfao) and could do it yourself, so he was like "Oho?? Is that so?" and stopped
gives you lunch money tho. Is 50 dollars enough?
regularly brings you to school (in casual wear), then is late to his own class or whatever he has to do??? (assuming he has indoor lessons at all)
He usually doesn't drive. He simply picks you up and uses cursed energy to transport. Because he can.
but when he does drive, rest assured that it will be in a fancy car bc he can afford it
If he is not able to bring you to school, he will have Ijichi do it
everyone thinks Ijichi is your less cool uncle
Occasionally Nanamin brings you to school
all the kids think your dad is super cool
They admire him: boys want to be like him later on, girls want to have a husband like him when they grow up but little, do they know both of you live dangerously
that one time when your homeroom teacher tried to sneak her number into your backpack for your dad after having seen him a few times
the dozen times when single moms flirted with him in front of the school gates and he flaunts his good looks but ends up being like "I am terribly sorry, ma'am, but I am a very busy man with a kid to take care of."
someone call the doctor(s) because: cue a VERY charming smile follows afterwards
crouches down to give you a goodbye hug <3 "I'll see you later, my little sunshine"
Honestly, I don't see anyone bullying you or picking on you. I wrote it in the last chapter in case people would be curious but you're literally Gojo's kid that probably adopted some of his traits and this man is just loveable and so are you. Sorry, I don't make the rules here.
In case you do get bullied or picked on: God forbid the first-years-trio hears of this. They'd pull up the very next day to make sure nobody picks on you ever again. Sorry not sorry.
Gojo isn't exactly thrilled about someone picking on you either, so he's gonna have a mature talk with their parent(s)
To Gojo, the most important thing is that he has a heart-to-heart talk with you afterwards to be able to assess what damage has been done to you, mentally as well as physically, and reassure you that you are a great person that should live their life with their head held high
If you're crying? Lord, help this man. He doesn't really know what to do besides suppressing his murder intent kneeling down to embrace you tightly and stroke your head
If he catches the other kid in the act of bullying you, he will pull you aside, throw them a look and make some sassy remark that will instantly shut them up
He has a mission? Oh well, guess Nanami will have to work overtime then because Gojo will make some time for you and spoil you afterwards to make you forget all the bad things
You are a prodigy in the eyes of the teachers
You are doing especially well in maths - already being able to multiply and divide bigger numbers
Sometimes Gojo explains stuff to you at home, so it's hardly surprising that you are able to do this
He takes your education very serious - just because he's a jujutsu sorcerer does not mean you have to become one as well... unless you want it, which is also why he sometimes teaches you basics about the world he operates in
Whereas he may take it seriously, that doesn't mean he will scold you for bad grades. He will just encourage you to do better. Not that you brought back a bad grade anyway
You may be good at maths but you enjoy arts lesson the most
lmao doodle your dad with a mustache, your dad fighting a curse (but ofc nobody knows what that is), Shoko and you enjoying a campfire, Megumi carrying you, etc
At the end of a day, he will pick you up again if he can (again, in casual wear)
You will run into his arms as soon as you see him in front of the classroom
Effortlessly, he picks you up and twirls you around
"How was your day, sweetie?" and you proceed to tell him
He listens well and throws in some comments or questions
What you do afterwards depends on his schedule
He would take you on non-special-grade missions too because he knows he is able to protect you for sure but he prefers to spare your children's eyes
so you just go home
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imaginesupply · 3 years
Spencer Reid Imagine: Just peachy
Spencer Reid Imagine: Just Peachy
Summary : Reader (female pronouns, no Y/N, third person) is hosting dinner night at her apartment for the time. Spencer volunteers to help with the preparations. Derek is a good friend.
Warnings: Smut (handjob – male receiving, cum in pants), sub!Spencer, the Lord’s name in vain (only once), one mild curse word. (Because some of this shows Spencer’s thoughts, I had to refrain from using slang words for bodily parts and bodily fluids sometimes. Please don’t judge me.)
Word count: About 1.5k
Note: I wrote this really quickly when I was taking a break from working on my thesis (how Spencer went through the PhD pain thrice willingly, I will never understand) and my brain was fried. Consequently, this is the fic equivalent of the snack you make at 3am when you’re tipsy.
"Remember what we discussed?" Derek asked an exasperated Spencer for umpteenth time as he pulled over in front of their new co-worker's apartment building.
"Yes," Spencer groaned softly, adjusting his hair. "I have an eidetic memory, you know."
Next to him, Derek chuckled. "I know. No need to be so defensive," he teased, "just be yourself and there's no way she won't fall for you."
"Actually, it's not that -"
Derek cut him off before he could say anything more. "Bullshit. It really is that easy, pretty boy and" - he leaned over, grabbing Spencer's satchel from the backseat - "while everyone is due to arrive at seven, I can divert the rest of team if you just send me a text."
Spencer frowned, staring at his friend like he had grown two heads. "Why would I want you to stall -" He stopped in the middle of the sentence, his eyebrows rising high up his forehead and his cheeks turning pink when he finally realized. "Yeah, no, yes" - Spencer shook his head clearing his now corrupted mind - "what I mean to say is that I would definitely text you but - nevermind. Bye." Then he escaped from the car as if it were on fire, almost tripping on the laces of his converse.
Not even thirty minutes had gone by and Spencer already knew he was in trouble.
They walked through the farmers' market, Spencer carrying the fast filling linen bag. She guided him through the crowd, making them stop at the stalls that held anything of interest and buying various ingredients for dinner: vegetarian gratin and peach pie.
Eventually, they stopped at the fruit stand where she approached and asked the vendor if they could taste the peaches. Though they were out of season, they were looking quite ripe. The old man handed her a peach with a smile. "There you go."
She thanked the man and pulled back the sleeve of her lightweight jacket before taking a bite. That was the exact moment Spencer realised this had been a terrible idea. He should never have listened to Derek. He should not have offered to come earlier and help make dinner.
She took in the scent and hummed against the fruit, softly so, that only he would hear and erotically enough that he had to swallow down the saliva gathering in his mouth, his Adam's apple bobbing. She bit down on the fruit, the tips of her lips curling up and then licked off a thin trail of juice along the inside of her wrist and forearm, eyes closed. Then, as if nothing, she turned to the old man. "They're delicious!"
She turned back to Spencer and he noticed she was sporting her usual slightly bemused grin. "Have a taste, darling." She turned the pale fruit in her hand and offered it to him, an expectant look in her eyes. And there, in the middle of the busy farmers’ market, Spencer felt like a teenager whose girlfriend had just slipped her hand down his pants for the first time. Which, of course, he had never experienced so he didn't actually know what that would feel like.
Knowing better than to disobey her, Spencer leaned forward into her hand and took a bite of the remaining fruit, leaving behind only the endocarp, while adjusting his satchel to hide the prominent bulge in his crotch. It was the way she looked and the way she looked at him, the way she made him feel like-
“Are you alright?” She asked.
Spencer swallowed the fruit, his throat tight. “Just peachy.”
If he thought that was torture, nothing had prepared him for the actually cooking part. The space between the cabinets and the kitchen isle was narrow, which meant their bodies always brushed whenever she passed behind him, and he was already a sweaty, blushing mess.
Just be yourself, he reminded himself of what Derek had told him. "Hey, umm," Spencer stammered, drawling off, "did you know that until refrigerators were invented in 1834, salt was widely used to preserve meat."
He heard her soft laugh behind him, immediately turning around at the sound before realising she was bent over the counter, trying to reach something on the highest shelf and he had just inadvertently placed himself right behind her backside.
For some reason he couldn't even begin to explain, his first instinct had been to touch. Luckily, though, he had managed to stop his hands mid air before he could effectively ruin everything, but now all he could see was the black fabric of her pants stretching over the roundness of her hips and the warm pressure against him and-
He started, finally looking away. "What?"
She chuckled again. "As much as I appreciate your ability to be a walking encyclopaedia, I'd really enjoy it if you could put your height to good use and pass me the pie dish."
"Of course." Spencer shook his head, clearing his mind. "Yeah, I can do that."
She stepped aside, allowing him to grab the item from the cabinet. "Thank you, darling," she said, grinning.
"No problem," Spencer quipped, wiping his clammy hands on his leg pants as he subtly made sure his predicament wasn't too noticeable.
"Great! You can go ahead and knead the dough before stretching it over the dish."
"Yes, ma'am." His brown eyes went wide when he realised that he'd just said it out loud. It wasn’t even his fault. There was just that natural authority about her that made him very compliant.
She laughed once more, softly, looking up at him almost endearingly. "You can call any m word you like, darling."
His start stopped in his chest. Was she flirting with him? He had noticed her body language did not indicate repulsion and she did touch him more than was strictly necessary, but he didn't think she'd actually flirt with him. Spencer considered that he might really have to send Derek the text, but he tried not to get his hopes up too much. He was already nervous enough as it was.
She came up behind him, taking a look at the dough he had absentmindedly tortured and shook her head in amusement. "No, darling, not like that," she cooed gently, coming up closer until her body was pressed up against his. Spencer gulped nervously, acutely aware of the way her breasts were being squashed against his side.
Then her hand wrapped around his over the dough. "You do it like this, Spencer," she whispered. Her fingers lodged themselves between his, applying light pressure, making them bend to her will. "You need to feel it. Are you feeling it?"
Spencer was certainly feeling it, but not in his hand. He would almost be amazed at how a simple touch on his hand could make him radiate warmth and make all the blood in his brain rush to his dick, if he weren’t becoming so lightheaded.
She kissed his arm over the fabric of his shirt. "Here, let me show you." He felt her free hand slide across his stomach and down to his belt. His body jerked at the touch.
"What are you doing?" He asked, his voice raspy and sounding like a whimper.
Her hand stilled over the now undone buckle. "You want me to stop?"
It came out embarrassingly loud and he might have felt ashamed for it, hadn't she managed to remove his belt and open his pants in record time. She pressed her palm to the front of his boxers, cupping his bulge. The fabric was thin and damp, doing little to numb the sensation of her touch. Spencer knew there was already a stain from the pre-ejaculatory fluid he was leaking, but he couldn't get himself to look down. Two senses at once would be too overwhelming and he was already trembling.
At first, she just ran her the tip of her finger up and down his length, making sure to trace the small slit where the wet fabric clung to the damp head. He shivered against her and let out the cutest, most delicious whimper she had ever heard.
"Do you like how it feels?"
"Yes." He choked out the word. His eyes were shut tight, focusing on the sensation but then she surprised him, sliding her hand inside his boxers. And, oh God! Spencer panicked, if her hand alone already felt this good, how could he possibly survive being inside her - "Stop," he moaned urgently, his hand frantically rising to grab hold of hers but it was too late - it was too good.
"Oh, my darling boy," she sighed gently, pressing another kiss to arm as his dick pulsed in her fingers, making a mess of her hand and his boxers.
"I am so -" He didn't know what exactly he was apologising for and he didn't have the time to find out. The bell rang while he was still enjoying the aftermath of his first non-solo orgasm.
Panic set in. He had never gotten around to text Derek.
"Don't worry, darling," she said reassuringly before sliding her hand out of his boxers and bringing it to her mouth to lick it clean. "I'll go get the door and you go clean yourself. Don't want everyone to know how naughty you really are, do you darling?"
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peachbear88 · 3 years
Dental Terrors
A/N: Who would've known the lovely, terrifying, petite assassin was afraid of the dentist?
Pairing: Yelena Belova x Reader
"Lena, if you don't loosen your grip, my hand is going to come off." You tease, watching as her eyes never leave the dentist's figure. "Lena?" She gulps and her eyes widen as the dentist pulls out a pair of menacing looking pliers, flicking the tip of the needle. "Hellooo? Earth to Belova?" She stares at you, her eyes pleading.
"Please, please, please, get me out of here." She begs and you shush her, stroking her cheek gently.
"Yelena, listen to me. If you be good and don't thrash around, I'll buy you a frozen yogurt and we can watch a Mission Impossible movie." Her eyes light up as you lock eyes with the dentist, giving him a subtle nod.
"Really?" She exclaims as the dentist sneaks up behind her, gently pricking her neck with the needle. "I thought you hated-" Her eyes roll up to the back of her head, her body slumping forward.
"Alright, do what you gotta do Doc."
"Y/N?" A voice slurs and your eyes shoot open. A dopey looking Yelena stares into your eyes, her hands raised in front of her, making grabby hands.
"Hi sweetie," you smile tiredly at her, picking her up. Her arms wrap around your neck, her legs clinging to your back.
"You betrayed me!" She pouts adorably, littering kisses atop your head, making you giggle.
"Did I really?" You boop her nose gently.
"Yes!" She giggles, burying her face in your shoulder. "You said you wouldn't let anyone hurt me!" You stiffen at her words but she remains oblivious. "You let the mean needle man touch me."
You stroke her hair, smiling when a small purr escapes her throat.
"I'm sorry." It comes out as a whisper. "I'm sorry for letting the mean needle man touch you." She smiles devilishly at your apology.
"Does this mean I'll get an extra scoop of ice cream?" You gasp dramatically, flicking her forehead and eliciting a giggle from her.
"You're milking my apologies for a second scoop of frozen dairy?" You shake her head, swinging her body over your shoulder. "And to think I was actually being sincere." She screams when you slap her ass playfully before hauling her towards the car.
"Let me gooooo!" She whines and you shake you head.
"No can do ma'am. You shouldn't have tried to milk my sympathy for an extra scoop." You gently deposit her on the seat, strapping her in. She pouts, crossing her arms over her chest as you strap yourself in.
"I want my girlfriend. She's always so much nicer." You stifle a giggle as Nat peeks out from the driver's seat.
"Oh really? How so?" You challenge and Nat quickly whips out her phone, recording the moment.
"Yeah! She'd give me as many scoops of ice cream I want!" Nat snorts, catching Yelena's attention. Her eyes widen before she lifts her feet up, kicking the head of Natasha's seat with both her feet. "Stranger danger!"
Nat's head flings backward, smacking her head on the glass windshield. You gasp as Yelena claps her hands happily.
"I removed the stranger!" Yelena exclaims proudly but you pay no attention as you rush out of the car, racing towards Nat's limp body in the drivers seat.
"Oh my god, Nat are you okay?" She stares at you, wincing as she rubs the back of her head.
"Remind me to never talk to Yelena when she's on meds." You chuckle, moving to sit next to Yelena when she grabs your arm. "Hold on. You really want to sit next to her when she just kicked me thinking I was a stranger?" You pause.
"Good point." She smirks and you move to strap yourself in when a pair of arms grab you from behind, hauling you over the center console and into the back. "Augh-"
"There you are!" She nuzzles her face into your shoulder, wrapping her arms around you. "You can't run from me!" You shiver as she leans in, whispering in your ear, "You're stuck with me forever."
"I-I'll keep that in mind." You smile meekly at her before she rests her head on your shoulder happily.
"I want mint chocolate chip ice cream."
"Two scoops."
"You got it honey."
"And Mission Impossible marathon."
"You're the boss."
"You're so whipped." Nat smirks and you glare at her.
"If you even mention it, I'll let Yelena kick you again." You gesture to your happily oblivious girlfriend. Nat immediately raises her hands in surrender before returning her attention to the road.
"Y/N?" You look up from your bowl of melting ice cream.
"Yes?" She rests her head on your shoulder.
"I wanna go to sleep." You smile, taking the bowl from her and placing it on the bedside table before readjusting the pillows and tucking her in.
"Alright, I'll go put the bowls in the sink." She pouts, making grabby hands at you.
"Noooooo stay with meeeeeeee." You shake your head amusedly before setting down the bowls and sliding under the covers.
"You want me to stay with you?" She nods. "Then you'll have to stay with me forever!" You reach out, tickling her aggressively. She screams, writhing around in the sheets till you finally stop.
"I love you so much." You smile, pressing a gentle kiss on her shoulder.
"I love you too."
When Yelena wakes up, the meds have worn off. She groans, gently massaging her jaw. You let out a little whimper, pulling her attention back towards you. She admires you, your hair splayed out on the pillow, a small smile on your face.
So peaceful. So quiet.
"It's not nice to stare you know." She almost doesn't hear it, seeing as your face is buried in a pillow.
"I wasn't staring. I was admiring." You chuckle, slapping her with a pillow.
"Ow!" You instantly jump up, inspecting her face.
"Lena, I'm so sorry! I forgot all about your jaw." You can see the tears forming in your eyes and you panic. "Jesus, I'll get you your meds." You move to grab her meds but are quickly pushed down.
She swings a leg over your hip, effectively trapping you. The tears are gone, replaced with a wicked smirk.
"Nowhere to go little one," she taunts you and you gasp.
"You tricked me!" She smiles.
"Of course. How else would I break the news to you?" You frown, arching your eyebrows.
"What news?"
"Your dentist appointment's next week."
"Lena, c'mon, let's think about this!" You plead, watching in complete terror as the dentist procures a wicked looking instrument from his table.
"Sorry sweetie but this is necessary," she replies, mock sympathy dripping from her words. Closing the office door behind her which effectively mutes your screams, she plops down into a chair next to Tony.
"This is gonna be so fun!" Tony cackles wickedly as Yelena smirks.
Taglist: @username23345 @musicinourlips @gingerbreadcookieforlife @xxxtwilightaxelxxx @trikruismybitch @ima-gi--na-tion @nicole-rayleigh-hot @olsensnpm @peabrain-likes2read
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