careersoldier · 2 years
A different darkness
Was this the dream again? Or was she reliving this nightmare? Brought back to this hell scape of the void. Had she even escaped her cell? Or was she dead? Her body rotting under the weight of the castle above. Aether drained away by the beast and master that reigned here.
No. No this was a dream. A vision. It must be... it had to be.
The Void had triggered another vision. Another path that was opening. Though, like with many things dealing with the subject matter, the message was unclear. Even it was clear her mind was not.
Annable needed to deal with herself first.
The Elezen woman took a deep breath as she closed her mismatched eyes and focused. Drowning out the hum of fear and doubt, of worry and pain that was circling around her like hungry sharks. She controlled the world around her. Controlled how she moved within her gifted sight. She was the mistress here. Nothing would harm her. Nothing would suck her aether away. Nor would things torture her. Not now.
Not again.
"What is it you wish me to see?" She asked out into the empty space as she opened her eyes. Scanning the area before her. A broken stone walkway opened before her. Pillars, like great knives, jutted upward from the corners of the paths. Vines of inky blackness grew wild along the paths rails. Giving it an almosy abandoned look.
The sky was violent in nature. Aether swirled like the wind. Chased by tiny void beast looking for a meal. Portals of void energy opening and closing; clouds she had one thought of them. Soundless lightning cracked wildly around. Lighting the sky up with an eerily dark light.
The Void... in all its broken, shattered glory.
"I said, what do you want? Time and time again you have brought me here and time and time again you refuse to show your face. Are you a coward? Or do you wait for some... mystical revolution. For I grow tired of these visions of nothingness."
The surprising warm aether wind rustled around her as if answer. Moving her hair around her like a sea of wild, snowy tendrils. Shifting her gown of black silk around her body. Though barely any flesh could be seen (aside from her face, neck, and hands) it was clear the elezen was pale in color. A natural color though. A gift from her long dead ancestors who lived in snow and under stone roofs.
"Well?" -- Darkness rises, the biting sound of lightning crackling across the purple hued sky, the echoing sounds of nothingness moving through the void. The sound of a voice calling out, no…Demanding something. The shadowy figure moved through the grounds as the call out happened again, that feeling surging through him as if to yank him toward whatever it was.  The void…. The final frontier…... These are they voyages of a man who should not be here…and a woman who refuses to be here…. Their mission is to escape alive, to seek out a manner to never return. To boldly return, where most never could.
Was this real? Was he being summoned? He didn’t know these days…. He felt that draw, he felt that pull, yet still it wasn’t strong enough to summon him. He merely felt the winds of change coming…. Freedom was coming…. He felt it, from the very first day he communed with the void, where he gave up who he was, what he had done…. all of it gone. The void had tried to consume him, yet he became something more, he became something different all together. He had learned to harness the darkness around him, he had started to become one with it as it consumed him over what felt like years to him.
Lysander had made deals, deals to learn, deals to survive, everything came at a cost. When the cost was too great, he took it by the point of sword… He lost several times, yet each time he came back… Sometimes faster than others. He never could have expected this great hell, when he gave himself over, willing to do what it took so that he could protect what he held dear… His brother, his unit, men and women who would die for each other…That is what flashed through his mind, what caressed his every memory.
He felt that pull again, that yank deep in his chest as he slipped forward. “Whose there!” He cried out, his sky-colored orbs with the purple hue around them searched the area. His fingers flexed and clenched. “ANSWER ME!!!”  He spun around again searching, yet the power was gone as quickly as he felt it. He felt that familiar tug back toward the living, back toward reality. He though he had left that behind, he thought he had long forsaken that…Yet that tug, that feeling, it sent the surge of feelings back through him.
As he searched the area in the vision before the seer, she would see a towering Elezen, a man built and bred for war looking around the area. His snow-white colored hair brilliantly gleaming in the low light of the void. His face perfectly angled, perfectly shaped, this was a man who came from a proper lineage, someone whose family was meticulously selected to ensure a proper stock in his lineage.  Scars adorned the otherwise perfect skin, and a darkness loomed behind him. Upon the hip of the man sat a sword in a scabbard unlike any other with dark runes etched into the side as they glowed brightly in the transparent image of the man.
The void surrounded him, caressed him, yet still he was something different. This void knight, in the vision, it would call out to her. The surge of power evident as the world spun around the visage, would she dare seek it out? Would she dare follow the vision? Darkness abides, Darkness controls…...
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luckydiorxoxo · 14 days
2024 Ralph Lauren Fashion Show Arrivals II- NYFW
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seramilla · 5 months
Wonder what Carmilla would have named Vaggie, assuming some sort of name related to ballet like with Odette and Clara, just can't find any good V starting names from ballet
I imagine Carmilla wasn't far enough along in her pregnancy with Vaggie to even know the sex yet. I'm cheating and doing a quick Google search for other ballet-inspired names, or names of famous dancers, and some that seem feasible are:
If a girl: Anna, Aurora, Giselle, Natalia
If a boy: Marcelo, Mikhail, Lysander, Adagio (Dodge for short -- my friend's partner is named Dodge, and it's adorable)
Open to other suggestions.
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Hippolyta & Theseus
And why I love them...
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So, I have watched the 1999 version of "A Midsummer Night's Dream" probably 20 times over the years. It was one of favorite movies when I was like 15 and those movies stay with a person. Anyway my favorite couple has switched almost every decade, like clockwork. First, it was Demetrius and Helena, for the messy blush of unrequited love, something wished and hoped for and, against all odds, obtained (if somewhat unrealistically and certainly magically, but hey, that just means fairies exist, so what's so bad about that?) <3 Plus Calista Flockhart was/is absolutely hilarious in this movie (oh, spite! oh hell! 😂) and Christian Bale was one of my first crushes. Pshaw, who is this Timothée Chalamet you all speak of? I know but one (1) Theodore Laurence and his name is Christian Bale 😍 Then, it was Lysander and Hermia, for the comedy of it all and the appeal of forbidden love and the way they aggravated poor Theoden King to the point that he was going to lock fair Hermia up in a nunnery (which forever amuses me as a metaphor for death), and the angst and excitement of persevering through Puck-induced magic tricks and hot jealousy and just listen, Dominic West and Anna Friel are fantastic in this, top tier at speaking and selling all those Shakespearean lines like they're totally normal in 1800s Tuscany. Like, really good. In a way that's not just fun to watch/listen to but also has you forgetting that oh yeah, they just went for that creative choice. Let's speak Shakespeare and ride bicycles. No irony about it (well for the most part - looking at you, Kevin Kline 😂) But here I am, changing my mind again...and this time, it's Theseus and Hippolyta who are claiming my whole heart <3 <3 <3 And not just because Sophie Marceau is a forever favorite or because I've only just realized that David Strathairn might be one of the finest actors of our time (seriously, what else did I miss while I was dismissing him as "oh you know, that guy from whatever"). Watching their scenes, I'm just so into it. Mature love portrayed in such a soft and delicate way. The amount that's unspoken is off-the-charts layered gorgeousness. The tiny moments between them. The micro glances, the mutual understandings, the realization that when they're in a group scene, it's still just them <3 AND THEY DANCE AT THE END 😍 Ughhhhhhh add to the OTP list, because I'm suddenly obsessed. Give it another ten years and I'll probably be all about Titania and Nick. But that's when we'll know I've gone too far...and you all have my full permission to smack me across the face and say "ma'am, stop that" 😂😂😂
But for now, it's Theseus & Hippolyta 4Ever <3
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hannahhook7744 · 11 months
The Storm Bringer (Information and History)
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Dock of Arendelle (sometimes after d3),
Dock of Auardon (sometimes after d3),
Dock of Corona (sometimes after d3),
Dock of Neverland (sometimes after d3),
Dock of the Isle of the Lost (d1-d3).
Blackbeard (Captain)(Previously),
Hannah Hook (Captain)(Current),
René Montaudoin (Captain)(Previously).
Aaron Bog (The Treasuer),
Abi Hun (Crewmate)(Former),
Alex Aoratos-Sinclair (Helmsman),
Amira Bint Aladdin Bin Cassim Al Hamed of Agrabah (Translator)(Future),
Anna Bog (The Lawyer),
Artemis Foundling (Junior),
Atlas Foundling (Junior)(Future),
Atticus Hook (Babysitter Crewmate)(Former),
Beau Foundling (Junior),
Clarice Foundling (Junior)(Future),
Craven Bog (Junior)(Future),
Credence Foundling (Junior),
D.E Anonymous (Anonymous Helper),
Darcy Aoratos (The Medic),
Darius Foundling (Junior),
Darren Foundling (Junior)(Future),
Derrick Red (Crewmate)(Former),
Eduardo Frollo (The Cooper),
Elara Foundling (Junior),
Evelyn de la Cruz (The Prison Guard),
Fiona Foundling (The Look Out),
Francesca Delgado (The Boatswain),
Genesis Flores (The Navigator),
Greyson Hook (Crewmate)(Former),
Gunner Harp (Back up Medic),
Harley Foundling (Junior),
Haul Bjorgman (The Deckhand and Translator)(Future),
Herlando Dancer (Back up Medic),
Hope Sid (The Entertainment and h.r. Representative),
Howiee Wolf (Guard),
Ian Hook (Crewmate)(Former),
Ike Bog (Junior)(Future),
Issac Cipher (Front Desk Attendant),
Isaac Olympian (Crewmate)(Former),
Isaac of Maldonia (Crewmate)(Former),
James Rourke (The Rigger),
Joey Starlights (Crewmate)(Former),
John Facilier (The Gunner),
Jolene Bog (Junior)(Future),
Josh de la Cruz (The Sailmaker),
Joy Foxworth (The Back Up, Back up Kid Wrangler)(Future),
Kailani ‘Clever’ Athanasiou (Storm Manager),
Lance Foundling (Junior)(Future),
Levi Giant (Junior),
Liberty Titan (The Backup Carpenter),
Luke Tremaine-Westergaard (1st Mate),
Luís Barbosa (The Carpenter),
Lysander Foundling (Junior),
Marcys Foundling (Junior),
Marinette Foundling (Junior),
Misty Del Rey-Silver (The Diver),
Morgan Hook (Crewmate)(Former),
Moxie Frankenstein-Van Helsing (Guard),
Nadia Foundling (Junior),
Nevin Hook (Crewmate)(Former),
Noah Aoratos (The Cabin Boy),
Noor Foundling (Junior),
Parker McLeach (The Powder Monkey),
Peachy Gothel (3rd Mate),
Prometheus Foundling (Junior)(Future),
Remi de Vil (4th Mate),
Rian Frankenstein-Van Helsing (The Trainer), 
River Le Beak (Crewmate),
Shan Bri (The Back up Kid Wrangler),
Shania Silver (The Kid Wrangler)(Former),
Shaun Fagin (Crewmate)(Former),
Skelebar Foundling (Junior)(Future),
Skia Aoratos (2nd Mate),
T.K Sykes (Crewmate)(Former),
Terrance Foundling (Junior),
Tiger Khan (Translator),
Tim Foundling (Junior)(Future),
Toby Foundling (Junior)(Future),
Tommy Wonderful (Junior),
Treycor Fae-Aoratos (The Quartermaster),
Tyson Foundling (Junior),
Willow Hawthorne (Junior).
Captain Hook,
Ginny Gothel,
Harry Hook,
Maleficent’s Goons,
Mama Hook,
The Gothel Twins,
The Smee Twins,
"Creatures of the Night, Prepare to fight!"
The Storm Bringer is the name of a pirate ship that Hannah Hook and her crew own.
It served as headquarters for the pirate crew and can be seen throughout the series 'The Marvelous Misadventures of Hannah Hook and Co.'
The Storm Bringer is an old pirate ship that Hannah Hook won and fixed up for her crew. Repurposing it as a safe house/boat/home for her crew and replacing the sails with three homemade sails that have a matching flag up on the crowsnest, a single red flag, and two additional crimson red flags.
Its walls are covered in artwork that she and her crew made as well as random treasures they have picked up over the years. 
The wood is mainly brown with hints of red in some places and it has many rooms that the crew share (some of these ‘rooms’ are just areas with curtains hanging up to separate them. 
It is one of the few ships on the isle that is almost fully intact and the shape its in has been described as ‘remarkable’ by the few older pirates that have stepped abroad since the ship came into Hannah Hook’s possession. 
Hannah Hook acquired the Storm Bringer from it's pervious owner, Blackbeard, in a poker game that she bested him at when she was 6.
In that game, she not only gained a ship but two new enemies (Blackbeard and his son, Barnaby) and the respect of the elder pirates on the isle.
Her first three crew members were Luke Tremaine-Westergaard and Skia Aoratos (her 1st and 2nd mate respectively) and River Le Beak (who decided to just be a crewmate) who helped her build her crew and repair the ship.
They ended up renaming the ship 'The Storm Bringer' and replacing it's old sails with ones they made themselves before tossing the ones in the storage closet.
And over the years, Hannah and her crew ended up redecorating the ship to make it feel more like home. Using art pieces they each made, rewards they'd received, and random treasures they had found to do so.
They even added on to the ship, making more rooms and making it look more intimidating and wild in the process.
(Old Design):
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(New Design):
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(Storm Bringer Contract):
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(Storm Bringer Crew Tattoo):
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(Crew Tryouts Poster):
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lunarcovehq · 1 year
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Sweet dreams are made of this, who am I to disagree? I travel the world and the seven seas. Everybody's looking for something. Some of them want to use you, some of them want to get used by you...
The show must go on, or does it? As the Ren Faire was coming to a close, the Lunar Covians took to the Pendulum Playhouse for the closing ceremony and for a performance of A Midsummer's Night Dream. The play, put on by Rohan Persaud and Bri Rivas, started off wonderfully, with intentional twists woven into the story to keep those who are familiar with the original production on their toes. Briar Reed tugged at the audience's heart strings with her portrayal of Hermia, while newcomers Rangi Hira (as Helena), Jonah Rivas (as Lysander), Julian Chandler (as Demetrius) and Linden Reed (as Puck) were pleasant surprises. The lovers, like in the original, all switch partners throughout the first act. Only rather than Titania (played by Dilan Selvi) falling in love with Bottom (played by Mateo Rivera), this production flipped the original narrative on its head, having Oberon (played by Rohan Persaud) fall in love with the man instead. But, the second act was another story...
As intermission came to an end, chaos rang through the crowd just as they were returning to their seats. First, a row of people were nearly plowed over. Soda, popcorn and M&Ms flew into the air as a blur in the form of one vampire, Theodore Moore ( @theodorexmoore ) tore past them, knocking down everything in his way. The Clan Advisor, Kadir Aksoy ( @moonsongchorus ) tried to follow after him, speeding into the playhouse as he shouted out to warn the Lunar Covians that Theo had stolen the Supreme's grimoire. But, before he could fully explain what was going on, his eyelids fell closed and his body hit the floor. Theodore Moore escaped through the back of the Playhouse with the grimoire in hand as, one by one, everyone in the audience and the stage, besides the fae, began to drop as well, until even the performers were passed out. It turns out that Billie Fitz, Anna Donnelly and Rangi Hira weren't the ones responsible for the Break-Ins after all. It had been Kyle all along with Theo stepping in to finish the job. But, the true culprits of the Break-Ins hardly matter now. Not when the entire town, outside of the fae, have entered a deep slumber where they will be forced to live out their worst nightmares...
The Fae: While everyone else in town has fallen asleep, you remain awake. You are likely confused as to what has happened and can look to your Fae Queen, Beatriz Ramos for guidance. More information on this to come.
Everyone Else: You now find yourselves in a dreamscape. You don't currently have any recollection of how you got here (that part will come later) and you are unaware that you are dreaming. For you, these nightmares feel very real.
This part of the event is mandatory. We ask that you please participate in your pairing thread. Though you are more than welcome to continue any event threads from before this plot drop as well. Also, big plots should be discussed with the admins before playing them out, so if you have any big plots you want to do, please let us know.
You can choose to write your paired threads out on the dash or if you'd prefer to write it over discord (given the size of the pairings), you can let your admin team know and we can create a temporary discord channel in our discord server for your nightmare. We've also created OOC channels for every nightmare pairing so that you can chat and plot out your threads, like whether you'd like them to happen on the dash or on discord.
Also, please feel free to ask us any questions you may have. The dreamscapes do make this plot drop fairly complicated, so we'd be more than happy to explain in further detail over discord/through the main.
The tag for the event is lunarcoveevent7. Everything from pictures, outfits & threads etc. should be under this tag. Starters should have both the starter and event tag. 
We are giving you all until Saturday 8/5 (our discord IC event) to start these nightmare threads. We ask that you please make these threads a priority, but if you haven't finished your thread by then, don't worry. You can still continue to write your threads after the next plot drop.
Also, please note: The only way out of the dreams is to overcome your fear/nightmare. Once you've faced your fear and it no longer scares you, you will wake up. Please notify your admins once your character has escaped your dream and we will provide you with further information as to how you can help those still trapped inside.
Last, but not least, we hope you have fun!
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harrytheexplorer · 2 years
New York's Most Stylish Street Clothes
For shopping, brands, or styles you're after, New York is a haven for fashion lovers. And no velvet rope or influential status is required - just an understanding of where to to for the latest fashions. The NYFW Street Style fashion show was no exception to the general rule. Showgoers gave their own spin to the latest fashions. Check out the top outfits of this year's shows and presentations. Eva Chen Eva Chen, Instagram's first head of fashion partnerships, is a smart and experienced person. Prior to joining Instagram, Eva Chen was the editor-in-chief of Lucky magazine and the director of beauty and health at Teen Vogue. The Chinese American editor has a sharp sense of style as well as optimism. She is also the author of books for children. She is adamantly rooted in her hometown of Manhattan, despite studying pre-med at Johns Hopkins University. She says that she grew up in a place that values friendship and family bonds. In her time as editor at Lucky, Chen oversaw the magazine's transformation into a young and contemporary brand. She also launched the online store, Lucky Shops. In April of 2013, she was appointed editor-in-chief by Conde Nast's Anna Wintour. She was the youngest editor in chief in the history of the magazine. Katya Tolstova New York is the fashion capital of the world and the streetwear industry is one that is always in high demand. This week, our editors rounded the most fashionable streetwear moments from New york's most thrilling fashion shows. This gorgeous monochromatic neon pink set from Katya Tolstova captivated us. It was worn with no accessories, including an appropriate trench coat as well as the small lavender bag. The same style can be achieved with only a handful of pieces in your closet. An outfit of wide-leg, cropped pants and a shirt that has a striped pattern can be equally effective. This is a stylish look you can wear over and over and. The secret to making it work is to choose the right colors and textures, and to add a funky twist with a few strategically placed accessories. Sarah Lysanders British model Sarah Lysander is a rising popular fashion model. She has over 200k followers on her Instagram account and is well popular for her swimwear brand, Lysander Swim, and her styled editorial shoots. She is also a content creator and also a business owner. She is a partner with luxury powerhouses like Bulgari, Dior, and Prada. She has a large following for her Instagram page, which she manages herself. Her Instagram page has the most impressive feature: she makes use of the modern technology like AR to create engaging images that you can interact. With her "Fun With" tagline she hopes to bring some happiness into the lives and days of her followers. Chloe King Chloe King is a typical teenage girl, except that she is gifted with extra powers and the gift of nine lives. She is part of the Mai race and, as the "Uniter," she must fight for the Mai and human races to stop a prophecy that will cause them to be destroyed. Samuels does an amazing job of balancing a sense of confusion and excitement when Chloe discovers that she is part of a long-lost mythology. Although Amy (Grace Phipps) and Paul (Hi Kong Lee) are somewhat overbearing They are nevertheless believable as her most trusted friends. While the show can take a bit to start, it picks up quickly once it's in motion. While the story isn't speedy and the love stories isn't as exciting yet, it's written well enough to keep the viewers interested. Kathy Lee
Kathie Lee Gifford has been a household name for years. For 15 years she hosted WABC-TV's Morning Show. She also hosted the fourth hour on "Today" together with Hoda Kotb for eleven years. She's a four-time Emmy Award-winning TV personality who is a New York Times bestselling author. She's been recognized by the Broadcast & Cable Hall of Fame and is an honorary star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Source: YouTube
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hitchell-mope · 1 year
Hypothetical titles for season sixteen of 88
The academy. Season premiere. Part one. Findlay’s out for Lucia’s blood when she finds out that Barnaby has been accepted into The Cabal Academy in California. First appearance of Winslow Fegley as Barnaby Sullivan and Walker Scobell as Jonah Sullivan.
Orientation. Season premiere. Part two. Sidney accompanies Barnaby to the Academy’s parent and child orientation weekend. With this episode Barnaby Sullivan is downgraded to a recurring role
Three branches. Birch’s team, ACS&Associates and Solaris’s squad band together when the precinct burns down overnight.
Empty nest syndrome. Jonah, feeling suffocated by a very clingy Findlay, sneaks away to Drummond’s apartment in Greenwich to get some time for himself.
Kicking her ass into gear. Drummond admits Findlay back into Melinda’s office to combat her empty nest syndrome. Guest starring Alfre Woodward as Dr Melinda Crenshaw.
Family law. With the precinct rebuilt. The team help Maybelle on a missing persons case involving her ex husband. Final appearance of Paul Rudd as Conrad Rhys. Guest starring Laverne Cox as Maybelle Archer an Liv Hewson as Conrad and Maybelle’s child Mattie Rhys
Mixed doubles. Drummond’s satyr instincts cause trouble when Odessa signs them up for a charity tennis tournament with Lysander and Tina.
Interstate PTA. Still trying to deal with her empty nest syndrome, Findlay makes the mistake of applying for the Cabal Academy’s Parent-Teacher Association. This leads into a crossover that continues into the Cabalibu episode Parents Weekend.
Au naturel. The team takes a case involving a ritualistic murder at a male oriented nudist colony located just outside Long Island Sound. Guest starring Henry Cavill as Christopher Laurent the centaur leader of the Laurie Colly.
The celestial funeral. The Christensen family gathers together to say a last goodbye and renewed hello to Adam and Eve. First full appearance of Matt Lanter and Adrienne Palicki as Adam and Eve Christensen.
Contrition. Findlay has to deal with a seemingly new and improved Eve begging her for forgiveness for the hurt she caused the Five Families
A steely grey Christmas. Midseason finale. Part one. Barnaby has decided to stay at the Academy for Christmas which, naturally, does not go over well with Findlay.
A steely grey Christmas. Midseason premiere. Part two. Odessa, Cain and Derek play a Christmas Carol on Findlay’s dreams to get her out of her holiday funk. Guest starring Lucas Till as Cain Christensen and Daniel Radcliffe as Derek Christensen.
To forgive, benign. Birch’s team works to reunite the werewolf cub with his pack before his pack finds them. This is a crossover episode continuing on from the Cabalibu episode To Were(wolf) Is Human
Running mate. Part one. President DuPont asks Findlay a favour that she feels morally required to turn down. Guest starring Amy Acker, Liz Hurley, Meryl Streep and Anna Sophia Robb as the DuPont family.
Presidents of politics past. Part two . As a compromise. Findlay holds a seance for the DuPont family to help the president decide wether she should run for reelection or not. Guest starring Melissa McCarthy and Kathryn Hahn as Amelia and Marguerite DuPont
The devil wears Manolo’s. Lucia takes over Jonah’s tutelage for the day while Andy is otherwise unavailable causing Findlay no end of stress.
Dry. A run of the mill investigation into a daylight axe murder becomes delicate when the suspect makes their escape through a mosque at the height of wedding season.
A little party never killed nobody. Arlene gets confronted by an old friend at her Fifth Avenue set birthday party. Guest starring Anna Kendrick as Sandra Kilmer
How the other half lives. Arlene tries to prove to Sandra that she hasn’t changed her principles. But it looks like Sandra has an ulterior motive for her visit
Tried, tested and true. Findlays professionalism is put at war with her fangirl inclinations when Emerson Davenport is held hostage along with a focus group. Guest starring Chris Pratt as Emerson Davenport.
My three dads. Odessa gets an welcome surprise when her extremely estranged biological father turns up at the Spratt house. Guest starring Stephen Amell as Matthias Wayne
Solo mission. Season finale. Part one. Drummond takes revenge on Myrna Bale when his biological grandparents are killed in an engineered car crash.
Unlikely allies. Season finale. Part two. Drummond gains some surprising help as his war against Bale reach’s its apex. Guest starring Adrienne Palicki as Eve Christensen. Final appearance of Kristen Chenoweth as Myrna Bale. With this episode Barnaby Sullivan is upgraded back to a series regular
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scoobybuddie · 9 months
December 2023 Book Ratings
Not So Silent Night by Charlie Cochet (Kindle Unlimited Version) - 5 out of 5 star rating
Rite Of Passage by Tim Rangnow (Kindle Version) - 3 out of 5 star rating
Sleigh It Ain't So by Charlie Cochet (Kindle Unlimited Version) - 4 out of 5 star rating
Ted's Temerity by Anna Sparrows (Kindle Unlimited Version) - 3 out of 5 star rating
Josh's Jackpot by Anna Sparrows (Kindle Unlimited Version) - 3 out of 5 star rating
My Professor Sweetheart by R.S. McKenzie (Kindle Unlimited Version) - 3 out of 5 star rating
Sweetheart Daddy by Morgan Lysand (Kindle Unlimited Version) - 3 out of 5 star rating
Home For The Howlidays by Charlie Cochet (Kindle Unlimited Version) - 4 out of 5 star rating
The Reversal by Michael Connelly (Hardback Version) - 5 out of 5 star rating
Shoot To Kill by T.S. Ankney (Kindle Version) - 3 out of 5 star rating
Peacemaker by Morgan Brice (Kindle Version) - 4 out of 5 star rating
Bailey by A.W. Scott (Kindle Unlimited Version) - 3 out of 5 star rating
Rebel Without A Claus by Charlie Cochet (Kindle Unlimited Version) - 5 out of 5 star rating
It's A Tenta-ful Life by Amanda Meuwissen (Kindle Unlimited Version) - 3 out of 5 star rating
Ryder by Jacki James (Kindle Version) - 3 out of 5 star rating
Love For The Reaper by Charlie Cochet (Kindle Unlimited Version) - 3 out of 5 star rating
Guarding Gideon by Brittany Cournoyer (Kindle Unlimited Version) - 4 out of 5 star rating
Scooby-Doo and the Cyber Chase by Jesse Leon McCann & Mark Turosz (Paperback Version) - 5 out of 5 star rating
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arthurianshadows · 4 years
@meinliied​ liked for an anna starter ( for lysander )
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“ the crown is a privelege, it is only natural one cannot be completely themselves during their days as an heir. ” even anna had expertly hidden her less desirable tendencies or hobbies in an effort to be everything she needed to be whilst her father sat on the throne. and not only for him, but for the people who wanted to be reassured the country would be in good hands once the king passed. of course her ascension to camelot’s throne had never happened, her brother’s return ended her right to the throne as he was oldest and wielded excalibur. “ sacrifices must be made, whether we agree to them or not. we are responsible for kingdoms, for an entire population, and cannot put our needs before theirs. ”
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ecjb · 5 years
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“You know, for how often we sleep together, it’s a shame you haven’t even bought me dinner yet.”
He looks a little flustered, “my apologies. If there’s time tonight after you return, I’ll be sure to.”
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kramlabs · 4 years
A Toast to Lysander Spooner
James Corbett on Spooner
This book changed my whole philosophical outlook
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thebirdandhersong · 3 years
The Year So Far Book Ask
Tagged by @madamescarlette <3 thank you, darling!! (I DO SO LOVE TO TALK ABOUT BOOKS!!!!)
1. Best book you have read in 2021 so far?
HOW can I answer that!!!! Here is a top 10 because I cannot narrow it down!!
Middlemarch: read it twice this year (liked it the first time, LOVED it the second time)
David Copperfield: my new favourite Dickens. There is a lot of joy and compassion at the heart of this book, and I Loved it very much.
The Mill on the Floss: can’t explain the feeling I got from reading this book (tbh if you know, you know!! It warms your heart but it also makes you want to stand in the rain and cry)
The Queen of Attolia: a roller coaster. Very overwhelming. Was incredibly Shocked many times. (Also, who’d have thought?? Gen??? In LOVE??? Fantastic in concept and in execution)
The Adventures of Sally: a new favourite Wodehouse. You will laugh so hard tears will spring to your eyes.
Night Watch: this one stuck a knife in me and twisted..... but in a good way.
Anne of the Island: much-needed comfort read!!!
Leave it to Psmith: another new favourite Wodehouse. Modern rom-coms wish they could do rom-com like Psmith, Eve, and the umbrella that was Definitely Not His.
The Penderwicks at Point Mouette: A DELIGHT (speechless!!)
The Penderwicks on Gardam Street: ALSO A DELIGHT (still speechless!!)
2. Best sequel you have read in 2021 so far?
Ohohoho. All the Discworld sequels. (Especially A Hat Full of Sky, Night Watch, Thud!, I Shall Wear Midnight.)
Also, The Queen of Attolia. That book decimated me. Admittedly no one’s emotions are very stable at two in the morning, but I was an absolute Wreck that night (morning?).
3. A new release you want to check out?
I am behind on the times so my idea of ‘new’ is rather skewed.... I still really want to read Spin the Dawn, The Goblin Emperor, and Spinning Silver. And am making my way through Queen’s Thief.
4. Most anticipated book release of the second half of the year?
I... don’t follow new releases that much, to be honest. I am currently looking through the lists and don’t see anything I recognise s;lfdjsdlk;
5. Biggest disappointment?
The Hunchback of Notre Dame. I knew how it was going end, but i was still mad. (These days I like books with a hefty amount of Hope and that one.... definitely did not have that.) I also read Tess of the d’Urbervilles for the first time and remember being just... really frustrated with all the characters and about the lack of Hope in that one, too. I was also hoping to love I Capture the Castle and was a bit grumpy about the second half of the book!!
6. Biggest surprise?
The books I read because my friends loved them!! Such as The Blue Castle (Eden), The Man Born to be King (Magpie), Gourmet Hound (Eden), Queen’s Thief (Fran), Blandings Castle/Psmith (Rebekah), Discworld (I think I started reading it for the first time because of Fran as well)...... I also reread a bunch of old favourites (Lord of the Rings and a few Jane Austens) and they were even better than I remembered!! Which was just wonderful!! (though not very surprising, I guess!!)
7. Favourite new author (either new to you or debut)?
MEGAN WHALEN TURNER. I also have a new appreciation for P.G. Wodehouse (after crashing through all of his Jeeves books and most of the Blandings Castle audiobooks) and Terry Pratchett (after bulldozing through a good number of Discworld books, most of them two or three times) and Georgette Heyer (read my first few Heyers this year and had SUCH a blast).
8. Favourite new fictional crush?
In general: Ik-jun from Hospital Playlist (He’s not from a book sksfjkl ;sdfj k I wanted to mention him because I just love him a Lot)
In terms of books: Sam Vimes (sdlkfjs;kls) and Henry Tilney (I loved him before, but this year cemented him as one of the top, if not The Favourite Austen hero in my heart). I don’t know if Gen counts, because I feel very friendly towards him, and alternate between wanting to make soup for him and wanting to bonk him on the head with a cardboard tube.
Mal (from S&B) had some Really Good lines, too. Especially in the last chapter of Ruin and Rising.
9. Newest favourite character?
A whole PLATOON of them. Sasha and Lysander from @magpie-trove​‘s story, Beatrice and Romeo from @imissthembutitwasntadisaster​‘s story, Emilia and Lily from @itspileofgoodthings​‘s stories, Tiffany Aching, Granny Weatherwax, Helen and Irene and Costis from Queen’s Thief, Dorothea and Maggie from George Eliot’s books, Sally from The Adventures of Sally....
10. A book that made you cry?
Literally cried so many times this year over all sorts of stories. But a few off the top of my head:
The Penderwicks (all of them): cried from sheer joy!!!
Seven for a Secret: there are so many lines in the most recent chapters alone that brought tears to my eyes.
The Keys of Fire: which is The definitive Fairy Tail fanfic for me. I just love this story so much. And i was surprised all over again by the forgiveness and the love and the grace and the healing in this story this time around!!
The Queen of Attolia/The King of Attolia: cried out of surprise and joy at nearly all the Gen/Irene scenes (not the beginning ones sl;fksdsdlfk jd but my heart did a great leap when Gen remembers seeing Irene dance)
Ruin and Rising: cried at the ending. Also because I was so happy. (There is no such thing as an ordinary love!!!)
Crooked Kingdom: cried at what Kaz did for Inej (couldn’t help it. That moment was beautiful)
(It has been quite an emotional year. The waterworks are triggered by the smallest things. But I’m happy to say that I’ve cried out of happiness mostly in the book department.)
11. A book that made you happy?
(Nearly all of them tbh!!! I have so many new favourite books from this year’s reading list alone!!!)
The Penderwicks series. Was in bliss for the whole week. I was also incredibly happy listening to the Discworld audiobooks, and reading new installments of Emilia and Seven for a Secret and The Stars Hold No Part In This!!! All the Wodehouse and Heyer books I read were delightful.... David Copperfield was so full of joy and grace and it made me want to prance in a field. All of the Anne books I reread were comfort reads. And of course The Keys of Fire, which kept me smiling for hours: I feel like a kid being handed an ice cream cone with three scoops and a cherry on top whenever I read it. Incredibly happy.
12. Most beautiful book you have bought or received this year?
The second-hand Vintage Classics Jane Austens!! :’) especially Northanger Abbey, which was in Excellent condition. Very floppy (unlike the longer Austens..... alas for Mansfield Park, which is harder to flip through) and fits comfortably in my hands.
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And the Tundra Classics edition of Anne of the Island. (I liked the way the paper felt and the text was a really nice font and size!)
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13. What book do you need to read by the end of the year?
OOH TONS. I’m still reading Anna Karenina (stopped because I thought: I need a happy story right now). Would love to keep reading Queen’s Thief (I’m taking it slow because they’re books that should be savoured), make some headway in Dorothy Sayers’s Lord Peter Wimsey books, read more Georgette Heyer, start on The Goblin Emperor and a Bunch of books I've been meaning to read for a while (The Eagle of the Ninth, Piranesi, Phantom of the Opera, Surprised by Joy, Crime and Punishment, War and Peace are the main ones. This is an ambitious list but I’d like to read at least two of them before the year is out sl;kffdksl;dfjslk;)
tagging: @imissthembutitwasntadisaster​ @soldier-poet-king​ @septembersung​ @lady-merian​ @called-kept​ if you would like to!! And YOU, if you think it looks fun and want to give it a try!! :D
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tamorasky · 4 years
Rise to Me Chapter 12 - August 1943
Summary: 1947. It had been nearly four years since she had received a letter from her sister. Now with the end of the war and her impending wedding, Anna Rendelle is more determined than ever to find her sister.
1943. All her life Elsa Rendelle had been told to be good, know her place and to marry well. When an opportunity arises to make something of herself, finding herself in Occupied France as a part of a larger network of secret agents.
Rating: Mature
Relationships: Anna/Kristoff, Elsa/Honeymaren, Anna/Hans (Briefly)
She feels sick to her stomach as she and Yelana walk down the hall of the barracks, neither of them speak as they push through the door. Outside, a black car sits outside of the building. Elsa follows Yelana towards the vehicle. Both of the women climb into the back of the car.
“Remember the curfew in Arras has been changed to nine-thirty.” The older woman reiterates as they drive through the dark military base.
Elsa nods in response, tucking her hands into the pockets of a coat that isn’t hers; pulling out a cinema stub and a bus ticket from Givenchy to Arras, both printed in French. Things created to make her character more authentic; more so than Elsa has been in her entire life.
“This is for you.” Yelana passes Elsa a small leather purse. The younger woman takes it, glancing into the bag. It contains a compact, lipstick and wallet. These were all seeming toiletries but were in fact essential tools for her in the field; things she saw at her training at Rhubana lodge.
They pass an RAF guard holding a lantern and stop on the edge of the aerodrome. Elsa emerges from the car and walks towards the driver, who was unloading bags from the back of the vehicle. She grabs the case which contains her radio, but Yelana reaches forward to stop her.
“A-am I not supposed to?”
“The radio is too heavy for the Lysander. It will be dropped separately.”
“Oh…” Elsa stares at the suitcase, somewhat dismayed that she was departing with the radio that had been by her side over the past months. With much hesitancy she lets of the radio, glancing to the tarmac at the tiny Lysander. Her heart pounds in her chest at the thought that her wireless was too heavy to be transported on the plane but could carry her.
“It will be delivered to you,” Yelana explains. “Don’t worry. They’re very good.”
Though the older woman’s words were meant to reassure her, they don’t. Elsa doesn’t even know who these people are, how is she expected to trust them or believe Yelana’s words.
They stand on the edge of the airfield, the damp air chilling Elsa to the bone. Yelana turns to the young woman, grabbing her cuffs to ensure they are folded just so. As usual, the grey-haired woman is emotionless, but Elsa notices the way her hands tremble.
That is when her chest grows cold. Seeing Yelana’s fear sparks Elsa’s own. Yelana stares at her, giving her a nod before leading her towards the plane. The words Batting Order chalked on the side of the plane, followed by names she didn’t know.
“What are those?” She asks.
“It’s the priority of persons to be rescued if they are at the landing site. The plane only fits three people and can’t wait for more than a minute for passengers.” Yelana explains. Elsa nods, wondering why she is going overseas willingly while there are countless others trying to escape the continent. She wonders if she’ll ever be on a plane home to Anna. She hopes she will be.
“Your money.” Yelana hands her a neat stack of francs, wrapped in a rubber band. “Half your pay comes in cash when you’re in the field to use for things you need. The rest will be paid to you in pounds upon your return home. And this is for you.”
Much to Elsa’s surprise, Yelana hands her a necklace with a small silver snowflake charm. It is not a gift. Yelana unscrews the pendant next to the charm to reveal a small cyanide capsule.
“The final friend.” The older woman states. “Germans know the smell and will try to make you spit it out. So you’ll need to chew it quickly.”
Elsa takes it from Yelana with a nod. “Thank you.”
“You can thank me by getting the job done.” Yelana takes Elsa’s hand, squeezing it for slightly too long. She then turns and stalks across the field towards the waiting car without another word.
With shaking hands Elsa approaches the plane. She has never flown before and the small plane in front of her brought no comfort, it is intimidating.
A man sits in the cockpit, waving for her to come aboard rather impatiently. She wastes no time in entering the plane, settling herself in a narrow seat behind the pilot. Within moments the crew close the doors, sealing Elsa’s fate.
She had expected her pilot to be a military pilot, but his red hair is longer than military standard just barely touching the sherpa of his leather bomber jacket. Elsa can’t believe that the stubbled man in front of her is flying her to France. Hoping to god he is experienced enough to land her safely in France.
“There has been a change of plans.” He announces, revealing himself to be Irish.
“Oh?” Elsa inquires, trying to retain her composure as her stomach flips violently.
The pilot nods curtly. “You’ll be landing blind.”
She watches as the man turn back towards the control, pressing buttons and gauges she doesn’t recognize. Looking up from her lap, Elsa sees the propeller on the plane’s nose turn through the windshield.
The plane rolls forward, jostling her as it rolls along the uneven earth. The sound of the propeller and engine resounding loudly in her ears as they increase pace. Elsa takes deeps breaths, trying not to panic and convince herself that this is the right decision for her. There is no backing down from this. Landing blind. No one is coming for her when she lands, it is up to her to find her point when arriving in France.
She cries out as the ground slips out from underneath her. It is strange to the young woman, her hand pressed against the cold metal side of the plane. Taking a deep breath, she looks out of the small window; hoping to catch the sight of Yelana and the car, but they had already left.
Her eyes squeeze shut as the plane shoots up at a steep angle. Her stomach-dropping, she leans forward, her forearms resting on her knees, her head dropping between her legs. She felt as if she might be sick. Taking shallow breaths as they had been instructed to fight off nausea as they had been instructed. She cannot throw up in the plane.
The wave subsides, allowing Elsa to slowly raise herself from between her legs. Deciding to look out of the window as the pilot had stopped talking to her; not that they could hear one another over the engine.
She can’t see any houses below, even though she knew there were. The mandatory blackouts had managed to turn the entire countryside dark. Elsa stares at the countryside, her heart aching at the thought of her sister. Wishing that she could see London and at least imagine Anna walking down the street in that damn reefer coat.
Her hand clutches the jacket as the plane drops and turns sharply to the left. She places her free hand on the seat to avoid being sent forward by the jolt trying not to panic at the turbulence.
“Is something wrong?” She calls loudly to be heard over the deafening roar of the engine. The pilot shakes his head, glancing over his shoulder briefly to the woman.
“No, everything it fine. You just feel everything flying in this thing. God knows the Lysander isn’t the best, I mean the Germans could take this thing down with a rock.” He comments, spiking Elsa’s anxiety. “But I can put her down in any condition and quickly.”
He eases on the throttle as they reach the French coast, lowering the plane into a thick fog to encircle the plane. The pilot glances out of the window, trying to get a better view of the ground below.
“We may have to turn back.” He announces.
“We can’t wait till it clears?” Elsa inquires. Knowing that if they turned back, she wouldn’t get back into this plane.
He shakes his head. “Unfortunately, no. We need to be back in ally airspace by daylight. We won’t be able to fly fast or high enough to escape enemy fire.”
Elsa’s arm hairs stand on end as fear slowly creeps under her skin as it occurs to her, she could die even before landing in France. “A-are we turning back?”
“I think I can manage it. Seems like we’re close enough to the right spot. I’m going to make a go at it.” He states, his deep voice confident.
“That doesn’t exactly inspire confidence.” She laughs nervously.
He turns to her with a smirk, shaking his head. “You’re going to want to hold on tight. This is going to be rough.”
The plane drops without much notice, causing Elsa to grip the seat once again as the plane shoots in a downward spiral. Her heart pounds in her ears, trying to convince herself that they are not crashing, just that the pilot might be a maniac. She closes her eyes, taking shallows breaths again as her nausea returns.
The hard jolt vibrates through Elsa’s body as the plane hits the ground, she hadn’t braced as she trained for although it only caused an initial shot of pain in her lower back. The plane glides along the ground, both the pilot and Elsa feeling every bump outside of the plane.
The plane jerks to a stop with the brakes squeaking loudly, Elsa wonders if someone could have heard them. The pilot stands, opening the door to glance outside of the plane. “As I thought, no one for return.”
“Is that a bad thing?” Elsa inquires, grabbing her purse, which had fallen on the ground from their journey.  
“It could mean a lot of things. But yeah, they might have been captured.” The pilot sighs. “Alright, head east for the train station. You need to keep low and move quickly through the trees. There should be a blue bicycle behind the station. There should be further instructions upon your arrival.”
“S-should?” Elsa stutters, her blood running cold. “A-and if there isn’t?”
“It’s Sylvestre’s circuit. Everything will be in order.” The man reassures her.
Elsa nods as the pilot watches her, waiting for her to leave the plane. He clears his throat, his gaze darting at the door and back to the young woman. With her heart pounding, Elsa has no other option. She has to leave the plane.
He watches the young woman as she stands shakily, offering her a sympathetic smile. “I’d come with you if I could. But I can’t leave the Lysander.”
“Oh, of course. No, I understand. Thank you for everything.” Elsa nods as she climbs out of the plane.
“Good luck.” He states. “I’m sorry, I didn’t catch your name.”
Elsa narrows her eyes at him, wondering if this was a test. “Marguerite.”
“I’m Will.” The pilot smiles at her with a nod. “But you best be off.”
“Of course.” She turns from the plane, feeling his gaze on her as she stalks away from the landing site. While inching closer to the treeline, Elsa glances over her shoulder to see the door to the Lysander closed. The engine revs and the plane begins to roll forward, picking up speed.
Elsa turns away before it takes off from the ground. She is totally alone now, stepping into the unknown. She walks across the field in complete darkness, searching for the cover of the trees.
The smell of lavender envelops her scent as if she stepped back into her childhood; of summers spent in Île de Ré. Running through fields on the coast at her grand-mère’s cottage on the isle. Elsa used to sit in the field of lavender outside of the house, while Anna ran around her in circles calling out for her; the very reason why she and Anna were often sent outside by their mother and grand-mère.
She finds the tree cover, standing among the dogwoods and pine trees, trying to recall what way Will had pointed when he directed her to go east. Reaching for her purse, Elsa slips her hand into the bag to find the makeup compact equipped with a compass. She squints trying to read the compass by the light of the moon.
Orienting herself east, Elsa meanders through the trees. She trips on a rock, landing on the forest floor hard. The wind becomes knocked out of her as she falls, a pain throbbing through her ankle. Sitting up, she thinks back to her first morning at Rhubana lodge, wishing now more than ever that Honeymaren would be by her side. With a huff Elsa stands from the dirt, wincing with her first step but the pain subsiding as she continues.
“Arrêt!” A voice orders. Elsa freezes, her heart hammering in her chest. She couldn’t believe it she had already been caught. On her first night, not even an hour into her mission. There is no way of telling if it is the Germans or French police; either way, she had failed.
Her hand flies to the necklace, her fingers brushing over the snowflake and her mother’s locket as she wonders if she should take the cyanide now. She never thought she would need it so soon.
She turns to see a tall, imposing man standing behind her in the dark. Her breath stops as his gun is levelled at her.
“Jesus Christ, you’re a fool.” The man growls in English. “You never listen to them, you either run or fight. But never obey!”
“I…uh…” She stammers. But without another word he grabs her by the elbow, leading her roughly through the wood. Instinctively she pulls away from the stranger, unable to stand his touch.
Her feet drag against the cold tile of the building, four hands holding her up as they dragged her back to her shared room, having no strength to stand on her own. Her head lulled up at the bright lights of the building as screams echoed through the hall. This had been all her fault.
“Come on!” He takes her arm again with a growl as if trying to lead a stubborn mule. “Unless you want to be found by the Milice!”
She hesitates, having no information about anyone she is to meet in this whole racket. According to the pilot, no one is meeting her at all. The young woman wonders as she is dragged through the forest if this man is actually one of them.
With no choice, Elsa follows after him as he urges her on. They walk through the forest, remaining completely silent as the moon shines down on them.
It could all be a trap, a member of the Milice dragging her through this forest to her death. Or worse to be tortured into giving information. She isn’t even sure if she had any information to give up to the Germans at this point. Her radio hadn’t come with her so there was no ability to use the wireless to contact the SOE, nor did she know anyone within the circuit.
They reach a clearing, with what must be farmland. The silhouette of the farmhouse noticeable in the distance. On the edge of the land stands a small windowless shed.
“You are to stay here tonight.” The stranger states, pulling her towards the structure.
“What? No.” Elsa objects, shaking her head. “I’m supposed to be at a train station and find a bike for my circuit.”
“Be quiet!” He snaps harshly, causing the blonde to shrink into herself. “You should never mention anything about a circuit! Never mention any names to anyone.”
“What about my wireless?” Elsa questions, insisting on answers. She isn’t used to this; she is used to Yelana standing by her side answering the questions.
“Follow orders and stay here.” He opens the shed, struggling with the lock. “Someone will be here to collect you in the morning.”
He opens the door, letting her into the structure. There is no light and the air musky, warm air. She steps inside as though having no choice, the smell of manure overtaking her senses with no bed or toilet.
Without any warning, the door to the shed closes loudly, the sound of a key turning in the lock echoing through the small shed. Elsa rushes towards the door, her hand clasps on the handle and attempts to turn only for it not to turn. She couldn’t believe there were locking her in, she can’t even believe what is happening.
Footsteps outside of the shed disappear with a loud huff, leaving Elsa in silence. She turns from the door at the sound of something scurrying across the ground. Either a mouse or a rat. Elsa didn’t care to know at this point; her bones aching and her skin crawling.
She sinks to the ground, wrapping her arms around her knees as tries to calm herself in the dark. Her back resting against the wooden frame as her head hits against it with an audible thud.
Listening to the mouse or the rat scuttling, Elsa smiles thinking back to training. In which she had nearly destroyed the decoy set upon the woman by the instructor.
They had been standing around in the lodge, listening to the instructor about various explosives. The next thing she knew, several women were screaming and scampering away from the animal in the middle of the floor.  
Elsa didn’t hesitate as she stepped towards the rat, ready to kill it in a second.  But stopped as she noticed something different with this one. She leaned over picking it up to see it was an obvious fake.
She held it up to the professor with a questioning gaze. The professor smiled at her, taking the rat from her hand.
“This!” He held it up to show the class. “Is a decoy
The girls gathered around their teacher, inspecting the decoy with interest as he further explained “The Germans will think it’s a dead rat until they get close.”
He walked away from the girls to the opposite field without another word, before rejoining them as he instructed them to step back. He pressed a button on a detonator held in his hand and without any other warning the rat exploded. Causing a series of gasps to erupt among the women.
Elsa smiles at the memory. She and Honeymaren had sat on one of their beds that night, laughing at how most women scattered at the sight and how Elsa had been ready to destroy it without a second thought.
She wishes Maren would be with her now, there would be an arm draped over her shoulder and whispers of reassurance throughout the shed. At least with Honeymaren by her side, Elsa would have some confidence that she hadn’t fucked this entire mission up on her first night.
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hannahhook7744 · 11 months
Family Relationships in the Stormbringer Crew;
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Note: This will affect the future of my Hannah Hook fics because I made some edits to the characters.
Also this does not include the younger kids' relationship with the older ones because they obviously see each other as siblings—except when it comes to Hannah and Haul who most of the younger kids see as parents.
Hope this guide is helpful.
Kailani 'Clever' Athanasiou and Jonathan 'John' Facilier= Full siblings via Ursula and Dr. Facilier.
Francesca Delgado, Jośe 'Josh' de la Cruz, and Evelyn de la Cruz= Half-siblings via their shared mother, Morgana la Fay.
Eduardo Frollo and Luís Barbossa= Half-siblings via their shared mother.
Darcy Aoratos, Treycor Fae Aoratos, Noah Aoratos, Skia Aoratos, and Alexander ‘Alex’ Aoratos-Sinclair= Everyone but Noah and Skia are half-siblings via Hades (Noah and Skia are full siblings).
Parker McLeach, Isaac of Maldonia, and James Rourke= Half-siblings via Lady Waltham.
Moxford ‘Moxie’ Frankenstein-Van Helsing and Rian Frankenstein-Van Helsing= Full siblings.
Atticus Hook, Ian Hook, Hannah Hook, Greyson Hook, Nevin Hook, and Morgan Hook= Atticus, Ian, Greyson, Nevin, and Morgan Hook (siblings). They are Hannah's cousins.
Anastasia ‘Anna’ Bog, Aaron Bog, Ike Bog, Jolene Bog, and Craven Bog= Anna and Aaron are full siblings, Craven and Jolene are full siblings, and Ike is everyone's half sibling via Chernabog.
Noor and Nadia Foundling= full blooded siblings via the
Suspected Relations:
Lysander Foundling, D.E Anonymous, and Marcus Foundling= Thought to be half-siblings via their human half.
Skelebar Foundling and Chernabog's children= Thought to be half-siblings via Chernabog.
Romantic Relationships:
Hannah Hook and Haul Bjorgman= Husband and Wife (eventually).
Lucas ‘Luke’  Tremaine-Westergaard and Darcy Aoratos= Husband and Wife (eventually).
Anastasia ‘Anna’ Bog and Howard ‘Howiee’ Wolf= Husband and Wife (eventually).
Herlando Dancer and Liberty Titan= Husband and Wife (eventually).
Aaron Bog and Gunner Harp= Husband and Husband (eventually).
Moxford ‘Moxie’ Frankenstein-Van Helsing and Hope Sid= Husband and Wife (eventually).
Shan Bri and Treycor Aoratos= Husband and Wife (eventually).
Rian Frankenstein-Van Helsing and Michelle 'Misty' Del Rey-Silver= Husband and Wife (eventually).
Fiona Foundling and Noah Aoratos= Husband and Wife (eventually).
Phoebe 'Peachy' Gothel and Hannah Hook= Bio Aunt and Niece.
Hades' kids, John Facilier, Clever Olympian, and Remington 'Remi' de Vil= Distant Relatives via godly relations.
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adamwatchesmovies · 3 years
A Midsummer Night’s Dream (1999)
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Whenever a play is successfully adapted to film, it's hard to tell who is responsible. It isn't like much content has been removed or altered for 1999's A Midsummer Night's Dream. Is it just the subject matter working its magic? Partially for sure but consider whether this retelling captures the original prose and structure. How does the movie look? Does it have re-watch value? Are the actors good in their roles?
Hermia (Anna Friel) is in love with Lysander (Dominic West). They want to marry but her father Egeus (Bernard Bill) wants to pair her with Demetrius (Christian Bale). Meanwhile, Helena (Calista Flockhart) is desperately in love with Demetrius but they broke up and he has no interest in trying again; he's after Hermia. She and Lysander decide to make a run for it, pursued by Demetrius, and Helena (who hopes to win him back in the process). Meanwhile, the king of the fairies, Lord Oberon (Rupert Everett), and his queen Titania (Michelle Pfeiffer) are in the middle of a lover’s quarrel. It's up to trickster Puck (Stanley Tucci) to mend their relationship. Finally, we also follow a group of would-be playwrights putting together a comedic/dramatic presentation of Pyramus and Thisbe. The stories are interwoven as the fairies’ magic interferes with the lovers and the actors.
A Midsummer Night’s Dream is an excellent play, even if you don’t understand Olde English completely. There are plenty of clever rhymes, and the comedic scenarios are timeless. The three stories are fairly simple, making them easy to follow. On DVD, you've got the option to turn on the subtitles, which makes it even easier. The camera's ability for closeups gives us a better look at the actors than you could ever get in an auditorium, which facilitates your understanding as well.
Rather than setting the story in ancient Greece, director Michael Hoffman has selected 19th Century Italy. While bicycles may be present and the only togas we see belong to the fairy-folk, it works. Any period with candlelight, lavish castles, old-timey attitudes, and green woods lovers could stroll through fits this material.
Performance-wise, everyone does well. The standouts are easily Kevin Kline as Bottom, one of the actors putting on the play-within-a-play, and Stanley Tucci as Puck. The performers have good chemistry, making this comedic romance unexpectedly sexy. The movie's got an infamous mud-wrestling scene and for me, it was one of the highlights. Throughout the film, everyone is fighting over who is going to get together with who and it gets even messier/funnier when Puck's enchantments get crossed. The ladies chase after the men and depending on what stage they're in, they run away from, run towards, or are completely bewildered by their affections. What better way to represent this messy sort of fun than by having them all get dirty for real? If that doesn't get you, some very selectively placed rose petals and bushes will.
If you’re looking at A Midsummer Night’s Dream and analyzing the feminist ideals within, or discussing how marriage and love relationships can make an individual's identity disappear, you’re looking too hard. It’s a movie that features a play within a play, some big laughs and magical enchantments being dropped left and right so that the audience can have a good time. It’s a light romantic comedy. It makes you laugh. It makes you happy to share it with someone. I’m not sure if I can pinpoint anything in it that “improves” the material, or would necessarily make it better than any other adaptations or live performances but that’s alright. The 1999 film version of A Midsummer Night’s Dream is exactly what it wants to be: fun. (On DVD, August 1, 2015)
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