#Luna Armstrong
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theknucklehead · 5 months ago
Here are the many costumes that the ponies wear on Nightmare Night (Equestria's Halloween)
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Twilight Sparkle - Star Swirl the Bearded/a gladiator
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Pinkie Pie - a chicken/80s Rollerblader
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Rainbow Dash - a Shafowbolt/an astronaut
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Applejack - a scarecrow/a lion
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Rarity - a mermaid
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Fluttershy - a masquerade dress (without the mask) and then later Flutterbat
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Spike - a dragon/a two-headed dragon
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The Cutie Mark Crusaders - the bride of Frankenstein, a vampire, and a wolf
A platypus, a Wonderbolt, and a Victoria era ballgown
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And finally a bonus:
Derpy - paper bags/Princess Twilight
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prefixerism · 6 months ago
i love peanuts sm guys..
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ANOTHER THING IM FIXATED ON RN. 😇 na.. bys art isnt slowing down.. aint uncommon for me to be fixated into two things simultaneously
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thatfreak03 · 1 month ago
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(Sorry for any spelling, grammar, or drawing mistakes)
I drew Space Kid in a Hexside uniform.
I think Space Kid would study oracle and construction magic.
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hannahwatcheshorror · 1 month ago
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Awkward acting, clunky script, terrible lighting. Felt more like a regular home movie instead of a haunted home movie. Got twenty minutes in before I couldn’t stand the goofballs.
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Are you kidding me, they tell the spirit that they are coming back tomorrow and they are actually going to come back tomorrow? They are already scared and uncomfortable, this is so dumb. Basically some dummies were playing with a Ouija board and the spirit didn’t want to say goodbye (one of the biggest rules of Ouija) so they promised the spirit they would come back the next day and it agreed to say goodbye but then why ever would they come BACK. “We told the spirit we would.” So that is their motivation for the whole movie? As if.
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theplottdump · 1 year ago
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SIDE PLOTT 🌿 - 𝙶𝚎𝚗 𝟽: 𝙰𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝙷𝚎𝚕𝚎𝚗𝚊 -
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The adults have a night out on the town, and Poet and Liz agree to let the kids have a sleepover at their place.
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Dahlia is wondering why she is being punished by being played again.
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Helena's apartment is a lot different than Aster's house. And her room is a lot bigger than his too.
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But that just means more room for sleeping bags!
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Get watering can pranked? ... Yeah I dont get it either
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Willow ages up! She's super cute!! She also tricks her favorite Aunt Poppy into coming by for her birthday. Beau is not amused.
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Scary Movie Night! Beau is a cinephile so all these kids do is watch movie and feast off the popcorn maker.
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Poet and Liz agree to let Helena sleep over after the movie and the kids agree to be best friends forever.
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Willow wakes up from a loose tooth and has nightmares of the Tooth Beary snatching her beautiful face.
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Active Elementary School is pretty fun. Aster makes friends with Karmine Luna!
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And Willow stays on the hunt for new minions.
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micrathene-w · 2 years ago
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I watch with pride as she runs - runs! - back into the house and up to me for a hug.
"Mama! I can grow up now!" she declares with a wide smile.
My heart swells, but also breaks a little at the same time for how I must push my daughters through their childhoods.
"You can grow up a little more, my darling. As soon as your sisters get home, all right?" I tell her.
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nia1sworld · 2 years ago
Limitless Mishap!
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fisherpon · 2 years ago
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petalsfm · 1 year ago
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mercadocoleccionistas · 1 year ago
Diario Original New York Times 1969 Astronautas
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Historia “La llegada del hombre a la Luna”
Fue un paso en grande para humanidad, un momento histórico para la época, la gente lo veía expectante en muchos rincones del planeta, en España también se siguió este evento, así ocurrió. El 20 de julio de 1969, la misión Apolo 11 de la NASA logró un hito histórico al colocar a los primeros seres humanos en la Luna. Los astronautas Neil Armstrong, comandante de la misión, y Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin,…
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postergrl · 1 year ago
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petalsfm · 2 years ago
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castle,  2x07
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manessha545 · 28 days ago
Valley of the Moon, La Paz, Bolivia: It’s said that Neil Armstrong himself named this enigmatic place as the “Valley of the Moon” because of its great resemblance to the craters that he saw on his trip to the moon.... Valle de la Luna, also called Killa Qhichwa, is situated about 10 kilometers from downtown La Paz, in the Pedro Domingo Murillo Province, La Paz Department, Bolivia. It consists of an area where erosion has worn away the majority of a mountain, composed primarily of clay rather than rock, leaving tall spires. Wikipedia
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micrathene-w · 2 years ago
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The rest of my family gathers around to congratulate the newlyweds, and blow bubbles.
I think Mahina and her husband barely notice their presence.
...sure, NOW they all come over and pay attention 🙄
Y'all didn't even care your sister (or -in-law) was getting married, you just want to blow bubbles!
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thefiresontheheight · 1 year ago
"...while these [corporate re-education] programs have shown evidence of marginal positive effects (Meredithe et al.) and continue to be employed (Kine-Veck), they ultimately run into the same limitations as A.I. on interstellar hauls infallibly loyal to those possessing their security codes. That is, once outside effective communication distance companies cannot rely on any positive reinforcement. For this reason, it has been suggested that re-education instead focus on loyalty to the rest of the crew, rather than loyalty to the company." - A Proposal for Use of Romantic/Sexual Re-education on Interstellar Haul Crews, Delivered to the Board of VeckQwenZemco on New Armstrong, Mars, 2998 CE. *** The divorce come down and turn around was brutal. One moment your brain and biochemistry and hormones, all carefully wired by the re-education modules, make you fully believe that you have long been in a deep, committed, passionate relationship with the six to eight other people on the haul. You look at them and even though you know you'll only spend a few weeks of subjective time with them, maybe a month or two on a longer job, only a brief window out of cryo and not lagged by relativity, even though you know what you gave the company your written consent to do, your brain still loves them. Then you pull into orbit over Eridiani, or Luna, or wherever, you probably bang one last time, say your tearful goodbyes, and spend the next few weeks crying like you just lost the love of your life as the chemicals wash out and the deprogramming modules hit. The moment is over. But time spent on a company station meant time wracking up debt for oxygen, water, food. So, still on the come down, Reade looked for a course, signed the wavers, gave her consent, grabbed the meager belongings that had gotten her through seven of these hauls, now dating from over forty years ago given the time lost to cryo and near-light travel. File down to concourse-E. Begin again. "Here for the haul?" the skinny low-g kid of her in the line said. "Um, VeckGreenQwenZemco 3043-28897?" Reade sized them up. New kid. First haul. She could smell it on them. In a few hours she'd probably love them and have her brain inventing all sorts of bullshit justifications for the neurochemical feelings the company would induce in her in order to improve team cohesion and morale trillions of miles away from anyone else. In a few hours she'd love them for their optimism, their smile, their cheery attitude and all the questions. But not yet. Right now, still awash in the last break up, Reade savored the simple joy of being a miserable bitch. "Kid," she said, with a malicious grin, "you're gonna love me in a bit. But you're still gonna remember this so I want you to get a good earful of it before the re-education. I'm fucking hate you and hate that I have to do this and if I could I'd throw you out a fucking airlock." She pulled her headphones on and cranked the volume. It hurt, in her chest, and the least she could do was make someone else hurt with her. That freedom, at least, she had for a few more minutes.
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