#Luke 23
nsfwbible · 1 year
‘Are you not the Messiah?’
Two convicts are crucified alongside Jesus in the canonical gospels. But only Luke narrates their words: “Are you not the Messiah? Save yourself and us!” one of the dying criminals mockingly asks. The other convict rebukes him, “for we are getting what we deserve for our deeds, but this man has done nothing wrong.”
The images here, details from a 15th century painting in the Städel Museum, portray the first convict with a demon at his mouth extracting his soul.
(music: Godspeed You! Black Emperor "Fire at Static Valley")
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s-o-a-p-ing · 6 months
Wednesday, 3/27/24
Jumping into Luke's recounting of Passion Week... but only one chapter this time... 😉
Then they returned and prepared spices and perfumes. And they rested on the Sabbath according to the commandment. ~ Luke 23:56
They - the women who followed Him - returned from the pain and, well, horror, of watching His crucifixion... and prepared what was required - what was expected - and prepared to serve Him in (what they assumed to be) the best and final way they could...
And then they "...rested on the Sabbath..." - recalling God's Word (the commandment)...
...that His Word and Will take precedence... over what I assume is the right thing to do...
Their reaction and actions were what was expected...
What God did (and does) can often be what I least expect...
Follow His commandments... despite circumstances...
Serve Him in the best way(s) I can... 
But be prepared for His unexpectedness... 
Father God - Accept my doing what's expected as a part of my trying to surrender my will for Yours, and I ask that Your Holy Spirit remind me to expect Your unexpected and be joyfully ready for what You have in store... I Jesus's Name, Father, and for Your glory above all... 
Tomorrow we'll pick up at Luke 24...
Expecting His unexpected - with you and for us all... 
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dianaleaghmatthews · 10 months
Names of Jesus: King of the Jews
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re4med · 11 months
The Morning Devotional: WCF 32.1-2
The Morning Devotional for October 12, 2023 The Westminster Confession of Faith 32.1-2 I. The bodies of men, after death, return to dust, and see corruption;a but their souls (which neither die nor sleep), having an immortal subsistence,b immediately return to God who gave them. The souls of the righteous, being then made perfect in holiness, are received into the highest heavens, where they…
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fardell24b · 1 year
Church notes - 7th April 2023
7th Good Friday Matthew 27:19 - 31 Mark 15:23 - 32 Luke 23:44 - 49
Fog of war Jesus sent to the Cross after a series of farcical trials. There was uncertainty and doubt Luke 23:44, 45
Genesis 1:1 Darkness before Creation.
John 3:19 - 21
Darkness hides what is in people's hearts.
God never abandons you to your darkness.
John 1:8
It is Finished!
The fog of war continues, but
Jesus has paid our debt. He is the Light.
Never doubt that Jesus has the victory.
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tristansherwin · 2 years
ENCOUNTERS / I ASSURE YOU ‘In the midst of all the darkness, ugliness, mockery, condemnation, hatred and cruelty which infests this scene, this want-to-be renegade the hears truly rebellious yell of Divine forgiveness...'
Here’s my longer sermon notes from this afternoon’s Metro Christian Centre service (dated 20th November 2022), continuing our new series ENCOUNTERS. As with most of our Sunday ministry, you can also watch/listen to this via MCC’s YouTube channel (just give us time to get the video uploaded 😉) DIMMED We are continuing our ENCOUNTERS series, looking at a handful of the gospel accounts where…
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those-who-stay · 5 days
luke hughes at wjc 2022 2.0, via a deleted thomas bordeleau tiktok
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brotherconstant · 1 year
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They say the worst of it don't last long. What the water does to you once it's got you. It makes you cold, makes you scared. It shows you things. Bad things. But then it warms you. It settles you. It shows you the places you've been. Like the people you've loved. They're all there waiting for you. It doesn't sound so bad.
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From here.
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madeofbrokenstuff · 3 months
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ESC 23 Jere & Luke throwback post because they spark joy
(and also because Luke wants to move to Finland and after seeing his show in Helsinki I'd say YES he absolutely should)
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lxstfathier · 11 months
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Kinktober day 23 - manhandling
Luke Skywalker x Reader
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Luke is not the type of guy to ask you to change positions or tell you to do something. He’s strong enough to make you do it himself.
He easily moves your body around as if it was nothing, throwing you to the bed and prying you legs open to push them all the way up to your chest, put you on all fours and lifting your ass, pin your hands above your head or behind your back, or shove you to your knees to suck his cock.
Luke finds it absolutely endearing to have such control over you. And you find it really hot to be used around by a powerful jedi so effortlessly.
You like it, he’s sure of it because he can read your thoughts about how much you enjoy it, specially when you are riding him and you get tired, just so he can grab your hips and make you bounce on his cock like a toy.
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s-o-a-p-ing · 2 years
Friday, 12/9/22
But the mob shouted louder and louder, demanding that Jesus be crucified, and their voices prevailed.   ~ Luke 23:23
The voices of temptation - of my disobedience - shout louder and louder...
...how often do they prevail?
Yet again, I fear the answer is in the asking...
Silence the voices...
Move away from the mob of temptation...
Listen to - for - the Spirit's voice - sometimes a whisper, but it can always be heard...
Pray for His leading to prevail... not in my own strength, but in and through His...
Father God - I confess that too often I find myself surrounded by temptations and distractions that I would not find if I had stayed on the path and not wandered off on my own... their voices calling and shouting to drown out Your Word - and yet Your Spirit speaks louder, reminding me of Your grace and to be obedient to Your commands... forgive those times when I plow on ahead, seeking my willful desires over Your perfect will and desire for my life... Thank You, Father, for Jesus's forgiveness of those - including me - who don't always know what they're - we're - I'm doing - In His Name, and for Your glory and honor and worshipful praise and thanksgiving...
Hoping that this coming third week of Advent opens up the majesty and wonder of His coming to be among us...
Yours, in Him and His wonder, majesty, and coming...
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hannawatchesesc · 1 year
If these two performances had a baby
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It would be Serbia 2023
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quinnylouhughesx43 · 22 days
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they must not like wisco 🤨
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skywlker-sluvtt · 1 year
𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒌𝒕𝒐𝒃𝒆𝒓 𝑴𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒕
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welcome to my first ever kinktober! its about to get nasty in here so get ready sluts. 16 days because i don't trust myself at all to do a whole 31. fics vary in length, honestly depends how motivated i was the day i wrote it. i really hope you guys enjoy, I'm very excited for it. thanks for all the support 💕
kinktober taglist forum: right here
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1.10 anakin + somnophilia
3.10 luke + pegging
5.10 cody + thigh riding
7.10 anakin + phone sex/pillow fucking
9.10 hunter + breeding
11.10 obi wan + cockwarming
13.10 anakin + choking/praise
14.10 wolffe + primal play
16.10 fives + handcuffs/orgasm denial
18.10 luke + overstimulation/begging
21.10 anakin + sensory deprivation/wax play
23.10 rex + thigh job
25.10 anakin + edging/guided masturbation
27.10 anakin + toys/anal play
29.10 luke + spanking
31.10 anakin + sex tape/rough bj
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spell-cleaver · 3 months
One thing I've always wondered is how Vader didn't sense either Luke (or Leia's for that matter) force presence on the first death star. I guess he was super caught up in with the whole "I sense the old coot who cut off my limbs amd left me to burn" thing, but I like to think obi-wan was masking the pair by just being obnoxiously loud with the force (the force equivalent of him walking into a room with multiple air horns and a boom box blasting away)
Wow, I had THOUGHTS about this one.
Honestly? I'm not a fan of the assumption in a lot of fic and by fans that it's super easy to passively sense someone in the Force. I have used it myself, of course, but I say from experience it restricts writing a lot while... not actually having a ton of backing in the films? (I'm referring to the films here, not to any other media, just because when I want to analyse lore, I only take them as canon; when I'm just looking for cool worldbuilding for a fic, though, anything goes.)
It's not just Leia that Vader doesn't sense on the Death Star. He doesn't sense Luke either, even though Luke is right there screaming when Vader kills Obi-Wan. It's more of an issue with Leia ofc because he literally used the mind probe on her but only finds that "her resistance... is considerable". An easy answer is that I headcanon Leia is a naturally good shielder, which is why she was never found on the Death Star and also why all of the Jedi in ROTS were surprised there were two babies - Leia had been naturally shielding herself, so they just sensed Luke.
But if we go more in-depth into the films' representations of the Force, Vader only senses Luke when he's actively chasing him as a pilot; he comments that "The Force is strong with this one" only when Luke is using the Force to aim and fire his shot. For me, this implies that you can only sense other Force users powerfully or distinctly when they're actively using the Force. I know why fic prefers not to go that way - I for one have used the "Vader senses Luke immediately" plot to get Luke captured many a time - but it's a fun thing to consider. Also, the Force is a soft magic system. It does functionally whatever the story needs it to.* Which is why Vader can sense Luke approaching Endor in ROTJ when Palpatine couldn't, but he had to be told by an officer when Luke's ship was approaching Cloud City in ESB.** There are many examples where a Force user just didn't sense someone else. Luke not sensing Yoda in ESB, Obi-Wan not sensing Dooku's presence on Geonosis, the Jedi non sensing Maul in TPM, the Jedi not sensing Palpatine for the whole prequel trilogy.
You could argue that those examples are of trained Force wielders shielding themselves, but I would argue that Qui-Gon can't sense Anakin in TPM. He doesn't show interest in Anakin until after they've left Watto's shop and Anakin starts talking to him. Anakin is the literal son of the Force and the most powerful Force wielder ever, but Qui-Gon was talking to Watto for a while without batting an eyelash at the small supernova in his shop. He didn't start to suspect until he heard about his racing, his instincts, spoke to him to notice his insights. Then still he spoke to Shmi about him to confirm his suspicions that "he can see things before they happen", watched him while he flew, and took a midichlorian count. I think the Force might well have been nudging Qui-Gon to look at Anakin, to suspect something, but I don't think he sensed Anakin himself as Force sensitive - at least, not immediately. Which is how I think you can explain all the instances of people going "I felt his presence." They were either using the Force, or familiar as Force sensitives to the person sensing them, or the Force wielder in general had an instinct that there was something special about this person, I should pay attention...
This has been a long ramble, but the short answer is: I headcanon Leia as naturally good at shielding. I think it fills multiple Star Wars plot holes.***
But I think it's also worth interrogating the fact that fandom seems to approach and conceptualise of the Force as a hard magic system, with clearly defined rules, rather than the soft magic system it is.**** Anything goes in Star Wars! It can be annoying if the writing doesn't sell it well enough, but I really love that aspect of the worldbuilding. And considering that the Force is a big fat plot device as well as giving people magical instincts for things that are Plot Relevant and things that aren't, I think it's a lot more interesting to consider that the Force isn't a superpower that lets you sense everything. Vader didn't detect Leia simply because he didn't. Sometimes they fail to do that. And it allows you to show growth in character and situation when that fact changes. Vader doesn't sense Luke in ANH until he's Plot Relevant to Vader's personal story. He doesn't sense Luke until he's fighting him in ESB. But in ROTJ, once they're both invested in their relationship and fated to meet, they're drawn together like stars caught in a mutual orbit.
That's the explanation I prefer. Because although it's less consistent, it's not unbelievable. It leaves uncertainty, mysticism, the chance for exploration in the galaxy. And most importantly, it tells a damn good story. Which, while this may not be true of people who love collecting lore and figuring the galaxy out, is ultimately what I'm here for.
*This is why so many random new powers can get added and explored in later movies and such, and also why I don't really get het up about it when they do add them. It just depends how you incorporate that new power. Usually, if a villain suddenly has a new power no one knew about (like Palpatine's lightning in ROTJ) it just ups the stakes, while if a hero suddenly has a new power it can feel like it cheapens their victory, like they haven't earned it; a deus ex machina. So messing about with Force powers is fine, it just depends how you incorporate them in the story.
**Admittedly this can be explained by the bond being formed when Luke learned the truth, but you know what I mean.
***I was only talking about the movies here, but there's also that moment in the Kenobi series where she's captured by Inquisitors and still no one notices she's Force sensitive??? There's just a lot of moments like this littered all over Star Wars, so this headcanon covers a lot of them.
****I kept using the terms hard/soft magic system without really explaining it here, but here's some good videos to dig into it: Soft Magic Systems | Hard Magic Systems
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