#Lucky ghostbusters
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khakirnelm · 11 months ago
From an incorrect quote generator
If Melody was a human tho
Phoebe: WHAT’S YOUR TYPE Melody: Anything, honestly, but nerds especially Phoebe, desperately, as Melody bleeds out: YOUR BLOOD TYPE Melody: Oh! B positive. Phoebe: DONT TRY TO CHEER ME UP JUST TELL ME YOUR BLOOD TYPE Melody:
Phoebe: Is letting someone win at chess sapiosexual bottoming Melody: Does anyone in this godforsaken group ever think before they speak
Phoebe: Whaddya call a fish with no eye? Melody, not looking up: Myxine Circifrons Phoebe: Phoebe: fsh
Phoebe: So what's for dinner? Melody, staring at the food she just burnt: Regret.
Callie: I left instructions for everyone while I'm gone. Phoebe: Mine just says "Phoebe no." Callie: I want you to apply it to every possible situation.
Trevor: Not elegant enough to be a vampire, not jock enough to be a werewolf... Phoebe: Goblin it is.
Trevor: My head hurts. Phoebe: That’s your brain trying to comprehend its own stupidity.
Computer: Please enter a password. Phoebe: *types in Melody* Computer: Your password is too weak. Phoebe: How fucking DARE YOU-
Phoebe: So what are your political beliefs? Podcast: Well, I think Pikachu would be a lot more powerful if he had a gun.
Callie: You spent all our money on THIS?? Gary, putting tiny raincoats on ducklings: They live outside. They need this.
Phoebe: Why are you on fire? Melody: This is just how my day is going.
Podcast: Change is inedible.
Phoebe: Don't you mean inevitable?
Podcast, spitting out coins: No, I did not.
Phoebe: .. .----. -- / ... --- .-. .-. -.--
[translation: I’M SORRY]
Callie: What's that?
Phoebe: Remorse code.
Callie: I'm even angrier now.
Phoebe: I don’t do relationships.
Melody: *exists*
Phoebe: Shit.
Trevor: Kissing can burn 26 calories in a minute, wanna work-out with me? ;)
Lucky: Are you saying that I'm fat?
Trevor: No that's not what I meant I-
Phoebe: Podcast... Why did you draw a pentagram on the floor?
Podcast: Your text told me to satanize the house before you returned.
Phoebe: I wrote sanitize, Podcast.
Callie, tending to Trevor’s wounds: How would you rate your pain?
Trevor: Zero stars. Would NOT recommend.
Peck: I'm going to ask you to be respectful. Phoebe: I will politely decline.
Podcast: I’m having one of those things! A headache with pictures!! Phoebe: you mean an idea..? Podcast: MMMMHHMMM!!
Phoebe: English is a difficult language. It can be understood through tough thorough thought, though. Trevor: You need to stop.
Phoebe: How did none of you hear what I just said? Callie: I’ve been zoned out for the past two and a half hours. Gary: I got distracted about halfway through. Trevor: Ignoring you was a conscious decision.
If Melody was a human, again
Phoebe: HELP! I TOLD MELODY I’D COOK DINNER TONIGHT BUT I CAN’T COOK! Trevor, pouring milk directly into the cereal bag: And you thought I could help?
Podcast: What if I press the brake and gas at the same time? Phoebe: The car takes a screenshot. Trevor: For the last time, get the fuck out.
Gary, holding a python: Guys I impulsively bought a snake, what do I name him Callie: You did WHAT– Phoebe: William Snakepeare
Trevor: You look nice, I want to kiss you. Lucky: What? Trevor: I SAID IF YOU DIED, I WOULDN’T MISS YOU.
Gary: The best revenge, really, is being nice! Podcast: [in the distance] Or murder.
Gary: That’s one of my biggest fears. Like, if I ever woke up as a donut... Callie: You would eat yourself? Gary: I wouldn’t even question it.
Phoebe: WHOEVER CAUSED THIS MESS IS GOING TO- Melody: It was me... Phoebe: ...Is going to be forgiven because everyone deserves a second chance.
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wizardryplanet · 4 months ago
Since it’s Halloween season I’m obviously on theme with my current hyperfixation: ghostbusters so I rewatched and “ranked” the movies.
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I’m currently rewatching the show but my ranking is only the movies so it doesn’t count bc I said so
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possessedramblings · 11 months ago
Heeeyy Ghostbusters Fandom
I got a question.
What do we all think ectoplasm taste like? I mean, poor Venkman and Trevor went through it, and we never really get to know how it tastes.
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phoebeejeebies · 11 months ago
there's not NEARLY enough lucky domingo content on tumblr. wtf. *rolls up my sleeves*
i have headcanons. i need to deliver.
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dogdaysareover365 · 11 months ago
ghostbusters sim save
Gary and Callie are married
Trevor and lucky are engaged and have a son
melody has came back through ambrosia and is now dating Phoebe
Melody and Phoebe went to prom together and won prom court
Melody and Phoebe have exchanged promise rings
Melody is the more physically affectionate one(always initiating hugs and kisses).
open to suggestions.
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not-mary-sue · 11 months ago
Lars is more than ready to fight a ghost. Medical and emotional support, less so.
[Missing Scene Fic - Takes place after the Extractor scene with Phoebe and Melody]
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ryanmoody · 10 months ago
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Ghostbusters Fan Art by Dave Alvarez Studios
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apocalyptic-byler · 1 month ago
i fucking love how if finn wolfhard isnt playing the most homosexual character ive ever seen then he’s crushing on a pretty woc and i think thats so true of him 💀
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comicalps · 1 month ago
Hello I'm not dead
Here's that ghostbusters animation I promised like a year ago ‼️
(I never fully finished it cause im lazy please don't execute me)
Really sorry for not posting in months I definitely absolutely did not forget that this existed
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ollierachnid · 1 month ago
I just know his utter intolerance for Ghostbusters as concept re-emerged the moments this lot started speaking
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inevitablemoment · 1 year ago
Just some quick thoughts:
I want Callie to deck Dickless in the face. Make your daddy proud.
"Overruled." "Sustained. "... Thank you." I hope we see more of Gary bonding with Trevor in this film because just this little piece makes me smile.
Ray is in his element here.
LUCKY'S HERE!!!!!!!!!!!
I can't wait to meet Lars (and I really hope nothing bad happens to him)
"Melnitz in uniform!" We love it. She somehow looks so cute and so badass.
We're back in the library!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love our little Spenglerson moment, they're just so cute! (I'm still crossing my fingers for that baby)
Wait a minute...
Poor Trevor...
Anyway, I already have so many ideas for what I want to do when I get to this point in my Cathleen Lives AU. And funny thing, I was thinking about how I want to rewatch the series before this movie came out, and how we probably weren't getting the full trailer until the Super Bowl last night!
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weirdo-art-stuff · 5 months ago
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Here is our amazing, cool, Ghostbusters that we ship together sometimes (⁠ ͡⁠°⁠ ͜⁠ʖ⁠ ͡⁠°⁠) But anywho I have drawn our favorite Ghostbusters, and fun fact I kind of mixed the comic Ghostbusters, cartoon Ghostbusters, and movie Ghostbusters together. just because I thought it'd be a cool design/idea :3 This took a while since I really wanted to try my best, at least took like 3 days.
Oh and also.. I decided to draw Janine(mi amor) and Trevor, Phoebe, podcast, and lucky. They deserve some love too :)
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lowkeyrobin · 11 months ago
Heyy, Ghostbusters preference- when they get jealous?
ooo okay ; thanks for requesting, hope you enjoy!
includes ; trevor, phoebe, podcast & lucky
warnings ; language
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he's so awkward about it
he doesn't even know what to do at first like... fuck you want him to do??
he doesn't even realize someone's trying to hit on you til you give him the most pleading look of all time
and he literally has to run every scenario through his brain to figure out what to do without getting sucker punched
he's just not a jealous person in general either, half of its obliviousness, half of its just the trust he has in you because he knows you aren't gonna leave him. maybe
if it's going on to long he'll slide in, introduce himself as "Trevor Spengler, one of the Ghostbusters" and hopes it'll impress the other person enough to just leave you alone
90% of the time they just leave because Trev is too awkward to just say "Hey I'm their boyfriend, leave them alone please" lmaoo
she literally doesn't know what to do bro
like on one hand maybe she's being dramatic but on the other why the hell is someone else talking to you like that???
she's autistic and it's very obvious (this isn't even a hc I'm pretty sure it's actually canon + her being queer yipee) and can sometimes be very blunt or awkward
"can you stop talking to them like that? thank you." while she's got this serious bitch face on
the person quickly scurries away and you're just relieved while she's like confused and a bit upset but doesn't know how to explain it
"pheebs, I'm not leaving you, don't worry. thank you though, i didn't know how to get them to go away"
she gives you a little hug to just silently tell you "Okay, thank you, I'm sorry"
just kinda stands there like 🧍‍♂️
kinda tries to sling his arm around your shoulders and signal that you were not up to hang out later
and somehow the person just doesn't get it!!
"Okay, uh, they have a boyfriend! they don't wanna hang out with you, please listen to them, thanks"
the person scrambles and he's just like "what the fuck I thought you loved me" in a joking manner
you both go get some candy down the street because that was awful for both of you LMFAO
she's a confident bad bitch okay...
hugs you from behind, arms around your waist and her head resting on top of yours/your shoulder
"Hey, please listen to people when they say they don't want to talk to you, take a hint. they have a girlfriend"
literally a life saver
lucky domingo is a mindset
"I don't understand, why can't people just listen??"
honestly same girl
she's always coming in clutch tho, ain't no way she's letting someone bother you, especially when she's jealous of the fact you're giving them attention
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possessedramblings · 1 year ago
I can't look at ANYTHING Ghostbusters related on Tumblr because then I'll spoil the whole movie for myself and I wanna go in completely blind but OH MY GOD
i'm reblogging this after the movie
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phoebeejeebies · 11 months ago
lucky domingo headcanons
If lucky has a million fans, then I am one of them. If lucky has ten fans, then I am one of them. If lucky has only one fan then that is me. If lucky has no fans, I am dead.
she loves the beach. she was born in summerville, Oklahoma but she has family who live by the sea. and she Loves it. there's nothing that speaks more "home" to her than the beach. she has so many fond memories of making sand castles and swimming in the ocean
nonbinary lesbian, uses they/she/star pronouns
has a butch lesbian boyfriend who uses he/him, theyve been seeing each other since lucky was 17, and "officially" dating since 18 - Lucky's dad wasn't fond of his daughter dating until they were an adult at least.
Their dad is strict and a little overprotective, but loves Lucky dearly. Father's daughter archtype.
enjoys marine biology like it's her secret guilty pleasure. she's been fascinated with sea creatures ever since she was a little child
also loves engineering and chemistry. she's a stem girly trust me trust me
instagram enjoyer! snapchat hater! has a secret twitter page where they rant about things that piss them off. pinterest LOVER. has boards for everything, planned futures, houses, furniture, clothing, just general vibes, pretty colours.
i just know star loved icarly and victorious. star loves karaoke. definitely loved hannah montana also.
has a stick n poke tattoo they did themselves on their ankle. its small enough that her family doesnt notice. but it makes her smile every time.
dog person. likes dogs. grew up with dogs. especially big dogs the big fluffy dogs. big fan of dogs.
makes "that's what she/he said" jokes. only trevor finds it funny. podcast WOULD find them funny if he understood them, phoebe find them annoying and tasteless. (she also thinks her jokes are funnier. and make more sense.)
confident in her own abilities. she knows she's the shit. hates not getting taken seriously.
actually becomes really good friends with lars. they work together a lot, especially as they're an intern, and lars puts good faith in lucky. they seem to get it, and are on a similar wavelength, so lars trusts them. they're competent. he likes that. they're a useful asset to their team. and a good friend to talk to even after work
makes spotify playlists for every single specific situation, only to not play them ever. just listens to the spotify generated mixes instead.
keeps tabs on all the ghostbusters. half because she's nosy and curious, half because she wants to make sure everyone is okay
won't admit it to his face but trevor is one of their closest friends. no one gets ghostbusting the way he does. they liked their friends in summerville but they were mostly surface-level relationships, friends for the sake of company in a dead-end town.
will never stop teasing trevor for having a crush on them when they first met. lucky finds this endearing and a little funny. trevor, at first, is a bit embarrassed but he laughs about it now too. they're very good friends.
is an only child (but has a really big extended family). treats phoebe like stars little sister. phoebe goes to lucky for intimate advice that she feels trevor wouldn't understand. he's a little brash with feelings, even though he means well and that pisses phoebe off sometimes.
has a love hate relationship with NYC. would rather be by the ocean.
her favourite colour is purple
andddd scene.
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dogdaysareover365 · 5 months ago
tell me why my brain was like “big hero six” ghostbusters au
here’s the thing: personality wise, Phoebe is more like tadashi. I could see her making baymax.
but plot wise, it makes more sense for her to be hiro and Trevor to be tadashi.
lucky is either Gogo or honey lemon. Either works
podcast is Fred, but instead of a monster costume, it’s a gozer one
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