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ms-march · 8 months ago
TURN Week: Loyalist
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to the surprise of no one I’m going to have to go with loyalist this week! I am happy to admit I’m way too much of a rule follower that I would’ve been on the other side of the revolution 🥲
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mossbiin · 8 months ago
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turn week day one: favorite loyalist: hewlett (he’s literally my wife)
hi turn fandom i am new here and have only watched season one and a bit of season two cause my bf loves amrev,,,
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cotlprequelverse · 11 months ago
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Cat Brother Followers The Lambs were putting up a fight, although he honoured and was fascinated by willpower of a species. They are doing more harm then good for his plans and goals.
In retaliation, Narinder decided to send out followers who were loyalists to the ones beside him. Loyalists who follow Aym and Baal, who had to make sure the Lambs and warriors of the bishops are cut down in number's.
I always believe there were loyalists/followers of the brothers due to the fact during the boss fight they are able to summon some during their boss fight.
It might be a silly concept at first but i feel that it might work out in the end.
As you can see the designs are based on the brothers, more formal designs for followers of Baal, while more warriorish designs for the more irrational brother. Aym.
Artist is vakreel on twitter.
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The Path of Heaven - Revuel Arvida at the Battle of the Kalium Gate by Tiernen Trevallion
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vox-anglosphere · 8 months ago
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A Canada Day keepsake from the glorious reign of Queen Elizabeth II
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bantarleton · 1 year ago
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A part of hussars from the Queen’s Rangers advancing through hostile territory, reminiscent of the environs of Hopperstown, New Jersey in April 1780. By Don Troiani.
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identity-coining · 4 months ago
[The] Loyal/Loyalist Royalty & [The] Lover Archetroper(s)
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I was originally intending to make a flag for those with a loyalist archetrope. You can be a loyalist to a person, being, etc, the main two things I thought of were royalty and love.
I suppose the second can also be used for Lover archetropes and the first could also be used for Royalty-based archetropes. Someone else might have to figure out a better flag than me.
Sorry to the original requester. Flags just didn't want to flag. 😔
Original royal-based under the cut.
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lounesdarbois · 1 year ago
Les termes de remplacement, grand remplacement, petit remplacement sont inacceptables. Ils sont le fait d'un esprit brillant mais femelle et surtout passif, ils portent en eux-même la résignation à une situation finale alors même qu'elle est en cours. Se résigner à ce mot pour qualifier une tentative de génocide est une faute contre la cause. Remplacement est un mot de compteur de cheptel, c'est un vocabulaire de statisticien neutre: "Dans le parc de Sceaux les perruches à collier ont remplacé les mésanges huppées", non pas, mais des haïsseurs de mésanges ont organisé le surpeuplement du parc par des lâchers répétés d'immondes perroquets tueurs sortis d'Afrique qui se nourrissent des oeufs de mésanges et qui ont été sélectionnés pour cette raison précise. "Remplacement", un type du CNRS pourrait l'employer pour commenter des cartes hachurées parcourues de flèches directionnelles : "on assiste à....", "on le voit donc, des situations qui changent et qui...". Baratin de science-potard qui veut faire avaler au peuple "à éduquer" les couleuvres de "l'inéluctable".
"Remplacement" induit soit passivité soit neutralité, tant chez l'émetteur du mot que chez l'auditeur. Tant que l'on vit il n'y a pas de remplacement. Il n'y a pas de remplaçeur non plus, il y a des squatteurs, des profiteurs, des ingrats, des fuyards, des troglodytes, des coucous, des nuisibles, des excitateurs de perruche, des apporteurs de perruches, cela à foison. Le Grand Squat. La Grande Occupation. La Grande Usurpation. La Grande Invasion (Usmaini). La Grande Spéculation. Le Grand Outrage. La Grande Profanation. La Grande Extorsion. Le Grand Chantage. Le Grand Pillage. Le Grand Racket. La Grande Tentative. La Grande Intimidation. La Grande Menace. La Grande Impureté. La Grande Perversion. Le Grand Déshonneur. La Grande Puanteur. N'importe quoi qui exprime la Grande Agression telle qu'elle est vraiment sur le terrain réel. Mais remplacement ment.
Comment un pays se défend d'une invasion lorsque la frontière est tombée? Comme une cellule. Comment une cellule se défend d'une intrusion? Par sa MEMBRANE. La membrane, appliquée à un peuple privé de frontière c'est son intelligence collective, son être collectif, son ingénierie sociale, sa Charité interne couplée à son hostilité externe, ses greniers abondants en interne couplés à sa politique de terre brûlée en externe, ses femmes réservées qui savent qu'elles portent la race de leur peuple.
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erwansiannodel · 11 months ago
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"Box-nought" Dreadnought Black Templar. Feel free to C&C
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lord-soth-dk · 2 years ago
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starryknight-dragonarts · 5 months ago
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Araman "The Desired/The Destroyer" Gender: Male Background: Araman is one of the Experiments of the Alchemy Cult, but rather than seeing them as his "evil captors" like most of the other prisoners, he believes they are his saviors and in their goals of expanding Dragon Knowledge into the fields of Magic and the Unknown in order to learn how to control it and prevent horrible magical disasters. Before he was brought into the legion he came from a small Tannin village that accepted and protected Valkirtani, then somebody from his village betrayed them and they were raided by a larger kingdom. The village was ransacked and pillaged, friends and neighbors were killed, and other Hybrids were taken for enslavement. Members of the Legion rescued him from the attack and brought him back to the lab where he would be safe and gave him a purpose. During the mass breakout he stayed in the Legion and helped stop several of his fellow prisoners moving him up the Legion ranks as a loyal member. Personality: Araman was one of very few Hybrid Dragons in the Legion, he had known some others in his village before it was raided but back then he didn't realize how rare and powerful this made him. Being seen as  special and more valuable to the Legion made him believe that he is superior to other dragons and is eager to prove it. Having seen the evil and chaos in the world, Araman truly does want to create a world of peace and order, but he is willing to do anything to get it, and use power and manipulation to enforce it because he believes a little evil to justify peace is better than allowing the world to spiral into chaos and death. The End must justify the means. Araman is incredibly well composed most of the time and considers himself charming, rational, and a natural leader but he does not know how to deal with stupidity, heckling, and when other dragons don't take him seriously. Strengths: Intelligent, Devoted, Powerhouse   Weaknesses: Trauma, Hero Complex, Fear of being Alone Powers: Psionic, Fear, Light, Phantom, Sound, Valkirtani Magic Stats Elemental Energy: 8/10 He has an ample amount of energy but if he needs more he can store energy in his magic orb Elemental Control: 9/10 He is highly trained and has had experience with using each of his elements, figuring out how to use them and combine them with Magic to be a truly formidable Dragon.   Intelligence: 9/10 He has been well educated and has an expressed interest in obtaining more knowledge in order to have more power and control. Combat Ability: 7/10 Being born a Psionic dragon he lacking a lot of natural dragon weapons, for instance his claws are notably very short and give way to sensitive pads. Despite this he is a skilled combatant but prefers to stay at a range and use his powers rather than engage someone claw to claw.
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eric8a · 1 year ago
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The inspiration. The miniature.
Two things got me wanting to paint Loyalist World Eaters.
First, a set of pictures by someone that goes by the Apprehensive-Wafer (check his stuff out if you haven't). And the artwork provided here.
And when I think of World Eaters now, I can't help but think of this charging Marine.
I have the parts for another, though the weapons will be in different hands; the axe on the right and the knife on the left. And I'll see if I can improve on this one.
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denofimagination-blog · 2 years ago
"Camouflage is not just about body camouflage, but also about camouflage of the soul"
If you want to get this or similar one for yourself -> link in bio.
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thegodemperorsmycopilot · 1 year ago
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bantarleton · 1 year ago
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What better way than to start your week with a new Don Troiani artwork? Depicted is a private of the United Corps of Pennsylvania & Maryland Loyalists at Pensacola, West Florida.
Both the Pennsylvania and the Maryland Loyalists were raised as separate regiments in Philadelphia 1777, during the British occupation of the city. They were combined, rather unhappily it seems, into one outfit of six companies in 1778. Under the command of Lieutenant Colonel William Allen they were and sent first to Jamaica and then, from December 1779, to Pensacola in West Florida, to aid in operations against the Spanish.
They took part in the failed relief of Mobile in March 1780 and the assault on Mobile Village on January 7 1781. They were then part of the garrison of Pensacola when it was besieged and captured by the Spanish later that year.
The prisoners were taken to Havana and then repatriated to New York a few months later, and formally returned to duty – as two separate units once more – in July 1782. The Pennsylvanian and Maryland Loyalists spent the last year of the war garrisoning New York. The Maryland Loyalists were last mustered in December 1783, while the Pennsylvanians were disbanded on October 10 1783.
Provincial Loyalist corps are often depicted as wearing green, but by the mid point of the war and beyond most wore red coats, with only a few notable exceptions, such as the British Legion and the Queen’s Rangers. This was for ease of supply, and likely also helped make the Loyalists feel more thoroughly incorporated into the British military, while also causing opponents to believe they were facing British regulars.
The Pennsylvania-Maryland corps appears to have had green or olive facings with white lace plus yellow and green threads based on the lace of the Loyal Irish Regiment. I think the black leatherwork here (usually reserved for light infantry) is because the belts are store-issued from a “stand of arms.”
Also note how high on the torso the cartridge pouch and bayonet frog and scabbard are worn, in contrast to how low-down many reenactors wear them – an accurate historical touch, as befits Troiani’s work!
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topoet · 2 years ago
Suspension of Belief
the smoking glove Entering month six of the Bradbury method – which is partly to write a short story a week. Actually I didn’t do any fiction writing during April – poetry month. So far I’ve got five completed – plus a couple of extensive false starts – pieces that called for more backstory and telling than I wanted to put into them at the time. I’ll get back to them eventually. I didn’t realize…
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