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boydholbrook-fan · 1 year ago
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Boyd Holbrook as Clement Mansell in Justified: City Primeval
Shirtless Edition - Version 2
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peccantumaskrp · 6 months ago
So uh, you ever think vaggie is a bit.. crazy?
"I wouldn't say crazy, no, but she is a bit.... Stubborn. The amount of times she stopped Pentious and I from finishing our experiments...."
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skyward-floored · 2 months ago
Hello! I wanted to remind you that Iove your writing. I still think about that one febuwhump post? I think that's what it was, the one with Warriors and Artemis and them struggling to conceive? I still get all emotional at the thought, and in my mind that is one of your best pieces. You are incredibly intelligent in the way that you write and clearly in tune with your style and what you like, and I enjoy the tidbits of your art that you give us! It's fun and happy to see you just. do your own thing, and do it well :))) 🖤🖤🖤🫂🫂🫂✨✨✨🌌🌌🌌
I’ve spent the whole time since you sent this trying to come up with a coherent response but all I’ve come up with is keysmashing soooo
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bunnygirl-titties · 2 years ago
Rub your clit anyway little bun. You deserve to hurt for being such a needy slut.
I am such a needy slut 🥵🥵
But it hurts so much 😖
Even just barely touching it shoots pain through my body
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mrpenguinpants · 7 months ago
Omg you're back again hello 👀 how have you been????
Big mood on the "man I wish this author would finish their fic" LOL I've been rereading my own wiring recently and going wtf. Where's the rest of it?
For a limited time only babyyy
But I've been good. Extremely busy but it's okay, the pto is worth it. That's what I keep telling myself at least :) but how are you??? Is anything interesting happening? New developments perhaps 👀
The funny thing is that I've actually been talking with a few mutuals, and they've all told me that they recently went back to re-read their drafts. Maybe it's something in the air or we're all feeling a bit nostalgic? Or because everyone is on break since it's summer.
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lawgrain · 7 months ago
Some things I love about Spiteful: 
Even though Bakugou is spiteful about everything and never admits (even to the audience) how hurt he is, you can still feel his hurt through the tone. It’s impressive how consistent you’ve been with his character.
The way you made Bakugou subtly mention saving a random guy in the store, and then this minute detail became relevant in the next chapter. 
I love how you show each character's perspective rather than only Bakugou's. I think it’s so interesting seeing how Class-1A views the situation as them being righteous as opposed to assholes. I mean, obviously, they’re assholes, but they don’t realize that in being virtuous, they’re also being hypocrites.
DEAF BAKUGOU!!! But not just deaf Bakugou. The reason I tend to stray away from deaf!Bakugou fics is because they tend to make him SOOO self-deprecating all the time. Being deaf doesn’t mean you’re miserable, nor does it mean that the character can’t handle themself. But in Spiteful, I think Bakugou’s deafness only adds to his character and acts in part as an explanation for why he’s become so independent. I like that you didn’t write him as utterly dependent on his hearing aid either (when his mom took it away). It is also used as a turning point in the story for Aizawa, and I like that something Bakugou didn’t seem to think about a lot became a big part of a different character’s development.
Spiteful is one of the few pieces of media I connect to every song I listen to (that’s maladaptive daydreaming for you lol)
You’re quite skilled at irony. Even in the last preview, where Bakugou is about to talk with Kirishima, you ended it off with, “Even if it didn’t change anything, Bakugou just needed to know because after he could just let it all go.” And we all know he’s not going to let it all go. 
Have you ever thought of doing a master class on positive comments? I hope you have a fantastic day and know you've made mine brighter! A little inside some of the decisions though! It's so cool that you noticed the hints of minor things in one perspective that are important in others. It was intentional on my part but I never know if my execution is either too obvious or too subtle. Bakugou's hearing! I tried to be very respectful with this decision. I didn't want to make his hearing his entire identity, but just a part of it. I also didn't want to do a thing I've seen constantly where people will write a disability only to do everything they can to make it seem like it doesn't affect them or exist. I had a mutual ask after that chapter why I didn't make it so where Bakugou could lip read everything, which was a good question. The decision came to the fact that lip reading helps but isn't a cure all. It's not a thing I don't see Bakugou doing, it's just something that doesn't magically make hearing difficulties disappear. When speaking with hard of hearing friends, they mentioned it as a thing they subconsciously learned, but were never taught and will struggle when sounds come from behind. In short, I tried to sensitive and thoughtful and hope I succeeded. If I come a short, I hope that those part of mentioned communities (respectively) help me become aware of any oversights I now want a playlist from you, but that's neither here nor there. I'm very flattered by your comment! I try to write very intentionally even if I don't always succeed and it means a lot to see it acknowledged.
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v88sy · 1 day ago
If you receive this, you make somebody happy! Go on anon and send this to 10 of your followers who make you happy or somebody you think needs cheering up. If you get one back, even better 💖💖💖
Aw, thanks lovely person!! This made me so happy!! ❤️❤️❤️
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I feel horrible, I just noticed you reblogged my about page and didn't send a proper thank you! Your artwork is phenomenal and the cadre of original characters you've created is truly amazing. I think its very kind that you use your 3D talents to bring other people's characters to life. Keep up the great work. You are a bright gem in the CoD fan community!
Aww hun, you shouldn't feel bad, it was nothing, really, and totally deserved it. It's not like I have this enormous following scene behind me, I'm nobody!
I envy your skills with lighting, depth of field and all in all visual effects. I am absolutely useless with using anything of the like, I barely pose the figures and shoot the scenes, so all the work that goes into yours is admirable! The crumpled Ghost mask that I saw in one recently had me all giddy. I wouldn't know where to start to do that, or to have the mask up his nose, or things like that. Remarkable.
You are so, so kind to mention '3D talents' but I assure you I have none... I just like making people happy by allowing them to live vicariously through their view of theis OCs or self inserts (it's not like I'm on demand or something lol). Never in my life did I think I'd still be here when I started posting my silly fanfic in May.
I'm looking forward to seeing more from you <3 you're great
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the-real-sasuke-uchiha · 1 year ago
Sasuke, my beloved, my revolutionary. May your fight against the oppressors be victorious, you will always have my support. <3
I love you too, nice person. Thank you for the kind wishes, may the world be free from the Shinobi system, its corruption and its darkness.
I count you in my team as well. Welcome to the
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Have a lovely day. Take care.
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papabearbobbynash · 1 year ago
Hiii!! Just wanted to say that it's really refreshing to find someone as obsessed as I am with Bobby, and with Athena and their relationship :)))
More than anything in a fandom were at times is like there's nothing but buddie going on (which is totally cool). It just made me so happy to find your blog. I appreciate you <3
Thank you so much! 🥰
As you, I always do love find people as obsessed with Bathena as me in this ocean that is the fandom.
I'm really happy to hear your kind words ❤️❤️❤️
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boydholbrook-fan · 1 year ago
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Boyd Holbrook as Clement Mansell in Justified: City Primeval
Shirtless Edition - Version 3
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joffyworld · 4 months ago
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HEY JOFFYY!! you interested in some Narilamb?
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First of all why didn't I told this sooner but i really love the vibe of your blog currently. Like so preety-!!!!
Secondly thankyou so very much bae for being so generous and kind enough to do this reading for me. Your reading was definitely something i needed right now, definitely I've been experiencing and having some intense emotions and also ahh well literally I was feeling more connected to my inner-child.. because for some time i wasn't feeling it and absolutely you are so on point with the heart chakra too I definitely felt it was blocked as well. Over-all your reading DEFINITELY served as a reminder and RESONATED with me. I'm really very greatful and thankful also thankyou for the cheer up too I love how you have given me this nickname jazz...😭🫶🏻✨
Also i loved your thoughts of a Capricorn post as a Capricorn sun and I have a stellium too lol that's absolutely something i really wish i could say out loud like daym. Loved it. 🙌🏻
Omg omg jazz i LOVE THE THEME OF THIS BLOG TOO. I just feel like it fits my cap moon and UGh. I love things all dark and scary & horror like. The pink vibe was a moment , i loved it too. But thiss. The darkness…😩 i love it sm. Thank you sm for the lovely compliment.
Thanks sm babes, and i rlly rlly hope ur inner child feels loved today…hugs for you 🥺 bc my inner child been feeling the same way. Something is in the air!
AND YES. The cap post ugh. Those are the thoughts running through my head everyday…everyday! Haha. I get a little somber 😍
Love ya! Dont be afraid to shoot me an ask if you wanna chat or drop by anytime. Or msg me lol
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savage-rhi · 8 months ago
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Honestly, I am always so happy to see you on my dash! :D SO KEEP GOING, YOU ARE AMAZING.
(also fml getting older is GOAT. Let's count all the wrinkles together!! 😂😂😂😂)
@nemo-of-house-hamartia THE FEELINGS ARE MUTUAL BY A TEN FOLD HON 💙💙💙🫂🫂🫂I love your energy, and I love seeing the things you create! There's a lot of people I look forward to seeing pop on the dash and you're one of them. I'm glad we share the same planet!
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mrpenguinpants · 6 days ago
hello Pengu I have an offering for you as a welcome gift for joining the zzz fandom 🤲
AYOOO IS THAT A FIC 👁️👁️👁️👁️👁️👁️👁️👁️👁️
Thank you for the food, I have been on a diet and hating life, but today is the lord's day to have a cheat day
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