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decoy-sammy · 2 months ago
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tending-the-hearth · 3 months ago
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actually thinking about this moment forever if anyone even cares
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courtesanofdeath · 2 months ago
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Bar Francois
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collectortruther · 7 months ago
Fordsy, nobody else really gets you, do they? Without me, you'll always feel unseen, surrounded by dolts who don't recognize your true potential. You've always felt alone in a crowd, haven't you?
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Even if you got rid of me, you'd miss me. Admit it, you'd miss me.
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wu-does-art · 7 days ago
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dw chat, they could *all* be APYr, theres just no room for all of them <3
also hello Sally Face fandom
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signanothername · 8 months ago
if it's not too much, can i ask how you headcanon the murder time trio? since they're not exactly "canon" to any of the stories from their respective original artists, it's interesting to see how different people interpret them :)) tbh, i do feel like, from nightmare's pov, having more personal henchmen seems... risky in a way, as that means exposing killer to other outside influences that he can't fully control. like, what if killer starts to have ideas (organizing a henchmen union for example lol) - new people are interesting, something new for sure? does nightmare have to provide for these new henchmen now too?? so many factors to consider! unless these henchmen are more part-time than full-time lol.
i also think that, individually, the murder time trio might not get along with each other at all. they are (or were?) all sanses, but they have developed different moralities that canonically can clash with each other. the only way i think they can work well together is if they don't know each other's backstories. they function well with a wet blanket of mysteries, and i headcanon that's how nightmare is able to control them. he has all the cards, and he can play their emotions well, either to make them get along with each other, or to sow distrust among each other as well.
To me personally, i take my interpretation by looking at each of the Trio individually with their stories and then try and string together how they’d act around each other
Killer just honestly wouldn’t care about the others’ stories or past or anything like that, so when it comes to Murder or Horror, Killer he has no problem with them and would get along with them pretty well
Aside him being an absolute bitch to them at times, Killer wouldn’t hold much hostility towards them, and any harsh or offensive comments he makes towards them would only be because he felt like it, Killer has no reason for doing what he does, he just does it cause he can
However, Killer is definitely the type to value his privacy, and any questions or comments that might disrespect said privacy, would definitely escalate to Killer fighting whoever pressed him about matters they don’t understand or have the right to know, he simply doesn’t like to be pushed around, and he’s one with a lot of secrets, and he wouldn’t let Horror or Murder get their nonexistent noses into his business, like know how people always portray Nightmare to always be like “my room is off limits”?? Take that and actually apply it to Killer, Killer’s room, belongings (especially his weapons), and thoughts/personal life are all off limits
Ironically, Killer doesn’t hold that same respect of privacy when it comes to the other two, he’d definitely and especially not respect their personal spaces and would probably be super touchy with them, Murder and Horror hate to be touched but Killer does it anyway (Murder and Horror don’t realize Killer does that not just to be annoying but because he’s reassuring himself that they’re real, that they are indeed in front of him and not just another figment of his fucked up mind, not that he’d ever tell them that tho)
Murder on the other hand, definitely hates being on Nightmare’s team, he has no interest in serving Nightmare, he only cares about his own AU, so i can see him be the quiet loner who just doesn’t engage much with Killer or Horror
However, I can still see Murder feeling ok with Horror, but definitely not liking Killer in the slightest, cause while Murder is deluded to think that he killed everyone in his AU cause he “had to” to get his LV higher to be able to Kill the human and supposedly save everyone from resets, to him, Killer only had done the same thing but only for fun, that Killer is no better than the human, so I can see Murder treading carefully around Killer and just overall being cautious around him, especially with the amount of Determination Killer holds, it’s much greater than his and that fact downright disgusts him, cause how many times has Killer killed those in his AU to have his very soul deformed like that, not that Murder would be outwardly hostile towards Killer, but mucv like Killer, simply passive aggressive
I feel like Murder is the one that would always pry into Killer’s “off limits” area, he’s not curious or interested, he just simply hates Killer for being a monster with many faces (Can Murder even call him a monster when his soul doesn’t represent that of a monster?)
But i feel like Murder would be in for a surprise as he talks with his Papyrus only for Killer to say something along the lines of “it seems I’m not the only one who sees my Papyrus”
I can actually see Papyrus be the only point in which Murder and Killer actually agree about something
I feel like Horror is on the same boat as Murder but to a much smaller scale, so he’s fine with Murder but would break Killer’s skull if he could, he’s still a lot less hostile towards Killer than Murder tho, he’d just engage with Killer as he’d engage with everyone else, but Killer definitely gets on his nerves with his very nonchalant yet passive aggressive attitude
I would lie if I said I don’t think Horror would feel a bit disgusted by both Killer and Murder for murdering their Papyruses, cause how could they? Papyrus is the only one they were tasked to take care of and they just Kill him off? And I can see Horror actually commenting on it, only to get a comment back from Killer about how he’s not any better than them, how he literally fed his Papyrus human meat, Horror is baffled by how on earth did Killer even manage to know that, only for Killer to be his usual secretive self and simply states that he has “his ways”
I can still see Horror forming a good friendship with Murder tho, and even forming some sorta alliance where him and Murder go “you scratch my back, i scratch yours”, very beneficial when you’re working under Nightmare
Killer is unfortunately on his own tho, especially with the fact Nightmare seems to have his eye on him 24/7, Horror and Murder try and stay away as to not end up catching Nightmare’s interest too, they don’t know why Killer seems to catch Nightmare’s fancy, but they’re glad they haven’t met the same fate and they’re not about to change that by getting closer to Killer, not only that, but I feel like Horror and Murder would definitely see Killer as the “pet” to Nightmare, his favorite “toy”, and with how Killer’s the closest to Nightmare, what’s to stop Killer from spelling their secrets or thoughts for Nightmare’s ears to hear??
It makes Killer a bit if an outcast, but Killer doesn’t really care
Not only that, I feel like Killer would definitely creep Horror and Murder out by his vast knowledge in the Metaverse and Players, and while Killer doesn’t make such creepy comments about how none of them have any true free will often, they still get to the other two to an extent
I can still see the Trio becoming friends still, but not in the same sense that is the star sanses are friends, more like the Trio are the kinda friends to try and kill each other as a form of showing affection, they’re always really mean to each other, and are definitely a bit distant, but they’re also in the same shitty circumstances under the same shitty roof under the same shitty boss, and none of them would admit it, but all of them find a bit of solace in each other’s company, cause it always means they’re not alone whenever Nightmare breaks their bones, even if the two who survived Nightmare’s wrath would only make fun of the poor bitch who faced it head on
I can also see them finding common grounds in surprising places
Horror is actually surprised to know that Killer doesn’t eat, that Killer has a problem with food just like he does
Murder is actually extremely surprised Killer seems to hate the human (at least to an extent) like he does
Killer is a bit relieved to know he isn’t the only one to killed everyone in his AU, that he isn’t the only one to gained Determination cause of it (even if he’s more severely affected by it)
The three are all relieved (not that any of them would admit it) they’re not the only one with fucked up mental health
As for Nightmare, I feel like he’d definitely have some sorta plan before he actually hires anybody, Killer isn’t hard to contain, just keep him at stage 2 and crush any hope he may have of any fantasy of him finding a better life for himself and he’d stay in line
Horror? Just threaten him with killing his brother, problem solved, he wouldn’t dare get out of line
Murder is the one i feel would be hardest for Nightmare to control, in fact, i fully believe Murder is always trying to run away to find his way back home, and so i feel like Nightmare would put Killer on babysitting duty, Killer is tasked with always watching Murder and making sure he stays in line, and while Nightmare never explicitly states it, Murder is fully aware that Killer’s watching him
It complicates things for Murder and i can imagine him actually succeeding in getting away a few times, only for Killer to find him and bring him back kicking to Nightmare’s feet
I actually like to think Nightmare’s lenient to an extent when it comes to the Murder Trio visiting their homes as long as they get back immediately once they finish whatever business they wanted taken care of, and it doesn’t get in the way of their missions, hell he’d even let them go for days at a time (Murder, however, is always dragged back by Killer, and it makes Nightmare think of how much of an ungrateful bastard Murder is)
Here’s the twist tho, Nightmare doesn’t allow them to go home out of the goodness of his heart, Nightmare simply allows it as a bit of a fancy manipulation tactic in which it would make it seem like he isn’t “too bad” (he’s so damn bad) and it would just give Horror and Murder less of a reason to plan any sort of treason against him (Killer’s too unfeeling in stage 2 to care enough to form an alliance) not that Nightmare’s worried about it, he’s more than capable to put them in their places had they dared, he simply doesn’t want to deal with such hassle when it can be easily prevented (i mean he really isn’t in the mood to find another Horror and Murder)
That however, doesn’t make any of the Trio any less expendable to Nightmare, especially Horror and Murder, Nightmare tries to always keep the same Killer around cause he just isn’t in the mood to condition whatever new Killer he gets to play by his rules again, but he definitely had a few different Killers over the years
Murder as well, he definitely was replaced with another Murder so many times (he’s the one who gets replaced the most)
I like to think Horror is the only one who never got replaced by another version of himself, cause Horror always tries his damn hardest to stay in line and keep on Nightmare’s good side, and whenever he goes on missions he’s always so very careful about how much damage he takes as to not be deemed useless by Nightmare, all motivated by his love and fear of leaving his brother behind by himself had Nightmare decided to kill him
It’s always surreal for Horror to see the Murder he formed a good friendship with to be killed off by Nightmare like he never mattered, only for Horror to be introduced to another Murder in the next morning like the presence of the previous Murder meant nothing at all, and it’s even more surreal for him to introduce himself to a new Killer or a new Murder like he never met them before, all back to square one
Killer might’ve served Nightmare the longest cause he was the first to be recruited, but Horror had always been the one to actually last the longest
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rainofthetwilight · 9 months ago
peak comedy
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meatloafzzz · 1 year ago
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irradiatedrosegarden · 1 year ago
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sometimes you just gotta lick the homies
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bloodyraremedium · 9 months ago
mike helping jeremy relearn functions after the bite
jeremy helping mike relearn functions after being scooped
that is all
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poisonousquinzel · 1 year ago
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Injustice: Year Zero #8
"You will wake up tomorrow because I allowed it. And because she'd never forgive me if you didn't.
But you're not powerful.
You're a fucking joke."
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mr-aftons-rotting-pussy · 7 months ago
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jeffjack truthers........ RISE RISE RISE
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nezz-cringe-crib · 7 months ago
L closet cosplay (and a more unhinged-edging-on-bb cosplay) before my brain gets mad at me and forces me to take it down gggrgrhrndnsj
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clownakai · 5 months ago
Shuuichi is revising the latest material from his Physics class when his cellphone starts ringing.
He doesn't react immediately, mostly because for a handful of seconds he's absolutely sure that he's just hallucinating the noise. It takes him a bit longer yet to connect the dots: yes, his phone is actually ringing and yes, he really should answer it before it goes to voicemail.
"Hello?" He says in English as soon as he flips the phone open. Shuuichi can count on two hands the people who have his number, and on a single one those who use it at least semi-regularly. Statistically speaking—
"Nii-san?" Nevermind.
"Shuukichi." Glancing at the clock above his desk, Shuuichi quickly does a bit of mental math and proceeds to frown at the wall. "Why aren't you in bed?" He asks, this time in Japanese.
"I am!" His brother replies vehemently, loud enough that Shuuichi yanks the phone away from his ear on instinct. "Sorry," comes immediately afterwards, much more subdued, "I didn't mean to yell.
"I am in bed." Shuukichi repeats. "But... I can't sleep." A tiny little noise— almost inaudible, really— reaches Shuuichi's ears. Sniffling, he realizes after a beat. His brother is trying to hold it back and only partly succeeding.
Shuuichi presses the receiver against his ear again and stands up, coursework forgotten as he begins to pace around the room. "Have you been crying? Why?"
"'M not crying." His brother denies, another sniffle crackling through the receiver. Shuuichi very nearly calls him out on the blatant lie, but reconsiders at the last moment.
"Alright," he concedes. A change in his line of questioning is probably the best call right now. "Why can't you sleep, then? Is it storming over there?"
Shuukichi has never liked storms, truth be told. He's gotten leagues better about them compared to when he was in primary school, but Shuuichi has lived through his fair share of impromptu sleepovers whenever the bone-rattling noise and flashing lights got to be too much for his brother to bear.
Mum used to let them hang out on the couch on those nights, bundled up in blankets regardless of the season, usually with something playing on TV as little more than background noise; it's not like Shuukichi would manage to stay awake for long anyway. As long as he got some company, the storm seemed to become rather innocuous in his little brother's eyes.
"It did for a while." Shuukichi's voice snaps him out of his daze. "Thunder and all. It's just rain now. But I still..."
Shuuichi waits for a continuation that he knows won't come. Glancing outside, he admires the rivulets of water streaming down the window, and then the sky up above, cold and gray. On the other end of the receiver, his brother sniffles again.
It rains because you're sad, Shuuichi thinks irrationally, the way a child would swear up and down that the moon chases their parent's moving car.
"It's raining over here, too." Is what he actually says.
"Unlucky..." Shuukichi sounds genuinely put out by the notion, for reasons Shuuichi can't even imagine. "What are you studying?"
Shuuichi rolls his eyes. "What makes you think I'm studying?"
"You're always studying, nii-san." Touché. But who would ever want to admit their little brother is right?
"Piss off," he lets slip, momentarily switching back to English. Then he sighs, knowing that resistance is futile. "Physics."
Shuukichi giggles triumphantly in his ear. "I knew it." A brief pause. Then, "Which topic? Is it interesting?"
It's at this point that Shuuichi finally catches on to what his brother isn't saying. The knowledge sits heavy in his gut, something dangerously close to guilt rearing its head in the back of his mind.
He doesn't... God, it sounds horrible to even acknowledge, but Shuuichi has yet to find himself forlornly thinking about his family the way he sometimes catches his fellow foreign students doing. He's not even sure he can say for certain that he doesn't miss them, is the thing, because in moments like this his chest feels like it's going to break open and swallow everything in its vicinity— Shuuichi's personal little black hole, futilely trying to fill a void he wasn't even aware had been left behind when he first boarded that States-bound plane.
But he still— he doesn't think about his family as much as he probably should. Case in point: he has a sister now. Masumi is only a few months old, but she's there, on the other side of the world. Shuukichi would know how she's faring, and yet Shuuichi didn't even think of asking after her until now. He just... forgot.
What kind of person does that make him?
"Nii-san?" Shit.
"Sorry," he replies, scrambling for an explanation that isn't 'I just realized I might not even miss you all most of the time', "I was looking for a topic you'd be able to understand. Wouldn't want to overload your brain."
Shuukichi makes an indignant noise. "Hey! I'll have you know—"
"Do you have your blanket?" Shuuichi continues as if his brother hadn't said anything. "The mouse one."
Shuukichi huffs upon being cut off, but answers affirmatively. "I laid it out on top of the sheets. Helps cover the glow of my phone screen, just in case." Clever kid. Shuuichi is sure that's not the only reason the old blanket isn't stuffed in the back of his brother's closet, but he magnanimously lets the topic slide.
"Good. How does electromagnetism sound?"
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Shuuichi talks for almost half an hour. Unused to it as he is, his voice gets rougher and weaker the longer he goes on, but he presses on until Shuukichi stops asking questions altogether and doesn't reply when prompted.
The receiver picks up the feeble— though regular— sound of the boy's breathing, and if Shuuichi falls completely silent to listen to it for a few minutes before hanging up, well... Nobody needs to know that.
(Outside, the rain stops falling.)
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hawleywilby · 1 year ago
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collectortruther · 1 year ago
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they mean so much to me look at these goobers 😢😢
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