#or the homies could just be kissin
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yknow thinkin abt art and how like. in the future i wish i could get a friend who was rlly chill with a lotta things so we could take our own reference pictures together when its like. an annoying pose that searches just arent yielding results for or a confusing angle i need to see properly or whatever. but then im thinkin like. a new take on kissin the homies goodnight is kissin the homies 4 art references. like what if i one day draw a kiss and i need it from a veryyyyy specific angle and to be done in averyyyy specific way. i need a homie whos got me
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angelthebedsheet · 4 years ago
“We’re inside.”
a miles morales x reader!!!
x male! reader
a/n: MY BABY!!! i love hims!!! he makes me so mf HAPPY dude istg! here’s this oneshot bc i cant get enough of him! quite literally have a mega little crush on him
contains boy x boy miles’ awkward ass, whole lotta gang gay shit, use of n-slur, reader’s lwk a smug lil bitch, kissing, cussin and a lil spanish? miles’ parents being mega miles x m/n fans
m/n means male name!
lets get into yall!
The two boys sat in Miles’ room in a comfortable silence. That is unless you count Sunflower softly playing in the background I guess. Miles had been trying to confess how he felt towards M/N but always bitched backed out last minute. He occasionally glanced from his sketchbook to the boy sitting in his office chair. He felt his hands get sweaty as he watched M/N subconsciously chewed on his straw as he scrolled on his phone.
He admired how his locks were pulled back into a ponytail, showing his jawline. Miles’ felt his coffee coloured cheeks heat up as M/N glanced up at him from his phone. He quickly looked back at his sketchbook, pretending he was looking at it the whole time. M/N snorted. “Yo, you good, pretty boy?” He asked. “What? Psssh, yeah. I’m good. Just vibin’ y’know? Thinkin’ bout what colour I should use next.” Miles said as he waved him off, hoping his pathetic attempt at saving himself even though he felt his heart race from the nickname. He felt a sweat bead form on his forehead as M/N cocked his eyebrow. He smirked. ‘Don’t do that. Why would he do that? Why is he smirking? God, that’s hot. Fuck. I’m a disaster.’ Miles thought as he grabbed a marker. “Thinkin’ while lookin’ at my face? Cap.” M/N said as he sipped on his smoothie. “N-No it’s not! I was just in a daze while thinking okay?! I totally wasn’t staring at you. That’s gay, man.” Miles stuttered, making M/N start laughing. “Dude you‘re literally bi with a preference for dudes 70% of the time, what the fuck?” He chuckled. Miles groaned and threw a marker at him. M/N tilted his head to the side, dodging the marker. Miles huffed and looked back down at his sketchbook.
“You’re a piece of shit.” He grumbled. “But you love this piece of shit, homie.” M/N teased, earning another groan from him before relaxing his face into a soft smile. He reached over to nudge Miles’ leg. “No but like you aight, niño bonito? You know you can always talk to me. I’m here for ya. Even with your spider shit goin’ on.” M/N said. Miles felt the flutter that occurred in his stomach at the spanish substitute. “Yeah... I’m. I’m good. Just Spider-Man jitters, y’know?” Miles mumbled as he rubbed the back of his neck. M/N stared at him before humming. “No I don’t know. Not everyone wears a cool ass spandex suit and swings around the damn city with webs, saving people ‘nd shit.” He commented before picking up his phone again. Miles huffed out a chuckle. M/N bit his straw with a smile as he scrolled down his phone.
‘I’m gonna do it.’ Miles thought as he collected himself. He wiped his sweaty hands off on his jeans. “Hey, M/N?” He called out. M/N hummed as he looked up at him. “I’ve been wanting to say this but.... I loooo–”He trailed off as he started to think. ‘What if he doesn’t like me? What if he has a crush on another person? I can’t afford to ruin our friendship.’ He thought. “–iiike how the sky looks right now. Isn’t so pretty?” Miles asked, done with himself. M/N deadpanned at him. “We’re inside, my nigga. Fuck you mean you like how the sky looks? The curtain’s deadass closed too.” M/N said as he made an unimpressed expression. “Oh-uhm-I. Ah, j-just forget it.” Miles groaned. M/N rolled his eyes before smiling. “Was that another poor attempt at you trying to confess to me, Morales?” He asked. Miles’ eyes widened. “You-You noticed?!” He exclaimed as he sat up.
M/N nodded with a smile. “And you never said anything?! M/N!” He whined. “Hey, you’re a big boy. I didn’t think Spidey was so scared to confess to lil’ ol’ me.” He teased. Miles glared at him. “But, I like you too, Morales.” He said softly. Miles swang his legs off his bed and shot a web at his chair. He tugged on his web, pulling M/N in the chair to him. “Say it again.” He said.
“I like you, Miles.”
“I like you.”
“One more time for me?”
“Oh my god. Miles Morales, I like you too!” M/N groaned. Miles smiled widely as he wrapped his arms around his neck. “Can I?” He asked as he looked down at M/N’s plump lips. “Fuckin kiss m—mmhfp!” He was cut off by Miles smashing his lips onto his. He wrapped his arms around his waist. “You. Don’t. Know. How. Long. I’ve. Waited. To. Hear. That.” Miles said between pecks. M/N chuckled as Miles continued pressing kisses onto his lips. He stood up, pushing the chair back. He leaned forward, kissing him deeper. Miles smiled into the kiss and pulled him down. They fell back on the bed, never pulling away from their liplock. It felt like the world around them sizzled away only leaving them.
Unfortunately, they didn’t hear the knock on the door and it open. “Miles, M/N, do you boys want some sn— AHA! CAUGHT THEM! MI AMOR, I TOLD YOU! YOU OWE ME 20 BUCKS!” Rio exclaimed while holding a bowl of grapes, causing Miles to push M/N off. “M-Mrs. Morales!” M/N stuttered. “Mama no!” Miles exclaimed as he shot up. The two boys’ faces heated up as they looked at Rio. “It happened?! Damnit!” Jefferson exclaimed from down the hall. “You made a bet on us?” M/N questioned with a hot face. “Dios mio...” Miles mumbled under his breath. “Sorry honey, we had to. We were tired of the whining Mil—” Miles cut her off. “OOOKAYYYY MAMA! That’s enough for now, thank you for the fruit! Okay now bye!” Miles exclaimed as he set the bowl on his desk and pushed her out.
“Have fun but not too much fun!” She called out before he slammed the door embarrassed. “Oh my god, I can’t believe they did that. My mom just caught us making out oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god we were just making out, holy shit.” Miles exclaimed. “Fuck that killed the mood didn’t it?” He said as he looked at M/N. “Yeah.” He said, making Miles’ shoulders slump. “But bold of you to assume we can’t fix that. C’mere pretty boy, I’ve been deprived of this for too long. Not even Doc Ock could stop me from kissing the shit outta you.” He said as he made a ‘come hither’ sign. Miles giggled and ran over to him. M/N pulled him down and hovered over him. “That was ho—” M/N kissed him and pulled away. “Nuff talkin’ more kissin’. Got that, Morales?” M/N said. “Got it, bebé!” He exclaimed before energetically pulling him down by his collar to connect their lips once more.
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pitaparka · 5 years ago
eye of the storm
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request: Hi! Can you do an imagine where the reader is surfing with John B en JJ on a stormy night and she gets hurts/almost drowns?
summary: john b., reader, and jj go surfing during agatha. they get hurt and the boys fuss and care for them. 
pairings: jj x reader
word count: 1.5k
warnings: near death experience, near drowning, large cuts
a/n: no super huge romance, just some friendly post trauma kisses. nothin gay about kissin your homies. big love
You shouldn’t have gone with them in the first place, but by the time you realized the tides were too rough for you, for anyone, it was too late.
The waves were frothy white, loud, and gorgeous. It was impossible not to feel tempted by them, by mother nature’s intense beauty. They surged high, rolling in on themselves before pushing in as far as they could onto the beach.
At first, you weren’t going to go in. You were going to stand around, watching them in the cold rain, making sure they didn’t drown or get hurt. It was stupid, you thought, as they blared music in the van, harsh winds and pelting rains sounding loudly against the metal, almost pushing John B. off the road a few times.
But the crash of the waves and the peaks of the crests, the strong pulling of the tide at your bare, sandy feet were too much for you. It courses adrenaline through your veins at an unfiltered rate. The sides of the beach were blown out, so you’d have to stay in the middle. You’d be able to live with that.
As JJ and John B. paddled out into the water, you retreated back to the van, where your board sat, begging to be used in the storm.
Paddling out into the ocean, you feel how intense the current is. You have to duck under many waves before you get one that’s salvageable.
It’s incredible to see through the barrel of the wave, but only for a second, as the wave changes and you’re under the water, eyes and lungs stinging. Your hand catches your board before you go too far down, and you wait the wave out, before pulling yourself onto the board, stomach flat on the hardwood finish and paddling out further. You have to duck under the waves that have already started to swell, but you have a good feeling about one far out, forming in the distance.
You see the break line and you’re off, paddling as hard as you can to catch it before it peaks. Before you know it you’re up on the board, and you make the bottom turn, cutting through the wave like a knife, balanced out and eyes the clearest they’ve been all week. You curve up, and then back in, watching the water crest right in front of you. But the whole wave closes out at the same time and you go under again, water in your eyes and ears. The wave turns you over in the swell, and you start swimming back to the surface.
Only, you’re not. You feel the tug on your leg, and you realize you’re swimming in the wrong direction. Using all your strength, you make it to the top, but are pushed back under in another swell, breathless and disoriented.
You pull your leg up to find your strap, panicking, and climb it up to where your board was, getting pulled viciously toward the beach in another wave. You swim up to the top, finally getting some air, and try to find your board. You pant as you wipe your face, but you can see another wave coming. You go under as it crests right above you, and your lungs sting. You come up coughing.
After the wipe out you don’t realize how close you are to the rocks near the pier until you’re on top of them, scraping your legs and the palms of your hands. The ocean is pure white there, all froth and harsh currents. But it’s not as strong as the waves in the middle. You pull your board into you, and decide you’ve had enough for the day, when you see John B. on  the beach, board in hand. You wipe your face again, and sit upright on your board. You survey the water and are surprised to see JJ making his way over to you. His hair is curled over onto his face, almost like a wave itself, his chest bare and his arms moving hard.
“Rocks!” You yell out to caution him, but he’s pulling his board to his chest and ducking under a wave.
He’s almost close enough to hear you when you watch him wince. He must’ve caught himself on a rock.
“You okay?” He yells, and you’re nodding, ready to go back in. He’s by your side and grabbing your arm to keep himself next to you. You grab his knee and feel the waves rock the two of you steadily.
“What happened?” He asks, and you know what he means but it’s too dangerous to hold a conversation out here.
“Let’s go in!” You yell over the swell, and he watches you with concerned eyes for a moment, before he makes you go first. It’s not as bad just riding the waves in, and as soon as you can stand, John B. is in the water, taking your board for you and walking alongside you.
You get to dry sand and rip the velcro off of your ankle. The waves are still loud, but at least now you can hear when John B. tells you, “You’re bleeding.”
You look down and see the culprit: a large scrape down the entire side of your calf, which stings with the salty air. He puts your board down in the sand and kneels down by it to get a better look when JJ makes it in too. He drops his board to the sand and doesn’t even bother unstrapping himself from his board.
“You okay? We saw you wipe out pretty bad,” JJ says, and there’s no pride in his voice. Just concern.
“Yeah, I’m okay, I just cut my leg on the rocks over there,” you say, watching John B inspect the cut.
“I think I have a first aid kit in the car. We have towels too,” John B. informs, and he picks up your surfboard and his own, waiting for you to start walking.
JJ is on you in a second, throwing your arm over his shoulder, his board under his other arm, as his hand wraps around your side. You smile and hobble with him over to John B.’s van.
The walk is silent save for the wind, and is entirely awkward.
“You’re shaking still,” JJ whispers to you as he sits you down on the floor of the van.
“I’ll be fine,” you reply. He moves to the back of the van as John B. starts it up. You wipe your sandy feet carefully on the asphalt before JJ comes back with a towel, pressing it carefully to the cut.  You wince.
“Sorry,” he mutters, lifting it off the cut to inspect the blood. He places it gently back down and applies pressure.
“Ugh, JJ stop doing that. I’m gonna pass out,” you tease, but JJ is not laughing. He glares up at you, and you watch him with warm eyes.
John B. enters from the other side of the van and closes the door, surfboards piled up in the back. He looks under the seat and finds an old first aid kit, probably from when his dad bought the van. It’s dusty and yellow and disgusting looking. He sits down behind you and starts going through it. You turn to him.
“If you take anything from there and touch me with it I’m gonna drive home and leave you here,” you say, and JJ chuckles.
“Be careful, man, she’s bleeding. There’s no telling what she’ll actually do,” JJ says, and he tries to tie the towel around your cut. He’s having a hard time.
“Come inside, you’re gonna catch a cold,” you tell JJ, but he ignores you. Until he laughs out loud.
“A hoe never gets cold,” John B. says from behind you, and JJ remarks, “Hey! I was gonna say that!”
You shake your head and roll your eyes.
“That’s not true. I’m freezing,” you tell the boys, and they both laugh, which fades into silence between you three as John B. puts the kit back under the seat and JJ finishes tying the towel.
There’s a radio station playing ads from the front seat.
“Get in. I’ll close the door,” JJ says, and you scoot backwards as he hops into the back, sliding the door behind him. John B. strategically maneuvers his way into the front of the van. JJ sits next to you, inspecting your fingers and bending them, as if to make sure they’re all in working order.
“You scared us, y’know,” John B. comments from the front. You rest your head on JJ’s shoulders as he notices your scratched palms that have since stopped bleeding.
“It’s okay,” you chide, and JJ runs the pads of his fingers over the cuts.
“It’s just a bad wipeout. It happens all the time to you guys,” you explain, and you feel JJ kiss the top of your head. You pull away to look at him, eyes wide, but he’s not looking at you anymore. He’s watching the rain pelt the window on his side. You two should probably be in seats, but it doesn’t matter at this point.
He refuses to look at you, so you don’t make him. Instead, you place your head back on his shoulder, bring his own palm up to your lips, and plant soft, inaudible kisses there.
You feel him smile as John B. takes his time cruising down the highway.
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saskiavalentineapologist · 5 years ago
an actual conversation between me and my gf
thelupinkingToday at 5:18 PM
im gay, you might not have known that, but its true
MandragoraToday at 5:19 PM
thelupinkingToday at 5:19 PM
bro I know bro
MandragoraToday at 5:19 PM
bro why didn't you tell me you were gay bro
i told you that you could trust me bro
thelupinkingToday at 5:19 PM
bro i thought u knew bro
bro i do trust u bro
MandragoraToday at 5:19 PM
i didn't know bro
im so sorry i didn't realize bro
thelupinkingToday at 5:20 PM
bro its not your fault bro
i should have been more open with my feelings bro
MandragoraToday at 5:20 PM
it's ok bro
i still love you bro
thelupinkingToday at 5:20 PM
i love you too bro
MandragoraToday at 5:20 PM
bro <3
thelupinkingToday at 5:20 PM
but i love you... not in a bro way bro
i love you in an i love love you way bro
MandragoraToday at 5:21 PM
bro can i tell you something bro
thelupinkingToday at 5:21 PM
of course bro
MandragoraToday at 5:21 PM
i love you that way too bro
thelupinkingToday at 5:21 PM
MandragoraToday at 5:21 PM
thelupinkingToday at 5:21 PM
bro you didnt tell me either bro
MandragoraToday at 5:22 PM
i didn't know you were gay bro
thelupinkingToday at 5:22 PM
Im very gay bro
MandragoraToday at 5:22 PM
thelupinkingToday at 5:22 PM
like full homo bro
MandragoraToday at 5:22 PM
b r o
thelupinkingToday at 5:22 PM
bro, so when I kissed u goodnight?
bro, I wasnt just kissin my homie... bro i was kissin my love bro
MandragoraToday at 5:22 PM
bro that wasn't you just kissing your homie.....oh my god bro
thelupinkingToday at 5:23 PM
bro i really like you bro
MandragoraToday at 5:23 PM
bro i like you too bro
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ellevillanelle · 5 years ago
20, 26 & 35
velvet - who was your first crush?
i think it was my best friend in 1st grade he proposed to me and we got married :)
kiss - have you ever kissed a friend?
yes one of my favourite memories is when i was in italy w my friends and we got drunk and climbed on the roof of the hotel and took pictures kissing skdjdk just two homies kissin on a roof in italy what could be better
watermelon - do films ever make you cry?
sometimes but not as much as tv shows because i need to be really invested to get emotional over it
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cncobaby222 · 6 years ago
Kissing on my tattoos
Authors note: I’m back with another story !!! Now this story started one way but i kept rewriting and finally got it how I wanted it . This is also based on the song by August Alsina called kissing on my tattoos
Warnings: none
Word count:1216
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Kissing on me
Kissing on me
Kissing on me
Kissing on me
Baby I don't blame you
For being in the clubs
Getting all that love
Because you're so beautiful
God made you to show that off, oh
Now I ain't ever been the jealous type of guy
But I want you to myself, I can't lie
I know we ain't on no one on one thing
But baby, It should change
Cause when I be out with other chicks I be thinking bout you
And when you be out on dates you be texting me too
Telling me to come pick you up when he drop you off
I pray to God he ain't breaking you off
You and Richard have always been close but what you didn’t know is how he felt about you, he was always there for you when you really needed him. All the dates you went on, he was there to make sure the guy wasn’t a creep he always told you he wasn’t the jealous but you never really believed him, you sit there in deep thought thinking about your friend and your feelings you finally zone back in to hear him talking to you “ Y/n Are you even listening to me?” “ huh What? “ “Nevermind but are you ready for your date?” “ yeah but promise me you’ll be nice to this one i know how you can get.” He just looks at you as the doorbell rings, you laugh and shake your head and walk to the door “ hey are you rea-.. Oh i didn’t know you had company ” “he’s just my best friend i’m ready.” You turn to look at richard and see him staring daggers at your date walk over to him and hug him “richard i’ll see you later” he hugs you back “ text me if you need me” you pull away and smile as you walk out of the door you grab your dates hand “ so you and him must be pretty close huh?” “ yeah hes my bestfriend” “he looks at you like he’s in love with you” you laugh but you know that could never happen as much as you want it too as you guys arrive to the restaurant you get a text from richard saying “i hope he’s treating you right if not then ima beat his ass” you smile and text back” youre such a dork lol” you put your phone away you couldn’t help but feel butterflies when he texted you that. You and your date are sitting there eating not really talking and its really awkward between you guys and you feel your phone vibrate but you ignore it you look up at your date and smile he smiles back and ask you “ So after this are we going back to my place after this ? You kind of just looked him very surprised he asked you that considering it’s your first date you excuse yourself and say you have to go the bathroom and pull your phone your out and text richard asking him to come get you he texts back instantly “ what happened. Are you okay?” “ yeah i’m fine but come get me” he tells you hes on the way. You walk back out to your date and tell him that you started feeling sick so you’re going to head home he looks at you “oh okay i can drive you home” “ No it’s okay Richard is coming to get me” “ Of Course he is, enjoy your night y/n.” you walk outside to see richard getting out of his car “ y/n are you okay?” “ yeah i’m okay please just take me home” as you are driving back home you feel richard put his hand on your thigh you looked down and smile. As you arrive at your house you look over at richard and say “ thank you for coming to get me. I guess you were right about him.” “y/n i- nevermind i’m glad you’re okay” “ do you wanna stay with me tonight” little did you know richard was hoping you asked him to stay just so he could hold you close to him. “ i would love to”
I don't want nobody but you
Kissin' on my tattoos
I don't want nobody but me
Talkin to you
Until you fall asleep
We better stop playing (We better stop playing game)
Before we mess around and someone gets hurt
I don't want nobody but you (nobody but you)
Kissin' on my tattoos
All my homies wanna know what's up with us
They can't believe that I'm kicking it with just one girl
But I'm cool with that
Them pretty eyes and that smile
Girl I'm a fool for that (yeah I'm a fool for that)
Cause when I be out with other chicks I be thinking bout you
And when you be out on dates you be texting me too
Telling me to come pick you up when he drop you off
I pray to God he ain't breaking you off
A couple days later you go with richard to the studio and hang with the rest of the guys as your siting in the studio and you hear chris ask him “ so what’s going on with you and y/n?” “ That’s my best friend but like i don’t know man my feelings for her are stronger than just us being friends” “you should just tell her bro” you look over to the boys talking and you see richard smile at you. You want to tell him how you feel and you want to be able to kiss him but its hard for you. You walk over to richard and he just smiles and pulls you closer “ hey rich can i talk to you for a sec?” “ yeah i’ll be back guys” you see chris grin and nod towards you guys then whisper something to erick you just laugh and shake your head as you guys walk outside and sit on the bench “ look i need to tell you something and it’s kind of been bothering me for a while” “ whats up babygirl? Actually before you say anything i love you, you’re all i think about. I honestly can’t stand that you aren’t mine and that i can’t hold you every night.” you sat there speechless because you never knew felt like that and you could tell by the look on his face he was trying to read your expression. You look up at him and kiss him, you kind of caught him off guard but he slowly started kissing you back. You slowly pull away “ rich i didn’t know you felt like that i was going to tell you that you all i ever think about but i guess we are on the same page” you laugh a little bit he just looks at you and kisses you again and you smile into the kiss and ask him what does this mean and he just chuckles” Well you are mine and thats it and if anyone has a problem can take it up with me.” You just smile and hug him. Your day just got better because you finally got the man of your dreams.
Nobody But you
Kissing on me
Kissing on me
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justimajinthat · 6 years ago
Got Boybands?
Beatles, boys who cry, Boyz n motion, and big time rush has something in common and its not that all of them starts with the letter b, its that they are all iconic boy bands. boy bands been around for years swooning queens of all ages. Ever since one direction hiatus I thought boy bands were dead. I failed to realize that the boy bands didn't stop they are just overlooked so I'm here to point some out talk about them maybe help them get some more support I don't know.
I was going to save this for last but I will be distracted the whole time if I did. Prettymuch. woohoo! anyway my friend showed me "open arms" my attention was grabbed wig snatched I wasn't prepared for the beat to drop like that but it did so did my heart. I loved it. um, they make straight bops. from what I understand a lot of fans feels neglected by them. "where's the album" is a common saying by the BEANZ. BEANZ are the fans in the fandom. it stands for Brandon, Edwin, Austin, nick, and Zion. they are a pop group with a hip hop sound at times. all of them can sing. they don't always get the same amount parts on songs but all of them can sing. it was formed in 2017 by Simon Cowell. I'm going to try to describe each member of the group the best can. starting with Brandon Arreaga. born December 14th 1999. he is 19 years old (the youngest) he is from Texas. He is white and Mexican he is good just about everything. one of the best dancers in the group. my favorite vocalist in the group. he has a deeper richer tone in his voice but can easily go up an octave or two he is a sick producer. he seems like one of the leaders in the group. I think he sings the most out of all of them. it seems like he is constantly working on his craft which I love. he loves food. his runs are superior. next up is Edwin Honoret. Edwin was born Feb 12, 1999. he is from the Bronx. he is Dominican. first thing to come in mind is fashion. don't get it twisted they all got style but with Edwin its evident that fashion is his thing. he seems positive most of the time putting out positive messages through social media. sports is not his thing but skateboarding is. he has a higher tone of voice but not the highest pitch in the group. next is Austin porter. born Aug 14, 1997 in North Carolina. This 21 year old (oldest) is lit. he always seem to be energetic and upbeat. he paints a lot . he gets the least amount of singing time but he is a great singer . he has a deeper tone of voice as well. he likes rapping. he seems to be very family oriented. all of them do but I notice it more with Austin. he seems very talkative and could relate with just about anybody. Nick Mara is up. he is also 21. he was born Nov 8,1997 in new jersey. he is the best dancer. has the highest tone voice. he seems the most serious out of everybody but stills jokes around. he has crazy shoe game. he's just suave. last one is Zion Kuwonu. born June 29,1999. he is Canadian. he is tall. loves Fortnite. he probably the second most amount of times. I think he is talked about the most in the fandom. prettymuch symbolizes quality to me. things take time with this group. they have 13 songs but you can bump to all of them. their lyrics are great, all of them can dance, they have a hip hop feel to them, and their music is constant. I feel like their motto is quality over quantity and out of all of them I feel like they have the best chance to really break out. my favorite released song is healthy.(they have a bunch of unreleased music) my least favorite is Jell-O. don't get it twisted Jell-O is still a bop but not "the" bop. BLiND is their most recent bop released(01/25/19). that song slapped video made the song even better. I honestly didn't know that was possible but they proved me wrong. I like blind because everybody did their thing and everybody vocals had a shinning moment. also the video was an aesthetic within its self. their first song released is would you mind(07/21/17)
next group is why don't we. I don't know why don't we as well but they seem like more on the quantity side. I say this because they have the most amount of songs out of all of the boy bands but not all of them are bangers in my opinion. I feel like most of my friends cant get into them because they do occasionally have a childish sound and their songs don't have as much depth as other artist do. what I mean by this is a lot of their songs are repetitive and the only thing is different about them is the new person singing the same verse. they also cant dance, but here are the reasons why you should give them a chance. they are very stylish, they voices are very distinctive, and they have one of the best melodies when its a banger. the group started in 2016 and consist of jack Avery(19), Corbyn Besson (20), Jonah Marais (20), Daniel Seavey (19), Zach Herron (17).their fans are called limelight I want to know why but I don't know maybe something dealing with the first song taking you. the childish sound songs are like trust fund baby and these girls. 8 letters was the first song I heard by them (jack Avery stood out to me for some reason). my friend was talking how she couldn't get into them so I decided to do my research. 8 letters was decent but I had to see if they had more hits and they do but I had to dig deep. talk(fell in love with Daniel), something different(loved the beat and video was sick), into deep (fell in love with Zach's voice and the melody was nice), nobody gotta know (started to appreciate Zach even more and all to them together and melody was clean as well), choose (I loved it gave me 00s' Justin Timberlake vibes the beat was great and the melody was another hit), why don't we just (was a decent song seemed really repetitive but it was catchy), invitation (had a r&b feel to it was catchy and the video was funny), words I didn't say (it was cute), turn it off ( the melody was good), made for( I loved the beat and it was cute). I think they have 40 songs don't quote me. their latest song was big plans which was a banger released (01/16/19). their first song released was taking you (11/25/16)
next group is in real life. the were the winners of ABCs 2017 tv music contest boy band. the group consist of chance Perez(21) Brady Tutton (17) Michael Conor(19) drew Ramos (21) Sergio Calderon(18). All of their songs are catchy and has the typical pop boy band sound but with a . they have 7 released songs including 2 Christmas songs.one thing different about this group is that Michael Connor can rap. my favorite song is how badly and my least favorite is probably got me good (their most recent song released 09/06/18) its still a good song though. their first song released was eyes closed released 08/25/17.
4th ave consist of Mikey Jimenez (19), Marcus Pendleton(18), Jaden gray (17), cam Jackson (20) who all compete individually on the sow boy band with the members of in real life. all of them can really sing. their runs are crazy but I feel like cam and Jaden mastered them the best and Jaden has a wider range. this group pop/r&b group. Jaden and Marcus are my favorite because Jaden just seems very confident and its cool plus his vocals are mental, Marcus because he like the homie he can get lit but he seems like a chill guy who cracks jokes.4th ave can dance , its not extreme like prettymuches but its way better than why don't we or the other bands. they have 12 songs and a fire interlude including 5 holiday songs. my favorite song is probably 4 u(honestly all of their songs was my favorite at least once). my least favorite is probably exit. their first song released was xoxo (02/8/18) and their latest song released is us (01/25/19).
the next group is cnco. they are a latin boy band who are from the show called la banda (executive produced by Simon cowell). the group includes Joel pimental(19), Erick Brian colon (18), Christopher Velez Munoz (23), Richard Camacho (22), Zabdiel de jesus (21). i think they have 45 songs including the remixes. tan facil is their first song released (01/29/16) and their latest song released was hey dj the remix (11/9/18). Mala actitud id my favorite and mas alla is my least favorite.
new hope club is the next group. this band is a pop British trio. Blake Richardson(19),George smith(19),and Reece Bibby(20).
they have 14 songs. fixed being the first(05/05/17) and permission being the latest(02/01/19). i love their music and their feel. they have nice vocals and their songs has a vintage sound to it with rock tendencies. crazy is my fav amd tiger feet is my least favorite.
next town down is the next group on the list. NTD is a an r&b group with Malik Knighten(19), Terence Thomas (24), Trevon Water(22), Chris Louis(21),and Leon Outlaw jr(16). they have 8 songs but they spoil us with covers on youtube. their first song released was easy (05/11/18) my favorite song of theirs will have to be easy and the least is kissin on.
the last final group i will be mic lowry. they are a r&b band from liverpool. Delleile Ankrah, Akia Jones, Kaine Ofoeme, Ben Sharples, and Michael Welch embodies old school r&b with new school flare. They were formed 2011. tuxedo is their first song released 05/18/15. their latest song is Tesla 10/19/18. they have 16 released songs.
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