#Louvre collection
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the-ruby-queen · 1 year ago
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Daphnis and Chloe c.a. 1824; François Gérard
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pen-and-umbra · 10 months ago
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Le Pandemonium
(John Martin, 1841)
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aristoteliancomplacency · 2 years ago
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About to flip my shit trying to find a photo of stamnos supposedly in the Louvre, but at least I came across this photo of a wine jug depicting an absolutely magnificent owl with arms and… well, arms.
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thepastisalreadywritten · 1 month ago
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chicago-geniza · 1 month ago
I Am Once Again Asking. Is This Allowed???
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artmindlens · 6 months ago
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La Grande Odalisque by Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres (1814), Louvre Museum, Paris.
Tension Between Desire and Emotional Distance
At the heart of La Grande Odalisque lies a subtle but potent tension between desire and emotional distance. The elongated, sensuous body of the figure invites the viewer's gaze, pulling them into a space where sensuality is emphasized. Yet, this invitation is undercut by the childlike face and detached expression of the figure, creating a sense of emotional unavailability. The viewer is simultaneously drawn in by her form but pushed away by her distant and unengaged gaze, creating a psychological conflict within the observer. This oscillation between proximity and detachment speaks to the unresolved tension many experience in relationships, especially those marked by ambivalence, where desire coexists with an unconscious fear of vulnerability.
Fragmentation of Desire and Identity
The distortion of the figure’s body—particularly the elongated back and the impossibly smooth skin—adds to the sense of fragmentation. In psychoanalytic terms, this fragmentation can be seen as a defense mechanism, protecting the subject from fully confronting their desires and the emotional complexities that accompany them. The figure becomes a projection of the viewer's own fragmented desires—parts of themselves they long to explore but fear fully embracing. The exaggerated body and the stark contrast between the sensual and the innocent create a schism between the idealized object of desire and the human emotional reality behind it.
The Childlike Face: Innocence and Manipulation
The figure's childlike face adds another layer to the psychological tension. While her body is presented as an object of desire, her facial expression remains passive, almost indifferent. This juxtaposition speaks to the infantilization of desire—where the object of desire is rendered emotionally unattainable, yet remains visually and physically captivating. For the viewer, this creates a scenario where the object of desire is infantilized, untouchable, and emotionally distant, eliciting both yearning and frustration. In a professional or personal context, this can mirror feelings of wanting something (a promotion, validation, affection) but always feeling as though it remains just out of reach.
Emotional Detachment and Control
The figure’s cool, indifferent gaze reflects emotional detachment, a psychological barrier that both invites and resists intimacy. This detachment could mirror the viewer's own emotional conflicts, especially in leadership or personal dynamics where control and power are maintained by keeping emotional distance. Leaders or professionals who resonate with this painting might recognise a subconscious tendency to keep others at arm’s length while projecting a polished, desirable image to the world. The painting reflects a defensive strategy where the subject—like the leader—controls their vulnerability by remaining emotionally unavailable.
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zurich-snows · 1 year ago
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statue de couple
-2500 / -2365 (Ve dynastie)
Lieu de découverte : Giza (Nécropole memphite->Région memphite->Basse Égypte) (?)
E 15592 ; E 22769
Département des Antiquités égyptiennes
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mishkakagehishka · 3 months ago
You know what i'm gonna ask. Where does time princess get the money for these collabs.
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b-o-t-t · 3 months ago
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fashionbooksmilano · 1 year ago
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Louvre Haute Couture
La mode dans les collections de peintures du Louvre
Sabine de La Rochefoucauld
Gourcuff Gradenigo, Montreuil 2023, 140 pages,Broché, 20,4x25cm, ISBN 9782353403905
euro 26,00
email if you want to buy [email protected]
Qu'ils soient de personnages célèbres ou d'inconnus, le Louvre conserve une inestimable collection de portraits qui sont autant de témoignages de l'histoire du vêtement, de ses usages et de l'évolution du goût. C'est à une visite de cette galerie d'histoire de la mode que Sabine de La Rochefoucauld nous convie ici. Historienne de l'art, elle connait très bien la collection de peintures du musée du Louvre sur laquelle elle travaille depuis plusieurs années. Ainsi, elle décrypte pour nous la mise de deux personnages représentés sur une tapisserie du début du xve siècle qui illustre une scène d'amour courtois. Plus loin, c'est un portrait de Marguerite d'York, troisième femme de Charles le Téméraire, qui attire son attention. Vêtue d'une robe noire bordée d'hermine ornée de pièces d'orfèvrerie, coiffée d'un hennin, la duchesse de Bourgogne arbore avec élégance la mode de son temps. Sur son autoportrait daté de 1493, Albrecht Dürer apporte une attention particulière à son apparence car il ne doit ressembler à aucun autre. Ainsi s'explique le port de ce surprenant béret rouge doté de lanières souples, cette chemise échancrée galonnée de rouge et d'or ornée de lanières couverte d'un manteau bleu froncé au col et aux épaules. Dans le pastel qu'en a laissé Maurice Quentin de La Tour de la marquise de Pompadour, celle-ci, somptueusement vêtue de ce qu'on désignera dès lors robe à la française tient son rôle de belle et talentueuse icône de la mode. Ainsi, en une soixantaine de portraits du xve au xixe siècle, servi par un texte à la fois distrayant et érudit cet ouvrage nous invite grâce à cette promenade dans les collections de peintures du musée du Louvre à redécouvrir la mode avec ses matières, ses usages et ses accessoires.
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eichmatt · 8 months ago
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vinicons · 2 years ago
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Francesco Rustici (Italian [Senese], circa 1595-1626).
Saint Sébastien, XVIIe siècle.
Toile (canvas), 2,24 m x 1,54 m.
Source: Louvre Collections.
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pininghost · 2 years ago
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Nike of Samothrace, The Louvre / How to Triumph Like a Girl by Ada Limón
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nchvz23 · 4 months ago
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simplynerdilicious-blog · 1 year ago
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Jeune femme dévoilée soulevant une draperie (1658) by Bartholomeus van der Helst ((via Musée du Louvre))
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erebus0dora · 7 months ago
some of you asked if you could print/chew/otherwise consume my Devil's Minion art, and i did ask if you needed a masterpost on the topic, so-
may i offer you this Google Drive folder, o gentle creatures..?
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i'll add more, and i believe it's sensible to add the links to the original posts with these images, but frankly speaking i am chill with whatever way you use or share them if that's for your personal use
just keep them free, that's my only request
what was born as a free art should remain free art
any questions left? ask them, i don't bite unless you would really like that
now, have a peaceful day and my digital hug
it feels appropriate to make it a fully shaped masterpost, links and all, so... links to each and every artwork on the theme - below the cut
the Tarot cards (Hermit/Death)
"...rest" (but mirrored)
first take on Armand that looks like anime
some thoughts on the age of the magnolia tree
human!Daniel deliberately thinking of beautiful things
The Magnolia Tee Print
animated Daniel (literally, as in, a gif)
a very vampire!Daniel, thoroughly researched
Byzantine Icon Armand
a tender moment which is vague but there you go
sleeping Armand from a fic
hugs (the quiet)
more hugs (abrupt)
more hugs (headphones on, updated)
Daniel gently cleaning Armand's face
some extra somfte quiet gremlin
crack!chibi!Daniel on tees
crack!chibi!Daniel on teefs
sneaky sleepy uncertain hug for another fic
moar tender touch for another fic
beige pillow
the return of the beige pillow
"i see you"
kissing the maker's hand
more tender face-touching, couldn't choose one
Daniel comes to Louvre
Daniel collects art
four pages of Armand running and Daniel chasing
Hug The Gremlin
Hug The Gremlin For He Is Art
Armand as a candle, literally
Armand and magnolia petals (the art)
Armand and magnolia petals (the sculpture)
(slightly off-topic, but) Perforated Heart because ffs Eric knows his shit
good old don't you maître me thing which i keep forgetting to include
Only Fangs Molloy - keep in mind there's a JPEG and a TIFF version in the Drive folder, the TIFF works better if u wanna print it
(+bonus TALK SHIT GET BIT file is also there)
A LOT of traditional stuffs, scanned in 350 dpi for your entertainment
Daniel gently feeding his feral master, which is honestly one of the most tender things i have created
cozy sated hugs on a sofa
an inspired old dogboy Molloy because face it, the world needs more hot aged people
a domestic scene of Daniel waiting for Armand to enter his space, i suck at descriptions
trad art bonus! fighting with graphite dust, vol. 1, Luke
trad art bonus! fighting with graphite dust, vol. 2, Assad
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