#Louisiana Lightning
merriblu · 3 months
We have thunder!!! I’m so so glad I cut the grass this morning 😂
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hells-fvry · 7 months
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"Comme c'est pittoresque! Je crois que toi et moi nous entendrons très bien."
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"En effet mâ chèr, cela pourrait être très amusant..."
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thebarefootcajun · 1 year
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Antoinette Musée, Femmes des Éclaireurs
Her name, Antoinette Musée. Knowledgeable about all things in L’anse Éclair. Cajun Woman superbement. Operated a museum out of her house. Subject; La Physique des Les Éclairs.
A self taught meteorologist studying each lighting bolt upon the L’anse. Somewhat the eccentric scientist with wiry gray hair. Lighting had sizzled her too many times leaving her appearance exquisitely disjointedly frazzled .
At times she could be seen sizzling above the ground connected to a bolt. Some said she was immune to the shock.
Antoinette Musée said, “ la Bon Dieur va me prendre avec un éclair à lui.”
Rode her fiery chariot to heaven.
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bimobuddy · 6 months
Hazbin TK fic
Writing this because there's currently a storm going on that's not supposed to end until 7 pm, and I'm not doing well :)
Lee!Alastor, Ler!Lucifer
Alastor might be ooc
CW: Fear of storms?? Anxiety
Summary: Hell gets a really bad storm, and Alastor isn't as composed as he normally is. When Lucifer finds out the reason why, he decides to put their rivalry aside and help him out.
Alastor gripped his cane tightly in his hands, his permanent grin slightly more strained than usual. Wordlessly, he stood up from his seat and made an excuse to Charlie about needing to finish up some scripting for his next broadcast.
He turned and left the lobby, his shoes clicking as he walked down the hall.
His breath caught in his throat as he picked up the pace a little, his ears starting to fold back.
"Heeey, Bambi!" Lucifer called, appearing in front of him. Oblivious to the Radio Demon's distress, he grinned, ready to harass him. "Where are you off to in such a hurry?"
Alastor gripped his cane so hard he thought he was about to snap it. "Not that it's any of your business, your highness, but I'm heading back to my room." He replied, trying to mask his fear behind his usual smile and sass.
As thunder sounded again, softer this time, more of a rolling sound, Lucifer picked up on Alastor's anxious demeanor. His tail flicked, and his ears were pinned back a little.
The king chuckled, "Oh come on, don't tell me you of all demons are scared of a little-"
Lucifer blinked and looked around. Had Alastor disappeared? The light sound of microphone feedback caught his attention, and he turned to see that Alastor hadn't disappeared into shadow, but instead dropped to the floor and hidden under a table in the hall.
Alastor's ears were fully pinned back as he shook and pressed himself back against the wall.
Sensing this was something deeper, Lucifer kneeled down to be eye level with him. "Hey," he started, speaking softly, the same way he had to Charlie when she was a child and scared of the dark, "You're okay, Al. This hotel was built with angelic power, the storm isn't going to break in."
Alastor, eyes wide still, looked up at the king. When Lucifer took a chance and reached a hand out, he was surprised when Alastor took it.
"When I was a child," the demon started, his voice losing its radio filter, "a really bad tornado hit Louisiana. It devastated our town and nearly destroyed my home. I was in the cellar with my mother for hours until we were found."
Lucifer's eyes widened a little bit, as he felt his heart break for the demon. He gave Alastor's hand a gentle, reassuring squeeze. "You know, Charlie used to be afraid of storms too-"
Alastor forced a short laugh. "Wonderful, I'm behaving like a child." He pulled his hand away, and climbed out from under the table, feeling embarrassed for having acted like that in front of his rival. As another boom of thunder sounded, Alastor froze and gripped the table so hard, the wood started to crack and splinter.
Lucifer summoned his wings and wrapped one side around Alastor. "Let me walk you to your room-" Alastor shook his head. "My room is modeled to look like the swamps of Louisiana, I can't-... I can't stay in there during a storm."
"Alright then... My room, come on." He turned and started to guide Alastor in the opposite direction. He folded his wings in and de-summoned them, as to let Alastor retain his dignity when they passed by the lobby again.
As he was being guided, Alastor didn't once argue or complain, much to the surprise of Lucifer. He actually stayed rather close to the king, ears down, forcing himself to take deep breaths.
When they reached Lucifer's room, there was a flash of lightning, causing Alastor to rush in quickly. Seeing Alastor break character so much was very odd and concerning to the king. For as long as he had known the demon, Alastor had the attitude of someone who was untouchable. And now here he was, shaking, and bleating like a scared fawn.
He sighed, feeling bad for him. He remembered when Charlie would come running into his room scared, during a storm. Back then, he would have scooped her up into his lap, and they would have counted the seconds between the flashes of lightning and the cracking of thunder. And when that didn't work, he'd- Oh there's an idea.
"Alastor?" He started, taking his hat off and setting aside. "You wanna know what I used to do with Charlie when she was scared of storms?" He asked with a smile.
The Radio Demon turned to face him. He was still holding onto that smile, but his eyes showed just how distressed he was. He tilted his head.
Lucifer waved him over, sitting down. "I'll show you, sit down." Alastor approached and sat next to him, willing to try anything at this point to calm his nerves. He set his cane aside and let out a surprised fawn squeak when the king just opened his coat. He was obviously wearing a shirt underneath, but he hadn't expected for Lucifer to touch him.
"It was a little game we'd play. You ready?" Before Alastor could question it, he saw another flash of lighting that made him jump. That was Lucifer's cue to start.
He reached forward and started to scritch his claws against Alastor's sides, up and down. The demon let out a startled yelp, and at first Lucifer thought maybe this was a bad idea. But when the host started to chuckle and lean into it, he smiled and continued.
As thunder rolled and boomed overhead, Lucifer slid his hands upward and spidered over his ribs. Alastor doubled over, laughing harder, yet he barely even noticed the loud noise, only able to focus on the tickling.
Playful claws zipped down and vibrated into his hips, and the radio host couldn't help but curl up and fall onto his side, tail wagging. He squeezed his eyes shut and laughed louder, his own hands shooting down to grab Lucifer's, yet he didn't push him away, seeming to be more than okay with this distraction.
The king gave his hips a break and reached up to gently scritch behind his ears. He couldn't stop the fond smile that painted itself across his face once Alastor's loud laughter melted away into staticky giggles.
Lucifer summoned his wings back and again, and wrapped them around Alastor, pressing them against his back. Alastor normally hated touch, but he welcomed this. It was warm, and the gentle, constant pressure against his back was helping with his anxiety, a lot actually.
When he opened his eyes, he saw Lucifer plucking one of his own feathers. His cheeks warmed and his ears folded back, but he didn't attempt to escape. He just squeezed his eyes shut again, and allowed the angel to flutter it under his chin.
Alastor burst into surprised giggles, shocked at just how ticklish it was. It definitely didn't feel like a normal feather, it was worse.
Lucifer chuckled, "Yeah, angels feathers, they're much more intense than birds." He saw the window flash, and brought the feather down to Alastor's tummy, pushing his shirt up. Right when the thunder started, he started to flick and flutter the feather against his skin, grinning to himself when Alastor jumped and curled up, laughing, gently batting at the king.
Yet he didn't even notice the storm outside.
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random-fandom1984 · 6 months
TFP! Bumblebee x SG! Cybertronian Reader
Requested by @alex21705
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●It is midday, and you're patrolling somewhere in Louisiana, when a thunderstorm hit ●You called for a Groundbridge, and just as you passed through, a lightning bot struck the portal, and you didn't get to react in time as it pulled you in like a Black Hole ●When passing through, you expected to be in some sort of different Shadow Zone, but no; it was an alternate reality! ●To say you were confused was an understatement. Why are your colleagues suddenly so... nice? Why are their paint jobs different? Why was your closest friend so adorable?! What do you mean they didn't have another bot named C/n?! ●You weren't used to this nice, go-to happy atmosphere, especially Ratchet and Optimus NOT being psychopaths. But you weren't complaining. ●You were assigned to be Bumblebee's partner when going on patrols and missions, and you were confused.
-Optimus: I'm sure you're familiar with Bumblebee. Although he might not be like your world's version of him, I'm sure he will make you feel welcomed. -Bumblebee: *Beeps in confirmation* :) -C/n: ... Don't you mean Goldbug? -Bumblebee: *Beeps in confusion* ? -Optimus: No?
●So, the meeting was going great! ●As time passed by, you grew to like this place. Everything was peaceful when their world's version of Decepticons weren't trying to destroy shit. ●When you first arrived, you were aggressive, on guard like everyone and everything was going to attack you at any given moment. ●But the more you spent time here, you've cooled down a lot. You asked questions about topics like a toddler would, letting your interest be know that aren't about slaughter, murder, torturing; in fact, you started losing interest in those things! Spending time in this universe actually made you start seeing the brighter things in life. ●Not only that, but the more you started changing to a life a peace, you... started getting nightmares about what will happen when you return, and they see the changes. Most likely torture you without a second glance, possibly kill you for straying against the Autobot cause. But what will hurt most is what will Goldbug do when he sees the new you? You've known how he is with your world's Decepticons, basically a mini-Optimus in the making. ●But, of course, Bumblebee saw how nervous you were being, and confronted him about your behavior is when you let everything of your being fall apart, telling him that your scared. Scared of what will possibly happen when you return. It's not like you can stay in their world forever; you'd have to go back at some point. ●In response, he'd pull you into a hug, rubbing your back plates in a slow, gently manor, beeping in a tone that can be music. The first time he did this is when you felt your spark thump, and you just hugged him back, and the both of you fell into recharge, not once letting go are letting your grip become loose in the slightest.
-Raf: Bumblebee? Where are you? It's time for me to go- *Hears familiar beeping in the next room* Bee? Oh! *Looks in the room as see's Bumblebee hold C/n in his lap, arms wrapped around them as their arms are wrapped around his waist, both sleeping away* I'll just ask Ratchet. *Walks away*
●As time goes on, the pinning becomes so obvious majority of the team is just groaning in annoyance, they get that this is adorable but just get together already! ●Usually, whenever he gets upset over something, he would seek you out, and just wraps his arms around you because when he's with you, he doesn't want you to leave and holding onto you is his only security of that never happening. ●There was only one bot that he was jealous of, that's in his world, and it's Smokescreen. Ever since he's joined the team, he's been dropping pick-up line after pick-up line, and making your laugh! It should be him causing him to make you laugh, not him! ●The funny thing is that you like it when he seeks you out for comfort, causing you to quietly laugh at his adorableness. If Bumblebee finds out about this, he'll make sure to do that every single time he finds himself in the same room as you. 1 for Bee, 0 for Mr. Destiny Child. ●Often times, ever since Ratchet has gotten closer to find out a way to send you back home, Bumblebee has been trying to convince you to stay, and honestly... you've been considering it. ●I mean, on the one hand if you go back home, you'll see your team again! But on the other hand, ...you would probably get tortured for changing your ideals. ●And so, with a heavy spark, you decided to stay!
●Goldbug has been searching for you. You should've came through the Groundbridge and back to base. ●The others suspected that you were probably captured by the Decepticons, but they didn't bother. One less bot to waste Energon resources. ●But not Goldbug. He hasn't rest ever since you've disappeared. The bot he fell in love with just disappears? No. There's gotta be an explanation for this. ●Forcing SG! Raf to look through security cameras in the area you were in, he found out why. Stupid thunderstorm. But... at least this gives him a lead to find out where you went on his own. ●He will not rest until he finds you and returns you back.
Part 2?
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blackleatherjacketz · 3 months
Shadow and Sin: Chapter 7
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Elijah Mikaelson x Female Reader
Summary: Having just recently moved to New Orleans, you get intimately acquainted with both Mikaelson brothers, but don't find out who they truly are until it's too late.
This Chapter: Elijah comes to your rescue after you and your brother get attacked.
Warnings: Blood and Gore, Violence, Compulsion, Brushes With Death, Blood Drinking, Kissing, Loving Touches, More Phantom of the Opera References
Word Count: 2.1k+
Read the rest of the story HERE
“Drink.” Elijah orders you, cradling the back of your head as he presses his open wrist against your lips. The hot viscous fluid pours around your mouth as your weakened body slumps against the alleyway, barely able to register what he’s saying, let alone what he’s trying to do.
You manage to squint up at him in response, feeling your heart beating so fast that it nearly rattles your ribcage.
“Please drink, little Lotte, it’ll heal you.” His words are laced with an unmistakable urgency as his breath becomes more erratic, his concern for you more evident than ever. He tilts your head forward again and practically forces your mouth to open against his skin, the salty metallic liquid flooding your taste buds until you have no other choice but to swallow it. “That’s it, take a little bit more.”
Allowing it to fill your mouth completely, you begrudgingly down another bitter gulp as the rest of it spills down onto your chin and chest, mixing with the coagulated blood from the bite on your neck. His morbid cure oozes down your esophagus and settles into the pit of your stomach, allowing his features to slowly come more into focus; his eyes wet with sorrow as he waits for the sanguine solution to work its magic on you. Once a pillar of self control, now a nervous wreck riddled with regret as he strokes your hair, his jaw clenching in anticipation.
The blood he gave you suddenly steadies the deafening sound of your rapid heart rate, the panic quaking its way through your nervous system eventually following suit. It quiets the alarm bells in your head, gradually easing the sharp yet throbbing pain in your neck and the crippling fear that widens your eyes.
Holy shit, he was right. It healed you, somehow. HE healed you.
“Look at me.” He whispers, taking his wrist away before grabbing onto your chin, inspecting your wound as it miraculously seals itself up. “I need to get you off the street, somewhere safe.”
“Is Austin okay?” You try to turn your head to look over at your brother, but Elijah’s grip on your face forces you to keep your eyes only on him.
“I wouldn’t worry about him. Your brother’s going to be just fine, trust me.” He stares into your eyes, stroking your chin with his thumb as he instills that truth into your psyche. “Now let’s get you home.”
“Alright, but...” You keep staring at him, still too shocked to ask him any more specific questions that race through your mind as your body recovers from the attack. “Shouldn’t you be taking me to the hospital? Or the police station? Somewhere, anywhere else?”
He swallows hard and picks you up off the ground without a word, tucking his elbow beneath your knees to carry you like a bride across the threshold. The hot Louisiana air rushes past you in a soothing breeze as you cling to his neck and shoulders, taking in that dark scent of his as it mixes in with the blood splattered across his suit. He continues to carry you through the quarter at lightning speed, blurring past some of your favorite spots until you practically float up the stairs and reach your apartment’s doorstep much quicker than you thought humanly possible.
Only you know now that he’s not human, no matter what he may look like on the outside.
“There’s no need for a hospital.” He turns his head toward you, his lips grazing over your cheek as he lowers your feet onto the ground. “My blood should have healed you completely.”
“Your blood,” you repeat back to him, not stepping away from his embrace as you try to accept the gruesome truth that stains his pristine white shirt a deep burgundy. “Thank you for saving me, but umm…” You look down at his ruined sleeve. “What about you? Your wrist, it was bleeding, wasn’t it? At least, I could have sworn it was.”
“I’ll be fine,” he smiles, almost amused by your concern for his well being. “I promise. One of the perks of being a vampire is that I heal almost instantly, which is why my blood could heal you. Now, let’s get you inside.”
“Right,” you nod, hoping that if you repeat what he said to you in your head a thousand times or so, it might make it easier for you to accept.
You turn and pull your keychain out of your pocket, fumbling through them until you finally find your house key, noticing that your hands and arms are still caked in blood. Trying to compartmentalize the issue, you focus solely on sliding the key into the slot, shakily turning the handle before opening the door to your home away from the monsters that had attacked you. Still holding onto his hand, you attempt to bring him inside until you feel him forcefully tug backward, stopping as if there were some sort of invisible barrier between him and your doorway.
“You have to invite me in.” He states solemnly, as if it’s some piece of common knowledge that you just haven’t been privy to until now.
Right. Blood, healing, vampires, invitations. This is all becoming a little too real, no matter how excited your inner thirteen year-old self is right now.
“Please come in, Elijah,” you say out loud.
And just like that, the invisible barrier between you disappears as he walks into your apartment, still holding onto your hand.
“So who were those guys, anyways? Part of some rival vampire gang?” You run a washcloth under the kitchen sink as you try to collect yourself, to make sense of everything that’s happened tonight as the water slowly begins to heat up. You take your time wringing it out as you wait for him to answer until you suddenly feel him behind you, his chest gently pressing against your shoulder blades as he whispers into your hair.
“Something like that, but they won’t ever harm you again.” His bloody hands graze over your arms, encasing your hands as the water falls down your knuckles, saturating the dried blood before he smears it away, sending a wave of warmth up your spine. “Here, allow me.”
His stern tone wavers a little as he takes the cloth from you, his hands nearly dwarfing yours as he begins to rub your skin in slow circular motions until it’s no longer stained that shade of muddy red. You can’t be sure whose blood covers more of the cloth now as he squeezes it out before starting again on your other arm, both of you watching it disappear down the drain.
Once your arms are clean, he takes your hand and turns you around toward him as if the two of you were back on the dance floor of that bar, watching you with a desire that has a whole new meaning to it now that you know the truth about what he is. His eyes seem to darken, but don’t burn that infernal red like the man who’d bitten you earlier tonight, instead only warming you from the inside out as they quietly take in the sight of your face and neck.
Oh no, your neck!
“Are you okay with this? You’re not tempted to… bite me, or anything, are you?” You refuse to relinquish the washcloth he tries to tug away from you as your thoughts of caution come a little too late. You realize now that you’ve let your romantic ease with him override your new knowledge of his potential for violence, putting you both in a compromising position as the space between you closes.
“If I wanted to drink from you, I would have done so already.” He states in that firm, cold tone that you secretly love as he pulls the cloth from your fingers. “But I’ve already fed tonight, and my interest in you lies elsewhere.”
“Elsewhere?” You smile, unable to stop the twinkle in your eye as his words make you feel a little bit safer. You assume that he wouldn’t have gone to all this trouble to save your life if he wanted to take it the very second you invited him in, but you had to ask, just to be sure.
“To answer your question, those men are part of the underbelly of New Orleans, part of a world that the city likes to cover up with extravagant tourism and ghost tours.” He explains, wiping the bulk of the clotted blood off your neck as his other hand keeps your shoulder steady. “For centuries now, it’s been the reason that so many souls flock to the quarter, to experience the magic and danger of it, all while blaming it on the spirits inside the bottles that they drink.” He wets the cloth again, wringing it out one-handed before bringing it up to your chin, a small smirk crossing his lips at the image of your mouth drenched in blood. His blood. “But then people like you often get caught in the crosshairs, and that’s not what I ever wanted for you.”
“What you ‘wanted for me’?” Your brows knit together as you try to make sense of it all, wanting a bit more clarity than his stoic generalizations are giving you. Was he involved with Klaus, or this… Marcel Gerard that the other man had mentioned before? Or was he simply just in the right place at the right time for him to save you?
Elijah purses his lips together and washes behind your ear, the warmth of the washcloth soothing your previously broken skin as he holds you close, making you forget the rest of your prying questions for the moment. You close your eyes and let him clean you, getting lost in the pleasant feeling of the fabric washing away the horrors of the night and the sensation of his hands on your body.
You can’t help but think back to the other night when you were covered in paint with Klaus in his studio, and now you’re here covered in blood with Elijah. Both of these men are caught up in something much more maudlin than you can even begin to grasp. You get the feeling that choosing either of them would put you in a highly dangerous position, but Elijah had just saved you, no questions asked, while Klaus seemed intent on corrupting you to the core. The images of the Emperor and the King of Swords come up in the forefront of your mind before you open your eyes to take in his handsome features by the light of the moon shining in through your kitchen window.
“It was naïve of me to think that I could have you and not get you caught up in my mess.” His hand switches from squeezing your shoulder to cupping your cheek, having wiped all of the blood off of your skin. “I warned you that the phantom kills despite Christine, not just for her. What I forgot to do was remind myself of that fact. I wanted to be your Raoul, Little Lotte, but…”
“But what? You can’t see me anymore just because you’re a vampire?” Goddamnit, you’d just decided to stop seeing Klaus, and now Elijah’s backing out, too? You can barely wrap your head around dealing with the loss of one, let alone both of them at the same time. “I don’t want Raoul, Elijah, it’s never been that for me, okay? I want Erik, The Phantom, I want you!”
A hint of a smile tugs at the corners of his mouth. “You know not what you ask, but if that’s true I’ll take care of it. I’ll take care of them, make sure that you’re protected. You have my word.”
“Take care of who, exactly?” You raise your eyebrows at him, hating not knowing the whole story, especially when it’s putting your life at risk. You understand that it takes time to open up to people about certain details of your life, but you’re way past all that now.
Elijah sighs and weaves his fingers into your hair, pulling on it just hard enough to make you look at him again. “Those men that attacked you were random criminals looking for a bite to eat, nothing more. They weren’t connected to any other vampire. In fact, you don’t even remember what they said to you or your brother. All that you can remember is that you were bitten, and that I saved you.”
“Right, you saved me.” You repeat back to him numbly, a docile smile spreading across your face.
“You won’t go out into the quarter after midnight again unless I’m with you, is that understood?” That ice cold timbre returns, quickly chilling you to the bone as he delivers his last hypnotic order of the night.
“I understand.” You nod into a kiss on your forehead as he drops the blood-soaked washcloth into the sink, wrapping his arms around you in a tight yet affectionate embrace.
“Good, now let’s get you out of these clothes.”
Tags: @hcqwxrtss123 @hayleym1234 @derangedangel
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Napoleonville [Chapter 10: The House Of Saint Honoratus of Amiens] [Series Finale]
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Series Summary: The year is 1988. The town is Napoleonville, Louisiana. You are a small business owner in need of some stress relief. Aemond is a stranger with a taste for domination. But as his secrets are revealed, this casual arrangement becomes something more volatile than either of you could have ever imagined.
Chapter Warnings: Language, sexual content (18+ readers only), dom/sub dynamics, smoking, drinking, drugs, weddings, Willis Warning, infidelity, kids, parenthood, Rice-A-Roni.
Word Count: 6k.
Link to chapter list (and all my writing): HERE.
Taglist: @marvelescvpe @toodlesxcuddles @era127 @at-a-rax-ia @0eessirk8 @arcielee @dd122004dd @humanpurposes @taredhunter @tinykryptonitewerewolf @partnerincrime0 @dr-aegon @persephonerinyes @namelesslosers @burningcoffeetimetravel-fics @daenysx @gemini-mama @chattylurker @moonlightfoxx @huramuna @britt-mf @myspotofcraziness @padfooteyes @targaryenbarbie @trifoliumviridi @joliettes @darkenchantress @florent1s @babyblue711 @minttea07 @bungalowbear @bluerskiees @herfantasyworldd @elizarbell @urmomsgirlfriend1 @fudge13 @strangersunghoon @wickedfrsgrl
Thank you so much for loving this strange, sexy, sweet story. I hope you enjoy the finale. 🥰🧁
Your bare feet in warm grass, your hands around the ropes of the tree swing, no sounds except the ancient psalms of the earth: cicadas, mourning doves, goldfinches, bumble bees, bullfrogs, wind in the leaves of the dogwoods and southern live oaks. The adolescent alligator is at one end of the front yard, sunbathing up by the mouth of the gravel driveway; in the opposite corner are several nutria nibbling on cattails. The sky is a calm, cloudless blue. It’s hot, mid-80s, even when 5:00 p.m. comes and goes; but the breeze is cool as it evaporates the sweat from your temples, your palms, the nape of your neck. It’s as close as Louisiana ever gets to Heaven. It’s a good day for a wedding.
You remember thinking that it was the end of the world when you found out you were pregnant almost exactly eleven years ago, and then again when you realized you would have to divorce Willis, and so you have lived through enough moments like this—these quiet, infinitesimal apocalypses—to know that there will be a future beyond Aemond marrying Christabel. The sun will rise tomorrow, and then it will set, the lightning bugs will appear and the stars will tell myths in the night sky, and the phone will ring as orders come in for the bakery, and Cadi will be back in her bedroom playing her Nintendo, and life will roll on like currents through the bayou: slow, opaque, inevitable. The world isn’t ending, you know that. It’s just full of beautiful things that aren’t for you.
Out on Route 401, a Plymouth Gran Fury zooms by the house, squeals to a halt, and then reverses until Willis can take another look, squinting through his tinted windows. He turns down the driveway and steps out into golden July daylight. He doesn’t pay any attention to the gator as he strides past her. He belongs here, in a place that is old and strange and savage and full of beasts. You have carved out a home for yourself in the swamplands; Willis was born with veins like the roots of a mangrove tree and ancient silt instead of marrow in his bones.
“Hey, sugar,” he says, pushing his sunglasses up into his hair. The wind ruffles the dark curls of his mullet, the bumble bees flee as he tramples clovers. “Ain’t ya supposed to be at the weddin’?”
“I’m sick.” A lie. “But Cadi’s fine, she’s with Amir. She was so excited she actually wore one of the sundresses my mom bought her and had Amir braid a dogwood flower into her hair to match his. You should have seen it. You would’ve been so proud.”
“I’m always proud of her,” Willis says, smiling. And then: “Ya don’t look sick.”
“I am.”
“Ya got one of your headaches?”
You pause. You don’t, but this is a convenient excuse. “Yeah.”
Willis stalls, his hands on his belt. His pistol is there; you remember how he used it in the bayou, how he helped save your life. But he wasn’t the one who jumped into the water. Aemond was willing to risk his body for me, but not his soul. What kind of sense does that make? “Ya had me scared for a minute there,” Willis says.
“What? When?”
“When I thought ya were goin’ to end up with that Rockefeller boy.”
“Aemond?” you say, like it’s so shocking. “No. Absolutely not. It’s impossible.”
“And why’s that?”
You stare into the trees so Willis can’t see the tears welling up in your eyes, the tension in your throat as embers kindle there, pulsing with heat that could char flesh to the bone. “He can’t marry someone like me.”
“I could,” Willis replies, grinning. You glare at him until he recants. “Alright, alright, oublie ça. Pardonne-moi.”
“Why would you be afraid of me and Aemond being together?”
“An oil tycoon? A millionaire? He would never stay here for long. In a town like Napoleonville? Soon as he was done getting’ those rigs up and runnin’, he’d go jettin’ off to some other corner of the world, and he’d take you with him. And Cadi too. I wouldn’t be able to fight that. What’s a parish sheriff to a Targaryen? Who would listen to me? Cadi would be gone and I’d never get her back. It would kill me. It would rip the heart right outta my chest.”
You look up at Willis from where you sit on the tree swing, the soles of your feet colored with soil and grass. “I wouldn’t do that.”
“No?” he asks, perhaps suspicious, perhaps hopeful.
“No,” you promise. “Cadi loves you. Cadi needs you to be in her life. I would never try to take her away from you, Willis.”
He nods; he seems to believe you. And something relaxes in him, like there’s been a tension in the lines of his spine and shoulders that you didn’t notice for years. “I’m sorry about your petit ami.”
“Yeah. Me too.” It comes out like a whisper, brittle and frail. “I’m sorry about Lake Verret.”
“They might be able to fix it. Talk around town is they got some kind of desalination”—he says this with each syllable enunciated distinctly, like he’s put great effort into memorizing it—“process that can take the salt back outta the water. And if that don’t work…” He shrugs with a sly smile. “I’ll survive somehow. The world’s a big place. There’s always another lake.”
You consider him, and you remember—like a dream from the night before that just returned to you—how Willis can be unexpectedly deep, randomly tender. “They should put that on bumper stickers.”
He chuckles and waves as he heads back to his car. “I’ll pick Cadi up on Tuesday. Back to the usual schedule.”
“Sure.” Back to real life. Back to before I met Aemond. And you find yourself wishing that you could forget what it had felt like to be with him; the absence he left feels so much heavier than the nonspecific longing that existed before. Willis’ Plymouth Gran Fury rolls out of the driveway, and you stay precisely where you are on the tree swing, absentmindedly pushing yourself back and forth with your tiptoes and trying to believe that tomorrow this will feel easier, and then even easier the day after that, and eventually it will cease to be anything but a vague recollection, a relic in a rarely-opened drawer, a whisper, an echo. One day, you will stop missing Aemond. One day, you will stop wondering whether a sliver of his life would have been better than none at all.
Inside what Cadi calls the Fall-Down House, the phone rings. You ignore it; if it’s an order for the bakery, they can leave a message. But then it rings again, and again, and you have to answer it. What if your mother had a heart attack? What if Cadi and Amir were in a car accident? You hurry to the kitchen and grab the phone, pink to match the little Panasonic boombox that is presently silent.
“Hiiiiiii,” Amir says, slow and something else too. Disoriented? Evasive?
Your forehead wrinkles with confusion. “Where are you calling from?” There are definitely no phonelines running to the Chapel of Saint Honoratus of Amiens, a tiny brick-and-stucco edifice built in the 1830s.
“I’m at a McDonald’s up the road. I’ve paid them $5 to let me use the phone.” And then, because he knows it’s the first place your mind will go: “Cadi’s fine. She’s eating Chicken McNuggets. Everyone’s fine.”
“I think you should come over here.”
“What, to the chapel?!”
“Yeah.” He’s talking to someone; you can hear an indistinct tangle of voices through the hand he undoubtedly has clasped over the transmitter.
I can’t see Aemond. I can’t see Christabel. There is a lurching in your guts; you are a fish that swallowed a hook. “I thought we agreed that I wasn’t going to go to the wedding.” I can’t handle it. It might kill me.
“Yes, we did, but now…um…I think you will want to make an appearance.”
“Amir, what happened?”
There is more muffled conversation on the other end of the line. “Look,” he tells you. “Things, uh…things are…occurring. And I think it would be better to explain in person.”
“Did you drop the cake?”
“No,” he says, defensive. “The cake is perfect, thank you for your concern. Not a single frosting wildflower was mutilated in the delivery.”
“Then why—?”
“Do you trust me?” Amir asks.
The answer is obvious. Of course. More than anyone. “You know I do.”
“Then go get in your car.”
You glance at the clock on the wall. “Okay, but you know it’s going to take me like 40 minutes to drive to Belle River.”
“That’s fine.” He confers with someone else. “Yeah, that’s good actually, that will work.”
“Great,” you say uncertainly.
“See you soon!” Then Amir hangs up, leaving you alone in the creaks and groans of your ailing house.
You take Route 70 around Lake Verret, gliding past fields of soybeans and sugarcane, paddocks of cattle and horses, marshes of cordgrass occupied by blue herons and white egrets and prowling alligators, stirring awake as the sun begins its descent into the west. More than once, you notice that your Chevy Celebrity’s odometer reports you are travelling well below the speed limit. You aren’t in any hurry to reach the chapel; you don’t want to carry the weight of what you will see there, Christabel in her wedding dress, Aemond in his suit, Alicent anxiously fidgeting and gnawing at her fingernails, Viserys parading around triumphantly. You can’t imagine that there is anything less than torturous for you there. You don’t remember what you’re wearing until you reach Belle River, a small, old town full of double-wide trailers and jetties that run far out into the lake: a simple cotton sundress you threw on this morning without much thought, modest but white and therefore forbidden for a wedding guest. The sky is turning from a sun-drenched cerulean blue to something more soft, more muted, as dusk lurks just a few hours away. The radio is playing Tracy Chapman’s Fast Car.
The Chapel of Saint Honoratus of Amiens was built by a man in extremis. An acclaimed mason by trade, he had been born in France and settled in the New World in Louisiana when it was still in the possession of Napoleon. The mason had a wife and children—some people say 5, others say 8 or 10, though details always seem to grow more elaborate in the retelling, don’t they?—and he loved them dearly. But tragedy struck when every single member of the family, except for the mason himself, fell ill with tuberculosis. When healers of the earth failed to offer sufficient remedies, the mason appealed to a higher power. He built the chapel to implore Honoratus of Amiens, his wife’s favorite saint—she was a baker and a florist, both professions that Honoratus presides over—to intercede with the Almighty on their behalf. This effort proved futile, and as each member of the family died, the mason interred them in a brick vault beneath the altar where they would spend eternity together. Perhaps this makes for a peculiar wedding venue, yet for over a century couples rich and poor, religious and secular have traveled to the chapel to exchange their vows. Perhaps there are few things more romantic than loving someone in the face of total futility: illness, distance, unrequitedness, prohibitions, death.
The chapel sits in a clearing surrounded by live oak trees, massive, hundreds of years old, hanging with Spanish moss, blotting out the sunlight as aisles cascade through gaps in the leaves. As you park in the grass—joining an army of Lexuses, Audis, limousines, Porsches, Ferraris, Cadillacs, Aston Martins, Alfa Romeos, and Amir’s blue Ford Escort—you observe that there are perhaps fifty guests in formal attire milling aimlessly around the building. You peer down at your white sundress, frowning. Well, I can’t go naked. The faux pas will have to be forgiven. You step out of your Chevy Celebrity and make your way across the clearing towards the chapel.
There is a long table set up in the shade with a tower of champagne glasses, an ice sculpture of a dragon, and the banana bread cake you and Amir baked for the wedding. Grim-faced servants in black suits are cutting slices and handing them out to guests on green china plates. You recognize Aegon’s wife Stephanie chatting with a flock of young women in extravagant gowns, golds and emeralds and sapphires. Helaena is among them, wearing a shimmering blue-green color like the scales of her chameleon Dreamfyre. Evidently, the Targaryens’ exotic pets have been left at the mansion for this excursion.
“Well,” the princess of Monaco says sardonically as she takes a bite, the white cream cheese frosting covered with a kaleidoscope of wildflowers. “At least the cake is good. What is this, banana? Whoever heard of a banana wedding cake? I mean, it’s delicious, but still. I knew that Christabel girl was daft. Did you see her positively absurd dress? It looks like children doodled all over it…”
Is it over? you think as you weave through the crowd, largely unnoticed. Is the ceremony done already? Why would Aemond want to see me? To try to convince me to be his mistress one last time? To show me what I’m missing by severing ties with him?
But no: something else has happened. Viserys and Christabel’s father the marquess are embroiled in a heated argument; a nun and two priests are trying to haul them apart.
“You’re dead to me, Viserys!” the marquess roars. “And you’ll be dead to everyone back home once I tell them what you’ve done!”
“I did my part! This has nothing to do with me! Wait…wait…we can figure something else out! Wait! Wait! You can have Daeron!”
Wedding guests are gawking and snapping photos with their polaroid cameras. Upon hearing his name, Daeron glances over towards his father wearily. Alicent’s youngest son is kneeling beside where she has collapsed to the grass, patting her encouragingly on the shoulder as she sobs into a green cloth handkerchief. Criston is there too, trying to soothe her with sympathetic murmurs and a flute of pink champagne glittering with bubbles of carbonation.
“How did this happen?” she wails, peering up at Criston with her vast, dark, glassy eyes. The gold rings on her fingers clang and glint; they match the single hoop earring that Criston wears. Alicent’s gown is purple like royalty, but Criston is dressed in a suit of pale pink; it’s the exact same one Daeron has on. Groomsmen? you wonder. “He knows better than this! We raised him better than this!”
You think, stunned and petrified: Aemond, what the hell did you do?
As you approach the chapel, you note that it appears empty inside; you don’t spot anyone in the pews. Somewhere, a boombox is thundering Higher Love. At the entrance of the building, Christabel is sitting on the brick walkway in her wedding dress. It’s the one you told her to choose: elegant and timeless, long train and short flowing sleeves, silk wildflowers sewn into the white lace. Her bouquet is lying forgotten on the ground beside her. Her lips are a deep, lovely pink; her eyeshadow is gold. She’s smoking, something you’ve never seen her do before. There is a half-crumpled pack of Marlboro Reds and a lighter in her left hand, a single lit cigarette in her right.
“Um, hi, Christabel,” you say. And then, something equally brainless: “Is everything okay?”
“I should have known.” She’s staring out at the crowd, not at you. Her large blue eyes are dull, vacant.
“You should have known what?” Your heart is in your throat; blood pounds in your ears like the hooves of a racehorse.
“That he didn’t care,” she says listlessly. “I could tell that he didn’t. I could feel it. But I didn’t want it to be true, so I told myself it wasn’t. Isn’t that interesting? How we can lie to ourselves? Not that it was entirely my error. Other people meddled plenty. ‘Oh no, Christabel.’ ‘He’s just emotionally stunted, Christabel.’ ‘He’s busy with work, Christabel.’ What man is too busy with work to handle a five-minute phone call? It’s not like he was on the moon. He could have made time if he wanted to. I bet he made lots of time for you.”
“Uh.” You try to decide what to say. “I broke up with him, if that’s what you’re asking. I didn’t want to be his mistress. I didn’t think that was fair to you.” Or me, obviously, but right now doesn’t seem to be the opportune time to voice my own grievances.
“Next time, I’m going to choose who I marry,” Christabel insists, puffing on her cigarette. “He has to talk to me. He has to like me.”
Aemond called it off? What did he say? What is he going to do now? “Christabel…do you know where Aemond is? Or Amir and Cadi?”
“Alicent is so upset,” she says instead. “Poor woman. She’s sweet, in her own way. But I don’t want to end up like her.” Christabel holds up the pack of Marlboros and the lighter. “She feels guilty, I think. She gave me these. She had them in her purse, she has so many neurotic little habits, doesn’t she? It’s not very ladylike to smoke, but it’s not ladylike to get left at the altar either, so fuck it.”
You ask, afraid to know the answer: “Do you hate me? I didn’t know Aemond was engaged when I met him. And then…” Why lie now? What’s the point? “Then I was in love with him and it was kind of…too late to try not to be. But I’m sorry.”
“I don’t hate you,” Christabel replies immediately. “I know he would never be allowed to marry…someone like you. Your options were limited.”
You don’t know if this is meant to be an insult or not. “Thanks.”
“I don’t think I ever loved him either,” Christabel realizes, exhaling smoke. “I think I idolized him. I think I loved my fantasy of what our marriage would be like. But I didn’t love Aemond. I didn’t even know Aemond. You did, I suspect. Good luck with him. He’s a bit…complex.”
“I’m sorry,” you say again, rather compulsively. You aren’t sure what she expects from you. Abruptly, from wherever it’s coming from, Higher Love is cut off. “So, is Aemond, like…around, or…?”
“I don’t regret the sex part.”
“Okay.” You examine the crowd in the clearing again. You still don’t see Aemond.
“That went well,” Christabel muses. “I’m glad my first time is over and done with. I was terrified it would hurt like hell. And so few people know, so it’s almost like it never happened, right?”
“Right,” you say obediently.
“I think I’ll have a new rule. I won’t marry anyone unless he likes me and we sleep together first. Life is too long to spend it with the wrong person, don’t you agree?”
“I totally do.”
“He’s waiting for you inside,” Christabel says, flicking ashes towards the gaping doorway of the chapel.
“Really?” you peer into the shadows; there is indeed a solitary figure standing at the altar. “So…what exactly is happening…?”
“Go,” Christabel urges, and takes a drag on her cigarette. You leave her and cross through the doorway into the chapel.
The light is dim and gentle; fading sunbeams slant in through the glass of the cathedral-style windows. The mason’s inspiration was Gothic architecture, imposing, cavernous. Two candlelit iron chandeliers hang from the high ceiling; the floor is made of tiles of black and white marble. Small stone sculptures of angels watch over their realm like benevolent gargoyles. There is a single stained glass window above the altar: circular like a ring, red and gold like the sun.
He’s waiting for you in a pale pink suit, long disheveled hair, thin mustache with flecks of white powder in it, mischievous smirk. “Hey cake lady,” Aegon says.
“Um. I’m not marrying you.”
“No, you’re definitely not.” Aegon offers you his hand and you take it with some hesitation. “I’m here to be your guide. Just like on the Oregon Trail.”
“Let’s go.” He pulls you out of the chapel, past where Christabel is still sitting at the entranceway, and across the clearing towards the trees. When you look to the crowd, Otto is elbowing his way through disgruntled guests towards a limousine, already idling.
Viserys bellows at him: “Where the hell are you going?!”
“Back to Kiribati!” Otto shouts back, not breaking his stride. He vanishes into the limo.
“Hurry,” Aegon says. He leads you into the forest, a thick canopy of verdant leaves and Spanish moss and the narrow rays of sunshine that tumble down through the gaps.
“Aegon, I don’t think we should be in the woods, it could be dangerous—”
“No, this part is fine. We already checked.”
“Who’s ‘we’?!” You’re wearing flip flops that catch on gnarled roots; the shrieking of cicadas grows loud. One of them buzzes towards Aegon and he screams as he backhands it away.
“You good?” Amir’s voice calls from farther within the trees.
“Yeah. I’m fine. We made it.”
You turn to Aegon. “What’s going on—?”
Suddenly, there is booming music that startles you: “Ooh, baby, do you know what that’s worth? Ooh, Heaven is a place on Earth! They say in Heaven, love comes first, we’ll make Heaven a place on Earth! Ooh, Heaven is a place on Earth!”
“Aegon, what is that?”
“Uh, I think it’s Heaven Is A Place On Earth.”
“Yes, okay, but why?”
“Ask that guy.” You round a thicket and there under a colossal southern live oak tree, surrounded by hundred-year-old branches that twist down to the earth, is Aemond; but he’s not looking at you. He and Cadi are lighting the last of the candles. She picks them up, he ignites the wick with the same lighter he uses to smoke his Marlboros, and then Cadi places them back on the ground or on top of a branch. Amir is standing by the large black boombox, the same one Aegon always listens to by the Targaryens’ pool. Amir grins craftily, pushing his tortoiseshell glasses up the bridge of his nose. His suit is orange, the single dogwood flower in his hair white.
“Did we get them all?” Aemond asks Cadi.
“Yeah, I think so. Wait, no, there’s one over there!” Cadi darts to it and Aemond lights the candle, then spins around and sees you. He smiles. “Hi, Cupcake.”
“Hi,” you say, so shellshocked you can’t form any of your very vital questions.
“Okay, so we have the candles,” Aemond informs you as Cadi and Aegon go to join Amir. “White with wildflower patterns.” And you recall how Alicent mentioned needing to pick out candles with Christabel, and how you didn’t see any scattered around the chapel. They brought them here. They did it for me. “And we have some actual wildflowers.” He takes the boutonniere off the lapel of his white suit and tucks it into your hair behind your left ear. “And we have Heaven Is A Place On Earth.” He gestures to the boombox. “And I think those were the three things you said you wanted if you were ever going to get married again.”
I did say that. Just once, months ago, the first time he ever came over, the first time he ever touched me. “You remembered.”
“Of course I remembered.” He takes both of your hands in his own. Amir lets out a little squeal and covers his mouth as his eyes begin to glisten. Aemond takes a deep breath. “So, I don’t have a speech, because this is very last-minute. I mean extremely last-minute. But you were right about everything. And I realized I couldn’t live that way. It wouldn’t be fair to you or to me, but it wouldn’t be fair to Christabel either. So I broke it off.”
“Literally at the altar,” Aegon says. “In front of everybody. It was so fucking awkward.”
“Those are not necessary details!” Aemond snaps, then looks back to you and is smiling again. “I know what I want. I’ve known it for as long as I’ve known you. But I wasn’t a strong enough person to make it happen. I’m so sorry. I should have done things differently. I can’t change the past. But everything is going to be different now.”
You gaze up at him as Belinda Carlisle sings, thinking: This can’t be real. I’m going to wake up now.
“On the night we met, you told me you’d never felt chosen,” Aemond says. “I’m choosing you. And, you know.” He nods to her. “Cadi too. And Amir. And the bakery. And dealing with Willis too, I guess. All of it. I’m choosing you and your whole life and that’s exactly where I want to be.”
You can feel the warmth in your face, beaming and hopeful and full of possibilities. Under the shade of the southern live oak, the first lightning bugs are blooming in the air like stars. “What about your family?”
“I’ll figure it out. I don’t think my father can entirely disown me…turns out I’m the only one who understands how the stock market works. But no matter what, you and Cadi are the priority. And my father will have to learn to live with that.”
“Or he can drop dead,” Aegon says. “Whichever.”
It’s possible? We can be together? Not just for a night, an afternoon, a stolen moment, but forever?
“I said I don’t have a speech.” Aemond tells you. His right eye is bright, elated, gleaming like a mirror. “I don’t have a ring either. But I’m going to get you one, if you’ll let me. So I’m asking you, Cupcake: Will you marry me?”
“Say yes, Mom!” Cadi yells, and Amir bursts out laughing.
“Say yes, cake lady!” Aegon adds. “Unlimited Cap’n Crunch Treats!”
When am I going to wake up? When is this going to end?
But it’s not a dream. It’s real. And Aemond reads the answer on your face before you can say it, and so it’s only a murmur as he kisses you, a whisper, a prayer: “Yes.”
The three of you drive from the new house all the way to San Francisco; you still call it the new house, even though you’ve owned it for a full year. The journey takes seven days, with overnight stops in Dallas, Wonderland Amusement Park in Amarillo, Albuquerque, Flagstaff, Las Vegas, and Bakersfield. Aemond sold his Audi Quattro and replaced it with a Dodge Caravan. It’s July 1989, and Tom Petty’s brand new single Runnin’ Down A Dream is strumming from the radio. It’s always temperate in San Fran, in the 60s even at the height of summer. The sky is overcast and grey. When Cadi complains that she’s cold despite the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles hoodie you packed for her, Aemond gives her his Marlboro jacket.
Amir, his boyfriend, and two other roommates share a sunshine yellow Italianate townhouse in the Castro District. Aemond parks his wood-paneled Caravan on the steep, inclined street—he narrowly misses colliding with a whooshing cable car, which he blames on poor depth perception—and then helps you carry the luggage inside. There are no alligators on the front porch, but there are neighborhood cats that Amir puts out Friskies for; there are no screaming cicadas, but there are swooping seagulls and the melodies of sidewalk musicians. When Amir opens the door, he nearly tackles you with enthusiasm. He still wears his loud colors and short shorts, but he’s traded in the dogwood flowers he once wove into his hair for dahlias.
Amir’s boyfriend is named Don, but everyone calls him Donald Schwarzenegger because he looks so much like the Austrian bodybuilder turned actor. When Amir first arrived in the city, he got a job as a cake decorator for a very popular bakery, and quickly segued into handling much of their marketing as well. He’s thinking of getting a degree in advertising and trying his luck in corporate America. You very much enjoy teasing him for being a sellout; what would socialist Bayard Rustin say?
“Call your Daddy and let him know we made it safely to the West Coast,” you tell Cadi once her things are unpacked in the guest room she’ll get all to herself; you and Aemond are consigned to the living room futon. Cadi chats with Willis for a while, then says he wants to talk to you. You take the phone, slightly concerned; you hope nothing is amiss with the house. “Hello?”
“What the hell is wrong with this horse?” he demands. “That ain’t no pet. That’s a demon. It’s a goddamn Rougarou.”
“I told you not to try to touch him,” you say, amused.
“I feed him and water him, don’t I? Ain’t that the least he can do? Lettin’ me scratch his big ol’ idiot head?”
“Patches is not very well-behaved. But Cadi loves him.”
“And don’t even get me started on the dog. Ugliest fuckin’ dog I ever saw. Growls every time I show up. Shows its teeth and everythin’. I’d take twenty gators over that son of a bitch any day.”
“Vhagar is a girl,” you say. “Thanks for watching them while we’re out of town.”
“Sure thing, sugar. Although I still don’t understand why the bon a rien can’t do it.”
“Aegon isn’t always…reliable.” But he does seem to be improving. He’s cut back to mostly just booze and marijuana, because otherwise he and Sunfyre aren't allowed to stay at the new house for sleepovers. There’s a guest bedroom, but Aegon prefers the sunken conversation pit in the mauve pink living room. He likes to be where anyone can stumble across him if they wake up in the middle of the night for pancakes or ice cream. He likes to be where people are; he likes to be included. “Anyway, I gotta go. Cadi will call again tomorrow. Enjoy your fishing.”
“Will do. Maybe I’ll toss your accursed animals in as bait.” Lake Verret is still a bit too brackish for a proper freshwater lake, but that’s changing gradually with Daeron’s desalination efforts and a subaquatic plug affixed to the opening of the breached salt dome. He views it as a pioneering experiment in reversing such drilling accidents, potentially for application globally. Now there are more bass and lampreys and catfish, and less breams and gars, but life goes on in Napoleonville’s 14,000-acre lake. Daeron has replaced Aemond as Viserys’ heir apparent, and he is thriving in the role. He is bookish yet empathetic, focused but never ruthless. Furthermore, he happens to be genuinely in love with his aristocratic fiancée: Princess Alexandra of Denmark.
Aemond was right; Viserys didn’t disown him, but he did fire him, ban him from the mansion, and reduce his available funds to a modest living stipend. Fortunately, Viserys has a very limited comprehension of how money works for normal people, and he considers $200,000 per year to be “modest.” With that plus your bakery earnings and a paid-off house, you, Cadi, and Aemond will be living comfortably for the remainder of your lives. Also fortunately, no one else will enforce the no-Aemond rule at The Last Desire, so anytime Viserys is out of town—which is far more often than not—you get to visit the Targaryens at the mansion as much as you please. Cadi loves the water slide and the koi pond. She’s named the fish after Greek deities, her latest obsession: Zeus, Narcissus, Athena, Dionysus, Artemis, Apollo, Echo. Viserys will not acknowledge you, but the rest of the family is polite enough now that the drama of the broken engagement has blown over. When you finish the cookbook of Southern baked goods that you’ve been working on, Alicent had pledged to mail copies to all her friends and relatives back in the U.K. Otto has offered to take a box of them with him next time he jets off for Kiribati; the wealthy housewives marooned in paradise are always on the hunt for new reading material.
On your first night in San Francisco, Amir serves a dinner of cioppino, sourdough bread, and (not homemade) Rice-A-Roni. You provide dessert, a recipe you’re still perfecting: Saint Honoratus cake, a pastry that dates back to Paris in the 1800s. You want to be able to include it in your cookbook, along with photographs from your wedding in the chapel this past May, almost exactly a year from when you and Aemond first met. Your engagement ring has a gold band and pink diamonds arranged to resemble a rockrose, a dauntless little wildflower native to Aemond’s ancestral homeland of Greece. For over a decade you have loved that wildflowers are grown and not bought, small but tenacious, humble yet untamed. They do not wait for other hands to tell them where and how to grow. They are the architects of their own fortune.
When everyone is finished with dessert and gathers around the tv to watch The Golden Girls, Aemond says he’s going outside for a smoke break; but you know he’s trying to quit. You follow him into the small backyard and as soon as your bare feet touch the grass, he’s pushed you against the wall of the house, forced your thighs apart, slipped his hand down the front of your shorts as he watches the amazed, electrified desire rise in your face like heat from a stove. “It’s been a week, and I need you,” Aemond murmurs, his lips ghosting across your throat, his hips braced insistently against yours, and then he kisses you to stifle your moans as you bury your fingers in his hair, to swallow down the vicarious ecstasy of every wondrous thing he’s ever done to you and ever will. “I don’t even need you to get me off. I just need to see you like this.”
Trusting him, wanting him, letting him make me come.
Aemond has been accepted into UC Berkeley’s History PhD program and will start there at the end of August. He wants to write books about underrecognized heroes, extraordinary and yet unassuming people like Bayard Rustin and Bobbi Campbell and Phillis Wheatley. You’ll miss him of course, but there will be breaks for holidays and summers when he can return to Napoleonville, and you can fly out to visit him too, and there are phone calls, and postcards, and one day you’ll be able to go anywhere together—
You gasp, a shaky, starving breath, your lips grinning into Aemond’s. You’re close, you’re so close.
There is a shrill whistle from the back porch of a townhouse from the row behind Amir’s. “Get it, honey!” a man in a leopard-print robe cheers, waving the newspaper he’d been reading. You and Aemond unravel from each other, laughing hysterically.
“Okay,” you tell him, still panting. “Bad plan. We are clearly not accustomed to city life.”
“Tonight,” Aemond says, low and commanding. He returns to you, kissing the side of your face: temple, cheekbone, the curve of your jaw. His voice is dark, jagged glass; his lips are soft like kind dreams. “On the futon, on the floor, anywhere.”
You want it too, but you know the game. “No.”
He pins you to the wall again, powerful, irresistible, his hardness grinding against you through his jeans, everything about him—voice, flesh, rhythm, soul—promising you the peace only he has ever given you, proving that being at the right person’s mercy can make you free. “I’m in charge now. Let me take care of you.” And for a split second you almost beg: Just do it, Aemond, right now, please touch me again, I don’t care if a stranger sees. I want you now, I want you forever.
Instead you smile up at him, the whirls of your fingerprints skating harmlessly over his scarred left cheek as you answer: “Yes sir.”
231 notes · View notes
sunkendreams · 2 years
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𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗺𝗮𝘁. | one-shot — not requested.
𝗽𝗮𝗶𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴. | bo sinclair / fem!reader / vincent sinclair.
𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗱 𝗰𝗼𝘂𝗻𝘁. | 5.8K.
𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀. | threesome (m/f/m), mild degradation, spitting, vaginal fingering, dry humping, vaginal sex, breast play, tiddy sucking, dirty talk, descriptions of cum, breeding kink if you squint, begging, choking, biting, etc. this was extremely horny and I’m not apologizing.
𝗮𝘂𝘁𝗵𝗼𝗿’𝘀 𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗲. | wow I’m back ?? this was my first big writing project of the year and I think I’ll probably do more with it, honestly. thanks for being so patient. I said I’d have this done a month ago (lmao I lied) but here it is. extremely proud of this one. thanks for your support, I love you all so much!
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TAGLIST: @dootys ; @reveluving ; @sat10 ; @milland ; @vincent-sinclair-deserved-better ; @iamcautiouslyoptimistic ; @darklylucid ; @sirstompely ; @chaotichellscape ; @callsigncrash ; @peachygothgirl ; @manicpixiimurderdoll ; @sandeepics ; @rainbowcreepie ; @kiki-dohedo
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August hung like a noxious cloud, oozing with sticky humidity and a brutal heat like no other. Crawdads sang in the dead of night, a cacophony that rose above the thick, Louisiana marshlands. Any heat was enough to drive you away indoors, to the cooler gloom of the Sinclair household — windows down, curtains billowing in the night.
Hikers and sightseers became increasingly prevalent, roaming the woods with a giddiness that would soon be snuffed out forever. It was best if you kept away from the onslaught that was to come, but you were never very far — screams echoed from the basement, silenced by a wax tomb.
A passive accomplice, that was what you were. Present for it all, never dissuading the twins from persuing their town of terror. Perhaps a sliver of you, a depraved splinter enjoyed it all, unconsciously reveling in the suffering, but you didn’t know yourself anymore.
Faces came and went, faces forever sealed inside wax, inside of the museum. Each with eyes that screamed fear, begging for a quick demise — eyes that lost such a lively sheen as time passed.
Sometimes you wondered what it was like to inhabit Bo’s brain, or perhaps Vincent’s — those fractured, mystifying minds that were capable of such immeasurable destruction. You would never exude chaos like they could, never be molded into their protégé, but you were their anchor.
Bo liked to pet your hair, whisper strings of vulgar words into your ear, tell you how much he wanted you. He was the thunder — tumultuous, rancorous and boisterous, yet clouded with a gloom that you couldn’t quite place, nor penetrate. Many people feared thunder, as it meant a storm was approaching, but thunder often paled in comparison to lightning.
That was Vincent — the lightning. Quick, unpredictable, unyielding — beautiful in the most terrifying of ways. He was some coiled predator, his rage subdued, agony subtle. It was hidden beneath the pale visage of a mask and beneath the many wax statues he’d poured countless hours into. Vincent’s hands were delicate, yet forged to kill, perhaps more than Bo’s ever were.
As you laid in bed, layered in a sheen of perspiration and trapped within a snare of sheets, you were only half-awake. Floorboards creaked underneath the quick, haughty steps of Bo, whose calloused fingers dragged against your cheek, his gentle way of rousing you.
“Hey,” A hoarse utterance emerged from his chapped lips, temples glittering with sweat from the fog of Louisiana heat. “Need your help.” Bo felt a pang of irritation for waking you, but it was urgent.
Stirring to consciousness, your vision swam with the bleariness of sleep, brows furrowing together. It wasn’t common for Bo to wake you in the dead of night like this, but you pushed yourself upright anyway, reaching for your robe. “What’s wrong?” You asked, attempting to swallow the growing lump within your throat.
Bo’s resolve was steadily fracturing, like the cracking of a stone foundation. He maintained a tempered glower for now, jaw set with an uncomfortable tension. “Vincent.” It only took a singular word for you to understand the gravity of the situation.
Haste drove you as you skittered out of bed, following Bo down the stairs and into the kitchen. You could make out the back of Vincent’s head — raven-coloured tresses somewhat disheveled, lithe form slumped-over within one of the wooden chairs. He was never out like this — you knew how much Bo’s twin preferred the sanctuary of the basement, his slice of seclusion.
Part of Vincent’s sweater had been torn apart, frayed fabric seeped in barely-dried crimson. The basement door was agape, and so was the front door. A shape of a body was laying just outside on the front steps, and you wondered if one of the victims had attempted an escape.
“He asked for you,” Bo’s voice did not retain the usual venom. The elder Sinclair was possessive over you, but the grievous injuries his brother had sustained far outweighed his own volatility. “M’askin’ you t’do what you can for him.”
Something pulled at your heartstrings, then and there — Vincent rarely requested your company. It was enough to warrant a look of surprise, but you couldn’t afford to stew within your own feelings.
“Of course.” Your gaze shifted, meeting Bo’s own fiery hues as he edged toward the doorway. A new pressure arose, taking care of his wounded twin, but you had stitched Bo up countless times before. This wouldn’t be any different.
It was the first time you had witnessed such vulnerability from Vincent, though unwilling, it still struck you as foreign. You fumbled around the kitchen for everything you’d need, returning to his side without an utterance.
Bo took care of the corpse outside — a likely distraction from the present. It was always him in Vincent’s position, bloodied and beaten, being torn apart and sewn up by you more times than he could count. His helplessness in the matter would be his own undoing if he didn’t keep himself occupied.
From the shadow of the front steps, Bo watched as you cleaned his brother’s wounds, gentle as to not startle him. It wasn’t your actions that made him grit his teeth, but the haunting manner in which Vincent ogled you, head canted downwards. Bo knew that look — intimately understood how his twin must’ve been staring, raking you in over and over — because it was the very same way he looked at you, too.
For the longest time, Bo deprived his twin of you, afraid that he’d come to blows over his own ugly, possessive desire, but his mind began to change. His own thoughts began to blossom into something insidious, fueled by a multitude of things — lust, frenzy, you, and perhaps an understanding of his own flesh and blood.
An understanding of what it was like to want — to fester with desire, bleeding want and endlessly yearning for something that you couldn’t have. In a moment of vulnerability, Bo felt a pang of sympathy for his twin.
As he hauled the body toward his truck, it left the both of you out of-sight, for now.
Vincent’s cerulean hue fluttered toward the door — Bo no longer stood vigil, lost to the dusk, prompting him to focus on you. He could detect his searing glare from the beyond, as if he possessed some sixth sense for his brother’s disdainful jealousy. He valued his twin’s feelings, but a sliver of it evaporated when it came to you.
You — uncomfortably seated on dirtied floorboards, knees digging into decades-old wood as your hands scurried to tend to him. Vincent wholly understood why Bo was enamored with you. It was difficult not to be, in truth — what man wouldn’t be?
Nimble fingers curled into the dirtied, rib-knit fabric, keeping his sweater aloft, allowing you to work unhindered. It was a deeper gash than he thought, but never enough to incapacitate him. He was stronger than that, pushing himself to the very edge over and over again.
His torso resembled a battlefield, scars etched deep into his pale flesh, livid and seething. Each mark told a story — a victim, an incident, or perhaps something more. Vincent kept a thinly-veiled investment into your movements, gaze fluttering across the delicate bend of your digits. Warm water cleansed the blood from his skin, towel and pressure soon to follow.
Feeling the residual effects from Bo’s tempestuous stare and aloof demeanor, you kept quiet, dutifully working on Vincent’s wounds. The silence was deafening — perhaps too loud, filling the gap with an unusual tension. He was eerily still, glittering eye glued to you, fluttering back and forth as he followed you.
Vincent often experienced something close to jealousy whenever he saw you and Bo together — some concealed sliver of his being yearned for that closeness, too. Envy became an understatement, and his fantasies were often locked away within wax statues. He wouldn’t dare intrude on what he presumed to be Bo’s, yet a string of intrusive thoughts began to take root, salacious seeds soon to blossom into something darker.
Both were callous in their own way — Bo was verbally obtuse, whereas Vincent was physically indifferent. Yet, both were violently possessive in similar ways, more than you were aware of. It would be a volatile clash if they were both involved at an intimate level. Vincent knew that Bo would never relinquish you without malice and hostility involved somehow.
Even now, with his twin nowhere in sight, he maintained a great deal of self-control, digits tensing against the tabletop. A sanguine glow enveloped you, cast in blood-orange and the dismal, pale kitchen light — the prettiest creature he’d ever seen.
It would’ve been so swift — brushing the top of your hair, ghosting his fingertips across the contour of your jawline, or perhaps leaning closer to inhale your scent. Yet, it all felt wrong, as if he were attempting to take something that didn’t belong to him. Vincent exhaled, slow and melancholy, before leaning back within the chair.
Curiosity and concern brought about your voice, words bubbling to the surface at last. “What happened?” The wound could’ve been a product of a great many things, and you decided to not voice your list of assumptions.
“Glass.” Vincent’s digits moved sluggishly, his signing seemingly exhausted. His hawkish gaze drifted toward the glittering shards that were partially scattered across the living room floor. It must’ve been a sizable shard of glass — he’d taken a gruesome hit.
Your brow furrowed, expression twitching with concern. “I’m sorry.” The apology slipped from your lips, laced with an underlying apprehension.
“No,” You apologized for things beyond your control, and your understanding — Vincent was to blame for the carnage, and he was willing to accept accountability. “Happened more times than I can count.” He signed, a soft grunt escaping him as you began to stitch flesh together again.
Sorrow sank into your bones — Vincent always had Bo present to pick him up, stitch him back together again. You wondered what would happen if he wasn’t around to do so. You weren’t a constant in their lives until recently, but you envisioned Vincent mending himself with those dexterous hands, hands that breathed life into wax, and snuffed it out all the same.
“Tell me if it’s too much, it isn’t a shallow wound.” Your mumble emerged from between frowning lips and a voice that commanded concentration. It was easy to immerse yourself in Vincent — he was noticeably different from his brother. Vincent was wiry and musculed, but wore it like a sleek jungle cat.
Bo held muscle in his arms — the taut, working hands of a skilled mechanic, rugged and calloused. The rest of him was stout and not nearly as lithe as his twin, who stood above him in stature. You enjoyed mulling over the comparisons, the intricate details that caught your eye, be it a scar or otherwise.
Hawkish eyes carefully roved over you, drinking you in as if he’d never seen you before — again, and again, and again. Vincent could watch you like this for an eternity from behind the curtain of midnight hair and the wax-laden visage.
He tensed and bit at his sleeve as you gained ground with the stitching, over halfway through. You could detect his pain — it was palpable, rolling off of him in red-hot waves that you wanted to quell so very terribly. “Almost done,” You breathed, noticing his white knuckles grappling at the tabletop. “Sorry.” The apology emerged, rushed as ever.
Vincent’s hands were terrifying and beautiful altogether — and in the midst of mending flesh, your mind descended into a flurry of depravity. What would it feel like for him to touch you, mold you in the way he did with wax? It was sudden, took you by surprise — so much so, that heat consumed your body, a purging fire.
Only his twin had touched you — it was often rough, twined with spurts of need and carnal lust and affection all twisted into some unruly knot. Bo was good to you, better when he wanted to be, but your thoughts began to dwell on Vincent.
How would he make you feel?
As you completed the last stitch, your throat grew tight, as if this foreign swarm of newfound sensations had stolen the breath from your lungs. Part of you felt guilty, as if this was the start of a horrible betrayal against Bo — none of it was intentional.
Sluggishly, Vincent began to uncoil his body, as if the tension washed away all at once. Despite the searing pain from his abdomen, the worst was over — medication could fix it.
“Vincent,” Your voice had dropped an octave, strenuous from tension and soft all the same, “You okay?” His lack of a reaction had prompted your concern, but maybe that was just it — he was accustomed to the pain.
“I’ll be fine.” Vincent signed, slumping backward into the rickety chair, despite the uncomfortable nature of the object itself. A soft, breathy sigh escaped him, barely audible through the waxy seal of the mask. He watched you stand, fingertips matted with his blood.
As you lingered at his side for a moment longer, goosebumps erupted like a plague across your flesh, feeling the sensation of his hand catch yours. Vincent’s touch was unusually gentle, perhaps an extension of gratitude, but it lasted much longer to be only that — your throat became tight, warmth soon to follow.
“Vincent,” A hapless gasp escaped you, likely worried of Bo’s impending return. “Is everything —“
The vice-like snare of his grasp began to tighten, as if commanding you to stay for only a moment, no recoiling. With his available hand, he signed, piercing gaze boring right through you like the bite of a knife. “Thank you.” The calloused pad of his thumb drifted across your knuckles, then.
“Y’finished with ‘im?” Bo’s tempered drawl filled the room — his hands were dirtied, in the process of being wiped clean by a stained rag. He pretended not to notice his twin clinging onto you, crossing the threshold from entryway to kitchen.
“Yeah.” Reluctantly, you slipped away from Vincent, nearly leaping sideways when Bo made himself known. An uncomfortable sensation began to flourish within the pit of your stomach, a gnawing that refused to cease.
It would’ve been dishonest of him to admit that he didn’t feel some seething streak of jealousy when Vincent grasped for your hand — Bo felt it fester, snap like the crack of a whip, before diminishing. He keenly studied the startled look you wore, picking it apart, dissecting you as you passed him into the kitchen.
Bo made the short stride toward his twin, crouching down in the very same spot you were in just moments beforehand. This was done intentionally, swiftly — while you were distracted with cleaning up, he spoke in hushed whispers to Vincent.
The brothers kept low, a conversation done in rugged utterances and the brief movement of curious fingers. Bo momentarily peered over his shoulder, hawkishly watching as you washed yourself free of his twin’s blood, tidied up the kitchen afterwards.
It was agreed upon, then — Vincent’s gaze held a vast amount of understanding, and perhaps a twinge of gratitude. Bo fought against a salacious grin, yet it forcefully tugged at the corner of his mouth anyway. Both of them moved at once, as if their minds were one. Vincent lingered at the fringes of the table, movements unhindered by his injury.
You entered the fray, cleansed and dazed — your countenance reflected a semblance of confusion as Bo sauntered toward you. Something seemed off, as if the tension had suddenly flared to life, but a different tension — it lacked envy or malice, this one more familiar to you.
“She’s real pretty, ain’t she, Vince?” Bo drawled, clicking his tongue as he began to circle you like a predator flying overhead. He reveled in the way you shrank — a sheepish, bashful little thing. It was the instantaneous nature of it that left him feeling victorious, chest swelling with pride.
“Bo,” Your voice rose above a whisper, but only slightly. Instead, your stomach fluttered with butterflies, a nervousness gnawing its way into your very bones. “Stop.” Meek — your trembling tone reeked of it.
Bo finally stopped by your right side, swiping the pad of his thumb over your jaw. “Real sweet too, must be, puttin’ up with th’two of us,” As you opened your mouth to protest, he squeezed, forcing you to tense — your lips quivered. “Should hear her in bed. Mewlin’ like a little kitten.”
Vincent’s posture remained unnaturally rigid, though as Bo rambled on about the lascivious nature of your relationship, he slacked. Instead, he inched forward, tall and lithe as he leered in your direction — the electricity felt from his ogling alone was enough to make your knees shake. Dark tresses framed his visage, no obstructions this time.
“Yeah, you’ll see,” Bo purred into your ear, calloused digits stroking along your flesh, evoking a wave of gooseflesh that prickled across your skin. “Bet y’think ‘bout her, don’t you?” His inquiry was sharp, fringed with a faint venom, directed right at his brother.
You froze, a shudder rolling down your spine, skin feeling like an open furnace, as if fire had devoured you whole. The tension had reached an uncomfortable high, able to be sliced with the dullest of knives. “Bo,” You urged, unsure of where he was going with this. “What are you doing?”
He was hungry — a leering wolf, with sharp teeth and a ravenous stare. “M’brother likes lookin’ at y’too,” Bo husked, bleeding heat from behind you now. It was enough to evoke a shudder, your flesh creeping with an insatiable warmth. “You want him?”
There were little indications of humour — Bo’s voice remained steely, impervious to your bewilderment. Roughened digits slipped underneath your chin, directing your stare toward Vincent. It almost felt akin to some fever dream, a mirage that teased you in the dead of night.
No — this was reality.
“I—I…” Your stammer turned uncertain. If Bo expected honesty, he surely knew the answer already, didn’t he? Concern ate away at your gut — you were terrified of hurting Bo if you admitted your growing desires. What were you supposed to say?
“Be honest, sweetheart. M’bein’ real generous right now, he knows it.” Bo uttered along the cartilage of your ear, teeth gently scraping enough to make you shiver. He liked that — he drowned himself in making you so wound-up. “I ain’t a fuckin’ fool.” He murmured, nipping at the skin just underneath your earlobe.
A flame burned within your belly — a fire that demanded to be extinguished. You felt feverish, feeling the heat creep along your skin like a virus, or some haze. You were staring at Vincent now, who was closer than he was moments prior. Suddenly, the gravity of the situation began to feel heavy.
“Yes,” There was a relief you felt, in confessing. “I want the both of you,” Your voice nearly trailed off into some pathetic whine. “I want you both so bad.” You felt so desperate, in the best way possible. You knew that you were in for it, but the exhilaration replaced the nervousness.
“Mm,” Bo smirked, pressing a chaste kiss against the side of your head, nose briefly nestled atop your crown. “Hear that, Vince? She wants us both.” Leading the charge, he shamelessly reached around, groping at your breast in front of his twin who stood mere inches away, within arm’s reach.
Two layers of thin fabric was all that separated you from them — your baggy nightshirt and panties, concealed by the hem of the shirt itself. Bo was itching, chomping at the bit to see how much of a mess you’d become, a listless lust dancing beneath his mischievous stare.
Vincent finally closed in, peering toward his brother for approval. His dexterous hand closed around the hilt of his ivory knife, which sat soundly against his hip, begging to be utilized.
“No kissin’,” Bo uttered, his command directed toward Vincent — not you. “If y’fuck her, pull out, or this’ll never happen again.” The regulations were set — Vincent was willing to adhere to them. Kissing wasn’t something he sought from you, anyway. “Everythin’ else is fair game.”
Bo liked your mouth — that was his. He was being benevolent enough by sharing you, and Vincent knew this. As both twins shared an unspoken acknowledgment of boundaries, the fun was set to begin, and it was off to a jarring start as razor-sharp silver sliced down through your shirt.
A hapless gasp escaped you, emerging from the back of your throat. Vincent watched, endlessly hungry, desire flickering to life within his singular eye. He tugged the torn garment away, and your flesh prickled with goosebumps, due to some sick thrill coupled with the cool air.
Using the sofa as a crutch, Bo was comfortable enough to keep you pinned against him, his chest pressed snugly into your back. “Don’t be shy, Vince.” He growled, kneading your breasts between calloused fingers, planting a string of hot kisses along your neck.
You moaned, sheepishly ogling Vincent through half-lidded lashes. His breathing hitched — your eyes connected for a moment, enough for him to smooth his palm across your stomach, teasing the waistband of your panties.
It was brief — he lifted his hand toward his mask, slipping it aside enough to place two fingers into his mouth, coating his digits in spit. The realization of his intentions was what hit you the most, a pang of arousal that gathered between your legs.
Vincent’s hand lowered, quick to journey toward the juncture between your thighs. One hand tangled into a fist around your panties, tugging them down enough to barge in between, parting your legs with his sinewy frame.
His touch was incendiary — hot like the lick of an open flame, raking embers across your aching cunt. Vincent’s wet fingers found their way to your clit, causing you to sputter, whimper his name in as he stroked along your slit. He kept a steady rhythm, though it almost felt exploratory, as if he were dissecting you.
“Vincent,” You moaned, hips jolting into his hand, body beginning to rattle. Bo’s hands kept busy, nipples tugged and tortured through his thumb and forefinger, teeth grazing along the dip between your neck and shoulder. “Vince.”
The stark contrast between the brothers became glaringly apparent as time passed — you could find favor in both methods of intimacy. Vincent’s touch was borderline obsessive, yet he reveled in the compliance, the surrender. His digits continued to rub against your slit, until he began to work his way inside of you.
Your breath hitched, heart hammering erratically as his fingers sluggishly invaded your cunt. Swallowed by your tight heat, Vincent easily fell into some sort of pattern, moving his digits forward and back, just enough to make you squirm.
Bo’s digits wove their way into your hair, tugging you back at an angle, enough for his mouth to collide with yours — teeth, tongue, and lust. His jeans chafed against your backside, met with friction and the tangible protrusion of his erection. “Y’like that, don’t you?” He mumbled.
In between a flurry of feverish kisses, you could barely catch your breath, trapped between Vincent’s dexterous fingers and Bo’s greedy maw. He bit your lower lip, sharp enough to draw blood, coppery twang spattering against your tongue. Another simpering moan escaped you as Vincent curled his digits inside of you, thumb pressing to your clit.
“Yeah,” Bo exhaled, tongue catching crimson as he lapped at your mouth. “Lemme hear you.” He slurred, one hand wrestling with his belt in a desperate attempt to relieve the pressure mounting within his cock.
You moaned again, cunt clenching around Vincent, legs beginning to quiver. “M’close.” A whimper tore past your lips, haplessly wedged between them. The taller twin let his fingers increase in speed, slipping in and out of your wet slit with a newfound haste. His free hand fell to your hip, as if guiding you toward an orgasm.
There wasn’t any room for recuperation — you came on Vincent’s fingers, nearly seeing stars, a white-hot haze blurring your senses. Bo spun you around, at his mercy as you faced him. Vincent was right behind you, chest nudging against your back, dark tresses brushing against the exposed skin of your shoulder.
“Open that pretty mouth, baby.” His voice was an alluring husk. Bo’s countenance was glazed with lust, hues dark and fiery — it was intense, more than you’d ever seen before. His thumb pried your mouth apart, caressing your lower lip as a show of affection.
Bo was shameless as he spit into your mouth, palm clasped tightly against the side of your jaw, digits unnaturally tense. It was more than enough to send another surge of heat between your legs, cunt still oozing with wetness and warmth.
“Fuckin’ slut, aren’t ‘cha?” Grit and desire struck you right to your core, his tone dropping an octave as he watched you swallow his saliva without an ounce of protest. Bo kissed the corner of your mouth, his hand now replacing Vincent’s. “Wet from that, look at you.” He crooned.
“Please Bo,” As pathetic as it seemed, you were desperate to have him inside of you — it didn’t matter for how long, or how much. You wanted to scratch the itch, to have the brothers fill the void within you. “Bo, fuck,” Your voice ran ragged, high-pitched and needy. “Please, Vince.”
Vincent purred — a sound akin to the low rolling of thunder. His fingers deftly swept across your shoulder, sweeping tresses aside as one hand loosened his belt. It made your heart skip a beat, stomach sloshing with anticipation.
“What d’you think, Vince? Should we let her have it?” Bo smirked — wolfish, a true mastermind as he toyed with you, as if you were nothing more than fodder for hungry predators. “She’s real needy.” He uttered, digits caressing along your cheek.
The jingling of an unclasped belt caught your attention, followed by the feeling of Vincent’s cock nestled against your rump. Gooseflesh tore across your skin like a tidal wave, and you swallowed the growing lump within your throat — he wasn’t shrewd by any means.
Bo let out a derisive snort, lip curling in a sneer. “Guess yer goin’ first,” He wasn’t thrilled, but at least he could take his time with you afterwards — torture you a little. Instead, his mouth lowered to the column of your throat, teeth playfully nicking sensitive flesh. “Mm.”
Vincent was less practiced, and twice as vigorous as his twin — his cock found its way to your cunt, and without warning, he thrust himself into you. A strangled whimper left you, devoured by Bo’s hungry kiss. Wax-laden palms clasped the curve of your hips, fingers gripping hard enough to leave bruises as he began to fuck you.
It was rough — you half expected Vincent to be sluggish, but his excitement and adrenaline had contorted him into nothing more than an avatar of lust. His cock smacked into your cunt with a plethora of lewd noises, stretching and filling you in a way that Bo couldn’t.
“Fuck,” You groaned, body glued to Bo’s. He was keeping busy, lips lowering from neck to collarbone, and then to your breasts. He was bent at an awkward angle, but as soon as his mouth wrapped around one of your nipples, it was pure bliss. “Bo, Vincent.” A whine left you.
Vincent’s grunts resonated just beside your ear, then. Every inch of him was consumed by your cunt, tight around him as he continued to fuck you. It was hot and messy, his pace sometimes scattered and erratic, as if he didn’t know what rhythm to adopt.
You would’ve given anything to stay static within the moment — within them. The voracious way in which Vincent clawed at your flesh, fucked you as if it would be his very last, kept your head spinning around in circles. Bo handled you as if you were molded from obsidian — unbreakable and precious, lips greedily sucking at your breast. The sensations you experienced were prodigious — you felt worshipped, no — coveted.
Wax had shuffled aside, spurred by Vincent’s yearning to just taste you — even if it was brief. Goosebumps prickled across your shoulder as roughened, misshapen lips graced your flesh, unusually gentle. It was a stark contrast to his animalistic thrusts, cock buried deep inside of you whilst his mouth treated you like a princess.
Ragged breathing fanned out across your skin, staggeringly warm, coming in erratic spurts to match Vincent’s sporadic thrusts. It was where he’d always wanted to be — next to you, tangled within you, and now, his opportunity had become reality. His hips snapped forward again, swiftly recoiling to spill himself on you.
Ropes of sticky cum lay glistening against your rump and back. He obeyed Bo’s wishes, despite every fiber in his being urging him otherwise. Vincent watched with silent glee as your legs trembled, rattling like leaves. You hadn’t come again, but Bo was about to leave you unable to walk.
“How’s about another,” Bo crooned, teeth gently nibbling along your earlobe. You scrambled for the correct words, to beg again, but it all died within your throat when you felt Bo’s cock slide against your slick heat. “There we go.”
Vincent’s warmth had left you, his figure retreating away, far enough for him to watch. He had been deprived of watching your countenance when he’d fucked you — his own obsessive tendencies kicked in, a dark and twisted thing. Now, he wanted to see — wanted to hear you, let the memory linger.
Bo was being beyond generous, a sentiment that waxed and waned. If his brother was content with being an observer, he was going to put on a little show. His lips curled into a devious grin, swiveling around to push you up against the sofa, placing high enough to wrap your legs around his hips.
“Want you t’beg for it,” Bo snarled, playfully nipping at your lower lip. “Let m’brother hear whose cock you want.” It was lewd — filthy expletives leaving his mouth in ragged strings. You felt a twinge of guilt, prepared to give Bo exactly what he wanted, but your relationship was, admittedly, much closer.
“Yours, Bo,” Instantaneously, your voice climbed in octave, reaching a pitch of desperation as you haplessly clawed at Bo’s arms. You clung to him, grappling for his shoulders. “I want you, Bo, please!” You whined. “Fuck me!” You weren’t very shy about the volume, either.
Satisfied, Bo thrust himself into your tight cunt, gritting his teeth at the familiar sensation. One hand kept you steady, poised against the curve of your waist, the other finding purchase around your throat. Calloused digits sat snug just underneath your jaw, occasionally applying spurts of pressure.
Your lips fell slack, head lazily lolled backwards as Bo began to fuck you, his pace steady and somewhat sloppy. He’d been waiting, he’d been patient — he wanted what was his. For a moment, your gaze flickered toward Vincent, who hadn’t moved, hadn’t taken his eyes off of you whatsoever.
It made your body burn, flesh crawling with an incendiary heat. Vincent wasn’t focused on the act itself — he was fixated on you. The fluctuations within your visage, the hooded glaze of desire that danced within your eyes, and the supple curves of your form — that was what Vincent reveled in. He cared little for his brother’s antics, but you made it all worthwhile.
Bo’s mouth tangled with yours, effectively tearing your attention away from Vincent altogether. It brought you back to now, to the scent of sex, the growling, bodies all wrapped up within one another. His fingers pressed against your neck, lips all-consuming and ravenous, teeth and tongue and boastfulness.
His cock battered away at your cunt, thighs quivering from the amount of stimulation you’d already been subjected to, enough to make your stomach tighten. “Bo!” You squeaked, nails digging into the jean fabric of his button-down, holding onto him for dear life. “Bo, I — m’close.”
“Gettin’ shy?” He teased, pressing a kiss against the side of your face. Bo was borderline ruthless, picking up his pace from steady to needy, staking his claim, festering with a desire to cum inside of you. “Jus’ a little more, sweetface.” Bo murmured.
Every fiber of your being was set ablaze, and to the brothers, you looked so beautiful like this — succumbing, all ensnared within your own lust, just laid bare.
You felt euphoric, legs trembling as he fucked you senseless, about as rough as he could be without really hurting you. Precum slathered his groin, tendrils of it shooting into your cunt, his cock pulsating and throbbing with warmth. He pounded into you like a man possessed, letting his hand fall away from your jugular, slithering in between your thighs instead.
As soon as his thumb circled your clit against, you cried out, and it was over for you, then. Your body jolted and jerked, reduced to putty within his grasp, cumming on his cock without any warning. Vincent savored the blissful look you bore — eyes nearly closed, lips agape, head rolled back.
Bo grunted, snapping forward once more for good measure, cumming in-tandem with you. Virile ropes of cum flooded your cunt, all inside of you, just as he wanted. It was the rapturous aftermath that allowed the both of you to settle, chests heaving with exhilaration. Perspiration had built up upon Bo’s brow and along the valley between your breasts.
Once he pulled out of you, messy and sluggish, your feet wobbled as you landed upon solid ground. Vincent had stood up somewhere in between, lingering around, as if awaiting commands.
“Fuck,” Bo sighed, unable to wipe the affectionate smirk away from his features. You appeared pleasantly disheveled, but the unusual tension had soon settled in. “Y’should clean up.” He stated, as if he played no part in your current state.
“Asshole.” You grumbled, tone jocular as Bo planted a kiss against your mouth. You squeezed Vincent’s hand in-passing, the gesture enough to catch Bo’s attention. His heart clenched within his chest — the realization that you loved them both was beginning to settle in.
Both of the brothers watched you awkwardly clamor up the stairs — disrobed and flustered. Bo almost felt a sliver of pity, seeing as you could barely walk, but it was partial amusement, too.
Vincent stood at his side, casting a sidelong glance toward his sweaty twin, who was busy basking in all of his post-fucking glory. “We could share.” He signed, a proposition that Bo knew was inevitable. Of course, it was your choice — a choice that he’d have to live with.
“Yeah,” Bo pondered aloud, but his thoughts soon drifted into perverse territory. The way you looked, wedged in between the two of them, was too tantalizing to pass up. “We could.”
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steviewashere · 6 months
My Boy
Rating: GeneralCW: Minor mention of homophobia/slur (not said)Pairings: Eddie Munson & Wayne Munson, Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson (minor)Tags: Pre-Canon, Relationship Study, Gay Eddie Munson, Coming Out, Supportive Wayne Munson, Good Parent Wayne Munson, Ally Wayne Munson, Southern (adjacent) Wayne Munson, Eddie Munson is a Sweetheart, Wayne Munson is a Sweetheart, Mentions of Eddie's Shitty Dad, Post Canon
Quick little thing here: crawdads are crayfish (I call 'em crawdaddies), jambalaya is a Louisiana dish containing rice meat and other fixings, skeeter is a mosquito, maw-maw is a grandmother, and lightning bugs are fireflies.
🏳️‍🌈—————🏳️‍🌈 Eddie has always been a whirlwind of movement and words and voices. Even in his most dire, most embarrassing, or even most depressing moments—he’s never been one to be unlike himself. He’s like an early morning Saturday cartoon come to life. Not a single moment in Wayne’s new life with this kid has been drought dry, silent, and still.
Tonight it is. Which is odd.
He made a damn good jambalaya tonight. Went out of his way to go a little bit outside of Hawkins. Picked up the juiciest looking pack of sausage he could find. Even bought a batch of fresh crawdads, none of that frozen crap. Spiced it with devil’s intuition and his maw-maw's guiding hands. And served it up all nice in his favorite deep bowls. Usually, the reaction to a part of Wayne’s soul, bared mixed up and spiced to the nine hells, is an excited little wiggle at the table, maybe some comment about how Eddie’s been having dreams about the dish for weeks, maybe even a good natured moan.
However, when Wayne sits his bottom down on one of the rickety dining chairs, Eddie’s stoic in his spot. Spoon fisted in hand, yes, like it always is. But he’s taking pathetic bites. The damned utensil’s not even full. Isn’t spilling over.
Wayne looks to him, then. Pinched eyebrows. Squinted eyes. A purse to his bottom lip. “What’s wrong with you, boy?” He eloquently asks. “Did a skeeter bite you on the bottom or somethin’? Eat up.”
Eddie’s eyes rocket up from his bowl. Big and brown, almost too big for his little face. He’s frowning down to Satan’s feet. Eyebrows, that are still growing in and too dark for his pale skin, bunched. He’s wearing an ill fitting Johnny Cash t-shirt that Wayne knows was stolen straight from his dresser drawers. It’s stretched around the collar, revealing Eddie’s scrawny shoulders and all the freckles he got from being kissed by the Tennessee sun as a little boy. There’s something about him, though. Sure, he’s a little boy—sort of. Fourteen years old and a hell of a lot taller than Wayne has seen for a boy his age. But his face reads maturity. Like he’s been drowned in it. Aged beyond his years. If the fear in his eyes has anything to say about it.
“Bubba,” Wayne sighs. “You been in my home for a little over a year now, what’s got you lookin’ at me like I’m huntin’ you down for sport? Like a damn deer, boy.”
“It’s nothing, Uncle Wayne.”
“It’s something if you ain’t eating you’re favorite dish I make.” Wayne sets his own spoon back down on the table. Leaning a bit on the surface, arms crossed and lax in front of him. He lowers his head to be eye-to-eye with Eddie. Murmurs, “You don’t gotta fear me, kiddo. What’s going on, Ed?”
He’s never seen a little boy take a grievance gulp. A swallow the size of a tennis ball. Out of his beer drinking buddies, sure. And the men he served alongside back in the seventies before he was honorably discharged. But a kid? No way.
“I—“ Eddie’s eyes prematurely fill with tears. And Wayne’s never been privy to something like this either. He’s a happy kid. A kid with a terrible upbringing, but that’s never stopped him from having fun and laughing loud and being a little bit too obnoxious. Wayne misses his kid. His stomach churns. “I kissed a boy today,” Eddie weakly mumbles. His throat is thick with tears and his tongue is three sizes too big for his mouth, but Wayne hears him clearly despite it all.
Wayne nods carefully. Small, but there. “Okay, Ed. You kissed a boy. That’s alright, Bubba. I ain’t mad. It ain’t my business to be mad,” he murmurs.
“Really?” Eddie’s voice squeaks. “You ain’t mad at me? Even though I—Daddy told me it was sinful. Told me that I—That I was going to—“
“Your daddy had his head up his own ass. And he hasn’t been inside a church since he was an awful little boy. God knows he needs to go,” Wayne is quick to reassure. “He ain’t got two words in your business, kid. Besides, you ain’t with your daddy anymore.”
Eddie nods. His eyes point down to his cooling jambalaya. He scoots his spoon around in the few straggler pieces of rice that fell from his utensil. “The boy called me a bad word. I won’t say it, but it felt bad when it left his mouth. Will it always…Will people always think of me like that?” His voice is small, unlike himself, too serious. It’s nearly lost in the wood of the table.
Wayne shrugs in response. Because he truly isn’t sure. “You think you’ll always kiss boys? It’s alright if you do, but is that…”
He nods again. Fast and so sure of himself. A part of Wayne is shining like a diamond at the confidence in this kid. “I liked it before he ran away. I want to do it again.”
“Okay, Ed. Then, you’ll do it again. And maybe it’ll be bad and maybe people will be mean. But you’ll always be Eddie. You ain’t got nothing on the other kids in the world, y’know that?” Eddie just shrugs. Wayne leans back in his chair and briefly looks out of the window above the table. At the warm lights filling the trailer park. The setting sun playing hide-and-seek beyond the homes here. He sighs carefully through his nose. “When you came ‘ere seekin’ a bed, I wasn’t too sure about this little arrangement. I knew you’d be a little rowdy. A lot of a stubborn ass, because you’re like your mama. And may she rest in peace, but she was always playing my temper like a damn fiddle.”
Eddie laughs warmly. Giggling enough to jolt his body into movement. Wayne smiles, still peering out the window.
He continues, “So I wasn’t too sure about you, at first. Knew that I loved you, that’s damn sure. Knew it the moment your daddy showed you to me. Cooing about your mama’s eyes and your curly hair and your ruddy little cheeks. When I got to hold ya for the first time, you latched onto my thumb and refused to let go. Thought I’d have to take ya home right then and there.” He clicks his tongue against the roof of his mouth and shakes his head in false disappointment. “Shame I couldn’t, tell you that. But look at cha now. Sitting here in my home, wearing my shirt—even though I told ya to quit that and ask me first—“
“Sorry, Wayne,” Eddie mutters.
“It’s alright, kiddo. I was just playin’ witcha. But you’re here now, that’s all that matters. You got warm food on the table. And you got your dragon game and your funny talkin’ books about elves and whatnot. You got enough energy to light every house in the world. How I ain’t worn out and completely bald yet, I ain’t sure, but I like what you got, kid. Moxie, I think that’s what it’s called.” He chuckles. Glows with pride as Eddie finally smiles, sticking it to his face and not letting it peel off. “But I love you, Ed. You’re my boy. I know damn and true that every part of you is good. You do as you please, but you be safe about it. There are risks. A conversation when we ain’t eating. But, you be Ed and I’ll be here.”
He leans back over the table, reaches out a hand and ruffles Eddie’s short tufts of curly hair. Eddie squawks. He tries to shimmy away, but gives up on it when he looks up to Wayne. Eyes alight with pride and giddiness. Something like contentment and comfort. There’s a flush to his cheeks from the laughter that spills out of him. Warm like the soft glow of lightning bugs. Wayne scoots his palm down the side of Eddie’s face and cups his palm. Cherishes the way Eddie leans into it.
“You promise me that, Ed? Promise you never change.”
“Promise, Wayne,” Eddie murmurs. “Now leave me alone with your sap, I’m hungry.” And he promptly scoops up too much to fit in his mouth. Shown in the way his shirt is stained with the droppings.
Wayne chuckles again and goes back to his food. The damn gall on this kid, he thinks.
——— And sure, over the years, Eddie makes some damn poor choices when it comes to messing around with boys. Forgets to check-in about when Wayne will be home from work, always loud and proud about who he is when Wayne wants to sleep for the next century. Sticks his tongue down throats for long enough that Wayne always worries that the other boy swallowed him up. But he’s still Eddie.
He’s still Eddie when he introduces Steve Harrington. Who’s on par with Wayne in a lot of ways. Loves to cook. Loves to watch football. Likes to take care of his car and the people around him. Is a little bitchy. Likes gossiping about the neighbors and getting on Eddie’s nerves. He’s perceptive about “his boy”—words straight from Steve’s mouth—and knows just how to take care of him.
A part of Wayne wonders what great force brought them together. Something to do with the age in their eyes and the scars on their sides and the jumps at flickering lights. But he won’t question it.
Because they got their boy.
And Eddie Munson is one hell of a spirit.
🏳️‍🌈—————🏳️‍🌈 Hope y'all enjoyed. I had an idea really late and just needed to write this really quick. Also, I'm so rusty on my Southern bullshit. I haven't been back in Louisiana in over a decade. But I did grow up with somebody Southern in my home, and admittedly have picked up the smallest twinge in my voice as well as the weirdest wordage, but whatever.
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nerdieforpedro · 7 months
The Lake Between Us - Part One
The Nurse who's frayed at the seams
Ezra AU x plus size OFC (Nickname Moonbeam - has a name in later parts)
This fic is for readers 18+ MDNI
Word Count: 868
Warnings: insomnia, alcohol use, anxiety, mutual voyeurism, brief mentions of death, cancer and post-mortem care
Notes: My first series with Ezra! It's been fun writing this and therapeutic for me. I envision the setting to be on a bayou in Louisiana with the weeping willows and slow waters. Plus I wanted Ezra to have an air boat. ☺️ I'm not sorry for anything.
Main Masterlist / Ezra Masterlist / The Lake Between Us Series
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It’s fine during the day, the rapid fire and thinking quickly on your feet. It’s what makes you good at what you do. Able to keep so many details straight while answering questions about six patients and more if you’re keeping an eye out on another nurse’s assignment while they’re at lunch.
It’s why it bothers you so much. You’ve taken your medications. Stopped looking at your phone an hour before bed. The room was pitch black before bed and the white noise machine was going. You even took your shower earlier than normal because apparently a nice warm shower doesn’t promote sleep according to the experts. You personally found warm water relaxing, isn’t that why tea is good before bed?
One of them needs to come to your house and see why you’re not sleeping.
It’s three a.m. You’ve at least gotten five hours of sleep. Enough to function. You’re awake in this darkness though and you’re well acquainted with it. There’s one thing you can do that will at least relax you now. You’ve done it the last few weeks despite all these changes to your sleep hygiene and routine. 
Your legs are over the side of the bed and carry you to your back door where your yellow crocs are. It’s off the back of the kitchen so you grab some rum and mango juice. A chair you bought when you went to an antiques show with some friends sits on your back porch and you plop down. It rocks and that helps your nerves slightly. Your large thighs press into the sides of the rocking chair but not painfully. The periwinkle sleep shorts you have are matched by the camisole that has bunched up at the bottom exposing the pooch of your stomach.
The crickets are loud and there are even some lightning bugs about dotting around the tall grass that surrounds the lake in the middle of your backyard. The lake is connected to an estuary that your neighbor across the way often drives his airboat off in. Thankfully the water is at least slow moving to it only attracts but so many bugs, but that’s also why you’ve taken to lighting a lavender eucalyptus candle when you come outside on the porch. Ironic considering the very same scent that keeps various insects away is supposed to lull you to sleep and it does not. You’ve never met the man. Only seen him on his back porch.
You know very little about him, not even his name. He’s at least your age, if not older. Tall and broad with sun-kissed skin from working during the daylight hours you assume or it could be his natural skin tone. His hair is brown except for a gray or blonde patch in the front. From what you’ve seen, he has a patchy beard that could have gray or more blonde and a wicked smile. It’s then that he emerges from his abode the same as you. He has something to drink as well. Usually he’s wearing a t-shirt or tank top but it’s balmy this morning so he’s shirtless in some loose shorts. You’re not sure if they’re for sleep or lounging. There looks to be some definition to his chest as he takes in the night air. He looks up after pouring himself a glass of something that might be brown, it’s hard to see from here and it’s dark. The man’s limbs are weighted down like yours are. Could his thoughts be running a mile a minute as well? What would lead him to be on his porch too? Is he alone like you? Shouldn’t he have someone warming his bed? Given how he looks from here, he shouldn’t have any issue in that department. Maybe it’s by choice, but why would he choose to? Divorced? Separated? Recent break-up? Maybe a fight with someone and they’re letting each other stew…
Planning different scenarios for the day, reviewing what you’ve seen, the care you’ve provided the people you encountered. Today you discharged a patient home, consulted one where the doctor sort of explained that they have cancer but it didn’t really sink in and assisted with post-mortem care because you were the nurse with the most experience on the unit. The rest were new grads, bless them but they really needed to remove teaching care plans and expand on communication, psych and discussions with biases surrounding death. Maybe you should email the state board, do they even check their email? They had to, right? They’re a government body, but are they gonna do anything with it? Your mind has spun again in that short time. 
The lack of restful sleep is having the same encumbering effect on the pair of you. Fatigued bodies to match your brains. 
His glass raises and he nods in your direction. You do the same. Then you both drain your glasses and refill them. No words are exchanged. The sounds of water, insects, and a light breeze fill the void where speech would be. Normally these sounds are what lull most people to sleep in Louisiana, but not you nor him.
A toast to another night of sleep lost.
Part Two
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firstelevens · 1 month
YOU KNOW WHAT IT IS ⚾️⚾️⚾️⚾️⚾️⚾️
⚾️ America's Pastime/Sports
At some point, in the latter half of Bucky's multi-modal trauma therapy in Wakanda, Dr. Sisulu had walked him through some of the benchmarks of recovery. She'd done the spiel that Bucky was familiar with the recite by heart by now, reminding him that healing wasn't linear, nor did it look the same for any two people, and that benchmarks could only ever be a reference point because not everybody valued the same things.
There had been one on the chart that hadn't quite made sense, something about 'low-stakes, variable investment' in 'arbitrary, non-essential social activities.' When he'd asked about it, Dr. Sisulu had laughed and said, "It means that one day, you might care about really stupid things for no reason other than the fact that it just feels good."
Bucky had tried to offer a smile in response and nodded like he understood, but even a year out of pure survival mode, none of that had seemed particularly possible for him.
Half a decade later, as Bucky and Sarah and the boys filed onto a set of bleachers toting snacks and posters and an absurdly large foam finger, her words came rushing back to him.
A friendly game between the families of AJ's baseball team--the Bullfrogs--and those of their sworn rivals from the next parish--the Lightning Bugs--was the definition of a non-essential thing to care about. Still, Bucky had cleared his schedule, flown down to Louisiana, and taken himself off the roster of on-call Avengers for the week, all so he could be there to see it. He'd even helped AJ and Cass with the posters, drawing some appropriately cartoon-y bullfrogs, then wielding the boxcutter to cut out the cardboard wings that Cass had wanted to attach to the foam finger.
It had seemed so far away and impossible the first time he'd considered it, and now here he was. There was a faint sting in his nose that Bucky recognized, and he moved quickly to distract himself before his eyes could well up, pointing to the dugout and asking AJ about who was playing for the Bullfrogs.
AJ's explanations were detailed the way they always were, anecdotes peppered in about nearly everyone on the team, complete with corrections and commentary from Cass. It kept Bucky busy until the Bullfrogs emerged from the dugout, set to field first, and the Delacroix half of the bleachers burst into cheers, AJ's teammates the loudest of all.
Bucky was sure he wasn't imagining the Lightning Bugs' side joining in as the pitcher appeared on the field, either, mitt in hand and a grin on his face as he jogged over to the mound. Immediately, AJ and Cass were on their feet, holding up one of their posters along with the winged foam finger.
Their hooting and hollering was enough to draw Sam's eye, and he threw his head back laughing as he saw their poster, complete with a shield-wielding bullfrog. His eyes moved to Bucky next, shaking his head in exasperation even as he grinned.
Bucky could have just smiled back, or waved, or busted out the second foam finger that had wings and a 3D shield, just to further bedevil Sam, but he didn't do any of those things. Instead, he sarcastically blew Sam a kiss, and then watched with wide eyes as Sam pretended to catch it and tuck it away in his pocket with a wink.
"It just feels good," Dr. Sisulu had said, and as Bucky's face grew warm and his heart raced a little faster, he had to admit that she was right. It did.
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heavensmortuary · 4 months
not sure if I'm going to be able to put it into words well but I think part of the appeal of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre is how the movie deals with nature in an almost mystic fashion. I was talking eariler with friends about how Blood Meridian has this feeling also, with McCarthy's clear love of desert settings and how all of the animals seem like wise, wide eyed observers to the force of nature that the human characters are, backdropped against the blue lightning of the desert, more like demons than people. They're a part of the landscape, and cant be separated from it. I feel like The Texas Chainsaw Massacre handles nature in a similar way.
The wide shots of sunflower fields and trees strung with rusted metal, or old houses with spiders that hum and crackle with warning, or the dead armadillo on the road, or the sunspots melting together like clotting blood, or the second-too-long shot of cows in the slaughterhouse with foam dribbling out of their mouths, but TCM finds it's strength in its scenery and I think it's there for a purpose. It captures rotting americana in a way that a lot of urban-based directors have tried to replicate but have failed (Resident Evil 7, a game that despite it's loving homages to southern horror, comes to mind). They try too hard, painting hillbillies with a classist brush. TCM doesn't do this. It's as Southern gothic as a broken Mardi Gras necklace in Louisiana or a forgotten kudzu-smothered grave in a holler of the Carolina Blue Ridge. Pull up a chair at the dinner table, show off that southern hospitality.
Of course there's the roadkill-occult fashion and decor of the family, with vertebrae necklaces and bracelets and endless heaps of feathers and bones and macabre sculptures laid out in ritualistic fashion around the Sawyer's house. The blood sigil in the van and the twisted corpses on top of the gravestone at the first part of the movie instill a feeling that there's more dangers than just the chainsaw or a straight razor. There's a feeling that something supernatural has soaked through the family somehow, even though nothing blatantly supernatural is featured in the movie besides Grandpa's vampiric traits and the constant discussion on astrology. If southern gothic is full of faith healing and granny witches and sweating preachers holding snakes, then TCM is about nature as the occult in the worst way.
The Sawyers are just as much a part of the wild Texas landscape as the dead armadillo on the side of the interstate. They don't seem like humans, more of dressed in the, quite literal, skin of humans. Pestilence, war, death, and famine are portrayed horsemen, and the Sawyers are of the same kind. Dressed the skins of the blissfully ignorant dead, they're spirits on the vengeful, suffering, and cruel american soil. 50 years later since the movie's release, they still won't leave the hidden places of rural america. They're concepts more than people, and it's damn effective.
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thebarefootcajun · 2 years
Ce Matin Le Temp Est Fâché
Ce matin le temp est fâché
Tonnere et éclair sur la prairie dans les bonne heures
Nous besoin la pluie
Merci, Bon Dieu pour la ourage
This morning the weather is angry
Thunder and lightning on the prairie in the early hour
We need the rain
Thank you God for the storm
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emira-addams · 6 months
Hazbin Hotel - Carmilla x Rosie - Ethereal
TW: 18+
Winner, winner, some sinners dinner… or Rosie witnesses Carmillas fall from Heaven…
The horizon of Hell glowed an unspoiled red, a balmy breeze blew and this peaceful evening reminded Rosie of those warm summer nights when she was still alive in Louisiana.
Rosie sighed with satisfaction. With her parasol over her shoulder, she strolled alone with slow steps along the outskirts of Cannibal Town. Among the many abandoned factory buildings of the former industrial site, the cannibal was the only roaming soul. She was enjoying the pleasantly warm evening, the peaceful silence and her time alone during her well-earned stroll after a hard day's work in her Emporium.
Suddenly, the cannibal suppressed a shiver. The balmy breeze had turned into an icy cold wind as the flowers in the sparsely planted beds bent their heads. Rosie shivered, her body trembling with cold. She grimaced slightly in surprise, since the heat of Hell was usually unbearable, an uncomfortable torment for all sinners.
"What in the name of Lucifer?" Startled, Rosie stopped, her eyes widening in disbelief. "That's impossible..." she whispered, her senses were playing a very poor prank on her. She crouched down in front of the flowerbed at the side of the path and watched with wonder at the growing ice flowers and the sparkling frost that suddenly covered the red roses and red poppies under a delicate layer of ice.
"How is that possible?" Rosie stretched out her fingers. At the gentle touch of her warm fingertips, the fragile petals immediately shattered into thousand shards of ice. "Frost is absolutely impossible in Hell..." muttered Rosie, her voice still full of disbelief. She quickly withdrew her hand, the cold burning her skin and her heart racing in her chest. "But they're gorgeous," she hummed to herself as the ice flowers continued to grow and spread.
The hellish heat became noticeably colder and Rosie wrapped her arms protectively around her body to shield it from the increasing cold.
Startled, Rosie gasped as a snowflake suddenly landed on the tip of her nose. She looked up at the surrounding sky in astonishment, the horizon fading from red to blue as more and more white snowflakes fell from purple clouds. Snowflake after snowflake danced through the air in frantic spins and landed in Hell. Slowly, a thin layer of powdered icing covered the abandoned factory buildings.
"A snow flurry?" Rosie held out her hands. She stared in amazement at the snowflakes that landed on her palms and began to melt after a few seconds, leaving only small puddles of water behind. "This is real snow..."
Snow in Hell...
"Snow in Hell!" the cannibal repeated the words in disbelief. A laugh filled with excitement escaped her lips. The last time she had seen snow was decades ago, during her lifetime on earth. "This... This is magic!" She stretched out her arms and spun on the spot, the snow crunching under the soles of her boots as she leaned her head back and felt the snowflakes falling on her skin. It was a cold contrast to the hellish heat. "As if Hell itself had forgotten its own nature..." Rosie breathed, her breath hanging in thin wafts of mist in the air. Hell had acid rain, thunderstorms with gorenados and painbows, but no snow.
The air was crackling with cold. The purple clouds grew darker and darker.
Without warning, the horizon suddenly lit up with a blinding light. With a crash, lightning split the horizon of Hell, for a few seconds the dense cloud cover seemed to burst into thousands of pieces, the drum roll of dark thunder accompanied the strange weather phenomenon.
Rosie blinked, rooted to the spot, and stared up at the heavenly spectacle. At the blink of an eye, the cannibal was as if she could make out the blurred outlines of a figure among all the gloomy clouds. The wind picked up and the snow flurry increased.
Heaven shimmered. The light from the stars flickered. Lightning split the skies again and again.
Suddenly, a figure clearly emerged from the silhouettes of the dense clouds in the high distance. Enveloped in a dazzling glow of light, like a shooting star or a star that had detached itself from the firmament, a figure fell towards Hell.
As the figure descended faster and faster in its fall towards the ground, Rosie recognized the unmistakably ethereal outline of glorious wings.
An angel was falling towards Hell.
Rosie's breath caught in a startled gasp as the angel made a last desperate attempt to cushion the impact with a flutter of her wings before she protectively folded her wings around her own body and crashed through the roof of a factory building in a blast of snow and dust and divine light.
The fall was followed by an eerie silence. The horizon of Hell shone again in an unspoiled red, with only snowflakes still drizzling from purple clouds.
Rosie could hear her heart beating in her ears, her heart was racing in her chest and her thoughts were racing in confusion.
An angel had fallen, from Heaven.
Here, into Hell.
Right now, almost before Rosie's feet.
Rosie took off running. The snow crunched under her boots as she sprinted for the factory building where the angel had crashed.
The factory building was deserted. A collapsed chain-link fence stretched around the weathered building. Stacks of junk barricaded the entrance, while the huge iron doors had also been locked with heavy iron chains and a rusty lock to keep out unwanted intruders. The ugly gray paint had already faded in the constant hellish sun and was peeling off the metal walls in shreds. Brown moss and black poison ivy clung to the outer walls. Parts of the crooked roof had collapsed, holes gaped in the side walls and some buffoon had stolen the hollow letters that had visibly proclaimed the name of the company on the front of the factory building.
Rosie peered cautiously into the factory building. Specks of dust danced together in pairs in the fading light that filtered in through the perforated walls. A huge hole gaped in the rotten ceiling, through which the snowflakes drizzled dreamily and the hellish horizon shone. Bent nails and screws protruded from the concrete walls and there was broken glass everywhere. Black mold crawled out of the corners between the shadows. It reeked dreadfully with damp.
Rosie wrinkled her nose in disgust as suddenly an incredible smell, so heavenly sweet, crept into her nose and inevitably made the cannibal's mouth water. She had never smelled such an enchanting smell before in Hell, but then she saw the gleam of golden blood in the darkness of the building.
Quickly, Rosie slipped through the nearest hole in the wall. She crept quietly through the shadows of the disused machines, following the strong smell of the ichor to a crater in the concrete floor beneath the hole in the ceiling.
Shocked, Rosie pressed her hand over her mouth as a startled cry threatened to escape her lips. In the middle of the crater on her knees and in the snowfall sat the fallen angel.
"By Lucifer..." whispered Rosie in awe as she stared wide-eyed at the fallen angel in disbelief. She was beautiful, her beauty almost beyond description. Long white hair fell in waves over her shoulders. Her white dress was torn and soaked all over with ichor. Rosie was convinced that she must surely be a gift from Heaven with her beauty, her golden blood smelling truly seductive.
All around her, golden ichor and white feathers stuck to the cold concrete, she had her back turned towards Rosie and the cannibal stared at her wings in shock. They looked terrible. They bent into various unnatural angles, they had definitely been broken in the fall. Between bald patches, the bare skin underneath, disheveled feathers stuck out in all directions.
"Oh, you poor thing...," Rosie murmured with pity as she watched the root of evil further tarnish the angel's divine beauty.
Eye upon eye, hundreds of them slowly emerged from the dark walls. They stared down at the angel in their midst with glowing gazes. Frantic voices hissed and whispered in an ancient language in the darkness, while the white feathers of her wings slowly turned black.
"Let go of me!" The angel screamed in pain as she struggled in vain against the corruption. "I don't belong here!"
Trembling fingers clutched desperately at a broad sword forged from angelic steel. She quickly raised her sword above her head, her arms trembling and her muscles spasming. She placed the blade on the stump of her wings. With a desperate cry, she tried with the blade to sever her corrupted wings from her back, but the blade stopped bluntly at the bone. Golden blood ran down her back, coating her hands and causing the sword to slip from her quivering palms.
The blade clattered to the concrete floor as the corruption took root. It wrapped itself around the angel's fingers, staining her fingertips black. It covered her palms in blackness and snaked along her forearms, the pain burning like red-hot iron. Tear after tear, glittering like diamonds, ran down her cheeks and dripped into her lap. The angel screamed louder as the corruption etched itself deep into her flesh, submerging the web of her veins in deep blackness. Even her snow-white hair was now streaked with black strands.
Wave after wave of cold washed over her body as, piece by piece, pure evil threatened to consume the divine being. Her whole body heaved. She writhed in pain before forcibly submitting to the corruption. The angel braced herself against the cold concrete as black and gold mingled.
Rosie's hands clenched into fists, the sight of the fallen angel was no longer bearable for the cannibal. Her heart raced in her chest and her mind panicked, telling her to run as she dared to leave her cover. With quick steps, Rosie rushed into the crater. Before the angel could react, Rosie grabbed the sword.
"Get lost, you cursed creature, or I will kill you!" the angel shouted as the cannibal stood armed before her. Fear reflected in her eyes, the fear of Rosie. She tried in vain to back away from her. "Go away, please..." she begged in a brittle voice. She stifled a sob, while tears ran freely over her cheeks.
"Hey..." Rosie whispered softly. She lowered the sword. "I promise I won't hurt you."
"A promise from a sinner like you is utterly worthless!" the angel snarled. Protectively, she wrapped her broken wings around the rest of her body. Her words trembled on her tongue. "If you want to kill me, then do it already!"
"I don't want to kill you..." Rosie dropped the sword and held out her helping hand to the angel instead. "What's your name?" she asked gently. "I'm Rosie," she introduced herself. She flashed the angel a sharp smile.
The angel hesitated. Although she refused Rosie's offered hand, she at least answered Rosie's question about her name. "I-I'm C-Carmilla..."
Rosie clasped her hands together. "All right, Carmilla, please tell me how I can help you," she demanded softly.
"You can't help me!" Vigorously, Carmilla shook her head. "I'm a fallen angel. No one can help me now, I've ended up in Hell and I'll never be able to get back home..."
Suddenly the murmurs and whispers of voices from the darkness grew louder again. The glowing gazes of more and more emerging eyes glared enraged at Rosie as the corruption spread over Carmilla's body again. The blackness crawled and climbed under her skin and her entire body writhed under the violent pain.
"You can't think like that or the root of evil will consume you wholly!" scolded Rosie sternly. Her warm hands quickly caught Carmilla by her shoulders before the angel could topple over. "I can help you," she promised her again and again as she looked into her eyes. "Please let me help you, Milly," she begged.
"M-My wings..." panted Carmilla, looking at Rosie with a glazed gaze of desperate determination. "M-My wings... They are the source of my corruption, with every passing second it spreads further and further throughout my body. The pain is unbearable," she whispered weakly. Her voice was less than a whisper and the last light was already flickering in her eyes. She was breathing heavily. "You have to... to cut off my wings... Please, Rosie, cut them off..."
"Milly, are you sure?" Rosie asked anxiously. "If I do that, you'll lose your wings for all eternity."
"I am aware of that," Carmilla answered. "But they've been rendered useless by my fall... I don't think they'd heal fully, and besides, they'd only attract the attention of other sinners."
"All right, I'll do it." Resolutely, Rosie picked up the sword from the ground and stepped behind the angel. As a sign of additional support, she placed her free hand on Carmilla's shoulder and squeezed gently to reassure her. "I need you to tell me if you want me to stop if the pain is getting unbearable. Ready?"
"Yes...," Carmilla breathed shakily as Rosie placed the blade. She closed her eyes and held her breath.
"I'll be as quick and clean as possible," the cannibal promised in a calm voice.
Carmilla's screams of pain echoed through the deserted factory building as Rosie worked with grim efficiency, slicing through the tough flesh. Feathers fluttered before her feet and Ichor coated her hand. Reluctantly, the cannibal resisted the urge to lick the golden blood from her fingers. She wanted to end Carmilla's suffering as quickly as possible.
"It's over," Rosie spoke softly as Carmilla's wings finally lay severed from her body on the ground. Her free hand still rested on Carmilla's shoulder for reassurance, the other lowering the blade. "You're free from them now..."
Carmilla lifted her head. She breathed heavily as tears mingled with golden blood on her cheeks. "T-Thank you, Ro-" Before the fallen angel could finish her sentence, Carmilla passed out in Rosie's arms, weakened from her high blood loss and her pain.
"Don't worry, Milly, you're safe with me," Rosie whispered, delicately brushing one of the black and white discolored strands from her face and behind her ear, while snow kept falling. "I swear I'll protect you from all of Hell," she promised, placing a gentle kiss on Carmilla's forehead.
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sleepdeprivedsimp234 · 5 months
hiii :3
do you have any phobia headcanons for the main 6?
Ah yes hello small child yes I do have some phobia hc’s for the sillies :3
Pyrophobia: the overwhelming fear of fire (this one’s pretty obvious as to why)
Hemophobia: the fear of blood (idk he just gives the vibe of someone that HATES the sight of blood)
Cynophobia: the fear of dogs (he seems like the type of person to have a deathly fear of dogs)
Dentophobia: fear of dentists (….I genuinely have no explanation for this one-)
Lilapsophobia: fear of hurricanes and tornadoes (no matter how much he enjoys the chaos, he also is afraid cuz it hurts and he knows that people are dying or being misplaced)
Scoptophobia: the fear of being stared at (listen he’s awake 24/7, you CANNOT tell me that he doesn’t hallucinate and that those hallucinations don’t include illusions of "people" and "creatures" staring down at him. Haunting him. He fuckin hates being stared at now cuz whenever he’s being stared at he goes back to those dark lonely nights.)
Somniphobia: fear of sleep (this one is also kinda obvious I think-)
Trypanophobia: fear of needles/injections (…he really hates needles for some reason and anytime he’s needed something done that involved needles, Gov or whoever came with him had to hold him still so that CDC could do what he needed to do.)
Nosocomephobia: fear of hospitals (he has A LOT of doctor-related fears. Ain’t it ironic that he’s one of the statehouse doctors (other one being Mass).)
Lilapsophobia: Fear of tornadoes and hurricanes (From Galveston to Harvey, and Waco to Saragossa to Jarrell, he’s TERRIFIED of tornadoes and hurricanes. And yet he still watches them.)
Tomophobia: fear of surgery (he hates the idea of it and it’s also the reason that he hasn’t gotten top surgery.)
Agoraphobia: fear of crowds and crowded open spaces (it gives him SO MUCH ANXIETY AND HE HAS HAD SO MANY PANIC/ANXIETY ATTACKS.)
New York:
Pyrohobia: fear of fire (with how many incidents that involved fire, yeah.)
Aerophobia: the fear of flying/planes (….I’m not gonna explain this one cuz of how obvious it is-)
Agoraphobia: fear of crowds and crowded open spaces (hence why he has a love-hate relationship with the city)
Astraphobia: the fear of thunder/lightning (it’s loud and bright and scares him)
Atychiphobia: the fear of failure (*looks at England*)
Achluophobia: the fear of darkness (this is when the spirits like to attack him the most)
Daemonophobia: the fear of demons (pretty obvious imo. little does he know, the demons are more afraid of him than he is of them.)
Lilapsophobia (I’m not defining this one again just look at Texas and Florida’s lists lmao /lhj)
Phasmophobia: the fear of ghosts/spirits (they hurt him and torment him.)
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doueverwonder · 2 months
short fluffy IndiBama thing but I'm embarrassed about it under the cut (I use she/her for Indy cause I can)
Alabama had been tossing and turning for hours. He was used to humidity but it seemed worse tonight, not aided by the fact that it was still boiling even in the middle of the night, and no matter what he tried mosquitoes, flies, and heck even lightning bugs kept getting in. He had watched the minutes tick by on his alarm clock, not being able to get any sort of rest til almost two am. Even then it was barely sleep, more a weird in between, exhausted and conscious enough of the time he had to be up to 'sleep', but uncomfortable enough to stay asleep for more than a couple minutes.
Around three he sat bolt upright, the steps coming down the hallway at this hour initially scaring him. Alabama, along with the rest of the south, groaned realizing it was just Florida and Louisiana stumbling in like they did almost every weekend night. Those two really were the worst when it came to being quiet. Texas would grumble about how he was going to give them the what-for one day but it had yet to happen as he was the only one who could actually sleep through them coming in.
After ten minutes of trying to get back to sleep he finally gave up. He got up groping around in the dark before finding the basketball shorts and t-shirt he had initially gone to bed in. He put both back on, along with a pair of--probably mismatched--socks, usually he wouldn't bother but the floors of the upper floors were always so chilly even in summer. He also pulled a sweatshirt out of his closet, but tucked that under his arm, it wasn't for him. It was a peace offering for the person he was about to wake up.
He could teleport, but Gov always seemed to know when they did that and the last thing he felt like explaining was why he was up and about this late. So instead he climbed the two sets of stairs. The first landing he held his breath trying not to make any noise, not because the Northeast was easy to wake up but because New York didn't sleep. He made it past and up to the third floor, really why did the South have to be on the first floor? It just meant they had to climb more stairs than any other states.
As soon as Alabama stepped off the landing he felt better, it was still warm but less 90s and more low 70s. The humidity was bearable up here as well, still more than some places--he had got caught in Nebraska talking about how corn sweats or something like that to know why--but better then the majority of the South. He stuck his head down the hall that led to the kitchen and living room to make sure no one was up before tiptoeing down the hall where the bedrooms were.
Gladly the one he needed to get to was only the second door down the hall, he took a breath knocking lightly and praying no one else heard. He waited a long moment before knocking again, this time the door opening just a crack Indiana peering out;
"Hey sweetheart" he half whispered,
"'Bama?" she squinted, yawning "what are you doing up here?"
"I couldn't sleep, was wonderin' if I could crash here for the rest of the night" Indy very rarely got mad about much, but he had never woken her up at half past three am either. So he couldn't say he would be surprised if she told him no.
Lucky for him she just nodded, opening the door the rest of the way for him to come in. The door closed behind him, she sat down on the edge of her bed, rubbing her eyes. "why couldn't you sleep?"
"Too muggy in my room, and Florida and Loui woke me up" She nodded humming, wasn't the first time he had complained about those two waking him up. Alabama tossed Indiana the sweatshirt, not needing to tell her what it was for a look of pleasant surprise to cut through her still half asleep features as she pulled it on, putting the hood up immediately. He knew it would be months before he saw that sweatshirt again; Indy was the top sweatshirt thief in the statehouse, her most infamous one being a colts sweatshirt she stole from Maryland just a couple months before before actually stealing the colts all together.
She had climbed back under her quilt, patting the other side of the bed to tell him to hurry up. He pulled off his shirt, tossing it over the back of a chair and climbed in bed, turning off the lamp and flicking on the night light. The first couple times he had slept over he had thought it silly that she had a night light, the only answer he was able to get about why was a mumbled fun fact about being able to see the Chicago lights from the Indiana dunes 60 miles away. Now turning it on was basically muscle memory, even if she said he didn't have to turn it on if it bothered him.
They usually talked while falling asleep, he assumed not tonight with it being so late as is but as Indy settled into his arms she asked through another yawn "Are you doing anything tomorrow?"
Despite the fact that he could already feel himself finally relaxing he responded, "Just a meeting with Gov, what 'bout you sweetheart?"
"I have to sneak my boyfriend out before Ohio, Illinois, and Michigan wake up" Alabama tried not to laugh too loudly, even though he knew she was close to dead serious. They usually didn't mind him being there... as long as they knew beforehand.
"Best savor our time together then case we oversleep and I'm dead come mornin'' Indy just pressed herself closer to him, barely nodding more or less fast asleep again.
Alabama relaxed the west of the way, really he should have just come up when he first realized he wasn't going to be able to sleep in his room. He was warm again, but this time because he was under a pile of blankets with his girlfriend in his arms. This was definitely much better then the 98% humidity.
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