#Louie Mosquito
tangerinequeen19 · 4 months
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nekropsii · 1 month
Who is one of your favorite characters to draw? Can be from any fandom
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I like drawing Louie. :) He's my favorite Pikmin character. The design I use for him in my TTRPG, Into The Wilds, specifically. Weird alien thing.
Here he is in casual clothes, sitting on a shitty dock. He's getting bitten by so many mosquitoes.
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immoralimmortals · 4 months
Akatsuki Member Songs and Headcanons Part 2
I told you I could do this post over again with new songs! Some of the associations are more based on headcanon than others. The songs are linked in the headers. Hope you enjoy!
Hidan: BlackBoxWarrior - OKULTRA by Will Wood
This song...is definitely about someone who cannot die. Whats more: it is also definitely someone who has a strange relationship with pain and suffering. Hidan in canon so very clearly dislikes being in pain if he is not in his ritual form. Simultaneously, he says he'd love if someone managed to kill him. (I know he may be sarcastic but imagine the possibilities if he's not!) He's a gratuitous man of contradictions and confidence, and I think this song carries it well. Throughout are mentioned symbols of health and longevity in grotesque situations. You KNOW this man's body is fucked up, both by his hand and others. I want to cut him open and study him like an anatomical doll. The whole "interview" in the middle is me eventually grabbing him by the collar and going what the hell is fucking wrong with you! How can a severed head breathe and talk!
I've also heard that WW wrote this as a test to himself to get as many words in a normal length song as possible. It suits how much Hidan fucking talks. I also think it's a nice nod to the fact that he quite obviously introspects and thinks *a lot* despite being portrayed as headstrong and stupid.
Notable lyrics:
And through flight-or-fight revelation shame the Black Box Warrior He skipped this town and headed straight down history
His ego a mosquito, evil incarnate good incognito
For what? For what? For what it's worth If it was going to kill you boy, it would have by now For what? For what? For what it's worth There's no more looking back, it's looking up or looking down
He wondered if Christ Consciousness would charge a cancellation fee Auf wiedersehn, au revoir, he gripped his wits right by their ends
A bloody knife to split your infrastructure, wine to rev your motor function Coital machinations of the dead Well, you mainline your animus, karate chop your abacus And learn to be an animal instead
You've lost your mind and almost lost your life before So you'll be fine
Sasori: Thumbnail by Louie Zong and Brian David Gilbert
Something I've mulled over a long time is how the contradiction of how a man who prefers things to be long-lasting can also be so impatient. My interpretation so far is that this implies some level of anxiety; he wants things to last if they are comfortable for him to exist. That's why he doesn't mind his fight with Kankuro taking longer, despite just bashing Deidara for playing around. I think l, in perhaps the kindest way I can, that he is both shallow and more sensitive than he'll ever admit.
This is a song about wanting interactions condensed. If you tell me something bad, get it over with. But also, I don't know how to give you more than what I have. He's insecure about what he emotionally brings to the table, im sure. I figure that's a big reason he's destroying his humanity down to the core.
Notable lyrics:
Keep it quick, say it brief If it's fast, it will be a relief Short on time, that's a gift Count your seconds, and they'll catch the drift
Don't like what's revealed here When your depth of field's near, it's hard to come close Chip stones from the boulder Suddenly, my vulnerability shows Oh, you can crop and trim, 'till all that's left Is the essence of a presence that is feeling bereft Avant-garde, just the gist of a tale That is less of an image, and more of a thumbnail
How novel is a novel that can fit on one sheet It seems that I'm destined to fail To compress myself to the size of a thumbnail
Itachi: Blood on My Name by The Brothers Bright
Need I say more? Lots of individual lines that match up with his circumstances, especially his imminent death and the bodies he unfortunately racked up. And...of course...the Uchiha name is bloody as hell. His fate is inevitable, it is in stone and he is dragging his corpse to the finish line.
Notable lyrics:
When the fires, when the fires have surrounded you With the hounds of hell comin' after you I've got blood And I've got blood on my name
When the fires, when the fires are consuming you And your sacred stars won't be guiding you
Can't you see I'm sorry? I will make it worth your while Made of dead man's money You can see it in my smile Oh, Lazarus, how did your debts get paid? Oh, Lazarus, were you so afraid?
It won't be long, 'til I'm dead and gone Watch the fires rise, burn through my skin Down to the bone, scorchin' my soul
Konan: Saturn by Sleeping at Last
As tragic as life is, Konan is defined by her hope. This song references how others have come around time after time to help her see the light. This is a song that gets me emotional. It is slow, lingering, and forces you to drink it all in, every star and sorrow alike.
Notable lyrics: its literally the whole song so here's one verse
You taught me the courage of stars before you left How light carries on endlessly, even after death With shortness of breath You explained the infinite And how rare and beautiful it is to even exist
Deidara: Boss by The Correspondents
This man HATES his fucking job! He was just out there, vibing, and was forced to be an Akatsuki and remains more or less to exact revenge on an idea (that the Sharingan is perfect art). Petty bitch! But he kind of has a point, at least with the being forced to be Akatsuki part.
Notable lyrics:
I would love for this to not be an issue I would love to just laugh in your face But I'm finding it hard to dismiss you When you're the one running the place
We didn't ask for you to lead us We didn't want you to be boss You have done nothing but deceive us And it exacerbates our goals
Kakuzu: Six Feet by Patent Pending
This song is nearly perfect for my headcanons about him. The world is harsh, you must do as you must. He takes no joy in it. His ability to understand you or not does not affect your situation or relationship as shibobi. It is going to be what it is regardless. We are going to work until we die.
Notable lyrics:
When you hear that whistle blow, only the weakest go home Like their pain don't put food on their plate
You're keeping up, I see Well, it's a big world and it's only getting bigger And if you wanna be the best then you've gotta beat the best
Ain't nobody coming when you make the call 'Cause every man gunnin' for the first to fall Fill that bucket 'til the well runs dry It's left, right, left, 'til the day you die
Zetsu: Stalker's Tango by Autoheart
GREAT song if you want one for a ship with him. Describes over the course of its verses the increasing invasiveness and intensity of a stalker's relationship with the listener. References to being able to appear anywhere AND shape-shifting? Bonus! Also has a very calm yet arrogant, self assured air about the singer. I think it's great for him. I can imagine myself tied up in a chair while he explains himself to me with this song.
Notable lyrics:
I know, I know, I know this situation's strange It takes a little getting, a little getting used to
I know, I know, I know I'm always in your place But don't you see, my dear? I am your Doppelgänger I have your face
It's not that complicated, no matter what they say You'll never meet another me It's not that difficult to get your head around You'll never meet another me You'll never-never-never-ever-ever meet another me
Pain: Godhunter by Aviators
Hunting tailed beasts while claiming to be a god himself? A song where perhaps the godhunter becomes so powerful shes a God to be hunted???? YES!
...okay that last bit is largely my own very indulgent interpretation of this song. But I LOVE how it would suit him, being both the god and the godhunter in the plot of the story.
Notable lyrics: its literally the whole thing. Here's some cherry picked lines.
When you're holding on to majesty You'd fear the hunt, a travesty That balance may return
If you're something more than flesh, ascended And you've taken on the rest To end it then she'll find you in a dream, tormented Godhunter's gonna hunt you down
Tobi/Obito: The End of the Rope by They Might Be Giants
Who doesn't love a good villain song? You could almost think it's from a musical, how dramatic and explanatory it is. Very good representation of the heel turns this man makes to the protagonists throughout his character arc.
Notable lyrics: its the whole song. Here's the first verse.
How thoughtless of me How dumb can you be? Hopeless, wasn't that What you called me? And in fact It was even more true than you knew
Kisame: Delirium Tremendous by Felix Hagan & the Family
Kisame's a bit of what the kids would call, uh…blackpilled? He enjoys himself, yeah definitely, but he also knows he's a special kind of traitor, the lowest of the low. In my book, that makes him a little less low than some other villains in the series, but he would not agree.
To me, this song is a couple things. Most obviously, delirium tremens after drinking. Next overtly, it's about not being able to fit in. More specifically, it's about not being able to fit in among misfits who are defined by their abnormality, their abhorrent nature to regular society. He is a very alienated man, he wants the good, but he has accepted he is not and that the world as it is will never be that way unless someone else (Tobi/Madara, in his view) takes it by the reigns and changes everything about how it works. He yearns for something he does not feel he has earned or deserves. It captures a lot of vibes and emotions I associate with Kisame all at once: lonliness, sensation, aggressiveness, fighting, longing. AND it's a fucking bop!
Notable lyrics:
What would make you get so battered That your bones betray you, start to shatter And you can’t relate to all the happy little night-time boys and girls
Save breath, crave death Can’t be much worse And I'm sick, sigh, can’t abide This twitching track from wet to dry I’m too old to cry, too young to die Too rabid for the pack So I’ll spit, try to hold it in Search for a sign of life within And I’ll fake a grin, until my skin Is starting to crack
So just stay cool and break through this sick delirium state I got wasted, now I’m tasting the cruel justice of fate
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2022 best of
best parts
Nick Matthews - Venture x Uprise / Nike x HUF
Mason Coletti - RIGHT HERE FOR PABLO . Deep Fried Pescado
Eddie Cernicky - Deep Fried Pescado . RIGHT HERE FOR PABLO
Tiago Lemos - Primitive DEFINE.
Gustav Tønnesen - SOUR SOLUTION III
Leonardo Bodelazzi - Leozinho
Juan Virues - Hotel Blue pro ‘penthouse suite’
Cyrus & Max - Limosine Promaster . “Toes Down” . i just took a bite of dirt
Diego Todd - Hockey X
Braden Hoban - emerica Emerge
Tristan Funkhouser - Baker 420 . Deep Fried x Baker
Nyjah Huston - Need That . Shine On . “DISRUPTION”
Tyshawn Jones - “Play Dead” . KINGDOM COME . ‘The General’
Carlos Ribeiro - Primitive DEFINE.
Gilbert Crockett - DENIM CAR
Grant Taylor - Fantastic Voyage
Will Marshall - Alltimers You Deserve It
Shaun Paul - DC ‘NorthUnda’
Noah Nayef - April
Elijah Odom - Alltimers You Deserve It . Andrew RASCAL
Brian Reid - Brian, Brandon & Will . DGK Zeitgeist
Shin Sanbongi - adidas
Jordan Trahan - Ace ‘Fais Low Low’
Bobby de Keyzer - Bobby
Brian Delatorre - Live & Direct
Vincent Milou - SOLO: You Changed
Jaakko Ojanen - Manana . E.S.P. vol. 2
Ryan Lay - DR in Color . Sci-Fi Fantasy
Myles Willard - Bones Bearings . ”Myles and The Machine”
Will Mazzari - Brian, Brandon & Will . DGK Zeitgeist
Marcello Campanello - Maxallure pro
Heitor da Silva - Vice Versa Love
Jake Wooten - Big Sky
Felipe Gustavo - CODE
Ishod Wair - REAL
Ish Cepeda - AD ASTRA
Louie Lopez - As You Wish . “Honor Roll” . FA, Again & Again
Danny Renaud - Brass Tacks
Silas Baxter-Neal - Portland Public Skating 3 . Burrow
Brian Delatorre - Habitat Live & Direct
Keiran Zimmerman - Jenny x Emerica
best full-lengths
Polar - Sounds Like You Guys Are Crushing It
Antihero - Fantastic Voyage
The Sour Solution III
Primitive - DEFINE.
Hockey X
Supreme - “Play Dead”
Alltimers - You Deserve It
Shake Junt - Shrimp Blunt
Bronze TV Channel 56
Element - E.S.P. vol. 2
Deep Fried - Pescado
Cafe - TENOR
Rassvet - “I Missed You”
Homies - Fun Raiser
DGK - Zeitgeist
Plan B - CODE
Emerica - EMPOWER
Bleach USA - “SPIKE”
Foundation - Splendor
best breakout parts
Vince Guzaldo - Bleach USA “SPIKE” . Immortality Research
Davide Holzknecht - Baglady. Pack Light . Hélas
Arthur Ribeiro - Vento Bravo
Blake Norris - FULLER HOUSE
Alan Bell - be honest
Johnny Cumaoglu - Mind How You Go
Joe Campos - Hockey X
Brian O’Dwyer - She’s Cheating
Shane Farber - CONS One-Star Pro x RIDING A HORSE NAKED
Jake Yanko - “MOSQUITO”
Christoph Friedmann - LOBBY DREAMS
Donovan Wildfong - Glue ‘wick & spit’
Marley Humphrey - “DIME BAG”
Jason Nam - carousel
Sam Fairweather - Indy Raw Ams
best women’s parts
Breana Geering - Spitifre
Nelly Morville - Limosine Promaster . “Toes Down” . i just took a bite of dirt
Mariah Duran - Thunder
Adrianne Sloboh - Krux
Mami Tezuka - Blood Wizard “Destiny”
Nicole Hause - REAL
Reese Nelson - Birdhouse welcome
best independents
Tim Savage - Brian, Brandon & Will
Fritte Söderström - Jante 5:33 x Jante 11:00
Tor Ström - Is This The Place?
Gray Area: Push Button to Destroy the World
Mettz Quest 2 (nyc)
Eryk Burton - THE TALE OF A TOXIC KING (nyc)
Harry Bergenfield - She’s Cheating (Philly)
Nicolas Marti - be honest (nyc)
Neema Joorabchi - limp x okay then (nyc)
Jeff Cecere - Mind How You Go (nyc)
Felix Soto - “ANGEL” (LA)
Calvin Millar - THE SQUAD (Austin)
Emilio Dufour - MAL CIUDADANO (Uruguay)
My Favorite Things - 31 (Helsinki)
Andrew Meyer - flinch (Philly VX)
Viktor Kretsis - Down Low (Manchester)
gang international - WITH ALL DUE (DC)
Chris Mulhern - [untitled] 006 (Philly)
Leando Chocho - HANDYCAPS_2
Tyler Bamdas - V3
Alex Doyle - CLUB BANGERS 3 (Vancouver)
Portland Public Skating 3
DUPLEX 3 (West Palm Beach FL)
HITTIT 3 (Kopenhagen)
Tristan Warren - MONEY TIME (LA)
Zach Fuller - FULLER HOUSE (SF)
Get Lesta - Darling (UK)
James Morley - GOD BLESS (Toronto)
andres garcia - MILO (LA)
James Cruikshank - SENSIBLES (Paris)
Brian Hunter - SLANG (Long Beach)
Daniel Dent - faith in bro (LA)
best promo / medium-length / squad
Limosine - Promaster . “Toes Down” . i just took a bite of dirt
Free x Vans - Full Circle
The Union Square Video
Game On - Mark Suciu SOTY Trip
Chocolate - Upper Cruster
Primitive x Independent
eS Terminal 002
Bronze x DC What If God Said
Pangea Jeans - POCKET DIAL
adidas - The Sky Ain’t Falling
Pass~Port Nike
Internet Birthday ep.1
Thunder: Pleather Jacket
Last Resort AB - Alv’s Angels
Thrasher Germany Vacation
RACKZ Gallery - Pandora
adidas Australia - Light Years
Sunday Hardware - LUV YA LOTS x x
Baglady - Pack Light
HUF x Thrasher Brazil
Sk8land Skateshop - Veinte
Am Scramble 2021
Girl - ‘Desesh Mode’ Euro Tour
Poolroom - RUNNER UP
Brick & Mortar - Autumn
Maxallure “INT CIRCLE” . “Beautiful Thoughts”
Dime comp vol 7 - Alexis Lacroix
Vans - Scandis
Kadence - DAIS
WKND - BOTTLE NECK SEWAGE . Street Fighters 2 . Alan Gelfand High
WORBLE III: Rough & Tough
Tree skateshop x Delivxry Buenos Aires - TREENIDAD
Stussy - Car Pool
Frog x Thunder
another massive year in skateboarding. hope things are good in your world. tell your friends you love em & let’s persevere to make 2023 even better
extended youtube playlist here
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tooneychaos · 4 years
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I’ve decided to draw out how much these guys have changed over the course of a few years. And oooh boy, they all changed... a lot.
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c0konk · 3 years
Louie: A mosquito tried to bite me and I slapped it and killed it.
Louie: And I started thinking.
Louie: Like, it was just trying to get food.
Louie: What if I went to the fridge and it just slammed the door shut on me and snapped my neck?
Huey: Are you okay?
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s-creations · 3 years
In Sickness, In Health Chapter 1 - Concussion
Fandom: DuckTales 2017 / The Three Caballeros         Rating: General Audience         Relationships/Pairings:  José  Carioca/Donald Duck/Panchito Pistoles  Additional Tags: getting sick, being cared for, mental health, injury, sore throat, common cold, chicken pox, broken bones, whooping cough, taking care of others.
Part of a Series Called: We’re the Three- Sorry, Six Caballeros!
Donald was never much of an outdoors person. Well, let him rephrase that. He felt comfortable on the open sea. But the woods...that place was evil. When they were younger, Della tried her darnedest to make him feel at one among the trees. But the mosquitos always did him in. So, Donald tried to stay away from the cursed place as best he could. 
 ‘Tried’ being the key word. It was difficult to accomplish when he’d been adventuring during his younger years. And as of late, due to the fact that Huey was now part of the Jr. Woodchucks. Was he going to complain as the bloodsuckers surrounded him? Absolutely not! He was a good father-figure, a great father-figure. Which meant he was more than happy to help with setting up the outdoor theater.
 The Annual Outdoor Safety Performance. Something held to teach the younger scouts how to remain safe in the woods and what to do when facing certain dangers. This also allowed the older scouts a chance to set up and perform. Huey had been given the title of Jr. Stage Director. Meaning he was in charge of making sure the stage was perfectly set up. In turn, meaning Donald had been recruited to help with some of the more dangerous aspects. 
 “How are you doing up there, Uncle Donald?”
 Said duck looked down from his perch on the ladder hearing Huey call up to him. “Doing great! The light will be set up soon enough.”
 “Awesome! Thanks Uncle Donald. I need to check on wardrobe, so come find me there when you’re done.” 
 “Will do.”
 Donald smiled as the duckling took off. Feeling comforted in seeing Huey so happy. Despite early year fears of being around other people. The Jr. Woodchucks had really helped Huey open up and find people to connect with. So, the older duck supposed it was worth possible blood loss to see that smile on Huey’s face.
 The lights were set up and Donald slowly started making his way down the ladder. It was upon reaching the last rung on the ladder that he heard the familiar, nightmare inducing, buzzing sound. 
 Donald’s head quickly began to swirl around as he attempted to pinpoint where that bug was…
 On the back of his hand. Donald wasted no time in swatting at it. Only to miss and for the winged nightmare to take off. Landing next at the tip of his bill. He was not pleased that another swipe of his hand resulted in only hurting himself. 
 He attempted to keep his temper in check as he continued the hunt. Dutifully ignoring the side glances being sent his way by the counselors. They knew who he was. They were aware of the risk if they dared approach. 
 One swing went a little wild. Donald fed up and hoped if he just constantly moved around the mosquito would get annoyed and move on. There was a split second of realizing his hand had collided with something before hearing something above rubble closer to him. He thought he heard Huey call out. But it was promptly forgotten about when something heavy collided with his head. Falling to the ground and letting out a weak grunt when he was pinned by something heavy. 
 His last thought, before he blacked out, was “Well, I suppose this is a different kind of blood loss.”
 And Donald remembered nothing else. 
 It was slow going trying to wake up again. Donald was aware of a constant beeping near him. Drawing the conclusion that he was in the hospital. But...why? He remembered he’d been with Huey. Helping set up the outdoor theater, then...nothing?
 Donald reached up to rub his head. Only to moan in pain realizing how sore it was. Another pair of hands clasped his gently and laid them back onto his chest. 
 “Careful mi amor. You are going to be in pain for a while.”
 The parrot laughed softly. “Si. How are you feeling?”
 “Tired… Sore… Confused. What happened?”
 “Huey says you were having a fist fight with a mosquito and hit a lever that moved the lights. One of them hit you. You are honestly very lucky to be alive right now.”
 Donald let out a low hum, eyes opening. That sounded about right. Him trying to help out in some way only for it to backfire. He could only hope that no one else was hurt-
 ...How close had Huey been? Donald remembered his name being called out. So the duckling had to have been close by.
 Donald attempted to sit up. Regretting it immediately as he was halted by pain and José.
 “Seu idiota, what are you doing?”
 “What happened to Huey? Is he okay? Was he hurt?”
 “No, he was not hurt. But Donald...you scared him. He honestly thought you had died.”
 The older duck swallowed weakly. “...Where is he?”
 “The waiting room with Panchito.”
 “Can they come back?”
 “Let me see. Just stay in bed. Do not try anything crazy.”
 Donald let out a grumble as he laid back down. Watching as José walked over to the door. Calling out to the first nurse that passed by. Their conversation was quiet, but the duck had heard enough to know he would be getting more visitors soon. 
 “How late is it?” He asked as José took his seat again. 
 “Around 6 at night.” 
 “Have the kids eaten? Have you and Panchito eaten?”
 The parrot laughed softly. Leaning closer to place a gentle kiss on Donald’s forehead. “Seu idiota amoroso. We have eaten. We are all fine. Everyone is just worried about you.” 
 Further questioning was interrupted when the door opened again. Three ducklings racing in with a relieved rooster following close behind. The triplets had already clambered up onto the bed, held close by Donald while Panchito sat next to the parrot. 
 “How are you feeling mi amor?” The rooster asked. 
 Donald let out a deep breath. Feeling comforted by the three forms that surrounded him. Rubbing the back of Louie’s head while carefully preening the top of Huey’s head. A silent way of saying he was okay. 
 “I’m feeling a lot better…”
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dellyduck · 3 years
Winnie Vanderquack in the Fountain Episode
Happy birthday @randomduckydoodles! Check out her AU, everyone, it’s great!
Winnie could just gasp, jaw dropped in disbelief as she watched the two now-teenagers running down the swamp. She couldn’t even bring herself to vocalize the “ARE YOU SERIOUS?!” going on repeat inside her head. Not that Scrooge would’ve listened to her, and that’s what really got on the Vanderquack’s nerves.
Winnie would expect that from O’Gilt.  The woman was basically a stranger to them, to Winnie especially, and by what Webby and their Granny had told her, Goldie was a sly snake who wouldn’t do a double take before sacrificing someone to save her own skin.
But Scrooge was their uncle! Who was supposed to take care of them when they were adventuring! Not leave them alone in the middle of a swamp to run after some skirt! Especially not when Webby was-
“You come back here you two- ARK!”
Winnie flinched at the crack from her sister’s back. She turned around, her face growing worried when she again saw Webby’s state. Not just was she having to use Scrooge’s cane, but also her eye was red and swollen; so that’s what happens when a mosquito stings you in the eye. Winnie didn’t even know that was possible to happen. Honestly, it looked like her sister had stolen Donald’s bad luck today.
If it was just for her, or if Webby was okay, Winnie would have ran after Scrooge and pulled him by the whiskers. But Webby was not okay. And her sister’s well being was more important than teaching that old-now-young man a lesson that her Granny would teach better once they got back home anyways.
Right now, it was time to act as the older sister she was.
“Okay, enough’s enough.” She gently grabbed Webby’s arm.
“Wait, where are we going?” the younger twin asked, not fighting her sister’s pull though. “Uncle Scrooge and Goldie went to the other side!”
“I know, we’re not going after them, we’re going back to the inn.”
“What?! But they-“
“Are adults who ditched us. If they’re not worried about what can happen to us in this place, I’m more than sure they’ll be fine on their own as well.” Winnie looked at Webby by the corner of her eye. “You, by other hand, need to rest.”
“No, I don’t!”
“Everything on your face and posture says the contrary,” Winnie replied with a deadpan.
Lucky her, Webby didn’t fight much longer and just allowed Winnie to lead the way. Aside from one crocodile that she had to kick on the face, the Vanderquack twins got back to the inn with no problems. Different from earlier, the place’s hall was empty.
“C’mon, let’s go to the room upstairs,” Winnie said. “You’re going to stay there and rest while I look for a nursery or something. Copy?”
“Yeah, yeah, I copy.” Webby rolled her healthy eye.
But before they could start going upstairs, “Ah, there you two are.” Louie approached them from the pool, his eyes going from bored to wide when he saw Webby. “What the heck happened to you?”
“Florida’s nature.”
“And your Uncle,” Winnie added with a tiny frown.
“huh,” it was all the triplet said before looking around. “Where’s Uncle Scrooge, by the way.”
“Looking for the fountain already.”
“Wait, really?” A smile grew on Louie’s face with Winnie’s answer. “That means we don’t need to go into a deadly swamp later anymore?”
“I guess,” the older Vanderquack answered again, her eyes then moving to the pool’s open area. Precisely, to the two ducks playing ping pong. She rosed a brow. “Does Dewey look… taller?”
“Oh, yeah, he and Huey are wrapped in a whole deal because of it.” Louie rolled his eyes.
Winnie opened her mouth to ask but decided to drop the subject. Huey could deal with his little brother; Winnie already had her own little sister to take care of.
“We’re going to our room,” she declared, not really waiting for Louie to acknowledge it before guiding Webby upstairs.
And neither of the twins was the wiser when it came for the battle that happened downstairs, at the pool’s feet. They just found out about it later, when Webby, claiming her back wasn’t so sore anymore and that she didn’t need to lay down to rest her eye, convinced Winnie to go meet with the boys at the pool. Neither of them expected to find Scrooge and the triplets handing cups of water to elderlies, who’d magically turn into young people after a sip.
For a bigger surprise than that, only Goldie coming back to return Finch’s Journal to Scrooge and the old couple sharing a big kiss.
A couple of hours later, the five kids were finally having a good time playing in the pool. Winnie was sat on the edge, waiting for Huey to come back with more sunscreen and watching Webby and Dewey play fighting with noodles, when someone approached her.
“Erh… Winnie lass, can we talk?” Scrooge scratched the back of his neck.
By the narrowed, cold look the little girl gave him before nodding, the man knew this really was a talk they needed to have, if the rich duck wanted to keep his bones intact when they get back home. Scrooge kneeled beside her, sighing.
“Ah’m sorry Ah left ye and Webby alone in the swamp, Ah donnae know what made me do that. Ah guess Ah was lost on the thrill of being young again… but that’s not an excuse. Ah’m sorry.”
Winnie couldn’t hide her surprise. Scrooge apologizing was a rare occasion.
“You’ll have to say that to Webby too, you know?” She tried to sound intimidating, but her little smile gave her in; she forgives him.
“Ah will,” Scrooge agreed, stroking the girl’s hair gently. His face didn’t stay calm for long, however, the tense expression suddenly back. “And… Of course… If ye could not tell yer Grandmother about what happened…”
Winnie deadpanned again. Oooof course.
Her eyes quickly moved to the pool and Winnie grew a smirk before looking back to Scrooge.
“I guess I could not tell her… Depending on some stuff, however.”
“Depending on what?” The old duck was really whiling to do anything to prevent Bentina to know.
“This!” Winnie grabbed the front of Scrooge’s shirt and pulled him forwards into the pool!
It was a matter of two seconds before Scrooge had his head back on the surface, his face frowing to Winnie in an expression that said “hey!”. Winnie could just laugh, and so did Webby and Dewey in the middle of the pool. A third, loud voice cackled too, and the older twin turned her head to see Goldie on a pool chair.
The woman gave Winnie a finger gun, “I like your style, kiddo.”
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astrodances · 4 years
F.O.W.L. Case Files: The Unknowing Traitor
Some people have made some fantastic theories about Beakley being the traitor. I and others have speculated about it being Duckworth. And the show itself has pointed at it being Donald.
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But Beakley and Duckworth, if they were it, would most certainly be in the know about it (no sleeper agent roles for them). Donald, if it’s him, wouldn’t be a sleeper agent (necessarily), just an unknowing traitor.
(Rest is under the cut!)
(Disclaimer: I know many have already speculated that Webby might be a sleeper agent for F.O.W.L. - but if that’s the case, that has yet to happen. I’m talking about Donald being an existing/current traitor.)
This is basically just gonna be a list of evidence for Donald being the traitor, in no particular order, except for the first point being my main piece of evidence (and the second one being a kinda wild sub-theory):
Donald wasn’t just the “ruse” for F.O.W.L.’s mechanical mosquito in “Challenge of the Senior Junior Woodchucks!” - he was bitten. I think he was their target.
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Right after this shot near the end of the episode, and after the close-up on the mosquito, where we see that it’s a camera, the scene changes to F.O.W.L. HQ and specifically shows Gandra first, looking quite in her not-really evil scientific element. And what has Gandra made it clear she’s worked with?
Nanites (microscopic robots) and eyebuds.
What if that mosquito was more than just a camera? What if it injected Donald with some specially-made nanites that didn’t necessarily use Donald’s body’s electricity for external power (although, maybe in the finale?), but to spy on him and the family from his own eyes and maybe ears? (Whether it’s eyebud technology at work here or a different method is up for debate.) This way, F.O.W.L. was able to spy on them all a little closer from the beginning of this particular season, and know where all the Missing Mysteries were. The mosquito was just for this one trip, as they could have easily known about the Ducks going to Woodchuck Island, and they wanted to see if they found the journal.
Bonus crack theory: I was taking this one step further and thinking that, at the end of “Double-O-Duck”, when he brought them back from the lighthouse, Bradford could’ve totally injected Dewey and LP with nanites while they were still unconscious. XD
To put the icing on the above, I’d just like to point out that there’s that Donald/spying-centric episode of DT87 called “Spies in Their Eyes”. Between the major hints coming from that title, Donald being hypnotized into being a traitor in that episode (he does look hypnotized in the top pic of this post...), and one of the main themes of it being “loose lips sink ships,” it all seems veeery suspicious.
(A side thought I just had, but speaking of sinking ships and that DT87 episode dealing with a secret sub, I just remembered that in last week’s “Life and Crimes...”, Louie “accidentally” sold the sub. Gonna keep my eye on that...)
But anywho, actually speaking of “loose lips sink ships”...
Remember the fact that Donald has that “PARTY FOWL” fanny pack?
In this post, people were saying that Donald was accidentally around F.O.W.L., either at a party, where he got this fanny pack, or in general, and the fanny pack is just a hint. I’m personally thinking (and kinda half-joking) that said party is connected to the 3 Cabs concert in Acapulco. You know how there’s that very prominent, now-suspicious moment in “The Town Where Everyone Was Nice!”, where Donald says, “You did? Why don’t I remember that?” in regards to Panchito breaking his guitar over his head, and that he apparently got a concussion from getting hit with a chair but also doesn’t remember that? Well, what if it wasn’t just a concussion?
But what if it wasn’t a concussion? What if it was F.O.W.L. messing with his memories?
I don’t have any specific reason for why they would want to erase his memories - if they did, we’ll probably find out why, when, and how tonight. (I had some ideas though when I first got this theory - maybe they needed info or something else from him, and then didn’t want him to remember being questioned or whatever; he accidentally (or even purposefully) found out something about F.O.W.L. - ooh! after the whole Papyrus of Binding incident, maybe that Bradford was F.O.W.L.? or maybe something about Webby/the clones? or something to do with why Beakley went into hiding as Scrooge’s housekeeper and all that?; maybe it was a literal “loose lips sink ships” revelation about the Spear of Selene?; after “The First Adventure!” though, I am leaning towards it having something to do with the Papyrus - if Donald didn’t re-discover that Bradford was F.O.W.L., maybe it was that F.O.W.L. was trying to use Donald to get the Papyrus again?)
Regardless of the why, if F.O.W.L. did mess with his memories, it would explain why Donald didn’t know about Beakley being a spy at the beginning of the series, but Della did.
Anyway, some more quick points of evidence for Donald being the traitor:
the bottom-right corner of this screen in F.O.W.L. HQ:
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Sure does look like the houseboat at the dock, huh?
the accountant parallel here (and I’d like to re-emphasize the fact that Donald’s moment there is from the pilot)
the way Donald was acting in “Impossibin!” - Beakley was definitely suspicious, but Donald had his own questionable moments, and he seemed suspicious of Beakley up on the roof with that eye glare in a way that seemed more than just about her immediate behavior, like he does know something (which goes against my earlier points, but still)
This is very much a stretch, but at the beginning of “Golden Spear!”, Penny’s all “treacherous spy” about Della, but then the scene transitions to Donald. And in the rest of the episode, most (if not all) transitions to Donald have a line or moment before that specifically seem to reference him (like Della’s “My family is fearless!” before it goes to Donald clinging to his hammock). So, if the transitions are supposed to be about him, then this could be a very cleverly-hidden hint.
young Donald and his lyrics are against Scrooge’s wealth and all XD (just another point for being on opposite sides in the future, should the theory hold)
a very small hint, but if the nanite theory above is true, then Gyro’s whole “genetic experimentation” line in “87 Cent Solution!”, with the footage of Donald facing the traps, might have been foreshadowing?
Ok, I think that’s it. My last F.O.W.L. Case File before the end. (I had a couple more pieces of evidence for the traitor being Duckworth - he disarms Scrooge of his cane - perhaps the Action Cane? - before pushing him towards the buzzards at the Christmas party, and in his intro episode, there was that whole “fake ghost axe” thing - and some other smaller theories and parallels to make, but I think I’ve said everything important that I wanted to theorize about.)
Anyway, by this point, I’m sure some people on the east coast have seen the finale, or are watching it now, but I still have about 2 hours until midnight now, so I’m gonna keep drawing this one thing to post tomorrow while finishing my rewatch.
Let’s dewey this, people! 💜
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lettheladylead · 4 years
a quick visit
characters/ships: goldie, scrooge, beakley, scrooge/goldie, (slight) webby/lena word count: ~3500 summary: Goldie stops by the mansion shortly after The Forbidden Fountain of the Foreverglades!  ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/27023359
Bentina had a bad feeling.
She often did when Scrooge took all four kids by himself and it was just adults in the mansion. Well, adults and Launchpad, who came by twice already - having forgotten that Scrooge wasn’t around.
It didn’t help that she hadn’t gotten Webbigail her own cell phone yet, so there were no updates coming from a trusted source. Scrooge didn’t know how to send a proper text and the boys just sent weird pictures and emojis so she was stuck in the dark until they returned.
Fortunately, the trip ended early, and as the family burst through the door only two days after leaving, the first thing Webbigail did was throw herself into her grandmother’s arms. “GRANNY! You won’t believe what happened in Florida!”
“Something tells me I will.”
Before Webby could open her mouth, Scrooge loudly cleared his throat. “Ahem, um...Webbigail, perhaps you should let me talk to her first. If you wouldnae mind.”
Webby considered that for a moment before doing a backflip and landing gracefully on her feet. “Okay! I’m gonna call Lena and Violet!” And then she rushed upstairs.
The boys were chatting amongst themselves, clearly interested in what Scrooge was going to say to Beakley but knowing they wouldn’t be allowed to stick around for the conversation. Louie in particular was excited to see steam come out of their housekeeper’s ears.
Beakley’s eye twitched as Scrooge grumbled a bit and motioned for her to follow him into the kitchen. Huey and Dewey decided to go find their mom or Uncle Donald, while Louie stuck with his original plan and held his head against the kitchen door to listen in.
“What kind of danger did you put my granddaughter in this time?”
Louie almost snickered.
“So listen, Twenty-Two, I need to start by pointin’ out that it could’ve been much worse! She was far away from the real danger!”
No response. Louie worried he was missing something and leaned in a little further, but it seemed Beakley was just waiting for more information.
“...Goldie was there.”
“Don’t tell me you let her anywhere near Webbigail!” was Beakley’s very quick response. Louie knew the housekeeper hated Goldie, but she didn’t hesitate for even a second.
“Ah...well. Webby spoke to Goldie just as you would’ve wanted her to,” Scrooge said with a chuckle.
“Then what happened?”
“Ehh...Goldie ‘n I drank some youth water, got a bit rambunctious in our young bodies, and left Webbigail by herself in the middle of the woods.”
Louie waited. No sound yet. Maybe Beakley just killed him quickly and quietly and got it over with?
“Is that it? She’s well equipped for a few hours by herself. Better than spending anymore time with your thieving ex-girlfriend.”
What a disappointment. Louie scoffed and got up, walking towards the back of the mansion where he saw his brothers go earlier.
Beakley looked over at the door where one of the kids had been obviously spying, and then poked a finger in Scrooge’s chest. “If Webbigail goes on adventures with you, I expect you to be responsible for her. No running off with your girlfriend, no leaving her alone. Am I understood?”
He looked sheepish, but nodded. “I’m sorry, Twenty-Two. It was...I wasnae myself.”
“Oh, you were completely yourself. Just younger and stupider.”
“Quite right.”
There was a moment of silence before Beakley couldn’t help her curiosity. “So what did she take from you this time?”
He blushed a bit and smiled - a reaction she was definitely not prepared for - and started tapping his fingers against the top of his cane. “Ah...nothin’.”
“...really now.”
Scrooge had a look on his face that Bentina barely recognized - he looked lovestruck and downright silly - and it was making her eye twitch again.
“She took Isabella’s journal, but...then she gave it back. A lot happened yesterday. We...talked.”
“Goldie O’Gilt...talked. To you.” Beakley leaned against the counter and didn’t pretend to hide her disbelief.
Scrooge picked up his cane and swung it around briefly. “Oh, she talked, alright! Let’s just say, I havenae lost my touch when it comes to women.”
Now that was the least believable thing she’d heard so far. But Beakley bit her tongue on that remark. “...did you two sleep together?”
His blush deepened and his smile formed into a smirk. Pushing his hat up an inch with his cane, Scrooge just shrugged and said, “I would never kiss and tell.”
“That’s historically untrue,” she commented with an eyeroll. “Are you going to tell me you two are on good terms now? Or something equally terrifying?”
Scrooge shrugged again. “Hard to say…”
He started to hobble out of the kitchen, considering whether or not to leave Beakley with that non-answer, but chose to turn around at the door and expand. “...she’ll be visiting the mansion soon.”
And she felt a headache coming on as he waltzed out of the kitchen, leaving her alone to decide how many traps she needed to set up and how many items she needed to hide. Not that anything she could try would stop O’Gilt, who always seemed to be one frustrating step ahead of her.
This was a terrible turn of events. Not to mention unexpected. But, Beakley surmised, this was likely a long con that Scrooge hadn’t caught onto in his lovestruck stupor. She’d have to talk to Webbigail and get more details about what happened. She’d have an easier time figuring out what Goldie’s game was.
Webby was using her laptop to video call with her friends, going over the trials and tribulations of her recent trip.
“I still can’t believe Scrooge has a girlfriend,” Lena commented dryly.
Webby just laughed. “Yeah, it’s super weird. They just have...so much history together. But I thought it’d be cute! Or fun! Instead, it was just…” She couldn’t think of the right word.
Violet flicked at her hair. “Uncomfortable? Not only are they ridiculously old, but she’s betrayed him a number of times. I can’t imagine watching them interact was pleasant.”
“Exactly!” Webby waved her hands around. “And when we left the hotel they were all gushy and hand holding, but...I don’t know! Love after betrayal doesn’t really seem like a good idea.”
Violet nodded to that, but quickly noticed Lena’s awkward silence and turned towards her sister.
Webby, despite herself, also noticed Lena’s lack of response, and after replaying her sentence in her head, she immediately started to shake her head and laugh. “Ha, ha, well, I mean, you know, who knows!! It’s...I shouldn’t make assumptions! It was probably just weird because they’re so old! I don’t know the details, I should do some research! But maybe not too much research! Ha, ha, ha!”
Lena seemed comforted by that and just chuckled and shook her head. “You’re a riot, Pink.”
“I know,” Webby said with a smile, and she could tell Violet was going to comment on what just happened but was interrupted by a knock on Webby’s door.
“Webbigail, can we talk?”
“Oh, sure, Granny!” she yelled at the door. “Sorry guys, Granny wants to talk! See you later?”
The Sabrewings nodded and said their goodbyes as Webby shut the laptop in sync with Beakley climbing up the ladder.
“Scrooge tells me you were alone for quite some time,” Beakley said as she finished her climb and sat next to Webby on her bed. “How did you fare?”
“It was crazy!” Webby said enthusiastically. “I had hurt my back and mosquitos stung my eye and then suddenly I was alone with who-knows-what lurking around! But I used my quick wits and geographical knowledge to make my way back to the hotel in record time!”
Beakley responded with a few small claps. “I’m very proud of you.”
“It’s too bad I missed the fight, though!”
“Oh?” Now that made more sense. “So Scrooge and Goldie did fight, then?”
“Oh, no, I mean. Sort of, but that’s not what I’m talking about!” Webby proceeded to explain the situation with Ponce de Leon to her grandmother, not leaving out any details of what the boys and Scrooge had told her. 
“Well...I supposed that explains his good mood.” Beakley put a hand against her beak in thought. “I can’t immediately tell what O’Gilt’s angle is, but I don’t trust this. If she tries to talk to you again, don’t give her any information she doesn’t already have.”
“Okay! Oh, and did you know she’s friends with Louie?” Webby added suddenly. “I mean, I guess friends might be a strong word. But they talked for a while and I was really surprised! Scrooge didn’t seem as surprised, but also...not. You know what I mean?”
Beakley let out a long hmmm in response. “...that’s interesting.”
“I was talking to Lena and Violet…” Webby tapped her fingers on her legs. “I don’t trust Goldie any farther than I could throw her, but...I don’t know, she and Scrooge seemed to be really happy together all last night and this morning.”
“And it’s not like you can’t have a good normal relationship even if there was once a lot of lies and betrayal!” Webby started to play with her skirt. “I’m trying to keep an open mind!”
Beakley’s face scrunched up in thought and her eyes widened in realization. “Ah...Dear, if you’re projecting onto this, I can assure you that your relationship with Lena is nothing like that of the infamous McDuck-O’Gilt rivalry.”
“Goldie O’Gilt is proof that some people can never change,” Bentina said forcefully. “And no matter what she says or how she acts or even if she chooses not to steal anything one time, that’s no reason to trust her. She’s going to break Scrooge’s heart again, one way or another.”
“...oh.” Webby frowned and looked down at her knees. “You’re probably right, Granny. Maybe I just...want her to be better.”
“I understand.” Beakley stood up and brushed invisible dust off her skirt. “I do, too. But it’s safer to stay alert than to try and expect anything good from her.”
She nodded. “Uncle Scrooge invited her here.”
“He mentioned as much.”
“But she said no.”
Webby played with her fingers while she spoke. “She said, and I promise I wasn’t eavesdropping! But she told him that ‘meeting the family is too domestic,’ which I think is weird because she’s already met all of us so what difference does it make?”
Beakley wondered why Scrooge seemed so sure that Goldie would be coming over despite her rejection. This was already starting not to bode well. “I need to speak to Scrooge again. Why don’t you go find the boys?”
“Okay!” Webby shouted and did a front flip off her bed, launching down the ladder and heading towards the pool.
Beakley grumbled and followed after, determined to figure out why Scrooge had lied or what was going on. She needed to be prepared if Goldie O’Gilt was coming to visit, and prepared for Scrooge’s inevitably whiny heartbreak. You’d think he’d be used to it after so many years.
She found him in his room, staring at the inside of some ancient-looking box. As soon as he noticed her, he slammed the box shut and tossed it back into the locked desk drawer he came from. Curious as that made her, Beakley didn’t have the energy to comment.
“Goldie said she wasn’t interested in coming here.”
Scrooge flushed and shrugged. “I mean...technically, yes, but you had to see the look in her eyes, Bentina! I know she’s coming.”
“I think you’re likely misinterpreting.”
“I know for a fact she wants to see Della, at least,” Scrooge said with his two pointer fingers up in front of him. “We talked about her for a while and she hasn’t seen her since her return, so…”
“I stand by what I said.”
Scrooge stood up and stretched his limbs. “I understand your negativity, Twenty-Two, but I feel good about this! I feel like -”
Both parties stopped talking and turned to look at the window, which was slowly being opened from the outside. Scrooge smiled brightly and Beakley’s frown deepened.
“Hey, Hun, how about we……..oh.” Goldie hadn’t noticed Beakley at first, and wrinkled her nose as soon as they made eye contact. “Great.”
Before the man of the house could let his lady inside, Beakley stormed to the window and grabbed it. “How about you use the front door like a proper guest!?” She slammed the window shut and Goldie didn’t move for a moment, then smacked the closed window before disappearing again. Beakley made her way to the foyer in angry anticipation.
Scrooge didn’t even know how to react to that and quickly rushed to the window to see what was happening. Goldie had gone back down to the lawn and she looked up to shoot him a quick wink before continuing towards the door. He almost didn’t believe what he was seeing, but hurried after his housekeeper anyway.
The doorbell ringing was a surprise to everyone, and Scrooge was double surprised to see all four kids running towards the front door even after they saw Beakley reach for the handle. Maybe they liked Goldie more than she did. That wouldn’t be saying much at all.
The door opened and Goldie groaned loudly. “Is this what it’s like to wait for someone to let you into a building? It’s awful. Scroogey, don’t make me do that again.”
Beakley rolled her eyes and moved to the side so Goldie could enter, and Scrooge just smiled at her instead of moving to give her a proper hello. She put a hand on her hip and looked at the small army of ducks who’d come to greet her for whatever reason.
“I thought you said you weren’t coming!” Webby said suddenly.
“Yes, well…” Goldie rolled her hand around by her head, trying to think of what to say. “Here I am anyway.”
“Here you are,” Beakley said harshly as she shut the door. “And what’s your plan for this visit, O’Gilt?”
Goldie gave the housekeeper a sultry look. “Oh, Bentina, always so suspicious of me. Scrooge asked me to stop by on my way back to D…”
Everyone leaned forward slightly, looking very interested in the next thing she was going to say. Goldie took note of that.
“...doing my own thing.”
The resounding disappointment was palpable. Clearly no one knew where she currently hung her hat, and Goldie preferred it that way.
“So he did. Apparently you’re here to ‘meet the family,’ but of course,” Beakley walked past Goldie and stood next to her granddaughter. “You already know everyone here.”
Scrooge raised an eyebrow, not sure if he should interrupt or let this play out. Goldie didn’t seem put off at all.
“Are you testing me?” Goldie asked with a smirk. “Of course I know you, Bentina. Or would you rather I call you Twenty-Two?”
Everyone looked up at Beakley, who scowled. “Bentina is fine.”
Goldie took a look at all four kids, who were currently lined up in front of her. Their...names? She knew their names. But that didn’t really matter and she didn’t want them to get too attached.
“Well, obviously I know Sharpie,” she said, motioning to Louie, who just shrugged in response.
Next came the red one. “...based on your clipboard, I’m gonna assume you’re the Smartie.”
“Not technically my name, but observant nonetheless!” Huey tapped his hat with his pencil.
“And you…” She looked at the blue one, who seemed overly excited at her presence and was pumping his knees up and down. “Well I’m not about to call you Toughie when you look like this.”
“You can call me…” Dewey pulled out his phone and pressed a button, playing a short track of loud electronic music. “TURBOOOO!!!” he shouted as he dabbed dramatically and the music ended.
Goldie just stared. “...ah, you’re just a mini-Della, aren’t you?”
Dewey spun around and snapped some finger guns at her. “Compliment received and appreciated! That’s how we Dew it!”
“Right. So. Sharpie, Smartie, Mini-Della.” She pointed to each of them as she spoke. “And lastly we’ve got Old Lady Vanderquack.”
Webby looked up at her grandma and gave a sheepish smile to Beakley’s irritated expression.
“I suppose I can’t very well call you that when the real old lady is right there,” Goldie said with a smirk. “I’ll just call you Pink.”
That elicited a small gasp from the little duck. “You can’t call me that! That’s what Lena calls me!”
“Oh? She’s got a claim on that name?” Goldie crouched down and leaned her arms on her knees (which were feeling much better than the day before, thank God). “Well I’m sure your Uncle has told you that I’m quite the claim jumper.”
Scrooge chuckled at that while Webby just squinted and tapped on her beak. “I guess, in a way, you kind of remind me of Lena.”
“Since I don’t know who that is, I’m going to assume that’s a compliment.”
“It is!” Webby clapped her hands together excitedly. “She’s my-”
“Webbigail,” Beakley interrupted. “Remember what I said about limiting the information you give to thieves?”
“Oh, right!” Webby stood tall and did a motion of zippering her mouth shut.
Goldie smirked and stood back up. “The less I know the better, I suppose.” She looked around the room. “Well I don’t see Donald or Della, but as far as I know, that covers everyone who lives here, right?”
Beakley rolled her eyes, but couldn’t say anything before Dewey jumped up. “Oh! I bet Mom would be super excited to see you! I’ll go grab her!” He rushed off to the pool.
“What, no fun nicknames for them, too?” Louie said sarcastically. “How boring.”
Goldie crossed her arms. “That’s not something anyone’s ever called me before.”
“First time for everything.”
Huey glanced between Louie and Goldie, sensing an unexpected tension that he didn’t know anything about. Clearly he’d be grilling Louie about it later.
Scrooge sighed and felt a familiar warmth in his chest. All he wanted was for Goldie to be a part of his family, and for the first time...it felt like it might happen. Despite Beakley’s objections, of course. He shuffled over and grabbed one of Goldie’s hands.
“Are you staying long?” he asked hopefully, but trying not to sound too desperate.
She glanced at him and sighed. “No, I don’t think so.” She pulled her hand away from his and placed it against his cheek instead. “Meet the family, you said. Not have dinner with the family or move in with you, right?” She gave him a few little pats.
Scrooge smiled even though he would’ve loved for her to stay longer. “Right. Whatever you’re comfortable with, Dear.”
The little domestic nickname made her heart flutter, and Goldie had to look away from him to avoid blushing. Fortunately, it was at that moment that Dewey was dragging the twins into the foyer behind him.
“What’s so impor-....oh!” Della paused as she looked up, Donald stepping up next to her a moment later.
They both looked at each other and then back at their guest. “Hi Aunt Goldie,” they said in unison.
“Donnie. Fly Girl,” Goldie responded, giving them each a curt nod. “Glad to see you’re both in one piece.”
Della elbowed Donald in the chest. “How come you didn’t tell me this was still a thing?”
He coughed and put a hand over his injured sternum. “I didn’t think you cared?”
“I dunno, I’m kind of mixed on it,” Della said with a shrug. “But I like to stay updated!”
They bickered for a minute and Goldie felt a bit awkward - she didn’t know Donald or Della very well and could barely understand a single thing Donald said. She assumed everyone else could understand him perfectly and didn’t want to be the odd one out, so she opted to look back at Scrooge again.
He was staring at her. This whole visit he’d just been staring at her. She did what he asked! She stopped by! She spoke to his whole family! Why did he still look like he wanted something?
Finally he looked away from her, seeing that most of the rest of the family was talking to Della about adventures they knew about involving Goldie. He looked back at her and smiled.
“...Scroogey, just ask me what you want to ask me.” She swiped a hand through her ponytail and sighed. “I’ll die of old age if I’m stuck waiting for you to spit it out.”
He took a deep breath and reached out to grab both of her hands this time.
“I want you...to meet my parents.”
Bentina had a bad feeling.
She often did when Scrooge took all four kids by himself and it was just adults in the mansion. Well, adults and Launchpad, who came by twice already - having forgotten that Scrooge wasn’t around.
It didn’t help that she hadn’t gotten Webbigail her own cell phone yet, so there were no updates coming from a trusted source. Scrooge didn’t know how to send a proper text and the boys just sent weird pictures and emojis so she was stuck in the dark until they returned.
Fortunately, the trip ended early, and as the family burst through the door only two days after leaving, the first thing Webbigail did was throw herself into her grandmother’s arms. “GRANNY! You won’t believe what happened in Florida!”
“Something tells me I will.”
Before Webby could open her mouth, Scrooge loudly cleared his throat. “Ahem, um...Webbigail, perhaps you should let me talk to her first. If you wouldnae mind.”
Webby considered that for a moment before doing a backflip and landing gracefully on her feet. “Okay! I’m gonna call Lena and Violet!” And then she rushed upstairs.
The boys were chatting amongst themselves, clearly interested in what Scrooge was going to say to Beakley but knowing they wouldn’t be allowed to stick around for the conversation. Louie in particular was excited to see steam come out of their housekeeper’s ears.
Beakley’s eye twitched as Scrooge grumbled a bit and motioned for her to follow him into the kitchen. Huey and Dewey decided to go find their mom or Uncle Donald, while Louie stuck with his original plan and held his head against the kitchen door to listen in.
“What kind of danger did you put my granddaughter in this time?”
Louie almost snickered.
“So listen, Twenty-Two, I need to start by pointin’ out that it could’ve been much worse! She was far away from the real danger!”
No response. Louie worried he was missing something and leaned in a little further, but it seemed Beakley was just waiting for more information.
“...Goldie was there.”
“Don’t tell me you let her anywhere near Webbigail!” was Beakley’s very quick response. Louie knew the housekeeper hated Goldie, but she didn’t hesitate for even a second.
“Ah...well. Webby spoke to Goldie just as you would’ve wanted her to,” Scrooge said with a chuckle.
“Then what happened?”
“Ehh...Goldie ‘n I drank some youth water, got a bit rambunctious in our young bodies, and left Webbigail by herself in the middle of the woods.”
Louie waited. No sound yet. Maybe Beakley just killed him quickly and quietly and got it over with?
“Is that it? She’s well equipped for a few hours by herself. Better than spending anymore time with your thieving ex-girlfriend.”
What a disappointment. Louie scoffed and got up, walking towards the back of the mansion where he saw his brothers go earlier.
Beakley looked over at the door where one of the kids had been obviously spying, and then poked a finger in Scrooge’s chest. “If Webbigail goes on adventures with you, I expect you to be responsible for her. No running off with your girlfriend, no leaving her alone. Am I understood?”
He looked sheepish, but nodded. “I’m sorry, Twenty-Two. It was...I wasnae myself.”
“Oh, you were completely yourself. Just younger and stupider.”
“Quite right.”
There was a moment of silence before Beakley couldn’t help her curiosity. “So what did she take from you this time?”
He blushed a bit and smiled - a reaction she was definitely not prepared for - and started tapping his fingers against the top of his cane. “Ah...nothin’.”
“...really now.”
Scrooge had a look on his face that Bentina barely recognized - he looked lovestruck and downright silly - and it was making her eye twitch again.
“She took Isabella’s journal, but...then she gave it back. A lot happened yesterday. We...talked.”
“Goldie O’Gilt...talked. To you.” Beakley leaned against the counter and didn’t pretend to hide her disbelief.
Scrooge picked up his cane and swung it around briefly. “Oh, she talked, alright! Let’s just say, I havenae lost my touch when it comes to women.”
Now that was the least believable thing she’d heard so far. But Beakley bit her tongue on that remark. “...did you two sleep together?”
His blush deepened and his smile formed into a smirk. Pushing his hat up an inch with his cane, Scrooge just shrugged and said, “I would never kiss and tell.”
“That’s historically untrue,” she commented with an eyeroll. “Are you going to tell me you two are on good terms now? Or something equally terrifying?”
Scrooge shrugged again. “Hard to say…”
He started to hobble out of the kitchen, considering whether or not to leave Beakley with that non-answer, but chose to turn around at the door and expand. “...she’ll be visiting the mansion soon.”
And she felt a headache coming on as he waltzed out of the kitchen, leaving her alone to decide how many traps she needed to set up and how many items she needed to hide. Not that anything she could try would stop O’Gilt, who always seemed to be one frustrating step ahead of her.
This was a terrible turn of events. Not to mention unexpected. But, Beakley surmised, this was likely a long con that Scrooge hadn’t caught onto in his lovestruck stupor. She’d have to talk to Webbigail and get more details about what happened. She’d have an easier time figuring out what Goldie’s game was.
Webby was using her laptop to video call with her friends, going over the trials and tribulations of her recent trip.
“I still can’t believe Scrooge has a girlfriend,” Lena commented dryly.
Webby just laughed. “Yeah, it’s super weird. They just have...so much history together. But I thought it’d be cute! Or fun! Instead, it was just…” She couldn’t think of the right word.
Violet flicked at her hair. “Uncomfortable? Not only are they ridiculously old, but she’s betrayed him a number of times. I can’t imagine watching them interact was pleasant.”
“Exactly!” Webby waved her hands around. “And when we left the hotel they were all gushy and hand holding, but...I don’t know! Love after betrayal doesn’t really seem like a good idea.”
Violet nodded to that, but quickly noticed Lena’s awkward silence and turned towards her sister.
Webby, despite herself, also noticed Lena’s lack of response, and after replaying her sentence in her head, she immediately started to shake her head and laugh. “Ha, ha, well, I mean, you know, who knows!! It’s...I shouldn’t make assumptions! It was probably just weird because they’re so old! I don’t know the details, I should do some research! But maybe not too much research! Ha, ha, ha!”
Lena seemed comforted by that and just chuckled and shook her head. “You’re a riot, Pink.”
“I know,” Webby said with a smile, and she could tell Violet was going to comment on what just happened but was interrupted by a knock on Webby’s door.
“Webbigail, can we talk?”
“Oh, sure, Granny!” she yelled at the door. “Sorry guys, Granny wants to talk! See you later?”
The Sabrewings nodded and said their goodbyes as Webby shut the laptop in sync with Beakley climbing up the ladder.
“Scrooge tells me you were alone for quite some time,” Beakley said as she finished her climb and sat next to Webby on her bed. “How did you fare?”
“It was crazy!” Webby said enthusiastically. “I had hurt my back and mosquitos stung my eye and then suddenly I was alone with who-knows-what lurking around! But I used my quick wits and geographical knowledge to make my way back to the hotel in record time!”
Beakley responded with a few small claps. “I’m very proud of you.”
“It’s too bad I missed the fight, though!”
“Oh?” Now that made more sense. “So Scrooge and Goldie did fight, then?”
“Oh, no, I mean. Sort of, but that’s not what I’m talking about!” Webby proceeded to explain the situation with Ponce de Leon to her grandmother, not leaving out any details of what the boys and Scrooge had told her. 
“Well...I supposed that explains his good mood.” Beakley put a hand against her beak in thought. “I can’t immediately tell what O’Gilt’s angle is, but I don’t trust this. If she tries to talk to you again, don’t give her any information she doesn’t already have.”
“Okay! Oh, and did you know she’s friends with Louie?” Webby added suddenly. “I mean, I guess friends might be a strong word. But they talked for a while and I was really surprised! Scrooge didn’t seem as surprised, but also...not. You know what I mean?”
Beakley let out a long hmmm in response. “...that’s interesting.”
“I was talking to Lena and Violet…” Webby tapped her fingers on her legs. “I don’t trust Goldie any farther than I could throw her, but...I don’t know, she and Scrooge seemed to be really happy together all last night and this morning.”
“And it’s not like you can’t have a good normal relationship even if there was once a lot of lies and betrayal!” Webby started to play with her skirt. “I’m trying to keep an open mind!”
Beakley’s face scrunched up in thought and her eyes widened in realization. “Ah...Dear, if you’re projecting onto this, I can assure you that your relationship with Lena is nothing like that of the infamous McDuck-O’Gilt rivalry.”
“Goldie O’Gilt is proof that some people can never change,” Bentina said forcefully. “And no matter what she says or how she acts or even if she chooses not to steal anything one time, that’s no reason to trust her. She’s going to break Scrooge’s heart again, one way or another.”
“...oh.” Webby frowned and looked down at her knees. “You’re probably right, Granny. Maybe I just...want her to be better.”
“I understand.” Beakley stood up and brushed invisible dust off her skirt. “I do, too. But it’s safer to stay alert than to try and expect anything good from her.”
She nodded. “Uncle Scrooge invited her here.”
“He mentioned as much.”
“But she said no.”
Webby played with her fingers while she spoke. “She said, and I promise I wasn’t eavesdropping! But she told him that ‘meeting the family is too domestic,’ which I think is weird because she’s already met all of us so what difference does it make?”
Beakley wondered why Scrooge seemed so sure that Goldie would be coming over despite her rejection. This was already starting not to bode well. “I need to speak to Scrooge again. Why don’t you go find the boys?”
“Okay!” Webby shouted and did a front flip off her bed, launching down the ladder and heading towards the pool.
Beakley grumbled and followed after, determined to figure out why Scrooge had lied or what was going on. She needed to be prepared if Goldie O’Gilt was coming to visit, and prepared for Scrooge’s inevitably whiny heartbreak. You’d think he’d be used to it after so many years.
She found him in his room, staring at the inside of some ancient-looking box. As soon as he noticed her, he slammed the box shut and tossed it back into the locked desk drawer he came from. Curious as that made her, Beakley didn’t have the energy to comment.
“Goldie said she wasn’t interested in coming here.”
Scrooge flushed and shrugged. “I mean...technically, yes, but you had to see the look in her eyes, Bentina! I know she’s coming.”
“I think you’re likely misinterpreting.”
“I know for a fact she wants to see Della, at least,” Scrooge said with his two pointer fingers up in front of him. “We talked about her for a while and she hasn’t seen her since her return, so…”
“I stand by what I said.”
Scrooge stood up and stretched his limbs. “I understand your negativity, Twenty-Two, but I feel good about this! I feel like -”
Both parties stopped talking and turned to look at the window, which was slowly being opened from the outside. Scrooge smiled brightly and Beakley’s frown deepened.
“Hey, Hun, how about we……..oh.” Goldie hadn’t noticed Beakley at first, and wrinkled her nose as soon as they made eye contact. “Great.”
Before the man of the house could let his lady inside, Beakley stormed to the window and grabbed it. “How about you use the front door like a proper guest!?” She slammed the window shut and Goldie didn’t move for a moment, then smacked the closed window before disappearing again. Beakley made her way to the foyer in angry anticipation.
Scrooge didn’t even know how to react to that and quickly rushed to the window to see what was happening. Goldie had gone back down to the lawn and she looked up to shoot him a quick wink before continuing towards the door. He almost didn’t believe what he was seeing, but hurried after his housekeeper anyway.
The doorbell ringing was a surprise to everyone, and Scrooge was double surprised to see all four kids running towards the front door even after they saw Beakley reach for the handle. Maybe they liked Goldie more than she did. That wouldn’t be saying much at all.
The door opened and Goldie groaned loudly. “Is this what it’s like to wait for someone to let you into a building? It’s awful. Scroogey, don’t make me do that again.”
Beakley rolled her eyes and moved to the side so Goldie could enter, and Scrooge just smiled at her instead of moving to give her a proper hello. She put a hand on her hip and looked at the small army of ducks who’d come to greet her for whatever reason.
“I thought you said you weren’t coming!” Webby said suddenly.
“Yes, well…” Goldie rolled her hand around by her head, trying to think of what to say. “Here I am anyway.”
“Here you are,” Beakley said harshly as she shut the door. “And what’s your plan for this visit, O’Gilt?”
Goldie gave the housekeeper a sultry look. “Oh, Bentina, always so suspicious of me. Scrooge asked me to stop by on my way back to D…”
Everyone leaned forward slightly, looking very interested in the next thing she was going to say. Goldie took note of that.
“...doing my own thing.”
The resounding disappointment was palpable. Clearly no one knew where she currently hung her hat, and Goldie preferred it that way.
“So he did. Apparently you’re here to ‘meet the family,’ but of course,” Beakley walked past Goldie and stood next to her granddaughter. “You already know everyone here.”
Scrooge raised an eyebrow, not sure if he should interrupt or let this play out. Goldie didn’t seem put off at all.
“Are you testing me?” Goldie asked with a smirk. “Of course I know you, Bentina. Or would you rather I call you Twenty-Two?”
Everyone looked up at Beakley, who scowled. “Bentina is fine.”
Goldie took a look at all four kids, who were currently lined up in front of her. Their...names? She knew their names. But that didn’t really matter and she didn’t want them to get too attached.
“Well, obviously I know Sharpie,” she said, motioning to Louie, who just shrugged in response.
Next came the red one. “...based on your clipboard, I’m gonna assume you’re the Smartie.”
“Not technically my name, but observant nonetheless!” Huey tapped his hat with his pencil.
“And you…” She looked at the blue one, who seemed overly excited at her presence and was pumping his knees up and down. “Well I’m not about to call you Toughie when you look like this.”
“You can call me…” Dewey pulled out his phone and pressed a button, playing a short track of loud electronic music. “TURBOOOO!!!” he shouted as he dabbed dramatically and the music ended.
Goldie just stared. “...ah, you’re just a mini-Della, aren’t you?”
Dewey spun around and snapped some finger guns at her. “Compliment received and appreciated! That’s how we Dew it!”
“Right. So. Sharpie, Smartie, Mini-Della.” She pointed to each of them as she spoke. “And lastly we’ve got Old Lady Vanderquack.”
Webby looked up at her grandma and gave a sheepish smile to Beakley’s irritated expression.
“I suppose I can’t very well call you that when the real old lady is right there,” Goldie said with a smirk. “I’ll just call you Pink.”
That elicited a small gasp from the little duck. “You can’t call me that! That’s what Lena calls me!”
“Oh? She’s got a claim on that name?” Goldie crouched down and leaned her arms on her knees (which were feeling much better than the day before, thank God). “Well I’m sure your Uncle has told you that I’m quite the claim jumper.”
Scrooge chuckled at that while Webby just squinted and tapped on her beak. “I guess, in a way, you kind of remind me of Lena.”
“Since I don’t know who that is, I’m going to assume that’s a compliment.”
“It is!” Webby clapped her hands together excitedly. “She’s my-”
“Webbigail,” Beakley interrupted. “Remember what I said about limiting the information you give to thieves?”
“Oh, right!” Webby stood tall and did a motion of zippering her mouth shut.
Goldie smirked and stood back up. “The less I know the better, I suppose.” She looked around the room. “Well I don’t see Donald or Della here, but as far as I know, that covers everyone who lives here, right?”
Beakley rolled her eyes, but couldn’t say anything before Dewey jumped up. “Oh! I bet Mom would be super excited to see you! I’ll go grab her!” He rushed off to the pool.
“What, no fun nicknames for them, too?” Louie said sarcastically. “How boring.”
Goldie crossed her arms. “That’s not something anyone’s ever called me before.”
“First time for everything.”
Huey glanced between Louie and Goldie, sensing an unexpected tension that he didn’t know anything about. Clearly he’d be grilling Louie about it later.
Scrooge sighed and felt a familiar warmth in his chest. All he wanted was for Goldie to be a part of his family, and for the first time...it felt like it might happen. Despite Beakley’s objections, of course. He shuffled over and grabbed one of Goldie’s hands.
“Are you staying long?” he asked hopefully, but trying not to sound too desperate.
She glanced at him and sighed. “No, I don’t think so.” She pulled her hand away from his and placed it against his cheek instead. “Meet the family, you said. Not have dinner with the family or move in with you, right?” She gave him a few little pats.
Scrooge smiled even though he would’ve loved for her to stay longer. “Right. Whatever you’re comfortable with, Dear.”
The little domestic nickname made her heart flutter, and Goldie had to look away from him to avoid blushing. Fortunately, it was at that moment that Dewey was dragging the twins into the foyer behind him.
“What’s so impor-....oh!” Della paused as she looked up, Donald stepping up next to her a moment later.
They both looked at each other and then back at their guest. “Hi Aunt Goldie,” they said in unison.
“Donnie. Fly Girl,” Goldie responded, giving them each a curt nod. “Glad to see you’re both in one piece.”
Della elbowed Donald in the chest. “How come you didn’t tell me this was still a thing?”
He coughed and put a hand over his injured sternum. “I didn’t think you cared?”
“I dunno, I’m kind of mixed on it,” Della said with a shrug. “But I like to stay updated!”
They bickered for a minute and Goldie felt a bit awkward - she didn’t know Donald or Della very well and couldn’t understand a single thing Donald said. She assumed everyone else could understand him perfectly and didn’t want to be the odd one out, so she opted to look back at Scrooge again.
He was staring at her. This whole visit he’d just been staring at her. She did what he asked! She stopped by! She spoke to his whole family! Why did he still look like he wanted something?
Finally he looked away from her, seeing that most of the rest of the family was talking to Della about adventures they knew about involving Goldie. He looked back at her and smiled.
“...Scroogey, just ask me what you want to ask me.” She swiped a hand through her ponytail and sighed. “I’ll die of old age if I’m stuck waiting for you to spit it out.”
He took a deep breath and reached out to grab both of her hands this time.
“I want you...to meet my parents.”
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drummergirl231-2 · 4 years
Season 3 started off a little different from Seasons 1 and 2.
Each season has focused on a different triplet. Season 1 - Dewey Season 2 - Louie Season 3 - Huey
And for Seasons 1 and 2, the premiere episode ended with a sort of “Wait, what?” moment that set up the focus triplet’s arc.
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Dewey spent his season trying to find out what happened to their mother, and Louie spent his season trying to get rich by starting Louie Inc.
Season 3′s premiere didn’t end with Huey, though. it ended with F.O.W.L.
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To be fair, it does, in one way, set up Huey’s arc for us, the viewers... but not quite for him. Not yet. 
Had the writers followed the same pattern, Huey would have seen the robo-mosquito on the wall, noticed it was a robot, inspected it at home, and realized someone was spying on his family, thus launching him on his quest to find out who’s out to get them. But the season premiere ended with Huey still blissfully unaware of anything directly related to his arc.
The first batch of episodes for season 3 did hint at some themes possibly relating to Huey’s arc. “Challenge of the Senior Junior Woodchucks!” - He won’t always be able to rely on the JWG for answers or comfort. “Quack Pack!” - Not everything is what it seems. Someone’s watching. He’s the first to notice while his family is still oblivious and he has to prove to them something’s wrong. “The Rumble for Ragnarok!” - He has no idea what he’s doing and he tends to overthink stuff. 
Still, I expected to see Huey at least get an inkling something was amiss in the first few episodes regarding the F.O.W.L. conspiracy, but he’s still in the dark about it. I wonder how far into the season it’ll be before he realizes something weird is going on.
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violetganache42 · 4 years
Hey there! I just finished watching the Foreverglades episode & I also saw the reactions you posted,& I don't think I've been on a ride like that in quite awhile! It was crazy! All of the Scroldie moments were cute & hilarious,& I felt so bad for Webby! I love her so much,she's so precious.
Hello! :)
I will not lie: despite my excitement for today's episode, a tiny part of me was a little nervous because I wasn't doing a lot of speculation about what might or might not happen. Going in with an open mind, however, really paid off. All the moments Scrooge and Goldie shared together were glorious. I couldn't stop commenting about how much they were blushing, especially during the episode's second act. Darn teenage hormones. XD And poor Webby. Yes, she can take care of herself, but if getting abandoned in the swamp and stung in the eye by mosquitoes are any indicator, even she isn't immune to having a bad day. Beakley isn't gonna be happy with Scrooge when he and the kids return home. lol She needs to be wrapped in a blanket and given lots of hugs pronto.
The biggest highlights for me definitely have to be Goldie's character development and her kiss with Scrooge. Ever since "Happy Birthday, Doofus Drake!", many of us have been anticipating to have more of her character explored because despite her complex nature, she does have a heart deep down. The main dilemma she has been facing is how she hasn't been able to confront those feelings and I'm so glad that happened, especially when you factor in the Foreverglades Fountain of Youth and how dark it is. I would go into more detail, but my friend @ramblingguy54 wrote a post that dives further into it. And yes, it does mention the kiss and holy shit! Did it left me with a huge smile on my face! Scrooge and Goldie have come a long way, both in terms of their history together and the premiere of "The Golden Lagoon of White Agony Plains!", and seeing their relationship develop since the mentioned episode makes it absolutely satisfying.
All in all, today's episode was wonderful. It has easily become one of my all-time favorites and I know I won't be getting sick of rewatching it. Besides, it's like Louie said, "I like knowing how it ends. It's comforting." And considering how it ends… :3 A friend of mine on Discord commented how it is perhaps the best well-written episode in the batch thus far and I definitely agree. Madison Bateman really knocked it out of the park with writing it.
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cartoonsliveon · 4 years
Reaction to “The First Adventure”
1) Okay, first of all, Donald, Della, and Scrooge CENTERED EPISODE!!!!
2) Donald’s whole personality as a child! Like it’s just so DIFFERENT from the Donald we know now. The whole, “You’ll never be able to silence me!” and “Money isn’t everything, it makes you lame Uncle Scrooge”. He’s also SO MELLOW compared to Della. 
3) ALSO his VOICE! Like, I knew going into it his voice would be different. And not just because he’s a child but because we unfortunately don’t have Russi Taylor anymore to voice him. But it really makes me wonder, does his voice just progressively get worse? Did he have like an accident while on an adveture that permanently ruined his vocal chords? Cursed object? 
But also side note, Hortense knits Scrooge sweaters for his birthday? That’s SO sweet.
5) BEAKLEY IS THE DIRECTOR OF SHUSH NOW????? O.o Bradford and Black Heron both came up with the name of FOWL and.... I guess co-founded it together? Is that the best way to describe it? 
6) Speaking of Bradford and Heron, their dynamic is honestly really fun. Bradford is trying to minimize discovery, he’s trying to be cautious and careful. Black Heron is just like, the more chaotic of the two. Which is really interesting considering how METICULOUSLY she probably planned on capturing Beakley back in season 1. She doesn’t care if she’s discovered she just wants to rule and doesn’t hide the fact that she’s the bad guy. SHE LITERALLY HELD DONALD AND DELLA FOR RANSOM!
7) SCROOGE! WHY ARE YOU LETTING DELLA FLY A PLANE??? Love the fact that Della has always wanted to be a pilot. That experience in itself, “Nothing can stop Della Duck”, this is more definitely the first of many many MANY instances where Della believes herself to be unstoppable (invincible maybe?) and literally capable of doing anything. 
8) Scrooge’s relationship with Donald and Della and the parallels between them and the triplets. He doesn’t want to watch them, they’re just dropped off. He gives the twins a bag of marbles just like the triplets. Della is asking like a million questions. Touching things they aren’t suppose to. Scrooge shutting Huey, Dewey, and Louie into a discarded room in the pilot really makes me think or wonder, when he saw them crowded around him asking questions, if he was reminded of Donald and Della at that age, on their first adventure(s). 
9) DONALD going absolutely BESERK on Black Heron because he thought she just killed Della. Della is casually like, “I’m okay Donald!... Never mind!” when she sees him going insane. I was honestly waiting the entire episode to see Donald just lose it and for this small duckling to unleash his inner strength
10) Scrooge named Donald and Della his heirs. And oh my god the implications behind this. That’s why F.O.W.L. took a blood sample from Donald with the mosquito and why they took someone’s tail feather (probably Scrooge’s since Black Heron had it but it could easily be anyone’s). Because in order to get the papyrus, they need Scrooge’s heir to find it. Which realistically could be the triplets as well as Donald and Della. Personally, I like the idea of it being Donald and Della because Scrooge did literally call them his heirs when the scroll disappeared. 
But that’s also assuming Bradford is still hung up about getting it. If he is, that means they’re either trying to make like a clone or something to be Scrooge’s heir (which seems ridiculously weird and complicated) or Donald, Della, and/or the triplets are going to be in a lot of trouble later and might end up getting captured.
Or... what if its Webby? Because that could explain why she’s been hidden her entire life, is raised by a kick butt super spy, and we know very little about her family beyond Beakley (who we have many questions about considering the whole Harp of Mervana thing). But that’s still SUPER complicated. 
However, if this is a ploy to get the papyrus, this is BAD. Because so far, the only two people who can really master the scroll are Scrooge and Bradford. They’re the only two who have been able to get exactly what they asked for from the papyrus. So if it ends up in Bradford’s hands.... well.... we’d probably be screwed.
11) I can’t help but wonder. Is Quackmore okay? Does Hortense ever come to pick up her children? Surely she doesn’t just... abandon the twins and leaves them with Scrooge. I feel like there’s more to the story on how Scrooge becomes their legal guardian. 
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ckret2 · 4 years
One Punch Man vs Everyone
Re: that post going around saying “YouTube videos like ‘can Saitama beat Superman/Thanos/the Death Star’ are stupid because the whole joke of One Punch Man is that yes, he can and will beat everyone, power matchups are irrelevant”:
I originally reblogged that post proposing there are two rules that must be met before a character might be able to beat OPM:
It’s conceivable that, due to the rules the other character is operating on (as in, whatever rules of comedy govern the other character’s universe), he might not be able to get in one punch.
A compelling argument could be made as to whether it would be funnier for Saitama to lose that fight.
Example from canon: that one mosquito he kept trying and failing to smash.
I’m operating on the assumption that, even with characters operating on cartoon physics that allow for rubbery/stretchy bodies, a single punch is still enough to beat any character. So the only way to win is to never get hit.
Since I made that post I’ve been thinking about characters that, with these two rules, might be able to beat Saitama. So, including both characters that occurred to me and that I’ve seen other folks mention:
A non-comprehensive list of characters that could win, almost win, or draw against Saitama because it’s funny:
- The Animaniacs. No contest. The entire basis of their humor is frustrating the hell out of people trying to do their jobs.
- Bugs Bunny wins for the same reason. It would be slightly harder to get them into a fight in the first place because Bugs tends to deliver karmic justice to jerks, and Saitama isn’t a big enough jerk to invoke his wrath. But if they fight, Bugs wins.
- The Roadrunner could beat Saitama without even noticing Saitama was there, but there’s no funny scenario that would lead them to fight.
- Chip and Dale. A fight would lead the chipmunks to go into full “dodging Donald Duck in his Christmas tree” mode and would lead Saitama to go into full “trying to grab that mosquito” mode.
- On the one hand, there are versions of Huey, Dewey, and Louie that operate on rules of humor sufficient to let them beat Saitama. On the other hand, Saitama attempting to beat up three ducklings is hard to sell as funny, so the matchup wouldn’t ever happen.
- Freakazoid could go either way. I feel like Saitama would win this one, but only narrowly, and after woozily shaking off the punch Freakazoid would be fine. On the other hand, Freakazoid might just drive him crazy and he’ll go home in a rage. These ones might need repeat encounters, give it to whoever wins best 3 out of 5.
- The Mask—got this suggestion in an ask recently, which inspired this post—would hilariously dodge Saitama’s attacks, possibly without fully acknowledging that he’s in a fight at all; but ultimately Saitama would knock him silly. Either that, or whatever brought them into conflict would be removed and Saitama would back off. This could be counted either as a draw or a de facto win for The Mask.
- Roger Rabbit possesses the raw cartoony power to easily beat Saitama but the wrong personality for it to be funny. He’d get in a few cartoony blows—frying pans, accidentally dropping a piano, luring him into stepping on a rake, etc.—but he wouldn’t be able to dodge getting punched. However, when Saitama gets an opportunity to get in the punch, Roger would burst into sobs or otherwise make himself too sad to punch, and Saitama would back off. Still counts as a win for Saitama since Roger more or less surrendered, but no punch is delivered.
- Saitama would defeat Deadpool, because Deadpool remains funny whether he wins or loses; however, it’ll be a pyrrhic victory, because Deadpool will drive Saitama so crazy he’ll wish he’d never tried to fight him at all.
- The Guardians of the Galaxy could never beat Saitama, but they'd hastily surrender before he could sock any of them and they’d find a way out of whatever pickle that gets them into once he’s gone on his way; so they both get a win of sorts by the end.
- Saitama and Squirrel Girl would team up. They’re both characters with “always wins every fight” as part of the meta-level joke about them; but because of that, repeatedly frustrating the fans’ desires to see them fight will always be much funnier than actually pitting them against each other and settling the issue for good. For further humor, Saitama wants to fight Squirrel Girl because he’s heard she’s unbeatable, but circumstances always conspire to prevent them from so much as having a friendly sparring match.
- If Saitama got into a fight with a perfect Saitama clone, one of them would definitely win. It doesn’t matter which one. But the one that wins would still do so with a single effortless punch, still leaving him disappointed and frustrated.
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tooneychaos · 4 years
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Human versions my ‘Segments’ main characters! They are all multi-racial. 
Human names: 
Ava Lance
Greg Hall
Louis King
Rosalind Jones
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Merchs and their S/O reactions to pests
"Hey babe, is that a spider?"
"Uh I dont kno- HOLY FUCK IT IS!-"
*ensue very un-manly screaming from both parties *
What would be your reaction if your S/O started screaming bloody murder at 3 am while in the bathroom?
Engineers was to grab his shotgun and sentry and rush off to find you
"Dell thank god! Theres a fucking rat in the toilet!"
He ended up waking up sniper to deal with it
Their S/O fighting away a raccoon with a broom was something Heavy never thought he would see
"Dont just stand there! Fucking help me-"
"Soilder would not be proud."
"Medic! Medic!!"
"Yes ,liebling?"
"I dont know why and I dont know how, but there is a stray hand that's knocking things over in the medbay."
Lots of chasing around and after soliciting help from the other merchs you managed to catch the stray hand ( cough that might or might not a result of medic trying to create a zombie virus cough cough ) and promptly lit it on fire
"Soldier, put down the rocket launcher.."
"No! This fucking communist mosquito has been bothering me for the past hour! ILL SHOW IT NOT TO MESS WITH ME-"
"Put down that rocket launcher or you're sleeping on the couch tonight."
"Look what I found in the kitchen."
"Is that a bee on a string?-"
"Get rid of it."
*insert offended Gasp from S/O*
"Dont ever talk to me or my son ever again."
"Huda Humhh!!"
Pyro shoves a jar with a small lizard in S/O's face
"Oh cool."
"Honey, did the car come with the squirrel?"
*sigh* "Get the net."
After S/O and Sniped managed to capture the squirrel who managed to slip in through a window they promptly delivered it to scout
"Hey Spy, look what I caught"
Spy turns his head to see S/O holding a skunk up by its tail
"Pourquoi est-ce que je t'aime.."
"Wait what is it doing?"
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