#ava moth
midgetmoth · 28 days
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Had fun drawing on magma with randoms. Thought I'd share.
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oh and Moth was there too I guess.
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zi1arts · 9 months
purple in the library, what will he do?
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moththejeebweezer · 6 months
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mothsgotghosts · 11 months
I need to go to work soon but the beef people have with Ava for being a traumatized child and reacting like one is crazy. "She blamed Lilith for Maya's death" no she didn't, she lashed out at Lilith but never blamed her. She's hurt and she's upset, and she's a child who's been hurt by the world and doesn't know how to manage her emotions. Y'all did not consume the game correctly if you think she's a horrible person. Leave her alone you fucking freaks.
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tooneychaos · 2 months
Animation meme that I abandoned for several reasons 🫠
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c-kiddo · 1 year
Since Ava has a huge love for Owls, does Ùna have a favorite animal or creature?
i might need to think about favourite animals more but i think she'd rly like orcas and brown bears and seals and pine martins and salmons and red squirrels and cats and dogs too :-o she likes rodent-y guys and also fishes especially in a drawing or print
(her fave creature is ava ;-) lol)
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In the dark, it was challenging to say who Beatrice was fighting. The sound of grunts, kicks, and punches bouncing against the rift walls was almost deafening. The enemies were invisible in the darkness, and the hunter used all her abilities to counter the attacks. Camila wasn't lying when she said these people were as lethal as any army. But as well-trained as they were, Beatrice was still the deadliest hunter the OCS had ever created. A little mistake by one of the thieves was enough. A little misstep, and Beatrice was pressing one of her daggers to the bandit's throat.
    “DARNO!” A disembodied voice bounced into the walls of the rift. Everyone stilled all at once, and all sound ceased to exist. A second later, a flame appeared, and slowly few more torches were lit until the light replaced the dense darkness of the rift. It was only then that Beatrice could find out the complexity of the situation. At least seven masked ambushers attacked; five surrounded them. Beatrice was holding another one, but the last one had Camila in the same position, with a blade to her throat.
Continue at ao3.
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leamhan · 11 months
Trick or treat :3
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Run yo pockets
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muffledexplosion162 · 10 months
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I tried to doodle The Lost One in this style but this is literally the only thing I made
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zeydaan-isabella · 2 months
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Moth Friends!
Artfight attack for SpacedRogue - Bean may be a grompy buggy, but even they get excited meeting a new cute moth friend.
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midgetmoth · 2 months
"Whatcha got there?"
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miles333fan · 2 months
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moththejeebweezer · 2 months
female object show characters try nkt to make me question my sexuality challenge (impossible)
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what is it about that season one shoulder pat you love so much??
i have a bit of a fascination with what i call character thesis moments. they’re… these sort of pivotal, revealing scenes or even just (as in this case) a gesture that makes me fall head-over-heels for a character. and also understand them.
with ava, it was the beach run scene. for lilith, the grey hoodie scene where she asks ava “can you forgive me?” for mary it was the first scene, cradling shannon’s head and shutting her eyes and the love in every inch of every gesture. (that’s the first sign i think that warrior nun is a story about love, and survival, and in not surviving but loving anyway).
now, i’ll admit that i adored beatrice from “i thought she’d be a handful” and “faith is my business” but frankly… neither of those scenes show us who she is. i think the closest we get to HER is at the bus stop, where you watch her choose her friends over her duty, choose love over sacrifice (for the first, but not the last time).
and then… god, that shoulder slap. i can’t explain how it made me feel.
up until that point, beatrice is such a whirlwind of a character. she’s lethal, she faces down a gun with frightening disregard for her own life. she drops a tear onto shannon’s cheek as she gasps out a very rehearsed goodbye. she catches ava when she slips out of that wall, she cries over an old journal and in all that time she’s fighting so hard to remain unseen.
and then, in one gesture, she reveals who she is. if you look closely, you see how fiercely beatrice fights to hold herself, but especially her hands, in check. they are either weapons or they’re things she lets out with the greatest care. they are caring but also tentative, like moths desperately trying not to touch the flame.
if you look carefully you also see that beatrice can’t help but touch ava. she tries and tries, but then they’re in the vatican and she’s suddenly this young, smiling creature trading puns, rushing through a cloud of dust to pry ava from the wreckage of her faith, from the arms of an angel. i just think, when i saw that shoulder slap i realised how much there was to beatrice.
she’s this… ball of contradictions. she’s a nun, she came up with Cruella de Jesus. she’s faithful, she’s queer, she’s resigned to the death of everyone she loves. she’s a weapon, and yet… you look at her doing that slightly goofy shoulder slap and it betrays a sense of ‘i want to touch you and i don’t know what to do about it.’ and in that you realise that she’s everything you thought and she’s also… mischievous? slightly boyish? a fool who is already more than half in love.
i remember feeling so fond of her, so suddenly, because out of the clear blue you realise that she’s drawn to this, to this girl who told her not to hate what she is, not to hate what she craves which is touch… a certain something she doesn’t dare to name, but still she reaches out and THAT is beatrice to me.
she’s a pair of empty hands, a bottle of lightning, and for all her confidence, for all that she is undeniably so cool and calm under pressure, so absolutely lethal; she’s also young, and she doesn’t know what to do about what she feels. it terrifies her, fascinates her, makes her hands move almost of their own accord.
there is ava, who is the point around which she is supposed to rally. halobearer, holy, doomed. that little pat in the shoulder… when i take it from ava’s perspective i’m in awe, because they don’t quite understand each other yet. it’s a candleflame to the incandescence of their kiss but it’s the first time bea reaches out not to catch her, or capture her, or carry her, but simply to touch.
it’s a very blunt and beautiful reassurance and that’s what they are to each other; they’re comfort, safety, acceptance. and that throwaway moment to me is the thesis of bea’s character arc. it’s the choosing to touch, to reach out, to hold onto what she loves.
and for ava it’s sacred too. how many times in her life do you imagine she’s been touched the way beatrice touches her? the way she balances ava’s jaw in her hands when she falls from the wall, smiling at her like she’s a miracle. beatrice who is the voice in the dark and the cold, who tears down a wall to reach her because she promised and she kept it. touch is everything to ava, and i think there’s just something so special about that moment; beatrice just saying, wordlessly, ‘you’re good, you’re here, i’ve got your back.’ it’s not condescending it’s a gesture that i think demonstrates to ava that she’s not alone anymore, and it kindles the hope that she never will be again.
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tooneychaos · 7 months
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Ava has a new look!! Also her belt turns into a blade/multi-faceted axe thing lol
Also added some lore
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birgittesilverbae · 2 years
Prompt: just a highly tattooed Beatrice. Anything. Maybe she’s in a band, maybe it goes to her teenage rebellion, maybe it’s your dads au and Bea always wears sleeves and one day Ava finally sees her ink… idk. Anything with tattooed Bea.
thanks for the prompt!
Beatrice hasn't worn short sleeves in the time Ava has been back. 
True, it's closing in on winter, but Malaga in November is barely any cooler than Brienz had been in June, and back then Beatrice had taken every possible opportunity to go sun's out, guns out.
Ava watches, curious, for some sort of sign, some clue to what Beatrice is keeping under wraps. She's been back for a week, almost, and they've kissed in quiet corners and in the back of the chapel, and once, in a fit of daring, in the confessional, Ava in Beatrice's lap admitting to myriad sins ("the Bloody Marys sold well, I just hated making them" and "I bought us new towels because I used ours to try and smother a stovetop fire" and "I spent half our time in Switzerland trying not to touch myself to the thought of you"). 
But they haven't gone any further than furtive makeouts and some over-the-clothes heavy petting – which, she has to remind herself, would be a mind-blowing development for June Ava. And Beatrice hasn't even rolled up her sleeves, which… The thought of Beatrice's forearms had constituted, like, a solid 64% of Ava's will to live while on the other side, but it's fine. She's fine. She can be very cool, very normal and definitely would absolutely not suffer if she never got to see Beatrice's forearms again.
She'd be totally fine. 
It's on day seven post-return that Beatrice slips up. She's been waist-deep in a van's engine compartment in between shouting matches with Mary across the garage, and stray curls of hair are slicked to her forehead with sweat. She rubs at her face and then frowns, unbuttons the placket at her wrist and starts to roll up her right sleeve. Ava feels like a Victorian gentleman about to pass out over the mere sight of a sliver of skin. She doesn't mean to, but she takes a step forward over the threshold of the garage, drawn towards the revelation of Beatrice's bare skin like a moth towards a flame.
There's a faint blue glow that grows brighter as Ava approaches, and Beatrice's head snaps up. She fumbles with her sleeve for a moment, an adorable crease between her eyebrows, but the cuff is caught on the knob of her elbow. She settles for linking her hands behind her back instead.
"Ava!" She chirps far too brightly for someone Ava had heard calling Mary a 'piece of fucking work' not two minutes past.
Ava takes another step closer. "Beatrice," she replies, soft. She'd raise a hand, but this already feels far too much like approaching a wild animal. 
Apt enough, though, as Beatrice's eyes very noticeably flick towards the exit. "Show me," she says, just as gently.
Beatrice's shoulders droop. "You would have found out sooner or later," she concedes. "It was only a delay of the inevitable in the hopes I would be better prepared to discuss it by the time the conversation arose."
She swings her arms forward, left hand finding the pocket of her coveralls, right coming out in front of her until her forearm is on display for Ava. 
It's a starburst shining divinium blue, a double handful of lines broken by tick marks emanating from a central black point. Ava can't help herself, doesn't want to stop herself from reaching out and dragging a fingertip down one of the lines. Beatrice's skin is warm beneath Ava's touch and the divinium sparks bright in response to the Halo's nearness.
"What is it?"
Beatrice clears her throat. "Pulsars are spinning neutron stars that blink on and off like lighthouses. When the Pioneer 10 and 11 spacecraft were launched, they were sent bearing a plaque with this map on it – a map of the position of known pulsars relative to our sun. A map of lighthouses, guiding the observer here." She taps the central dot. "That's here, that's home, that's us," she says, in that slightly removed tone Ava associates with the oh-so-common occurrence of a 'Quotes with Beatrice' event. "On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives." Beatrice inhales shakily. "It was stupid, really, but I thought maybe it would help guide you back to us. Back to me. Back home."   
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