#Los rotos
marejadilla · 11 days
Ben Clarck "The broken ones (with Anne Sexton)"
All divisions are lie except the one that divides bodies into two groups that are incomprehensible to each other. Those who have been broken and those who have not. We broken people don't ask for much: that we are loved, yes, that those who have not experienced the fracture they have patience if we mumble while watching the news or make love with a little fear. You will understand, then, certain things. Why at home cups are not thrown away and why sometimes I want be alone after a door slam sounds. The rites of the broken, my love. Gestures that I hope you will never understand. Ben Clark, From "The Celeste Police", 2018 (Ibiza, b. 1984), Poet and translator.
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Michelle Thompson, "The Journey"
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luanggie · 4 months
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easchiavi · 3 months
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juventudcelestial · 1 year
No quiero un amor a medias, rasgado y partido por la mitad. He luchado y sufrido tanto que me merezco algo entero, intenso e indestructible.
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indirectassad · 8 months
Aprendí a estar bien estando mal.
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inest6ables · 12 days
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— 𝐈.
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we-are-nowhere · 2 years
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romances-perdidos-x · 4 months
"Es por culpa de mi niñez, ¿Sabes? Nunca supe lo que era el amor..."
— Charles Bukowski.
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flan-tasma · 8 months
Lucifer headcanon
Totalmente Lucifer hace una pequeña familia de patos contigo y los deja estratégicamente en el primer estante que ve cuando entra a su oficina. Le calienta el corazón cuando los ve y no puede evitar jugar con ellos como si fueran todos una bonita familia feliz. Hace escenarios completos con un patito que se parece a Vaggie y juega con todos ellos de la manera más linda del mundo, pero se avergüenza cuando lo descubres en el acto.
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Lucifer totally makes a little family of rubber ducks out of you and strategically leaves them on the first shelf he sees when he walks into his office. It warms his heart when he sees them, and he can't help but play with them as if they were all one nice happy family. He does entire scenarios with a little rubber duck that looks like Vaggie and plays with all of them in the cutest way ever, but he gets embarrassed when you catch him in the act.
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pseudoafrodita · 2 years
No me interesa ser tu prioridad, por que tus sueños y tu salud mental deben serlo; prefiero ser tu compañía favorita y tu lugar seguro en el mundo.
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skyyyplstskblog · 11 months
Siento que tengo una ruptura, pero no hacía alguien, sino hacia mi, hacía todo.
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x-nefelibata · 3 months
Te deseo lo mejor, aunque sienta que se me desgarra el alma verte ir con alguien mas...
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easchiavi · 3 months
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sinfeel · 1 month
Yo no quería ser parte del club de corazones rotos.
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beruzebubu · 2 years
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milanesa42 · 10 months
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