#Lordy jeebus
dewitty1 · 2 years
3am migraine.
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neoninky · 3 months
Inky: *typing typing typing writing out fluffy romantic build up finally typing typity type*
Chaos Brain Gremlin: ....what if they get together with each other instead of these two other here- Inky: Brain. Just because Malleus has hella protag love interest energy in-game and just because I've basically replaced the Yuu with my OC, Petra, does NOT mean that they should be together in a romantic way. CBG: Damn. Although...she would be a great wing woman.
Inky: TRU
Jokes aside, I was revisiting Glorious Masquerade content (cuz it's my favorite event and I miss it sobs) and lordy does Malleus really lean into that gigachad main boi energy with Yuu (or whatever you name your insert): Calling us by name, protecting and rescuing us cuz we ain't got no magic, suggesting a totally not romantic cough nighttime stroll??? ....This TWST Poster Boi Goth Fae Prince Tamaki Suoh energy having mofo I swear-SIR.
Malleus, we get it, you're The Guy(TM) jeebus calm down lol.
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haderjuicetrashpile · 3 years
So UHM I’m possibly going to be a part of a charity drag show this month. The theme is halloween in July and OBVIOUSLY I’m gonna be dressing up as Beetlejuice. I am all sorts of nervous and highkey worried that I’m gonna make a fool out of myself. This is a charity event so I’m not super worried but boi oh boi 😅 I cannot sleep as I am now just overthinking this😬
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domestic-housebunny · 5 years
How many kids do you want? Names?
Oh, lordy jeebus. As my boyfriend very well knows, I can talk about my future kids forever lol. I used to want 4, but since meeting him, I liked his view on it. We both want as many as we are able to have and take care of properly, so whatever that looks like. That’ll be a heck of a time for my body, I’m sure, if we’re able to take care of a lot lol, but this mama bunny is ready for her baby bun buns, however many there are and no matter if they’re all biological or not 💕 As far as baby names, I have this page (in “links” under my bio) with all of them, but I’ll only list my favorites in this ask. I’ll also provide translation for those that need it :)
Fave Girls/Feminine Names
johanna ivie kanshiopan (elegant dawn)
evelynne alivia opataes (white flower)
alaia dahliana nikanixit-xkwe (queen)
maisie alia oxehemu (moonlight)
wlllow reilly
daneiris elara kumhokwtet (little cloud)
Fave Boys/Masculine Names
maxwell joaquin welaxen (good wind)
noah matthew
alexander milo tenkpatu (to put out fire with water)
alexander gabriel
atlas james
milo graham
The way my mom named me and my brother was we had our English first and middle name then, also as our second middle name, we got our native names, so that’s what I want to do with my kids, hence why some (my absolute favorites) have native names as well listed ☺
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ambris · 6 years
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seenashwrite · 6 years
I got you.
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jerkbitchidjitassbutt reblogged your post ““Sweetheart”, Dean said...” and added:
There are a few suggestions in the OP, but if (IF) one were to choose an alternate nickname for an affectionate relationship with Dean, what would that be? Honestly, “sweetheart” does seem natural to me. I see it as a nickname Dean might use affectionately, but do have to admit that these stats are valid.So, what other nicknames do you foresee Dean using? *I may or may not use it in a fic*
@jerkbitchidjitassbutt - First of all, fabulous name, and secondly, voilà! --> 
The Endeanments Breakdown
(PS: lordy babby jeebus, those were not suggestions, I think Dean would gag on them before they even got past his lips; meant to be my pondering on why sweetheart caught on but those didn’t. I just might take that mental exercise out, you’re not the first one to misunderstand and on god, I’ve re-worded it three or four times, a definite one for the “Nash Whiffs” column 😉)
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sleepyrights · 3 years
hi hi!
i just wanted to stop in really quick to say that i am working on new fics! i just worked overtime this past week so im a little tired;; imagine being employed, jeebus lordie
anyways !! i want to thank everyone for the recent follows! i should have basilly's event fic up, a song fic that im making Completely Self Indulgent (c!wilbur x masc!reader, in case youre wondering). i also want to try and branch out a bit, so i might do something with quackity? dunno! but if you lot have any ideas id always love to hear them! my ask box is definitely open :D
thank you all again, i appreciate all the support !! <3
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ellaintrigue · 5 years
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So Trumples was doing a speech the other day and I couldn't help but notice the silver fox standing behind him, blinking slowly. Damn, I bet that guy was hot back in the day! Then my memory clicked on the right name... ah, it's Pence! So I Googled him, and DAAAAAAAAMN, look at that picture! Someone get me a time machine! And between the two leftie idiots currently competing, I would pick Biden. Not just because Sanders is a socialist wacko, but, sorry to body shame, but EW. Biden is a good looking guy. Not sexy like Pence but not an ogre either.
Now mind you, I prefer men 26-33 but in the big picture can be attracted to 18-45. MAYBE 50, but rarely. Generally, 40 is my limit. Well, the other day I was in the liquor store and a familiar face walked in, it was a local guy that used to shop at my old job. And he stopped and said, "hey, I've missed you!" just like that. And it was flattering because I had actually missed him too. He is a very nice man and also a local farmer that often sits on a tractor all day. He is short (love little men), very attractive, and a redhead with faded freckles spattered across his face under his twinkling eyes.
We would talk sometimes at my old job and my boss was like "um, you guys look like you want to eat each other." But, come on, it wasn't like that! Two fair looking people can talk and be friends. He said to me once, "I knew your grandfather, I used to visit him in his woodworking shop!" Now, see the issue? The man is in his 60's!! He is at least my father's age yet manages to be hot as fuck. When I saw him in the liquor store the other day I told him it was great seeing him as we were both about to leave and he had this look on his face like he didn't want to stop talking.
But, what could I do? I affectionately told him I would see him around. If I had a time machine I would travel back 30 years and chase him like a rabid dog, I once said something to my old boss of that effect. But there are no time machines, it's stuck in 2020, I am 30, and the 1 one hot guy left in Berlin is in his 60's. Hell, when he said hi to me he was probably just viewing me as a nice young person like his kids or grandkids. Or maybe he was having a senile moment. Sometimes I see him out and about in his big shiny red Silverado with the custom rims (this guy really has great taste) and he probably has to be super careful while driving because he's old as fuck and probably can't see well.
I wonder if he still... works. Well, that is just too much of a thought. I clasped my hands over the steering wheel of my old truck in prayer: "Lordy Jeebus up there, I am sorry that I have sunk morally and am having unpure thoughts about a senior citizen."
Sometimes we all think about things that are wrong but we have to brush those thoughts off and strive to be better humans. Think of the consequences if you acted on every stupid thing you thought. Imagine the shock, horror, and disappointment on my parents' faces when they found out I had been arrested. As the stony faced deputies put me in handcuffs I would wail, "OH MY GOD, WHAT DID I DO?" Ma'am, you molested a vulnerable adult. BUT HE WANTED IT. Ma'am, it is illegal to touch children, animals, and when you saw that old guy you should have respected his frail state at 60-something and backed away. His children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and great-great-grandchildren are all pressing charges.
My mother would be shaken and tearful as she visited me in county. "Didn't I raise you right? I taught you everything you know, I taught you right from wrong, and I taught you to be kind. I am so ashamed! How could you do such a thing??" Then she would disown me and adopt some blond 30-something male orphan to replace me and do things for her that dad can't do.
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