#Long game
niqhtlord01 · 6 months
Humans are weird: Best form of Revenge
Alien: What is the best way to get back at someone you despise?
Human: Why are you asking me?
Alien: Because humans are renowned for their ability to plan elaborate revenge schemes against those who have slighted them.
Human: On behalf of the human race I am offended by that.
Alien: I have witnessed you slowly drive your co-worker insane by moving everything in their office one inch to the left every day for 3 months.
Human: To be fair I only kept doing that because they refused to pay me back my $1.50 I loaned them for lunch.
Alien: *Stares at human with mocking eyebrows
Human: Fine, I see your point.
Human: Alright, here is what you do….
Alien: Wait, do you not wish to know why I want revenge?
Human: No.
Alien: Really?
Human: Yes.
Alien: Oh….okay.
Alien: So what should I do?
Human: Ignore them.
Alien: What?
Human: Ignore them, diminish them; make them feel beneath your notice.
Alien: That seems rather childish for an elaborate revenge plot.
Human: That is because I haven’t expanded it.
Human: If they come to you to gloat about something they did, anything, ask them who they are.
Human: When they explain who they are and how you should know them, still act like you have no idea who they are.
Human: If they continue to persist about how you should know them simply, and this is important, shrug and say “If you say so”, and then leave.
Alien: How is this revenge?
Human: Because in their eyes now they will think that they need to prove themselves somehow for you to notice them.
Human: Like a kid trying to win his drunken father’s affection.
Alien: That’s rather dark.
Human: So is revenge; keep up.
Human: Now they will continue to come back to you day after day trying to win your notice and you will continue to dismiss them or give them the bare minimum attention.
Human: If you want to get further under their skin start talking up someone else in their presence; someone who you would consider more of a rival then they are.
Alien: How would that work?
Human: Like this. *In mocking alien voice “Yes, yes, I’m sure you’ve done rather well for yourself; but not as much as Thomson on the 3rd floor. That bastard has been upselling me all week and I’m convinced he’s the one stealing my parking space.”
Alien: What good will that do to bring in someone else?
Human: By actually acknowledging someone who your target thinks is beneath them, they will further become enraged as you’ve just reinforced how little they appear on your radar.
Alien: And that works?
Human: Indeed.
Human: You need to treat your displeasure towards someone as gift to them, for you have deemed their existence worthy of acknowledgement.
Alien: Alright, I guess I could give it a shot.
*Two Months later
Human: So how’s the revenge going?
Alien: I’m not sure.
Human: What do you mean you’re not sure?
Alien: I mean they came up to me today and offered to have sex with me.
Human: Oh….in that case they must be very desperate for you to notice them.
Alien: What should I do?
Human: If you want to keep up with the revenge have sex with them, then afterwards don’t speak with them.
Human: If they come up to you and demand an explanation say that the sex was so bad you wanted to forget that moment by never speaking with them again.
Alien: ……………….
Alien: Who broke you to make you so devious?
Human: *Grins as they sip their drink
Human: I’m human; we were made broken.
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ceevee5 · 3 months
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zvaigzdelasas · 1 year
It's so funny seeing BRICS turning into basically an alternative framework for world order given that until like 2020 it was just the organizational embodiment of
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theanarchistscookbook · 8 months
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agentrouka-blog · 1 year
One of the things that drives me crazy in regard to Rhaegar apologia is that a lot of them use the fact that no Martell has directly blamed Rhaegar in the text for what happened as proof they don't blame him and it's absolutely mind boggling how dumb this is. First of all, Rhaegar has been dead for close to two decades, whereas the Baratheons and Lannisters are still very much alive so obviously the Martells' wrath will be directed towards them. Second of all, we barely have Martell POVs and POVs are not some omniscient, all-knowing insight into every character's opinion on all of the 456732 characters that have been introduced across five books. The lack of indictment re Rhaegar does not mean they don't blame him. Also, GRRM is not the kind of writer that is going to spell something as obvious as this out in crayon. If you need the author to directly tell you that Doran and Oberyn would be apoplectic at Rhaegar's actions toward their sister, maybe this is not the series for you. These are the same people that say, 'Well, we never got E's reaction to L being crowned at the tourney so we can't know if she was offended....' Like, these people really need the narrative to explicitly state that E was humiliated because her husband crowned another woman at a public tourney in front of nobles from across the 7K. I just.....these people are Not Very Bright and appear incapable of connecting even the most simplest dots. There are certain things that do not need to be and will never be spelled out because GRRM assumes his readers have at minimum a high schooler's level of reading comprehension and media literacy but here we are lmao.
Ned never thought much about Aerys either, the guy who murdered his brother and father. Are we to surmise he didn't terribly mind?
GRRM waited until book #3 to create a dramatic and righteous confrontation with the crime perpetrated against Elia and her children, even though the bare facts have been with us since the beginning. He waited until book #4 to introduce the Dornish perspective and vengeance plan in actual POVs, and until book #5 to introduce Elia's surviving son. Dorne, Elia, Aegon - it is a long game.
It slots well into his use of the POV trap with Dany and the comparatively slow dismantling of any positive patina on the Targaryen dynasty. We don't get a proper face on the horror of it until Jaime's confession in the baths of Harrenhal in ASOS. Maester Aemon was practically presented as a saint up until AFFC where he suddenly revealed himself to be a prophecy truther who had been corresponding with Rhaegar about exactly when he tried to impregnate Elia with his comet-fuelled wonder sperm - all this time, without telling anyone in the Watch about this supposedly fundamental savior concept. Dany's veneer of good intentions is falling apart for anyone paying attention.
Questions the reader could have asked from the very beginning, because the facts were always on the page, are being fleshed out and dragged to the forefront in the latter stages of the book series.
Considering Jon Connington and Aegon - son of Elia and Rhaegar - are about to collide with the Dornish plotline, the question of the Tourney at Harrenhal and Rhaegar's character is going to be much less subtly handled from this point on.
There are going to be a whole lot of revelatory collisions in TWOW.
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backtonormallife · 7 months
Y’all must have the most functional families. The RF have H+M on a tight leash when they are around the family, including the walkabout after QEII died. They will be tolerated as long as Charles is alive.
They are on a website that you have to search to be able to see their insignificant entry. Most people don’t want to click. Charles is rarely available when Harry is in the UK. He made an exception this once. The RF won’t fail because of this. Nothing was leaked. The Sussexes put out a website. They can’t monetize it, the instagram for Meghan didn’t attract anyone. It’s a ton of much ado about nothing. Well, Meghan is enjoying your Pavlovian response to whatever she does. 🥱
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frizzyanya · 2 months
While I'm taking pictures of my fridge, spot the Hollanov reference.
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story-addict · 2 years
I am in love with Ilya Rozanov ♥️
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please tear out your hair and give me your top 5 episodes 😈
So, we're gonna do this two ways (because I'm evil and I'd like to cause myself pain). First, my favorite episode (or two parter) of each Doctor, and then top five overall. Why, you ask? Because I'd like to cause myself more pain.
By Doctor
Nine: Aliens of London/World War Three (2nd place The Long Game)
Ten: Utopia/Sound of Drums/Last of the Time Lords (2nd place Gridlock)
Eleven: Rebel Flesh/Almost People (2nd place The Big Bang)
Twelve: Thin Ice (2nd place Time Heist)
Thirteen: Demons of the Punjab (2nd place Resolution)
Overall (this is where I'm tearing my hair out, you horrible, lovely asker, and pretend that this doesn't conflict with my by-Doctor rankings):
Utopia/Sound of Drums/Last of the Time Lords
Aliens of London/World War Three
Demons of the Punjab
Planet of the Ood
The Long Game
And just for shits and giggles, favorites with finales/two parters having to be graded BY EPISODE:
The Parting of the Ways
World War Three
The Big Bang
Heaven Sent
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“small habits are underestimated. reading 20 pages per day is 300 books per year. Saving $10 per day is $3,650 per year. Running 1 mile per day is 365 miles per year. Becoming 1% better per day is 37x better per year” warren buffet
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candycoatedghoul · 2 years
*cask of amontillados you* oh no :3
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harrelltut · 1 year
you better be careful what you say to archangel michael... 'cause it will immediately turn around on you… also, you betta' mind your own golden 9 aluhum ether sky anunnaqi military cartel business and be consciously careful what you subconsciously do to anu alyun alyun el michael… 'cause satan [el diablo] shall spiritually do it to you [insert evil evil laugh emoji]
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ommmmm... god [omg] michael [om] spiritually protected by his own inner demonic [i.d.] 9 ether cellular sky kingdoms of astronomical satan [occulted saturn] enzymes
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ancient 9 ether sky warrior king dna of anunnaqi gold
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what about st. michael [maurice] of old 1668 military underground [mu] telecom records documenting dynastic ægiptian harrell’s hamburg subterranean of moor partnerstädte von hamburg deutschland interconnected [g.i.] 2 highly official... u.s. ægiptian [house] deutsch quantum harrell tech's original ægiptian temple [e.t. = pyramid] networks engineered mathematically underneath [mu] antediluvian [ma] 9 ether mu amurika [ma = atlantis]?!?!?!
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who in the American HELL of the Deutsch HEIL... told you about your International 9 [i9] Ether Indigenous Earth [Qi] STATUS SECRETS @ Highly Official... U.S. Ægyiptian [HOUSE] Deutsch QUANTUM HARRELL TECH's [QHT's] DIPLOMATIC Subterranean HITTITE-HURRIAN-HARRELL [MITTANI] MILITARY EMPIRE [ME] of HATTUŠA's [MA's] Ægiptian [ME] HITTITE SUN Queen Tiye's SUPERCONSCIOUSLY AUTONOMOUS MOORISH EMPIRE [ME] KING SOLOMON-MICHAEL [EYE TUTANKHAMÚN] HARRELL II... Behind the Schwarz German HURRIAN EMPIRE [HE] Veil of America, Inc [A.i.]... made in My Father's Occulted MOORISH [OM] German [OMG] HARRELL Dynasty of HABSBURG?!?!?!
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shhh... we can't tell all our unbelievable 9 ether occulted knot sky see technology secrets at once
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not my extra [me] cryptic occult sky tech records of interstellar 9 [i9] ether sky hieroglyphics... eye already wrote before eye was 3 years old in king tutankhamún's old moorish [om] germany [omg] of 144,000 original 9 ether sky ægiptians from atlantis [mu america]?!?!?!
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eye all seeing 9 ether kemetic sky illuminati like anu golden 9 ether new world order [nwo] sky military of sirius cataclysmic weapons way above your 2023 matrix pay grade
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heavenly archangel [ha = harrell] prince michael bee interdimensional 9 [i9] ether occult wizard [satan = magi] of astronomical saturn
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shhh... less talk... moor monetary action in pyramid [map] engineering technology [e.t.] from 5000 QUANTUM ATLANTIS
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we-are-a-dragon · 2 years
Tati (playing Seraph): Ughhhhh. Lolth?? If it had been almost any other god, literally. Anyone else.
DM: Ioreth has always been the fortune teller, and the fortune teller has always been Lolth, right from the first moment you met her.
Adam (playing Billie): That was, what? Two years ago irl? Three?
Tati: It was before I started playing Seraph, I remember Hanako comforting you about your fortune. Lyra catching us with that long game again. We shouldn't even be surprised.
M (playing Kjell): We've met so many powerful beings now. Lolth, Demogorgon, Steve... It feels like we're not high enough level for this.
Tati: This is the lead-in to Epic Tier. We're meeting the big players.
DM: That's exactly it. You're only three levels away from 21.
Andy (playing Una): I want to go back and look at all the prophecies again in the light of them being given by Lolth.
Adam: Oh yeah, that's a thought.
Tati: I wonder if Maria knows who she is. I hope not.
M: *frowns*
Hamish (playing Thaddeus): How upset are you going to be if we refuse to do your Lolth quest?
DM: Not at all. I knew there was a strong likelihood, but I don't write quests based only on what your characters would do. This world has a story that you can be part of, but it will continue to evolve without your input. I'm just going to have to write a new Epic Tier campaign for you. No biggie.
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onefey · 5 months
you're going about your normal day when, suddenly, surprise! you've been pokémon mystery dungeon'd!
unfortunately, due to budget cuts, the pokémon assigning quiz has been canceled. instead, you must spin THE WHEEL, assigning you a random, unevolved, non-legendary and non-mythical pokémon. you must now go on some sort of world-saving adventure as this pokémon. good luck!
tell me in the tags what you rolled, and how you feel about it - for bonus points, you can spin the wheel again for (or just take your pick of) a pokémon to be your partner.
bonus rules:
you're not shiny unless the wheel tells you you're shiny
take your pick of regional forms and evolutions (for example, if you roll vulpix, it's up to you whether that means normal or alolan vulpix)
apply whatever logic you like with regards to gender
have fun and be yourself!
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minigenos · 2 months
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lovelenivy · 10 months
mouse bites™
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