#Logic Puzzle
bonefall · 11 months
It feels like one of those riddles. How do you seat the dark forest demons at the dinner party where they’re all happy? Yes, you must include all of them. No, there is only one table. Leopardfoot wont do sitting near her father or Pinestar. Ryewhisker and Cloudberry must be sat together. Darkstripe is cooking.
Sounds like a fun logic puzzle lmao. I have to be quiet for the next couple days because I'm studying for some exams so, here, I'll give you 12 dramatic Dark Forest demons and you can play around with it.
(Elder Bones rolling out the CRT TV on the big-metal-rolly thing and bonus credit worksheet because he has to be his own substitute teacher that day)
Maximize happiness by scoring yourself with this; Seating next to a requested cat is +1. Seating next to a disliked cat is -1. Penalties and bonuses stack.
The layout is a circle
There are 10 seats, and every seat must be filled.
Darkstripe is cooking next to Seat 1, he does not occupy any of the 10 seats but cannot be moved.
Cats; (Closest political ideology next to name. TL = Thistle Law. FA = Fire Alone. O = Other)
Darkstripe HT (Tigerstar's bumbling ex-minion, finally finding himself in death) He will only interact with the cat in Seat 1. Ideally, he would like to be next to Leopardfoot or Ryewhisker. He dislikes any Thistle Law supporter that is not Leopardfoot.
Cloudberry FA (An ancient conscientious objector who was forced to witness her love become illegal after her mate died defending her) Must be seated with Ryewhisker. Likes Pinestar, Morningstar, and Houndleap. Will fight any cat who doesn't like Morningstar.
Ryewhisker FA (Ancient conscientious objector who died defending his lover) Must be seated with Cloudberry. Likes Pinestar, Morningstar, and Darkstripe. Doesn't want Houndleap seated next to Coudberry. Can talk about collecting blood syrup.
Morningstar FA (Pacifist leader of ThunderClan, violently overthrown by his Cleric) Just wants to talk to Pinestar, comforted by Ryewhisker, appreciates Cloudberry but her aggression gives him anxiety so he will get a -1 if seated next to her.
Thistleclaw TL (Father of a hateful ideology, left StarClan in protest of Bluestar's acceptance) HATES any cat who is not from ThunderClan and also Morningstar, AND anyone who does not support Thistle Law. Likes Adderfang and Leopardfoot.
Adderfang TL (Mentor of Thistleclaw. Left StarClan with him.) Easily annoyed by "weakness," including non-violent cats. Does not want to talk about cooking.
Leopardfoot O (Mother of Tigerstar who followed Thistleclaw into the Dark Forest after Bluestar's trail) Doesn't want to be seated next to Thistleclaw, Pinestar, or Adderfang. Likes to talk about food.
Pinestar FA (Condemned for leaving his Clan to become a kittypet.) Does not want to be seated with anyone who was part of ThunderClan in his lifetime.
Snowtuft TL (Damned self willingly after killing children in the Crusades, from ShadowClan) Will discomfort any cat who had children. Does not like talking about politics. Has a good pudding recipe.
Houndleap FA (Damned for siring a ton of HalfClan kits) Will inevitably flirt with a cat on either side of him, "neutralizing" a character of your choice, but causing no impact on the character on the other side as if the seat is unfilled.
Leopardstar O (Bludgeoned to death by Mistystar after encouraging the second rise of Thistle Law in RiverClan.) Disavowed TL and doesn't want to hear anything about it. Also hates FA cats. Dislikes any cat who was damned for a non-violent crime. Likes to talk about carp recipes.
Fenneldust O (A girlie from ThunderClan with a penchant for dying, walked into the Dark Forest willingly with her friend Batear) Brings up whatever politics will piss you off the most, unless you have something food-related to talk about. Will die halfway through the night and be replaced by the cat of your choice. Every point of annoyance she wracks up will become a positive point when this happens. Any positive points she wracks up will remain, unchanged.
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quanyails · 1 year
Hot concept for an isekai:
The protag is a math undergrad and they're dropped in the world of their logic professor's textbook
Everyone is either wearing unidentified colored hats or in prison
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positivelyprime · 1 year
I think I found some interesting fun mathematical problem, and I could not find any literature on it.
Ok so I was thinking about the two guards riddle where one always tells the truth (guard T) and the other always lies (guard F). These guards protect a crossroads where one road is correct and lets you live and the other leads to death (or at least, wasted time). The worst part: you only have one yes-no question to ask.
The (or at least a) correct answer to this riddle is no doubt familiar with several of you: Ask one guard "If I asked which road leads to freedom to the other guard, what would he say?". This works as follows:
- Asking this question to T will lead to them saying the wrong road, as that is what F would say.
- Asking this question to F will lead them to lie about the correct road T would point to, saying the wrong road.
In either case you get the wrong road, so you simply pick the other option.
Now here is where it gets interesting, how can we generalize this problem? One way to do this is to increase the number of guards as follows:
Suppose we have k guards, with n truth-guards T and m false-guards F (n,m > 0 unknown) guarding two roads. Can we find the correct road with one yes-no question?
The main trick employed in the 2-guard problem cannot be used as it relies on there being exactly one guard of each type. However, if you ask two random guards there is now a possibility they are a TT or FF pair, in which case they will point to the right road instead.
I tried finding some kind of nested question ("if I ask the guard on your right: if I ask the guard on your right what road leads to freedom") but couldn't quite put my finger a good question to ask. Another promising method would be to incorporate some kind of boolean operators (such as AND and OR) to make a perfect question, however this turned out to be hard to do for arbitrary k.
I would love the input of anyone reading this who found textwall this interesting!
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andy-kahou · 4 months
You go to Heaven. A dog is there. They ask you who's a good boy.
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book-quotes-i-found · 5 months
“But you forget one thing: my right to religious freedom.”
“Religious freedom doesn’t give you permission to commit murder,” Logico replied.
“But have you considered— what’s that over there?”
Page 334 of Murdle volume 3 by G.T.Karber
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ngeruma · 25 days
"Cuboid" | Perpetual Testing | Portal 2 Community Maps & Mods
By Storm
When you’re as good at overcomplicating things as I am, it really should be considered a skill. Even GLaDOS acknowledges it.
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m-rld · 19 days
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evil logic bingo i made a while ago
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tiredpjofan · 9 months
happy new year guys! i created a percy jackson logic puzzle on sporcle so if you're interested in that kind of stuff, feel free to check it out :) if yous do end up playing, lmk how it goes!!
More info:
Adjacent includes all of the surrounding boxes, including diagonals
The clues refer to character's first names
Includes those mentioned in PJO and/or HOO
Can be completed without guessing
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rockthemamba · 10 months
Logic test
You are in a room in Africa
There are two exits at opposite sides of the room
But each exit is being guarded by a snake
One snake is yellow-green
The other blackish in color
One is a harmless olive snake
That you can pass unharmed
The other a deadly black mamba
That will kill you if you get too close
Which color snake do you approach?
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oneefin · 4 months
i had a lot of fun solving the disjoint rainbow sudoku from the recently released puzzler pride 2024 while sitting in a voice call waiting for an event to start (it got cancelled)
it's definitely nothing crazy - especially by clover standards - but it's nice and chill and it had that speed curve which happens a lot in sudoku where the solve is slow and gradual until you place the first 6 then it all rapidly crumbles
honestly though if you're reading this you oughta just try the whole packet it's all awesome and cool
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alarminglybad · 2 months
Puzzles that still stump a D&D table
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Level Hard
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Hello! Opinion on (number-less) logic puzzles?
-another Phoenix apparently
10/10 bc those are Dyscalculia friendly :D
I've always liked logic games, they're really entertaining and make the time pass pretty fast! And they're even more fun when you actually know what you're doing :3
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Just learned that there is fanfiction about the logic puzzle book series Murdle and I am intrigued
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Hypothetical for you all: In the dead of night, the sphinx from Greek myth has appeared to you and demands your assistance, lest they devour you in one gulp! After thousands of years of puzzling, it has finally ran out of riddles, and it requires assistance coming up with a new one!
In particular, it needs a riddle that's both able to be logically puzzled out while still being difficult enough as to actually test the reasoning abilities of the challenger (after all, the Sphinx's treasure doesn't grow on trees and they need to keep it safe). If your riddle is one it's heard before or isn't your own creation, it'll also eat you.
What riddle do you present to the sphinx?
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book-quotes-i-found · 10 months
“… Now look what you’ve done! You’ve destabilized Europe!”
Page 356 of Murdle by G.T. Karber
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