#Living Samadhi AU
blackchrysalys · 2 years
Living Samadhi AU
The samadhi fire was alive but unfortunately heaven was oblivious about it and it had only one purpose: to spread and burn.
When wukong was in the furnace he only had the samadhi fire for company
though at first it tried to burn him to crisp, it later saw an opportunity; an opportunity to burn heaven with the perfect one to execute it.
at first wukong thought he was going insane, hearing whispers ranging from 'you couldn't protect your people' to 'its all heaven's fault'
though a few days (he thinks, time's hard to tell here) later he finds out that the fire is apparently conscious and wants to help him. That he wasn't going to die.That they could both be friends sharing a common goal: To burn heaven down
Hey the fire even agreed, that maybe he should return the favour. They deserved it after all. Especially the jade emperor.
The Jade emperor didn't deserve his throne, monkey king was way better than him after all.
The fire even gave him a gift, fiery eyes to see through lies and illusions ensuring he'd never be tricked again.
When wukong got trapped he did wonder what happened to his 'friend'.
When wukong became a monk he'd never thought he'd see the fire again
Yet here it was, controlling wielded by his nephew, ready to traumatise him again(hey he never said his friend was pleasant).
He really didn't want to face it again. It looked even scarier than before. Please don't make him go against it. But that would mean leaving the tang monk in their clutches. Besides the great sun wukong can't die, right?
Thankfully Bodhisattva guanyin came to the rescue. Hopefully he'd never have to face that ever again(the samadhi fire did not like him anymore).
Why was it everywhere?! First the boy and now an entire mountain range(now he knows how red son met got the fire). How the heck did it even manage to get here. Yeah he kicked the furnace but seriously?! Thankfully the fan from princess iron fan worked and he didn't have to jump in again.
Though this fire felt...empty. A husk of what it once was. It seemed the spirit had already moved on.
He tried to warn people about it but everyone called him delusional. No one believed it could be alive but they did believe it was dangerous once the demon bull king asked for help.
It was exhausting to seal the fire, but hey nothing the monkey king can't do. Just had to hold on a bit longer...and ignore the whispers he heard from them(please shut up). No else heard the whispers
He only meant to lighten the mood (and distract himself from the whispers). Why did it have to go after his master? Why did it have to be sealed in his companion Ao lie? Thankfully dragons had an affinity for fire so it didn't seem to bother him much (plus it was just a small part).
Hopefully that was the end of it. It wasn't.
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Day 6: Show/Fear
Prompt List
Pt. 5 of The Empire of Samadhi AU
Pt. 1 | Pt. 2 | Pt. 3 | Pt. 4 | Pt. 5 (you are here) | Pt. 6
(This is day 6 of the Monkie Destiny Challenge Prompt Month October 2023)
Wordcount: 2k
Summary: Red Son is the son of an old empire, Mei is the daughter of a new one. Red Son, consumed by fire, was put into an induced stasis sleep to stop the world from burning until his family can find a way to safely remove the fire. They find a way but he never wakes up. Hundreds of years later he awakes to discover his power resides within another as she stares at him with wide eyes on fire.
Welcome to the Show. 
(This one’s a bit of a spookier one in light of this festive All Hallows’ Eve month. So warning for some mild body horror and creepy description. Please check the tags if you want more detail)
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Their landing was awkward. 
Red Son ended up at the bottom of the pile with his face pressed into the floor with the other two on top of him. He knew immediately the destination was wrong when he felt wooden floorboards rather than dusty ash against his cheek. 
They had landed somewhere they weren’t supposed to. 
“Get off.” Red Son attempted to throw the two mortals off him and was kicked in the face twice by Mk before he managed to shove them both off onto the floor. “Idiots.” 
He lifted his head to look around and found they’d landed in a theatre of some kind. It was empty but the lights were on, bringing a warm sort of atmosphere. 
“Uh,” said Mei, with Mk draped over her lap like a limp rag-doll. “Hey, Samadhi Sifu… I think you took a wrong turn.” 
“I didn’t do anything,” Red Son spat. “Some idiot hijacked my portal.” He pushed himself to his feet, cursing under his breath. “They never would have been able to do so if I was at my full strength.” He straightened up after brushing small bits of gold dust from that shattered plate off his hanfu. It didn’t matter much due to the fact it was already covered in soot, but that couldn’t be helped. Merciful Buddha, he wanted a bath. 
“Ow,” said Mk, like he was the one who had gotten kicked in the face. Mei patted his back. 
Red Son glanced around the theatre. It was mostly built from wood. At first glance it appeared to be new, but the closer he looked the more blemishes and broken things there were. It was an old theatre. The curtains were threadbare. There were chips in the wood. The lanterns only lit the space dimly, just bright enough to create shadows without really lighting all that much. All the seats faced a massive white screen at the head of the room. It reminded Red Son of a shadow puppet screen, only much, much bigger. 
“We’ve got another thirty minutes here until my spell kicks back in,” Red Son said, glancing around for the doors or at least some sort of exit. He heard shuffling behind him and turned to see Mk falling off of Mei’s lap and face down onto the floor before popping back up, sitting cross-legged next to her. 
“Well, at least there’s no spooky monkey here,” Mei said. 
Upon being reminded of what exactly they’d been, not running, but retreating from, Red Son’s ire at whoever had portal-jacked him was washed over and drowned out by a very different sort of feeling. 
Mk and Mei seemed content to stay on the ground as Red Son started to pace in front of them. He muttered under his breath. 
Mk looked pale. Red Son had no doubt he’d be looking even paler if he’d known just who had been reaching for him. 
Red Son feared nothing. Not death, not life, and no living being. 
But his hands were shaking. 
From the cold, he hissed to himself through gritted teeth. He would never have been shaking if he had his fire. He wouldn’t be so vulnerable if he had it. The white lady hadn’t seemed like a threat at first. She seemed a mild annoyance at best. He couldn’t sense any massive power coming from her, so how did she manage to get to him? He needed to rethink. Reevaluate. He needed to think. He needed to get his fire back or they were going to die. 
“Well, well! That was quite a show!” 
Red Son’s head snapped back to look where the voice was coming from. It seemed to bounce and echo over the walls, coming from nowhere and everywhere at once. Shadows seemed to tilt, getting darker, stretching further.
Mei was on her feet in an instance, Mk scrambling up close behind her, staggering a lot more. 
The shadows seemed to converge on the stage, onto the screen rising up like ink until a shape was painted across it and then received form. 
It was a shadow puppet. 
A monkey. Merciful Buddha, Red Son had seen enough monkeys already today. Its mouth had been cut into a wide, unnerving smile, stretching over nearly half its face. 
"I see you all met the Lady Bone Demon's puppet.” The puppet slumped sideways, limp, head tilting to almost upside down. It was strange. It moved in a way shadow puppets normally didn’t, to Red Son’s knowledge. 
Red Son scoffed, folding his arms over his chest. “You look more like the puppet here.” 
“Oho!” said the shadow puppet. “Good-” it flipped, revealing its other side, where the only difference was there was an slashed X in the place its eyes should have been, “--eye.” The puppet laughed. It doubled over with shrieking laughter at an awkward angle that didn’t look right. 
Red Son found himself recoiling a bit. The thing sounded insane. Granted not as insane as him when he laughed, his cackle was much more impressive. 
Out of the corner of his eye Red Son saw Mk grab Mei’s arm. 
“Mei,” Mk said, his voice slightly shaky, urgent, “that sounds like-” 
“I know,” Mei said, her voice grave, on edge. 
“What are you two talking about?” Red Son snapped. 
“Is that the Dragon Heir I see?” The puppet twisted itself as though it were hanging upside down from a branch. Sure enough the shadow of a tree rose up to assist the illusion. “And another puppet!” Its smile looked almost thrilled looking at Mk. “Isn't this all just so interesting? But who’s the third? I’ve never seen you before.” It dropped back down, into more of an animalistic, unnatural crawl. The shadow seemed to grow bigger as it crawled towards them, but it never moved off the screen. 
“Who I am is none of the business of the likes of you,” Red Son said. “You know very well who you brought here. So cut the theatrics and state your business or we will burn your little theatre to the ground and you along with it.” 
The puppet seemed to find that very funny, laughing and twisting. Red Son could feel something in the wood of this place. Something in the shadows growing thicker and moving. 
“Oh, but the show is the best part!” 
Mk cried out. 
Red Son spun around to see shadows wrapping around his ankles and wrists. They lashed out around his arms binding him tightly and then pulled before any of them could react. 
“Mk!” Mei yelled, reaching for him. She grabbed his wrist just before he was pulled into the shadows. 
The rings lit. Mei practically spat out fire. “Let go of him.”
“There’s the famous fire!” The puppet seemed to smile wider, bigger, it sounded like it was a twisted form of excitement. “What a performance you gave that day!” 
The strands of shadow snapped when Mei’s fire neared it and she caught Mk before pulling him to his feet.
“Mei,” said Mk, clinging to her. 
“I know,” said Mei. “It's him.” 
“What are you two peasants talking about-” 
“You know,” said the puppet, drawing their attention, “really, it was rather impressive how you played right into her hands, bud.” It walked across the screen, but this time it continued off it, onto the wall. The laughter echoed. 
For a moment Red Son thought the shadow was talking to Mei, but then Mei was stepping in front of Mk and shielding him with her arm, flames flickering dangerously above her. 
“Mk had nothing to do with it,” Mei snapped. 
The puppet laughed again, tumbling through shadows and bouncing from one place to the other around the room. It bent in unnatural directions. “Nothing? Nothing? He caused this.” 
Red Son had to admit, he was curious. Curious as to how the man half-cowering behind Mei was responsible for… well, it was rather hard to understand what the puppet was referring to. 
“I didn’t,” said Mk, but he didn't sound very confident about it. 
“Do you think she would have gotten your precious friends if it weren’t for you? You think she would have gotten to your pathetic Sifu without your help?” 
“He’s not pathetic!” Mk shouted at it. “I don’t know what you’re talking about-” 
“All your second chances, all your do-good kindness lead to this. If it weren’t for you the Lady Bone Demon would have never gotten her hands on the rings.” 
“But,” said Mk, his voice small, “I didn’t do anything…” 
“And you think that’s a good thing?” The puppet laughed far too much in Red Son’s opinion. It lost its effectiveness after a while. At least on him. Mei and Mk just looked more and more unsettled and anxious. “You and your Master, so alike. Neither of you said anything to each other, did you?”
“What is he talking about?” Red Son asked, looking at Mk curiously. 
Mk shrunk back from his gaze. 
“It doesn’t matter,” Mei said. “Whatever happened doesn’t matter. So you better shut your mouth, Liú.” 
The puppet stood for a moment, frozen still. Then it’s head snapped off the wall to look at Mei. 
It became less of a shadow and more of a tangible thing. Its eyes were lifeless, its skin was more alive looking than a puppets should be. It had lace designs stretching across its skin in dark cracks across its skin. Its mouth stretched just as wide, but despite its upward tilting motion it didn’t look like it was smiling. It didn’t look completely like an object nor completely alive, some mix of both. Red Son could see both its eyes at once now, the slashed X over one of them looking like a gaping black hole. Its one eye was a pinprick amongst a pool, just as black, its pupil surrounded by a ring of purple. 
“You’re cursed,” Red Son realized. 
Its head snapped to look at him and Red Son felt frozen in place by it. The weight was nowhere near that of his fire contained in the rings above Mei’s head. But it was uncomfortable all the same. This thing in front of him was twisted and wrong and there was a lack of sanity in its one working eye that made it feel as though something would snap at any second. It looked as though it should be twitching but all it did was stay deathly still, not breathing but very clearly alive. 
“Not our problem,” Red Son forced out, despite the way the words tried to lodge in his throat with the things one eye on him. “Dragon Girl, we’re leaving.” 
“There’s no doors,” Mei muttered. 
Red Son whipped his head around to check. And she was right. He hadn’t realized it at first, but there were no doors, no windows, no holes or cracks in the wall to slip through. 
There was no way out. 
It was a claustrophobic feeling. But Red Son wasn’t about to let a sealed room intimidate him. 
“Very well then. Let us make one.” 
“I can’t let you leave,” said the puppet that Mei called Liú. “They’ll come soon.” 
“Elder Liú,” said Mk, “we can help you.” 
“I can’t let you leave,” it said again, its mouth moving with the words unlike its shadow had when it spoke before. It was a horrifying sight. Shadows moved behind them, creeping closer. “I can’t let you leave. I can’t let you leave. I can’t let you leave-” 
Red Son snorted. “You can’t stop us.” 
It just kept repeating it over and over again, ignoring him. The shadows stretched higher. They curled over top of them. Red Son watched them creep out of the wall, wrapping around the puppet, over its mouth and face and dragging it back into the wall. 
“Guys,” Mei said, glancing at her feet. “I think we’re in trouble here.”
“Then use my fire,” Red Son said through gritted teeth. 
“Oh yeah,” Mei said, “right.” She shook off the shadows that had started to cling to her foot and the rings blazed brighter above her. 
“Wait! Stop!” said Mk. 
“What?” Mei said. Then yelped, because a shadow lashed out and wrapped around her arm. 
One latched around Red Son’s leg and the shadows suddenly seemed a lot thicker and stronger than before. 
“They’re shadows,” Mk said. “The more light you give them the stronger they’ll be.” 
“How does that make sense?” 
“Just look, the more light there is, the more shadow can be seen. Unless we could get enough light to get rid of every shadow, more light would just be making it worse.” 
“Then what’s your suggestion,” Red Son snapped, clawing at the shadow that had attached itself to his wrist. 
“Less light,” Mk said. “They can’t touch us if there’s no shadows to shape in the dark. We need to break the lanterns.” 
“This is a terrible idea,” Red Son said. 
“Do you think I have enough control over these rings to light up a whole room?” Mei asked. 
Red Son did not think that. 
“That’s what I thought.” 
“Fine,” Red Son snapped. He snatched some fire away from Mei. The shadows had crept up to his hips now, wrapping and slowly sludging further up. He burnt some off his wrist so his hand was free. “Aim for the lanterns.” 
Mei missed twice. Red Son’s feeble second-hand fire couldn’t reach very far but the sparks landed and managed to light the lantern. 
“No,” the voice echoed, “what are you doing? Stop- stop I can’t exist without them-” 
“It's okay, Elder Liú,” Mk said, “we’ll get you out of here.” 
“Ugh,” said Red Son, straining against the shadows that were now up to his shoulders. “You’re disgustingly reassuring, aren’t you.” 
“I try,” Mk said. He was trying to hide it but Red Son could hear the panic in his voice. 
The last lamp went out, burned to nothing, but light still remained. 
“Dragon Girl, the rings.” 
Mei cursed. 
“Mei-” Mk’s voice was cut off as the shadows wrapped around his mouth and started dragging him down. 
“THE RINGS!” Red Son yelled at her.
“I GOT IT,” Mei roared back. 
The shadows wrapped around Red Son’s mouth and started pulling. 
The rings flickered. 
“NO!” the puppet appeared in front of Mei’s face, reaching. 
All at once the light went out. 
Red Son fell flat on the floor, followed by two thumps. 
“HA!” said Mk. “I told you! How can you get grabbed by something when you’re already in it! It's like swimming!” 
“Water has currents that can grab you,” Red Son snapped at him. 
“Shadows aren’t tangible like water.” 
“You make less sense the more you talk.” 
“It worked, didn’t it?” Mk huffed. 
“Woo! Mk!” Mei cheered. “I’m gonna see that last bit in my nightmares! Haha! Where’d Old Liú go anyway?” 
“Um, I’m not sure,” Mk said. “Let me check.” 
There was a moment of shuffling and silence in the pitch black. Then Mk’s bright voice came. 
“Found him! He’s small now. Looks like a real shadow puppet.” 
“What? How can you see?” 
“Huh, I wonder if we could un-curse him like how we unpossessed Mk,” Mei said, ignoring Red Son’s question.  
“He feels like he’s made out of dry stuff,” Mk said. “I don’t know if it's safe to try.” 
“Just give him to me,” Red Son scoffed, blinding feeling around for Mk. “I’ll seal him in so he won’t jump back out the moment there’s shadows to jump from if you’re both so worried about it. You can figure out what to do with this thing later. We’re going to be pulled back any minute now.” 
Red Son heard a sound that took him a moment to place as Mk’s muffled laughter. 
“What? What are you laughing at?” 
“Nothing,” Mk said. “Here, hold still, I'll hand him to you.”
Red Son sighed and held out his hand impatiently. 
He could feel Mk standing in front of him, hesitating. 
“What now?” he groaned. 
“Just… be careful with him. Don’t hurt him okay?” Mk finally handed him over. 
“Whatever,” said Red Son, casting the spell to seal the puppet in its current form. “He’s none of my concern, living or dead.” 
Mk didn’t reply to that, but he could practically feel his worry.
“There,” Red Son said, shoving him back at him. “He won’t be any trouble for now.” 
“Great,” said Mei. “So do we need to talk about why Liú looks like a monkey? Or…?” 
The ground lit up underneath them. 
Mk yelped, his face illuminated and rushed to stuff the small shadow-puppet into his hanfu. 
The room lit up in flames.
| beginning | next |
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Nezha! What is happening?!
Nezha: The Samadhi Fire…
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rebeltigera · 8 months
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as much as i want to talk much about Nezha- There's not much about him in the au itself . The only worthy mention that i have actually planned is his shock for seeing six eared macaque again which he thought- was long gone.
Of course he later helps with sealing Jade's emperors power etc but it's the only thing what was changed - this is in fact bit of a headcanon of mine - In LMK Nezha was surprised to say at least when he saw first time Mac during the Samadhi fire arc ,Like he wasn't aware this man was among the living and it stuck with me.
How They decived the Heavens people may ask later? Well , magic tornado works like wards against celestial eyes :'D
About the traffic trio- I will draw some interactions one day but today is not the day yet
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winterpower98 · 1 year
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Little tidbit of how Ao Lie is back in Cursed AU
Once season 3 ends Wukong proposes to recreate the ritual to seal the Samadhi Fire away. Pigsy was against it because it was clearly dangerous, but Mei was totally on board with it because she knew that even with Red's training, she wouldn't be able to fully control the fire.
They perform the ritual with Nezha, Red Son and a reluctant Tang and everything goes scoring to plan until the fire seemingly takes a life of its own and instead of forming into the four rings, they focus on one spot before it starts to change into a more concrete shape.
Everyone watched stunned as the mass of blinding purple, red, blue and green fire turned into a dragon. The color subsides until Ao Lie is clearly visible. Wukong couldn't believe his eyes as he ran to his old friend, hugging him tightly. The dragon hugged him back, his form turning into his more human one.
The monkey looked up when Ao Lie called his name but instead of being met with kind words, he was shaken by his shoulders as the dragon yelled at him. Turns out that AO Lie's spirit had been watching over his great granddaughter, living with her the same events and witnessing his brother's stupidity and self destructive behavior.
The rest of the team watched on confused as the two ancient beings argued until MK managed to break them off. Ao Lie calms rather quickly before explaining that he now holds the Samadhi Fire, his literal body is made of it and they don't have to worry about it going rampant anymore.
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quitealotofsodapop · 5 months
Jiuweihuli only told Yin and Jin to watch Macaque, they never said anything about not pranking him. And if doing so helps to distract and slow Macaque down a bit and buy Wukong more time... well, that's just a side benefit isn't it??
Jin and Yin are *still* super mad at their sorta-adoptive-sibling for leaving Wukong alone all those years ago. and now he's working for the bleedin' BONE DEMON!?
Their mum gives them the go-ahead to make Macaque's mission a living (non-fatal) hell.
Their cousin Bo, the accountant, joins in to make sure they don't get sidetracked.
Macaque does not have a moment of peace while tracking the gang in S3.
The three demons are on him like Bugs Bunny - setting up fake roadstops, stealing the compass LBD gave him, sabotaging the fake TEA van before half the gang gets in. The Eastern Dragon kingdom even gets unlikely assistance in the form of three metal demons coming to their aid - by annoying the shit out of Macaque.
The fireworks in Lantern City? they are most certainly not an accident in the Slow Boiled Au - they see Macaque up in the Latern with Tang and set them off before he can grab the important ring-thingy.
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They aren't sure what the Rings of Samadhi *are*. But they all know that the Bone Demon getting them will be bad news for everyone. So if their tormenting of Macaque keeps the rings away from LBD, it's a small bonus.
Its only when things get to a bad point do they drop the pranking. Bo leaves to alert Lao Tzu and Guanyin immediately when Wukong goes to confront LBD himself. Jin and Yin join Macaque in tying up the Mayor.
And when Yuebei decides to make it into the world finally?
the twin demons are *panicking*! they need to call their mum and let her know that her grandkit is coming!
They're so amazed by the little stone egg, and later tiny baby, so much that they nearly give her their prized artifacts as gifts. Wukong refuses to let his newborn own the Calabash thankfully.
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starsfic · 11 months
Jadepeach AU where Ao Lie doesn't get hit with the Samadhi fire and, in the present, he and Wukong are an old married couple, teaming up to train both Qi Xiaotian and Long Xiaojiao.
The family knows that he's still alive, but Xiaojiao always heard that he was "travelling" not living with his life partner/her possible ancestor (it's confusing). But the main thing I was thinking was Macaque's reaction to learning about Jadepeach being married and together and him throwing an absolute Hissy Fit.
Macaque had a chance to repair things after his and Wukong's fight under the mountain. And Wukong, affected by Sanzang and Ao Lie and the other pilgrims, did try. But Macaque, at that point, was too angry and bitter and possessive to allow it.Now he's seeing the consequences, watching Wukong kiss his prince, not under *their* tree which is a mercy, but still eating peaches under the sun.
Macaque making it a personal point to try and put poison in Xiaotian's ear when he trains him. After all, what does Ao Lie do, really?
He shows Xiaojiao how to use her water powers, yes, but other than that?
He's lazy. He's spoiled, pampered. Wukong will actually spar with him when he's not being lazy. What does Ao Lie do?
Wukong: "Hey, rude! Ao Lie keeps me from doing stupid things!"
Ao Lie: "By doing stupider things!"
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digitaldoeslmk · 11 months
By The Book AU Timeline
[this will be edited as things progress and the au gets more fleshed out]
less of a timeline and more the a brainstorm chart for the plotbeats i have so far
Prince > Little Sage > Pilgrim > Immortal
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ACT 1, PRINCE: 2 years, S1 plus some of S2
ep0 special, MK becomes Monkie Kid
Fated Feast (tm) and dealing with it
MK learning how to use his powers
pretty much all the episodes of S1
Beijing Opera sideplot
first New Years is a Lion Dancing competition special
Macaque introduces himself
Spider Queens get exorcised, LBD reveal
Nezha and Muzha introduction
some more filler episodes of Monkie gang dealing with small easy stuff
MK gets invited to meet Guanyin
MK learning the Dao and Dharma, starts cultivation
Macaque causes trouble (basically Shadow Play ep but not), Wukong finds out
spicynoodles start becoming a thing late in the arc
S1 finale special, except it's LBD and some henchmen
Celestial Realm sightseeing moment, introduction to several immortals and gods
ACT 2, LITTLE SAGE: about half a year, part of S2 and a lot of changes
Red Son's investigation gets serious, Nezha is helping
Wukong gets more present to teach MK
most of what's left of S2, with some changes
Yingge and Longnü intro
Tang starts helping MK and Mei with magic
Mei starts training her dragon powers in FFM
Guanyin meets the Monkien gang, reveal of Tang's past reincarnations
MK gets deeper on training with his monkey form and powers
"recollections of red and blue" is set in this arc
DBK and PIF start making amends with Red Son
qpr chimera fully established, Red Son and MK get serious enough to tell their parents about it
more LBD shenanigans
S2 season finale, except not
LBD tries to trap him in a pagoda, everyone joins the fray, MK escapes because Macaque underestimates him, Wukong gets kebabed, Megapolis is lost and the gang flees for their lives
ACT 3, PILGRIM: about half a year, S3 in spirit but almost every plot gets scrapped cus its just filler anyway
they aren't on a ""journey to the west"", they are gathering allies and tools to use against LBD and Macaque
plan is, burn the motherfuckers with the Samadhi fire with the help of the four dragon king's armies to spread the fire with rain, and use some artifacts to then control the fire and put it out
drastic measure but it do be drastic times
LBD used the skeleton key to open the gates of the Diyu, so the world is slowly getting overrun by runaway spirits, as well as channeling the waters from it to freeze the land
apparently Macaque wants to consume every living thing he's trapped to fuel something, and nobody is sure what
anyway it's crisis politics time, nobody is having fun, everything sucks
time to check in with the past pilgrims for advice and some tricks they know, Monkie gang power up time
the dragon king of the north and his family are missing, time to find them
Shen Gongbao intro, he's involved but they figure it out
it's also time to draft some immortals, we love owing favors to people in this house amiright??
Mayor starts to think the henchman career isn't for him, time to dip
he fucks a plan cus he uses a pill of immortality to heal himself but oops the gang needed that
Mayor spills the beans on Macaque's plan, MK gets impulsive and runs off to face LBD
S3 special time except not
MK exchanges himself for the girl LBD got possessed, which builds the group time to wrap up lose ends
final battle time, hoards of the underworld versus whatever immortals got convinced to help despite going against the Jade Emperor's decree
MK sends a clone with his staff before he loses control back to the gang
Mei in dragon form fighting possessed MK, so that Red Son and Nezha can take a shot at MK to exorcise LBD out of him, Erlang and Muzha helping to hold Macaque back
MK gets shot with the Samadhi Fire, to explosive results
MK vs Macaque kaiju monkey battle time
Macaque gets nuked, LBD gets carbonized, Mayor dies saving people from the city before the fires get to them
everything is put back where it belongs, but there's a lot of loose ends to wrap up, ends in a bittersweet note
ACT 4, IMMORTAL: two years, S4 solely in name, basically a full overhaul lmao
oh man oh man shits gonna hit the fan lmao
the city is saved and the bad guys are gone; time for Consequences
Jade Emperor isnt very happy with the amount of unauthorized actions taken just now
MK goes to fucking trial for the crime of saving the world, it goes as well as one would think
luckily Guanyin comes in clutch and gets his sentence lightened to "community service"
there is an absurd amount of undead still walking around, which means MK has to get on that
also yknow. the devastating amount of damage in the mortal AND celestial realm
MK is given an assignment in the heavenly bureocracy, to help keep him in check and accountable to stuff. is great innit.
another part of his job is, dealing with Wukong's past sworn brotherhood cus they've been uppity since Macaque's attack and threatening to break the human-demon truce
Qi "two dads nuclear family" Xiaotian learns to deal with distant extended family relations with very specific social cues. again, goes as well as expected
under all that, Red Son still hasn't been able to get the missing memories situation fixed
also turns out even Wukong doesn't remember who MK was but he used to know. he doesn't anymore. and he doesn't know what happened. Red Son did not like learning that.
the celebration of Ulhambana in the Celestial Realm is approaching, and Red Son thinks he can get himself and MK invited to it so they can yknow, ask Buddha wtf is going on
so yknow, time to earn the trust of the Celestial Realm again, in a year. that's doable right? ahahah
and because he doesn't have enough on his plate, MK traded off a lot of his merits in exchange for LBD and Mayor speedrunning their time in hell so they can be reborn under his care
MK becomes An Uncle, what could possibly go wrong!
oh, jumpscare, Macaque is still around but Different
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Heyo, it'sa me!
I was thinking about your lmk/ninjago au and I was wondering. How does Season 5: Possession work in this au? Does it happen, if so, who to? and by who?
(((Love this au btw)))
*dies in happy* ty 🥰
fair warning we have really vague plot points and plans and stuff for all the seasons so we only know how the pilot goes down start to finish, thus most of this I came up with this after think about it for an hour
so I am happy with it but it could be changed ig if I think of something better
and, anyway, for the answer I’ll include a light spoilers warning (tho it’s kind of easy to figure out)
but the green ninja/Lloyd in the Ninjago au is
surprise! Mei ! As for Morro his roll has been taken by the one and only Nezha
So Mei is possessed by Nezha, but why? well once upon Nezha was once a Warrior just like the rest of the group only he was a lot younger, and I don’t want to sugar cost or anything so I’ll just out right say that he was a child solider and it did not turn out well for him. Additional Mei is also a child solider, older than Nezha of course but she can still be called that as she was chosen/confirmed as the green ninja at around the age of 13/14
Nezha of course isn’t happy with this at all. He already had to suffer as a child solider and seeing Mei be one too rightfully pisses him off when he ends up getting out of the Underworld so he possesses Mei with a plan
said plan of his is: find the proper tools to rid Mei of the samadhi fire in hopes that ridding Mei of the flame will turn Mei into a normal, un-powered teen that doesn’t need to live the life of a child solider
And sure it seems like a good plan, especially since his heart seems to be in the right place except for the fact that trying to free Mei from the flame could risk destroying Mei and the world due to how volatile the fire is and how connected it is to Mei and her soul hence why the Warriors have to stop Nezha before he can go through with his plan
but yeah that’s what I have :D
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ads20221 · 1 year
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A Swap Au, or Exchange of Roles (if you prefer to your liking)
(Almost forgot, they switch powers too, And for weapons too, Sun Wukong would have the magic lantern while Macaque would have the staff)
(If you have questions, I'll try to answer them about this Au)
I literally made up a story about it, the only difference in it is that Sun Wukong (who is exchanged for Macaque) was killed by Macaque (exchanged for Monkey King) and the only difference is that Sun Wukong is afraid of Macaque, then from being knocked down by his Ex-Best Friend, after being revived by Lord Bone Demon(The Mayor will play the role of LBD) after being revived and Lord Bone Demon giving him the master key he threw away (as macaque does in the original) and lived his life, with the trauma of being killed by Macaque, Sun Wukong became afraid to a point of whether he sees Macaque and the same see he runs away
In this first scene where Tang says that Samadhi Fire was the only way to stop Lord Bone Demon, Sun Wukong himself says: I think it's better, at least I'm going to be away from him and Macaque, to be honest I never wanted to be in that.. .(Afraid of the Macaque)
and in the second scene (Episode: The King, The Prince and the Shadow) Sun Wukong is quite desperate to get out of the situation even more to take the power of Lord Bone Demon(Not even caring that he is afraid of Macaque, he just wants to get out of it)
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real-sun-wukong-fan01 · 11 months
Hello! I hope your month has treated you well so far. In your Time Swap AU, what do you mean by SWK having a medical degree? Did he went to a medical college some time ago? What branch was it? Does he ever use it to win arguments? Does he know the doctor handwriting cypher? Has anyone ever pointed out the hypocrisy of him having a poor self care and diet but also having a medical degree? What does he use it for and apply it on? Can you tell me more on what is MK's deal with Erlang in the AU? What relationship do they have? What was Tang like as a monk on this AU?
Eat your meals regularly with fruits and vegetables!
- it's a reference to the book as wukong has a medical degree there as well!
- yeah, he self taught himself coding later on.
- of the branch, I do not know, I didn't thought this much into it.
- he..yeah. he would start speaking in big words, he's a nerd anyway.
- yeah. Considering his own handwriting sucks ass.
- yeah. Mk. Everyone did. Does he listen? No.
- he uses it mainly for the hero stuff, for himself, others and poor civilians, but never for a job or anything, he makes games for a living!!
- well, kind of like wukong and nezha? Of course both have a different dynamic, but pretty much the same in lmk!! Erlang trying to stop mk from taking the samadhi fire rings! They do have some kind of sibling dynamic but not as much as nezha and wukong in the original.
- tang was a cowardly but very smart and forgiving monk, hardly getting mad but he knew how to hold his ground despite him being scared of anything, even a leaf could make him jump. He was like a father for mk.
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maidenofthecloud · 1 year
AO LIE blamed zhu Bajie
So new idea for anguish au here goes, and that's what happens if ao lie never blamed wukong for what happened with the samadhi fire because he actually blamed bajie for what happened and he's actually a little right about it in this au
The Monkey King had been released from golden circlet recently and he assured the pilgrims that he would stay with them there was still some distrust of what sun wukong would do, bajie is the one who would have the most distrust and planting his doubts on tripitaka, ao lie is the one who would most defend sun wukong's loyalty
Then sun wukong is called by guanyin to help nezha with the samadhi fire, sun wukong agrees to help, but guanyin told her that only he can go. It would be too dangerous for all pilgrims to go. Sun wukong informs the pilgrims and tripitaka about the situation and will only help nezha. Although tripitaka agrees at first, but soon there is some distrust that wukong will abandon them and return to his old yaoguai life.
Sha wujing and ao lie assure him that wukong will return to them as soon as he finishes helping out in the ritual, Zhu Bājié interferes saying that Sun wukong once he finishes helping out in the ritual will surely take this opportunity to escape away from them and come back to live on his mountain full of monkey servants.
Tripitaka tries but cannot help but have doubts about sun wukong and decides to follow Monkey King despite the warnings of sha wujing and the refusal of ao lie, tripitaka states that "a little checkup won't hurt, will it?" Zhu bajie encourages him to do so and the others have no choice but to follow them as well.
They get to where nezha and sun wukong are doing the ritual nezha doesn't see them but wukong does, sun wukong would be surprised to see them there, he loses his concentration and we all know how he ends up...
Ao lie ends up getting samadhi's fire something he doesn't like very much, he doesn't blame wukong for what happened, from his perspective they shouldn't be there in the first place and interfere in the ritual, ao lie can't help but blame bajie for everything that happened. They didn't exactly get along well before but now it was worse, ao lie would be calm and smiling on the outside but inside his frustration with Zhu bajie would increase day by day.
Everything ends when the last drop that spilled the glass
And the incident occurs...
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Comment on what they think
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rebeltigera · 8 months
Now I'm curious on how sl! Macaque acts with everyone while drunk
What's Mei and MK's relationship with the bull family (and cheng'e) in this au? (Also had you talked about MK and Macaque relationship in this au?? Like what are their thoughts on each other?)
-ghost anon
-ghost anon
He's literally acting like a baby and if u are in positive relation with him he would wanna hug u
If u are in negative, u gonna get dropped into shadow portal to unknown destination
Mei n MK are in decent relation with bull family, due to being "friends" with Redson ( he'll never admit that)
Also because Mei is a host of Samadhi fire , and Redson still train her.
They doesn't got much interactions with Chang'e (Redson sometimes call her , it's his auntie and likes to talk with her about new recipes )
The relationship between Mac and MK is a bit rocky at the start but it gets better with time.
Mac rather quickly warmed up to MK ( didn't show it however) , and MK well got curious about another mystic monkey which got beef with monkey king and well , lived , defeated him , pushed into a corner and isn't actively hunting him nor MK
We will forget for a second he took his powers away-
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cuddly-asexual · 10 months
LMK x Promare
Aight, been cooking this one up in my noggin' for a while and I'm honestly so surprised I haven't seen this yet??? But guys is a promare au not perfect for the traffic like trio???
Like we have Red Son, a burnish, part of group similar to the Mad Burnish. MK as a human in a group like Burning Rescue. And lastly the coolest part, Mei, starting out as a regular human and then her burnish flames manifesting and Red Son has to teach her how to control them. You know she's a quick learner tho and she masters them beautifully. They even have a mech and save the world together just like Lio and Galo!
The VIBE of Mei being a Mad Burnish btw?? Amazing, she'd fit right in with all their cool ass armor.
The Promare soundtrack works so well for them too aaaaaa. Just a quick vibe check:
Inferno - MK vibes baby, trails of fire leading him home 🥺, loving adventure and just full of tons of energy ready to go!
Ashes - Does this not make y'all think of Mei right when she gets the samadhi fire??? AAAA I love it. The "uncertain flame of hope" being maybe Red Son?
NEXUS - Absolutely a dragonfruit song. The, "So spend some time with me, I really like your company. We're not so different, flip the coin it doesn't matter. And if we don't survive, I'd rather die than live a lie." AOUGH good.
Gallant Ones - The trio all working together!!! That scene in season 3 when they're all in the mech together battling LBD, PERFECT FIT.
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quitealotofsodapop · 5 months
So I have questions regarding the Lady Bone Demon, specifically around the fact she is, at her core, a spirit. What makes her so different from other spirits like Yē Lín, to the point where she can physically interact with the world while the Consort cannot? Both would count as powerful and ancient spirits, wouldn't they?
I believe that in Buddhist mythology, major contributing factors to the power of a "spirit" has to do with; their previous life, whether or not said spirit has "passed on" so to say, the nature and emotions surrounding their death, and if they were ever in-fact living to begin with.
Lady Bone Demon is just that. She has no previous life nor explanation for how she became a spirit. She simple is what she is.
Wukong's parents in the Stone Matriarch au + the spirits of the Pilgrims, are far weaker than LBD on a physical level since they are in essence; people who have moved on from the physical world.
LBD was never in a state where she moved on from anything.
My personal theory is, from her dual relationship with Ice and how she appears to have domain in the Underworld; the White Bone Demon is an Anthropomorphic Personification of the "Cold Hells/Narakas" of the Buddhist/Taoist underworld, the lowest/most severe level (Mahāpadma) having the sufferers freeze until their bones are exposed. She is so powerful because like say Hundun/Chaos, she's existed as long as the idea of "Cold" or "Bones" has. She was so disgusted by her time as the Ivory Lady because she felt that nothing she did managed to alleviate the suffering of those in her realm - almost as a dark counterpart to Guanyin, who while in Hell alleviated the suffering of sinners directly.
Her origins as a Concept/Personification also means that the only thing that can "kill" her is her direct opposing element; the True Fire that burns within the lowest Hot Naraka of Avici, aka the Samadhi Fire.
Very few deities are even aware of just how dangerous an entiy like the Lady Bone Demon is.
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stellawolfearts · 1 year
I just came up with some consequences au angst
What if Mei came up and tugged on Wukong’s pants and asked if Ao Lie would have liked her and if they could've been friends and Wukong is heartbroken cause if Ao Lie was still around then he probably would have adored Mei
But he's not around, and since most dragons live for a really really long time, using Ao Guang as an example, it stands to reason that the Samadhi Fire is to blame
if i wasnt tired af id probably write something uuuhh uhh here.
swk just tears up and picks her up
"yes, he would have loved you. he would have been so proud of you just like i am"
he says while nuzzling her hair.
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