agerefandomrambles · 5 months
A gaggle of littles
Word count: 1, 871
Little! Chase, Cameron, Foreman, House
Cw: involuntary regression, yelling
Plot: When Chase regresses on an important case, it sets off a very dangerous domino effect
Full credit for idea goes to @puppyboywilson
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Chase, Cameron and Forman all sit around a large glass table that is completely covered in various different papers.
All three have visible eye bags, are yawning consistently and... oh yeah. All three are face down on the table, fast asleep.
A long bang on the table sends them all shooting awake, eyes darting to look for the threat. Only for their eyes to settle on House standing at the table and a large diagnostic book sitting on the table, clearly being what woke them up.
“You all look cheery” House says, by way of hello.
“That tends to happen when people get no sleep working for an ungrateful boss” Cameron sasses, but quickly follows up with, “Sorry, I get grumpy when I get no sleep”
“No matter” House says, waving off the scared look on her face. “We have a new symptom people!” He walks over to a whiteboard that already has “seizures, emotional outbursts, hallucinations, fever and joint pain” written on it. He takes a black marker and writes “bloody urine” under it all.
He briefly pauses, considering the information he has before turning back to the ducklings. “So, differential people!”
Cameron and Foreman both put forward several theories but Chase remains head down on the desk. A whimper escaped his lips, too quiet for anyone to hear. His mind darts to the lifeless body of the little girl he lost just 2 days before and he swallows the sob that gets stuck in his throat.
“Chase, care to share with the class?” House asks, drawing the younger mans attention.
Chase lifts his head and glares at House. His throat bobbed and he shot out of his chair. He practically sprints to the door, letting it slam behind him.
“I’ll go” Cameron says after a moments pause. She walks out, shooting House a warning glance to not follow her.
It doesn’t take her long to find him, tucked in a corner under House’s desk. His legs are tucked up neatly and his head placed gently on his knees. Every few seconds, he lets out a pitiful sounding sniffle.
“Hey buddy” She whispers, not wanting to spook him. “You ok?”
Chase looks up. His red, puffy but surprisingly clear eyes meet her concerned, clear ones. He lets out another sniffle before launching himself into his arms.
“Awe Bobby” Cameron coos, breaking out his little nickname when she realises that he’s regressed. She wastes no time in wrapping her arms around him and holding him.
They stay like that for almost 10 minutes. Just Cameron sitting on the floor with Chase on her lap, softly sniffling and babbling apologies. She would’ve stayed longer but the longer she holds the regressed boy, the more she feels her own fragile hold on her headspace breaking. She carefully picks him up, balancing him on her hip like an older sister. After make sure that he’s in a good position, she starts carefully carrying him back to the briefing room.
She opens the door with some difficulty. She walks in without saying a word to House or Foreman. In fact, she walks right pass them. She carefully sets Chase down in a corner of the room set up with some toys and pillows. She gives him a moment to get comfortable before turning back to the responsible adults in the room.
“He regressed” She says slowly, making sure that her words are coming out correctly. “I… need help.” She manages to get out. She takes a wobbly step forward before sitting down harshly.
House and Foreman immediately snap into action.  Both being flips, they knew how to take care of younger regressors and have babysat Chase and Cameron before. Foreman makes his way to Cameron, picking her up easily. “Hi silly girl,” He says to her softly, trying to get her mind off of the stressful situation. Allison giggles and kicks her legs. “How old are you feeling Bambi?”
She pauses for a moment before holding up a 5, then putting a finger down to 4, then back up to five. She lets out a whine, saying, “Not sure!”
Meanwhile, House beelines for Chase as fast as his leg will allow.  He can’t pick Chase up so he lowers himself painfully down to his level, sitting on the pillows with him. “Hey puppy,” House whispers, not wanting to scare him again. “Feeling better?”
Chase looks up from the car he’s playing with and whimpers when he sees House. “Am I in trouble?” Chase says, whispering so quietly that House can hear him.
Those words break House’s heart and he feels his grip on his headspace slip a little bit. He takes a steady breath before gently saying, “No bobby, you’re not in trouble”
Chase smiles, his anxiety easily eased in regression. He hands House a dark green car. Then he picks up light blue car and starts racing them around the small raceroad the team has set up. As the two play, they develop a complicated plot that both struggle to follow.
It doesn’t take long for Foreman to pad over to the 2 youngest regressors with Camerons hand in his (so she doesn’t wander off). “House?” Foreman speaks up, attempting to get his bosses attention. When he doesn’t look up, he just continues on anyway. “Um… I was watchin’ Cameron ‘n’ we was playin’ ballet pirates ‘n’ I accidently slipped?” Foreman mutters, hoping to get the next most responsible adult.
House turns around, having only caught the back half of what foreman said. He looks sheepish and doesn’t meet his eyes. “’M smol too…” He trails off.
Foreman brings Cameron over, and sits the 2 of them on the remaining pillows. He’s able to identify that he’s the oldest little and therefor has to take charge for the moment. “Ok,” he says softly, trying to formulate a plan of what to do. “Let’s figure out ages” he says, settling on that as a first move to figure out who can do what. “I’m around 10 I think” He says, gesturing to himself in an attempt to start the discussion. “What about the rest of you? he asks, careful to not pull any of them out of regression.
“Um… 6 or 7?” Cameron says, not sounding very sure. She shuffles a little closer to Chase and wordlessly takes his hand.
“4” House replies immediately. He glares at Foreman as if this should be obvious, then goes back to playing with his green car.
“Um… 2?” Chase responds, after a very lengthy pause, looking very out of it. He puts his car aside and climbs into Camerons lap, the game having gotten too complex for him to understand. He snuggles in, comfortable. Cameron deliberately ignores the look of betrayal from House and contently holds Chase.
“Ok ok ok” Foreman mutters, trying his best to take care of the three littles even though he’s regressed too. He gets up and starts pacing, trying to come up with a solution when he stops and looks at House. He crouches down at House’s level. “Do you know where Cuddy and Wilson are?” He asks.
“Wilsons in a meeting and Cuddy is doing clinic duty” House recites, still glaring daggers at Cameron.
“Ok, I’m going to go get Cuddy and Wilson. I shouldn’t be more then 10 minutes. Cameron, you’re in charge while I’m gone” Foreman says before dashing out of the room to find an adult to deal with the situation.
House keeps his eyes on Foreman, waiting until he’s out of ear range. As soon as he deemed it safe, he leant over and snatched Chase from Camerons lap. Chase immediately started crying from the shock of being moved and the stress of being away from Cameron. He reaches towards her, wanting to go back to the warmth and cosiness of her lap. His crying only makes House frown more. He awkwardly pats Chase’s head, trying to calm him.
“House!” Cameron gasps, jumping up. “You can’t do dat to the baby!”
House just sticks his tounge out at her and grips on tighter to Chase, not wanting him to go. When Chase doesn’t stop wailing, he roughly covers his mouth.
Cameron sees what House is doing and watches Chase start to struggle to breathe. She quickly pries Chase from his grip and sits him on her hip, trying to soothe him.
“No fair!” House whines, jutting out his bottom lip as he watches Cameron effortlessly soothe Chase. “You always get the baby”
“I get the baby because I’m better with the baby” Cameron says, taking a deep breath to try and steady her breath but leveling House with a glare that said “how dare he hurt Bobby”
Her glare makes Houses bottom lip tremble. He looks at Chase, contently watching the fan from her hip. “No you’re not! I do better with Bobby!” He shouts, upset.
“Then why did you try to suffocate him?!” Cameron shouts snapping. Her yelling causes Chase to burst out in tears. House looks at the 2 of them with wide eyes before wordlessly going and putting himself in the corner. He plops down and starts gently crying while Cameron tries her best to consol Chase.
That’s the site that Foreman, Wilson and Cuddy walk into. “Oh boy…” Wilson mutters, taking in the chaotic site.
“Right!” Cuddy says, putting on a cheerful voice and taking control of the situation. All heads turn towards her. “Foreman” She says, addressing the ‘oldest’. “You’ve done such a good job hon but we’ve got it from here. Why don’t you go read a book?” She says gently, wanting Foreman to get to be a kid too. Foreman shuffles over to the kiddy bookshelf and picks up a chapter book before settling into a beanbag.
“Cameron, come here.” A wide eyed and sniffling Cameron shuffles over to Cuddy. “I’m sorry” She says before Cuddy can say anything. The tears start flowing and she babbles, “I tried I did but peanut took Bobby n then tried to stop his cries by covering his mouth and I yelled I shouldn’t have because I was in charge and im so so sorry” She finishes, sobbing.
 Cuddy just pulls her into her arms. “It’s alright Bambi, none of you should’ve have been put in that position.” She looks over to a very overwhelmed Wilson. “Wilson, can you go and grab House?” She asks, knowing Wilson will deal with House best.
Cuddy continues consoling Cameron and Chase while Wilson and House chat. It takes a good 5 minutes but eventually Wilson comes back over, holding hands with a yawning and red eyed House and Foreman, whose dropped a little more and is rubbing his eyes.
“Ok! Naptime” Cuddy forces herself to announce cheerfully. To her surprise, no one fought her on it. So the little group of six walked to an empty ward, Cuddy holding Chase on her hip and Cameron with her other hand and Wilson holding hands with House and Wilson. Cuddy glared at every employee who opened their mouths.
Soon, the odd little group was all tucked in and Cuddy and Wilson were left watching them sleep.
“We are NEVER letting them regress by themselves again,” Cuddy says into the quiet.
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vivi-ana444 · 5 months
i’ve never posted on here but i NEED to share this fic i found
it’s very agere coded and i luvvvv
it’s called Chase and the P.L.O.T. device
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✨How are they different when they regress?
❤️Who knows about their regression?
for Chase or House (or both)
(yeah it's me again i just really loved your other answer 😅)
Double-whammy! It’s both!
(Plus MORE general headcanons! I’ve only known regressor!House for a few hours but I love him)
House (caregiver: Wilson):
✨ Greg is…quiet. Practically nonverbal. If he wants Wilson’s attention, he’ll often just walk to wherever he is and stare at him until he notices (and likely freaks out because Greg can be very silent). That or he’ll gesture to what he wants. When he’s older (around 10), he’ll speak up more, but mainly for casual conversation. He’s detached from his usual grumpiness and quick wit. (In fact, him playing with his monster truck is when the house is loudest.)
(Impure regression mentioned!!) He’s, for lack of a more encompassing word, a crybaby. He didn’t used to be by any means, especially since he was usually hit with the very negative, terrified parts of regression and was scared of being bad. But Wilson convinced him he wouldn’t get mad or reprimand for something like basic human emotions. Since then, Greg has cried a lot. He has a lot of trouble understanding why his leg always hurts, which has caused a few tantrums. They’re still quiet sobs, but he allows Wilson to help him through it now.
He’s also interested in space, and is content watching a TV documentary about the universe silently with wide curious eyes for hours until it’s time to eat or bedtime.
Praise isn’t needed, but some every once in a while wouldn’t be so bad. He’s not allowed to use the stove or cook much when little, but will still help Wilson any way he can by passing ingredients to him or setting the table to be helpful. It’s like what he did with his mother - it’s nice. (Wilson makes very simple dishes, because he can not cook, but Greg still eats what he makes happily.) Wilson once, very tenderly, called him “sweet boy” and Greg was elated. He’s never been called that. He fell asleep on Jimmy’s lap that night.
He’ll only call Wilson “Jimmy” when little (in fact, it’s the only thing he calls him). Any other time, he mocks the use of the nickname (Wilson naturally retaliates that it can’t be that bad if House calls him that all the time). Alternatively, Wilson will only call him “honey” when he’s regressed.
Chase (caregiver: House):
✨ He requires praise for anything, or he’ll get it into his head that he’s as loved as a wet rag. In fact, he’ll sit down and intently watch House cook, prepared for if his “dada” needs any ingredients. He took out the entire spice rack once in preparation, which exasperated House (but he still thanked him).
He’s very bouncy and energetic. He’ll bounce across the walls no matter what House does, but bribery for candy or even, like, a dollar can keep him still for an hour, tops. (“I’ll give you the dollar after you watch that cartoon dog show for thirty minutes.” “But that’s not fair!” “Capitalism isn’t fair, kid.”)
Cameron is his babysitter. She is a little awkward with him, but she does good nonetheless.
He will hold House’s hand at any given opportunity. He’ll also hug him for five minutes minimum until he’s satisfied.
His thumb is always wrinkly and his sleeves are always wet because he chews on them daily for no particular reason. His arms also have bite marks, which House has tried to redirect with pacifier clips and chewelry.
He’s not too different from his grown-up self. He’s filled with a lot more childlike wonder, but that’s as far as it gets.
❤️ Wilson knows House regresses, obviously. Cuddy also has her well-founded suspicions from multiple situations.
❤️ House and Cameron know (Wilson might, but no one’s asked him). Thirteen also knows, but no one knows that she knows, you know? She doesn’t really do much either way, but has treated Chase a little more gently when he seems younger.
(I am so sorry It’s so looong! I had a lot of thoughts! I hope you understand all of this because I wrote it out in chunks, sort of 😅) (also I know more about our titular character than Chase so he’s the focus, sorry)
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therhythmofroses · 1 year
some more headcanons of house + wilson taking care of little ducklings 😌🐥 (completely sfw, dni k!nk c/glre etc)
-one of the little ducklings favorite things to do is arts and crafts!! wilson is usually the one who sits with them to do things like paint or color! a lot of times the kids will make pictures for house or wilson, and both of them very happily keep all of the drawings in his office so they can look at them whenever
-all of the ducklings were very shy around wilson the first couple times he was around while they were little. cameron warmed up the fastest. chase and 13 both took more time because they had hard relationships with their actual parents. (when kutner is small, he’s the most sociable of all of them around caregivers/adults)
-whenever specifically house calls little 13 “remy”, she’ll insist that’s not her name (when wilson calls her “remy”, she’s grumpy about it but listens much faster)
-similarly: if someone calls little cameron by her last name, she’ll laugh and say “no silly, i’m allie!”
-lil chase gets called “buddy” a lot by wilson
-chase, whether small or big, is extremely good at spotting when one of the other ducklings is slipping. he probably accidentally busts them/does something that gives it away when they’re trying to hide it way more than he means to!
-little 13 has the most attitude until she warms up to being taken care of. little cameron is the most easygoing from the get-go. chase is somewhere in the middle depending on how stressed he is when he’s big
-chase and 13 take naps while little. allie/little cameron usually doesn’t. chase lets it happen and likes to snuggle when it’s offered, but 13 fights the sleepiness the whole time!
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elainiisms · 9 months
female protagonists will literally go through 30 life altering traumas at the age of 16 and you ppl still have the audacity to call them annoying bc they cry about it and act like teenage girls
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mydairpercabeth · 9 months
just saw the most heartbreaking annabeth take from ep 3
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moncuries · 9 months
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find someone who loves you the way my girlfriend pushes me off a cliff. without hesitation. the sillies :]
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lildoodlenoodle · 1 year
Have we talked about the Miguel Burger yet?
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I just wanna know if it was his idea, if he authorized it, or do the other spiders just think it’s rlly fucking funny and do it to annoy the guy?
I need to know WHY
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My favorite thing about Annabeth is her wardrobe.
Cause like, Rick simplifies her clothes in a way a man would, and you can tell.
Cause in EVERY book, from The Lightning Thief to Chalice, she’s in the goddamn CHB shirt. With like some shorts or cargo pants. Nothing more, nothing less.
He’s made improvements over the years, giving her some other clothes. But he’ll always come back to old faithful.
Like, he most definitely did it on accident, but he made her so Adam Sandler and I love it
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demigods-posts · 6 months
i feel like percy is the type of fighter who would laugh if a monster ran away from him out of fear. but annabeth is the type of fighter who would call them a coward and run after it.
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i saw someone talk about how they have to prepare the future actor for Nico di angelo. But the real question is how are they going to prepare the paid guinea pig actor in s2?? That tiny little animal has to look scared, insecure and at the same time, has to look like a simp.
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agerefandomrambles · 3 months
Chase regressor moodboard
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This is my first moodboard so be nice! But I will now take moodboard requests for different characters
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connabeth · 9 days
the liberty annabeth has been given to be deeply unserious and true to her character in the new “pjo” books while being deprived of that aspect of her character elsewhere is so personal to me because what do you mean she wants to duet with percy on shallow, cheerfully bon voyages her boyfriend off a cliff, carries around a backpack of mystery mouskatools including herbal tea and snake treats just in case, instructs percy “don’t stop skipping, skippy” when he has the rainbow staff for absolutely no other reason aside from shits and giggles, breaks into his bedroom for no reason besides the fact that she simply likes the challenge, apparently regularly signs autographs and is fawned over up on olympus, and keeps suggesting cute and dumb shit to get magically scribed into percy’s diy college rec letter. and now she’s giggling with her architecture friends about glass and marshmallows and wants to throw a haunted house party in a scary goddess’s mansion (a goddess scary enough to make her boyfriend literally piss his boxers) because she’s too self-assured to believe they can’t evade the consequences and too excited to experience something she’s never gotten to throughout her childhood and adolescence. not to mention the callback to her love of animals, no matter how demonic, and how she misses playing fetch with cerberus…oh annabeth chase, the woman that you are. like yes let her be impulsive and unserious and excited and batshit and a troll because she’s just a girl trying to have fun in a miserable fucking world godammit!! rick riordan, they could never make me like you, but i’ll give you this one thing—the whimsy has been restored and its name is annabeth chase
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💕 🃏 🚸 for house wilson or chase? you don’t have to do all of them bc ik it’s a lot lmao bht you can if you want
Wilson’s a caregiver, so I can’t exactly write regression headcanons about him haha (/lh)! I hope you like these!
💕 Do they have a caregiver?
Yes to both! For House it’s Wilson (once he slipped at work and Cuddy sort of had to “take care” of him for a while) (they never talked about it again and Cuddy isn’t sure what exactly happened) and for Chase it’s House.
🚸 Do they have another regressor they play with?
Sadly, no. To either - to have another regressor to play with for Greg would mean letting anyone but Wilson see him vulnerable, and he would despise that. For Robert…well, House can regress (which would make him a flip), but, again, vulnerability. He’s fine being a cg for Chase anyway, and only a caregiver.
🃏 Random headcanon about their regression?
Robert plays “surgery” with his toys with scissors. He’ll cut them up, then get sad because they’re ruined, and go to House who will just be like “sorry, tough loss. Maybe don’t cut them up next time.” (But he can do basic stitches now to fix up Robert’s plushies). As for Greg, he’s as close to a cuddle bug as he’ll allow. He feels really safe with Wilson, and has fallen asleep while watching TV with his head on Jimmy’s shoulder or his lap.
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therhythmofroses · 1 year
I think caregivers House and Wilson would be really good at helping the regressed ducklings with overstimulation/meltdowns. House would understand the feeling of overstimulation and Wilson would know how best to help from all the times he’s helped House or seen House deal with sensory overload.
For Chase I think they probably keep a comfort hoodie in one of their offices for him in case he needs it (it’s really oversized and soft and makes him feel safe). Comfort hoodie, a stuffie, and maybe some coloring with Wilson?
For little Kutner I think hugs would be really grounding when he’s overstimulated. Hugs or a weighted blanket. (Cuddles probably help overstimulated Chase and Cameron too).
For little Cameron, I can see music specifically helping, and I’m not sure why. Listening to her favorite songs, or House or Wilson sings and it helps her feel less overwhelmed. And singing along with them would help her too.
On the opposite end of that: I think regressed 13 would need lots of quiet. She would be pulled into House’s office (lights off and blinds shut) so she could calm down in the dark with noiseproof headphones on.
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lilislegacy · 2 months
percy, sighing: why are you all in my dorm room
piper: we were bored
hazel: we wanted to see you
nico: we were looking for your blue candy stash
frank, will, and grover: *guiltily looking away from him*
percy: please guys, i had to go to 4 lectures today and took 2 exams. i’m exhausted and just want to go to sleep
leo: ah come on, you know you secretly want to hang out with us
percy: well in about 10 seconds i’m gonna take my pants off, so if anyone wants to stay-
*everyone immediately gets up to leave*
percy: goodnight!
annabeth: leo, i see you crouching behind the mini fridge
everyone staring at him:
leo: what? you’re telling me that none of you are even a little bit curious?
annabeth: get out.
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