#Limit 8/L8
machine-saint · 3 months
Confirmed precedent-breach. Type K7^. True class non-estimal. Its status: Active. Aware. Contactiphile. Uninvasive sf. LocStatre: Esperi (star).
First ComAtt (its, following shear-by contact via my primary scanner @ n4.28.855.0065.59312) @ n4.28.855.0065.59487 in M1-a16 & Galin II by tight beam, type 4A. PTA & Handshake burst as appended, x@ 0.7Y. Suspect signal gleaned from Z-E/lalsaer ComBeam spread, 2nd Era. xContact callsigned 'I'. No other signals registered.
My subsequent actions: maintained course and speed, skim-de-clutched primary scanner to mimic 50% closer approach, began directed full passive HS scan (sync./start of signal sequence, as above), sent buffered Galin II pro-forma message-reception confirmation signal to contact location, dedicated track scanner @ 19% power and 300% beamspread to contact @ -5% primary scanner roll-off point, instigated Exponential slow-to-stop line manoeuvre synchronised to skein-local stop-point @ 12% of track scanner range limit, ran full systems check as detailed, executed slow/4 swing-around then retraced course to previous closest approach point and stop @ standard 2ex curve. Holding there.
Excession's physical characteristics: (¡am!) sphere rad. 53.34km, mass (non-estimal by space-time fabric influence - locality ambiently planar - estimated by pan-polarity material density norms at) 1.45x8^13t. Layered fractal matter-type-intricate structure, self supporting, open to (field-filtered) vacuum, anomalous field presence inferred from 8^21 kHz leakage. Affirm K7^ category by HS topology & eG links (inf. & ult.). eG link details non-estimal. DiaGlyph files attached.
Associated anomalous materials presence: several highly dispersed detritus clouds all within 28 minutes, three consistent with staged destruction of >.1m3 near-equiv-tech entity, another ditto approx 38 partially exhausted M-DAWS .1cal rounds, another consisting of general hi-soph level (O2-atmosphered) ship-internal combat debris. Latter drifting directly away from excession's current position. Retracks of debris clouds' expansion profiles indicates mutual age of 52.5 days. Combat debris cloud implicitly originating @ a point 948 milliseconds from excession's current position. DiaGlyph files attached.
No other presences apparent to within 30 years.
My status: H&H, unTouched. L8 secure post system-scour (100%). ATDPSs engaged. CRTTDPSs engaged.
Excession eG (inf. & ult.) linked, confirmed.
eGrid link details non-estimal. True class non-estimal.
@ n4.28.855.0073.64523…
… PS:
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krawlernyannyan · 4 months
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HSR 5-25-24
Doing today's SU grind in World 8 to try and get a better bauble for Firefly since she's right around the corner. Didn't get much, but the surplus got Gepard's boots up to L15.
12x Preservation Calyx rounds. Today's haul got Gepard's Ultimate up to L8.
Showed the Nameless' dream bubble to Pom-Pom.
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HSR 5-26-24
Nothing from World 8 today. The surplus got Gepard's chestpiece maxed out, at least.
12x Preservation Calyx rounds. Today's haul got Gepard's Skill to L8, his Basic Attack from L3 to L5, and his Talent to L6. Also went ahead and got his LC to L80.
HSR 5-27-24
Morning run in SU to get most of the week's SU rewards out of the way. Got a standard ticket, and enough to do a tenner on the standard banner that got me a copy of Shared Feeling.
Went into the new Pure Fiction!
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LE Stage 3: The DOTeam stormed through the first half no problem, and even underleveled Gepard still put up good work. The back half was definitely a little strange - Guinaifen wound up dying and I missed a Trotter but, honestly, only being a little under 2k off from perfect is fine by me. At least we still cleared Wave 3, somehow.
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LE Stage 4: Ran this one through like five times and this is just the set-up I decided to go "screw it I'll just get a score and move on" with. The trouble with the first half isn't a matter of getting weaknesses hit, but the comps I have for those weaknesses just can't get the job done fast enough to matter. Maybe when Firefly rolls around I'll have some brighter prospects here, especially since the DOTeam cleaned up the back half nicely enough. I don't even need that much more to hit 60k here.
PF profits were enough to get me 190 limited tickets for another tenner. I was able to get Boundless Choreo out of it, which is definitely nice since I wanted a copy. I don't plan on using it any time soon but, y'know, it's the AcheSwan Dance card so why wouldn't I want it.
Decided to splurge a bit more on Topaz's LC banner since I should be able to make up the difference by the time Firefly gets here. Got two copies of Swordplay, an extra Tingyun, another Boundless Choreo, and I finally got Worrisome, Blissful on the third round (which would've been around 70ish pity).
Leveled Worrisome, Blissful up to L30 until tomorrow when I start doing some more Topaz work.
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4x Ice Shadow rounds, enough to get Gepard fully ascended. I'll just keep him at L75 until I need more from him.
12x Preservation Calyx rounds. Today's haul got Gepard his final bonus ability.
Five-Star Fund: 150/180 Oak Cake Roll Reserve: 643
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orange1896 · 1 year
60402020050 LG855B I .15.16 GDP temperature sensor LONKING
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60402020050 LG855B I .15.16 GDP temperature sensor LONKING
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6900018717 液压管路胶管125-900 11194257 M086DWA50 TORQUE CONVERTER ASSEMBLY 942767 LG2915001182 水泵及风扇支架总成1307030A52D 9451-02229 29170115911 套筒GKL25-4.0-01 9453-07233 F1009031-D1 左侧板总成 9453-02360 29430104361 衬套615G00020001 9451-05266 29010015481 安装支架 9453-02347 6410001917 后车架附件 14509336 6212000892 铭牌 14539754 6410005835 闷头-C16BL-16BL020 GB6170-M10EpZn-8 14400266 液压油箱总成 14552092 29330012931 柴油滤芯 4110000054074 行走一级行星架总成(摆式) 26330033721 软管LGB334-L8*800*50E F11210469 进气管-模具 LG29290031701B 支架C26AL-4P2578+A 6264000484 油泵电机90W P4WG200-271 F71Q6-22340 衬套24S1B0401 P4WG200-278 16043673 垫圈 9211-10000 29240023751 轨道板 29200007611 刻度吸管5ml 4110000036247 空调冷媒双头压力表(低压表-1-18bar;高压表-1-38bar) 4110001089399 锂电手持LED灯(30珠)90702A 7100002387 销 14651574 板 29170116911 停用-螺栓 M8×20 Q/YC1820820TF2 4016000246 进气门 4110001424064 空调 28080000660261 螺母205008 FKC2712010381006 主架 29330081081 垫片C12AL-1H7666+B 11220411 LG955N轮式装载机 29240018891 操作杆158552-61441 28250012141 内齿圈 4110003962004 LG952标准斗(2.7m3) 4120010056 行星齿轮 2040900066 卡子胶条LGB320-TA340 4110001477185 固位环h=4,00 0730.514.798 11210049 LG968集中润滑装机替换模块-换上? 29180011942 过滤器 LG02-YS1 4110000081071 右弯角钢 16060968 板 14572146 26330007701 套筒扳手55 3214632906 29310026691 前车架 9564-20750 FQZZTP 加强型锻打钎杆D215*L1900 14535506 29280010131 散热器总成L955H-HD 29240027893 机体13059340 13945408 29050026921 启动开关警示标志 13949927 11213429 右制动壳体半成品 9481-11003 28809044881 充液阀06-463-020 14558674 4120000513 过载补油阀ZL50106C 11705993 14627621 PLUS PART 994026 6231000627 板 26240010841 氯化钙 4041001140 散热器总成 29120036871 吸风风扇BDFS760×125Z-5 29030020411 缸筒总成24A147100 SP-1031-12 4041003734 齿轮T611 2204B 26360003691 POSITION LIMITING BLOCK 29420001861 盘 C24CB-24CB009 3110901305 螺母 29050027201 风扇轴支架加工部件C16AB-16AB001+A C02AB-7N6550 11221412 后车架电气总成 FXG6184-ZG 控制阀 28252001401 放大阀回油胶管 1005105B52D 4041002744 垫圈GB/T97.1-10-200HV-Y 4120004037002 涡轮组YJ280-8A-20000 29050028901 一字形螺丝批(世达62016) F4043000127 密封环 4110002513032 后车架附件 4190001376 配电箱塑料盖PZ30-15 29380020691 报警器 29010067621 COVER_UPR WA PUMP ROOM COVER 14409016 指针 4110000183002 发动机罩 F481CACF101005-160 6299000490 发动机总成YC4D80-T21(D7RG9) 16051472 驾驶室安装座YH 14658893 PLATE 3214551608-C 4120009376191 平衡铁1600 14880984 29090008751 车轮总成 3214550746 -C 29120024161 进水管加工部件47BB004 14552100 6216000658 PLATE_REINF INNER 14552097 28180005531 前车架 1002050-D807 4021000292 PLATE_SIDE LH 9011-11204 29170019981 DECAL 9011-11609 29010049821 发动机齿轮室后盖 490B 9011-21030 F66NB-31310 活塞环 4120006976 LG936L分体驾驶室 4110000509322 PLATE LH BTM 11219652 大流量型精密减压阀 VXF22AAZ2A 8230-19570 4130000423 发动机出水管 29310007703 主动齿轮轴21111008010 6105Q-1303015 4110000556094 支座14530451 HSGF-180*90*542-10 4110004063053 变速箱密封件包 F71M8-00960 地板垫皮 11217800 齿轮(Y38-1 M3.5Z28) 4180000230 变矩器-变速箱总成TP170 4110003909003 转向器BZZ5-E400C J7300001697D 左法兰盘 9563-20801 29240005191 接触器LC1D18 DC24V 4110015767136 右前侧围板 8230-12210 11217240 继电器座 54P 14501814 29310019841 法兰盖总成 8230-11410 4011015342 变速箱总成 8230-11400 29150027491 前地板垫皮 3214570166-B 26340004981 MOUNTING BASE 14512067 6410003444 LG918 OEM 3214564035-B 4110001923064 SEAT 14501457 29140008241 平地机润滑示意标志 9556-07000 29010033811 右前支承板 29120021501 气瓶保护罩总成MS101-01-01 14573790 LG2924002000 1 长吊环 26290014561 L955FC侧卸空调系统(国产风机) 7118-23520 29360014521 散热器总成 14506746 进气门座612630040075 JD3044-0160 29420002561 停用-胶管F3721CC9162010-1000 JD3044-0170 28030004071 中间输入轴 空调控制面板T20034-0390 4110000375090 热过载继电器 29150010221 进气接管611600110006 6900013196 软管LGB128-005033 14579519 F21NA-32600 LG6135E/LG6150E保养周期表 3010900184 导轮 14546058 6900017517 凸轮轴止推片1002538606 15128018 974682 发动机停止杆组件 1J818-5770-0 4110000145031 测针 A-5003-5254 GB16674-M10*20EpZn 4110003427025 套筒 霹雳马18mm 63825018 1/2 26240011081 0型圈19.3x2.2-NBR904120004444 4190001511 驾驶室附件 4043015531 发动机补水管C F11N1-90190 水泵及风扇支架总成1307030-1497/A 4190002508006 过渡钢管 29050025631 铲斗BG60 14566036 STC12C5A60S2 贴片单片机 Q/SC1294-14 FXKAH-00991F 缸盖24A070420 1545257 7200002206 承压板4644 308 071 937169 6212000897 SDLG LG6210E GPE Crawler Excavator 321174-01431-A 28130007431 22英寸风扇 321174-01410-B 4120000704 连杆B1220*100*113-46*124 2012-00931 F60-355 停车操纵机构 975112 4110003064026 活塞杆24A110950 3214543206-B 6410001938 仪表台线束 8240-03310 F902000861 龙工6235天窗玻璃 14516640 11218440 停用-胶管 9452-02223 F81E6-2017 Roller (VPM-Part) 14517071-A 3214618586 PRESS SCREW 14517070-A 4110000560176 右桥板 29240028811 燃油箱体 29260102111 外卡簧 4110000186235 稳定模块电磁插件R900763242 FTWE2KC3X/350AG24C4V- 26121001831 P-螺栓GB5782-M24*85-10.9 4110000561023 前车架 4120016619 齿轮 机器人用(键槽) 4043000669 球面衬套 26410002061 P-反光板 14654062 29140025221 前车架标识包 26141014561 枕巾 4043003990 轴(151)YD13 351 014 6294000009 台架支座 6900006400 918铲斗放置块 4110001100274 CAB_WA 4120002606024 BRACKET_WA 4190002907001 板 3214506997-C 29290031711 PLATE LH REINF MD 3214503269-C 4043015436 操作杆(细) 3214586933--C 4110001554013 右后侧PUR海绵30 14508096 26440000231 L型信号连接器3041371 1153-00300 11212443 上平板 14603275 26240010951 燃油管 13965180 9117-30168 接头 13951991 29280014111 LG953防粘铲斗(2.8m3) 14403782 WASHER_PLAIN 6263000005 回转接头总成 L0360W3114N03A1 beam 14640516-A 4130002840 停用-机油冷却器盖612600012909 9200001505 SDLG E6225F GPE Crawler Excavator 4110000565015 CONNECTOR 14880322-A 26330028181 角钢50×50×4×330 14522220-A 4110003324 角钢50*50*4 14594770 4110000529 螺钉GB70.1-M10*35flZnyc-10.9-480 8240-03610 11220337 割枪弹簧1.13.90579 14600787 26130012021 P-螺母GB812-M85*2 14596316 3901000067 接头GEO22LR1OMDA3C 14500037 26030002431 封板 14586932 28230012001 止推片 26330006251 前车架 14528721 29260010911 先导阀盖R908101240 14505743 11213153 取力器轴承合件 1036-00310 29100000461 轮叉架 U型 7117-34440 26030002031 负流量控制阀部件02.02.16.00078 29330064171 LG936L无机具装载机-03611115A29 14562924-B 4110002989021 橡胶套 8230-24600 29120037411 汽化器组件21222153 955926--- B076FY2234AA6E0 潍柴动力心组件WD10发动机612600900072 14532278 29050024731 变速泵至滤清器胶管 11216119 壳体螺栓-长总成(H型用) 4110004494 防尘圈VAW40*50*4 14529112 FZ0000548 胶管20411Y-30-12TZXGH781-12X950+HPS950 1164-20021 4110003226261 PLATE 11222155 销 3214530347-B LG9150000313 P-接头GEO12LR3/8OMDCF 14562925-A 4110001671051 PLATE_LH BOSS 14512822 4110002989087 螺母90012210001 3214880652 29130028271 套 13026795 Read the full article
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anantradingpvtltd · 2 years
Price: [price_with_discount] (as of [price_update_date] - Details) [ad_1] PRITOM Android 8 inch Kids Tablet,Quad Core Processor, 2GB RAM, 32GB ROM, HD IPS Screen, 2.0 Front + 8.0 MP Rear Camera,Parental Control,Kids Software Pre-Installed with Kids-Tablet Case(Dark Blue) [Kids-Benefit Apps & Google Play] - With pre-installed Pritom Kids app, variety of kids-benefit software are available with one click to install. For example, games for different purposes(educational, entertaining, two-player), useful tools(camera, calculator, browser), video resources(shows, learning, Music, Stories). What’s more, certified by GoogleMobile Service, numerous apps can be downloaded from Google Play.Pritom kids tablet also works well for adult.(Youtube, Facebook, Ins available) [Useful Parental Control] - With Pritom Kids, parents can customize setting for kids’ account.Several options such as time limit, statistics check, media content and applications filter helps parents make sure kids learning and playing safe content.Security between kids app and tablet interface keeps kids supervised. [Durable and Protective Bumper Case] - Food-grade silicone case cover tablet nicely.Keeps falls and collisions away from tablet and protect kids.360-degree adjustable circle stand enables kids to get excellent viewing experience from all angles and makes it easy to carry. [Advanced IPS Touch Screen & Excellent Speaker] - Featuring 1280x800 brilliant HD IPS display and a high-quality BOX speaker, Pritom L8 kids provide an outstanding visual experience.No mater watching video or video chatting, kids will enjoy themselves with Pritom L8 kids. [AR App for Kids] - Two AR app for kids: AR fun and AR Zoo. With several light game in AR fun, kids can get a roughly feeling of what AR is while playing game. Also, scanning the animal cards inside with AR Zoo, kids can learn about appearance and sound from variety of animals. [ad_2]
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activereferop · 2 years
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oddlywondrous · 6 years
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My urge to put this barrel to your face...this storm is swallowing my sanity...
[monso] - Minnie (Black & White) @ C88
.random.Matter. - Woojin Earrings (Gold)
Maitreya – Mesh Body – Lara V4.1
EVANI - Moon Bra (White)
.miss chelsea. - Alix Sweats (Black)
[VALE KOER] - Squid Attack Trainers (Black)
CATWA – HEAD – Catya V3.2
.random.Matter. - Eura Ears
.:[PUMEC]:. – Yesenia (January) @ Equal10
{ Speakeasy } - Beauty Tattoo @ L8 (new!)
Bossie. - Fearless Eyelashes
Avi-Glam – Grace Eyes (14)
Mug - Blossom Facepaint (GG)
DAZED - Screamed Matte Lips
FOXCITY - Play Ball
Lady Wondrous
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huntertherapyeras · 3 years
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what kind of gymnastics do they do?
women's artistic gymnastics! they are jo level 8s (out of the 10 levels - at "only" level 8, they're already too "old" *eyeroll* to have a chance at being olympians, but all anne and marcy both want to be college gymnasts, and sasha will go along with whatever anne and marcy do [plus his mom really still wants him to be an olympian but will "settle" for ngaic])
who's best at it?
complicated question! i guess sasha is the most well-rounded skill wise, she doesn't have as many limitations going into the story (his deafblindness develops later). sasha gets good scores on all events and is actually the most advanced skill wise (he has all of her level 9 skills already, where marcy is struggling with release skills on bars and power on vault for their current level [8] and anne is still relearning her l8 bars skills [video is an example] due to her arm injury).
who likes to try new things the most?
oh, definitely anne!!! she's totally fearless! sasha doesn't like failing at things, which is usually HOW you initially progress, and is also somewhat scared of beam acro, and marcy is a little wary of specifically new bar skills because this stuff doesn't come naturally to them. the only thing stopping anne is arm pain at this point. she'll push herself to her limits and keep pushing past that most of the time. (which is something they all do to some extent or another, but yeah...)
are any of them perfectionist when it comes to getting moves down?
all of them are to an extent!
marcy gets tired easily but takes a LOT of pride in their artistry, so they work really hard at their dance especially. they'd probably actually do better as a lyrical dancer, but alas, that is not their special interest lmao. but they also tend to overdo skills when they finally DO get them out of excitement!
anne picks up skills quickly, but her form can be sloppy which brings her scores down. she'll practice a skill to death (has great endurance) but still forgets tight legs and pointed toes, especially during practices (drives her coaches up the wall, they really drill her about it)
sasha... kind of has a "have to do it perfectly right away or it's a complete failure" attitude. he tends to pout if he doesn't pick something up right away, especially because things do tend to come naturally to her.
thanks so much for indulging me, laz! this is so exciting!!!
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authorincrisis · 6 years
writing dialogue
The dialogue in your story is crucial to several factors that ultimately define the tale, including but not limited to character development, plot advancement, and description. It is one of the three main components of writing and should most definitely be kept in mind when proceeding with your tasks. Below, I've written some things to keep in mind when you are allowing your characters to converse and strategies that can help with accomplishing those goals.
1) Conversations should be natural and consistent: Nothing should sound like something your character wouldn't say. For example, if your protagonist is meant to be serious and dark, they shouldn't be saying 'OMG, L8S ALIG8ERS, SEE Y'ALL RIGHT AFTER I FINISH MY HOURLY STARBUCKS RUN AFTER PILATES AT THREE. LUV YA AAAHHHHH!' every three seconds. Yes, characters are complex and have unique moments depending on the circumstance, but even with that, they must remain consistent. Another note regarding this is that if your character does not sound natural or human, something must be altered.
2) Characters should have their own voices: If they all begin to sound monotone and the same, your story likely is as well. Everyone has a different thinking/speaking process, and that should accompany them throughout the tale. (I mean, life isn't one character, is it? Imagine how horrid it would be if we were all just one)
3) Avoid small talk: You should definitely keep in some moments that show your characters are still human but if it isn't necessary towards understanding/advancing the plot or characters, get rid of it. No one wants to hear about Carter's new bedsheets, regardless of what snazzy patterns they have.
4) DIalogue is important, but it isn't the whole story: Let actions show what happens rather than your character talking it all out. Better yet, mix them (narration + dialogue) for the best effect.
5) Don't always use names: It isn't natural. Only do this when capturing another character's attention or to make a point.
6) Using said is okay: We don't always scream, fume, pout, or sob. Sometimes, we just say, and that is completely okay! (More natural too) If not, however, here's a post that can help.
7) Stutter Realistically: "I-I d-d-don't e-ev-ever st-stutter l-like th-this-is. Instead, this is how I - how I stutter."
8) Remember your dialogue tags: If you cannot tell who is speaking, it's time to plug one of them in. It doesn't hurt to add a 'Sarah said' from time to time so go ahead and do it! Maybe you know what you're talking about inside of your mind, but your audience doesn't.
9) Don't talk too much: Sometimes, actions are stronger than words. If instinct calls for it, do it.
10) Proper punctuation: This is very important for readers, publishers, yourself, everybody. Here's a quick guide that can help.
If you are struggling with any of these, the best way for a fix is to just read your writing out loud. From there, pick out lines and phrases, highlight them, and go off. Make changes as you recall previous interactions in your head and keep working on fitting it into the description and narration. Watch out for the things above and repeat this for as long as you need - in my experience, it usually makes for a pretty good session. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask and as always, I hope that this could help. Cheers!
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kilolojenkinsinsl · 7 years
Pick Me Up
So I was running out of the house to go catch up with my wifey so we could try to hang out since I hadn’t seen her in a few days.  And just as I hit the stairs, I ran into my hottie neighbor. Figures I’d fall for him (quite literally) on first glance. *rolls eyes* Thank the heavens that chivalry isn’t dead! I declare! Why thank you, kind sir.  *flutters my peepers* ❤ Miss Kilo DEETS On Me Dress:…
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kpopboysreact · 5 years
My Album Collection
Under the cut! You can always ask me about what comes with albums or anything about any of the albums I have; I always purchase them brand new with whatever photocards/merchandise comes in the original packaging. I’ll edit this list continuously as my collection expands...because we all know it will.
1.    Good Luck – Week Version
2.    Good Luck – Weened Version
3.    Angel’s Knock – Gold Version
1.    Rise Up
2.    Dream Pt. 1 – Day Version
1.    Treasure Ep. 1: All to Zero
2.    Treasure Ep. 2: Zero to One
Bang Yongguk
1.    BangYongguk – Normal Version
2.    BangYongguk – Limited Version
1.    Carnival
2.    Blue – A Version
3.    Blue – B Version
4.    Rose – A Version
5.    Rose – B Version
6.    Noir – Limited Yongguk Version
7.    Noir – Limited Youngjae Version
8.    Matrix (All Members Signed)
9.    First Sensibility
10.  Matrix Repackage – A Version
11.  Matrix Repackage – R Version
12.  Ego
13.  Carnival Repackage
14.  Badman
15.  No Mercy Ultimate Edition
16.  Wake Me Up Web Limited Edition
17.  Unplugged 2014
1.    MADE
2.    GD&TOP
3.    Still Alive – Special G Dragon Edition
4.    GD&TOP High High – Gold Version
5.    Alive – Daesung Version
6.    Alive (Repackage) – Group Version
1.    Square Up – Black Version
2.    Square Up – Pink Version
3.    Kill This Love – Black Version
4.    Kill This Love – Pink Version
Block B
1.    Blooming Period
2.    H.E.R (I)
3.    H.E.R (II)
4.    Montage
5.    Re:MONTAGE
6.    Toy – Limited Zico Japanese Version
1.    Wonderland (signed by one member, Kwangmin)
1.    Complete (I)
2.    Complete (II)
3.    This is Us – See Version
4.    This is Us – Feel Version
5.    Press Play
6.    Hour Moment – Hour Version
1.    Young Forever – Night Version
2.    Young Forever – Day Version
3.    Young Forever – Day Version (All Members Signed)
4.    Wings – W Version
5.    Wings – I Version
6.    Wings – N Version
7.    Wings – G Version
8.    Wings Concept Book
9.    You Never Walk Alone – Left Version
10.  You Never Walk Alone – Right Version
11.  Danger – Japanese Single Album
12.  The Most Beautiful Moment in Life Pt. 1 – White Version
13.  The Most Beautiful Moment in Life Pt. 1 – Pink Version
14.  The Most Beautiful Moment in Life Pt. 2 – Pink Version
15.  The Most Beautiful Moment in Life Pt. 2 – Blue Version
16.  Love Yourself: Her – L Version
17.  Love Yourself: Her – O Version
18.  Love Yourself: Her – V Version
19.  Love Yourself: Her – E Version
20.  Skool Luv Affair
21.  O! R U L8, 2?
22.  O! R U L8 2? (All Members Signed)
23.  2 Cool 4 Skool
24.  Dark & Wild
25.  Love Yourself: Tear – Y Version
26.  Love Yourself: Tear – O Version
27.  Love Yourself: Tear – U Version
28.  Love Yourself: Tear – R Version
29.  Face Yourself
30.  Face Yourself – Limited A Version
31.  Face Yourself – Limited B Version
32.  Face Yourself – Limited C Version
33.  Love Yourself: Answer – S Version
34.  Love Yourself: Answer – E Version
35.  Love Yourself: Answer – L Version
36.  Love Yourself: Answer – F Version
37.  Skool Luv Affair – Special Limited Edition
38.  The Notes – English Version
39.  Happy Ever After 4thMuster
1.    Rollin’ – Black Version
2.    Rollin’ – Gray Version
1.    Shock of the New Era
2.    Time
3.    Mastermind
1.    Question (All Members Signed)
2.    Black Dress
3.    No. 1
1.    Daydream
2.    Sunrise
3.    The Day
4.    Moonrise – Silver Moon Version
5.    Moonrise – Gold Moon Version
6.    Shoot Me: Youth Pt. 1 – Bullet Version
7.    Shoot Me: Youth Pt. 2 – Trigger Version
8.    If – Mata Aetara
9.    If – Mata Aetara (Limited Edition)
10.  Remember Us: Youth Pt. 2 – Rew Version
11.  Remember Us: Youth Pt. 2 – FF Version
12.  The Best Moments – Every Day6 Finale Concert
1.    130 Mood: Trbl
Epik High
1.    Shoebox
2.    We’ve Done Something Wonderful
3.    Lovescream
4.    Remixing the Human Soul
5.    Epilogue
6.    Pieces, Part One
1.    Full Moon
2.    Eclipse
3.    Street
4.    Do it Tomorrow
5.    Ah Yeah (I)
6.    Ah Yeah (II)
7.    I Love You
1.    Universe
2.    XOXO – Korean Kiss Version
3.    XOXO – Chinese Hug Version
4.    XOXO Repackage – Korean Version
5.    Love Me Right – Korean Version Repackage
6.    Overdose – Korean Version
7.    The Power of Music Repackage – Korean Version
8.    For Life – Korean Version
9.    For Life – Korean Version (all members signed)
10.  Mama – Korean Version
11.  Mama – Chinese Version
12.  The War – Korean A Version
13.  The War – Korean B Version
14.  The War – Korean Private Version
15.  Exodus – Korean D.O. Version
16.  Exodus – Korean Lay Version
17.  Exodus – Korean Baekhyun Version
18.  Exodus – Korean Chen Version
19.  Exodus – Korean Suho Version
20.  Exodus – Korean Xiumin Version
21.  Exodus – Korean Chanyeol Version
22.  Exodus – Korean Sehun Version
23.  Exodus – Korean Tao Version
24.  Exodus – Korean Kai Version
25.  Miracles in December – Chinese Version
26.  Miracles in December – Korean version
27.  Ex’act – Chinese Monster Version
28.  Ex’act – Chinese Lucky One Version
29.  Lotto Repackage – Korean Version
30.  Sing for You – Korean Lay Version
31.  Sing for You – Korean Kai Version
32.  Sing for You – Korean Xiumin Version
33.  Sing for You – Korean Baekhyun Version
34.  Sing for You – Korean D.O. Version
35.  Sing for You – Korean Chen Version
36.  Sing for You – Korean Sehun Version
37.  Sing for You – Korean Chanyeol Version
38.  Sing for You – Korean Suho Version
39.  Don’t Mess Up My Tempo – Allegro Version
40.  Don’t Mess Up My Tempo – Moderato Version
41.  Don’t Mess Up My Tempo – Andante Version
42.  Don’t Mess Up My Tempo – Vivace Version
43.  Love Shot – Love Version
44.  Love Shot – Shot Version
1.    CBX: Hey Mama! – Baekhyun Version
2.    CBX: Hey Mama! – Xiumin Version
3.    CBX: Hey Mama! – Chen Version
4.    Blooming Days – Days Version
1.    Loca
FT Island
1.    Where’s the Truth? – Truth Version
2.    Over 10 Years
1.    Pink Tape
2.    Red Light – Wild Cat B Version
1.    Sunny Summer
Girls’ Generation
1.    The Boys
2.    Japan 1stAlbum Limited Edition
3.    Love & Peace Deluxe Edition
4.    Holiday Night
1.    Flight Log: Arrival – Ever Version
2.    Flight Log: Departure – Rose Quartz Version
3.    Flight Log: Departure – Serenity Version
4.    Flight Log: Turbulence
5.    Got It?
6.    Just Right
7.    Eyes on You – Eyes Version
8.    Present: You
9.    7 for 7 – Magic Hour Version
10.  Present: You and Me – Forever Version
11.  Present: You and Me – Miracle Version
12.  Present: You and Me – You&Me Version
13.  Mad – Horizontal Version
14.  Mad – Vertical Version
15.  New Era – Version A
16.  Identity
1.    New Action
1.    I Am
2.    I Made
G Dragon
1.    Kwon Jiyong
2.    One of a Kind – Bronze Version
3.    Heartbreaker
1.    Wish & Wind – Limited Edition
Hello Venus
1.    Would You Like Some Tea?
1.    Following – EP
2.    Thanx Single Lip & Hip
3.    Melting
4.    Awesome
1.    Season 2
2.    Reality
3.    Top Secret
4.    Destiny
5.    The Origin – Limited Edition
1.    New Kids: Continue – Red Version
2.    New Kids: Continue – Blue Version
3.    Welcome Back – Half Red Version
4.    Welcome Back – Full Red Version
5.    Return – Black Version
6.    Return – Red Version
7.    Dumb and Dumber – Japanese Single Album
8.    New Kids: The Final – Red Version
9.    The New Kids Repackage – Black Version
10.  The New Kids Repackage – Red Version
Chrysalis – Special Limited Edition
1.    Palette
2.    Chat-shire (Signed)
Jay Park
1.    Everything You Wanted
2.    Evolution
3.    New Breed
4.    Count on Me
1.    Fantasy – White Version
2.    Fantasy – Black Version
3.    True Colors – Volume II-II (signed by one member, Yongguk)
1.    Solo
2.    Solo (Signed)
1.    Un2verse
JJ Project
1.    Verse #2
1.    She Is
2.    Poet|Artist
1.    The Beginning
2.    Just Us
1.    Hola Hola
2.    You & Me
3.    You & Me (All Members Signed)
4.    Ride on the Wind
1.    Knock
2.    Knock (All Members Signed))
1.    Between Us
1.    Sheep
2.    Namanana
1.    Skirmish
1.    Canvas
1.    Girls’ Invasion
1.    Yolo
1.    Purple – A Version
2.    White Wind
1.    Love Beat
1.    XX – A Version
2.    XX – B Version
1.    Minzy Work 01 Uno – EP
Miss A
1.    Hush
1.    The MOBB – Mino Version
2.    The MOBB – Bobby Version
1.    Bboom Bboom – Japanese Single
Monsta X
1.    Trespass
2.    The Clan Part 1: Lost
3.    The Clan Part 2: Guilty – Guilty Version
4.    The Clan Part 2: Guilty – Innocent Version
5.    Rush – Official Version
6.    Rush – Secret Version
7.    The Code – Protocol Terminal Version
8.    The Code – DE:CODE Version
9.    Shine Forever Repackage – Shine Forever Version
10.  Shine Forever Repackage – Complete Clan Version
11.  Beautiful Repackage – Beautiful Version
12.  Beautiful Repackage – Brilliant Version
13.  Beautiful Repackage – Beside Version
14.  The Connect: Dejavu – I Version
15.  The Connect: Dejavu – I Version (all members signed)
16.  The Connect: Dejavu – II Version
17.  The Connect: Dejavu – III Version
18.  The Connect: Dejavu – IV Version
19.  Are You There? – I Version
20.  Are You There? – II Version
21.  Are You There? – III Version
22.  Are You There? – IV Version
23.  We Are Here – I Version
24.  We Are Here – II Version
25.  We Are Here – III Version
26.  We Are Here – IV Version
27.  Season’s Greetings – 2019
1.    127: Cherry Bomb
2.    127: Limitless
3.    127: Regular Irregular – Regular Version
4.    127: Regular Irregular – Irregular Version
5.    127: #NCT 127
6.    2018: Empathy – Dream Version
1.    Action
Nu’est W
1.    Who, You – Who Version
2.    Who, You – You Version
3.    W, Here – Portrait Version
4.    W, Here – Still Life Version
N Flying
1.    The Real
2.    The Hottest
Oh My Girl
1.    Coloring Book – EP
Orange Caramel
1.    Lipstick
1.    Five Senses
2.    Demo_1
3.    Demo_2
4.    Positive
5.    Ceremony
6.    Thumbs Up!
7.    Genie:Us
8.    Genie:US (All Members Signed)
1.    Psy 6
1.    R.Eal1ze
2.    R.ook Book
Red Velvet
1.    Perfect Velvet
2.    Rookie – EP
3.    Summer Magic – Limited Irene Edition
4.    Summer Magic – Limited Seulgi Edition
5.    Summer Magic – Limited Wendy Edition
6.    Summer Magic – Limited Joy Edition
7.    Summer Magic – Limited Yeri Edition
8.    RBB
9.    The Velvet
The Rose
1.    Void
2.    Sorry EP
3.    Dawn
4.    Dawn (all members signed)
Roy Kim
1.    Blooming Season – EP
2.    Home
3.    Rochestra
4.    The Great Dipper
1.    One
Sam Kim
1.    I Am Sam (signed)
2.    Sun and Moon
1.    17 Carat
2.    Going Seventeen – Make it Happen Version
3.    Going Seventeen – Make a Wish Version
4.    Going Seventeen – Make the Seventeen Version
5.    Boys Be
6.    Love & Letter Repackage – Love Version
7.    Love & Letter Repackage – Letter Version
8.    First Love
9.    AI1 – Version 1: Alone [01]
10.  AI1 – Version 2 AI1 [03]
11.  Al1 – Version 3: All [13] (All Members Signed)
12.  Director’s Cut – Sunset Version
13.  Director’s Cut – Plot Version
14.  Teen, Age – RS Version
15.  Teen, Age – Orange Version
16.  Teen, Age – Green Version
17.  Teen, Age – White Version
18.  You Make My Day – Meet Version
19.  You Make My Day – Follow Version
20.  You Make My Day – Set the Sun Version
21.  You Made My Dawn – Before Dawn Version
22.  You Made My Dawn – Dawn Version
23.  You Made My Dawn – Eternal Sunshine Version
1.    Feeling Sensation
2.    Breaking Sensation
3.    Burning Sensation
4.    Sensuous – Hidden Emotion Version
5.    Sensuous – Exploded Emotion Version
6.    Mamma Mia
7.    Knights of the Sun
8.    Narcissus – Emptiness Version
9.    Narcissus – Temptation Version
1.    1 of 1 Cassette
2.    Sherlock
3.    1 of 1 (All Members Signed)
4.    The Misconceptions of Me (Us Repackage)
5.    The Misconceptions of You (Us Repackage)
6.    The Misconceptions of Us
7.    The Misconceptions of You
8.    ODD – Version B
9.    The Story of Light – Version 1
10.  The Story of Light – Version 2
11.  The Story of Light – Version 3
12.  The Story of Light – Epilogue
1.    Shake It – Hyolyn Version
SM The Ballad
1.    Breath
Song Jieun
1.    25
1.    What U
2.    Speed Circus
1.    Marionette
Stray Kids
1.    Mixtape
2.    I Am Not – I Am Version
3.    I Am Not – Not Version
4.    I Am Who – I Am Version
5.    I Am Who – Who Version
6.    I Am You – I Am Version
7.    I Am You – You Version
8.    Clé 1: MIROH – Clé Version
9.    Clé 1: MIROH – MIROH Version
1.    Warning
Super Junior
1.    Devil
2.    One More Time – Special Limited Edition
Super Junior D&E
1.    ‘Bout You – Donghae Version
1.    Fever’s End, Pt. 1 – EP
1.    Rise
1.    Why
Teen Top
1.    Seoul Night – B Version
1.    Lips on Lips
Triple H
1.    199X
2.    Retro Futurism
1.    Twinkle
1.    Catch Me: The World Tour in Seoul
2.    Spellbound Repackage
3.    Mirotic – Version A
4.    Mirotic – Version B
5.    Share the World
6.    Christmas Gift
7.    Keep Your Head Down limited version (All Members Signed)
8.    Keep Your Head Down limited version
9.    Humanoids
10.  Rise as God – Changmin Version
11.  Catch Me! – Special Edition
1.    Page Two – Mint Version
2.    Page Two – Pink Version
3.    The Story Begins
4.    Twicecoaster – Neon Magenta Version
5.    Twicecoaster: Lane 2
6.    Yes or Yes – Version B
7.    Yes or Yes – Version C
8.    Signal – B Version
9.    Twicetagram – Version A
10.  Twicetagram – Version B
11.  Twicetagram – Version C
1.    The Dream Chapter: Star
1.    DoraDora
1.    Stardom
1.    Identity
2.    Time of Sorrow
1.    Eternity
2.    Zelos
3.    Hades
4.    Kratos
5.    Rock Ur Body
6.    Voodoo
7.    Birth Flower
8.    Birth Stone
9.    Error
10.  Chained Up – Control Version
11.  Chained Up – Freedom Version
12.  LR: Beautiful Liar – Regular Version (I)
13.  LR: Beautiful Liar – Regular Version (II)
14.  LR: Beautiful Liar – Character Version
15.  LR: Whisper
16.  Eau de VIXX – Red Version
17.  Eau de VIXX – Black Version
18.  Hyde (All Members Signed)
19.  Boys’ Record (I)
20.  Boys’ Record (II)
Wanna One
1.    0+1=1 – Night Version
2.    0+1=1 – Day Version
3.    To Be One – Pink Version
4.    To Be One – Sky Version
1.    S/S – Black Version
2.    Fate Number For – Seoul Version
3.    Fate Number For – LA Version
4.    Our Twenty For – Youth Version
5.    Our Twenty For – Dream Version
6.    EXIT: E – Shoreditch (S) Version
7.    EXIT: E – Alexandra Palace (A) Version
8.    Everyd4y – Day Version
9.    Everyd4y – Night Version
10.  Everyd4y – Japanese Mino Limited Edition
11.  Millions – Blue Light Version
12.  Millions – White Light Version
1.    Yesterday
2.    Xignature
3.    Flower
4.    Tarantallegra
1.    The First Scene
1.    Television
2.    Gallery
Zion T.
1.    Red Light
1.    Don’t Want To – Single (All Members Signed)
1.    No.5 – Day Version
2.    Gentleman’s Game – Limited Edition
1.    Addiction
2.    Super Fly (All Members Signed)
3.    Bonnie N Clyde
1.    The Second Mini Album
1.    Life+Unconsciousness
1.    Act 7
2.    Crazy – The 6th Mini Album
1.    Muses Diary
Waiting On (In the Mail)
1)   Zico – Zico (Special Edition)
2)   Zico – Television (Special Edition)
3)   RAINZ – Shake You Up
4)   Block B – Very Good
5)   LOONA – Chuu
6)   NCT #127 – The 1stAlbum Repackage (Taeyong Version)
7)   BAP – Noir Normal Version
8)   BLACKPINK – Kill This Love (Black Version)
9)   BLACKPINK – Kill This Love (Pink Version)
10) BTS – Map of the Soul: Persona A Version
11) BTS – Map of the Soul: Persona B Version
12) BTS – Map of the Soul: Persona C Version
13) BTS – Map of the Soul: Persona D Version
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aion-rsa · 3 years
Star Wars Movie and TV Release Date Calendar
The future of Star Wars is secure. The end of the Skywalker Saga didn’t mean the end of the story of the galaxy far, far away. It just meant countless new possibilities, both on the big and small screens. In fact, Disney has already announced more than a dozen live-action and animated projects that explore other corners of the Star Wars universe, from adventures starring the brave X-wing pilots and clone troopers on the front lines of countless wars to tales of bounty hunters and even the Sith. And plenty more in between!
This post is where we’ll keep track of all the upcoming Star Wars movie and TV releases as they’re announced and release dates are set. Hit the links in each entry to read articles that tell you more about what you need to know about all these new Star Wars adventures!
Stream your Star Wars favorites right here!
First up are the movies but scroll down for TV release dates…
Upcoming Star Wars Movies
Rogue Squadron
December 22, 2023
Director: Patty Jenkins
Disney confirmed during an Investors Day presentation in Dec. 2020 that the first Star Wars movie to follow The Rise of Skywalker is Rogue Squadron, a movie that “will introduce a new generation of starfighter pilots as they earn their wings and risk their lives in a boundary-pushing, high-speed thrill-ride, and move the saga into the future era of the galaxy.”
Wonder Woman‘s Patty Jenkins will direct, making her the first woman to helm a Star Wars movie. We’re very excited about this!
Read more about Rogue Squadron here.
Untitled Taika Waititi Star Wars Movie
Director: Taika Waititi
Writer: Taika Waititi and Krysty Wilson-Cairns
After his stint directing (and voice acting) on The Mandalorian, Taika Waititi will return for a big screen offering!
“Taika’s approach to Star Wars will be fresh, unexpected, and…unique,” said Lucasfilm president Kathleen Kennedy in a statement in 2020. “His enormous talent and sense of humor will ensure that audiences are in for an unforgettable ride.”
There’s very little in the way of actual details right now, not even a release date yet, but we’ll be keeping a careful eye on this as it develops.
Untitled Kevin Feige Star Wars Movie
Writer: Michael Waldron
Marvel Cinematic Universe steward Kevin Feige has been the last decade building a multi-billion-dollar superhero blockbuster powerhouse for Disney, so it’s no surprise the House of Mouse is giving the producer a crack at its other big sci-fi franchise. Feige is developing a new Star Wars movie with Kathleen Kennedy, and Loki creator and head writer is penning the script. And that’s all we know about this sure-to-be-massive Star Wars picture.
Untitled J.D. Dillard Star Wars Movie
Director: J.D. Dillard
Writer: Matt Owens
Reports of a new Star Wars movie from Sleight director J.D. Dillard and Luke Cage writer Matt Owens first hit the internet in Feb. 2020. We don’t know much about this movie or when it’ll premiere. Could this be an exclusive Disney+ movie?
Read more about this movie here.
Rian Johnson’s Star Wars Trilogy
As far as we know, The Last Jedi director Rian Johnson is still working on his own Star Wars trilogy. All we know about these movies is that they will take place in previously unexplored areas of the Star Wars universe, and will kick off a brand new saga of films completely unrelated to the Skywalker story. We wrote in more detail about what that might mean for the franchise right here.
On the other hand, maybe Johnson’s recent comments about what a mistake it is to pander to fans are an indication that his relationship with Disney has soured. He also happens to be working on multiple sequels for a little franchise called Knives Out. Those are probably taking up a bit of his time, no? Read more about this new Star Wars trilogy here.
Upcoming Star Wars TV Shows
After the success of The Mandalorian, it should come as no surprise that there are way more Star Wars TV series coming to Disney+ in the next few years. Here’s what you have to look forward to…
Sept. 22, 2021
Animation Studios: Kamikaze Douga, Geno Studio, Studio Colorido, Trigger, Kinema Citrus, Science Saru, and Production IG
This new anime anthology series is one of the most unique Star Wars projects yet. Lucasfilm has brought in several big Japanese animation companies to produce their own takes on the galaxy far, far away. The nine short film collected in Visions cover many different corners of the universe, from tales about the Jedi and Sith to the adventures of a cute little droid, each with its own distinct art style. Boba Fett is in there, too! More like this, please.
Lego Star Wars Terrifying Tales
Oct. 1, 2021
Director: Ken Cunningham
Writer: David Shayne
Starring: Jake Green as Poe Dameron; Raphael Alejandro as Dean; Dana Snyder as Graballa the Hutt; Tony Hale as Vaneé; Christian Slater as Ren; Trevor Devall as Emperor Palpatine; and Mary Elizabeth McGlynn as NI-L8
Loved last year’s Lego Star Wars Holiday Special and want more of that, please? No? Too bad. We’re getting more Lego Star Wars shenanigans this year, but this time Poe and BB-8 must confront the spooky season. The premise actually doesn’t sound all that bad: after the events of The Rise of Skywalker, Poe and his trusty droid must make an emergency landing on the volcanic planet of Mustafar, where they’ll venture deep into Darth Vader’s old castle and encounter and ancient evil that must be stopped. Could be good!
The Book of Boba Fett
Christmas 2021
Executive Producers: Jon Favreau, Dave Filoni & Robert Rodriguez
Starring: Temuera Morrison, Ming-Na Wen
Boba Fett is back and getting his own spin-off series set within the timeline of The Mandalorian. The show will also star Boba’s new partner, the deadly assassin Fennec Shand!
The Book of Boba Fett has wrapped filming and is slated to premiere in Christmas 2021. Robert Rodriguez, who directed Boba Fett’s return in The Mandalorian season 2, will exec produce alongside Favreau and Filoni.
The Mandalorian Season 3
Executive Producers: Jon Favreau & Dave Filoni
Starring: Pedro Pascal, Carl Weathers, Gina Carano, Katee Sackhoff
The Mandalorian season 3 went into pre-production in 2020 and is set to film in Fall 2021, now that work on The Book of Boba Fett is complete. That means we won’t see this one until the second half of 2022 at the earliest.
The Bad Batch Season 2
Director: Brad Rau
Writers: Jennifer Corbett & Matt Michnovetz
The Bad Batch is set directly after the events of Order 66. The rise of the Empire has led to the destruction of the Jedi, and as we learned in the first action-packed season, the imminent end of the clone army. Grand Moff Tarkin wants to replace the clones with a new, more obedient human army and Clone Force 99 isn’t too happy about it. Now on the run from the new galactic order, Hunter, Tech, Wrecker, Echo, and new member Omega must find their new place in a galaxy that no longer seems to want them.
The first season ended on a massive cliffhanger that could have huge implications for storylines coming up in the live-action universe. We can’t wait to see what season 2 has in store.
Read more about The Bad Batch here.
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Director: Deborah Chow
Writer: Hossein Amini, Joby Harold
Starring: Ewan McGregor, Hayden Christensen, Moses Ingram, Joel Edgerton, Bonnie Piesse, Kumail Nanjiani, Indira Varma, Rupert Friend, O’Shea Jackson Jr., Sung Kang, Simone Kessell, and Benny Safdie
Ewan McGregor is finally returning to the role of Obi-Wan Kenobi in a series set between Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope. The Jedi Master has settled into his life as an exile on Tatooine, where he’s watching over Luke Skywalker from afar. Will his next adventure take him off-world or is he going to have to protect a defenseless village from raiders Toshiro Mifune style?
Here’s what we know about the plot: “The series begins 10 years after the dramatic events of Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith where he faced his greatest defeat, the downfall and corruption of his best friend and Jedi apprentice, Anakin Skywalker turned evil Sith Lord Darth Vader.”
Hayden Christensen is returning to play Vader, which is very exciting!
Writer: Tony Gilroy
Starring: Diego Luna, Alan Tudyk, Genevieve O’Reilly, Stellan Skarsgard, Denise Gough, Kyle Stoller
There’s a Rogue One spinoff series starring Rebel secret agent Cassian Andor coming to Disney+! According to the press release, “The rousing spy thriller will explore tales filled with espionage and daring missions to restore hope to a galaxy in the grip of a ruthless Empire.” This sounds very good.
This series was set to film in early 2020, but Covid-19 pandemic delayed the show. It finally wrapped filming in August 2021.
The Acolyte
Executive Producer & Writer: Leslye Headland
Russian Doll co-creator Leslye Headland is developing a new series called The Acolyte, which is set during the High Republic era, a time period that predates even The Phantom Menace. The series is said to be “female-centric” and seems to be a darker Star Wars story than what we’re used to seeing on screen.
Lucasfilm describes the show as “a mystery-thriller that will take the audience into a galaxy of shadowy secrets and emerging dark side powers in the final days of the High Republic era.” Sounds intriguing!
We have some theories as to what the show could be about here.
Executive Producers: Jon Favreau & Dave Filoni
Writer: Dave Filoni
Starring: Rosario Dawson
Described as a limited series that continues the story of Ahsoka Tano after the events of The Mandalorian season 2 episode “The Jedi,” Ahsoka will likely bring the beloved hero one step closer to finding her missing Jedi friend Ezra Bridger and taking down Grand Admiral Thrawn once and for all.
Rangers of the New Republic
Executive Producers: Jon Favreau & Dave Filoni
We don’t know anything about this show except that it’s set within The Mandalorian timeline and will “intersect with future stories and culminate into a climactic story event.” It sounds like Star Wars may be on its way to having its first big TV crossover.
That said, recent reports suggest this show’s been put on hold due to the dismissal of Gina Carano, who was said to star on the show as Republic marshal Cara Dune. At the very least, it’ll likely be a while before we finally see this one.
Writer: Justin Simien
The smoothest scoundrel in the galaxy is finally getting his own event series on Disney+. It’s currently unclear whether this series will follow the younger Lando played by Donald Glover or the original one played by Billy Dee Williams. Maybe it’ll star both?!
A Droid Story
This animated TV movie will follow C-3PO and R2-D2 as well as introduce a new hero to the Star Wars galaxy. That’s all we know at the moment!
cnx.cmd.push(function() { cnx({ playerId: "106e33c0-3911-473c-b599-b1426db57530", }).render("0270c398a82f44f49c23c16122516796"); });
The post Star Wars Movie and TV Release Date Calendar appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/3fcTMbQ
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konnraelectronics · 5 years
Communication Connectors Classification and Application
The electrical connector allows current to be circulated in a circuit that is blocked or isolated, allowing the circuit to perform its intended function. Some connectors are made in the form of ordinary sockets and are widely recognized and used in the cable industry.
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(Image from the internet)
The classification of electrical connectors has been confusing for many years, and each manufacturer has its own classification methods and standards. In 1989, the National Electronic Distributors Association (NEDA) presided over the development of a set of standards called "Levels of Packaging". According to this standard, communication connectors typically use a 4-level connector. But the level is only used to learn and classify the connector. In practice, the connector is rarely talked about according to the above level, but it is named according to the appearance of the connector and the structure of the connection (the name of the electrical connector of different structure is determined by Specific specifications are generally specified in the international general; in general, connectors of different structures have different application ranges). The connection of the communication network often depends on the media used, so the connectors are usually discussed in terms of different connection media, connections and applications.
1. Multi-wire cable connector
Multi-wire cable connectors include DB connectors and DIX connectors as well as DIN connectors.
DB type connector includes DB-9, DB-15, DB-25 connector, which is used to connect serial device and parallel cable, which is divided into male terminal and female terminal. DB in DB25 represents D connector. The number 25 represents the number of pins of the connector. The DB25 connector is a common device for current microcomputer and line interfaces.
DIX connector: its appearance is like a DB-15 connector. It is connected with a slider when it is connected, and the DB15 is fixed by screws when it is connected, and is often used to connect a thick cable Ethernet.
DIN connector: There are different pins and pin arrangement in the DIN connector, which is generally used in connection with Macintosh and AppleTalk networks.
2. Twisted pair connector
Twisted pair connection includes two types of connectors: RJ45 and RJ11.RJ are interfaces for describing the public telecommunication network. In the past 4 categories, 5 categories, 5 categories, and even 6 types of wiring, the RJ is used. Type interface.
RJ11 connector: It is a telephone line type connector that supports 2 lines and 4 lines, and is generally used for user telephone line access.
RJ45 connector: a connector of the same type, jack type, larger than the RJ11 connector, and supports 8 lines, is a common name for the standard 8-bit modular interface, and is mostly used for connecting twisted pairs in the network. . Since the circuits used are balanced transmitters and receivers, they have high common mode rejection.
3. Coaxial cable connector
The coaxial cable connector includes a T connector and a BNC connector and a terminating resistor.
T connector: used to connect coaxial cable and BNC connector.
BNC connector: BayoNette bayonet barrel connector for connecting the network segment to the BNC connector. The rapid growth of the communications and computer markets and the combination of communication technology and computer technology have become major factors in stimulating the growth in demand for coaxial connectors. Since the coaxial cable and the T-connector are connected by BNC connectors, the BNC connector market is optimistic for the industry.
Terminator: The cable requires a terminator. The terminator is a special type of connector. It has a carefully selected resistor that matches the characteristics of the network cable. Each terminator must be grounded.
The N-type connector is used in the thick cable Ethernet. The workstation is not directly connected to the Ethernet network. Instead, it is connected to the transceiver through an AUI connector (DIX connector) using a transceiver.
RF coaxial connectors are divided into the following types:
Threaded connection type: such as: APC-7, N, TNC, SMA, SMC, L27, L16, L12, L8, L6 and other RF coaxial connectors. This type of connector has the characteristics of high reliability and good shielding effect, so it is the most widely used.
Bayonet connection type: such as BNC, C, Q9, Q6 and other RF coaxial connectors. This connector has the characteristics of convenient and fast connection, and is also the earliest application form of RF connector in the world.
In-line push connection type: such as SMB, SSMB, MCX, etc., the connector of the connection form has the characteristics of simple structure, compactness, small size, and easy miniaturization.
Serial communication is a widely used communication method. In serial communication, both parties to the communication are required to use a standard interface.
The connectors of the ISDN basic interface are all based on the ISO8877 standard. The standard specifies that the S interface standard connector is RJ-45 (8 core), the middle 4 cores are effective cores; the U interface connectors are not standard, some manufacturers use RJ-11, and some use RJ-45, which are intermediate Two cores are effective. The connectors of the G.703 interface in the digital transmission network are generally BNC (75 Ω) or RJ-45 (120 Ω), and sometimes a 9-pin interface is also used. The USB specification (Universal Serial Bus) is a connection standard that provides a universal connector (Type A and Type B) for all USB peripherals connected to a PC. These connectors will replace traditional external ports such as serial ports, game interfaces, parallel ports, and more.
In terms of integrated wiring, the previous four categories, five categories, and five categories, including the six types of wiring that have just been introduced, all use RJ type interfaces. Starting from the seven categories of standards, the division of RJ-type and non-RJ-type interfaces has appeared in the history of wiring. The Cat7 connector assembly (GG45-GP45) standard was unanimously adopted on March 22, 2002 (IEC60603-7-7), becoming a Category 7 standard connector and fully compatible with current RJ-45.
The selection includes the use of environmental conditions, electrical parameters, mechanical parameters, and termination methods. Specifically, it includes electrical parameter requirements, rated voltage, rated current, contact resistance, shielding, safety parameters, mechanical parameters, mechanical life, connection method, installation method and shape, environmental parameters, termination methods, and so on.
The development of electrical connectors has the following characteristics:
1. Develop in the direction of miniaturization, high density and high speed transmission;
2. Towards the development of high performance and high frequency technology;
3, high voltage, high current connector demand market is also very large;
4. The connector is also developing in the direction of anti-jamming technology, modular technology and lead-free technology.
In the case where the rate of the conventional parallel synchronous digital signal is to reach the limit, the high-speed serial mode is a good solution. It makes low voltage differential signaling (LVDS) the primary level standard for next generation high speed signals. The choice of high-speed connectors has also become a major problem to be solved by high-speed signal interconnection.
Konnra Electronics has analyzed the classification and application of communication connectors for the majority of users. We hope that everyone can gain something after reading it. If there are other problems or different introductions, please contact us by email.
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oddlywondrous · 7 years
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Keep feeling fascination...passion burning...love so strong
Besom - Mollie (Blondes) (GG)
Maitreya – Mesh Body – Lara V4.1
Evermore - Anti-Dust Mask @ Blush (Gift!)
Sweet Thing - Oki Hoodie (Pale Pink)
OSMIA - Bambi Set Top & Panties (Pink) @ Blush (new!)
OSMIA - Bambi Set Stockings (Pink) @ Blush (new!)
CATWA – HEAD – Catya V3.0
.:[PUMEC]:. – Rare from K9 December round available in mainstore (January)
[okkbye] – Fluttering Falsies
UniCult - Cutie Liner (Rainbow) @ Blush (new!)
Avi-Glam – Lucent Eyes (Sky)
FOXCITY- Detached @ L8
Lady Wondrous
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t-baba · 6 years
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A Beginner's Guide to Regular Expressions in JavaScript
Everyone working with JavaScript will have to deal with strings at one point or other. Sometimes, you will just have to store a string inside another variable and then pass it over. Other times, you will have to inspect it and see if it contains a particular substring.
However, things are not always this easy. There will be times when you will not be looking for a particular substring but a set of substrings which follow a certain pattern.
Let's say you have to replace all occurrences of "Apples" in a string with "apples". You could simply use theMainString.replace("Apples", "apples"). Nice and easy.
Now let's say you have to replace "appLes" with "apples" as well. Similarly, "appLES" should become "apples" too. Basically, all case variations of "Apple" need to be changed to "apple". Passing simple strings as an argument will no longer be practical or efficient in such cases.
This is where regular expressions come in—you could simply use the case-insensitive flag i and be done with it. With the flag in place, it doesn't matter if the original string contained "Apples", "APPles", "ApPlEs", or "Apples". Every instance of the word will be replaced with "apples".
Just like the case-insensitive flag, regular expressions offer a lot of other features which will be covered in this tutorial.
Using Regular Expressions in JavaScript
You have to use a slightly different syntax to indicate a regular expression inside different String methods. Unlike a simple string, which is enclosed in quotes, a regular expression consists of a pattern enclosed between slashes. Any flags that you use in a regular expression will be appended after the second slash.
Going back to the previous example, here is what the replace() method would look like with a regular expression and a simple string.
"I ate Apples".replace("Apples", "apples"); // I ate apples "I ate Apples".replace(/Apples/i, "apples"); // I ate apples "I ate aPPles".replace("Apples", "apples"); // I ate aPPles "I ate aPPles".replace(/Apples/i, "apples"); // I ate apples
As you can see, the regular expression worked in both cases. We will now learn more about flags and special characters that make up the pattern inside a regular expression.
Backslash in Regular Expressions
You can turn normal characters into special characters by adding a backslash before them. Similarly, you can turn special characters into normal characters by adding a backslash before them.
For example, d is not a special character. However, \d is used to match a digit character in a string. Similarly, D is not a special character either, but \D is used to match non-digit characters in a string.
Digit characters include 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9. When you use \d inside a regular expression, it will match any of these nine characters. When you use \D inside a regular expression, it will match all the non-digit characters.
The following example should make things clear.
"L8".replace(/\d/i, "E"); // LE "L8".replace(/\D/i, "E"); // E8 "LLLLL8".replace(/\D/i, "E"); // ELLLL8
You should note that only the first matched character is replaced in the third case. You can also use flags to replace all the matches. We will learn about such flags later.
Just like \d and \D, there are other special character sequences as well.
You can use \w to match any "word" character in a string. Here, word character refers to A-Z, a-z, 0-9, and _. So, basically, it will match all digits, all lowercase and uppercase alphabets, and the underscore.
You can use \W to match any non-word character in a string. It will match characters like %, $, #, ₹, etc.
You can use \s to match a single white space character, which includes space, tab, form feed, and line feed. Similarly, you can use \S to match all other characters besides white space.
You can also look for a specific white space character using \f, \n, \r, \t, and \v, which stand for form feed, line feed, carriage return, horizontal tab, and vertical tab.
Sometimes, you will face situations where you need to replace a word with its substitute, but only if it is not part of a larger word. For example, consider the following sentence:
"A lot of pineapple images were posted on the app".
In this case, we want to replace the word "app" with "board". However, using a simple regular expression pattern will turn "apple" into "boardle", and the final sentence would become:
"A lot of pineboardle images were posted on the app".
In such cases, you can use another special character sequence: \b. This checks for word boundaries. A word boundary is formed by use of any non-word characters like space, "$", "%", "#", etc. Watch out, though—it also includes accented characters like "ü".
"A lot of pineapple images were posted on the app".replace(/app/, "board"); // A lot of pineboardle images were posted on the app "A lot of pineapple images were posted on the app".replace(/\bapp/, "board"); // A lot of pineapple images were posted on the board
Similarly, you can use \B to match a non-word boundary. For example, you could use \B to only match "app" when it is within another word, like "pineapple".
Matching a Pattern "n" Number of Times
You can use ^ to tell JavaScript to only look at the beginning of the string for a match. Similarly, you can use $ to only look at the end of the string for a match.
You can use * to match the preceding expression 0 or more times. For example, /Ap*/ will match A, Ap, App, Appp, and so on.
In a similar manner, you can use + to match the preceding expression 1 or more times. For example, /Ap+/ will match Ap, App, Appp, and so on. The expression will not match the single A this time.
Sometimes, you only want to match a specific number of occurrences of a given pattern. In such cases, you should use the {n} character sequence, where n is a number. For instance, /Ap{2}/ will match App but not Ap. It will also match the first two 'p's in Appp and leave the third one untouched.
You can use {n,} to match at least 'n' occurrences of a given expression. This means that /Ap{2,}/ will match App but not Ap. It will also match all the 'p's in Apppp and replace them with your replacement string.
You can also use {n,m} to specify a minimum and maximum number and limit the number of times the given expression should be matched. For example, /Ap{2,4}/ will match App, Appp, and Apppp. It will also match the first four 'p's in Apppppp and leave the rest of them untouched.
"Apppppples".replace(/Ap*/, "App"); // Apples "Ales".replace(/Ap*/, "App"); // Apples "Appppples".replace(/Ap{2}/, "Add"); // Addppples "Appppples".replace(/Ap{2,}/, "Add"); // Addles "Appppples".replace(/Ap{2,4}/, "Add"); // Addples
Using Parentheses to Remember Matches
So far, we have only replaced patterns with a constant string. For example, in the previous section, the replacement we used was always "Add". Sometimes, you will have to look for a pattern match inside the given string and then replace it with a part of the pattern.
Let's say you have to find a word with five or more letters in a string and then add an "s" at the end of the word. In such cases, you will not be able to use a constant string value as a replacement as the final value depends on the matching pattern itself.
"I like Apple".replace(/(\w{5,})/, '$1s'); // I like Apples "I like Banana".replace(/(\w{5,})/, '$1s'); // I like Bananas
This was a simple example, but you can use the same technique to keep more than one matching pattern in memory. The number of sub-patterns in the full match will be determined by the number of parentheses used.
Inside the replacement string, the first sub-match will be identified using $1, the second sub-match will be identified using $2, and so on. Here is another example to further clarify the usage of parentheses.
"I am looking for John and Jason".replace(/(\w+)\sand\s(\w+)/, '$2 and $1'); // I am looking for Jason and John
Using Flags With Regular Expressions
As I mentioned in the introduction, one more important feature of regular expressions is the use of special flags to modify how a search is performed. The flags are optional, but you can use them to do things like making a search global or case-insensitive.
These are the four commonly used flags to change how JavaScript searches or replaces a string.
g: This flag will perform a global search instead of stopping after the first match.
i: This flag will perform a search without checking for an exact case match. For instance, Apple, aPPLe, and apPLE are all treated the same during case-insensitive searches.
m: This flag will perform a multi-line search.
y: This flag will look for a match in the index indicated by the lastIndex property.
Here are some examples of regular expressions used with flags:
"I ate apples, you ate apples".replace(/apples/, "mangoes"); // "I ate mangoes, you ate apples" "I ate apples, you ate apples".replace(/apples/g, "mangoes"); // "I ate mangoes, you ate mangoes" "I ate apples, you ate APPLES".replace(/apples/, "mangoes"); // "I ate mangoes, you ate APPLES" "I ate apples, you ate APPLES".replace(/apples/gi, "mangoes"); // "I ate mangoes, you ate mangoes" var stickyRegex = /apples/y; stickyRegex.lastIndex = 3; "I ate apples, you ate apples".replace(stickyRegex, "mangoes"); // "I ate apples, you ate apples" var stickyRegex = /apples/y; stickyRegex.lastIndex = 6; "I ate apples, you ate apples".replace(stickyRegex, "mangoes"); // "I ate mangoes, you ate apples" var stickyRegex = /apples/y; stickyRegex.lastIndex = 8; "I ate apples, you ate apples".replace(stickyRegex, "mangoes"); // "I ate apples, you ate apples"
Final Thoughts
The purpose of this tutorial was to introduce you to regular expressions in JavaScript and their importance. We began with the basics and then covered backslash and other special characters. We also learned how to check for a repeating pattern in a string and how to remember partial matches in a pattern in order to use them later.
Finally, we learned about commonly used flags which make regular expressions even more powerful. You can learn more about regular expressions in this article on MDN.
If there is anything that you would like me to clarify in this tutorial, feel free to let me know in the comments.
by Monty Shokeen via Envato Tuts+ Code https://ift.tt/2ILZW66
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kilolojenkinsinsl · 7 years
There are days where there is just too much going on; the noises are too loud and the bs is too thick. Color me unimpressed. I’m out. ❤ Miss Kilo DEETS Clothing & Accessories Jewelry Set: a m o r o u s // Questa (includes earrings and necklace) Jumpsuit: ::SG:: Monique (Maitreya / Slink Physique / Hourglass) @ Limit8 Ring: ::SG:: Sylvy Bento Ring (Maitreya / Slink / Vista) LIMITED @ Limit8 – once…
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llantrisantscc · 7 years
Classics Round 8 - 13th December 2017
Classic GT was the season closer for 2017 – only the night racing at the Christmas party next week left!!!!!!!  There was a broken wire preventing laps registering in Yellow – it was an earth, and needs major surgery to replace, so we went three lanes tonight. Rebels to the end, eh? Quali in Blue was quite interesting, four of the intervals between racers where once more in the 100ths, the other 3 in 10ths. Close stuff, with every racer, bar Seb, having one off as they pushed the limits.
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As it was a three laner with 8 racers, it was 9 heats this week. Very confusing when trying to work out our tea break – although this week, a bit of foresight from Alan saw a slight variation on that theme. Lee and Alan were first up in H1, Alan having a fairly quiet time out front in Blue, Lee struggling in Green until one of the marshalls spotted a twisted braid – should be better next time out. Surely enough, H4 in Red was far more driveable for Lee, though his GT40 was not quick enough to live with Alan’s Lola in Green. For their last outing of the evening, Lee had a far better drive in Blue – Steve had sorted out his tyres which looked a little dry, but once again Alan’s Lola was too fast in Red for Lee to get a sniff.
The middle group ventured onto the three laner in H2 with Mike in Blue, Seb in Green and Russ in Red.  Russs the Red Rocket duly took the holeshot, with Mike in close attendance, Seb a little way back after a poor outlap. But the lad wasn’t going to let his new Lola open top languish at the back for long and got on with getting back in touch with the other two. L8 saw Mike have the gentlest of offs, Seb was right on Mike’s shoulder so eased up into second. L12 and Seb pulled the same move off for the lead as Russ slipped out of the slot on Red. Zero to Hero in four laps! Meanwhile, Mike had six great laps, capitalising when it was Seb’s turn for an off at the halfway mark, and at the same time easing past Russ to take the lead by the proverbial 2/10ths. From L13 to L23, the guys were covered by just a second and a bit!!!!!!  All three were putting in some great laps, but Seb’s speed was just giving him the edge – tiny gains on every lap saw him eke out a few seconds over the other guys, but DISASTER! The penultimate lap saw the lad have an off! Fast hands by the marshals got him back on just as the other two came screaming down on him!!! A mad dash from all three from the line saw Seb edge it by a second from Mike, who had a second over Russ for a very exciting finish. And Seb got the first Lola Spyder heat win! H5 began with Seb finishing the first lap a second up on Mike, who in turn was a second up on Russ (R,G,B respectively). Seb and Mike were matching times, a 10th here, a 10th there, until Seb slipped off on L4 and Mike edged ahead – another case of the marshal nearly losing a fingernail as Seb re-entered the fray within a thou or two! The guys traded places up until L8, which sadly saw the battle end as Seb lost the back end and deslotted – a shame, the two were having a great old race up to that point. Both put in some great times, though Seb was not able to close in on Mike. As he pushed hard to narrow the gap, a couple of offs (well he was going pretty bl**dy quick as he chased) blunted the chance of close battle being re-joined. All the while, Russ was having some good laps in Blue, but the guys in Green and Red were just a little too far ahead for most of the heat – but  poor L26 for Seb gave Russ a sniff of second place. Seb got his act together and didn’t give Russ another chance to sneak up on him!  H8 was after tea. A spot of Tiffin boulstered Mike and he was away in Red at the starters flag. Russ in Green and Seb in Blue had a clumsy couple of opening laps, so it looked like Mike was going to get away. However, clattering off in L6 proved Mike was in for a fight as the lads closed in, after they had swapped places several times in the preceding laps. Neither was taking this laying down. Mike was managing to slip away at the front as he was flying in Red, then an off on L13 put paid to Russ’ challenge, but it was too much of a tall order for Seb to charge back at Red from Blue lane. All drove well to the flag from here, with Mike taking honours, from Seb then Russ. The group should have been called the Boys in Blue, as Mike and Russ were driving Mantas and Seb was sporting his new Lola Spyder.
And now the J boys (2 Joneses and a John) were lining up on the grid. Craig out in Blue, Steve in Green and Martyn in red. Very good reaction times from all three saw Craig hit the front, followed by Martyn and Steve. Martyn’s speed in Red got him to the front, next time round. But was is a fastest lap followed by? Yep, an off. Steve saying “thank you very much” as he stepped into second behind Craig.  Craig was getting some ludicrous times in on Blue – what chance have the rest of us got, eh? Steve and Craig were going hammer and tongs, an off for Craig on L13 saw Steve nip to the front by the tiniest of margins. Martyn briefly appeared in the limelight for a few laps after passing Craig as he had an excursion on L25, but it was short lived – Craig was back in second places a few laps later after a bit of marshal juggling saw him lose 5 seconds on one lap and 2 on the following lap!  Steve shot off in Red at the start of H6 and put in 4 scorchio laps. A double off on L5 could have been costly for Steve’s lead, but Craig did the same on the very same lap (in Green) as they both followed the trend set by Blue Martyn a lap earlier. Meanwhile, Martyn and Craig traded 2nd and 3rd in the opening 6 laps, but Craig was too strong and started to open out a gap as he set off chasing Steve. LL14 to 17 saw the Joneses have a cracking battle, L18 seeing Steve slide off and Craig put the slipper down. Some great laps followed, with Steve putting gup a spirited chase, but Craig had a great run and finished a good part of the lap ahead at the end. To finish the night off, we saw another rapid launch, Steve first away in Blue, followed by Craig in Red and Martyn in Green. By the end of L1, Steve was at the back with Criag out front. Both Martyn and Craig had a stinker on L2, so Steve took the honours, but within 2 laps Craig’s prolific speed demoted Steve to 2nd.  Up to the halfway points, Steve gave Craig a few frights as the gap yo-yo’ed open and closed, all the while Martyn was sniffing at Steve’s tailpipes. A bad l20 for Steve allowed Martyn through. Craig was away and took a commanding win, with Steve not taking it lying down, but not quite wresting 2nd away from Martyn at the end.
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So another season draws to a close. We’ve had some great racing this year, as mentioned in several write ups, the sharing of information, helping with car fettling and general coaching has seen the chasm between first and last close considerably this year. Add to the mix new kid on the block Lee Christie, the more regular attendance from our further flung correspondents and some great advances with new models available and eligible, means we have had a very exciting year. Next Wednesday is the Christmas party, we’ll be doing a bit of night racing in scratch teams that we put together on the evening. It’ll be some form of handicapping system so that the skills are shared out evenly amongst the teams. If you haven’t tried racing with headlights with the hall lights switched off, you are in for a treat.  Bring along any bits and pieces (including cars, controllers and the like) and we’ll see if any deals can be struck. If I don’t see you before, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I hope Santa brings you lots of slot stuff!
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