#Lilith conjunct rising
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cosmicplexus · 1 year ago
can you 1181 Lilith conjunct ascendant/or 1st house culture? ><
🥀Naturally having an intimidating aura that may be more off-putting to people the same sex as you.
🥀Striving for personal power and not wanting to be caged as per societal rules.
🥀Being perceived as rebellious from a young age by people in power i.e. parents, educators etc.
🥀A strong sexual identity and views and in some instances may use their sexual power to gain advantage.
🥀Can be the type of person to be viewed as taboo or forbidden in certain societies e.g the friend parents don't want near their children.
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plutotheus · 9 months ago
A lot of people try to make Lilith conjunct the ascendant sound like a ‘femme fatale’ placement, but the reality is getting bullied as a child for no reason and often getting demeaning comments from men ‘to teach you your place’ and put you down as they feel you’re somehow a threat to their ego.
As someone with my Scorpio Lilith conjunct my rising: yeah i was definitely sexualised from a young age, but it only brought me more difficulties and left me feeling ostracised when i just wanted to feel a sense of belonging and trust in people. It’s not a sexy placement and anyone who has it is going to face some unfair discrimination, especially early in life.
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neptuneslure · 9 months ago
women with misogyny magnet placements need to hear this more often than anyone. i want every 1H lilith, moon square mars or pluto, sun-lilith, neptunian/plutonian/pisces/scorpio/12h/8h dominant woman to see this
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black-lake · 1 year ago
astro observations 11
your astro granny is back, I've been doing this for so long omg. some of it is venting, like always, so ignore that, but maybe don't you may find words of wisdom there. anyway, enjoy. also warning, it escalates to heavier subjects fast 🪐 🔭
🕰️ Virgo and gemini risings can pull off any type of glasses, sunglasses, bug-eye glasses, cat-eye, mirrored ray-bans, you name it. They even look cute with goggles no joke. They also make the smart and academia aesthetics look so cool and elegant in a chaotic way, not in a taurus capricorn way but in a- 'I spilled coffee on my boss's laptop this morning and I'm still talking about it way- because omfg- did you see the way they looked at me? it's like I've done it on purpose or smth but I didn't, not sure if they have a crush on me or they fucking hate me, what do you think? I'm pretty sure they don't hate me tho, but I can't tell, do you think I should quit?' 🎙️🎬
🕰️ I recently looked up George Clooney's chart and omggg, it all makes sense. The moon conj saturn in capricorn, giving him that nostalgic wise aura along his taurus sun, uranus and pluto opp ascendant kind of indicating finding his perfect partner later on in life, venus in aries and mars in leo, he's fiery but that fire so damn well contained with all the earth. His asc and jupiter in aquarius, yeah only an aquarius women with so much air and intelligence can maintain his attention and lock him in lmao. His synastry with Amal Clooney reminds of that of Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively. Manifesting a relationship like this for everyone reading 🧘🏼‍♂️✨
🕰️ Personal planets in scorpio 10° or 22° is a sexy mf combo, esp moon, venus, mars and asc, it gives bedroom eyes and seductive domineer, also godmade bone structures. 🗿
🕰️ Pluto opposite or square ascendant, a very classic aspect for friends/coworkers/admirers/people in general turning enemies and talking shit behind your back. This aspect can easily make people speculate, overanalyze your actions, assume things, spread rumors and lies about you out of jealousy and intimidation. 
🕰️ Any planet conjunct the desc can bring the physical manifestation to that planet's shadow side, up to 10°. It can conceal traits of that planet in the sign it’s in, as it’s descending and escaping the sun’s light. Pluto on the desc brings a few shadow traits out of people and conceals their true intentions from the native. So the native has to face those traits, learn to see them from miles away, to discern what people’s intentions are and whether it's that or their own perception and fears. In other words, they start from naive to paranoid to bs detectors, and it takes a long painful journey to get there.
🕰️ Even tho personal planets on the desc are much easier to see and handle, venus on the descendant can bring shallow traits and empty promises out of people, mars on the descendant, not as easy, can bring out anger, toxic masculinity and aggression. Saturn on the desc can bring immaturity, irresponsibility, immoral and disloyal behaviors out of people, stagnation, delays in connection and loneliness, pushing the native to learn patience and endurance. The native will meet people with such traits over and over again until they learn to spot and discern them faster and take the right action. ☔️
🕰️ I’ll keep talking about it in this blog cuz it’s always been one of my biggest challenges. What I learned with pluto on the desc is that you will keep attracting the same kind of enemies to challenge you if you don’t own your power and stop diluting yourself for someone else's fragile power hungry ego, because people will have a problem with you anyway. Also don’t hold too tight to anyone, never be afraid to lose people, because trust me you will. Almost no one is meant to stay in your life, they’re meant to transform you and leave. The only thing you’re meant to rely on is your power and independence. The moment you see it the easier cutting ppl off becomes. 
🕰️ I have venus in aries and I find myself always having a girl crush on celebs with this placement, Rihanna, Marilyn Monroe, Audrey Hepburn, Elizabeth Taylor, Jennifer Aniston. They all seem to share that fiery independence mixed with a childlike but fierce demeanor which I admire, plus they never age. 🐈‍⬛
🕰️ I have mercury in aries and mars in scorpio, but for some reason I’m fascinated by people with mercury in aquarius and mars in sagittarius, with mercury in aqua I always expect something fascinating about their minds but I can't guess it cuz it's always different, but females with mars in sag omggg the sass is hilarious, I can’t help but laugh when they get blunt, loud and shady out of nowhere lmfao.
🕰️ Speaking of placements I’m fascinated by, what’s the deal with moon in taurus? I keep thinking it must be… nice.. to have? people that have it are so grounded and serene it makes me think it’s the best moon sign. If you have it please share the emotional difficulties you experience, because I can speak of every moon sign emotional traumas in detail but for some reason I be romanticizing this one. ☕️
🕰️ Another placement I really admire is moon conjunct saturn, there’s just something unspeakable, that isn’t tangible (even tho they have timeless mesmerizing eyes) but on a soul level I can sense their wisdom and nostalgic aura. It’s like there’s a balance of feminine and masculine qualities which come out in their mannerisms. People that have it, Timothée Chalamet, George Clooney, River Phoenix, and every hot man ever. 
🕰️ Have you ever asked yourself why Morgan Freeman has such deep unique and easily recognizable voice? It's his mercury conj uranus in taurus. Who else has an easily recognizable voice, Kim Kardashian, mercury conj uranus in scorpio. 
🕰️ Having the axis of virgo-pisces over your sun-moon, like virgo sun opposite pisces moon, or mercury-moon can give someone a soft voice, their voice can even be therapeutic and healing. Think of Michael Jackson's speaking voice.
🕰️ The hardest aspect in any chart for me are oppositions or squares to pluto, saturn and chiron. These are easily the most challenging aspects you can find in a chart.
🕰️ Those that have lilith/pluto in the 1st, 6th, 7th, 10th, 11th tend to have haters in their workplace, in groups or wherever they go often. It’s saddening but I’ve seen it a lot. Can also make ppl copy your style or attitude then hate on it, and never admit they got inspired by you.
-- potential triggers in the following one, pls skip if necessary.
🕰️ Difficult planets on the angles, saturn, pluto and chiron mainly can truly mess with someone's mental health to the point of them wanting to- yeah that. The most drastic effect is when they sit on the descendant and MC, since it deals with connections, groups of people and the public, a lot of it is outside of the native's control, and at times more than what they can handle. Their usually painful past experiences and memories has shaped their perception of the world to a dark and despairing one where they don't see a better future for themselves. A few examples, Kurt Cobain (chiron and saturn conj desc and pluto conj asc all tightly opposing), Mac Miller (chiron conj desc, saturn conj asc and pluto conj MC). Marilyn Monroe (chiron conj MC and saturn close to the IC, pluto conj nn). 
🕰️ I see every major astrological transit as a collective test, lesson and preparation for the next transit. It made sense that corona happened when pluto was in capricorn, a pandemic that restricted our freedom and made us prisoners in our own homes. There was a stellium of mars, jupiter, saturn and pluto all in cap the moment quarantine started in march. It was all about teaching us to respect societal rules and structures that keep us safe, whether it had to do with the government or the medical system, whether it was real or fake or real fake. Yes you have to give up some freedom for safety, that’s how surveillance and security cameras everywhere you go work, for your safety. 
🕰️ It taught us to care for the health of humanity, to live responsibly and respectfully when in crisis, even if that means compromising our freedom and limiting our movement. Trusting that the structure built over the past decades is somewhat reliable and helpful. We saw how some people put their own freedom above anything and anyone out of superiority, that's the selfishness we collectively needed to face before pluto moves to aquarius and we are given freedom we didn't learn how to appreciate or use responsibly. We had to learn the value of personal freedom vs discipline and structure.
🕰️ There are two planets I’ve seen repeatedly in people that manifest like magic, saturn and neptune. To add a third it would be uranus. Conjunctions and oppositions to these planets are like superpowers in manifesting your desired reality. All work in different ways. 
🕰️ For example people that have personal planets conjunct saturn (esp sun and moon) are easily attuned with the physical world and have some sort of control over time, turning it backwards or forwards, making themselves look younger and older at the same time, knowing the actions to take to bring anything into the three-dimensional world.
🕰️ Now this leads me to an astrology book I recently came across, the Alien Constructs the work of Edwin Steinbrecher and Stephanie Jourdan, discovering aspects that constitute an alien chart. The alien construct occurs when one of the outer planets, that is saturn, uranus, neptune or pluto, is conjunct or opposite the sun, moon, ascendant or the chart ruler. An individual that has one or few of these is different from other humans, they possess supernatural abilities, and typically have rough childhoods and adolescence.
🕰️ Every aspect with each of the outer planets has a unique ability, for example when the sun conjoins an outer planet it's called Power Alien Construct, the moon conjoining an outer planet is a Vessel Alien Construct, an outer planet conjoining the ascendant is an Instrument Alien Construct, an outer planet conjoining the descendant is a Shadow Alien Construct. Saturnian aliens are able to manifest things in the physical realm, plutonian aliens are masters of metamorphosis and irreversible change, uranian aliens are able to see the future and raise energetic frequencies. 
🕰️ Sun conjunct pluto is Plutonian Power, aliens are able to destroy that which is not built upon truth, understand the true nature of birth, sex, death and power, generate energy and power,  integrate polarities, perform psychic surgery, see beneath solid surfaces, shape-shift into animals, minerals or plants, heal utilizing sex, magnets or lasers.. etc. Moon conjunct uranus is a Uranian Vessel, aliens are able to comprehend the cycles and trends of the futures, safely corral erratic energy or electricity, channel high-frequency beings, telepath to imprisoned or trapped individuals or animals, sense the formation of inventions and innovations. Look it up, it's fun and tell me what alien construct are you and how you relate to it. oh it reminds me of a post I did a while back of aspects as superpowers.
Happy pluto in aquarius 🛰️✨ (will come back in years and see how this aged)
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typologyastro · 7 months ago
Astrology Observations
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✨️ Moon in the 1st house or aspecing your AC affects your appearance and personality. Moon in the 1st house or is conjunct the AC natives may even have a round face that represents the Moon 🌚. For example: Sabrina Carpenter, Leonardo DiCaprio, Audrey Hepburn.
✨️ Planets in the 1st house are your appearance and personality. Planets in the 10th house don't affect your appearance and require you to put effort into expressing them. Who you are (1st house) vs. What you'd like to become or be known (10th house).
✨️ Saturn rules the long term, which is not appreciative when it's in Aries. Everything is fast in Aries. Saturn is the elders, while Aries is the youth. It seems like astrology prefers caution over speed since Mars is actually exalted in Capricorn.
✨️ Capricorn Risings may have a Libra Midheaven, which makes sense since they'd like to keep a polite and professional image to the public.
✨️ Mercury/Pluto aspects like saying things that cut deep to the core. You would feel exposed or realize an aspect you haven't thought before from them. They love finding out a twist of life.
✨️ Don't underestimate Mars Conjunct Pluto no matter how nice they look. They're not scared of anything, but their anger silently transfers into their unlimited drive because they priorize the long-term win. They have a strategic mind.
✨️ Chiron in the 10th people have someone or multiple people in the authority trying to ruin their reputation or career (depends on the aspects to Chiron to see where the smear campaign came from). Their work is judged harshly and unfairly. They don't get the recognition they deserve. Big hugs to them 🫂 ❤️‍🩹. You know you're not defined by anyone's opinions.
✨️ Sun trine Saturn (and sextile Saturn to a lesser extent) has a knack for running a successful business. Example: Kylie Jenner. One influencer in my country has this aspect, and she started a successful fashion business at 24.
✨️ What makes me see Lilith similar to Uranus is their desire for freedom. They both advocate we do whatever we want and give a fuck about anyone's else 😌. Lilith's story inspired us to not lower but always prioritize our worth. She never accepts bad treatments in any circumstances. Lilith wants us to break free from social constructs to explore and express your individuality. ✨️
✨️ Lilith can look like a combination of Pluto, Uranus, and Sun. She is extreme, intense, rebellious, freaky, and immensely confident in herself. Although she has Moon in her name 😅.
Last but not least, although it's not related to astrology, I'd like to say Tumblr bloggers should post anything they like no matter what people say or judge about their posts. Even if someone said that your content is nothing new or special. Everything is appreciated, so pls don't disown your time and effort creating. Your view is unique, and the most important thing is that YOU LOVE YOUR CREATIONS, even if it's small. ✨️
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Thanks for reading !✨️
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schtrawberry · 11 months ago
[3] personal astrology observations
[!] this is mostly an introspective view into my chart; in no way, shape, or form am i saying that any of this is fact or set in stone, nor am i saying that i am a professional astrologer. these are just presences that exist within my chart that i've felt manifest themselves in real life. simply put, take what resonates and leave what doesn't :)
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— the observation that venus in the 9th house and sagittarius mars natives are far more likely to be attracted to foreigners and/or meet their future partner/s in a foreign country is true!
[nothing, just felt like confirming, esp as someone w both these placements 🤭 like, i honestly am more likely to be approached (in a romantic setting) by a foreigner both in-person and online!]
═ sun square neptune is the aspect of daydreamers. they're always thinking about an idealized version of the future or dwelling on the past. rarely do they ever think in the present. it is often easier for them to drift off into a daze either thinking about what could have been or everything that could be.
☰ chiron in fifth house indicates pain associated with creative passions and self-expression. one may have had negative experiences that have led them to feel insecure about these aspects of life; thus leading them to distance themselves from openly expressing themselves creatively. they may take great care to keep their works of art private, tone down certain parts of their personality, and may even feel ashamed to explain themselves when others ask them about certain aspects of their creative and self-expression because of negative feedback they could have gotten in the past.
but with such pain comes empathy and understanding. once developed, these natives are the first to take notice and are the fastest to lend a sensitive ear as well as a supportive hand as soon as they see others going through the same struggle.
☱ sun-lilith in harsh aspects might have been told to cover up more by both peers and grown-ups, even when wearing "acceptable" clothing when they were kids. this placement can indicate an individual that was more sexualized from a young age, which can lead to them either being hypersexual or overly-reserved sexually in adulthood.
☲ lilith in the seventh house can indicate an individual that struggles to commit and open up about who they are to their partner/s. people with lilith in this house may have had bad experiences with marriage (perhaps witnessing bad divorces or tumultuous long-term relationships between their parents) and therefore might be turned off by the thought of marriage and/or long-term partnerships.
and though this doesn't mean that the native will be a lone soul forever, it does make one more likely to have these sort of relationships at a significantly older age in comparison to other signs.
[tw: mention of domestic violence in my personal experience, i have witnessed my parents go through an incredibly bad separation (tons of emotional abuse, infidelity, and a situation actually involving domestic violence) which has honestly made me quite hesitant to get married, even as i approach my mid-20s.]
☴ the cancer rising urge to cry when someone you care about is crying or in distress in general.
☳ a few asteroid notes:
note: asteroids are less impactful to one's personality, physicality, etc. compared to personal planets. they tend to only be relevant to one's chart if they are either in a tight orb (0-1°) or have major aspects to personal planets, preferably conjunctions or oppositions.
✢ messalina (545) known as the most promiscuous woman in rome, empress messalina is still recognized today as a symbol of uncontrolled, violent, irrational, and impulsive behavior. this asteroid reminds me very much of lilith in that it is representative of dark feminine energy and having this prominent in one's chart can be indicative of an individual that is not afraid to use their sexuality to their advantage or to create harm unto others in different aspects of their lives, but especially in terms of romantic and sexual relationships.
✢ anagolay (3757) is an potentially hazardous asteroid named after anagolay, the tagalog goddess of lost things and the daughter of the hermaphroditic goddess of seasons, lakapati. she is culturally-recognized for her ability to find not only physical objects but also abstract possessions like lost opportunities and faded memories. having this prominent in one's chart can suggest an individual that is very in-tune with cycle of nature and the subsequent passage of time. they may be more sensitive to bouts of nostalgia where they dwell on things that could have been and the way that things were. may also just indicate a person that is hypersensitive to losing physical things, though.
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[`] film: go (2001) dir. isao yukisada
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bouquetface · 8 months ago
Accuracy dependent on ENTIRE chart.
Gemini MC.
Indicates a couple that is a target of gossip. Good or bad.
Moon in 2nd.
Indicates a secure relationship. The two understand each other and provide for each other. Unless other prominent places indicate otherwise, jealously likely isn’t an issue.
Venus in 2nd.
Unless afflicted, this can show a couple that is making money together. They help each other in matters of career & finance. This is a good placement for business partnerships. In a romantic connection, they are very secure and likely sensual. The couple can indulge together. They wish to give each other exactly what the other desires - materialistically, emotionally and physically.
Ascendant in Pisces:
The couple can be very comfortable with each other. Understanding, kind and gentle with each other. Seeing the best in each other. Dreaming of a future together. The negative manifestation of this is romanticizing the image of each other and refusing to see the real version. This couple may tend to hide away their troubles to maintain the connection. This could result in a big blowup.
Sun in 6th.
Positive is this couple helps each other. They are very supportive of one another. The negative is if one person is giving more than the other. Over time one may feel they are being used. They may not always want to be playing “nurse/therapist/teacher role” in the relationship. The stress may make one feel they are obligated to stay & help this person.
However, if both are providing equally for one another, the connection will stay very strong. The couple will naturally begin to see each other as often as possible. Moving in fast (especially if there is a busy 4th house) is possible.
Moon in 11th.
The two may share similar beliefs and goals. Your way of thinking is similar. Regardless of what the connection is you two make good friends. You can be your true self around this person. You two may have shared mutual friends.
Lilith conjunct MC
You may create a reputation for being sexual & scandalous. Together, you may become outsiders in a way. Potentially, this could be toxic. However, that depends on the entire chart.
A couple that goes out to parties a lot. They may drink & have a small argument one time in public. It will create a permanent reputation about them being toxic. People will assume the worst.
Public displays of affection could be a bit much (aka annoying couple making out & groping each other in line).
Pluto in 11th.
Gradually, big transformation is likely to happen throughout the relationship. Pluto is very slow moving, you may not realize the changes that are occurring until much later. In 11th, your long terms goals, social awareness, causes you believe in could change. The way you present yourself online could change as well. Friend groups could change. Increase or decrease.
Ex: When my friend broke up with her boyfriend, the mutual friend group decreased. It was highschool so petty shit. People gossiping & disrespectful “jokes” posted on their finstas. Getting mad at those who liked the “joke” post.
Venus in 5th.
Common interests & hobbies. Similar creative expression. For ex: you could both be into photography. Or both into gaming.
This a fun placement to have. There is likely a lot of joy and good memories together. You guys simply have so much together. This can make a couple very romantic & affectionate. You guys could find yourself doing “corny/cheesy” things that the old you thought you’d hate.
❣️ Having someone else’s planets in your 7th isn’t always an indicator of a marriage partner. Especially when in the natal chart, you have planets in your first house. This is because of the opposition it creates.
Ex: An Aqua sun & rising friend I knew had a Leo sun partner. This created an opposition with their suns. Two egos clashing. Fought often, she says he was a “literal narcissist” and very controlling. He once texted her she was “a self obsessed bitch”.
❣️ Another note, if you have your 7th House ruler in first like her, be cautious of friends, partners & even business relationships with people who want to control and/or use you.
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livinahey · 1 year ago
Random astro obs bcs y not
Warning ⚠️ mentions of abuse and trauma
scorpio luminaries & luminaries aspect to pluto (especially harsh aspect) almost be always know when something/someone is gonna do no good to you. If they warn you ab something then just follow them. Bcs what they say is scarily often end up being true
Also, if from the first meet these natives STRONGLY dislike you even though you didnt do anything then yeah.... Youre the problem lol. No matter if youre everyone crush, everyone sweetheart, or whatever is that. Again, like I said before, they seems to always know when something/someone is not good
These natives can also scared of themselves bcs of this
I think we admire ppl who have our mars sign as their sun sign
Sag sun with water moon women makes the loyal partner 🥺🤧 be it business partner, in friendship, or as a lover. Don't leave them.
When you see mars square pluto native gets bad mood or even angry.... RUN
Bcs they can be so violent at that time and you dont want to see that
Same goes to cap moon 💀
Women with moon square bml (black moon lilith) always have the best glow ups ✨✨🤧 im so proud (and bit jealous lol) of you dear
Mercury in leo degrees (5, 17, 29) being sooooo charming. They be say "hi" only and you already weak(???) lol
Leo venus 🤝 cant go a day without boasting what they love, be it their hobbies, their job, their loved ones, their pet, or even the place where they live lol. So passionate
I'm not surprised if theyre the one that have many posts on their social media account
Ppl with big 6 at 6 degrees (virgo degree) can be seen as villain
Moon conjunct jupiter synastry: when the moon person getting humiliated/disrespect, the jupiter person be defending the moon person. Also, the moon person can have soft spot for the jupiter person
Natal aspects to sun i like are sun conjunct mars and sun-pluto any major aspects. The word "sexy" is literally made for them lol.
women with cap or cancer mars plsssss check again the man you choose to date or even marry. Bcs i often see these women end up experience being abused severely by their man in their relationship. Men often being intimidated by these women yet still wanna date them. These women do dating man that seems cool and amazing or even adorable person outside BUT UNFORTUNATELY it turns out that the man are the worst person ever. At worst case, the man's family dislike these women due to jealousy towards them. No matter how bad these women get treated by the man, the man's family will still defend the man and treated these women as if theyre the problem 💔
Also, these women can dealing with fucking crazy men that cannot accept being rejected by them atleast once in their life. Scary af
Gemini moon/mars are naturally funny without even trying ✋😭
Sag/pisces rising 🤝 always have ppl crushing over them and even become worshipping them
Libra rising are so beautiful and it seems unbelievable
Cancer rising and their terrible mood swing 🤕 yet still look like the most calm and unbothered person ever
Mercury-bml aspects culture is having what they say being questioned. And if they have sun-uranus aspects too then.... Good luck trying to understand them 🥴
Mercury-bml aspects is underrated funny placements imo. They be say questionable thing but idk i find it funny tho 😩
Scorpio rising and having traumatic experience/memories when they young that seems keep haunting them even until they become old :(
Also they often get disappointed by their family :( they can give all their family members a mountain of gold, being so kind to them to the point they forgetting their own needs and this scorpio rising still getting unappreciated & bad treatment. PLS APPRECIATE SCORPIO RISING IN UR LIFE !!❤‍🩹🫂 they are one of sincere people that often attracts evil eye that doesnt wanna see them being success
Whats with earth rising and having this disgusted/judging look 🥲
They can look at you normally and you will feel that theyre judging you even if they arent
Sag rising and leo rising 🤝 having beef with eachother
Same goes to taurus sun x gemini sun
Cap sun x virgo sun friendship be the weird yet funny pair
Every leo placement always have virgo placement in their life
They can have love-hate relationship with eachother tho lol.
And the same goes to every cap placement that always have aries placement in their life
You either love the opposite sex that has the same mars sign as you OR going "mehh" of them
Earth rising 🤝 secured financially. Maybe you never catched them worry ab not having money to save their life
Hey thank you for reading this so far!! I do these obs not bcs I wanna gain followers or what but bcs I found these things give me joy hehe ✌🏻 english isnt my first language so apologize for any grammar mistakes. be safe out there!! 🫂✨
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punksocks · 2 years ago
Placements For Romantic Archetypes Pt.2: The Siren (18+ Only)
*Adults only! Minors dni
*just based on my experiences, only take what resonates
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She’s absolutely hypnotic and the only thing she did was walk into the room. Someone with a magnetic air, that always catches attention from the people around them. Seen as sensual and mysterious, some people think they’ve got to be paid to look that good. In a lot of people’s fantasies, even if it’s only for a moment. Gives off maneater energy and brings out some sort of obsessive tendency in others.(Can apply to all genders but is often seen in the form of femmes that have a lot of mascs run after them.)
-Scorpio rising/Pluto in 1st: Classic placement for this vibe lol. I’ve been working on understanding exactly why this placement tends to catch so much obsession (and bruh I don’t know). I have a few theories, but for this one I’ll focus on s*x appeal and power. Scorpio rising gives the native a naturally heavy aura, the kind of energy that can’t be ignored when they walk into the room. Everyone immediately has a reaction to energy like this, and typically it’s either disgust or fascination. When people are fascinated it can easily slip into obsession. Everyone wants to know how you got so -magnetic-, so -powerful-. But not only is the native the mysterious sort that won’t exactly broadcast that information- this sort of power is second nature to them. Death and transformation is the way they’ve moved through this world as long as they could remember. I’ve noticed, this sort of short circuits some people. They want to pick apart every detail. They want to know why they’re so hooked on you even though they barely know you. They want to be immersed in the well of you. It’s intoxicating. (The natives also tend to be compelling and magnetic in general, the type to hold an audience’s captivation)
-Lilith in 1st/10th: Always gotta mention Lilith lol, she explains a lot. So it’s like the birth and death of Scorpio ascendant with something more. Twice as polarizing. It’s like that sort of energy with this potent, heavy dark feminine energy. It’s like they unlock these hidden primal desires in people that people didn’t even know they had. (Typically someone heavy in their feminine energy will have the Lilith energy and be like unlocking something in everyone else). There’s a lot of power in walking into the room and setting people off. Some people (dominant energies)tend to see this as a challenge and then these people want to cage that s*nsual, intoxicating native, and keep them all to themselves. (They also tend to be like curvier body types, so take that as you will)
-Lilith in 12th: People’s secret fantasies. They subconsciously desire the native. The native also brings peoples deep rooting cravings to the surface with their presence alone.
-Scorpio Venus: Power and presence. The native has a very heavy and influential energy. People often find them charismatic in an enigmatic sort of way. They attract powerful friends and romantic interests. They have a very seductive aura and typically can be as obsessive as some of the energies they attract.
-Venus hard aspects (especially conjunct but also square/opposition) to Pluto: Pluto’s tension with the native’s Venus tends to make them have a Scorpionic tinge to their romantic lives and the way they act as a friend/romantic. They can be dark and obsessive and have trouble taking things slow, they tend to attract romantic interests with this energy as well.
-Venus/Mars in 12th: Hidden desires. And also the native (subconsciously usually) has this ability to tap into whatever their romantic/s*xual interest desires on a subconscious level. A lot of like not just having s*x but tapping into and healing or bonding with someone on a soul level. (Sometimes on accident lol, doesn’t make them any less addicted though!)
-Venus/Mars in 8th: The natives have a heavy s*xual aura. They are also very memorable and they probably are a lot of people’s s*xual fantasies. Tendency to go deep in relationships and trysts to find out all they can about what makes their partners tick.
-8th/12th house/Lilith synastry: Ahahaha, Ah yes, the synastry that tends to f*ck people up (usually dudes, when is it ever not dudes). 8th house synastry tends to be dark and taboo and s*xually charged. Like the passion is so intense you find yourself all wrapped up and out of control. 12th house synastry is that like person that gets so on your mind they’re in your dreams. Just when you think you forgot about them they’re running through your mind again. It’s dizzying (especially since this usually is the house of hidden enemies, confusing stuff). Lilith synastry is just.. it can be so messy. The Lilith energy is often going to shine a light on what the other person is dealing with on their shadow side. This could be insecurity, anxiety, s*xual inadequacy, anything deep dark and hidden away. It’s often dizzying for anyone even a bit insecure (and let’s be real, most of us are), and can bring a reactive nature to the chemistry. (Bonus points if any of these placements are in Scorpio)
-How do you get her to be yours? Forever? Slow down, cowboy (very cool of me I know). Before you try to cage the siren (learning nothing at all from all the mythology that says hey don’t do that) have you tried to approach them like a person? Do they have a rich inner world outside of being a s*x object? Try to take a deep breath, look at why you’re only seeing this person as a goal to score or a bird to cage. And then have a polite conversation with them like a person. And expect nothing in return. That’ll put you ahead of 50% of the competition right away, and maybe you’ll get lucky and get invited into understanding the siren and their complex inner world. (Or maybe they are in their maneater phase, in which case have fun or steer clear, it’s up to you lol.)
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aryana-thefairy · 2 years ago
Astrology Observations Part-1 🦋
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💜Don’t mess around with people with Capricorn in the big 3. The karma when you f with them is a real thing. You reap what you sow 2x.
💜Pisces placements look like real-life mermaids. Halle Bailey who played Ariel in the latest edition of the little mermaid has Pisces in 10h, which means fame for playing a fish. 10h is the public image and Pisces is symbolised by a fish.
💜Aries moon gives me jock vibes. They like to brag and be the leader of the pack. Mostly extroverted. Can bring people out of their shells.
💜Lilith in the 12h is the worst placement for Lilith. It can lead to escapism such as alcohol/drug abuse. They have frequent nightmares such as rape/murder dreams. Start mediating, you will be able to tap into your subconscious mind and understand your triggers. I feel that, they are psychic.
💜Saturn in the 4th house indicates childhood trauma. Absent / Strict parent. The home was never a safe space for these natives. They tend to do better in life when they are away from home.
💜Moon in 1H is so gorgeous. I don’t understand why this placement is so underrated. They look youthful for their age. Supermodels.
💜Pluto in 11H is a powerhouse and can start a cult if they want. They can influence people. However, they go through changes in their friend groups. The line between enemies and friends is thin.
💜Sagittaruis in 11h can manifest things easily especially through scripting.
💜Jupiter with 2 degrees indicate supreme power. The sign of Jupiter can hint at what you excel.
💜Venus with 26 degrees indicate loyal and attractive partner. They might inherit wealth through their partners. Married into luxury.
💜Lilith-Ascendant aspects tend to be overly sexualised. Be wary of stalkers.
💜Saturn in 10H are workaholics. Their biggest fear is not being successful.
💜Cancer rising has bambi eyes. They are so breathtaking to look at.
💜Scorpio placements have a fascination with occult/death. They can’t help it. Anything taboo is intriguing to them. Who brings a ouija board to the sleepover? Scorpio.
💜Too many water placements in the natal chart indicates psychic abilities. In tantra, it is believed that eyes with a lot of yin or water signs can see ghost.
Disclaimer: Take what resonates with you. Personal observations are biased.
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xneptunianx · 7 months ago
Lilith conjunct Ascendant/Lilith in the 1st house
Hi everyone! My name is Amber, I’m 22 & this is my first astrology post. I’ve been studying astrology for 7 years now and I’m excited to share my knowledge and experience with astrology with you. This is a long one, so get ready.
I have this placement myself in the sign of Pisces conjunct my Pisces Asc in the 1st house with my modern chart ruler Neptune heavily aspected. (I study sidereal astrology with whole sign houses) so writing it was pretty interesting. If you would like to know about my personal experience with this placement, let me know and I’ll create a separate post about it.
Disclaimer: Any other aspects to your Lilith as well as your ascendant & your chart ruler(s) will affect how this aspect will show up. It’s also important to know that the tighter the orb/degree, the more prominent it will be. If you get triggered easily, please take care of yourself and read another time. Trigger warning is put before sensitive subjects.
Alright, enough rambling. Let’s get into it!
❥ Who is Lilith?
❧ She was Adam’s first wife, she was casted out of the Garden of Eden by God for defying Adam.
❧ She was shamed, ridiculed & rejected for her strong will, rebellion/defiance & liberal attitude towards sex, independence & wanted more than anything to be treated as an equal to Adam.
❧ After being casted out of Heaven, she went on to have an affair with Satan and was crowned the Queen of Hell.
❥ What does Black Moon Lilith represent?
❧ BML is not a celestial body or an object, it is a mathematical point but its energy is still very much prominent.
❧ It represents either/or the fascination/obsession, denial/rejection of whatever topics that are associated with the sign and house it is in.
❥ What is the ascendant?
❧ The ascendant sign, also known as the rising sign is the critical, angular point of the 1st house.
❧ This represents your physical body, appearance, 1st impression, innate nature & mannerisms.
❧ In the Placidus house system, it is the beginning of the 1st house. In the Whole Sign house system it can vary in degree and very rarely land in the 12th or 2nd house.
❧ The ascendant sets up the rest of your chart. If you have BML in the 1st house without the conjunction to the Asc, this energy will still manifest. It just won’t be as prominent.
❥ What is a conjunction?
❧ A conjunction is an aspect. Aspects are used to show the relationship and dynamic between planets/objects in a chart.
❧ Conjunctions are when two or more planets/celestial bodies/angles are right next to each other in the birth chart, blending and empowering the energies associated with them together.
❧ Angles are the Ascendant (ASC), Descendant (DSC), Imum Coeli (IC) & Midheaven (MC).
❥ I like to think BML as a mix between the outer planets: Neptune, Uranus & Pluto. Especially, Pluto.
❥ When someone has BML conjunct the Asc/in the 1st house this gives the native a mysterious, captivating, alluring, darker aura & presence.
❥ If the BML is conjunct the Asc in the 12th house (usually the case in the Placidus house system) the energy will be there as well but it will be deeper in the subconscious and may be harder to harness this energy in a productive way.
❥ The 12th house is the house of confinement, suppression, hidden enemies, the subconscious & self undoing (addictions for example).
❥ However, the 12th house also rules dreams, spirituality & the unseen realms as it is is ruled by Neptune and naturally is governed by Pisces. Therefore this may manifest similarly to Pisces Asc in certain ways.
❦ Physical Appearance ❦
❥ BML hardens energy & adds a darker, more intense energy. Especially when it comes to the softer ascendant signs such as Taurus, Libra, Cancer, Virgo & Pisces as a few examples.
❥ Some astrologers say that BML does not affect physical appearance but in my experience, I have noticed a few common denominators which are listed below:
❥ Those with this placement usually have a darker appearance, even those with a lighter complexion/light colored eyes. The eyes may be darker in appearance due to the energy that BML exudes.
❥ May give a little bit of Neptunian energy if it’s conjunct in the 12th house (dreamy, ethereal. think siren energy).
❥ They may have darker colored hair & sometimes thicker hair (not always ofc, genetics matter).
❥ Regardless, they may have a darker aesthetic, wear black or darker colored clothes.
❥ If not the case, they are just attracted to styles & aesthetics that bring a sense of empowerment, liberation & control. Whether that’s dressing unconventionally, modestly or revealing. It can go either way.
❥ They may decide to dye their hair a darker color if their natural hair color is lighter. Also, those with the placement may even decide to dye their an unnatural color.
⚠️‼️TW: Mentions of sexual trauma/SA, depression, self-harm, ED’s. Please, take of yourself.‼️⚠️
❦ Personality & Struggles ❦
❥ If you have this placement you may have struggled with bullying, rejection, being overly sexualized or ridiculed and projected onto by others. People may view you as bitchy, arrogant & ruthless.
❥ You also naturally exude sex appeal regardless if you are trying to present yourself as such. This is especially tough if you have trauma surrounding sex & sexuality.
❥ This placement at its worst manifestation is in line with SA, coercion and manipulation by others or even towards others. Although, the native is usually on the receiving end of this.
❥ May also struggle with su!c!dal thoughts/ideation, addictions among other forms of self destruction.
❥ They also struggle with asserting themselves and setting boundaries due to fear of rejection, ridicule & hostility. People project a lot of their fears and anger onto to them.
❥ They also have a tendency to attract possessive, obsessive and controlling friends & partners that want to put them in a box.
❥ The more these people try to tame & control them, the more the people with this placement will want/feel the need to rebel.
❥ May have problems with women/feminine figures in their life.
❧ If they are a woman/feminine, other women/feminines may be envious/jealous of them and their captivating energy.
❧ Regardless of their sexual orientation they will most likely struggle with men/masculine figures over-sexualizing them, degrading them, disrespecting them, overstepping their boundaries & projecting their fantasies onto them.
❥ Especially if they have a Venus or Neptune ruled ascendant or if Venus and/or Neptune is prominent in their chart.
❥ Examples:
❧ Taurus/Libra Asc (Venus). Pisces Asc (modern ruler is Neptune, traditional ruler is Jupiter).
❧ Heavily aspected, on an angle (Asc, Dsc, IC, MC) or in an angular house (1st, 4th, 7th or 10th house). Especially Neptune as Neptune is the higher octave of Venus and it rules dreams & fantasies.
❧ Also, Mars & Pluto prominence: Scorpio Asc, Mars (traditional ruler) & Pluto heavily aspected, on an angle/in an angular house for control, manipulation, hostility and/or violence.
❥ These energies also apply to men/masculines as well but it may manifest a bit differently as stated below:
❧ If they are a straight man/masculine they may struggle with expectations and demands towards women. Especially in a partner.
❧ They may even have the tendency to be misogynistic. Alternatively, they may seek out feminine partners that defy traditional roles in relationships as they respect and admire that.
❥ Daddy issues are usually a thing with this placement, both in feminines and masculines. They struggle with expressing their feminine energy.
❥ As the ascendant/1st house deals with the physical body, they may have struggles with self image issues such as an eating disorder/ or general insecurities surrounding their appearance and body. Sometimes, this can manifest as physical health issues/disorders as well.
❥ Alternatively, the most positive manifestation of this placement is being obsessed with themselves and their appearance, in a positive way. Although, that too can turn toxic.
❥ Being a leader and paving the way for liberation & justice especially when it comes to femininity and sexuality.
❥ Not only that, they pave the way for others to express their authenticity and challenging social norms and what is deemed acceptable by society.
❥ In general, the native may become obsessed with cultivating a persona that they deem powerful & influential even though it may not fully align with who they actually are and what they want.
❥ They may even become obsessed with negative attention just as much as positive attention.
❥ “Haters make me famous.” “All press is good press.” & “The end justifies the means.” are mottos they may live by or at least inspires them.
❦ If you have this placement, a great way to harness this energy is following your authenticity. Standing up for yourself and what you believe in.
❦ Forms of self expression such as fashion, music, drawing or other forms of artistic expression will help to release any negative emotions and struggles you may be dealing with.
❦ Acceptance of one’s authenticity & facing your fears and inner demons is essential. The more you try to suppress who you really are, the more Lilith will challenge you.
❦ Don’t be afraid to seek therapy or talk to a loved one if that’s an option for you.
Hope you guys enjoyed this post. Let me know if it resonated and leave me suggestions for more posts!
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malachiteclouds · 1 year ago
🌟natal astrology observations part 2 🌟
jupiter conjunct mars people can have extremely inflated egos. they are very argumentative and can't stand being wrong
moon opposite pluto have such intense feelings but they feel so far removed from them. they have a really difficult time processing their own emotions. they can repress feelings, then revisit the topic and not even realize they felt so strongly about it
1H pluto/conjunct asc love masks. they're spectacular at hiding and going unseen. they are masters at stealth and reservation which is why they intrigue people because they have complete control over who gets to see what and how much
aries rising/moon x being called "hot headed" all the time. they can physically get red in the face a lot/while mad or have really bad headaches/migraines
pisces placements have a specific look and are easy to spot. it's in their teeth , i can't explain it
7H saturn most loyal placement ever. they are devoted to understanding you and themselves through you. they can see their partners blind spots really well and they tend to be very genuine in their attempts to better themselves as an individual and the relationship as a whole. when they decide to commit, they will stick by your side through whatever it is you're going through
mercury chiron aspects, you guys NEED to write and/or speak. i know you feel its your weakness but really it is your superpower
women with lilith conjunct/opposite/square venus can have a habit of competing with other women. they can also put blame on women and think women are constantly jealous of them. they can have an itch for male validation that they really need to do some inner work to dismantle, as a lot of it comes from a past where THEY felt/feel insecure in their femininity or they felt/feel othered by women
moon north node aspects can be known for their mom or for being a mom. disharmonious aspects(squares/oppositions) can be notorious or infamous for being a "bad mom". can be extremely ridiculed for parenting style
12H stelliums live in quiet. in basements. in small apartments with lots of books and messy papers everywhere. they live in silence. they live in solitude. they live in stillness. they live in seclusion. they live in isolation. they were put on this earth in this lifetime for deep introspection and exploration of singularity.
5H moons are amazing in early childhood education. talk about thinking on your feet. it's basically like "hmm it would be fun to dip some yarn in some paint and drag it on the paper... oh and these 3 year olds happen to be here"
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evangelinesbible · 2 years ago
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Vinnie Hacker is basically TikToks modern day Heartthrob. And his Astrological beauty doesn’t disappoint. Aries risings tend to have very prominent foreheads and pointy chins. Their faces are typically very angular in shape. The Aries symbol is the ram and it’s symbol looks like what an Aries rising head tends to look like. Specifically for men having an Aries rising can makes your face look very sculpted, especially in the jaw and cheekbone area. They might also have a very warm/ red complexion to them. Aries rules over skin so people with these placement might be more prone to acne, moles, freckles, and beauty marks.
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These people tend to have a very sexual presence to them which sadly means that they are sexualized a lot. Lilith 1H or Lilith - ASC might have this bad boy/ girl vibe to them even if they themselves aren’t like that at all.
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Having a Virgo Venus can mean that your stomach/ waist line is very attractive. And having it in the 6H further accentuates that. When someone with this placement works on their body daily or working out is apart of their daily routine their attractiveness grows more and more. (Of course that can work for anyone not just this specific placement, but the difference between a Virgo Venus before and after working on themselves is astonishing) Virgo Venus’s tend to have a very clean put together look to them as well. Venus conj. Moons shows that this person will have an attractive chest
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Like I’ve said before in previous posts when the Ascendant touches mercury these people tend to look very youthful. I’ve also seen that Mercury risings or Mercury - ASC people have big eyes reminiscent of owls.
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These people might tend to have a very seductive stare or just a very intimating stare sometimes. These people tend to appear naturally sexy or seductive. Most of the time their seduction lies all in their eyes.
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Having Bella in the 1H can make someone very beautiful. Bella being in a Venus sign can further emphasize that people with this placement are seen as natural beauties
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Adonis being conj. his Saturn can show that as he matures and grows older he’s only gonna get more attractive. Silver fox type of thing. And it being in Gemini might also mean that he’ll be the type of man who seemingly doesn’t age. Beauty aside this placement clearly explains why he gained fame on social media for his attractiveness.
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Nymphe also rules youth and having it conjunct his moon means that he’s always gonna look a little younger than he actually is, at least in just the face. And if he continues to take good care of his body, and put a lot self care and work into himself he’ll be able to keep up that youthful appearance.
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Aphrodite is usually used in women’s charts but it can still apply to men. Aphrodite touching Pluto can indicate someone who is known for being incredibly sexy and sexually attractive. Their beauty is probably sexualized a lot. Aphrodite in the 8H can bring this sexualization too. He’s probably seen a very attractive and sexy when he taps into his feminine side more. He’s not afraid to wear fashions or colors that might be considered “feminine” or not conveniently “masculine”. But it works really well for him.
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And that was the astrological beauty of Vinnie Hacker
- ⚜️💫⚜️
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darthxvenus · 2 years ago
Beauty Indicators In Astrology😍🩷😍🩷😍🩷
😍 Venus in the 1st House 🩷
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😍 Venus in the 7th House 🩷
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😍 Venus in the 10th House 🩷
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😍 Venus in the 2nd House 🩷
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😍 Neptune in the 1st House 🩷
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😍 Personal planets in Taurus ♉️ or Libra ♎️ 🩷
😍 Taurus ♉️ or Libra ♎️ Rising 🩷
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😍 1st House Ruler conjunct or strongly aspecting Venus 🩷
😍 Sun Conjunct Venus 🩷
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😍 Moon Conjunct Venus 🩷
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😍 Lilith in the 1st House 🖤🔥🩷
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😍 Pluto in the 1st House 🖤🔥🩷
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😍 Mars Conjunct Venus 🔥🩷
😍 Mars in Aries, Scorpio, Taurus, or Libra 🖤🔥🩷
😍 Venus is the most dominant planet 🩷
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ancientgoddessofegypt · 2 years ago
Black Moon Lilith Astro Observations <3
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Strong lilith holders know that they are complex, and must go through the shadow to uncover what they find. When people are not sure of them they can be stalkers in trying to figure out who they really are. Some people will project on to them while studying their every move. Wondering about who they truly are to the core, most find themselves falling in love with them and dont realize it. Jealousy is a stronger experience they have with others because they live so freely and this bursts peoples bubble about the reality they live in.
Most do desire a passionate connection with others, but they notice how sexual there looked at & tend to hide there desires from other people. They could be used for their internal discoveries meaning they can be picked apart so that people can see them as some sort of science experiment. Kind of how like scorpios are picked apart when people are around them trying to 'perceive' them.
Black moon lilith conjunct venus may put these people in a lot of situations they do not want to be in. Polyamory might be something they just walk into. Could end up a side chick or hidden from there lovers for feeling 'ashamed'. Could be fetishized.
Black moon lilith conjunct mercury babes have a desire to speak truth and allow their minds to uncover the darkness that surrounds their community. The voices of reason for taboo scenarios and subjects people would rather stick under the rug. Will go the extra mile for individuals who do not have a voice.
Black moon conjunct uranus individuals have a knack for anything new and different. They will most definitely do that wild fetish if it means it'll give them that rush of ecstacy they crave. Yes they'll join that wild orgy lmfao cause why not???? lmao I kid.
Black moon lilith conjunct neptune can be alluring and people want to be around them. its just something about them. obsessions around their character and actually not being seen as a real person. this could be terrifying for them cause most people will just look at them as a piece of meat.
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paradoxical-plutonian · 2 years ago
There’s a reason I keep my insights underground – outsiders mutilate them into misunderstandings.
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