#8h stellium
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neptuneslure · 9 months ago
women with misogyny magnet placements need to hear this more often than anyone. i want every 1H lilith, moon square mars or pluto, sun-lilith, neptunian/plutonian/pisces/scorpio/12h/8h dominant woman to see this
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cthonic-bunny · 1 year ago
hay what do you think of 8h stellium in a composite chart??
If this relationship ends, you will probably never be the same. You two are transformed into two unrecognizable people as a result of the lessons you learn from one another. Your shadow sides can deeply resonate with one another. You two get a lot out of your private time with one another. You can just sense what the other person needs and wants on a primal level. You never want anything to happen to them. They are your most prized possession, one that no amount of money can buy. I feel like there is a higher chance of codependency with this set-up. You two might feel like a shell of a person when you’re without the other. You two have an immediate agreement that this relationship is not to be taken lightly. “We either merge completely or you leave me alone.” You two might have your finances become completely entangled if you don’t monitor this enough. You can become addicted to one another’s energy. You want to possess them mind, body, and soul. If there were more than just mind, body, and soul, you’ll want to possess that too. You guys will never hesitate to share with one another. “What is mine is always yours.” You two construct your own void to escape in to, a cave that can only be roamed by one another. The sex here can be transformative and bring about changes in your perception of pleasure. You guys might dabble in kinks you once were hesitant to explore with others. Once you two can fully give yourselves to one another sexually and let loose, the sex can be extremely vulnerable and beautiful. You will find it difficult to leave one another even when issues pop their head in. If toxicity begins to control the reigns of your relationship, get ready for the uncontrollable tears, screaming, destruction, and exposure of all your ugly sides. You will shoot to k*ll. Saying the most horrendous things to one another, getting into their psyche, and then still feeling like you are unable to leave despite your resentment and disgust can be a possibility with too much 8H influence playing out in a dynamic. Breaking up feels like you can be preparing to mourn a real death. Just know that you can take the lessons you’ve learned and take on a fresh, healthier approach to life once you’ve moved on. Do not encourage toxicity in anyway because it can get out of hand and it won’t be “cute” or “sexy.” Your safety and wellbeing matters, and you do not need to compromise it to keep anyone around. On a more positive note, I feel like you two can share a lot of interests or have parts of yourselves you only feel comfortable revealing to the other. I feel like you can confide in one another and share secrets you don’t feel like you can tell others. This is another match that wouldn’t be phased by period sex. I feel like 8H relationships can be apt to get each others names tattooed. When you two are not together, I think you can easily find things to remind you of your partner. “I look for you in everything.” You two can really get each other the most wonderful sentimental gifts. I feel like people underestimate how great Scorpionic energy can be when it comes to giving gifts. They know what screams “you,” because they’ve made the time and effort to psychoanalyze you. You want to know what makes the other “tick.” You are keenly aware of any shift in the other persons mood, and want to right it immediately. You can dive deep into each others brains and work passed any trauma you may have. You two can experience infinite deaths and rebirths by being together. This couple could feel like their partner is the only one who truly “sees” them and understands them on a deep level. “You are the light at the end of this dark tunnel.” If the other one hurts you or acts out of malice, this will feel like they legitimately tore your heart out of your chest. Any sort of betrayal is extra hurtful, and can lead to irreconcilable differences. “I’ll never forget what you did to me, even if I’ve forgiven you.” I feel like these two can become more antisocial once they are together.
“I’d live off the grid with you.” (Funny enough, I wrote this sentence in January of 2024; in March of 2024, i reconnected with someone I have an 8H composite stellium with, and within the first day of reconnecting he made this joke to me lol)
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rabiosantologia · 2 years ago
| people with 4H, 8H, 12H placements
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astral-lucy · 1 year ago
Hello💖 could you please drop your insights about being a cappy rising and having an 8th house (leo) stellium (sun mercury and saturn) ?
Ig this leo stellium is always referred to as loving the spotlight and attention but im quite the opposite
I freak if im in public and my a stranger heard my conversation with sm .. im so secretive (maybe 8th house matters?)
I also have a pisces moon in 3rd house
And libra jupiter and venus in 10th house
hi love! i totally understand why you feel the way you do. capricorns and leos are definitely known for loving attention, being in the spotlight when they're praised, but capricorns are also very self-conscious people and worry a lot about how others see them, and leos do care about what others think of them as well. seeing as this stellium goes into your 8h, all of these leo placements have the opposite effect on you - instead of loving the spotlight, you're very anxious of people noticing you. and, yes, 8h placements do make you more secretive. a 3h moon can make you an overthinker, just like the 8h sun can, so you could process your emotions on a more logical manner, and that also means that you can try and control how others perceive your emotions. you're also very emotional, even if you keep it a secret. I'm not sure if that helped. hope this was what you wanted!
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libra-stellium · 2 years ago
Me: “It’s Sunday let me put on a nice movie”
Me a Libra 8Her: *chooses the violent assassin movie to watch while I paint my nails nude pink*
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ariesprincesss · 2 months ago
Super Random Astro Observations Pt. III
view more astro observations here🔽
Super Random Astro Observations
Super Random Astro Observations Pt II
( i am not an astrologer just a silly girl that knows a lot about astrology🤓)
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˚✧ lowkey though in my astrology journey ive learned to lower expectations for how you think something can go even if given the “perfect” synastry aspects or soulmate indicators. any of it honestly. lunar return charts do not work perfectly for every month. sometimes even transits aren’t even really felt strongly. what i’m trying to say is see things as opportunities not finalities.
˚✧ this man i know is a leo rising & i swear he looks like this 🦁
˚✧ progressed moon conjuct jupiter when i had a life altering event!
˚✧ transit 8h Northnode conjucted my chart ruler , trine my natal pluto, transit 8h chiron conjuncted my natal sun sun, transit 1h mercury square natal 4h pluto- When I had another life altering event that essentially changed dynamics within how i relate to others in my family.
˚✧ vertex in 8th house in my lunar return chart when i lost my virginity☠️
˚✧ currently have the sun & moon in my 12th house lunar return chart & am absolutely going through it😭😭😭 edit: also going through a mental breakthrough tho which might have something to do with 1h pluto in that same chart so…🙏
˚✧ transit chiron conjuct my natal sun when i was in just the most terrible mood imaginable…
˚✧ transit venus conjuct my natal jupiter the day i met a romantic partner!!
˚✧ i also had vertex ,chiron ,& north node in my 7h lunar return chart when i met them too!
˚✧ okay but the month i had north node and both saturn & neptune retrograding in my 7th house i could not stop thinking ab my ex & eventually ended up texting him😭
˚✧ this is random but is in my head bc ive been watching bob ross videos lately LOL. but i was wondering why he had so much success and after looking at his chart, i feel like like it could possibly be linked to his libra stellium. he had libra mercury, neptune ,& mars. It definitely feels like he would have an ambition for beauty , making something beautiful, an “eye” for beautiful things , or speaking in a beautiful way.
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˚✧ i can also say that with south node currently transiting my 1st house as a virgo rising starting literally yesterday i already feel like this weight of feeling like i have to be perfect and appear as such is fading 100%. big on embracing imperfection….🤔
˚✧ so another instance where i had a partners moon square my mercury (their moon was in my 5h) he was like super lovey with me to the point of love bombing , but it just made me feel kind of smothered/awkward when he would make like grand romantic gestures. (his natal moon was also in 7h🫢)
˚✧ a transformative relationship came to me when the asc dc angles were in my natal 1st/7th houses in my lunar return chart!!
˚✧ i definitely recommend doing “solar return synastry charts” between you and those close to you as i think it provides valuable insight on what events occur between you or others in that year! A chart between me and my best friend showed her jupiter in the 10th house squaring my 12h moon, 6h venus ,& 6h saturn in the src.It showed how she has started to work more hours thus having less time to talk to me everyday or as consistently as possible making me feel kind of like :/ bc i want to talk to my bff!!! This showed up 3 months before my birthday so i def agree with solar return energy showing up early.
˚✧ ive said it before but i will say it again when you meet someone of your rising sign they are essentially mirroring you BADDD. especially if you share placements together.
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botanicalsword · 2 years ago
What does your Solar Return Chart look like?
I just wanted to check in and jot down some personal observations notes for my Solar Return chart.
How are you feeling so far? ♡
Instagram : @le.sinex
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Self-love is a journey of self-discovery and self-acceptance. Embrace the process and be kind to yourself.
Venus in 1H - I used to place a strong focus on my appearance, constantly checking myself in the mirror. However, this was not due to an obsession with my own body. Instead, I checked for any transformative changes in order to feel more confident and beautiful.
North Node in 1H - Improve overall well-being and learning to love and accept yourself for who you are. By focusing on your own personal growth and development, you can cultivate a sense of self-love that will radiate outwards and positively impact all areas of your life.
Jupiter in 6H - I was making a career change or upgrading my skills, I aim to learn new things and challenge myself. Seeking out mentors can provide valuable guidance and support as I navigate my new career path.
Sun in 12H - Personality transitions: I have been craving more knowledge and wisdom from books and online resources. However, I feel that there is not enough time to absorb all of this knowledge. As a result, I am searching for more channels to obtain the information I seek.
Moon in 1H - I was in a state of longing for something new and exciting to come into my life; a desire for recognition and the opportunity to make a name for myself. I had been feeling restless and unsure for a while, but determined to make a change. I was craving something different and wanted to reach my goals, but wasn't sure how.
Chiron in 12H - I was struggling with substance abuse, which had been affecting my daily life for quite some time. I knew that I needed to seek help for my mental health issues, which were related to trauma that I had experienced in the past. I understood that this was going to be a challenging journey, but I was determined to take the necessary steps to improve my well-being.
12H stellium - I stayed in a lot and enjoyed my own solitude, detoxing from social media and even taking a break from my network connections. Read a lot of spiritually oriented and self-help books.
Moon in 12H - My depression was a terrifying experience. I felt trapped in hopelessness and despair. The sadness and emptiness were unrelenting, and there was no light at the end of the tunnel. Coping was a struggle, and at times, the darkness consumed me. It was difficult, but I am grateful for the lessons and strength gained.
Pluto in 10H - Struggle to work: too much distractions When become interested in learning about a subject or a new way of organizing information, may experience an intense focus and drive to learn.
Saturn/Moon aspect - I was more sensitive to feedback from teachers or people you admire and respect. I attempted to draw a line to limit myself.
Venus/Saturn aspect - I need to reevaluate my core values in order to better determine how to invest my time and energy in others, including potentially cutting off unnecessary relationships.
Ascendent in Libra - delighted to be surrounded by friends who respect each other's personal space, which makes for a great social circle.
North node/MC aspect - I was experiencing some difficulties with working on publicity and reputation. My lack of experience is making it difficult to develop an effective strategy for promoting my brand and building a positive reputation.
Mars trine moon - experiencing positive outcomes and making progress towards your goals - have the added benefit of feeling emotionally supported by the important people in your life such as friends, family, and colleagues.
This is just my personal take from what I've seen and been through.
Masterlist @botanicalsword
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youremyheaven · 11 months ago
8h Synastry Vibes
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Like fire to water, they burn your flesh but you drench their darkness. You feel enmeshed with light, ignited, alive and they become one with your darkness. You feel your souls recognise each other, this is an eternal bond. They ignite you, you extinguish them. It's maddening but it's profound. Annihilate any sense of separation because you're one and the same.
The Sufis call it "fanaa" or annihilation. One must annihilate the ego to merge with God who is love. Similarly, you have to rid yourself of "you" to lose yourself to love.
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bouncykhotchillipeppers · 11 months ago
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Welcome back to another special edition of my astrological chart readings… Today we have Seonghwa.
✦ Disclaimer I do not know him personally, no harm intended, others may interpret differently. I’ve been studying astrology for six years, and I take this seriously and try my best. Feel free to ask any questions you have! This is not a full chart reading, just a couple of interesting things for his birthday.
✦ Sun, Mercury Rx, Mars, Saturn conjunction, Sun conjunct Midheaven in Aries (Tenth House) Quick rundown, when I found out that if you swap the characters in his given name (성화 seong-hwa to become 화성 hwa-seong) and it means Mars, well… Aries is ruled by Mars. They’re inherently connected in astrology as they have the same energy. And he has four planets and his Midheaven all in Aries, which is crazy! Things that seem fated.
Back to the actual analysis. Stelliums, or three or more planets in one sign, are common occurrences. He has two stelliums, one in Aries (Sun, Mercury, Mars, Saturn) and one in Aquarius (Venus, Uranus, Neptune).
There is an overall need to be noticed—he wants to be recognized for whatever he achieves, and he will achieve things because he’s determined enough to and has the iron-clad will to get him through any trials he will come across. Despite this need to be noticed, the Aries Sun thriving in the spotlight, he has a penchant for being sensitive to how others perceive him, thanks to Saturn being here as well. What others say about him matters. He wants to conform, yet he wants to rebel. It will take a while for him to come out of his shell, but when he does, it’s wonderful.
That Mars-Saturn conjunction is the most interesting because it’s the most powerful, the domicile Mars overpowering the exiled Saturn. Someone who is simultaneously afraid of conflict yet constantly testing his will in extreme situations. Impulse vs steadfastness. There are many ways this can be interpreted, though for brevity I will say that part of him will always need to let his individuality out, his need for independence, and there’s a battle against authority going on inside of him at all times.
Mars-Saturn sesquiquadrate Pluto, the patience and depth is astounding… Endurance, survival, in it for the long run. When he devotes himself, he devotes everything he has. He’s all in. He doesn’t know how to do things halfway.
Mercury-Mars conjunction, a quick thinker, though with Mercury in retrograde, it may come out unplanned or not as it should be taken. A little witty, a little silly… Bored easily.
Sun sextile Uranus makes him open to being a little quirky and odd, more willing to associate himself with people who don’t fit in, and that Venus placement emphasizes this, too.
✦ Moon in Cancer (Twelfth House) This is his chart ruler, an overpowering presence in his chart. Moon rules over what is secure, emotions and the presence in the home. Whatever is in 12H bleeds into the collective consciousness—your feelings are his feelings, and he isn’t sure where yours end and his begin. Extremely sensitive to whatever and whoever is around him. There needs to be a…refined aspect to this though. He doesn’t like to deal with anything too unpleasant if he doesn’t have to. It’s good that he has the Aries and Aquarius to offset this, the doers of the zodiac, otherwise he could get too stuck in his own head and avoid confrontation altogether in order to keep the peace. I suppose one could also associate this placement with someone who lives in a chaotic home, many unplanned things happening all at once, though it could also mean someone who wants to maintain a perfect home, perhaps in spite of the chaos. Since Moon and Cancer both are associated with the mother, this could also mean an idealization (12H) of all motherly or homely things.
✦ Venus in Aquarius (Eighth House) I sort of covered this when I did Hongjoong’s chart reading a month ago, but it’s likely that Seonghwa runs very hot and cold with people, very either/or. Venus doesn’t naturally like to be here. He has a lot of walls… Once you’re in his circle, you’re in it permanently—unless you betray him somehow, which would be the ultimate offense. Very protective over others. Uranus in 7H emphasizes the hot-cold of his personality, though he has 7H of one-on-one relationships in Capricorn and 11H of friendships in Taurus, so whatever friendships and relationships he does have are long term. He probably likes to give gifts of some kind to others, an exchange of sorts. “I do this for you, you do this for me.”
✦ Final thoughts Seonghwa is a very passionate and devoted person. He simultaneously wears his heart on his sleeve but keeps his cards close to his chest… Everything must surface eventually though.
I don’t talk about parents because I do not wish to speculate, but I do feel like he’s very similar to his mother in a lot of ways due to all of the planets in tenth house and his Ascendant being in Cancer.
Thank you for reading! You can check out my other chart readings on my blog or on Twitter.
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rucow · 1 year ago
i must be the weirdest aquarius venus in the world, bc im actually obsessed with love and romance and relationships and i Need to be in a constant state of romantic attraction or else i'll just wither and die 💔
like, yea.. freedom is nice, but have you ever been made to feel like you're your partner's number one? like you're their whole entire world and they're (healthily) obsessed with you? have you had a lover that is your home, your safety, and your comfort? have you had a partner that encourages and supports your individual passions and hobbies the same way you do theirs? have you had a partner who only wants you and no one else? have you had a soulmate? have you been so close to another person that you start to adopt each other's words and mannerisms and interests to the point where you become the same person? no?? then what are u waiting for? who needs space and detachment and casual relationships when this other good stuff exists????? not me thats for sure 🫶
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celestialtarot11 · 4 months ago
What can indicate intense eye contact with some one? Is that something astrology can tell? 🤔
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Intense Eye Contact
—Sag sun are masters of strong eye contact. They have that wise beyond their years look. Like they’ve been alive for centuries and this is another re-run of their last shitty trial.
—Scorpio degrees/big 6 placements have strong eye contact. And some may avoid it actually because it feels too intimate. Everytime they look at someone its as if they’re skinning them to see their soul.
—Virgo 8h is another one. Always staring at you to figure out who you are behind what you say. Studies your body language to a T. They don’t take anything at face value. Bonus points if mercury sits in the 8h.
—Aquarius placements/stellium their stares penetrate through flesh and bone. They have this manic pixie look at first and it drives you in real deep, you have no idea what you’re signing up for.
—Mars 1h undressing you with their eyes, both in the spiritual sense and physical :) id say this is more so spiritual if they have strong neptune asp to personal planets, neptune conj mars, pisces/cancer placements. They just want to read your soul, but often comes across like they’re trying to figure out what color your underwear is. (Love ya mars 1h)
—Taurus placements have so much soul and rhythm behind their eyes. Serenade me. Hold me. Beautiful gazes, like gazelle. Reminds me of 90s rhythm and blues.
—Cap Venus has that look, similar to a thousand mile yard stare but more solemn. Tranquil. Somber. Always aching for more and wishing for what could’ve been. It moves you.
—Saturn dom has a resting bitch face, it’s iconic. Always looks annoyed or slightly disgusted at something they saw. Rarely stays for long so you can really see the depth in their eyes. Quick glances, or long drawn out eye contact so you know your place, especially if you messed with them.
—Gemini moon can also have intense eye contact. They’re always analyzing the moment and studying in their head, so it looks as if they’re focused innately on you. Paired with Leo gives them a languid, sultry stare. Feline like and does not approach first, no, they invite you with their eyes.
—Pluto-venus asp is another one entirely. Crash and burn with me gaze. Catch me if you can. Play games with me and chase after me. Never gives away their real intentions, always hidden with that same smirk and their flaunting eyes.
—Cancer moon looks absolutely whimsical, embodying the stars. Droopy, bedroom eyes. Can have a delicate tilt to their head when they listen to you. God, it really draws you in. Like two pools of honey, warming you.
—Neptune asp personal planets. A stare you can’t explain. Dreamy, hazy, personal yet you’re placed on the outside. Feels like a sacred reunion when they look at you, adorning you. Strange familiarity like they’ve always known you.
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croquetkills · 22 days ago
✧ ┈ ─ 『 Astrology Observations 2 』 ⟢
⊹ ࣪ ˖ ┆Saturn in the 12h can manifest as Agoraphobia, or as Anxiety in general. ⊹ ࣪ ˖ ┆So many people with 6h Saturn have sleeping issues. If they don't get enough sleep they will talk your ear off about it. ⊹ ࣪ ˖ ┆Aquarius placements are highly fond of things considered "childish". Video games, cartoons, anime, figurines, etc. ⊹ ࣪ ˖ ┆If you have Vertex in the 7h or 11h, the sign it's in can show what traits the most important people in your life (will) embody. ⊹ ࣪ ˖ ┆12h stellium havers are emotionally overlooked. Check up on your 12h stellium buddies, they'll appreciate it. ⊹ ࣪ ˖ ┆Insecure, two-faced people can feel threatened by 12h, 8h, & occasionally 1h placements. ESPECIALLY if said placements are dominant in your energy. They will feel gossamer-thin in your presence, and may try and villainise you. ⊹ ࣪ ˖ ┆The stereotype that Libra suns are 'shallow' and 'manipulative' is, most of the time, not true. They can struggle with mirroring people's energy, suppressing their natural self. I'd argue unhealthy Libra MC & Venus are the most manipulative Libra placements, ESPECIALLY men with them. ⊹ ࣪ ˖ ┆Scorpio Venus isn't as intense as people make it a lot of the time. They can be gentle souls with rich inner worlds and can struggle with expressing romantic feelings.
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cthonic-bunny · 11 months ago
Hi celestialscatterbrain!
Hope you are well today ◡̈
Wanted to see what you thought about venus square uranus in composite chart as well as an 8th house stellium in composite!
I also am curious to know what your fav/least fav placement and aspects would be in a composite chart.
Thanks for your time, energy, effort and knowledge
Enjoy your week 💐
(18+) minors do not interact
Thank you so much!!! I hope your week is great too 🩵
Venus square Uranus in the composite chart has potential to be a great thrill, but it also felt like such a headache. It feels like the butterflies exist here because of the relationship’s unpredictability. I had asked myself numerous times if that’s the only reason I liked this person, because I wasn’t getting much more out of it. If you’re at a distance from one another or can’t see each other often, this placement can easily be really annoying. It can also feel like you guys are only allowed to come together in bursts. You guys have “chapters” where you’re involved, and probably not for long periods of time, and then come back together (… and then the cycle repeats 🎡).
There’s probably something a little controversial or unconventional about your setup. If not, it can feel like it’s not a relationship that is instantly going to be committed until a more stable time in life. I also wouldn’t be surprised if this started off as a “meaningless hookup,” where you still interact on and off after. This might be best between two people who are friends with benefits and truly want to keep it that way for a while. Even then, you still might wish for there to be something just a little more concrete between you two. If not, it might feel like this lyric from the song “romantic homicide” by d4vd: “why am I still here? I don’t mean to be complacent with the decisions you made, but why?… I’m sick of waiting patiently for someone that won’t even arrive.”
For me, it felt like things were going great, and then all of a sudden you’re caught off guard by something. Then you have to wait for that “something” to be resolved or normalized before you resume the interaction. You might compromise on a lot of circumstances you definitely wouldn’t encourage your friends to compromise on. You might also feel like you have to normalize a lot of new situations you’ve never handled before. This interaction can really call for you to be adaptable and non-judgmental.
You guys might feel like you’re on a seesaw, where one desires more commitment so the other one pulls back, and then you take turns. In some cases, one person definitely spends a lot more time being the one pulled back and afraid of intimacy than the other, bc maybe the other is already more comfortable with closeness even if it doesn’t come with commitment.
This can be so unstable, it’s nauseating. The mixed signals can be infuriating. Am I being led on? Am I being used? Do you just want me when you want me to make you feel attractive and desired? Did your last option fail and now you want to come back so you can enjoy the thrill of a relationship/intimacy?
You two can bring out and understand each other’s reckless or wild side. You’ll be willing to get out of character, or misbehave with one another. It reminds me of “happiness is a butterfly” by Lana del Rey when she says: “I’ll pick you up if you’re in town on the corner, happiness is a butterfly, we should catch it while dancing high, lose my self in the music baby…” “don’t be a jerk, don’t call me a taxi, sitting in your sweatshirt crying in the back seat.. I just want to dance with you… baby I just wanna dance, with you.”
This is such a situationship placement.
I don’t think it helped that when I experienced this, we had our Venus in the 12H of our composite. 😭
On a positive note, you guys can have a lot of fun together!!! You guys give each other a nice rush and it can make the more stable, normal partners you experience after them feel “boring” or “too safe” in comparison. You could’ve linked up in a very memorable way. It’s definitely a fling or relationship you’ll never forget.
I do enjoy the 8th house stellium a lot more. I recently got to experience this one, so my appreciation has grown for it! 👻
You two might come together when one of you is undergoing a spiritual transformation. They can just be coming into their spirituality or feeling very inclined to explore it deeper or in new ways, and maybe you are too! You guys love to talk about the occult together. You want to deep dive into it together. One of you can mentor the other in a sense, spiritually. You can introduce them to more nuanced topics within their own beliefs. You want to do magic together. Merging is easy and natural. You share your paranormal experiences together. You also have no problem talking about any topic with one another, because nothing is off the table! You can appreciate the taboo sides of one another, and it’s easy to confess secrets. Physical intimacy is instantly great, and you might be surprised at how comfortable you feeling during the act with this person even if you would be shy or reserved with past partners. You two find each other’s genitals to be attractive. Sex involves a lot of touching and grabbing, and overall appreciation for each other’s bodies as a sexual partner. You surprisingly can really respect the others personal time and space, which makes them come to you more. You think about them a lot in passing. Even if you guys are in a casual fling, you guys still chit chat throughout the day every day to let them know you’re not going anywhere even if you’re extremely busy. You can also come together when you two are attempting to shift the way that you generate your respective incomes.
You two can be very different, but those differences can be where the magnetism towards one another is sourced from. You have a respect for one another immediately. You’d instantly like to have them around for more than just a night! You always want to make sure they’re okay. You can be protective over one another and can defend each other unconditionally. You want to help each other transform. You can let go of old, outdated guards you had up with others, because this person knows what hurts you and how to handle you. You like to get each other little gifts early on, maybe gifts tied to the occult! Together, you are a force to be reckoned with. ❤️‍🔥
Of course, this is more of the positive and ideal manifestation. I’m sure with more negative aspects to planets in the 8H or an 8H mars, the potential for extremism can be far more activated. Mars in the 8H with harsh Pluto aspects can really take over the “nice” qualities of 8H contacts. The sex will still be amazing and keep on getting better and better and better and BETTER with time, but make sure you guys learn how to diffuse anger early on in the relationship and don’t try to hurt the other. That isn’t a relationship you want to sabotage before it properly begins, because those grudges can be held for far too long. Extreme arguments can occur here, and physical violence can become a thing. You will literally be wishing death on one another and your adrenaline levels can drive you to mutually destruct. This is best for a couple where forgiveness is easily achieved and always sought after. If you start off well, and always have each others best interests in mind, then you can defeat old wounds and negative beliefs together and rise like phoenixes from ash.
You can also read my first post on an 8H stellium in the composite chart here for more information/another manifestation of it! (Maybe more reflective of the long term aspect, my description above is more for the start of the interaction)
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magic-astro-fae · 3 months ago
Intuitive/ psychic abilities in the birth chart
Everyone has the ability to tune into their intuition, but these placements may have this come more naturally to them
Moon aspected w Jupiter/ Uranus/ Neptune/ Pluto
Moon 3H/4H/8H/12H
Water Moon
Neptune/ Uranus 3H/ 4H/ 8H/ 12H
Pluto 1H/ 4H/ 8H/ 12H
Mercury aspected w Jupiter/ Neptune/ Pluto
Jupiter 8H/12H
Sun aspected to Uranus/ Neptune/ Pluto
Water Mercury
Mars aspected w Neptune
Mars in Aquarius/ Pisces
Stellium in 3H/ 4H/ 8H/ 12H
Water Jupiter
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novy2sirius · 9 months ago
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How to find out
• | There’s a number of ways you could go about doing this but personally the way I find most accurate is checking the Groom and Briede asteroid persona charts. I haven’t been a huge fan of asteroids recently because I feel the natal charts planets, houses, aspects, and degrees can tell much more typically but when it comes to this subject I find great accuracy in these charts. The Groom persona chart represents the husband and the Briede persona chart represents the wife. If your spouse were to be non binary you could check the Descendant persona chart instead
• | Groom code: 5129 — Briede code: 19029
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Their appearance
• | Look at the prominent placements in the groom/briede pc which would be stelliums, the ascendant, or 1h planets
• | This applies more so to Western. There can be more interpretations these are just some I’ve witnessed
Aries/1h placements
broad shoulders, masculine/athletic body, sharp/defined eyebrows, intense stare, possible rbf/intimidating face, lots of sex appeal, big head or forehead
Taurus/2h placements
broad shoulders also, soft features, bull-like features, wider nose, body’s on the beefy side (wide rib cage, wide hips, etc), strong jawline, pretty
Gemini/3h placements
thinner build, fairy teeth, mouse/fairy like nose and eyes, fox-like eyes, youthful appearance, possible baby face/child-like cheeks
Cancer/4h placements
moon shaped face, big boobs/prominent chest area, big cute eyes, curvy, possible baby face/full cheeks, soft features, feminine beauty
Leo/5h placements
lion-like facial features, pouty lips, broad shoulders, beautiful/thick hair, good looking
Virgo/6h placements
youthful face/innocent face, prominent cheeks, small nose/thin nose or straight nose, angelic features
Libra/7h placements
deer-like appearance, feminine body or curvy body, big butt, symmetrical features, pretty, possibly dimples, beautiful hair
Scorpio/8h placements
intense stare/possible rbf, broad shoulders, athletic body, strong sex appeal/seductive appearance, mysterious looking, prominent nose
Sagittarius/9h placements
tall, thick thighs, athletic build, big eyes, horse-like features, curvy
Capricorn/10h placements
sharp jawline, skinny, good bone structure, good teeth, intimidating stare
Aquarius/11h placements
skinny, unique appearance, intimidating stare, tall, a unique feature that stands out (example: prominent birth mark)
Pisces/12h placements
big dreamy eyes, big lips, sweet face, ethereal beauty, small feet
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libra-stellium · 2 years ago
This is an astrology and Taylor Swift post. I'm kind of obsessed with profection years and I have been listening to her album Midnights. I did not proof read this at all lol and if I'm wrong just pretend with me because I was excited thanks!
In Would've Could've Should've (my favorite song) she goes back and forth about how she regrets “dancing with the devil” at 19 and if she had known then what she knows now then she would’ve stayed praying and 19 is what?? An 8H year!
She mentions devil, ghosts, wounds, weapons idk if they're actually in the 8H but it's the vibe of trauma and death. To me she's describing the darkness of an 8H year and how you face a lot of trauma and of course the type depends on what sign you have in your own 8H. I relate so hard to this because I was going through it at 19 as well! I was in my first relationship and it was toxic, I was learning how to live away from home, my grandmother passed and it was the first death where I was conscious of what was going on.
And throughout the song she says "now that I know" which lets us know she's passed the 8H and looking back on it. She then says that she would've stayed on her knees, god's honest truth, heaven. What is that? 9H vibes! Knowing better after coming out of the 8H!
This song was MADE to be my fave bc it has all my themes 😂 it has to do with a relationship (all my Libra) it has to do with 8H (most of my placements) and 9H (where I have my Pluto and mars) it was love at first listen!
Then this got me thinking more about Taylor's profection years! This album came out October 2022 and her birthday is in December which means that when she wrote this song and the album was released she was 32! Bc she just turned 33 in December. 32 is what?? A 9H year!! She had just gone through another 8H year at 31 probably reliving some themes from when she was 19 and whatever lessons weren’t learned which is why she was reflecting on that time and when she turned 32 she had learned her lessons and can now see where she went wrong like now she knows but it’s bittersweet bc you can’t change the past 🤷🏾‍♀️ philosophy is also 9H??
As an added bonus if you read this far lol: in 2020 she canceled her tour for Lover. She was in her saturn return in Capricorn. A major setback! Also she was 30 still in April so a 7H year (libra house/ relationships) and that tour/album is called Lover!
Then her saturn return ends in December 2020 when saturn goes into Aquarius and that’s when she turns 31 starting her 8H year and when she releases Evermore which has a song called closure on it like how fitting! Closing out saturn return and 8H representing endings and past things and what does she start to do????????? Re-recording and she does what during this 8H year?? RERELEASES FEARLESS that was released WHEN?? In 2008 when she was what?? 19!!!!!!! In an 8H year! And people were confused why she re-recorded and released Red before speak now instead of going in order but I think it’s because it was about reliving her past wounds and Red was recorded when she was 23 in a 12H year of literally enemies, cheating, and pain which is similar to 8H vibes! Speak Now was a 10H year release so not the same vibes at all and to me the songs were very curated to be for career advancement. An album made for the purpose of pleasing fans 😬 which I also found out from a tiktok is her least streamed album 😩
I also saw people mention she wanted to name the album Enchanted because that’s her favorite song off there but the label didn’t let her lol and now they're speculating that she’s going to rerelease speak now soon and call it Enchanted like she wanted to! I believe it because it would line up since now at 33 she’s in a 10H year just like when she released speak now 👀👀
If you read the whole thing I love you!
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