#Like they mostly show us the alphas feeling responsible for their betas
blue-b-bro · 1 year
Season 4 had so much potential, which they kinda wasted, as always, but what hurts me the most is probably the Liam-Scott relationship. It was so good in this season??? I loved that Liam was like a little brother to Scott, or everyone really. And then they just throw it away in s5 so Liam could have his own adventures. Like the show is telling us, how important the relationship between an alfa and a beta is, that it's stronger than family, blah blah, and they just gave us some crumbs
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dairy-farmer · 3 months
Presented to you as if I was a cat and this idea was a dead mouse:
Scent is incredibly important in the world of omegaverse. Interestingly, it is a well documented, if not necessarily well known or publicized, that pups actually have the best sense of smell of anyone in Omegaverse: and it does make a lot of sense! Sure, Alphas need to be able to pick up on what other Alphas feelings are so they don't accidentally cause a territory dispute (those should only be done intentionally), but don't necessarily need a vastly more well developed nose compared to the other two dynamics to pick out when an Omega is in heat - if they are interested, the Omega will let them know with actions as well as scent.
What this kind of thing means, very broadly speaking, is that while all dynamics have fairly good senses of smell when it comes to identifying this person or that person or picking up on some of the more strong emotions, being able to tell what someone else's dynamic is can be nigh on impossible with even a mild scent blocker... Unless you're a pup. Because it is incredibly useful, especially in the past when people weren't perhaps as civilized as they are now, to be able to tell quickly and with very high accuracy whether the person you are approaching for help was an Alpha that may be territorial or aggressive, a Beta with little 'pull' in their pack (remember, only things developed tens of thousands of years ago before society was even a thing), or an Omega who is vastly more likely to be protective and nurturing toward pups, and also hopefully has milk.
So! The point to which I am building up: Tim had been hiding that he's an Omega for whatever reason - maybe he's worried old style sexism would have prevented Bruce from letting him be Robin, or maybe he was worried about the optics of a young Omega boy hanging out with a pack of Alphas (Alfred is a beta, but outsiders generally just consider him the help so he wouldn't really count). Heck, maybe Tim just thought it was funny that he managed to hide his secondary gender from Batman... And then Damian shows up
He's small and angry and secretly scared about having a place in a pack of Alphas. Even the Beta, Timothy, is supposedly incredibly skilled and competent according to his grandfather. So Damian is ready to bite people (Dick and Jason mostly), because one thing the League taught him was that the proper response to fear and unease is violence against the thing causing that feeling. So Damian had been at the manor for a couple days, everyone is stressed and snapping at each other, when Tim finally returns from a mission/hangout with YJ. Damian is prepared to meet this final rival for his father's regard with violence, sneaking up on him when Tim is alone after being deprived of the Damian situation... Except he gets one tiny whiff of Omega and is instantly calmed. The pack Omega would never harm him or allow one of the Alphas to do so! So instead of attacking, Damian allows his footsteps to be heard -sneaking up on his new Mama wouldn't make the best impression- and as soon as he has Tim's attention he basically plastered himself against him.
Tim is shocked and confused, because everyone had been warning him about what a vicious little hellion Damian was, and here was that same pup greeting Tim for the first time with a big hug! He becomes alarmed fairly quickly though when Damian starts tugging on his shirt and making cute puppy noises asking for milk (getting an Omega to feed them is a sure fire way for a pup to quickly create an affectionate and protective bind with said Omega). Pups being able to identify dynamics regardless of scent blockers isn't a secret or anything, it just almost never comes up because most people aren't trying to hide like Tim is. So now Tim is conflicted because he wants to feed and bond with the pack pup, but he's also been lying to said pack for years and isn't sure how to explain himself.
I picture Tim convincing Damian to keep it a secret (not that Damian needed convincing: if no one else knows Tim is an Omega, there is no risk of one of the Alphas trying to take Tim's attention or get him pregnant!) and the rest of the bats are confused. Why doesn't Damian like them but seem to love Tim? (Obviously Tim is very lovable, but that's beside the point!) It can't be because he's a Beta, because Damian has been just as rude and standoffish to Alfred and Steph. Dick is particularly hurt because he's a nice person! Strangers and pups usually like him, so why doesn't the new pack pup 😫! It's not fair! Tim and Damian sleep together every night, and Dick would love a chance to cuddle his sweet beta brother Timmy and new pup brother. (and No, Dick (and Bruce and Jason) have never had any dreams or fantasies about Tim being an Omega and getting mated! Sure, they could do that anyway except alpha/beta matings can be painful for a bottom beta because they're not really meant for knots, and he/they love Timmy too much to risk hurting him. So stop asking!)
Tim and Damian's sleepovers are just a perfect excuse for Tim to get to relax and be himself and take off the scent blockers, while Damian gets a bell full of milk and cuddles from someone he knows he can trust in this new place: his new Mama would never let anything happen to him, up to and including being sent back to the League!
How do the rest of the family find out about Tim? Maybe he forgets to put his patches back on one morning, maybe Damian calls him Mama in front of them by accident... Or maybe it's after Damian presents and someone walks in on him knotting Tim for the first time, panting and growling about how it's now his turn to look after and protect his mama. The fallout is honestly not as bad as Tim had been worried about: his reasoning is considered silly but understandable so no one's really angry about that. Mostly, they're just annoyed at how much sex and knotting they've missed out on thinking they were protecting Tim! ( Damian is of course Very Unamused at having to share his Omega - he didn't have to share before, why does he have to stay now!?
a gift 🐁!!! i love this so much!!!! one thing i love about omegaverse is how the world has a direct impact on the story- pups having an incredible sense of smell would make so much sense given their needs! and damian immediately forming a connection and trying to bond with the only omega/his new mother who will make sure nothing happens to him in this den full of alphas!!
i LOVE the idea that no one figures out tim's an omega until they literally come home one day and the manor is filled with the scent of an omega very clearly getting mated and of course they do a tally and realize who is present and who is not, they realize the scent is coming from damian's room and initially think oh he's fucking a little omega and then are very quickly filled with horror because oh no damian's fucking a little omega. and that's a very BAD thing, for an alpha, even one as young and freshly presented as damian, to fuck another pack's omega without a packhead's permission that is, at best, a brawl on the front lawn sort of confrontation with the other packhead and at worst a lawsuit and damian ending up on an offender registry so damian fucking a strange omega is very bad for SO many reasons and so they burst in because if they put a stop to it they can save damian from putting himself in a very bad situation. but then they burst in and the squirming whining omega laying bellyside down on damian's bed and getting roughly mated by a panting damian is a drooling and whining tim- tim who they all thought was very much a beta!
it's just so good!!!
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kickingitwithkirk · 4 months
Winchester's Folly
Summary: When Dean gets into trouble John decides to hide the truth for his family
Pairing: Alpha!Dean x Omega!Reader x Alpha!Sam
WC: 2007
Dark! Fic-don't continue if you are disturbed by the subject matter.
Warnings: A/B/O, dystopian au, canon elements, non/con, dub/con, incest, subjugation, pandemic, mentions of nudity, physical/mental abuse, mention of collaring/leashed, sexual/slavery, rut/heat, physical altercation, death/murder conviction, show level violence, parental dominance, trafficking, branding
*Additional warnings will be added
Square filled: @spnabobingo -Arranged Matings
A/N: Still working on reigning myself in, keeping each part reader-friendly length, and have no clue how many parts this will end up being.
*This is combined/edited together with part VII
A/N II: a few notes about designations in A/O sub-genders for this story.
Alphas-Dominant (head of the pack/family) Subordinate (obey Dominant) Breeders (rare & highly coveted by the government. Can challenge Dominant for pack/family leadership)
Omegas -Domestic (mostly wiped out by plague, few natural born left) Feral (government-supplied breeders sold commonly called O's) House O’s (3rd generation+ Feral/Dominant breed. Used as servants/sex workers) Pack (rare & highly coveted by the government)
*Divider by @firefly-graphics
*No Beta-all mistakes are mine
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Part VI
John walks down the hallway and is met by his eldest's concerned expression, “Dad, what’s wrong? You were gone for a long time.” Looking at the young, almost grown men he’d raised affirms his gut-wrenching decision was correct. “Nothing but the usual bureaucratic BS that needed sorting. Grab the O, we’re leaving.”
John’s nostrils flared at Sam’s ‘they’re not going to let us go yet’ response. “And why n..?” His sharp inquiry was interrupted by the sound of wheels squeaking down the hallway and they all turned to see a male Beta pushing a cart with various metal implements lying on top. “Hi, I’m here to do your O’s branding.” John appeared confused, and Sam piped up again.
“That’s what we’ve been trying to tell you. This state mandates to prove ownership bought O’s have a brand burned into them like livestock.” John looks at Dean, demanding an explanation, and repeats what the register told him. 
John turns his attention back to the brander and asks how he would do it. Nervously, he details creating a mark out of the aluminum and applying it on the O. “If you’re not sure what you want, I can sketch an idea. Most people like to incorporate the first letter of their surname.” 
The brander quickly works. “Ignore my freehand. The brand will be clean.” John barely glanced as he held it up and nodded in acquiescence.
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“Great. Let me administer the numbing agent; it needs a few minutes to kick in.” He picked up a vial of clear liquid, drew it up and walked towards the O when a deep growl reverberated off the walls making him freeze. Sam, instinctively flanked by Dean, placed themselves between the brander and the unconscious O. “Dean, take your brother out of this building now!” John commands in his Alpha voice, making Dean flinch.
Dean’s instincts tell him to follow Sam’s lead and stay with the O, but his designation forces his wolf to submit to follow their Alphas’ orders and wrestles his agitated brother outside.
“I apologize for my youngest; he’s recently presented and hasn’t yet learned to control his wolf.” The brander accepts, and John watches as the O’s rolled onto her side and injected the numbing agent into several places to deaden the area. Then, with deft precision, he bent the aluminum into shape and lit a propane torch, heating it before asking John, “Could you lay across its thighs? Sometimes, they still feel this. Don't want it moving and messing up the brand.” 
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Sam was chewing on his thumb cuticle, the tell-tale sign of his wolf's nervousness getting to him, when it yelped, spotting John emerging through the clinic door carrying the O. Handing her back to Dean, they resumed their previous positions in the car as John drove back to the rental. 
Sam followed Dean down the hallway when their Alpha ordered, “Dean, take her to my room, set up an O sleeping mat, then move your stuff in. I’ll take the couch.” The brothers shared a look before Sam asked why, and John said, “I saw your reaction to her back at the warehouse.” Sam’s eyes flashed and John growled, “Right there is why. That O is here for your brother's use, not yours.  So, until its suppressant implant kicks in, you’re staying well away from it. I have an errand to run,” John picked up his truck's keys and walked towards the door. “Don’t forget to resalt the door.”
Sam spit out, “What’s so damn important you have to go back out at this hour?” John didn’t acknowledge his youngest sass, “Dean, I expect you to ensure your brother doesn’t go near that O.”
“Nothing changes. Heading to the nearest bar to get loaded as usual.” Sam snarled after John left and Dean gave him a look. “Can you stow the attitude for one night?” Sam peered at his brother with chagrin. “Sorry. I’ll leave that bedding for her by the door and pack your bag.” He proceeded towards their bedroom when Dean called out…
“Don’t touch my porn, you freak!”
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John parked his truck in the darkest shadow he could find, flipped open a burner phone he’d bought, and dialed the number he’d gotten from Bobby. 
“I’m here.” The voice on the other end instructed him he'd have five minutes to accomplish his task. When he got the all-clear, John got out and began counting down as he entered the building's back door. 
Reaching the doctor's office, he sat at a computer and, following the voice’s instructions, found the pertinent file and opened it. In a blink, the previous information was deleted and replaced. John then clicked print, and as the new pages printed, he found the original physical file and began swapping them. 
Pocketing the originals, he stuck the file back in place and walked out. The voice instructed him to go out to the middle of nowhere, drive over the phone until it was in smithereens, burn it along with paper paperwork, and then hung up.
John destroyed the phone and was ready to flick his Zippo to incinerate the papers, but something told him not to. Instead, he opened his weapons catch and retrieved an unfinished curse box.
The sun had barely risen when John let himself into the rental carrying coffee and donuts. He found his sons already up: Dean was cooking breakfast while Sam sat at the kitchen table, slumped over open schoolbooks, catching up on his homework. 
“That smells good,” John says, placing the items on the counter. Dean pulls out a couple of the to-go cups, sipping on one, and hands the other to Sam, who immediately pops the lid off, adds milk and sugar, and asks suspiciously, “You take care of that errand?”
“Yes, I did. I’m going to grab a shower, and then we’re,” John paused, staring directly at Sam, “Going to discuss the ground rules concerning that O.”
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Sam poked his head out of his doorway and, hearing his Alpha’s snoring, snuck down the hallway and let himself into Dean's room to find him kneeling next to the seated O. “Sam! What the hell? If Dad catches you…”
“He’s still passed out,” Sam frowned when the O cringed as Dean smeared the healing agent swapped from the clinic onto her brand. “Almost done, sweetheart,” Dean reassured her; she continued flinching until he finished. “Done. Okay, let’s get you dressed.” 
Dean slid his most worn flannel on her, and the O hissed when the super-soft material touched her raw skin, eliciting a viscous-sounding growl from Sam, causing Dean to shoot a look that said shut up or get out. Chastised, Sam comments, “Jeezus Dean, your clothes swamp her,” instantly regretting the thoughtless remark as a brief flash of shame crosses Dean's features. “Had those jail fines, and what was left barely fueled up my car.” Sam commented back, “My spare jeans should fit better since I’m closer to her size.” Dean rolled his eyes, “Sammy, remember what dad told us. The pamphlet clearly states that we shouldn’t confuse her by mixing-up our scents.”
“Oh, for fucks sake! We practically live on top of each other! She’s been exposed to our mixed-up scents for nearly two days! And who’s the one she’s skittering around? Dad!” Sam pointed towards the door, “He needs to stop trying to brainwash you into believing the bullshit in that pamphlet the clinic gave you. It's ridiculous nonsense! She’s not some dumb animal. You’ve seen it yourself!”
“Sam, just because she knows how to blink once for yes-two for no doesn’t mean she comprehends things like we do!” 
“Wow, could you sound any more like Dad?” Sam shot back loudly when a grunt echoed through the thin walls and they all froze. Dean slowly cracked the bedroom open, whispering, “Shit, that woke Dad up.” He exhaled and relaxed, “Good, he’s going to the kitchen. I’ll distract him ‘cause you need to get ready for school, I gotta drop you off early. Gonna meet with the lawyer before my hearing this morning.” 
“You need to make a good impression on the judge today.” Sam reached into his jeans pocket and pulled out some folded bills. “It’s not much, but it should be enough to get you something more presentable from Goodwill.”
“Thanks, Sammy, but I can’t take that. It’s not your responsibility to take care of me or her; that’s my job, always has been.” Dean reopened the door and almost stumbled upon hearing his brother's words.
“Dean, you’re not taking care of her. You own her.” 
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Deans Hearing 
The judge slammed their gavel down. “John Winchester, if you do not control yourself, I’ll have the bailiff not only put you in restraints but also gag you!” The Alpha ignored the judge and continued arguing with the prosecuting attorney. “What the hell is this about Dean having to claim her?” 
“Your honor, I request a fifteen-minute recess to confer..,” The judge interrupted the public defender. “Councilor, you have five minutes to remind your client’s Alpha that he accepted this plea agreement. And make sure he also understands the consequences of outbursts in my court!” 
John was still fuming when the lawyer slammed the conference room door shut. “Your stupid, domineering Alpha crap is what got Dean into this situation!” Taking several deep breaths, the lawyer began explaining. 
“It’s the standard procedure in this state to include the claiming statute in cases like Deans. However, in ninety-nine percent, the presiding judge will not enforce it and instead accept the branding as the claim. If the prosecutor had pressed for it, I was prepared to show precedent that it wasn’t applicable since you're not a state resident.” They pointed a finger in John’s face, “If the judge doesn’t kick it, you have only yourself to thank!”
John quickly strategized. “What if I do a mea culpa? Say my wolf has been under extreme duress, and I reacted badly to the possibility of being unable to choose Dean's mate?” The lawyer shrugged, “It’s worth a shot because there’s nothing I can do now since you agreed to the plea deal without consulting me first for the record.”
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“The court accepts your apology, Alpha Winchester.” The judge sat back. “As per the rules of the claiming statute, I have to consider the factors that led to your son ending up before this court. I have reviewed your family history obtained during the investigation of this case and, to be honest found your parenting skills atrocious.” The judge began reading a file out loud.
“Since the death of your mate, you’ve denied your sons a stable home life, constantly moving; the only paper trail of their existence is from the numerous state schools they’ve attended. Then there’s a multitude of notifications to CYF of suspected abuse, neglect, and exposure to unsavory elements in our society that, unfortunately, has led your eldest sitting before me, awaiting my decision on his future.” The judge stared at both Winchesters briefly before gesturing to Dean to stand. “This court finds that Subordinate Alpha Dean Winchester has complied with all but one of the requirements of his plea agreement within the time frame stated.”
“Because of the previously cited circumstances and, being unmated Alpha going into a rut, resulted in the death of another, I am obligated, per the state of North Dakota law, to ensure the defendant is not in a situation to commit such a heinous act again. Therefore, I order the claiming statute to be carried out immediately.” They bang their gavel and left.
Dean stood there in shock, half listening as John conversed with the lawyer about the logistics(?) of what this forced mating entails. The bailiff gripped his arm and led him out the prisoner entrance, down the short hallway, stopping in front of a door painted with an A/O symbol. When the bailiff opened the door, what Dean saw returned him to reality, and yelled...
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Part VII
SPN TAGS: @donnaintx @lyarr24 @flamencodiva @lassie-bird @nancymcl @spnbaby-67 @leigh70
Dean/Jensen: @thoughts-and-funnies @stoneyggirl2 @beabutterfly987 @smoothdogsgirl
Sam/Jared: @idreamofplaid
WF: @slamminmine @ladysparkles78 @deans-spinster-witch @ilovetaquitosmmmm @strawblueberrys @mishkatelwarriorgoddess @kazsrm67
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daylightdabbles · 8 months
Teyvat Omegaverse AU - Biology
With the help of @biscuit-babbles, I have developed a set of headcanons for what an omegaverse AU in Genshin Impact might look like. This post is about the biology of omegas vs alphas vs betas, but I will also write about how different nations interact with this. This is NSFW, mostly because it discuses reproduction alongside other traits. NSFW Minors do not interact
Humans are the only species to have subsexs. While other species exist that look similar to humans, such as Liyue's Yaksha and Inazuma's Tengu with their ability to take on human form, they do not have the subsexs. Hybrid species, such as the Kätzlein Clan in Mondstadt, do have subsexes which provides insight on their genetic history. Often times, though, non-human species tend to be 'assigned' a subsex based on their behavior by humans, especially when they live in close proximity to each other.
In Teyvat, beyond the primary sex of a person (female, male, intersex, eta), a human is also born with a subsex. This subsex, also known as a secondary sex, is independent of a person's primary sex and can be either alpha, beta or omega. While the subsex is assigned at birth, the differences between them show up around the time of puberty.
Any combination of primary and secondary sex can exist. It is important to note that reproductive traits are determined by the sub sex rather than the primary. While primary sex has more noticeable effects on a person's body, they are not indicative of a person's subsex or their ability to impregnate or carry offspring. It is unknown currently why there exists both a primary and secondary sex in humans, considering most species only exabit a primary sex.
Traits of Subsexs
Alphas are considered the more dominant subsex by most cultures in Teyvat. This does not mean that they are viewed as on a higher level in the social hierarchy though, as places like Sumeru and Fontaine actually value betas more than alphas. Alphas are often viewed as the counterpart of omegas. Alphas make up around 30% of any given population.
Alphas do produce phenomes, but it is on the level akin to betas. They can produce basic pheromones that can denote identity or some high intensity emotions, such as rage. Due to their enhanced sense of smell, alphas have an easier time identifying different emotional states in others, especially omegas who have a wide range of pheromones. This is what tends to push alphas to leadership or mediator positions as they tend to have an easier time reading people's intentions and emotions.
Alphas have an enhanced sense of smell compared to betas and omegas outside of heat. Alphas are able to pick up subtle scents and even have the ability to 'track' akin to canine species. Some alphas are even recorded to be able to pick up scents hounds can't, however this tends to be detrimental to these alpha's social lives and is considered unusual.
This subsex also is noted for being able to put on muscle mass and have increased stamina compared to betas and omegas. While alphas are not inherently stronger, alphas do have an easier time than other subsexs reaching higher levels of strength and endurance. Conversely, they can gain weight easier than other subsexs. Most alphas also tend to 'wander' more than betas or alphas, often travelling to other places or feel the need to 'stretch their legs'.
Alphas are mostly noted for being territorial over people they consider part of their 'pack', which is used here to describe the groups of people they are close to via familiar, platonic or romantic bonds. They tend to show more protective behaviors and often have shorter tempers when they feel like their pack is 'threatened.' There is evidence that alphas are predisposition to have a stronger fight or flight response, with a heavy leaning towards the fight response.
This subsex has a lot of traits that lead to the 'Roaming Alpha Theory'. Alphas have a lot of traits that would support them or encourage them to leave their pack of origin to join or create a different pack. This would have increased gene flow between groups of humans, ensuring healthy genetic variation with separate populations. With the ability to 'track' down different groups and ability to gain muscle mass or fat, alphas would be well equipped to survive outside of a group setting for a bit. The territorialness could help with creating a pack and the ability to interpreted pheromones could help maintain the pack overtime.
Alphas, regardless of primary sex, have the ability to impregnate. Alphas are born with a penis and testes, however the rest of their body is determined by their primary sex. Female alphas lack a vagina but still retain breast tissue. However, this breast tissue lacks memory glands, seeming to serve no purpose for feeding offspring. This supports the theory that alphas, and subsexs in general, are an offshoot of when humans were only betas.
'Rut' is a term used for the hormonal response to the pheromones released by an omega who is unrelated to them and is in heat. It is a state of increased sex drive and heightened release of oxytocin when performing bonding acts with others. It is estimated to take about 8-12 hours around an omega in heat for an alpha to enter rut, with about 4 hours to exit rut after being removed from the pheromone stimuli.
In 'rut', alphas often take care of their omega partners as alphas don't experience the same level of hormones in rut as omegas do in heat. They also experience a positive feedback loop with omega pheromone during this time, though outside of rut and heat, alphas are impacted by omega phenomes to a lesser degree. When alpha's react to an omega's pheromones, the change in behavior triggers an increased hormonal response in the omega, which releases more pheromones. This can be a really pleasant time for both the omega and the alpha, but also can be traumatizing if forced.
Betas are the considered the more flexible of the subsex. They are often considered to be a blend of alpha and omega traits, despite evidence suggesting omegas and alphas appeared later in human evolutionary history than betas. Often viewed as more rational due to not being affected by pheromones, betas make up 60% of the human population.
Betas can smell pheromones but are unable to understand the nuances of omega pheromones nor able to pick up on pheromones except those released by very strong emotional responses. Like alphas, betas produce pheromones but only ones that denote individual identity and with strong emotions. They have an average sense of smell and are unable to track like alphas, but also aren't prone towards experiencing any discomfort around strong scents like vinegar.They can still pick up on personal identifying scents when physically close to someone.
Betas are considered the most resilient of the subsexs as they do not have to deal with the complexities of alpha and omega traits, such as not being rendered overstimulated by pheromones or not having cold sensitivity. Their lack of response to pheromones and other hormone based phenomenons, leave them more flexible in biological and social roles. Their scents are also more stable, which is appealing to the scent sensitive alpha, and their lack of response to pheromones appeals to omegas due to beta's not potentially overwhelming them during heat.
Betas are the most common subsex. Unlike with alphas and omegas, their reproductive traits are associated with their primary sex, with female betas being able to bear offspring and male betas being able to impregnate. This does not impact their compatibility with omegas or alphas. Betas do not experience rut or heat periods.
Omegas, making up 10% of the population, are viewed as the submissive subsex by most cultures. Considered the counterpart to alphas, omegas are noted for their fertility, complex pheromones and being the most impacted physically by their subsex.
Omegas have a heightened sense of touch. This leads to them being sensitive to textures, often requiring clothes specially designed for the individual omega to be worn comfortably. This comes into play during 'nesting', which will be discussed later on. It also means omegas are more affected by touch, often experiencing heighted positive emotions with friendly touch and heightened negative responses to harmful touch. Most omegas enjoy touching their friends, family and loved ones, often doing things like hugging them or seeking physical affection more often for comfort than other forms of affection.
Omegas are cold sensitive, getting cold easier than other subsexs. It was theorized that this is a trait that evolved to encourage omegas to stay in packs, seeking warmth. This also connected to their large 'nests', or spaces filled with textures appealing to the omega and is a place the omega feels secure in.
Interestingly, omegas themselves lack a scent associated with their individual identity. Instead, omegas 'adopt' the scent of the area they feel comfortable in or consider home, often times where they live or grew up. This leads to omegas having scents more related to location, such as an omega from Mondstadt have notes of windwheel asters in their scent, or people they are very close to, such as having elements of their partner's scent in their own scent. It is theorized to be something meant to help figure out which pack an omega is apart of, or if the omega already has a partner/partners so other alphas don't attempt to court the omega.
Omegas also have a wide range of pheromones that they release subconsciously. Unlike alphas or betas, omegas don't just release pheromones when experiencing intense emotions and instead have pheromones related to a wide variety of emotions. This tends to get omegas stereotyped as 'emotional' because alphas can pick up on the nuances of their scent (though some betas have been able to pick up the nuances as well).
Omegas have a standard sense of smell, akin to betas. They can also smell identifying scents but have to be physically close to catch it, similarly to how betas can only pick up an identifying scent when hugging someone. There is an exception to this, however. When an omega is in 'heat', or a period when the omega is ovulating and is experiencing an intense amount of hormones, omegas will experience a heightened sense of smell to the point they can pick up on scents meant to denote an indvidual's identity from clothes they wore or things scented, akin to the level of an alpha.
Roughly once every 3 months, an adult omega will enter a period of time called 'heat'. It can last anywhere from 3- 5 days and is a period of time where the omega is experiencing an intense rush of hormones, influencing their behavior. This is also when an omega is ovulating, with 1 - 2 ova commonly being released. During this time, an omega experiences heightened sensitivity to stimuli, heightened sense of smell, increased sexual drive and need for companionship. Omegas also tend to experience 'brain fog' during this time and have difficulty completing certain tasks, meaning prep work is required for a safe heat, alongside an attentive partner. This likely is what caused the 'nesting' instinct to develop in omegas.
'Nesting' refers to the set of behaviors omegas do to create a nest. Nesting usually happens when an omega is approaching heat, but often times its maintenance work as omegas tend to have an established nest year-round. It involves the gathering of materials to create a large 'bed', usually using things that smell like people they are close to and/or are a pleasant texture to the omega. It also involves gathering food and other supplies. Omegas also tend to withdraw a bit when nearing their heat, seeking warm and comfortable places instead.
Omegas are the subsex most effected by their subsex, which has led to the stereotype of them being 'delicate' or 'needing to be protected.' Beyond having difficulties in colder environments and their heats, omegas are just as capable as other subsexs.
Another interesting facet of an omega's heat is the difference in response to individuals around them. While heat can be overwhelming, impacting an omegas ability and in some cases ability to process surroundings due to increased sensitivity to smells, touch and hormones, that doesn't mean omegas are only acting on instinct. If taken care of by a family member or someone the omega isn't interested in sexually, omegas will experience a decrease in their sex drive during heat. This usually leads to increased playfulness, cuddling and sensory activities. This phenomenon is often referred to as a 'warmth' and can even happen instead of a heat due to high levels of stress.
While alphas are territorial over people, omegas are territorial over areas. This usually is just the area that their nest is, usually their homes, but some omegas will claim larger areas. There have been records of omegas claiming whole villages as 'theirs', fiercely guarding the area and the inhabitants from threats. This also tends to make omegas less likely to move, often becoming very attached to their dwellings. Omegas in heat are especially territorial as they are vulnerable while in heat.
Regardless of primary sex, omegas are able to carry offspring. Omegas are born with a vagina and uterus. Male omega, while having a seemingly flat chest, do have mammary glands. These glands grow when the male omega is pregnant as to feed their offspring. Since having twins is not uncommon for omegas, and they heal faster after childbirth than omegas, it is possible their relative rarity as a subsex is meant to ensure there aren't large population booms. It is theorized omegas, and by extension subsexs, evolved in order to combat high mortaility rates due to how dangerous Teyvat is. It isn't uncommon for someone to die due to Teyvat's environment or creatures, so humans evolved ways to make up for this.
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auxiliarydetective · 3 months
The Aenar - Evie Edition
In building my newest Star Trek OC, Ezori, I took a deep dive into the Memory Alpha and Memory Beta articles on Aenar (and Andorians), and I came up with some headcanons and additions that I figured I could share with you guys.
Disclaimer: I am not a biologist, or an anthropologist, or a zoologist, or whatever else you might need to be to have professional opinions on this. I am a history student with a hyperfixation and going off of what feels right. If you don't like what I came up with, you can give me contructive criticism (please do, I like realism) or leave <3
With that being said, let's get into it! We'll be using my dear girl Ezori as a reference from here on out, so here she is out of uniform! This is going off of the ENT-era Aenar design mostly, since Ezori is an OC for ENT.
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Almost everything on Memory Alpha/Beta still applies, so if I don't touch on something, you can just assume that whatever is said there is also true for my Aenar lovelies. Also, some of these ideas were inspired by the takes on Aenar by @nichestartrekkie0-0, so check out their Aenar tag! They've got some really cool ideas there!
Now, for our first topic:
I. Biology !
Very obviously, I gave them tails. I got the idea because their antennae are there for balance. Obviously, you'd need great balance as an ice-dwelling species, because ice is slippery. And what else gives you excellent balance? That's right: A tail.
The tail is very long (about the person's full height plus maybe 10%) and prehensile and grows out of the body about where a human's tailbone starts, so just above the butt. When navigating tight, crowded or familiar/safe spaces, an Aenar might keep it wrapped around their body for practicality reasons. Almost the whole tail is fairly sensitive because it's also one of the main sense organs of the Aenar. Besides touch, they can sense shifts in temperature and also whatever waves telepathy travels by - though these are mainly picked up by the antennae and ears. They also have a lot of strength in that tail for reasons which will become a bit clearer later. As a side note: Andorians are born with some semblance of a tail, but since it's non-functional, it's usually removed directly at birth or shortly after - it's essentially a vestigial organ for them.
Going from there, I thought about what other features might be practical for ice dwellers to have, and then it hit me: Spikes! You can use them to hold on to things if it gets slippery and, even more crucially, you can use them to help you climb. So, I added spikes to the tail - which is why their tails have to be this long and strong. You have to have reach with them and they have to be able to support a lot of weight. But I didn't want the Aenar, who are known pacifists, to carry around full-on spiked whips all the time since it didn't really fit their theme, so I decided that the spikes should be able to lie flat against the tail. My inspiration was HTTYD's Deadly Nadders. So, as you can see, they have five rows of spikes, the third row being the biggest, as well as one tip spike. Beneath those rows of spikes are the most sensitive sense organs of the Aenar. Think of the spikes as eyelids and the receptors beneath as the eyes being protected by the lids. So, whenever an Aenar splays their spikes, it's not a show of aggression. It's ye olde fight or flight response. Because while, yes, technically they could ram those spikes into whatever is threatening them, even more crucially, the spikes being splayed out allows the receptors beneath to receive more stimuli, which makes navigating your environment a lot easier for when you have to run away. These spikes are, obviously, not sensitive, since they're supposed to be rammed into ice, but the receptors are. There's a more robust, scalier area that sort of blends into the rest of the tail just beneath the lowest row of spikes.
Additionally, Aenar have little bumps across their backs along their spines. These used to be further spikes but turned into nothing but small bumps in the course of evolution. They're also usually fairly short because the energy that could be used to help them grow goes into warding off the cold.
As another biological adaption to the cold, Aenar (and Andorians) have a different chemical composition of their fat layers which makes them more insulating - this is why Andorians (and also Aenar) can sustain both extreme cold and extreme heat. Aenar also have a habit of using only non-tiring movements when in cold environments. This comes off as somewhat "graceful" to other species because these movements are very light and fluid. When in warmer environments, they need to snack a lot to keep their energy levels up and stay healthy. They might even be some form of mesotherm, but I'm hesitant to really apply this term here.
Their "vision" works based on all of their other senses to compensate for their blindness. They navigate their surroundings through sensing changes in temperature (ice walls are colder than their surroundings, for example), and "echoes" of both sound and telepathy waves, as well as touch if necessary. Additionally, they have a good grasp on where people or animals are based on telepathy alone, and being around seeing people helps them navigate usually harder-to-grasp environments through picking up what those people see as telepathic "background noise". All of this leads to Aenar being able to navigate familiar environments better than unfamiliar ones because they get accustomed to those stimuli, as well as them having more trouble perceiving inanimate objects than living and/or sentient ones.
In my head, Aenar skintones range from a pale icy blue to almost entirely snow-white with only some blue-ish contours/undertones. Eye colors range from blue to grey and are either pale or almost white - in which case they can look to be almost shimmering in a lot of different colors, kinda like opals or those "color-changing" blue eyes some humans have. The pupils arent much darker than the irises. Their hair is practically always white, only very rarely platinum blonde. I also gave them white eyelashes since it just made sense. I'd imagine body hair isn't that common, but you wouldn't be able to really see it either way since it would be white. Also, I changed the top part of the antennae to blue because... why would they be pink? The insides of their mouths are also blue, same for any other area where humans are pink. Also, Aenar freckles are golden. This has no logical reason other than that it looked like that to me with the makeup on the show. They blush very easily because their skin is so light and their blush is blue.
II. Culture !
This deals with a very broad understanding of culture, just so I don't have to create a bunch of mini categories.
First of all, I'm convinced that chubby = attractive to Aenar. Not because they think that that body type looks pretty, obviously, since they can't see, but because chubby = warm and soft (and also more resistant to freezing).
With that in mind, I was convinced that Aenar would like to accentuate the stomach area - which led me to the idea that Aenar have a rich culture of body jewelry (and they're probably a little disappointed and confused whenever they meet a species that doesn't). Belly button piercings are very common and almost everyone has them, similar to how a lot of humans have pierced earlobes. Speaking of pierced earlobes, there is an Aenar belief that ear piercings increase your hearing and telepathic abilities. Piercing your antennae is fairly rare since they're very vulnerable and piercing someone's tail is difficult. So, people might wear rings around them instead. A special sort of ring is when the main "shackle" part that holds the jewelry in place is semi-transparent (and usually a similar color to the person's skin) and (in the case of tail jewelry) has a hoop attached to make it look like the hoop is loosely dangling from around the tail, or (in the case of antennae) has chains attached to form a sort of net falling across the hair. The hoop method is less common for antennae since hoops are heavy and any chains on the antennae are usually attached at the base so as to not impact movability - unless for special occasions. The spikes can't be pierced because they're too hard and the forehead/eyebrow ridges are rarely pierced because they're also hard and a bit impractical to pierce, but it's not entirely impossible. If someone doesn't want percings, cuffs or body chains are common alternatives.
Piercings are a sign of prestige, especially if they're made of precious metals. More piercings = more prestige. This is also why being a piercer is a very well-respected job. Giving people piercings has some semblance of a spiritual/ritual tradition, so there's a lot of respect and honor involved. It can also be a very intimate thing. Aenar often get piercings for weddings, anniversaries, the birth of a child, and other festivities, and they also often get piercings together to strengthen their bond with each other.
Aenar are also eerily quiet. This is, on one hand, because they hear so well, and on the other because of their light movements and because they just don't have the need to talk much. Whenever they do talk, they're usually soft-spoken. Because Aenar are so quiet, treading lightly and whatnot, they seem to sometimes just appear next to people who can't feel them coming through telepathy.
They also just... don't lie. Why would they? They're convinced that everyone around them would know when they're lying because everyone around them has telepathy, so why try? This doesn't mean that they're extremely straightforward or blunt though, they're still very soft-spoken and polite. If they insult you, it will be through backhanded compliments and sly little comments that only you will hear.
Remember how I said that Aenar blush easily? Well, they also don't know what blushing is. I mean, they do realize that their face turns hot and whatnot, but they don't know that they turn blue, because they can't see it.
Going back to the topic of mobility, instead of ice picks, Aenar have clawed gloves to aid in climbing. Long distances are covered by ice sled tracks if necessary.
And finally, Aenar clothes are usually white or in light shades of other colors to blend in with the icy environment. Wearing dark or vibrant colors is seen as obnoxious and disrespectful to the community.
SO! I think that's it for now. If you sat through this, congrats! Have a cookie 🍪
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Taglist: @starcrossedjedis @oneirataxia-girl @daughter-of-melpomene @bravelittleflower @box-of-bats - let me know if you’d like to be added or removed!
Also tagging @enterprise-come-in
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innytoes · 1 year
for the A/B/O prompts 6 for the OT3,4,+ that you are feeling the most.
Okay but you also prompted 'A/B/O prompts Heat caught them by surprise for the Reggie ship of your choice.' and this combines so well.
Willie was chilling out in the studio when the door slams open. It did that often, because let's be real, his boyfriends were all a little dramatic. But this time there was no fanfare about how they had a new song idea or they found Willie’s favourite KoolAid Burst flavour on sale. This time, Alex carried Reggie inside, making soothing noises, while Reggie clutched at his back, his flushed face pressed in the crook of Alex’ neck.
“Off, off,” Luke waved at Willie frantically, and he hopped up and helped Luke pull out the sofa bed part of the couch. “Sorry, hi babe.”
“Hey,” Willie said, looking between the three. “What’s going on?” Was Reggie sick? He didn’t look too hot. Alex also looked flustered and a little stressed, but that wasn’t particularly unusual for Alex. Luke, for some reason, had the bandana he usually had tied around one belt loop up around his face, like he was about to rob a saloon in an old western.
All three of his boyfriends stared at him, before Luke slapped his hand to his forehead. “You can’t smell him!” he said, and the other two went ‘oooh’ like it was a great revelation.
Oh, Reggie wasn’t sick. He was in heat. Which Willie, as a Beta, couldn’t smell.
Alex carefully sat down on the sofa-bed, because Reggie refused to let go of him. “Reggie’s dad lost his job and with it their insurance,” he explained, and Reggie hid his face back in Alex’ neck. “He’d been trying to stretch his suppressants to last, but clearly that hasn’t worked.”
“Oh, baby, why didn’t you say so?” Willie asked.
“Too expensive,” Reggie whimpered. “I didn’t want to hurt the band fund.”
Oh, man. Between Luke going back to his folks’ house, and therefor back to school, he’d had to quit his job at the diner to catch back up. Which meant the only person actually working was Willie (who may or may not be living in the studio ever since he aged out of the system and his foster dad had unceremoniously kicked him out). And they were saving all the money from gigs and playing the beach mostly to record an album.
“Baby, I would have stolen some for you,” Willie said gently. Alex twitched, but honestly, what other options did they have right now? Heat suppressants were expensive, and yeah, while schools weren’t allowed to count heat absence against someone, they weren’t exactly compelled to help those students with the stuff they missed out on either. That’s why most Omegas were on suppressants during the school year.
Reggie had been, ever since he started showing signs of pre-heat at fourteen. Which meant this was probably his first full-blown heat.  
“Well, it’s too late for that now,” Luke said, pulling down his bandana. Immediately, his nostrils flared, and his face flushed. Oh man, no wonder he’d been covering his nose. His Alpha senses must be going crazy right now, cooped up in a car with an Omega in heat. Speaking of which…
“How the hell did you guys get here, anyway? You didn’t take the bus, did you?”
“We kind of stole Bobby’s car,” Luke said, even as he scooted closer to Reggie, almost transfixed. Whatever Luke’s scent was doing in response to Reggie, it was clearly working, because for the first time, Reggie lifted his face out of Alex’ neck, sniffing.
“Don’t worry, he caught a whiff of Reggie and basically stumbled back, throwing his keys at us,” Alex said. Bobby was a good bro and a great pack mate. But of course his ace ass wanted absolutely nothing to do with any kind of heat.
Slowly, Reggie migrated from Alex’ lap onto Luke’s, pressing his nose against Luke’s neck, nuzzling at his scent glands and making happy little noises.
“What do we do now?” Alex said, a little freaked out.
“I mean,” Luke said, very distracted by the needy Omega in his arms. “Have sex? That’s what you do when someone’s in heat, right?”
“Why is there a question mark at the end of that sentence?” Willie asked, bewildered.
“I was kind of dropped out of school during the time they covered this in sex ed,” Luke admitted.
“My parents wouldn’t sign the permission slip, all I got was ‘if you have sex before you’re married you will go to hell’,” Alex said.
“Skipped class because we had a gig,” Reggie muttered, even as he started rocking against Luke’s thigh a little. Willie could see the damp patch in his jeans start to form.
“Fuck me,” Willie muttered, before realising no. Fuck Reggie. “Okay, in a second, we’re going to help Reggie out of those skinny jeans because if he gets any more slick on them they’re going to be hell to take off.” He realised that as soon as they did, Luke’s brain would probably go offline entirely. “Alex, you’re gonna check if we have enough drinks and snacks to last a few days.”
Alex nodded, grateful for something to do. He rolled off the bed and Reggie whined a little. Willie slid into Alex’ spot, running his hand up and down Reggie’s back. “Reggie, baby, do you want us to stay with you and take care of you?” They’d had sex before, all four of them together, and also in smaller configurations. But heats were something much more personal, more vulnerable. “Or do you want just your Alpha there?”
Luke looked a little panicked at that, but Willie squeezed his shoulder. If Reggie wanted just Luke, he’d talk Luke through the whole thing, and then take Alex and go get them extra supplies. Maybe after a shower and a change of clothes, because Alex probably had Reggie’s heat scent all over him.
Reggie’s hand shot out, grabbing at Willie’s sleeve. “Want all of you,” he said, big eyes teary. “Don’t leave.”
“Of course not,” Willie soothed, pressing a kiss to his forehead. Beta pheromones were supposed to be calming, so he hoped that worked. “We’re a pack, right? We’ll do whatever makes you most comfortable.”
“Yeah,” Reggie settled down, and Willie smiled, carefully helping him out of his flannel and tank top. With every layer of clothing removed, Luke looked more flushed, which made Alex look more flustered where he was counting granola bars. He’d have to ask Alex what Luke smelled like, because it was clearly doing something for him, even on suppressants.
By the time Reggie was naked, Luke had also flung his shirt off and was wrestling out of his pants. Alex had rejoined them, a row of granola bars and different drinks placed along the edge of the bed. Willie gave him a kiss, and he relaxed a little.
“Okay, Reggie, you just lie down and relax,” Willie said, his heart giving a little pang when Reggie immediately did, full of trust. God, he loved them all so much. Maybe it wasn’t the most conventional thing in the world, the Beta running the show. But Willie seemed the only one who had any experience with heats, so it would have to do. Besides, their little pack wasn’t particularly conventional anyway.
He just hoped Luke’s stamina would hold out, because there was no way they’d be able to talk Bobby into getting him or Alex a Knot Ring and bringing it to them. Or at least, not without some heavy, heavy bribery.
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dxavoidant · 1 year
Unpopular Opinions because i'm bored:
🧑‍🏫 How on earth do teachers NOT get paid anywhere as much as doctors? Keeping the future generation of citizens educated and keeping human alive, to me, is equal responsibility.
🐮 Unpaid overtime and unpaid internship should be criminal cases and the business owners who practice these should be FINED into bankruptcy no matter what.
🛍️ It's mind-boggling so much that right-wing female commentators still don't know that they are being used, and are not nearly as appreciated as their male counterparts. At the end of the day your main audience (mostly men) aren't going to listen to some random "females" nagging.
👸 Calling fellow women a "pick-me" for sharing different socio-political views than yours is anti-women behavior. Unless that pick-me is JustP**rlyThings because she is not a woman; she is a puppet.
🥱 I know this is not unpopular but cis- is NOT a slur. True, I don't like being called cis because I feel like the society is already divided enough, and I expect people to respect that. But is that prefix a slur? A reach. Stop playing victim game, please.
🐙 I came across this comment on Youtube:
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And I had to agree to disagree. Sometimes hits are hits because the person singing the song is popular, even if the song is not their style at all.
😒 I will never understand Kpop girlgroup stans and their criteria for stanning. I will try to watch Queendom Puzzle because I like a lot of girls attending this show, and I hope the girlgroup stans do not ruin the whole show (and the final supergroup) for calling that girl ugly and this girl rude. I mean, aren't y'all tired hating on women in the name of women empowerment?
I see, Bora is getting a lot of hate from the stans for now. Y'all girlies and simps don't know how to watch Mnet's shows smh.
🙎‍♀️ To use Beta as an insult is pathetic af. Y'all reek Losers-who-cannot-take-the-L energy rather than Alphas y'all claim to be.
🤡 The whole circus pops up when y'all say that women doesn't deserve equal pay as men because women's job are less physical. Hunney, men can occupy women's roles in women's jobs just fine and still get paid more. Meanwhile, jobs remotely for men (physical jobs) are less likely to hire women who apply for the same position because employers are aware of physiological differences between the sexes. If we REALLY have the power to just choose our jobs, we would see more women do robotics, construction, electricity and oil rigs right now. We just ask for equal pay, not victimize ourselves. That's another topic for another day. We are not blinded to the problem which is right in front of us, and refused to be gaslit by men in this men's world.
🫠 This one is REAL UNPOPULAR: Subjecting oneself as a victim to cast a spotlight on a societal cause is attention seeking behavior. It is not the same as being a victim. If you have to put yourself as a victim of something, that cause is not major, and it is understandable why the public dgaf about your silly "movement." I have no sympathy for people who subject themselves as victims when they can simply opt out. However, real victims of unfortunate events have all my heart and support.
And yes, I am not the kind to romanticize social movements. I look at them with an objective lense. It might look cute and hopeful and heroish in pictures, but behind victory, there are losses. And loss is never cute.
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getoutofmyjaneway · 3 years
Beta Cannon: the Pre Voyager Era of Kathryn Janeway | Mosaic v The Autobiography of Kathryn Janeway
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This weekend, I got a copy of the Autobiography of Kathryn Janeway from a local book store. For how frequently we speak about Mosaic in the community (despite having some flaws) I was shocked that I had not heard a lot about this book and assumed it was a bad thing. And yeah in some regards it was (see @mia-cooper’s post on the subject). I have a lot of feelings (I’ll post a proper review at a later point) but one thing that did stick out to me is the divergence from what we have considered Beta Canon, aka, the extended universe of Star Treks told through novels, short stories, video games, etc. After completing the novel, I jumped right into my old standby copy of Mosaic, which has dictated a lot of Janeway’s back story since 96. Both of these novels cover the beginnings of Janeway’s life and how she was shaped into the woman we know. 
TLDR The Autobiography of Kathryn Janeway changes a lot of things for no reason. Some of these are for the good. Some for the bad. And some, for like no good reason at all, like it was fine as it was, and was accepted cannon for like 25 years, but sure fine whatever.
I will mention that, as Mosaic has been a book in my library and I have read it too many times, so of course, I do have a bias toward it. Additionally, I feel like it is fair to mention here that authors of Fanfiction have leaned on this as their bibles since 1996 as Mosaic is written by Jeri Taylor, one of the show-runners for Voyager. Because of its connection with a showrunner, Mosaic is also integrated into the canon of the show. It seems that most points that are taken from Mosaic in the Autobiography are only included because of their existence in cannon material.
Anyway, this review is going to focus on the characters that shape Kathryn and I will end with my final thoughts. This is long so to respect your dash, you are going to have to click keep reading. You’re welcome.
Obligatory Spoiler Warning for ALL of Mosaic, chapter 13 of Pathways, and chapters 1-7 of The Autobiography of Kathryn Janeway
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Edward Janeway
In all media, I feel like we can safely say that Kathryn Janeway is in fact a daddy’s girl. Her relationship with her father is very important to her, so it is interesting to see how it is portrayed very differently in both novels. In Mosaic, a lot of the highlights of Janeway’s earlier years revolve around time spent with him. From giving her special attention after ‘Your Sister’ was born, to consoling her after her losing tennis match and subsequent walk home in the rain, and trips to Mars, Kathryn mentions great fondness of quality time spent. In the Autobiography of Kathryn Janeway he is more described as an absent father, one that she always wanted to see and please. When he was home, she wanted all of his attention and to impress him greatly. She wished to follow in his footsteps after gaining a love of flight and the stars with a plane ride and a telescope he gave her. He tried to prepare her by detaining the events of the current conflict with Cardassia and inviting Starfleet brass over for dinner. Overall, in her early childhood, it makes more sense for Edward to not be around often. There is not a lot of conflict between the sources, other than the details of the aforementioned tennis match and different childhood nicknames.  
Edward is in a crash aboard an experimental ship on Tau Ceti Prime which leads to his death. This is where the big differences begin. In Mosaic, Kathryn and her fiancé are also on board. In  Autobiography of Kathryn Janeway, Kathryn is still on the Al-Batani. The fall out of this event has a great effect on Kathryn of course in both novels. As this is a missive shaping event of Kathryn’s life, I felt it very jarring to be changed. This moment shaped Janeway and gives us good context for why she handles situations the way she does. I see this trauma and I understand her character better, for dealing with the loss of two of the most important people in her life all at once.
Gretchen Janeway
The Autobiography of Kathryn Janeway was good to Gretchen Janeway as her character is basically a blank slate. We know little about her from Mosaic as it mostly focuses on Kathryn’s relationship with her father (and other male influences in her life). It is nice to learn more things about Grechen as with Edward’s job, it is likely that Kathryn was mainly raised by her. Other than being an artist, she also wrote some of the Flotter holos and wrote a number of children’s stories about the people of Bajor during the occupation. She does a lot of humanitarian work with the refugees from Bajor during the occupation. She loves to garden and get her daughters involved. She has a close bond with Phoebe due to their overlapping interests, but you can tell that she strives to support her in what she does. Overall, I like getting know Gretchen to be someone of than Kathryn’s mother.
Phoebe Janeway
 I was shocked when researching Memory Alpha for this review, Phoebe is never named in any Cannon media up to this point (Star Trek Prodigy could very well change this). We know Janeway has a sister and she is an artist, but that is it. Both novels keep her very similar personality-wise. In both stories, Kathryn is not looking forward to being a big sister. They also both mourn the loss of their father together. In Mosaic, she is not mentioned much. Kathryn tells her she is not old enough on an off planet trip and Phoebe plays pranks on her. The Autobiography of Kathryn Janeway goes much more into depth. They don’t get along when they are younger. They fight a lot. I feel this is a very realistic portrayal of real siblings, vying for attention and approval, snapping when they don’t get their way.  They both excel at what they do, Kathryn in her studies and Phoebe through her art. They seem to need to one-up each other at every turn.  As they grow up, they grow closer together, as many siblings do. Points added for giving Phoebe a wife, something which has been included in a lot of fanfiction. Overall, there are no big conflicting points.
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Mark Johnson
Kathryn’s fiance at the time of the Voyager’s disappearance, Mark is a very different part of Kathryn’s life in both novels. In Mosaic, he is a childhood friend and went by his middle name Hobbs. Seemingly always two steps behind Kathryn, he did a lot of the same activities that she did, tennis and swimming in the underground cave systems. He did these poorly, and this makes Kathryn always look down upon him. They reconnected after her father’s death and she fell head-over-heels for him. Personally, I always felt this was a little uncharacteristic of Kathryn, to run away from her responsibilities to be with a man. It just seems very out of character and has always bothered me. The  Autobiography of Kathryn Janeway takes a completely different approach. She meets Mark as a friend of Pheobe and her wife as a widower. They hit it off and they fall hard. You can see the conflict in Kathryn as she debates how to move forward with a relationship as they have different outlooks on life. She has a drive to explore but does not want to be an absent parent. She debates quitting, which I don’t think is something Janeway would have ever done. Overall she decides to accept Mark’s proposal just before taking command of Voyager. This makes the Dear John situation a lot more believable as it makes sense that he would want to move on with his life much quicker. Overall, I have to just ask, why? I know Mark doesn’t have a lot of character, but why change basically their whole relationship dynamic? 
Justin Tighe
Justin is a character I actually like for selfish reasons. This explains why I was very miffed that he was nowhere to be seen in the Autobiography of Kathryn Janeway. Justin is Kathryn’s first love, they were coworkers, engaged and in love, and dies in the same accident that takes her father. As a person who always wanted Chakotay and Janeway to get together, this incident perfectly gives the reason. She is afraid to get romantically involved with a crew member because of the nature of the job. This dynamic is seen between Picard and Nella Daren in TNG very well. Kathryn has learned the hard way that she can lose a person under her command and how it feels when you are in love with that person. In early Voyager, you can see she isolates herself from the crew and it takes time for her to get comfortable. And during Night she relapses to her old ways. This is the way I have always justified Janeway’s reluctance to have a romantic relationship during their time in the Delta Quadrant. By understanding her background, I have a lot of respect for that choice. Her relationship with Justin really shaped how she handles relationships and without the impact he had on her life, it actually makes her character weaker.
Owen Paris
Owen is Kathryn’s mentor. In Mosaic, they meet as he is reviewing her junior honors thesis advisor on massive compact halo objects. From here they gained a relationship built on respect and learning. It makes sense that, as he was her personal mentor, that she would be close with his family, and why she would seek out Tom as a person to bring with her to the Badlands mission. In the Autobiography of Kathryn Janeway, she does not meet him until she is on the Al-Batani. This doesn’t only weaken her relationship with Admiral Paris, but moreover weakens her relationship with Tom. If he was her superior officer, why would she develop such a ‘big sister’ mentality to Tom if she didn’t have as many opportunities to meet him?
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Mosaic does not go too much in depth with Tuvok and Janeway’s relationship, but its sister novel Pathways does. In Pathways, Tuvok meets Janeway when he is an ensign under her command of the USS Bonestell. The Bonestell and the Billings, two ships that Janeway served on, tend to get confused a lot. Most sources have Janeway’s first command as the Voyager, Including Voyager itself -  “It doesn't seem like my first command is shaping up the way I expected,” Janeway Shattered. The Autobiography of Kathryn Janeway has her and Tuvok meet on the Al-Batani. I actually really like the dynamic between them, as they grow to respect each other over a much longer period of time. I also like that, though Janeway climbs through the ranks, it does not change their relationship dynamic as she still relies on him and asks him advice as if they were equals. I think giving them a longer time to build their relationship. Also would like to note that Janeway and Tuvok also had a friendship with the original CMO of Voyager, Dr. Fitzgerald. I always wanted to know more about the Pre-Caretaker crew and I would have loved to see this dynamic and how the grief of losing a close personal friend in the Caretaker incident would impact them both.
Also I feel obligated to shout out the Janeway and Tuvok story in Star Trek Waypoint One-Shot. I need to get around to doing a series retrospective, but this short story I have not seen anyone talk about and I love it so much. Please read Waypoint. Okay next.
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Other characters
Cheb - Janeway’s boyfriend in Mosaic. He was kind of an asshole and got her into trouble. He is not in the Autobiography of Kathryn Janeway and I see no problem with this.
Boothby - “[he is the] head groundskeeper at Starfleet Academy. When I was a cadet, he used to give me fresh roses for my quarters,” Janeway Revulsion. Boothby is not in Mosaic. In the Autobiography of Kathryn Janeway, it is explained that her mother loved to garden and this was something that Boothby did as a gradian figure to make her feel at home and destress. Makes sense.
Aisha - A childhood friend of Katheryn’s. Only in the Autobiography of Kathryn Janeway. Mosaic has this weird thing about highlighting the relationships with only the men in her life, so it is nice to see her have some other female friends.
Nexa - Katheryn’s roommate at the Academy.  Only in the Autobiography of Kathryn Janeway. Nexa helps broaden Kathryn’s horizons by helping to learn about Exoliguisticts, first contact, and the Betazoid culture. Again nice to see her have other female friends.
Riker - Yes they go on a date in Mosaic. He is not mentioned in the  Autobiography of Kathryn Janeway. I know he is a gag character but I still liked it.
Final Thoughts
A lot of characters were changed between these two novels. There is a lot to like and a lot to hate. I really like what the Autobiography of Kathryn Janeway did with characters like Tuvok and Gretchen Janeway. Other characters were not so lucky (Justin, sweetie I’m so sorry that they would erase you like that, oh my god). It’s a mixed bag, but one thing I need say is... why?
We have had a good thing going here with the established canon as is. Mosaic (and Pathways) is the foundation of which the last 25 years of fanworks and the relaunch novels are based on. Why change history when it is already written?
Always, would love to hear your thoughts and thank you for reading my novel of a post. I will see you in the full review.
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lovecinnatwist · 3 years
How would you go about writing omega Jason with Alpha Dick?
Man oh man- Omega!Jason with Alpha!Dick is always such a bop.
It depends really! I see so many fics with insecure Jason thinking Dick is too good for him which is nice and definitely in character- but sometimes it makes me crave the other end of the spectrum?
Like a confident, sexy Jason who teases Dick with his scent and body until the alpha wants to implode? I also like the idea of Jason being raised by an Omeganist!Alfred and Omega!Talia to be badass, sassy and sensual. Bras? Suppressants? Painful heats?
Not for Jason Todd!
He embraces his Omega-ninity and it wreaks havoc on Dick's hormones. Dick being a more conservative alpha would definitely find himself overwhelmed but enamored!
Here's something playful with a clumsy Alpha!Dick and confident pack Omega!Jason!
Tiddies Out - JayDick
Tags: Omegaverse, AlphaDick, OmegaJason, Pining, Crack treated Seriously, Lactating, Heat Cycles, Omega Tim, Alpha Bruce, Pup Damian- Just Dick being an obvious pining idiot and Jason enjoying his reactions-
Jason doesn’t mind being an omega. How could he when it’s one of the superior options? While Alpha’s often lost themselves to aggression during rutting season and beta’s scrambled to placate them- Omega’s got to sit back and watch the show.
Being the object of an alpha’s fascination has many perks. First off? The gifts. Lavish offerings make their way to him with little to no effort. Weaponry from Talia, Expensive silks and poisons from Ras, The latest tech from Tim and Bruce. It's an endless parade really. One of the few things that make this more bearable to put up with.
He’s a heavy milker. Always has been.
Maybe it’s from growing up in an abusive household. Perhaps it's in response to being closer to the pack’s pups or hell, maybe his body is just gearing up for the imaginary children it wants to have. Regardless of the reason Jason’s tits are aching.
They seem extra tender tonight. The cold dingy air does little to ease the tension under his armor. He shifts and the way his pads squish under bullet proof chest plates is a pain. He curses and tries to ignore it. Something that’s getting harder as the cotton under his clothing reaches its limit. Tsk- 4 hours his ass. It’s barely been 2 and he’s about to make a mess of his gear.
As annoying as it is. He reluctantly reaches into his kit to get two fresh napkins to change. Other omega’s might be shy to do this in public but Jason has always been more practical about it. Breasts are breasts, no reason to get all crazy about it.
Though it probably didn’t hurt that Jason himself had a nice rack. He knows what the other heroes say about him behind his back. His figure has never been more appreciated than now in his prime. The dip in the pit did wonders at helping him bulk up. Thighs thick, emphasising his trim waist. In the throws of season his ample chest gives him an illusion of an hourglass figure. While some people would say omega’s should be small and dainty, he has yet to meet an alpha or beta who can resist him.
Not to be vain but he is nothing else if not attractive.
He’s got his top half way off when the sound of a near violent thud echoes out in the darkness. The hiss of pain gives away the alpha before his scent can. Jason doesn’t even turn in his direction. Instead he keeps his attention on the sopping pads under the compression shirt. He hisses as the gentle adhesive pulls from his throbbing mamories.
“ You alright over there goldie? “
He gets a groan for an answer. A nicer person would have maybe let the other man know about his current state of undress. Too bad that Jason isn’t exactly known for being ‘nice’. He carefully wraps up one cotton cloth. Once he’s clean and dry, he applies another. It’s quick and easy work. The slight chill does wonders against his flush skin.
The worn form of Nightwing crawls from the side of the building. There’s a pretty good bruise on his cheek Jason is 90% sure that the acrobat had a less than graceful landing. He’s always been weird about nudity. Even back when they mostly had the same parts. He rolls his eyes as the man pointedly tries not to look at him. He can’t help scoffing at the false modesty.
“ Hood. You shouldn’t do this out in the open like this. Anyone could see you. “
Everyone knows Jason is an omega, by extension that means Red Hood. It’s one of the reasons why his territory is so well protected. No one wants to cross an omega. While the fangs in their mouths were now more for scruffing kits, no one had forgotten the days when they were for hunting prey and tearing out throats.
He would flash his at Dick but he’s wearing his helmet and would probably just looks stupid. He manages to get the other pad off. It’s absolutely drenched. His left teet is definitely working harder than the right. The sheer weight of the cotton makes a loud squelch as it hits the little plastic bag at his feet.
He snorts. “ And you know what they’d say N? Best tits in Gotham. “
The alpha’s face is anything but amused. The furrow of his brow and spike in his scent is territorial and aggressive. It’s laughable really considering the fact that between the two of them, Jason is actually the one in charge of protecting the pack. It’s all a part of being the lead omega.
Whether Bruce or Dick want to accept it or not.
“ Stop objectifying yourself like that. “
Jason enjoys the feeling of being clean and dry as he gets the other cotton adhesive on. It’s a welcome sensation. Especially when he straightens his armor and it’s a little less chafing and tight.
“ It’s only objectication if I say I’m only a nice pair of tits Wing. Luckily I’ve got a nice set of thighs too.“
He pays Dick no mind as he stands and packs away his used pads to be thrown away later. He might have to call it an early night at the rate. With the way fall is quickly approaching his heat is just dying to make an appearance. Perhaps he could get away with offering himself to the foster system. With the amount of milk he’s making now it would be better for the pups who need it to benefit instead of it all going to the trash.
“ Hood! “ The sound is a scandalized growl. It’s funny enough that Jason throws his head back and laughs free and clear. With the voice modulator it’s mean and menacing. Amusement bubbles in his chest. He can’t help taking off his helmet so that Dick can take in just how wide his smile is.
“ Sorry Wing. I’m a pretty girl. What can I say? “
Talia is nothing but progressive. While many omega’s in the west suffer from low self esteem. Jason learned his worth quickly. Confidence is beauty. The more one loves themselves, adores them selves and takes time to know themselves the more they blossom. It’s a deep healing that not everyone gets to understand. A privilege for a few chosen omegas. He cocks his head and smiles and see’s the exact moment Dick starts losing his footing in the conversation.
The alpha is tongue tied.
“ That’s not what I mean and you know it Hood. “
Jason shrugs. Once he’s got his stuff away he’s ready to run roofs and actually get some work done.
“ Sorry Goldie. It’s 2021 and haven’t you heard? Red Hood says free the tiddies. “
He doesn’t wait for a response as he makes a running start towards the edge of the building. It’s always such a thrill. He tucks a bit to clear the gap. The moment his legs touch the concrete the sound is silent despite the bulk of his frame. Dick calls after him but he loses the words in the wind. Laughter bubbles up in his throat. He wouldn’t be a prude just because his family wanted to be sexually repressed more than they wanted to be happy.
Dick doesn’t try to catch up with him and Jason finishes the night patrolling with Tim and Stephanie.
He manages to get an entire three hours out of the next set of pads. Instead of changing out in the open he accepts Alfred’s invitation back at the manor for a warm bath and cookies. Tim stares at his chest while Jason gets himself decent.
Tim is a gorgeous omega, with a slender petite frame and porcelain doll-like features. He always seems to get shy in the presence of Jason’s more unconventional curves.
Jason knows what low self esteem looks like. The younger omega wears it no matter how much bravo he tries to exude. Jason brushes against him briefly and lightly. His usual fragrance is marshmellowy from the sweetness of milk that clings to it.
There’s an immediate blush as Tim ducks away. Clearly he’s embarrassed from being caught. Though in reality where is the shame in a little boob appreciation amongst omegas?
“ You know Timmy, you gotta stop wearing bras. Maybe if you show a glimpse of those pretty pink nips Kon would take the hint. “
Tim goes red from his ears to his chest. Jason can practically see the steam coming from his ears. He slaps his hands over his petite breast quick enough to hurt. Jason wants to let him scamper off but instead he presses into his space even more. Long gone is the perfume of pup, now that Tim has come fully into his omega hood. Every day his scent leans more and more towards caramel and sugar.
“ Uhg you’re such a jerk. “
Tim tries to dodge out of his hold but Jason gets him anyway. The omega yelps and Jason ducks him right between each swollen peck. They are red and tender from patrol. He hasn’t put on new pads yet so some milk beads at his nipples. The little shriek Tim lets out is hilarious.
“ You’re going to get milk in my hair! Jason stop- God you suck- “
The omega fights and Jason lets him go before the two actually get into it. It’s light and playful. Well for the most part. Tim gets some milk on his face and the teen honest to God looks terrified. He curses all the way to the shower stall to take another quick bath all while Jason cackles at his misfortune.
“ I swear to God, when I start milking I'm going to get you back Ten fold! “
Jason rolls his eyes. As if.The last thing Jason’s afraid of is milk. It’s a natural thing. God everyone in this pack is repressed.
“ We’ll see about that Timberella! “
The omega hisses and Jason has to hold back a laugh as he leaves the shower. He’s so light and high from the interaction that he completely for gos a shirt. Not that he really wants to wear one. Not with how milk heavy and tender his chest is. Alfred’s always been pretty cool about it too. Being from the 60’s and all that jazz.
Jason maybe gets half way through the cave before the sound of metal crashing draws his attention. Dick walks cleanly into one of the metal tables in the middle of the lab space, knocking over tools and gadgets.
Bruce is thoroughly unimpressed from where he’s helping Damian stretch before bed. He’s in half of his costume, suppressors and scent blockers gone. The sheer disappointment in Damian’s gaze is astonishing.
“ Richard, please control yourself. “
The alpha looks like a deer caught in headlights, his mortification absolutely palpable in the air.
Jason does catch his eyes on his chest though. He smirks and sees the moment horror grows in those bright blue eyes. Instead of heading towards the stairs he decides to circle back towards the group.
Bruce chuffs from his position on the floor. He doesn’t stop what he’s doing but does tilt towards him in reverence. It’s been the biggest change in their dynamic. Bruce finally learning to respect Jason as not only a pack mate, but the pack omega. He greets him with a scenting.
Unlike Dick the alpha seems to pay little attention to his milking.
Damian’s puppy nose twitches as he leans towards him. It makes his heart flutter really. While Damian would never ask, Jason has thought of offering his breast many times. While Technically too old for it, they’ve all done their fair share of growing up too quickly. Something that Jason Laments as well as appreciates.
He scents Damian more thoroughly than Bruce, making him bristle. The boy tries to move out of his hold, hands swatting him away.
“ Todd cease your pestering immediately! If I smell of milk my peers will assume I still breastfeed. “
Jason snorts and pulls back from the prickly pup. Bruce gets a stupid fond look on his face and for a brief moment he feels it echoing on his lips.
“ And what’s wrong with that? If your pack omega is milking of course as a pup you’re welcome to it. “
Damian’s green eyes widen a fraction. His mouth opens in disbelief. Clearly, Damian in fact did not know that. Bruce stares as well, his scent turning into a sweet blend of ‘love-admiration-awe’. It draws a shiver up Jason’s spine. The tender mix of affection from his pack blankets over him like a net of spun sugar.
Jason doesn’t know why he feels drawn to look at Dick. The alpha hasn’t said anything in the past minute. He cuts his gaze to the stone still alpha and his heart flutters in excitement. The looks of jealousy and want is so strong that his intentions sparkle clear like aquamarine in shallow ocean waters.
The alpha is so much more honest when he thinks Jason isn’t looking.
He grins at Dick.
The alpha immediately shrinks in shame and embarrassment.
“ And of course any alpha spending my heat with me. “
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thediamondgirl17 · 4 years
Alpha!Goshiki x Omega!Reader: That Day In The Gym (SFW!)
So I have been on the biggest hunt for Goshiki fics, and this poor boy barely gets anything! I also am a big Omegaverse fan if you haven’t seen who I follow then you probably don’t know, but if you like omgeaverse too I recommend checking them out! and decided that he deserves some love! So this is actually like, my first time writing an Omegaverse fic so, I hope it turns out good! Leave a comment for some feedback! I love hearing from readers! If you end up liking this and want a second part, feel free to tell me! I would love to write a part 2 to this! Here is Part 2! 
Warnings: None, maybe some strong language, that’s about it. 
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    Honestly, it had been a fairly rough day for you. Being a first year at Shiratorizawa was much more difficult than you had thought it would be. Of course a prestigious, rich kid school like this would be difficult to attend, but that was precisely the reason that you had decided to come. Of course there were those people who got into the school just because of their athletic ability, but you were not one of those people. Omega’s typically weren’t that athletic, it just didn’t exactly run in their genes, however it wasn’t completely uncommon for an Omega to end up on a team or doing something active, nor was it uncommon for a team to be fully comprised of Alphas. So how did a little Omega such as yourself get into a prestigious school with mostly Alphas and Betas? Studying. 
    You had spent so much time studying in the school, and your grades definitely reflected it. You weren’t the top student in the class, but you sure as hell were not at the bottom. And with that being said, you weren’t the only Omega there either. The school would release statistics to the public each year to show what the dynamic was like at the school, and currently in your year the school comprised of 25% Omegas, 35% Betas, and 60% Alphas. Not to mention the rate of Omegas attending the school has continuously risen at least 5% every 4 years, which was great for the schools reputation and also for Omegas wanting to make a life for themselves without immediately finding a mate, and if they did...well then good for them! However, Omegas still faced a fair amount of discrimination and intimidation at the school, but what else was there to expect? 
    So why had your day been so rough? Well first of all, your teachers had all decided to give you a test on the same day, which completely mentally exhausted you. And the school had announced that Omegas needed to find an extra curricular activity (which most people did anyways) in order to look good on college resumes. But why exactly did Shiratorizawa care if Omegas got into good colleges? Because it made them look good. So here you were, standing in front of the board with all the different clubs listed on them as you hummed. Your eyes trailed along the colorful pieces of paper to try to find something that you wanted to do. Most of these clubs were athletic ones, and you were definitely not an athletic Omega. 
    “(Y/N)-chan!” Your friend called from down the hallway, they were also an Omega that you had met while attending Shiratorizawa. “Remember how we had to use the other gym today because the main one was being used for repairs?” They questioned. You nodded in response with your eyes slightly furrowed as you tried to ponder why they were reminding you of today. “Well, I was in the girls locker room, and noticed that your bag wasn’t in there! I think you left it in the second gym!” They said not exactly panicked but a bit urgently. 
    “Okay,” You paused and replied. “So what’s the big deal? I can just pop in and grab it.” You said calmly and as a matter of fact. 
    “Did you forget that the second gym is used for the boys volleyball team...which is comprised of like...all Alphas and Betas and one Omega!” They said quickly. “That’s scary!” 
   “I’m sure it’s not awful, Even if they do get upset then I can just explain to them what happened, grab my things and go!”
    “Yeah, but their coach (Y/n)! The one with the grey hair! He’s super scary! And he doesn’t exactly like Omegas in the gym while they’re practicing.” They sighed trying to get you to understand, However you just shook your head and offered them a small smile. 
    “I’m sure I’ll be fine.” 
    So now here you were, standing outside the doors to the boys volleyball team’s gym. But why hadn’t you opened the door? That’s a great question. You just thought you could pop in and out without them noticing to much and be on your way home at this point, but things don’t always go according to plan. You had greatly underestimated how strong some of the scents from the Alphas were, and even the one Omega on the team had a strong scent, to the point where you could smell it through the door. Of course they had also been sweating and moving and most likely competition, so it was normal for them to smell this strong. However you hadn’t even remembered that the Apex Alpha of Shiratorizawa was in that room as well. Ushijima was a very scary person to Alphas and Betas, let alone a small Omega like yourself. But at some point you would have to get your bag out of the gym and you had decided that sooner was better than later. 
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
   When the boys volleyball team for Shiratroizawa entered the gym, they definitely did not expect to see someone’s gym bag laying off to the side of their gym. Let alone one that reeked of an Omega. Most of the team brushed it off not really caring, but coach Washijo was furious. The older Beta yelling about how the main gym was fine and that nobody should have been allowed to step food on their court except for them, yadda, yadda, yadda. But not one of them expected the same Omega that had the balls to leave their items in their gym, to actually walk in during their practice and get it. Which, unfortunately was exactly what you were doing now. 
    The moment the door creaked open the tiniest bit, all eyes were on you, and your whole body stiffened up. Your scent quickly changed from normal to nervous as you stood in the doorway of the gym. You slipped out of your outside shoes, put on your gym shoes, and stepped on the court, not making eye contact with anyone at all. 
    ‘Don’t look at them. Don’t make eye contact.’  Your inner Omega cried out. And you happily obliged, You quickly hurried over to your bag and grabbed it. But the moment you turned around, you came face to face with none other than the Apex Alpha of Shiratorizawa himself, and once you made eye contact with him, you chirped nervously. Every Alpha in the room had turned to look at you once you made the small noise, and it had even caught the attention of the purpled haired first year whose sworn competitor was intimidating a poor little Omega.  
    The moment Goshiki had walked into the gym, his eyes had landed on you. He caught your scent in the hallways every now and again, but whenever he would he would turn to try and find out who it was, only for it to be swept away in the scent of other Alphas. Of course he had found out who you were after months of being in the school, but was never able to find the time to talk to you and get to know you. The purple haired Alpha loved your scent, and wanted to know more about you so he could decide if you were a good contender for a mate, or even just a date. However, when he heard the chirp you had emitted upon seeing the Apex Alpha, something in him quickly snapped. 
    ‘Stop him.’ His inner Alpha said. Not even a second passed before he had found himself standing between you and the captain of the team. 
    “What are you doing?” Goshiki questioned his captain. 
    “I was going to ask her why she disrupted our practice.” Ushijima stated simply. That was his personality after all. Short and sweet, or short and bitter. 
    “You know damn well why she came in. She came to get her bag, She didn’t disrupt anything, you just go distracted by an Omega’s scent.” Goshiki shot at him. And now the team was invested with what was going on with the current nd future Ace of Shiratorizawa. 
    “I was going to scold her, and tell her to not forget her items anymore.” Ushijima said, but his voice had a tad bit of annoyance in it. 
    “You are scaring her! Didn’t you hear her chirp? And that didn’t give you a single idea that you were making her uncomfortable?” He shot back. His confidence didn’t waver as he stood in front of you. Something his teammates had never seen. 
    “...I-I’m sorry...,” You said meekly behind Goshiki. “...I-It was m-my fault...I-I won’t do it again...,” Your voice was quiet and soft and obediently polite to the tense Alphas in front of you. You turned to leave but felt a soft hand on your wrist. You turned and looked up at the purple haired first year. 
    “You have nothing to be sorry about,” He stated softly. “Trust me you did nothing wrong.” His voice was soft and smooth and sounded like honey. He smelled nice too, it was like this warm lavender scent with a sweet undertone to it. It calmed you down, physically making your shoulders relax. 
    “Th-thank you...,” You said bowing your head a bit before pulling your arm out of his hand and heading out of the gym. There was silence in the gym before anyone spoke. 
    “Awe! Goshiki! Did you find yourself a little girlfriend?~” The red haired Omega cooed from behind him. Suddenly the purple haired boys cheek’s turned a pink color. 
    “N-No she just-,” He paused. “I-I just-” He paused again. “Sh-she’s just-,” 
    “Oh yeah...You’ve got it baaaaaaaad~,” Tendou cooed. 
    “Wh-whatever...,” He said softly. 
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    A full day had passed since that day in the gym. You were headed off to your final class of the day when you bumped into someone. You were carrying books and papers, and were daydreaming as you walked, therefore finding yourself bump into someone. You yelped and felt yourself fall backwards, but a hand reached out and grabbed your arm before you could fall, holding you in a strong grip to keep you from falling. You looked up at him, and if it wasn’t his face that let you knew who he was, it was the smell of warm lavender with a sweet undertone that did. 
    “I-I’m sorry...,” You said softly as he stood you up. 
    “I-it’s no problem...,” He admitted and looked around at the mess on the floor of your papers. Almost instantly you both fell to the floor to pick up the pages. His hand brushed against your own as you grabbed a paper, and both of your cheeks heated up at the contact. 
    “Thank you...,” Your voice was quiet. “F-for yesterday too!” You quickly added in hopes to try to make the situation less tense, because for whatever reason your inner Omega felt nervous about him. If it was a good or bad thing, you didn’t know. 
    “O-Oh that? That was nothing...,” He said in an equally soft voice as he stood up straight. “U-Ushijima-senpai can be a bit...,” He trailed off. 
    “Oblivious?” You asked with a small head tilt. 
    “Y-yeah! That’s the word I was looking for!” He said quickly. There was silence between the both of you for a few moments. “O-Oh! I almost forgot!” Goshiki said and reached into his bag, he pulled out a slip of paper and handed it to you. On it was some writing, ‘Wanted, an Omega manager for the boys volleyball team,’ With some informative text under it. “I-I think y-you sh-should try this....Y-you don’t have a c-club right?” He asked. 
    “No...I was looking for one though...,” You admitted with a dust of pink on your cheeks. “D-Doesn’t your coach not like Omegas though?” You asked looking up at the purple haired boy. 
    “No...He doesn’t at all...That’s why Tendou is the only Omega on the team...,” He gently rubbed the back of his neck. “But the schools administration got a little upset at him for that and told him he needed to be more inclusive...,” 
    “That makes sense...,” You giggled a bit. Your smile and light giggle practically made the boy in front of you melt. Your scent wasn’t really nervous around him anymore, it was warmer and sweeter than usual. “...I’ll look into it...,” You said softly and tucked the paper into your bag. You bit your lower lip and looked off to the side. Only until a moment later did the bell ring, you tensed up a bit. “I-I should get going t-to class...,” You said softly. 
    “O-of course! I-I should as well!” He said stiffly and started on his way to class. You smiled to yourself and walked down the hallway. Once he was out of sight and you were settled in you classroom, you took out the flyer. 
    You held it in your hands and looked down at it. However, something was a bit off. You leaned down and lifted the paper to your nose to meet about half way and took a small sniff. ‘He scented it...’ You thought to yourself as warmth crawled up onto your cheeks. 
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    “Wow...You really are bad at this...,” Shirabu said as he walked down the hallway next to the purple haired boy. “You’re supposed to scent gifts like jewelry, food, something home made. Not invitations to be our club manager.” He spoke in his monotone voice. 
    “W-well whatever...She seemed interested!” Goshiki shot back. “A-and besides-!” He paused for dramatic effect. “Once she sees how I’m clearly going to surpass Ushijima as the next Ace, she will be begging to be my mate!” He said proudly with a slight blush on his cheeks. 
    “Oh yeah ‘future Ace?’ You still need a lot of practice before that day comes...,” 
    “Why are you like that?” He whined and his hair deflated a bit. 
    “Just being honest...,” 
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livingbythewords · 3 years
Theo Raeken, Scott McCall and the concept of betrayal in friendship - a Teen Wolf meta
Recently I came upon an interesting and somewhat subversive perspective on two phenomena that have been occupying my mind for a long time – friendship and betrayal. Because these two themes are not only often present in Teen Wolf, but are at the very core of season 5, I had some thoughts on the psychological concepts of friendship and betrayal in relation to the series.
General consensus in our view on both friendship and betrayal suggests that we tend to view friendship as a natural state of things developing through mutual trust and loyalty with love at its core, whereas betrayal is viewed as disruptive event that causes mostly pain, confusion and destruction. The perspective I am talking about considers the possibility that "the roots of both [friendship and betrayal] may draw their energy from the same deep layers of the human psyche" (French, Gosling and Case, 2009) and that betrayal is in fact not something that comes out of nowhere and disrupts friendship, but rather precedes it and constitutes its inherent part. It also introduces a very interesting concept of "virtuous betrayal", which may be regarded as "betrayal in the service of a higher purpose‟ (Krantz, 2006). Both betrayal and friendship are therefore complex phenomena, which according to the authors are interdependent and have deep impact on each other.
I'm going to start from the concept of virtuous betrayal, which to me is interesting and rather uncommon and puts Theo's attempts at dismantling the McCall pack in a new light (at least to me). In Status Asthmaticus (season 5, episode 10) Theo fully reveals the motivation behind his actions:
I never lied about why I came to Beacon Hills. I'm here for a pack. I came for the were-coyote. The one whose first instinct is to kill. I came for the banshee. The girl surrounded by death. The kitsune, the beta with anger issues, I came for Void Stiles. That's the pack I want. Unfortunately, it doesn't include Scott.
What we see here is something which may be regarded as a fundamental difference in Theo and Scott's understanding of what the pack and friendship as the force that binds it means. Scott's understanding of friendship has its roots in the concept that Aristotle called vera amicitia or amicitia perfecta, a 'disinterested friendship', where the well-being of the others is of primary concern, and he is ready to make sacrifices he considers necessary (for example, his willingness to join Deucalion's pack of Alphas, knowing that there might be no way out of it once he agrees). Meanwhile Theo regards the pack mostly in terms of power and safety, where the element of friendship is non-existent. In his speech, he emphasizes only traits which are mostly viewed as negative, which is very revealing when it comes to his understanding of the world and its rules. He genuinely believes that removing Scott from his position as the pack leader is for the greater good; to him, friendship, love and caring that constitute the basis of Scott's pack are all weaknesses. This is the result of his formative years spent under the 'care' of The Dread Doctors and the values instilled in him, which are the exact opposite of what Scott believes in. Theo views the pack and leadership through the lens of utilitarianism, "to the exclusion of the pursuit of virtue and commitment to the good" (French, Gosling and Case, 2009), which is the complete opposite of what Scott believes in. He knows the Doctors' main goal – unleashing of the Beast of Gevaudan – and wants to get out alive; his main goal is survival. It is worth mentioning that he also operates from the point of a deeply rooted inferiority complex ("I'm not even a real werewolf"). Therefore he believes that what guarantees him survival and safety is securing his position as the leader of a pack by fear and control instead of mutual trust and loyalty.
This perspective raises the question of the degree to which he can be held responsible for his actions. I tend to disagree both with the view according to which Theo is considered only a victim, as well as the one which considers him only a "bad guy" without taking into consideration all the mitigating circumstances surrounding the way he was raised. We all act according to the values imprinted in us in early childhood, which shape the lens through which we view the world. Therefore, I deeply disagree with the view that Theo 'deserved' whatever happened to him. Of course, he does have the ability to make choices, and it doesn't excuse the bad ones he made (for example killing Josh and Tracy). However from his perspective, all the choices he made were necessary for both his survival and his attempts to feel whole, to be a real person instead of an artificial construct he perceives himself to be.
How does this relate to theory I mentioned above, which considers betrayal not only a fundamental part of human experience, but an inherent element of friendship, which in fact inevitably precedes it instead of outside force that disrupts it? Well, at this point it became obvious to me that this is exactly how Theo perceives the world. According to James Hillman and his reflections on betrayal as viewed through the myth of the Garden of Eden, betrayal is a natural and necessary stage in the „unfolding‟ of human consciousness (Hillman, 1975, in: French, Gosling and Case, 2009). Through betrayal, our real self is born, as it was depicted in the myth of the fall of Eden, in which the "death" described in Genesis – „of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die‟ (Genesis 2:16) – means the death of illusions that we as human beings like to hide behind, for example perceiving people as either good or bad without understanding that humans are complex beings with different motivations and initial circumstances that formed them. In the case of Theo, he was already put at a deep disadvantage comparing to the rest of the pack members and had no chance to develop positive and healthy values and coping mechanisms that would enable him to earn what he desired instead of taking it by force, which was the only way he knew for his whole life. Again, that doesn't in any way negate traumas and hardships the other members of the pack went through, neither excuses Theo's behavior and the choices he made. I'm simply pointing out the factors that were a huge part of why he did what he did.
Now, let's get back to Scott. It's interesting to me that Scott, despite the fact that this view of the world and the values he believes in are very different than Theo's, seems to understand his motivations, at least to some degree:
Scared people do things you wouldn't believe. (season 6, episode 12)
Life can’t ever be all bad or all good. You know, eventually, things have to come back to the middle. (season 5, episode 1)
Especially the second quote (regression to the mean theory) is interesting, because to some degree it agrees with Hillman's theory about betrayal being the necessary part of evolving human consciousness and the 'death' of illusions that humanity develops to avoid facing uncomfortable truths about themselves (such as Stiles rejecting the 'shadow' part of himself which then manifests as the Nogitsune). Scott's deeply empathetic and caring nature explain his enormous ability to forgive things that most people would consider unforgivable, which is reflected in the scene of his death:
SCOTT: They're not like you. They never will be.
THEO: Because I'm a Chimera? Because I'm not a real werewolf?
SCOTT: Because you're barely even human.
Barely even human. Even in his darkest moment, as he is dying at the hands of his former close friend and now his greatest enemy, Scott refuses to fully dehumanize Theo. He doesn't call him a monster. He doesn't hurl insults towards him. He still considers him a person. In fact, he never in the course of the whole show acts hostile towards Theo or mistreats him, not even once, although he would have plenty of reasons. The main emotion he expresses towards Theo is deep disappointment. He doesn't even express regret in having trusted Theo. He decides to trust him again by sending him with Mason to the tunnels and by asking him to get to the hospital to take care of his friends, which – if this trust was misplaced – could have serious consequences.
Although perspective on betrayal as a fundamental part of human nature inevitably connected to friendship may seem somewhat pessimistic, it may also seem the opposite. "In our heart of hearts, we carry both experiences together: they coexist, so that if one is dominant, the other is always present as a 'shadow' (French, Gosling and Case, 2009)". From that perspective, we can understand the necessity of forgiveness more deeply and be ready to work on and develop our ability to forgive, which can in time become our greatest strength instead of our greatest weakness. Just like in case of Scott McCall, who – by forgiving the unforgivable – made his enemy, the man who betrayed him, turned his friends against him and murdered him, into his trusted ally.
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dumpsiteforfics · 3 years
Yearning - Excerpts From a lonely heart : [ Chapter 4]
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x Spencer Reid
Rating: Mature
Genre: Angst and fluff
Summary: In a world where Omegas are rare and treasured, Spencer starts to have feelings for his married boss and pack Alpha, Aaron Hotchner! This is a story of Spencer Reid and Aaron Hotchner who are true mates, but probably met eachother at wrong time. Join me on a journey to find out whether the pining ever ends (it does, I know)
Trigger warnings: mentions of death, suicide, A/B/O, Drugs, Kidnapping, spoilers to criminal minds season 1 to season 6. Also, will include mpreg, at the end.
This is my a/b/o universe for Heid. As the name suggests, lots of yearning and angst followed by a fluff and smut eventually. First chapter might be slower but things will pick up soon. I don’t want to make the story longer, but we will see!!
Also, please check trigger warnings and also let me know if you would like me to add more warnings!
English is my third language so expect grammatical mistakes and typos, I don’t have a beta sorry. Also I hope you will give it some love!! I’m looking forward to the feedback.
AO3 links : Chapter 1  Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4
More about this au: Click here
Chapter summary: Reid struggles with his feelings and Gideon decides to not address some issues which should've been addressed. On the other hand, Haley makes an appearance as Hotch goes back home to his family.
After they took Reid to hospital, everyone except Gideon was allowed inside the ward. The ward was on lockdown as that was the process for admitting any Omega and since Reid's Alpha wasn't known yet, Gideon was the only one allowed as he was the medical proxy. Hotch hadn't liked being kept out of the loop but he knew it was a law and the rules were in place for protection of Omega, so kept quiet and waited for Gideon to come back with an update.
When Gideon came back with information, he explained how the injuries aren't going to leave any lasting effect but he was certainly beaten up alot causing terrible physical as well as mental damage. He said Reid was going to be kept under observation for at least two days to ensure he is healing up without any issues and doctor's have recommended sessions with a psychologist to ensure his mental health.
Hotch really wanted to meet Reid, to confirm once again that he was indeed alive and well, but he controlled his instincts. Reid needed space, after the emotional rollercoaster he had been through the past two days, he needed to be away from his conflicting emotions and his overbearing protective urges. Hotch trusted Gideon to take the right decision for Reid's health and as he anyways won't be allowed inside to see Reid today, he decided to just finish up all the chaos that he has to clear up due to the turnout of this case. He gathered the team, telling Gideon once again to reach out if anything is wrong or if Reid needs anything and then they all left for the police station, wanting to close up everything about the case so they can take Reid home as soon as he is discharged.
Reid felt it was a blessing in disguise that Gideon wasn't an alpha. That's probably the reason his bag was still in Gideon's car and he wasn't questioned throughout the ride about the smell of drugs. Before getting out of the car, Spencer had used his sleigh of hand to slip those vials into the little scent-blocking pouch he carried which held all the scents he wanted for any emergency purpose inside. The pouch and some small scent-blocking bags were a blessing for omegas who wanted to keep the scents that made them comfortable with them without overwhelming others. His pouch held his mother's handkerchief, Ethan's earring and one little bottle of scandle wood scent. And now those vials made their way inside. He knew it was horrible, it was pathetic and it was disgusting, but he was desperate to make sure no one gets their hands on it, he would probably throw them out later, but right now he just needed to know they were there!!
He knew doctors told Gideon about him having traces of dilaudid in his blood and he was waiting for the confrontation. He was waiting for Gideon to storm in and ask him about why he had those vials with him. But when Gideon did come in, his eyes were empty of any emotions. Reid was unable to even gauge how he was feeling because his instincts have been overused and tired. He just listened as Gideon told him that doctors wanted to keep him under observation to make sure he doesn't go through the withdrawal alone without any medical supervision. Reid felt his eyes welling up with tears and he wanted to admit everything to Gideon but Gideon just wiped those tears for him and said, " I know it's difficult, I know you are conflicted by something, but nothing is accidental. You'll get through it, we all do!"
And Reid felt pathetic. How can Gideon be so empathetic when it came to other victims but now he was saying things that didn't make sense? Was this supposed to make him feel better? Because all he was feeling after listening to it was that he was weak for letting his trauma get him to make bad decisions. He felt Gideon was just trying to brush off his responsibilities and wanted Reid to decide everything on his own. And he didn't like it at all. He wanted guidance, he wanted support, he wanted acknowledgement of his suffering, he wanted understanding but he now knew how pathetic he was for even wishing that. He was all alone through it after all!!
He spent the next two days in hospital waiting to go home. The team had come to visit him after closing the case, and he was expecting them to ask him about his trauma, he wanted them to try to understand what he was going through, but he could see how haunted they still looked after everything that had happened. He could sense the dread of those memories in their minds. So he decided he wouldn't ask anyone for anything more. It was his journey, and he will walk alone. He had troubled them enough anyways.
All through this he had observed how their pack Alpha was too quiet. He was always somewhere close to Reid, never letting him be physically alone, but he never talked. His dark eyes were just observing him, trying to find out what was wrong, but Reid didn't want to think about it anymore. Before this case, he would've enjoyed being the focus of that dark gaze, but now he just felt judged, analysed and he doubled up his efforts in making sure to close off his every instinct so Hotch wouldn't realise what was wrong. He needed to let go of those pathetic feelings he felt for Hotch!
The night they come back home, Aaron waits long enough to strip off his weapons and take a quick bath before pulling Haley close in his lap and burying his face in her neck. He tightened his arms around her, finally letting the control over his feelings slip. Haley's fingers slowly caressed the back of his neck before moving up in his hair, scratching his scalp the way she knew always made him feel better. He relaxed slowly in her comforting embrace. She was his safe haven, she was always there, waiting for him and giving out comfort without asking questions. He knew as a unit chief his workload had increased and there were times when that made her lash out, but it was because she was all alone to take care of their newborn while he was out saving the world. She deserved better, she deserved a partner that gave her time, that made sure to pamper her, that supported her and Aaron couldn't be that. But no matter how much they fought, she somehow knew when he needed comfort and would never fight when such a moment came, just like tonight.
She slowly made them lay down on bed, Jack already asleep in his room. She laid down and instead of snuggling into Aaron's body, she pulled him close so he could be in her arms instead. He laid his head on her chest, listening to her heartbeats, as a beta she didn't have a distinct smell but her cherry perfume always made him feel like he was home. And as they laid there, tangled together, she slowly asked him what had happened.
He didn't want to say anything, mostly because he always avoided sharing the gory details with her, she didn't need to know what shitty situations he had to go through every day. But this time, it was too close, this time his agent was kidnapped and beaten and taken away from the pack. And so he decides to let it all out. Haley just quietly listens as he pours out his feelings, as he recounted everything he felt from the moment he realised Reid was kidnapped. He told her how scared he was to lose the agent that had unknowingly become his friend, someone he relied upon to break through any case, someone who made their team complete, someone who had become so much more than just Elle's replacement in such a short time.
Once Aaron was done purging his feelings, Haley simply asked about how Reid was doing now. She asked if she needed to visit him as the team would get back to work while he would be on forced vacation. And Aaron felt so grateful once again for her support. He told her he will check with Reid and tell her if it's needed, maybe having Jack around will help him a bit. He knew that Reid adored the few glimpses of Jack he could get whenever Haley visited the beauro.
He kissed her lips, trying to show her how much better she always made him feel. She was his everything, from the moment he laid eyes on her, she was the only one who regarded him with nothing but love, even in the moments she should hate him. Aaron never had a great childhood, the constant abuse has made him bitter, angry and then Haley came into his life. She was the reason he didn't turn out to be like his dad. She reminded him that he can be loved, he deserves kindness and although during the initial stages of their friendship he lashed out on her too many times to count, but slowly her kindness and her love won him over. She gave him a reason to look forward to the coming day, she made him feel loved and she taught him how to love her in turn. And now after all these years, she was still here, loving him despite his flaws and shortcomings. He couldn't help but to think if Reid had anyone by his side now, or was he alone. He hoped that he would have someone, he deserved it. He knew he still needed to analyse the flicker of something that he had felt back then when he held Reid in his arms, but right now all he wanted was to be vulnerable in the arms of the only person he had ever loved.
Taglist: @ssa-sarahsunshine @brillianthijinx @thaddeusly Please let me know if you'd like to be added/removed from this! ❤️❤️
I already had this chapter written and as I had taken a day off I thought of uploading it! Next chapters will take some time! ❤️❤️
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timep3tals · 5 years
Since I’m such a slut for Iron Dad & Spidey-Son field trip fics, I decided to procrastinate my homework by creating a detailed list for clearance levels for the badges given out by SI because I’m sick of the same Alpha, Beta, etc. or just the numbers.
It’s too basic. In this household, we are Extra.
Shoutout to @riseuplikeglitterandgold​ for watching me go down a rabbit hole and not attempt to stop me whatsoever.
Please read this and use this, I spent too much time on this for it to go to waste.
Clearance Levels 
Construction (1) - Not often utilized, as SI is fully completed, but when needed, will have a badge that grants them access to the construction zone only. Construction is entirely outsourced.
Tours (2) - Discarded after use; at all exits, there’s a box for discarding the badge. It is automatically deactivated once it passes through the bin, and is shredded before being recycled into new tour badges.
Educational (2.1) - One of the lowest levels of access to the building; often linked to the tour guides badge, and are unable to access any room the tour guide has not swiped into.
Science (2.2) - These tours are guided throughout the majority of the labs, often for parties interested in becoming an employee at SI. Can be more specific to a certain field, and will usually be conducted by interns-turned-tour guides as they move up through the ranks in SI.
Press (3) - Only has access to conference rooms, and are often allotted one badge per press company, which they pick up at the front desk at given times depending on the press conference schedule, as decided by the PR division.
Buyers (4) - Are considered an upper-level visitor badge, but mostly just for show to make the buyers feel important/be more likely to purchase from SI. Have relatively limited access, and are only shown products/labs that pertain to what they’re looking at purchasing.
Partners (5) - Are not very often used, as partners often meet off-site, or are communicating largely through email with either the Board of Directors, or Pepper. Have the most access out of all visitors badges, but is still usually directed by/connected to a tour guide’s badge.
Ex(s): Visitor 2.1, Visitor 5, Visitor 1
Maintenance: Access is often changed as needed. No subsections under maintenance; FRIDAY is in direct control of badges and will allocate where they are needed as work orders are processed. No attached number.
Ex(s): Maintenance
Janitor: Much the same as maintenance. There are specific crews of “spill/break/chemical teams”, but those requests are again processed by FRIDAY. No attached number, though an implied 1.
Lab Clean-Up (2) - Labs are largely kept clean and handled by scientists, but every Sunday there is a deep clean of all floors/surfaces. These janitors have higher access, as most of the janitors are kept locked out of labs for their own safety. Have to have special training.
Ex(s): Janitor, Janitor 2
Business (1-9) - Any intern under any division in the corporate offices (financial, PR, HR, etc.) Level depends on sector/experience and where the intern is initially placed.
Lab (10-19) - Often the “janitors” of each lab throughout the week. Are allowed to work on small projects with a chosen mentor (usually Head Scientist). This is the largest, most diverse group, and their access depends on which lab they’re placed in (determined by prior experience, collegic level, etc.) Apply through Operations Management, not HR; no high school students are accepted as the work they’re surrounded by can often be dangerous. No interns are placed in High-Level Labs.
Ex(s): Intern - PR 5, Intern - Financial 8, Intern - Marketing 2, Intern - Lab 15, Intern - Lab 10
Tour Guides:
Press (1) - Technically classified under PR; is solely there to guide press to the designated location and manage traffic during conferences.
Educational (2) - Typically beginning level tour guides; still expected to know as much about the company as a tour guide for partners would.
Science (3) - Has to have intimate knowledge of the workings on each lab; usually coordinates with Head Scientists to stay updated on each lab. Often has the least amount of tours, and typically will have another job/duty elsewhere.
Business (4) - Mostly for corporation heads to come and tour the business portion of SI. Small business/first time business owners are encouraged to take these tours so they could see an example of an effective work environment/procedures.
Partnerships (5) - Has intimate knowledge of the going-abouts in all labs. They are also aware of some financial statistics in regards to new/upcoming projects, as well as ongoing projects. Out of all tour guides, these guides have the greatest access to the building. These guides also lead the buyer tours as well.
Ex(s): Guide 5, Guide 2
Financial: (1-7)
Chief Financial Officer (CFO) (7) - Head officer that has primary responsibility for managing the company's finances, including financial planning, management of financial risks, record-keeping, and financial reporting. The CFO is also responsible for analysis of data, but has the option, and often will, to delegate it to others in the financial sector.
There’s probably a lot of other jobs in this, but it’s unimportant and I do not possess that sort of energy.
Ex(s): Financial 7 (only applicable to the CFO), Financial 2
Public Relations: (1-7) There’s probably a lot of jobs, but it’s unimportant and I do not possess that sort of energy. Ex: Social Media Manager, PR Specialist, Spokesperson, etc. (I’m of the opinion they created a section specifically to help handle whatever it was that Tony said this time. Official title: Owner Management. Unofficial title: Tony’s Bullshit Cover-Up Specialists.)
Ex(s): PR 4
Marketing: (1-7) There’s probably a lot of jobs, but it’s unimportant and I do not possess that sort of energy. Ex: Designers, Web Content Writer, Supply Chain Analysts, etc.
Ex(s): Marketing 5
Human Resources: (1-7) There’s probably a lot of jobs, but it’s unimportant and I do not possess that sort of energy. Ex: Compensation and benefits managers, Training and development specialists, Employment, recruitment and placement specialists, Human resources information system (HRIS) analysts, etc.
Ex(s): HR 6
Board of Directors: Despite being one of the highest positions in SI, they have extremely limited access. This clearance level is mostly restrained to the upper level offices and meeting rooms, but can have special access granted to visit labs, if absolutely necessary. No attached number.
Ex(s): Board Member
Operations Management: 
Hiring Managers (1)  - These managers directly oversee hiring of all lab personnel, including interns. 
Inspectors (2) - Inspectors handle all safety precautions/procedures in all labs in SI. Are often updating rules and regulations in order to best protect all personnel and equipment.
Lab Overseers (3) - Are who Head Scientists report to. Overseers are then to report their findings to the Head of Research and Development in a succinct manner. Are one of the last lines of defense when it comes to arising issues.
Project Managers (4) - Their job corresponds directly with the Principal Investigator and the financial & marketing division to help get finished products out into the market. Often help oversee manufacturing of said products at the different plants across the planet.
Ex(s): Operations 3, Operations 1
Research and Development:
Low-Level Labs (1-15) - Low level of risk. Most often handle coding/computer sciences/refining formulas sent down from some of the upper level labs.
Research Assistants (1-3) - Hand selected by the Principal Investigator from the top universities across the nation to help with research. Found generally at conferences hosted by SI at universities.
Graduate Student (3-5) - Single student from a graduate program, also hand selected. Typically have worked on projects in SI before.
Post-Doctoral (6-9) - Single student from a post-doctoral program. Prior SI experience is required for this position, and must present a thesis project based off outside research in order to maintain position.
Principal Investigator (10-12) - Previously Post-Doctoral, generally, but the position can be earned through impressing the Head of R&D at conferences/presenting thesis work or previous research on a specific topic.
Head Scientist (13-15) - Manager of funding for project, and overseer of the work being produced by the team. Doesn’t typically involve themselves in actual research, but is more the manager to maintain structure/order in lab and ensure work is flowing smoothly.
Ex(s): LLab 14, LLab 3
Mid-Level Labs (16-30) - Mid level risk. Performs higher risk sciences, more along the lines of a chemistry lab. Tests different types of products for higher efficiency.
Research Assistants (16-19)
Graduate Student (19-22)
Post-Doctoral (22-25)
Principal Investigator (25-38)
Head Scientist (28-30)
Ex(s): MLab 25, MLab 19
High-Level Labs (30-45) - High level of risk. Handles all new and volatile materials, and is the most involved in the newest products, etc. on the market. Requires highest grades/performances/experience/etc.
Research Assistants (30-33) 
Graduate Student (34-36) 
Post-Doctoral (37-39) 
Principal Investigator (40-42)
Head Scientist (43-45) 
Ex(s): HLab 43, HLab 30
Head of R&D: (All Access) Tony Stark. Oversees all divisions and labs. Spearheads the creation of new tech and development in the company, and is expected to continue to expand SI’s reach into new areas of science and technology.
Ex(s): You Know Who I Am
Avenger: (Residential: Semi-Access) No associated number. One of the most lucrative badges, only granted to Steve Rogers, Sam Wilson, Natasha Romanoff, Bruce Banner, Clint Barton, Thor Odinson, and a few select others. Most have been deactivated following the events of the Civil War. Typically allowed access to all floors (though entry to labs was not granted unless necessary), the residential living spaces, and the training room.
Ex(s): Avenger, Residential: Semi-Access
Remaining Badges (All Access) - Granted only to James Rhodes and Peter Parker (Peter, although classified as Avenger, will be announced as Personal Intern, as per his request). 
Ex(s): Avenger, Residential: All Access, Personal Intern: All Access
CEO: (All Access) A lovely Miss Pepper Potts. Her job is kind of a given, I don’t think an explanation is necessary. Also I’m tired.
Ex(s): Virginia Potts
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welldonebeca · 5 years
The Mark
Rating: Explicit Summary: You didn’t know why it thrilled you the way it did it, but you wanted to sink your teeth into Robb’s neck and show him and the rest of the world that he was yours just as much as you were his. Pairing: Alpha!Robb Stark x Female!Omega!Reader WC: 890 words Warnings: ABO dynamics, smut (vaginal sex), knotting, marking, a bit of fluff and possessiveness. Proofread by the lovely @onebatch--twobatch​
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You felt the point on your neck aching before opening your eyes. Actually, maybe that was why you’d woken up.
Robb’s arm was around your middle, his body naked against yours. You’d spent the whole night awake, mating – fucking – like there was no tomorrow and generally being all over one another. You could still feel a pulsing ache all over your body, and it only brought back memories from what you’d just been doing.
“Y/N,” he moaned into the back of your neck, holding you tighter and taking a long, deep breath.
“Robb,” you yawned. “Good morning.”
In response to that, you felt Robb rooting his cock against your ass just a bit, and you wiggled your hips.
Robb growled and you felt wetness pooling between your legs. You’d think that after a whole night of fucking you’d feel less heated, but it was quite the contrary. You felt like you could just lock yourself up with him in your room and fuck for days. And you weren’t even in heat.
“Baby…” he hummed.
Robb chuckled, losing his grip, and you used the opportunity to turn around and finally face him. You moved your hands to your Alpha’s face, caressing his hair covered cheeks, moving your fingers over his reddish beard before kissing his lips gently, and he let out another hum.
You moved your hands down to his chest, sneaking your way up to sit on top of him, his cock right against your pussy.
“Y/N…” Robb growled, grabbing your hips in his strong hands.
You grinned wickedly in response.
“I remember distinctly that I didn’t get to mark you yet,” you rocked your hips slowly, rubbing your folds right against his shaft and gasping. “Alpha.”
He smirked, moving his hands down up your legs and resting them on your thighs.
“Is that what got you all wet so quickly, Omega?” he used his grip to help you. “Thinking of biting me? Of marking me so everyone will know I have an Omega eager to have me any moment? You want people to know you own me.”
While Omegas and Betas always took marks when it came to claiming, the same couldn’t be stated for Alphas. Once, back in the far past and when the Alphas were few, they could have more than a dozen of Omegas and Betas to themselves, their personal pack, and no neck had such a space to accommodate so many claim marks. So, Alphas, Omegas, and Betas evolved not to need such a thing to happen.
Currently, however, things were very different. The world’s population had a very balanced division, in Westeros, 34% of people were Alphas, 31% were Omegas, and the remaining were Betas; packs now were mostly composed by family members and friends, and Alphas kept fewer partners, many contempt with just one. Omegas were still being marked, Betas were still being marked, and some Alphas opted for being marked by their partners just as well.
You didn’t know why it thrilled you the way it did it, but you wanted to sink your teeth into Robb’s neck and show him and the rest of the world that he was yours just as much as you were his.
“Well, we can’t let that go unnoticed,” your boyfriend bit his lower lip.
Robb lifted you like you were nothing, holding you long enough for his cock to be positioned right over your entrance.
“Sit on that dick, baby,” he stared into your eyes, his pupils so blown you could barely see his blue irises.
You lowered yourself slowly, feeling your pussy stretching to accommodate him. Once you were comfortably set, you moved slowly, testing the position. Every movement made your clit rub against his hipbone and Robb seemed to know that very well, using it to his own advantage.
“Perfect little Omega,” he groaned, moving one of his hands and playing with your nipple, exactly how you liked it. “All for me.”
You only moaned more and yelped when Robb sat up, talking your lips in his in a desperate kiss.
“Alpha,” you grabbed a handful of his hair.
“Gonna cum already, baby?” he growled. “We’ve barely started.”
You let out a cry when he slapped your ass, moving your hips harder and faster.
“My possessive little Omega,” he growled. “Cum for me, then. Cum and mark me.”
You held Robb’s jaw in your hand and lifted his chin, digging your fingertips in his soft hair and exposing his pale neck to your eyes, and lowered your lips to his neck, taking a long sniff of his scent and feeling your orgasm hitting you like a crashing force, sinking your teeth into his skin as it happened.
The moan your Alpha left could probably be heard in the whole apartment, so loud and clear you should have worried about the neighbours but didn’t give a single fuck, and his hands squeezed you so tightly you didn’t doubt you’d get bruises. Not less than a second later, he popped his knot inside you, spilling his seed right into your cunt.
You two sat there, panting and trying to steady your breathing, and when you opened your eyes, your first instinct was to kiss and lick the place where you’d bit him.
My Alpha, you thought to yourself. You could get used to that.
. . .
Forever Tags: @emoryhemsworth​ @amythyststorm33​ @shaelyn102​ @yknott81​ @ria132love​ @letsdisneythings​ @maximofftrash​ @kgbrenner​ @queenofhellisafangirl​ @thefridgeismybestie​ @thefanficfaerie​ @magpiegirl80​ @mogaruke​ @unicorntrooper​ @shadowhunter7​ @musicalcoffeebean​ @megasimpleplan4ever​ @deemoriarty​ @05spn18​ @malindacath​ @kdcollinsauthor​ @tina8009​ @random-fandom-fangirl2112​ @widowsfics​ @frozenhuntress67​        Game of Thrones tags: @bloodstained-porcelain-doll​
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dixbolik-lovers · 4 years
Oooh abo is open??? I would love to know how the Mukami boys deal with ruts or heats!
Yes, it is!!! :D Because of my setup for requests now, this is Mukami + Tsukinami~
. . . 
Ruki: (Beta)
-He deals with both Ruts and Heats as privately and with as much dignity as possible. For the most part, he shuts himself in his room for the duration of his cycles, waiting things out with a good book, food left outside his door by Yuuma, and minimal indulgence of what his out of control body tries to force him into. He hates having to withdraw from looking out for everyone, but it’s better that than showing himself in such a state of vulnerability. He mostly just prays that everyone else will be alright while he’s out of commission. 
Kou: (Omega)
-Heats have been used against him in the past, and as a result, they scare him. He despises feeling so vulnerable, but also struggles to accept support. He wants to just hide somewhere and not come out until it’s over, but the thing that usually puts a stop to that is Azusa, whose innocent concern makes even a heated-up Kou feel at ease. Azusa insists on looking out for him, making sure he eats, and so on. When it comes to cycles, he has the highest sex-drive in the household, his instincts driving him restless with need. 
Yuuma: (Alpha)
-His Ruts make him aggressive and extremely horny, so he also has to keep to himself. Gardening is a good way of burning off restless energy, but yeah, he’s spending a lot of time in his room getting off. Yuuma’s not the best at self-control, so whether he really likes it or not, he’s bad at holding back. He’s not too bothered by his cycles, even if it is a bit irritating that his daily life has to be interrupted to such a degree. He does tend to be short-tempered, though, and lashes out over small things that normally wouldn’t bother him much. 
Azusa: (Omega)
-His Heats are less sexual than needy. Somehow, the “sex” part doesn’t quite make it to Azusa’s brain most of the time, and he’d rather be curled up somewhere safe taking a nap than touching himself. He likes sticking close to his brothers when he feels vulnerable, and usually just makes himself a blanket nest on the couch and lets himself be babied. Because of course the rest of them are dead-set on looking out for an extra-fragile Azusa. He feels a little bad about “making” them coddle him, but is usually too out of it to care. 
Carla: (Alpha)
-Because of his illness, Ruts are tricky. Exerting himself too much will just make him sick, so he has to be careful with what he does, even when biology is demanding things. His sex-drive is pretty low in general, though, so most of his Ruts are spent resting and trying to keep his health together. He dislikes being seen when in any state of less-than-perfect, and as such, makes sure that even Shin leaves him completely alone during these times. He generally keeps near-perfect control of himself, never letting instinct truly take over. 
Shin: (Beta)
-He deals with his Ruts just fine, shutting himself up in his room and waiting out the irritation of being a slave to biology with little fuss. However, Heats set him on edge in a way that nothing else does. They make him feel way too weak and useless, and his body’s responses to them make him furious. Heats are usually coupled with violent rampages (as much as he can get away with) before and after, and many things broken during the duration. He gets even more prickly, tense, and aggressive than usual on either cycle. 
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thecleverdame · 4 years
The Oath - 8
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Parings: Dark!Alpha!Sam x Omega!Reader
Story Master List
Summary: After an unsuccessful escape attempt, the reader finds herself taken as a spoil of war. She ends up in the bed of a ruthless Alpha, the son of John Winchester, leader of the kingdom of Gilead. She struggles to conceal her true identity and navigate a society where being an Omega means nothing more than serving at the pleasure of powerful men.
Warnings: non-con, sexual assault, rape, attempted suicide, sexual slavery, branding, torture, ownership, voyeurism, anal play, smut, violence, and murder.
Sam is dark in this story. If any of the warnings are triggers for you, I would suggest skipping this one. Please read and heed all the warnings.
Beta: ilikaicalie
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The table is set. Tonight there’s a roast pig and a heaping plate of warm peaches with figs in a syrupy sauce. You must have traveled farther south than you realized for these kinds of delicacies to show up on the table. 
A few minutes ago a boy arrived with a letter for Sam, now the Alpha is busy writing a response. You can’t make out what it’s about, but he’s intensely focused, tongue between his lips as he moves the quill across the parchment. 
The boy can’t be more than ten, maybe twelve and just malnourished. He rocks back on his heels, hands clasped in front of him as he stares at the food. You look between Sam and the child, pondering how bold you dare to be. You won’t know what’s acceptable until you try. 
“Alpha,” you begin quietly, leaning closer. “May I offer the child some food?”
“I don’t care,” he waves his hand in dismal. The boy breaks into a smile and you return the gesture, patting the table beside you. 
“Come here, quickly before he finishes.” You scoop peaches onto a small plate and watch as he immediately wolfs them down, wiping the juice from his chin. 
“Here,” Sam presses his metal stamp into the wax, sealing the letter shut. You take a chunk of bread and press it into the boy’s hand. “Take this straight to the general.”   
The boy springs to his feet, wordlessly taking the letter from Sam, offering a little bow and running out into the night. 
“You shouldn’t do that.” He sits back with a hollow stare, eyes narrowing. “If you give them an inch, they’ll take a mile. Your generosity will not be returned.”
“I don’t expect anything in return.” You respond without thinking. Luckily he doesn’t seem to take it as argumentative. 
“Are you going to eat?” Sam nods toward the table. 
“Should we wait for your brother?”
“He won’t be joining us for the foreseeable future,” Sam explains, rolling up one sleeve to his elbow, then the other. “He’s taking men on an alternate route around the mountain. We’ll meet up at my father’s camp in a few weeks.”
“Oh.” You stare at your wine. This means you’re alone with him for God knows how long, without a buffer. At least Dean kept him talking, he filled the space. Now there’s just you. “It’s just us then.”
“Yes.” He cuts off a hunk of the roast pig for you, then a much larger portion for himself. For several minutes there is only the sounds of a crackling fire and the voices of the men in the distance. 
“May I ask a question?” You poke at the meat with a fork, watching his reaction carefully. You don’t yet know what he wants from you. 
He nods yes. 
“Is that why he has Greta? Because he was going off on his own and wanted a companion?”
“This is what you’ve been thinking about?” 
“I’m sorry. I’m just trying to understand my place...our place in Gilead.” This seems to appease him, he shrugs and relaxes back in the chair. 
“Dean likes a challenge.” Sam snickers to himself. “If she doesn’t manage to kill him in his sleep, he’ll break her. Just a matter of time. Then on to the next one.”
“I see.” You move a carrot around, taking a bite before deciding how to respond. “Is that what happens to us all? We’re broken?”
“Are you broken?” he asks, and you snap to attention. 
“No,” he confirms. “Just obedient. You never fought me. You did what was expected of you.”
“I wanted to live. Then I smelled you and...I’m not much in control of myself when we’re together.” 
“No,” he ponders, his thumb stroking up the side of his mug. “I don’t imagine you are. Do you still hate it when I fuck you?” 
The ease with which he speaks of such intimate matters sets your cheeks on fire. But now is not the time to be prudish. 
“I hate myself when you fuck me,” you admit, fixed on the fire as your eyes brim with tears. “I’ve had pleasure from the first time. I don’t think that’s normal. Greta was writhing around begging for Dean to stop last night, she was crying and trying to get away. But I...I just open up like a whore. I don’t know what’s wrong with me.”
“There’s nothing wrong with you.” He grunts. “Maybe you’re just more in touch with what you are than she is.” He’s quiet again as you both eat. When he speaks again it’s not what you expect. “I can appreciate that it’s difficult to go from the life you had to this. But it’s the way of things. How it should be. If you’d grown up in this, you would never know the difference.”
“I don’t like to think about how things were.” You pick up your wine and gulp down as much as you can. “May I ask one more question?”
“Go ahead.”
“What if…” you trail off, the thought of it souring in your stomach. 
“Ask me,” he commands. 
“What if I start to grow.” You place a hand over your belly, and he understands what you’re asking. Pups. With the way things have progressed it’s only a matter of time. Once you’re in heat or his rut comes, it’ll be inevitable. 
“I’ll take care of it when it becomes an issue.” He stares at you, unblinking, waiting for a response. 
“What does that mean?” You press for a better answer. 
“It means I’ll decide when the issue presents itself” he counters. “We’re not talking about this anymore. Tell me about the Omega. Did she talk to you?”
“You told me not to talk to her.”
“So you’re telling me you rode in silence for ten hours?”
“No,” you glance up, nibbling on an overly sweet peach. “Nothing important. Mostly she talked about how pathetic she thinks I am. She called me a traitor.” 
“Hm,” he raises his eyebrows as if it’s no surprise. “Her mouth will get her in trouble. She was important in Eden, so she thinks she’s important here.” 
Fear bubbles up, a cold wash from your hands up your arms and over your chest. 
“Who is she?”
He looks surprised by the boldness of this question, but answers just as quickly. “She’s the daughter of one of Benedict’s generals.”
Your father’s name falling from his mouth sends a chill up your spine. 
“Which one?”
Oh no. Your heart falls into your stomach. Did she recognize you? Is that why she was so disgusted with your willingness to give yourself to Sam? 
“Why are you so interested?”
“I just wonder if I’ve heard of him, that’s all.”
“Yes, your county was small, wasn’t it? His name is Kaiser.”
You begin to sweat. You know him well. You’ve seen him in person dozens of times, at state dinners and celebrations. He would recognize you in an instant. Racking your brain you try to remember if he ever brought his family.
“What’s wrong?” he asks. 
“She was just...I didn’t care for her. Her scent made me ill.”
“Well, she’s gone now.”
“What will happen to her? I’m surprised she wasn’t killed straight away.” Maybe there’s hope. Perhaps being an Omega trumps being the daughter of his enemy. 
“Dean will use her for what he wants. Keep her around in case we need her as a bargaining chip. And when we meet up with my father, he’ll take her head off, I expect.” 
“She can’t help who her family is.”
“None of us can. But we have to live with the hand we’ve been dealt. This is her fate. You shouldn’t worry about her, only yourself.” 
If he only knew. That’s all you're worried about. So much so that you’re ridden with guilt. What would a good daughter do? But you’re no good to anyone dead. So, for now, you see the mission as staying alive. Perhaps in the future, you’ll be able to help the resistance, fight for your county. 
“What will happen to me?” you ask softly. 
Sam wipes his mouth with a cloth and sets it on the table. He takes his time, swallowing the last of the figs before responding. 
“I can’t say for sure. Just do what you’re told.” He reaches over, the tip of his finger brushing along the bruises on your neck. “Do you know how much I want you, little bird? How good you smell...how good you feel…” 
His eyes wander down to your breasts, then back up as he runs a thumb over your bottom lip. 
“Will you give me to someone else when you grow bored with me?” you whisper, voice cracking as a tear slides from the corner of your eye. That’s the real fear now. Sam is temperamental, but you both feel the physical connection. He doesn’t take joy in hurting you. He hasn’t demanded anything too depraved. But you know how bad it can get. You’ve heard the stories. 
His eyes search yours, softening as he looks over your face. 
“I can’t imagine ever being bored with you.” He pulls his hand away, clearing his throat and that familiar resolve sets in. “Finish your wine and clean yourself up. I’m tired. We’re going to bed early.” 
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