#Like please…. with all due respect
valewritessss · 25 days
Every time someone says they hate Annabeth and Percabeth in the sense that they think they’re toxic, I have to start guessing if they ship Pernico, Percy x Apollo, and it pains me to say because I know people get mad but Perachel.
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ma-du · 5 months
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im-a-goat-in-disguise · 10 months
You don't have to swim to walk into the ocean. You can just walk. You can keep walking. Keep walking until you can no longer see the light above you. They won't know where you are. They will never find you. Keep walking. Look at your hands. Do they seem transparent? They do. Perhaps they have forgotten about you. Or you have forgotten about yourself. Keep walking. By this point there should be no light, yet you can still see, can't you? How can you still see? Think about it. Then decide it doesn't matter. Keep walking. Did they try and search for you? They might have sent out rescue boats. But why would you care about that? All you need to do is keep walking deeper. You know it will be back soon. The light. Not of the sun perhaps, but you know that if you keep walking it will return. There is no one left up there to care about you. You will reach the end soon. So keep walking.
can i leave the ocean please
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straycalamities · 5 months
this gonna sound dumb but who’s Swags mod? I was wondering if ur his mod like someone who has ownership over him but has a mod 😭 IM SORRY IF THIS SOUNDS DUMB all I know is you’re the mod of Entre and other mods with their characters, just been trying to figure out for Swags
swag has had multiple mods in the past, but his two main ones haven't touched him in years (afaik) the one in charge of truffula flu is @/starxapple and the one mainly in charge for thneedville/thornville high is @/miaoumint
both of them have run his main blog extensively @/ask-swag-onceler
strapple has long since entirely retired from him/being his mod and that's why you see me running around carrying trufflu!swag over my head like a maniac bc i've basically adopted him officially? i guess? if you wanna call it like that
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enderspawn · 1 year
god loves his funny little pranks :). this ones called "so stressed about tasks that you cant do any tasks"
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astralazuli · 2 months
So there's that D&D class quiz going around, & I took it & was so deeply offended I got Paladin.
& so I have had conversations with both Bestie & Birdfriend about this grave insult & they both were like, "Well... They have a point?" & informed me that my desire to absorb hits meant for others & deep drive to help whenever I actually can & strong convictions make me a bit Paladin-coded.
& I am just so... Idk. It's just interesting to get glimpses of yourself from other people's POVs. To be told that my defining characteristics are protecting & healing others & being incredibly fighty about the things I care about... Especially as someone whose brain specifically fixates on whether I care enough, do enough, give enough... Yeah. It's just kinda wild.
Anyway, I'm now adjusting my self-perception to include the fact that if I were a D&D character, I would be an Oath of the Ancients Paladin & not a wizard & that actually that's okay.
#I don't Believe many things#because I prefer to stay open to new perspectives#& think that a balanced approach to life involves embracing a certain level of ambiguity in reality#but the things I do Believe in?#Oh I Believe them with all my heart.#I don't know how my belief system will change in the future#But I do know that above all else I believe in Kindness#Kindness to yourself Kindness to everyone around you Kindness to nature#The point of society is to ensure Everyone is treated well & can enjoy existence as much as possible#The point is Joy. The method is Kindness.#& if you aren't fighting for Everyone to be taken care of & respected & treated with Kindness#then I am not interested in your revolution.#If you hate the people against you more than you love the people you're fighting for?#You're missing the goddamn point.#(Please note I'm speaking of Kindness as a separate concept from Niceness.)#(Sometimes you cannot be Kind without being Not Nice to someone who is doing unkindnesses.)#(But I feel like a lot of people mistake that concept for an excuse to deny those they disagree with Kindness.)#(& my dudes you don't actually have principles if they only apply to people you like & agree with.)#There is no freedom until everyone is free includes the people you don't like.#While I am not free right now due to my various axes of oppression & the oppression others face#I'm also not gonna be free if we straight up murder & imprison the current oppressors#Trading one oppressive system for another isn't actually all that radical???#Just 'cause you think 'the right people' are being oppressed doesn't make oppressing them okay?#Like I'm a leftist because I believe Literally Everyone should be allowed to live whatever fulfilling life they want#so long they as aren't doing a damage to someone else in order to do so.#Not because I think I think the wrong people are oppressed.#Hm now that I've written this fucking essay on ethics in my tags#I am seeing Bestie & Birdfriend's points...#Birdfriend legit said that I'm the '**smacks others while screaming** BE! KIND! TO! EACH! OTHER!' type of Paladin.#I guess they were right.
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fkinavocado · 3 months
been a hot minute since 4am caught me writing 🥹
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welcometogrouchland · 11 months
*twirling my hair* do you like cassandra cain? if not, do u have a moment to hear about our lord and saviour cassandra cain?
CASSANDRA CAIN MY LOVE!!! She's definitely the batgirl I've read the most in terms of full issues, the first 30-ish issues of her solo by Kelly Puckett Scott Peterson and Damion Scott had me hooked and I binged them but fell off after Horrocks came on (nothing against him, he was just given an editorial mandate to make the book more romance focused and it turned me off because it felt so ooc for Cass to me lol. I do own some of the issues he wrote tho! I like the ones with art by Rick Leonardi). I'm not really caught up with modern comics (ish??) And I'm not reading anything dedicatedly but I hear she's in a new original book teaming up with a magic user? Neat! Good for her. I love her in the shadow of the batgirl graphic novel (IT'S SO GOOD)
#ramblings of a lunatic#asks#^ sorry had to be tistic about things for a minute#i loved damion scotts artwork for her solo series sm (especially the later moee stylized stuff even though i recognise how bonkers-#-the proportions are i can't help myself. i like women and i love stylised art like that)#his stuff was surprisingly influential on my own art. idk how much it shows these days but It's There#this hasn't mentioned anything about what i love about cass as a character but like. it's the same as most people who love her man#i love her self destructive dedication to redemption i love the guilt she's saddled with-#-and how it's juxtaposed with her committment to kindness and justice i love how she's the fucking best and she knows it#i love how the relationship between her and oracle was an intergenerational mentorship between two disabled women#and her gay ass bond with stephanie (who in all fairness may be my fav batgirl???-#-but I've also read wayyy less complete issues of her compared to cass due to the differences in how their respective series' are-#-formatted but like. what i have seen i tend to love. i love u stephanie)#but also dear god i do not wanna get reeled back in because nothing the industry ever does will please me the way the ideas in my head do#and I'm constantly at war with myself reading stuff#also it's just hard to get back in when you've been gone with a while it's all just very difficult#but i am rotating cass and stephanie in my brain like a microwave waiting for someone to explode#plenty of people smarter than me have already said this but cass should team up with jason and they should both seethe#he wants to kill. she keeps breaking his bones if he tries it. they're both brushing each others philosophies off bc of where they exist-#-on the batfamily ''kill/no kill'' binary even though they share similarities of wanting to be batman but Better#(jason via controlling crime and killing criminals and her with her ultimate dedication to the symbol and superior combat skills)#(also keep in mind i just watched utrh but haven't read a rhato comic in yonks. so if this is an outdated jason characterization+#-then whoopsie <3)#Jason's dedicated to pushing buttons and poking holes in batmans philosophy and cass is great at reading ppl-#-and sometimes in her series she then performs a limited psychoanalysis of them and tears them apart#(at least she did for shiva) I'd love to see her do that to jason. break him so i can tape his sad lil ass back together#this is getting away from me. anyway no need to proselytise. I'm a former alter boy round here
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wisemins · 5 months
being punk and seeing fictional punks get mistreated and thrown around as if their fundamental beliefs aren't *that* important has been a new pet peeve of mine. Like I don't even ship with them (yet.) but ultimately I end up being defense squad bcus fictional punks can't have shit without people eventually removing their beliefs from them 🗿🗿🗿
more ranting in tags
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weewoow-20706030 · 1 year
Any Tim Drake fanfic recs? (I might seem chill asking but don't be fooled, I am currently foaming at the mouth trying to find good fics)
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blazingblorbos · 1 year
And there it is, the scene that ruined my life
Straight from the YT video on the official channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DXcQSUZuOKk
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tuiyla · 1 year
For Santana’s birthday, I think Aug 21 is accurate. Finn’s is Aug 24 and it’s mentioned that Finn is younger than her by three days. She’s a Leo and I think that fits her more than a Scorpio
I'm sorry Anon but not amount of reminders of 1x15 will convince me that's canon and accurate. Finn as a Virgo, that's fine I'll take it but Santana Lopez is most definitely not a Leo. Source: I'm a Leo trust me. Each to their own, the zodiac is not that serious but there are like three signs I feel strongly about and two of them are Leo and Scorpio.
Rachel Berry, however? Hmm Leo material. @youngmachines back me up on this lol
Glee's horrible with inconsistencies so if they're gonna be like that I'm going to be selective about what I consider to be canon.
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my hunt for line flax Continues 👀👀👀👀
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I hope will suffers in season 5😊 not getting mike and him dying 😂😂
amo ma tua mamma cioè con tutto il rispetto ma chi straminchia te l'ha chiesto cioè proprio honestly a me non interessa. se vuoi passare la tua vita a fare ste cazzate boh fallo ma cioè veramente a me sembra una perdita di tempo cioè che cazzo ne so sei amico di pillon sennò non si spiega cioè boh. per piacere prendi il movicol.
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thesunsethour · 1 year
it’s incredible how you can walk into your college class for your english literature degree and have to sit down and listen to someone (IN THIRD YEAR!!!) say “yeah i just don’t like long literature. yeah like novels. i’ve never liked any old-timey books either i guess. i’m more interested in exploring human emotions instead of like whatever jane austen was trying to do in Emma”.
whatever JANE AUSTEN was TRYING to do in Emma????????????
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killmebythebeach · 2 years
So was anyone gonna tell me that s5 is so unbelievably sad or was I supposed to find that out myself.
#like obviously i knew itd be sad but im two episodes in and ive heard tim for the first time in 40 eps and sasha for 120#and gerry. ze boi. i didnt even realize it was him till the comics. why does he read like a teen protag in a ghost hunting story.#the leitner jumpscare to. sir. half the people in the institute would kill you on sight please go back to the tunnels.#elias being weird at jons birthday for no reason. like. i swear he wasnt that strange before the pipe murder dropping stuff for no reason?#'i like to keep an EYE on these things' sir with all due respect (none) shut the fuck up?!#idk why but tim and sasha talking like that just makes me so sad. of course its understandable for them to be frustrated#but also its not jons fault jonah chose him cuz he was traumatized by a spider book :( id be angry if i was sasha though#its also funny cuz i thought tim/sasha was a pyre fandom thing. no. tim literally calls it a 'will they wont they'. hes like a sitcom#gurtrude recording that tape to sasha basically lmaoooo#and i saw someone point this out in the comments but. gertrude keeping the place messy might have killed people.#not having easy access to information that could have saved them. such as her tape. ough#one thing i missed about tim in s3 is the charm. of course he was angry at. everything but it was heartbreaking to see tim change#so the tapes really made me just yearn for the like. two times tim was there in s1.#also the fact sasha knew about tims brother. and martins application. and that tim knew too.#i never really understood the fandom 'expert hacker' sasha but i think i get it now#i cant even remember if she hacked anything in s1. feels like so long ago even though i havent even been listening for 2 months#on that note martin and jon are going over to kill elias woo!#martin: hey this house is evil we should butn it#jon: nah. theres a lot of evil#holy fuck i forgot how stupid these characters can be sometimes. like even if you think it wont wotk just try? hello?#sasha calling gertrude a bitch is giving me life. yeah. she sure was. idc what she did she put micheal in the distortion#but im still so just. distraught by how somber the tone is. even with the s1 crew goofing around its just so. oof.#the funny quippy s1 crew cutting off to jon trembling alone in a corner does wonders for the tone#martin really went: i found the tea lets get this bread#king shit honestly. go get that bread and kill elias and stop the apocolypse or somethung. idk the goal of the season yet#like s1 focused on prentiss. 2 on stranger. 3 on the unknowing and elias. 4 on extinction and peter. im excited to see what 5 is#i dont even think weve met her but gertrude mentioning agnes. mwah. love you baby. doing great. shouldve gotten a coffeshop au.#sigh. statement ends#the magnus archives spoilers#the magnus archives
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