wisemins · 5 months
being punk and seeing fictional punks get mistreated and thrown around as if their fundamental beliefs aren't *that* important has been a new pet peeve of mine. Like I don't even ship with them (yet.) but ultimately I end up being defense squad bcus fictional punks can't have shit without people eventually removing their beliefs from them 🗿🗿🗿
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sweetlullabyebye · 3 months
Rewatching Strangers from Hell as some sort of weird comedy honestly is very healing, and Moonjo being a clown every ten minutes helps a lot
In the video: Moonjo being unserious for more than a minute
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mariocki · 1 year
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Patrick Troughton guests as ruthless racketeer George, out to silence the man who can identify his brother as a murderer, in Dial 999: Key Witness (1.26, ABC, 1959)
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saturnniidae · 10 months
I forgot how much of an ass merlin was hes so fucking annoying I'm glad he's dead tbh
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marklikely · 1 year
cishet men have convinced me that im wrong about movies but like do they understand that the reservoir dogs are. big idiot losers
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jazz-kity · 5 months
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unfortunately this is a very easy choice
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butchniqabi · 2 years
bro id hate living in gotham. commuting home and all of a sudden theres the fucking batorcycle whizzing by and now im regretting getting rid of the "batman and batman related damage" plan on my insurance :/
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backlogbooks · 2 years
on a personal level, no, reading “problematic” media wont like, change your moral compass
but i do feel like maybe! we could discuss uhhhh the history of racist fiction in america and the way it’s added to the overall self mythology of america and the way white people think about and interact with Black people to this day
rather than making 500 “haha people who think fiction affects reality are so stupid” posts
#i am getting so tired of ‘oh you think fiction affects reality?? i guess you kill people if you ever read about a murderer#no bitch i just have studied american history#i’ve studied gone with the wind and fucking birth of a nation#and yes there were other areas where those narrative of the civil war were being pushed (textbooks & confederate statues & etc.)#BUT LIKE. THERE ARE OTHER AREAS WHERE WHITE SUPREMACY IS BEING ADVANCED RIGHT NOW. AND ALSO FUCKING ALWAYS.#it drives me crazy because i feel like at first ‘problematic’ was used to refer to like#racist or homophobic or sexist depictions#and now it’s been reduced to ‘oh poor baby doesnt know not to murder people unless the author says it’s bad’ like bro shut up#even aside from the historical examples#think about all the cop shows that have completely altered most people’s idea of the police away from what the actual job is#making them into action heroes (and demonizing the internal review people like. what)#increasing the perception of danger and decreasing the respect for ‘going by the book’ aka obeying rhe fucking law and respecting people’s#constitutional rights#i know i should know better than to hope for nuance on this app#but i swear the next self righteous ‘people who think fiction affects reality are so stupid’ post is getting blocked#it’s not about your personal media consumption it’s about the stories we as a society tell ourselves and each other repeatedly!#and even if you personally aren’t susceptible to those messages you should be aware of when you’re supporting them#mary emma talks
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netrix-at-centric · 2 years
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clingyduoapologist · 10 months
I bring a sort of murderer vibe to Jerusalem that the local authorities don’t really like
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dappercritter · 1 year
Really love how corporations all decided that the animation community was the next community to persecute.
Thanks for nothing ya’ capitalist pigs! :D
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memento-mariii · 1 year
Yes, thought-crime isn't, and shouldn't ever be, real. That just means the government can't criminalize you for thoughts you've only had in your head & not carried out into action though, it doesn't mean that every single thought you voluntarily and consciously* choose to have is all fine and dandy, morally speaking. Something not being a crime (and it being nigh impossible and generally an all-around terrible idea to even *attempt* to criminalize) ≠ said thing being morally correct or even morally neutral.
You're legally allowed to have opinions that are morally wrong. I'm legally allowed to judge you and call you out for it. I might even say it to your face. It might even hurt your feelings.
(*intrusive thoughts being a thing that exists)
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wizzardhat · 2 years
i dont think i have the energy to fully articulate this but i notice a very common interpretation of Jod is that he is a master manipulator and if you think he is complex or sympathetic you have fallen for his clever ruse which. Is ironically the more simplistic way of thinking about it. Like people think a person is either fully innocent or intentionally, maliciously terrible on purpose. There's no room for like...self deception, or delusion, or false memories, or how trauma effects your memory. No, everything is either part of a meticulous lie, or it is true, so if you do not view everything he says as false then you must take what he says at face value. "Unreliable narrator!!!!" they scream. Okay, but unreliable narrator does not mean "narrator who lies." It just means narrator who says things that aren't true or are only half true. A thing doesn't need to be true for a person to think it is the truth when they say it. I think the Jod monologues in NtN was him being completely honest about his perspective of what happened. I don't need another boring all knowing evil lying bad man who just pretends to be good. Jod is interesting because he's kind of fucking pathetic and cowardly and he is more afraid of being a bad person than he is of doing bad things. Which is what wigs me out when people say "well i simply wouldn't have done evil things, because im very smart, and noble and good." Because it is that very perception of, and obsession with, being "good" that leads Jod to make batshit stupid decisions and then lie to himself about it so he can go on. "well im different, i simply wouldn't blow up the planet" is exactly the kind of thing that someone who would definitely blow up the planet under the right kind of stress would say.
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lord-squiggletits · 1 year
Optimus was based as hell for punching Prowl in the face during phase 2 and if you don’t at least intellectually understand why Optimus did it, I have to ask if you even read the story at all or if you just saw an out of context panel and went “OP BAD!!!!”
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starlooove · 1 year
How can ur excuse for not including Duke be that u don’t know much about him when u don’t read the comics like bro u don’t know much about anyone 😭😭😭
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guideaus · 2 years
someone tell Kamome Shirahama to add a lgbt character thats not a cop pls. can anyone else be gay besides this man
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