#Like oh
ninyard · 4 months
andrew to neil: i want to squeeze the life out of you with my bare hands and watch the light leave your eyes
the foxes: neil we’re afraid andrew is going to hurt you
neil: ???????? where tf did you get that idea. that’s the stupidest most brainless and idiotic thing i’ve ever heard and you should all be ashamed of yourselves
(in my head neil and andrew have been holding hands this whole time)
andrew: I hate you. 120%.
the foxes: neil it’s not healthy that your boyfriend always tells you he hates you. you don’t have to stay with him if he makes you feel bad about yourself
neil, thinking about how andrew spent thirty minutes kissing every single scar on his chest that morning: its ok I hate him too
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shithowdy · 1 year
i hate when you are scrolling through reddit or some other image feed and you see a historical photo of a unique face made of compelling shapes that would make a great character art reference and then the caption is like "this is bob j. cretin, who famously made the children working his diamond mine empire eat their own hair"
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themarginalthinker · 1 year
completely normal thoughts on how one line in The Lost Boys changed the entire fucking view of the Boys
very totally normal how before, for nearly 90% of the rest of the movie was just 'bad boy vampire bikers' and 'wouldst thou like to live to sick 80s rock backdrop and leather' and 'come to the dark side of your lust and aggression'
but then
in the last fifteen minutes
Paul says something that a horror movie monster shouldn't, and it forever altered how every watcher viewed the supposed antagonists of this story and sparked every fix-it fic I've yet read in this fandom
"You killed Marko."
the pain. the accusation. the revenge for what we can only now see as a fallen family member
very, very normal thoughts.
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gayofthefae · 8 months
I can't believe Mike friend zoned Will and then Will immediately friend zoned him back and Mike got all sad and quiet and retreated back "In the Closet (at Rink o Mania)"
(yes, that moment is the exact line the song starts playing, you can check)
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vs when he realizes Will already thought so
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tricoufamily · 1 month
finishing this post using the wicked whims poser for the first time
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sleepy-crypt1d · 3 months
being sad about jack again listen up
so like, right, ive talked about this before but in bl3 there's an echo you can find in moxxi's heist that's jack calling his mom and wishing her a happy mother's day. she doesn't answer this call, at the end of the recording it's obvious it's a voicemail, and one that he has made several times over the years, especially considering how sad he sounds when he says bye
now, this already fucks with me but what makes me wonder is-
is she even alive?
i know that lots of out of game stuff isn't canon, stuff that voice actors say and do in QnA's and trailers and promotional stuff is kinda eh whatever, plus bl3 has a million other issues with continuity but in one of the QnA's "jack" did, he said he killed his mom
now of course this mean a lot of different things, like just something dameon threw in there as a funny ha ha, it could have been canon at one point but then was rectonned later, the bl3 writers forget/didn't know he said this, OR it is still canon that jack killed his mom and he just. . . .still sends her mothers day voicemails
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princessbrunette · 4 months
wait that reminds me guys today i ran down the stairs and i jumped off the last step and landed on my two feet and with the force of my land my pants fell to my ankles :/
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the biggest disappointment in all of doctor who actually is that Bill, who was gobsmacked seeing dresses in the doctor’s closet, never got to see the doctor and the master (as a man) interact
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blvvdk3ep · 5 months
I'm kind of obsessed with the idea of Rust as a patron of justice in a way that's completely antithetical to the Greco-Roman derived conception of it. He is not blind; he is willing to look where no one else will look, to go where no one else will go because they're afraid of what they'll see and need to comfort themselves with the lie that they've righted the wrongs. He knows that's not how it works. Terrible things worse than they can even image slip through their fingers and the victims are caught in that moment within themselves forever and it happens to so many people that it's almost as if it's one unending moment. He goes compulsively, unflinchingly, because if he doesn't no one will. It's not about fairness. The scales were rigged to begin with. Someone has to bear witness to the ugliness and give, if not the names of the fallen, then at least their number. It's justice as it really is, and not the myth society repeats to itself; ugly, castrated, failing, and still incontestably necessary.
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There's a new level of mourning when you listen to a tad song about the loss that comes with time after you've lived a few years longer and become a different person
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i-am-a-fan · 10 days
How do you torment your favs (aka how have you traumatized some of your favourite characters)?
OH BOY!! The list is a lot longer than i thought so here’s some LMK ones.
- Made their mother hate the fact that they were ever born (Pirate Au)
- Made them fail every task handed to them up to a point (DND Au)
-Made them suffer an identity crisis (multiple times)
- made them so emotionally constipated that they themselves don’t realize that they care about someone until they’re extremely hurt.
-Gave the one thing that made them special to someone else.
- gave them rings that painfully constrict their movement when a chant is given.
-Identity crisis
-Feeling as though he’s no longer human and doesn’t deserve to have that as part of his identity
- Made him fight with his best friend to the point they don’t talk
- 3 puberties
- Mentor dies.
- Made his powers close to that of electrical shocking every time he uses them
-Nerve damage and partial blindness
-Nightmares that continued to his early teens
- Mentee hates him
-Mentee doesn’t trust him
-Mentee turns out exactly like him
-Gave him migraines and a permanent bald spot from where the circlet was
- Old friend never forgives him
-wants to be loved but fucks it up every time
-Someone he trusted got fed up with him and ended up killing him in the process
-Was tormented with the ability to hear every worst outcome of the future and no one believes him because he takes such efforts to ensure they don’t come true
- The thing that made him special was given to someone else
-Inferiority complex.
-His child gets hurt beyond healing
-Made them exiled from their family
-made them have an explained magic buried with in them that no one bothers to them them about
-Permanently damages her best friend’s nerves beyond repair
-Identity crisis
-Imposter Syndrome
Bo Fu:
-gets exiled from his only home and family
-bonds with a family of deer and becomes their protector
-The fawn he cared for most dies
-The mountain he lived at was burned while he was away and hunters killed off his mother
- Ends up as a horse caretaker with a never ending sentence
- Bullied by Horses
- permanently burned his tail by pulling a prank with the one thing he fears most (fire)
Chan Kimiil’:
- Was not supposed to be created
-A pawn of the god of death
- Identity crisis
- Was supposed to be purely immortal but trapped to the mortal world by eating food
- Falls in love with the one person they have to kill and ends up being the cause of their death
-The reason they killed their love views them as a demon and doesn’t allow them back into normal society
- homophobic mother
- Was forced to learn and study something they could not care less about
- Lost all connection to a family and left home.
Ming (Bird Demon:
- had the one thing that made him special taken away from them
- Vowed revenge that he could never take
-Trapped within the scroll of memory
- Lost all his friends due to his hell bent stubbornness on vengeance
- outlived all his family to the point where no one knows who they are anymore.
(I don’t know how much i can put the HSR favorites in situations yet, but when i do, oh you best believe imma throw them against a wall like a stress ball.)
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aalghul · 1 year
( possibly dumb) Idea redhood Jason making marble looking bombs that he throws at people just like in his Robin days 🧘😯. It could reflect how even though he's changed there's still similarities from now to when he was a kid.
“(possibly dumb)” and it’s something that makes me want to fall to my knees (positive)
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*Reading old notes* wow someone should give this girl some therapy
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imminent-danger-came · 6 months
*gags* episode 13
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snakerdoodlle · 5 months
Should’ve been a rockstar, but he didn’t have the money for a guitar (Kilorn)
Should’ve been a politician, but he never had a proper education (Cal)
Should’ve been a father, but he never even made it to his twenties (Maven)
Oh I’m gonna be sick
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g3othermal3scapism · 6 months
anything by Adrianne Lenker is so magical it sounds exactly like that one summer when you were a kid that is so bittersweet because it was the best time of your life but you know you’ll never get back to it or feel that way again
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