hldailyupdate · 3 days ago
In light of Liam's passing, it has become increasingly clear that the entertainment industry must take stronger action to protect artists and ensure they receive adequate support. Many artists face immense pressures and challenges, and it's time to address these issues seriously.
We encourage you to sign and share this petition, which aims to push for new legislation focused on safeguarding artists' welfare in the industry. By coming together, we can advocate for essential changes that prioritize mental health, safety, and support for all artists.
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twopoppies · 6 days ago
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Sign the petition here
The entertainment industry, acclaimed for its glamour and stardom, is equally infamous for the enormous pressure it exerts on the mental health of artists. Resultant issues such as stress, anxiety, depression, substance misuse and even suicide are alarmingly high. According to research, performers are 2-3 times more likely to suffer from these issues compared to the general population.
In recent news of Liam Payne's tragic death as many others, the entertainment industry needs to be held accountable and be responsible to the welfare of their artists. We seek to implore lawmakers to create legislation safeguarding the mental health of artists within the industry.
Such a law would necessitate regular mental health check-ups, adequate rest periods, and the presence of mental health professionals on-set, including any ongoing support during their career. It will ensure a healthier, safer, and more conducive working environment for artists to cultivate their talents reducing phycological distress. This would also include early interventions to protect and minimise before it's too late. Furthermore, the increasing rate of musicians who die before the age of 35, is concerning. We need to act now!
The artist's role is invaluable not just in the world of entertainment but also in society. Let us ensure their protection and wellbeing. Your signature could be a lifeline for these talented individuals, contributing to a larger movement of mental health awareness and care in industries worldwide. Please, sign the petition.
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btu-kindness · 6 days ago
We love you, Liam 🖤❤️
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baby-girl-aaron-dessner · 2 days ago
I’ve just signed the Liam’s Law petition.
Here is the link if anyone wanted it:
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querulous-queer · 1 day ago
Sign the Liam’s Law Petition to protect artists’ mental health!
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voxina · 2 days ago
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The band STONE, fabulous musicians and amazing humans. It's no surprise that they're friends with Louis.
You can sign the petition here
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cantquitu · 11 days ago
Maya Henry spoke about Liam Payne's abuse during their relationship in a podcast about stan culture with two young podcasters (one was a 1D fan growing up).
It's clear that the mainstream press is reluctant to cover her story since she named Liam, but she's lawyered up and ready to talk.
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fruchtfliege · 11 months ago
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the pixels could smell my fear
For more: part one of my ✨paint journey✨
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daisiesonafield-blog · 2 days ago
you know, in the midst of this tragedy, i just got thinking about Justin Bieber...and I think it's a godamm miracle that he's here. thank god he's still with us bc, like Liam, he's been thru the hands of addiction, substance abuse and abuse from the music industry, media and the internet.
we should learn from this tragedy and try to amplify the good instead of the bad. i wish we could, i really do.
sign the petition for #Liam'sLaw
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jbsforever · 4 months ago
It starts the night Batman tries to break one of the most cardinal laws in all of New Jersey: no pumping your own gas.
- - -
Or: as a teenager working at a little gas station in Gotham, Liam has dealt with the craziest of crazies. He thinks he's prepared for anything – until the Batmobile pulls up.
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conversationsofyou · 2 days ago
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To the community that I've been a part of for a decade ♡
These are some excerpts from a couple of pieces I wrote for someone I lost
I don't know where to start
Always writing in the dark
Haven't written a poem in years
Blurred vision from all these tears
It's been one week since I found out you were gone
Almost two since you traveled on
You were in my dream last night
You were good
Still here
Woke up realized the worst fear
Our hearts are broken
Taken too soon
Grief crashes like waves
Anger from this tragedy
We are all tested in this life
Faith challenged constantly
It was a gift to know you
It was an honor to call you a friend and Brother
I know you're watching over
I won't say goodbye
Take a breath
Exhale up to the sky
I thought I would write you this text real quick
Pretend to hit send
I want to go back to the future and find your heart to fix
Press rewind and find our best friend
Fast forward through the sadness
Raise the volume on the laughter from the happiness
Tell you the whole story from beginning to end
Tell me one day this will all make sense
Why I still can't refer to you in the past tense
This void never waivers
You taught me to let go of anger
Remember when is important
This life changed afterglow
There are just a few more things I need you to know
We reminisce when our time was just for fun
Those moments flash
Project onto life's reel so fast
Still can hear your laugh
But now it's through the cosmos
Jealous of the man on the moon
Now he gets to share all the jokes with you
The stars hold the truth
Your humor and wit
They keep the moon lit
Will never be eclipsed
Now you know the secrets of the sun
Your story had just begun
Your work here was yet to be done
Your energy compiled of the wind and sunsets
Thinking of you has become a reflex
We fight to laugh and love
You're the warmth sent from above
Yesterday. Today. Tomorrow.
We miss you
We remember you
We honor you
We celebrate you
We love you
In our hearts forever
One love
Feel free to share
@kingsofeverything @crinkle-eyed-boo @nyxdaughterofkhaos @harryshandbag @fallinglikethis @femstyles @twopoppies @beelou @alarrylarrie @andyouknowitis @roseandbee @rhea-the-eradicator @capricouis @delicatepointofview @louisgirlire @lookslikefairytale @louehandharold @loumyboobear @smileyisawesomeable @tornbetweenfandoms @the-lalbum
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whosyourfavevoicedby-polls · 3 months ago
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caseylovemail · 5 months ago
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lawsend · 5 months ago
Murder at Vista Heights Chapter 6
Series: Law’s End
Episode 1: Murder at Vista Heights
Fandom: The Royal Romance (loosely, there’s not much canon in here).
Pairings: None yet
Word Count: 2,500
Rating: MA
A/N: This counts as @karahalloway ask from my 1500 followers celebration post on my main account @angelasscribbles.
Warnings for series: adult themes, any given chapter may contain murder, violence, language, drinking, drug use, etc.
My other stuff can be found on my main blog @angelasscribbles here is the Master List.
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The homicide division of the seventh precinct had been plunged into chaos. All three interrogation rooms were in use, leaving a person of interest cooling his heels in the waiting area.
Riley was trying to get comments from anyone that would talk to her. Max had narrowly evaded being tossed out of the station when he had attempted to get photos of William Sloan as he was brought in for questioning.
The mayor was livid at being called late in the evening by one of her biggest campaign contributors. “I don’t care what fucking time it is or how many hours you already worked today!” Madeleine was yelling at a lithe redhead with her hair pinned immaculately in place despite her protestations over the lateness of the hour.
Olivia Nevrakis narrowed her eyes at her boss. “And I don’t care how much money Sloan Enterprises has donated to your re-election campaign. If he’s a suspect, he has to be questioned, just like everyone else!”
“William Sloan most certainly did not murder Trent Hayes! Are you out of your mind?”
Olivia doubled down. “If there wasn’t some reason to suspect him, Liam wouldn’t have brought him in for questioning!”
While the mayor and the DA were having their showdown, Drake Walker was pacing the floor, waiting for his turn in interrogation.
He was a person of interest. Presumably, because someone had ratted him out to the police about his business relationship with William Sloan. His eyes scoured the open office area until he spotted her.
Riley saw him coming and made a strategic exit to the woman’s room. She almost ran over the sketch artist from earlier. “Oof! Sorry!”
“It’s okay,” Lillith assured her. “Who are you hiding from?”
“What makes you think I’m hiding from anyone?”
“I recognize the panic.”
“Wait. Who are you hiding from?”
“My sister.”
Riley’s brain spun to catch up. Then realization washed over her. She should have made the connection before. Nevrakis was not a common name. “The DA is your sister?”
Lilith flinched a little. “Half-sister. She hates me.”
Lilith shrugged. “Something about my whore of a mother breaking her mother’s heart.”
“Oh….” Riley was rarely struck speechless, but she had no idea how to respond to that.
“Sorry!” Lilith dropped her face into her hands. “That was TMI and now I’ve made things awkward!”
“No, no, you’re fine!” Riley assured her. “Trust me. As a reporter, I’ve heard every damn thing. That’s not even in the top ten for most awkward.”
Lilith smiled wanly. “I’d like to hear that top ten list then.”
“Sure. We should get drinks sometime.”
“Really?” The sketch artist searched her face to see if she was joking.
“Yeah, why not?”
“Okay, yeah, I’d like that.” This time, the smile was bigger, brighter. Lilith didn’t have a lot of friends, tended to be socially awkward, and was used to being somewhat of a pariah in certain upper society circles because of her status as the bastard child of an extramarital affair.
Riley eased the door open to peer through the crack. “Unless you have any information about the case you’re willing to give me, I need to get back out there.”
Meanwhile, in Interrogation Room One…
“I get it.” Flynn eyed the man sitting across the table from him. “Beautiful woman. Rich, powerful husband. You don’t want to get sidewise with him, so when Trent started blackmailing her, threatening her—”
“I told you I know nothing about that!” Dean yanked on the chains holding him to the table, making the hard metal slam against the wood with a satisfying clang.
“You didn’t know he was blackmailing her?”
“Did you know he found out about the affair?”
“So, you don’t deny the affair?”
“What?” Dean looked up at him with a defeated expression. “No.”
“Okay, good. We’re getting somewhere. So, you were sleeping with her and—”
“I love her!”
“Okay, okay.” Flynn held his hands up in surrender. “You’re in love. And this man threatened her—”
Dean heaved a sigh and slumped back in his seat. “How many times do I have to tell you that I knew nothing about that?”
Interrogation Room Two….
“Here you go, buddy.” Liam sat a bottle of ice-cold water on the table and slid it across to the CEO of Sloan Enterprises. “Sorry about all this. But we have evidence your wife is having an affair and was being blackmailed by the victim. You understand how that gives you motive, right?”
William fixed the detective with a steely glare, remaining silent.
“So, how did it go down? She missed a payment? He called you up and told you? When confronted with proof of the affair, you snapped, shot the messenger so to speak? It’s understandable. Heat of the moment. The sooner you tell me what happened, the sooner I can help you.”
William leaned forward and pushed the water bottle back across the table. “I want my lawyer. Now!”
Interrogation Room Three….
Bertrand stood in the doorway of the room in his somehow perfectly pressed suit and tapped a file folder against the palm of his other hand as he regarded the woman in front of him. “Did you do it yourself, or did you have someone else shoot him? Leo Rys, maybe?”
Katie sniffed as she lifted an imperious gaze to the man across from her. “I had nothing to do with Trent’s death, but I would certainly like to thank whoever did. He was the worst kind of pond scum, and he won’t be missed.”
“Not exactly the type of sentiments that will exonerate you, Mrs. Sloan.”
She gave him a coy smile. “Please. Call me Katie.”
Bertrand’s dour expression never changed. “I don’t think you grasp the gravity of the situation, Mrs. Sloan.”
A mirthful laugh bubbled out of her. “I’m not worried because I didn’t do it.”
“Who else had more of a motive than you?”
“I don’t know. Why don’t you talk to that psycho he cheated on me with?” Her face lit up with clear hatred.
Bertrand languidly raised an eyebrow. “And that would be?”
“Sabrina Simmons!”
“Are they still an item?”
“If they are, he’s cheating on her, I guarantee it, and you know what they say about a woman scorned. Besides, she has a history of stalking behavior. She’s fucking crazy!”
Bertrand made a noncommittal sound in his throat as he jotted the name down on his notepad.
Back in the main office area…
Riley was trying to sweet talk a crime scene investigator when Drake caught up with her. “Rashad. That’s a beautiful name.”
“Thanks.” Even with his dark complexion, the blush that spread across his features was noticeable.
“There you are!” Drake’s voice boomed out as he grasped her upper arm firmly and pulled her away from Rashad. “I think we’re overdue for a conversation.”
“I’m sure I don’t know what—”
Rashad was suddenly serious. “Hey! Is everything okay?”
Riley’s eyes darted back and forth between the two men, noting the tension in both sets of shoulders. Diffusing the situation was preferable to escalating it, so she smiled sweetly at Rashad. “It’s fine. He’s right. We have a previous…. agreement we need to discuss.”
“Oh.” The other man looked disappointed, but excused himself with a regretful glance back at the reporter.
“Did you rat me out to the cops, Riley?” Drake asked as he pulled her to the side of the room for a private conversation.
“Absolutely not.”
“Then why have I been brought in for questioning? Why is my client in an interrogation room right now?”
“Your client is in an interrogation room because his wife got busted with her lover tonight by the lead detective on the case.” Riley pulled her arm out of his grasp, but moved her body closer to his. “As for figuring out he hired you as a PI, I’m assuming that was their own detective work because I did not rat you out!”
He wanted to believe her. All CCPD had to do to find him was to run Sloan’s financials. Or Max’s. “Hm. Why do I have a feeling you’re going to be a giant pain in my ass? Tell me this, who pointed them in the Sloan’s direction in the first place?”
“A private citizen who witnessed—”
Drake’s lips pressed into a thin line as he shook his head. “Maxwell Beaumont was not a private citizen when he took those photographs!”
A scathing voice cut through their conversation. “Did she sleep with you for information, too?”
They both turned to find Liam approaching, with Max hot on his heels.
Drake took a step back in confusion. “What? We haven’t slept together!”
“Yet,” Max mumbled under his breath. His eyes widened when he realized Liam might have heard him. He cleared his throat and began to fiddle with his camera, pretending to ignore the conversation.
Riley shot a murderous expression at Liam. “For the last time, Liam, that’s not what happened!”
Drake blinked as he processed the insinuation. Moving his attention back to Riley, he asked, “You slept with him for information?”
“No, I did not.” She replied through gritted teeth.
“Come on, Walker.” Liam gestured toward the interrogation room. “We need to have a discussion about what services you provided for William Sloan.”
Drake turned his head to watch Riley over his shoulder as he followed the detective, mumbling the whole time about client privacy.
As Liam and Drake walked down the hall toward the interrogation rooms, they passed William Sloan and his lawyer, Sadie McGraw, on their way out.
The moment Madeleine saw William and Sadie, she scurried after them, apologizing profusely for the misunderstanding.
Bertrand and Flynn walked into the open office area deep in conversation, comparing notes about their respective interrogations. Olivia approached them before they could make it to Bertrand’s office, a dark haired young man trailing behind her. She wasted no time demanding answers about the investigation.
Bertrand ushered everyone into his office, where the DA was given all the latest updates on the case.
When the detectives were finished talking, Olivia nodded her head. “Between Trent’s bank account showing deposits from Katie and Dean’s confession of the affair, I think Kiara will sign off on a search warrant for the Sloan properties and bank accounts.” She turned to bark at the law intern who had been shadowing her for weeks. “Anton! Get Judge Theron on the phone!”
“Yes, ma’am!” Anton squeaked as he fumbled for his phone.
Thirty minutes later, the CCPD had a search warrant, Drake was released from interrogation and Bertrand was yelling at Riley and Max to get out of his station house.
“What are you doing at my desk?”
Riley looked up into Liam’s stormy expression as she closed the lid of her laptop. “Updating my story. I promise I didn’t look through your files!”
“This time.”
“That’s what I said.” She gave him a disarming smile as she rose and started stuffing the computer, notepads, and pens into her taupe, Saffiano leather Kate Spade laptop tote. “I didn’t read any of your files this time.”
It had been a long day; he was tired; he was irritated; he was ready for a break in this case… and yet something about her infectious grin and the teasing lilt in her voice pulled a begrudging smile from him. He shook his head in wonderment. How did she keep getting under his skin?
He called out to her as she walked away. “Hey, Riley!”
She turned back to face him. “Yeah?”
“Thank you. Your intel was actually helpful tonight.”
Her grin broadened into a full fledged smile, lighting up her whole face. “You’re welcome, detective. See you around.”
She found Drake and Max both waiting for her at the homicide office door. She directed her attention to Drake. “What are you still doing here?”
“Just got out of interrogation, thanks to someone who doesn’t understand confidentiality.” There was no accusation in his tone, just a simple statement of fact.
“It’s not my fault your client was implicated in a homicide.”
“Oh, I’m not blaming you.” He replied as he looked past her to shoot daggers at Max.
Max blinked. “What did I do?”
Drake shook his head as he pushed off the wall he’d been leaning against. “Come on, I’ll walk you out.”
“Oh, that’s not necessary. She’s with me.” Max flushed a deep shade of crimson. “We’re both in my car, I mean!”
“Then I’ll walk you both out. Can’t be too careful. It’s late, and this is Cordonia City.”
“I’m perfectly capable of protecting her.”
Drake’s eyes ran quickly and dismissively over the younger man. “Sure you are, kid.”
The three stepped out into the dimly lit, air-conditioned hallway as Liam watched them leave with curiosity, regret, and annoyance mingling in his expression.
The ancient, decrepit elevator dinged as it rocked to a stop on the first floor and the doors slid creakily open.
Neville VanCouer was arguing with the front desk sergeant. “I heard suspects were brought in for questioning. I just want to get a statement—”
“Heard? Or read it in my story?” Riley gloated.
Neville looked like his head was about to explode. “Why were they allowed in?”
The desk sergeant’s bored expression never changed as he shrugged. “Came in with a homicide detective.”
Another shrug from the sergeant.
Neville spun on Riley. “The updates you’ve been posting…someone is giving you insider information!”
She gave him a saccharine sweet smile. “Or I’m just a better reporter than you.”
Neville took a step toward her, but Drake moved quickly, inserting himself between Riley and the other reporter. “Why don’t you go harass someone else?”
Neville glared at Drake, but he stepped back. The showdown was broken by Neville’s photograph, who had just reappeared from the men’s room. “Hey! That’s the guy that told me there was a door open around back!”
Max lifted a shoulder innocently. “There was when I was back there.”
The other man’s eyes narrowed. “Then why haven’t any crime scene photos been published anywhere?”
“Ah…. technical difficulties.”
The photographer looked skeptically between Max and Neville, as if trying to decide if Max was lying.
Neville shook his head, “It’s not worth it, Tariq. Come on, let’s go.”
“See?” Drake was almost gloating. “You needed me.”
Riley rolled her eyes. “Neville is annoying and slimy, but he’s not dangerous.”
“Yeah,” Max chimed in, “And we’re standing in a police station.”
“Listen.” Riley decided to get the elephant in the room out of the way. “I know you think I threw you under the bus with Liam. I’ll understand if you want to cancel our dinner plans.”
“Oh, we’re still going to dinner.”
Riley’s brows furrowed in confusion. “But I thought you said—”
“I said you were going to be a giant pain in my ass.” His eyes tracked across her face. “But something tells me you’re worth all the trouble.”
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gmzriver · 2 years ago
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Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events (2004) headers. 
Like if you save or use
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voxina · 4 days ago
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[full article]
You can sign the petition here.
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