readtilyoudie · 12 days
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black-sapphire57 · 2 years
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Rosen blood Volume 5 COVER!!!
(Volume 5 will be released somewhere in December)
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catmadeofsalad · 6 months
Asmodeus: *playing with MC'S hair*
Beelzebub: *holding MC*
Belphie: *sleeping on top of MC's legs*
Mammon: *buying MC more blankets for their pile*
Leviathan: *putting in a funny movie for MC*
Lucifer: Why are you crowding MC so much?
Asmodeus: Their toxic ex tried to manipulate them into getting back together, and our dear human started to panic so we deemed this a necessary solution.
Lucifer: Then where is Satan?
Mammon: *grins* Hunting
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The thing with liking war riddled men is it always comes with body worship
Like fuck baby he thinks he can just look all delectable with those scars, burns, holes and scabs of disfigured skin in full display and you'll not just want to run your hands around every single one of em. Taking your sweet time to pepper kisses to each and every part of him. Lips brushing against the very marks that prove he's here with you, alive.
You think you'll also get out some beautiful gasps and whimpers of your name, get to watch his pretty face scrunch up; hear breath hitching in his throat and see his eyes darken while you take your sweet time ravaging him with love
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rebouks · 1 month
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Previous // Next
Byrd: Why’re you scared of water? Levi: I’m not. Byrd: There must be a reason. Levi: Why is anyone scared of anything? Like why are you scared of the dark, or why is Wren scared of blood n’ stuff? Wren: ‘Cause it’s gross and no one’s supposed to bleed, swimming is fun. Byrd: I guess you could drown if you couldn’t swim or whatever. Levi: I think it started when I was a kid n’ almost drowned in the bath. Byrd: How? Levi: I don’t know, my mom was probably being shit-.. I barely remember. Byrd: Enough to be scared though. Levi: Apparently. [Byrd floated aimlessly on his back for a moment, thoughtfully peering at the clouds] Byrd: Dad says you’re supposed to do stuff you’re scared of or it gets worse, like he’s always turning the lights out on me or shoving our cuts n’ bruises in Wren’s face-.. in a nice way though, y’know? Levi: Is it working? Wren: Kinda. Byrd: Why don’t you just stick a foot in? Levi: No thanks. Byrd: C’mon, no one’s gonna shove you. Levi: Nope. Byrd: Pfft. Oscar: Christ, Byrd.. what the hell are you doing in there?! That cast is gonna stink. Byrd: Oh-.. oops. Oscar: Get out and put it in the sun! Oscar: Now. Byrd: I’m cominG-.. it’s getting chopped off soon anyway, right? Oscar: Yeah, and the poor doctor’s gonna pass out from your stank.
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mzradyer · 6 months
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lisichka X the overlord
cecily knight and jeremy volkov from god of wrath (legacy of gods #3) by rina kent
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kariighost · 9 months
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readtilyoudie · 9 months
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Rosen Blood Vol 2
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sillyballoonmilkshake · 3 months
Brandon: It's so hot in here.
Nikolai: Of course it is. It's cause you and I are in the room. *winks*
Brandon, shaking his head: No, it's because we're in a sauna, Nikolai. *sighs*
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readtilyoudie · 2 years
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Rosen Blood Vol 2
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mzradyer · 5 months
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ice princess x conquest
elsa steel and aiden king from royal elite #1, #2 and #3 by rina kent
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isabel-magn0lia · 1 month
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A canon event
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This might be controversial and gop fans will definitely hate me. ( Also this is just MY opinion. )
But I need to say this.
One of the most weirdest thing in the book is the s*x scenes between the main couple.
Especially Annika who is literally a teenager. Note that she was 17 and she just turned 18 in the book, so yeah she was BARELY AN ADULT. She was still a KID.
How is this not weird like how is an adult grown woman writing about a teenage having s*x and also describing it with all the details.
Maybe it's just me who found this weird. But it really is weird where a teen is having s*x with an with an adult ( barely an adult, Creighton is only 20) .
Also, how come Creighton ( who is barely an adult knows so much about chains, whips and all the stuff. Even this was weird for a guy who just spends his time sleeping 😴 in his room.
And last but not the least, why is it that the author thinks that she should dumb down one character so that other can shine. ( I am talking about the mafia)
If you can't write about the mafia then don't write about them.
Just so you know, I have no problem in reading s*x scenes but there should be some age limit.
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Levi helping you when you're overstimulated in public places or trying to get you out of a party when you're too overly stimulated
keep in mind that i'm coming from the POV of someone that is AuDHD but like
he'd be so good at reminding you to bring your fidgets and earplugs if you're going out in public, which esp helps with the forgetfulness part of the ADHD.
he'd also be able to tell like immediately once you start getting overstimulated. he could tell when you start dissociating and your eyes just kinda glaze over or how you're suddenly tense and much more curt with your responses. of course, you could just be overwhelmed in general, but he's def able to pick up when it's specifically from sensory overload.
if you absolutely cannot leave the situation (which is always his first choice), he'll remind you about your earplugs or remind you of whatever coping mechanism works to ground you. if nothing else, he offers that gentle, guiding hand to support you and not judge you when you're all like skdjfksjdf from being overstimmed.
as for parties? 100% he'll know ALL your tells and immediately work to get you out of there as soon as he could tell that you're beginning to get overstimulated.
and he'd be so sweet about it too, reassuring you that he's not mad or judging you for getting overstimulated, saying that it really was loud as fuck in there and that the only people not getting overwhelmed were the people causing the noise themselves.
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armins-fuckin-grandpa · 2 months
Officially started season 4, cannot wait for eren to get even more emo. Seriously whyd he have to be such a buzzkill at the beach enjoy urself for once laddo ur gonna be in a ditch sooner or later
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hannigramislife · 4 months
I'm rewatching Attack on Titan with my cousin, who has never seen it, and boy, is it a tripping experience.
I first watched Attack on Titan when it first came out, back in 2013, and now in season 1, there are moments that just physically kick me back in time, back when we knew nothing.
My cousin said, "Are Levi and Mikasa related? They have the same last name," and I was struggling to remember why it wasn't obvious to us back then that there was a connection–
And then it hit me that we didn't know Levi's last name for a while. He does, but we didn't.
I remember the tumblr posts the most; I remember the horse face jokes, and the memes like "dead mom hairstyle" and eren joining the "did nothing wrong squad." I remember the fics with the Levi squad and the huge shipping between Levi and Eren– how Levi always called them gaki/brats and the "characters watch the show" fics. I remember the discourse between people who shipped eremika and those saying "they're siblings," and I remember the live action movie.
During an episode, I saw Levi's name spelled as "Rivaille" and could almost smell the summer air in my childhood bedroom where I watched AoT.
It's so bizarre watching the first season now that everything is over, because at the time, genuinely nobody could have seen it going the way it did. We never thought we'd end up here. All we wanted to know was what was in that goddamn basement.
Even as I have read and watched everything, when I'm back in season one, I just keep quietly wondering to myself...
How did we end up here?
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