#Let the kid be whatever he wants with whoever he wants
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raccoon-crown · 7 months ago
I'm quite sure that Tails attitude can manage both things: Being intelligent and mature and innocent and act like a child.
Like yeah, everyone know mister Prower talent for crafting tech and his skills to actually make profit from it. But, not anyone would know that he does a happy dance whenever he reaches a goal or succeeds with an experiment, or how his tails wave and his face almost explode with enthusiasm every time he discovers something new.
People think him being a genius means he understands and can fix anything in the world, but almost no one knows how frustrated he is when he struggles with finding an answer and much less how scared he is from failing them.
The world focuses on the heroic traits and legends around the kit. While being of ignorance about his true nature.
How he smiles widely when he sees his brother after a long time, how he let out in a funny way his tongue while working, the sweet faces when he eats any mint candies or pastries, his little jiggles and his huge curiosity for a world he actually haven't discovered yet.
Yeah, Tails is a hero, a genius, an inventor, someone mature for his age.
But he is also a friend and a little brother.
He is also just a kid
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the-weeping-dawn · 1 month ago
Lakrissa: Makes a silly little bet about if they'll both survive the way back to Baldur's Gate in act 1
Ilztaun slaughtering everything between the jail and docks left after Minthara: She's not allowed to die. I might need that 50g while at Elfsong. Who knows.
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princessbellecerise · 7 months ago
Court Shenanigans
Summary ✩ Missing their father, your children decide it’s a good idea to interrupt him in the middle of court
Warnings ✩ Mentions of pregnancy
Authors Notes ✩ Everyday I cry cause this man isn’t real but at least I have fanfic
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You tried to stop them, you really did.
But being almost nine moons pregnant and having the most swollen feet known to man, it was almost impossible to chase after and keep up with two rowdy tots.
Usually, their nursemaids would have them by now and would be helping to assist you, but Aliza was sick and Joanna was with her family. Both of them would have scolded you for trying to run when you couldn’t even see your feet, but your kids were a mischievous bunch and you had a sinking feeling on where they were headed.
Aemma, the eldest of the two twins, had been complaining all day about not being able to see her father, as Jace had missed out on breakfast and lunch with her in order to hear a few extra petitions.
It seemed as if the Kingdom was more unruly than usual, and Lords had come from all over the realm to plead their cases.
Wanting to be a good King and make sure that he could adhere to all of his subjects, Jace had opted to spend a little extra time on the throne and a less with his family.
This of course didn’t sit well with Aemma, and as her shadow Jaelin followed right on along with her.
Try as you might have, you weren’t fast enough to catch up to them and your protests for them to stop didn’t do much good, either.
Before you could even blink, your twins were flying past the Kingsguard and bursting into the throne room, with little Aemma’s excited shouting making you want to crawl into a hole right there and then.
In no time your baby girl ran across the room, interrupting some poor Lord under a pink banner. You thought that he might’ve been from White Harbor, or maybe he was from Maidenpool.
Whatever it was, you didn’t pay much attention as suddenly, all chatter stopped, and you were the center of attention as you wobbled towards Jacaerys and fixed Aemma with a stern glare.
“Aemma! Come back here!” You shouted after her sternly, and thankfully Jaelin was too afraid of your ‘motherly voice’ to get any closer.
He stopped just short of the Iron Throne, choosing to remain by Ser Darklyn’s side rather than follow his sister up the steps. With horror, you realized that Aemma was headed straight to Jacaerys, exclaiming happily as she threw herself in her father’s open arms.
She bounced excitedly as Jace pulled her on his lap, looking amused while you struggled to catch your breath.
Running at your size was no joke, and you ached to sit down somewhere and rest. You couldn’t do that though while your two year old twins were causing mayhem.
It was unbefitting of a Queen, you knew that, but desperation had you hiking up your dress, climbing the the steps, and holding your arms out expectantly while Jace chuckled.
“Aemma. It’s time to say goodbye to Kepa and go back to our chambers. Now,” You told her, but that only resulted in the toddler shaking her head and burying herself even deeper into Jacaerys’ arms.
“No! I want to stay with Kepa!” Her defiant little voice shouted, and you winced as a few murmurs echoed through the court.
You were painfully aware that everybody was staring at the scene, which made it even more embarrassing when you reached out again and failed to grab Aemma.
After about the third attempt to pull her away with no avail, your husband seemed to finally take pity on you and sighed.
“It’s alright my love. She can stay,” Jacaerys said, and upon hearing this Aemma beamed. “It’ll be her seat one day after all. Let her gain some experience; even if it is during the middle of a petition.”
You gave him an apologetic look, and you made a mental note to apologize to Lord…well, whoever you were currently interrupting. You had to admit, the sight of Aemma babbling broken phrases to Jace while she tried to grab his crown was adorable.
You sighed reluctantly.
“Alright,” You said, willing to leave Aemma where she was. At the very least you could persuade Jaelin to follow you and take him away, but as you turned to go back down the stairs you suddenly paused.
Had there always been that many, you wondered?
You hadn’t really paid attention that much, but now that your feet were practically screaming at you to sit down, the idea of going down so many steps didn’t seem so appealing.
Of course, you could’ve just asked one of the Kingsguard to help you down, but you didn’t want to be a bother—as silly as it sounded. You also didn’t want to risk your knees giving out and falling, either.
You were in a dilemma, but before you could even decide, Jace did it for you. Your husband, ever attentive, noticed your hesitation and immediately got up.
“Here, my love. Why don’t you rest and I’ll stand for now,” He suggested.
Even more whispers broke out at this. What Jacaerys was proposing was sweet, but it had never happened before and the idea of the Queen sitting on the throne in the presence of the King was…well it was simply unheard of.
You were sure a few people would call the action scandalous, but at the moment though, you didn’t really care what they thought. Your feet were aching and you needed a place to sit down before your knees decided where for you, so you nodded and accepted his offer.
“Thank you, my love.”
You sighed in relief as you sat on the throne. Albeit, it wasn’t the most comfortable of seats with all the swords and points, and you would’ve much rather been in your cushioned chair in your chambers, but it was better than nothing and the pressure on your feet was gone.
Nodding his head, Jacaerys gave you a small kiss on the side of your head and then he stood with Aemma in his arms, and gestured for Lord whoever to keep speaking.
Had you not been out of breath, you would have laughed at his face and the face of many others as they not only witnessed their King give the most powerful seat in the realm to his pregnant wife, but also witnessed him stand up while bouncing his baby daughter in his arms.
It was an unusual sight, but an adorable one that you cherished.
Motioning to Ser Darklyn to bring Jaelin up so that your family would complete, you smiled in content and Jacaerys once again motioned for the man who had been interrupted to continue his petition.
“Lord Mooton. Please, do continue,” He said with a large smile.
You giggled.
Ah, so that was his name.
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justevelynnnn · 4 months ago
Drabble for a protective logan of a pregnant!reader
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Pairing: Logan Howlett x Pregnant!Reader
Warnings: Pregnancy, a bit of feral logan, childbirth..
A/N: ive had this prompt on my mind for a whileee however i don’t think this will have a follow up cause i got kinda lazy towards the end
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- He knows before you do honestly. Strong sense of smell and all that jazz. But also he senses your heart rate slightly increase even though you’re not doing anything
- You smell different..almost…sweeter? At least to him.
- A week after he noticed you tell him how you missed your period and he just just looks at you and nods like “duh, you’re pregnant…”
- You still go to Jean to get an ultrasound and what do ya know, there’s a bun in the oven!
- Immediately after it’s officially confirmed Logan forbids you to go on anymore missions or really do…anything..
- Going out with Storm? Where? Why? No, no, no stay here it’s too dangerous out there..
- He didn’t let you lift anything, do chores, cook…
- Nope nope nope just stay there.
- As time goes on you get a bit annoyed but you’ll admit it’s cute seeing him like this.
- He cuddles with you every single night, arm protectively slung around your belly. He kisses it every night and then your forehead. He’s so soft with you..
- As your bump started to show he just couldn’t stop looking. He was surprisingly very excited to be a father. He was gonna raise this kid right. Protect them from any harm as much as he can. You included.
- He’s always been protective over you but now?
- One day, You were trying to reach something and Scott comes by, noticing you need help and walks over to help you reach whatever you want. Unfortunately for him, Logan saw this from around the corner and also saw how Scott gently touched your side as he helped you.
- Logan saw red. He snarls and then lunged at Scott and damn near bites him. Scott jumps back a bit, startled by the sudden feralness.
- “Don’t. Touch. Her. Again. Got it, Summers?” Logan growled angrily.
- Scott just nodded and then quickly left.
- You scolded Logan immediately after but Logan ignored you and just looked at you for any “marks”
- So after that no one was to ever touch you unless it was Jean doing a check up. Or another mutant if she couldn’t.
- Logan didn’t care. In his mind he was keeping you 100% safe. From harm..germs…whatever
- He’d make you wear his clothes so his “scent” would be on you and also because your clothes were getting too tight
- Whatever you craved, he’d get it.
- If you wanted water at 4am, he’s up and going to get it immediately, like he wasn’t just sleeping moments before
- Back hurting? He’s now a licensed massage therapist.
- Someone’s cooking food that’s making you gag? He’s going into the kitchen and scolding whoever’s cooking.
- That one was a bit embarrassing but they never really minded and understood you were pregnant
- After a while you started to become more and more out of breath so now you reallyyyy couldn’t do anything. You had to beg Logan to at least let you get some fresh air or something because staying in bed all day was not the answer even if your feet were swelling and you back was killing you.
- He’d walk with you outside as you talked about your day and he just listened. He’d ask about the baby and how you felt and how he felt about becoming parents
- He was more cuddly when you neared the end of your third trimester. Hugging you more, kissing you more, talking to your now huge stomach and rubbing it and feeling when the baby kicked
- You both didn’t know if the baby was gonna be a mutant or not or the gender or anything but just knew it was healthy and that was honestly enough
- You decided to deliver at the mansion because well, the hospitals nearby did not like or tend to mutants at all..
- You started getting braxton hicks here and there and you knew the baby had dropped. It was getting hard to move and the mansion was on edge. Logan especially.
- He’d pace around you as you groan and winced in pain but told him, “False alarm honey…just another hick..”
- But was it? What if it’s time? What if you two ignore this and then it’s too late? What if something is wrong and and-
- There was alot of calming Logan down now..reassuring you’re fine
- A week before you were due, you were thrown a baby shower.
- It was Rogues idea and everyone gave you a little something. Diapers, Toys, bottles…
- They had all your favorite foods from your pregnancy, even the super weird cravings
- You cried.
- Logan got mad when he saw you cry. “Who did this?? Why is she crying? Was it you, Summers? Why i outta-“
- You tell him you’re just very happy and emotional right now and not sad. And, no, Scott did nothing wrong so please put him down oh my gosh…
- It’s true you were very emotional and hormonal the whole time and you were so ready to be done
- A week later, in the middle of the night you got up to use the bathroom for the 5th time. Not wanting to wake up Logan over and over just to walk to the bathroom, you went alone, waddling to the door.
- The second you got there though there you immediately started leaking. And you would’ve been embarrassed of you didn’t immediately have the worst braxton, no….this wasn’t that…this was more…
- “Logan. Logan!”
- Logan jumped up and and ran over to you asking what happened and what’s wrong..
- You start to tell him and suddenly you’re hit again with another contraction
- It was time.
- Logan woke up everyone he could after getting you tot he medical room.
- He left the students be but it’s not like they couldn’t hear you yelling anyways
- He stood by you the entire time as you squeezed his hand and cried in pain. He almost growled at Jean hooking you up the machines but he knew it was to monitor if you and the baby were okay.
- He was so focused on you that he didn’t care for everyone crowding also but when it was time to push he barked for everyone to get back even Jean
- He let you squeeze the life out of his hand as you pushed and encouraged you the whole time and wiped your forehead
- And after several minutes of this chaos…
- “Congratulations…you guys are now officially parents!” Jean says as she holds the crying newborn baby.
- As she helped lay the baby on your bare chest, you and Logan just smiled at your child.
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5sospenguinqueen · 8 months ago
Emotional Range Of A Teaspoon | Pierre Gasly
Summary: What right does he have to feel angry at the sight of Y/N and Charles? The answer is none. After all, she's only his best friend. Isn't she?
Warnings: Swearing. Angst. Fluff. Jealousy. One suggestive comment
No faceclaim but British reader. 2024 timeline
F1 Masterlist
Requested: Yes (sorry it's a little late)
This one actually comes with a tiny text paragraph mid-way through
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Replies to @ PierreGASLY
Charles_Leclerc c’mon mate, it’s only been two days 
→ PierreGASLY a whole lifetime 
→ ItsYN i can’t even remember what you look like 
→ Charles_Leclerc and the people say that i am the dramatic one 
AlpineF1Team think you can channel that pain into some points this weekend?
→ PierreGASLY why aren’t you taking my pain seriously 
→ AlpineF1Team do you want us to schedule you an appointment with the counsellor?
→ ItsYN i don’t think that counsellor gets paid enough to listen to him
User1 ouch, talk about friendzoned 
→ User2 no, no, they’re in the denial stage of their friends to lovers arc
Replies to @ ItsYN
PierreGASLY i can still hear your voice
→ PierreGASLY although i’m glad you’re not making me suffer through the lost boys again
→ ItsYN okay first off, you love that movie. and second, because of that, i’m telling everyone you cried watching cars 3
→ PierreGASLY traitor!
→ LiamLawson30 as any man would!
Charles_Leclerc don’t worry y/n, i’ll have movie night with you 
→ ItsYN are you going to make me watch harry potter again?
→ Charles_Leclerc yes..?
�� ItsYN @ PierreGASLY come back please 
Replies to @ Charles_Leclerc
User3 not charles tweeting this the day after the canadian gp. y/n missed the canadian gp and you can tell poor charles had to hear all about it 
ItsYN we all know i would be the soldier and pierre would be the doting housewife crying on the platform 
→ PierreGASLY and i would look radiant doing so
Max33Verstappen he wouldn’t shut up about her during the driver’s parade. i tried to walk off and he followed me!
→ PierreGASLY i was in the middle of a sentence!
→ danielricciardo mate you know it’s bad when yapstappen needs you to stop talking
ItsYN stop talking about me. you're making it sound like we're friends
→ Charles_Leclerc excuse me but you know you want to be my bestie
→ PierreGASLY you can’t have her. she’s mine. i saw her first. shotgun or whatever you monagasques say for dibs 
→ GeorgeRussell63 actually i saw her first; her brother was my teammate when we were kids so 
→ PierreGASLY and just for that, i’m unfollowing you 
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Replies to @ CHICKEN!!
User4 whoever took this photo needs to go straight to jail. not y’all making it seem like charles and y/n are a sneaky item
User5 i knew she was shady, talking about how she couldn't make it only to end up in the winning driver’s garage 
PierreGASLY oh 
→ User6 wait no, pierre, come back. look at other tweets about this please
User7 stop being a shit stirrer. he’s literally got his other arm wrapped around alex ‘cause he was guiding the two of them through a ton of fans but that’s conveniently been cropped out 
Replies to @ BRAKKEEE
User8 i can’t believe people were trying to convince us ynarles was real when it’s clearly ynex
User9 love that charles was literally only there to keep them safe from fans and after that they were like ‘you’re done babe. now we run off into the sunset’ 
User10 watching him chase after them was so funny tho because he was literally yelling “let me play too” 
Replies to @ ItsYN
User11 oh no, we’re so sorry. we were just so happy to see you 
→ User12 yeah and pierre would’ve been happy to see her as well if you hadn’t blasted her all over the internet 
→ User13 pierre didn't exactly look all that happy though. he wouldn’t stop glaring at poor charles  
→ User12 maybe because you guys made it seem like his best friend lied to him to be with charles
Thumb aimlessly swiping at the screen of his phone, Pierre scanned the tweets as they passed, making note of a cute waffle shop in Monaco that he knew Y/N would love. Nothing of note appeared to have been posted as most of the Grid were waiting to hear where Sainz had signed. Hand halting, Pierre’s eyes flickered across the screen once. Twice. And then a third time just to be sure. His last message to Y/N had gone unanswered and now there was a picture of her on Twitter, claiming to be from today. With Charles’ arm around her. His teeth sank into his bottom lip, and a derisive scoff filled his driver’s room. What happened to being unable to book the time off work, he thought bitterly to himself. Instead she was in the Paddock with a red-clad arm wrapped around her. Before he could restrain himself, he had clicked on the ‘reply’ button. A knock at the door pulled him from his downward spiral, preventing him from looking further into the comments gushing about how cute his best friend and closest F1 friend looked as a couple. 
“Pierre, time to warm up.”
He locked his phone before dumping it onto the massage table, storming out of his driver’s room, unaware that if he had scrolled down another two posts, he would’ve seen a picture of Y/N with Alexandra and a tweet from the woman herself. 
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ItsYN just posted
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liked by alexandrasaintmleux, estebanocon and others
ItsYN an amazing weekend in barcelona watching my best friend do his thing and achieve some well-deserved points. a huge thank you to charles and alex for helping me sneak into the paddock last-minute tagged: pierregasly, charles_leclerc and alexandrasaintmleux 
alpinef1team our favourite things rolled into one post 
→ ItsYN mine too! 
→ User1 sis, get off the floor 
estebanocon should i be offended that you wearing my cap didn’t make the post 
→ ItsYN shh i can’t have my people thinking i have friends other than pear 
→ ItsYN go thirst over him on his posts. my insta is a 310 free zone
→ danielricciardo just admit that you’re jealous of our love and move on
→ ItsYN was he publicly crying over missing YOU? i don’t think so 
→ danielricciardo that’s because i’m a better friend than you and i’ve been here the whole time
→ ItsYN blocked 
alexandrasaintmleux thank you for trusting me with the surprise! 
→ ItsYn thank you for being so wonderful and helping 🩷 (and stopping charles from throttling me)
→ charles_leclerc it’s because you wouldn’t stop saying thank you and asking me if i was “sure that it’s no bother” to help you 
→ It’sYN sorry for being considerate! 
User2 not to be that person but has anyone else noticed that pierre hasn’t commented?
→ User3 i'm getting the feeling that, despite all his online complaining, he wasn’t overly excited to see his best friend this weekend? 
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User4 not the f1wags posting her, they know the truth
→ User5 what truth. it doesn’t look they’re even friends anymore
User7 it’s the way she looks like she’s trying to explain/talk to him and he’s just yelling at her 
→ User8 i used to root for them to get together but now that he’s yelled at her :/
User9 y/n is stronger than me because if a man pointed his finger like that at me, i’d savagely bite it off 
User10 uh, who does he think he is talking to y/n l/n that way
User11 i bet it’s because he thought y/n was there for charles and got jealous 
→ User12 i’ve connected the dots
→ User13 you ain’t connected shit
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User14 idk which one i want to be more
→ User15 that’s because you want to be their third instead 
User16 i’m thirsty. anyone else thirsty
LandoNorris oh god my eyes
→ danielricciardo this is why you should stop looking at x rated things on the internet 
→ User17 what happened to your pr training?
→ Charles_Leclerc what happened to pierre’s?
User18 if only he could transfer this kind of passion onto the track 
User19 uh, the clarity of the third one?? did admin take this and then leak it online? 
→ AlpineF1Team i'm afriad that we’re finding out along with you guys but we’re not gonna pretend like we weren’t rooting for this 
ItsYN why am i trending on twitter?
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ItsYN just posted
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liked by alexandrasaintmleux, lilymhe and others
ItsYN my little pain au chocolat 💕
pierregasly we talked about you calling me pastries 
→ ItsYn yes, we did. and i didn’t take into account anything you said
→ pierregasly you are very lucky you're cute
→ ItsYN it's gotten me far in life
User1 talk about a hard launch
→ User2 they weren’t really given the choice considering they were caught snogging all over barcelona last weekend
alpinef1team pierre repping the alpine colours 
→ ItsYN release your chokehold on my man
→ alpinef1team no, you release your chokehold on our man 
→ ItsYN what happened to being supportive of this?
→ alpinef1team that was before all he did was yap about you!
lilymhe babe, this isn’t you. get up and come back to me 
→ ItsYN i’m sorry but i don’t think i can come back from this 
→ lilymhe what about us, what about everything we’ve been through
→ ItsYN you know i never wanted to hurt you
→ alex_albon @ pierregasly guess i’ll be seeing you at the next karaoke marathon 
→ pierregasly only if you sing breaking free with me
→ ItsYN this is why i love you
landonorris let’s take a moment for our fallen soldier… we lost an honourable brit to a french man
→ pierregasly it’s not my fault that i have charm and you don’t 
→ danielricciardo i didn’t realise charm meant having a tantrum when she asks your friend for help to surprise you 
→ pierregasly we agreed not to speak of that! 
→ ItsYN i don’t think you’re living this one down, macaron
charles_leclerc can you tell him to put his clothes back on, please
→ ItsYN i tried but he seems incapable of keeping them on around me
→ pierregasly charles is just jealous of my amazing physique 
→ charles_leclerc best you not talk about jealousy 
User4 @ ItsYN i love that they’ve not had a chance to pr train you yet
→ ItsYN never! 
User5 and they called me crazy when i said friends to lovers! 
→ ItsYN tbf hun, so did we. it took us a minute
→ User6 so pierre is slow on and off the track 
→ pierregasly hey! 
pierregasly just posted
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liked by charles_leclerc, yukitsunoda0511 and others
pierregasly from movie nights to drunken karaoke, i would go on any adventure with you 
ItsYN my best friend and my love 
→ alexandrasaintmleux i thought i was your best friend 
→ ItsYN i’m not allowed to post shirtless pics of you online though
→ charles_leclerc no you are not! 
→ User7 i hope pr never got ahold of her
→ alpinef1team she has an appointment with them on thursday
yukitsunoda0511 is this what they call simping?
→ pierregasly no
→ ItsYN yes
maxverstappen1 does this mean you’ll stop talking about her during driver’s parades?
→ pierregasly no 
→ yukitsunoda0511 he’ll just stop talking about whether she’s interested in any of us 
→ ItsYN he did that?
→ pierregasly no!
→ maxverstappen1 yes, the latest victim was logan
→ charles_leclerc actually i was the latest victim, and i will remain the most famous. my jealousy era is forever captured on the internet 
→ logansargeant @ pierregasly is that why you kept asking me what i thought about her?
landonorris you guys are kinda cute when you’re not yelling at her 
→ ItsYN please stop saying this. i'm the one who has to listen to him apologise over and over for the millionth time
→ pierregasly because i feel bad! 
→ ItsYN omg i know! 
danielricciardo mate, we get it. she’s your girl now but you can let go of her for two seconds. she’s not going to disappear
→ pierregasly it’s called a healthy attachment
→ ItsYN he says whilst cuddled into my neck and following me to the bathroom
lilymhe she’s so hot, drop me her @ please
→ pierregasly back off
→ ItsYN i’m right here bby girl. let me take out on a date 
→ charles_leclerc careful lily or he might start yelling at you next 
alpinef1team we’ve been asked by an anonymous source that you all refrain from discussing previous events. reparations have been made and it’s been advised that such an event remain in the past 
→ danielricciardo lol he ran to mom
→ landonorris anonymous source, my ass. just tag him
→ georgerussell63 this is so lame
→ alex_albon mate, this is more obvious than pierre’s jealousy 
→ charles_leclerc even i cannot support him through this 
→ ItsYN i love you, my little croissant, but i cannot pretend that this is normal
→ pierregasly ultimate betrayal
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Sorry if this wasn’t angst enough. Humour and fluff are more my forte.
As always, F1 requests open for the current grid and retired drivers.
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@peachiicherries @rosecentury
(A huge thank you to both of you for wanting to be added to all f1 posts. It means a lot)
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rakiah · 2 months ago
i just want to to let you know that it was your art of vil with kid jack and leona with kid epel for that single parent leovil fic that really pulled me into leovil. i stumbled upon it by chance when scrolling through a vil blog and saw it reblogged and LOST MY DAMN MIND. particularly baby wolf jack. cause why am i now putting together an epic the musical/odyssey/illiad au for leovil?? (your art. your art is why) itll probably never escape my docs but. so far??
helen and penelope. cousins and princesses of sparta--their dads are brothers and co-ruled. penelope's mother was a water nymph (naiad, so freshwater) whereas helen was the daughter of zeus......soooo.....HEAR ME OUT!!!!!!
neige as helen. vil as penelope. now, i was originally gonna go the rkvl route, because that line in the challenge, when penelope tells the suitors she will marry whoever "can string her husbands old bow and shoot through 12 axes cleanly"--smth her husband odysseus was only able to do, well, a rkvl version of that could go SO HARD.
esp cause like, idk i could just give rook a random kingdom, cause yes, leona is a prince, but technically falena would be king. and i thought of making them menelaus (leona) and agamemnon (falena) with VIL as helen, i mean, come ON!!!!!! it would be SO GOOD!! but odysseus and penelope's story was just tugging at my heart, and i couldnt decide. until i realized that actually this is a fic and it doesnt have to be a 1 to 1 substitution, i can play around and do whatever i want.
(and jack as little wolf telemachus is everything. and neige as helen, both "fairest of them alls" and cursed via apple??? i love it)
sooooo. im thinking.
vil and neige are cousins, princes of. pyroxene? or maybe pyroxene would be made up of a few kingdoms....hmmmmm...idk yet. regardless, their parents' co-rule their kingdom. but neige is the actual heir of the throne. this could be because vil is technically illegitimate. eric had no wife, he just really wanted to be a dad. and so vil's mother, for purposes of this, is either a vampire or a water nymph, or some sort of enchantress, idk, but regardless, vil isnt going to inherit. (also read @pinkbeeps sympathy for the villain fic and lost my mind over it so, yeah, crewel is a vil dad, so at some point when vil and neige are 7 and 6 respectively, crewel and eric get together.)
meanwhile, sunset savannah was split by a civil war? or a revolt of some kind. leona and falena stop it, but part of the truce that is made is that falena cannot rule all of it. so the elephant graveyard half, and some surrounding land makes up what becomes leona's kingdom. why? idk.
then, when neige is like, 17, vil 18, and leona 20, its decided that neige should get married, so all the suitors from various kingdoms come. cause, heir to the throne. and fairest of them all. falena, who is now married himself and has cheka, suggests leona go, but leona isnt rlly looking to get married. falena bugs him abt it tho, and leona still isnt for the marriage thing but rationales that princes and infleuntial people from all over will be vying for neige's hand. leona can go, but not for purposes of throwing his hat in the ring, (neige is an heir and leona has a kingdom to take care of--neither of them would leave their respective homes) but rather, to make connections to better help his people.
and then he meets vil. guy is SMITTENNNNNNN from the get go, he's like, whoever was giving out the fairest of them all titles, did they like, not see you???? heLLO??????
vil is warming up to leona, but also, lets be real, vil has an insecurity abt being a backup, second option when it comes to neige. he would have been wary considering leona is here in technicality as a suitor for neige. but it becomes apparent leona was not here for that in acuality. cause leona, in true oddysseus fashion, does not even bring a wedding gift, guy was just here to network and then fell in love.
it goes as the story always does. neige's parents are worried abt the influx of suitors and wondering how to choose without angering one kingdom over the other. and leona is like, hey i got a solution, but if you want it, you gotta put in a good word for me with vil's parents, your brother and BIL, and you gotta convince them that its okay if vil marries. and theyre like DEAL.
leona proposes his solution--the oath made by all suitors to defend neige and whoever he chooses if a rival ever takes neige away. they would march against the offender and destroy their city.
neige's parents are like damn thats brilliant and then talk to eric and crewel. who put forth a test for leona to pass. he does.
they marry, leona's wedding gift to vil, the living olive tree bed he makes himself, and they have jack and epel, idk how, surrogates? adoption? not sure. but then, the apple, neige is taken away, and that oath comes back to bite leona in the ass. he pretends he's crazy to dodge the draft but baby jack gets tossed in front of the plough and leona saves them, and is forced to go to war etc etc. they win, and then it takes him FOREVERRRR to get home, and then--well we know how it goes!
wow. sorry for just. dumping this in your ask box. i was just trying to appreciate your art and i ended up dropping the au inspired by your art in here. oops
Alright, let’s process step by step cause this ask just made me go wild when I read it. /p
[deep breath]
First, thank you very much! 💕 It’s always a delight to know that more people are into leovil because of me 8D I feel like a priest in Age of Empires (big old ref here ha ha)
Second, your Epic/ Odysseus/ Illiad AU.
I was flabbergasted cause, a few days ago I saw a new leovil fic about Epic the Musical (yes, I do have an open tab of Ao3 on my phone with the leovil tag that I refresh almost every night. When I say I have an otp, I have an otp.) and, since the name rings vaguely a bell, I asked my theater kid friend about this Musical. I just wanted to listen to it before reading the fic and then, I understood Epic the Musical.
I take that as a sign.
Thank you for sharing those thoughts, that was great! I wish you the best for your AU and hope you write it and maybe post it! Otherwise, it’s fine! No pressure of course, I’m already glad with your ask! x3
Anyway, here for you. I couldn’t help sketching those. They imposed themself. Literally.
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Pretty sure Vil’d start to poison the suitors too.
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jellymochii · 17 days ago
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Stray Kids - Valentine's Day Headcanons
ᡣ𐭩 pairings: OT8 SKZ x fem!Reader
ᡣ𐭩 genre: fluff, smut
ᡣ𐭩 wc: 1.5k
ᡣ𐭩 cw: smut, dacryphilia, oral, mentions of bondage/d!ldos, dry humping, unprotected s3x (pls don't unless you want STD's for Valentine's Day)
↪author's note: hello! sorry I've been gone so long and not finished my NingNing fic, but to make it up to you I've whipped this up. happy Valentine's Day and hope you enjoy!
His dad always taught him to be a classy man–and so he's gonna make sure you're well taken care of for such a special day.
He bought you that long red dress you've been eyeballing for a while and adorned you with shiny pearled jewelry. (And a giant bouquet of flowers)
He takes you to the most high end restaurant in the city (which took 6 months reservation in advance) with a staff member dressed all nice like a chauffeur.
Expensive steaks, lobster tail, or even chicken nuggets. Whatever you want, he'll get you.
Lots of food in your belly to prepare for…y'know, the baby he's about to put in you.
What, like he wasn't gonna fill you to the brim with cum after you looked this good for him?
It's almost as if he knew that you were planning on skipping your birth control that day in the hopes you'd finally get to be filled.
Oh and you're up for hours, he's not stopping until your poor cunt is leaking with all his babies, and he'll get a few more loads in just to make sure it stays put in your cervix.
“C'mon baby, you don't want anything leaking out d'ya? Right, now stay still and let daddy give you that baby you wanted~.”
There's nothing more romantic to both of you than being given a cute little symbol of your love in 9 months.
The bad news is that he did not, infact, get the day off work. There's lots of love he has to send to STAY before he can get home to you.
The good news is that now that Idol Minho is off work, Chef Minho has arrived!
He always keeps your favorite dish in the back of his mind and he knows you've been begging him to make it these past few weeks, but he wanted to save it today to make it extra special.
You'll smell it from a mile away, but as soon as you walk in the dining table is lit with candles and a big flower centerpiece to top it off.
Looks at you with so much love as you absolutely devour your plate like a wild tiger.
Speaking of absolutely devouring
Normally you and Minho have a strict dom/sub relationship with him asserting and taking control.
But today he just wants to show you that despite all the harsh punishments he has to give you, you're still the love of his life.
And that includes devouring your cunt for hours.
“Mmmh, my precious little pussy. You're this wet just for me?”
No but fr he wasn't sure what to do and even asked Chaeryeong what kind of stuff girls like.
Eventually he settled on taking the week off and spending time with you by the seaside, providing both a relaxing and loving vacation.
You two get to explore some cute islands and eat feasts of chocolate alongside a paradise of other loving couples.
And sometimes you'll spend alone time too! He'll work out at the cruise gym while you relax by the poolside soaking up the island sun.
Oh and it's a good thing it's a honeymoon cruise (even if you two aren't married)
God bless whoever decided to make all the rooms on the ship soundproof because you're definitely gonna need it while he's rearranging your guts.
But let's be honest, the whole ship can still hear your strangled moans and the plap plap plap sounds coming from your room.
“Anngh, yeobo, you're so tight, I love this pussy.”
At least you can tell your kids they were created by the sea.
You can expect nothing but the sweetest from your lover boy.
He had Versace create a giant bouquet of your favorite flowers in a beautiful signature gold wrap.
His first thought on a date was doing the painting swap challenge from tiktok and seeing what the two of you could create.
There's paint on both of your noses by the end and kkami with an accidental blue spot on his fur from the crossfire of your paint war.
He tried to salvage your original drawing to no avail, but he still insists that he thinks it's perfect because it came from you.
His next surprise was a custom mold of his cock for you to play with whenever he was away on tour, but he insists on trying it on you first for “Quality Assurance” as he calls it.
It feels almost exactly like the real thing and reaches into your favorite spots exactly like his.
With his new ability to use the dildo AND his mouth simultaneously, you cum so many times that you're brain dead.
“You're so gorgeous, my angel. You look so pretty cumming on my cock–God, I love you so much.”
And he may have snapped a few photos of you like this to help him when he's not there next to you.
Have you ever dreamed of having a whole mixtape/album come out all about you?
Cause Jisung's got you covered
He'll have a whole listening party with some of his friends as you sit there trying not to cry from how sweet he is.
You can't stop kissing him and adoring him the rest of the night, it's like your wildest dreams have come true.
How could you not reward such a good boy?
Oh you both are getting the NASTIEST sex tonight.
Dildos, cuffs, chains–every toy gets brought in out of desperation.
You're both just so desperate to fuck eachother before you even leave that he's pressed up against you on the subway humping your ass like a dog.
“Mmmph, please! I-I need more!.”
You're in for a long night of multiple orgasms from both of you.
You've been eyeballing the amusement park 2 towns over for a while now, and what better time to take you than now?
The illuminating fair lights turned pink for the special day makes you both giddy.
The first stop is obviously the Rollercoaster, you're having the time of your life while Felix is fighting off demons trying not to pass out.
Then you'll get to go on the new pink ferris wheel and give your lover a kiss at the top.
Alongside buying you all the fair food you can eat, he spots a pair of gold rings from a vendor that he just HAS to buy you.
After coming back from buying them and watching you struggle on the shooting game for a giant teddy bear, he steps in and uses his gamer experience to win it for you!
And he's gonna make you hump it for him as soon as you get home.
Don't worry, he'll fuck you eventually, but watching you desperately get off on the fluffy fabric while staring at him with teary puppy eyes makes his dick throb.
“Fuck you look so sexy like that. Keep going so I can cum on your pretty face, mkay?”
Since your first date was at the vintage arcade down the street, he decided to bring you right back to where it all started.
Life's been a total dream since you two started dating, but you're reminded in times like these why he's such a tease.
He'll never let you forget how much better he is at video games than you are, especially Guitar Hero and the OG Sonic.
You're also getting your ass whooped at Dance Dance Revolution too.
He'll let you win at 1 or 2 games though just so you don't pout at him later.
You know what his favorite game is though?
Edging you, duh.
You swear you have no idea where he learned to use his fingers so skillfully. He's throat deep in your pussy while his fingers twist your nipples to perfection.
“Why are you squirming away? I thought you loved it when I broke you down jagi.”
And you do, there's no better gift you could've gotten today than being nothing more than a brain dead fuckdoll for your sweet boyfriend.
You guys are still fairly new to your relationship and it's your first Valentine's Day.
So he wants to make it as perfect as possible. He asks Chris and the rest of the boys what kind of stuff he should do for you and tries to pack it all together in one night.
Unfortunately for him the place he wanted to take you caught on fire, the flowers got delivered to the wrong address, and the ring he ordered you was smaller than what he wanted.
The poor boy can't even look you in the eye as he’s telling you all of this, but you reassure him that none of the material stuff matters–as long as he’s by your side.
The two of you settle for takeout and a movie at your place with lots of cuddles and kisses.
There was still a chance for him to have one thing he planned go his way though.
While the two of you have dealt in the occasional oral/fingering, he wanted to overcome his fear of intimacy and actually have sex with you.
Thankfully all his wildest dreams came true the moment he slipped into you and was immediately sent straight into Heaven.
“F-fuuuuck, you’re everything–so beautiful, perfect and tight.”
Even if Valentine's Day didn't go the way he originally wanted, he wouldn't ask for anything else–bring inside of you and feeling your love was all he needed.
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mvctavish · 24 days ago
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summary: headcanons for each members' reaction to you telling them you're pregnant
cw: afab!reader, pregnancy (duh), mentions of pregnancy symptoms (like nausea, vomiting) but nothing graphic, slight angst for some parts, established relationship, mentions of sex (?)
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capt. john price
౿ ۪ ݁ honestly? price couldn't be happier. he always thought of himself as a family man, seeing himself as a father of (hopefully) many kids. he's overjoyed as you greet him when he gets home from a long and grueling deployment, wanting nothing more than to relax in your arms and go to sleep in his own bed. however, when you say the words "i'm pregnant" and showcase the sonogram, his heart nearly triples in size. that's his baby. you're carrying his baby, and he swears this is the best moment of his entire life. he whispers praises in your ear as he holds you tight, a large and heavy hand gently resting on your abdomen, thumb stroking your skin the fabric of your - his - shirt. he's truly never been happier. you, his darling girl, is harboring a precious life that blossomed from your love for each other. you just know he's going to be the best father your kid could hope for.
sgt. kyle "gaz" garrick
౿ ۪ ݁ kyle doesn't know what to say at first. he was the one that convinced you to take a pregnancy test in the first place - you'd been nauseous and fatigued for the past few days, and he noticed. he noticed each and every thing about you, from your slightly irritable mood to the tiny changes of your body. he never expected the test to come back positive, the two little lines on the stick staring up at the both of you. he's scared, just as scared as you, but he knows he needs to stay strong, at least for now. "it's gonna be alright, angel," he'd reassure you, taking your form into an embrace. he's oh so gentle, handling you like porcelain now that he knows his baby is growing in your womb. "we'll get through this together, ya hear, love?" he kisses your forehead. whatever you decide to do, he's there for you. despite his initial fears, the thought of having a baby with you excites him. you best bet that if you aren't married already, you'll have a ring on your finger by the end of the week.
sgt. john "soap" mactavish
౿ ۪ ݁ johnny has never felt so unprepared in his life. he's always so, so careful with you, hoping to avoid situations like... this. it's not that he's upset, no, he isn't angry. just unprepared. he doesn't feel fit to be a father, not yet. it's a lot of responsibility and an entire lifetime of commitment - and johnny doesn't want to let down his future child. though, the more he thinks about it, the more he begins to warm up to the idea of fatherhood. maybe you'll have a little lass with his eyes and your fiery attitude, or perhaps a lad with your nose and his spunk - whoever your child ends up being, he knows he'll love them unconditionally. just as he loves you. it does take him a few weeks to come around. at first, he'd drink his worries away at the pub, ranting to ghost or whomever else will listen. he's just stressed, and that stress never really goes away, but a stronger feeling of pride and excitement takes over. he's going to be a da! he knows you'll be a damn good mother, and he even takes an extra long leave to help around the house. he doesn't want you to lift a finger while you're pregnant (even though you're not even showing yet). before the baby is even born, he proves himself to be a very capable father.
lt. simon "ghost" riley
౿ ۪ ݁ when you break the news to him, simon is instantly afraid. memories of his own childhood come flooding back to him, and a new fear settles inside of him. he's always been afraid of turning out like his old man, and now that you're pregnant with his baby, there's a whole nother person that he could let down. he doesn't want that to happen - doesn't want his baby to suffer as he'd done. he makes a silent promise, both to you and the baby, that he'd always be there and present. he loves you more than anything, but the revelation has him growing distant for the first few months. whenever you bring up the topic of possible baby names, or ask to look at clothes at the shops, he tenses and responds in very short answers. it's abundantly clear that he's scared, and you don't really blame him. it isn't until you speak to him in the privacy and safety of your shared bedroom does he confess. "i'm just worried about turning into my father," his voice is uncharacteristically quiet, light eyelashes fluttering against his cheeks as he tries to blink away some unshed tears. "i don't want to hurt you, bunny, or the baby." he glances down at your abdomen, and you guide your hand to it. you have to reassure him many times that he's nothing like his father. it isn't until he comes with you to one of your appointments that he finally accepts that as a fact. when he hears your baby's heartbeat on the monitor, he knows deep in his heart that he'd do anything to protect you both.
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cherie-doll · 3 months ago
:3c hiii, if it's not a bother, could you write more headcanon's for the cod men as parents? I think I might have died from cuteness overload while reading that one.
ahh ofc!! i've been wanting to write more so this is perfect, thank you <333
𓆩♡𓆪 Headcanon: Them As Parents #3
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ʚĭɞ Price, Ghost, Soap, Gaz, Roach, Alejandro, Rudy, Phillip Graves, Makarov, Keegan, König, Horangi, Nikto
He adjusted to being a father a lot easier than he thought he would, somehow his kids are a lot easier to keep in line than the tf141
He's constantly announcing every little thing or accomplishment the kid has done, and he forces everyone to listen and they kinda have to because what else are they going to do? Say no? Wouldn't even think or dare to do that
He's just so happy to carry his chunky babies around, and loves it especially when you're feeding them, he smiles endearingly and you're like "what're you smiling for?" "I love seeing my babies growing"
Omg and imagine your babies having that same heartwarming smile he has, awwwww-
He knew taking care of kids would be... something
But he sees how hard you work, how late you stay up trying to get the whiny baby to sleep, but he just won't stop fussing and moving and you don't want to wake Simon because he's supposed to be resting from just having come back
But he hears your tired sighs and pleading to the baby to please sleep, so he comes up behind you and gently takes the baby while telling you to go rest, that you need it
And hearing his low, smoky voice gives you such relief you almost cry because you've been sleep deprived
He taught the boys to show respect and love to you all the time, it's almost overwhelming!
Once a neighbor encountered this scene where Johnny had just gotten back from picking up the kids from school and he ran out the car yelling "Whoever gets to mom first gets to kiss and hug her!"
All three of them practically bolted inside the house and tackled you
And even if they play roughly, getting muddy and dirty they make sure to rinse off with the hose and wait before entering to dry off, they wouldn't want to ruin the effort you do to keep the house spotless, and guests who come over are always surprised at how you manage to keep the place so clean when there's two- well technically three boys with Johnny who hasn't lost his playfulness
Can't help but imagine how Kyle would be like with his teen daughter
He loves her to death and would do anything for her, he's interested in whatever she's into and loves going along with her to go out and stuff
Especially if she's a little more on the loner side and doesn't have many friends :(, he'll throw in all his free time to make sure she gets out and has fun
And he's especially protective when someone is interested in dating her, he doesn't take kindly to them especially if he senses some underlying intentions
Closes up, clams up and his kindness and hospitality is gone, only the stone cold faced sergeant
He's never been a father before, what's he even supposed to do? The most he's taken care of is a hamster and the bug collection that's on display
Probably doesn't really hit him until you really start to show, like he's excited but constantly jumpy at any sign of pain you show, you wince? Should he get the car started? Feel a kick? The baby must be coming, right?
You've had to calm him down, tell him you appreciate his enthusiasm but that he needs to be the one to calm down, probably getting more sentimental than you are right now
Omg and the moment he saw you give birth and hold the baby he was shaking and crying, he couldn't believe he witnessed that, he's staring down at his baby girl and he's thanking you by pressing kisses to your forehead
She's definitely a daddy's girl, always sticking close to him and developing an interest for his same hobbies
I can see this man turning into mother the minute the child is born, like you've already given birth to his kids you've done enough now let him take over
He can cook pretty well actually and loves sneaking up out of bed to prepare the kids breakfast and surprise you by the time you wake up with breakfast in bed
Also, he has to stop his habit of swearing around the kids, most of the time it's in Spanish but your kids will still pick up on it and try using it sentences when it's certainly not appropriate
He's also telling the kids stories of when he was their age that are blown out of proportion, very common for him to exaggerate and add details just to make them gasp and believe it, thinks it's funny because they're so gullible and you're just standing there listening to his nonsense shaking your head
He practically melted when you told him you wanted to try for a baby
He's over the moon daydreaming about it, having a mini you and him
The type to be wanting to set up for the nursery as soon as he finds out you're expecting, also he just loves doing things around the house like the malewife he is that you almost suggested he carry to term instead
He'd love a daughter and would be the one singing lullabies, cradling her little body gently in his arms as he practically twirls around the room
Just watching that angelic little face that smiles when she wakes up and sees his loving face, he's the happiest man there could ever be
Practically living life through rose-colored glasses taking care of his princesita
Phillip Graves
He was made to father children
Those great genes of him make beautiful, cute babies that get fawned over everywhere you go
Showing off his offspring like if they were his greatest life achievement
He's so proud to have you too, he's bragging how you managed to give him kids and how well you do caring for them and him <3
He loves loves buying them toys of which you constantly scold him for, they've got so many!
Also, refuses to pay for a nanny or babysitter, even for dates you to go off on he'd rather a close family friend if it's ABSOLUTELY necessary, but he's trained and educated his kids so well you two could go to a fancy dinner and they would keep still
He's probably always thinking about having more and more kids
Like he can't ever get tired of them, once his first child was nearing teen years and his second and third were already well past their toddler stage he just wouldn't stop bringing the conversation up
Until it's past midnight and kid one will come in saying they don't feel well and ask for medicine, then kid two comes crying because they've just had a nightmare and kid three threw up and kid four made a mess and won't go to sleep-
He's constantly buying them toys when you tell him they had more fun playing with a box and bubble wrap than the expensive playset he bought them, still he doesn't mind letting his money fly when it comes to you or his kids, for that he has no limit
Just shrugs and hands the kid money when they ask for it (wouldn't that be useful?)
He wanted one kid only and that's because according to him "kids are too much work", but he pisses you off probably more than the kid
He also gives terrible life advice, telling the kid how to get away with stuff when he thinks you're not listening but suddenly you come around the corner giving him a glare and reminding him if he keeps this up he'll be the one dealing with it because it's his fault
You're surprised your kid doesn't come back seriously injured when they're out with Keegan, not that he's reckless but he tends to show the kid to do things that they aren't exactly ready for... like those huge, sharp pliers you saw barely being held by small, tender hands, you were clutching your chest the entire time scared while Keegan told you he'd be fine, only doing some yard work
König as a father is such a common thought in my head, like he becomes 10x more daddy material
Just seeing him come home tired but still clean up and throw on some sweatpants to play with his toddlers who have a ton of energy
And also carry the baby who's less than a year old while sitting on the living room couch watching the others play has you going feral
Just seeing him like that makes you want to birth more babies for him, you're literally begging him to put more babies in you while he softly goes "no"
It's not that he doesn't want more but he sees how hard you work taking care of them and he doesn't want to stress you out :(
Poor Horangi finds himself in the absolute weirdest predicaments, one of the girls lost her favorite stuffed toy, last she remembers she had been playing with it outside in the rain
Now he has to spend over an hour outside looking for it in the dark with a flashlight in hand as he searches for the damn thing because otherwise she won't go to sleep, you're inside holding her while she sobs about her plushie
After who knows how long he finds the old thing, it's covered in mud, the fur matted and not to say... foul smelling, definitely needs a good wash, so there he is inside scrubbing it and using a hair dryer because the drying machine would take too long
Until finally, he can hand it over and watch her turn in bed happily snuggling with the stuffed animal
God is it hard to be a parents but it's rewarding and so worth every moment
This man gets drunk off the thought of having children with you despite he's always put off whenever you brought the possibility up
Still, he likes to think about it, the chubby hands reaching out for him, a soft voice calling for him, oh and how you'd look... all caring and nurturing towards the little thing
Yeah screw it he wants one or two or-
He just wants it to be his turn, his one chance at a haven
Oh and he's turned into the softest most gentlest creature that there could ever be, he'll silently observe as you feed her, just admiring this beautiful scenery like a painting
One night, Nikto insists on putting the baby to sleep, you let him while you go get ready for bed and when you come back to check on him he's singing in soft tones while placing the already sleeping baby in the crib, you lean on the doorframe careful not to make noise and just enjoy the moment
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favefandomimagines · 3 months ago
Daylight (r.c)
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Summary: it takes Rafe some time to realize what he has
AN: this is very one tree hill code with JJ being very Lucas Scott esque lol and this was PURELY self indulgent, no one asked for this
Y/N Routledge sat on the edge of her bed, feeling like she could throw up at any second. The little plastic stick in her trembling hand bore the answer she had been dreading and hoping wasn’t true. The bold letters stared back at her like they were mocking her.
Her mind raced. It felt as though the world had tilted off its axis. She couldn't breathe, couldn't think straight. What now? Who could she possibly confide in about this? How could she even begin to explain? The answer wasn’t simple, not when the father was Rafe Cameron.
For a year, their relationship—or whatever it was—had been a secret. Late-night meetings, whispered words in the dark, stolen moments when no one was looking. There had never been an official label on it. Rafe had made sure of that. “Labels complicate things,” he’d said, and Y/N, hopelessly drawn to him despite every red flag, had agreed.
But now? Things were complicated anyway.
The sound of approaching footsteps snapped her out of her spiraling thoughts. The door swung open, and there stood her brother, John B, looking confused and concerned.
“Hey, you okay?” he asked, leaning against the frame. “You’ve been in here for a while.”
Y/N’s heart stopped. She shoved the pregnancy test behind her back, but she wasn’t fast enough.
“What’s that?” His eyes narrowed, the easy-going brotherly demeanor replaced with something sharper.
“Nothing,” she blurted out, but John B wasn’t buying it.
He took a step closer. “Y/N, what’s going on?”
The lump in her throat grew too large to ignore, and before she knew it, the words came tumbling out. “I’m pregnant,” she whispered.
For a moment, John B just stared at her, his expression unreadable. Then, with a long exhale, he sat down beside her.
“Okay,” he said carefully. “I’m not gonna ask who the father is. That’s your business. But whoever it is, he deserves to know.”
Y/N looked down at the floor, her chest tightening. “I don’t even know how to tell him,” she admitted. “What if he doesn’t want this?”
John B reached over, placing both hands on her shoulders. “Then you don’t need him. You’ve got me. And the rest of the Pogues. We’ll figure it out. This kid's gonna have a pretty cool life, Y/N. I promise.”
Y/N nodded her head. “I’m so scared, JB.” She whispered. John B nodded his own head before he pulled his sister in for a tight hug.
“I know you are. But you’re gonna be okay. I’m here.” He told her gently.
Later that evening, Y/N stood nervously outside Tannyhill. Her palms were clammy, her stomach a mess of nerves. She had rehearsed what she wanted to say a thousand times, but now that she was here, the words felt like they dried up in her throat.
When Rafe opened the door, his blue eyes scanned her face, immediately sensing something was wrong.
“What’s going on?” he asked, stepping aside to let her in.
Y/N fidgeted with the hem of her hoodie, the weight of the moment pressing down on her. “I need to tell you something.”
Rafe’s brow furrowed. “Okay…”
“I’m pregnant,” she blurted out, her voice shaking.
For a moment, he just stared at her, his face unreadable. Then, as the realization sank in, his expression darkened.
“Pregnant?” he repeated, his tone laced with disbelief. “You’re serious?”
“Yes, Rafe. I’m serious.” Y/N replied.
He ran a hand over his buzzed his hair, pacing the room. “I… I can’t do this right now,” he said, his voice rising. “I’m trying to get my dad’s business back on track, and now you’re telling me you’re pregnant?”
Y/N felt the sting of his words like a physical blow. “I didn’t plan for this, Rafe! But it’s happening.”
He turned to face her, his eyes cold. “Maybe you should just do it alone. I’m not raising a kid with a Pogue.”
That cut deeper than anything else he’d said. Tears burned in her eyes as she stared at him, her heart breaking. “Really? That’s how you feel?” She asked, her voice unsteady. “Yeah, that’s how I feel. Did you really expect we were going to play big happy family?” He snapped.
Y/N let out a teary scoff before her impulsive thoughts took over. She stepped closer to Rafe, the palm of her hand connecting with his cheek, the sound of the slap echoing throughout the foyer. Without another word, Y/N turned and walked out the door.
One year later, and Y/N had given birth to a beautiful and healthy baby girl. It wasn’t an easy feat, but Y/N had John B and Sarah. Taking their roles as aunt and uncle way too seriously.
Now, Y/N cradled her one-year-old daughter, Isla, as the Pogues gathered on the beach. The little girl was the spitting image of her father—Rafe’s blonde hair, his piercing blue eyes. It was a constant reminder of the man who had walked away.
But Y/N wasn’t alone. John B, Sarah, JJ, Kiara, Cleo, and Pope had rallied around her, becoming Isla’s extended family. JJ, in particular, had taken to the role of honorary uncle with enthusiasm, and Isla adored him.
As JJ held Isla over the waves, her tiny giggles filled the air, and Y/N couldn’t help but smile.
“Look at you, kiddo,” JJ said, spinning her gently. “You’re a natural beach bum.”
From the corner of her eye, Y/N noticed a familiar figure further down the shore. Rafe was there, flanked by Topper and Kelce, his gaze locked on her. Then, his eyes then shifted to JJ and Isla.
He’d have to be an idiot to deny that that one year old was his. Y/N had kept the baby and now he was feeling an influx of emotions. Anger, regret, jealousy. Jealous that another man was raising his child, jealous that another man was in his place.
Y/N froze, unsure of what to do. JJ walked back to Y/N, handing Isla to her with a smile. Y/N couldn’t help but smile down at her daughter. But then she remembered who was watching them. When she whispered something to JJ, he turned and saw Rafe, his expression immediately hardening.
JJ said something else to her and Y/N walked back towards the rest of the Pogues. Rafe and JJ were now walking towards each other, JJ not messing around when it comes to Isla and Y/N.
“You need to leave her alone,” JJ said, his voice low and dangerous. “That’s my daughter,” Rafe snapped. “I have a right to know her.”
JJ scoffed. “You don’t get to decide that. Y/N does and you left her. You told her you weren’t raising a kid with a Pogue. You don’t deserve a second of her time.”
Rafe’s jaw clenched. “Just because you’re playing house with my girl and my kid doesn’t mean you can tell me what to do.” JJ laughed bitterly. “I’m not with Y/N. I’m just picking up the slack from the coward who abandoned them.”
Rafe stood there, seething with anger and regret, as JJ's words lingered in the air. But before he could say anything more, Topper yelled his name.
Later that night, Rafe pulled up to the old Maybank property that was now the Pogues sanctuary. He hadn’t prepared a single thing to say to Y/N. He knew there was a very high possibility that she would slam the door in his face.
What he said to her that night was harsh. He knew that and he knew he couldn’t take it back. He knocked on the door and waited for someone to answer the door. Rafe could hear the laughter and the music playing from the other side.
John B was the one to pull the door open, Isla in his arms. Rafe’s breath caught in his throat upon the sight of the little girl. “What are you doing here?” John B asked. “I’m uh, c-can I talk to Y/N?” He stammered.
Y/N’s brother looked at the man with furrowed brows, not used to seeing him in such an insecure, uncertain state. John B hated Rafe for what he did to Y/N, but Isla deserves a father. No matter how that happens.
“Y/N!” John B called. He turned away and walked back down the hall and soon Y/N appeared in the doorway.
“Can we talk?” Rafe asked. Y/N was hesitant; their last conversation did not go well obviously. “Um, sure. We can talk down at the store.” She answered.
The two walked silently down the dock to the bait shop where Y/N knew no one would be eavesdropping on them.
“Rafe, before you say anything, I didn’t want this to be how you found out. I didn’t want it to come to this,” she said quietly, her voice trembling but steady. “But you can’t just expect me to pretend like you didn’t hurt me. You didn’t want this baby. You walked away. You made your choice.”
Rafe flinched, her words cutting deep. He opened his mouth to argue, but something stopped him. The way she held Isla, the way Isla smiled at her mother, the warmth between them—it hit him all at once. What he had lost, what he could have had, and how foolish he’d been to let pride and fear dictate his actions.
“I—” He paused, swallowing hard. “I screwed up. I was scared, and I didn’t know how to handle it. I didn’t know how to be the kind of man you needed.”
Y/N’s eyes softened, but she didn’t look away. “You had a choice, Rafe. We both did. You made yours. I made mine.”
He took a step forward, his gaze falling to the water, as if he were gathering the courage to say what needed to be said. “I was wrong. And I know it. I’ve been trying to fix everything else, but I didn’t even try with you… with Isla. I was too damn proud. Too scared. But I don’t want to be that man anymore. I want to be a part of her life. I want to be a part of your life.”
Y/N blinked, the warmth in her chest slowly spreading, though the ache of everything that had happened still lingered. “It’s not going to be easy. We can’t just pick up where we left off.”
“I don’t want to,” he said softly. “I want to start fresh. As a father. As someone you can count on.”
A long silence passed between them, the weight of the past still hanging in the air. Then, slowly, Y/N nodded. “Okay. But you need to prove it. You need to show me you’re in this. All in. For her. For me.”
Rafe’s heart pounded, but he could see the flicker of hope in her eyes. Hope he thought he’d lost. “I will. I swear I will.”
The sun was shining brightly over the beach house, casting a golden glow over the yard where Isla’s second birthday party was in full swing.
The Pogues, along with Rafe, were scattered across the yard, setting up and getting ready to celebrate the little girl who had brought so much joy into their lives.
John B and Pope were hanging colorful decorations from the trees and the porch, adding the final touches to a vibrant banner that read, “Happy Birthday, Isla!”
Sarah and Kie were carefully bringing out a pile of birthday gifts, wrapping paper and bows sparkling in the sunlight.
Meanwhile, Isla was darting around the yard, laughing as JJ ran after her, pretending to be a superhero.
JJ scooped her up in his arms, making jet engine noises as he spun her around, keeping her distracted so she wouldn’t see the presents waiting inside.
Rafe stood off to the side, leaning against the window frame of the house, his gaze fixed on the scene unfolding before him. His heart swelled as he watched Isla giggle, her little feet kicking in the air as JJ swung her around like a plane.
Her laugh was like music to his ears, a reminder of how much he’d missed and how far he’d come since that day on the beach.
Y/N, who had just finished setting the cake down on the table, noticed Rafe standing there, his eyes soft and full of affection. She smiled to herself and walked over to him, sliding her arm around his bicep as she leaned her head on his shoulder.
“What’s got you all smiley?” she asked softly, her voice gentle but teasing.
Rafe looked down at her, a look of gratitude and tenderness crossing his features. “You,” he said simply. “Isla. You letting me back into your life and into hers.”
Y/N’s heart melted, and she lifted her chin to look up at him, a small smile tugging at her lips. Without a word, she leaned in and kissed him softly, the kind of kiss that spoke of everything they’d been through and everything they’d built together.
As they pulled apart, John B appeared at the doorway with a grin. “Alright, JJ, it’s time for cake and presents!”
JJ, who had been in the middle of a game of "airplane" with Isla, immediately scooped her up again, making exaggerated flying noises as he carried her inside. Isla squealed with laughter, her little arms flailing in the air as JJ pretended she was a plane about to take off.
As they entered the living room, JJ passed Isla off to Rafe with a grin. “Special delivery!”
Rafe smiled and crouched down to gently set Isla in her chair. He pressed a soft kiss on the top of her head, a tender moment of fatherly affection. Isla beamed up at him, her tiny hands reaching up to grab his face, a look of adoration in her eyes.
Y/N stood beside them, watching with a heart full of love as Rafe straightened up and looked at her with a smile. This moment was everything they’d fought for—a family, together, stronger than ever.
As Isla sat at the table, her little hands covered in frosting as she tried to grab a slice of cake, Rafe took a seat next to her, helping her scoop up a piece. Y/N joined them, wrapping an arm around Rafe’s shoulder as she placed a kiss on Isla’s cheek.
The room was filled with the sounds of laughter, chatter, and joy as everyone gathered around, ready to celebrate Isla’s special day. It was simple, but perfect. They were a family now, not just by blood, but by choice. And in this moment, surrounded by love and happiness, they all knew they’d found something rare and precious.
John B raised his glass, a grin on his face as he toasted, “To my niece Isla, the brightest light in all of our lives.”
Everyone joined in, lifting their glasses in unison, as Isla clapped her little hands, excited by the attention.
“Cheers!” Rafe said, glancing over at Y/N with a smile that said it all.
Y/N smiled back, squeezing his hand. “Cheers.”
As the cake was passed around, Isla sat contentedly on Rafe’s lap, covered in frosting and giggling with pure joy. And in that moment, as they all looked on at the little girl they had all come to love, Rafe and Y/N knew this was exactly where they were meant to be—together, as a family.
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im-totally-not-an-alien-2 · 2 years ago
As it turns out, Danny makes a pretty good leader. His little gang of homeless children has grown immensely, both from picking up strays and from assimilating other gangs into his group.
Danny might only be 10 and still figuring out his powers but dang, intangibility and flight are over powered even before you add invisibility and laser blasts. At first he regretted sneaking into the lab alone to check out the portal his parents made in this basement. Waking up in a cold alley in a city you've never heard of is a terrifying experience even without the corrupt cops trying to sell you into human trafficking, but finding out he had powers and could do whatever he wanted? That was great. It no longer mattered that adults didn't listen to him or chased him around. He could do anything now. Be anything. Take anything.
He and the people under his protection often robbed places, never banks or anything but high class restaurants and stores that usually wouldn't even let them in through the front doors. Yeah, Danny can admit most of thier robberies were because of grudges the other kids had because of how they were treated but Danny being ten thought this was fine.
The real issue was Gothams Paw Patrol (who absolutely hate being called that :3 ) they were always on thier case, Dannys especially. They kept insisting that the system could help them -Danny called bull. No one helped him or Jazz back in Amity and it was waaaay nicer that Gotham- and kept getting him and his fellow kids arrested. That didn't really matter. Anti-meta stuff never worked on him so getting himself the other kids out was no big deal.
After overhearing a conversation between Nightwing and one of the other bats a kid came into thier current secret base announcing that Nightwing was poor and the other bats weren't. This caught everyone attention. Appearently Nightwing was trying to establish himself outside of the colony cause he didn't get along great with whoever the bats super daddy was, which was fair. A lot of them were runaways for one reason or another and knew a bunch of reasons why you wouldn't want to except "free" money.
This led to them fetching Nightwings "wingdings" and batarangs instead of keeping them/selling them like they do with the others, sharing some of thier spoils with him like the groceries, jewelry, fancy clothes, ect that they stole.
Dick even catches one of the kids in his apartment in Bludhaven filling up his fridge which has him panicking about his secret id being compromised. Luckly the kids had only followed him there and didn't think to check who was on the lease or anything cause they assumed it would be a fake name or something.
Just Dick getting forcibly adopted by a child gang.
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mynameisjag · 6 months ago
Because I just remembered, as author, I have power to do whatever the hell I want in fanfiction. The only powers in the universe that can stop me is my terrible ADD and terrible sleeping habits.
It’s a sequel to ‘Mistaken for Wolverine's and Wade's possible kid.'
There was a possible feral child running around with claws and a smart mouth.
“We'll take him home, keep him in the bathroom for a little while so Laura can get used to his scent and then slowly introduce them to each other.”
“…they aren’t cats…”
“Right, weasel family, close enough.”
Logan rolled his eyes with grunt, the smell of crushed ice and iron filling his nose, they had been following the kids scent for awhile now, enough for a quick change out of uniform to throw on street clothes.
Wade had thrown on an over large sweater with the hoodie pulled up with a face mask and glasses, Logan himself was dressed in one of his flannels.
“We look like the Unibomber and the Bounty Paper mascot have decided to go on a date at the local market.”
They were close, the tracks had lead them to a more public place, a small outdoor fruit market, but there was no sign of white hair anywhere. Though that didn’t matter if the kid could go invisible.
They were close though…
“So what’s the bet that baby wolvie can change his appearance to fit in?”
Wade nudged their shoulders together as he gave a subtle nod over to the next stall, black hair, blue eyes, different clothes…but the smell remained the same…
“Oh, boy, whoever made this designer baby knew what they were doing, still has those sharp claws and cute little fangs you both share. Congratulations to us? What we naming him?”
“Right, assuming gender, my apologies.”
The man actually snorted in brief amusement, getting what he knew was a wide grin even if it was covered up, he rolled his eyes as the usually red covered merc grabbed his bicep, “He could be a Void escapee, I don’t smell any other human smells on him, let’s stay up wind right now.”
Wade gave the arm he was attached to a small squeeze, “Led the way Mr. Paper Picker Upper.”
They moved slowly through the crowd, eyes on the kid but still keeping a distance incase he picked up the super senses trait.
Lightly clawed hands were picking up apples, sniffing them then placing them down, head would tilt and the ears would twitch, he was still listening for any kind of disturbance. Eyes would focus on a fruit, then dart to the side, still wary and still watching out.
“The face shape and features are the same…need better proof though.”
“Lucky you and the need for the plot to move forward, looks like someone has itchy knuckles and a case of peekaboo.”
Sure enough, one hand was rubbing at the knuckles were a slight sheen glinted in the sunlight before disappearing.
The kid was frowning down at his own hands, distracted enough to not notice Wade casually stroll up behind him, “Baby boy, is that you! You’ve been gone for two years! We thought you were dead!”
Logan sighed tiredly, accepting his fate as he watched his partner throw his arms around the child in a crushing hug, wailing dramatically how they would be so much better parents now, they would support his interest in professional knitting and how dare he leave with a note written in cursive.
Phones were out, people were clapping over the tearful reunion, the poor kid looked shocked to be manhandled over to him by Wade.
“It’s your Daddy, I know he is currently cosplaying a lumberjack, but he’s still the asshole we love.”
Logan could only shake his head, letting out a huff before staring down the kid, “Ready to have that chat?”
Bright blue eyes glared up at him on a level of unimpressed that only teens could reach, “I don’t know, are you ready to go save Goldilocks, I think you better go off and get lost in the woods looking for her.”
“Oh, he is just the Sassiness! He gets it from me, I swear! Just an absolute deee-light!"
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thatnonameuser · 3 months ago
abt ur yandere twst au; do darlings get kidnapped for ransom? For example: would people kidnap Leona’s darling in order to get ransom (they’d be killed instead)?
Want a rich yandere to freak the fuck out the moment they realise their darling is missing and give you more money than you know what to do with, which is actually a bluff, because you’re actually going to die from extensive torture once their darling is safe? Kidnap their darling, your wallet and grave will thank you.
But yes, it does happen. Which is why wealthy yanderes take very severe precautions.
I’ve mentioned before that Kalim’s father has taken some very morally black methods to protect his darling and his kids from kidnappers. (here if you’re interested). But if a darling is kidnapped for ransom and their lives are threatened, the kidnapper better have the entire universe on their side because they’re as good as dead.
Yanderes don’t mess around. They’ll pay whatever fee they have to, nothing is too high. But as soon as the darling’s safe, the yandere will stain their hands in blood. 
So at the trade off for the darling, expect that once you’re back in their arms, the kidnapper is dead. Deader than dead, not even a shred remains. If the yandere doesn’t kill them, then they hire assassins. If they do kill them, then it’s just that much worse for the kidnapper. They’re not getting out of this alive.
Also because I’m feeling nice. Enjoy some semi-imagines with the rich boys of TWST having MC get kidnapped and their reaction to it.
Leona Kingscholar
Pissed. Very pissed. He may not be king but that doesn’t excuse the guards not doing their god damn jobs and keeping you safe. (He will be more angry if he finds out that Falena’s wife didn’t get kidnapped and you did, just throwing gasoline onto the fire.) And to make matters worse, they’re threatening to kill you. Well, they’re fucking dead.
Leona may be angry but he’s still smart. He isn’t risking letting anything happen to you, so he’ll play along until he can guarantee that you’re safe before killing whoever had the balls to kidnap you. And since he’s a prince, he can bend the law to get you back. The beastman’s coming for you himself, and he’ll turn anyone that threatens you to grains of sand under his palm. 
After he gets you back, he’s not going to let you out of his sight. And if he has to, he’s always going to be nearby. His rage hasn’t calmed down at all either. Plain and simple, you’re his and anyone that gets in the way of that deserves a slow death, and the fact that he nearly lost you is weighing on him. 
Before getting you back - Furious, ready to kill and reduce whoever's stolen you to sand.
After getting you back - Still angry, you're not leaving his sight or going near anyone that's not him.
Kalim Al-Asim
Sunshine boy’s panicking. Like completely panicking. He’s been kidnapped before and (while that’s a can of worms for another day), you haven’t gone through something so scary before. To him, he thinks that  you must be so terrified, surrounded by strangers that want to hurt you for something as shallow as money.
So after Jamil calms him down enough to think rationally, he begs for his help to save you. After all, you’re in terrible danger and he’s ready to throw as much money as he has to save you if need be but he doesn’t want to risk them trying again in the future. Plus he’s the hair of the Asim family, he might get kidnapped or killed too and then who will protect you.
So sending assassins is to foil their operation, and bring you home is the best bet. And they’re the best money can buy.
You’ll probably be a little shaken when you come home, and a little bit of kidnapper blood might be on your skin, but it's nothing a nice bath and a fest won't cure. Just expect to constantly be followed around by a team of at least six bodyguards. Or maybe Najma. Just know that Kalim is considering taking after dear old dad.
Before getting you back - Kalim's worried to death about not seeing you again. Or you getting hurt. 
After getting you back - He's gone over-protective not allowing you to ever go missing or get hurt ever again. He'll take the morally gray way out if he needs to, but he can’t bear to risk losing you.
Vil Schoenheit
If he gets stress wrinkles because of this, he’ll make sure that the kidnappers suffer even more. Vil’s used to threats of kidnapping, the fact the imbeciles actually went through with it is brave. Incredibly stupid, but brave. Regardless, he’s losing his mind with worry and anger. His fans are deranged, he’s worried for your safety. 
To Vil’s benefit, he has Rook. And Rook’s UM is basically goated when it comes to locating someone not meant to be found. So obviously, Rook goes to get you with orders from Vil to bring your kidnappers back with you for him to deal with. 
Vil will do his best to keep this crisis away from the media. He doesn’t need for you to be mobbed by the press, so expect a delightful trip to an isolated, relaxing and aesthetically pleasing vacation somewhere in the Shaftlands to protect you. But that relaxing little trip, is also so he can torture those imbeciles for the rest of their miserable little lives. He may not like portraying a villain but he’ll be one if he’s pushed. Besides, Rook will happily take care of the bodies. 
He’ll calm down after you’re out of harm's way, but anticipate that he won't ever let you out in public without him or someone he trusts with you.
Before getting you back - Pissed with a poker face. He’s worried for your well-being, and if a hair is harmed on your head, he’ll snap.
After getting you back - He’ll calm down, but he’ll start to be very protective. Don’t ask him about the screams you might hear in the basement of where you’re staying when he’s not with you, it’s nothing important.
Neige LeBlanche
One of the prices of fame. Neige is horrified that someone would try to take you to take advantage of him. Honestly, he would have rather been the one whose life was held on the line than have you brought into the mess. Neige has never been more scared in his entire life.
Obviously, he’ll get you back. Hand off the money and everything, but he’s not happy about those ‘villains’ going unpunished for scaring you like that. As soon as he’s sure that you’ll be safe and sound. He’ll go to the press to tell his heartbreaking story.
So que the imminent waterworks to the paparazzi. After all, he knows they’ll be immediately moved. Neige’s most precious one, his darling, had their life threatened and he was terrified that he wouldn’t get you back before it’s too late. 
His fans do the rest. 
On the impromptu vacation Neige took you on to help you recover from the experience, (or more specifically, the trip to a very isolated location where you both can be alone with no kidnappers in sight) Neige will receive some ‘fan mail’ with the remains of the perpetrators. He won’t show you though, you’ve been through so much recently. 
Before getting you back - He's so scared for you. You're his princess he can't bear to lose you for even a second. So having you gone is a nightmare.
After getting you back - Relieved. He's so happy to have you back. You're never leaving his side again. He's a little peeved that someone tried to disrupt your happily ever after, but they’re no longer breathing so who cares. 
Idia Shroud
Panic attack. Instant Panic attack, Ortho better have Baymax functions because he’s gonna pass out in panic. How the hell did this even happen?! He has drones following you constantly! 
After he has his panic attack, he’s burning red in anger. How dare they?! How fucking dare they?! He’s putting all his energy into figuring out every last thing about your kidnappers’ lives. He’ll find you, obviously. And then he’ll send S.T.Y.X after them to return you home while he ruins their entire lives. Then he'll kill those noobs so that he sends a message.
As soon as you’re back, he’s a sobbing wreck. He’s already lost Ortho, he can’t lose you too. You won’t be leaving his room while he has his pity party. And you probably shouldn’t because it’ll just make him feel even worse. Comfort him a bit, will ya?
Before getting you back - A whirlwind of panic and anger. He’s in doxxing mode, man. Your kidnappers better be prepared to suffer for a while, before he gets merciful and kills them.
After getting you back - Tears, so many tears. And he’ll be a koala with how clingy he’ll be. 
Malleus Draconia
Whichever kidnapper thought this was a good idea needs to get their brain checked because it’s currently missing. The exact second Malleus realizes the danger you’re in, he’s turning into a dragon to find and save you and then kill the kidnappers in a raging inferno. Forget stopping to plan or temporarily co-operating, the man’s gone to find you before the ransom letter hits the floor. (Sure there’s the threat of iron, but he doesn’t care you’re in danger.)
In a word, he’s furious. In a lot of words, he’s so angry that a category five hurricane has started outside to reflect his rage. If even a hair is missing from your head, he’s probably going to lose it. Gotta love that he’s enchanted all your jewelry to serve as tracking devices. Because he’s there in under an hour, burning your kidnappers to death till nothing remains. After that, it’s back home to put you into a tower so heavily fortified and reinforced that a fly couldn’t accidentally get through the door. 
Once you’re safe, the sadness kicks in. He can’t bear to lose you ever. So the fact that he let his guard down enough to nearly let you be killed is breaking him. His entire purpose is to protect and love you, and he’s failed in that, so please do your best to reassure him that you’re not going to leave him, he’s had a hard ten minutes. 
Oh, but don’t expect to go outside for the next year though once you do. He’s not exactly under the impression that you won’t be taken from him again. So he’s going to be even more clingy and protective.
Before getting you back - Angry, infuriated, vengeful. He's killing someone today and it's going to be one or all of your kidnappers. 
After getting you back - Sad dragon hours. He's craving reassurance and your love to make himself feel better. Give him cuddles, please.
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wonderjanga · 5 months ago
Marvel Cursing
You see, Marvel cursing, is a rare occurrence as the man’s swear vocabulary normally consists of “holy moly” and “oh my days” and “good gravy” and just things along those lines. So much so that JL kind of forgets that he can curse as he’s (supposedly) a grown ass man. As a result of this, it will give them major whiplash when Marvel does curse. And just for me, myself and I, whenever this happens, he pulls out the most midwestern accent ever. I say this cause Fawcett is somewhere in the Midwest.
Like let’s say Constantine and Marvel are talking and Clark is nearby doing whatever and after a bit, their conversation ends and Constantine walks off. As the blonde man is leaving, Clark hears Marvel fake a cough and mutter “bitchass” under his breath. It’s safe to say Billy’s still a little (a lot) mad about Constantine trying to take the living lightning from him. But anyways, hearing this, Supes stops whatever he was doing and slowly looks over to Marvel who’s kinda not really but also definitely glaring at Constantine as the man left. For the rest of the day, Clark kept side eying Marvel to see if he was mind controlled but then he remembered the Cap was a grown ass man and that he could cuss if he pleased. (None of the league knows he’s a child guys)
Or another time when Marvel was talking to Mary in the kitchen of Mount Justice. Kid Flash sped by just in time to hear Marvel say something along the lines of “Christ on a cross, what a dumb cunt” while sounding so disappointed in whoever that was directed at. Wally poked his head into the kitchen to see the two, Mary sitting by the counter and Marvel making some type of dessert. He was wearing a lightning bolt patterned apron and everything.
Kid Flash: “Heeeey guys… Whatcha talking about?” *has never heard Marvel curse once in his entire time of being their den mother so he’s naturally a little concerned*
Mary and Marvel: *share look before looking back at Kid Flash*
Mary: “We were talking about… uh… Your guy’s recent performance in field!” (They weren’t. They were actually talking about some crackhead who lived nearby them.)
Marvel: “Yeah, that.” *stops stirring batter in a bowl* “By the way, I’m making cookies, you want some later?”
Kid Flash: “Oh. Uh… yeah. Igottagobye.” *zooms off to the lounge*
Marvel and Mary: *both confused at the sudden departure, but shrug it off and go back to talking about the crackhead*
Kid Flash: *now in the lounge* “Guys- Guys!”
Other YJ members: “What?”
Kid Flash: “Marvel thinks one of us is dumb cunt!”
Other YJ members: “WHAT?”
They all ended up trying to do that thing where you subtly ask someone for information like “Hey, Marvel, how’d you think we all did during the last mission?” “You all did wonderful!” Safe to say it doesn’t really help them. Also neither Mary, nor Billy realize they just made these kids more insecure than their teenage brains naturally make them.
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jaewritesfic · 6 months ago
Melon!AU Part 5
Part 4
Warning on this one for description of vivisection injuries
Bruce is the first out of the Batmobile when they pull into the cave specifically to raise a finger to his lips and sign to his collected children to be quiet.
Dick, Damian, and Tim all beat them there, and Steph seems to have invited herself back from patrol in order to see what's up with the creature nobody could see over video feed.
Alfred hovers quietly because of the unknown injuries that likely need treating.
The kids all give him varying prompting looks of confusion about the order as he moves to open Cass's door for her.
He turns and signs to them what Cass had carefully signed to him in the car.
She thinks he's asleep.
Everyone's eyes bug out in surprise, Dick and Steph both making faces like they want to coo out an ‘awwwww.’
Damian seems like he would be tempted to do the same if he wasn't still more than a little wary.
Cass climbs out of the car slowly and carefully, trying not to disturb the sinuous shadow who still has his head tucked into her shoulder and tail and arms wrapped around her.
Steph's eyes get wide, the only one of the kids present who hasn't seen him yet. Alfred barely reacts aside from a slight rise of the brows.
Alfred inclines his head towards the medbay, but Cass hesitates and shakes her head.
It's a little difficult when she's trying to make sure the creature stays secure, but she manages to sign awkwardly behind his back.
Very scared when I mentioned doctors. Probably trauma.
Waking up in anything resembling a medical facility probably wouldn't go well, in other words. Alfred hums quietly, mulling that over for a moment before he nods and gestures for the kids to come help him.
Quietly and efficiently, the group pulls a bed and supplies out of the isolated medbay and into the cave at large, closer to the lounge area the kids have slowly built up through the years than anything.
Ideally the change of venue will be unnecessary, but if the creature does wake up it's worth trying to lessen the chances of immediate backlash.
It's really no wonder he passed out, Bruce thinks. Cass had made it clear he was exhausted and on the verge. None of them are under any illusions that that's not why he accepted her help.
She was the least terrifying option and he was running on fumes.
Alfred glances at Cass, and that's all the prompting she needs to come over and very gently lean down to set the creature on his back on the bed.
Alfred is just as gentle when he has to carefully pluck the shadowy claws out of her cape in order to get him to let go, and Cass carefully unwinds the long tail from her waist and legs.
When she straightens back up, Bruce closes his eyes hard for a moment and bites back a wave of nausea.
Jesus Christ. Medical trauma? No fucking wonder.
Bruce forces himself to open his eyes and look.
Whatever this creature is, whoever he is, he must have escaped straight off of an operating table. The green blood is leaking from haphazard stitches just barely holding a massive Y incision on his torso together.
Distantly, Bruce hears Dick retching. Sees his kids in varying states of distress over the same conclusions Bruce has just come to.
Mostly, he's focusing on trying to breathe through his anger. It's of no use to any of them right now - they need him calm.
It's strange, looking at the creature's face now. With eyes and mouth closed it's a blank slate of black, no features to be found. Like a mannequin head, misty white hair still unbound by gravity.
Parts of him are just barely translucent, mostly the edges of limbs. Bruce has never seen anything like him.
Alfred catches his eye with practiced ease, signing quickly and looking solemn. Bruce can see the pain hidden behind his calm features, his dismay that something horrific has been done to a living creature.
There is not much I can do without opening him back up, especially not knowing what he is or what is normal. Disinfect, stitch and bandage. Then hope for the best.
Bruce sighs slowly through his nose, feeling helpless but nodding. 
Alfred turns to Cass for a moment.
I assume because you are calm that he is not meant to be breathing?
Bruce nearly chokes, eyes darting back to the dark figure on the bed. Indeed, there's no motion.
Cass nods. Her chest is very green.
Hasn't been. Seems fine.
He doesn't breathe - at least not visibly. Is he like a salamander, does he take oxygen in through his skin?
It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter right now. This creature - this boy - needs help. He needs his chest disinfected and his scant few stitches redone.
From the looks of them, Bruce would bet money that he did those stitches himself not too long ago.
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goingmerryfics · 11 months ago
Sitting in their lap while they’re not paying attention - w/ Sanji, Killer, & Crocodile
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Content: Gender neutral reader and SFW
Notes* Part two to the Luffy, Kid & Law version! Read the others here: 1 2 3 4
Sanji finishes up the dishes and sits down for a break in the kitchen
It’s your time to strike
He’s always exhausted after cooking and cleaning, so there’s no way he’s going to move now
Of course, you like to help him out every now and then even though he insists on doing it himself every time, you still like to give him a break from Luffy’s sky high stack of plates
You’re drying your hands while he’s trying to light his smoke, and you almost run over there when he leans back in his chair
You seat yourself down in his lap, a bit askew and sideways from the rush of things
He doesn’t look back up for a while, but when he does, his face is bright red
Heart eyes, goofy smile, nosebleed. In that order
“Oh, my love! What’s this about?”
You coo at him that you just wanted to give him some attention and he melts
He helps you shift to face him instead. That way you can press kisses to his cheek and neck, right where he loves getting them the most
Overall it’s very fluffy and sweet until Zoro enters the room and makes a comment about the two of you ‘needing a room’
Sanji reems him out of course, screaming that he can do whatever he wants in his own kitchen
Eventually it’s just the two of them screaming at each other and in the chaos, Sanji lifts you up to put you on the table so he can kick the shit out of Zoro
You’ll find him later and do it again, though. Maybe when everyone else is asleep, though
Getting him to sit down and be busy enough where he won’t notice you is a challenge, because he will always look up at whoever is entering and, especially in your case, he will greet you happily
It’s less of waiting for him to be busy and more catching him completely off guard
Funny enough, if you just told him you wanted to sit in his lap, he’d let you
But that’s no fun!
You sneak into the room he’s in, with the unknowing help of Heat or Wire or both that are chatting him up and keeping most of his attention away
You move quickly to slip into his lap with a lot of body maneuvering when he notices you’re here and tries to make space for you
Killer reacts the same way that someone would if a kitten laid down in their lap
He’s all smiles behind the mask
He’s stiff, mostly because he doesn’t want you to leave
After a moment of waiting, he wraps his arms securely around you
He never once loses his place while talking to the others, though. It’s no so much of a surprise situation that he would be too flustered to function
But don’t get him wrong- he’s definitely bright red 
“Is this just a thing that’s going to happen all the time, now?”
He starts to invite you to sit in his lap all the time
Doesn’t matter who’s around or who’s watching, he loves holding you against his chest and nuzzling into your shoulder
It’s slightly uncomfortable due to the mask, but his big arms make up for it
It’s so, stupidly easy to catch him off guard enough to sit in his lap
Sure, he’s ruthless when it comes to his enemies, but when he’s just working things out in his office with all his lackeys not far away, he’s less aware of his surroundings
Because while he doesn’t trust anyone at all, he also knows they would be idiots to try and do anything to him
You enter his office and drop some of your paperwork on his desk. He doesn’t even look up- he knows who it is by the clean smell of perfume/cologne you wear
You swerve around his desk and push his chair back, and only then does he finally look up, confused
You take your seat right there in his lap
He chuckles immediately, a dangerous smirk spreading on his face very quickly
He takes the cigar from his mouth and puts a hand on your thigh
“You’re getting bold.”
It’s a simple statement, but it’s one that means he likes your style
Wrap your arms around his shoulders and he’s all yours
Complete attention shift from his work to kissing you anywhere he can
If anyone were to walk in during this share of affection, he would threaten them right away
He’s a private guy, and these times he gets with you are special to him
If need be, he would be happy to prove to people who you belong to if anyone got too brave with you
Crocodile doesn’t verbally ask you to sit in his lap after this, but he also doesn’t make it easy to leave him be
He’ll instinctively move his swivel chair towards you when you enter the room, empty lap waiting expectantly for you
Sometimes he doesn’t notice that he does it- it’s become ingrained into his mind to do it
He’ll let you sit there for hours while he works as long as you’re not a distraction
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