#Lestat loves dogs!
once-delight · 1 month
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Lestat and Daniel fight fight fight!
Live dog walker reaction:
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So my friend Jay @radiocurrency writes this fic where Vamp!Daniel and Lestat gets into a fight in a park near the Golden Gate bridge (Lestat is trying to help Daniel lure out Armand by making him jealous, but oops they try to outbitch each other instead and it ends in a fight where Daniel gets so angry he literally learns to fly just so he can punch Lestat.)
The story is so well written, and the characters are on point, yet I couldn’t help but imagine a poor dog walker pass the scene by and trying to pretend he didn’t just see the rockstar Lestat and Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Daniel Molloy (he’s cultured and reads The Times when not walking his dog) flying through the air, hissing and punching each other. Just another night in San Fransisco.
Full pic under the cut!
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leslutdepointedulac · 21 days
This is the same energy as Armand lingering around Lestat's house, waiting for him to wake up from his hibernation
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Armand's love for Lestat really knows no bounds :sad hamster:
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anetherealpoetess · 3 months
if either louis or daniel had a single friend between them they would have figured out about armand's duplicitous manipulation of their memories years ago. it's called a girl's night and the pair just shared one together with their bare tootsies steeped in a sophisticated little indoor pebble garden
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cadmuslabs777 · 1 month
Oh god, I just remembered I had a dream Lestat turned a dog for Louis and Claudia, a french bulldog I think?? It's hard to remember bc the dream would change the breed all the time, but thing is that dog loved Lestat bc he could read his mind. When Claudia killed Lestat he hid away bc he was scared but he never got over his favorite owner being dead so when he found out he was alive (during Claudia's trial I think??) he ran away and chose a place (some sort of train station?) where he could wait for Lestat to show up. He waited for years in the same spot until one day he showed up and the dog went to idk who to ask where he was staying (OH yeah the dog could TALK. Scooby Doo style) and went after him. When he got there Lestat greeted him with a super fake happiness bc well, the dog was there and I didn't help him when Claudia tried to kill him, but the dog jumped on him so happy and it was clear he genuinely missed him so much that Lestat quickly melted and got emotional too. Problem is, not long after, Armand sent vampires after Lestat and in a very dramatic moment where Lestat was screaming after him in the street (OH, I remember now, his name was Antonio, bc I remember Lestat screaming that) they killed Antonio (decapitated him and everything bc he was a damn vampire) and Armand and Louis were there near for some reason?? Honestly idk what they were doing there, but Lestat was so devasted and crying so much that he didn't even care Louis was there and Louis was also in shock bc damn that was his dog too but anyways idk what happened next bc I woke up
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greenfinchwriter · 2 months
Please let Lestat do a puppy interview - he'd be so happy his whole rockstar persona would crack in minutes. Everyone except Louis would be shook, while Lestat is just over there giggling,tame as can be. (To me,dogs are to Lestat what gadgets/kitchen appliances/Minecraft on iPad is to Armand.)
That boy even canonically adores dogs and cooing over puppies very much has precedent too.
Maybe Louis sees just how much the dogs elevate Lestat's mood while also soothing him,and how sad he got when he had to give them back,then promptly marches off to get him Mojo as a permanent emotional support furbaby. During the most upsetting parts of the real,behind the scenes interviews Lestat snuggles and plays with Mojo to ground himself.
Real real Lestat,in an oversized sweater,gray sweatpants, slippers and a dressing gown with his hair tied back,sitting on the floor of his luxury trailer, arms around Mojo as he ugly cries,and pours his heart out to poor Daniel, who expected a lot more coked up hijinks,orgies and teaser-esque behavior, but this works too. He might be a freak and now immortal but there's only so much Jedi force choking one guy can put up with without it resulting in an orgasm.
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miraculan-draws · 2 months
Cannot WAIT for Daniel Molloy to find out the hard way that Lestat is a CRIER
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nashvillethotchicken · 6 months
Interview with the Vampire is a cautionary tale for young black people as to why you should never give chocolate chasers any ground or time of day
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eyestrain-addict · 1 year
I can't wait to see goblin-half-dead lestat in IWTV so I can add an impact text caption that just says "what zero bussy does to a mf"
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nutmeggery · 23 days
Lestat would love doing the puppy interview. In fact, as soon as he learned something like that existed, he'd demand to go on it.
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suikamelon6 · 1 year
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"I had to train him to become the vampire's dog. Indeed, I had visions of him guarding my coffin during daylight hours - an Egyptian style sentinel..." - Lestat about Mojo (excerpt from TTotBT)
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nerdyten · 13 days
I’m currently reading tale of the body thief and goddamn I thought Lestat was messy before… in this one he just lets himself get PLAYED girl get up!! so much depression so few brain cells! it’s both so sad and so ANNOYING to read lol
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endlessnightarts · 2 years
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VC characters as cat breeds
(as requested by @hiidkwhatimdoing7525):
Part One - VC characters as dogs
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Louis would be a Bombay cat as they both have strong family attachments and are suitable with children. They are perfectly happy being indoors, providing their needs are met and tend to prefer quieter environments. Also, Bombays have black fur and sometimes green eyes – Louis has black hair green eyes. Basically they look the same.
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Lestat is a Norwegian Forest cat, due to their friendly nature and being good with people. They're very interactive/sociable with loads of energy and like a family environment (think Lestat during PL era). They also love to play.
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Claudia is a Tortoiseshell cat. They are often described as being 'divas', which I feel can been attributed to Claudia in her own way. They like things done according to them and can have a bit of a quick temper. They can also be inclined to lash out at their owners(/parents) with an 'increased aggression' and an interest in prey.
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Armand would be a Russian Blue cat because as well as the similar origins (the cats are Russian, Armand is Ukrainian), they share a 'curious but calm' nature. They can also be 'affectionate but not clingy' (though I feel Armand certainly has 'clingy' moments depending on the person/surroundings) and are very intelligent. They are playful when comfortable around others and can be loving. They generally become attached to one particular person, forming a deep connection with them.
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Marius is 100% a Maine Coon in my eyes. Maine Coons are one of the oldest natural cat breeds in North America, and Marius is an old bitch at 2,000 years old, soooo ya. They are often known as gentle giants and are loyal to their family, though they can be cautious ( but not necessarily mean) towards strangers. Due to their gentleness, they are good around others, including children (not like that in regards to Marius. He took boys under his wing in Venice remember and gave them good lives). They also have a fascination with water (again, Marius lived in Venice, Aegean etc).
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Pandora would be a British Shorthair cat as they're not necessarily overly playful or active, but they are devoted and sweet - natured to those they love as well as being good around others. They don't like being in the air and much prefer being on the ground (the cats don't like being picked up/carried and Pandora doesn't like flying).
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Daniel is a Persian cat due to their tendency to be generally quiet. They can be close and affectionate towards people they know (for some reason this made me think of Devil's Minion when Armand goes away for a while and Daniel starts to miss him. Or when Daniel runs off only to get Armand to take him back home eventually).
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Quinn would be a Siberian cat. They have an easy - going, friendly, playful and adventureous nature. They're very social and love to be in an active family household. They also like water (Quinn goes out in the swamps? Bit of a reach but hey).
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Khayman is a Scottish Fold through and through. They are both good - natured, placid and affectionate as well as being able to adjust easily to a changed environment. They also hate to be alone.
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Gabrielle is just a straight up Tabby/Tom cat. A basic cat. A cat kinda cat. They are independent and love to roam around looking for girls. They can be territorial and aggressive. I also personally believe Gabrielle would appreciate being a male tom cat. It's very gender of her. Being a straight up dude looking for gals.
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prouvaireafterdark · 2 years
Ok I know there is no deep meaning to this parallel or whatever but it just popped in my head Lestat’s “and she’ll be what? A lap dog?” about turning Claudia and he turns Antionette who really is basically a lap dog. I’m digging for new stuff to say I’m sorry it’s gonna be a long hiatus.
lol something something Lestat sees everyone except for Louis as disposable
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notachair · 2 years
I think perhaps an apt quick descriptive to illustrate their differences might be that: if Lestat is like a dog (though yes he's a lion), Armand is like a cat
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queenoftheimps · 2 years
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So I cracked open my copy of The Vampire Lestat for the first time in a decade and I’m feeling VERY NORMAL about how there’s a Come to Me song in the book — except it’s Armand singing it to Lestat
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