definatelymrhyde · 5 days
Okay so upon seeing some sneak peaks of A little identity never hurt nobody by @leonenjoyer69 we had a race to see if I could finish some absurdly early fanart before he finished writing the chapter
I didn’t win the race but I DID get to draw Elias which I will count as a win because he’s VERY fun to draw
Anyways I’ll attach the drawings (only top one was in the race) and the sneak peek screenshots, anyways please go and read the fic it’s incredibly good!!
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thedarkone121 · 3 months
The long awaited Elias Wright — OC of @leonenjoyer69 — fanart I wanted to do!
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Was so busy trying to prepare Artfight but I got to the chance to do it after Leon helped me read Bleeding Hearts for the first time. Thank you so much for that! Consider this my thank-you gift!
Bonus: Hyde’s reaction to this picture, along with special guest Anne-Marie judging her father’s love life.
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arsieu · 2 months
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kind of forced myself out of my comfort zone ig!?? I had this idea for a while (and I used it as the reason to procrastinate on artfight lol)
tagging you once again @leonenjoyer69,,, both amazing characters belong to him 🤭
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chorne-the-firstborn · 3 months
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This started as an Art Fight attack for @leonenjoyer69 but I got super carried away with the concept. I LOVE your idea of Lanyon accidentally taking HJ7, and Jekyll being there for it? Horrific, I love it. Here's an angst comic for ya. >:D
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tonejo4ever · 3 months
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Dude I'm fall in love with @leonenjoyer69 AU
Since the first IG story u catch my attention, and I want make some more elaborate than doodles 🥲🥲🥲
I'm so glad you love this!!
The sketch here!
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Welcome to the official (fanmade) Lodgetember blog!
What is Lodgetember, you may ask?
Well, it's a month long event dedicated to the Lodgers of the society of arcane sciences! Each lodger will have a dedicated day, with the addition of 10 prompt days, in the month of September. This will be to both celebrate the release of volume 2 of TGS, and to just shine a light on everyone's favourite gang of scientists!
On each of the days, TGS fans are encouraged to do things with that specific lodger or prompt, ranging from fanart, to writing, to cosplays, to general rambling-- just about anything you can think of! Just show the Lodgers some love! This is meant to be for everyone, no matter what you may do, so get creative with it!
We'll be releasing a calendar near the end of August with all the decided days, but until then, feel free to ask any questions you have! Whether logistical, silly, or just something that you're curious about :3
This blog is ran by 2 people, Leon (he/him, @leonenjoyer69 ), and Kitty (she/his, @kittyypyre ) you'll know who's who by our colors and sign offs
We hope to see you join us in the festivities!
–The Lodgetember Crew
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inesvazquezart · 5 months
Guess who binge read Glass scientists comic...so Hyde in fancy vest because I happened to see @leonenjoyer69 suggestion and love the acting in the comic. It needs an animated show, now.
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Another week another fandom, it´s not been but three weeks since i binge read dungeon meshi too and it´s all tumbler´s fault!! ahahaha
Funnily enough I´m working on a graphic novel set in 1890s in Santiago de Compostela, with science and weird magical/ local folklore stuff surrounding the story. The main character is a girl obssesed with science and Charles Darwin that completely dismisses the supernatural. Maybe one day I´ll show you a glimpse of her and her wacky little sister XD
The plan is 4 books, I know, how delusional is that? first one is fully drawn and now I´m currently dealing with the inking which is been slow... Color is going to be death.
I´m working towards having it published on my region's dialect/language, and I´ve been weighing out the possibility of sharing an english version online, on a web of it´s own or even tumblr, but I´m really bad at promoting stuff and have no clue about how many of you people that follow this blog will be interested. First part is kinda childish, but it gets darker as the following parts move on, so i donno, if people would stick around. So I guess the only way of finding out is slapping folks with pages as cheese slices slap unsuspecting cats.
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saveugoodmadam · 1 month
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going absolutely wild over colour theory rn because of how the light is falling on jekyll's hair you can't tell if it's his hair or hyde's omg
also it might just be because of them reflecting the goop but jekyll's eyes have a bit of green in them...
@leonenjoyer69 omg it's harry/hj
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quilna · 2 months
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So I have not drawn a lot of TGS but I have drawn a couple of TGS ocs for Art Fight which is close enough for me to post! Huzzah! Loop holes!
Here's a few of them:
@leonenjoyer69's Lanyon-Hyde, Elias
@thedarkone121's adoptive daughter for Jekyll, Anne-Marie
and @dustmint's fusion of Jekyll and Hyde, Atlas Seek
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opossumking69 · 1 month
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Hello, finally drew this fine piece of a- Character is Elias, and belongs to @leonenjoyer69
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definatelymrhyde · 6 days
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Okay so I’ve been working on this for a few days now, and essentially, you know how Worse than I had thought is just a J&H crossover based off of the spider verse movies? Yeah. Well. I decided to draw that idea in its full glory!! So here they are!!!
I’d like to make a mention that some of these Jekyll’s belong to people I know!
Mind Jekyll (or Mindkyll) and Harry Jekyll, pictured top right, belong to @leonenjoyer69
And Molly/May, pictured second row leftmost side belong to @syr3n-go-merp
The Jekyll in the middle is WTIHT Jekyll, who belongs to me
The Jekyll’s to his right are OG Jekyll and Musical Jekyll respectively, and to his left are TGS Jekyll and 2015 Jekyll
The nerd Jekyll with dual coloured hair is Jackson Jekyll from monster high, and the all white Jekyll beside him is MAZM Jekyll from the game Hyde and Seek!
This took 9 hours and a bit in total and is probably the biggest thing I’ve EVER drawn wohssjjsh
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thedarkone121 · 5 months
Fan Art for @leonenjoyer69 — Whole Jekyll
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Behold! “Whole” Jekyll/Harry! This guy has been invading my head for weeks and I have the strong urge to hug him. He’s just a little tormented soul and just wants to be whole again! I’m actually very surprised it took me two days to work on this, considering the art rut I was experiencing. Here’s some more information on him if anyone’s curious!
Now, onto the hug I’ve been saying he deserves!
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Behold! The Mind-Annie hug!
For some clarification, this is the Mind version of my OC, Anne-Marie Jekyll. The eleven-year-old adopted daughter of Henry Jekyll. The man needed some warm hugs and I thought a version of his daughter would be the best thing! Also, this is a concept idea of how I think Mind-Annie would look. Will probably do a finalized version on a later date.
I hope I did Harry some justice!
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arsieu · 2 months
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Mind Jekyll belongs to @leonenjoyer69 <33
Crack ship that goes hard asf 🗣🗣
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yourfavouritefighter · 4 months
hiiiiiiii i made some art of @leonenjoyer69’s SUPER COOL oc Elias! (i love this guy sm i’m genuinely feral about him)
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informangel · 1 month
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something something for @leonenjoyer69
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graementality · 2 months
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Drew @leonenjoyer69 's Elias! He's such a cutie patootie I had to
Apologies for the evil mind Jekyll 🙏
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