#Lemon’s thoughts are read through the asks basically
snazzyladreal · 4 months
I wanna interact with other people in the tournament as Lemon Dee but how do you roleplay as a possessed waddle dee who can’t even talk besides mostly garbled nonsense? Goddamnit I fucked myself over here
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f0point5 · 5 months
Did Max’s P2 mean that Emilia didn’t make to Miami since crazy stuff happens when she isn’t at the race? (I mean I consider it pretty crazy that Max didn’t win)
As a consolation prize could we get Max and Emilia being domestic? Would love to see them just going on their normal life and being in love 🥺
I am sooo sorry this took so long! I went through an inspiration drought after Miami but I am BACK! I’m sorry this didn’t end up being a comfort post-Miami but I hope you like it anyway!!!
Edit: you know what, in my head she was in Miami because honestly I think she and Max would be really happy about Lando’s win. I don’t think they’d take it anywhere near as hard as Max fans lol. He’s their son, they love him.
✨Set between the China and Miami GPs ✨
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I (vow) I (will) always be yours
Quiet Sundays in your household are a rarity. If it’s not a race, it’s an event, or time spent on a plane to get to the factory for some work. But not today.
Today Max was woken at nearly midday by Jimmy standing on his head instead of his alarm. He’d had a leisurely breakfast with you out on the terrace. Now, he was practicing for his upcoming sim race while you went through the kitchen cupboards to make a shopping list.
He turned around in his sim rig to sneak a glance at you. Max never lied when he told you that you looked incredible at all the events you went to. He still loses his breath every time he sees you dressed to the nines in haute couture, his palms still sweat and he still never quite feels worthy, because who could be. But he never loves looking at you more than when you’re home, not bothering with anything but your own comfort.
Now, wearing just that Alpha Tauri hoodie that you’d been stealing from him forever, hair in a ponytail, holding a lemon so overripe it looked like a lime, he falls even more in love with you.
He smiles to himself as he turns back to the sim and starts a new lap around Spa.
“Hypothetical question,” you call out to him, just as he gets to turn 1. Typical. Max credits you with the fact that he’s able to watch the race even while driving it, because he’s so used to distractions at home.
“No,” he replies immediately, because he knows where this is going. “I wouldn’t love you if you are going to be a beetle or a worm or something,”
“Firstly, that’s really bold of you to say after I loved you through the haircut in Singapore,”
“Oh my God,” he groans. He swears he’s forgotten everything about that weekend except the unfortunate haircut, because you never mentioned the race since. But the haircut, that’s haunted him ever since.
“Kafka had nothing on that haircut, that was an assassination attempt,” you say behind him.
“What is a Kafka?” Max asks as he bounces over a curb. The chair shakes a little bit.
Your bare legs appear in Max’s periphery and he allows himself one glance as you perch on the mini fridge next to his trophy.
“You know, like the book, Metamorphosis?” You explain, tapping your pencil against the notepad. “Because the guy turns into a giant beetle and his whole family turns on him,”
“No,” Max replies, already thoroughly disgusted. “What the fuck is that?”
“Max, I know you didn’t go to school but the internet is free,”
“I’m not going to spend my time reading about a human beetle,” he scoffs, a shiver rolling through him as his nose wrinkles. If this is what it takes to be educated, he’s glad he’s just fast. “What was your question,”
“It’s-“ you stop, and he lifts his foot off the throttle. “Oh, should we get some Chablis?”
“For when you’re dad comes on Tuesday,”
“My dad’s not coming on Tuesday,”
“Yes, he is,” you insist, and Max wonders how you would know that if he didn’t. “Isn’t he?”
Max pauses his lap, which he knows is basically fucked, and turns to face you. “I thought your dad was coming on Tuesday,”
He watches as your expression sours instantly. “Great, so one bad tempered European man who lives vicariously through his child is going to show up on Tuesday evening, we just don’t know which one of us he’s related to,” you roll your eyes, and Max reaches over to squeeze your knee. “I’ll text my dad and check,”
You pull your phone out of the hoodie pocket and begin to tap away. Max considers restarting his lap but thinks before of it.
“So, your hypothetical?” He prompts, his hand sliding towards the inside of your thigh.
“One second,” You say, scrolling. “Hm.” Maybe you don’t even notice you do it, but your eyes flicker up to Max for a split second as your tongue glides over your canine. Sassy does that right before she hisses at him.
“What?” Max asks, squeezing your leg to get your attention.
“Apparently we’re never getting married,” you say, finally looking up at him with a blank stare.
He hedges his bets, stuttering out a quiet, “huh?”
“‘Fans of F1’s most famous couple may have wait for a wedding, as Verstappen stresses he is in no hurry to tie the knot’,” you recite, reading from your phone.
Max rolls his eyes. As much as he tries to avoid answering questions about your relationship, he can’t dodge all of them. Every now and again he’s advised to feed the animals. And this is what they do with whatever he says - twist it into something only vaguely resembling what he meant.
He’s about to laugh when he notices the way you’re looking at your phone. Your lips are pursed as you scroll studiously. You cross one leg over the other, forcing Max to move his hand.
“So what?” Max asks, scrutinising your face. “Are you in a hurry?”
You lock your phone and toss it towards the couch. “Nope.”
“So, what’s the problem?” He asks, craning his head to catch your eye but you stand up and walk out of view.
“I didn’t say there was a problem,” you call flippantly, your voice getting further away.
Max may be a little bit clueless, but he knows you well enough to know there absolutely is a problem.
“No, you never say that,” he says, climbing out of his sim rig as you sit down on the couch. “You just disappear and don’t talk to me and then I have to run around a city trying to find you-“
“One time,” you say with a roll of your eyes.
“Four times,” Max corrects, ready to start listing them.
“Oh, so that’s why you don’t want to marry me?”
“When did I say-“
Max stops himself because he can hear his voice rising to a hoarse squeak. He doesn’t really understand how you got there. But then he looks at you, sitting cross legged on the couch, picking at your freshly manicured nails as if they’ve personally offended you, and he remembers that in an uncharacteristic lack of self awareness, you still think he holds even a single card in this game.
He’ll never understand what it is that makes you think that there’s a future for him without you in it, because there isn’t and there never has been. But, to paraphrase some writer you love, he’s not meant to understand, he’s just meant to love you. Which he does. Enough to know that you hate feeling like the person who cares more.
You move when he sits beside you, scrambling to the corner of the couch and stretching out perpendicular to Max, which makes him sigh. You pick up your phone and start scrolling, not even acknowledging his presence.
“To be clear,” Max says pointedly, “I didn’t mean I didn’t want to get married. I just meant it’s not…” he chews his lip, choosing his next words carefully. “I will spend the rest of my life with you anyway, right? So I can get married to you tomorrow or in ten years, it doesn’t matter to me,”
You don’t say anything to this, but you do put down your phone to cross your arms over your chest.
“Well, maybe it should. It is a legally binding contract, you know. Once you sign on it, you can’t get rid of me,” you tease, nudging his thigh with your foot. Max smiles ruefully; despite your sing-song tone, the thought even entering your mind makes him uncomfortable.
“I haven’t been able to get rid of you in twenty-six years,” he says, taking the way you’re fighting a smile as his cue to come closer. He shift himself onto the couch as crawls over you, one arm on the back of the couch to trap you while the other moves your legs apart so he slot between them. “And I haven’t wanted to. A piece of paper isn’t going to change that. But if it will that even more obvious to you then we can do it soon. If you want we can do it in the Vegas paddock for all I care,” he punctuates each couple of words with kisses pressed to your cheek, jaw, and finally your neck, which he nips at playfully as you squirm under him.
“Okay, slow down please,” you chide, pushing Max away from you, but when he pulls away he can see you’re smiling. “We don’t even know if we’re going to be together by November,”
Max snorts at that. “No, you’re right,” he says, fighting a smile as you shift in your seat so that you can lean against him.
He puts his arm around you and you spot in under it, resting your head against his chest. Even shielded from the sun as you are, the golden light seems to find you. You just glow.
“Okay, are you allowed to eat cheesecake this week? Because I’m not going to buy one if you just-“
“Wait,” Max interrupts. “What was your hypothetical question?”
You chuckle sheepishly as you glance up at him. “Oh, it was, if I disappeared how long would you wait for me before moving on,”
“Three days,” Max answers, pressing a kiss to your hair. “Because after three days either someone is going to return you because you’re so annoying, or you’re dead and there’s no point waiting,”
“You know, when you finally, and I quote, get around, to asking me to marry you, I’m going to say no,” you tell him, slapping at his stomach.
He catches your hand and entwines your fingers, lifting your hand to his lips. “Don’t worry, by the time I get around to it you won’t remember this conversation,”
“True,” you shrug, resting your notepad on his thigh while you scribble down bresaola. “You don’t even have a ring and that’ll take at least a year to find,”
Even with your head leaning on his chest you didn’t notice Max’s involuntary jerk. Quick reaction time saved his ass again.
Max isn’t good at lying. History has proven that. But he was good at omitting. There is always a small part of him that felt bad when he kept secrets from you, and now is the same. He always dealt with it by promising himself he’d tell you whatever it was when the time was right. He knows that now is not the time for you to know what you’d find if you went into the safe at his dad’s house. What’s been sitting there since the 4th January. You’ll know eventually.
So all he says is, “yeah,” with a gentle smile. “At least a year.”
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the-possum-writes · 1 year
Hi! Could you do a Finn x Fem reader lemon? Maybe it could be with and inexperienced reader while finn already has some knowledge about it and shows her how to do it. Thank you! <3
[Finn with an Inexperienced Reader]
❥Character: Finn Mertens
❥Tags: NS/FW hc's, handj0bs, established relationship, fem!reader
❥Synopsis: Finn takes things slow with you but you convince him to teach you how he likes to be touched.
❥A/N: I was going through a writing block so there's no full smut but rather some handsy stuff.
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❥Whether you've been dating for years or just a few weeks, if you tell Finn you want to take things slowly, he'll respect your wishes.
❥Only kissing and hugging, nothing more.
❥But that doesn't take away how startling it is when a kissing session becomes too intense, and just as you feel the warmth cling to your heart and stomach in a tightening squeeze, Finn pulls away from you and acts as if nothing happened, resuming whatever video game you were playing or changing the subject.
❥You know where babies come from and all that basic biology class, but you have yet to personally experience it and are kind of wary of unplanned pregnancies, that's why you told Finn you wanted to take things slow.
❥And he was okay with that, but it didn't stop the growing doubt since you know he's had past encounters with other girls before. "Is he getting frustrated at me cause I'm making him wait?" you'd start asking yourself.
❥Finn is a passionate and outgoing guy who pours his heart into everything he does, whether it's fighting monsters, reading comic books, or simply indulging in his favorite meals. And, given how much he adores you, you're filled with illogical guilt at the thought of preventing Finn from physically expressing his feelings for you.
❥You've already asked him directly. "Finn, are you mad that we haven't done couple things?"
"But we always do couple things."
"No I mean like, tier 15 stuff and all that."
"Oh... Not really.."
❥He's a straightforward and laid-back guy, so it didn't occur to you until lately when, on a day when you didn't feel confident, you pushed yourself to kiss him by placing your hand on his thigh and running it upward. Finn stopped you by holding your hand so he could ask you, "Are you sure you want to do this now?"
You try to kiss his neck while saying, "I know you've been dying to-," but Finn is insistent. If there's anything he's learnt from his previous relationship, it's to avoid diving into pleasures on a whim.
"It's not about what I want, I'm asking about you." His tone has changed a little bit, especially in light of your earlier question.
❥As self-doubt circles in your thoughts and seeps beyond your eyes, you choose to keep quiet, but Finn squooze-hugs you to his chest.
"We don't need to rush anything; I'm pretty happy with you so far. We can do those things when you don't have any more uncertainties in your lovely head."
❥"Alright, there's something I can teach ya but we have to keep our voices down. You don't need to take off anything so don't worry, we'll just be using your hands."
❥"But what if I do wanna do those things but I want to take it a small step at a time? Like when you taught me how to swim." you bring up.
Finn adjusts his hold on you, the two of you were in the middle of a movie night and are currently on the couch. Jake is already asleep and BMO is probably lurking around the treefort but he promised to not peep at you two during visiting hours.
❥Finn leans back on the couch's headrest, allowing you to rest on his thighs as he tells you."How about I give you a lesson in Finn-biology?" he chuckles."I can't say no to my favorite subject." you respond. Considering the stories and experiences you've heard from your close friends, you have only a rough idea of what he's considering, but you're nonetheless anxious, intrigued, and interested about it.
❥Finn starts out by smooching you, easing a bit of your nerves as he gently grabs your hand and lowers it down his chest until it reaches his groin, he motions for you to rub him through his shorts, feeling something grow underneath.
❥It's warm, really warm.
❥Finn raises himself from the couch to lower his shorts with his underwear, and you remain silent while watching his half hard dick peeking out from the confines of his baby blue trousers. You temptingly touch his head with the tip of your fingers, unconsciously wrapping more and more of your around around him until he finches a bit, pulling away at the discouragement. "It's okay, it just needs something slick." he assures you. At the mention of it you're unconsciously rubbing your thighs together upon feeling something getting wet downstairs, but you don't bring it up.
❥The attention has Finn squirming in his spot but he continues with the lesson.
"Give me your hand." he asks. When you do he purposely spits on his dick and guides your hand to smear it all over him, amplifying the prominent musky smell coming from him.
"It's sensitive here." he explains in short breaths, hearing his panting picking up the more you run your fingers over the underside of his shaft right where it connects with his pink gland.
❥Once you've gotten the hang of it, Finn releases your hand and lets you try a few more things. What if I squeeze here? What if I touch this tiny hole with my finger? What if I gently squeeze his balls? Finn struggles to form meaningful sentences any longer and is only able to utter things like, "Just like that," "That feels good," and "Wait not like that, there you go... Oh Glob..."
❥It's a hypnotic and undeniably sexy experience, watching him lose himself in his own pleasure to the point where he forgot the reason for this little lesson until he came all over your palm and soiled his own shirt in the process.
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hannahbarberra162 · 9 days
Can't Fix Fix A Broken Heart, Chapter 25
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18+ MDNI
On Ao3
All other chapters
Tate has devised a plan to get a Girls Trip™ for the two of you, you just need to execute it to perfection.
I definitely don’t dream about having Ace snuggling me when I’m on my period. Like a living weighted blanket who would say sweet things into my ear. That is definitely not a wish of mine and complete self-indulgence.
This is the set up for the divergent endings. The good ending will be first, the bad ending will be last.
The next morning, you knocked on the door to the women’s quarters, holding your sketches under your arm. You knew you didn’t need to knock, it had been your living space too at some point. But it didn’t feel right to barge in unannounced. A very hungover looking Heidi cracked open the door and smiled weakly at you.
“What’s up?” she rasped at you. Evidently, more nurses than just Tate had a wild night. 
“Is Tate up? I was hoping to get a few minutes with her before work.” You had all your ideas with you, you were ready to show her some and see which ones she liked.
“Yeah, gimme a sec,” Heidi replied, opening the door all the way. “Tate!” she yelled. There was a chorus of ‘shhhhh’ that rang out among the darkened room. Tate shuffled up to the door, looking worse for the wear. You smirked at her.
“How’re you feeling?” you asked with a bright smile. She glared at you, but without malice. “C’mon, I’ll make you my hangover cure. Chug it and we’ll chat after that.” Tate blinked slowly, but shuffled out the door and put her arm in yours. The two of you walked silently down the halls together, ending in the kitchen. Just like with Ace, you sat her down while you made your drink of lemon, honey, vinegar, chili peppers, seltzer, and a little dash of secret ingredient. Tate emphatically frowned when you handed it to her, but shrugged. 
“Can’t be worse than whatever I drank last night,” she lamented. “Bottoms up,” she said, chugging the drink. You handed her the water right after, which she sipped. “So, I remember some of what we talked about last night. Did you say that you finished the sketches?” 
You grinned at her, putting the drawings in front of her. “I did, we can go over them together and see what you like and what we need to change.” You spread them out, showing her your ideas. “Basically, these are mix and match pieces in a few colors. You can pair any of the tops with any of the bottoms for a good outfit. I even included skirts of various lengths in case you…miss…the mini skirts,” you finished with a wink. “I thought darker fabrics would be better in the case of bodily fluids. Teal and periwinkle tend to be universally flattering, no matter your skin tone, but black or gray are also good choices. In terms of fabric, cotton would be a good choice but we’ll have to go to a fabric store and find some samples…” You went on about dye lots, fabric blends, and clothing cuts, explaining everything in detail to Tate. She nodded along, looking through the sketches. 
“So, what do you think? What can we change to suit your needs better?” you asked the now revived nurse. 
“Absolutely nothing. These are incredible! I love the long pants, it’s so annoying to wash other people’s blood off the tops of your thighs.” She was looking over the drafts intensely, making notes with a pencil she had. “I have nothing to add other than you’re a genius. Let’s get off the boat at the next large island and get some samples. Make a whole day of it,” she said, putting her hand over yours and smiling kindly. You smiled back, but were unsure. You had a feeling it would take a lot of convincing for Marco to let you off the ship. “I’ll work on Marco,” Tate said as if reading your mind, “I have a plan.”
You felt lighter after your brief meeting with Tate. She had to go back to the infirmary for work and you had to go to breakfast. While you ate, Thatch was pretending to be upset with you because he found out that Ace had joined you and Marco for the night. You could tell he wasn’t actually upset but you still felt like you had to walk on eggshells.
“But we did that too, remember?” you reminded Thatch. “Ace came in once when you were brushing my hair for me?” You were seated on Thatch’s lap, like always, eating whatever he was serving you. And, like always, it was delicious. 
“ Mija, of course I remember, Ace snores like a train and burns hotter than the sun when he’s dreaming of you,” Thatch scoffed. He speared another forkful of eggs and brought it to your mouth. You opened without thinking and chewed the gooey, cheesy dish. “Look mami , you ate it all, I’m so proud of you!” Thatch kissed the top of your head. Recently you noticed you gained some weight, your clothes were fitting differently. You felt physically well, better than you had in a long time. You couldn’t say the same for your emotional well being, but at least some part of you was healing. 
“Thanks to you,” you said, giving Thatch a kiss on the cheek. He really was a good chef, and you were in a good mood from your conversation with Tate that morning. 
“Someone’s feeling well,” Thatch commented. You hummed, you didn’t want to reveal your plans with Tate yet. It would take a lot of convincing but you thought she figured out a way to get off the ship together for a day. Thatch kissed you again, this time on your mouth, and set you down. You went off to work, feeling energized and ready to take on the day. 
Until later that morning. 
You felt a long gone but familiar sensation of cramping in your lower stomach. One of the only upsides to being starved half to death was that you lost your period for a long time. Obviously, it was a sign of incredibly poor health, but you liked to look on the bright side of things. You always had terrible cramps when you had your period, and it looked like this time would be no exception. You put your hand on your lower stomach, you needed to talk to the nurses quickly. You apologized to Blenheim, promising to fix his scabbard later in the day. You scurried off to the infirmary, hoping to avoid Marco.
Logically, you knew Marco was a doctor and had studied the female reproductive system. But you still felt much more comfortable talking to other women about menstruation than men. You slunk into the clinic, quickly ducking into one of the unoccupied examination rooms. Peeking through the cracked door, you waited until you saw a lurid pink miniskirt pass by the door. You darted out, scaring Bethany, who dropped her clipboard.
“You can’t just pop out at people like that!” she scolded you. 
“Sorry,” you replied sheepishly. “I need pads and tampons, can I use the ones in the women’s bathroom here?” you whispered. There weren’t many women’s restrooms on the ship, you only knew of the ones in the infirmary and connected to the women’s quarters.
“Sure, they’re communal. You don’t need to ask,” Bethany replied at full volume. You hoped Marco wasn’t listening in.
“Thanks, see you later.” You sped off to the women’s bathroom in the infirmary, grabbing what you needed. You were still wearing a stupid dress, but you swiped some underwear from the clean patient laundry. They were too big, but it was better than nothing. If Marco was mad, well, he could solve the problem himself. Leaving the bathroom, you jumped as you saw the very man you were trying to avoid leaning against the opposing wall. Served you right for surprising Bethany, you supposed.
“Everything alright?” Marco asked, assessing you with his eyes. He was in doctor mode, which made you feel more comfortable. You knew what to expect when he was like this, he was professional, detached, and had good bedside manner.
“Oh, um, yeah. I just got um, my…period.” Marco smiled kindly at you.
“Congratulations yoi. It’s a sign of recovery. However, the first menstruation after extensive amenorrhea is often quite painful. I recommend you go lay down, rest and relax.” Even though it was phrased as a clinical recommendation, you knew it was an order. 
“Ok Marco. Where should I go? I don’t want to ruin any-” Marco waved off your concerns.
“We’re all adults here, no one is upset by the human body. Ace cleaned his room, would you like to go there?” You tried to hide your disgust when you thought about Ace’s room and the last time you’d seen it. Marco laughed.
“I understand your hesitation yoi, but I checked it myself. It’s clean and always the perfect temperature. Go there. I’ll give you some medicine to take with you.” Marco left to rummage in a nearby cart, grabbing a bottle of low grade pain killers. “Take two, and drink some water. I’ll have Ace check on you in an hour or two.” Marco kissed you on your head, turned you around by your shoulders and sent you off with a little push. You didn’t feel that bad, you’d been having your period for many years. Going to lay down preemptively was overkill, you thought, but you weren’t going to disagree with Marco.
An hour later and you were glad Marco had sent you to lay down. You remembered having cramps, of course, but nothing like this. You were curled up on Ace’s freshly made bed, writhing in pain. After the first wave of cramps, you’d taken the pain killers, but they weren’t getting close to helping with the pain. Marco had stopped by briefly, bringing you tea, a hot water bottle, and tucking you under the covers. You asked him to heal you but he said there wasn’t anything wrong with you, that it was excess uterine lining being shed normally. There was nothing to heal, so his flames wouldn’t do anything. He had a busy day and couldn’t stay long but promised to send Ace up. 
In between pains so intense you thought your stomach was being sliced in half, you took a look around Ace’s room. It was so much better than the first time you’d been in the room. He had cleaned out all the food, all the old papers, and done his laundry. Marco was right, it was warm and cozy. You weren’t sure if it was the room itself or if it was somehow the residual effects of his Mera Mera, but you didn’t care. You tried closing your eyes and falling asleep but the closest you could get was dozing in and out of consciousness. 
Creaking, the door opened, and you heard Ace ending a conversation. You kept your back turned to the door and pretended to be asleep in case he could see you.
“ - don’t think she likes it, not like I do…” Ace sounded doubtful about whatever it was. 
“Remember how you were when you joined yoi? All anger and fury? And now look at us,” you could tell he was speaking with Marco. “Give it some time, it will be everything you ever wanted. Family and love, happiness and a place where you belong, all here with us. Here, give her these,” Ace hummed, and it sounded like they kissed. Footsteps told you Marco left, and Ace opened the door, holding a few bottles of pills. He spotted you on his bed and kicked off his shoes, putting the bottles on his desk. You really wanted to ask him about what they were talking about but didn’t have the courage to admit you were listening in to their private conversation. 
“Poor baby,” he said, as you heard him taking off his pants and knife.
“S’ok,” you replied, stretching a little. Ace got into the bed with you, crawling behind you. You whined, you didn’t want to be manhandled right now. You saw Marco had given Ace a bottle of vitamins and another of anti-nausea medication for you. You'd take them later, you couldn't move right now.
“Shhhh. S’gonna be alright.” Ace curled up behind you, spooning you. He moved your hands away from your lower stomach and replaced them with his own. You felt the gentle warmth of his Mera Mera heating you. You mewled and scooted backwards, snuggling into him. Ace buried his face in your neck and held you closer. He let you relax and drift to sleep, holding you tightly in his arms. 
It was a challenging few days for you. Your period was lighter than it normally was, but extremely painful. You didn’t leave Ace’s room much, spending your time reading and thinking about your reply letter to Vista’s brothers. Thatch, Ace, and Marco all visited as they could, with Ace staying with you at night. They were actually…sweet. You wished they were always this way, then you’d have no doubts about staying on the ship with them. Thatch brought you desserts and savory food in equal measure and gave you massages when your muscles were tight. He didn’t make you sit on his lap but let you eat by yourself in Ace’s bed. He tried to hand feed you, but sulkily accepted when you declined. Marco brought you medicine, tea, pads, and more books from his collection. He made sure you were physically comfortable, bringing loose pants, extra blankets and pillows. Ace, of course, warmed you up and snuggled with you until you thought you would merge together on an atomic level. You were thankful he let you hole up in his room.
“Sorry, I know it can’t be easy having me in here all the time,” you said to Ace on the third day. You were laying in bed together, limbs entangled, facing each other. Ace was still dozing after the night you’d spent in each other’s arms. You were brushing his freckles lightly with your fingertips. You were feeling better, you’d be out of his room by the afternoon, you thought.
“S’great. Wish’is all the time,” Ace mumbled. “Would lock you in here’f I could,” he continued, putting his chin on the top of your head. You sighed because you knew that when you got up, you would be back to your previous life of rules and punishments from the three Commanders. You nuzzled deeper into Ace’s arms, keeping the real world at bay for just a few hours longer.
A few days later, you needed to find Ace once more. You and Tate thought you had figured out a way to finagle a girl’s day out of the Commanders. The two of you wanted to stop at the next big island, coming up in about a week. It was close to the calm belt, but you’d actually been to the island years prior. It was known for its large textile factory and incredible fabric inventory. You’d done a few fashion shows there, maybe you could use some of your previous fame to get a discount on fabrics, or at least try to. It also had a day spa that was known for its wet saunas and hot tubs. You really wanted to go with Tate and enjoy a relaxing girls trip. Tate’s plan would require you to be crafty and a little conniving, but it would be worth it if it worked out. 
Ace was going to go on a mission later that morning, you needed to find him quickly. He was still inhaling food in the mess hall after you’d eaten breakfast. You waited for him outside the mess hall, wanting to speak to him in private. When he left, you grabbed him by the arm and pulled him aside. You looked up at him with hope in your eyes.
“Ace, can I get off the ship with Tate at the next island? They have a fabric store I want to go to. Please?” You weren’t sure this would work, but you really wanted to go to the fabric store in person. 
“Ah, I don’t think so. You’ll have to ask -” you stopped Ace from talking by pulling him down by his hat string to kiss him. You kissed him deeply, holding him at the back of his neck. All that time you’d spent with him in bed had you feeling connected to him, and you hoped the reverse was true as well.
“Please?” you asked again in a pleading tone. Ace smiled at you, disarmed by the forward display of affection.
“I know you’re trying to manipulate me, but I have to say, it’s working. OK, as long as someone’s with you. Ask Thatch or Marco, though, just to be sure. I’ll be gone by the time the Moby’s docking at the next island, and I’m not sure when I’ll be back.” 
“Thank you Ace! Thank you, thank you” you kissed his cheeks every time you thanked him, making Ace smile even wider.
“You should ask me for favors more often, I like the way this is going.” Ace husked. He pulled you against him, you could feel his growing erection through his shorts. You rubbed up against him a little bit, teasing him.
“Let’s finish this in a bit, I need to go eat breakfast and Thatch doesn’t like when I’m late,” you replied. One last kiss to Ace and you were on your way. The first part of your plan had been a success.
Next, you waited until it was lunchtime. You were extra good for Thatch, complimenting his cooking and allowing him to feed you without complaint. You finished about two thirds of your food before you started talking to him about the island.
“Thatch, I have a favor I want to ask you,” you began, eyes wide.
“If I can grant it, I will mami. What do you need?” Thatch rubbed your palm with his thumb.
“Can I get off the ship with Tate at the next island? There’s a fabric store I want to go to for the new nurses’ uniforms.” You looked at Thatch hopefully.
“Ah. No, I don’t think so. I don’t want -”
“But Ace already said yes, I was so excited,” you said while making yourself cry. Tears fell down your face and you twisted the knife in Thatch’s heart. “I t-told Tate we could g-go, and I was going to invite y-you -” Thatch frowned and rubbed away the tears from your cheeks.
“ Querida, if it’s that important to you, I’ll talk to Marco. We can try to make it work. I’m not sure it will happen, but we’ll try.” You smiled, stopping the tears.
“Thank you Thatch! Thank you, thank you, thank you.” Just like with Ace, you kissed him with every thank you. 
“ Mija it’s not a guarantee, you understand that, right? I don’t want you to be upset if it doesn’t work out in the end,” Thatch said, still stroking your cheek. You gave him a genuine smile - you knew he would try his hardest to let you off the ship. He would go and talk to Marco on your behalf and try to convince the Phoenix into letting you off the ship. Marco would be the toughest of the three, but you thought between you, Thatch, and Tate it would be possible to convince him. You exchanged a few more kisses, thanking him, until he had to leave to prepare lunch for the crew. Part two of Tate’s plan had worked. 
Marco found you in the afternoon as you were on the deck leaning against the main mast, relaxing. You were still taking it easy but the little work you’d been doing had tired you out. How did the crew break so many toilets?
“So I hear you want to have an excursion on the next island,” Marco began, standing over you. He seemed to be in a good mood, or at least hadn’t outright denied you. His half open eyes showed some amusement, which was a good start.
“There’s a textile store that I want to go to with Tate. To get samples for the nurses’s uniforms. I haven’t been off the ship yet.” You tried to keep yourself from rambling but it was always hard for you to keep your cool around Marco.
Marco hummed. “And it has nothing to do with the spa on the island yoi?” You looked up at Marco with wide eyes. He still seemed amused, he wasn’t mad with you yet. He squished your cheeks gently between his thumb and index finger, the corners of his lips quirked up into a cold smile.
“Tate asked me about the store and the spa. And Thatch also came to talk to me about it. You’ve been working everyone to get off the ship yoi.” You swallowed dryly, you felt caught. “You’ve been a good Doveling lately yoi. Had a hard time this week. I’ll allow it with the understanding that one of us will be with you at all times.” He squished your face with a little more force. “We wouldn’t want you to get lost or hurt. We’re always looking out for you, you know that, don’t you Doveling?” 
You nodded. “Yes, Marco. Thank you Marco.” you replied. Even though Marco had said he allowed it, you felt the lingering threat behind his words. He’d be watching your every move and if anything went wrong on this trip, you didn’t think you’d ever be let off the ship again. 
“You can show your appreciation to me later tonight yoi,” Marco said, moving his hand from your face to your hair, pulling it gently. You were forced to tip your face up even higher. “It’s quite lenient of me, don’t you think?” 
“Yes, Marco. Thank you, Marco.” You shivered thinking about what Marco would want in exchange for allowing you off the ship for a day. He kissed your mouth briefly and released his hand from your hair. 
“Stay here and relax a little longer. You look like you need it yoi.” You agreed. It felt like you’d have to pay for your time off the ship with a pound of flesh. And you knew they would be collecting. 
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To All The Boys I've Written About Before - Beige Flags
In my never-ending quest to make things that appeal only to me, here's a little exercise for all the boys in my arsenal.
Angel Torres will always help you out around the house, no question about that, but boy will he act like he's a hero for simply loading the dishwasher. I'm talking wiping his brow every time you walk into the kitchen, grunting when he puts a plate on the drying rack. You offer to help but he flat out refuses, and will probably say some shit like "My hands look like this [soapy] so yours can look like that [slightly dirty from repotting your plants]."
Jesse Pinkman will call you "dude" until the end of time. It doesn't matter what stage of your relationship you are currently in, you will always and forever be "dude" to him. "Yo dude, do you want to grab Wendy's on the way home?""Dude, you look pretty today." You could be at the alter and it would be a "Dude, I do." He also 100% buys in to the "glasses make you smarter" myth.
Lemon bought himself a label-maker, and that man LOVES makin' labels. All the drawers in your flat are labeled, so are the spices (even if they already have labels), he labels which food belongs to who, all the wires/cables have a label for what kind of wire/cable they are and what they're for. You told him that you could probably remember which clear jar holds the salt and which holds the ginger-snaps, so he made the label "fuck off" and stuck it to your forehead.
Tangerine refuses to call menu items by their proper names, especially if they're stupid. A matcha latte is "green foamy shit, you know." If the dish is named after someone, this chicken shop you frequent has an Ike's Famous Wings Bowl, he will call it "that bloke's chicken thing, the one with all the spices and shit on it." The worst was when he wanted to order the Foxx on the Roxx Boxx from TGI Fridays (yes that's the spelling, I looked it up), he straight up would not say its name, he just kept pointing at the menu and saying "fucking- this one."
Harvey SDV, sweet man that he is, will always sign off his text messages. It doesn't matter how long or short the message is. There's the standard "darling, I'm running a little bit late, would you like me to pick up something for dinner? Dr H" but there's also the "okay honey (: Dr H" or the "[insert picture of flower] Dr H". You've tried to explain to him that you know that it's him, that he doesn't need to sign off every time he messages you, but it's no use.
Andrew Neiman loves to collect random bits of niche trivia, but will straight up forget incredibly basic things. You two were out at a live music venue, sipping on your tasty little beverages, and he'll just bust out something about the similarities between jazz and Indian music, and while he's expanding on the influence of Ravi Shankar on Coltrane, he'll flip through the menu in front of him and ask you what margarine is.
Carmen Berzatto, common knowledge at this point, always keeps a book on him, which on its own is a very good thing. It keeps him from getting bored, you think it makes him look smart, it's a win by all accounts. But, save for when he's at work, he will whip that book out whenever there's any sort of lull in a conversation or if he's not physically doing something. You were talking to him about weekend plans, and he'll be listening intently because he's a good boyfriend who cares about your thoughts, but as soon as you go quiet to turn around to grab something he's flipping open his copy of The Reivers to quickly read a sentence.
Randal Graves loves to fake propose at restaurants for free shit. He makes a big thing out of it, will pull you aside before you enter Olive Garden and show you the tiny plastic ring he's used about three times already and whisper about the ruse he's about to pull, and all you can do is nod along with him. He's gotten more elaborate each time, from the basic garden-variety proposal, to putting it in your water, to asking to have it put in your Chipotle burrito (you had nearly swallowed it that time), managing to score a few free desserts and, at one point, a bottle of cheapo champagne that he got so incredibly slurshed on at home.
Warren Rojas has this game he likes to play whenever you two go to bars or nightclubs where he will pretend like you two don't know each other just so he can hit on you in the most cheesy ways known to man. Asking to buy you a drink, dumb pick-up lines, saying shit like "My name is Warren, but you can call me anytime." It's so incredibly dumb and he gets the biggest kick out of it. One time when you and Eddie were having a conversation at a party he totally pulled out the "Is this guy bothering you, babe?" He thinks he's so funny.
Jimmy Bartlett, whenever you two are cuddling, will set a timer so he knows when to switch from big spoon to little spoon. He'll bring up the egg timer from the kitchen and set it to 20 minutes before he joins you on his bed. You'll be half asleep after a long shift from work with his head buried in the back of your neck, and the next thing you know he's shuffling around while tiny beeps are sounding and he's somehow got your arms around him before you even realize what's happening, before drifting off again. He says it's only fair.
Miguel O'Hara is like a big dog with the temperament of a house cat; thinks he takes up less space than he does and always at least slightly grumpy. He'll get confused when he goes to put on a sweater that was originally yours (the communal wardrobe holds no prisoners) and finds it tight around his biceps. He knocks his forehead on low doorways constantly, you've taken to shouting 'duck' whenever you see him about to go through one. Watching movies on the couch with him, during a rare moment of peace, can be an ordeal because he always wants to lie down on top of you and you don't have the heart to tell him that he's crushing your lungs.
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aballadforbarbatos · 10 days
fairly long i guess. i’m going through a bit of a mephisto brainrot right now tbh; took a long break from obey me and came back to see 1500 AP. immediately spent all that to get a mephisto icon when the card was at level 10
was it worth it? hmm.
you have no goddamn idea what prompted you to do this
YES you applied human logic and it turned out to be right but maybe you should just stop doing that. stop thinking
mephistopheles had been a bit too mean for your liking. that’s what kicked this whole thing off to start with
maybe he didn’t mean it. maybe he did. anyway it ruined your whole day
satan had noticed your mood change and suggested something nice, which was:
“why not read something nice and fluffy?”
and then the idea had stuck itself in your head and just not let go
you do a quick search on doogle, and to your delight, the demons have not let you down!
searching up “mephistopheles x reader” returned thousands of results, and while you knew there’d be a lot of ooc writing, the idea of mephisto being not mean to you was enough to make you excited :D
you want to open up a fic right there and then, but something makes you stop. the brothers would get awfully suspicious if they saw you all blushy and giggly and pink…
you leave it for lights out where you can get all blushy and giggly and pink in secret.
you see mepisto the next day and excitedly wave hello at him. he looks at you strangely. good enough!
and then it kind of becomes an addiction. you can’t read anything else and your textbooks are a struggle when you’re thinking about all the fake mephisto romances you could be reading instead
satan asks you to review a book he found and you have to turn him down saying that you’re reading a book that’s vaguely related to horses but he wouldn’t like it because the narrator sounds like lucifer
you’re lying of course, but he doesn’t know that
and then one day, when the fanfics aren’t hitting the spot, a new idea comes to you. what if you wrote your OWN mephisto x reader fic?!
you totally brush over the fact that you actually know mephisto irl and sometimes even have conversations with him. if you just stick to the ooc template that everyone else uses it’s like a totally different person
so you jump on the devildom version of ao3 and start posting. you do this for many, many months and nobody in your circle finds out, but BOY does that fic get popular
you end up skipping a chapter because of an event and then promise to release it on wednesday, but then wednesday rolls around and you still haven’t done it AND THERE’S A STUDENT COUNCIL MEETING
the clock is ticking away and you have stuff to do, like it’s also your turn to cook dinner and you’re failing your classes, so you kind of have to go home like right now? you stick your hand up
“what’s up, MC?”
“can i go home? i really have to write this chapter.”
everyone perks up except for lucifer who’s ready to tell you off for not messing around. too bad he’s drowned out by literally everyone else
“wow! you’re writing a story?! what is it about?!”
no wonder you chose “nothinky” as your username for this fic cause you don’t think about the answer and how these demons that are crushing on you fairly obviously will react
“oh yeah it’s about me dating mephistopheles”
lucifer looks like he’s bitten into a lemon, which is kind of funny but you’ve just thought of a great line to put in your fic so you scribble that down instead
“mephistopheles. like the mephistopheles WE know or,”
“i didn’t know mephistopheles was a common name in the devildom. yeah it’s the mephisto we know?? oh, but i did write him based on the template that others used, so it’s really just a totally different person”
“wdym others.”
“well i did devour like hundreds of mephisto romance stories before this you know…”
“MC what the fuck.”
you keep going because basically you don’t know when to stop and if you keep going they might let you out earlier
“yeah i’m coming up to the part where he proposes but i was gonna ask one of you guys about that since i don’t know if it’s different down here. AND i need someone to read the story with me because even though he was supposed to be based on this template i feel like it’s a lot closer to the actual mephisto, and that would be a problem because i’m really starting to fall for this mephistopheles-not-mephistopheles”
that’s not a joke. sometimes you think about how crazy it is that you got here. as you’re explaining things about the story you don’t notice that everyone’s eyes have shifted from you to above you.
“i can teach you about how nobles propose, MC.”
you freeze up and feel your face burst into flames. you can’t even turn around and say “great!”
but if you had turned around, just by coincidence, just a few moments earlier, you would’ve seen him there, slack-jawed and eyes wide. a sight completely unbefitting of a noble.
how nice that you’ve made the first move for him.
and you said that you needed someone to read your story, didn’t you? perhaps he can show you how much better the real thing is.
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Rainy Day
Fandom: Bullet Train
Pairings: Tangerine/GN!reader
Summary: You and Tangerine finally have a day off at the same time and even though it’s raining you spend it together
Notes: this was written for Flufftober 2023 Day 8’s prompt - Rainy Day.
I don’t own Bullet Train or Tangerine.
I do not give permission to anyone to repost or translate any of my stories. I also do not give anyone permission to feed my stories through AI or to be posted to any third party website or app. If anyone sees any of my work posted anywhere but here or my AO3 (simplyreflected), then it has been posted without permission.
Read on AO3 here.
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It wasn’t often you got to spend the whole day with Tangerine, because of your work schedule and the jobs he gets, but today was one of those rare days. Of course, it happened to be raining, which neither of you minded.
When you got to spend your day with your partner, you were ecstatic. And, why wouldn’t you be? He adored you and knew how to treat you right, which was a change from the previous people you had been with before.
You loved how much he loved you and loved reading. The two of you loved to spend your days reading, kissing, cuddling and talking about different things; basically whatever came to mind. You knew you couldn’t talk about his work but you loved to talk to him about everything else.
Today, he asked you to read to him.
“What would you like for us to read?”
He smiled slightly under his mustache as he handed you one of the books on the shelf that both of you loved.
You spent a few chapters reading to him, with the rain hitting the outside of your apartment as background music. When you finished, you handed him the book and he carried on reading where you left off.
Instead of leaning against him, you lay down, so your head was on his lap and you kissed his leg as you settled in and just listened to his voice. Whenever he didn’t need his hand to turn the page, he would massage your scalp softly, in a way that made you moan in a way that let him know you liked it.
Whenever the two of you were ready for lunch, you’d spend time in the kitchen, with him watching you make lunch and he’d help you make dinner.
After you’d finished eating dinner, the two of you sat on the couch cuddling with him kissing your cheek, just by your ear and whispering whatever he thought of into it.
You absolutely loved days like this where you could spend time alone with him in your apartment or where you spent time with him and Lemon in their shared apartment.
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Bullet Train anniversary woop woop!!!
This movie is so incredible, I’m really glad people are still talking about it.
Could I request Tang x reader where they’re always going a million miles a minute competing on the job, so it looks like they’re at each others throats but as soon as everything calms down they’re nerding out about what the other pulled off
I’m aware this is a runon sentence from hell😔
Have a good day! :)
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can’t believe it’s been a year already!? I watched the day it came out and it was honestly one of the best films id seen in a while. will always love it and love writing for tan😌
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hii! so the fic is slightly different to this ask, as I messaged the person who sent it, so im basing this off their response, hope that makes sense. basically this fic is slightly different to how it’s was requested in the ask above. I made reader GN, so everyone can read. thank you for requesting, hope you like it💌
love to hate
tangerine x reader
wc: 509
link to post
Relationships were something out of the realm for your occupation. They were something out of the question, something to avoid. They were a hindrance, used as bait against you, something your enemies could exploit and threaten. So for the safety of you, and everyone else, you chose not to pursue them. 
That was until the agency assigned you to a pair of fruit-named Englishmen, which you had taken well to one of the twins, Tangerine. You kept your wits about you, so he was always kept at arm's length, much like how he treated you. It was something you did to protect yourselves and one another, a system put in place that made sense. That's why your dynamic worked so well.
So when you were on missions with Tangerine, you had a strict rule, 'pretend to hate each other.' It may seem harsh, may seem unnecessary, but it wasn't. It was something each of you did time and time again in order to keep one another safe.
Lemon was back home in England, so you and Tan were paired to retrieve intel from an infamous cartel in Belfast. You and Tangerine were no strangers to Ireland, you knew it like the back of your hand, but you didn't get cocky. 
The job was relatively easy, something you've done a thousand times before, but that didn't stop you from breaking your rule. You kept it, as did Tan. You kept up your 'I hate you act,' and like always, it worked. It kept you both safe.
"Christ, wait up," Tan pants from behind, catching up with you. "Wait a bloody minute."
"Dude, we ain't got time. Chop chop." You look over your shoulder, hurrying him along. 
"We lost them. You don't have to be so mean to me now," Tan playfully pouts, stopping in his tracks. "Fuck me." He sighs, pulling a box of cigarettes from his pocket as he rakes through his curly roots. 
"What are you doing? We don't have time." You scold, dragging him by the arm.
"Wait, wait, wait," he says breathlessly, holding a cig between his lips as he lights it. 
You cross your arms, staring at him with a displeased expression. "Really?"
He doesn't reply. He looks past you as he draws the stick, exhaling the smoke away from you. "Come on. What you waiting for?" he grins.
"Are— you. Are— what?" You stutter, far too stumped to think of anything comprehensive. "Are you serious?" you ask, following after his long strides.
"Yeah, hurry up," he smirks, flicking the ash on the ground. "You're taking forever. We gotta get to the pick-up point by four."
"You're such a dick, y'know that?" you snicker, lightly punching him in the arm. 
He chuckles, slipping his hand into yours. "Yeah... I know,"
The action caught you off guard, so you twist to face him, your brows knit in confusion.
"Psh," he shushes you, predetermining your thoughts. He squeezes your hand, his thumb brushing over the dried spots of blood on your skin. "We'll be fine." 
— — — — — — — — — — ✿ — — — — — — — — — —
tan taglist: @tangerinesgf @kpopgirlbtssvt @like-a-fine-skylark @earth-elemental18 @ashlynhasmanyhyperfixations @idontknowwhattohaveasmyuser @thewinterv @navs-bhat @ilovetangerinewithallmyheart @theredvelvetbitch @randomawesomeperson102 @lov3lypeaches7 @princess-pebbles-things @astermath @dynamitehacke @boldlyimportantface @charmedkim @fruitlovertangerine @psiiconic @bubblezuku @sporadiccherryblossomfan @landryslove @daenerys-supremacy @dontknownameauthor
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cowardlybean · 11 months
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Hey. The Times They Are A Changin’ by @bandtrees and @tigsbitties amiright (muffled face down on the floor)
more (some unsettling things) beneath the cut :3
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(Image 3 is my favorite sequence from an animation for TTTAAAC I’ve been working on, so here it is just in case I never finish </3, image 4 is me thinking about Mob’s house. If. That makes sense.)
OH MAN. OH MAN OH MAN. this fic has altered my brain chemistry in a way that has doctors baffled and leaves tragedy in its wake!!!!!!!!! Absolutely a masterpiece I’ve reread it 3 times now and every time I notice a new detail, there’s just SO MUCH CARE put into it. I think I could write an essay about every page of this fic LMAO it honestly blows me away, huge kudos to everyone who was a part of the project!!!!
Especially the multimedia aspects, they were so much fun to find and in some cases decode (Scared the SHIT outta myself with Breathe I think it’s one of my favorites). the youtube videos were so cool as well
Realizing a third of the way in that things will never get better was such a gut wrenching experience, and by the time I realized just how deep the hole Mob dug himself into was it was absolutely too late for anything to happen (the end of act 1 was horrific in the most amazing way. So many things stuck with me: the state Reigen was left in compared to how he was, Ritsu’s “surgery”, Dimple losing his best friend, Shou’s report to the police, Minori’s conversation (if you can call it that) with Mob?? Bone. Chilling.
One of the parts that has been sitting in my gut is Reigen’s fall, where he starts to ramble through fragments of old times. I genuinely thought he was calling out to Mob until just as the same time Mob did I recognized the words and it hit me like a HAMMER. I don’t know how to put it into words but Reigen rambling on like a broken record tore me apart, and then it gets WORSE. I only realized on my second read that the intro of the fic. (Correct me if I’m wrong) IS REIGENS PERSPECTIVE OF MOB SEVERING HIS TENDONS???? Holy fuck. Holy FUCK. The vague semblance of consciousness written there is so deeply unsettling I’m absolutely OBSESSED with it. ESPECIALLY THE FACT THAT EVEN IN THAT STATE HE STILL WANTS MOB TO BE HAPPY (the cheer ^^ mob bit) and idk if I’m interpreting right (this is gonna be so embarrassing if I’m not) but him recognizing the filthy jacket as well. Taking me OUT. AND. AND THE FACT REIGEN NEVER SPEAKS AGAIN AFTER THAT?????? (I could be wrong oops)
The mental states of every character in the fic are written so chillingly well. I can understand how Mob spirals, the anger and grief Tome feels, Shou's spite and anger, Teruki's conflict, Dimple's loss of his best friend, Serizawa's waning optimism, I can't name every character in this fic but they are ALL characterized so well. There's no needless conflict that make them OOC, there's a reason behind every little tragedy building upon themselves and creating a giant disaster that deeply affects the entire cast. Not to mention how its not just the loss of Reigen and Ritsu, but the loss of Mob too. If they were to have died on impact, its unsettling to think that things may have turned out better than this.
There’s a lot of things I wanna say that would basically be restating the fic (dimple losing his best friend, teru shaving, and the irony of ritsu’s powers being taken away by mob) so instead of writing 20 more paragraphs I’ll ask some questions I’ve been mulling over (ofc yall don’t have to answer if it’s revealing too much or smth)
Does Mob actually end up getting investigated or arrested? The formatting of the social media posts and texts makes them seem as if they're evidence and so does the ongoing "interview?" with Shou throughout the fic
In the party, is Reigen saying he doesn't like citrus a reference to the lemon sour :eyes:
I'm probably missing something but im curious about the metaphor around Reigen and a stray cat (hair clinging to Mob's clothes, comparing him to a stray cat finding a place to die, comparing him to a cat outside Serizawa's door)
If I'm not wrong and the "glitchy" sections at the beginning and end of the fic are Reigen and Ritsu's povs respectively, is their mind constantly like that or is it just in the specific circumstances where they have a small burst of consciousness?
last (thats a lie im definitely drawing more fanart in the future) but not least, some notes from when I was re-reading
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babblingbookends · 1 month
dickroy first date?
I went a little wild and crazy and broke 1,000 words, so it's also posted on Ao3 if you'd rather read it there!
Or you can check out the fic below the cut here!
Thanks for the ask and the prompt!
Dick was fifteen minutes late when he came rushing into the restaurant, hair damp and curling around his ears. Roy could see him from his specially-requested table; good sightlines to the doors, easy access to the exits and the bathrooms.
God, he looked good. Handsome. Classy. Uhhh… handsome. Yeah. Wow.
Roy was so out of his league.
“Hi,” Dick said, a little out of breath. He slid into the seat across from Roy. “Sorry I’m late.”
“I lied,” Roy blurted, then cringed.
“Uh, what?” Dick asked, laughing nervously.
“I told you to be here half an hour before we actually needed to be here,” Roy said, fiddling with a fork. “’Cause I knew you’d probably be late.”
“Oh.” Dick checked his watch, a yellow one that Roy was pretty sure Wally had bought him, and winced. “I’m still twenty minutes late.”
“Yeah, it’s fine though. I’m just glad you made it.”
Whatever Dick was about to say was interrupted by the waitress, bringing over menus. “Can I get you started off with some drinks?”
“Just water for me, thanks,” Roy said.
“Water, with lemon, no ice,” Dick said.
“Are you sure I can’t get you two started with some cocktails?” the waitress asked with a pretty smile. “Or maybe some wine?”
Liquid courage would be nice, but he was so nervous he’d spill it all over his clothes like a child with an open glass instead of a sippy cup. Why had he worn cream pants? Cream was basically off-white, and white was a magnet for spills.
“I don’t drink,” Dick said, flashing a smile at the woman. “but thanks.”
The waitress nodded, saved from embarrassment from the sheer force of Dick’s charm. Roy wished that charm would turn on him, instead of being focused elsewhere. He glared sulkily at Dick’s shirt, a colorful square plaid button-up that looked fantastic on him. Roy was regretting his clothing choices. In the mirror, he’d thought the red, orange, black and gray stripes on his sweater looked good, but now he just felt loud and out of place, compared to Dick’s effortless style.
The top two buttons on Dick’s shirt were unbuttoned. He was wearing a bright blue tank top underneath, and Roy had a brief flash of him untucking Dick’s shirt from his pants and running his hands over his hipbones and up under that blue tank, lips gently brushing against Dick’s neck-
“-oy? Hello, earth to Roy!”
“Sorry, what?” Roy said, snapping back to reality. Dick raised a bemused eyebrow.
“Don’t tell me I’m boring you already?” Dick teased.
“Never, boy wonder,” Roy teased back.
Dick was so overdressed for a lunch date. Roy looked comfortable and casual in his sweater. Dick probably looked ridiculous next to him, sticking out like a sore thumb. He’d changed three times before settling on the colorful shirt and gray double-pleated shorts. Maybe he should have gone with the denim-on-denim look, but that had felt too casual for something so important as their first date, even if it was just for a late lunch, but maybe Roy wasn’t putting as much significance on this as he was?
“What are you getting?” Roy’s voice broke through his thoughts.
“Uh, fish.” Dick said, spitting out the first thing his eyes landed on in the menu in a panic. “The cod sandwich sounds good.”
Fish. Fish? Well, there went any chance of kissing Roy goodbye later. Who wanted to lock lips with a guy with fish breath?
“Fish is good,” Roy said. “I’m thinking either the mile high burger or the breaded chicken salad.”
“Salad? That’s not usually your style.” Dick said, then cringed internally. Great, criticize the guy’s food choices. Dick hadn’t been this bad at a first date since he started dating, and at least back then he was young enough that any awkwardness could be laughed off as inexperience.
“Yeah, I know, but they put a huge pile of housemade fries on it and the dressing is so good. You’d love it, actually.”
“That does sound good,” Dick said.
Awkward silence. Dick shuffled his feet and accidentally bumped Roy’s foot. “Sorry,” he said.
Roy grinned at him over the top of his menu. “Playing footsies on the first date, Dickie? Didn’t think you were that kind of girl.”
And just like that, Dick felt a little more at ease.
“You’ve never taken me on a date before,” Dick shot back, “How would you know what kind of girl I am?”
Roy gave him an appreciative look. “Oh, I know.”
Dick suddenly felt very warm under the collar. He suddenly remembered all the times they’d talked about sex, times they were standing around bored on surveillance or waiting for something to happen on missions. Out of anyone in the world, Roy probably did know, and why was that so sexy?
“Well,” Dick said, “Maybe I’ve still got a few tricks up my sleeve.”
Roy raised an eyebrow. “Guess I’ll have to check your sleeves after lunch.”
Dick suddenly had a very vivid image of Roy taking off his shirt run through his head. Roy’s knuckles, as scarred up as his own, flexing as he unbuttoned the rest of Dick’s shirt.
“Maybe I’m not the kind of girl to let someone check his sleeves on the first date,” Dick said. Lies. He would definitely let Roy check his sleeves, but Roy didn't need to know that.
“Maybe. I guess we’ll have to find out after lunch,” Roy said. He closed his menu. “I think I’ll have the burger.” The toe of his shoe crept up Dick’s ankle, making him jump. “Are you set on the fish?”
Dick set his menu aside, too. “Nah. I’m getting that salad.”
Roy grinned. “You’re going to love it. You look fantastic, by the way.”
“Thanks. I thought I might be overdressed,” Dick admitted.
Roy laughed. “I thought I was underdressed,” he said. “I guess we balance each other out.”
“I guess so,” Dick said.
The waitress came walking over with perfect timing. “Are you ready to order?”
Dick smiled at her. “I am.”
“Me too,” Roy said, his ankles tangling around Dick’s.
Dick gave Roy a fond look at the display of affection. This was definitely going to be one of his better first dates.
And hopefully it would be his last.
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The outfits I put the boys in. Roy's is on the left, and Dick's is on the right.
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bigt1e · 10 months
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Hello! My name is Bigite, some nicknames I use: Airy, olivegarden, and olive oil I'm okay with different nicknames, just ask before using them!
I am a minor (but my birthday is aug 28 :3)
I go by he/they pronouns
Im Demiromantic, Ace, and Nonbianary!
Im an osc artist, though I do draw other stuff and I can take requests!
REMINDER: I am human, and I may be stressed, tired, or busy so I may take longer to do some requests!
My persona is the character on the image, I will use him when ever I want tbh. Most of the time for silly thoughts, but that's it!
I also have tons osc, which I will post here and there and sometimes do lore drops for them lmao
°No Nsfw
°Basic dni (homophobia, transphobia, etc)
° anything else that's hella gross or something triggering (I can't think of anything else rn)
Object shows (favorites: hfjONE, ii) Music (Favorites: TV Girl, Lemon Demon !!, Will Wood!! I love show/game OSTs sm!! Mother Mother and plenty more) I love mephoj (mephone4 x Oj) so much my comfort ship fr, also my favorite characters are Me phone and Airy, if you see art of them pls @ me!! I love to see it!! I also like chatting with people, so don't be afraid to dm if you're a moot!! (Small interactions help me go through the day) I'm in so many random it's concerning, so if you do have a special interest or hyperfixating on something share it! I will most likely join in lmao. I love seeing art in gen, so if you're my moot and do art you also can @ me in it! :D
Also. I love fan art of my ocs so like yk... 👉👈
don't dislike many things lmao, besides like body fluids and stuff like that (which I most likely won't have to worry about lmao)
Also vegetables if you place one in front of me I'm dead/j
Art request!:
If you would like to request a drawing you can dm, ask box, or @ me in a post, anything is fine!
I will draw:
Ocs (original characters)
Furry characters
Characters from shows/ games/ books etc.
Object show characters
Ship art of characters
Not heavy/detailed gore (like blood thats basically it)
Angst (I'm not that well at drawing angst 💔)
i won't draw
nsfw (or anything like that)
Pro/com ships
heavy/ detailed gore
Full backgrounds (it's because I will cry if I tried to do that for a req)
please send a reference picture with your req! Or I will cry and violently attack you/j
I will TRY to be organized with my posts, but probably not if I am then here's the hashtags I might use
#bigtie's art #bigtie rambles abt something #bigite's req
Thats it I think ill probably edit in future...
thanks for reading!! Have an amazing fay/night!!
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softquietsteadylove · 8 months
Hey. Had this idea of Thena being a billionaire and Gil being her private chef on her private little beach house in the Hamptons!
Maybe you can do something with that? 😊
Gil smiled as he plated the perfect omelette, gleaming yellow, nice loose scramble in the middle with a pristine outside. He sprinkled on some green onion for garnish; Thena acted like she didn't care about presentation but he knew she liked it when her food looked nice.
Thena was...interesting. She could be hard to read, maybe. He had been in the private cooking business for a while, and he'd had a variety of clients. But no one like Thena.
Thena had this old family house, basically a castle, way out here in the Hamptons--as antisocial as possible. She was in charge of her family's generational wealth, he was pretty sure they did business with historical...stuff. Or something.
Thena didn't talk much. The first time he interviewed for the position with her in the room he wasn't even sure if she spoke English. But her assistant - a very sweet man named Karun - assured him that 'the Madame' was perfectly nice. Just not to bother her.
But Karun was right: Thena was nice. Sure, she didn't exactly make small talk with him while she was eating or anything. But she had a nice smile, she was prompt with money, both for his pay and for any of the ingredients he needed. He always had transportation home, or he had a room ready for him if he was staying for a whole weekend.
Gil put the plate on a place mat at the opposite counter top. Thena liked eating in the kitchen instead of the cavernous dining room. She ate a a French style omelette, or if she was feeling adventurous, maybe a frittata, or he had even prepared omurice for her once. She liked fresh pressed grapefruit juice with a little natural sweetener in it. And berries picked from the gardens.
And he liked to add a little flower if there were any blooming on the strawberry plants while he was out picking.
Thena came in through the patio. She had already done her morning routine, then. A light workout, a shower, maybe a sauna. Her phone was in her hand but she famously didn't accept anyone speaking to her before 9 in the morning. She smiled and nodded to him as she took her seat.
She was in a good mood.
Gil turned around, carefully transporting the gold rimmed cup with his best cappuccino yet. He had even looked up how to make latte art to make a heart design in it.
Thena blinked, surprised as it slid into her view. She looked up at him.
He just nodded, encouraging her to take a sip.
She raised an eyebrow but did so. Usually he waited for her to ask for a specific coffee, since it could vary largely depending on the morning.
He shrugged; something about how beautiful the sunrise was had told him she would want something fun. It wasn't sunday, so she wouldn't want something as filling as a latte. But she only drank black coffee when she was already in a bad mood. Actually, now that he thought about it he ought to get more vanilla soy milk.
Thena sighed at her first sip, her shoulders lowering as she let the hot beverage soak into her. She really was in a good mood.
Gil just chuckled, keeping his comments to himself. He had come to respect the serenity Thena created for herself in the early mornings. He turned again to clear his dishes and fill the dishwasher.
He had to get soy milk, and a few other general weekend groceries. And he needed to get ingredients for a recipe he saw online, essentially a lemon cake tiramisu. Thena liked zingy, fresh flavours, and she enjoyed having something sweet on hand for if a craving hit her out of nowhere or after a hard day.
"It's perfect."
He tried to conceal the surprise he was feeling. But he couldn't help it; Thena had almost never commented on anything he made her, unless it was a brief line attached in an email. He turned, "y-yeah?"
She nodded.
He pursed his lips faintly. Back to silence--okay, sure. He peeked in the fridge to examine what else they had and what he needed. When he had asked Karun what Thena liked to keep on hand, he had merely stated that Thena was so bad at cooking, and so selective about food, that if left to her own devices she would probably just eat raw fruit forever.
"How did you know?"
He grinned. So, he was making progress! He had tried more actively in the beginning to get her to warm up to him. But he had come to accept that Thena didn't withhold her words deliberately. Still, he liked it when she did talk. "Just thought you'd be in the mood for it."
She raised her eyebrows at him from behind the cup being tipped up to her lips again.
He closed the fridge and moved back to the counter. "It's nice and mild out this morning, so I think you should have slept well. Stocks are looking good and you don't have to travel this weekend, right? I figured you would want something a little fun."
Thena smiled through his explanation. Maybe some of his observations of her would be a little much to some. But she nodded, looking down into her cappuccino, one leg bent and resting on her cushioned stool. "I assumed you would prefer when I travel?"
Gil blinked.
She set the mug down, as if this were a very important business meeting. "If I'm here, you don't get the weekend off. Or at the very least, you have plenty of work to do before hand."
"I don't mind," he shrugged easily. It was part of the job, and as far as clients went, Thena really wasn't all that demanding. She wasn't even that high maintenance, all things considered.
Food was easy to procure, either grown here or paid for out of her pocket. The only real stipulations of what he made was that she had to eat it. Karun was kind of like a worrisome father in that way. He had added specifically that she needed more vegetables, and that meant it was up to Gil to make them in such a way that Thena would actually like them.
"Do you ever think you may be too agreeable?"
"Hm," Gil ran his hand over his chin (he needed to shave). "I think it's more like...part of the job, y'know?"
Gil blinked at the new tone of the sound. She looked back at her breakfast. She sounded almost...disappointed. Disheartened, and now poking at her omelette like a dejected little kid. Gil leaned off the further counter and moved closer to her. "I just...wanted to do something kind of special for you."
She peeked up at him. She was awfully cute for some zillionaire old money type. Her hair was nice and soft from being gently blow dried, she didn't have any makeup on, fresh from the shower. Maybe all rich people were really, really pretty.
"You're not contractually obligated to be thoughtful," she smiled as she said it, but he got the impression that she didn't fully believe in her own joke.
He shrugged again, pushing the little flower closer to her, "call it my signature, then. Every chef has their own style--I like being a little sweet."
Thena smiled at the little white strawberry flower. She even reached out to it, but just barely let her fingers brush its soft petals, as if she would make it burst into flame. "Quite."
Gil inhaled, feeling better now that she was smiling again. She looked up at him, the sun behind her, making her hair glow. He blushed.
"Thank you, Gilgamesh."
He laughed faintly, feeling shy as she turned those siren eyes on him. He leaned back from the counter, sticking his hands in his apron pockets. "Hey, it's my pleasure, really."
"If you have shopping to do, Karun will call for a car for you," she added as he started slowly slipping - stumbling - out of the kitchen.
"Th-Thanks!" Gil squeaked out before reaching the hallway. He pulled his apron off and gripped it on his way to take it to the laundry room.
"You require transport, sir!"
Gil jumped at the sudden appearance of the man in question. "God, man, can't you walk a little louder!"
"My apologies, sir," Karun just chuckled. "The Madame walks lightly--as do I."
Thena walked around like a cat. She was silent, graceful, long legs...
Fuck. Gil nodded, twisting his apron in his hands. He tilted his head as Karun shuffled closer, even waving him down so he could share something secretive.
"Excellent choice with the cappuccino, sir," he disclosed with glee. "The Madame has been trying to strike up a conversation with you for some time. I believe this was the perfect-"
"I must go," he waved to Gilgamesh before dashing off to see to Thena's needs.
Gil felt a little stunned. It sounded like Karun was telling him that Thena had been wanting to talk with him. But that didn't seem right. Of all the times he had tried to chat with her, she had never bit, even once. And he didn't really think of her as the shy type.
He sighed, shrugging it off. He had groceries to get, anyway. Maybe he would try talking with her again, later.
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pupsclawz · 1 year
Okay, so Miller's girl
I read the script (idk if they use the one I read)
Here's my summary
Cairo is attending her last year of school. She has some kind of writing/English class taught my Jonathan Miller.
She has a bestfriend named Winnie who unlike her, Winnie is a bit of a tease (shows of a lot of skin, flirts... etc)
Winnie has a lax and tease-y relationship with one of the teachers, Boris, I believe who coincidentally is Mr. Miller's and his Wife's close friend
Throughout the script, Cairo is regarded as this straight As, smart student who's all business and no fun, as I said, unlike Winnie (Although I do think she has fun)
As we go through the script, we see Cairo and Mr. Miller's relationship turn from Student-Teacher to what I can only describe as how you would treat and talk to a Peer.
Okay, now. It's midterms and papers are due for classes. This is where the whole script is turned on it's head. Basically students are to write in the style of an author they like, kinda like a mentor text/author. Cairo, being Cairo asked if she could do Henry Miller (Basically the script says he writes erotica or smth) even though it's not on the approved list
Mr. Jonathan Miller, seeing her as a peer/or something more, said yes and said that he trusts her.
I should mention that a little before this point (I think), Winnie has been hinting to Cairo about how Cairo likes Mr. Miller and vise versa.
One day, Cairo stops by Mr. Miller's room to receive feedback for her midterm (she sent it to him previously). It's a story about how a Teacher and student had an affair.
Mr. Miller gets mad and they got into a fight. Cairo made a point by saying how he doesn't like it only because of how it made him feel.
After the fight, and Cairo refusing to write another one from another author, their "relationship" is a wreck
Anyways, Cairo, having been rejected (her project and her proposal for Mr. Miller (she wanted coitus)), drops her story off at the Vice Principal, (The paper had a "To Jonathan From Cairo" written on it)
Jon (Mr. Miller) goes home to his wife and his wife basically asks what Cairo wrote and Mr. Miller recited it to her (He has eidetic memory and he gave the story back to Cairo).
His wife, a writer, said it was good. (I thought this was funny for some reason)
Now a little later, the Vice Principal calls Mr. Miller cause they've seen Cairo's paper.
Now at the end of the school day the next day, Cairo and Mr. Miller are at the vice principals office. The Vice Principal questions them and, man does it look bad for Mr. Miller.
Mr. Miller has been suspended and went home to a mad wife. They fight because of Mr. Miller's "affair" with Cairo and how he "touched" a minor
Now on Cairo's, side Winnie confronts Cairo about avoiding her. Winnie finds out that Cairo is testifying against Mr. Miller in court despite nothing happened and Cairo was the one that wanted coitus.
Okay so after this it just goes into a narrative with scenes flashing and changing, as well as fantasy scenes.
The narrative is what I assume Cairo wrote. It's basically sexual stuff with "Mr. Murphy" the teacher in her story.
The flashes are of Masturbation and Cairo/Mr. Miller's fantasies of doing sexual acts to each other, although it doesn't show anything (I'd say it's more of a like than a lemon)
After this whole narrative it cuts to Mr.Miller sitting outside the court house, smoking.
Cairo and her parents walked toward him. Cairo was described as "looks terribly young"
The script ends with a Voice Over of Cairo saying "checkmate"
Tl;dr: Nothing actually happened between Cairo and Mr. Miller. Cairo was the one that wanted it and was pushed by her friend Winnie. Cairo sued Mr. Miller in what I assume is revenge.
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fanciestghost · 1 year
TW: Manipulation, Major violence, Implied cannibalism, Major gore, Kidnapping, Blood, Vomiting, Needles, Slight mentions of snakes, etc. Please read with caution.
Adam would envision this candyland type place in his dreams and would have them
quite frequently. On top of this he would crave sweets, specifically apple pie. He would tell
Jonah about this but would only joke around with Adam about it. One night, the craving got
so bad that Adam asked Jonah to come with him to the store and he obliged. Now they are at
the store, Adam goes and gets an apple pie which would be the last one that was there on
display. They go home and Adam is obviously eager to actually eat it already cuz he's been
craving it for so long, only to be disappointed to find out it didn't taste as good as it looked. In fact, it made him feel very sick.
He dizzily walked over to his room, every step making him feel more woozy, but he made it to
his door. When he opened it, he noticed a light shining through the crack of the door. Of
course he really didn't think too much of it and thought he was seeing things due to how ill he
was feeling, but when he walked in his room, it wasn't his room. It was the exact place he was
dreaming about for days. The skies were bright pink, grass was a very saturated green, and
there was a yellow wafer path ahead of him that led somewhere. The sign "Welcome to
Madeleine County" was on the horizon. As Adam walked forward he noticed he wasn't even
wearing his hoodie anymore but a bright pink suit, and he had an apple accessory on his
head. He didn't like where all of this was going and turned back expecting to see his bedroom
door, only to find out it was missing.
Adam heard humming coming from behind him to see someone who looked exactly like
Jonah, but wearing a yellow coat and lemon accessories carrying a basket full of candied
apples. Jonah didn't recognize Adam, so he thought he was a complete stranger. He says
hello and basically welcomes Adam to the place. Adam is confused on how Jonah doesn't
recognize him at all, which would cause Adam to mention that this Jonah is different from the
one he knows back at home. Moving on, Jonah would soon introduce Adam to the others
Cesar and Mark. They all lived in a huge mansion made of candy.
Now you're probably like, omg everything is so cute and sweet. Yeah for now. Adam would
notice how whenever he asked if there was a way back to where he came from, he would
often be silenced or ignored. Another thing that Adam would have to deal with is go through
these activities Cesar would make them do, like have tea parties, picnics, etc. Basically stuff
to keep Adam busy and occupied to avoid asking them further questions. All these activities
would drain Adam's energy, and on top of everything being so sugary and sweet- he would often feel dizzy. Another thing to mention. Adam is never allowed to leave the mansion without anyone accompanying him. One night, Adam wanted to step outside to just have a walk and Mark would come with him. They would have small talk about the place and everything and Adam's life back in his universe. 
Then Mark would tell Adam to be careful with what he says or does and to not let the cheery bright colors of everything blind him. Before Adam would ask what he meant, Mark would stop walking and stay silent then ask Adam to check if "he" was watching.  Adam would turn back to the mansion and see the silhouette of Cesar by the window, with the curtains slightly peeking out. Mark suggests that it's best to go back inside as it was getting late. That night, Adam couldn't sleep well, he would wonder what Mark had meant. He heard his door open to see it was Jonah. He had a small box in his hand and claimed it was a gift for being so friendly. Adam would open it up and see it was yet another apple themed accessory (an earring even though his ears weren't even pierced). 
That's when Adam noticed Jonah had a sad expression on his face. He would ask what is wrong and Jonah told him that Mark told him everything about missing the "other Jonah". He would then plead Adam to not even think about leaving the place as Adam means so much to him and that he often felt lonely until he came. Adam really didn't feel good about how he worded it so he claimed he'd think about it as he was tired.
I forgot to say that Adam was stuck there for about 3-4 days. This next part is about his third
day there. Adam woke up late and Cesar wasn't really happy about it. He would scold him
about it and then mention the talk he had with Mark. Basically, Cesar would say really harsh
things to Adam and mention that this is his new home whether he liked it or not. Adam would
notice that the colors of everything looked dull, the wallpaper started to peel off the walls, the
floors were worn down and cracked, and the strawberries on Cesar's hat were getting darker
and going bad. Cesar would then force Adam to be around Jonah more often as he banned
Adam from talking to Mark. So Adam and Jonah had an activity to do with each other and it
was to catch candy fish from the pond near the mansion. Jonah was happy he was able to
spend time with Adam, but he was also happy cuz that was the moment Adam was going to
reveal to him if he was staying or not. Adam said no lol, and Jonah got pissed and passive
aggressive with Adam for the rest of the activity.
Now it's dinner time :) and they are eating the fish they caught. It was very awkwardly quiet
and Adam couldn't take it anymore. He started to rant about everything and how he knows
something is going on, pointing out that everyone and everything looks like it's rotting. Cesar
would of course say that Adam is stupid and that everything is fine. It would go quiet again
until Mark stood up from his chair, he went over to Adam and grabbed him by the shoulders,
screaming at him desperately to leave before it's too late. Cesar would pull Mark back, claim
that he is "feeling ill" and take him away, leaving the dining room.
Now Adam and Jonah were alone together again. Adam asks Jonah if him not wanting to
stay has to do with anything and Jonah tells him to shut up and eat his fish. Adam looks down
to his plate, it wasn't a candy fish anymore, but a raw rotting fish. Knocking was heard at the
door and Jonah went up to get it. This gave Adam a chance to find out what was truly happening. He first went down the hallway he saw Cesar go to with Mark. On the floor, there
was a trail of blueberry jam that would slowly turn from blue to red. He followed the trail as it
led to a large room. There stood Cesar standing in front of Mark's body on the floor. His cane
was covered in blood.
Adam decided it was best to go back as if he stayed any longer, he'd have the same fate. As
he walked back to the dining room, he peeked to see who was at the door and saw it was two
police officers (Thatcher and Ruth) asking about a missing person.
Adam sat back down, he felt tired and frustrated at his place as he really needed to leave. He
didn't know why they wanted him to stay so badly, but he would do anything to find out one
way or another. That night, Adam would stay up late to prepare himself to actually strike. He
turned his hood Cesar gave him into a bag to hold items. What items? Weapons. He silently
went back to the kitchen to steal whatever he could find to defend himself, sharp forks, knives,
and a blow torch. He went down the same hallway as earlier and noticed his surroundings.
There were a lot of portraits of an angel, the same one to be exact, and obviously candy
themed like everyone else. He felt odd looking at them cuz it felt like they were watching him.
Moving on, Adam would reach the end of the hallway, there was a door. It was left slightly
opened and he peeked inside. It was stairs that led to a basement.
He went down, making sure he had something in hand to defend himself, and saw Mark's
body on a large plate in the middle of the whole basement. He was missing an eye and
covered in blood. Adam went over to him and asked what the hell was happening. Mark told
him everything, from how this was only a place to lure in people with sad lives into their land
for their flesh. Mark also points out the reason why everything is decaying is because they are
hungry and irritated how Adam never seemed to give in. Adam asks what he has to do to
escape. Mark tells him that he needs a key and that Jonah has it. His last words were "Leave
before sunrise or else you're officially trapped forever. Don't make the same mistake as me."
Then Adam looks up to the wall to see it covered in missing people posters, and right in the
Middle of it was Mark’s. So Adam had to act quick as he didn't have that much time left. He ran up the stairs and down the hallway. He heard a loud scraping on the floor and saw Cesar. He looked taller and thinner than usual. His fingers were slimy as they dripped with some kind of black jelly. He held a large fork that was already pointed directly at Adam. He charged only to miss Adam cuz he dodged it. This caused the fork to get stuck in the wall which gave Adam an opportunity to attack Cesar with what he had. He heated up forks with the blow torch and stabbed Cesar with them. This caused Cesar to completely forget about trying to retrieve the fork back as he screamed at Adam for how much of an idiot he was. Adam would pull the fork out of the wall and stab Cesar right through the chest with it. His body began to melt into that same black jelly. Adam tried not to get nauseous about it and continued to search for Jonah in the mansion. He went upstairs where the bedrooms were and went to each room. It was obvious who's was who's as they were themed with that type of desert they were. Adam walked into the lemon themed one. He demanded Jonah to come out as he wasn't anywhere in sight. Adam walked in the room and the door slammed shut. Jonah appeared behind Adam, grabbing into his shoulder. He pretty much tells Adam that he knows why he's here and what he wants, but decides to guilt trip and gaslight him anyway about it lol. Adam didn't listen to whatever Jonah had to say so Jonah stood in front of him. He was just like Cesar, tall and deathly thinner than usual, his fingers were long talons. He unhinged his jaw in front of Adam and reached into it pulling out a key. He held it in front of Adam's face, luring him to grab it. Adam didn't budge and this would frustrate Jonah. He pulled out a large knife and pointed it at Adam saying he would kill him right there if he didn't grab it.
Adam stepped back, not knowing what to do, he reached into the bag with one hand but used
the other to grab the key. The "key" would melt into the black jelly all over Adam's hand as
Jonah lifted him up, but then Adam pulled out the blow torch with his other hand and put flame
straight to Jonah's face. He screamed in pain and would drop Adam, which gave Adam time
to see if there was anything else to defend himself from Jonah. He saw a candy axe and
grabbed it. He ran at Jonah with it and sliced him in half in one swing. Adam tried to not let
this get to him as it is literally Jonah. his best friend. that he had to kill. He had to remind
himself that this Jonah isn't the real one, no matter how much they look like each other. Jonah
layed on the floor in half, he was still moving and looked at Adam. He would tell him that he
would regret all of this and that he missed so many opportunities to get whatever he ever
wanted there. He would mention true happiness, no stress, all the money he ever wanted,
then he would mention his mother.
Adam stood in shock, he felt his heart racing when Jonah brought it up. Jonah noticed this
and would continue making it worse about how his mother was here all along and how she
missed him so much Adam couldn't take it any longer and used the axe to slice Jonah's head. His body melted the same way Cesar's did, and in the middle of it was the actual key. Adam grabbed it and didn't bother to try and waste time to think what the fuck just happened. As he made it to the front door, the two police officers were already there. Adam then pleads and begs for them to help him get out of there. Thatcher notices that Adam looks exactly like the person in the missing poster and takes him back to the police station. Adam would then tell them everything that happened and that he needs to leave as soon as possible. Another man comes into the office and interrupts, telling Thatcher that he's having the "door problem" again. Adam would ask who he was and what he was talking about. The man introduces him as Dave and tells Adam that random doors would appear at his office and never knows what
to do with it. Ruth suggests that that's probably Adam's way out since he was given a key.
That's when Adam went with Dave to see what it was and saw the door looks exactly like his
bedroom door. There was a small lock on it, and Adam used the key to unlock it. The door
opened, it was the same bright light from when Adam got there. He turned to Dave and
thanked him before walking into the light.opened, it was the same bright light from when Adam got there. He turned to Dave and thanked him before walking into the light. Adam woke up in bed, he looked over to the side and saw Jonah. Jonah let out a sigh of relief as he thought Adam died of food poisoning from the apple pie he ate. Adam then sat up and told him everything that happened to him, and that it felt so real and he was so happy to be back home. Jonah would laugh at this, thinking that Adam was being silly and say "it was just a bad dream". Adam would deny it and explain how he has never been more terrified in his life. Jonah grabbed Adam's shoulder, smiling at him. "Well, aren't you happy you're at least Home, just like you wanted..". Adam would look over to his shoulder and see it was the same consistency as the black jelly.
Adam went through the door and back home with Jonah. Or did he. The second he noticed "Jonah's" hand melt similar to the way lemon Jonah did, he panicked. Adam would push Jonah away from him, only for the walls around Adam's room to crumble into pieces like cookies. The debris would come down, causing Adam to close his eyes shut. They remained shut for a few minutes as he tried desperately to remain calm. What if he was still dreaming, a sick and twisted dream that he continues to find himself in. 
His eyes opened, he was sitting on a chair near a fireplace made out of sugar cubes. The logs were made out of chocolate, so there was no fire going. It was dark in the room, only a singular lamp was lighting the place. It took awhile for Adam to fully realize he was in restraints made out of yellow taffy. He struggled then heard someone walk in the room. It was Jonah, in a completely new outfit compared to his old one. He wore a top hat, his coat collar was sharper, and he wore a black dress shirt with a yellow tie. He had a long gummy snake hanging over his shoulder, only making him appear more threatening.
 He would greet Adam before standing right in front of him. Adam would demand Jonah to release him and to cut it out, but Jonah only laughed. He said that no matter how hard Adam tries, there's no escape. It would go back and forth and they would have a little argument about it- which would cause Jonah to snap and yell at Adam to shut up. The room would grow quiet until Jonah breaks the silence by saying he'll only release Adam if he agrees to play a few games with him. They both agreed to play hide and seek first. Jonah released Adam, covered his eyes, and began to count. Adam didn't waste any time trying to get out of that room. As he ran down the hallway, he saw how all of the windows were boarded shut with graham crackers. The doors of the main entrance and back entrance to the garden would also be boarded off as well. He ran up the stairs to go back to his room to see anything that was worth keeping in hand. Nothing. He went to the room next door which would be Mark's, but it was locked shut. Next room was Nothing. It was terribly cold there. Adam scanned the room to look for anything, clues, weapons, anything. No use. There wasn't even enough time to look deeper anyway. He went to the next room, which was Jonah's. His stomach dropped as he saw the mess it was in. On the bed, there was Adam's hood he was gifted, along with a missing poster of Adam. Adam would start to feel uneasy, he heard Jonah count louder. He grabbed his hood back and ran back out. He needed a good place to hide. Then he remembered the basement. He went downstairs, through the main hall, and to the hallway that was tucked away within the mansion. The same portraits of that angel were there, eyes still following Adam as he walked down the hallway. He stopped at the basement door, took a deep breath and went in. The first thing he noticed was the awful smell. It smelt of mold and something rotting. He tried his best to ignore it, but the more we walked down those stairs, the stronger the stench got. Then he remembered. Mark was the last person in here. Adam placed a hand over his mouth and looked over to see if Mark's body was still there. There was something for sure. but it wasn't Mark's body. It was someone else's. Adam couldn't see very well with how dark the basement was, but he saw it as he stepped closer. It was Cesar's body, headless, nothing else but his upper torso was left with his rib cage exposed. He looked as though he'd been chewed up as some residue remained on the rib cage. Adam gagged in his mouth, the sight, the smell, it was all too much to handle. 
There was no chance going back out as he heard Jonah say "Ready or not!!! Here I come!!". It was too late. Adam hid in the corner behind a few crates that were there. His heart raced as he hoped Jonah wouldn't find him. He didn't tell Adam what would happen if he did.
Adam has never been terrified like this before in a while. He wouldn't even know how he would live the rest of his life remembering this experience. He held his breath as he heard the door of the basement being opened. It was Jonah. Who else would it be? He hummed as he slowly stepped down the stairs. He would talk to himself demanding Adam to come out because he "wasn't playing fair". Jonah would walk to Cesar's corpse and stand in front of it. He let out a laugh, but the laugh was so demented and twisted. His head turned to the corner Adam was hiding in. He grinned, the most twisted type of grin imaginable, it looked inhuman.
Tears formed in the corners of Adam's eyes, he felt so terrified at this version of Jonah. He just wanted to go home back to how things were. Now he had to be stuck here. with this version of his best friend. He would do anything to see the normal Jonah again.
 Adam snapped out of his thoughts as he saw Jonah approach slowly to the corner, humming the same tune. Adam sat in the corner watching Jonah push away the crates covering him, one by one. When Adam was revealed, Jonah smiled, not as terrifying as the smile from earlier. but there was still dread behind it. There was no use of Adam trying to get away as he was sitting on the floor while Jonah was standing up, towering over him. Adam felt this wave of numbness rush through his body, was he finally giving up? 
Jonah helped Adam get up from the floor, he told him to cheer up and that it was okay to lose the game. Adam shook his head, his anger was finally coming back. He made Jonah back up by pushing him away. He started to yell at him about how he didn't want to stay any longer and that he demands answers. Jonah would laugh about this, call Adam stupid for still thinking there's a way out. They would argue back and forth about it, until Jonah started to have a breakdown in front of Adam. He would scream and yell at Adam to shut up, then sob loudly after. Adam would get lightheaded from this, he couldn't take it anymore. He doesn't know what type of mental torture Jonah was doing to him, but it was working. He ended up passing out once more.
 The air felt cold, Adam opened his eyes to see he was in a room of darkness. There was nothing in sight. He looked down to his hands and was able to see them. As he looked up, he saw someone off in the distance. It was. the real Jonah? Adam squinted his eyes as he saw Jonah approach him. He saw Adam and ran towards him, with a huge smile on his face. "I was looking all over for you!" he said "I thought you died!" He would give a hug to Adam when he reached him. Adam didn't know what to feel. A part of him wants to believe this is the real Jonah, and that everything is over, but no, Adam can see through his tricks. "Jonah" backs up, still holding Adam by the arms, he asks what's wrong. Adam tells him that he knows it's lemon Jonah and that he could cut it out already. Jonah's face began to twist and distort right in front of Adam, his grip became harder. Adam ended up being pushed to the ground. Lemon Jonah was in front of Adam, his grip became harder. Adam ended up being pushed to the ground. Lemon Jonah was back to his normal outfit, he scoffed saying he really thought Adam would be weak enough to give in to that hallucination. He opened a door behind him, as he did, he said "You'll remain here until you LEARN to love being here. You will also learn to accept I'm your only friend and forever will be!" He closed the door shut, leaving Adam in darkness again. He sat there for a good 10 minutes trying to think what he would do. He felt hopeless. He looked down to the hood he was given the first day he came here. It felt like there was something in it. Adam looked in the hood and saw a small creature in there. It wore a strawberry hood, and it was sleeping. 
Adam gave it a little poke, waking it up. It made a ">:O" expression and ran off. He sat confused at what the thing was, but it was so dark in the room he didn't bother to chase after it. He remained on the floor sitting, and the creature would take notice. It slowly walked back to Adam and tried to cheer him up. Adam shook his head, he talked about how there's no use anymore and that he was stuck here for good. As he looked away, he swore he saw something glow in the corner of his eye. He looked back down to see the creature glow, like a glow stick! He picked it up and decided to look around the room he was in now that he had a light source. He was in Mark's room. He could tell due to the amount of blueberry themed decor. On the side he was looking at, he saw how everything looked normal, till he took a turn where the bed was at and saw it. The walls were covered with etches, hundreds, thousands of them all over. Adam saw a few papers under the bed and decided to take a look at them. They were all about Mark's experience being in Madeleine county. He's been there for 17 whole years. Adam felt his stomach drop realizing he might have the same fate as Mark if he doesn't figure out something. He looked through more of the papers, many mentioning the key he needed, something about never leaving assigned desserts unfinished, and "the savior". It was all too much for Adam to decypher, even though it was a lot of information, it was all incoherent gibberish. Has Mark gone mad? 
Adam could only imagine, being stuck in a candy coated hell hole for 17 years can make anyone go crazy. He began to think to himself, about the key specifically. He remembered he got it from Jonah and used it, but it vanished after that. He thought harder, of how Jonah presented the key to Adam. Holding it in his hand, and when he tried to grab it.it turned into that black jelly. Has Adam been tricked all along and used the wrong key? He screamed, slammed his fists on the ground. He would've been home by now if he was more careful. He fell right back into Jonah's trap. Adam looked over to the papers again, back to the part about the key. It says that Mark would look through it and his surroundings wouldn't be colorful anymore, instead it would all look rotting. The paper also mentioned: "Cesar walked in the room and I Looked through the key. The strawberry on his hat was the only thing that remained bright and colorful, while he looked horrifying. His skin was gray, eyes blank.soulless, half of his face was decaying with his jaw exposed. He looked like a fucking zombie. He asked me what I was doing, and I said nothing." This only intrigued Adam to look at the other few papers that were left. It was about Cesar creating a new person. When Adam read Mark's description of them, his eyes widened. He described Jonah. 
Adam stood up, he used the strawtruder to look around the room more. The real key still has to be out there somewhere. If Mark saw the key in Cesar's room, it had to be left there somehow. But how the hell would Adam get out of this one? The door was missing, and Jonah hasn't come back at all. Adam realized what this meant, so he rolled his eyes. He banged on the wall where the door is supposed to be and "begged '' Jonah to come back and that he "misses him". He heard footsteps coming, Jonah was skeptical of Adam acting the way he was. Adam convinced Jonah that he was "telling the truth" and that he really misses him and wants to play more games. He heard Jonah go "hmm" before finally opening the door. Jonah rested his hand on his hip and looked Adam up and down.
 "Why are you so skeptical? You can't believe that I've learned my lesson and wanna hang with my bestest bro in the world?" 
Adam cringed internally saying that, but it seemed to please Jonah enough. He let out a giggle before pulling Adam by the arm. So now the two were back in the room with the fireplace, Adam sat down on the chair drinking tea. He has a plan in mind, but he doesn't know how it's going to work. He literally has no one else around to distract Jonah from him. Sure he has strawtruder, but he's a little guy and who knows if Jonah would squish him out of anger. Jonah would basically take this opportunity to talk to Adam about new rules that were being enforced in Madeleine county and the mansion. Adam wouldn't pay attention too much as he was trying to focus on his plans, until Jonah mentioned one thing about how both of them need to be together 24/7, including sleeping in the same room together. Adam tells Jonah that he needs his privacy and that being around Jonah is already suffocating as it is. Jonah lets out a huff, he ends up agreeing with Adam, he would only get his privacy, just as long as he stays. 
The room would go quiet, the only sound being Adam sipping on his tea. Jonah would examine Adam, looking specifically at his ears. His eyes lit up as he remembered something. He asked Adam about the gift he gave him, the earring. Adam gulped down his tea and glanced over to Jonah. He nodded. Jonah clapped his hands together and said that he should try and pierce Adam's ear today so he could be able to wear the earring. As Adam placed his cup down, he said he doesn't even remember where he put the gift. Then something came up. He asked Jonah if he could go back upstairs and go look for it. Jonah thought about it, he didn't want Adam out of his sight, but he trusted him enough to go off just a little while to look for the earring. He let Adam go. 
Adam would hurry up the stairs, this gave him the perfect opportunity to look through Cesar's room and find the key. He felt squirming in his pocket and completely forgot strawtruder was in there, he placed the little guy on his shoulder as they went into Cesar's room. The room was very organized. His bed was nicely done, desk clean and presented with neatly stacked papers in the middle. Then there was this large wardrobe. Adam stood in front of it and gave a peek. All perfectly organized and color coordinated, it was aesthetically pleasing. Expect for one dark red shirt placed in the middle of two pink shirts. Adam tugged on the hanger and the wardrobe began to shake. It shifted to the side revealing a hidden hallway. Adam looked back to make sure Jonah wasn't looking, then he stepped in, the wardrobe closing back behind him. 
The hallway had a much sinister vibe compared to Cesar's bright pink organized room. It was dull, cold, and eerie. There was a door in the end of the hallway that Adam approached. A sign that read "caution" was on the door. He opened it anyway, and what was behind the door seemed to be a large lab. It was dim and dark, the only thing lighting up the place were a few fluorescent lights that buzzed. Adam looked to his left and saw another desk. It was more of a mess, papers littered everywhere, and old cups of coffee were left there. Something caught his eye, something shining. It was the key! Adam quickly walked over to it and grabbed it. He took a good look at it, he noticed how the handle of the key was shaped like an apple. He did what he read from Mark's papers, looking through the key. He did, but nothing looked different. Maybe he was looking through it in the wrong way. It didn't matter, he placed it in his pocket and continued to look around. The whole place was full of all sorts of weird gadgets he couldn't even name. There was another door in the corner of the lab, but it said "KEEP OUT".
"As if I'm gonna listen." 
Adam pushed the door open, his eyes widened as he saw what was behind there. There were four large glass jars, but three of them had something inside. Something he would've never imagined to see. The three jars had exact replicas of Jonah, all three wearing their own different types of outfits. Each had a paper attached to the glass. Orange? Grapefruit? Lime? Adam backed up, he wanted to test something out again. He slowly pulled out the key from his pocket and brought it to his eye. The three seemingly colorful dressed Jonah's became horrid decaying corpses floating in a jar through the key. Their intestines were exposed and some were floating around in the air too. Adam's heart began to race. his hand shook as he was unable to look away. He was tired of being exposed to such imagery, he looked away and put away the key back in his pocket. He sat down on the floor, head in his hands as he began to cry. Never did he wish to see his closest friend in that condition, ever. It was heart wrenching and terrifying.He regained himself as he stood back up. He can't be fooled. Those Jonah's are just as fake as the one tormenting him now. He must move on. 
He stood in front of the empty jar labeled "lemon". He looked at his reflection in the glass. He was so tired. As he let in a deep breath and sigh, he walked back out. There was another door on the opposite end of the lab, but it looks like a code was needed to enter. He didn't bother as his main focus is to leave. 
The wardrobe opened back to Cesar's room as Adam walked up, he really hoped Jonah didn't notice he was missing for a while. As Adam walked out of Cesar's room, he was quickly grabbed by the neck and pinned against the wall. Jonah looked extremely pissed. He began to yell at Adam about how he ruined his trust for him. Adam tried to cover up by saying he looked in his own room and couldn't find the earring, so he went to the next room. Jonah grinned, he slowly began to laugh. He picked up his free hand, revealing the earring. 
"Then what's THIS? I know your room like the back of my hand. I know everything you have placed in there."
 Adam struggled, he just wanted to be let go, but he felt Jonah's grip on his neck tighten, slowly making him lose air. He started to choke, his head getting more and more lightheaded as he slowly started to pass out once again. He woke up back at the chair, with the same restraints as earlier. He looked around the room and didn't see Jonah in sight, only for him to startle the crap out of Adam by poking out behind the chair. Jonah stood in front of Adam, hands behind his back, almost like he was hiding something. Jonah asks Adam how much he saw, from the basement to Cesar's room. Adam tells Jonah that he wants to know why he did that to Cesar. Jonah chuckled, finally revealing what he had behind his back, he held up the decapitated head of Cesar by the hair. Jonah explains he only did it because Cesar was planning to use Adam, to duplicate him for endless supplies of meat for Madeleine county. Jonah expressed how he didn't like the idea of Adam being replicated, he only wanted the real one to himself and only to himself, but Cesar would never listen. All he cared about was surviving, and Cesar already tried replicating a real human before and it was successful. Adam asked why Jonah was so upset over the idea of being replicated, which would cause Jonah to look visibly upset. 
Jonah explains it's because he feared being replaced himself, he saw all the other Jonah's that were made in the lab. He had overheard Cesar talking to Mark days ago about how Cesar was planning to make another Jonah because he (lemon) wasn't good enough and he made multiple mistakes that would become issues in the future. Jonah then starts to break down in front of Adam saying things about how he's the perfect Jonah and no other would be the perfect friend. Adam just looked, he was getting uncomfortable witnessing it. Jonah stopped, his eyes looking straight into Adam's.
 "..So you're just not going to comfort me?? You're not going to say I AM the perfect Jonah? I thought you said you learned your lesson.." 
Adam shook his head in confusement, he didn't know he was supposed to say anything. Jonah discarded the head he was holding, he walked back to Adam, hands in his coat pocket. Jonah asked Adam to tilt his head to the side, pulling out a sharp needle from his pocket. Adam's chest began to pound, he knew where this was going. He looked at Jonah with wide eyes, screamed and begged him to not even dare to try doing what he was going to do, Jonah only grinned. He forcefully tilted Adam's head, bringing the dirty needle close to his ear lobe. Adam thrashed around in the chair, yelling at him to stop. The needle pierced through the ear, causing Adam to scream out in pain. Blood started to spill out of his ear lobe the deeper the needle went. Jonah pulled out the needle only to poke the earring through the bleeding wound. There were tears running down Adam's face, the pain was unbearable, he looked up to Jonah, who licked off the blood from his "gloved" hand. Adam choked out a sob, he couldn't take it any longer. He just wanted to leave, he wanted to go home. 
Bythorne county. It was 4 hours after midnight. His hands dug into the bag of chips, he's been staying up for hours. He chuckled to himself watching tv, it showed nothing but static but it was entertaining Anyway. 
"They reeaaaally didn't have to outlaw these hehe..”
He took another puff of his blunt, looking over to the bag of chips to see it was empty. A sigh escaped his mouth, he needed some munchies. He looked over to the slice of pie that was left on the coffee table by Adam. He only took one bite, shrugged and put it back down. He groaned as he started to feel ill, then it hit him. Something felt off, something was missing. His head turned to Adam's bedroom door. He's been in the room for hours. Usually Adam is the type to wake up in the middle of the night to take a piss or whatever, so he found it unusual he didn't see him.
He stood up and walked over to the bedroom door, giving it a knock.
"Yo Adam, you good in there? I know you went to bed and all..but I dunno something doesn't feel ri-"
He opened the door to reveal the same pink skied candied place Adam was greeted with. He only assumed he was just high and walked in. He saw his outfit change before his eyes, his dessert theme was an edible brownie. He chuckled to himself only thinking this was a really weird trip and began to walk down the wafer path.
It's been a day, last night was tough as only Jonah would mentally torment Adam after the piercing. He stayed layed down on his bed, this is how things were going to be from now on and he would have to get used to it. If he was going to have to stay in Madeleine county for 17 years..or more like Mark then so be it. He gave up. Strawtruder peeked up from the pile of pillows that were on the opposite end of the pie dish shaped bed, he scurried over to Adam and stood on his head.
"There's no use, little guy. I think it's over for me.”
Adam looked over to his nightstand, he left the key there. Something about it just seemed to. call out to him. He sat up and reached over to look at it closely. He remembered what Mark's papers had said. something about Cesar's strawberry on his hat glowing. He needed to know what it meant. He got up from the bed and put the key in his pocket. Strawtruder tilted its little head, wondering where Adam was going. Adam said he was going to walk around the mansion for a bit. As he stepped out of his room, he noticed how Jonah was nowhere in sight. He let out a small sigh of relief and continued to walk down the hall to down the stairs. He stopped and looked at the main entrance of the mansion, it was still boarded off. Adam wondered, he never seemed to try and eat his way out of things. Everything in the mansion looks edible, but based on what the key shows, things are actually rotten. It made him wonder what else would appear rotten. He wondered if it would work with Jonah, but he wouldn't dare show he had the actual key in his possession. He walked over to the kitchen and saw him. Jonah looked. taller than usual. He didn't know if it was the outfit that was making him appear that tall or he actually grew. He turned and smiled at Adam, saying that he came just in time for breakfast. Adam declined but Jonah walked over to him, practically towering over him. He did grow..
He pointed to the table with a long sharp finger, almost demanding Adam to take a seat. Adam insisted, walking over to the table and taking a seat. There were..eggs and bacon? They looked realistic unlike the fake gummy food they would usually eat. He grabbed his fork, about to cut the egg and that's when it was revealed it was nothing but cake. Oh, great. Adam sighed and took a few bites, he saw in the middle of the table there was a pie with a missing slice. He asks Jonah about it, questioning how long it has been there. Jonah explains that it was a pie Cesar made the day before Adam came. Adam kept that in mind.Jonah then told Adam that they were both going on a picnic since he didn't want to be stuck in the house
all day. Great, there goes one of Adam's plans.
After breakfast was over, Adam went back to his room to change out of his pajamas. His wardrobe was full of the same pink suit and striped tie combination. There was literally nothing else. Once he got ready, he put on his hood and snuck strawtruder in there.
They both stood in front of the back entrance door. Jonah looked over to Adam and asked for his arm. Adam rolled his eyes and held his arm out. They locked arms together and walked out of the entrance.
The picnic was.alright. Sure, the place was bright as always and made Adam want to throw up, but Jonah seemed to be more tame than usual. Something is up. Was he only acting like this because he knows there's no way Adam can escape anymore? He finally got his way. He won the game. He held his umbrella to Adam, giving him some shade. Adam looked off to the grassy fields, there were many colorful trees, giant cupcakes all over the place, and. some homeless looking guy rolling around in the grass..
Wait. What?
He squinted his eyes but could only see the guy was wearing a brown coat. Was this another person? No it can't be. After what happened with the officers, Adam couldn't seem to trust anyone else that lived in Madeleine. However..
He asks Jonah if he could "look around" and take a walk. Jonah allows him, but he kept his eye on Adam the whole time. Adam saw the mysterious person roll behind one of the cupcakes. Perfect. He took a peek and saw the person giggling to himself. He smelt strongly of..weed. Oh. Wait a minute. Adam asks who the person is and he sits up, making Adam let out a sigh.
“..another one?"
Another. Jonah? How many were there? Adam couldn't take it any longer. He grabbed him by the collar of his sweater and demanded an explanation.
"Holy fuck!! Chillax Adam!! What the hell are you wearing! You look like some kind of strawberry shortcake character.”
He bursted out into laughter. Adam thought to himself for a second. That's strange for an edible to be inhabitant of such an "innocent" looking place. What if. Just maybe. This is the real Jonah. No. Adam shook his head and let him go. He was tired of being tricked. Jonah stood up and asked where Adam was going.
"Nice try, but your stupid little hallucinations aren't working on me anymore, Lem."
Jonah tilted his head and asked who's that. Adam didn't give an answer, he remained frustrated and confused. It bothered him, even though it felt like he was talking to the real Jonah, he wasn't sure if it was. He doesn't know if anything could be one of (lemon) Jonah's tricks. Maybe that's what the key was for, to tell what is really real. Adam pulled out the key and held it to his eye. The seemingly colorful fields turned gray, so did the sky, however, Jonah remained in color! It was. actually him, just in a stupid edible brownie themed hat and clothing. Adam lowered the key down, as small tears formed in the corner of his
eyes. He pulled Jonah in for a hug, he went on about how much he missed him and that he wants to leave so badly. Jonah, being high, only hazily laughed and held on to Adam. For once Adam felt safe again, until a dark pit formed in his stomach, remembering (lemon) Jonah was still out there waiting for him back in the picnic. Adam told Jonah to stay still and to wait for him, he also said to go to follow the wafer path to the mansion.
Jonah nodded, but then asked why he needed to go. Adam only looked down, it was a lot to explain and he didn't have any time, he only told Jonah that he needed help. He walked back to the picnic and saw (lemon) Jonah sitting, he had what seems to be bunnies made out of marshmallows on his lap. When he saw Adam approach, he smiled and waved. Adam sat down and pretended to make it seem like nothing happened. He started to tell Jonah he was feeling ill and wanted to go back into the mansion. Jonah squinted his eyes in suspicion, he would ask what Adam was doing behind the cupcake for a while. Shit. Adam had to come up with the most bullshit excuse to why he was, he also feared (lemon) Jonah would end up finding Jonah there and possibly hurt him. Adam told him that he felt like he needed to throw up, so he hid behind there just in case he had to, but didn't. Jonah's expression relaxed, but he still didn't seem pleased to have to end their picnic over Adam feeling sick.
The two ended back into the mansion so Adam could rest. He would look out the window of his room (which was locked up and had bars on it) as he saw the pink sky turn to black. It was already night, he only hoped Jonah would find some way to help him. He looked back to the key, then back outside. He had seen Mark's papers, looked through Cesar's lab, but none answered his question on how he needed to leave. Maybe there wasn't a way at all. He thought of it deeper, from Cesar being chewed up, killing him completely, from how Mark's body went completely missing when it was last seen in the basement. Did Mark even die? Adam got up from his bed as his thoughts began to race. He remembered Mark's paper talking about fruits glowing through the key, something about not to leave assigned desserts unfinished. The apple pie in the kitchen with a missing slice. A slice. The last thing he ate before he came here was a slice of apple pie. He paused. He needs to get rid of the rest of the pie to free him from this connection. Him taking a bite of the slice of apple pie was like him signing a contract to stay in this everlasting nightmare. He still has time to cancel this deal he never agreed with.
 His eyes are wide open. 
Adam had to act quick, he felt like anything bad could happen in any moment. First, he needs to find the bodies of Mark and Cesar. He has a feeling glowing fruits are important and need to be kept. He threw his pink suit to the side, rolled up his sleeves and tied his hood to his waist. He looked in his room to see if the axe he used was still around. It was tucked behind his bed. As he ran out of his room, he tried his best to try and be quiet and quick. He had to go back to the basement where Cesar's body was. He ran down the hallway, opened the basement door and ran down the stairs. He pulled the strawtruder for light as the basement was still dark. He saw the body more clearly now, it was mostly bones. He looked through the
key, the strawberry on his suit didn't glow. He needed his hat, he looked over to the rest of the basement and saw it on the floor. He looked through the key one more time and saw one of the strawberries glow. He reached out for it, it felt warm in his hand.
"Thank you.."
Did it just speak to him? Adam tilted his head and the strawberry began to speak again. It sounded exactly like Cesar. He told Adam that he needs to find Mark's blueberry as well, he also apologized for all of the trouble Adam put up with. He talked to Adam about how Madeleine only existed to protect him from the dangers of the real world. He was tired of waking up everyday from the nightmares he would have. He would grow paranoid because of them, also the existence of alternates didn't help either. He thought Madeline was good until one night, an unknown force took over his body completely, killing him shortly after. Even though most of his mind was corrupted, he still had some control due to his soul still being
present. His top priority was to keep Mark safe, but he was forced to watch Mark go through so much pain as the unknown force would torment him. The force craved meat, it was blood thirsty, and most of the time it would want to go after Mark. But Cesar remained strong, he would try his hardest to hold it back for so long until that day when Cesar hit Mark with his cane until he bled out. Cesar got weak from controlling the force as it would only grow stronger throughout the years. Cesar told Adam that he swore he didn't do anything else to Mark after that and the last thing he remembered was the fight between him and Adam. 
Things were only starting to make a few sense to Adam, all he knew now is that Mark is still around, dead or alive. What Adam found weird is how Cesar wasn't in charge of Mark being put in the basement.. with his eye missing. It only meant one thing. 
Adam placed the strawberry in his bag and continued to move on. He made it to the kitchen; he still had to get rid of the pie that was left on the table. It was missing. He felt like he wanted to scream but he needed to move on, there wasn't enough time. He noticed there was a walk-in freezer in the kitchen, the door looks to be slightly open. He walked over to it and went inside cautiously, he made sure he used his axe as a way to prevent the freezer door from closing shut. Adam's stomach dropped as he found Mark. His whole body was frozen but he held out his hand shut. Adam pulled out the key and looked through to find where the blueberry was at. It wasn't on his hat, then he looked over to his closed hand and saw the blueberry through it. Now how the fuck is he going to get it. Adam grabbed the hand and it managed to snap off his wrist. Adam got disgusted, throwing the frozen hand on the floor, causing it to shatter, revealing the blueberry. As he grabbed it, it spoke to him as well. It was Mark. Just like Cesar, he thanked Adam for saving his soul. He only told Adam that he's getting really close to freedom. Adam mentioned to Mark that the pie he needed to get rid of was missing. Mark said not to worry about that too much as just as long their souls pass over, Madeleine won't be a thing anymore. Adam placed the blueberry in his hood and moved on from there. He noticed Jonah hadn't been present at all.. it was almost suspicious. Adam cautiously walked, he then heard laughter coming from a room. He followed where it came from and entered the room where the fireplace was. Adam's eyes widened as he saw the real Jonah tied down to the chair with his mouth covered too. (Lemon) Jonah held a knife over Jonah's neck, looking straight at Adam.
(Lemon) Jonah explains how he knew Adam was up to no good and was still trying to deny the fact he was staying in Madeleine forever. He ranted about how selfish Adam was, claiming that Adam never really appreciated what he did for him. He walked over to Adam, knife still in hand, he continued to talk about how he was disappointed Adam broke his trust. He noticed how Adam was clenching on to his axe, he laughed at that, saying no matter how hard Adam tries, he could slice and cut him however, but he will always come back, they will always meet again. He smiled. Adam's hands began to shake, he didn't know what to do. He looked over to Jonah who had a scared look on his face. It took him a while to find out what to say, he took a deep breath. Something echoed in the back of his head, about ever leaving desserts unfinished. He remembered about Cesar's corpse, he was completely dead..because he was eaten. Adam had cracked the code.
Adam looked into (lemon) Jonah's eye before yelling and slicing him in half like he did before. (Lemon) Jonah only laughed and called Adam stupid for thinking that would do anything. That's when Adam began to chop his torso into smaller pieces. He would grab a handful and shove it in his mouth. (Lemon) Jonah's eyes would grow larger as he realized what Adam was doing. He yelled at him to stop, but Adam didn't. He continued chopping, shoving more and more pieces into his mouth. It tasted sour, but he had to do this. Only the top half of Jonah remained as he struggled to get the rest of the black jelly to reform himself. He was panicking, melting in the process of it. He started to scream and yell at Adam, guilt tripping him. Adam once again swung his axe at him, finally shutting him up for good. Adam got down to his knees and ate the remaining black jelly. He felt nauseated, but he tried not to let it get to him. He looked over to Jonah who was still on the chair, his eyes obviously giving a "WHAT THE FUCK?" look. Adam went over and freed Jonah from the taffy restraints. They both looked at each other awkwardly and agreed they would never talk about this experience ever again.
Not shortly after, Jonah would talk about how "badass" Adam looked swinging the axe and "killing the bastard". Adam only chuckled, he was glad he had his old friend with him at last. Now the last thing to do is figure out how to get out. Adam saw the pie with the missing slice was placed down on the coffee table in the middle of the room. He grabbed it and threw it into the fireplace. How was their fire in Madeline? Not sure, seems the place is decaying enough it breaks its own laws of everything only being candy. It didn't matter to Adam anyway, he needed to help Mark and Cesar pass over.
 The two would walk out of the mansion, both catching up on what happened in the last 4 days.. but to Jonah, it was only 4 hours. Adam also introduced Jonah to strawtruder and he loved the little guy. They stopped in their tracks as they saw a grape and cherry in the middle of the wafer path. Adam picked them
up and looked at it through the key. It didn't glow.but it wasn't rotten either. It was just a regular cherry and grape. As he looked back up, he was greeted with darkness. No..not again. Don't say. that this was all just another hallucination.
A bright light approached Adam, it introduced himself as "his savior" and congratulated him for finally succeeding. Adam was confused, he didn't know what this meant. The savior grew brighter, so bright Adam had to close his eyes. Once he opened them, a tall angel decorated with frosting and berries stood before him. He lifted up his hand and Adam's outfit would change into a tailcoat and top hat. The angel said Adam will be the new ruler of Madeleine. Adam shook his head, he didn't want this. He explained to the angel that he wishes to go home. The angel nodded, but he brought up that he noticed he had some souls on him. Adam said yes, but something about this angel didn't feel right. He doesn't trust him with the souls of Mark and Cesar. Either way, Adam promised he'd be the one to cross them over. He then
looked at the cherry and grape he found. What if he just.gave these instead. He handed the grape and cherry to the angel, and he gave the most innocent smile ever. This smile would soon melt into a stretched out one.
"You'll regret making this decision, Adam. For you will be a fool for the rest of your life. Wake up."
He was back at the wafer path, gasping for air. Jonah stood up and told Adam that he was standing there for a good 10 minutes. Adam shook his head, saying that they need to leave now. The door appeared again at the end of the wafer path. Adam and Jonah walked over to the door, and this time Adam had the right key to escape. Adam unlocked the door, pushing the door open to reveal the same bright light. The two walk into the light together. Madeleine county slowly starts to decay, falling apart into nothingness. It's all over now. Mark and Cesar are at peace now. They are both safe, just like Adam and Jonah.
Adam woke up on the floor, his eyelids feeling too heavy to open. What the hell was that? He saw Jonah on the floor as well, and he started to laugh.
"We did it Adam heheheeh"
"We? You dickwad, I was the one who killed that freak and spent a whole day trying to find out how to escape! You came last minute!!"
Jonah laughed. Adam was glad to have his old life back. This is all he ever wanted. It would be a day later after all of that, the two would sometimes crack jokes about it once in a while, but they both agreed it's best to forget about it. It's not like it'll be a problem for them anymore.
His eyes began to water as he felt a burning sensation in his throat. He hunched over to the sink, feeling like he needed to throw up. He gagged and coughed, little by little, drops of a black substance came out. His heart dropped, he looked up to the mirror as the black substance dripped out of his mouth.
“I don't feel like myself anymore.”
His eyes burned as he felt his throat getting the burning sensation of needing to throw up. He
hurried into the bathroom, hunched over to the sink. It started to spill out of his mouth. A sickly
gross gooey substance that was pitch black.
He started to catch his breath as it stopped, only for it to continue. It filled up to the brim of the
entire sink. Disgusting. He looked up to the mirror and saw it dripping down his eyes and
mouth. This must be the after effects of being in Madeleine for so long…right? He hoped so,
as he really wished it wasn't anything more serious. He couldn't shake off the feeling of
something he felt. The sense of dread. He shook his head, he was back home and that's all
that matters. He looked back down at the sink and grimaced. He really needed to get a bucket
to put that goo in. He was afraid it would clog the pipes, and hell would their landlord be
pissed over that.
He walked out of the restroom to see his friend sleeping on the couch. He couldn't help but to
smile as he really missed him after being trapped in that hell hole for days. He's never been
happier to be living in a gloomy apartment. He walked over to the kitchen to see if there was
any bowl or container store that substance for now, but he only seemed to find one glass jar.
That would work for now. He walked back to the bathroom and started to scoop it out of the
sink into the jar. Once he got all of that done, he sealed it up. It surprisingly didn't leave a
mess as the sink looked spotless. He planned to take the jar and throw it out, but it was
already so late. He needed some rest, especially after all that happened. He left the jar on the
coffee table and walked back to his bedroom.
Adam opened his eyes while stretching out, it was a new day. He got up and walked back to
the living room to see Jonah surprisingly up early. He sat..so still, it was almost concerning.
Adam looked over to him and Jonah quickly turned his head over to look at him back.
"Good morning”
Jonah smiled, but not in a way he would usually do. It unsettled Adam a bit, then he looked
down to the coffee table and noticed the jar was missing.
"H-Hey..Jonah? Uh..where's the jar? I left one here last night and.."
"Oh heh, yeah I thought it was trash so I threw it out! What was it anyway?" Jonah chuckled.
Adam let out a sigh, maybe he was just being paranoid. Jonah seems to be acting fine, there's nothing wrong with him.
"Oh sweet. I was gonna throw it out myself but thanks man.”
Jonah stood up, walking over to Adam with a smile still on his face. He placed his hands on
his shoulder, his grip holding tight.
"No. Thank you, Adam. Thank you for bringing me here. Now we can be friends forever."
Jonah grinned as some of the substance spilt out of the corner of his mouth. He let out a
laugh as Adam tried to be let go from the grip but failed to. Tears formed in the corners of his
He was a fool.
As Adam put the strawberry in his hood, he turned over to stare at the large wall covered in
missing posters. The one in the middle was Mark's, but there were others surrounding them.
Adam's eyes looked closer, examining each of the posters. His eyes landed on one on the far
right of the wall. He had never seen this woman before..but her name…
..Lynn Murray
His heart dropped as he stood in front of the poster, tears forming as his sight began to blur.
Could this be? The person he was looking for all along ended up in this candy hellhole he so
happened to be trapped in. His lip quivered as his hand reached out to the poster, taking it off
from the wall.
He needs to get out of here, and there's no more time to waste. Adam would soon go back up to the kitchen and end up finding Mark's soul there. On the way out of the kitchen, he bumped into someone. That same homeless guy- no wait, it's Jonah.
"Dude!!! Where the hell have you been? Haha, this place is huuuuge. I was looking all over for you!"
Adam shook his head and told Jonah there's no time to waste and that he needs to help him get Mark and Cesar's soul to the other side. Jonah nodded and told him where he got in the
mansion. The two would cautiously roam, making sure Lem was nowhere in sight. Adam told
Jonah that he couldn't shake off the feeling of something feeling off, and that he was missing
something. Jonah then brought up to Adam about how he found a grape and cherry on his way
into the mansion. Adam looked at the fruits through the key and they didn't glow. but they weren't rotten either. They were just a grape and cherry. He still held onto them in his pocket as he felt like he would need them just in case. The mansion was way too quiet as they both made their way to the kitchen. Adam told Jonah to keep an eye out for anyone coming by as he went to look for Mark's soul.
Jonah nodded, "Alright but be careful."
Adam would then find Mark's soul in the walk-in freezer. As he walked back out he saw Jonah
holding a cleaver in his hand
"Why do you need that for?"
"Listen, I'm already highly suspicious of how quiet this place actually is. Also, didn't you tell me something about this "Lem" dude? What if he attacked me while you were in there getting the soul?"
"Right right, well there's no time to waste so we must get going..”
As they both walked, Adam felt like he needed to go back to the lab. Jonah asked why, only for Adam to not even know himself. He felt like there was a lot left unanswered there and that he needed to look back. Jonah rolled his eyes, not liking the idea of them splitting up again as it could put both of them in danger. Adam promised Jonah that he wouldn't be alone for long and handed Strawtruder to him to keep him company. Adam was off alone again as he hurriedly went up the stairs to Cesar's room. He noticed the entrance behind the wardrobe was already open. Did he do that?
Banging on the glass wouldn't work, as he'd been stuck in this large glass tank for a few days.
He didn't have to worry about drowning in the sickly sweet pink syrup that filled the tank. He
swam up to the top of the tank where the lid was, wondering if there was a way to unscrew it
from the inside.
It didn't take him a while to finally figure something out. His intelligence was a gift, yet a curse as it was the thing that made him be sealed away from the outside world in the first place. Sure, he would've tried to escape sooner, but he'd heard commotion coming from outside the lab walls that made him stay still. It's been quiet now, so might as well try to escape now. As he used his strength to kick the lid open, he could only think of the many things he wanted to do once he got out. He wants his revenge for being put away like if he was some sort of threat to his creator. All he wanted was to be free from being just a creation. He wanted to be his own person with his own life, but no. He was forced to doing stupid tasks all dealing with being a "friend" and other pointless manipulation tactics. 
He threw the lid to the ground as he jumped out of the tank, dripping from the pink substance.
As he looked around the room, he saw a pinboard of papers and pictures. He took a closer look, only to see they were all pictures of this guy. a guy that looks exactly like him. He read the paper and saw the name "Jonah Marshall" on it along with other information like his date of birth, where he lives, his age, his height. Then there was a paragraph analyzing his behaviors, mannerisms, his interests.
"What the hell?"
He stepped backwards and bumped into a desk that had a file placed in the middle of it. Nothing else. It had the word "Lime" on it, with a huge X across it. Is that his name? Lime? He opened the file up to see all the analysis that has been done on him. He flipped to the last page talking about how he needed to be put away and that a new version of him would be made. A new one..
He'd been replaced.
He threw the file back down to the desk, frustrated at the information he had read. He wasn't
good enough? No, he met every criteria, but he was too smart for his own good? It's not his
fault! He was created this way! He turned back to the page to see what he was replaced with. A prototype named "Lemon”..
Lemon. What makes him so special? He needs to know where this Lemon would be and what
makes him so great. When he does find out where he is, he'll make him pay for having to be
trapped away in this room for days.
Adam walked down the hall and looked around the room. Nothing has changed. His eyes
looked over to the locked door. There has to be something inside there. He looked at the
buttons on the lock.they were numbers. He could sorta make up what the code could be as
some of the numbers were faded..
This could take a while. He tried again once more.
The door opened as he saw someone already behind there. Another one?
Lime blinked as his hand remained on the handle of the door. He examined Adam with a
skeptical face.
"You're not Lemon..are you?"
"Fuck no!"
"I knew that! I was just making sure. I'm pretty sure all of us prototypes can all shapeshift.'
Lime noticed Adam's hand on the buttons still. He smirked in a cocky manner.
"Oh yeah, don't worry, I think I was the one who actually got the door to open. Y'see, I've been
trapped in that room for days, and I managed to figure out how to unlock the door from the inside.
Adam blinked in confusion and shook his head, not even wanting to bother. He said that he'll be going until Lime grabbed Adam by the wrist.
"Uh..? What do you want?"
"Based on what I have read, I was designed to be your friend. Boring, yes, but I want to make
sure I am the best at doing it. Unlike anyone else because no one holds as much knowledge as me.”
Great. Another obsessed perfectionist. Adam rolled his eyes and faced Lime.
"Well guess what, no thanks! I'm tired of you fake Jonah's and your weird obsessions over
wanting to be friends with me! Lem already has me fucking losing my mind because of it!"
Lime blinked, "Lem? As in Lemon? So you're telling me he's around? Where exactly..”
"I don't know! How about you go and look for yourself, genius."
Lime scoffed, "Whatever, I honestly don't have time to deal with people like you.”
And like that, he walked away from Adam and out of the lab, leaving Adam back all alone. He sighed to himself as things were starting to get more and more confusing to him. He wanted to know what this whole place meant, but it was all so hard to decipher. Was it even worth it in the end? What matters most is to leave this place for good. He would rather be doing alternate investigations than this. This whole place feels like an entirely new paranormal experience. It's otherworldly, and he wouldn't wish anyone to be trapped in here. He needed to get out of the lab as he didn't want Jonah to be left alone for too long. Who knows what Lime would think if he ever saw him.
Jonah held Strawtruder in his hands and walked through the mansion. He heard footsteps
coming down the stairs and assumed it would be Adam. When he saw who it actually was, he
stepped away slowly. Lime scrunched his nose at Jonah in disgust.
"Oh this cannot be the right guy! This can't be! You're not Lemon are you?"
"Dude! Can you keep it down?"Jonah whispered.
Lime rolled his eyes and went on a rant about how he shouldn't bother to try and listen to Jonah because he was "stupid". Jonah obviously got upset and argued back to Lime, telling him to shut up. Their commotion would cause Lem to find both of them, and he was enraged
Adam would come back downstairs and find Jonah nowhere in sight. Shit. He heard yelling coming from the other side of the mansion. He ran quickly to the room it came from, and saw
not one..not two..but three Jonah's fighting each other. It was a fucking mess. He stood by the
doorway as the three didn't bother to stop to look at Adam, they just continued. Adam would
hear the conversation between Lime and Lemon, both of them arguing over how one is more
superior to the other in their own way. Then there was Jonah, trying his best to defend from
either one of them that tried to strike at him. Adam saw the look on Lem's face, and he looked
like he was about to snap. He snapped his fingers, causing his snake around his shoulders to
go towards Jonah, restraining him. Lime got back up, only for Lem to grab him by the neck,
holding him in the air. Adam didn't like where this was going so he hid behind the wall, only
hearing Lem talking to Lime about how no one is getting in the way anymore. As he heard that he heard the sounds of bones being crunched, followed with the sound of Lime screaming in agonizing pain. Adam took a peek and saw Lime's head on the floor. Jonah was forced to sit there in horror as he watched Lem tear Lime's body apart and devour whatever he could. Lem wiped his mouth with his hand, only smearing the black jelly on his face further. He turned over to Jonah, grinning at him, saying that he was next. This would soon cause Adam to step out behind the wall and walk in the room with his axe in hand. He yelled at Lem to stop what he was doing.
His heart raced as he looked into the beady eyes of Lem. He gripped onto the handle of his axe,
but didn't dare to move. His eyes glanced over to Jonah who gave an expression of pure fear,
not knowing where this would go. Lem would only look down at Adam and laugh, saying that the
axe isn't going to stop him and that nothing will. He was in full control of Madeleine, and that
everything will go according to his plan.
Adam closed his eyes and sighed, dropping down the axe. He had a thought in mind, but he
needs to see if it would work if he did this. Lem's expression twisted into a grin as he chuckled.
"Looks like you're finally getting it, huh? Did it take this whole time for you to finally understand?"
He walked over to Adam, looming over him.
"I guess I won once again, I told you I'm good with games, but don't worry, there's still plenty
more to come and I'm sure you'll win.”
Adam shook his head, "This isn't about me anymore or you or this stupid candy hell hole!! I want you to take the real Jonah back home!"
Lem laughed, "For what? I honestly think he'll make a really good snack." He turned to face
Adam groaned and he tried to think of something. He stood there for about a minute thinking
and he finally got it. It was the only way Jonah could go back home safely.
"If you take him home I'Il stay with you..”
Lem turned back to look at Adam, shocked to hear the deal he offered. He tapped his chin and hummed in thought before pulling out his hand for Adam to shake.
"A deal's a deal..”
Adam shook his hand, he winced at how cold it was against his own. Lem then smiled and
hummed as he released Jonah out of his restraints. Jonah looked to Adam in stress, shaking his head.
"Adam, you don't have to do this! Please..”
His head remained low, he was tired of trying to fight back. Adam slowly approached Jonah with the strawberry and blueberry in his hand. He placed them into Jonah's hands.
"Please take them back with you. It's the least you can do right now."
Jonah looked into Adam's eyes before pulling him into a hug. Adam patted his back before Lem pulled Jonah away forcefully. 
"Alright alright enough of that, you're out!"
Lem snapped his fingers, causing a door to appear in the room out of thin air. He could've done that this whole time? "I guess when you're in control of Madeleine..you're in control of
everything." He said, as he opened the door and forced Jonah out, shutting it closed once he did.
The door faded away, Lem chuckled to himself before turning to face Adam. He grinned and
looked down at Adam, telling him that it's just them two forever and ever. Adam couldn't help but to smile, knowing what is going to happen next.
"Yeah…I don't think so.
The walls around them began to decay, but flew away like dust. Lem looked down around and
shook his head, screaming "no" in fear. He desperately clinged on to Adam yelling at him
asking him what he has done and that he's an idiot for this.
"This whole place was designed for Cesar. I helped him pass his soul to the afterlife by giving
his and Mark's soul to Jonah. Without his soul trapped here, this place shouldn't exist..and neither should you.'
Lem screamed as he began to slowly fade away into dust, he desperately clung on to Adam
until there was nothing left of him. Nothing else was left. It was all empty. If Adam's thought was correct, if Madeleine didn't exist anymore, then he should be back home in no time! He noticed he was still in his clothes…not in his usual hoodie. Shit.
There was a bright light ahead of him, it slowly approached Adam then stopped in front of him
"Congratulations! You weren't an idiot this time around."
Adam tilted his head in confusion.
"Since you have proven to me you're smart, what if I gift you something in return, Adam"
Adam didn't like how this strange entity was speaking to him. He mentioned the only gift he'd be accepting if he went back home. The entity laughed, but then told Adam that it wasn't possible for him to go home, but he could always make a home. It continued by saying that there's no other choice and that Adam will forever be left in emptiness if he doesn't give in. Adam sighed as there was literally no other way out of this.
He agreed, and in order for this new home to come..he had to take a bite of an apple pie slice.
He saw it float in front of him, everything Cesar had told him flashed through his head. Was it
worth even fighting anymore? He took a bite but didn't dare to swallow it. He knew what was
inside. The same force that took over Cesar. He stared down at the glowing entity as it shined
brighter, he refused to swallow. It slowly faded away as he saw his clothes change before his
eyes, a pink suit with a top hat. He was now in control. The walls of the mansion began to
reform again as if nothing happened. His heart dropped wondering if Lem would come back, but nothing happened.
He was alone in the mansion.
He walked over to the fireplace and spat out the piece of pie he took a bite out of. The mansion was quiet once again, as there was no one else but him inside. Until. He heard little footsteps come behind him. It was Strawtruder, looking up at Adam with big eyes. He picked it up and placed them on his shoulder. He walked out of the fireplace room with his hands in his pocket. He noticed he felt something in there, only to pull it out and see it was the grape and cherry from earlier.
He looked at both of them, then up to the empty room around him. He hates being alone. He's
been alone for most of his life. If he was in control of Madeleine, wouldn't that mean he could
create anything and everything? He held so much power than he thought, and it all can
start.. with the grape and cherry.
🍇🍒"Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Adam! Happy birthday
to you!"
🍒 "Now blow out the candles and make a wish!"
🍎 "A wish? What's there to wish for? I got all I need here."
🍒 "Well there has to be something you truly wish for in your life.
🍎 “You're right, I wish one of my friends was still around..”
 🍇 "You did the right thing, Adam. You kept him safe.
🍎 "Yeah, I really hope he's doing okay."
🍇 "That reminds me, I saw this real lemon outside in the morning. Wanna see it?'
🍒 “Oh Mark, I'm pretty sure that's just a candy lemon."
🍎 “Yeah.. you can toss that out into the fireplace later. It's nothing to worry about.”
🍇  "If you say so."
🍒 "Say, when was the last time you lit it up?"
🍎 “I.. don't remember. In fact, I can't remember anything that happened to me months ago
except my friend."
🍇 “This is why me and Cesar are here to help. Anyways! Blow the candle out so we can dig into that cake!"
And thus the three sat down at the table. Adam looked out the window at the skies of
Madeleine, how the color was a soft lavender with fluffy cotton candy clouds. He took in a deep breath and blew out the candles that were placed on his cake.
Later that night, Mark cleaned the room where the fireplace was. He took out the lemon he saw outside from his pocket and threw it in there.
"Nothing to worry about” he said as he sighed calmly, walking out of the room
The lemon sat still in the fireplace, so perfectly still. Slowly, something that was dark and gooey, something that was in the fireplace for a while began to stick around it.
Is all nothing to worry about.
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ur-typical-nerd · 2 years
Cuphead Sickness Headcanons
So I know I already put this on @baa-whatever’s post, but I decided to post these on my own blog so more people can see them! The title says it all, so let’s go!
-Haaates being sick. He’s incredibly bored, yet too sick/weak to actually do anything? 0/10, he would not recommend.
-He’ll occasionally try and sneak away to do something fun, but these attempts rarely last long. He’ll either get caught or collapse halfway through his attempt.
-Good luck trying to get him to take any medicine lol-
-Enjoys being read to when sick. He will never admit this, though.
-The blankets are either wrapped around him or on the floor. There is no in-between.
-The Devil has totally tried to take Cuphead’s soul while the cup is sick, because of course he would
-Gets tired and groggy when sick. 
-Pretty much anything with a fever can knock him out.
-He’ll occasionally attempt to act like things are normal and try to help out. One notable incident of this happening is when a sick Mugman attempted to organize the kitchen while Elder Kettle was out.
Elder Kettle came back to three lemons in the spice cabinet and Mugman asleep under the table.
-Perfectly willing to take medicine, mostly because he’s too tired to really argue
-Usually has to be encouraged to eat and drink
-Incredibly clingy, usually wrapping his arms around the closest thing to him. Sometimes it’s a pillow. Sometimes it’s his brother.
-Initially denies being sick before devolving into a dramatic, snot-faced mess
-It doesn’t matter if it’s a cold or the plague, he is dying and needs everyone to pay attention to him-
-King Dice is brought down to take care of the Devil and isn’t allowed to leave until he’s better
-Always feels freezing cold while sick despite, you know, being in Inkwell Hell. Therefore, he will bury himself in blankets while resting
-His powers tend to go a bit haywire when he’s sick, with the most common variant of this being running scarily high fevers and coughing and sneezing fire.
-Somehow he’s worse than Cuphead about taking medicine-
-Will totally play up his illness to get what he wants, whether it be more blankets of Dice cuddles
-Surprisingly clingy when sick, enjoys cuddles
-Usually pretty reasonable about being sick. Gets rest, tries not to overexert himself, the usual.
-When he’s busy, though…hoo boy. Hoo boy.
-When busy, this man can and will ignore any signs of illness and either deny or downplay them when asked about it until he inevitably collapses from exhaustion.
-Any and all attempts to get him to rest will end in failure.
-Due to his detachable head, King Dice can totally sneeze his head off his shoulders and into a wall/onto the floor. The Devil thought it was hilarious the first time it happened while they were dating.
-The Devil is very appreciated when Dice is going through chills.
-Usually dresses in something more comfortable when sick.
-Basically goes into a sort-of hibernation when sick
-Can often be found clinging to the Devil’s back like a little koala, fast asleep
-If he’s ever awake, he’s generally pretty groggy and not all that talkative
-His fevers never go as high as the Devil’s, but they’re still pretty weird
-Usually just sleeps for a few days before recovering
-Just? Never gets sick???? How??????
-The Devil is pretty sure Stickler’s doing magic-related something to prevent illness and it infuriates him.
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captastra · 2 years
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OC Interview
Thanks for the tag @theelderhazelnut 💗! Decided to do the interview for my newest oc, Death Lily, featuring her banner :D! This got pretty long so all under the cut. I also had fun with this so it takes place at Lily’s home after Tangerine and Lemon show up at her apartment with Tangerine on deaths door. After he’s in the clear, Lily and Lemon take a breather and Lemon decides to get to know the woman that has captured his brother’s heart.
Lily collapsed in her favorite chair, feeling the cushion start to give way around her, shaping to her body in a welcomed bliss. Taking a few deep breaths, she reached for the glass of wine she had carried over. She took a long sip, willing the liquid to calm her nerves after the events of the last couple of hours. The effects weren’t quick but what little she had started to feel calmed her racing heart.  
Lemon sat across from her, one hand petting her cat Smudge while he glared at her. 
“What,” Lily finally asked, her nerves too shot to ignore him. That didn’t stop her from shooting a glare at Smudge in betrayal. 
“Nothing. Just trying to understand what my brother sees in you,” he said, shaking his head and gesturing with his free hand as if in indifference. But Lily could see otherwise. 
She shrugged, taking another sip of wine. “He likes a challenge? I fill a hole he’s always had? I don’t know what answer you expect from me. If that’s what he wants, then that’s what matters.” Lily was too tired to put up a good show, not now. It was probably the most authentic she had been with anyone, or anyone other than Opal...and Tangerine. 
Lemon snorted. “Since you seem to be in a more genuine mood, let's play a game.” He picked up a magazine next to him, flipping to some page she couldn’t see. “Saw this quiz and decided, you know, since you intrigue me with what you are as a train, I’ll try it your way.” 
He held up the magazine and Lily recognized what looked like one of those basic magazine quizzes that mean absolutely nothing and yet they constantly sold as life altering. 
“Really? You want to do this now?” She glanced through the open door just to the left of her. From where she sat, she could just make out the rise and fall of Tangerines chest as he laid in her bed asleep. 
“Yup. You agree with me, right Smudge?” The cat that had been sleeping in Lemon’s lap lifted his head and gave a forceful meow before going right back to sleep. Lemon nodded and looked back up to her, raising his eyebrow. 
“Very well. I’m too tired to argue.” She motioned with her free hand for him to continue.  
Lemon gave her a look. “Your real name.” 
“You know we never give our real names.” Lily tried for humor but even she could feel it fall flat. When Lemon continued to look at her, she sighed, and she thought back to the girl she had been all those years ago. “The only name you or anyone else ever needs to know...is Lily. The girl I was before is gone.”
For a moment she expected Lemon to argue or probe further, but he only nodded and looked back to the page. 
"Are you single?" 
Lily snorted, again looking to where Tangerine was sleeping. “I guess I’ll have to say it's complicated.” 
“Damn right,” Lemon responded. “We can move on.” 
"Are you happy?" 
"Am I happy? What a question!” Lily laughed, slightly higher than normal as her body started to come back down from worrying about Tangerine.  
“One you haven’t answered,” Lemon pointed at her. 
Lily looked at the glass in her hand, the swirling of the red wine almost hypnotic. She thought back on the events of the last few years, the people she had met and the few she actually let into her life. The fact that Tangerine would survive the recent mission he and Lemon had been on. 
“Yes, yes I am.” 
Lemon didn’t move for a moment, only staring at her. Then he gave her a curt nod and read the next question. 
"Are you angry?" 
“I just said I was happy,” Lily pointed out, but Lemon raised his eyebrow again and she rolled her eyes. “Clearly not. Though if you had asked me that a few hours ago then yes, yes I was very angry. And scared. Since we are getting so personal,” Lily motioned her drink in his direction. “If that was to be your next question. 
Lemon glanced at the page he was holding and shook his head. 
"Are your parents still married?" 
Lily laughed, a real genuine laugh that nearly set her reeling. “How should I know,” she lied but those details would go to her grave. 
Thankfully Lemon didn’t push the matter. 
9 Facts 
"Birth place?" 
“You tell me yours first,” Lily answered. She was surprised when Lemon chuckled. 
“Fair enough. I’ll make sure he,” Lemon nodded in Tangerine’s direction, “Doesn’t tell you either.” 
“It wasn’t my intention to ask,” Lily said, taking a sip of her wine. “What’s next?” 
"Hair color?" 
“Are we going for obvious questions now? Very well.” She leaned back, languishing across her chair. “A beautiful chestnut brown. Natural, of course.” 
"Eye color?" 
“Also chestnut brown.” 
“Now now, what are you looking for, to buy me a gift?” Lily winked at Lemon but he ignored her. 
Lily gave him a dismissive wave, focusing away from him to stare at the wall. “Already answered, next question.” 
"Summer or Winter?" 
“Hmm.” Lily played with her glass, thinking back on her fondest summer or winter moments. One particular summer evening with Tangerine was most prominent on her mind. “Summer,” she mused, smiling softly to herself. 
“Something tells me I don’t want to know.” Lemon said, almost sounding disgusted. 
Lily laughed into her drink. “No, you don’t.” 
"Morning or Afternoon?" 
Lemon made a noise. “Wouldn’t take you for a morning person.” 
Lily looked away again. “Nothing like having a quiet moment for yourself as the sun is rising.” 
Silence followed her answer and when she looked at Lemon, he wore an expression she hadn’t seen before. Almost...pensive. 
“Now for the unfortunate questions. Please spare me any pertinent details.” Lemon finally said, shifting in his seat. 
“I’ll try my best,” Lily smiled at him, which seemed to only annoy him more. 
Eight Things About Your Love Life 
"Are you in love?" 
“It’s complicated.” 
“So you don’t love my brother?” 
It was Lily’s turn to raise an eyebrow. “Do you want me to love him? That deep romantic love they sell in the media? Get all doe eyed and sweet and sappy around each other?” 
Lemon stared at her and then shook his head as if shaking away unwanted thoughts. “Moving on.” 
"Do you believe in love at first sight?" 
“No.” Lily didn’t even have to think about her answer. “And anyone who says they do is lying to themselves.” 
"Who ended your last relationship?" 
“Me, but I wouldn’t count any of those as relationships,” Lily answered. She gave Lemon a sly smile. He ignored her again.  
"Have ever broken someone's heart?" 
“I guess I can answer this question,” Lemon said the moment he finished reading the question out loud. “You literally have.”
Lily tipped her glass towards him and didn’t answer. She had a trail of dead targets behind her from seducing them.
"Are you afraid of commitments?" 
“I think last question answers that for you. Next question.” 
"Have you hugged someone within the last week?" 
“I’ve done more than just hug,” Lily winked at him. She found herself enjoying this, seeing him squirm. “You’re the one that wanted to ask these questions. Should we stop now?” 
Lemon sniffed and wiped his hand under his nose. “Like I said, just no details.” 
“None. Cross my heart.” 
“I’ll believe that,” Lemon muttered. 
"Have you ever had a secret admirer?" 
“Oh I’ve had many,” Lily lamented, resting her chin on her hand and staring wistfully to the wall again. 
“Poor sods.” Lemon responded. 
“Couldn’t agree more.” 
"Have you ever broken your own heart?" 
Lily paused, the fun little moment they shared before was immediately gone. “Next question.” 
Six Choices 
"Love or Lust?" 
“Lust. Love is too complicated and makes you weak.” 
“Tell my brother that,” Lemon said. 
Lily looked away as she took a sip of her wine. “I have.” 
Lemon only sighed. 
"Lemonade or Iced tea?" 
“Iced tea.” 
“No lemonade,” Lemon asked, almost sounding hurt. 
Lily shook her head, “Too sour.” 
Lemon gave her a sour look. “Fine.” 
"Cats or dogs?" 
Lily glanced at Smudge, who was still happily asleep on Lemon’s lap. “I would say cats but there is a betrayer amongst us so I will hold me tongue.” 
Lemon chuckled. “He just knows a good person when he meets them.” 
“What does that say about Tangerine,” Lily asked. Smudge had taken an instant disliking to Tangerine, much to his annoyance. 
“He’s always been more of a dog person,” Lemon answered. 
"A few best friends or many regular friends?" 
“None if I can help it. I’m sure you understand.” Lily pointed out.  
Lemon deflated a little but gave her an annoyed look. “And yet here we all are.” 
“Indeed,” Lily said, unable to deny that truth. 
"Wild night out or romantic night in?" 
“Both. What about Tangerine?” She figured it was worth a shot to throw that in. 
Lemon deflected easily. “Ask him when he wakes up.” 
"Day or night?" 
“Night. Plenty of time to have fun. Wouldn’t you agree?” 
“With you? No.” Lemon didn’t even look up to respond. 
Lily pouted. “So cruel.” 
Four Have You Evers 
"Been caught sneaking out?" 
“That would require someone to be there to catch me.” Or care, she thought, but against she dared not utter the words. 
"Fallen down/up the stairs?" 
Lemon raised an eyebrow after asking the question. “Do you even know how to be embarrassed?” 
“Me,” Lily brought her hand to her chest, feigning hurt. “Never. And if I did,” she narrowed her eyes at him, “no one would ever see it.” 
“I’m sure you have though, haven’t you Smudge.” Lemon’s scratched at Smudge’s heading, adopting a baby voice as he spoke. Catching himself, he coughed, and smoothed out the magazine. “Anyways.” 
"Wanted something/someone so badly it hurt?" 
Lily glanced towards Tangerine again. Her first instinct was to say no, put on the façade she had mastered so well. But seeing him earlier, nearly dead again and bleeding all over her floor, Lily realized the thought of losing him had been too much to bear. 
Tearing her eyes away from him, Lily brought her glass to her lips, unable to face Lemon as she whispered... 
“What was that?” 
“You heard what I said.” Her tone was as icy as the look she gave him. 
Lemon tried to crack a joke, get more out of her, but Lily kept her mouth shut until he asked the next question. 
"Wanted to disappear?" 
The weight she was feeling from the previous question still weighed on here, but it was a question that was easier to answer. 
“You could say I already have.” 
Lemon smirked but didn’t say anything as he turned the page. 
Four Preferences 
"Smile or eyes?" 
“Eyes. A smile is easy to fake,” she quickly put on her best smile even as she struggled to calm her emotions, “But the eyes. They will never lie.” 
Lemon really looked at her this time, eyes flitting between hers. “You’re not lying right now.” 
“No. I’m not.” 
"Shorter or taller?" 
“Does it matter?” 
“You certainly seem the kind to have a type.” 
Lily snorted, that turned into giddy laughter. The alcohol was starting to kick in. “You’re brother is simply special.” 
Lemon groaned. “Please don’t tell him that.” 
“I would never. He already has an ego that could fill that room he’s laying in.” 
“I think you mean your apartment.” Lily looked at him in surprise and he seemed surprise himself. “Don’t let that go to your head. I still don’t trust you.” 
“Oh, of course,” Lily replied, but her smile stayed on her face. 
"Intelligence or attraction?" 
“Either, but in regards to your brother, attractions.” She smirked over the rim of her glass. 
Lemon looked like he wanted to get angry but closed his eyes and nodded. “Yeah, yeah that’s him.” 
Lily chuckled. “Glad you agree.” 
"Hook-up or relationship?" 
“Hook up is certainly much easier. But with Tangerine—” 
“You can stop right there,” Lemon interrupted, holding his hand up. 
“Is that not what you want to know, about me and him?” 
“Still haven’t decided yet,” Lemon reminded her.  
"Do you and your family get along?" 
“No family, no need to get along.” Lily answered. It was a white lie, she truly didn’t have a family, but she would be damned if she ever let anything happen to her younger sister. Someone no one ever needed to know about. Not even the two people who were known as ‘The Twins’. 
“Doesn’t surprise me.”  
"Would you say you have a messed-up life?" 
Lily raised her eyebrow. “We’re assassins. What do you think?”
“Look mate, I’m just asking the questions here.” Lemon held up the magazine. “I can’t blame,” he paused and looked to see what magazine it was, “Cosmo for not having an assassin questionnaire edition. Maybe write them a letter saying—” 
“Ok, ok,” Lily cut in, “Yes, my life is messed up. So is yours and Tangerines. We kill people for a living.” 
Lemon nodded and then shook his head. “My life is good. I don’t know what you’re on about.” 
Lily stared, her mouth hanging open slightly. “If that’s what you want to call it.” 
"Have you ever run away from home?" 
“Don’t think I became an assassin because mommy and daddy dearest loved me at home.” 
“Not even once,” Lemon asked. “Used to do it all the time with Tangerine.” 
“And what trouble did the two of you get into,” Lily leaned forward, eager to hear more. 
Lemon opened his mouth to answer, but caught himself. “Oh no. I’m not telling you nothing.” 
“So you will?” 
“Shut it. Next question.” 
"Have you ever gotten kicked out?" 
“Again, irrelevant.” Lily swirled the now almost empty glass in her hand. “Troubled past or not, I’m still here. Are we almost done?” 
“Yeah, this is getting a bit boring isn’t it?” Lemon flipped the page.  
“Oh, so you’ve already made your decision about me?” 
“Haven’t decided yet,” Lemon paused to scratch Smudge’s ear and then looked back at the magazine. “Four questions left.” 
“Thank god.” 
"Do you secretly hate one of your friends?" 
“Only you Lemon,” Lily winked at him. 
“The feeling’s mutual.” 
"Do you consider all your friends good friends?" 
“Are you trying to tell me you actually do like me as a friend?” Lily leaned forward again, placing her chin on her hand. 
“It says all your friends,” Lemon motioned to the question on the page. “So do you or not?” 
Lily pondered the question before answering. “If I consider you my friend, that alone means something.” 
"Who is your best friends?" 
“I...” Lily paused, stumped on what to say. She had no friends for a reason. Opal was a happy accident that turned out beneficial for both. Smudge was a cat. Lemon and Tangerine...the realization hit her like a brick wall. “I can’t tell you.” 
“Well Smudge is my best friend. Right kitty?” Lemon’s tone took on that baby voice again and their interview paused for a few moments as he played with her cat. “But its because you don’t have one, isn’t it,” he asked when he was done.  
Lily looked away, not in shame, but in realizing that she might actually do...and that was a dangerous feeling to have. 
“It’s fine. I know you secretly do want me as your best friend,” Lemon said, filling the silence. “But now we’ve hit the final question.” 
“Better be a good one.” 
"Who knows everything about you?" 
“No one and no one ever will.” 
“Not even Tangerine?” 
Lily gave him a look. “No I don’t expect him to tell me everything either. This job is too dangerous for that kind of openness. I’d stop him if he started to tell me more than was needed.” 
Lemon nodded, staying silent as he looked over the questions again. Eventually he set the magazine down and turned his gaze back to Lily. She waited with bated breath, wondering just what would come from this slight moment of vulnerability. 
“If you ever,” Lemon began, holding up his hand to point at her. “Ever put my brother in danger, I will kill you myself.” 
Lily smiled. “I would expect nothing less.” She held out her drink to him and when he nodded, finished it off. 
They may never be true friends, but they both cared for one man and that alone brought them together in a funny kind of way. Not one she expected, but one Lily welcomed nonetheless. 
No pressure tags: @detectivelokis @sstewyhosseini @kourumi @roofgeese @incognito-insomniac @poisonedtruth @eclecticwildflowers @awhellstothejoe @somethingclich8 @confidentandgood @poetikat @bearcina @phillipsgraves @jendoe @kyber-infinitygems @galaxycunt @olliesaurus-rex @ghosttownwhispers and anyone else who wants to do this, this is me tagging you :)!
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