#Legal Action
alwaysbewoke · 4 months
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The 50th anniversary of AIMs (American Indian Movement's) occupation at Wounded Knee is coming up, so the Lakota People's Law Project is leading another push to free an AIM activist who was wrongly convicted of killing two federal agents in 1975- Leonard Peltier. He was convicted on false evidence and false testimony and sentenced to two life sentences. He is now 78.
LPL has a formatted email up on their website now which you can personalize and send to Biden to ask for clemency. (Please personalize emails like this so it doesn't get filtered as spam. Just move some words around, add some, take some, you don't have to write a whole email.) Please pass this around.
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A judge has ruled a court challenge can proceed over the Saskatchewan government's law requiring parental consent for children under 16 who want to change their names or pronouns at school. Justice Michael Megaw says the applicant, UR Pride, a 2SLGBTQ+ group in Regina, should still be allowed to make its case surrounding the Charter of Rights and Freedoms even if the Charter's notwithstanding clause has been invoked. "UR Pride has recognized the claim here is in somewhat uncharted territory," Megaw wrote. "However, that UR Pride has a steep hill to climb in this regard does not mean it should not be given the opportunity to engage in the climb in an effort to illustrate that the incline can be conquered."
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techtalkbyjames · 4 months
Film News: Scarlett Johansson Had To Threaten OpenAI With Legal Action To Get Soundalike Voice Taken Down, Wants “Appropriate Legislation” To Stop Such Deepfakes – Update
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reasonsforhope · 2 years
“Kenya's government has been ordered by a human rights tribunal to make reparations to the Ogiek, an indigenous, forest-dwelling people who they tried to evict from their lands, marking a huge win for indigenous rights, on a continent where wins are few and normally far between...
These traditional people have been forced in self-defense to enter into a 13-year legal conflict with the Kenyan government, who have engaged in several varied attempts to oust the community entirely from their ancestral lands through eviction notices, physical attacks, forced evictions, and home demolishing.
In court documents uploaded to the internet, the bench unanimously dismissed all the arguments offered by the Kenyan government claiming it was implementing [a previous] 2017 judgment. Then it slapped a reparations fee of just under $500,000 for material damages, and just under $850,000 for moral damages.
In addition, the ruling underlines that the Kenyan government must take all necessary measures, in consultation with the Ogiek community and its representatives, to identify, delimit and grant collective land title to the community and, by law, assure them of unhindered use and enjoyment of their land.
The bench furthermore ordered the Kenyan government to recognize, respect, protect and consult the Ogiek in accordance with their traditions and customs, on all matters concerning development, conservation or investment on their lands.” -via World at Large, 7/4/22
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mudwerks · 1 year
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ted kennedy VW advert
A mock advertisement in National Lampoon magazine showed a floating Volkswagen Beetle, itself a parody of a Volkswagen advertisement, showing that the vehicle's underside was so well sealed that it would float on water, but with the caption, "If Ted Kennedy drove a Volkswagen, he'd be President today." The satire resulted in legal action by Volkswagen, claiming unauthorized use of its trademark; the matter was later settled out of court.
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fredhugesfan · 4 months
I know this is a bit late, but the entire Hopeless Peaches, Lio Convoy, and The Senate Server situation still infuriates me. These people are terrible. While I don’t fully grasp all the details, it’s clear that the way The Senate Server handled Rosa Rey Ramsey’s situation was a complete disaster. I’m not sure if Rosa has grounds to sue, but if she does, she should definitely pursue legal action against everyone involved.
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miawashere · 1 year
legal terminology pt 9!
subpoena: when a court orders for someone to give a testimony for a case.
subpoena duces tecum: basically the same thing as subpoena but for the person who was asked to testify to also bring documents that are useful for the case.
injunction: to prevent someone from doing continuing to do something. according to cornell law, there are three types of injunctions- permanent, temporary, and preliminary injunctions.
equity: how much someone owes on property after calculating liabilities (to be honest this one is a bit tricky to understand, please correct me if i am wrong!!)
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mcspocky · 2 days
A group has made public its decision to pursue legal action against Governor Kemp, citing the lack of an inquiry into the State Election Board's activities.
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wachinyeya · 10 months
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wombocombo4x3 · 8 months
Campaign "Helping" Nijisanji EN Livers Backfires Horribly
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alwaysbewoke · 4 months
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With the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA), which has kept Native children from being purposefully removed from Native families into non-Native foster families since 1978, being reevaluated in the US Supreme Court, it is at risk of being greatly weakened and undoing decades of work to stop the systematic erasure of Native cultural identity.
(It may also re-designate the term "Indian" in the bill to mean a racial classification rather than political, reversing precedent with regard to tribal sovereignty. Native tribes must remain independent entities in the law rather than just a race to protect their rights to self-governance.)
The Lakota People's Law Project is asking US citizens to ask their state lawmakers to enact similar legislation at the state level which codifies the rights and protections ICWA gives to Native children should it be weakened in the Supreme Court. This is not protection for the ICWA itself, although they do have action you can take for that on their website as well. In the link is a pre-written email which you can personalize and easily send to your state lawmakers.
Thanks for your time. :)
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learningfromlosing · 5 months
sometimes, you've been through enough to take it to legal channels. sometimes, doctors don't have your best interest at heart. sometimes, people do things on purpose. sometimes, there's no way to justify their actions, even if they're a friend or a parent. sometimes, people don't realize the people their fucking over are already at their limit. sometimes, people don't know who they're fucking with. and sometimes, it's their own fault. sometimes, you have to take legal actions because we no longer have parents to ground us, and we still need reparation and justice. sometimes, people need to learn hard lessons because we are adults who should know better, and they did, and did it anyway. sometimes, we have had enough for so long, you have no idea what you're walking into, doing these things on purpose. sometimes, they have no idea, when they should have some by paying attention to the situation. but they will learn soon. sometimes, it doesn't matter if it takes years. sometimes, it doesn't matter if it's right away. sometimes, we can wait for you to burn. and wait we will. you will be a warm person again soon, even if that means the warmth is from standing near you while you are engulfed in the flames you brought on yourself.
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teamo-teamoaroar · 2 years
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smithpatrick · 1 year
Things you must follow after motorcycle accident in Dallas
Riding a motorcycle can be an exciting and exhilarating experience, but it also comes with risks. In the event of a motorcycle accident, it is important to know what steps to take to protect your legal rights and ensure your physical and financial recovery. This article will provide an overview of the things you must follow after a motorcycle accident in Dallas, and why it is important to hire a motorcycle accident attorney Dallas to represent you.
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Step 1: Seek Medical Attention
The first and most important step after a motorcycle accident is to seek medical attention. Even if you do not feel injured, it is still important to get checked out by a doctor. Some injuries may not show symptoms right away, and delaying medical treatment can result in serious complications down the line. Additionally, seeking medical attention will create a record of your injuries, which will be important later on if you decide to pursue legal action.
Step 2: Document the Accident Scene
After seeking medical attention, it is important to document the accident scene as much as possible. This includes taking photos of the damage to your motorcycle, the other vehicle involved, and any injuries you sustained. If there were any witnesses to the accident, try to get their contact information as well. All of this documentation can be useful evidence later on if you decide to pursue legal action.
Step 3: Report the Accident to Your Insurance Company
You should also report the accident to your insurance company as soon as possible. Be honest and detailed in your account of what happened, and provide any documentation you have, such as photos or witness statements. It is important to remember that insurance companies are not on your side, and may try to offer you a settlement that is less than what you deserve. This is why it is important to have an experienced motorcycle accident attorney Dallas on your side.
Step 4: Do Not Admit Fault
It is important to never admit fault after a motorcycle accident, even if you think you may have been partially responsible. Admitting fault can hurt your chances of receiving compensation later on, and may even result in criminal charges if the accident was severe. Instead, stick to the facts of what happened, and let your attorney handle any legal negotiations.
Step 5: Contact a Motorcycle Accident Attorney Dallas
If you were injured in a motorcycle accident in Dallas, it is crucial to hire a Personal Injury Lawyers Dallas as soon as possible. A qualified attorney can help you navigate the complicated legal process, negotiate with insurance companies, and fight for the compensation you deserve. Your attorney will also be able to represent you in court if necessary, and provide guidance and support throughout the entire process.
Step 6: Keep Records of Your Expenses
After a motorcycle accident, you may be faced with a variety of expenses, such as medical bills, motorcycle repairs, and lost wages from time off work. It is important to keep detailed records of all of these expenses, as they may be included in your compensation package. Your attorney can help you determine what expenses are eligible for compensation, and ensure that you are properly reimbursed.
Step 7: Be Patient
Finally, it is important to be patient throughout the legal process. Resolving a motorcycle accident case can take months or even years, and it is important to not give up or settle for less than you deserve. Your attorney will be with you every step of the way, and will fight for your rights until a fair settlement is reached.
In conclusion, if you were involved in a motorcycle accident in Dallas, it is important to follow these steps to protect your legal rights and ensure your physical and financial recovery. Hiring a motorcycle accident attorney Dallas is particularly important, as they can provide the legal expertise and support you need to navigate the complex legal system. If you are in need of legal representation after a motorcycle accident, contact the experienced Personal Injury Lawyers Dallas.
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