#Lee Il Hyung
may8chan · 2 years
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Remember - Lee Il Hyung 2022
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4ever-always · 2 years
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Remember - 2022
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binging-asian-dramas · 3 months
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Good Job. 8.5
Story: 9
Acting: 10
Chemistry: 10 🔥
Comparable to: The Spies Who Love Me (kdrama); Kiss Sixth Sense (kdrama); The Girl Who Sees Scents (kdrama)
For me this drama is highly underrated. Yes I like the cheesy ridiculous fantasy dramas that are unrealistically predictable and this one is right up my alley. Both main leads are fantastic together (as we already know from Bossam Steal of Fate) they’re just as smexy and fun in this too. The storyline is more of a comedy mystery trio (Eum Moon Su, which has his own sub romance as well). Main leads have a late LATE romance but is well worth it, chemistry oozes throughout anyway.
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flowerlovecharmer · 2 years
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Xdinary Heroes <Overload> 주연 Concept Photo 1
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khakilike · 1 year
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I’m angry because I didn’t think of this one first 🤣.
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mezzopieno-news · 2 months
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Una tecnologia di alimentazione di nuova generazione può generare energia in modo costante sfruttando le micro-vibrazioni presenti in innumerevoli contesti che ci circondano.
Il Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science ha sviluppato un metamateriale che intrappola e amplifica le micro-vibrazioni trasformandole in elettricità. Questa fonte di energia onnipresente può sopperire alla variabilità di altre forme di produzione di energia pulita spesso influenzate dalle condizioni meteorologiche. La sua capacità di generazione di energia costante e stabile può escludere il bisogno di accumulare l’energia e il conseguente uso di batterie. Il metamateriale sviluppato dai ricercatori coreani intrappola e accumula micro-vibrazioni al suo interno e le amplifica di oltre 45 volte. Applicando la raccolta delle vibrazioni con il metamateriale sviluppato, il team di ricerca è riuscito a generare più di quattro volte più elettricità per unità di superficie rispetto alle tecnologie convenzionali.
Il metamateriale sviluppato ha una struttura sottile e piatta, più o meno delle dimensioni del palmo di una mano, che gli consente di essere facilmente attaccato a qualsiasi superficie in cui si verifichi una vibrazione. Poiché la sua struttura può essere facilmente modificata per adattarsi all’oggetto a cui verrà attaccato, la sua gamma di applicazioni è molto ampia. Queste caratteristiche possono consentire la generazione di energia elettrica su larga scala e con impatto ambientale estremamente limitato. “É la prima al mondo che si riesce ad accumulare e amplificare con successo le vibrazioni utilizzando un metamateriale di superficie che le intrappola temporaneamente”, ha affermato Lee Hyung Jin del KRISS.
Fonte: Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science via Science Direct; foto di Jordi Torrents
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4-pollinka-4 · 1 month
The interview gone in tears pr. 2
Pairing: Minsung
Summary: During interview Minho broke in tears and Jisung helped him. This breakdown effects Minsung a lot.
Word count: 2250
After a short car ride, they finally arrived back at their apartment. Chan unlocked the door, and the moment they stepped inside everyone turned to look at Lee Know: their strongest member had been so vulnerable today, and they were all worried.
Lee Know took a deep breath, steeling himself, and looked up. All the members were looking at him with concern swirling in their eyes, and he felt like bursting into tears again. Suddenly Lee Know swayed a bit.
Hyunjin rushed forward and caught him for support. The others all came closer, hands reaching out to help. "Is he alright?" Hyunjin asked urgently, looking at Chan and Jisung.
The two shook their heads, concerned. "He's still shaky," Jisung said quietly. Chan put an arm around Lee Know. "Let's get him on the couch."
Hyunjin and Changbin nodded, and they helped Lee Know over to the couch. They laid him down, and he curled up, looking small and vulnerable. The others all sat down around him, looking worried.
Lee Know search with his eyes for Han.
Jisung got the message instantly. He sat down next to Minho on the couch, closer than the others, and immediately Minho shifted closer, laying his head on Jisung's laps. Jisung wrapped an arm around his back, holding him.
Everyone fell into a heavy, contemplative silence. The atmosphere was heavy, thick with worry and concern about Lee Know. It was so unusual for the group's strongest to be so vulnerable, so broken.
Changbin spoke up quietly. "What do we do?"
Hyunjin looked at Lee Know, then back to Changbin. "I don't know," he said quietly, and everyone looked at Lee Know's small, quivering form on the couch.
A heavy silence fell over the room, everyone looking at Lee Know. He looked like the scared, small child they'd all met years ago, not the strong hyung they knew today. Jisung ran his fingers through his hair, still holding him close.
The heavy silence was suddenly broken by Changbin's firm voice. "Minho." Everyone looked at Changbin, surprised at his bluntness. He was sat closest to the couch, and he leant forward to look at their hyung. "Minho, look at me."
Jisung: "Hyung, maybe you would sit up?"
Lee Know looked up, meeting Changbin's eyes. He slowly pushed himself up from Jisung's lap, a difficult task and Jisung had to help a bit.
Lee Know sat up and leaned back, breathing heavily. His face was paler than usual, and he suddenly looked extremely ill. The others all looked at him, concerned, but Changbin kept firm eye contact with Lee Know.
Changbin spoke again. "Minho," he said slowly. "Can you tell us what's going on?" Everyone nodded, all looking at Lee Know. The room was completely silent, the heavy atmosphere hanging above all of them.
Lee Know inhaled shakily, looking at everyone else. He hated this, being the centre of attention, being everyone's primary concern. "Il..." he tried to speak, but the words caught in his dry throat.
"Drink this." Hyunjin gently pushed a glass of water into Lee Know's shaky hands, Jisung saw it "Let me help you" he brought the glass to Lee Know's lips and Minho sipped. He took a moment, the put the glass down, still avoiding eye contact. "I... I'm just scared," he mumbled, voice barely a whisper.
Everyone had leaned closer to catch his words, and Changbin met his eyes again. "Scared of what?" he said firmly. "What have you got to be scared of?"
Lee Know fidgeted, fiddling with the hem of Jisung's shirt again. Everyone was looking at him, and the heavy weight of their gazes was suffocating. "I'm scared of losing myself," he mumbled. "Losing who I am... and you all..."
The others all sat in silence, shocked. They'd all expected Lee Know to give a more materialistic answer, like losing his job or their popularity. But instead he was afraid of losing everything that he held meaningful, everything that made him who he was.
Hyunjin was the first to find his tongue. "What... what do you mean 'losing yourself"?" he asked quietly, concern in his eyes.
Lee Know looked up, and a shiver ran down Jisung's spine. He looked so lost and vulnerable, like a broken child. "I'm scared of one day waking up and realising I'm not who I think I am anymore," he mumbled, his voice wavering. "That I've become someone entirely different to who I was."
Lee Know reached for Jisung's hand, and grasped it, squeezing and almost certainly digging his long nails into the back of Jisung's hand. Jisung didn't mind: at least this was proving to him that his hyung was still here, still present in the room.
Everyone else was shocked at Lee Know's words. Changbin leant forward. "But why do you think that'd happen?" he asked slowly, still looking directly at Lee Know.
Minho shrank even more. Jisung becoming protective: "Don't push hyung."
Changbin sat back, slightly surprised, but Chan spoke up, placing a hand on Changbin's shoulder. "Jisung's right. You can't push Minho hyung like that, not right now."
Minho: "Don't quarrel, I will answer”
Changbin leant back, looking slightly sheepish. "Right, sorry," he mumbled. Lee Know took a leep breath, and everyone leant forward to listen.
He fidgeted again. "...everything just feels so overwhelming," he mumbled. "I feel like I'm at my breaking point. I'm worried that one day something will just push me over the edge and I'll lose myself entirely."
The room fell silent again. The others were all shocked. Everyone knew Lee Know could be sensitive, but he never ever let it show, always pushing it down and acting strong. Now he was admitting to feeling overwhelmed, feeling like he was at breaking point. This was so un-Lee Know-like.
Jisung was also a bit scared because of his most precious hyung state, but he tried not to show this.
Jisung was terrified, seeing his hyung so scared and vulnerable. He wanted to hug and protect Lee Know from the world, but he knew he couldn't. The best he could do was to gently squeeze Lee Know's hand in silent reassurance.
Minho clinged to Han even more, as if we were trying to hide. Lee Know buried his face into Jisung's shirt, inhaling the comforting, familiar sent. Everyone else was watching, concerned and confused. They'd never seen their hyung like this, almost childlike, scared and vulnerable.
Jisung's instincts were now in full protective mode. He held Lee Know tighter, shifting so his hyung was almost completely in his lap, wrapped in his arms. He gently stroked his hair as if to soothe the scared male in his lap.
The others were shocked. They'd never known Jisung to be this protective, he was still the youngest and the baby, but here he was, protecting their hyung like a lion protecting an injured cub.
Lee Know was still hiding face into Jisung's shirt, fingers gripped so tight on his hand the tips were going white. Jisung could feel the tension in his shoulders, the tremors that ran through his body, shaking like a leaf. He rubbed his back, gently soothing him.
Hyunjin leant forward. "Hyung?" he began hesitantly. "Do you mind me asking you something?"
Lee Know slowly lifted his head, looking at Hyunjin. He took a deep breath, his heart racing, and Jisung could feel tremors rippling through his frame. "...Ask," he finally mumbled. He hide his head again.
Everyone looked at each other. Their hyung was so much more closed-off and distant tonight than they'd ever seen before: he never would have hidden his face away before. They didn't know how to react.
Jisung want to end this conversation, take his hyung away and hide, but he understands that he can't act like that.
Jisung was desperate to end the conversation, to take his hyung somewhere safe and away from everyone else where he would feel safe and protected. But he also knew he couldn't, that the others would want to know what was wrong with Lee Know, their hyung. He felt torn in two as Lee Know's slim frame started to shake in his lap.
Hyunjin took a deep breath, then spoke again. "Hyung, how long have you been feeling like this?" he said slowly, watching Lee Know's every movement carefully.
Lee Know was silent for a moment. He hated this. He didn't want to admit to his members that he was weak, afraid, scared of himself. But he knew he wouldn't have much choice, not now. He looked up, speaking hesitantly. "A few months," he mumbled.
Everyone was stunned. A few months. Lee Know had been struggling like this for months and not one of them had noticed. No, he'd hid it so well they hadn't even had the slightest idea that he was struggling.
Hyunjin was horrified. "Months?!" he repeated, shocked. Everyone were looking at their hyung in shock, horror, surprise. Lee Know had concealed his struggle from them for months.
Hyunjin's voice dropped to a whisper. "Why didn't you tell us?" he asked quietly. Everyone else was watching, shocked, as Lee Know shifted, burying himself closer to Jisung.
Lee Know didn't answer for a moment. He was desperately trying to avoid contact and everyone's gazes as he buried his head into Jisung's shoulder again. "...I didn't want to burden you," he mumbled, his voice so quiet they struggled to hear him.
Everyone's hearts broke upon hearing this. He didn't want to burden us. Lee Know had been struggling for months but had hidden it from them out of fear of burdening them.
Minho burst into tears again, and this time Jisung couldn't take it anymore, picked him up and headed to their bedroom.
Jisung carried his fragile hyung into their bedroom, carefully laying him down on his bed, wrapping the blankets around him. He sat down, and Lee Know curled up immediately, burying his face into Jisung's stomach.
Jisung sat in silence for a while. He was still trying to process everything that had just happened: his hyung breaking down in tears, confessing that he'd been struggling for months but hadn't told them because he didn't want to be a burden. He gently stroked Lee Know's hair, his fingers tenderly rubbing against his scalp.
His heart ached seeing his hyung so vulnerable. Lee Know was normally the strongest, the most reliable, the most supportive. He was always there for the younger members, but now here he was, vulnerable, broken and tearful. Jisung shifted, holding Lee Know closer to him.
The older male had fallen into a strange sort of half-sleep, curled up against Jisung, clinging to him like a child. His hand was still gripping the front of Jisung's shirt, so tight that his fingernails had dug little half-moons into Jisung's skin.
Jisung leant back a bit, trying to get comfortable. He didn't want to move, he didn't want to disturb Lee Know's fragile sleep. He would stay here like this all night, he didn't care. He just wanted his hyung to feel safe and protected.
He gently carded his fingers through Lee Know's hair again, rubbing gentle circles into his scalp. The older made shifted again, nuzzling his face deeper into Jisung's stomach, breathing slowly and deeply.
A few hours later, Chan came into the room: "Hanni, how are you? Maybe you want to go eat, you haven't eaten, have you? I can sit with him"
Jisung looked up as Chan spoke, shaking his head immediately. "No, I'm staying," he mumbled, looking down again at the small male asleep on his stomach. "I have to stay with him."
"Jisung I know you are struggling with worry, concern and overprotectiveness, but you need to eat at least"
Jisung knew that Chan was right, but he was still stubborn as ever and refused to leave his hyung's side. "No," he murmured, shifting so Lee Know was resting more comfortably against him. "I'm not leaving."
"Hannie, please... otherwise I'll start worrying about you too and things will get really bad"
Jisung knew that Chan was serious, that if he worried about Jisung as well as Lee Know that he would lose his mind. But he was still stubborn as anything, and he didn't want to leave his hyung's side.
"Hannie, please... otherwise I'll start worrying about you too and things will get even worse"
Jisung hated it when Chan was right, hated it when he couldn't resist his hyung's gentle commands. Slowly, and only because he knew he had to, Jisung shifted, gently moving Lee Know off him and onto a pillow.
"Stay with him until I return - said Jisung strictly"
Chan nodded, gently sitting on the edge of the bed. "Okay," he said quietly. Jisung was already moving out the room, pausing for a second to look at his hyung sleeping form before sighing and leaving.
Once Jisung left, Chan was alone with Lee Know. He sat on the edge of the bed and looked at his hyung: he was curled up on the bed, hugging one of Jisung's pillows tight and nuzzling his face into it.
As leaving, Jisung felt such a heaviness in his chest, it seemed to him that his heart weighed on him. As he left the door, he leaned against the wall and slowly slid down.
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whatsk-poppinhomies · 9 months
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Goo Gun Il (구건일)
~coming soon~
Kim Jung Su (김정수)
~coming soon~
Kwak Ji Seok (곽지석)
~coming soon~
Oh Seung Min (오승민)
~coming soon~
Han Hyung Jun (한형준)
~coming soon~
Lee Joo Yeon (이주연)
~coming soon~
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olympianrol · 1 month
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👻 Song Menor: Choi Beom Gyu (TXT), Song Eun Seok (Riize), Yoon Jae Hyuk (Treasure), Joo Chang Uk (Drippin), Sim Jae Yun (Enhypen).
👻 Kang Primogénita: Kim Ye Rim (Red Velvet), Choi Ye Won (Oh my girl), Kim Jung Eun (ARTMS), Son Chae Young (Twice), Moon Su A (Billie).
👻 Kang Mediana: Oh Hae Won (Nmixx), Yoon Se Eun (Stay C), Shin Ryu Jin (Itzy), Huh Yun Jin (Le Sserafim), Nakamura Kazuha (Le Sserafim).
👻 Choi Primogénito: Han Seung Won (Victon), Moon Tae Il (NCT), Chae Hyung Won (Monsta X), Nam Joo Hyuk, Kang Tae Oh.
👻 Choi Mayor: Choi Mi Yeon ((G)idle), Park Ji Hyo (Twice), Roseanne Park (Blackpink), Jung Eun Bi (Viviz), Kim Se Jeong.
👻 Choi Menor: Hong Eun Chae (Le Sserafim), Lee Won Hee (Illit), Choi Jung Eun (Izna), Lee Hyun Seo (IVE), Kim Chae Won (TripleS).
👻 Wáng mediana: Ning Yi Zhuo (Aespa)
Todos los físicos son sugerecias, excepto el la hija de los Wáng.
Fundadores - Petición
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roadtophantom · 1 year
Let your S(e)oul take you where you long to be (v) - Christines, Raouls, and the last of this review
Finally finally fishing my reviews of August 8 and 9 shows (two months later, so embarrassing)
The first Christine I've seen is Song Eun-hye who showed herself to be a young wide-eyed Christine with a powerful belt (she gave an especially hair-standing Wishing). She was already fearful of the Phantom from the start and for most of the performance and it seemed being agape was her main play of the character until eventually becoming sympathetic to the Phantom (Cho Seung-woo) by Final Lair. It's a bit typical for me and I was looking for more variation, but from what I'm reading from her current performances, she's been even more emotive. I think she's still very much a work in progress but actually off to a good start.
Son Ji-soo reminded me of those 1950s/1960s film actresses with her physical features and the way she sang (very classical trained). That kind of presence hooked me in. At first she showed herself to be an excited Christine who was inspired by singing and apparently by her unseen mentor (giving her a joyful Think of Me and even POTO title song). I like how she uses her hands in her acting especially to reach out to her co-stars (from Carlotta in Il Muto, to Raoul in AIAOY/Notes reprise, and to the Phantom (Jeon Dong-seok) when he's commanding her to leave the lair), I like handy Christines in general. Overall, I find myself leaning toward SJS's Christine as having a more unique impression, but I would love to see how SEH is now.
Hwang Gun-ha has...the most unusual Raoul voice I've ever heard. In that it's way too deep. He surprises me each time he sings. Because he looks like this kpop idol but with such a low register, there was somewhat a disconnect. And when he's angry he gets ANGRY. Definitely kept me alert.
Song Won-geun played an ever-reliable Raoul and ticked the boxes of a conventional portrayal. He is the Raoul you'd expect to see, gentlemanly, protective, and heroic, but nothing that really jumps out, it's all by the label.
Kim Ah-sun (Madame Giry) - She looked the role and sang it well. (sorry kdrama geek out moment) she reminded me of Kim Seo-hyung in Sky Castle who was this tutor from hell, and that kind of gothic stern presence made her a very effective Giry.
Park Ha-rim (Piangi) - Loved this guy's enthusiastic portrayal of Piangi and he is always a crowd-favorite because of how he extends his notes. I like how his character fanboys over Carlotta and actually becomes quietly impressed with Christine during the Don Juan Rehearsals. His was such a dynamic portrayal.
Han Bo-ra / Lee Ji-young (Carlotta) - Han Bo-ra was the comedic Carlotta and Lee Ji-young was the elegant one. Both delightful in their own ways and both worked well with Park Ha-rim with LJY even lovingly coaching him during the Don Juan Rehearsals.
Shin Jae-hee (Buquet) - I like how his Buquet is natural and not exaggerated, he actually seems to be spooked out by the Phantom, too, which makes me feel sorry about his death. Also the corpse is such a deadringer of the actor it's legit terrifying.
Yoon Young-seok (Andre) - Last but not the least, our Phantom veteran is now a manager with possibly an anxiety disorder. It's funny knowing he was the terror who haunts the opera house now he gets easily spooked up and he has his hand to his heart. Such a poor guy, but also cute at times.
No doubt their performances are even better two months after I've seen them so definitely take these reviews as dated. I'm glad the show is going to Daegu but sad that not all cast members are going. This time I look forward to all your reviews!! And I sincerely hope everyone can have a chance to see this masterpiece of a production at the Charlotte Theatre to experience it yourselves.
Thank you so much for reading and apologies for how long it's taken!!
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seouldramaspot · 3 months
The Atypical Family – A Touching Tale of Superpowers and Human Struggles
"The Atypical Family" (Korean: 히어로는 아닙니다만) is a 2024 South Korean television series that blends the fantastical allure of superpowers with the poignant realities of everyday life. Starring Jang Ki-yong, Chun Woo-hee, Go Doo-shim, and Claudia Kim, this JTBC drama aired from May 4 to June 9, 2024, capturing the hearts of viewers every Saturday and Sunday evening. Additionally, it is available for streaming on Netflix in selected regions, making it accessible to a global audience.
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The series revolves around Bok Gwi-ju and his family, who once possessed unique superpowers. However, due to chronic diseases and the pressures of modern life, they find themselves losing these abilities. The narrative takes a turn when their lives intersect with Do Da-hae, a mysterious woman with a keen interest in their family.
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Main Characters
Bok Gwi-ju (Jang Ki-yong): Gwi-ju can travel back in time to revisit happy memories. Unfortunately, after his wife's death, he loses this ability as he grapples with depression and can no longer find joy in his past.
Do Da-hae (Chun Woo-hee): A mysterious figure whose fascination with Gwi-ju and his family brings new dynamics into their lives.
Bok Man-heum (Go Doo-shim): Gwi-ju's mother, whose insomnia prevents her from using her "precognitive dreaming" superpower.
Bok Dong-hee (Claudia Kim): Gwi-ju's older sister, who once had the ability to fly but lost it due to struggles with obesity.
Supporting Characters
Bok In-a (Park So-yi): Gwi-ju's daughter, a thirteen-year-old girl isolated from her family and classmates.
Eom Soon-gu (Oh Man-seok): Gwi-ju's father and the only family member without any superpowers.
Baek Il-hong (Kim Geum-sun): Da-hae's mother.
Grace (Ryu Abel): Da-hae's younger sister.
Noh Hyung-tae (Choi Gwang-rok): Da-hae's uncle
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At its core, "The Atypical Family" is a poignant exploration of loss, identity, and resilience. The superpowers in the series symbolize personal strengths and coping mechanisms that the characters gradually lose due to life’s adversities. Gwi-ju’s battle with depression and his quest to rediscover happiness is a narrative that resonates deeply with many viewers, reflecting real-world struggles with mental health.
The series also tackles issues such as body image, family dynamics, and the sense of isolation felt by those who are different. Each character’s journey is a testament to the human spirit’s capacity to adapt and find new sources of strength and joy.
"The Atypical Family" enjoyed impressive viewership ratings, averaging 3.778% nationwide and 4.418% in Seoul. It consistently topped viewership charts, underscoring its popularity and the emotional connection it forged with its audience. These ratings reflect the show’s ability to attract and retain a dedicated following despite being broadcast on a cable channel, which typically garners smaller audiences compared to public broadcasters.
The original soundtrack of "The Atypical Family" significantly enhances its emotional impact. With beautifully composed pieces by artists such as So Soo-bin, Lee So-ra, and Yi Sung-yol, the music resonates deeply with the series' themes. The OST includes:
Part 1: "Walking with You" by So Soo-bin
Part 2: "I See You" by Lee So-ra
Part 3: "Laputa" by Yi Sung-yol
Each track captures the essence of the characters' journeys and the show's emotional beats, making the viewing experience even more immersive.
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"The Atypical Family" is a standout series that deftly blends the fantastical with the deeply personal. It offers a unique perspective on the superhero genre, focusing not on epic battles but on the intimate struggles of a family facing extraordinary challenges. The series' compelling performances, intricate character development, and heartfelt storytelling make it a must-watch.
For fans of Korean dramas and those new to the genre, "The Atypical Family" is an unforgettable journey into the complexities of human emotion and resilience. Be sure to catch it on JTBC or stream it on Netflix to experience this remarkable tale.
Honest Comment: At first I didn't know the other actors I only knew the male lead, at first I was confuse of the story like how it happens I will not spoil but it is Fantasy about super power but it is different. Its only 12 episode but it is worth the watch I like the plot the tense and how the story goes. I recommend this series It is worth it.
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may8chan · 2 years
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Remember - Lee Il Hyung 2022
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natlacentral · 6 months
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ignitification · 2 years
K-actors I need in a leading role very badly:
- Lee Soo Hyuk. I don’t really have to explain this one, but for those still sitting too far away: his voice alone is cause of heart attacks.
- Lim Ji Yeon. She’s great, she’s pretty and I’d like to see her in a series where she is given freedom to express herself in a way that does not necessarily have to scream ‘unapproachable bitch’ (even though…).
- Lee Ji Hun. He’s sexy, yes, but I’d also like for him to simply be silly and just see a lot of him. Please. We need more long haired DILF representation.
- Hwang In Youp. Again, I don’t need to explain this one, but I’d like to say that he deserves better. Let him act like a grown up Jung Joon Hyung (WLFKBJ).
- Lee Joo Bin. Let her be a bad bitch. Let her be a narcissistic asshole with money issues. Just let her act in more roles that are not ‘girlfriend’ or where she is crying all the time. Thanks.
- Shin Sung Rok. He’s been there but I cannot remember any single one of them (whether they were bad, or because I am still not over his version in Vagabond).
- Jung Sung Il. No other reason for this that I’m thirsty for this man. Amen.
- Byeon Woo Seok. He was great, and maybe he could have a drama where he does not meet a tragic ending.
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flowerlovecharmer · 2 years
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Xdinary Heroes 〈Overload〉 Highlight Film Sampler
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K-pop Boy Bands Stations
Choi Seung-Cheol (S. Coups)
Yoon Jeong- Han (Jeonghan)
Joshua Hong (Joshua)
Wen Jun-Hui (Jun)
Kwon Soon-Yeung (Hoshi)
Jeon Won-Woo (Wonwoo)
Lee Ji-Hoon (Woozi)
Lee Seok-Min (DK)
Kim Ming-Gyu (Mingyu)
Xu Ming Hao (The8)
Boo Seung-Kwan (Seungkwan)
Hansol Vernon Chwe (Vernon)
Lee Chan (Dino)
Choi Soo-Bin (Soobin)
Choi Yeon-Jun (Yeonjun)
Choi Beom-Gyu (Beomgyu)
Kang Tae-Hyun (Taehyun)
Kai Kamal Huenging (Huening Kai)
Monsta X
Sohn Hyun-Woo (Shownu)
Lee Min-Hyuk (Minhyuk)
Yoo Ki-Hyun (Kihyun)
Chae Hyung-Won (Hyung-won)
Lee Joo-Heon (Jooheon)
Im Chang-Kyun (I.M)
Kim Jun-Myeon (Suho)
Kim Min Seok (Xiumin)
Byun Baek-Hyun (Baekhyun)
Kim Jong-Dae (Chen)
Park Chan-Yeol (Chanyeol)
Do Kyung-Soo (D.O)
Kim Jong-In (Kai)
Oh Se-Hun (Sehun)
Zhang Jiashuni (Lay)
Li Jiasheng (Kris)
Lu Han (Luhan)
Huang Zitao (Tao)
Stray Kids
Christopher Chan (Bang Chan)
Lee Min-Ho (Lee Know)
Seo Chang-Bin (Changbin)
Hwang Hyun-Jin (HyunJin)
Han Ji-Sang (Han)
Felix Lee (Felix)
Kim Seung-Min (Seungmin)
Yang Jeong-In (I.N)
Kim Woo-Jin (Woojin)
Lee Tae-Yong (Taeyong)
Moon Tae-Il (Taeil)
Seo Young-Ho (Johnny)
Nakamoto Yuta (Yuta)
Qian Kun (Kun)
Kim Dong-Young (Doyoung)
(Korean Name) Lee Young-Heum (Ten)
Jeong Yoon-Oh (Jaehyun)
Dong Si-Cheng (Winwin)
Kim Jung-Woo (Jungwoo)
Huang Xuxi (Lucas)
Mark Lee (Mark)
Xiao Dejun (Xiaojun)
Wong Kunhang (Hendery)
Huang Ren Jun (Renjun)
Lee Je-No (Jeno)
Lee Dong-Hyuck (Haechan)
Na Jae-Min (Jaemin)
Liu YangYang (Yangyang)
Osaki Shotaro (Shotaro)
Jung Sung-Chan (Sungchan)
Zhong Chen-Le (Chenie)
Park Ji-Sung (Jisung)
Yang Jung-Won (Jungwon)
Lee Hee-Seung (Heeseung)
Jay Park (Jay)
Jake Sim (Jake)
Park Sung-Hoon (Sunghoon)
Kim Seon-Woo (Sunoo)
Kim Nam-Joon
Kim Seok-Jin
Min Yoongi
Jung Ho-Seok
Park Ji-Min
Kim Tae-Hyung
Jeon Jung-kook
Solo Artists
Lee Ho-Seok (Wonho)
Kang Dong-Ho (Baekho.)
Cho Seung-Youn (Woodz.)
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