Explore tagged Tumblr posts
thebutcher-5 · 6 months ago
Ratatouille (film)
Benvenuti o bentornati sul nostro blog. Nello scorso articolo abbiamo deciso di continuare a parlare di fantascienza e quindi abbiamo preso in esame un film del grade Carpenter che sicuramente era molto tipico per lui. Il film in questione è Starman. Un alieno, Starman, riceve il messaggio di pace del Voyager 2 che invita qualsiasi forma di vita aliena a visitare la Terra. Lui decide quindi di…
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greenteaforbreakfast · 1 month ago
2024-es lista
Folytatva a hagyományokat, megint elfelejtettem tegnap posztolni, pedig a szöveg már meg volt írva. Nem voltam igazán formában, de az látszik is. Mindegy, read more után minimál vélemény.
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Robert Galbraith: The Running Grave - 4 és fél nap alatt olvastam el az 1200 oldalt, szóval nem volt baja. Mármint a könyvnek, nem az írónak, még mielőtt.
V. E. Schwab: The Fragile Threads of Power - Tök jó, hogy ez idén jelent meg, mert pont tavaly olvastam el végre a trilógiát, amihez kapcsolódik. Nagyon jó kis folytatás volt, találkoztunk régi szereplőkkel is, de nem éreztem erőltetettnek, jó volt velük újra együtt. Hozta az első könyvek szintjét.
Erlend Loe: Doppler - Minden évben olvasok Loe-t, a Dopplert most olvastam talán ötödjére.
Harper Lee: To Kill a Mockingbird - Régen el akarom olvasni, hiszen klasszikus, amiről ódákat szokás zengeni. Megérdemli. Nagyon intelligens könyv.
Margaret Atwood: The Edible Woman - Ez tőle az első könyvem. Olvasás közben is tetszett, de a végén visszagondolva az egészre még jobban. Durva, hogy mindezt a hatvanas években írta.
Kurt Vonnegut: Slaughterhouse-Five - Tizensok éve olvastam utoljára Vonneguttól, olyat akartam, amit még nem. Az értékelések meg az ajánlók szeretik a megrázó, gusztustalan, megdöbbentő jelzőkkel illetni ezt a könyvet, de nekem annyira nem volt úgy kirívóan egyik sem, hogy a végén utánajártam, hogy nem-e valami cenzúrázott változatot sikerült-e olvasnom. (Nem.)
Émile Ajar: Előttem az élet - Újraolvasás. Szép és jó még mindig.
Kazuo Ishiguro: Never Let Me Go - Erről meg már annyi jót hallottam, hogy mondom akkor bepótolom gyorsan. Annyira azért nem mennék messzire, hogy azt mondjam, fölösleges időpocsékolás volt, de hogy semmit nem tett hozzá az életemhez ez a könyv, az is biztos. Nem jött meg a kedvem ehhez az íróhoz.
Haruki Murakami: The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle - Elkezdtem angolul, bár Murakamit legtöbbször magyarul olvastam eddig. Annyira out of place volt az egésznek a hangulata, és annyi félrefordítás-szerű értelmetlenség volt benne, hogy muszáj volt utána járnom (redditen kurvajó beszélgetéseket találtam róla), meg magyarul is elkezdenem, hogy kiderüljön, mi folyik itt. Kiderült: borzalmasan szar az angol fordítása :D
Murakami Haruki: A Kurblimadár krónikája - Magyarul jobb volt :) Nem a legjobb könyve, de könnyen lecsúszott.
Ross Welford: The 1000 Year Old Boy - Ez nagyon aranyos sztori volt. Okos, érzelmekkel teli gyerekkönyv, szerethető karakterekkel. 10-12 éveseknek ajánlják, de szerintem a nagyobbaknak is élvezetes.
Franz Kafka: Metamorphosis - Egyike a rengeteg kötelezőnek, amit még sosem olvastam. Részleteket belőle talán, de azokra sem emlékeztem. Ez is a gusztustalan, gyomorforgató, borzalmas jelzőket szokta kapni, de én már soha többet nem hiszek másoknak. Mondjuk én bírom a bogarakat. Egyébként tetszett nagyon, biztosan el fogom még olvasni párszor.
Jane Austen: Pride and Prejudice - Na ha már olyan jól mentek idén a klasszikusok, próbáljunk rá erre - gondoltam én, balga módon. Kb 120 oldal után feladtam. Fuh te. Ennyi üres, semmitmondó, idegesítő beszélgetést én még sosem láttam egy helyen. Értem én, hogy a maga idejében ez volt A Könyv, és még a lövészárkokban is ezt olvasták, de hát a Fifty Shades of Grey is mekkorát ment már... :)
Khaled Hosseini: A Thousand Splendid Suns - A Kite Runner jobban tetszett, ez sokkal kevésbé tűnt valósnak nekem, ami rontott az élvezeti értékén.
Louis Sachar: Holes - Ez magyarul a Stanley, a szerencse fia címet viseli, és az egyik legjobb ifjúsági regény evör. Nem először olvastam.
Margaret Atwood: The Handmaid's Tale + The Testaments - Megmondom őszintén, én már ezt a két könyvet így 4 hónap távlatából sem tudom ketté választani, egyáltalán nem emlékszem, melyikben mi történt. Az Ehető Nő után, mivel ez kapta mindig a hype-ot, jobbat vártam, de ez legyen az én bajom.
Carlos Ruiz Zafón: The Labyrinth of the Spirits - Azt kicsit megbántam, hogy nem a másik három után olvastam tavaly, így majdnem egy év kihagyás után már fogalmam nem volt, hogy a régi szereplők közül ki kicsoda. De így is nagyon élvezetes volt, pörgött a sztori, és a lezárás sem volt borzalmas. (Az utolsó fejezetet leszámítva, arra nem tudom, mi szükség volt.)
Mark Haddon: The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time - Nagyon ritkán mondom könyvekre, hogy ezt mindenkinek el kéne olvasnia. Na ezt mindenkinek el kéne olvasnia.
Arthur Golden: Memoirs of a Geisha - Már a Hosseinivel is az volt szerintem a bajom, hogy nagyon érezhetően a női közönségnek írták férfiak, ebből meg egyenesen üvöltött. De legalább nem az a fajta, aki teljesen hülyének néz :) Nem volt benne fölösleges, csöpögős romantika (plusz pont), viszont olyan túlzottan hihetőre sem sikerült (mínusz pont, ha már memoárként tálaljuk). Rossz mondjuk nem volt, de azért sokat nem veszít az ember, ha sose kerül a kezébe. 1001 könyves listák ide vagy oda.
Andy Weir: Project Hail Mary - Ezt az embert én nem tartom kifejezetten jó írónak, igazából nem tudom, mit vártam ettől a könyvtől, vagy hogy miért vettem a kezembe. A kis alien haver cuki volt benne, amúgy azért nem az év sci-fije, pedig szokás dicsérni.
Arto Paasilinna: Az akasztott rókák erdeje - Nagyon finn, nagyon sarkvidéki (fun fact: pont azon a szélességi körön játszódik, ahol élek), nagyon vicces kis abszurdum. Kicsit olyan, mint egy népmese, csak nem a legkisebb királyfiról, hanem egy bűnöző és egy alkoholista őrnagy kapcsolatáról szól a finn vadonban, ahol mindenféle váratlan és fura dolog történik velük. Fogok még a szerzőtől olvasni.
Octavia E. Butler: Xenogenesis trilogy - Így kell sci-fit írni. Apokalipszis, fura földönkívüli lények, hiteles emberi karakterek, jól felépített világ, értelmes, komoly, intelligens, váratlan sztori, de sosem wtf. Még csak pár órája tettem le, de már hiányoznak.
2023-as lista
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labjegyzet · 1 month ago
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Könyv Kemping 2025
Idén lesz Könyv Kemping a Booktuber Könyvklub szervezésében! Itt megnézhető a bejelent�� videó!
Időpont: 2025. január 11. 00:01 - 19. 23:59 Közös könyv: Diana Wynne Jones - A vándorló palota (Ciceró)
Az olvasási kihívás egyes pontjaihoz mi is ajánlunk könyveket alább, de előbb egy beszélgetésre hívjuk fel a figyelmeteket.
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Sok könyv jutott eszünk, de igyekeztünk szűkíteni a kört és viszonylag rövid terjedelmű köteteket beírni a listába, hogy legyen idő elolvasni a Könyv Kemping ideje alatt. Illetve igyekeztünk nem csak fantasy és sci-fi zsánerben válogatni, így sikerült 😊
Egy történet vagy könyv, amelyben nagy szerepet kapnak a városok
Alexandrov Anna: Lakás a kilencediken
Sam J. Miller: Orkaváros
Ben Aaronovitch: London folyói, Föld alatti suttogás, Soho felett a Hold
Moskát Anita: Mesterhazugság (A hazugság tézisei)
Egy történet vagy könyv, amelyben nagy szerepet kapnak a házak
Diana Wynne Jones: A vándorló palota
Farkas Balázs: Bróda Szálló (Légszomj)
Jónás Zsolt: Folyondár (Légszomj)
Sereg Gitta: A dolgok rendje (Légszomj)
Daphne du Maurier: A Manderley–ház asszonya
E. Lockhart: A hazudósok
Kleinheincz Csilla: Alvilági szövedék
Lőrinczy Judit: Az utolsó tanú
Füzesi Dóra: Amőbász (Az év magyar scienece fiction és fantasynovellái 2021)
László Zoltán Hullámsodrok (Az év magyar scienece fiction és fantasynovellái 2021)
Ismeretterjesztő vagy ismeretközlő
Laura Ertimo – Mari Ahokoivu: Micsoda idő!
Philippe Brenot: A szex hihetetlen története
Selene Silverwind: Boszorkány kézikönyv
Dr. Ali Fenwick: Red Flags, Green Flags
John Gribbin: A tudomány hét oszlopa
Egy történet vagy könyv, amely 2024-ben jelent meg
Az év magyar science fiction és fantasynovellái 2024
China Miéville, Keanu Reeves: A Máshol Könyve
Robert Harris: Konklávé
Bármelyik DC képregény
Matt Haig: Az élet lehetetlen
Egy történet vagy könyv, amely nem a Földön játszódik
László Zoltán: Mindig egyre több
Frank Herbert: Dűne
Brian Herbert és Kevin J. Anderson: A Dűne nővérei
N. K. Jemisin: Távolűr
Jonathan Strahan: Az űroperák határtalan világa
Chris Hadfield: Az Apollo–gyilkosságok
Arkady Martine: Birodalomnak nevezett emlék
Egy történet vagy könyv női szerzővel
Diana Wynne Jones
Kleinheincz Csilla
Moskát Anita
Rusvai Mónika
Bökös Borbála
Puska Veronika
Papp Dóra
Moniquill Blackgoose
Tahereh Mafi
Kadono Eiko
Mary E. Pearson
Naomi Novik
Bethan Roberts
Hannah Kaner
Catherynne M. Valente
Arkady Martine
Victoria Aveyard
Az év magyar scienece fiction és fantasynovellái szerzői között is sok nő akad
Egy történet vagy könyv, amely a kora újkorban (15. század második fele-18. század közötti időszak) játszódik
Hubert – Zanzim: Férfibőrben
David Grann: Lázadás a világ végén
Carolyn McHugh: Taylor Korunk ikonja
Sung-Yoon Lee: Észak-Korea hercegnője
Kang Myeongseok – BTS: BEYOND THE STORY – A BTS tízéves története
Képregény (bármelyik képregényünk)
KaeRel: Csonthalma
Émile Bravo: A 7 törpemedve bolondos meséi
Jennifer Muro-Thomas Krajewski: Paletta
Jen Wang: A herceg és a varrólány
Egy történet vagy könyv, amelynek szerzője ázsiai
Kadono Eiko: Kiki könyvek
Sung-Yoon Lee: Észak-Korea hercegnője
Kang Myeongseok – BTS: BEYOND THE STORY – A BTS tízéves története
 Egy történet vagy könyv, amelyben nagy szerepet kap az oktatás vagy az iskola
Bökös Borbála: Garabonciások
Naomi Novik: Solomancia
Moniquill Blackgoose: Sárkánylehelet
Moskát Anita: Bevezetés a sokváltozós viszonyrendszerekbe (A hazugság tézisei vagy a Légszomj)
Ellis Kaut: Pumukli az iskolában
 Egy történet vagy könyv, amely adaptációt kapott
Diana Wynne Jones: A vándorló palota
Gregory Maguire: Boszorkány
Robert Harris: Konklávé
Renée Knight: Cáfolat
Bethan Roberts: Az én rendőröm
Isaac Asimov: Alapítvány
Frank Herbert: Dűne
Joe Hill: Szarvak
 Egy történet vagy könyv, amely kortárs
Alan Moore: Megvilágosodások
China Miéville, Keanu Reeves: AMáshol Könyve
Rusvai Mónika: Kígyók országa
N. Nagy Zoltán: Keselyű
Kleinheincz Csilla – Uzseka Norbert: Szavak és árnyak
Papp Dóra: Rúnatánc, Bolyongó
Sung-Yoon Lee: Észak-Korea hercegnője
Egy történet vagy könyv, amelyben helyet kap a talált család
Jennifer Muro-Thomas Krajewski: Paletta
Hannah Kaner: Istenölő
Bökös Borbála: Garabonciások
Kadono Eiko: Kiki, a boszorkányfutár
Matt Haig: Az élet lehetetlen
Laurie Frankel: Család család
Egy történet vagy könyv, amely romantikus
Jen Wang: A herceg és a varrólány
Baráth Katalin: Aki gróf úr akar lenni
Nicola Yoon: Útmutató tánchoz
Mary E. Pearson: Az árulás csókja sorozat
Bethan Roberts: Az én rendőröm
Egy történet vagy könyv, amely főszereplője valamely kisebbséghez tartozik (tehát például LMBTQ vagy őslakos)
Gregory Maguire: Boszorkány
Moniquill Blackgoose: Sárkánylehelet
Hubert – Zanzim: Férfibőrben
N. K. Jemisin: Távolűr
Arkady Martine: Birodalomnak nevezett emlék
John Boyne: A csíkos pizsamás fiú
Bethan Roberts: Az én rendőröm
Egy történet vagy könyv, amelyben nagy szerepet kap az orvoslás vagy kórház
Liz O’Riordan: Életleckék a műtőből
Hadley Vlahos: Két világ között
Hugh Lofting: Doktor Dolittle állatkertje
Egy történet vagy könyv, amelyben szerepelnek állatok (pl. a főszereplőnek van cicája vagy kutyája)
Moniquill Blackgoose: Sárkánylehelet
Brian Jaques: Rőtfal, Martin, a harcos
Kadono Eiko: Kiki könyvek
Émile Bravo: A 7 törpemedve bolondos meséi
Susuk Melinda: Eső után köpönyeg (Az év magyar science fiction és fantasynovellái  2023)
Tallódi Julianna: A macskák mindig boldogok (Az év magyar science fiction és fantasynovellái 2019)
Hugh Lofting: Doktor Dolittle állatkertje
Naomi Novik: Solomancia
Egy humoros, vicces történet
Émile Bravo: A 7 törpemedve bolondos meséi
Radics Roland: A másik (Az év magyar science fiction és fantasynovellái 2020)
Susuk Melinda: Eső után köpönyeg (Az év magyar science fiction és fantasynovellái 2023)
Catherynne M. Valente: Űropera
Alan Moore: Megvilágosodások: Valószínűtlenül bonyolult
Egy könyv boszorkányokról vagy boszorkányságról
Gregory Maguire: Boszorkány
Kadono Eiko: Kiki könyvek
Selene Silverwind: Boszorkány kézikönyv
Katherine Howe: A boszorkányoskönyv
 Fantasy (legújabbak, illetve díjnyertes könyvek közül válogattunk)
JP Ahonen és KP Alare: Perkeros
Gregory Maguire: Boszorkány
Moniquill Blackgoose: Sárkánylehelet
Hannah Kaner: Istenölő, Naphozó
Bökös Borbála: Garabonciások
Brian Jaques: Rőtfal, Martin, a harcos
Rusvai Mónika: Kígyók országa
Moskát Anita: A hazugság tézisei
Victoria Aveyard: Vörös királynő vagy A kettétört birodalom
Papp Dóra: Helena trilógia – első kötet
 Sci-fi, női főszereplővel
 N. K. Jemisin: Távolűr
Brian Herbert és Kevin J. Anderson: A Dűne nővérei
Arkady Martine: Birodalomnak nevezett emlék
A Könyv Kemping szervezői kupont is biztosítanak a követőik számára a www.gabo.hu kiadói webshopra, amit a felületeiken megtaláltok.
Mindenkinek jó olvasást kívánunk!
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whaliiwatching · 2 years ago
hey, what poem did you use for hobie's face in kaleidoscope crush? (actually, if it's not too much to ask, what poems did you use for the entire piece? your art looks fantastic) :)
thank u so much! i’ll do my best to list em. they should be in order from bottom left, around the character, to bottom right lol
from blossoms by li-young lee
saying your names by richard siken
only ever yours by louise o’neill
the second coming by dante émile
famous quote by farouq jwaideh (i think)
transformation and transcendence by emily rapp
little dog’s rhapsody in the night by mary oliver
abundance (after mary oliver) by amy schmidt
a moveable feast by ernest hemingway
letters to véra from vladimir nabokov
on a train by wendy cope
i have dreamed of you so much by robert desnos
valentine weather by edwin morgan
from my favorite love songs by oozins
tiny beautiful things: advice on love and life from dear sugar by cheryl strayed
for m by mikko harvey
did you know that there’s a tunnel under ocean boulevard by lana del rey
the shortest and sweetest of songs by george macdonald
persephone to hades by nikita gill
the riot act
ordinary things by ryebreadgf
comme des garçons: poem denim jeans by junya watanabe
line from disco elysium
from these violent delights by micah nemerever
other lives and dimensions and finally a love poem by bob hicok
coffee and cigarettes by sade andria zabala
letters to milena from franz kafka
drunk confessions by spencer thomas
here again now by okechukwu nzelu
letters to caitlin by dylan thomas
desperation sits heavy on my tongue by tullipsink
i am praying again, awesome one by rainer rilke
i hid my love by john clare
and lastly, the one everybody goes wild for:
how will you/have you prepare(d) for your death? by chen chen
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msith · 1 year ago
Adrien Agreste
ExpandBryce Papenbrook (English)
Click "expand" for full list
Male, he/him
Adrien Émile Gabriel Donatien Athanase Agreste[7]
Sneaky Kitty[11]
Tomcat and Cat popsicle[12]
Mr. Front-of-the-cover-Teen-Model-weekly[13]
Pussy Cat[14]
Pretty Kitty[15]
Kitty Cat[16]
Naughty Kitty[17]
Silly Kitty[18]
Little Kitty[20]
Cellphone Boy, Mr. Whiskers and Kitten[21]
Agreste Junior and Sleeping Beauty[22]
Aqua Noir[25]
Ice Cat[26]
Astro Cat[27]
Santa Cat[28]
My Kitty[29]
Kitty Noir[30]
Mister Bug and Bugaboy[31]
Bug Boy[32]
Banana Cat[33]
Mr. Cat[35]
My Prince and My Poor Kitty[36]
Professor Reckless[37]
Mr. Bat[38]
Mr. Noir[39]
Adri-nothing and Alley Cat[40]
Prince Charmeowing[41]
My Sweet Kitty[42]
Mister Perfect Kitty, Mister Hanging On To His Secret, and Mister Number One Partner[43]
Little prince[45]
Daddy's Nice Little Puppet[47]
Little miracle[48]
13 (Origins Story)
14 (Seasons 1-5)[49]
150 cm[50] (Almost 5 feet)
Student at Collège Françoise Dupont (formerly)
Second-in-command of the French Miraculous superhero team
Fashion model (formerly)
Voice actor
Hanging out with his superhero allies (especially with Ladybug after patrols)
Video games
Playing with cars
Music (from Jagged Stone)
Reading classic novels
Christmas (currently)
Passion Fruit[52]
Listening to classical music when studying[55]
His family and friends
His costume as Cat Noir and when he and Ladybug switched costumes as Mister Bug
Marinette Dupain-Cheng
Opening gifts early
Being a superhero
Sausages with mashed potatoes[58]
Loved ones being harmed
Being alone or locked up (his nightmare)
Being excluded
Not being helpful
Ladybug rejecting his affections (formerly)
Christmas (formerly)
Thunder (formerly)
Feathers (his allergy)
Chloé's excessive affection over him
Signing autographs
Being sick[60]
Harming others with his powers
Disappointing anyone
Lila's lies
Lila bullying Marinette
Being mistaken for a wingless bat (as Cat Noir)
Not being accepted for his true personality
Ladybug putting herself down
Nino's guilt for not being able to help him stand up to his father
Cauliflower with Bechamel sauce
When the Miraculous superpowers are being used by villains
Pancakes with banana[61]
Gabriel's pancakes[62]
Sausages (except with mashed potatoes)[63]
Gabriel (formerly)
Miraculous holders
French Miraculous superhero team (Second-in-command)
Kitty Section (occasionally)
The Resistance
Agreste mansion in Paris, France
London apartments in London, England (temporarily, from Representation to Re-creation)
Emilie Agreste (mother) †
Gabriel Agreste (father) †
Amelie Graham de Vanily (aunt)
Colt Fathom (uncle) †
Félix Fathom (cousin)
Unnamed maternal grandparents
Nino Lahiffe/Carapace (best friend)
Marinette Dupain-Cheng/Multimouse
Kagami Tsurugi/Ryuko
Wang Fu (before memory loss)
Alya Césaire/Rena Rouge/Rena Furtive
Alix Kubdel/Bunnyx
Luka Couffaine/Viperion
Max Kanté/Pegasus
Lê Chiến Kim
King Monkey
Ivan Bruel
Rose Lavillant/Pigella
Juleka Couffaine
Purple Tigress
Mylène Haprèle
Sabrina Raincomprix
Miss Hound
Nathaniel Kurtzberg
Marc Anciel
Rooster Bold
Manon Chamack
Clara Nightingale
Santa Claus
Wang Cheng
Jessica Keynes/
Aeon/Uncanny Valley
Barbara Keynes/Knightowl
Dean Gate/Doorman
Fei Wu/Ladydragon
Mei Shi
Zoé Lee
Harry Clown
Didier Roustan
Félix Fathom/Argos
LadyLion (future)
Fury (future)
Myst (future)
Krush (future)
LadyBlue (future)
Betterfly/Guardian Angel
Adrien Agreste/Claw Noir
Hawk Moth/Shadow Moth/Monarch/Monarch Bug †
Akumatized villains
Mayura (formerly)
Amokized Sentimonsters (formerly)
Ladybug (formerly; alternative timeline)
Lila Rossi/Cerise
(Since Transmission)
Chloé Bourgeois
(since Queen Banana & Dersion and she is exiled)
Adam (formerly)
Shadybug (formerly)
Claw Noir (formerly)
Marinette Dupain-Cheng (girlfriend)
Ladybug (formerly)
Kagami Tsurugi (ex-girlfriend)
Emilie Agreste
Cat Miraculous
Ladybug Miraculous (occasionally)
Snake Miraculous (occasionally)
Rabbit Miraculous (temporarily)
Rabbit Miraculous (temporarily)
Bee Miraculous (temporarily)
Tikki (occasionally)
Sass (occasionally)
Fluff (temporarily)
Cat Noir
Mister Bug (occasionally)
Aspik (temporarily)
Snake Noir (temporarily)
Cat Walker (temporarily)
Rabbit Noir (temporarily)
Cat Blanc
Ephemeral (all temporarily; alternate timeline)
Anticat (Adrien's nightmares only, in "Representation" and "Conformation")
Celesticat (kamikotized hero identity)
Speaking Chinese and Japanese
Understanding Morse code
Piano playing
Hand-to-Hand Combat
Cat Noir's/Snake Noir/Rabbit Noir's Cataclysm and Night Vision
Mister Bug's Lucky Charm, De-evilization and Miraculous Mister Bug (occasionally)
Aspik/Snake Noir's Second Chance (occasionally)
Cat Blanc's Mega Cataclysm (temporarily)
Time acceleration (as Ephemeral; temporarily)
Levitation (briefly)
Rabbit Noir's Burrow (temporarily)
Flight (briefly as a kamikotized hero)
Cat Noir/Snake Noir/Rabbit Noir's staff
Mister Bug's yo-yo (occasionally)
Aspik/Snake Noir's lyre (occasionally)
Rabbit Noir's umbrella (temporarily)
Graham de Vanily Twin Rings
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Miraculous Paris
Main series universe information
This article is about Adrien Agreste from the TV series and any information in it exclusively follows the main series' continuity.
For information from the Movie continuity, please visit this page.
This article is about the secondary protagonist, who is the current Cat Miraculous holder. You may be looking for the Ladybug PV version of Cat Noir, his cousin, another Cat, or his parallel self.
There's no way I can wear this!... Everyone's gonna realize that I'm the real Cat Noir!ADRIEN
Adrien Agreste is one of the two titular main protagonists (alongside Marinette Dupain-Cheng) of Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir and a major character of Miraculous World. He is a human-sentimonster created by his late mother Emilie Agreste from her emotions of love. He is a former student in Miss Bustier's class at Collège Françoise Dupont in Paris, France. He is also a former fashion model for his late father's brand.
With the Cat Miraculous, when inhabited by Plagg, Adrien transforms into the black cat-themed superhero Cat Noir ("Chat Noir" in the French version), gaining the power of destruction to stop Hawk Moth/Shadow Moth/Monarch and his akumatized villains. He is the second-in-command of the French Miraculous superhero team.
In "Syren", after Master Wang Fu translates the Grimoire in order to find a way to give Ladybug and Cat Noir the ability to transform into different powered up forms, he is able to make the potion that grants the aqua form. Adrien is able to use it to become Aqua Noir, which gives him a specially modified aqua suit with fins on his feet, granting him the enhanced swimming capabilities, as well as allowing him to breathe and speak underwater.
In "Frozer" when the titular akumatized supervillain freezes over Paris to turn the city into his domain, Adrien uses Master Fu's Magic camembert to transform into Ice Cat, which gives him a specially modified ice suit with skates on his feet, granting him enhanced skating capabilities as well as allowing him to stand subzero temperatures.
In "Reflekdoll", Adrien temporarily obtained the Ladybug Miraculous, which, when inhabited by Tikki, would be able to transform him into a ladybug-themed superhero Mister Bug,[64] gaining the power of creation.[65]
In "Desperada", Adrien temporarily obtained the Snake Miraculous, which, when inhabited by Sass, would be able to transform him into a snake-themed superhero Aspik[66], gaining the ability to go back in time for a Second Chance. Later, he returned the Miraculous after failing for the 25,913th time to save Ladybug from a particular villain.[65]
In "Cat Blanc", in an alternative future, Cat Noir, conflicted between his loyalty towards his father and the girl he loved, was akumatized by Hawk Moth into Cat Blanc, a white cat-themed supervillain with the power of infinite destruction. Later, due to Ladybug fixing her mistake, the alternative future was erased, including Cat Noir's akumatization.
In "Miracle Queen," after removing the Snake Miraculous from a brainwashed Viperion, Adrien unified the Snake Miraculous with the Cat Miraculous to become Snake Noir[65] ("Serpent Noir" in the French version).
In "Miraculous World: New York - United Heroez", after Mr. Ramier had been reakumatized into Mr. Pigeon for the 51st time, Cat Noir became Astro Cat to stop Mr. Pigeon from taking over the moon for him and his pigeons. Astrocat has the power to travel long distances swiftly via flight, including in space.
In "Ephemeral", after finding out the truth about his parents, Adrien, affected by an akuma, gave the Cat Miraculous to Shadow Moth/Shadow Noir and was akumatized into Ephemeral, a supervillain who made time faster or sped up the time it took for a Miraculous holder to detransform. Later, after Sass used Second Chance, Ephemeral was erased from the reality.
In "Kuro Neko", after giving up on being Cat Noir due to feeling unappreciated by Ladybug, Adrien was convinced by Plagg to create a brand new identity as a holder of the Cat Miraculous, becoming Cat Walker ("Patte De Velours" in the French version), even donning a brand new suit. He later returned to his original hero persona.
In "Evolution", after future Bunnyx was paralyzed during a fight against Monarch, Cat Noir took her Rabbit Miraculous and combined it with the Cat Miraculous to become Rabbit Noir so he and Ladybug could keep on fighting the supervillain and prevent him from changing the past or discovering their true identities.
In "Miraculous Paris", he was kamikotized by Betterfly into Celesticat, an angelic-cat-themed superhero to help Ladybug and Betterfly escape from Shadybug and Claw Noir.
In "Passion", to avoid Safari's venom bolts, Adrien temporarily used the Ladybug Miraculous and once again becomes Mister Bug.
In "Revolution", after seeing all the Parisians willingly stand up and fight injustice with their own hands and refuse to turn their backs on Ladybug and Cat Noir, Adrien evolves his powers, and now, he doesn't detransform after using his powers, and is able to cast as many Cataclysms as he pleases without the need to recharge. Then, he was sent to London by his father, and yet, shared a kiss with Marinette before leaving.
In "Representation", after being sent to London, Adrien returns to Paris as Astrocat hoping to find Marinette so he could tell her his identity and stay together but after being struck with Nightormentor's dust and the fear of putting her in danger, he backs off the idea and returns to London.
In "Conformation", when Monarch commenced his global plan against the French Duo, due to him knowing he wasn't in the right state of mind to wield the power of Destruction safely and the fears of his nightmares, Adrien sent Plagg back to Paris with the ring to help Ladybug.
In "Re-creation", after Monarch's defeat and wish, Adrien reclaims his Miraculous and rejoins Ladybug and their whole team in Paris.
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mrlovepainter · 2 years ago
Infected guts & Blackpowder characters meme
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Won’t fuck up even if they tried: Chardron Lee, Laurent, Freddy, Tally
Tries not to fuck up and probably won’t: Pepper, Émile, Chard. Louie, Russian soldier
Tries not to fuck up and probably does: Piece, Chardonnay, CC, Chard. Linus
Fucks up on purpose: Fynn, Charp, Bomber zombie
Physically incapable of not fucking up: Sec. Chard, G. Chard, Fynn (again)
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map-projection-showdown · 2 years ago
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Lee-Concialdi Polyhedral Conformal
A rearrangement of an oblique aspect of Lee's tetrahedron projection by Luca Concialdi in 2020, the Lee-Concialdi presents all continents including Antarctica with no interruptions of land. This aspect, combined with the conformal property and low areal distortion of Lee's projection, results in a projection that has very accurate continent shapes, with most of the areal distortion in the oceans.
Guyou Polyhedral Conformal
The Guyou projection, created by Émile Guyou in 1887, takes an oblique aspect of the Peirce Quincuncial cropped to a hemisphere and places the two hemispheres side-by-side, this results in a projection similar to globular projections like the Stereographic or Nicolosi Globular, but without the large interruptions.
[link to all polls]
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Tissot's Indicatrices:
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Images created by Tobias Jung (CC BY-SA 4.0) from map-projections.net
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astridofraftel · 2 years ago
reading challenge - interlude
Just finished: Le château de Hurle (Howl's moving castle) by Diana Wynne Jones + Pachinko by Min Jin Lee + The Princess Diaries vol. 1 by Meg Cabot
Currently reading: Strange the dreamer by Laini Taylor + Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen + Divergent vol. 1 by Veronica Roth
Next on schedule: Thérèse Raquin by Émile Zola + Le symbole perdu (The Lost Symbol) by Dan Brown
Yes, I am still procrastinating Zola.
Yes, I have already procrastinated by reading 3 books that were not on my pre-established schedule.
Yes, I am currently reading 3 other unscheduled books, at the same time, and yes, they're all re-readings.
Pachinko was a great discovery, at least, and I definitely don't regret reading it; but the rest is awfully self-indulgent.
I won't re-read the other volumes of The Princess Diaries and Divergent (I'm not even sure I want to read the latter in full), but I'll want to read Muse of Nightmares as soon as I finish Strange the dreamer... So I'm promising myself here and now that it's the last book I'll let myself pick up before Thérèse Raquin. I'm even promising three times, like my dear and beloved Lazlo Strange does: I promise, I promise, I promise. There, now I have to do it.
I'll only review Pachinko—I really recommend it for anyone interested in korean and japanese history of the 20th century. It's a very harsh and realistic story about immigration, war, identity and generational trauma. I was particularly impressed by the evolution of the context and settings of the story, as time passed by and got from the beginning to the end of the century. Sunja was a very believable character, respectable and endearing through and through.
The book in general made me a little sad though. It's realistic, so it's often unfair, because that's what life is, and we don't follow a particularly privileged family—even if, in various aspects, they actually kind of were privileged, and that's perhaps why their story is special. The ending was satisfying, I think. I have a lot of respect for this book, and I'll buy it eventually.
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brookstonalmanac · 2 months ago
Birthdays 12.24
Beer Birthdays
Henry Rahr (1834)
Howard Hughes; zillionaire businessman (1905)
Aron Deorsey (1974)
Five Favorite Birthdays
Michael Curtiz; film director (1898)
Anthony Fauci; physician (1940)
Fritz Leiber; writer (1910)
Benjamin Rush; father of psychiatry, 1st to recognize alcoholism as a disease, signer of the Declaration of Independence (1745)
I.F. Stone; writer (1907)
Famous Birthdays
Matthew Arnold; English writer (1822)
Jill Bennett; actor (1931)
Jonathan Borofsky; artist (1942)
Ray Bryant; pianist, composer (1931)
Charles Wakefield Cadman; composer (1881)
Kit Carson; frontiersman (1809)
Lee Daniels; director (1959)
Baby Dodds; jazz drummer (1898)
Lee Dorsey; singer-songwriter (1924)
Paul Foot; English comedian (1973)
Mary Higgins Clark; writer (1927)
Howard Hughes; businessman, pilot (1905)
Scott Fischer; mountaineer (1955)
Ava Gardner; actress (1922)
Ignatius of Loyola; Jesuit founder (1491)
Robert Joffrey; choreographer, dancer (1930)
Libby Larsen; composer (1950)
Emanuel Lasker; German chess player (1868)
Glenn McQueen; Canadian-American animator (1960)
Adam Mickiewicz; Polish poet and playwright (1798)
Mark Millar; Scottish author (1969)
Émile Nelligan; Canadian poet (1879)
James Prescott Joule; physicist (1818)
Lemmy Kilmister; rock bassist (1945)
Ricky Martin; pop singer (1971)
Nicholas Meyer; film director (1945)
Mark Millar; comic book writer (1969)
Jean-Louis Pons; French astronomer (1761)
Michael Ray; jazz musician (1952)
Ryan Seacrest; tv entertainer (1974)
Kate Spade; fashion designer (1962)
Noel Streatfeild; English author (1895)
J.D. Walsh; actor (1974)
Harry Warren; songwriter (1893)
Franz Waxman; composer (1906)
Marguerite Williams; geologist (1895)
Wade Williams; actor (1961)
Philip Ziegler; English historian (1929)
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linsaad · 10 months ago
"Somos como los libros. La mayoría de la gente solo ve nuestra portada, la minoría lee sólo la introducción, mucha gente cree en los críticos. Pocos conocerán nuestro contenido".
#Émile Zola
0 notes
blogger360ncislarules · 11 months ago
Let the trumpets play that Mouret theme song — we’re rounding up the 15 best Masterpiece series from the half-century-plus history of the PBS drama anthology.
Masterpiece was previously titled Masterpiece Theatre, and as you might deduce from that spelling, the franchise specializes in British imports — usually costume dramas and period mysteries, with contemporary stories thrown in occasionally for good measure.
Of the Masterpiece productions with more than 10,000 user votes on IMDb, here are the top 15, ranked by average user rating.
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Based on Au Bonheur des Dames by Émile Zola, this series stars Joanna Vanderham as a small-town woman who gets a job at the first English department store in 1875 and falls for its dashing owner. “Witty, moving, adorable, suspenseful, intriguing, and the list goes on,” one viewer said on IMDb. “Hats off — pun intended.”
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An unfinished Jane Austen manuscript inspired this series about a young woman (played by Rose Williams) who moves to a fishing town that aspires to become a seaside resort. “Yet again the Brits prove that nobody can do a period piece like they can!” one fan raved. “They always have the right balance of love, drama, relatable emotion, scandal, heartbreak, etc.”
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A series of clergymen (played by James Norton, Tom Brittney, and — soon — Rishi Nair) investigate local crimes with the help of a detective inspector (played by Robson Green) in the titular Cambridgeshire village in this series. “I came to Grantchester after a few seasons of Father Brown,” said one IMDb user. “While another ‘priest plus cop’ series seemed redundant, Grantchester is brilliantly written and acted.”
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In this adaptation of the classic Austen story — a more overtly sexual one than others, according to screenwriter Andrew Davies — then-newcomers Hattie Morahan and Charity Wakefield played polar-opposite sisters at the start of their 19th-century romantic journeys. “This serial … is my favorite rendition of its novel,” one viewer wrote. “In the first hour, it’s my favorite by far.”
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Romola Garai, Jonny Lee Miller, and the late Michael Gambon starred in this Austen adaptation, with Garai playing the meddlesome would-be matchmaker (and earning a Golden Globe nomination for her performance). “Everything — the acting, the costumes, storyline, and music — was just so superbly done,” an IMDb user enthused. “This version of Emma far surpasses its predecessors.”
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Mark Rylance, Damian Lewis, and Claire Foy brought Hilary Mantel’s historical novel to life, with Rylance portraying Thomas Cromwell as the lawyer becomes a close advisor to Henry VIII (Lewis) amid the king’s relationship with Anne Boleyn (Foy). “Mark Rylance was just mesmerizing,” one viewer said. “From the moment he appeared, he held me in thrall.”
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Jenna Coleman portrayed a young Queen Victoria in this series that tracked the monarch’s ascension to the throne and her marriage to Prince Albert (Tom Hughes). “This has been the most amazing series since Downton Abbey I have watched,” an IMDb user wrote. “I laughed, I cried, I got angry. I felt every emotion humanly possible through watching it.”
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Simply titled The Durrells across the pond, this comedy-drama follows a widow and her four children as they adapt to life on a Greek isle, taking inspiration from the memoirs of real-life British naturalist Gerard Durrell. “Overall it is just charming, crammed full of dry wit, and a bit of a page-turner, as I can’t wait for the next episode,” one fan opined.
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Twenty years after giving Masterpiece one Bleak House adaptation, the BBC sent over another, written by Davies, with Gillian Anderson and Carey Mulligan in the cast of a Charles Dickens tale that the network deemed a “passionate indictment” of England’s 19th-century legal system. “450+ minutes of a film is a long time to have your breath taken away,” a viewer said, “but that’s what happened when I first watched this magnificent adaptation.”
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Before screenwriter Sandy Welch adapted the aforementioned Emma for the BBC, she brought this Charlotte Brontë story to the network, with Ruth Wilson making a breakout turn as the titular governess with a troublesome past. “A lavish production in all the right ways — script, cast, direction, location, details — this is a perfect literary adaptation,” one IMDb user rhapsodized.
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Judi Dench, Imelda Staunton, and an Emmy-winning Eileen Atkins played village women living on the verge of the Industrial Revolution in this five-part series based on Elizabeth Gaskell novellas. “Not a dry eye in the house as this came to a close last night,” one viewer said. “Absolute perfection.”
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Aidan Turner gained fans on both sides of the Atlantic with this series about a British Army officer returning to Cornwall after the American Revolution and finding his family home nothing like how he left it. “I use IMDb all the time to look at reviews, but I never leave them,” one user wrote. “I signed up for an account just so I could rate this series because it is that awesome.”
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A Masterpiece series so popular it inspired two big-screen movies, this upstairs-downstairs drama followed the aristocratic Crawley family and their staff as they navigate the turbulent early 20th century. “Downton Abbey is the embodiment of excellence,” a fan said. “Well written with intelligent and inspiring storylines.”
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Based on the Robert Graves novel of the same name and its sequel, this miniseries chronicled the early Roman Empire through decades of Claudius’ reign. Derek Jacobi starred as the title emperor, and the supporting cast included a still-up-and-coming Patrick Stewart. “I, Claudius is the ultimate soap opera — vicious, cruel, manipulative — and this famous English miniseries grabs the attention and holds fast throughout the entire length of its complex tale of ancient intrigue,” one viewer said.
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A modern-day take on the Arthur Conan Doyle’s famous detective, Sherlock stars Benedict Cumberbatch as the title character and Martin Freeman as sidekick Watson, with Andrew Scott stealing scenes as the archenemy Moriarty. “[This] will have Conan Doyle spinning in his grave… with delight,” one fan said. “A brilliantly written, well-acted program. Well done to all concerned.”
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tilbageidanmark · 1 year ago
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Movies I watched this Week # 144 (Year 3/Week 40):
“Are you girls ready for the greatest weekend of your life?"
- You say that every weekend! -
"Well, yeah, we’re doing that again”
People, places, things used to be my one of favourite movies to re-watch with Adora 6-7 years ago, as we were all struggling with the dynamics of the similar, sudden changes in our lives. A very sweet Brooklyn Indie about a single dad to cute 6 year old twin daughters. Genuine and delicate romance with sharp dialogue about love and hurt. It was my introduction to a group of ‘minor’ actors I had followed since, Jemaine Clement, Regina Hall, Jessica Williams, Michael Chernus. Feel Good and heart warming. 10/10.
3 Film Noir with Gloria Grahame:
🍿 The Big heat, Fritz Lang's 1953 paranoid Noir about honest homicide detective Glenn Ford going against all-city police corruption. With young Lee Marvin, playing a creepy “Heavy”, as well as Marlon Brando’s sister. 8/10.
🍿 The following year, Fritz Lang again directed Glenn Ford as a straight up train engineer as he falls again for Gloria Grahame in Human desire. But the woman is not a heartless Femme fatale. She's an abused wife, with a history of being harmed by men her whole life, who can't find any easy way to survive. Based on 'La Bête humaine' by Émile Zola (which I didn't read).
🍿 Re-watch: Nicholas Ray’s In a lonely place. Humphrey Bogart is rage-filled, entitled writer, who becomes a suspect in a murder while falling for Grahame who lives across the courtyard of his Hollywood apartment. A mystery about a dark and self-centered male, who's allowed to be aggravated and aggressive when he doesn't get his way. (Photo Above).
“Oy! Keep your fingers out of my soup!”
Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, my third Guy Ritchie / Matthew Vaughn crime caper. I really don't understand why I resisted checking them out up to now. This, Snatch, Layer cake, all terrific, gritty, multi-layered Tarantino-style black comedies. 8/10.
2 by French screenwriter Emmanuèle Bernheim, both directed by François Ozon:
🍿 My favorite random discovery of the week: Swimming pool. An erotic thriller with bookish Charlotte Rampling as a middle-aged British author, single and reserved, who travels to a summer villa in Avignon. Like most stories of Northerners in the South of Europe, she falls into a trap of unexpected dreams and desires, when a young promiscuous girl invades her vacation. Ambiguous play of realty and fantasy leaves this a bit of a mystery, like the books she usually writes.
🍿 5X2 is a small story about the disintegration of a middle class marriage, told in reverse order. The first of five episodes, (each lasting exactly 18 minutes), starts at a lawyer's office, reading the terms of the divorce between a husband and wife. And the other chapters go back into other times in the relationship. All the way to the first one years ago when they met at an Italian resort. It's an engaging and bitter-sweet drama, but without any conclusive and clear insights: Yes, love is impossible, sex is unexplained, nobody is at fault.
Between each episode, Italian pop songs from the 1960's comment on the meaning of each move. 7/10.
Gregory’s Girl, the feel-good Scottish comedy by Bill Forsyth, about an awkward teenager who falls for a soccer playing girl. A wholesome coming-of-age, sweet and charming.
Martin Scorsese X 2:
🍿In a 25-minutes conversation with GQ, Scorsese breaks down his most iconic films, 'Taxi Driver,' 'Gangs of New York,' 'Goodfellas,' 'The Departed,' 'Raging Bull,' 'The Wolf of Wall Street,' 'Mean Streets,' 'The Irishman,' 'Silence,' and 'Killers of the Flower Moon.
🍿 I wished I had seen Mean Streets decades ago, before all of his other gangster movies; Now I must compare it to 'Goodfellas' and 'Casino'. Obviously it's still a younger filmmaker at the beginning of his mastery of the craft. It's odd to observe De Nero as a total 'Loser', a small time, good for nothing, deadbeat wannabe. A character study more than an action film.
Ram Dass, going home, a quiet documentary about spiritual "guru" Baba Ram Dass at the end of his life, dispensing ancient words of wisdom as he reflects on life and death at his home in Maui. Sagely, meditatively, peacefully, it's a simple and peaceful poem of spirituality.
3 classic comedies:
🍿 The bank dick, WC Fields as Egbert Sousé, a goofy drunk. Written by his alias Mahatma Kane Jeeves, filmed and presented in Lompoc, CA, and much of the story centered around The Black Pussy Cat bar. It ends with a hilarious car race that is both wild and hilarious.
🍿 First watch: Buster Keaton’s last great film, the 1928 The Cameraman. "The worst mistake of his life" he called it, because with his move to MGM and various studio politics, he lost his ability to control his productions. Agile and romantic.
🍿 Triple trouble is an unusual Charlie Chaplin 2-reeler from 1918. It combines a number of primitive Chaplin-directed scenes, which were edited by Essaney Studio, against his wishes, as he left them to form his own. A patchwork of pratfalls, slapstick, and visual jokes, that don't form a coherent story.
The trailer for the restored Belle De Jour tempts me to watch this subversive masterpiece again and again!
An experimental short by infamous Danish surrealist artist Wilhelm Freddie, (together with Jørgen Roos) Eaten horizons. 21 years after Buñuel‘s ‘Andalusian Dog’, it demonstrates unfiltered inspiration from the master.
While waiting for his ‘Zone of interest’, here is Jonathan Glazer’s banned commercial for Cadbury’s Flake chocolate. Recently I watched the many commercials he directed on his old YouTube channel, (for example, his Guinness black swim),
but now I also saw his music videos, which he directed between his four features. 33 in total. "Today I learnt" that I don’t care much for music videos.
(My complete movie list is here)
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kanene-yaaay · 5 years ago
Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap.
Kanene’s note: Okay, I’m- aaaaa
I’m very proud of this one because it’s a little different of what I use to write and it was cool to try a new something. I didn’t even wrote the laughter because I was writing this next to my family and I didn’t wanted any of them asking why my characters were laughing so much xDD.
Warnings, fun facts, random things and stuff:
* Switch!Émile and Switch!Remy (It is def romantic. They are married and very gay and there is a lot of kisses in it-)
* Hmmm… This is a Tickle-Fanfic! If you don’t like this kind of stuff, please look for another blog, there are plenty of amazing art in this site!! ‘u’).
* Something around 2700 words. -w-)b.
* Sorry for any spelling, pontuation and grammar mistakes! I didn’t proofread that one very well, so I will probably be correcting a few things later. Any advice is always very, very welcome!
* Just two silly and very mean boyos being two silly, teasy and ticklish boyos. xDD
* A versão em português brasileiro irá ser escrita, ainda! Thankys for reading, my lollipops! Watch a fun video, take a good rest, talk with the one that you love and drink water! Byeioo!~
- Émile ~
 He didn’t know from where this came from. In a second they were on the couch, smiling and watching Steven Universe, and in the other a cold shiver ran across his body, making him turn to his husband, just in the exact moment to see he taking off his sunglasses, locking his glare on him with those sweet, dangerously warm eyes and grin. Just like that. It took a heartbeat before Émile realized what was about to happen, a wobbly smile beginning to control his features as he felt himself almost paralyzed, Remy starting to tap his fingers on the lenses of his own glasses, his malefic smirk never fading.
 Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap.
 They stared each other, Émile’s gaze finally changing to his fingers, another round of goose bumps spreading across his spine, the adrenaline taking over his veins and giving him the enough strength to dash in full speed through the hall.
 Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap.
Which leaded the poor, almost giggling, adult to his current state: hiding behind his room’s door and wishing with all his will power that this plan would really worked as well as it had when he watched in the cartoons.
 (He tried to ignore the voice in his mind reminding him how all that chases usually ended up in the end, the thought only being enough to heat his face.)
 - Émile ~ - It was in days like this that one wearing glasses could swear that Remy was a witch. Because there wasn’t any other realistic, rational and plausible explanation about how much the giggles trapped in his throat got louder, bouncier and even more difficult to control just with the slight sound of his voice, obligating their owner to press his hand further around his mouth, lightly biting the tip of his tongue. – You had better hide well, because you know what is gonna to happen when I find you, don’t you?
 Émile shook his head, his back forcing itself on the cold wall.
 Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap.
 - Oh, gurl, maybe you don’t even remember anymore… Now, we can’t fusion like this, can we? Let’s me remind you, then. ~ - The chased hold a pouty whine when heard these words, already feeling the beginning of a blush spread in his neck. Remy knew very well how teases could be as unbearable and unnerving as the tic… I mean, The Thing. – First, I will carry you aaaaall the way back to the couch and maybe my fingers will slip in tweaks and squeezes all over your hips, who really knows, ya know? But you better don’t squirm that much, because then I will have no escape but be obligated to bring my other hand to better hold you and just hope that this one is not more slippy then the first, right?
 Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap.
 - And then: The couch. Nothing different will happen there, really. I will just lay down with my extremely ticklish, helpless husband to take a nap, and, if my glorious lips will be random blessing your incredibly sensitive neck with a lot of Goodnight Kisses and my hands will keep lightly scratching, squeezing and poking all the length of your sides, sometimes even giving a little attention to your hips, because no way in hell I will be sleeping in a hard pillow, it’s none of your business, giggly boi. – Émile couldn’t help nor stop the pitched squeal that escaped from his mouth, eyes widening and breathing immediately stopping, the others giggles also begging to escape. - Oh, and, by the way, better keep your mouth very shushed while this. We don’t want the Tickler Master waking up, am I right?
 Remy’s nonchalant tune still full filling the air, which didn’t carried the sound of his steps anymore. The cartoon lover knew there was no way for him to save himself and, in a surrender act, just let his high, excited giggles run happily across the room hiding his face in flames behind his tremble hands. Seconds later, he heard the sound of his door being closed and his hide spot exposed.
 - But we both know that you just can’t contain yourself, my so poor, so defenseless lee. – Émile playfully screamed as he was lifted up in the air, quickly being carried in bridal style. He opened his eyes enough to see Remy in a bat of eyes deviating his glare from his form, the tender smile taking pieces of seconds before changing to an evil grin, fingers suddenly tweaking his kneecaps and hips, leading the carried to jump, a squeal signaling the flow of giggles that followed it.
 - Please, Remy, please!! – Each new squeeze was a snort interrupting his words, making him try to start again only to get the same result and repeat the cycle all over, resulting in a more helpless babbling than anything else. The said stopped, adjusting his hold in order to sneak his thumb in that damn spot right between his shoulder blades, switching between kneading and prodding while leading to an even more no-understandable sentence. - No there, no there, no there!!! Pleasepleaseplease-
 - Huh? Whatcha you are trying to say, hun? That I’m the most handsome husband in the entire world? That you are so sensitive that only a few squeezing and prodding are enough to transform you in a blushy, laughing mess? – The one being held felt his laughter increasing, the words spreading tingles in all his others ticklish spots, even the ones which weren’t being attacked. He shakes head, denying. – Is that you love all these teases and specially when I tickle tickle tickle you? Huh? Use your words, babe.
  – Nonononono! – Émile arched his back just to find another attack to his hips, bucking the said as Remy buzzed his fingers in the exact point where his sides and hips connected, and generating loud crackling as response. – You a- nah! You are mean mean mean!! – His arms danced to a place to another, too much occupied with the crazy sensation to really focus in stopping it, Remy increasing his efforts in order to make the snorts start to bloom amongst his laughter and squeals, no needing too much to succeed. – Remy!!!
 - Yes, gurl? Geez, you should love my name. It seems like you can’t even spent a whole real minute without saying it! – His tune was still nonchalant. However, he leaned down for a heartbeat in order to steal a peck from his beauty, giggly and cute as fuck, husband, who obtained a new shade of red creeping down his neck. Nooooice. – Anyway, what did you wanna tell me? Be quick, I still having a lot of places to knead, scratch, scribble, wriggle… This whole ‘Tickle your extremely ticklish husband, like, really, reeeeeally ticklish, like seriously, this guy is a whole tickle spot himself, a alive version of Tickle Me Elmo, and, when he became a helpless mess just tease him more and more until the big, rational, Émile Picani turns in just a poor, so poor, blushy lee.
 - REMY!!
 - What? Can’t handle the truth? Boo-hoo, then.
 Émile didn’t answered, unless you considered his fast, absolutely incoherent, stumbling words a kind of response, choosing to clench is hands in his shirt and hide his face in flames, instead. His laughing being so strong that reverberate through the attacker’s chest, who couldn’t stop feel like a villain as he stared with a gigantic grin adorning his lips the ribs that such act let defenseless. Well, he internally shrugged as he took a deep breathe, suit himself. His arms were growing tired anyway.
 Émile thought he was going to melt in any moment, the teases still heating his sensitive skin and increasing the tickles in a way that should be definitely illegal, but in the moment he felt the raspberry, spreading, taking over his nerves and T I C K L I N G he died.
 And screamed, for sure. Oh, and also gripped something while kicked and trashed as if Mabble’s life was depending on it (not his own life, of course, since he was already dead). Some part of his desperate brain noticed he was falling, but the laughter exploding from his mouth and the impossible to ignore feeling quickly expelled any other thing.
 He opened his eyes, breathless as his watery vision focused in the form mostly layed onto him, their giggles flying and filling the entire room. After some heartbeats, Remy finally got up, his hands resting on the floor and sustained the weight of his body. Their eyes met.
 - I’ve forgot how much of a kicker you are. – Émile just curled up a little more, pulling his tongue out in a very mature and hard to win, statement
 - ‘s not my fault your arms are weaken than Deadly Arms’ ones.
 - Excuse you?
 - Nuh.
 - I beg your heck pardon?
 - No, you let me fall for you. Twice. In love and on the floor. I’m ignoring you until the end of ours married days.
 - Oh, is that so? – Remy replied, adjusting his position so his hands would lay each one in the sides of his husband’s head, who immediately recognized the smile beginning to shine and exploded one more time in a flow of giggles, his arms in front of his body, attempting to conjure a kind of shield.
 - Wait wait waitwaitwait!! Nonono! – A yelp cut his sentence when a hand tweaked his thigh. - I’m sorry, I’m sorry!
 - Yep, gurl, you will b- And his threat was interrupted when Émile pushed his shirt and connected their lips, stealing his words, breath and any and every coherent thought from his head, his giggles still floating from his mouth, which leaded, if that was even possible, to the coffee lover melt further, allowing himself to be carried away by the tenderness and love, sighing and deepening the kiss.
 …Until that dirty, evil, nasty cheater digs his fucker fingers in his damn stomach, which ruined the romantic moment and absolutely did NOT made Remy Tough Picani release a half shriek half snort that DIDN’T resulted in the only one wearing glasses coos softly, excuse you.
 - Awww. – Émile gave him an innocent smile, quick turning the tables and sitting on Remy’s legs, his fingers swinging in a dance that consisted in craving his thumbs right above his waistline and vibrating his others fingers in his torso, the maddening sensations culminating to free, belly laughter escape from the ‘victim’s’ mouth. Eyes tightly closed, wrinkled nose. – What is the matter, my dear? The cool, bad boy Remy can’t take some ti-tickly tickle tickling in his tummy-yummy-yummy? Huh? Huh? Can’t he? Because he is super hype dyper sensitive, aren’t you? Yes, you are! You are!
 - OH MY GOD, SHUT UP!! – Remy could feel his face, against his own will power and threats, melt in flames. His laughter being replaced by hysterical giggling as his husband changed his technique to spidering, slowly walking his fingers up before quickly drag his nails in random patterns the way down, going up and down one time more and after that a couple more of times, always managing to catch four or five snorts. – THIS IS SO DUMB, FUCK.
 - Now, now, Mister Ticklish Master. Let’s not be a Squidward to the Tickle Monster, alright? He just wanna to hear aaaaaaall that adorably, lovely, helpless giggles of yours!! – Émile lowered down and touched their noses, his smile increasing as he felt the other’s laugh hitting his cheeks, his tune now in flying in joyful whispers. – And what a cute laughter you have! Definitely the most lovely, sweet and favorite lee of the Tickle Monster!
 - ‘m not- ‘m not cuteyourbi-nOPLEASENOTTHERE- His words stumbled in each other, specially when his shirt was lifted and a finger began to squirm and scratches his bellybutton, his legs now kicking while his hands tried to get enough strength to stop the marvelous move. However, exemplary falling as the attacker focused some quick prodding in the exposed axillaries, receiving what was suppose to be an angry snort. Émile couldn’t help but coo one more time. – I’M. NOT. – He couldn’t help the squealing cutting his sentence. - CUTE. FUCK OFF!
 Émile made a soft sound of sadness, pouting even if his husband was still with his eyes tightly closed, unable to see it.
 - Now, it’s a pity that you don’t believe in the words of your own husband. – He switched to lightly scribbles and pokes at his sides and lower ribs, making sure to rub circles in each one of them while also gave his ‘victim’ some room to breathe and understand his words.
 - Well… maybe, maybe he would… – Remy tried, really tried to frown and looks angry, but that was really hard with the giggles still interrupting his words. His body melting in the gentle, good touch. Totally against his will, for sure. - ... if his husband wasn’t being a jerk and tickling him.
 He stared directly at Émile, therefore he didn’t lose the slightest which red freckled his cheeks, smirking, wobbly that is true, but also proudly in being the only between both who managed to say ‘tickle’ without shuttering. Sadly, though, he also didn’t lose the way his eyes and smile widened, showing that the other had an idea.
 Butterflies started to panic in his stomach, especially when Émile’s gaze focused there with a ratter crazy gleam, his next phrase coming out as a soft, dangerous purring.
 - You know… all of this made the Tickle Monster a bit hungry… and he heard that some lil lil lee has a very yummy yummy tummy right here. – His hands squeezed his belly, as if to prove his point. Remy jumped, the adrenaline running all speed across his body as the words starting to weight in his brain.
 - Wait, WAIT! Émile!!! – The one being called slowly moved towards his target, ignoring the squirm and pleas from his husband, who grew more and more desperate as his attacker innocently smiled and looked at him, his head gradually lowering to his most ticklish spot. – Émile, Émile, please, I’m actually begging you. I’m begging you!! I’m cute, see? I said it!!! Émile!!!!
 - I’m listening. ~
 - No, you’re not! – His euphoric, hysteric giggles already began to take over his sentences. – No! Fuck!!
 - No? – Émile’s lips already were resting on his belly, the word sending shivers across his nerves, which was not helped by the fact that the other absently shook his head, demonstrating his saying.
 - No! No!
 - A no to ‘no’? So that is a yes?
 - nO.
 - No? But what about the ‘yes’?
 - Stop it! Oh my gosh, I’m gonna to get a bitching divorce!! It’s a no to your yes!
 - Got it! It’s a ‘no’, then?
 - Yes!
 - A yes? Okay!
 Before any other protest could fly from his mouth, a shriek did it first. And again. And again. And one more time, almost as fast as the nuzzled raspberries buzzing and the nibbles, together with the ‘nhom nhom nhom’s’ sounds, spread and madly tickled in a total oblivion to his kicks, pushes and loud, thunderous laughter painting the air.
 It didn’t took too much before the cartoon lover stopped, already aware of the other’s limits, and touched their foreheads again, Remy’s breathing and reminiscent giggles being the only thing breaking the silence which involved them in a calm, cozy, warm feeling.
 - You don’t look at me like that, your traitor. – His tune was free of any harm, his bright gaze and blushed cheeks locking his attention. Émile couldn’t help himself but kiss the pout out of his face. – And don’t you dare to kiss me. – Quick kiss. - I don’t trust in your sweet lips anymore. – Soft kiss. – They are a hell of a trap. – Giggly kiss.
 - I love you.
 Their eyes met, one more time, and Remy finally gave up, swimming in that deep, caring moment. Their hands intertwined themselves.
 - I love you, too. – He lightly poked Émile’s ribs, winning a yelp before receiving the same treatment. – But only sometimes.
 - Uh huh.
 - What? It’s the truth!
 - Sure it is, dear.
 Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap.
 Their heart did, beating in unison.
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ofallingstar · 2 years ago
List of books I read this year
The Summer Children by Dot Hutchison
My Sister, the Serial Killer by Oyinkan Braithwaite
The Reader by Bernhard Schlink
Kink: Stories by R.O. Kwon
Ada, or Ardor: A Family Chronicle by Vladimir Nabokov
Franny and Zooey by J.D. Salinger
The Vanishing Season by Dot Hutchison
If Beale Street Could Talk by James Baldwin
Nana by Émile Zola
Poesía completa by Alejandra Pizarnik
Hija de la fortuna by Isabel Allende
The Cure at Troy: A Version of Sophocles' Philoctetes by Seamus Heaney
The Complete Fairy Tales by Oscar Wilde
The Butcher Boy by Patrick McCabe
The Dalkey Archive by Flann O'Brien
The Likeness by Tana French
The Gathering by Anne Enright
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis
The Plague by Albert Camus
Ham on Rye by Charles Bukowski
Book of Mercy by Leonard Cohen
Book of Longing by Leonard Cohen
The Mists of Avalon by Marion Zimmer Bradley
Prince Caspian by C.S. Lewis
The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Dale
Oryx and Crake by Margaret Atwood
The Left Hand of Darkness by Ursula K. Le Guin
Água Viva by Clarice Lispector
Graveyard Clay: Cré na Cille by Máirtín Ó Cadhain
Slaughterhouse-Five by Kurt Vonnegut Jr.
The Voyage of the Dawn Treader by C.S. Lewis
New and Collected Poems: 1931-2001 by Czeslaw Milosz
A Wizard of Earthsea by Ursula K. Le Guin
Close Range: Brokeback Mountain and Other Stories by Annie Proulx
My Year of Rest and Relaxation by Ottessa Moshfegh
Lunch Poems by Frank O'Hara
The Secret Life of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd
The Silver Chair by C.S. Lewis
The Tombs of Atuan by Ursula K. Le Guin
The Satanic Verses by Salman Rushdie
As Normal as Possible: Negotiating Sexuality and Gender in Mainland China and Hong Kong by Yau Ching
The Black Phone by Joe Hill
The Horse and His Boy by C.S. Lewis
Firelight of a Different Colour: The Life and Times of Leslie Cheung Kwok-wing by Nigel Collett
The Farthest Shore by Ursula K. Le Guin
Reborn: Journals and Notebooks, 1947-1963 by Susan Sontag
I'm Glad My Mom Died by Jennette McCurdy
To Paradise by Hanya Yanagihara
To the Lighthouse by Virginia Woolf
Tehanu by Ursula K. Le Guin
The Magician's Nephew by C.S. Lewis
How Now, Butterfly?: A Memoir of Murder, Survival and Transformation by Charity Lee
Santa by Federico Gamboa
Farewell My Concubine by Lilian Lee
Villette by Charlotte Brontë
Tales from Earthsea by Ursula K. Le Guin
Temprada de huracanes by Fernanda Melchor
The Silent Companions by Laura Purcell
The Doll-Master and Other Tales of Terror by Joyce Carol Oates
The Year of the Witching by Alexis Henderson
Dracula by Bram Stoker
Kissing Carrion by Gemma Files
The Last Battle by C.S. Lewis
Thus Spoke Zarathustra by Friedrich Nietzsche
Sybil: The Classic True Story of a Woman Possessed by Sixteen Personalities by Flora Rheta Schreiber
The Other Wind by Ursula K. Le Guin
Columbine by Dave Cullen
Kitchen by Banana Yoshimoto
Eva Luna by Isabel Allende
Posion for Breakfast by Lemony Snicket
A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess
Postcolonial Love Poem by Natalie Díaz
Girl, Interrupted by Susanna Kaysen
The House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros
Rilke on Love and Other Difficulties: Translations and Considerations by Rainer Maria Rilke
You can follow me or add me as a friend on Goodreads.
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aeidemnemosyne · 2 years ago
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"Ladies in Blue" 1600-1450 BCE / Palace of Knossos, Crete
This largely reconstructed fresco was discovered between 1900 and 1905 by Sir Arthur James Evans in the palace of Knossos on Crete. It is one of a number of images found that depict women of the Minoan civilization (3500 - 1100 BC). The women depicted are dressed in colorful clothing, while also wearing elaborate jewelry in their hair and on their bodies. The chest, in typical Minoan fashion, is bare. The image that is reconstructed by Émile Gilliéron does not indicate the breasts as is the case in other Minoan imagery.
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Recommended reading: Lee, Mireille M.. "9. Deciphering Gender in Minoan Dress" In Reading the Body: Representations and Remains in the Archaeological Record edited by Alison E. Rautman, 111-123. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2000. https://doi-org.proxy-ub.rug.nl/10.9783/9781512806830-011
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odnagnisul · 2 years ago
100 livres à avoir lu dans sa vie (entre autres):
1984, George Orwell ✅
A la croisée des mondes, Philip Pullman
Agnès Grey, Agnès Bronte ✅
Alice au Pays des merveilles, Lewis Carroll ✅
Angélique marquise des anges, Anne Golon
Anna Karenine, Léon Tolstoï
A Rebours, Joris-Karl Huysmans
Au bonheur des dames, Émile Zola
Avec vue sur l'Arno, E.M Forster
Autant en emporte le vent, Margaret Mitchell
Barry Lyndon, William Makepeace Thackeray
Belle du Seigneur, Albert Cohen
Blonde, Joyce Carol Oates
Bonjour tristesse, Françoise Sagan ✅
Cent ans de solitude, Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Charlie et la chocolaterie, Roald Dahl ✅
Chéri, Colette
Crime et Châtiment, Féodor Dostoïevski
De grandes espérances, Charles Dickens
Des fleurs pour Algernon, Daniel Keyes
Des souris et des hommes, John Steinbeck ✅
Dix petits nègres, Agatha Christie ✅
Docteur Jekyll et Mister Hyde, Robert Louis Stevenson ✅
Don Quichotte, Miguel Cervantés
Dracula, Bram Stocker ✅
Du côté de chez Swann, Marcel Proust
Dune, Frank Herbert ✅
Fahrenheit 451, Ray Bradbury ✅
Fondation, Isaac Asimov
Frankenstein, Mary Shelley ✅
Gatsby le magnifique, Francis Scott Fitzgerald ✅
Harry Potter à l'école des sorciers, J.K Rowling
Home, Toni Morrison
Jane Eyre, Charlotte Bronte
Kafka sur le rivage, Haruki Murakami
L'adieu aux armes, Ernest Hemingway ✅
L'affaire Jane Eyre, Jasper Fforde
L'appel de la forêt, Jack London ✅
L'attrape-cœur, J. D. Salinger ✅
L'écume des jours, Boris Vian
L'étranger, Albert Camus ✅
L'insoutenable légèreté de l'être, Milan Kundera
La condition humaine, André Malraux
La dame aux camélias, Alexandre Dumas Fils
La dame en blanc, Wilkie Collins
La gloire de mon père, Marcel Pagnol
La ligne verte, Stephen King ✅
La nuit des temps, René Barjavel
La Princesse de Clèves, Mme de La Fayette ✅
La Route, Cormac McCarthy ✅
Le chien des Baskerville, Arthur Conan Doyle
Le cœur cousu, Carole Martinez
Le comte de Monte-Cristo, Alexandre Dumas : tome 1 et 2
Le dernier jour d'un condamné, Victor Hugo ✅
Le fantôme de l'opéra, Gaston Leroux
Le lièvre de Vaatanen, Arto Paasilinna
Le maître et Marguerite, Mikhaïl Boulgakov
Le meilleur des mondes, Aldous Huxley
Le nom de la rose, Umberto Eco
Le parfum, Patrick Süskind
Le portrait de Dorian Gray, Oscar Wilde ✅
Le Petit Prince, Antoine de Saint-Exupery ✅
Le père Goriot, Honoré de Balzac ✅
Le prophète, Khalil Gibran ✅
Le rapport de Brodeck, Philippe Claudel
Le rouge et le noir, Stendhal ✅
Le Seigneur des anneaux, J.R Tolkien ✅
Le temps de l'innocence, Edith Wharton
Le vieux qui lisait des romans d'amour, Luis Sepulveda ✅
Les Chroniques de Narnia, CS Lewis
Les Hauts de Hurle-Vent, Emily Brontë
Les liaisons dangereuses, Choderlos de Laclos ✅
Les Malaussène, Daniel Pennac ✅
Les mémoires d'une jeune fille rangée, Simone de
Les mystères d'Udolfo, Ann Radcliff
Les piliers de la Terre, Ken Follett : tome 1
Les quatre filles du Docteur March, Louisa May
Les racines du ciel, Romain Gary
Lettre d'une inconnue, Stefan Zweig ✅
Madame Bovary, Gustave Flaubert ✅
Millenium, Larson Stieg ✅
Miss Charity, Marie-Aude Murail
Mrs Dalloway, Virginia Woolf
Ne tirez pas sur l'oiseau moqueur, Harper Lee ✅
Nord et Sud, Elisabeth Gaskell
Orgueil et Préjugés, Jane Austen
Pastorale américaine, Philip Roth
Peter Pan, James Matthew Barrie
Pilgrim, Timothy Findley
Rebecca, Daphne Du Maurier
Robinson Crusoé, Daniel Defoe ✅
Rouge Brésil, Jean Christophe Ruffin
Sa majesté des mouches, William Goldwin ✅
Tess d'Uberville, Thomas Hardy
Tous les matins du monde, Pascal Quignard
Un roi sans divertissement, Jean Giono
Une prière pour Owen, John Irving
Une Vie, Guy de Maupassant
Vent d'est, vent d'ouest, Pearl Buck
Voyage au bout de la nuit, Louis-Ferdinand Céline ✅
Total : 37/100
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